PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES 2019 - For Abbotsleigh students, parents and friends in the wider community

Page created by Veronica Murphy
PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES 2019 - For Abbotsleigh students, parents and friends in the wider community
For Abbotsleigh students, parents and
friends in the wider community
PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES 2019 - For Abbotsleigh students, parents and friends in the wider community
    4 Dates
    5 Extended Tuition Conditions
    6 Dance
      Specialist Group Classes, Performance/
      Competitive Groups, Dance Wellbeing
      Classes, Examinable/Syllabus Classes,
      Private Dance Classes/End of year event
                                                     Contacting AbbSchool
    18 Dramatic Arts
       Private and shared private lessons,           Director of AbbSchool
       group lessons, term courses                   Mr Rob Pagano MM(LeisureMgmt)
    26 Tennis                                        Phone 02 9473 7844
       Hot Shots programs, group lessons,            Email
       tennis squads, private and shared private
                                                     AbbSchool Manager
       coaching, competitions
                                                     Ms Pat Griffiths BA(Hons) Cert IV Frontline
2   30 Swimming and Diving                           Mgmt Cert IV Bus
       Learn to swim, squad program, diving          Phone 02 9473 7827 Fax 02 9483 9527
    32 Sport
       Artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics,     AbbSchool Supervisor Junior School
       badminton, basketball skills, fencing,        Phone 02 9473 7615 Fax 02 9483 9527
       soccer skills, netball skills, self defence   Email
                                                     Aquatic Centre Manager
    34 Lifestyle and Education
                                                     Mrs Jo Wheatley BPhysEd
       Pilates, Recharge and relax, Robotics,
                                                     Phone 02 9473 7830 Fax 02 9473 7681
       Robokids, Code Camp, Young Engineers,
                                                     For specific course information, contact our
    38 Creative Arts                                 program coordinators
       Sewing and textiles studios, Art Space,
       ceramics                                      Dance
                                                     Sofie Batchelor Dip Bus, Cert IV DT+M, Cert IV TAE
    40 Holiday Program                               Phone 0400 035 382
       Junior activities, tennis, sport, creative    Email
       arts, performing arts, vocational and
       educational workshops, swimming               Dramatic Arts
       and diving                                    Darcy Tindale, Phone 0408 070 755
    46 Adult Program
       Tennis, aqua aerobics, lap swimming
                                                     Brendon Rose, Phone 0407 778 605
PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES 2019 - For Abbotsleigh students, parents and friends in the wider community
Welcome to AbbSchool
Extended Tuition and Holiday Program              short courses for seniors. Our Pom classes will
                                                  compete in 2019. For our external students,
AbbSchool is made up of two important areas       we are offering an examinable RAD Ballet
within the Abbotsleigh community: Extended        class on Saturdays. Keep an eye out for our
Tuition and the school Holiday Program.           excellent STEM offerings that continue to grow
The purpose of AbbSchool is to encourage          in popularity. Throughout this booklet you will
participation, fun and friendship through a       find a range of courses that caters to many
range of exciting activities.                     interests, including several sport, lifestyle
Recent studies have shown that involvement        and educational courses, creative arts and
in extended tuition can promote a sense of        performing arts courses.
engagement with school, which in turn has a       The AbbSchool adult program offers activities
positive influence on academic achievement,       such as aqua aerobics, lap swimming and
attendance and aspiration to higher levels        private or group tennis lessons. In addition,
of education. In addition, Extended Tuition       we will again be offering a range of programs
provides students with opportunities for          for adults from our world class sporting
leadership and personal growth and teaches        facilities, including social badminton and
students the value of teamwork, competition,      social netball competitions.
cooperation and individual and group
responsibility. Students have found that          The AbbSchool school Holiday Program
participation in these activities helped them     takes place during every holiday break,
to de-stress, providing them with a break from    offering a vast array of activities to keep
the rigours of academia.                          children busy and stimulated. Before each
                                                  break, a detailed course program outlines
AbbSchool classes also provide the                the specific courses for those holidays.
opportunity to meet and learn with girls from a   Please contact the AbbSchool office via email
range of age groups and to extend friendships. should
Through AbbSchool, students are encouraged        you wish to be added to the mailing list. Our
to develop talents, interests, skills and         extended hours of care from 7.30 am until
hobbies which can often lead to a lifetime        6 pm have been very popular in assisting
interest and passion for an activity.             busy parents. Included in this booklet are
The opportunities on offer are not limited to     the dates for the 2019 Holiday Programs as
girls who attend Abbotsleigh. Adult courses,      well as more information about the courses
the holiday program and a selection of            which may be on offer during some of the
extended tuition courses are also available to    holiday breaks.
people within the School’s wider community        Please take the time to read through the range
including parents, friends, siblings (including   of activities and courses described in this
boys) and people from the local community.        booklet. We hope that students, parents and
                                                  friends in the wider community will take the
What is on offer in 2019?                         the opportunity to enjoy our programs in 2019.
All the popular programs return in 2019 with
the addition of some new and exciting ones.
In particular, new classes within the Dance
program including acrobatics, mini pop, and
shake and cheer for juniors, as well as K-Pop,    Rob Pagano
dance wellbeing classes and intensive dance       Director of AbbSchool
PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES 2019 - For Abbotsleigh students, parents and friends in the wider community

    Extended tuition
    Term 1 4 February to 13 April
    Term 2 30 April to 29 June
    Term 3 23 July to 28 September
    Term 4 14 October 23 November
    Swimming and diving
    Term 1 29 January to 13 April
    Term 2 29 April to 6 July
    Term 3 22 July to 28 September
    Term 4 14 October to 21 December
    Additional extended tuition dates
    Junior School Drama Recital Monday 23 September
    Senior School Drama Recital Tuesday 24 September
    Dance Showcase Friday 8 November and
    Saturday 9 November
PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES 2019 - For Abbotsleigh students, parents and friends in the wider community
AbbSchool extended tuition
• AbbSchool tuition fees will be billed before       • Private lesson absenteeism – If your
  the beginning of each term.                          daughter is ill and unable to attend her
                                                       private lesson, adequate notice must be
• Payment must be made by the cut-off date
                                                       given by phoning the individual teacher
  stated on the invoice.
                                                       giving 24 hours’ notice; otherwise you will be
• An adjustment period in Term 1 ONLY will             charged for the lesson.
  be in place until Friday 22 February to allow
                                                     • All lessons will begin in the week
  for enrolment changes without penalty. NO
                                                       commencing Monday 4 February 2019 and
  REFUNDS will be issued after this date,
                                                       in Week 1 for Terms 2, 3, and 4.
  except where a medical certificate has
  been provided.                                     • Applications are processed strictly on a ‘first
                                                       come first served’ basis and it is therefore
• We encourage you to view enrolment in
                                                       not possible to guarantee placement in
  any Dance or Drama class as an annual
                                                       any Extended Tuition program. To avoid
  commitment, due to the performance goals/
                                                       disappointment it is recommended that
  outcomes for most classes. In order to
                                                       forms be returned promptly.
  develop girls’ skills safely and sequentially in
  Dance, we discourage movement between              • Private lessons in Communication Skills and
  styles and classes on a term-basis.                  Speech and Drama are taught on rotational
                                                       basis throughout the school day. Senior
Conditions                                             School girls are not permitted to come out of     5
• Enrolment is based on a semester (two                PDHPE classes for their private lesson.
  terms), except in the case of specialist           • Students in Years 7-9 may elect to have their
  short courses.                                       private or shared private Tennis lesson in PE.
• Continuation from term to term is assumed          • All Junior School students attending
  unless written notification is received.             AbbSchool activities must be collected from
• As mentioned above, written notification             the activity venue within 10 minutes of its
  before the end of Semester 1 is required if          completion. After this time students will be
  lessons are to be cancelled for Semester             escorted to After School Care to ensure
  2. This notification can be emailed to               appropriate supervision and care is provided. Verbal             Parents will be charged accordingly for the
  advice from a student will not be accepted.          use of ASC.

• The guaranteed number of lessons is 32 per         • Junior School students enrolled in 4.30 pm
  year with allowances being made for outdoor          classes must attend After School Care until
  education, exams, excursions and variations          the start of class.
  to the school timetable.                           • Junior School swimming and diving
• Group lesson absenteeism – Please provide            lessons will continue during camp week;
  notification of absences from AbbSchool              however, there will NOT be any other
  group classes by emailing                            AbbSchool activities.
  or by ringing 9473 7827
PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES 2019 - For Abbotsleigh students, parents and friends in the wider community

    Welcome to AbbSchool Dance!                       genre; from Latin to Acrobatics, Broadway to
                                                      Ballet, there’s something for everyone!
    This program aims to develop confidence,
    discipline and self-expression through            SPARKLE AND SING
    movement. With opportunities for every kind       Abbotsleigh girls K-2
    of dancer, our classes explore coordination,      Explore the magic of song and dance together
    musicality, team and partner work,                in this theatre-inspired class that draws
    performance quality and of course technique       inspiration from classic and modern musicals.
    and choreography. We are passionate about         Sing along and as you connect lyrics,
    dancer education, providing tuition beyond        stories and plenty of sparkle with theatrical
    just the physical, by involving safe dance,       dance steps.
    critical and creative thinking, and body
    awareness concepts across all settings.           SHOWTIME
    Please peruse our comprehensive 2019              Abbotsleigh girls Years 3-6
6   program:                                          An ideal platform to extend performance skills
                                                      and style. It draws together the performing
    • Specialist Group Classes                        arts strands of singing, acting, dance and
    • Performance/Competitive Groups                  movement. The ‘Showtime’ class is jazz-
    • Dance Wellbeing Classes                         based and incorporates material from
    • Examinable/Syllabus Classes                     established musical theatre works, as well as
                                                      original choreography.
    • Private Dance Classes
                                                      ON BROADWAY
    Due to the physical nature of dance classes,
                                                      Abbotsleigh girls Years 7-11
    and the performance goals/outcomes for
    most classes, we encourage you to view            Musical theatre is one of the major
    enrolment in any dance class as an annual         performing art forms attracting audiences
    commitment. In order to develop girls’ skills     around the world. It draws together the
    safely and sequentially, we discourage            performing arts strands of singing, acting,
    movement between styles and classes on a          dance and movement. Our ‘On Broadway’
    term-basis.                                       classes are jazz-based and incorporate
                                                      material from established musical theatre
    Specialty Group Classes                           works, as well as original choreography.

    All classes will participate in the end-of-year   CHA CHA CHA
    event.                                            Abbotsleigh girls K-2
    Our specialty dance classes are varied in style   Cha Cha Cha is a blended Jazz and Latin
    and pace. All sessions are led by instructors     dance class. High energy, and incorporating a
    with extensive experience in their chosen         taste of traditional Latin-American, Latin-pop
PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES 2019 - For Abbotsleigh students, parents and friends in the wider community
and contemporary pop music, Cha Cha Cha         JFH (JAZZ, FUNK, HIP HOP)
classes develop a keen sense of rhythm          Abbotsleigh girls Years 3-12
and coordination in an exciting and fresh       JFH is used by commercial dancers and is a
class setting.                                  stylised combination of three disciplines. In
RUMBA RHYTHM                                    the style of Beyoncé, Lady Gaga and Justin
                                                Timberlake, JFH is expressive and unites
Abbotsleigh girls Years 3-6
                                                elements of each style of dance.                7
Rumba Rhythm is the junior counterpart of
the senior Latin classes.                       ACROBATICS
                                                Abbotsleigh girls Years 7-11          NEW!
LATIN                                           Junior Acrobatics Years 3-6
Abbotsleigh girls Years 7-12
                                                Acrobatics involves strong balance, agility
Latin-American dances are typically known as    and coordination, in a style that combines
the cha-cha, rumba, samba, salsa, mambo         dance and gymnastic floorwork. This class is
and merengue. Latin dances are generally        designed to give dancers the confidence to
faster paced and showcase more rhythmic         handstand, cartwheel, walkover and flip in a
expression. Music may be traditional Latin-     safe and technical environment.
American or contemporary popular music.
More recently the Latin style has been          This class is highly recommended for
performed to hip hop music, creating what is    students involved in performance work, who
known as Latin hip hop.                         may be interested in adding extra dynamics to
                                                their repertoire.
Abbotsleigh girls Years K-2                     MINI POP                              NEW!
                                                Abbotsleigh girls Years K-2
Jazz dance represents our popular culture
and is constantly changing. Choreography        ‘Mini Pop’ is the introductory course to hip
reflects the music, which is usually upbeat –   hop for infant dancers. Students will learn
top 40, disco, 80s or rock.                     the foundations of grounded movement,
                                                isolations and popping, in an upbeat and
                                                age-appropriate setting.
PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES 2019 - For Abbotsleigh students, parents and friends in the wider community
HIP HOP                                            LYRICAL
    Abbotsleigh girls Years 3-6                        Abbotsleigh girls Years 3-12
    Hip hop was developed on the streets by            Lyrical dance borrows technical elements
    African Americans in the ’70s. It is an informal   from classical ballet and combines this
    and relaxed style of dance that is performed       with the freedom and eloquence of jazz
    to hip hop and rap music with supple and           and contemporary forms. Lyrical dance, as
    grounded movements. Hip hop may also               implied by its name, is also often tied to the
    include elements of isolations, popping and        composition of a song’s lyrics, reflecting
    locking, crumping and break.                       its words as well as its accents and flow.
                                                       Lyrical choreography is often themed around
    URBAN DANCE                                        emotional despair, freedom, or obstacles,
    Abbotsleigh girls Years 7-12                       creating works that are both melodic
    Urban dance is the umbrella term used to           and expressive.
    describe dance choreographed to hip hop
    and R&B. Classes may include elements              CONTEMPORARY
    of popping and locking, break, hip hop and         Abbotsleigh girls Years 3-12
    lyrical hip hop (a fluid, interpretive dance to    Contemporary dance evolved in response
    down tempo rap or R&B).                            to the rigid constraints of classical ballet
                                                       and is therefore less restrictive compared to
                                                       other theatrical dance genres. It uses body
                                                       weight, natural and spontaneous movement,
      DANCE PROJECT                                    and personal interpretation to create unique
                                                       and abstract repertoire. Contemporary
8     St Lucy’s and St Edmund’s students with          dance movement is fluid, often including
      special needs Years 2-11 in conjunction
                                                       large phrases of floor movement, and is
      with Abbotsleigh girls Years 7-11
                                                       generated from the core of the body creating
      Dance Project is an integration program          its distinguishable contractions and releases.
      closely linked with the annual ABBOX of          Contemporary dance may be observed in the
      FUN camp. Students with special needs            work of many dance companies including the
      are welcome to bop and boogie with us            Sydney Dance Company and Chunky Move.
      each week inspired by all the fun and
      energy of camp movement sessions.                TAP
                                                       Abbotsleigh girls Years K-12
      Abbotsleigh students who are interested
      in gaining teaching experience are               Tap dance is a fusion of Irish dance and the
      encouraged to engage in support based            African shuffle. Tap can be performed to music
      roles within Dance Project classes.              or can be an innovative way of creating sound
      Students will provide assistance and             percussion, as demonstrated by the Tap Dogs.
      build meaningful relationships with those        Girls will not be required to have tap shoes until
      who may not have the same capacity               Term 2. In Term 1 girls can wear sandshoes
      for movement but love it all the same.           or school shoes. Correct tap shoes will assist
      Expressions of interest in support roles         students to perform steps accurately.
      should be forwarded to
                                                       BALLET (OPEN) NON-EXAMINABLE or to
                                                       Abbotsleigh girls Years K-12
      the Dance Coordinator.
                                                       Ballet is a classical dance form characterised
      Volunteer hours contribute to Duke of            by grace and precision of movement.
      Edinburgh requirements.
PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES 2019 - For Abbotsleigh students, parents and friends in the wider community
Elaborate formal gestures, steps, and poses        WIGGLE AND WRIGGLE
are linked to create balletic routines.            Girls and boys aged 3-5
Ballet is not only for dancers who want to be      Wiggle and Wriggle classes employ elements
ballerinas. Ballet gives a dancer presence,        of dance, gymnastics, yoga and song to
technical expertise to turn out one’s legs, to     provide movement experiences that are fun
point toes, to extend legs higher with more        and engaging. Lessons consist of freeform
ease, and to dance with correct posture,           activities designed to build confidence, and
resulting in less injury. Ballet exercises build   are a gateway to building physical and social
coordination and strength, required of many        skills in your child. Children are encouraged
contrasting styles such as jazz, theatre           to develop skills through a variety of activities
and ballroom.                                      including imaginative movement, props
                                                   and instruments.
Our open ballet program accommodates a
variety of age groups and draws content from
syllabi and classical styles (such as RAD,           INTENSIVE COURSES
Cecchetti and ADi).                                  These short-format courses         NEW!
Open classes allow students to participate           are designed to provide
in lessons without the strictures of formal          complementary training for
examination work and the commitment of               dancers, in an intensive setting.
multiple classes per week.                           Courses may be 1-5 weeks in duration,
                                                     with session details and fees to be
Students will participate in intra-school            released on a term basis. Courses will
assessment to gauge progress.                        run subject to numbers.
SHAKE & CHEER                      NEW!              Term 1 Intensive: Popping & Locking
Abbotsleigh girls Years K-2
An energetic and upbeat class based on
                                                   Performance/Competitive Groups
the dance style, Pom. Dancers will learn
teamwork, develop synchronicity and                All groups will participate in the end-of-year
establish coordination between technical           event.
dance steps and use of coloured pom poms.
                                                   AbbSchool Dance competitive groups
Abbotsleigh pom poms will be purchased on
                                                   perform at community and eisteddfod
behalf of new dancers. This one-off cost will
                                                   events over Terms 2-3. Groups are led by
be charged separately.
                                                   highly experienced and current instructors,
K-POP                              NEW!
                                                   with intensive workshop and masterclass
Abbotsleigh girls Years 7-12                       opportunities offered to expand versatility,
                                                   ability and knowledge. All competitive dancers
K-Pop is an abbreviation for Korean Pop;
                                                   will require a costume for performance work,
a category of pop music strongly featuring
                                                   at an additional cost. Specialised footwear
dance choreography in Urban and JFH styles.
                                                   may also be required for some classes.
Meet other K-Pop fans, learn full routines and
celebrate all things K-Pop! Classes will cover     Junior Company and J Crew auditions are
choreography from your favourite groups such       held in Term 4 and commence training at the
from BTS to BlackPink and Girls’ Generation.       beginning of the new year. Senior Crew and
                                                   Company auditions are held in early Term 1.
                                                   Specific information about the audition
                                                   process will be available on AbbNet
PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES 2019 - For Abbotsleigh students, parents and friends in the wider community
Student and Parent Notices closer to the          costumes (up to $100-$150 in cost) around
     audition period.                                  Term 2.
     New students to Abbotsleigh can audition          COMP POM
     in Term 1, 2019. Please contact the Dance         Abbotsleigh girls Years 3-12
     Coordinator to express your interest.
                                                       Pom is a fun, energetic style of dance using
     SELECTIVE CLASSES                                 pom poms. Although often associated with
     Abbotsleigh girls Years 7-11                      cheerleading, this style incorporates technical
     By way of fostering a high level of               dance elements, with a focus on jumps,
     performance quality and providing an              leaps, kicks and turns. It is characterised
     enhanced level of challenge, additional           by clean, sharp and precise motions,
     performance opportunities will be available to    synchronisation and the use of interesting
     Selective level classes in the styles of:         visual effects, such as formation and level
                                                       changes, use of different coloured pom poms
     • Lyrical                                         and passing them between dancers.
     • Contemporary                                    Abbotsleigh pom poms will be purchased on
     • Latin                                           behalf of new dancers. This one-off cost will
                                                       be charged separately.
     Opportunities will likely include Sydney-based
     eisteddfods and local community events, all
     to proceed based on a combined class effort       Junior and Senior Pom groups
     in Semester 1.                                    will have the opportunity to         NEW!
     Entry into selective classes are via invitation   compete in 2019 AASCF
     or trial only. Trials are held in Weeks 2-3 of    (Australian All Star Cheerleading
     Term 1. Please indicate an expression of          Federation) events, under Primary and
     interest to trial via the AbbSchool enrolment     Secondary School sections. Costumes are
     form or email to the Dance Coordinator.           required for competition work, at a cost of
                                                       $100-150 per girl.
     Please note participation in additional
     performance work will require purchase of
J CREW                                           COMPANY B
Abbotsleigh girls Years 3-6                      Junior: Abbotsleigh girls Years 2-6
J Crew is the junior counterpart of the Senior   Senior: Abbotsleigh girls Years 7-11
Crew. The Abbotsleigh J Crew will compete        Company B is for students who wish to extend
at hip hop competitions and eisteddfods          their dance ability in jazz and theatre, with
in 2019.                                         a view to becoming a member of Company
NB Hip hop is a compulsory class for all         A in the future. Company B will compete at
J Crew members in 2019.                          eisteddfods in 2019 to provide performance
                                                 experience. There is a strict focus on
CREW                                             technique, developing confidence, stage
Abbotsleigh girls Years 7-12                     presence and a keen sense of musicality
Crew is a competitive dance group adopting       and rhythm.
elements of urban dance. A Crew member
                                                 Students who achieve a place in Company B
need not have strong jazz or ballet technique;
                                                 must be working toward body maintenance
however, strong knowledge of Jazz, Street or
                                                 by meeting technique class and stretch
Latin dance will allow the student to easily
                                                 requirements, in conjunction with Company
recall choreography, further enhancing their
                                                 training hours. Company B students may
Crew experience. The Abbotsleigh Crew
                                                 be awarded the opportunity to reserve for
will compete at hip hop competitions and
                                                 Company A work based on exceptional
eisteddfods in 2019.
                                                 commitment and developing dance ability.
NB Urban class is a compulsory ‘open’
                                                 NB Jazz Syllabus or RAD/Open Ballet is a
component for all Crew members in 2019.
                                                 compulsory ‘technical’ component for all
COMPANY A                                        Company members in 2019.                          11
Junior: Abbotsleigh girls Years 3-6
Senior: Abbotsleigh girls Years 7-11             Dance Wellbeing Classes
Company A is for junior and senior students      Dance Wellbeing Classes are non-
with a solid understanding of the technical      performance classes
elements required in dance and who
possess a natural stage presence. Strong         Dancer wellbeing is a key objective of
technical jazz routines will be a focus for      the AbbSchool Dance Program. We are
2019, for performance at eisteddfods and         passionate about assisting dancers in
community events.                                using their body safely, minimising injury,
                                                 and improving performance through careful
Students who achieve a place in Company A        conditioning. Our Dance Wellbeing classes
must be working toward body maintenance          are led by highly qualified professionals with
by meeting technique class and stretch           extensive training in Exercise & Sport Science,
requirements, in conjunction with company        Strength & Conditioning Coaching, Pilates
training hours.                                  and dance instruction. Numbers are limited
NB Jazz Syllabus or RAD/Open Ballet is a         to ensure quality instruction and tailoring of
compulsory ‘technical’ component for all         programs to the individual dancer.
Company members in 2019.                         Guest instruction and workshops from leading
                                                 Sydney dance physiotherapists are arranged
                                                 for Pre-Pointe & Pointe Conditioning students,
                                                 to further educate, develop dance networks
                                                 and assess dancer readiness for more
                                                 advanced work.
DANCE CONDITIONING                                    organisations, and provide invaluable and
     Dance Conditioning classes combine the                notable technical development.
     modes of Pilates and resistance training to
                                                           Syllabus classes are led by dance-society
     improve athletic development of dancers
                                                           certified instructors and trainers, who have
     in a safe setting. Dancers who participate
                                                           a thorough working knowledge of the style,
     in Dance Conditioning consistently should
                                                           society and examination process. Our syllabus
     expect to see gains in mobility, strength/
                                                           instructors hold CBTS (RAD) certification,
     muscle balance and knowledge of safe
                                                           Cert IV in Dance Teaching & Management
     stretching and warm-up practices, with
                                                           (Jazz) and Cert IV in Training and Assessment
     flow-on effects for all levels and genres
                                                           qualifications, which are regularly updated
     of movement.
                                                           through professional development activities
     Written programs and hand-outs may also               and industry revisions.
     be provided during Dance Conditioning
                                                           Examination classes do not participate in
     classes for students to develop a series of
                                                           the end-of-year performance, but may have
     complementary reference materials and
                                                           viewing-class opportunities through-out
     conditioning resources.
                                                           the year.
     All equipment is provided for this class,
     however we recommend dancers purchase a               Royal Academy Of Dance (RAD)
     theraband for their individual use in the studio      EXAMINABLE BALLET
     and at home.                                          Abbotsleigh girls Years 2–11
     PRE-POINTE & POINTE CONDITIONING                      The Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) syllabus is
     With a background in RAD training and                 one of the most significant dance education
12   instruction, tutors of Pre-Pointe & Pointe            organisations in the world, possessing a
     Conditioning are able to safely guide dancers         rich history. RAD maintains a presence
     through the journey towards and beyond                across 83 countries with patronage from
     basic Pointe work. A holistic approach is taken       HM Queen Elizabeth II and Darcy Bussell
     to ensure that each student is adequately             (CBE) as President. The internationally
     prepared for the challenges of dancing en             recognised classical syllabi develop and
     pointe; from postural awareness and core              challenge fundamental dance technique
     strength, to turn-out, ankle-strength and             through beautifully choreographed
     intrinsic foot articulation. This class is suitable   exercises. The curriculum is grouped
     for dancers who are preparing towards pointe          in two key classifications; ‘Graded’ and
     work, as well as dancers who have already             ‘Vocationally Graded’.
     achieved this goal and are looking to improve
     specific weaknesses and improve their
                                                           Graded levels (Pre-Primary and Primary,
     pointe-work capacity.
                                                           Grade 1 to Grade 8) incorporate ballet, free
                                                           movement, and character, and are suitable
     Examinable/Syllabus Classes                           for candidates from 7 years up. There is a
     NB: RAD syllabus classes will not perform in          focus on ‘feeling before form’, with elements
     the end of year event.                                of freer and progressive styles incorporated.

     Examinable, syllabus-based classes are a              Vocationally Graded
     key component of the AbbSchool Dance                  Builds on the elements of the graded syllabus
     program. These provide formal opportunities           but with greater focus on technique, music
     for dancers to have their training recognised         and performance skills. Comprises six levels
     by nationally and internationally-recognised          from Intermediate Foundation through to Solo
Seal. Suitable for the older ballet student (11   based on assessment by the RAD instructor
years up) through to advanced level.              and Dance Coordinator. The Primary Ballet
                                                  open class is a compulsory additional hour of
An RAD-specific uniform will be required by
                                                  training each week for all Grade 3 dancers.
each girl and closely monitored on a weekly
basis. Annual RAD examinations occur              Grade 4
mid-year – please consider your daughter’s        Suitable for all dancers who studied Grade 3     13
schedule to this end. Examinations may or         in 2018. Direct entry into Grade 4 is possible
may not occur on site at Abbotsleigh and will     based on assessment by the RAD instructor
attract additional costs.                         and Dance Coordinator. The Primary or
                                                  Advanced Primary Ballet open class is a
Proposed 2019 RAD Curriculum
                                                  compulsory additional hour of training each
Due to annual examinations around May,
                                                  week for all Grade 4 dancers.
Grade 3 – Advanced Foundation classes
will use Term 1 for revision and formal           Grade 6
assessment preparation of their 2018 grade.       Suitable for dancers who studied Grade 5 in
                                                  2018. Direct entry into Grade 5 is possible
Grade 1–2
                                                  based on assessment by the RAD instructor
All enrolments will be observed during
                                                  and Dance Coordinator. The Advanced
a grading week early in Term 1. This will
                                                  Primary Ballet or Intermediate (Senior School)
determine whether the group proceeds with
                                                  open class is a compulsory additional hour of
the Grade 1 or Grade 2 syllabus.
                                                  training each week for all Grade 6 dancers.
As a guide, the Grade 1-2 class standard is       Prep & Pointe is strongly recommended for
a mid-point between the open Beginner and         Grade 6 dancers.
Primary classes. Beginner Ballet 1 or 2 is a
                                                  Intermediate Foundation
compulsory additional 30min of training each
                                                  Intermediate Foundation is our suggested
week for all Grade 1-2 dancers.
                                                  starting point for Senior dancers. Prior
Grade 3                                           classical experience is recommended but not
Suitable for all dancers who studied Grade 2      essential. Intermediate Foundation lessons
in 2018. Direct entry into Grade 3 is possible    should be viewed as the ‘syllabus’ component
                                                  of a multi-class structure. The Intermediate
Open Ballet class is a compulsory component       program. The ADV program encompasses
     for all participants. Prep & Pointe is            not only the technicalities of a dance style
     strongly recommended for Intermediate             but also anatomy and physiology, dance
     Foundation dancers.                               history, nutrition, safe dance, musicality and
     Intermediate                                      stage craft.
     Suitable for all dancers who studied              Students of Abbotsleigh use their Dance
     Intermediate Foundation in 2018. Prior            Society syllabus technical examination results
     classical experience is essential. Direct entry   towards VET competencies contained within
     into the Intermediate class is possible based     the CUA Certificates in Dance qualifications
     on assessment by the RAD instructor and           provided directly by Australian Dance institute
     Dance Coordinator.
                                                       RTO 91600.
     Intermediate lessons should be viewed as
                                                       The certificate system is available to students
     the ‘syllabus’ component of a multi-class
14                                                     from Level 3 up. Completion of an annual
     structure. The Advanced Open Ballet class is
     a compulsory component for all participants.      yearly examination is required in order to
                                                       complete certificate courses.
     Advanced Foundation
     Suitable for all dancers who studied              There are 13 levels of the jazz syllabus. Age
     Intermediate in 2018. Prior classical             and experience will determine which level a
     experience is essential.                          student is most suited to (all 2018 students
                                                       will progress to the next level in 2019).
     Intermediate lessons should be viewed as
     the ‘syllabus’ component of a multi-class         Assessment
     structure. The Advanced Open Ballet class is      Each week the teacher will record attitude
     a compulsory component for all participants.      marks, which will take into account a
                                                       student’s grooming, ability, concentration,
     Australian Dance Vision (ADV)                     effort, uniform and classroom etiquette. This
     Jazz Syllabus and Australian Dance                mark is scaled against an overall ability mark
     Institute (ADi) Certificates I-IV                 and contributes directly to the end grade in
     in Dance                                          annual assessments.
     The ADV syllabus is a fair and supportive         In the VETAB system, students are
     examinable dance program, which evaluates         assessed against a set criteria, which is
     the pathway of getting to the exam, not just      competency based.
     the exam itself. Australian Dance Vision is
                                                       Students beginning syllabus classes in
     the premier provider of professional dance
                                                       February 2019 will sit an assessment at
     education in Australia. Their courses were
                                                       the end of Term 3 or beginning of Term 4
     developed in response to the need for a fair
                                                       2019. Assessments are optional and incur
     and competency-based dance assessment
an additional cost. Students younger than         theoretical elements before moving into the
the listed age recommendations may be             Certificate 1 levels.
granted entry into a particular level based
                                                  Level 3 (Year 1, Cert I)
on their dance ability and experience. Please
                                                  Abbotsleigh girls Years 3-4
apply in writing to the Dance Coordinator for                                                      15
special consideration.                            Level 3 is the entry level for Certificate I.
                                                  Once Levels 3 and 4 are completed, students
NB Jazz syllabus classes will not perform in      are awarded a VETAB nationally accredited
the end of year event.                            Certificate I in Dance.
Level 1                                           Level 4 (Year 2, Cert I)
Abbotsleigh girls Years 1-2                       Abbotsleigh girls Years 4-6
In this foundation level, students are            Level 4 is the second year component of
introduced to syllabus work via technical jazz    the Certificate I course. Students wishing to
exercises and basic theoretical worksheets        complete Certificate I must have completed
on history and body science. Level 1 is an        Level 3 theory components prior to entry into
ideal starting point for any dancers new to       Level 4.
the structure of syllabus work or with aims of
recognition for their dancing via examinations.   Prelude (Year 1, Cert II)
                                                  Abbotsleigh girls Years 7-11
Level 2
Abbotsleigh girls Years 2-3                       Prelude is the entry level and first year of
                                                  study for Certificate II in Dance course.
In this class, students step into full
                                                  It explores more intricate body science
syllabus work, with strong emphasis on
                                                  subjects, with the aim of ensuring dancers
jazz elements such as terminology, barre
                                                  are well-equipped with nutritional and
work, progressions, as well as dance history
                                                  anatomical information. In practical sessions,
and body science study. This level can be
                                                  exercises challenging core strength, posture
taken over two years to ensure students
                                                  and alignment are included, along with
have adequate grasp of both practical and
progressions requiring both technical and          best enhances each student’s strengths
     expressive skill.                                  and interests.
     Transition (Year 2, Cert II)                       Students and their parents will be responsible
     Abbotsleigh girls Years 7-11                       for both entering and providing costumes
     Transition is the second year component            for external events, although teachers will
     of the Certificate II in Dance course. An          be able to offer advice. A handbook will be
     advancement of the Prelude syllabus,               provided to assist with solo/duo objectives
     Transition level incorporates elements of solo     and performance work.
     choreography, improvisation, unseen written        Lessons will be scheduled across Thursday
     exercises, and Q&A industry sessions over the      and Friday afternoons. Select lunchtimes
     examination period.                                and limited slots Monday-Wednesday
     Major 1 (Year 1, Cert III)                         may be agreed upon where other slots
     Abbotsleigh girls Years 7-11                       are already filled. Morning sessions are
                                                        not available.
     Major 1 is the first year component of the
     Cert III in Dance course. A pre-professional       SOLO & DUO RECITAL 2019
     level, the Major 1 syllabus involves increased     A solo and duo recital evening will take
     elements of student composition, solo and          place in 2019 (likely late Term 3), on the
     improvisation, alongside detailed history and      Senior campus. This will be an intimate and
     physiology theory. A Q&A industry session          supportive performance opportunity for all
     over the examination period is compulsory for      performance-based solo and duo dancers.
     all Major candidates.                              Parents and friends are invited to share in the
                                                        recital event.
16   Major 2 (Year 2, Cert III)
     Abbotsleigh girls Years 7-11                       For technique-based solos and duos, a
     Major 2 is the second year component of            masterclass opportunity will be available
     the Certificate III course. Students wishing to    on the recital evening in order to showcase
     complete Certificate III must have completed       technical development over the course of
     Major 1 theory component prior to entry into       2019.
     Major 2.                                           Participation in the recital is strongly
                                                        encouraged, but optional for all solo and
     Private Dance Classes                              duo dancers.
     NB: Solo and duo dancers will not perform in       Audition only groups
     the end of year event.
     SOLO AND DUO LESSONS                               Company is the title of the representative jazz
     Abbotsleigh girls Years 3-11                       teams at Abbotsleigh. Company reflects the
     Students wishing to further their dance skills     professional nature of the groups, highlights
     can apply for individual training in the form of   teamwork aspects and emphasises the
     solo or duo lessons. The aim of these lessons      training level required of members.
     is to provide students with one-on-one             Company members must maintain a high
     technical training OR suitable choreography        level of commitment and possess strong
     with which to enter their chosen competitions,     time management. Generally students in
     auditions and eisteddfods. Students and            performance teams have extensive dance
     teachers collaborate on music choices and          training in ballet, jazz and contemporary;
     choreographic style, producing a piece that        however, this experience is not compulsory as
students will be considered on their current
ability. Students invited to join Company will   ALL ABBOUT DANCE EXTERNAL STUDIO
be asked to purchase a dance costume that        External students aged 3-9
will be worn at each competition in which
                                                 Saturdays are abuzz with our All ABBout
they participate. All students on a team
                                                 Dance program. External students have
must be prepared to participate in dance
                                                 the opportunity to point, pop and plié
classes consistently, particularly compulsory                                                   17
                                                 their morning away within the extensive
technique based classes.
                                                 Abbotsleigh dance venues, overseen by the
Company may train as a single inclusive          experienced and friendly AbbSchool staff.
group, or be selected as distinct A and B
                                                 Ballet and jazz/JFH options are
teams. This decision will be based upon
                                                 available from beginner level through to
audition standards.
                                                 intermediate/advanced level. Combine
End of year event                                back to back classes to provide a well
                                                 rounded dance experience. Students will
SHOWCASE 2019                                    have the opportunity to perform during
The Dance Showcase is a biennial event; a        a low key open day event. No special
culmination of work over 2019. The Senior        rehearsals or expensive costumes needed!
Assembly Hall will be transformed into a
professional theatre with full stage lighting    Subject to interest, our 2019
and sound. Students will require a costume       external students are invited         NEW!
for each class they are in.                      to participate in a formal RAD
                                                 Ballet class led by our certified
Our shows will be held on Friday 8 November      instructors. This examinable class, likely
and Saturday 9 November, 2019*. Rehearsal        of Primary or Grade 1 level, will involve an
and photo days for Showcase will be              annual examination in May/June of 2019
scheduled on Saturday afternoons (19             or 2020. Contact the Dance Coordinator
October, 26 October, 2 November)*.               for further information and to express
Please ensure you check the Parent Portal        interest on behalf of your daughter/son.
regularly to remain up to date on
all Showcase information.
Dramatic arts

     Drama, prose, poetry, musical theatre,            practice for working on pre-exam preparation,
     playwriting, physical theatre, stage combat       controlling nerves, warming up and
     are some of the many performing and               confidently being in control of the pressure of
     creative arts programs offered in AbbSchool’s     presenting a year’s work in one sitting.
     dramatic arts courses, along with the Trinity
                                                       All students in these programs are given
     Guildhall syllabus.
                                                       the opportunity to take part in a variety of
     We encourage you to view enrolment in any         performance opportunities.
     Drama class as an annual commitment,
     due to the performance goals/outcomes for         Private and shared private lessons
     most classes.
                                                       Abbotsleigh girls Years K-12
     TRINITY GUILDHALL                                 Private and shared private lessons are
     Communication skills, speech and drama,           offered in two strands: speech and drama
18   Shakespeare, performing arts, musical             and communication skills.
     theatre and world dramatists are taught
     using the internationally recognised ‘Trinity     SPEECH AND DRAMA
     Guildhall’ methodology.                           This program focuses on developing a wide
                                                       knowledge and appreciation for prose, poetry
     Trinity Guildhall’s assessment of ability in
                                                       and drama. Emphasis is placed on voice and
     speech, spoken interaction and dramatic
                                                       voice production through activities involving
     performance offers a varied and in-depth
                                                       breathing, articulation and projection.
     study of performance and communication.
                                                       Lessons will include a range of strategies
     The program provides a structured set of
                                                       including vocal exercises, theatrical games
     learning outcomes designed to help students
                                                       and performance activities.
     develop a confident manner and a full,
     forward and free voice. In addition, it allows    Private lessons are available for Junior
     students to progress in a systematic way as       School students and private or shared private
     their interest and aptitude for communication,    lessons for Senior School students. All
     speech and drama develop.                         students are enrolled on a semester basis,
                                                       with 32 lessons provided each year.
     Students may complete voluntary individual or
     group examinations in Semester 2 to achieve       Students enrolled in private or shared private
     Trinity certification. These examinations incur   lessons, after consultation with their teacher,
     an additional cost.                               may elect to study one of the options below:
     Trinity Guildhall exams also provide invaluable   Acting
     experience for class assessments and the          This course is designed for those students
     HSC. Performing and being examined in             who wish to focus entirely upon the process
     front of an unknown examiner is important         of drama, and includes related performance
skills such as improvisation and mime, and         able to use language with increasing ease,
the opportunity to devise and develop original     confidence, subtlety and appropriateness.
scripts. It looks at character development,
                                                   Private lessons are available for Junior
transition and tools used to create a full,
                                                   School students and private or shared private
rounded performance.
                                                   lessons for Senior School students. All
Performance arts                                   students are enrolled on a semester basis,
This course provides an exciting way to learn      with 15 lessons provided each semester.
how to use the ability of several art forms with
confidence. Various acting tools are mixed,        Private drama performance
ranging from mime, puppetry, clowning,             opportunities
juggling, combat skills, physical theatre,
musical instruments, music and pantomime           Private and shared private students are
to blend into a scene.                             invited to perform at the annual drama
                                                   recitals where parents and friends can come
Musical theatre                                    and enjoy the pieces students have worked
The three disciplines examined in this syllabus    on all year.
are singing, acting and movement but, as is
the nature of musical theatre, candidates          The Junior School Recital for students in
need to demonstrate their ability in these         Years 4-6 will be held in Everett Hall on
skills through integrative performance.            Monday 23 September (last week of Term 3).
At all levels, the syllabus offers a wide choice   The Senior School Recital for Years 7-8 will
for selection of performance material, which       be held in the Drama Studio on Tuesday 24
may include material from the candidate’s          September. All students may sit the Trinity
own country or culture.                            Guildhall exam in October/November.
World dramatists                                   Group lessons
This syllabus explores the great playwrights
from around the globe. Discover the likes of       LITTLE DRAMA FUN
Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Patrick         Girls and boys aged 3-5
White, Harold Pinter and more. The course          In this class, children will delight in creating
encourages students to develop confidence          characters through voice and movement,
and expressiveness and is invaluable for           experiment and play using costumes and
those who wish to develop their acting             props, whilst being taught how to move and
and performance skills. The examinations           uses stage space. Through drama games and
have been carefully designed so that they          re-enactment, children will work on following
complement and enrich programs of study in         stage directions, expressing their ideas, and
drama and literature.                              using their imaginations. Children will have
COMMUNICATION SKILLS                               a taste of poetry, storytelling, myths and
This program is designed to enhance a              legends along with play-building skills and
student’s ability to communicate in a variety      improvisation. This class will boost children’s
of contexts and circumstances, including           stage presence, build confidence and
preparing and delivering speeches, interactive     encourage their creativity.
speaking, storytelling, persuasive speaking,
initiating conversation and social speaking.
As students progress through the grades,
they will develop an intuitive feel for public
and interpersonal communication and will be
     Abbotsleigh girls Years K-3
     This program has an emphasis on confidence
     building and provides students with the
     necessary skills for effective communication.
     Using theatre games, improvisation,
     devised work and recital techniques,
     students encounter poetry, plays, prose
     and musical theatre. Care is given to gently
     encourage less confident students and
     provide opportunities for budding actors.
     Girls experience both solo and group work.
     Most importantly at this level, open drama
     classes are designed to be fun! Students
     do not sit a Trinity Guildhall examination.       Term courses
     TRINITY GROUP DRAMA                               CREATIVE WRITING FICTION
     Abbotsleigh girls Years 4-8                       Abbotsleigh girls Year 5-6 | Term 2
     This course will provide girls with the           John Larkin is the much-loved author of more
     opportunity to interact with their friends and    than 25 published books for teens, adults
     create a fulfilling and dramatic performance      and children. His books for young people
     in a relaxed and enjoyable environment.           include The Shadow Girl, Growing Payne
     The program involves a deeper focus on            and Spaghetti Legs. John has degrees in
22   drama and constructing a performance for          English Literature and Education, a Masters in
     examination in Term 4. Each group will be         Creative Writing and is the writer in residence
     assessed as a whole by the examiner who           at Knox Grammar School. His workshops
     will provide a written report with each student   allow students the opportunity to work in a
     receiving an individual certificate.              supportive and encouraging environment as
                                                       they build a portfolio of original work. Students
     Performance opportunities include the Junior      who are interested in the craft of writing
     School and Senior School recitals held in         will learn how to write a more sophisticated
     September. All students may sit the Trinity       piece of work, along with receiving supportive
     Guildhall exam in October/November.               feedback to help them develop and take more
     TRINITY MUSICAL THEATRE                           risks in their writing.
     Abbotsleigh girls Years 6-7
                                                       CRIME WRITING FICTION
     Students will develop the ability to integrate
                                                       Abbotsleigh girls Year 8-11 | Term 2
     singing, acting, movement and dance into a
     sustained and convincing performance, and         Darcy-Lee Tindale has written comedy for
     will be encouraged to develop confidence,         radio, stage, media personalities, comedians
     expression and their ability to cooperate and     and theatre restaurants. Her plays, poems,
     negotiate during this course.                     articles and short stories have been published
                                                       in the School Magazine, Celapene Press,
     Performance opportunities include the Junior      Tincture, ZineWest, Black & Blue Publications,
     School and Senior School recitals held in         Penguin Books, Bumples Magazine,
     September. All students may sit the Trinity       Newcastle anthology, Stringybark Publications
     Guildhall exam in October/November.               and Storm Cloud USA. Her children’s books
                                                       are published with McGraw Hill Education and
her middle-grade reader Thumb Pickles and         SPOKEN WORD
Other Cautionary Preserves is published with      Abbotsleigh girls Year 5-6 | Terms 3 and 4
Woodslane Publishers.                             Sheli Gold holds a BEd (Primary Creative Arts)
Darcy’s work has been nominated for and           and an MA in Creative Writing (fiction). She
won many awards, including the CBCA               enjoys blogging about travel and parenting
Frustrated Writers, Varuna Writers’ House,        and has contributed to online publications
Narda Lyn, Di Cranston National Literary          such as Mamamia and BootsnAll. Sheli has
Award, Monash University Undergraduate            taught creative writing to adults in Israel,
Prize, Stringybark, Newcastle Short Story         where she lived for four years, and to primary   23
Award, CA Broadribb Award, and the Writer         aged children as a teacher in various public
Around the Murray Award. She has been             and independent schools. Sheli branched out
shortlisted three years running in the SD         8 years ago from classroom teacher to drama
Harvey Short Story Australian Crime Writers       specialist – her true passion – and has also
Association Ned Kelly Awards.                     worked as a storyteller, performing interfaith
                                                  folklore and original stories at schools,
Darcy’s passion for crime writing will take       festivals and cultural events.
students on the journey of writing a strong
plot, fully rounded characters, a touch of red    In this course, students will explore the
herrings, and twists and turns that all amount    art form of Spoken Word – a form of
to a thrilling read of crime.                     original poetry recitation that focuses on
                                                  voice inflection, intonation, and powerful
Students will work on their story to polish and   expressions of ideas about self.
enter the Scarlett Stiletto Award in August, in
the under 18 year old category.                   They will watch various Spoken Word
                                                  performances from both children and adults,
The Scarlett Stiletto is a national award for     interpreting the art form through their own
short stories written by Australian women         lenses, and write different styles of poetry
and featuring a strong female protagonist.        before selecting one of these to develop
Award winners who have gone on to have            and perform.
novels published include Cate Kennedy,
Tara Moss, Annie Hauxwell, Angela Savage
and Josephine Pennicott.
     Abbotsleigh girls Years 5-6 | Term 3             Abbotsleigh girls Years 5-6, Term 1
     This Term 3 workshop is ideal for students       Years 3-4, Term 2
     who are uncomfortable with public speaking.      Students will learn comedic skills associated
     The aim is to build confidence in a supportive   with clowns. They will embrace being ‘silly’
     environment. Speaking in front of an audience    and identify what makes human beings
     can be a stressful and nerve-racking event,      laugh. Students will explore physical theatre,
     but understanding the key elements of a          experiment with props and costume, devise
     good speech and learning how to use those        group drama pieces for an audience and draw
     butterflies to your advantage are effective      on aspects of Commedia dell’arte to create
     tools for life.                                  their own clown characters and scenarios.
     This course will look at the planning and        Clowning is particularly challenging (and
     preparation of a speech, content, tone and       beneficial) for students whose cultures or
     length, as well as knowing your audience,        upbringings value seriousness or where
     practising your speech, vocal variety and        ‘silliness’ is frowned upon. This is also an
     speech delivery, body language, posture          important outlet for those girls who are ‘class
     and gesturing. Presentation and physical         clowns’ – they are given the opportunity to
     appearance, eye contact and controlling          use and build on this skill in a structured
     your nerves will also be addressed. Students     environment. It provides the opportunity for
     will develop confidence and have a better        all students to loosen up, learn to laugh at
     understanding of public speaking tools.          themselves and others in a safe and friendly
                                                      way, release themselves from fear of failure
                                                      and enjoy themselves.

     Under the guidance of Head Coach Brendon           ANZ HOT SHOTS GROUP LESSONS (JUNIOR)
     Rose, Abbotsleigh offers professional tennis       Boys and girls Years K-6
     coaching in a fun filled atmosphere using a        These sessions incorporate Tennis Australia’s
     variety of modern teaching methods. The            official children’s starter program called
     program caters for students of all levels,         Hot Shots. Through the use of scaled court
     whether their goal is to ‘just have fun’ or to     sizes and low compression balls, children
     develop their skills to the highest competitive    learn to serve, rally and score in a game
     level. The program is delivered in a number        that is appropriate to their developmental
     of stages, with progression and improvement        needs. The program caters for students from
     being a priority.                                  beginner through to intermediate/transition
     ANZ HOT SHOTS LAUNCH PAD                           levels, with the children progressing through
                                                        the red, orange and green ball stages. The
     Boys and girls aged 3-6
                                                        sessions provide an interesting and enjoyable
26   The Launch Pad program is designed by              introduction to tennis. Students with an
     Tennis Australia specifically for young children   aptitude for tennis will progress from this
     to experience tennis for the first time. The aim   program to the junior development squad
     of the Launch Pad program is to introduce          where they will also use the appropriate ball
     a fun way for three to six year old children       for their level of ability. All children can claim a
     to learn and enjoy tennis in a safe and            free t-shirt from Tennis Australia.
     encouraging environment.
                                                        ANZ HOT SHOTS SQUADS
     The Launch Pad program incorporates
                                                        Boys and girls Years K-4
     specially developed, modified equipment
     including smaller courts, lower nets, low          The Hot Shots Squads are aimed at
     pressure red balls and appropriately sized         complementing group or private lessons and
     racquets. This means each child will enjoy         are focused predominantly around gameplay
     the game and a measure of success                  and drilling. The squads are invitation only;
     immediately and will be provided with a sound      however, anyone wishing to trial for a place in
     foundation on which to build in the future.        these squads may contact the Head Coach,
     The Launch Pad structure recognises the            Brendon Rose, at roseb@abbotsleigh.nsw.
     need to intersperse the key learning areas of These squads will use red, orange
     tennis strokes and gross motor skills with fun     and green balls depending on the stage of
     activities to suit the age group. Children will    the child’s development. Tennis Australia
     learn about the game whilst having fun.            research has shown that over a five-year
                                                        period, students progressed faster (at four
                                                        times the rate) if they played twice per week.
                                                        We strongly recommend these sessions once
                                                        students are at the appropriate standard.
FREE JUNIOR HOT SHOTS LUNCH                       play, scoring and tennis etiquette. Students
GAME PLAY                                         with an aptitude for tennis and a positive
Abbotsleigh girls currently enrolled in Red/      attitude will progress from this program to
Orange/Green ball groups                          more advanced squads.
These sessions are intended
                                     NEW!         CARDIO TENNIS
to complement students’
tennis lessons and encourage                      Boys and girls Years 10-12
extra practice, hence only students who are       Cardio tennis is a social fitness program for
enrolled in the AbbSchool tennis program can      people of all ages and abilities. It is less about
enrol. Sessions will be held on Mondays for       technique and more about getting a great,
K-2 Red ball and Fridays for 3-6 Orange/Green     high energy workout. The session is also ideal
ball. These sessions are not compulsory;          for everyone who likes the idea of playing
however, parents must advise the Head             tennis but finds it hard to commit to being
Coach if their child will be absent. Racquets     involved in a regular competition. Participants
will be provided.                                 wear heart rate monitors, exercise to music,
                                                  use low compression balls and a variety of
GROUP LESSONS (SENIOR)                            equipment, including agility ladders. This
Boys and girls Years 7-12                         high energy program will naturally improve
These sessions are for the beginner and           tennis skills, allowing participants to take up
transition level tennis players. The sessions     traditional tennis in the future. Cardio tennis is
provide an interesting and enjoyable              a fun program, where people can experience
introduction to tennis, and as the students       tennis for the first time or discover it again.
progress, they will cover all aspects of stroke
Tennis squads                                      Coaching
     These squads offer an intensive training           These lessons are available to both
     program for the more advanced tennis player        Abbotsleigh and non-Abbotsleigh students of
     and are only available by invitation from the      all ages including adults.
     Head Coach. Students need to show a strong
     commitment to their tennis as positions in         PRIVATE COACHING (ONE TO ONE)
     these squads are reviewed each semester. In        All ages | 30 or 60 minute sessions
     addition to participating in these squads, it is   Private coaching allows for customised
     highly recommended that players also enrol         sessions to develop the skill level of individual
     in private or shared private tennis lessons for    students in a one on one format. This can
     more refined stroke production techniques. As      range from teaching the basics to the more
     recommended by Tennis Australia, our squads        advanced tactics of the game. This lesson is
     have a game based approach with students           tailored to the student’s individual needs.
     learning through match play and a focus on
     the game itself, rather than emphasising           SHARED PRIVATE COACHING (TWO TO ONE)
     technique alone.                                   All ages | 30 or 60 minute sessions
                                                        As with private lessons, shared coaching
     JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT SQUAD                           lessons are customised to develop the skill
     Boys and girls Years 3-6                           level of students. In this format the students
     This squad offers training and competition         of similar ability can share a lesson tailored to
     where children develop and hone their skills       their needs. It is particularly advantageous to
     with other intermediate to advanced players.       doubles teams.
     Ability and the determination to improve
28   are the key requirements for successful
     participation. Students must have reached          Apart from our traditional tournaments and
     the intermediate level or be graded by the         competitions, we will be working closely with
     coaching staff.                                    AbbTen to continue to expose more of our girls
                                                        to outside tournaments and competitions
                                                        throughout 2019. Some of these competitions
     Boys and girls Years 7-12                          include the Northern Suburbs Primary Schools
     This squad is designed for more advanced           Challenge, the Eastwood-Thornleigh Primary
     tennis players and covers all facets of the        Schools Challenge, Hotshots tournaments,
     game, systematically progressing from              Tennis NSW junior development series
     technique development to learning about            style tournaments and Australian ranking
     match strategy through a variety of drills and     tournaments. Exposure to these competitions
     match play scenarios.                              is vital for the development of aspiring
                                                        tennis players.
     Boys and girls Years 7-12                          FAST 4 TENNIS LUNCHTIME LADDER
     This squad is aimed at the elite tennis players    Abbotsleigh girls Years 7-12
                                                        These Fast 4 Tennis lunchtime              NEW!
     or those wishing to go to the highest level.
     Students will refine their skills in all aspects   sessions are offered to Abbotsleigh
     of technique and match play through a              senior students. Students will enjoy
     variety of high intensity drills and advanced      playing in a fast-paced format while gaining
     teaching methods.                                  valuable match practise. Students will be
                                                        placed in a ladder system based on ability
                                                        and will play a challenge match, moving up
You can also read