PRESCHOOL PARENT HANDBOOK - KING GEORGE FAMILY YMCA 10545 Kings Hwy King George, Virginia 22485 - Rappahannock ...

Page created by Frances Cohen
PRESCHOOL PARENT HANDBOOK - KING GEORGE FAMILY YMCA 10545 Kings Hwy King George, Virginia 22485 - Rappahannock ...
10545 Kings Hwy
King George, Virginia 22485
PRESCHOOL PARENT HANDBOOK - KING GEORGE FAMILY YMCA 10545 Kings Hwy King George, Virginia 22485 - Rappahannock ...
To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy
spirit, mind and body for all.

Is to be recognized for fostering personal growth and development and serving
community needs by providing quality fitness and recreation programs in an
atmosphere of fellowship and caring.

Regarding Personal Growth and Development
We help each individual strive for health and fitness in mind, body and spirit. Our
programs are designed for fun, and recognize the varying needs and abilities of all
participants to help them reach their full potential.
Regarding Service to the Community
We accept the responsibility to provide opportunities to all community members,
including those with special needs. We seek to identify areas of need and respond
with quality programs, recreational facilities and services in a safe and positive
Regarding Fellowship and Caring
We celebrate the dignity and value of each person and provide an atmosphere that
welcomes and accepts everyone in our diverse community. We strive to strengthen
families of all kinds--from the “Family” at the “Y” to the important family in our
homes. We encourage the participation of all age groups and abilities in our
programs and services.

PRESCHOOL PARENT HANDBOOK - KING GEORGE FAMILY YMCA 10545 Kings Hwy King George, Virginia 22485 - Rappahannock ...
Ideas And Suggestions
                                                          We want parents to have a good first experience with

PROCEDURES                                                their child. Therefore, your opinions matter. We send out
                                                          parent evaluation of our program. We appreciate your
To assist parents on making the most of our daily         honesty and the administration will review all evaluations.
program, we have included the following                   We will do our best to make any suggested changes. If
information on our procedures to help develop an          there are concerns at any time during the school year,
environment of mutual caring and acceptance               please speak with the teacher and then the Preschool
essential for positive development in each child’s        Manager to resolve the problems.
social and academic endeavor.
                                                          Children Arriving Late
Eligibility And Enrollment                                Each class has a designated sign in/health assessment
The child must be toilet trained before school            time to avoid overcrowding and mixing of classes/
begins and their birth date must fall on or before        families. PLEASE BE ON TIME! If you or your child has an
September 30 of the year to be enrolled. Enrollment       appointment scheduled during class time, we ask that
is on a first-come, first-serve basis. A waiting list     they not come to school that day.
will be maintained in the event of a cancellation.
The YMCA Preschool maintains non-discrimination           Children are expected to arrive at the preschool on time
policy in regard to its students and staff.               and be prepared to participate in all activities. Parents
                                                          should encourage the students with the positive aspects
Program                                                   of being in preschool. Parents are encouraged to notify
Classroom activities are designed to foster the           the school if a student is going to be absent, especially
following skills at developmentally appropriate           for extended periods of time.
                                                          Withdrawing A Child
 Social, emotional and language development
                                                          We recommend continuing children in the program for the
 Positive self-awareness and group relationships;        full school year. However, there are many reasons that
                                                          parents may need to leave the program. If this occurs,
 Safety and health standards;                            we ask that parents make the request in writing 30 days
                                                          in advance of leaving the program. If requests are made
 Reading, writing and math readiness as appropriate.
                                                          30 days prior to leaving the program, a refund will be
                                                          issued for any unused tuition months. This allows the
Storytelling, poetry, music and arts & crafts develop
                                                          Preschool administration time to fill the vacant space in
creative skills. Readiness skills deal with early basic
                                                          the program. Any emergency situations are left at the
number concepts; fine motor development and
                                                          discretion of the administration concerning refunds.
visual recognition skills necessary for kindergarten.
Carefully planned field trips and special guests
enrich the curriculum. A daily snack, provided by the
parents, allows for further development of self-
esteem and socialization skills.

Parent-Teacher Communication
Conferences are scheduled at the middle of the year. The            ILLNESS
teacher or parents can call special conferences at any time.        Children who show signs of illness should stay at home. Guidelines for
Progress reports or written letters are also given out once a       keeping your child at home include but are not limited to:
                                                                     Conjunctivitis (pink eye): displaying symptoms of pink eye including
                                                                      but not limited to yellow/green eye drainage. Cannot return until
Monthly newsletters provide classroom and cooperative                 symptom-free and have been on antibiotic treatment for at least 24
information. This format is used to promote a constant open           hours.
communication with parents to insure a successful program for
                                                                     Impetigo: skin lesions draining a yellow discharge
the students and a general understanding of school procedures
for parents.                                                         Chicken Pox: the child is contagious and may not return to school
                                                                      until all lesions have dried and scabbed over (7-20 days)
Each student brings their own healthy snack and a bottle             Strep throat: Must be on antibiotic for at least 24 hours before
water. Snacks should be transported in an appropriate snack/
lunch container labeled with child’s first and last name.            Cough: if the child has a cough that is producing yellow or green
Special Education
We encourage the participation of all abilities in our programs.    Please remember that if your child or anyone in your household has a
We will work to best meet the child and families needs. If we       communicable disease, we ask that you contact the preschool within
are unable to meet the child’s needs in our program                 24 hours so that we can post an exposure notice. Student must have
information will be given to the family regarding available         a doctor’s note upon returning to school.

resources in the community.

                                                                    If a child becomes ill at school, parents will be notified as quickly as
Payment Of Tuition
                                                                    possible to pick up their child. If parents cannot be reached,
Preschool tuition will be paid on the first of the month for
                                                                    emergency contacts will be called. Please notify the preschool of any
the following month. Therefore, your September payment
                                                                    telephone number changes during the school year or changes in
is due August 1st. A $10.00 late fee will be added if
                                                                    emergency contacts.
payment is not made by the seventh of the month. We ask
that all preschool parents set up automatic draft from a
                                                                    If your child is prescribed medication that needs to be administered
checking account or credit card to pay tuition each month.
                                                                    at school, a Written Medication Consent form and action plan must
Setting-up the automatic draft ensures that all payments
                                                                    be completed. We only administer life-saving medications such as Epi
are on time, which eliminates late charges. We have found
                                                                    -pens and inhalers. All medication must have a form completed and
that many of our parents like having this convenience.
                                                                    will stay in a locked box at preschool.

                                                                    *COVID-19 Screening information is explained on the last page of
Students should be dressed appropriately for the active
                                                                    this handbook. Signature of acknowledgment is required for your
schedule of preschool, including art activities and outdoor play.   child to participate in the program.
Parents are asked to provide a change of clothes in a labeled
Ziploc bag and should be placed in his or her book bag. We
ask that any soiled items be cleaned and returned as soon as
possible. All removable clothing and loose items should be
labeled with the child’s name for easy identification.

Discipline                                                   ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE
    It is necessary to promote a positive and orderly            Parents, guardians and designated substitutes are
    environment. If self-control fails, disciplinary action      urged to have children at the preschool on time.
    must be taken to protect and preserve the rights of
    everyone in the class. The general discipline policy         Late Pick-Up
4                                                                If you are late picking up your child, please call the
    of the YMCA Preschool follows the standards set
    forth by the Virginia Code. (Standard 7.22-7.32).            YMCA. The teacher or aide will stay with your child
                                                                 until you arrive. Parents, who are late, will be
       Positive reinforcement by the teacher and peers          charged late fees.
        builds self-esteem. We use this approach to
        help children learn and ex-hibit appropriate             Late fees are assessed as follows:
        classroom behavior..
                                                                  up to 15 minutes late:       $20.00

       Children are expected to adhere to the                    15- 30 minutes late:         $35.00
        classroom guidelines including sharing, listening,
        following directions, and helping to clean-up.            30-45 minutes late           $50.00

       Proper manners are encouraged including sitting          After 45 minutes if no contact has been made with
        at tables or in a group, leaving others’ personal        the family or emergency contacts, the YMCA
        belongings alone, bathroom privacy, and                  reserves the right to contact the local Police and
        acceptable eating habits.                                Child Protective Services.

       For most classroom disruptions, children are             Class Activities
        given redirection. If the inappropriate behavior         Each month is filled with fun and creative activities
        continues the child maybe given a “reflection            designed for the developmental level of the
        time.”. The teacher and the student will discuss         students. Units are planned for 1-3 day sessions to
        how the student should act differently before            give children appropriate opportunity to grasp the
        the child returns to the group.                          objectives. Objectives include areas of social,
                                                                 science, motor, language and math readiness skills.
    For physical abuse to fellow classmates, children are        Weekly swimming is provided to the 5 day class.
    immediately separated from the group. The teacher will       And a 8 week session is provided for the 3 day 4
    discuss the situation individually with all parties.         fours class.
    If improper behavior persists to interrupt the class,
    parents will be notified. If improper behavior persists      All children are encouraged to demonstrate
    after parents are notified, the YMCA reserves the right to
                                                                 responsible classroom habits. Following an activity
    dismiss the child immediately.
                                                                 students are expected to help pick up toys, clear
    If the improper behavior persists after                      away papers and other items used during different
    parents are notified, the YMCA reserves                      activities. Hands are to be washed at the beginning
    the right to dismiss the child immediately.                  of class, before and after Snack Time and other
                                                                 times of the day.

                                                                 Having the children follow a daily routine develops a
                                                                 sense of personal belonging and stresses the
                                                                 individual self-esteem by giving a positive approach
                                                                 to success.                                           5
The 4-Day, 4-year old class participates in swim      KINDERCAMP
lessons once a week.
                                                      Each summer the King George YMCA Preschool offers a ten—
Children should arrive at school on swim days with    week Kindercamp experience. Our day is filled with a variety of
their swim suit under their clothing and with a       activities for children based on a weekly theme. Kindercamp ru
towel. We recommend two piece “tankinis” for girls    Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:30-12:30 each we
to facilitate easier bathroom breaks. Dismissal on    Each themed week allows the children to explore new topics an
swim days will take place on the pool deck. The       to continue building social and academic skills. In addition, the
table below illustrates the progression used by the   program is enriched with water play, outdoor play, and gross-
swim instructors for the lessons.                     motor activities. Children may be enrolled in the weeks
                                                      individually, or may be enrolled in all ten weeks. Below is a sam
Important Information:                                of the themed sessions:
   Students must come dressed in a swim suit            Dinosaur Expedition
    (worn under their regular clothing). For girls,
    we do recommend a two piece “tankini” style          Safari Adventure
    swimsuit to facilitate easier bathroom breaks
                                                         Making A Masterpiece
    during the school day.
   Students will need to bring a towel and flip-        Under the Sea
    flops or shoes that easily slip on and off.
                                                         A Bugs Life
    Googles are optional, but please do not send
    scuba type masks that cover the nose.                Patriotic Pride
   Students will be dismissed directly from             Space Adventures
    swimming lessons. There are locker rooms that
                                                         Superheroes
    you may use to shower
                                                         Olympic Games
*Swim lessons are tentative and dependent on State
Licensing mandates. If swim lessons are not allowed
at any time during the school year, an alternate
                                                                Registration for Kindercamp begins April 2021
activity will be planned.

Outside Activities                                           LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT, READINESS SKILLS,
       Classes are taken outside when the weather                   and MUSIC & MOTION
 f     permits. Children experience fine and gross motor            Activities are teacher directed to develop listening,
uns    skill development through using various pieces of            thinking and reasoning skills. Participation in group
eek.   equipment including age appropriate playground               discussions, songs and finger plays increases
 nd    equipment, balance beam, balls, parachute, etc.              communication skills. Language development,
       Games are also introduced to promote group play.             reading and math readiness skills are enhanced by
                                                                    activities in which each child takes an active part.
       Special Classroom Activities
mple                                                                Art
        BIRTHDAYS--Children are encouraged to celebrate
            their birthday with their classmates. The class helps   At least one art activity and one oral reading are a
            to celebrate the day with special items prepared by     part of the daily class activity. These varied
            the teacher.                                            activities include coloring, cutting, gluing and
                                                                    designing skills. Creativity is encouraged for
        FIELD TRIPS—We ask that parents drive their                individual success and interpretation. Various
            children to field trip locations and accompany their
                                                                    materials are incorporated for tasks to give a wide
            child with activities.
                                                                    scope of opportunity for expression.
        Parents are responsible for arranging transportation
            for their child to and from a destination.              Projects include puppets, mobiles, models, hats and
                                                                    3-dimensional displays. Various media include
            All passengers must have and use a seatbelt.           paper, clay, nature items and many others.

            Teachers are not permitted to transport students in
             their own personal vehicles.                           Circle Time
                                                                    This activity may include discussions about
             Some trips may require additional fees.               Calendar, Weather, Pledge of Allegiance, and other
                                                                    related topics. A story is read or told with visual
        SPECIAL EVENTS-During the course of the year the           aids and is followed by a discussion.
            teacher may incorporate special events for
            classmates to celebrate time together as a part of
            the class schedule. These may include birthdays,
            Christmas or Thanksgiving.
                                                                    Choice Time / Center Time
                                                                    The largest block of time is titled “Centers”. This is
       It                                                           a multi-dimensional activity time. Children are
                                                                    encouraged to paint, role-play & develop motor
                                                                    skills through blocks, vehicle play, puzzles, cutting,
                                                                    tracing, & play dough. Skills are introduced and
                                                                    enhanced in different approaches.

Classroom Structure                                       .

Class                  Hours             Days
                                                          The YMCA Preschool Education
3 yr old class 2 Day AM 8:30-11:00       TUES & THURS

3 yr old class 2 Day PM 12:00-2:00       TUES & THURS
                                                          Department seeks to help your child
4 yr old class 3 Day   9:30-1:00         TUE. WED, THU    develop a healthy mind, body and
4 yr half day 4 Day    8:45-1:45         TUES– FRI        spirit through the promotion of
Closing Time And Changes                                  Christian values.
Holiday schedules follow the King George County
Public School system calendar. Due to inclement
weather conditions, school may open late or close         The Rappahannock Area YMCA is a
early. County announcements will be aired on local        non-profit organization committed to
radio and television. When County schools are
closed because of weather YMCA Preschool is also          serving people of all ages, races,
closed. When school is delayed for 2 hours, the           religions, abilities and income levels.
YMCA Preschool will be delayed as well. Delayed
opening times TBA. A day that school is closed due
to inclement weather, the day is not made up nor is       The Rappahannock Area YMCA will
tuition refunded.
                                                          report suspected child abuse under
Identifying Where Children Are                            Virginia Code Section 63.1-248.3.
When the class is on a field trip, the teacher will
have a list of children attending and all emergency
numbers needed. When the class is at the gym or
                                                              King George Family YMCA
playground, the teacher or aide will supervise and              10545 Kings Highway
have the attendance list with them. When a natural
disaster happens, the teacher will follow all                  King George, VA 22485
procedures as set forth in our emergency manual.                    540-775-9622 x3023
The YMCA will do everything to assume the safety
of your child. In the case of an emergency (missing,          Preschool Manager: Tracy Damron
ill or injured child), the YMCA will notify the parents
and the necessary emergency network immediately.        

Rappahannock Area YMCA Preschool Special                          The YMCA’s Healthy Eating and Physical Activity
Educational Needs Policy                                          Standards for our Early Childhood Education
The Rappahannock Area YMCA welcomes the inclusion of            Below is a list of standards and the action we are taking to
children with individual needs. Children have the right to be
                                                                help promote healthy eating and physical activity (HEPA) with
educated and to develop their full potential. We believe that
having an inclusive policy benefits all children, and is a      both our preschool participants and their families.
positive experience that reflects the diversity of our society.     Standard                         Action
                                                                     Parent Engagement              Engage parents/care givers using
YMCA Goals                                                                                          informational materials and/or
                                                                                                    activities focused on healthy
 To value all children equally and to provide opportunities                                        eating and physical activity a
  for equal access to the curriculum                                                                minimum of once a quarter (four
                                                                                                    times per year).
 To plan our curriculum to meet the needs of individual
                                                                     Physical Activity              Active play will take place out-
                                                                                                    doors whenever possible. Physi-
 To recognize that some children will need additional                                              cal Activity will be provided for
                                                                                                    at least 30 minutes per day.
  support to ensure access to the whole curriculum                                                  This time can be continuous or
                                                                                                    broken down into smaller incre-
 To work in true partnership with parents, valuing their
  views and keeping them fully involved in their child’s                                            The Y staff will model active
                                                                                                    living related to physical activity
  education                                                                                         by participating in physical activ-
                                                                                                    ities with the children.
 To work collaboratively with other agencies to meet the
  child’s individual needs, for example the local authority,
  health officials, and voluntary groups where necessary

The Rappahannock Area YMCA will accept children with
special needs into the Preschool Program and will make
reasonable effort to accommodate the child without
fundamentally altering the program.                                  Screen Time                    There will be no screen time
                                                                                                    unless it pertains to the lesson
                                                                                                    and under 3 minutes.
The Preschool Program recognizes the needs of the
individual child as well as the needs of the group of children.
The Rappahannock Area YMCA is not able to provide
personal assistants for children with special needs. The
family is responsible if a child needs a personal assistant.
                                                                     Food                           Parents of the children in our
                                                                                                    program are encouraged to bring
The Rappahannock Area YMCA recognizes the partnership                                               healthy foods.
between the parents and the preschool staff. The Preschool                                          The children are encouraged to
Manager will meet with the family of the special needs child                                        serve themselves with staff as-
before the child is placed in the program. The Preschool
Manager will determine the best support for the child,                                              The staff will sit with children
                                                                                                    during mealtimes and model
monitor and review the program for the child and coordinate                                         healthy eating behaviors at all
any special assistance that may be required.                                                        times.

                                                                     Beverages                      Water is an excellent option.

Parent Acknowledgement of Handbook
This is to certify that I have received, read, and understood the King George Family
YMCA Preschool program parent information packet and Outdoor Play Policy for the
2021-2022 school year.

I agree to and will abide by all policies and procedures set forth in the parent packet
and understand that this form will be made part of my child’s registration packet and
placed in their file.

Child’s Name: _________________________________________________________
DOB: _______________________

Class: ____________________________________
Teacher’s Name: ______________________________________

Parent’s Name: _______________________________________________________

Parent Signature: ____________________________________________________
Date: _______________________
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