Post-COVID-19 Remobilization of the Membership Plan - Phase III: Resuming Overnight Activities (Bivouacs, Conferences, Encampments, etc)

Page created by Clarence Allen
Post-COVID-19 Remobilization of the Membership Plan - Phase III: Resuming Overnight Activities (Bivouacs, Conferences, Encampments, etc)
Approved: 17 May 2021

Post-COVID-19 Remobilization of the Membership Plan
Phase III: Resuming Overnight Activities (Bivouacs, Conferences, Encampments, etc)

Completed 14 May 2021
                                      Template Updated 20 April 2021
Post-COVID-19 Remobilization of the Membership Plan - Phase III: Resuming Overnight Activities (Bivouacs, Conferences, Encampments, etc)
COVID-19 Remobilization of the Membership Plan – Phase III

This plan has been developed for ____GEORGIA_____ Wing, using the template provided by the Civil Air Patrol National Headquarters to enter
Phase III, Resuming Overnight Activities.

Additional staffing and resources have been coordinated with _ SER_, to cover gaps in this wing’s available resources.

NOTE: Deviations from the template are authorized, but should be coordinated by contacting the COVID-19 Planning Team at COVID-

Plan Coordinator and Point of Contact: _LT. COL. Mike Thornton_

Primary Phone:

Primary Email:

Narrative Summary of Coordination and Events To-Date in _(GA)_ Wing:

Active cases of COVID -19 in Georgia are in a definite downward trend since the peek during mid-January 2021. There are no occupancy limits for
any food service establishments in the State and schools are meeting in person; the CDC has recently eliminated mask mandates and social
distancing requirements indoors and outdoors for those fully vaccinated. The rate of infection is currently 8.4 per 100K with 37.1% of the state
being vaccinated and 0.88 infection rate as of 14 May 2021. Georgia began hitting 10 cases per 100K on 8 May 2021.

Plan Completed By: Lt. Col. Mike Thornton                                                                                         GA Wing
Last Updated: 14 May 2021                                                                                                       Page 1 of 8
Template Updated 20 April 2021
Post-COVID-19 Remobilization of the Membership Plan - Phase III: Resuming Overnight Activities (Bivouacs, Conferences, Encampments, etc)
COVID-19 Remobilization of the Membership Plan – Phase III

                                                   HEADQUARTERS, GEORGIA WING
                                                         CIVIL AIR PATROL
                                                        UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AUXILIARY
                                                             800-A Patrol Rd
                                                          Hangar 5, Room 2110
                                                    DOBBINS ARB, GEORGIA 30069-4210

                                                                                                                                   14 May 2021


FROM Colonel Jeffrey L. Garrett, Wing Commander

SUBJECT: Phase III Post COVID-19 Remobilization

1. Georgia Wing is preparing to move into Phase III of CAP’s post-COVID19 remobilization. We anticipate that NHQ will approve us to move to
Phase III effective on or about 10 June 2021.

2. Full CAP activities are now cautiously approved to re-open. We are now authorized to conduct Large Wing or Regional class sessions and flight
academies. Overnight SAREX’s and other activities are authorized. Members should continue hand washing and other health protection measures.
Members are asked to refrain from attending activities if they have any symptoms of respiratory distress. Squadron Commanders may continue to
require temperature checks prior to unit activities.

3. Cadet Activities: Planning should begin to establish training and activities appropriate to Phase III.

4. Emergency Services: Planning should begin to conduct training exercises this Summer and Fall to reinforce skills and upgrade members in
needed ES tasks.
Plan Completed By: Lt. Col. Mike Thornton                                                                                        GA Wing
Last Updated: 14 May 2021                                                                                                      Page 2 of 8
Template Updated 20 April 2021
COVID-19 Remobilization of the Membership Plan – Phase III

5. Flight operations: Coordinate for supporting local AF ROTC and AF JR ROTC orientation flights. Note that local colleges or schools may have
different requirements for COVID 19 restrictions. TOP flights are now authorized. The WG/DO will coordinate all flight activities in support of
WG Flight Operations.

The FAA has issued guidance on post flight immunizations and holders of FAA-issued Airman Medical Certificates or Medical Clearances may
receive the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines; however, a 48-hour no fly/no safety related duty interval must
be observed after each dose. This 48-hour restriction from flight applies to ALL crewmembers not just pilots.

6. Face Coverings: IAW National guidelines, Face Covering MAY be worn during CAP activities to protect those at high risk. This decision is
delegated to the Group/Squadron Commanders who MAY require them during indoor or closed space activities. Aircrew are encouraged to also
wear face coverings in Phase III as an additional risk mitigation when flying with non-CAP passengers or crew members. CAP NHQ Covid Team
will monitor CDC and other Federal Guidelines and tailor CAP guidelines to meet those requirements.

7. CAP vehicles: All members will wear face covering in CAP vehicles when three or members are present. Members should be screened prior to
transport. No more than 2 members are allowed bench type seating within vans.

                                                                 Jeffrey L. Garrett, Col

Plan Completed By: Lt. Col. Mike Thornton                                                                                        GA Wing
Last Updated: 14 May 2021                                                                                                      Page 3 of 8
Template Updated 20 April 2021
COVID-19 Remobilization of the Membership Plan – Phase III

Plan Completed By: Lt. Col. Mike Thornton                                                                  GA Wing
Last Updated: 14 May 2021                                                                                Page 4 of 8
Template Updated 20 April 2021
COVID-19 Remobilization of the Membership Plan – Phase III

Phase III: Resuming Overnight Activities (Bivouacs, Conferences, Encampments, etc)

 Item#      Task                                             OPR/Assigned    Date     Suspense   Date        Notes
                                                             Personnel       Tasked              Completed
 3.1.       Verify current state-level guidance allows       Lt. Col. Mike   11 May              11 May 21   No State restrictions are in place for overnight
            overnight events to resume                       Thornton        21                              activities.
 3.2.       Consult with staff officers to prepare for       Lt. Col. Mike   11 May              30 May 21
            overnight activities                             Crowe           21
 3.2.1.     Coordinate with Health Services                  Lt. Col. Mike   11 May              11 May 21
                                                             Thornton        21   Check state and local health guidance            Lt. Col. Mike   11 May              11 May 21   No state restrictions exit for gatherings.
            regarding gatherings                             Thornton        21   Prepare to communicate with subordinate          Lt. Col. Mike   11 May              30 May 21
            units on Health Services-related matters to      Thornton        21
            continue selected public health measures
 3.2.2.     Consult with Legal Officer about resuming        Lt. Col. Mike   11 May              20 May 21
            overnight activities                             Crowe           21
 3.2.3.     Coordinate with Director of Safety               Lt. Liza        11 May              14 May 21
                                                             Montalvo        21   Verify proper planning and mitigation tools      Lt. Liza        11 May              30 May 21
            are available to staff and units                 Montalvo        21   Prepare to communicate with subordinate          Lt. Liza        11 May              30 May 21
            units on Safety-related matters                  Montalvo        21
 3.2.4.     Coordinate with Director of Cadet Programs       Maj. Shannon    11 May              30 May 21
                                                             Brumfield       21   Prepare recommendations for units                Maj. Shannon    11 May              30 May 21
            regarding overnight activities                   Brumfield       21

Plan Completed By: Lt. Col. Mike Thornton                                                                                                             GA Wing
Last Updated: 14 May 2021                                                                                                                           Page 5 of 8
Template Updated 20 April 2021
COVID-19 Remobilization of the Membership Plan – Phase III

Phase III: Resuming Overnight Activities (Bivouacs, Conferences, Encampments, etc; continued)

 Item#      Task                                               OPR/Assigned    Date     Suspense   Date        Notes
                                                               Personnel       Tasked              Completed   Prepare bullets for units to incorporate when      Maj. Shannon    11 May              30 May 21   Squadron/Group Commanders will draft a letter
            sending messages to parents about the              Brumfield       21                              about overnight activities when coordinating the
            resumption of overnight activities                                                                 event.
 3.3.       Query commanders of subordinate units to           Lt. Col. Mike   11 May              30 May 21   Each Squadron Commander is responsible to
            verify that local governments do not have          Thornton        21                              coordinate with their local government about
            more restrictive social-distancing guidelines                                                      required restrictions.
            than those at the state level
 3.4.       Email the CAP COVID-19 Planning Team at            Col. Jeff       11                  14 May 21   Plan submitted by Wing CC
   , and copy the            Garrett         May21
            Region Commander for permission to
            reinstate overnight activities
 3.4.1.     Describe previous coordination accomplished        Lt Col. Mike    11 May              14 May 21   We have published and complied with the GAWG
                                                               Thornton        21                              plan for Phase 0, Phase 1 and Phase 2.
 3.4.2.     Verify no jurisdictional restrictions are in       Lt. Col.        11 May              14 May 21   No State restrictions exist at the time. Local, City
            place from State or Local Governments              Thornton        21                              and County restrictions will be reviewed by each
                                                                                                               Squadron Commander before Phase III is
 3.4.3.     Set date to resume overnight activities, this is   Lt. Col. Mike   11 May              14 May 21   IAW the GAWG plan we are requesting to move to
            the start of Phase III                             Thornton        21                              Phase III on 10 Jun 21.
 3.4.4.     Receive approval from the CAP COVID-19             Lt. Col. Mike   11 May              14 May 21   Request will be submitted after Phase III plan is
            Planning Team to resume overnight activities.      Thornton        21                              approved by National and when the activities are
            Plan for one-week lead time.                                                                       being planned.
 3.5.       Publish the date that Phase III will begin to      Lt. Col. Mike   11 May              14 May 21   This GAWG plan will be published on the CAP web
            subordinate units                                  Thornton        21                              site after it is approved by National.
 3.6.       Task Wing Director of Safety to communicate        Lt. Liza        11 May              14 May 21   Copy of this draft plan submitted to the WG Safety
            the following to subordinate units:                Montalvo        21                              Officer.
 3.6.1.     Units may use steady-state RM forms to             Lt. Liza        11 May              14 May 21
            mitigate local risks                               Montalvo        21
 3.6.2.     Units continue to consider face coverings,         Lt. Liza        11 May              On-going    Monitor CDC, Federal, State, and CAP
            hand sanitizer, and an emphasis on hygiene         Montalvo        21                              requirements for face coverings.
            during meetings and activities
 3.7.       Task Wing Health Service Officer to                Lt. Col. Mike   11 May              14 May 21   This plan will be available on the National web site
            communicate the following to subordinate           Thornton        21                              after it has been approved by National.
Plan Completed By: Lt. Col. Mike Thornton                                                                                                            GA Wing
Last Updated: 14 May 2021                                                                                                                          Page 6 of 8
Template Updated 20 April 2021
COVID-19 Remobilization of the Membership Plan – Phase III

Phase III: Resuming Overnight Activities (Bivouacs, Conferences, Encampments, etc; continued)

 Item#    Task                                             OPR/Assigned    Date     Suspense   Date        Notes
                                                           Personnel       Tasked              Completed
 3.7.1.   Health Services will continue to consider        Lt. Col. Mike   11 May              On-going    Monitor CDC, Federal, State, and CAP
          screening with no-touch thermometers prior       Thornton        21                              guidelines and requirements.
          to entry to the meeting or will require
          members to take their temperature at home
          prior to attending the activity
 3.7.2.   Health Services will educate members on          Lt. Col. Mike   11 May              On-going    This has been part of our on-going risk
          the importance of monitoring their health        Thornton        21                              mitigation and education strategies and will
          and avoiding participation in activities if                                                      continue to be.
 3.7.3.   Health Services will continue to educate         Lt. Col. Mike   11 May              On-going    This has been part of our on-going risk
          members on public health practices such as       Thornton        21                              mitigation and education strategies and will
          emphasizing hygiene, having face                                                                 continue to be.
          coverings, social distancing for those at
          high-risk, and common surface cleaning
 3.8.     Task Wing Director of Cadet Programs to          Maj. Shannon    11 May              30 May 21   This will be briefed to all Commanders, Deputy
          communicate the following to subordinate         Brumfield       21                              Commanders of Cadets, and Activity Directors.
 3.8.1.   Units plan to resume formations, drill, and      Maj. Shannon    11 May              30 May 21
          other close-distance activities as appropriate   Brumfield       21
 3.8.2.   Units draft a local message to parents to        Lt. Col. Mike   11 May              1 Jun 21    This action if for local Squadron and Group
          inform them about what CAP is doing to           Thornton        21                              Commanders to include in their routine
          keep Cadets safe while they participate in                                                       communications with cadet parents. GAWG will
          the resumption of all manner of activities in                                                    comply with all CAP guidelines and Directives.
          Phase III (a return to normal post-COVID-
          19 operations)

Plan Completed By: Lt. Col. Mike Thornton                                                                                                        GA Wing
Last Updated: 14 May 2021                                                                                                                      Page 7 of 8
Template Updated 20 April 2021
COVID-19 Remobilization of the Membership Plan – Phase III

Phase III: Resuming Overnight Activities (Bivouacs, Conferences, Encampments, etc; continued)

 3.9.     Task Wing Director of Operations to              Lt. Col. Brett   11 May            30 May 21   This plan will be available on the National web
          communicate the following to subordinate         Slagle           21                            site after it has been approved by National. Wing
          units                                                                                           CC briefs during Commanders Call and Wing
                                                                                                          Staff meeting.
 3.9.1.   Identify flight operations permitted during      Lt. Col. Brett   11 May            30 May 21
          Remobilization Phase III                         Slagle           21

 3.9.2.   Identify requirements for Senior and Cadet       Lt. Col. Brett   11 May            30 May 21
          members to return to flying as required          Slagle           21

Plan Completed By: Lt. Col. Mike Thornton                                                                                                       GA Wing
Last Updated: 14 May 2021                                                                                                                     Page 8 of 8
Template Updated 20 April 2021
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