Proof of Publication - Search / Commission Files

Page created by Beverly Harris
Proof of Publication - Search / Commission Files
*** Proof of Publication ***
  Std of New York
  Cayuga County, City of Auburn

  Jennifer N. Cooper of the City of Auburn, in Cayuga County, being
  duly sworn, deposes and says:

  That she is the Classified Associate of Lee Publications, inc.,
  publishers of The Citizen, public newspapers printed and published
  daily and weekly, respectively, in the City of Auburn, Cayuga County,
  State of New York, and duly authorized to make this affidavt and

  of which annexed is a printed copy, was published in said paper
  12._tirne(s) namely on the PUBLISHED ON date(s) listed below.

   95 BROWN ROAD BOX 1032
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   ORDER NUMBER_             499se

 Sworn to be% 'me, this          day of CtuarPf                  , 20/3) .

                     Carol Speech, Notary Public

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Proof of Publication - Search / Commission Files
A2 i   FRIDAY. AUGUST 14, 2020                                                                                PAGE TOO                                                                                                                         THE CITIZEN

AUBURN'S FIVE-DAY FORECAST                                                                                                                                                                 ALMANAC
                                                                                                                                                  Statistics through 7 a.m. yesterday                  UV Index Today
       M=                =MI                    1=1                        NMI= IMITEI                                       EEMME
                                                                                                                                                  High/low                             83. /59.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Shown is the highest value of the day.

                                                                                                                                                  Normal high/low                      80. /58'
                                                                                                                                                                                                       I  I I I          I I                 I I
                                                        e                                                    -e                      e            Record high                        94' (2016)         0 1 2 3 I S 6 T e e 10 11...
                                                                                                                                                  Record low                         45' (1903)        The higher the uy Indexes
                                                                                                                                                  precipitation                                        number, the greater the need for eye and skin
   Humid with             Clear and humid         Times of sun and            At-storm in            A tpn                       Partly=    and
 partial sunshine                                     douds                   spots; cooler                  the area                             24 firs through 7 am. yaL               MOO"
     WIND                       WIND                   WIND                      WIND                    WIND                       WIND          Month to date (normal)            012" (1.43')       Today's Air Quality Source: NYSOEC
   NE 4-8 mph                 E 4-8 mph             ESE 4-8 mph                SE 4-8 mph             SSW 6-12 mph               WNW 6-12mph      Year to date (norm al)        az." (24821            Forecast Wet based on presence of man-made
                                                                                                                                                  Record for this date              1.25"(1948)        ban.lates affecting aspects of human heakh.
       86°                      65°               82° 65°                    78° 64°                 78° 59°  75° 53°
                                                                                                                                                  Po I len Today                                           V I         I         I I
       Snow is teem', weattv. Terweratures
     wet.), ner, ... 01. ..s.
                                       ogdensb                    -          affiTrurfih- 7            OWASCO LAKE                                Grass                                Absent                    110Wat OW. USW. Ws nevem
                                       82/5                      .4  ,,,, 0/57            ‘            pill              Level        le-hour     Trees                                Absent                            treuitve   SW.
                           Kingston ,,,-                                      Burlingtoryl           Pool (kJ            Vest.        Change      Weeds                             Moderate           Sky watch
                 id       .82/62„_        Tupper Lake 4                  i 84/61 (                    713.0             7I2A2          -0.01                     Sou.: National Allergy Bureau                                   afre              Set
 Toronto                         fils:' 79/51 4 lalce lacid                            /                                                                                                               Sun                     6.12 am.         8:09 p.m.
                                                             77/5t                  -..                                                           Cooling Degree Days
 83/64 -                  Watertevni                                                               NATIONAL OUTLOOK                                                                                    Moon                    1:22 a.m.        4:59 p.m.
                                                                              OrRutitnd                                                           ril:or.Lagintria.741,1`47=1'.
           iteehester °amigo    4                     .Glens
                                                       84/59 ,
                                                                   4             83/60             city
                                                                                                                                                  energy is necessary to cool
                                                                                                                                                  Yesterday                                   6
                                                                                                                                                                                                           0 41
                                                                                                                                                                                                            New           First         Full
 gurtal . 83/63 _ 4 165/66 iv -               Winces Albany ,' • (i                                                                               Month to date (normal)                98 (54)            Noon          QUarler        Moon       Quarter
 88/65                                                                                             Atlanta               85/73/t      86/72/n     Since January 1 (normaD             639(242)
                       Auburn 4,1, syracuse 0...1 84/63                                            Baltimore             85/69/6                                                                           Aug la        Aug.           Sept       Sold
                       86/65        87/65                         4..                              Boston                80/66/pc                 Rea IFeel Temperature. Today
  .....' . -JO                                           .      •-•                                                                   73/64/Pc
                                                                          p' pringrield            Chicago               88/68/s      88M/Pc      An exclusive Mder of etktive temperature.wild.                    02020: forecasts and graphics
                      wiernell ltr          inton
     ,,,,amistown 85/61               .9.... ..; -,e                     .8E163_, e..._ ,          Cleveland
                                                                                                                                                  hum:day. sunshine intensty,clouchness. procura-
                                                                                                                                                  tion. pressure and elevation on the roman body.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             provided by

        82/61                               Th..,,
                                                                „,„,              _4.      1
                                                                                                   Denver                96A60/s      93/60/s        72'           91.                       76'                               AccuWeather
 REGIONAL OUTLOOK: Humid today with par-             ,,,,,,,rk.            . Hanrord -,            Detroit               87/0/Pc                   8 a.m.         won          4p.m.       8 p.m.            Plan your week I Get the NEW app
 Hal sunshine. Clear and humid tonight. Times     ",......                . 90/64         I        Honolulu              88/77/s      90/75/sh
 of sun and clouds tomorrow. Sunday and
                                                   p,(65                                           Houston               99/79/s      100/79/s                           TEMPERATURE TRENDS
 Monday: clouds and sunshine with a shower              /       '--.1 (               ..•   ii.,   Indianapolis          85/67/c      87/67/pc
                                                                                                                                                             Daily                  roenast                  -       Male_.Be orer
 or thunderstorm in the area. Tuesday and                   -slew Yorg z            lAthitauk      Kansas City           87/67/pc     82/58/s
                                                                                                                                                             Temperature            Temperature                               Low
 Wednesday: partly sunny and nice. Thursday:         (1.85/69      4        ,..d.-42/69            Las Vegas
                                                                                                   Los Angeles
                                                                                                                                      96/71/s     100
 sunshine and patchy clouds.                                 i.            '7 7 .',                                                                                                  92
                                                                                                   Miami                 93/79/pc     93/78/t                                                               66
                                                                                                   Minneapolis           85/59/c                                                                83
                       Today       vol.. ,                              Today      sea..                                              79/64/5              79     A                                                 I.    TO       55
City                  HI/Le/w       Ill/Le/w      can                 HI/Le/w      NI/Le/w         Nashville             84/71/6      88/71A
Albany               84/63/s       81/60/s        Poughkeepsie        88/65/pc 84/63/s             Philadelphia          84/69/t      81/66/Pc                         I        1    rit
Binghamton           83/62/pc      78/60/c         Rochester          83/63/5      82/64/c         Salt Lake City        95/67/s      96/71/s      60                          66                                   .0    6.
Buffalo              88/65/s       85/65/c        Syracuse            87/65/s      83/65/s         San Francisco         87/64/pc                                                                                                                   61
New York City        86/69/pc      82/65/pc        Utica              84/6I/s      81/61/s         Seattle               81/59/pc     86/62/s                                                                                           53
Plattsburgh          80/57/s       81/59/s        Watertown           85159/pc     83/61/Pc        Washington, DC        84/72/c      80/70/pc
W.weat her, s-sunny. pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers.I.Ke.r-rain,t-thunderstorms. sf-snow flurries. sa-snow                                          T     F        5   5     11     T      W         F       S     S       W    T      W

                                                                                                                            signed by Trump included              they can earn more on                             sions Katko would sup-
                                                                                 Katko                                      $600 a week for unem-                 unemployment.                                     port in a relief bill, in-
                                                                                 From Al                                    ployed Americans. Those                 "There's a real concern                         cluding adjustments to
  membership                                                                                                                payments expired July 31.             about labor shortages at                          the Paycheck Protection
                                               AT AUBURNPUB,COM                  deliver nearly $1trillion in               House Democrats want                  the same time when we                             Program to provide addi-
                                                                                 aid to state and local gov-                to extend the payments                have double-digit unem-                           tional help to small busi-
Gallery                                                                          ernments and expand el-                    through early 2021, but               ployment. That is incon-                          nesses and legislation he
Prison City Ramblers classics                                                    igibility for the Paycheck                 Senate Republicans prefer             gruous to me:' Katko said.                        cosponsored to expand
cruise through Auburn.                                                           Protection Program to                      a different approach. They            "You can get creative. Sit                        the employee retention
                                                                                 help small businesses -                    want to provide $200 a                down and figure it out."                          tax credit.                                                          he thinks the talks sur-                   week through September,                 Katko also wants to see                           But, without negotia-
                                                                                 rounding the aid packages                  then replace 70%of work-              aid for states and direct                         tions, millions of Amer-
                                                                                 became partisan.                           ers' lost wages.                      help for local govern-                            icans, especially the un-
Opinion                                                                             While Katko blamed                        With unemployment,                  ments, especially smaller                         employed, will continue to
Cayuga Nation needs to get its                                                   Democrats for pushing                      Katko thinks there should             municipalities like Au-                           go without much-needed
house in order.                                                                  the HEROES Act without                     be some sort of enhanced              burn, Cayuga County,                              aid,                                                             input from Republicans,                    benefit - whether it's a              Onondaga County and                                  "There's not a business
                                                                                 he also criticized the Sen-                continuation of the $600              Syracuse.                                         in this country, there's not
                                                                                 ate GOP for not including                  payments or a supplemen-                Senate Republicans and                          a marriage in this country,
Blogs                                                                            Democrats in its proposal
                                                                                 and the Trump adminis-
                                                                                                                            tal payment that would be
                                                                                                                            available to workers, espe-
                                                                                                                                                                  Trump have been cool to
                                                                                                                                                                  the idea of providing fi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    that you get 100% of what
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    you want:' Katko said.
'We are essential': Workers
urge Cuomo to allow NY                                                           tration for failing to "try                cially low-wage earners.              nancial assistance to state                       "Compromise should not
casinos to reopen.                                                               and bridge the gap" be-                      He views that as a po-              and local governments.                            be a dirty word?'
                                                                                 tween the two parties.                     tential fix for a problem               "That's going to be a                                                             A few of the main stick-                he's heard from some                  toughrow to hoe with Re-                          Politics reporter Robert
                                                                                 ing points in the talks in-                business owners before                publicans, but it's some-                         Harding can be reached at
                                                                                 clude the overall price                    the expiration of the $600            thing that I think they're                        (315) 282-2220 or robert.
 LOTTERIES                                                                       tag, Democrats want a                      payments - that some of               gonna have to give on;'                  Follow
                                                                                 large relief bill - close to               their employees aren't re-            Katko said.                                       him on Twitter
Midday                                 CB: 3                                     the $3 trillion for the HE-                turning to work because                 There are other provi-                          grobertharding.
Numbers: 2-8-8                                                                   ROES Act, The GOP plan
                                       Wednesday's Take Five: 1-10-
Win 4: 9-0-1-5                         14-26-33                                  is closer to $1 trillion.
                                                                                    There are also dis-
Evening                                Semiweekly                                agreements on enhanced                          Public Notice
Numbers: 0-7-9                         Mega Millions: Aug. 11: 8-22-             unemployment           bene-
                                       29-43-56 MB: 9                                                                             PUBLIC STATEMENT HEARINGS TO BE HELD IN PSC CASES 19-E-0378,19-6-0379, 19-
Win 4:3-9-2-9                                                                    fits. A COVID-19 relief
                                                                                                                                  E-0380 and 19-6-0381 -- NEW YORK STATE ELECTRIC 8 GAS CORPORATION AND
                                       NY Lotto: Aug. 12: 11-16-21-              bill passed in March and
Pick 10: 1-3-12-23-25-29-31-                                                                                                      ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION -- ELECTRIC AND GAS RATES
                                       22-34-43 BN: 7
                                                                                                                                  On June 22, 2020, New York State Electric 8 Gas Corporation (NYSEG) and
63-68-69-70-71                         Powerball: Aug. 12: 2-6-18-
                                       36-37 PB: 21                                                                               Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation (RG8E) (together, the Companies) filed a
Cash4Life: 25-31-38-48-49
                                                                                 BOCES                                            Joint Proposal with the New YorkState Public Service Commission contemplating
                                                                                 From Al
                                                                                                                                  (1) proposed changes in the Companies' electric and gas delivery rates and terms
 CELEBRITY BIRTHDAYS                                                                                                              and (2) the proposed closures of customer service walk-in off ices operated in
                                                                                 If social distancing canbe                       Rochester, Fillmore, Canandaigua, Lancaster, Hornell and Liberty. Members of
    Singer Dash Crofts of Seals        AdorSusanOlsen ('The Brady                maintained, mask breaks                          the public are invited to comment on both matters.
and Crofts is 82. Singer David         Bunch") is 59. Actor HalleBerry           will be accommodated
Crosby is                                                   is 54. Actor                                                          PLEASEINCE NOTICE that virtual public statement hearings on the Joint Proposal
                                                                                 when necessary. Screen-
79. Country                                                 Ben Bass             ing procedures will be                           in Its entirety will be held before Administrative Law Judges James Costello and
singer Con-                                                 ("Rookie             used for students, staff                         Michael Clarke of the Department of Public Service on:
nie Smith is                                                Blue') 652.          and visitors.
79. Actor-mu-                                               Actor Cath-            A graphic offering a                                    1.           DATE                   Wednesday, August 26, 2020
sician Steve                                                erine Bell           "snapshot" of the plan in-                                             TIME                   100PAL
Martin is 75.                                               ("JAG") is 52.       dicates students will use
Actor Anto-                                                 Keyboardist          specifically designated                                   2,           DATE                   Wednesday, August 26, 2020
nio Fargas                             Kunis                Cody
                                                            Co        bk.        doors, dismissal will be                                               T1ME                   601PAO.
C'Starsky ard                                               Carver of            staggered and attendance
Hutch") is 74. Bassist tarty Gra-      Confederate Railrcad is 52. CIA-          will be taken every day.                         Virtual public statement hearings on the proposed office dosures will be held
ham of Sly and the Family Stone        twist KevinCadogari (Third Eye              The plan said that for                         Oft
is 74. Ada Susan St.lames is           Blind) is 50. Actor LalanyaMak                                                                     1.        DATE            Tbursday.August 27, 2020
                                                                                 compass programs, all                                              1111E           100PAM,
74. Romance novelist Danielle          ters ("Barbershop") is 48, Actor          students will attend all
Steel is 73. Keyboardist Terry         Christopher Gorham ("Ugly                 day, every day, or stu-                                   2.           DAM                    Thursday. August 27.2020
Adamsof NRBQ 1572, Cartoonist          Betty") is 46. Ador lea Kunis             dents will follow their
Gary Larson ("The Far Side") is        is 37. Actor Lamorne Morris                                                                                      MAE                    600PJA.
                                                                                 home district schedule
70. Actor Carl tom* CAliasi            ('New Girl") is 37. TV personal-          and BOCES teachers will                          A more comprehensive notice with details of the Joint Proposal and Information
669. Actor lackee Harry ("Sis-         ity SpencerPratt ("The Hills") is         give hybrid instruction,                         on how to attend the hearings electronically is available at
ter, Sister," "227") 6 64. Actor       37. Ada MenaiMartin("black-               which includes in-person
Maria Gay Harden is 6L                 ish") 615.                                and remote learning. The                         Any person wishing to provide a public statement on the record at a hearing
Singer Sarah Brightman is 60.                           -AssodatcdPoss           snapshot page said for                           must pre-register to do so by 5:00 P.M. on Monday, August 24, 2020.
                                                                                 special education, stu-                          To register electronically: Registration information for participants who would
                                                                                 dents in district-based
                                                                                                                                  like to provide a statement and will login to a hearing electronically may be
                                                                                 programs will follow their
                                                                                                                                  found in the notice available at
Algae                                  riodically andresults willbe
                                       postedto thehealth depart-
                                                                                 district's schedule.
                                                                                   Students will get spe-                         To register by phone: Any participant who is not able to login to a hearing
Fran Al                                ment website.If toxins lev-               cial education services                          electronically may participate by phone. Call-in participants who would like to
                                       els exceeding normal limits               according to to their in-                        provide a statement must register to do so in advance by calling 1-800-342-3330,
   The health department               are detected in the treated               dividualized education
also reported no toxins                drinking water the public                 programs,       in-person                        where they should follow prompts to the appropriate hearing and provide their
were detected in samples at            will be notified.                         or online to the extent                          first and last name, address, and phone number.
Owasco's treatment plant.                 Anyone with questions                  possible. For Career and                         On the appropriate date and time of a hearing, all call-in users should dial
   Operators at both plants            or who wants to report any                Technical Education, ac-                         518-549-0500 and enter.
routinely monitor for the              symptoms they think may                   ademic courses will be
presence of algae in the wa-           be related to exposure to                 available in-person and                          Access Code: 129 561 6203 for the 1:00 PM hearing on August 26
ter entering the plant and             harmful algal blooms may                  through distance learn-
will continue to do so.If the          contact the health depart-                ing.                                             Access Code: 129 716 5524 for the 6:00 PM hearing on August 26
presence of algae is identi-           ment at (315)253-1560.                      State health and safety                        Access Code: 129 700 4393 for the 1:00 PM hearing on August 27
fied entering the treatment               The health department                  regulations will need to
plant, samples of the water            recommends storingI gallon                be followed, inclding stu-                       Access Code: 129 380 7531 for the 6:00 PM hearing on August 27
entering the plant and the             of dean water for each per-               dents using face masks in
treated drinking water will            sonin the home andhaving                  hallways, common areas                           Each public statement hearing will be held open until everyone who has
be collectedto test for toxins         a minimum of a three-day                  or other situations where                        registered to speak has been heard or other reasonable arrangements to submit
associated withHABs.                   supply in case of a water                 physical distancing isn't                        comments have been made.
   Samples winbe takenpe-              emergency.                                possible.
Proof of Publication - Search / Commission Files
THE COZEN                                                                                  LOCAL & STATE                                                                          TUESDAY. AuGusr 18.2o2o   I A3

NEW YORK STATE                                                                                                 PUBLIC SAFETY

Casino workers to hold Albany rally                                                                            Sennett Fire Department
   New York casino employ-
                                 a casino to maintain sur-
                                    Mallette, McIntyre and
                                                                         reopen and that guidance
                                                                         would be issued for gyms
                                                                         to reopen in New York.
                                                                                                               receives $114K federal grant
ees will head to Albany this     Torr disagree. They orga-               But there wasn't any new
week with a message for          nized a Facebook group that             announcements           about         ROBERT HARDING                   is removed when a truck         $5.3 million in the latest
Gov. Andrew Cuomo: We            has grown to 862 members.               the status of casinos and             robert,harding@lee,net           exits the station, but it is    round of awards. The re-
need to work.                    An online petition urging               whether they could reopen                A Cayuga County vol-          reattached once it returns.     cipients included the Liv-
   A rally is planned for        Cuomo to reopen the ca-                 soon.                                 unteer fire department has         "Any exhaust that's           erpool Fire Department,
II a.m. Thursday outside         sinos has been signed by                   What Mallette and other            been awarded a six-figure        emitted when the vehicle        which received the larg-
of the state Capitol. It is      more than 2,400 people.                 casino workers want is a              federal grant — one of the       is in the station is cap-       est grant ($721,454.55),
being organized by three            During an interview                  timeline from the state for           largest grants approved          tured and exhausted out         and the Morrisville Fire
casino employees — Greg          Monday, McIntyre told                   when casinos could reopen.            for a central New York           of the building rather than     District, which FEMA
Mallette, cage operations        The Citizen that the rally                 "When you are putting              fire company in the latest       on the walls, in our lungs,     awarded $642,857.14 to
manager and assistant            will abide by health guide-             us in a position where we             round of funding.                on our clothing or on our       purchase new vehicles.
hotel manager for Vernon         lines — face coverings will             just have no guidance, we                The Sennett Fire De-          personal protective equip-         Holmes said fire depart-
Downs; Valerie McIntyre,         be required and social dis-             have no idea whatsoever"              partment will receive            ment that's at the station,"    ments can seek federal
table games supervisor at        tancing encouraged. Hand                he said. "We don't know if            $114,190.48, according to        Holmes said.                    funding for various pur-
del Lago Resort & Casino in      sanitizer will be available             it's going to be next week,           U.S. Sens. Kirsten Gilli-           Sennett is receiving         poses. Sennett, which has
Seneca County; and Robin         for attendees.                          if it's going to be two weeks         brand and Chuck Schumer.         the funding through the         55 members and about 30
Torr, hotel front desk man-         The message they want                or if we are going to get to          Gillibrand and Schumer,          Federal Emergency Man-          active firefighters, opted to
ager at Tioga Downs Casino       to deliver, McIntyre said,              Oct. 1 and we're all going to         along with U.S. Rep. John        agement Agency's Assis-         pursue funding to improve
Resort.                          is that they are essential              be laid off. That's the worst         Katko, supported the de-         tance to Firefighters Grant     firefighter safety.
   The trio, along with ap-      workers.                                part of it"                           partment's application.          program. The department            "With the higher inci-
proximately 5,200 casino            "We need to work" she                   For now, the group of                 Sennett Fire Chief Sean       and other fire companies in     dences of cancers being
employees in New York,           said. "We don't want to                 casino workers is prepar-             Holmes said that the fund-       Cayuga County have been         related to typical fire-
has been out of work since       keep collecting your unem-              ing for the rally. They are           ing will be used to install      awarded grants through          fighter duties, certainly
Cuomo directed casinos to        ployment. Let us earn what              making signs and created a            exhaust capture systems at       the program in the past.        things like exhaust is apart
close in mid-March due to        we deserve. We are ready to             chant, "What do we want?              both of the department's           Holmes said one ad-           of that, keeping that to a
the COVID 49 pandemic.           go back to work"                        Casinos reopened. When                stations. The stations are       vantage of the program is       minimum and making the
As of Monday, there is no           Mallette added that they             do we want it? Now. What              located on Franklin Street       grant requests are peer-re-     facility safer for our fire-
timetable for when casinos       want Cuomo to give casino               time is it? Our time:'                and Turnpike roads.              viewed by other firefight-      fighters and volunteers"
will reopen.                     workers a chance to show                   If the Albany rally doesn't           The exhaust capture           ers. That ensures the fire      he said.
   Cuomo said in late July       they can reopen safely amid             lead to an immediate re-              systems include a hose           departments' requests are
that casinos remain closed       the pandemic.                           sponse from Cuomo or new              that's connected to a fire       being assessed by people        Politics reporter Robert
because of "density, the            There may have been                  information about when                truck's tailpipe while it's      with firefighting experi-       Harding can be reached
likelihood of compliance         a positive development                  casinos can reopen, the               in the station. Holmes ex-       ence instead of bureau-         at (315) 282-2220 or
and the essential nature         for casino workers when                 workers plan to hold rallies          plained that the common          crats, he added.      
of the business" He added        Cuomo announced Friday                  at del Lago and other casi-           forms are either magnetic           New York fire depart-        Follow him on Twitter 14)
later that "you don't need       that bowling alleys could               nos across the state.                 or pneumatic. The hose           ments received more than        robertharding.


Contact tracers facing challenges
JENNIFER OEM                                                                                                  tem Health + Hospitals, es-      test around the world. The       temporarily put aside her
Associated Press                                                                                              timates the tracers' efforts     stakes are particularly clear    plumed questions to ask,
   NEW YORK — Joseph Or-                                                                                      have prevented thous ands of     to the U.S. city that has suf-   "Are you doing OK?"
tiz headed for the home of a                                                                                  coronavirus cases andhelped      feredmoreCOVID-19 deaths           "We talked for a little bit,
stranger who tested positive                                                                                  keep new infections, hospi-      than any other but wrestled      Me person to person" said
for COV1D-19, unsure how                                                                                      talizations and deaths at rel-   its outbreak into relative       Diaw, 25, a graduate student
his unexpected visit would                                                                                    atively low levels. New con-     control late this spring.        in public health. "That was
go.                                                                                                           firmed cases topped 6,000           Making calls from her East    really rewarding because I
   The person hadn't an-                                                                                      on some days in April; they      Harlem apartment, tracer         actually helped someone
swered phone calls from New                                                                                   now average about 200 a day      Maryama Diaw says she            through what couldbe avery
York City's contact tracing                                                                                   amid far more testing.           strives to "be sensitive and     difficult day for them, and I
program, a massive effort to                                                                                     "'That's what tells me that   compassionate and actually       know that she left the call
keep the coronavirus from                                                                                     what we are doing is work-       tallcto the personas a human     with the resources that she
spreading by getting newly                                                                                    ing," Long said.                 being, and not just read off a   needed"
diagnosed people to iden-                                                                                        Contact tracing is a          script:'                           New York's tracers also
tify others they might have                                           JOHN MINCHILLO, ASSOCIATED PRESS        time-honored public health          Whena woman was cr'est-       offer assistance that can in-
infected before those people     Joseph Ortiz, a contact tracer with New York City's Health                   technique, but the pandemic      fallen to hear she'd tested      clude fooddeliveries andfree
spread it further.               + Hospitals battling the coronavirus pandemic, takes the                      s putting it to a gruelbgnew    positive, Diaw recalls, she      hotel rooms.
   Ortiz was out to try to       subway system on the way to potential patient's home Aug. 6
bring the person into the        in New York.
   "It's a inbred bag. You       start, the city says it's now           bers that New York reports              Public Notice
never know what you're go-       meeting its goal of reaching            are promising. Still, some
                                                                                                                 PUBLIC STATEMENT HEARINGS TO BE HELD IN PSC CASES 19-E-0378, 19-G-0379,19-
ing to get" Ortiz, 30, said as   about 90%of allnewly diag-              outside experts suggest New
he approached the person's       nosed people and complet-               York should get more from               E-0380 and 19-0-0381 -- NEW YORK STATE ELECTRIC & GAS CORPORATION AND
Queens apartment hrrikling       ing interviews with 75%.                the initiative.                         ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION -- ELECTRIC AND GAS RATES
this month. "Sometimes              But in the program's first              "The way you hear the                On June 22, 2020, New York State Electric & Gas Corporation (NYSEG) and
you have people who are re-      two months, more than                   metrics and the progress                Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation (RG&E) (together, the Companies) filed a
ally appreciative....They like   11,000 infected people —                described, it's like their job
that we're out here trying to    over half of all new cases —            is done after making these              Joint Proposal with the New YorkState Public Service Commission contemplating
end the pandemic so every-       didn't provide any names                contacts. But it's not mission          (1) proposed changes in the Companies electric and gas delivery rates and terms
one can get back to normal"      of others they might have               accomplished, at all:' says             and (2) the proposed closures of customer se mice walk-In offices operated in
   "But other times, you         exposed. When people have               Dr. Denis Nash, a City Uni-             Rochester, Fillmore, Canandaigua, Lancaster, Home!l and Liberty. Members of
might have a client who          identified contacts, tracers            versityofNewYorkepidemi-                the public are invited to comment on both matters.
slams the door."                 havefmishedinteryiewswith               ology professor. He feels the
   Suchis the on-the-ground      6 in 10 of them, short of the           cityismissingopportunities              PLEASE TAICE NOTICE that virtual public statement hearings on the Joint Proposal
work of what appears to be       city's goal. The city has yet           to amass people's surepss at            in Its entirety will be held before Ad ministrative Law Judges James Costello and
the biggest contact tracing      to say how quickly it's con-            isolating themselves and                Michael Clarke of the Department of Public Service on:
effort in any U.S. city, with    necting with people or what             scout exposure patterns to
over 3,000 people making         it's gleaning about potential           learn "where theholes in the                     1.        DATE                Wednesday, August 26,2020
calls, knocking on doors         sources of exposure.                    safety net are andassess how                               TIME                140 PJA.
and checking in on people's         Comparing U.S. state and             big they are:'
health and sequestration.        city contact tracing pro-                  Program director Dr. Ted                      2.        DATE                Wednesday, August 26,2020
   Mayor Bill de Blasi°, a       grams is difficult because              Long acknowledges there's                                  TIME                fc00 PJA.
Democrat, has credited the       they vary widely in what                more work to do. But Long,
effort with "so far, amazing     they release, but some public           a physician and executive                Virtual publicstatement hearings on the proposed office donee will be held
success:' After a knotty June    healthscholars say thenum-              with city-run hospital sys-              on
                                                                                                                          1.       DATE            Thursday, August 27,2020
                                                                                                                                   TIME            140

   TV & INTERNET                                                                    High-sp
                                                                                                                          2,        DATE                Musday, August 27,2020

   The Perfect Pair d • sh.
                                                                                                                                    TIME                E00 P.M.
                                                                                                                 A more comprehensive notice with details of the Joint Proposal and information
                                                                                                                 on how to attend the hearings electronically i s available at

         2 Year TV Price                                                                                         Any person wishing to provide a public statement on the record at a hearing
                                                                                                                 must pre-register to do so by 5:00 P.M. on Monday, August 24, 2020.
        GUARANTEE                                                     -1712MIECZ2-                               To register electronically: Registration Information for participants who would
                                                                        Ra ir=not
                                                                              Vo                  e&             like to provide a statement and will login to a hearing electronically may be
    • 12                                                                Smart HD DVR             Ta^-            found in the notice available at
    FOX 43                                                                                                       To register by phone: Any participant w ho is not able to login to a hearing
       11.141         100 CHH NELS               _                                                               electronically may participate by phone. Call-in participants who would like to
       dbv                                  -              ofa_
                                                                                                                 provide a statement must register to do so in advance by calling 1-800-342-3330,
                                     .11.1 Pep                                                                   where they should follow prompts to the appropriate hearing and provide their

V        Unto/
       ote                                                                                                       first and last name, address, and phone number.
                                                                                                                 On the appropriate date and time of a hearing, all call-in users should dial
                                                                                                                 518-549-0500 and enter.

 315-313-6670 clo.
   C"'"'"*"" Nria-Mrgintl,t=a7gViggt=i1=41
                              I  ..ct,rei . p.v.s.1,114“....             .11,1
                                                                                                                 Access Code: 129 561 6203 for the 1:00 PM hearing on August 26
                                                                                                                 Access Code: 129 716 5524 for the 6:00 PM hearing on August 26
   ainNEWEateirn:lig,PLIt                                                                                        Access Code:129 700 4393 for the 1:00 PM hearing on August 27
   krAm.IXTAlliFsitnPar,,V.-Faral-6,- Tolraie`ZE
   ="=,:::"".....":4,Tti     al r;i„,`C,..rjaS=1: 7=                                                    1,.      Access Code: 129 380 7531 for the 6:00 PM hearing on August 27
                                                                                                                 Each public statement hearing will be held open until everyone who has
                                                                                                                 registered to speak has been heard or other reasonable arrangements to submit
                                                     dortliFie.::7.       C. ire 04,01,0   ...   warn.=

   re Et    Arf.r
                                                 taj=14.4%.===°24..t7ne=1...                                     comments have been made.
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