PRESENTATION DE POSTER POSTER PRESENTATION - Xème Conférence Internationale du 24 au 26 septembre 2014 - Fine Europe

Page created by Pamela Snyder
PRESENTATION DE POSTER POSTER PRESENTATION - Xème Conférence Internationale du 24 au 26 septembre 2014 - Fine Europe
Fédération Européenne des Enseignants                            EA 7299
          En Soins Infirmiers

             Xème Conférence Internationale du 24 au 26 septembre 2014
                 "La formation et l’exercice infirmier : quel avenir?"
                                        PRESENTATION DE POSTER
                                         POSTER PRESENTATION
PRESENTATION DE POSTER POSTER PRESENTATION - Xème Conférence Internationale du 24 au 26 septembre 2014 - Fine Europe
THEME : Identité professionnelle
                                 TITRE                                          NOM                           CO-AUTEURS                                 UNIVERSITE                      VILLE                PAYS
Education Quality assessment at State-Funded Educational Institution of                        Marina Margaeva -/- Anna Smirnova -/-
                                                                          Elena GRISHINA                                                        Medical College 4                MOSCOW              RUSSIA
Vocational Secondary Education Medical College 4 (Moscow, Russia)                              Tatiana Shachneva
                                                                                                                                                Howest University College West
Health@World, towards a culture sensitive nurse identity                  Kurt DEBAERE         Ellen Nauwynck                                                                    BRUGES              BELGIUM
                                                                                                                                                Pamukkale University,Denizli
Nursing Education in Turkey, Past And Present                             Sevgi OZKAN          Sevgi Ozkan -/- Filiz Ogce                                                        DENIZLI             TURKEY
                                                                                                                                                School of Nursing
Permanences et évolutions de l’engagement infirmier : De Cybèle aux                                                                             Université de Bourgogne -
                                                                          Jocelyn GUILLO                                                                                         DIJON               FRANCE
temps hypermodernes.                                                                                                                            Laboratoire CIMEOS - Equipe 3S

                                                                                   THEME : Pratiques innovantes en éducation
                                 TITRE                                          NOM                           CO-AUTEURS                                 UNIVERSITE                      VILLE                PAYS
An Evaluation of Web-based Education Material about Breastfeeding and
                                                                          Fadime Hatice INCI   PINAR SERÇEKUS                                   pamukkale Universty              DENIZLI             TURKEY
Breast Milk
                                                                                               Camilla Laaksonen -/- Marjale von Schantz -/- Turku University of Applied
Combination of Journal Clubs and Simulation                               Hannele PALTTA                                                                                         TURKU               FINLAND
                                                                                               Minna Ylönen -/- Taina Soini                  Sciences
                                                                                                                                                                                 THE SHENZHEN CITY
Construct and implement the management of clinical nursing education                           Chen Yang -/- Xueping Deng -/- Anhua Qiu -/-     The ShenZhen FuTian People's
                                                                          Chen YANG                                                                                              OF GUANGDONG        CHINA
and training mode                                                                              Jie Zhao                                         Hospital
Evidence-Based Learning: Healthcare Students on Local and International
                                                                          Mary BROWN           Chrysalin Hurbada -/- Samantha Newton            University of Nottingham         NOTTINGHAM          UNITED KINGDOM
Elective Placements
Introducing Evidence-Based Learning for Healthcare Students through
group outcomes and peer support during and following Elective             Mary BROWN                                                            University of Nottingham         NOTTINGHAM          UNITED KINGDOM
Value Added Learning for mental Health Nursing Students                   Danny WALSH          David Howard ANNULE                              University of Lincoln            LINCOLN             UK

                                                                                         THEME : Socialisation en formation
                                 TITRE                                          NOM                           CO-AUTEURS                                 UNIVERSITE                      VILLE                PAYS
Cognitive habit                                                           Burcu CEYLAN         Burcu Ceylan                                     Selcuk University                KONYA               TURKEY
Violence that the senior students of the departments of nursery and                            Gökçe Demir -/- Ayla Ünsal -/- Sevil Biçer -/-
                                                                          Gökçe DEMIR                                                           Ahi Evran University             KIRSEHIR            TURKEY
midwifery come across during clinical practices                                                Yasemin Hadiye Ceyhan
PRESENTATION DE POSTER POSTER PRESENTATION - Xème Conférence Internationale du 24 au 26 septembre 2014 - Fine Europe
THEME : L'éthique dans la pratique de soins
                                  TITRE                                            NOM                       CO-AUTEURS                               UNIVERSITE                        VILLE            PAYS
                                                                                               DENIZ KOCOGLU -/- FATMA TAS ARSLAN -/-
A Study on Nursing Students'Ethical Position                                 Serife KURSUN                                                   SELCUK UNIVERSITY                  KONYA           TURKEY
                                                                                               SELDA YARALI
                                                                                               Selda Arslan -/- Serife Kursun -/- Deniz
Change in the State of Being Subject to Sharp Object Injuries: 2005-2014     Selda ARSLAN                                                    Selcuk University                  KONYA           TURKEY
                                                                                                                                             INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DES                             REPUBLIQUE
                                                                             Jean Christophe
Ethique dans les soins et en pédagogie                                                         Guillaume KALONJI                             TECHNIQUES MEDICALES DE            MBUJIMAYI       DEMOCRATIQUE DU
                                                                                                                                             MBUJIMAYI                                          CONGO
First reactions of newly diagnosed cancer patients                           Hatice BASKALE    Pinar Serçekus                                Pamukkale University               DENIZLI         TURKEY
                                                                             Marjale VON                                                     Turku University of Applied
InnoHealth - healthcare educators on a working life period                                     Riitta-Liisa Lakanmaa                                                            TURKU           FINLAND
                                                                             SCHANTZ                                                         Sciences
Living Experiences of People with Cancer                                     Pinar SERCEKUS    PINAR SERCEKUS -/- HATICE BASKALE             PAMUKKALE UNIVERSITY               DENIZLI         TURKEY
                                                                             Alessandro        Rosaria Alvaro -/- Gennaro Rocco -/- Laura    Centre of Excellence for Nursing
Professional dignity for Italian undergraduates                                                                                                                                 ROME            ITALY
                                                                             STIEVANO          Sabatino                                      Scholarship
Review on information security in healthcare environment                     Lediona NISHANI                                                 University of New York Tirana      TIRANA          ALBANIA
The Use of Theories in Doctorate Theses in Turkey                            Hatice BASKALE    PINAR SERCEKUS                                Pamukkale University               DENIZLI         TURKEY

                                                                                      THEME : Recherche en sciences infirmières
                                  TITRE                                            NOM                       CO-AUTEURS                               UNIVERSITE                        VILLE            PAYS
Characterization of a new heme iron based dietetic supplement: from the
qualitative-quantitative analysis to the biochemical and toxicological       Alba LAHO                                                       Planetary University of Tirana     TIRANA          TIRANA
Newly graduated nurses' competencies                                         Reet URBAN                                                      Tartu Health Care College          TARTU           ESTONIA
RENE, research group - Working for effective and high quality research in    Leena Kaarina     Sanna Koskinen -/- Maija Hupli -/- Helena     University of Turku, Deapretment
                                                                                                                                                                                TURKU           FINLAND
health care education                                                        SALMINEN          Leino-Kilpi                                   of Nursing Science
Self-directed learning:Perceptions of nurse educators and pre-registration   Maxine PRYCE-
                                                                                                                                             University of Worcester            WORCESTER       UNITED KINGDOM
nursing students. A hermeneutic phenomenological study.                      MILLER
The Relationship between Anxiety Levels and Clinical Practice Skills of                        Fatma Tas Arslan -/- Sevil Ozkan -/- Raziye
                                                                             Ayse Sonay KURT                                                 Selcuk University                  KONYA           TURKEY
Students in Pediatric Nursing Clinical Courses                                                 Celen -/- Deniz Altiparmak
PRESENTATION DE POSTER POSTER PRESENTATION - Xème Conférence Internationale du 24 au 26 septembre 2014 - Fine Europe
THEME : Collaborations pluridisciplinaires internationales
                                 TITRE                                      NOM                       CO-AUTEURS                              UNIVERSITE                        VILLE             PAYS
                                                                                                                                     Savonia University of Applied
ELLAN - European Later Life Active Network                             Jukka AHO       Irma Mikkonen -/- project group ELLAN                                            KUOPIO          FINLAND
                                                                                       Dina Berloviene -/- Dagnija Deimante -        Riga Stradins University Liepaja
Future health care specialists’opinion on aging processes              Gunta BETA                                                                                       LIEPAJA         LATVIJA
                                                                                       Hartmane -/- Lelde Atvara                     branch, Latvija
                                                                                       Pilar Fuster Pilar -/- Natalja Istomina -/-
The nurse teachers need education how to use social media in nursing   Leena Kaarina                                                 University of Turku, Deapretment
                                                                                       Marja-Liisa Gustafsson -/- Evridiki                                              TURKU           FINLAND
education                                                              SALMINEN                                                      of Nursing Science
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