Page created by Marilyn Frazier

PwC Myanmar
Weekly Business Intelligence

Issue 141
28 December 2018

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PwC | December 2018                                                                                                                              2
1. Weekly Key Financial & Business News

PwC | December 2018                       3
Weekly Key Financial & Business News

            Telenor’s 4G/LTE Coverage Reaches 90% of all Townships in Myanmar

            MPT Announces New Data Pack Offering Premium Entertainment Content

            Three Million Additional Vehicles Come to Myanmar Since Import Policy Change

            MLCA Signs Agreement with Real Estate Associations for Quality Apartments

            Average inflation rate accounts for 6.66 % in November this year

PwC | December 2018                                                                        4
Weekly Key Financial & Business News

            Yangon must safeguard the environment

            Two steps forward, one stride back

            A year of despair and despondency

            Fuel oil prices fall by 20% to 34%

            Rice export declines within eight months

PwC | December 2018                                    5
Myanmar Business
Today                         Telenor’s 4G/LTE Coverage Reaches 90% of all
                                         Townships in Myanmar
                                                                   25 Dec 2018

                      Telenor Myanmar has announced that its 4G/LTE        their increasing need for speedy and reliable
                      network now covers more than 300 townships,          data,”said Sharad Mehrotra, Chief Executive
                      which is 90% of the whole country. In September,     Officer of Telenor Myanmar.
                      Telenor set an ambitious goal of bringing 4G/LTE     “In Telenor, we are serious about network quality.
                      network to 300 townships by the end of the year.     To maintain the best network quality, our
                      Now, the goal is achieved two weeks ahead of plan    technology team ensures that we have coverage in
                      with over 5,000 sites in operation. In 2019,         more than a limited part of the township before
                      Telenor will have more than 6,000 sites              we are satisfied with our 4G/LTE roll-out in the
                      broadcasting 4G/LTE, to provide customers with       area. We take pride in designing a high-quality
                      the country’s best data experience.                  mobile network that gives Myanmar people the
                      As Bawlakhe, Hopang, Shadaw, Lukkaing,               best experience when watching videos, playing
                      Sidoktaya, Mingin and Hkamti townships have          games or listening to music on their phones,”said
                      recently been added to Telenor’s 4G/LTE              Jai Prakash, Chief Technology Officer of Telenor
                      network, customers in those townships have           Myanmar. Telenor Myanmar officially launched
                      joined the increasing community of people            its 4G/LTE services since June 2017 and at
                      experiencing the affordable and innovative           present, its 2G, 3G and 4G network serves 18
                      4G/LTE services offered by Telenor Myanmar.          million customers in all states, regions and
                      “Telenor is working tirelessly to deliver a high-    territories. In April 2017, Telenor Myanmar was
                      quality mobile phone experience to everyone in       recognized as the fastest network in the country
                      the country. That is why connecting more than        as received Ookla’s Speedtest Award…
                      300 townships in Myanmar to our 4G/LTE               Source: Myanmar Business Today
                      network is a significant milestone for the 
                      company. I am confident that this achievement        s-4glte-coverage-reaches-90-all-townships-
                      will truly benefit our customers, and will satisfy   myanmar

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                             6
Myanmar Business
Today                     MPT Announces New Data Pack Offering Premium
                                    Entertainment Content
                                                                   25 Dec 2018

                      MPT announced the launch of its new data pack        also downloadable as the MPT Viu Data Pack
                      offer —the first of its kind in Myanmar —which       gives subscribers full premium access to the
                      allows users to enjoy thousands of exciting movies   application.
                      and TV shows for free through the Viu mobile app     To subscribe to the MPT Viu data pack, simply
                      at an affordable data rate of just 1 Ks/MB.          dial *8002#. After successfully subscribing,
                      Launched in partnership with Viu, the first and      customers will receive a confirmation message via
                      only OTT service with all international content      SMS with 500 MB of Viu data and a unique code
                      with 100% Myanmar subtitles and available for        for Viu premium subscription. Subscribers then
                      download, this content data bundle allows users      need to open the Viu app and enter the code to
                      to enjoy popular series including the latest         start enjoying their favorite movies and shows for
                      episodes of Korean hits such as Running Man,         24 hours. This data pack will only charge
                      Empress Dignity, and many others.                    subscribers 1 Ks/MB, costing 499 Ks for 500 MB
                      Once subscribed, MPT users can download the          for the day.
                      Viu app and start watching their favorite shows      For more information on the MPT Viu data pack,
                      on MPT’s nationwide high speed 3G/LTE+               please call 106. Users may also visit MPT’s official
                      network immediately with no additional               website
                      subscription fees. Along with popular Korean
                      dramas and variety series, Viu also features great
                      shows and movies from other countries such as
                      India, Thailand, Japan, and Myanmar. Selected
                      television series from Korea and Japan are           Source: Myanmar Business Today
                      available on the Viu app with Myanmar subtitles
                      within 24 hours of original broadcast in the         announces-new-data-pack-offering-premium-
                      respective countries. All the amazing videos are     entertainment-content

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                               7
Myanmar Business
Today                   Three Million Additional Vehicles Come to Myanmar
                                    Since Import Policy Change
                                                                    25 Dec 2018

                      Since Myanmar eased its auto import policy,           consignment program for home use must be
                      allowing individual auto imports in 2013, the         between 2016 and 2019, and only left-hand drive
                      number of vehicles in the country has surged by       vehicles are allowed to import. Model year of
                      three million, according U Thar Oo, Deputy            trucks as well as Mini Bus, City Bus and Express
                      Minister of the Ministry of Transportation and        Bus must be between 2015 and 2019, and they
                      Telecommunications.                                   also must be left-hand drive.
                      “Because of the eased auto-import policy, the         The policy change, however, is seen not to have
                      number of vehicles is increasing rapidly each year.   much impact on the local auto market.
                      In 2013, there were four million vehicles in          In 2016, the Yangon Regional Government, in an
                      Myanmar, and it’s reached seven million by            effort to tackle the serious traffic congestion in
                      October 2018. Meaning, the number of vehicles         Yangon, stopped issuing Yangon license in order
                      has surged by three million,’’he added.               to reduce the pace of additional numbers of
                      The Government issues an auto-import policy on        vehicles on the road. In order to import a car to be
                      a yearly basis. For instance, in 2015, you could      driven in Yangon, you must have an existing
                      import vehicles between 2006 and 2010 model           Yangon license. However, they do issue licensees
                      years. In 2016, brand new autos had to be left-       for locally manufactured and assembled vehicles.
                      hand drive vehicles. In 2017, the model year range
                      was adjusted to between 2014 and 2017, and
                      finally in 2018 all imported vehicles, new and
                      used, had to be left hand drive.
                      The policy for 2019 was issued on October 30,         Source: Myanmar Business Today
                      According to auto import policy for 2019, the         million-additional-vehicles-come-myanmar-
                      model year of vehicles imported under                 import-policy-change

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                                8
Myanmar Business
Today                  MLCA Signs Agreement with Real Estate Associations
                                    for Quality Apartments
                                                                  25 Dec 2018

                      Myanmar Licensed Constructors Association           Myanmar Licensed Constructors Association is
                      signed an agreement with Myanmar Engineering        planning to sign agreements with the Bank
                      Society, Myanmar Real Estate Service Association    Association,  Insurance     Association   and
                      and Myanmar Constructors Association to             Independent Lawyers’Association of Myanmar.
                      improve the quality of apartments being
                      constructed in the country.
                      According to the agreement, when a member
                      association receives foreign experts, they must
                      arrange a meeting with Myanmar Licensed
                      Constructors Association as well as providing
                      technological assistance and training.
                      “Because of this, we will be able to meet foreign
                      experts, when they visit Myanmar. We can work
                      with other associations regarding construction.
                      The construction sector will develop if we, the
                      associations, work together in the construction
                      process such as building high quality affordable
                      housing,’’U Lah Zel, General Secretary of
                      Myanmar Licensed Constructors Association, told
                      Myanmar Business Today.
                      Thanks to the agreement, MLCA can discuss and       Source: Myanmar Business Today
                      consult    with     other    associations   when
                      implementing a construction project.                signs-agreement-real-estate-associations-quality-
                      In addition to the three associations it signed,    apartments

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                           9
Eleven Myanmar
                                Average inflation rate accounts for 6.66 % in
                                            November this year
                                                                    26 Dec 2018

                      The average inflation rate accounted for 6.66 % in     November in order to calculate consumer indexes
                      November and it also continued rising a little in      and inflation. The poll sought data from 32,669
                      October. The inflation rate increased for eight        households.
                      consecutive months during this year, said a            The inflation calculation was based on 2006 in
                      source of Central Statistics Organisation.             the past. Now is the different matter and it is
                      The average inflation rate remained 6.66 % until       based on 2012. It is the base year.
                      November in 2018. The October inflation rate           The inflation rate saw a progress in the first short-
                      accounted for 6.34 %. In comparison with these         term of five year project from 2011-2012 to 2015-
                      two figures, the inflation rate rose back. From        2016 FY. The inflation rate continued rising in the
                      April to November, the inflation rate increased for    second short-term five year project from 2016-
                      eight consecutive months.                              2017 to 2020-2021 FY.
                      The inflation rate based on the calculation in 2012    To be able to control the inflation rate, it is
                      accounted for 6.66 % until November 2018. The          necessary to deal with the matters relating to
                      year-on year inflation accounted for 8.33 %.           financial policy, monetary policy, trade policy and
                      During November in 2018, Mandalay reached at           foreign currency policy.
                      the top of inflation chart with 11.50 %, followed by   Based on 2006, the inflation rate accounted for
                      Rakhine State with 10.78 % and Magway with 9.11        2.82 % in 2011-2012 FY, 2.85 % in 2012-2013 FY,
                      %.                                                     5.72 % in 2013-2014 FY and 5.90 % in 2014-2015
                      During November in 2018, Magway Region                 FY respectively.
                      reached at the top of year-on-year inflation chart
                      with 12.36 %, followed by Ayeyawady Region with        Source: Eleven Myanmar
                      4.82 %.                                      
                      The CSO conducted a poll on household income           inflation-rate-accounts-for-666-in-november-
                      and consumption in 82 townships during 2012            this-year

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                                  10
Myanmar Times
                                   Yangon must safeguard the environment

                                                                   28 Dec 2018

                      Recently a Malaysian friend who visited Yangon       Since coming to power, the authorities have
                      had this to say about the place: “Yangon is a        pitched numerous plans to make Yangon greener,
                      quaint little city with lots of pretty colonial      safer and smarter.
                      buildings, beautiful parks and marvellous gilded     Yet, basic hygiene in the city is still lacking, and it
                      temples.”                                            is common to see rubbish strewn across public
                      There’s more though. She added, “Unfortunately,      areas and in back alleys. That, in turn, has drawn
                      those buildings are also dilapidated, most places    all manner of vermin and interfered with healthy
                      are rundown and there’s rubbish everywhere.          living conditions. But businesses can take the
                      Although among the loveliest, the Myanmar            initiative to champion good environmental
                      people are among the worse litterbugs I’ve seen in   practices as part of their corporate social
                      my travels around this region.”                      responsibility. There are so many simple ways
                      That reminded me of an email a Yangon source         responsible businesses can make a difference to
                      sent me earlier this year. My source told me many    the environment. Across the city, people dispose
                      businesses have the funds to clean up and            of plastic bottles, boxes and cutlery without a
                      conserve the environment, such as by sponsoring      second thought. Single-use foam containers for
                      rubbish bins and holding campaigns to assist with    takeaway meals and beverages are common. Food
                      rubbish collection, but that many of them end up     wrappers and straws litter the pavements and
                      deciding not to for fear of upsetting the Yangon     waterways. With that in mind, holding
                      City Development Committee (YCDC).                   educational programmes on rubbish disposal is
                      One local firm is said to have hundreds of rubbish   just one example of how businesses can take the
                      bins in storage but is reluctant to put them in      initiative to save the environment.
                      public places like bus shelters because it would     Source: Myanmar Times
                      involve developing a system with the YCDC to
                      empty the bins daily.                                safeguard-environment.html

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                                  11
Myanmar Times
                                          Two steps forward, one stride back

                                                                       28 Dec 2018

                      The Myanmar economy moved forward in 2018,                weighing on business margins, GDP is forecast to
                      during which it opened up several industries to           to slow from 6.8 percent last year to 6.2pc this
                      foreign investors and raised efforts to upgrade           year, according to the World Bank.
                      and organise the avenues through which funds              On the whole though, experts such as those at the
                      are channelled into needed areas of the economy.          World Bank and International Monetary Fund
                      During the year, the government also announced            (IMF) said Myanmar made progress in 2018, but
                      new plans and enforced legislation aimed at               agreed that the risks are rising for the economy in
                      drawing investments and making it easier for              the months ahead. Still, GDP is projected to
                      companies to do business.                                 expand in the years ahead, if the government’s
                      Exports, led by the garment and agriculture               plans are properly executed.
                      sectors, grew during the first half of the year,          As 2018 draws to a close, we have compiled the
                      propelled by a more favourable exchange rate.             top five developments that helped drive the
                      Higher jade sales to China also played a part. As a       economy forward this year and the five that held
                      result, the trade deficit has narrowed to US$300          it back from securing better growth.
                      million in the first half of the year, a five-year low.   Among the positive steps taken is the
                      But confidence in the economy has also fallen             liberalisation of the retail and education sectors.
                      among existing businesses and as the Rakhine              On April 20, the Myanmar Investment
                      crisis continues to play out. During the first half of    Commission (MIC) issued Notification 7/2018,
                      this year, approved foreign direct investments            permitting foreigners to fully own and operate
                      (FDI) totalled just $1.7 billion, compared to $4.1        private schools in Myanmar for the first time.
                      billion during the same period in the previous
                      fiscal year.                                              Source: Myanmar Times
                      In addition, with global economic conditions    
                      becoming more uncertain and a weaker currency             forward-one-stride-back.html

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                                   12
Myanmar Times
                                          A year of despair and despondency

                                                                      28 Dec 2018

                      2018 is the year in which Myanmar’s failure to           Aung San Suu Kyi by International Crisis Group’s
                      execute key reforms has plunged the country into         August report. The same assessment could be said
                      crises and chaos, overshadowing the considerable         of Myanmar.
                      progress made in some areas. It would take years,        In 2018, business confidence has sunk to a three-
                      if not decades, before we climb out of the abyss         year low; approved FDI has fallen short of the
                      into which we have sunk.                                 official estimates by a wide margin; and the
                      The National League for Democracy (NLD) party            business community is despairingly frustrated
                      swept into office in 2016 with its mantra of             with the protectionist policies and lack of reforms.
                      “change”. Although that term was vaguely defined         Myanmar’s growth forecast is downgraded by the
                      in their election manifesto, it is fair to assume that   World Bank by 0.5 percentage points to 6.2pc in
                      the electorate wanted change for the better, and         2018-19. Tourist arrivals stagnated (0.7pc) for the
                      they wanted positive change for the many.                first nine months of this year compared with an
                      As the NLD-led administration passed midpoint            increase of 7.1pc in 2017.
                      of their five-year term in October, it is clear the      While the incumbent administration repeatedly
                      Myanmar people are getting none of what they             pledged to elevate Myanmar into the top 100 in
                      wanted, or anywhere near that. 2018 is shaped by         the Ease of Doing Business ranking by 2020, the
                      the aftermath of the advent of Rakhine. We were          country failed to improve at all under Daw Suu,
                      chosen as the Economist’s “country of the year” in       being buried at 171st. In comparison, China, India
                      2015. The government’s response to the crisis,           and Malaysia all made significant improvements
                      coupled with the failure on the economic front,          in the index.
                      has turned Myanmar into the cautionary tale of
                      how things could go wrong.                               Source: Myanmar Times
                      “Rarely has the reputation of a leader fallen so far,
                      so fast” was the verdict of State Counsellor Daw         and-despondency.html

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                                   13
Eleven Myanmar
                                            Fuel oil prices fall by 20% to 34%

                                                                      28 Dec 2018

                      Local fuel prices have decreased by 20 percent to        September 10, US$70 on September 21 and
                      over 34 percent since October 10 due to                  US$76 on October 3. The price decreased to
                      decreasing global oil prices and slight fluctuation      around US$42 on December 24, and reached
                      in dollar price, according to local filling stations.    around US$45 on December 27.
                      Fuel prices have fallen to K695 for one litre of 92      On December 27 in local market, maximum prices
                      Ron octane, K760 for one litre of 95 Ron octane,         fixed by Myanmar Oil Importers and Distributers
                      K870 for one litre of diesel and K875 for one litre      Association were K870 for one liter of diesel
                      of premium diesel.                                       (K3,949 per gallon), K875 for one liter of
                      When global oil prices got high and dollar price         premium diesel (K3,972 per gallon), K695 for one
                      appreciated,      local  fuel    prices      increased   liter of 92 Ron octane (K3,155 per gallon) and
                      continuously with 21 percent in four months from         K760 for one liter of 95 Ron octane (K3,450 per
                      June to October this year. At that time, one litre       gallon).
                      of 92 Ron octane was priced K1,065, one litre of         In comparison with prices on October 10 this
                      95 Ron octane K1,115, one litre of diesel K1,095         year, in over two months, prices have decreased
                      and one litre of premium diesel K1,105.                  by 20 percent for diesel, 21 percent for premium
                      Since the second week of October in 2017, oil            diesel, around 34 percent for 92 Ron octane and
                      prices per barrel had significantly increased with       around 31 percent for 95 Ron octane.
                      US$49 in early August, US$51 in early October,
                      US$55 in early November, US$58 in early
                      December, US$61 in early January this year,
                      US$64 in early February, US$68 in late April,
                      US$72 on May 21, and US$74 on July 10. The               Source: Eleven Myanmar
                      price decreased to US$69 on August 7 and US$65 
                      on August 20. But it increased again to US$67 on         prices-fall-by-20-to-34

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                               14
Eleven Myanmar
                                   Rice export declines within eight months

                                                                   28 Dec 2018

                      Myanmar only exported over 1.5 million tons of        generalized scheme of preferences (GSP) for three
                      rice and broken rice within eight months from         years for rice export from Myanmar, according to
                      April 1 till December 14, according to Myanmar        the MRF.
                      Rice Federation (MRF).                                The EU is planning to collect €175 per ton of long
                      Myanmar earned about US$288 million from              grain rice in 2019, €150 per ton of long grain rice
                      more than 800,000 tons of rice and broken rice        in 2020 and €125 per ton of long grain rice in
                      export through border trade routes and over           2021 as import tax.
                      US$240 million from over 700,000 tons of rice         Myanmar is exporting rice to EU member
                      and broken rice export via maritime trade, it said.   countries and African countries via maritime
                      The MRF expected to export up to two million          trade routes and China to Muse 105 mile border
                      tons of rice and broken rice in mini budget period,   trade route.
                      said Ye Min Aung, General Secretary of the MRF
                      during a ceremony to sign MoU between the
                      Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of
                      Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI) and
                      International Finance Corporation (IFC).
                      Myanmar is exporting rice and broken rice with
                      ships and China via Muse 105 mile border trade
                      Myanmar expanded its rice export to new markets
                      in 2017-18 FY and about 3.6 million tons of rice
                      was exported. It broke the record for over 50         Source: Eleven Myanmar
                      European Union (EU) is planning to withdraw           declines-within-eight-months

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                               15
2. Weekly Key Policy News

PwC | December 2018         16
Weekly Key Policy News

            Government to Raise Taxes on Imports

            UMFCCI Requests Government to Allow Exchange for Chinese Yuan and South Korea Won

            Businesses “wait and see” as govt plans for GAD transfer

            Yangon investment committee allows more investments

            ‘The project bank will enhance transparency and competitiveness’: U Set Aung

PwC | December 2018                                                                             17
Myanmar Business
Today                                Government to Raise Taxes on Imports

                                                                    25 Dec 2018

                      In an effort to reduce imports, the Ministry of        produce value added products locally and export
                      Planning and Finance will levy more tax on             their products.
                      imports instead of placing tax on locally produced     By doing so, raw material importers can do
                      products with high quality that can replace the        storing and taking out inventories easily as well as
                      imported products, according to U Soe Win,             distributing the materials as the market demands
                      Union Minister of the Ministry of Planning and         while reducing the prices and creating jobs, U Soe
                      Finance, during the regular meeting between vice       Win explained.
                      president of Myanmar and local businessmen             Myanmar is hoping to gradually reduce trade
                      held at UMFCCI on December 14.                         deficit, which it sees every year, by improving
                      “With the aim of nurturing the manufacturing           local manufacturing. Myanmar saw $5.2 billion of
                      sector for import substitution, we will raise tax on   trade deficit in the 2017 Fiscal Year, $3.8 billion
                      the products imported even though the same kind        in 2018 Fiscal Year, $1.03 billion in April-
                      of products produced locally are present in the        September transitional Fiscal Year of 2018, and
                      market,’’he said.                                      $0.33 billion in October of the 2019 Fiscal Year.
                      However, he did not identify the imported
                      products on which more tax will be placed.
                      For import of raw materials which are necessary
                      for local industry, the ministry has plans to lower
                      the tax for a certain period, he added.
                      He also explained the plan of establishing
                      international standard customs warehouse in line
                      with existing international laws and procedures to     Source: Myanmar Business Today
                      store imported raw materials and streamline the
                      importation process for local manufacturers to         ent-raise-taxes-imports

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                                 18
Myanmar Business
Today                  UMFCCI Requests Government to Allow Exchange for
                             Chinese Yuan and South Korea Won
                                                                  25 Dec 2018

                      The Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers         Some businessmen send Myanmar kyat to
                      of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI) made a            Kokang in Northern Shan State, where they
                      request to the Private Sector Development           exchange for Yuan. In Mu-se, the border town,
                      Committee chaired by Vice President U Myint         people are conducting a currency exchange from a
                      Swe to allow providing exchange services for the    simple chair and a table,’’said Ko Soe Min, a
                      Chinese Yuan and Korean Won.                        resident in Lasho.
                      U Kyaw Min Hlaing, President of Hotel and           Currently, Myanmar allows the U.S. dollar,
                      Tourism Working Committee of MBI under the          Singapore dollar, Euro, Ringgit, and Baht in
                      UMFCCI, argued that, if Myanmar offers a visa       exchange centers, but does not allow other
                      free program to other countries with an aim of      currencies. However, there are illegal exchanges
                      boosting tourists, we should provide a currency     for unapproved currencies.
                      exchange for those countries too.                   In addition to currency exchange, UMFCCI also
                      UMFCCI urged the government to allow                urged government to allocate a stable budget in
                      exchanges for the currencies of the countries,      order to boost tourism marketing activities, and
                      which are enjoying visa free benefit granted by     to add inbound pilgrim tours into tourism by law
                      Myanmar, because there are illegal exchanges for    while letting them to renew the license.
                      those currencies.
                      “The authorities said that they are in talks with
                      counterparts of the other countries and we will
                      know about it soon,’’U Kyaw Min Hlaing added.
                      “A Chinese Yuan stands at about 220 Myanmar         Source: Myanmar Business Today
                      kyats. In Lasho in Northern Shan State, you can
                      exchange Yuan at a highway station, but you can’t   requests-government-allow-exchange-chinese-
                      exchange a large amount, only a few thousand.       yuan-and-south-korea-won

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                          19
Myanmar Times
                             Businesses “wait and see” as govt plans for GAD
                                                                    26 Dec 2018

                      The business community will “wait and see” if the      “With 36,080 staff spread across the country, the
                      transfer    of     the   General    Administration     GAD maintains a ubiquitous presence built
                      Department (GAD) to civilian control improves          around its administrators, particularly at the all-
                      the bureaucracy and regulatory environment for         important township level,” the report stated. The
                      those doing business outside major cities.             department has a very extensive remit, ranging
                      The President Office last week announced that the      from maintaining law and order to collecting
                      GAD under the military-controlled Ministry of          taxes and managing land. Many of its officers are
                      Home Affairs is set to be shifted to the Ministry of   associated with the military and they work closely
                      the Union Government Office, which is headed by        with the security forces, the police and judiciary
                      U Min Thu, who was until recently a deputy             across the country.
                      minister in the President's Office.                    Since the transition in 2011, its role has expanded
                      U Zaw Htay, the President’s Office spokesperson,       to include providing staff for sub-national
                      told the press on December 22 that “the policy         executives and legislatures. Businesses, however,
                      has been set” and the government “will work            often find it difficult to work with GAD in remote
                      according to the procedures to implement it.” The      regions.
                      military still has control over defence, border        Dr Matthew Arnold, the TAF country
                      affairs and home affairs ministries without the        representative in Myanmar, described the
                      oversight of civilian authorities.                     importance of the GAD to Myanmar’s governance
                      Traditionally, the home affairs ministry appoints      as “exceptional”.
                      the GAD at each level of government, which
                      covers more than 16,000 local districts and
                      townships. An Asia Foundation (TAF) report in          Source: Myanmar Times
                      2014 described the GAD as the “backbone of   
                      Myanmar’s public administration”.                      wait-and-see-govt-plans-gad-transfer.html

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                                20
Eleven Myanmar
                                 Yangon investment committee allows more
                                                                   28 Dec 2018

                      Yangon region investment committee allowed            They are followed by Thailand with US$12
                      over US$37 million and Ks3.493 billion worth of       million, Vietnam with US$10 million, Hong Kong
                      investments which can create more than 2,500          with US$7 million, Taiwan with US$6 million and
                      job opportunities in the region, according to the     Japan with US$5 million respectively.
                      committee.                                            Myanmar is facing other challenges to promote
                      The committee approved them during its meeting        investment and the halted purchasing power
                      held at Yangon Region government office on            parity over the world is affecting serious
                      December 24.                                          consequences on exports and foreign direct
                      The committee approved 14 foreign investments         investments which is targeting for export
                      from five countries and two local investments in      products, according to Myanmar Investment
                      the region. It can create job opportunities for       Promotion Plan (MIPP).
                      more than 14,000 people. The increase of foreign
                      investment in industrial sector is over US$5
                      Foreign investment is reached to about US$466
                      million from October 1 till at the end of November
                      in this fiscal year and transportation sector
                      topped the list of foreign investment with US$171
                      million followed by production sector with
                      US$100 million.
                      Singapore topped the list of foreign investors with
                      US$357 million followed by China with US$54           Source: Eleven Myanmar
                      million, according to Directorate of Investment
                      and Companies Administration (DICA).                  investment-committee-allows-more-investments

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                           21
Frontier Myanmar
                            ‘The project bank will enhance transparency and
                                      competitiveness’: U Set Aung
                                                                    29 Dec 2018

                      The Ministry of Planning and Finance is                mechanism for implementing these plans.
                      preparing to launch an interactive and publicly        The MSDP policy document doesn’t just contain
                      accessible online “project bank” containing            policy directions and trajectories, it also contains
                      priority initiatives that have been screened and       policy implementation metrics, in which 251
                      approved by the government for their positive          strategic action plans have already been
                      impact on economic and social development.             identified. These action plans must be further
                      The initiative aims to overhaul the way in which       broken down into implementable projects and
                      ministries identify and tender projects, and will      programmes.
                      provide a new framework for public-private             The projects and programs will go through
                      partnerships and enable the private sector to          different assessment systems in order to find out
                      invest in state assets.                                whether they are relevant to the strategic plans of
                      Deputy Minister for Finance and Planning U Set         the country. It is very important that all projects
                      Aung spoke to Frontier about the alignment of the      [in which the government is involved] go through
                      project bank with the Myanmar Sustainable              rigorous, stringent assessments. Only those that
                      Development Plan (2018-2030), its likely impact        pass will qualify to be implemented through
                      on government procurement and how it dovetails         multiple financing mechanisms.
                      with other state-led initiatives, such as the China-   How are government ministries involved in this
                      Myanmar Economic Corridor.                             process? What, for example, will they now have to
                      What is the project bank and why is it being           do differently?
                      It is really important that the strategic action       Source: Frontier Myanmar
                      plans identified in the Myanmar Sustainable  
                      Development Plan (MSDP) are implemented in a           bank-will-enhance-transparency-and-
                      proper way. The project bank is a very significant     competitiveness-u-set-aung

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                                 22
3. Weekly Investment News

PwC | December 2018         23
Weekly Key Investment News

            LSE-listed Myanmar Strategic Holdings picks 8% stake to fully own MS English

            NEP Invites EOI Submissions for Solar Maintenance Centers

            Taiwan's aluminium maker launches $13m Thilawa plant

            PricewaterhouseCoopers Sri Lanka promotes Myanmar opportunities for Lankan firms

            Bilateral trade with Indonesia up 11.8% in October

PwC | December 2018                                                                            24
Deal Street Asia
                            LSE-listed Myanmar Strategic Holdings picks 8%
                                      stake to fully own MS English
                                                                  23 Dec 2018

                      LSE–listed Myanmar Strategic Holdings (MSH)         controlling costs and generating synergies across
                      has picked up a minority non-controlling stake in   the Group’s divisions, to further enhance the
                      its existing investment, MS English Pte Ltd, from   Group’s prospects going forward,” said Enrico
                      a former employee, representing 8 per cent of the   Cesenni, chief executive officer of Myanmar
                      issued share capital, according to its official     Strategic Holdings. MSH reported a net loss of
                      statement. Following this acquisition, MSH now      $0.90 million for the first half year ended
                      fully owns MS English, which holds the rights to    September 2018, down from $1.08 million in the
                      the Wall Street English franchise. MSH previously   same period last year, as per its interim results
                      held 92 per cent in the company. MSH has been       report In the first half period of 2018, the
                      stepping up its focus on Myanmar’s education        company clocked revenue of $1.86 million, up
                      sector. It recently committed $1 million for the    from $325,490 from the same period last year. As
                      development of Yangon American International        per its revenue split, the company reported that
                      School, which is due for completion in the second   71 per cent of it came from services while
                      quarter of 2019. In May, it set up Auston College   education and hospitality contributed to 24 per
                      Myanmar as a joint venture with Auston Institute    cent and 5 per cent respectively.
                      of Management. The private school offers            During the period, the group raised $3.07 million
                      diploma courses in engineering technology,          through a share issuance programme.
                      construction      project    management       and
                      networking. “The Group continues to benefit from
                      a benevolent macroeconomic environment with
                      GDP growth rates of 6-8 per cent per annum          Source: Deal Street Asia
                      expected in Myanmar in the foreseeable future.
                      While pursuing further growth opportunities,        listed-myanmar-strategic-holdings-picks-8-stake-
                      MSH’s management remains focused on                 to-fully-own-ms-english-114894/

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                           25
Myanmar Business
Today                    NEP Invites EOI Submissions for Solar Maintenance
                                                                     25 Dec 2018

                      National     Electrification    Plan-NEP     invited
                      submission of EOI (Expression of Interest) for
                      establishing solar power maintenance centers,
                      according to the Department of Rural
                      Development under the Ministry of Agriculture,
                      Livestock and Irrigation.
                      Companies providing project maintenance
                      services that are related to solar power are eligible
                      to apply for the tender for the projects of
                      establishing the center.
                      The tender winner company must provide
                      services establishing maintenance centers at the
                      townships where NEP projects locate.
                      The interested companies can get the document
                      called “The call of EOI for Repair &
                      Maintenance”providing the detail description of
                      the       projects       at      NEP’s      website
             or asked for it through
                      email          at
                      must submit the EOI by January 16, 2019, in             Source: Myanmar Business Today
                      person or through email.                      

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                        26
Myanmar Times
                          Taiwan's aluminium maker launches $13m Thilawa
                                                                    26 Dec 2018

                      Taiwan’s top aluminium maker has launched its          former president’s SEZ project to showcase
                      first manufacturing plant in Myanmar.                  economic progress. At the 2018 ASEAN Business
                      Abba Aluminium Co, headquartered in Taoyuan,           and Investment Summit in Singapore last month,
                      held the opening ceremony for its factory in           Daw Aung San Suu Kyi praised Thilawa SEZ as “a
                      Thilawa Special Economic Zone (SEZ) on                 crowning success”. “Investors from countries such
                      December 24.                                           as Japan, the United States, Germany, France,
                      Initial investment amounted to US$13 million           Sweden, Australia, China, India, Singapore,
                      and 300-500 local employees will be hired,             Thailand and Taiwan have invested in the Thilawa
                      according to Abba’s chair Chen Pai-chin. The           SEZ,” she told a regional audience.
                      estimated production value is expected to reach        taiwan-aluminium-thilawa-sez.jpg
                      $32.5 million per year.                                Apart from Abba, there are four investors in
                      Mr Chen said the presence of a large number of         Thilawa which are associated with Taiwan:
                      “ethnic Chinese people in Myanmar” gives the           Myanmar Century Steel Structure, Marketech
                      country an edge over other CLMV economies              Integrated Manufacturing Co, Minerva Co and
                      (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam) for              Crecimiento Industrial Myanmar Co.
                      manufacturers from Chinese-speaking countries.         In an exclusive interview with this paper, Mr
                      He added that Myanmar’s young workforce is             Chen also elaborated on the difficulties facing
                      another attraction.                                    Taiwanese businesses in the country.
                      Initiated by U Thein Sein’s government in 2013,
                      Thilawa is the only SEZ in operation here,
                      attracting $1.50 billion foreign investments so far.   Source: Myanmar Times
                      Owing to the government’s disappointing      
                      handling of the economy, officials under the NLD       aluminium-maker-launches-13m-thilawa-
                      administration have resorted to highlighting the       plant.html

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                              27
Daily FT
                              PricewaterhouseCoopers Sri Lanka promotes
                                Myanmar opportunities for Lankan firms
                                                                 28 Dec 2018

                      Pricewaterhouse-COOPERS Sri Lanka recently         businesses invest in Myanmar, transform and
                      held a forum to promote investment                 grow     local   businesses     and    advice    on
                      opportunities in Myanmar.                          infrastructure and government. PwC Myanmar’s
                      A host of PwC regional experts and others shared   multiple competencies ensures provision of
                      key insights to investing in Myanmar, the tax      integrated     end-to-end     solution    including
                      environment, latest legal developments and the     advisory, risk assurance and tax services. He said
                      outlook for infrastructure development in this     in 2012 PwC returned to Myanmar managed by
                      emerging Southeast Asian nation.                   PwC Singapore and has over 130 employees, the
                      Subjects and Speakers included Introduction to     largest out of the Big 4. To date the value of deals
                      ‘Doing Business in Myanmar’ by Ong Chao            closed or funds raised was over $ 4 billion via 24
                      Choon, Managing Partner, PwC Myanmar,              transactions/initiatives.
                      Deputy Chairman and Advisory Leader, PwC           Among companies/investors helped are TPG
                      Singapore and Janeshwar Pachigolla, Managing       acquisition of largest whiskey distillery Grand
                      Director, PwC Myanmar; Myanmar Infrastructure      Royal which was subsequently sold to Thai Bev;
                      Outlook – Challenges and Opportunities by          Unilever JV with EAC the leading personal and
                      Brandon Lye, Director, Capital Projects &          home care business, Wilmar JV with Great Wall
                      Infrastructure, PwC Singapore; Myanmar’s Tax       Group in sugar business, SC Capital a private
                      Environment – Managing the Impact on Your          equity fund acquisition of MICASA Hotel in
                      Investment by Paul Cornelius, Tax Partner, PwC     Yangon, and investments into largest telecom
                      Singapore; and Investing in Myanmar – Latest       firm, education businesses.
                      Legal Developments by Minn Naing Oo,               Source: Daily FT
                      Managing Director, Allen & Gledhill Myanmar Co
                      Ltd., Partner, Allen & Gledhill LLP, Singapore.    ers-Sri-Lanka-promotes-Myanmar-opportunities-
                      Ong Chao Choon said PwC helps foreign              for-Lankan-firms/34-669620

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                             28
Global New Light of
Myanmar                   Bilateral trade with Indonesia up 11.8% in October

                                                                   29 Dec 2018

                      Trade between Myanmar and Indonesia in                topped $520 million, an increase of $62 million
                      October, the first month of the 2018-2019 Fiscal      from the corresponding period last year. Bilateral
                      Year, exceeded US$90 million, an increase of $9.6     trade between the countries reached a peak of
                      million, or 11.77 per cent, from the corresponding    over $1 billion in the 2017-2018 fiscal year.
                      period last year, the Ministry of Commerce            Myanmar-Indonesia trade was pegged at $827
                      reported.                                             million in the 2016-2017 FY, $741 million in the
                      In the first month of the current fiscal year,        2015-2016 FY, $636 million in the 2014-2015 FY,
                      exports stood at $8.7 million and imports were        over $490 million in the 2013-2014 FY, $226
                      registered at $82.8 million. In October last year,    million in the 2012-2013 FY, and $472 million in
                      bilateral trade between the countries totalled        the 2011-2012 FY.
                      $81.8 million, with exports worth $8.2 million        According to the Directorate of Investment and
                      and imports of $73.6 million. Myanmar’s imports       Company           Administration,        Indonesian
                      always exceed exports in trade with the Republic      investments in Myanmar totalled $9.8 million in
                      of Indonesia. Compared with last year, the value      the 2017-2018 fiscal year and $0.95 million in the
                      of exports and imports increased this year, with      mini-budget period this year. There were no new
                      exports rising slightly by $0.5 million and imports   investments from the ASEAN member state in
                      rising by over $9 million.                            October.
                      Myanmar’s imports from Indonesia include
                      medicine, paper, palm oil, steel, tobacco, and
                      rubber, while its exports include agricultural and
                      marine products.
                      According to the yearly statistical report of the     Source: Global New Light of Myanmar
                      ministry, Myanmar-Indonesia trade in the mini-
                      budget period from April through September            eral-trade-with-indonesia-up-11-8-in-october/

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                               29
3. Weekly New Tenders

PwC | December 2018     30
Tenders (Myanmar)

             Mandalay City Development Committee: EOI - Prime 3.167 acres land in Mandalay owned by MCDC
             for redevelopment, call for tender with PPP will be made for the implementation of Mix-Used
             Development project, Closing Date: 21 February 2019

Note: tenders information are collected from,,, and .

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                              31
Tenders (Multilateral organizations)

             ADB: TA-9074 MYA: Capacity Development for Project Implementation - Environment Safeguard
             Consultant (49297-001), Closing Date: 4 January 2019 (Individual)

             ADB: TA-8788 MYA: Transport Sector Reform and Modernization - 01 International Procurement
             and Contract Management Specialist (47087-001), Closing Date: 8 January 2019 (Individual)

             ADB: TA-8788 MYA: Transport Sector Reform and Modernization - National Environment Specialist
             (47087-001), Closing Date: 9 January 2019 (Individual)

             ADB: TA-8788 MYA: Transport Sector Reform and Modernization - National Communications
             Specialist (47087-001), Closing Date: 9 January 2019 (Individual)

Note: tenders information are collected from,,,

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                                 32
Tenders (Multilateral organizations) (cont’d)

             ADB: TA-8788 MYA: Transport Sector Reform and Modernization - National Road Safety Specialist
             (47087-001), Closing Date: 9 January 2019 (Individual)

             ADB: TA-8788 MYA: Transport Sector Reform and Modernization - National Project Coordinator
             (47087-001), Closing Date: 9 January 2019 (Individual)

Note: tenders information are collected from,,,

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                                 33
4. MIC Permitted Projects

PwC | December 2018         34
MIC Permitted Projects (Meeting 20, 2018)

No.     Name of Company                     Type of Investment                       Form of Investment

                                            Assembling, manufacturing and sales of   Myanmar Citizen
1       Myanmar Brilliance Auto Co., Ltd
                                            motor vehicles                           Investment

                                            Network Facilities Services, Network
2       Ocean Wave Communication Co., Ltd                                            Wholly Foreign Owned
                                            Services and Application Services

Source: DICA

PwC | December 2018                                                                                         35
5. Upcoming Events

PwC | December 2018   36
Upcoming Events (January 2019)
      Date            Location       Name of Event             Sector        Price                    Focus Points
                                                                                      “showcase your latest products and
                                                                                      technologies in a high demand region. With
                                                                                      this event you can raise your company
                                 Electric Power Exhibition                            profile and stay ahead of the competition.
17-18 Jan 2019    Yangon                                   Power            Free
                                 & Conference                                         Network with the industry's most influential
                                                                                      players. Explore business opportunities and
                                                                                      meet     new     partners    in    dynamic
                                                       Tourism,                       “ to provide international and local investors
                                                       Education,     USD             the opportunity to discover business
28 - 29 Jan
                  Naypyitaw      Invest Myanmar Summit Food           500/            potential of Myanmar as well as a platform to
                                                       Processing &   person          meet with the Central and Regional
                                                       Fishery,                       Government officials”
                                                       Infra &

Note: Events information are collected from and .

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                               37
Upcoming Events (February 2019)
      Date            Location       Name of Event             Sector        Price                   Focus Points

                                                                                      “A Special Focus on Myanmar plus Emerging
                                 Mobile Money & Agent     Banking and
26-27 Feb 2019 Yangon                                                       TBC       Opportunities from the regional Digital
                                 Banking Summit           Finance

Note: Events information are collected from and .

PwC | December 2018                                                                                                               38

      PwC Myanmar Weekly Business Intelligence Publication

      For further information please contact:

      Jovi Seet
      Senior Executive Director

      Brandon Lye

© 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers Myanmar Co Ltd. All rights reserved. In this
document, “PwC” refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers Myanmar Co Ltd, which is part
of the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited,
each of which is a separate and independent legal entity.
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