PROSPECTUS - Paray School of Nursing

Page created by Herman Saunders
PROSPECTUS - Paray School of Nursing
Paray School of Nursing
P.O Box 2
Thaba-Tseka 550
Tell: +266 22900319
Cell: +266 66102264/ +266 56879305
Facebook page: Paray School of Nursing

                                32         2019
PROSPECTUS - Paray School of Nursing

1.   VISION                                  3
2.   MISSION STATEMENT                       3
3.   PHILOSOPHY                              3
4.   GOAL                                    3
5.   HISTORICAL BACKGROUND                   4
6.   TEACHING PLATFORM                       5
8.   FACULTY                                 8
9.   APPLICATION PROCEDURE                   11
10. DURATION OF STUDY                        12   I’m not telling you it’s going to
11. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                       12
                                                   be easy, I am telling you it’s
14. REGISTRATION                             16
15. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE                     16        going to be worth it.
16. ACCOMODATION                             16
17. CATERING                                 16
18. STUDENT VISAS                            16             Art Williams
20. MEDICAL EXAMINATION                      16
21. ORIENTATION                              17
24. LIBRARY SERVICES                         21
25. COMPUTER SERVICES                        23
26. SIMULATION LABORATORY                    24
27. STUDENT SUPPORT                          25
29. ASSESSMENTS                              29
30. ACCREDITATION STATUS                     29
31. APPENDIX                                 30

                                   2                               31
PROSPECTUS - Paray School of Nursing
         APPENDIX 1 – RECOMMENDED BOOKS                                            To be the center of excellence in nursing education in Lesotho through research, innovation and
1. CERTIFICATE IN NURSING ASSISTANT                                                                               learning culminating in quality health

To be provided to the selected students.

                                                                                                                        MISSION STATEMENT
2. DIPLOMA IN NURSING                                                              Paray School of Nursing as a Catholic institution shall uphold Christian values in the provision of
To be provided to the selected students.                                           quality nursing education by inspiring learning through excellence in teaching. Creating and
                                                                                   advancing knowledge through art, science and research; shaping care through evidence based
                                                                                   practice. It also strives to produce nurses who will practice safely, independently and observe
                                                                                   scientific, legal and ethical standards in the delivery of quality nursing care meeting the changing
All Midwifery students will be provided with a package that is
                                                                                   health care needs in the community.
compulsory for the training and will only be available at        Paray School of
Nursing, this Package will include:

    Workbooks for each module
    Registers
                                                                                   Paray School of Nursing believes that individuals have a right to train as nurses, irrespective of
   Lesotho Obstetric Record
                                                                                   their age, gender, race, religion and social status. All individuals training at Paray School of
   Checklists                                                                     Nursing have the right to obtain scientific, legal and ethical preparation and development of
                                                                                   standard on a personal and professional level. The graduates will be adequately equipped for
                                                                                   safe and independent practice to provide for the changing health needs of the community.

                                                                                   To produce competent nurses that will deliver quality health care services in different settings.

                                           30                                                                                         3
                                                                                              3. DIPLOMA IN MIDWIFERY- 1 year programme
The 1970’s
                                                                                              SEMESTER 1
Paray School of Nursing is established in 1977 with the main objective of training Nursing
Assistants who are to provide health care services to the communities of the remote           MID 117 Antenatal care
mountainous regions of Lesotho. Only female students from within Thaba-Tseka are
                                                                                              MID 119 Labour and Child Birth
recruited for training. The curriculum being implemented is an LNC approved content based
curriculum. The length of training is one year.                                               SEMESTER 2

                                                                                              MID 127 Neonatal Care
The 1980’s
                                                                                              MID 126 Post Partum Care
Recruitment of students is expanded to include female students from the lowlands.
Curriculum review increases the length of the training program to 18 months                   YEAR COURSE

The 1990’s                                                                                    RES 107 Research in Midwifery

The first male students are recruited in June 1999.

2000                                                                                          ASSESSMENTS

The curriculum for the Certificate in Nursing Assistant is reviewed in the year 2000. The     Examinations will be guided by the assessment program and
review increases the period of training of the Certificate in Nursing Assistant to 2years.
                                                                                              assessment policy of the institution
                                                                                              ACCREDITATION STATUS
The Lesotho Nursing Council (LNC) approves the school to offer the Diploma in General
Nursing, now Diploma in Nursing. The Diploma in General Nursing first intake starts in July
2009 with twenty pioneer students
                                                                                              The Diploma in Nursing and Diploma in Midwifery Programs

                                                                                              attained full accreditation from the Council on Higher Education
                                                                                              ( CHE) for a period of five fives starting from January 2017 to June
The Certificate in Nursing Assistant is reviewed to a Competence Based Curriculum and is
offered for 15 months.                                                                        2022. The Certificate in Nursing       Assistant   program is on an

                                                                                              Extended    Probationary Accreditation between March 2016 to June

                                                  4                                                                            29
PHC 2112   Primary Health Care Nursing
                                         The Diploma Midwifery programme is introduced in August with an intake of seventeen (17)
PHM 214    Pharmacology                  pioneer students

ANP 216    Anatomy and Physiology        2015

                                         Diploma in General Nursing is reviewed and changes to be Diploma in Nursing
MHN 224    Mental Health Nursing
                                         110 graduates are conferred Certificates and Diplomas in their various programmes. This is
PHM 224    Pharmacology                  the largest number of graduates in one ceremony since the inception.

PHC 2212   Primary Health Care           2017

ANP 224    Anatomy and Physiology        Diploma in Nursing and Diploma in Midwifery are accredited by Council on Higher
                                         Education. (CHE) for five years. Diploma in Nursing is reviewed to a Competency Based
                                         Curriculum with an intake of 21 students.
NUR 3114   Nursing
                                         Paray School of Nursing academic Senate is constituted with 11 senators.The body
MGT 304    Management in Nursing
                                         oversees the academic activities and assessments in the school.

                                         TEACHING PLATFORM
NUR 3214   Nursing
                                         Botha-Bothe Government Hospital
MGT 304    Management in Nursing
                                         Mamohau Mission Hospital

                                         Mohlomi Psychiatric Hospital

                                         Mokhotlong Government Hospital

                           28                                                            5
Paray Mission Hospital                     SEMESTER 2

Queen ‘Mamohato Memorial Hospital          NASS 103 Community Health Nursing I

                                           NASS 203 Community Health Nursing II
Seboche Mission Hospital
                                           NASS 104 Sexual and Reproductive Health I
Mohlomi Psychiatric Hospital
                                           NASS 204 Sexual and Reproductive Health II
Motebang Government Hospital
                                           NASS 205 Introduction to Psychology & Mental Health Nursing

                                           NASS 300 Practicum

Clinics                                    SEMESTER 3

Bobete Health Centre                       Internship

Health Division – Thaba-Tseka
                                                                    2. DIPLOMA IN NURSING
Holy Trinity Health Centre

Katse Health Centre
                                        YEAR 1:         SEMESTER 1
Khohlo –Nt’so Health Centre             NUR 1110        Community Assessment

Libibing Health Centre                  MAP 114         Microbiology and Parasitology

Linakeng Health Centre                  SOC 114         Sociology

Louis Gerald Health Centre              ETH 114         Ethics

Maryland Health Centre

Mohale Health Centre                    YEAR 1:         SEMESTER 2

Mohlanapeng Health Centre               PSY 124         Psychology

Mokoto Health Centre                    ANP 124         Anatomy and Physiology

Mositi Health Centre                    NUR 1212        Nursing

Sehong-hong Health Centre

                                    6                                            27
Sport and Recreation services

Students are supported in a variety of sporting activities in and around Paray   Seshote Health Centre
School of Nursing.     Through the Student Representative Council and the
                                                                                 St-Paul Health Centre
Lesotho Nursing Association-Student Chapter, the students from Paray School
of Nursing participate annually in the Inter-Collaboration games held in some    St-Peters Health Centre (Botha-Bothe)
Schools of Nursing in Lesotho.
                                                                                 St. Theresa Clinic (Mashai)
Student Representative Council (SRC)
                                                                                 Pointmain Health Centre
The School of Nursing has a vibrant SRC, which co-ordinates non-academic
student activities. The SRC works closely with the Dean of Students.             Community Based Learning

                                                                                 The school has engaged with communities of Thaba-Tseka to offer leaners authentic
                                                                                 experiential learning opportunities. Students in all levels are placed in these
                                                                                 communities in order to achieve the community related outcomes and expanding the
MODULES IN THE PROGRAMMES OFFERED BY PARAY SCHOOL                                learning environment for students.
                                                                                 ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH LINKAGES
                                                                                 Christian Health Association of Lesotho (CHAL)
                                                                                 Foundation for the Advancement in International Medical Education and Research –
    NASS 101 Basic Nursing I
                                                                                 Sub Saharan Institute (SAFRI)
    NASS 201 Basic Nursing II
                                                                                 Jhpiego –John Hopkins University Affiliate
    NASS 102 Medical Surgical Nursing I
                                                                                 Lesotho Nurses’ Association (LNA)
    NASS 202 Medical- Surgical Nursing II
                                                                                 Lesotho Nursing Council (LNC)

                                                                                 National Manpower Development Secretariat (NMDS)

                                                                                 National University of Lesotho – Faculty of Health Sciences(NUL)

                                                                                 University of the Free State (UFS)

                                                                                 African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF)

                                        26                                                                               7
Operating Hours
Maluti Adventist College
                                                                                                    Weekdays                     : 0800Hrs—1700Hrs
National Health Training College                                                               Head:Public  Holidays
                                                                                                     Certificate                  :CLOSED
                                                                                                                 in Nursing Assistant:
                                                                                                    Weekends and after hours :(will be open under special request
Roma College of Nursing

Scott College of Nursing                                                                       Dean: Student Affairs:            with prior arrangements to responsible person)

Henrietta Stockdale College of Nursing (SA)
                                                                                                         STUDENT SUPPORT

                                                                                               Nurse Educator:
                                                                                                   The School of Nursing is committed to ensure a healthy environment for its
                                    ACADEMIC STAFF                                                  students and will pursue all avenues to this regard.

Principal Nurse Educator:                Sr. I. Pooka, RN, RM, B Cur (Natal),                       Health Services

                                                BSc (UB), MSc. N (TAU)                         NurseStudent
                                                                                                     Educator:falling sick during their studies should notify their Supervisor,
                                                                                                    Educator, Dean of Students, Nurse-in-Charge or Wardens depending on their
Deputy-Principal Nurse Educator:         Mr. P. Phoolo, RN, PGD (Nursing Ed)
                                                                                                    location at the time of illness. Hospital services within Paray Mission Hospital
                                                (SU), PGD (SU), PGPN (Boston), MPHIL in            will be provided free of charge for students except when the students are
                                                                                               Nurse Educator:
                                                                                                   admitted or dental services.
                                                HIV/AIDS (SU)
                                                                                               Nurse Educator:
                                                                                                   Students with special medical conditions that may prohibit them to partake in a
Faculty Development Coordinator :        Dr. C. N. Nyoni, RN, B Sc. (Hons) N(UZ) M Soc. Sc.
                                                 (Nursing) (UFS), MHPE (c) KU, PhD (UFS)       Nursevariety of activities including catering services will need to provide proof of
                                                                                                    such to the Dean of Students on the orientation week for appropriate measures
                                                                                                    to be taken by the School.
Head: Midwifery:                         Ms. N. Rapolo, RN, RM, BSc (NUL), PGD (NE ) PGD       NurseCounselling
                                                                                                     Educator : services
                                                 (HIV/AIDS) MPhil (HIV/AIDS) (SU PhD(c) (SU)
                                                                                               NurseThe School of Nursing has a professional counsellor and spiritual director to
Head: Diploma in Nursing:             Mrs. E. Mukurunge, RN, BSc Biochem., (UZ) BSc                 offer psycho-social counselling for students. The counsellor and spiritual
                                                                                                    director are accessible at any time of the semester and strict confidentiality is
                                         (Hon) (UZ) M Soc. Sc. (Nursing) I (UFS) FSAFRI
                                                                                               Clinical Supervisor:

                                                8                                                                                                25
Examination time
Weekdays                        : 0800 Hrs – 2100 Hrs
Saturday                        : 0800 Hrs – 1400 Hrs                                 Head: Certificate in Nursing Assistant: Mr. F. Muzeya, RN, B Sc. (Hons) N (UZ),
Sunday                          :CLOSED
                                                                                                                                   MPH (UNISA), FSAFRI

December holidays                                                                     Dean: Student Affairs:                   Mrs. T. Matsoso RN, RM, OPN, BA CUR (UNISA), PGD

Library closes with the closure of the School of Nursing between the first and                                                 ( UCT), MSc (c) (NWU)
second semester.
                                                                                      Nurse Educator:                          Ms. M. Shawa, RN, B Sc. N (Zambia), PGD (HIV
                                                                                                                               Management) Medunsa), MPH (Medunsa), FSAFRI, Ph.D
To improve learning of appropriate skills, Knowledge and attitudes the school of
                                                                                                                               (c ) (UFS) II
nursing is proud to own a state of the art simulation laboratory. In the simulation
laboratory, nursing skills are practiced before the students can actually perform     Nurse Educator:             Mrs. P. K. Shanduka, RN, RM, B Sc. N (ZOU) MNSC III (SMU),
such skills on real patients.
The simulation laboratory has high fidelity simulators that can perform virtually
most of the human functions hence enabling the nursing student to practice and        Nurse Educator:              Mr. L.Thapelo, R/N BA CUR (UNISA), RSM (NHTC)
feel the procedure on a simulator. Simulation based learning is integrated
                                                                                      Nurse Educator:             Mrs. A.M Rammitsane, RN, RM, BNS (Medunsa)
throughout the curriculum of learning in all programs.

Use of the simulation laboratory                                                      Nurse Educator:             Mrs. M. Qhobosheane, RN, RM, OPN, BA CUR (UNISA),

                                                                                                                  MCUR(1) NWU
Students learning from the simulation laboratory should be in full uniform.
                                                                                      Nurse Educator :             Mr .S. Shanyurai RN, BSc N (Hons) (UZ)
Simulators are to be treated as patients in the ward. All students entering the
simulation laboratory should sign the attendance register at the entrance and         Nurse Educator:             Mrs M. Nkhotla RN, RM, BSc (NUL), PGD
report to the Clinical supervisor present.
                                                                                                                   (NE) (SU)
All guidelines specific to simulators and models in the simulation laboratory shall
be observed.                                                                          Clinical Supervisor:        Mr. B. Masava, RN, B Sc. (Hons) N (UZ), MPhil HSE

                                                                                                                   (SU), FSAFRI

                                             24                                                                                                9
Clinical Instructor: Mrs. M. Mokorotlo RN, RM, BSc (NUL)
                                                                               Loan periods
                   MSN II (TAU)
                                                                               Students may borrow up to two books from the library for a period of one week. An
Clinical Instrutor: Mr. M. Matsau RN, RM, BA (UNISA)
                                                                               extension period may be granted only if the book is not in demand.
Clinical Instructor: Ms. M. Lebeko RN, RM, BA CUR (UNISA)

Spiritual Director: Fr. Ts`ehla OMI AM (LAC), B.Phil (Urbaniana),
                                                                               COMPUTER SERVICES
                   B.Theol (Urbaniana) , DELF B1 (French), DELF B2 (French),
                                                                               The School of Nursing hosts a lucrative state of the art computer laboratory with
                   P.G.D (HIV/AIDS Management ), MPhil (HIV/AIDS               several desktop computers. All the computers are connected to the internet and thus
                                                                               allowing students to enjoy a wide array of learning opportunities. Students are also
                   Management) (SU)
                                                                               encouraged to utilize their own personal computers as wireless internet is accessible
Tutor:             Mr .P.Mutimbe, RNM (PSoN)                                   within the school campus. Wireless internet connection will be sought from IT
                                                                               office. The opening times of the library apply with the computer laboratory.
Tutor:             Miss. K. Mokhele, RNM (PSoN)

Income Generating Project Marketer/Tutor: Mr. T. Nyoni, RNM (PSoN)
                                                                               Use of the Computer laboratory
                                                                               The ICT officer in the Computer laboratory will assist students in accessing the com-
Administrator:            Mrs. M. Masilo, BA. (Econ) (NUL)                     puters and the internet. These facilities are limited and academic use takes
                                                                               precedence over social use. Students are expected to report any challenges they may
Accountant:               Mr. S. Masupha B Comm Acc. (NUL)
                                                                               be facing to the ICT officer on duty.
Assistant Accountant:     Mrs. M. Phatela CAT (LCK Tutor ing Ser vices)
                                                                               Laboratory hours
Accounts Intern:          Miss M. Ts`ehlana, B Comm Acc. (NUL)                 Semester time

Library Services Assistant: Miss. H. Nthulanyane BA (NUL)                      Weekdays                   : 0800 Hrs – 2100 Hrs
                                                                               Saturdays                  : 0900 Hrs – 1200 Hrs
Library Services Assistant: Mr. M. Selialia BA (NUL)
                                                                               Sunday                     : CLOSED
Information Technology : Mr. T. Moshabesha B Sc. (Lakeland College,
                                                                               Public Holidays            : CLOSED

Secretary:                Ms. M. Mokobane, BM (LP)

                                    10                                                                                     23
Receptionist:             Mr. T. Khasipe, AD IT (LUCT)
The School of Nursing has a functioning library that hosts more than a thousand      Warden :                  Mr. R. Mabaso AM (LAC)
bibliographies. Such bibliography includes: books, journals, examination
                                                                                     Warden :                   Ms. M. Motlomelo, BA-(UFS), BA (Hons) (UFS)
question papers, and student`s research proposal and reports. The library is
located in one of the first buildings of the school of nursing. The main objective
                                                                                         APPLICATION PROCEDURE
of the   library is to assist the school towards achievement of the vision which
endeavors to be a Centre of excellence in nursing education in Lesotho.                  Application forms together with prospectus will be available from:
                                                                                         a)   Paray School of Nursing Campus and CHAL offices from the 1st of March
Library hours
Semester time
                                                                                         b) School website from the 1st of March 2019
Weekdays                   : 0800 Hrs – 2100 Hrs
                                                                                         c) Council on Higher Education Fair held in Maseru on the 14th –15th of March
Saturdays                  : 0900 Hrs – 1200 Hrs
Sunday                     : CLOSED
                                                                                         d) You can apply on line from the school website
Public Holidays            : CLOSED
Examination time                                                                         Prospective students are expected to complete every section of the application

Weekdays                   : 0800 Hrs – 2100 Hrs                                         form. The application form attached with all the necessary documents should be

Saturday                   : 0800 Hrs – 1400 Hrs                                         returned to Paray School of Nursing or CHAL offices Maseru or uploaded on

Sunday                     :CLOSED                                                       the website on or before the 29th March 2019.
                                                                                         A non refundable application fee of M200 for Basotho, M250 for non Basotho,

December holidays                                                                        and M500 for transferring in students should be deposited in the school bank
Library closes with the closure of the School of Nursing between the first and
                                                                                         BANK ACCOUNT HOLDER: PARAY SCHOOL OF NURSING
second semester.
                                                                                         ACCOUNT HOLDER’S ADDRESS:
                                                                                         P.O.BOX 02, THABA-TSEKA 550 LESOTHO
Current students of the School of Nursing, staff and members of the teaching             BANK ACCOUNT: 9080002551191
hospital are members of the library. Membership to the library is free of charge.
                                                                                         BRANCH: THABA – TSEKA
                                                                                         BRANCH CODE: 062 767
                                                                                         SWIFT CODE AND BIC: SBICLSMX
                                                                                         BANK NAME: STANDARD LESOTHO BANK
                                         22                                                                                     11
Lunch box, cutlery , a cup or mug
    Certificate in Nursing Assistant (15 months)                                     Washing basin and bucket with lid
                                                                                     Electric iron
    Diploma in Nursing (3 Years)
    Diploma in Midwifery (1 year)
    ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                                               Paraffin and paraffin heaters for warming water
                                                                                     5 Liter non-electric kettle
The applicant must possess LGCSE/COSC or equivalent. Foreign acquired
qualifications should be evaluated by the Examinations Council of Lesotho (ECOL)
                                                                                     The following items are NOT appropriate for students to wear when in
before submission.
                                                                                     Casual sandals and tekkies
A candidate must have passed a minimum of six (6) subjects with a (D) which much
                                                                                     Ragged trousers and jeans
must include:
                                                                                     Short pants
   a D or better in English language
   a D or better in Mathematics                                                     Revealing or see-through uniform
   a D or better in Physics/Chemistry/ Biology/ Human and social Biology
                                                                                     Tight pants

                                                                                     Short skirts
                                                                                     Flat shoes for female students (pumps)
A candidate must have passed a minimum of six(6) subjects which much must include:
                                                                                     BEHAVIOUR, RULES AND REGULATIONS

   E or better in English language                                                  Students are at all times expected to behave in a manner appropriate to the
   E or better in Mathematics                                                       nursing profession. Rules and regulations of the School of Nursing shall be
   E or better in Physics/ Chemistry/ Biology/ Human and Social Biology             provided to students during orientation. Any violation of these rules and
                                                                                     regulations and the laws of Lesotho will lead to disciplinary action.

                                         12                                                                              21
                                                                                                                       DIPLOMA IN NURSING

 Male and Female students                                                               The applicant must possess LGCSE/COSC or its equivalent. Foreign acquired
 Navy Blue tracksuit                                                                    qualifications should be evaluated by the Examinations Council of Lesotho (ECOL)
                                                                                        before submission.
 Navy blue Spoty
 Navy Blue woolen hat
 Tekkies (of any brand and colour)

                                                                                        A candidate must have passed a minimum of six(6) subjects with a (D) of which four (4)
The community dress code will be acquired from school during the first week of          of them must be passed with a C or better including Physics / Chemistry/ Biology.
July 2019. Tekkies will not be obtained from school
                                                                                            a D or better in mathematics

Other Requirements                                                                          a D or better in English language
Stethoscope                                                                             COSC
Manual Sphygmomanometer
                                                                                        A candidate must have passed a minimum of (6) subjects with a (D)
                                                                                            Four credits which must include a science subject. The science subjects should be
Nurse’s watch with second hand                  These will be available at the School        Physics/ Chemistry/ Biology
Tape measure                                                                                D or better in Mathematics
                                                                                            D or better in English language
A pair of nurse’s scissors
Computer/tablet/smart phone
                                                                                            Certificate in Nursing Assistant passed with merit
Stationery which should include note books, examination pads, stapler
                                                                                            A minimum of 5 passed subjects at COSC.
Pens (blue/black, red, green), pencils, rubber, ruler
Textbooks AS PER ATTACHMENT                                                                 Working experience as a Nursing Assistant is an added advantage

                                           20                                                                                      13
Female students

                            DIPLOMA IN MIDWIFERY                                              Pink top with collar
                                                                                              Maroon Jersey
The applicants must possess;
                                                                                              Pink trousers
Diploma in Nursing second year transcript pending final results
                                                                                              Black shoes with 3/4 heel/block not pencil heel
OR                                                                                            Panty hose
                                                                                              Nurses watch with second hand
Diploma in Nursing
                                                                                              Pink dresses or below knee skirt
Transfer in applicants                                                                    Black Jacket

    Application letter specifying reasons for transferring into Paray School of          The following uniform for all programmes will be acquired from school of

    Completed application form.                                                                Tops with collar
    Application fee of M500                                                                    Trousers
    Recommendation letter from the Principal Nurse Educator/Rector from previous
     School of Nursing.                                                                         Dresses

    Transcript of previous academic year                                                 Shoes, panty hose, jackets and jerseys will not be obtained from
                                                                                          NB: ALL STUDENTS SHOULD HAVE FULL UNIFORM ON THE
Short listing: Shor t-listing of candidates will be done on merit. Interviews for         FISRT WEEK OF OPENING. STUDENTS SHOULD STRICTLY BE IN
short-listed candidates will be conducted in April 2019 at Paray School of Nursing        FULL UNIFORM WHEN REQUIRED TO.

Final selection for admission: The academic r esults and the per for mance of the
prospective students in the interview will be part       of the criteria used for final
selection. The recommendations of the Admissions Committee of Paray School of
Nursing will be final. Only successful candidates will be communicated to through
the school website, school Facebook page and telephonically.

                                          14                                                                                        19
Female Students
                                                                                   COMMENCEMENT OF TRAINING
White top with collar                                                           Once accepted to the different programmes note that the Certificate in Nursing
Navy Blue Jersey                                                                Assistant and the Diploma in Nursing will commence in July 2019. Diploma in
White trousers                                                                  Midwifery programme for 2019 will commence on a date to be advised.
Black shoes with ¾ heel/block not pencil heel
Panty hose                                                                      Registration Fees: A non-refundable registration fee of M 3000.00 should be paid
Nurses watch with second hand                                                   upfront by all first year students including the Diploma in Midwifery students.
White dresses or below knee skirt                                               Continuing students pay registration fee of M750.00 in the first week of every
Navy Blue Jacket                                                                academic year. All payments to be made to the school’s bank account using details in
                                                                                page 11 of this prospectus. Proof of payment should be presented to the accounts
Epaulettes (only obtained from school) and Diploma in Midwifery students will
                                                                                Total fees
obtain their epaulettes from Lesotho Nursing Council (LNC) upon registration.

                                                                                ITEM              Certificate in       Diploma in        Diploma in
CERTIFICATE IN NURSING ASSISTANT                                                                  Nursing Assis-       Nursing           Midwifery
Male students                                                                   Tuition fee       3,937.50             3,150.00          3,150.00
                                                                                Boarding          5,250.00             4,200.00          4,200.00
Blue shirt
                                                                                Catering          21,848.50            17,478.50         17,478.50
Maroon Jersey
                                                                                Book fee          2,600.00             5,000.00          5,000.00
White trousers
                                                                                Examination       1,050.00             735.00            735.00
Flat black shoes                                                                fee
Black socks
                                                                                TOTAL             34,686.00            30,563.50         30,563.50

Nurses watch with second hand
Black jackets
                                                                                (These fees are subject to change)

                                                                                Please note: All self sponsored students are expected to sign the
                                                                                fees commitment form before the commencement of the programme.

                                           18                                                                            15
                                                                                            The purpose of orientation program in the School of Nursing is to introduce new
                                                                                            students to the functioning of the school, the curriculum, the staff members, academic
     FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE                                                                   activities, academic support services, Student Representative Council and to assist
National Manpower Development Secretariat (NMDS)                                            them with general adjustment to the academic and personal demands of the School.
                                                                                            This program is done in the first two weeks of July 2019.
All Basotho students can receive sponsorship to pursue their studies at Paray School of
Nursing from NMDS if they meet both NMDS criteria and school’s admission
                                                                                            PROFFESIONAL CODE OF CONDUCT FOR STUDENTS
How ever NMDS does not cover all the expenses incurred in the training
process and the school shall therefore alert prospective students of the ensuing            Dress code
expectation to complement the deficit.
                                                                                            Students are expected to dress appropriately when on duty in the hospital, health
                                                                                            centres, and other learning places. Untidy or inappropriate clothing may offend
Students with bursaries should provide proof of payment through bank deposit slips to
                                                                                            patients, their relatives and visitors resulting in lack of confidence in the care offered,
the accounts office during the registration period.
                                                                                            as well as negatively affecting the public image of the School of Nursing.
All admitted students are expected to reside within the school’s halls of residences.
                                                                                            Nursing students shall wear the prescribed uniform when going to the clinical area
    CATERING                                                                                and the simulation laboratory.
Meals will be provided by the school. Eating from the school dining is compulsory.
                                                                                            DIPLOMA IN NURSING AND MIDWIFERY
All foreign students are expected to obtain study permit from Ministry of Home
Affairs (Department of Immigration). It is the student’s responsibility to secure a study
permit from the respective offices before the commencement of training.                     Male Students

All new students will be issued with identification cards at Paray School of Nursing.       White shirt
Students are expected to wear the identification cards in the clinical area at all times.   Navy Blue Jersey
    MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS                                                                    White trousers
All new students will under go medical examinations during the orientation week.            Flat black shoes
These medical examinations will be conducted at Paray Hospital. Female students will
                                                                                            Nurses watch with second hand
be tested for pregnancy and a positive test will result in the student’s deferring from
                                                                                            Black socks
pursuing studies with Paray School of Nursing in accordance with the School’s
                                                                                            Navy Blue Jacket
Admission Policy.

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