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CONNECTING YOUR COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                                 OCTOBER 2021

                      BREAST CA
                                                                                    SUMMIT + CHATHAM + MADISON
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                     Risk Factors:                                                  Cover photography by Mark De Hanes

                                                                                                       Natalie Peralta
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s kid of the month                                                                                                                                                                 kid of the month c

                                                                                                                 Name: Madeline Mierkiewicz

                                                                                                                 Age: 9 Grade: 4th

      Meet                                                                                                       School: Lafayette School

                                                                                                                 Family Members:

                                                                                                                 Tom (Dad) Jackie (Mom) and
                                                                                                                 Thomas (Brother)

                                                                                                                 Pets: Bear, a Mini Bernedoodle

                                                                                                                 Something unique about me:
                                                                                                                 I have 2 middle names! Elizabeth and
                                                                                                                 Carol (after both my grandmas).
    Spotlight                                                                                                    When I grow up I want to be:
    Name: Colin Stanton                                                                                          An artist
    Age: 9 Grade: Fourth
    School: Jefferson Elementary
    Family Members: Kelly, Rob, Bethany & Audrey
                                                                                                                 Activities/Hobbies: Painting,
    Pets: Sammy — Border Collie Mix
    Something unique about me:                                                                                   drawing, cheer, and lacrosse
    I’m funny and the middle child of two sisters.                                                               Animal: Giraffe
    When I grow up I want to be: A basketball player                                                             Color: Purple

                                                                                                                 Food: Chicken and cakepops

    Favorites                                                                                                    Movie: The Parent Trap

    Activities/Hobbies:            Music: One Republic                                                           Music: Taylor Swift and Olivia Rodrigo
    Basketball, video games        Place to play: Outside                                                        Place to play: On my trampoline
    and playing with friends
                                   and the Jefferson blacktop                                                    Sports team: University of Virginia
    Animal: Turtle
                                   School Subject: Math
    Color: Blue                                                                                                  School Subject: Art
                                   Vacation: Wildwood, NJ
    Food: Pizza                                                                                                  Vacation: Aruba
    Movie: School of Rock
                                                                                                                    Would you like to feature your
    Would you like to feature your child in the magazine                                                           child in the magazine and social
       and social media? Please send us an email at                                                               media? Please send us an email at

6     SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL                   summitlocalnj •   summitchathamlocalnj    OCTOBER 2021   OCTOBER 2021                      summitlocalnj •   summitchathamlocalnj   SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL   7
s pet of the month                                                                                                                                                                    pet of the month c
                                                          Where/why did you get your pets?                                                                                          Where/why did you get your pet?
                                                                                                                                                                                    Lola is actually from Arizona, but she flew to New

                                                          Auggie is from a breeder in south Jersey. We had been
                                                          looking for another family dog after our city dog, a                                                                      Jersey and we picked her up from the airport. We had
                                                          toy poodle named Josie, passed away. Auggie was the                                                                       been wanting a french bulldog, and after doing some
                                                          biggest in his litter and seemed so calm! It turned out                                                                   searching, we finally found our perfect puppy, Lola!

Porter &
                                                          he was full of energy of course but we still refer to him
                                                          as a very regal pup.                                                                                                      Is there a story behind your pet’s name?
                                                          Porter came to us! He was a kitten that kept coming                                                                       We wanted a name that the entire family agreed on, and
                                                                                                                                                                                    someone came up with Lola. Once we saw a photo of her,
                                                          into our backyard. He didn’t have a collar, and we

                                                                                                                                                                                    we definitely thought that she looked like a Lola.
                                                          didn’t feed him, but he kept coming by. He would sit
                                                          with us in the backyard and wasn’t flustered by two
                                                                                                                                                                                    Anything special or unusual about your pet?
                                                          young kids running around him.
                                                                                                                                                                                    She is a “lilac” french bulldog, which is somewhat
                                                                                                                                                                                    rare. She has a grey coat, and green eyes.
                                                          Is there a story behind your pets’ names?
                                                          Auggie is from the name Augustus, which runs in                                                                           What do you like best about your pet?
                                                          our family. Porter is from the Johnny Cash song “Hey                                                                      Lola is very active, energetic, loving, fun, playful, and
                                                          Porter.”                                                                                                                  athletic!

                                                          Anything special or unusual about her (talents/                                                                           Any funny stories?
                                                          quirks)?                                                                                                                  When the dogs were home alone, Lola was able to open
                                                          One of Porter’s nicknames is “Father”, because Auggie                                                                     our back door and the dogs both escaped and ran away
                                                          came along after Porter had been the “cat of the house”                                                                   for a little while. When we came back home, they were
                                                          for over a year. He wasn’t intimidated by a huge puppy                                                                    both passed out on the couch with thorns all over them,
                                                          at all, in fact, Auggie started to follow him around and                                                                  and the back door was still wide open!!
                                                          learn from the cat. When Auggie greets visitors at our
                                                          house he runs up on their legs just like a cat, which                                                                     How spoiled is your pet? Give us an example.
                                                          gets interesting with a 50 lb. dog!                                                                                       One of Lola’s favorite things to do is to go outside and lay
                                                                                                                                                                                    on the lounge chairs on the deck!

                                                          What do you like best about your pets?
                                                                                                                                                                                    What else should we know about your pet? How
                                                          Watching them play together. The cat is so much
                                                                                                                                                                                    has the pet enriched your life?
                                                          smarter than our sweet dopey Auggie. All he has to do
                                                                                                                                                                                    French bulldogs can be very crazy when they are puppies,

                                                          is run under the bed and Auggie can’t find him. They                                                                      but they are awesome family dogs and great if you have
                                                          get along so well, even as different species. They are                                                                    another dog too. Lola has enriched our loves by becoming
                                                          very inspirational figures!                                                                                               part of our family. She is a great companion for our other
                                                                                                                                                                                    dog, Cooper. We are so glad we found Lola, and really
                                                          Any funny stories?                                                                                                        grateful that she is ours!
                                                          This winter we shoveled a path through the snow for
                                                          Auggie. It was so high that Porter could hide in it
                                                          around the bends and corners. He would hide around a
                                                          bend or under a lawn chair until Auggie trotted down          FAMILY       Drew, Sharon, Krista, Caitlin, Cami
FAMILY      David,                                        the path. As soon as Auggie got close, he would race out      MEMBERS’     (and Cooper, our other dog)
MEMBERS’                     MALE OR   Both are
            Brynne, Bax
                             FEMALE    male
                                                          like a mountain lion and jump on him! That was the            NAMES
NAMES       and Clara                                     only time we have seen Auggie get a little embarrassed
                                                          by how clueless he had been to Porter’s whereabouts.

PETS’       Porter and                                    How spoiled are your pets? Give us an example.                PET’S                            MALE OR
                                                                                                                                     Lola                             Female
NAMES       Auggie                                        Too spoiled! We like to put blankets around them so           NAME                             FEMALE
                                                          they are both snuggled up for bed.
                               PETS’   Porter is 7
TYPE OF     Tabby cat and      AGES    and Auggie
ANIMALS/                               is 5                                                                             TYPE OF
            Labradoodle                                      Would you like to feature your pet in the                                                    PET’S                        Would you like to feature your pet in the
BREED                                                                                                                   ANIMAL/      French Bulldog                   5 months
                                                            magazine and social media? Please send us                                                     AGE                         magazine and social media? Please send us
                                                             an email at                      BREED
                                                                                                                                                                                       an email at

8   SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL       summitlocalnj •   summitchathamlocalnj                    OCTOBER 2021         OCTOBER 2021              summitlocalnj •    summitchathamlocalnj           SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL               9
C local athlete                                                                                                                                                                                                                    local athlete                         S
                        SARAH PETITJEAN                                                                                                                                                                    VICTORIA MACARTHUR 
                        SCHOOL: Chatham High School                                                                                                                                                         SCHOOL: Summit High School
                        AGE/GRADE: 17/Senior                                                                                                                                                                AGE/GRADE: 17/Senior
                        SPORT: Cross Country and Track                                                                                                                                                      SPORT/ACTIVITY: Volleyball
                        POSITION: Distance/Mid-distance                                                                                                                                                     POSITION: DS/ Backrow
                        SIBLINGS: Brother Adam, Freshman                                                                                                                                                    SIBLINGS: Two brothers, Owen and Kyle

How long have you participated in this sport?                            My favorite moment was running in the state meet last                                                                              How long have you participated in this sport?
I’ve been running spring track since 8th grade. I started cross          spring. I was able to qualify to run in my two favorite events,                                                                    I have been playing volleyball since freshman year.
country as a junior in high school.                                      the mile and half mile. Because it was the state meet, the
                                                                         track was packed with athletes from every town in New Jer-                                                                         How did the Pandemic impact your sport?
How did the Pandemic impact your sport?                                  sey. I was honored to be a part of a highly competitive group.                                                                     COVID delayed and shortened our 2020 season. Volleyball is
As a runner, I was very fortunate during the Pandemic because            With my parents, coaches, and friends supporting me I ran                                                                          usually a Fall sport, but last year the season was delayed until
running is an individual sport. I was able to run everyday on my         my personal best in both my events. I placed 8th in the mile                                                                       Spring of 2021. The season also had to be shortened and over-
own. Sometimes it was hard to get myself motivated and out of the        and 20th in the half mile. Because it was the last meet of my                                                                      lapped with other sports I play (swimming and softball) so it
door, because I was unsure if I would race in the future. My team        junior season, it really highlighted all the hard work I put in                                                                    was a crazy Spring sports season! There were some nights I had
did weekly google meets with our coach to preserve our team envi-        all year long.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            multiple practices for two different sports! As crazy as that was,
ronment and to motivate each other. In the end, our spring season
was cancelled but I was able to stay in shape.                           What do you plan on doing next year?                                                                                               I am just glad that we were able to play.
                                                                         Study communications and run cross country and track in
Have you traveled anywhere related to this sport?                        college.
                                                                                                                                                   FINANCIAL CONCIERGE SERVICES                             What awards or honors have you won?
For indoor track we run in Staten Island and at the New York City                                                                                                                                           Last year I won the Hilltopper award.
                                                                                                                                            Are you the founder of a start-up or an entrepreneur?
Armory. I went to Penn Relays, at the University of Pennsylvania         One tip for someone looking to get into this sport:
freshman year.                                                                                                                              Tired of handling the bookkeeping yourself?
                                                                         Keep a consistent running schedule. It gets easier when you                                                                        What have you learned from participating in this sport?
                                                                         are running multiple times a week, for multiple weeks. And              Are you a high net-worth individual or family with         I learned the importance of teamwork because you need to rely
Have you met anyone famous in this sport?                                don’t give up! Don’t use your last run to judge your next.         multiple properties & business ventures? Is it difficult to     on your teammates to work together. Likewise, in both volley-
Yes! I went to a camp at the New York City Armory. I was coached         Every run is different!                                            track all your expenses and cashflow?                           ball and life itself communication is the most important thing.
by Ajeé Wilson and Drew Hunter. I also met Sydney McLaughlin
and Athing Mu.                                                                                                                                      Are you newly divorced and need help navigating         What do you like the most about the sport?
                                                                                                                                            your finances and managing to a budget?                         I love the team atmosphere because everyone is supportive and
What awards or honors have you won?
                                                                                                                                                                                                            it is such an encouraging environment.
I’ve been on varsity winter and spring track since freshman year,                                                                                               Let us help you!
and varsity cross country since junior year. I was named Most Im-
proved for the indoor track 2018-2019 season and the 2021 spring                                                                                 We leverage technology and experience to                   What is your favorite moment?
                                                                                                                                                                                                            My favorite moment was probably playing Cranford last year
track season. I received the Coaches Award for the 2019 spring                                                                                        provide the highest quality and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            because it was a super-intense game that we won!.
track season and the 2020 cross country season. I was named                                                                                      cost-effective online bookkeeping solution
Most Valuable Player for the 2019-2020 indoor track season.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            What do you plan on doing next year?
What have you learned from participating in this sport?                                                                                                                                                     I will be in college next year so I will not be playing volleyball
What do you like best about the sport?                                                                                                        Personal Financial Navigation, LLC                            but I will definitely come back and root for the Hilltoppers!!.
I’ve learned a lot about myself! Running is an extremely mental
                                                                                                                                                   Let us help you reduce stress & gain control
sport, so I have built a lot of mental and physical strength through-                                                                                                                                       One tip for someone looking to get into this sport:
out my high school career. There are races where I have to dig                                                                                                                                              Definitely try out for volleyball! It is such a fun sport to play and
deep to finish through the line. During a race, I am the only one                                                                                                                                           there are lots of camps and clinics you can do in the summer
pushing myself to beat my best time. My favorite thing about run-                                                                                                               Liz Miller
                                                                                                                                                                                                            that are really helpful to help you build your skills.
ning is it always clears my head. I have also met some of my best                                                                                             
                                                                            Would you like to feature your student-athlete in                                                 908.568.2458
friends on the cross country and track teams.
                                                                            the magazine and social media? Please send us                                                        Would you like to feature your student-athlete in
                                                                                an email at                                                                                          the magazine and social media? Please send us
What is your favorite moment?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   an email at

10   SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL                      summitlocalnj •      summitchathamlocalnj                      OCTOBER 2021         OCTOBER 2021                    summitlocalnj •        summitchathamlocalnj              SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL             11
feature spotlight
GRACE meets community needs with community resources
ORGANIZATION: GRACE, Giving and Receiving Assistance
for our Community’s Essentials
PRESIDENT: Amanda Parrish Block
PHONE: 908-259-4744
Facebook/Instagram - @GRACESummitNJ

What do you like about the town?

Summit is as generous as it is prosperous. People respond to
their neighbors’ needs quickly, happily, and easily. Summit
residents dedicate hours of their time, give what they have,
and donate to cover other needs with open hearts and a con-
scious desire to uplift their fellow Summit residents.

Can you provide a bit of history on your organization?

GRACE was the culmination of my time as board chair of
Bridges, Community Vice President of the Junior League of
Summit, and in response to the United Way of Greater Union
County’s Report, “When Working Doesn’t Work.” That report
highlighted the 22% of the Summit population who could not
make ends meet while maintaining employment. From there,
we researched how financial insecurity manifests in our com-
munity. We designed a program to soothe the effects of pover-
ty, while stabilizing households and offering opportunities for
empowerment and success.

Our fresh food pantry opened in 2015 at the Summit Commu-
nity Center and then moved to Central Presbyterian Church
and Christ Church. In 2016, we started offering parallel sup-
port services, medical screenings, immigration advocacy, and
tenants’ rights seminars during our weekly food distribution.
We maintained a weekly presence at Christ Church until we
outgrew the space, but not the partnership. In October 2019,
we moved to our current headquarters, the Cornog Field
House at Memorial Field. In July 2020, Summit City Council
declared GRACE a program of the Department of Community
Programs. While we are a program of Summit’s Department
of Community Program, we are entirely privately funded by
grants, individual and corporate donations.

How long have you been with this organization?

I have been with GRACE since the very beginning. In fact,

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sophie Maxhuni-Photo Credit
I named it after my only child, Grace. I named her Grace
because I felt supremely blessed to be her mother without
having proved any worthiness. At GRACE, we believe that
health, security, and happiness are everyone’s birthright.

What drew you to be part of this organization?

Born and raised in Summit, GRACE intends to answer ques-
tions of inequity I have had for most of my life. Many other
people from all walks of life have joined under the GRACE
banner to do the same.                                                  VOLUNTEER               DONATE

12   SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL                     summitlocalnj •    summitchathamlocalnj     OCTOBER 2021   OCTOBER 2021   summitlocalnj •   summitchathamlocalnj   SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL   13
feature spotlight                               continued from page 13

What types of tasks do you perform for this group?

We have an incredibly talented board and between 60 and
100 volunteers that serve the organization each week in a
variety of roles. As founder of a six-year-old organization,
I run the day-to-day logistics, outreach (both strategic and
tactical), and partnerships. It is with the help of the GRACE
board that I manage the communications and marketing,
the fundraising, and the planning of the organization.

How was the organization impacted by the Pan-

On the first Tuesday of March 2020, we went from offering
open choice with empowerment programs in a party-like
atmosphere to offering pre-bagged food and supplies in a
socially distanced outdoor setting. By April 2020, we grew
from serving 100 families each week (our average for Feb-
ruary 2020) to 526! The numbers fluctuated since then,
dropping last summer to 300 and rising last winter to 500+
each week. We now serve, on average, 400 households. We
expect numbers to climb again by Thanksgiving.

How can the community help your organization? Can
neighbors get involved?

Everyone: All ages, all abilities, all interests, can get in-
volved. We need volunteers to help sort donations, bag food
and supplies, solicit donations, and distribute items.

We also welcome help on our marketing, fundraising, and
finance board committees.

We also appreciate donation drives for toiletries, household
cleaning supplies, Halloween costumes, winter-weather
gear, period supplies, and gift cards.

Because of the phenomenal young volunteers we have, we
started a junior board for high school students. This board
is for students who would like to discuss their observations
from the community, at school, or their time at GRACE.
They will develop new support programs, marketing, and
fundraising plans.

We are happy to find a place for anyone who wants to help

14   SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL                     summitlocalnj •    summitchathamlocalnj   OCTOBER 2021   OCTOBER 2021   summitlocalnj •   summitchathamlocalnj   SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL   15
Madison Golf Club celebrating 125 Years                                                                                                                                                                    THE MADISON GOLF CLUB
                                                                                                                                                                                                       (Sources: The History of the Madison Golf Club 1896-1972;
                                                                                                                                                                                                       NJSGA Golf Magazine, Spring, 2011 and Golf.Com Magazine
Madison Golf Club                   First off, tell us a little about your family?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Sept.-Oct. 2020)

Darren Tapp,                        I live in a historic Madison house a few blocks from the golf club with my wife
                                                                                                                                                                                                         “There is some talk of forming a small golf club in Madison. The
President, Board of Governors       Linda and three grown children. I recently retired from PwC where I was a part-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      use of a field on Green Village Road has been secured and the
                                    ner in their Forensic Services practice.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      grounds will be put in shape as soon as the snow clears. “ This
Madison, NJ                                                                                                                                                                                           brief mention of a “rumor”, published in the Madison Eagle of
                                    What do you like about the town?
                                                                                                                                                                                                      March 20, 1896 turned out to be true and it heralded an import-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ant event for the thousands of golfers who, for well over a century,
                                    We came to Madison nine years ago upon repatriating to the US from The Nether-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      have enjoyed the pleasure of playing the challenging private Mad-
                                    lands where we spent three years. I love the small town charm and character of
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ison Golf Club course.
                                    Madison and its direct train line to NYC.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Seven days after the “rumor” was published, on March 27,
                                                                                                                           practice facilities, golf shop, and clubhouse. Members of all              1896, a meeting was held at the home of Judge George H. Yeaman
                                    How long have you been with the club? What drew you to be part of it?
                                                                                                                           ages and abilities, singles, couples, and families are welcome.            to organize the private Madison Golf Club. With the actions of 11
                                                                                                                           With camps and clinics, tournaments and scrambles, and mu-                 prominent Madison citizens, New Jersey’s sixth golf club was born.
                                    I have been with the club seven years. Being new to town it was a great way to
                                                                                                                           sic and happy hours on our beautiful veranda, there’s much to              It was all made possible through the generosity and encouragement
                                    make friends and get better connected to community (approx. 80% of members are
                                                                                                                           enjoy.                                                                     of another Madison resident, industrialist and philanthropist Mr.
                                    from Madison, Chatham and Summit).
                                                                                                                                                                                                      James A. Webb. Not only did Mr. Webb offer the free use of his land,
                                                                                                                           Affectionately, many local golfers refer to it as a “hidden                he encouraged the formation of the Club; he later paid for the con-
                                    The reputation of Madison Golf Club connotes a very “family friendly” re-
                                                                                                                           gem?” Why is that?                                                         struction of a club house which he proudly presented to the Club in
                                    laxed type of inclusive atmosphere. Seems as though you harken to the or-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      1903; and he continued the free use of his land until his death in
                                    igins of the game, when times were simpler and folks used to just put a peg
                                                                                                                           We are a private club focused exclusively on golf with a superbly          1910. In keeping with his wishes, his estate continued this gener-
                                    in the ground and tee it up, without all the fuss and fanfare we find com-
                                                                                                                           maintained nine-hole course, practice facilities, golf shop, and           osity until 1939 when the estate sold the 26 acres to the Club at a
                                    mon today at other clubs. Fair to say players of all ages enjoy the course?
                                                                                                                           clubhouse. Despite its prolific history, it is relatively unknown.         most agreeable price of $15,000. Mr. Webb’s original 1903 club
                                    And moms and dads, and grandparents too, correct?
                                                                                                                           That may change with GOLF Magazine currently ranking it the                house was expanded several times and used until 2011 when it
                                                                                                                           25th best stand-alone 9 hole golf courses in the world. Being a            was replaced by the modestly elegant present-day club house.
                                    Yes, we are very family friendly. There is ample access for children to play with
                                                                                                                           9-hole course, you can play the game you love in half the time –              Mr. Webb’s 26 acre “field” provided space for just 6 golf holes,
                                    parents, and by themselves. Several multi-generational families enjoy the facili-
                                                                                                                           our pace of play for 9-holes is 1 hour and 45 minutes.                     which was not an uncommon number of holes for golf courses at
                                    ties. We offer clinics and private lessons, a women’s division, a PGA Junior League
                                                                                                                                                                                                      the turn of the century. Over the next few years, 6 additional
                                    Team, children’s camps, and a variety of social activities that appeal to golfers of
                                                                                                                           How can a golfer join the club?                                            acres were acquired by donation and purchase and the course
                                    all ages and skills.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      now proudly occupies 32 acres and measures just over 2,200
                                                                                                                           Express interest to a friend or neighbor who is an existing                yards from its longest tees. The Club has constantly improved the
                                    What types of tasks do you perform for the membership?
                                                                                                                           member, or contact                         course and had significant upgrades and changes of tees, greens
                                                                                                                                                                                                      and bunkers but the course has always remained true to the
                                    As president, I represent the club along with our Head Golf Professional (Ryan
                                                                                                                           Where do you envision the club going in the near term,                     original layout. As the iconic Eisenhower Loblolly Pine tree at
                                    Druska) and Course Superintendent (Chris DeSalvia). I have the good fortune to
                                                                                                                           and how does it thrive to make its 250th Anniversary?                      Augusta National stood for years on its 17th fairway, a magnifi-
                                    lead a great Board of Governors who are passionate about golf and securing the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      cent specimen Silver Maple tree stood in middle of Madison’s
                                    legacy of the club for the next 125 years. .
                                                                                                                           Being golf only, our plan is to continue to focus on course                ninth fairway, about 50 yards from the putting surface. A chal-
                                                                                                                           maintenance and improvements in a fiscally prudent manner.                 lenge to golfers of every skill level, generations of golfers hit shots
                                    Many golfers are quite surprised with the demanding yet fair layout of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      over, under and around the Club’s landmark until it was blown
                                    club. Some call it a “shot makers” delight, right? How does it compare to
                                                                                                                                                                                                      down by heavy winter winds in 2015.
                                    local courses?
                                                                                                                                                                                                         With its demanding narrow fairways, exacting small greens and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      mildly rugged terrain, in September 2020 Madison Golf Club was
                                    There is much more course than what meets the eye from driving past. There are
                                                                                                                                                                                                      named number 25 of the top 50 Stand-Alone 9-Hole golf courses
                                    four par 4 holes and five par 3 holes with two of the par 3s being over 200 yards.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      in the world by Magazine. Despite such world-wide no-
                                    The fairways can be tight on most holes, and the greens difficult to hold, so I have
                                                                                                                                                                                                      toriety, its distinct familial atmosphere continues to proudly reflect
                                    found one’s short game considerably improves through playing the course. This
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Madison’s small-town charm and character. Although not a golfer
                                    proves to be an advantage when playing other courses.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      himself, Mr. Webb believed in 1896 that a golf course in his ad-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      opted hometown would be treasured asset. As a testament to his
                                    In addition, the course sits on highest elevation in Madison and drains consider-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      inspiring generosity and sharp foresight, the Madison Golf Club
                                    ably well. It was one of the few local courses that remained fully open during the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      now provides its residents with a scenic, green park like setting as
                                    heavy rains last month.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      well as a valued and loved resource that most towns across the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      country would envy but few towns can claim.
                                    We are focused exclusively on golf with a superbly maintained nine-hole course,

16   SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL       summitlocalnj •       summitchathamlocalnj                    OCTOBER 2021         OCTOBER 2021                      summitlocalnj •        summitchathamlocalnj              SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL                      17
Madison Golf Club celebrating 125 Years                                                                                                                               local health
For example, a new irrigation system is scheduled for
fall 2022 and a new practice facility is being planned for
                                                                                                                                           A Convenient, Empowering Approach
thereafter. Continued focus on our members’ experi-
ence and feedback towards ensuring a high-quality golf-
ing experience is a key component to the club’s contin-
ued success.
                                                                                                                                           To Breast Cancer Treatment Planning
                                                                                                                                           BY BONNI GUERIN, MD
Lastly, a new member recently told us he enjoys
the comradery of the membership. Through multi-                                                                                            About 1 in 8 U.S. women will receive a life-altering diagnosis of     The Comprehensive Breast Cancer Treatment Program em-
ple tournaments and events the club hosts, he said                                                                                         breast cancer during her lifetime.                                    powers patients to be engaged in their treatment planning pro-
he has gotten to meet a whole new group of very                                                                                            Whether you are newly diagnosed, are facing a recurrence, or          cess and facilitates relationships with their physicians before
friendly people. Is that the true spirit of Madison                                                                                        seeking a second opinion, you’ll undoubtedly have many                treatment has even begun. Patients have told us that they feel
Golf Club?                                                                                                                                 questions about your treatment plan. Will it include surgery,         embraced by a whole family of caregivers, dedicated to their
                                                                                                                                           radiation, chemotherapy, plastic surgery, and/or genetic testing?     physical, psychological, and social well-being.
Yes, that is certainly true from my experience. The club’s
                                                                                                                                           What will come first and how long will it take before you’re on       Convenience is another major benefit. Getting three expert
distinct familial atmosphere continues to proudly reflect
                                                                                                                                           the road to recovery? How will it impact your work and family?        opinions in one afternoon saves time and expedites treatment.
Madison’s small-town charm and character.
                                                                                                                                           Atlantic Health System’s Comprehensive Breast Cancer                  Traditionally, patients shuttle from one doctor to the next,
                                                                                                                                           Treatment program at Overlook Medical Center takes the                gathering different opinions and losing valuable time. Here, our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 team of specialists have a standing appointment to review breast
                                               THE WORLD IN 1896                                                                           guesswork out of the process with a single phone call, connecting
                                                                                                                                           patients with our multidisciplinary team of leading breast cancer     imaging together, discuss the patient’s history, and collaborate
                                                                                                                                           specialists. During one convenient visit, patients can meet with      on the best course for a cure. Patients are on a path to recovery
      Celebrating 125 years doesn’t happen too often. Any cool        One of the eleven founders of our Club and its first president,
      stories or historical tidbits you find when rummaging through   the Honorable George H. Yeaman, was a US Congressman                 a breast surgeon, radiation oncologist, and medical oncologist –      the moment they walk through our door!
      the vault?                                                      who cast one of the deciding votes needed to pass the                each of whom will discuss the diagnosis, answer questions, and        To schedule a consultation with specialists at the
                                                                      Constitutional amendment abolishing slavery and was                  outline every step of the recommended treatment plan.                 Comprehensive Breast Cancer Treatment Program, please
      In 1896 Grover Cleveland would soon hand the White House        defeated for a second term in 1865 because of this vote. He
                                                                                                                                           Advances in imaging, medical oncology, surgery, and radiation         call 908-608-0078, and select ext. 6.
      over to William McKinley. The Olympics returned after a         served as Minister Resident in Copenhagen from 1865 to
      1,500-year hiatus from the times in Ancient Greece. And         1870 and thereafter repatriated to New York where he was             oncology have revolutionized the way we detect and treat
      Shinnecock hosted the second US Open as America now             a prominent lawyer and lecturer on Constitutional law at             breast cancer. Patients benefit from a comprehensive array of
      became a hotbed for this unique game imported from Scotland.    Columbia College Law School, eventually settling in
                                                                                                                                           procedures and treatments, including 3-D mammography (the
                                                                      Madison. In the 2012 film, Lincoln, Yeaman was played by
                                                                      Michael Stuhlbarg.                                                   gold standard for breast cancer screening); nipple-sparing
      How was the club founded? Any unique stories?
                                                                                                                                           mastectomy; DIEP flap breast reconstruction, which rebuilds
                                                                                                                                           the breasts by taking tissue from the abdominal area; and
                                                                                                                                           SAVI SCOUT®, a wireless localization system benefitting
                                                                                                                                           women undergoing breast lumpectomy during the pre-surgical
                                                                                                                                           process. Our patients have access to personalized
                                                                                                                                           immunotherapies, early- and late-stage clinical trials, genetic
                                                                                                                                           counseling, and integrative therapies designed to heal the
                                                                                                                                           whole patient.
                                                                                                                                           While surgery may be the first line of treatment for some women,
                                                                                                                                           others may benefit from an initial course of targeted systemic
                                                                                                                                           treatment based on the biologic characteristics of their cancer.
                                                                                                                                           Each case is unique and that’s why a collaborative multi-specialty
                                                                                                                                           approach to treatment is essential. It is a model that is practiced
                                                                                                                                           at most major academic institutions and one that we are proud
                                                                                                                                           to offer here in our community.
                                                                                                                                           Women today juggle so many roles. They may be caring for
                                                                                                                                           elderly parents, have a demanding job, or parenting a special
                                                                                                                                           needs child. That’s why every treatment plan reflects both the
                                                                                                                                           highest standard of medical care as well as the patient’s own         Dr. Bonni Guerin, director of breast cancer treatment and
                                                                                                                                           unique needs and lifestyle.                                           prevention at Atlantic Health System’s Overlook Medical Center.

18   SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL                       summitlocalnj •        summitchathamlocalnj                         OCTOBER 2021   OCTOBER 2021                       summitlocalnj •       summitchathamlocalnj               SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL           19
market update
                                                                                             Zooming in to the Chatham & Summit Real Estate Markets
                                                                                             with Kathy Kaye of Compass, MrsRealtorNJ

A trusted                                                                                       As we head from summer into fall, real estate markets across
                                                                                             the country are still hot. Median sales prices are up nearly
                                                                                             9 percent year-over-year nationwide, according to Realtor.
                                                                                                                                                                sellers received 102 percent of their asking prices last month.
                                                                                                                                                                While we see the number of single-family home new contracts
                                                                                                                                                                signed for holding steady around 28, the number of new listings

advisor with                                                                                 com, while median days on market continue to shrink. As
                                                                                             inventory decreases, sellers can expect sustained demand for
                                                                                             their listings. Buyers, meanwhile, continue to enjoy record-low
                                                                                                                                                                dropped more than 53 percent YOY to just 18 last month,
                                                                                                                                                                pointing to contracting inventory.
                                                                                                                                                                  While real estate markets — driven by the economy, interest

you every step
                                                                                             mortgage rates, meaning they have greater purchase power           rates and other national trends — frequently ebb and flow,
                                                                                             than they did even a year ago.                                     the past 18 months have been far less than typical. While
                                                                                                Following the pandemic’s peak, we are still seeing an           many predicted the worst stages of the pandemic would tank

of the way.
                                                                                             influx of families moving from more densely populated areas        real estate activity in the Tri-State Area, instead we’ve seen
                                                                                             at a greater rate than in years past. Many employees will be       consistently strong demand in the close-in suburbs and a
                                                                                             working from home, at least part-time, for the foreseeable         faster-than-expected recovery in the city.
                                                                                             future, giving them more flexibility than ever in where to live.     Looking to fall and the typically slower winter holiday
                                                                                             More and more, people are choosing communities like Chatham        season, I expect buyers to find a more manageable, less
                                                                                             and Summit for their beautiful, spacious homes, fantastic          frenzied environment while sellers will continue to enjoy
                                                                                             amenities, and easy access to New York City employment             positive momentum and interest. If you are considering selling
                                                                                             centers when needed.                                               your home, reach out for a complimentary consultation.
                                                                                                According to New Jersey Realtors,
                                                                                             Chatham Township has seen a 28
                                                                                             percent increase in closed single-
                                                                                             family home sales YTD (+120% in
                                                                                             Chatham Borough) compared to the
                                                                                             same period in 2020. Median sales
Yekaterina “Kathy” Kaye                                                                      prices have ticked up 9.3 percent (29%),
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson                                                             to $1.35 million ($990,000) YTD this
                                                                                             year versus $1.24 million ($765,000)
                                                                                             in 2020. Chatham Township sellers
M: 345.657.0123 | O: 973.310.6816                                                            saw a drastic 45.8 percent reduction                                                                            (-24%) in the time it took to sell their
    @mrsrealtornj                                                                            homes this year, from 59 days in 2020
                                                                                             to 32 days (50 to 38 days). They also
                                                                                             had their pricing demands exceeded:
Matthew Keane                                                                                Sellers received 102.5 percent of their
SVP of Mortgage Lending                                                                      asking prices in July 2021 compared
                                                                                             to 96.7 percent in July 2020 (100.6%
M: 973.464.7571 | O: 973.295.6478
                                                                                             from 97.5%).                                                                             In Summit, median closed sales                                                                    prices reached $1.5 million across all
NMLS ID: 12966                                                                               housing types in August, a 23 percent
                                                                                             year-over-year increase. Days on
                                                                                             market plummeted 39 percent from
                                                                                             44 days in August 2020 to 27 last
                                                                                             month. And like Chatham, Summit

                                                                                             Kathy Kaye is a real estate salesperson affiliated with Compass. She can be reached at 862-432-2810 or by email at
                                                                                    Find her online at or MrsRealtorNJ instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. Compass is
                                                                                             a licensed real estate broker and abides by equal housing opportunity laws.

Yekaterina “Kathy” Kaye is a real estate salesperson affiliated with Compass. Compass is a
licensed real estate broker and abides by equal housing opportunity laws.                    OCTOBER 2021                     summitlocalnj •       summitchathamlocalnj              SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL          21
local events
Join Glenn Alexander in his fight                                                                              What types of tasks do you perform for this group?

                                                                                                               The event is a tremendous amount of work setting up all of the entertainment, food, silent auction items and collecting
                                                                                                               donations. Fortunately, I have a fantastic team of people, Phyllis McQuillan, Al Sellinger, Bill Kleemeyer and others who do

against FCF at “Pig Gig 6”                                                                                     an enormous amount of work leading up to the event and then the day before and day of I have many helpers including those
                                                                                                               mentioned and Greg, Sheila, Brooke and Oria Alexander.

                                                                                                               How was the organization impacted by the Pandemic?
Your name: Glenn Alexander
                                                                                                               We skipped last year completely both here and in Arkansas. Our event in Arkansas is usually held in late spring and because of the
Organization: Fibrolamellar Cancer Foundation (FCF) Benefit                                                    pandemic we had to skip this year as well.

Event: Pig Gig 6                                                                                               How can the community help your organization? Can neighbors get involved?

Location: Italian American Hall, 1976 Valley Ave., Scotch Plains                                               The best way to help is to attend and or sponsor. Every penny we collect goes to FCF. Tickets are $50, which includes all the food
                                                                                                               you can eat, a wine & beer bar, and great music with Blue Americana (Oria & I), Glenn Stuart (B Street Band), The Lonesome
Event Ticket Information:
                                                                                                               Pines, The Weeklings and Glenn Alexander & Shadowland with special guest, New Jersey legend Southside Johnny. (search Pig Gig 6)
                                                                                                               Any other information you would like to include?
                                                                                                               Yes we want to thank our incredible sponsors that we currently have, all local businesses, which includes Scotch Plains – Fanwood
                                                                                                               UNICO, Ace Brothers Repairs Inc., K9 Resorts, Health & Fitness Professionals LLC, Bill’s Ineffable Automotive Rehabilitation,
First off, tell us a little about your family.
                                                                                                               Swinetime/Green Village Packing Co., Mountain Deli (Scotch Plains), Romano Landscaping, Craig Stock Landscape Design, NJ
Ex wife Laura Alexander & daughter Oria Alexander live in                                             and Local Media NJ.
Westfield. I now live just around the corner in Scotch Plains. My
brother Greg and sister-in-law Sheila Alexander live in Rogers
Arkansas and will travel here for the event on October 24. Our
benefit is in honor of their son, my nephew Jay Alexander 1991
– 2011.                                                                                                                                                                                                   Divorce with
You have traveled the world as a rocker and musician, but
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Mutual Respect
you still call the town home. What do you like about the

I lived in Westfield for 25 years and now Scotch Plains for 14
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Honor each other,
years. It is a beautiful, wonderful, peaceful area to call home with                                                                                                                                                         your family and the time
so many great restaurants, shops, services and people.                                                                                                                                                                       you have spent together.
Can you provide a bit of history on your organization?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MEDIATION • ARBITRATION
It first started as a last-minute impulse idea by my brother Greg                                                                                                                                                              COLLABORATIVE LAW
to fly out and have a pig roast with friends and family, which we
did in my house with Bill Kleemeyer roasting a pig on a spit on
my back patio. It was an amazing success, with probably 60
people showing up just to have a great time. We had been doing                                                                                                                       DEBORAH E. NELSON
different events to raise money for FCF in honor of Jay and we
realized “why not merge the two” and Pig Gig was born. It is the
                                                                                                                                                                                     Member of the Firm
6th one here in NJ and we will be doing our second one in                                                                                                                            (973) 530-2390
Arkansas soon.                                                                                                                                                             
What drew you to be part of this organization?
                                                                                                                                                                                     CHIESA SHAHINIAN & GIANTOMASI PC
We unfortunately became connected with FCF after the passing
of Jay Alexander to this rare cancer of the liver that primarily                                                                                                                     NEW JERSEY | NEW YORK | CSGLAW.COM
attacks people in their teens and early twenties. We, along with                                                                                                                     Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
FCF are raising as much money as possible for research in the
hopes of saving lives.

22   SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL                      summitlocalnj •   summitchathamlocalnj   OCTOBER 2021   OCTOBER 2021                    summitlocalnj •       summitchathamlocalnj                         SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL      23
local volunteerism                                                                                                                        Please Join the community in our 2nd Annual Halloween Virtual Run
                                                                                                                                          or Walk and House Decorating Contest to benefit Helping Hands on
                                                                                                                                          October 31, 2021.


Meet Joann Carroll of Helping Hands of Chatham                                                                                            Dress: Scary, Adorably Frightful or Creepy!!!
                                                                                                                                          Share your wicked ways and talents! BOO your neighbors by
                                                                                                                                          entering the House Decorating Contest!

                                                                                                                                          VIRTUAL RUN OR WALK FUNDRAISING:

                                                 Name: Joann Carroll                                                                      The best part of do-it-yourself fundraising is that you choose what
                                                                                                                                          you want to do to support families. Create a fundraiser with your
                                                 Organization: Helping Hands of Chatham (HHOC)                                            community of friends, colleagues and neighbors around your
                                                                                                                                          favorite running or walking track, spin class, hike, dance, jump
                                                 Title: Director                                                                          rope, musical instrument or other activity.
                                                 Location: Chatham, NJ                                                                    1: START by creating a fundraiser (sign up genius is free) – collect
                                                                                                                                              donations with Venmo or other free platforms, checks, cash.
                                                 Contact Information: 201-988-9070                                                        2: SHARE that you’re raising money to help your community.
                                                                                                                                          3: ASK for donations and support by email, text or on your social
                                                                                                 4: CELEBRATE your success and thank your supporters.

                                                                                                                                          The House Decorating Contest is offering free gift cards to local
                                                                                                                                          restaurants. They will be awarded to the winner in each category.
                                                                                                                                          Please support your local restaurants that support your local
First off, tell us a little about your family.                     How was the organization impacted by the Pandemic?                     community. If you’d like to sponsor our event, please contact us at
I moved to Chatham in 1996, and together with my husband           The benefits have been vast – families have been able to give
Paul, raised three sons who all went through the Chatham           back, those in need have received aid, and the local ShopRite          ENTER:
public schools. But since 2020, my ‘family’ has gotten much        has been supported. Later, when cards for purchasing                   Race / Walk Participants, $25.00
                                                                                                                                          House Decorating participants, $25.00
larger, consisting of all the volunteers and families we have      prescription drugs became available, CVS gained support too.
touched through Helping Hands of Chatham.                          Joann notes that the gift cards go a long way when purchased           SIGNUP TO ENTER AT:
                                                                   from HHOC because ShopRite offers the group a 5 percent      
What do you like about the town?                                   discount for every $1,000 spent.
                                                                                                                                          After you have signed up, fees are paid via Venmo or check/cash.
My husband Paul and I are deeply involved in the town. I am        How can the community help your organization? Can                      Venmo: @JoannCarroll 201-988-9070
a local full-time local realtor at Coldwell Banker in Chatham,     neighbors get involved?                                                QuickPay with Zelle:
and Paul is a 34-year member for the Chatham Borough                                                                                      Call or text Joann at 201-988-9070 for mailing address for checks
Volunteer Fire Department. We are involved socially with St.       There have been other ways to help too. Through Chatham                / cash.
Patrick’s school and other local groups. Last year we held a       United Methodist Church, community members have been
                                                                                                                                          WANT TO VOLUNTEER?
charity Race/Walk or Halloween Decoration contest which the        donating food and household staples including toilet paper,            • Get Local Businesses to Sponsor the event
residents of Chatham made so successful that we are looking        cleaning items and toiletries, as well as infant, baby, and senior     • Be a block monster - have your street collect Food donations and
forward to the second annual event coming up!                      citizen care items for the Wednesday food drives. And via                 monetary donations.
                                                         , people can donate a box to those in need. Those         • Send the flyer out to friends & family. Print and post on Main
Can you provide a bit of history on your organization?             wishing to donate or learn more, can do so by visiting https://           Street business windows
How long have you been with this organization? What                                                                                       • Independent judges – We need 10 judges. Ultimately, judges
                                                                                                                                             will assign points from 1 - 10 to each entry and select the winner
drew you to be part of this organization?
                                                                                                                                             based on total amount of points earned. We will accept high
                                                                   Any other information you would like to include?                          school students with one parent as a chaperone to drive around
As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, I wanted to help people
                                                                                                                                             and judge houses.
and give them hope for a future of self-sufficiency. I founded     “Families in need should not be shy about accepting help, after
Helping Hands of Chatham (HHOC) in 2020. Since then, we            all, we are all in this together and Chatham residents look out        To donate: QuickPay with Zelle - While we
have donated over $60,000 in gift cards. Our focus has been on     after one another.” I am thrilled to see the results of HHOC,          await a nonprofit status -- checks can be made out to Joann Carroll c/o
students on the free lunch program, and families in the            helping so many people and giving them hope for a future of            Helping Hands of Chatham or directly to Shoprite of Chatham (for
community and beyond who may be experiencing food                  self-sufficiency, and to be a part of a team that shows dignity        groceries). Mail to 14 Red Road, Chatham, NJ 07928. You can
                                                                                                                                          reach Joann by email at: or by
insecurity.                                                        and compassion to those people in need.
                                                                                                                                          (201) 988-9070.
What types of tasks do you perform for this group?
                                                                        Tell us about your local charitable organiation
We have several initiatives, but our next big one is the Second         or community project. Please send us an email
Annual Cougars Halloween 6K Run or Walk. (See sidebar for                        at
more information.)

24   SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL                     summitlocalnj •     summitchathamlocalnj                     OCTOBER 2021         OCTOBER 2021                          summitlocalnj •           summitchathamlocalnj   SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL   25
women who inspire                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               local beauty talk
Meet Melissa Lonsk                                                                                                                                                                      Why medical-grade skincare, you ask?
                            VACATION CURATION                        Some of the most treasured memories are made when traveling
                                                                     and I am honored to be a part of that.
                                                                                                                                                                                        It’s time to understand the difference.
                                                                                                                                                     BY JENNIFER DEMAIO, FNP-C, CANS, CEO and Founder, FACE Aesthetic Artistry, LLC and KAREN AIDALA, Licensed Esthetician
                                                                     Why is the women’s empowerment organization B.I.G. a
                            Facebook: VacationCuration               valuable resource for you?
                                                                                                                                                                                        Are you one of the masses with stockpiles of half-filled containers of cosmetic skincare products purchased from high-end retailers
                                                                     Connecting with women across a wide variety of small                                                               at the mall, department stores, or local pharmacies that don’t work or provide minimal results? If so, it’s time to learn about
                            Instagram: VacationCuration              businesses helps inspire me. You may think another industry is                                                     medical-grade skincare. Let’s start with the obvious, shall we?
                                                                     completely unrelated but sometimes you can come up with
                            Email:                                                                                                                                     Science (because science, duh)! Long and short, medical-grade skincare products are backed by scientific, evidence-based research
                                                                     creative solutions to a similar problem together. B.I.G. allows
                                                                                                                                                                                        and purposefully developed to facilitate changes in the skin. FDA-regulated, these pharmaceuticals are designed to penetrate the
                                                                     me to collaborate on the local and international level to
                            Phone: 212-584-9295                                                                                                                                         epidermis with concentrated amounts (99.9%) of active ingredients, affecting deeper layers of the skin and assuring optimal
                                                                     constantly improve my business.
                                                                                                                                                                                        outcomes. Before made available to the public, there must be scientific evidence and multiple studies supporting the skincare
                                                                                                                                                                                        product in its specific claims. However, this is not necessarily the case with most over-the-counter skincare options (aka cosmetics).
                                                                                                                                                                                        The sales tactics of companies “hyping up” active ingredients are often misnomers. What you see on television that is desirable –
Where in Summit/Chatham area have you lived and why                  B.I.G. offers women the inspiration, community and tools they                                                      from growth factors to peptides to retinols – isn’t so desirable if outcomes are what you’re seeking. The percentages of active
do you consider it such a special place?                             need to move their lives forward. Chatham area women can                                                           ingredients in non-medical-grade skincare are simply scientifically unable to provide the results often “guaranteed,” let alone those
I always tell people that I live by the Magic Fountain. I quickly    contact and Summit area women can                                                           desired by the consumer.
discovered it was something of a town landmark when I moved          contact to attend a                                                                  Consultation! Licensed estheticians working in medical aesthetics practices can offer recommendations for your skincare based
here 4 1/2 years ago. Summit is perfect as it is not too far from    complimentary B.I.G. meeting.                                                                                      on clinical assessment. Blindly throwing darts when it comes to your skincare, especially for your face, is unwise and can actually
my husband’s family and, even though I grew up in Virginia, we
                                                                                                                                                                                        do harm. Consultation with licensed estheticians will not only save you money, but its expert advice will save your skin! This is
live across the street from my brother! I love that our
                                                                                                                                                                                        especially important for those who are pregnant, immunocompromised, experience allergic reactions, and prefer products free of
neighborhood has families that have been here for generations                                                                                                                           parabens, chemicals, and other potentially harmful toxins. Committing to medical-grade skincare products and regimens will cost
and is teeming with young families like ours. We managed to                                                                                                                             less money and yield desired outcomes.
set up a few evening cocktail gatherings in the driveway (as far
                                                                                                                                                                                        It’s time to make the investment that undeniably pays dividends instead of crowding your bathroom vanity with unusable and
as the baby monitors would reach) during quarantine. We adore
                                                                                                                                                                                        ineffective products. Don’t be swayed by attractive advertising labels or pretty packaging. Stop by, educate yourself, and learn how
                                                                         Let me help you find your
the sense of community and our gorgeous downtown!
                                                                                                                                                                                        medical-grade skincare regimens and outcome-specific treatments are a wonderful and effective way of complimenting and
                                                                                                                                                                                        supporting non-invasive injectable treatments like Botox and fillers.
What do you hope your work does to enhance the lives of
area families?
                                                                         home mortgage.
I have always loved to travel. When my husband and I got
married, we took our love of travel to the next level. We left our
jobs to travel around the world for 6 months! When we returned,
                                                                         Trust in your
it became my mission to help others find that same joy in travel.        local lending expert.
After an intensive training course with Tzell Travel and Pro
Travel, top agencies in the country, I started Vacation Curation.

Before Covid, the value of the travel advisor was helping clients
sort through the myriad of choices to customize the best possible                                            Cathy Maloney
                                                                                                             VP of Mortgage Lending
vacation for them. I helped families identify their specific needs
and removed the logistical minutia when tailoring their trip. I                                              (973) 214-2370
leveraged my connections and the buying power of thousands of                                      
advisors through my host agency, Tzell Travel, to save my                                          
clients time and money in the travel planning process. That                                                  4 Century Dr., Suite 150, Parsippany, NJ 07054
value became clearer if you were away when quarantine began
or needed help getting a refund. With dedicated contacts at              Applicant subject to credit and underwriting approval. Not all applicants will be approved for financing.
                                                                         Receipt of application does not represent an approval for financing or interest rate guarantee. Restrictions
airlines, tour companies, etc., our clients got priority. Now I am       may apply, contact Guaranteed Rate for current rates and for more information.

helping clients stay on top of the ever-changing rules of travel                                        C. Maloney NMLS #218377; NJ - 9403301 | Guaranteed Rate, Inc.; NMLS
                                                                         #2611; For licensing information visit • NJ: 3940 N Ravenswood, Chicago, IL
in the time of Covid. It’s another person in your corner whether         60613, (866)-934-7283, Licensed by the N.J. Department of Banking and Insurance | WF 22891
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      KAREN AIDALA
you want upgrades or help with travel issues.

26   SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL                      summitlocalnj •         summitchathamlocalnj                                                       OCTOBER 2021                  OCTOBER 2021                      summitlocalnj •      summitchathamlocalnj                SUMMIT+CHATHAM+MADISON LOCAL           27
local outreach
Young Summit resident raises awareness of autism
BY TANYA DEV, Contributing Editor

No matter how much generosity you think there is in the world       Nothings, had spearheaded an initiative to raise awareness         principal at Brayton school where they organized an                                 the 2020 medal. Puzella says, “When we heard
today, there is always room for a little more! Zachary Brooks was   and acceptance for autism within the community a few years         assembly for Brooks to speak during World Autism                                    Zachary was receiving the Youth Service Award from
just 9-years-old when he began organizing presentations and         ago. The effort took off when Brooks spent time going door to      Month. Brooks explains, “There was no better way to start than            the Congressional Medal of Honor Society we were speechless….
events, and working with local businesses and officials to raise    door asking business owners and managers for their help and        with my classmates so that they would understand my brother               We are most proud of his beautiful heart and generous and kind
awareness for autism. He was inspired by his twin brother, Jack,    telling them about his brother Jack. Brooks’ schedule began        and hopefully make a connection to others like him and grow               spirit.”
who was diagnosed with autism when he was three. Brooks knew        getting hectic as volunteering became a normal part of his life.   up with kinder hearts and open minds to accepting differences.”
he could make a difference and set out to bring understanding,                                                                         Following that Brooks made speeches at various locations such             Over the years Brooks learned that people make rushed
acceptance, and respect to the developmental disorder.              Brooks found various ways to raise awareness in the Summit         as Oratory Prep, Lincoln Hubbard School, the EPIC school, and             judgments about those on the autism spectrum. He often finds
                                                                    community. Puzella helped Brooks set up meetings with the          Baltusrol Golf Club. At the Summit Middle School, he                      that this is because people do not understand autism and have
Brooks thought that the best way to start was to help his aunt,     Summit Police Department and Common Council where he               spearheaded multiple initiatives to raise awareness including a           never gotten the chance to learn about it. By raising awareness
Donna Puzella, with her autism awareness efforts. Puzella, the      asked for their support by wearing blue, tying blue ribbons on     bracelet sale to benefit autism research. Puzella explains,               and organizing outreach activities Brooks hopes to be a voice
co-owner along with Zachary’s mother, Elisa Brooks, of Sweet        community trees, etc. Next, he spoke with his teachers and         “Here was this little guy with a serious and heartfelt message            with those for autism and show people that everyone is
                                                                                                                                       asking the community to help him make life better for his                 important and has something to contribute. Brooks explains,
                                                                                                                                       brother Jack and others like him. People listened. And from               “Everyone needs acceptance and deserves kindness and
                                                                                                                                       that moment, things just continued to grow.”                              respect.” Brooks’ dedication and effort have not only educated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 people about autism, but also touched many hearts and made
                                                                                                                                       Brooks’ outreach efforts certainly did grow! With the support of his      an impact nationwide.
                                                                                                                                       family, friends, Summit officials, teachers, and neighbors, Brooks
                                                                                                                                       founded “Artfully Abled,” an annual art exhibit showcasing the
                                                                                                                                       talents of those with developmental disabilities. Brooks explains,
                                                                                                                                       “Once again, Jack was my inspiration. Jack loves to draw and
                                                                                                                                       paint: it is one of his favorite activities and he is very peaceful and
                                                                                                                                       content while doing this.” Jack’s passion for painting and drawing
                                                                                                                                       made Brooks think about all the talents people with developmental
                                                                                                                                       disabilities have, and all the contributions to society they can
                                                                                                                                       make. Brooks organized the first Artfully Abled in 2017 at Mondo.
                                                                                                                                       Since then kids, schools, and families in the area have submitted
                                                                                                                                       their art to be displayed each year at the Peanut Gallery in
                                                                                                                                       downtown Summit. Brooks explains, “Giving your time and
                                                                                                                                       energy is the most incredible thing one human being can do for

                                                                                                                                       Brooks’ outreach efforts and outstanding work in the community
                                                                                                                                       have not gone unnoticed. Brooks received multiple awards
                                                                                                                                       including the 2014 Garden State Seeds of Hope Award and the
                                                                                                                                       2020 Martin Luther King Jr. “Keeper of the Dream’’ Award.
                                                                                                                                       Most recently Brooks received the Youth Service Award from
                                                                                                                                       the Congressional Medal of Honor Society. Each year a panel
                                                                                                                                       assembled by the Congressional Medal of Honor Society
                                                                                                                                       conducts a nationwide search to select five United States
                                                                                                                                       citizens to receive the Citizen Honors Awards. These awards
                                                                                                                                       are presented to individuals who have gone above and beyond
                                                                                                                                       to perform extraordinary acts of service to their country. In an
                                                                                                                                       elegant ceremony at Charleston, South Carolina that was
                                                                                                                                       delayed by a year due to COVID concerns, Brooks was awarded

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