PROGRAM 13-21 AUGUST 2022 - Copenhagen Pride

Page created by Howard Young
PROGRAM 13-21 AUGUST 2022 - Copenhagen Pride
13–21 AUGUST 2022
PROGRAM 13-21 AUGUST 2022 - Copenhagen Pride
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        PRIDE ART
               A space for queer expression
For this year’s Copenhagen Pride we are excited to present the art exhibition Pride Art: A Space for
 Queer Expression. The exhibition presents works by LGBTI+ artists and will function as a space for
 learning through visual art. Throughout Copenhagen Pride Week there will be multiple events in
  the exhibition space. Keep yourself updated with Copenhagen Prides official program and the
                                  official Copenhagen Pride app.

                                 Where: Nytorv, 1450, København

                           When: 15 August - 20 August kl. 10.00 - 20.00
PROGRAM 13-21 AUGUST 2022 - Copenhagen Pride

For the 26th time, we are ready to
welcome you to Copenhagen Pride
Week. We have been so excited to
reveal the program, where you can
find everything from human rights,
culture, children’s activities, a youth
day, parties, concerts, and of course
the big parade to round off the week
in style. A massive thank you goes out
to our incredible teams behind all
these events!

Last year, Copenhagen and Malmö
hosted the mega event Copenhagen
2021, which covered both WorldPride
and EuroGames. It was an intense
and amazing experience that we will
never forget - but it is very special
to us to go back to a format that we
know and love. Not without a few
expansions and innovations, though!

The theme for this year is FREEDOM. It
is something we have had plenty of
opportunity to think about in the past
few years. Freedom should be cele-
brated but never taken for granted.
And in the nine days where the rain-
bow flag will fly over Copenhagen,
we want the message to be clear:
Nobody is truly free until we all have
our freedom! And we are strongest

  Welcome to Copenhagen Pride
          Week 2022!

                                          Photo by Renato Manzionna
PROGRAM 13-21 AUGUST 2022 - Copenhagen Pride
                                BSP = BODY AND SEX POSITIVITY

Once again, you’ll find BSP (body and sex positivity) events    participants on social media is also not allowed.
in the program. These events center around more sensi-
tive and private subjects such as sexuality, sexual identity,   Doors close when the event begins. To avoid interrup-
the body, gender identity, and all the experiences you can      tions, it will NOT be possible to arrive late for BSP events.
have as an LGBTQIA+ person exploring yourself and the           Please be on time.
world around you. Our BSP content is presented through
workshops, debates, presentations and salons, and these         What happens in the room, stays in the room. Respect the
activities can include very specific details about gender,      discretion of all participants and do not discuss the event
bodies, and sexual experiences, even if it isn’t the main fo-   or mention personal information obtained from the event
cus of the event. Unless otherwise stated, all genders and      with people who were not present.
sexualities are welcome.
                                                                BSP events create an intimate space for LGBTIQA+ people,
Since the topics of the BSP format deals with issues that       and fortunately we know from experience that the major-
can be sensitive, they require a more private space and         ity of participants understand how to behave and know
for that reason there is a different set of guidelines for      how to act with mutual respect and practice inclusivity.
participants at these events, namely the following safer        Bring a friend or come by yourself. Meet new people, stay
space guidelines:                                               curious and open-minded. Together, we are so much
The events will take place in a closed-off room where
photography or filming is not allowed. Tagging the

                                                                            Photo by The Gender Spectrum Collection
PROGRAM 13-21 AUGUST 2022 - Copenhagen Pride
DEBATTELTET                                  MAIN STAGE                                  GLORIA
Debatteltet is located on Regnbuep-          Main Stage will open on Friday 19 Au-       Gloria is an arthouse movie theater
ladsen, just by the big rainbow flag -       gust on Pride Square and host Drag          located at Rådhuspladsen 59. No
you can’t miss i! Level free access, but     Night and the big Pride Show.               level free access.
note the cobblestone pavement.

VARTOV                                       PRIDE WEEK STAGE                            GRAND TEATRET
Vartov is this year’s BSP-venue. It is       Located on Pride Square towards             Movie theater located on Mikkel
located at Farvergade 27 and has             H.C. Andersens Boulevard. Level free        Bryggers Gade 8 in Copenhagen. No
level free access.                           access.                                     level free access.

URBAN GARDEN                                 PRIDE ART                                   HOVEDKASSEN
STAGE                                        This exhibition will present pieces         Located at Copenhagen City Hall.
                                             by LGBTI+ artists from 15-20 August.        Make a left after entering and go
A cozy and blooming area located in
                                             You’ll find it at Nytorv, 1450 Copenha-     to the end of the hallway. Level free
the middle of Pride Square in front of
                                             gen. Level free access.                     access available upon request to the
City Hall. Level free access.

                      PRIDE SQUARE                                  RÅDHUSHAVEN
                      From 13-20 August, Copenhagen                 On 13 and 14 August, Rådhushaven
                      City Hall Square will be transformed          will provide a safe and creative area
                      to Pride Square. There will be stages         for children and their caregivers to
                      for performances as well as space to          celebrate diversity in a calm environ-
                      chill out. If you’re hungry or thirsty, you   ment. Level free access, but note that
                      can find multiple bar and food stalls.        the surface has both grass, tiles, and
                      Level free access.                            gravel.

                                                                                                       Photo by Jroy P Dang
PROGRAM 13-21 AUGUST 2022 - Copenhagen Pride
       VENUE          SATURDAY 13 AUGUST           SUNDAY 14 AUGUST            MONDAY 15 AUGUST
                       Raymonde Ganoux

                         Opening Speech

                           17.00-17.45           15.00-17.00 & 18.00-20.00          18.30-19.30
 Pride Week Stage          Reveal Party                Drag Bingo by             Pride Poetry Slam
                         Sander Sanchez


                     15.50-16.10 & 18.30-18.50                                  Literary saloon with
                               RAIN                     17.00-17.45                LGBTI+ authors
Urban Garden Stage                                         Neigh
                           22.00-23.45                                             20.00-22.00
                            DJ & drag                                                  DJ

                                                                             The government’s vision
                                                                                    for LGBTI+

                                                                              Anti-racism and LGBT+

                                                                              Asylum - a question of

    Debatteltet                                                                     16.00-16.45
                                                                             History: The LGBTI+ fetich

                                                                               The perfect nonbinary

                                                                                Mental health in the
                                                                                 community vol. 2

                                                                                Drag for beginners

                                                                                 Normcriticism in
                                                                                pedagogical praxis

                                                                             Expectations to my body
                                                                                       vol. 1
                                                                             The fight for the personal

                                                                             Embracing diversity within


 Regnbuepladsen                                                                   Friendship dating
PROGRAM 13-21 AUGUST 2022 - Copenhagen Pride

                                                                                                   Pride Art on
                                                                                                   Nytorv 15-20
       17.00-18.00                  17.00-18.00                                                      August
     The Drag Central         Unge Queers Taler x Pride
                                                            Pride Youth Day
      19.00-20.00                    19.30-21.00
 Den Lesbiske Karavane           Stand-Up Open Mic

                                                                                       Children’s Pride
                                                                                       in Rådhushaven
       18.00-19.00                                                                       13-14 August
       Les Lanciers

        20.00-22.00                                         Pride Youth Day
    Silent Disco x Pride

                                                                                                    Film screenings
                                                                                                        in Grand
                                     14.00-14.45                 14.00-14.45                           Teatret and
      14.00-14.45                Sex ed in the Danish     Talk about life with/without
Does God have a gender?            school system                      love
                                                                                                    Gloria through-
                                                                                                      out the week
                                    15.00-15.45                  15.00-15.45
 What does sex mean to          Body, love, sex – while        Without consent
          you?                         disabled
        16.00-16.45                 16.00-16.45               Child, youth, trans,
     Bi+ communities            Between funding and                and safe                 Rainbow
                                                                                           Sports Day
   Socially responsible             17.00-17.45                  Masc’nificent               on Pride
        surrogacy             A shoutout from the plus
                                                                 18.00-19.00                Square 19
Status on queer Ukrainians
                                    18.00-19.00               Violence in queer              August
                               LGBTI+ rights in Europe          Relationships
       20.00-21.00                  19.30-20.30                 20.00-21.00
    Rainbow Pub Quiz              Were they queer?            Femø sing-a-long

                                                                                                    Drag Night on
       14.00-14.45                                               14.00-14.45                       Pride Square 19.
  Trans people’s right to                                   Diversity in sustainable
       healthcare                                                  start-ups                           August
      15.00-15.45                                                15.00-15.45,
  Three cheers for woke                                   Alcohol-free LGBTI+ spaces
      16.00-16.45                                           A double marginalized
 Co-fathers’ lack of rights                                        minority
       17.00-17.45                                               17.00-17.45
   Stories of “lesbians”,                                 Fight back: help us sue the
         1880-1920                                                  haters                       Copenhagen
                                                                                                  Pride Parade
                              Queer, sex, and handicap        Religious & queer                  Pride Show on
         Kinks 101                  19.30-20.30                                                   Pride Square
                              Co-creating pride without         18.30-20.30
                                     pinkwash                  Queer rope intro                    20 August

       17.00-19.00                   17.00-18.00                 17.00-18.00
      Pride Run 2022                Pokémon Go             Historical walk with Lars
PROGRAM 13-21 AUGUST 2022 - Copenhagen Pride
5-21 August 15.00-17.00                   AUDIO TRACK “QUEER IN COPENHA-             Meeting Place: Regnbuepladsen
“CAUSE PLAY”, EXHIBITION BY QLUBB1        GEN”                                       next to City Hall
Young queer people between the            How was it to be queer in the course       TIckets: via
ages of 12-19 from QLUBB1 in Vester-      of Copenhagen’s history? The lives
bro exhibit a series of photographs       of those who have loved contrary to
that examine identity and otherness       society’s conventions has changed          17-20 August 20.00-23.00
as an aesthetic grip. The young ap-       considerably over the last 1000 years.     RUST PRIDE
pear in a stylized universe of masks,     At 10 stops in the Museum of Copen-        In celebration of Copenhagen Pride,
personal belongings, found objects        hagen’s permanent exhibition, we           RUST spotlights a number of queer
and other artifacts.                      dive into stories of people who have       artists from the Danish music scene.
The project is supported by the Stat-     stood out from the norms of their          Organizer: RUST
ens Kunstfonds Huskunstnerordning.        time. Enter the museum’s permanent         Location: Guldbergsgade 8, 2200
QLUBB1 is a group course for young        exhibition on the first floor and point    København N
LGBTQAI + people who, in addition to      your smartphone camera at the QR           Tickets: 115 DKK via Billetto
being a minority, also struggle with      code in your preferred language and
other problems.                           you will hear the story. Language:
Organizer: QLUBB1                         Danish and English                         Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 11-18,
Location: Det Andet Galleri,              Organizer: Museum of Copenhagen            Thursday 11-20, weekend 11-17
Kronprinsesse Sofies Vej 6, 2000          Location: Stormgade 18, 1555               ZANELE MUHOLI
Frederiksberg                             København V                                GL STRAND presents the first major
Note: No Level free Access                Tickets: Included in the entry fee of      survey in Denmark of internationally
                                          90 DKK                                     acclaimed South African photogra-
                                                                                     pher and visual activist Zanele Muho-
13-21 August 09.00-18.00                                                             li. Zanele Muholi came to prominence
(Thursdays 09.00-21.00)                   13-14 and 20-21 August 13.00-14.30         in the early 2000s with photographs
MUSEUM CONTEMPLATION ZONE                 QUEER IN COPENHAGEN                        that tell the stories of Black lesbi-
Visit the Museum of Copenhagen            Historical city walk about how the         an, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and
right behind the Copenhagen City          city has been affected by sexuality        intersex lives in South Africa. In the GL
Hall and enjoy a quiet moment in the      ‘outside the norm’. Walk back in time      STRAND survey, over 100 photographs
historical building: have a cup of cof-   through “Ørstedsparken”, which for         are brought together to present the
fee in the beautiful café next to the     several hundred years has provid-          full breadth of Muholi’s career to date.
museum shop with books and quality        ed shelter for sexual activity among       Organizer: Kunstforeningen GL
souvenirs – there is free access to       men. We also walk through Stud-            STRAND
both places. Relax in the walled-in       iestræde and Larsbjørnsstræde,             Location: Gammel Strand 48, 1202
courtyard with historical plants and      which in various ways has been             København
the exhibition about Copenhagen           characterized by queer life and past       Tickets: 90 DKK
and the Copenhageners from the Ice        Nikolaj Church, where two women            Note: Level free access
Age up until today – from 13 August       (one disguised as a man) were mar-
with a special audio track about 1000     ried in the early 18th century. The city   13-21 august 13.00 & 17.00
years of queer history in Copenha-        walk lasts 1½ hour. Language: Danish       THE SHOW BOAT
gen.                                      on Saturdays, English on Sundays           There are arias in high seas and
                                                                                     evergreens astern when Showbåden

Photo by Joanna Arteaga
PROGRAM 13-21 AUGUST 2022 - Copenhagen Pride
leaves the quay again this year. With
music by, among others, Gershwin,
Sondheim, Bernstein and Normann
Andersen, the musical canal tour
sets sail for the much loved musical
favorites and charming contributions
from the world of opera and oper-
Opera singers: Helene Hvass Hansen,
Sidsel Eriksen, Christian Damsgaard.
Pianist: Christian Sereno
Organization: Copenhagen Opera
Location: Stromma Kanalrundfart,
Ved Stranden 26, 1061 København K
Tickets: 225 DKK
Note: No level free access

17-19 August 16.30, 18.00 & 19.30
After last year’s success, with all sold
out departures we are proud to give
you a very warm welcome on board
the ninth series of cAnal Tours. cAnal
Tours is the ultimate guided tour in
the channels of Copenhagen. The
best way to kick off your Copenhagen
Pride Week. Our guide in drag Chan-
tal al Arab are ready to give you an
experience you’ll never forget; with
jokes, dance, songs and definitely
naughty fun in the best Pride and
cAnal tradition.
Organizer: cAnal tours
Location: Ved Stranden 26, kajplads 5
(Højbro Plads) 1061 København
Tickets: 130 DKK
Note: Not level accessible. Not suit-
able for young children.

                                           Photo by Olav Holten
PROGRAM 13-21 AUGUST 2022 - Copenhagen Pride
14.30-15.15                               Participants: Ciara Blankenship and       19.00-19.45
RAYMONDE GAUNOUX                          Michael Hammerbo                          SANDER SANCHEZ
The Danish-American musician                                                        Sander Sanchez is a young singer/
Raymonde Gaunoux has worked for                                                     songwriter who is half Danish and
many years to make queer and trans        16.40-17.00                               half Native American. His musical
identity in the music industry visible    OPENING SPEECH COPENHAGEN                 style is very dynamic and reflective
through his music. In terms of genre,     PRIDE WEEK 2022                           – and is inspired by great messages
there is inspiration from artists like    Our amazing hosts will welcome us         with poetic depth, which is delivered
David Bowie, Prince, Gillian Welch, Cat   all to Copenhagen Pride Week 2022,        with a catchy vocal that crawls under
Power et al. while the songs rarely       followed by the opening speech by         the skin at the first listen. The aesthet-
follow a straight path. They often de-    Lars Henriksen, the political chairper-   ics are colorful, and in terms of genre,
viate from a decidedly pop template       son of Copenhagen Pride. Language:        he is playful and moves effortlessly
and every song becomes almost an          Danish & English                          between pop with roots in the 80s, hip
adventure of its own. Raymonde’s          Venue: Pride Week Stage                   hop blues, soul, r&b, rock, funk, and
songs reflect on processes – both                                                   EDM, which meet in an explosive and
physically, mentally and spiritually.                                               solid expression.
Language: English                                                                   Venue: Pride Week Stage
Venue: Pride Week Stage, Rådhus-          17.00-17.45
pladsen, 1550 København V                 REVEAL PARTY
                                          Emily Holm Nyhuus, the woman              21.00-21.45
                                          behind the name Reveal Party, writes      UBLU
15.50-16.10 & 18.30-18.50                 songs about existing in a chaos of        UBLU plays dance rock for queers
RAIN                                      complicated emotions and how one          and their peers in a world in between
Rain is a dance performance which         may have to cut off any connection        angsty 00s rock and synth pumping
is based on the things we can feel        to them when they get too difficult.      fetish clubs. With teasing and effer-
but cannot change. An exploration of      Reveal Party tells stories of love and    vescent melodies, they sing about
feelings like powerlessness, a feeling    her life as a trans woman with a          haunted warehouse raves, crushed
of wanting to break free, and how we      tongue-in-cheek, spitting sarcasm.        or confused hearts, and the eupho-
can cope with what we can’t control.      The sources of inspiration are both       ria of being glamorous and stupid.
Let the water run down my cheeks          painful midwest emo and uplifting         UBLU is ABBA for goths. UBLU does not
and take over the feelings that I         pop songs, and therefore Reveal           believe in love after Cher. UBLU is a
can’t do anything about. Let the sky      Party’s music sounds of both melan-       bad romance between the tragi-
wash away the unrest that grows like      choly and hope.                           comic and the sincerely sentimental.
weeds inside of me. Because what          Venue: Pride Week Stage                   Everything about UBLU is sexy and
can you do about the rain pouring                                                   everything about UBLU is cringe.
down?                                                                               Venue: Pride Week Stage
Venue: Urban Garden Stage
22.00-23.45                                ture in 1910 by an older man, whom      Note: Level free access. Everyone’s
DJ & DRAG                                  he encounters at a public toilet. The   welcome. Afterparty +21
Dj Tonny Liljenberg aka Dragdaddy is       man, who goes by the name “Alvilda”,
joined by local drag talent for an ex-     explains to Knud that they are both
plosive opening night dj set and drag      “he-girls”. Alvilda gives the boy the   22.00-02.00
show. Expect Pride anthems, pop,           name “Bella”. Tickets via www.copen-    SLM SATURDAY CLUB CRUSING NIGHT
house, and gaggy performances.    Language: Danish              On Saturdays the club normally has
Venue: Urban Garden Stage                  Organizer: Museum of Copenhagen         fetish events with strict dress codes,
                                           Location: Stormgade 18, 1555 Køben-     but this Saturday we open up for a
                                           havn V                                  kinky Saturday Club Cruising Night
    OTHER EVENTS                           Participants: Dag Heede and Anne
                                           Nørkjær Bang
                                                                                   where you can mix your fetishes.
                                                                                   Members only, more info on www.
                                                                          Note that the
                                                                                   website has sexual content.
                                           21.00-23.00 (Afterparty 23.30-          Location: Lavendelstræde 17C, 1462
                                           02.00)                                  København K
This talk will provide rare insight into
                                           ABSALON’S PRIDE DRAG NIGHT              Organizer: SLM Copenhagen
early male gay working class life in
                                           This event is in Danish. Tickets via:
Copenhagen around the period of
World War I through a fascinating
                                           Organizer: Absalon Kulturhus
memoir passed on in 2019. The text
                                           Location: Sønder Blvd. 73, 1720
tells the story of a young man, who is
                                           København V
introduced to the male gay subcul-

                                                                                   UBLU. Photo by Frederik Diness Ove
15.00-17.00 & 18.00-20.00                  17.00-17.45                                across the Australian continent
DRAG BINGO BY VENINDERNE                   NEIGH                                      and their encounter with a series of
Kickstart your Sunday with an ex-          Behind the artists Neigh is Danish         crooked existences along the way.
travagant bingo. The award winning         queer singer/ songwriter Patrick           Welcome aboard the Priscilla bus,
drags from Veninderne guarantee            Slivsgaard Christensen, who writes         where the two top-charming drag
an entertaining show with fabulous         queer love lyrics that are uncompro-       queens - played by Hugo Weaving
prizes. The four girlfriends will guide    mising. Expect a captivating vocal,        and Guy Pearce - meet another
you safely through the evening while       and piano ballads that speak to the        challenging woman (legendary
they entertain you with stories that       heart.                                     British star Terence Stamp) on their
are hard to forget (even if you try to).   Venue: Urban Garden Stage                  journey from Sydney to Alice Springs
See you at Pride Square! Note: Limited                                                in Australia’s red, dusty landscapes.
seating. Buy your bingo plate at Pride                                                104 min., 1994, Australia. Language:
Square, more info on prices and                                                       English without subtitles
guidelines in the Copenhagen Pride
app. Language: Danish
                                              OTHER EVENTS                            Organizer: Cinemateket
                                                                                      Location: Gothersgade 55, 1123
Venue: Pride Week Stage                                                               København K. Level free access.
Participants: Nicolas Nybro, Chan-                                                    Tickets: 85/55 DKK (General admis-
                                           THE ADVENTURES OF PRISCILLA,
tal Al Arab, Athena Lady, and Jumbo                                                   sion/Member of Cinemateket)
                                           QUEEN OF THE DESERT
                                           Thoroughly life-affirming film about
                                           three drag queen stars’ journeys

                        COPENHAGEN CHILDREN’S PRIDE 2022
                                           A creative and safe space for rain-
                                           bow children and anyone else who
                                           wishes to celebrate diversity in a
                                           calm and free environment.
                                            Inspired by the family area during
                                              Copenhagen 2021, we wish to cre-
                                               ate a space for children and their
                                                adults again in 2022. We have
                                                 fallen in love with Rådhushav-
                                                  en, which has everything we
                                                   want for this group: it’s beau-    TIME:
                                                   tiful, natural, and right behind
                                                   the symbol of Copenhagen
                                                    Pride, City Hall Square.
                                                                                      13 AND 14 AUGUST

                                                    We will host a small amount
                                                    of creative and rhythmic
                                                   activities that the whole          OPENING HOURS:
                                                   family can take part in. All in
                                                  the same aesthetic spirit that      09.00-16.00
                                                 the garden represents with
                                                an emphasis on coziness, play,
                                               and being together.

                                                                                      Photo by Kasper Hedegreen
13.30-14.00                                gether we might come up with ideas        Venue: Debatteltet
THE GOVERNMENT’S VISION FOR                on how to solve these challenges.         Participants: SLM
LGBTI+                                     Language: Danish
Denmark has a reputation as a coun-        Venue: Hovedkassen
try at the forefront on LGBTI+ mat-        Participants: Københavns Profes-          16.00-16.45
ters, but statistics on well-being and     sionshøjskole v. Jacob Graack             THE FIGHT FOR THE PERSONAL STORY
health shows that LGBTI+ persons                                                     The personal story is, on one hand,
are still subject to inequality, lack of                                             an effective and often used tool in
inclusion, and in worst case sce-          15.00-15.45                               the fight against marginalized and
narios hatred and violence. How will       ASYLUM: A QUESTION OF CREDIBILITY         stereotypical understandings of mi-
the government work to ensure that         Many LGBTI+ asylum seekers are            norities. On the other hand it is also a
Denmark can lead the way regard-           rejected because the authorities          burden for many minorities that often
ing rights and well-being for LGBTI+       believe them to be lying about their      have the responsibility imposed in
persons? The head of the secretariat       gender identity and/or their sexual       answering to other people’s curiosi-
of LGBT+ Denmark, Susanne Branner          orientation. But how do you prove         ty. In this debate, we will ask persons
Jespersen, will talk with the Minister     that you are transgender, bi, or ho-      that either have opted out or actively
for Equality. Language: Danish             mosexual? A panel will discuss the        chosen the personal story in their
Venue: Debatteltet                         authorities approach to these cred-       work to nuance our understanding
Participants: LGBT+ Danmark                ibility assessments. They will offer      of the value of the personal story in
                                           a suggestion on how the problems          anti-discriminatory work. Language:
                                           arise and how they can be solved.         Danish
14.00-14.45                                Language: Danish                          Venue: Hovedkassen
ANTI-RACISM AND LGBT+ POLITICS             Venue: Debatteltet                        Participants: Sabaah
On 24 January 2022, the Ministry of        Participants: LGBT Asylum
Justice announced that they want
to make an action plan to combat                                                     17.00-17.45
racism. Alongside a number of actors       15.00-15.45                               THE PERFECT NONBINARY
within the field of anti-racism, Sa-       EXPECTATIONS TO MY BODY VOL. 1            Nonbinary people get more and
baah has made a draft of the action        In this new event series, we will         more recognition and are more vis-
plan. In this panel, we have invited a     explore “expectations to my body”         ible, both within the community but
group of people from the anti-rac-         within different themes or groupings.     also in the society at large. However,
ism and discrimination communities         This time we have gathered a panel        this often comes with the expecta-
to focus on how racism and LGBTI+          to talk about external expectations to    tion that nonbinary people look and
agenda are interlocked and to share        bodies as well as internalised expec-     act in specific ways; they look and
experiences in working with inter-         tations to oneself on how to appear       dress androgenously and they love
sectional anti-discriminatory work.        attractive within the male gay com-       the color green. Why do society have
Language: English                          munity. Language: Danish                  this expectation of the “perfect” non-
Venue: Debatteltet                         Venue: Hovedkassen                        binary, and where does it leave the
Participants: Sabaah                                                                 rest of the nonbinary population? We
                                                                                     challenge this notion of the perfect
                                           16.00-16.45                               nonbinary and focus on the seper-
14.00-14.45                                HISTORY: THE LGBTI+ FETICH COM-           ation of expression and style from
NORMCRITICISM IN PEDAGOGICAL               MUNITY                                    gender. Language: Danish
PRAXIS                                     SLM Copenhagen is - with its 48           Venue: Debatteltet
On the backdrop of a new anthology,        years - one of the oldest fetich clubs    Participants: Copenhagen Pride
which describes a number of norm-          in Europe and also one of the oldest
critical perspectives on pedagogi-         associations in the Danish LGBTI+
cal praxis, we will share some of the      community. For this debate we will        17.00-17.45
many interesting examples of praxis        place the fetich movement as a vital      EMBRACING DIVERSITY WITHIN LGB-
from the book. We will both provide        part of the community, where it has       TI+
concrete examples and ask open             had a significant role within the Pride   The LGBTI+ community is Black, trans,
questions to the audience and panel        movement; both before, during, and        lesbian, asexual, disabled, rich, poor,
concerning some of the challeng-           after the Stonewall riots in the USA      and from all corners of the globe. All
es pedagoges face when trying to           and in the rest of the world. Lan-        of these identities co-exist and over-
establish a norm critical praxis. To-      guage: Danish                             lap, and they shape our experiences,
including how we face adversity and         in common is that LGBTI+ represen-        18.30-19.30
oppression. But what can companies          tation plays a key role in their books.   PRIDE POETRY SLAM
do to promote the multi-faceted na-         Meet the authors when they talk           This summer night Pride and poetry
ture of identity? Join the conversation     about representation and diversity        go hand in hand when we present
with Ørsted. Language: English              in literature for both young people       poetry slam centered around gen-
Venue: Hovedkassen                          and adults. Hear readings from their      der, body and queerness. A strong
Participants: Ørsted                        works and participate in the subse-       line up of amazing slam-performers
                                            quent Q&A. Language: Danish               will perform with humor and edge.
                                            Venue: Urban Garden Stage                 Thought provoking entertainment.
17.00-18.00                                 Participants: Vivi Jelstrup, Sinus Re-    About all that makes life difficult, but
FRIENDSHIP DATING                           uss, Christina E. Ebbesen and Char-       also worth living. It will be the audi-
Are you looking for new acquain-            lotte Toft (moderator)                    ence that gives the performers points
tances and possible new friends                                                       and decides who will be crowned
within the LGBTQIA+ community?                                                        the best slammer of the night. But re-
Come join us for an event of friend-        18.00-19.00                               member: The points are not the point
ship dating, where we will facilitate       MENTAL HEALTH IN THE COMMUNITY            – the point is poetry. So… come along
conversations, which gives you the          VOL. 2                                    to festive poetry and a poetic party –
possibility to expand your network.         We continue the debate we started         pride style! Language: Danish
Perhaps you’ll meet new people that         at Winter Pride and ask questions as      Venue: Pride Week Stage
you connect with. Everyone is wel-          to why there is, within our communi-      Participants: Peter Dyreborg & Co
come. Language: Danish/English              ty, an overrepresentation of anxiety,
Venue: Regnbuepladsen                       depression, assault, suicide – and
                                            substance abuse? How can we               19.00-21.00
                                            develop more supportive communi-          INTERSEX FILM PROGRAM
17.00-18.00                                 ties that can support and help each       In collaboration with MIX COPENHA-
LITERARY SALOON WITH LGBTI+                 other? Come join us as we engage in       GEN, we will screen a selection of films
AUTHORS                                     a conversation on mental well being       centering intersex people. The doc-
Meet the authors Vivi Jelstrup, Sinus       in the LGBTI+ community. Language:        umentary ‘No box for me, an intersex
Reuss and Christina E. Ebbesen who          Danish                                    story’ (2019) is about young people’s
write for different target groups in dif-   Venue: Debatteltet                        struggle against a binary under-
ferent genres: Contemporary history,        Participants: Copenhagen Pride            standing of gender in their attempt
fantasy, and young adult literature.                                                  to take control over their own identity
One of the things that they all have                                                  and body. ‘A normal girl’ (2019) tells

Photo by Farshid Nasrabadi
the story of activist Pidgeon Pagonis      we will be instructed by Brynhildr the         21.00-23.00
and ‘Ponyboi’ (2019) is a story about      ViQueen and Evita Kedavra. BYOMM!              PRIDE
finding oneself worthy to move away        Bring-Your-Own-Make-up-and-Mir-                It’s the summer of 1984 – Margaret
from one’s unwanted life. The screen-      ror! Language: English                         Thatcher is in power and the Nation-
ing is free. Language: English             Venue: Debatteltet                             al Union of Mineworkers is on strike.
Venue: Gloria                                                                             At the Gay Pride March in London, a
Participants: MIX COPENHAGEN                                                              group of gay and lesbian activists
Note: No level free access                 21.00-22.30                                    decides to raise money to support
                                           LGBTI+ SHORT FILM PROGRAM                      the families of the striking miners.
                                           ‘1-1’ (2020), Arabic and Swedish (En-          But the Union seems embarrassed
20.00-21.00                                glish subtitles), 7 min.                       to receive their support. The activists
DRAG FOR BEGINNERS                         ‘Habib & The Thief’ (2021), Arabic and         are not deterred. They ignore the
We repeat the success of ‘Drag for         Swedish (English subtitles), 15 min.           Union and identify a mining village in
Beginners’! Are you crazy about drag,      ‘Filming a Gay Love Story in The               deepest Wales and set off in a mini-
then come create your own drag             Middle East’ (2020), Documentary,              bus to make their donation in person.
persona. Would you like to be trans-       English, 20 min.                               118 min., 2014, England. Language:
formed, or to transform yourself? This     ‘Edmundo’ (2022), Portuguese (En-              English (Danish subtitles)
time you will have the opportunity to      glish subtitles), 29 min. Free entry.          Venue: Grand Teatret
do your own make-up while some             Venue: Gloria                                  Tickets: 100/75 DKK (General admis-
of the most popular drags of Co-           Note: No level free access                     sion/Copenhagen Pride wristband)
penhagen beat and share. This year                                                        Note: No level free access



                 150 kr.
                                              Support pin 50 kr.                                        Support
                                                                                                                             d 50 kr.

                                                                                                                               s 75
                               /299 kr.                            Children’s hoodie 350 kr.                                             kr.
                     Puzzle 249
14.00-14.45                                ual) perspective. Is sex paramount,          16.00-16.45
DOES GOD HAVE A GENDER?                    fine, tolerable, or is it an absolute no     CO-FATHERS’ LACK OF RIGHTS
The topic of the panel discussion will     go? Come listen - maybe you will             Søren Juliussen has submitted a cit-
be about whether God has a specific        get a new perspective on what sex            izens’ initiative to give co-fathers the
gender? What does it mean for our          can and cannot be. Is sex really as          same legal recognition as co-moth-
understanding of God that we often         important as you think? Language:            ers already have. The distortion has
describe God as a man? And what            Danish                                       consequences for both children and
does it mean for us as humans, and         Venue: Debatteltet                           fathers, i.e. in the meeting with the
for Christianity as a religion, that it    Participants: Asexual Association            health care service, day care and
has always been this way? The panel        Denmark                                      in case of illness or death. In a few
will consist of pastors and theolo-                                                     days, the citizens’ proposal received
gians who are queer themselves                                                          enough signatures to be present-
and/or have worked with feminist or        15.00-15.45                                  ed to the Danish parliament. At this
queer theology. Language: English          THREE CHEERS FOR WOKE                        event Søren and other fathers will
Venue: Debatteltet                         CAPITALISM?                                  share their perspectives on the sig-
Participants: Folkekirken                  There has been a flurry of popu-             nificance the recognition of co-pa-
                                           lar books recently denouncing the            ternity will have for everyday family
                                           global cynical C-suite capitalists           life. Language: Danish
14.00-14.45                                who exploit diversity and who fake           Venue: Hovedkassen
TRANS PEOPLE’S RIGHT TO                    corporate morality to maintain their
HEALTHCARE                                 position of power in a highly exploit-
In 2022, LGBT + Denmark published a        ative system. Interestingly, these           17.00-17.45
report which sheds light on some of        complaints can be heard on left-             SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE SURROGACY
the barriers that transgender people       wing community radio stations and            A large majority in the Danish par-
in Denmark face in their encounter         on Fox News. At this event, the panel        liament has declared its support
with the healthcare system. Based          members apply a form of ‘strategic           for a citizens’ initiative to recognize
on the report’s conclusions, a panel       naivety’ to discuss the existence of         co-paternity in Danish law. The gov-
of actors in the trans field will debate   ‘woke capitalism’ and its implications       ernment has since set up a working
experiences and challenges in trans        for diversity and inclusion. Language:       group to investigate the possibilities
people’s encounter with the health         English                                      of surrogacy in Denmark, in order
service. Together, we will look at solu-   Venue: Hovedkassen                           for two men to have the opportunity
tions that could create a more equal       Participants: Copenhagen Business            of starting a family. But how do we
access to health for all - regardless      School                                       create a legal and ethically sound
of gender identity, gender expression                                                   model of surrogacy that ensures the
or gender characteristics. Language:                                                    necessary rights for both the child,
Danish                                     16.00-16.45                                  the woman carrying the baby, and
Venue: Hovedkassen                         BI+ COMMUNITIES                              the intended parents? Language:
Participants: LGBT+ Denmark                Several foreign studies have shown           Danish
                                           that bi+ people make up at least 50%         Venue: Debatteltet
                                           of all LGBTI+ people. But where do           Participants: LGBT+ Denmark
15.00-15.45                                we find the bi+ bar? And bi+ groups
WHAT DOES SEX MEAN TO YOU?                 outside Copenhagen? It is import-
Sex is often spoken about as a crucial     ant to meet others who feel “a bit like      17.00-17.45
part of a happy life. But is it true to    oneself”, in order to form a harmoni-        STORIES OF “LESBIANS”, 1880-1920
          everyone? In this conver-        ous self-image and thus be able to           The panel focuses on forgotten
               sational salon we will      thrive. But bi+ people are rarely “out       stories about women’s (meaning all
                  discuss what role        and proud”, and therefore it can be          AFAB persons who were referred to
                     sex actually plays    difficult to find those who will put a lot   as women at the time) relationships
                       in the partic-      of work into creating and maintain-          with women in the late 1800s and
                         ipants’ life -    ing new initiatives. This will be debat-     early 1900s. While men’s sexual rela-
                           from both an    ed by a panel speaking from different        tionships were criminalized, neither
                            asexual and    perspectives in relation to age and          sex nor dancing between women
                             allosex-      geography. Language: Danish                  was illegal. On the contrary, some
                              ual (i.e.    Venue: Debatteltet                           sources indicate that there was a
                              non-asex-    Participants: LGBT+ Denmark                  lively ‘lesbian’ culture in Copenhagen
around the turn of the century. We        18.00-19.00                              us safely through quadrilles, chassés,
dive into this culture and discuss with   STATUS ON QUEER UKRAINIANS               spins, turns, and all other parts, get-
the audience how we can under-            It has been six months since the         ting through all five dances together.
stand our past. Language: Danish          active phase of the Russian invasion     Whether you dance Les Lancie every
Venue: Hovedkassen                        of Ukraine started, and we will look     weekend or have never tried it before
Participants: Roskilde University,        back at this period and take account     you are most welcome as we wel-
Rikke Andreasen                           of the current situation. Representa-    come this traditional dance from the
                                          tives from KyivPride will both address   1800s to Pride. Language: Danish
                                          the situation of people that stayed      Venue: Urban Garden Stage
17.00-18.00                               behind and explore the experiences       Participants: Pan Idræt
THE DRAG CENTRAL                          of queer Ukrainians who have arrived
Experience DR P3’s Podcast ‘Drag-         in Denmark so far. LGBT Asylum will
centralen’ LIVE. It is only natural to    provide context about the changes        18.30-19.30
tumble with life’s big and small          in the political and legal approach to   KINKS 101
questions. Now you can get the            (certain) refugees arriving in Den-      Are you curious about kinks and
answer to it all – wrapped in feath-      mark. Language: English                  would like to know more? Come to a
ers, rhinestones and high spirits! The    Venue: Debatteltet                       workshop with other LGBTI + people,
three drag queens try to answer           Participants: LGBT Asylum & KyivPride    where you will learn about how kinks
EVERYTHING. There are no stupid                                                    stimulate the body and how to ex-
questions, only wrong answers when                                                 periment with kinks. At the workshop
Annie Rection, Karli Kuff and Sascha      18.00-19.00                              we look at the taboos concerning
Holiday gets questions from the live      LES LANCIERS                             kinks, how to get started, and how to
audience. Language: Danish                Pan Idræt and Copenhagen Pride           get into kinks in a safe way. The work-
Place: Pride Week Stage                   invites you to dance Les Lancies on      shop is a safe space where all LGBTI
Participants: Sasha Holiday, Annie        Rådhuspladsen. PanDans, repre-           + people are welcome to participate.
Rection & Karli Kuff                      sented by Niels-Henrik Hartvigsson       NOTE: BSP event. Language: Danish
                                          and Kasper Bang Jensen, will guide       Venue: Vartov

                                                                                                  Photo by Olav Holten

                                                                                         OTHER EVENTS
19.00-20.00                               20.00-21.00
Come to a concert full of lesbian,        Are you a walking cultural encyclo-
feminist songs when ‘Den Lesbiske         pedia or are your friends? Do you love
Karavane’ makes its way past Co-          to shine in your fabulous unimport-        19.30
penhagen Pride. The group consists        ant knowledge and can you always           GODLESS TUESDAY - PRIDE SPECIAL
of Karina Willumsen, Lotte Seide, and     remember the name of her, the one          This event will be in Danish. Free entry.
Biker. If you miss a lesbian soundtrack   from that show? Then we have an            Organizer: Ateistisk Selskab
in your life, start here! Language:       hour of entertainment tailored to you.     Location: Bartof Station, Solbjergvej 3,
Danish                                    We quiz about a little of everything       2000 Frederiksberg
Venue: Pride Week Stage                   within culture and culturally related
                                          topics. We quiz in teams of 2-5 peo-        21.30- 23.15
                                          ple – come and guess! Language:            THE ADVENTURES OF PRISCILLA,
19.00-20.30                               Danish                                     QUEEN OF THE DESERT
THE SCHOOLMASTER GAMES                    Venue: Debatteltet                         Thoroughly life-affirming film about
DANISH PREMIERE. At St Sebastian,                                                    three drag queen stars’ journeys
a university where everyone are                                                      across the Australian continent
gay men and everything pulsates           20.00-22.00                                and their encounter with a series of
of eroticism and power games, the         SILENT DISCO X PRIDE                       crooked existences along the way.
strict Schoolmaster works. His secret     The town hall square will be trans-        Welcome aboard the Priscilla bus,
affair with his student Charles comes     formed into your dance floor for an        where the two top-charming drag
to an abrupt end when a mysteri-          evening when Silent Disco takes the        queens - played by Hugo Weaving
ous carving on his door brings back       square. This dance floor has the ad-       and Guy Pearce - meet another
a traumatic memory from his past.         vantage of 3 separate soundtracks          challenging woman (legendary
Simultaneously the auditions for the      that you can switch between just as        British star Terence Stamp) on their
annual Winter Procession engulfs the      it suits you. It is the perfect solution   journey from Sydney to Alice Springs
boy quartet, and the process chal-        for anyone who loves to dance with         in Australia’s red, dusty landscapes.
lenges their internal hierarchy and       their friends but can never agree on       104 min., 1994, Australia. Language:
threatens their friendship and unity.     the playlist. To pamper your ears, we      English
82 min., 2022, Sweden.                    have DJ Mother Mary and EXNR on            Location: Cinemateket, Gothersgade
Venue: Grand Biografen                    the desk. Come to Tuesday’s party at       55, 1123 København K
Tickets: 100/75 DKK (General admis-       Rådhuspladsen and show your best           Tickets: 85/55 DKK (General admis-
sion/Copenhagen Pride wristband)          moves! It is free to join. Language:       sion/Member of Cinemateket)
Note: No level free access                Danish/English                             Note: Level free access
                                          Venue:Urban Garden Stage

Photo by Joanna Areaga
14.00-14.45                                  17.00-17.45                               17.30-19.00
SYSTEM                                       Language creates reality and here-        Join a conversation about body,
In Denmark, primary school students          by we create, internally within the       sex and sexuality with other LGBTI
are taught sex education, but why            community, hierarchies by using the       + people with physical disabilities
does the teaching stop after the 9th         acronyms we use. Some groupings in        and handicaps. We talk about how
grade? What would it mean if young           the acronym are always mentioned,         to relate to sex, sexuality, the body
people had easier access to knowl-           some now and then, while some             and the barrier as rainbow peo-
edge about gender, body, sexuality,          groupings are almost never men-           ple with disabilities. It is a BSP event
and boundaries in the wider youth            tioned. In this debate we will explore    and a safer space where all LGBTI +
education system, at the age when            how the plus in our acronym is part of    people with physical disabilities are
most young people become sexually            the erasure of certain groupings, and     welcome to attend. The room has
active and find their own sexuali-           we will look at how this affects said     a lift and is easily accessible (more
ty? Come and hear different actors           groups. Language: Danish                  info about location on Facebook).
give their views on the value of more        Venue: Debatteltet                        Language: Danish
coherent sex education in the school         Participants: Asexual Association         Venue: Vartorv
system. Language: Danish                     Denmark
Venue: Debatteltet
                                             17.00-18.00                               LGBTI+ RIGHTS IN EUROPE
15.00-15.45                                  POKÉMON GO                                Several places in Europe have seen
BODY, LOVE, SEX – WHILE DISABLED             As part of our social events, we have     a roll back of LGBTI+ rights in recent
Come and meet some colorful per-             arranged a Pokémon Go trip where          years. What does it mean for peo-
sonalities when Mikkel Christensen           you can meet other LGBTI+ people          ple when their fundamental human
and Ann-Katrine Kviesgaard from              who play Pokémon Go. Come alone           rights are curtailed? And why do we
the Association of Young People with         or bring a friend. We do not have a       see more European countries taking
Disabilities (SUMH), through poems           particular goal for the trip other than   these steps? We invite you to a talk
and personal stories, tell about body,       getting to know each other. We will       with Amnesty Denmark and LGBTI+
love and sexuality – with disabilities.      end at Huset-KBH and players of any       people who know how it feels on their
Language: Danish                             level are welcome. We will walk for an    own body and what concerns there
Venue: Debatteltet                           hour and we will end just as raidhour     are in the environment. Language:
Participants: SUMH                           commences. Meeting point is at Reg-       English
                                             nbuepladsen just by the Debate Tent.      Venue: Debatteltet
                                             Language: Danish/English                  Participants: Amnesty International
16.00-16.45                                  Venue: Regnbuepladsen                     Denmark
The work of many LGBTI+ organiza-
tions depends on the financial sup-          17.00-18.00                               19.00-21.00
port they can obtain from political          UNGE QUEERS TALER X PRIDE                 PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE
bodies. A support that, on the one           In collaboration with Copenhagen          Héloïse (Adèle Haenel) is brought
hand, is treasured because it en-            Pride, Unge Queers Taler gives young      back from a convent and betrothed
ables the important work many of us          queers a stage to speak from. It can      to an unknown man. Héloïse’s moth-
do. But also a support that can have         be difficult to get speaking time when    er, La Comtesse, is set on having
a limiting effect on the organizations’      you are young and queer, especially       Héloïse’s portrait painted, but she
interest in criticizing, e.g. politicians,   if you are also minoritized in other      refuses to pose, in rebellion against
for fear of losing their support. In this    ways. Therefore, the stage is opened      the arranged marriage into which
debate, we invite a number of poli-          up to young queer voices, where           she is being forced. So La Com-
ticians and LGBTI+ organizations to          they can talk about exactly what is       tesse slyly hires Marianne
a dialogue on the balance between            important to them. So come and            (Noémie Merlant) to
funding and freedom. Language:               hear what they have on their minds        secretly paint Héloïse’s
Danish                                       and help give the young people a          portrait. Through
Venue: Debatteltet                           space where they can have their say.      walks, conversa-
Participants: Sabaah                         Language: Danish                          tions, and long-held,
                                             Venue: Pride Week Stage                   tantalizing looks, the
                                             Participants: Unge Queers Taler           relationship be-
tween Héloïse and Marianne evolves        at this year’s Pride. It’s a classic open     teers and members. At this event you
with delicacy and intimacy.               mic set up, just a little more queer.         are invited to hang out or go around
122 min., 2019, France. Language:         So a good hour of spas – what’s not           and meet our social groups and ini-
French (Danish subtitles).                to like? On the line up are Brynhildr,        tiatives for LGBT+ people of all ages.
Venue: Grand Teatret                      Bjarke Charlie Serritslev, Sisse Haug-        This is also when winnter of the award
Tickets: 100/75 DKK (General Admis-       land, and Aske Dørffler Petersen.             ‘Årets Laks’ will be announced.
sion/Copenhagen Pride wristband)          Language: Danish                              Organizer: LGBT+ Denmark
Note: No level free access                Venue: Pride Week Stage                       Location: Vestergade 18E, 1456
                                                                                        København K
                                                                                        Note: Level free access.
19.30-20.30                               21.15-23.00
WERE THEY QUEER?                          FIREBIRD
This evening is filled with speculation   Based on a true story during the Cold         22.00-03.00 (door open from 22.00
about historical figures. Come and        War, Firebird follows a handsome,             to 23.00)
hear theories about people who may        soulful young soldier who embarks             NAKED NIGHT
have been more queer than you             on a clandestine sexual affair with           No gear needed. Just keep your
can read about in the history books.      a charismatic fighter pilot on an Air         boots or sneakers on. No clothes, no
Together we will hear about some          Force Base in occupied Estonia at the         worries.
who may, may not have been LGBTI+         height of 1970’s Communist rule. 107          Members only, more info on www.
people, and then we will see how          min., 2021, Estonia. Language: English. Note that the
high they score on the Queerometer!       Venue: Grand Teatret                          website has sexual content.
Together we make history gay again!       Location: Mikkel Bryggers Gade 8,             Organizer: SLM Copenhagen
Language: Danish                          1460 København                                Location: Lavendelstræde 17C, 1462
Venue: Debatteltet                        Tickets: 100/75 DKK (General admis-           København K
                                          sion/Copenhagen Pride wristband)
                                          Note: No level free access
How may corporations engage in
                                              OTHER EVENTS
pride beyond pinkwashing? We use
the DiversityLAB method, combining
elements of the design thinking with
                                          SEE THE CLUB AT SLM
insights from research on uncon-
                                          This afternoon you have the opportu-
scious bias and norm critique to
                                          nity to visit SLM Copenhagen without
guide participants through a se-
                                          a membership. Just to check it out.
quence of succinct, fast-paced, and
                                          Members of the board will be present
action-oriented steps in which we
                                          and ready to show you around and
co-create new ideas for more ethical
                                          tell some of the stories behind SLM
corporate support of Pride events.
                                          which was founded back in 1974. You
Language: English
                                          can also ask all your questions re-
Venue: Vartorv
                                          garding events, dress codes, fetishes
Participants: Copenhagen Business
                                          in general etc. The bar will be open, so
                                          have a seat and enjoy a beer in the
                                          club. Free entry – only for men 18 and
                                          Location: Lavendelstræde 17C, 1462
                                          København K
 Swing past Rådhuspladsen this
                                          Organizer: SLM Copenhagen
        Wednesday if you want a
             good laugh. There are
               jokes in the wa-
                                          OPEN HOUSE AT LGBT+ DENMARK
                  ter when Molly
                                          You are invited to LGBT+ Denmark’s
                    Thornhill hosts
                                          courtyard just next to Pride Square for
                      the open mic
                                          a cold drink and to meet both volun-

                                                                                      Photo by Jessica van der Boor
14.00-14.45                               15.00-15.45                                support and recognition can be as
TALK ABOUT LIFE WITH/WITHOUT              WITHOUT CONSENT                            well off as their cisgender peers. So
LOVE                                      There are problems with sexual             how do we create space where we
“All you need is love”, but does that     abuse in the community. The DR doc-        are recognized for who we are, with-
apply to everyone? In this conver-        umentary “Without consent”, which          out having to fit into society’s gender
sational saloon we will explore the       was broadcasted in May and June,           stereotype division? How can we cre-
idea of a life without romantic love.     focused on this, and six brave people      ate a framework in daycare, school,
To sisters - one aromantic and one        came forward with their personal           youth education, and at home that
alloromantic (meaning not aro-            story. We want to focus both on the        supports the transgender child so
mantic) - talk about their differences    problems within the community, but         that they can feel equal? Language:
and similarities in a world centered      also in society at large and the issues    Danish
around romance. Come learn and            the documentary unveiled, where            Venue: Debatteltet
discover whether love is your thing!      both the police and the Center for         Participants: FSTB - Foreningen for
Language: Danish                          Sexual Assault received criticism.         Støtte til Transkønnede Børn
Venue: Debatteltet                        Language: Danish
Participants: Asexual Association         Venue: Debatteltet
Denmark                                                                              16.00-16.45
                                                                                     A DOUBLE MARGINALIZED MINORITY
                                          15.00-15.45                                In the debate, we will ask leading
14.00-14.45                               ALCOHOL-FREE LGBTI+ SPACES                 activists and debaters with expe-
DIVERSITY IN SUSTAINABLE                  Alcohol is often a central aspect of       rience and knowledge about the
START-UPS                                 social events, also in a LGBTI+ context.   intersection between gender identity,
What does diversity mean for a            But what can an alcohol-free LGBTI+        sexuality, race, and ethnicity to make
sustainable future and sustainable        room do? How to create and main-           us wiser: How to explain the relatively
entrepreneurs? Why is diversity im-       tain such a space? And why is it really    inferior living conditions of ethnic
portant when you want to create a         needed? Based on the good debate           minoritized LGBTI+ people? What role
professional, positive change? DISIE      from this year’s Winter Pride, we have     does the target group play or do not
invites to a panel debate focusing on     once again invited a panel to talk         play in the general LGBTI+ agenda?
the importance of diversity in start-     about the topic. So come and join,         And what does it take to increase the
ups. The debate will be based on the      share your ideas in our idea mailbox,      well-being of minority ethnic LGBTI+
panel participants’ insight into the      and learn more about non-alcoholic         people? Language: Danish
sustainability of incorporating diver-    social spaces. Language: Danish            Venue: Hovedkassen
sity and inclusion. We focus on some      Venue: Hovedkassen                         Participants: Sabaah
of the barriers that arise in a society
full of unconscious and conscious
norms of gender and diversity. Lan-       16.00-16.45                                17.00-17.45
guage: Danish                             CHILD, YOUTH, TRANS AND SAFE               MASC’NIFICENT
Venue: Hovedkassen                        Transgender children and young             We have previously explored and
Participants: DISIE                       people have far worse well-being           paid homage to the feminine. Now
                                          compared to cisgender children. We         we want to look at the masculine
                                          also know that children and young          through the same lens. What is
                                          transgender people who experience          masculinity? Why is the masculine

                                                                                     Photo by Per Morten Abrahamsen
generally seen more positively? What     to being both queer and religious,             16.00-18.00
is toxic masculinity? When do we         identity and the reactions of the out-         HYPERSEXUALIZATION: POWER
feel masculine, and why do we love       side world. Everyone is welcome to             ANALYSIS
it? Meet a panel of amazing and - in     contribute to the conversation if they         FAD and CMA invites to a presen-
their own way - masculine people         feel like it. NOTE: BSP event. Language:       tation followed by music and re-
who will take us on a fun and exciting   Danish                                         freshments. We will look at how the
journey. Language: Danish                Venue: Vartorv                                 hypersexualized society creates
Venue: Debatteltet                                                                      inequalities and bring in perspectives
                                                                                        in relation to our culture, and further
                                         18.00-19.00                                    discuss how it influences gender
17.00-17.45                              VIOLENCE IN QUEER RELATIONSHIPS                roles, masculinity ideals and asexu-
FIGHT BACK: HELP US SUE THE HATERS       Violence in relationships is a poorly          als. Language: Danish
Hungary and Poland are adopting          researched area and this is even               Organizers: Asexual Association
laws and policies violating LGBTI+       more true when it comes to queer               Denmark and Center for Magtanal-
rights, amplified by state-backed        relationships. What are the issues? Is         yse
smear campaigns and hateful rhet-        violence in queer relationships differ-        Location: LGBT+ Danmark, Vester-
oric. This affects the broad European    ent and how is it expressed? Come              gade 18E, 2. sal
LGBTI+ community. But EU law can         and get an insight into the problem,
be strategically used to push back       and learn more about what we can
– both from within the countries and     and should do about it. Language:              19.00-21.00
by European allies. We will look at      Danish                                         QUEERING SPACE EXPLORATION
recent trends, present legal avenues     Venue: Debatteltet                             Imagine a future for space, that is
to counter them and discuss joint                                                       queer, trans, decolonized, beyond
strategies for mobilizing European al-                                                  binary thinking and themes of purity.
lies in pushing back more effectively.   18.30-20.30                                    The film ‘DEAR INTERLOCUTOR: TX-1’
Language: English                        QUEER ROPE INTRO                               is followed by an artist talk between
Venue: Hovedkassen                       Are you LGBTI+? Do you want to learn           Adriana Knouf, artist, PhD, writer
Participants: RECLAIM                    how to tie or be tied with ropes in            and xenologist, and Fahad Saeed -
                                         a safer space environment? Then                Co-founder of Sabaah. Discover how
                                         this is the workshop for you! This             the arts can contribute to the highly
17.00-18.00                              introduction class is for people with          technical realms of aerospace and
HISTORICAL WALK WITH LARS                little to no experience with kinbaku/          space exploration. Adriana raises the
HENRIKSEN                                shibari. Sign-up in pairs required. Find       question of how one can approach
Join us for an exciting historic city    more information on Facebook. NOTE:            outer space from a queer, trans, and
walk! When Lars Henriksen (political     BSP event. Language: English                   post-colonial perspective.
chairperson of Copenhagen Pride)         Venue: Vartorv                                 Organizer: Planetarium Copenhagen
takes us on a discovery of 150 years                                                    Location: Gl. Kongevej 10, 1610 Køben-
of Copenhagen queer life in old                                                         havn V
inner Copenhagen. Show up at the         20.00-21.00                                    Tickets: 175 DKK / annual pass 140 DKK
Rainbow Square wearing sensible          FEMØ SING-A-LONG                               / students 100 DKK
footwear. Language: Danish               We kick-off Thursday night with a              Note: Level free access
Venue: Regnbuepladsen                    sing-a-long Femø-style. Karina Wil-
                                         lumsen leads us with her guitar, and
                                         then it is up to all of you to fill the tent   22.00-03.00 (door open from 22.00
17.15-18.15                              with song. As always, the goal is to           to midnight)
RELIGIOUS & QUEER                        sing loudly, not pretty. Come dance,           BEARDS, BEARS, & CHASERS
How do you relate to your own reli-      sing, and enjoy these wonderful                A night for men with beards, bellies
gion as a queer person? Should one       songs from Femø. Language: Danish              and big smiles. Members only, more
come out as religious in the rainbow     Venue: Debatteltet                             info on
community? One can often encoun-                                                        Note that the website has sexual
ter prejudice and lack of under-                                                        content.
standing when one is both religious
and LGBTI+ person. Come and join in
                                             OTHER EVENTS                               Organizer: SLM Copenhagen
                                                                                        Location: Lavendelstræde 17C, 1462
a conversation with other religious                                                     København K
LGBTI+ people about how we relate
                                   COPENHAGEN PRIDE YOUTH DAY
                   On Thursday 18
                  August, the Copen-
                                             The day aims to put the young LGBTI
                                             + people on a well-deserved pied-
                 hagen Pride Youth           estal, where their different forms of
               Team has been allowed         expression, creativity, and activism     PRIDE SQUARE
            to develop the program           can be displayed in a lot of different
        for Pride Square. This means         manifestations. In the Youth Team,
    that Pride Square will be filled with    we think that the youth we see today
young people represented in sever-
al ways. A DJ line-up and live mu-
                                             have an inspiring spark and spirit for
                                             the world we live in and how we can
                                                                                      OPENING HOURS:
sic performance will help keep the           use it and be in it – and it seems we
celebration of diversity going in the        should be celebrated and shown on        13.00-23.00
evening in Pride Square, and during          every occasion we get .
the day there will be the opportunity
to participate in workshops and de-
bates, as well as meet other organi-
zations that have the same agenda
as ourselves.

                                            FRIDAY 19 AUGUST

15.00-18.00                                   throughout the night, where we are
RAINBOW SPORTS DAY IN COPENHA-                happy to present: Adam All (UK),
GEN CITY TOWN SQUARE                          Don One (UK), Philipina (DK),
At Pan Idræt we have more than 25             Annie Rection (DK), Ion (DK),
LGQBT+ sports where you can play              Adriana La Creme (DK).
football, volleyball, basketball, swim-       Many more to come, so
ming, dancing... in between many              stay tuned!
others!. We also hold social events to        Venue: Main Stage
meet other likeminded people and
have a community of +1500 mem-
bers. Take the opportunity and join
us, meet some of our members and
even try some of the sports. There
will be opportunities to sign up to the
club. Come and play with us!
Organizer: Pan Idræt

One of the biggest drag shows in the
world is back at Pride Square. Almost
5 hours of drag with international and
local performers.
Megan Moore will be our host

                                Photo by Tobias Jørgensen
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