Quartet The Parish Magazine - May 2021 - Holton St Mary

Page created by Carl Lane
Quartet The Parish Magazine - May 2021 - Holton St Mary
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May 2021
 Issue 393

                  Quartet            The Parish Magazine

             For Higham, Stratford St Mary, Raydon and Holton St Mary
Quartet The Parish Magazine - May 2021 - Holton St Mary
Sale of 22 sturdy metal chairs in
                                                                                                                                Quartet Diary
blue fabric upholstered seats that
are     surplus      to    church        SHOP
requirements.                            LOCAL

We are happy to divide them up                                                      May                                     14      R&DGC Summer Show (TBC)
into smaller lots.
                                                                                    11     Raydon Parish Council            27      Higham Art Exhibition preview
All we ask is a donation to our                                                            Annual General Meeting                   evening
church funds at Stratford St Mary.       Help us with our campaign!
                                                                                    17     SSM Parish Council Meeting       28-30   Higham Art Exhibition
                                         If you know any merchant or service
For further information, Please          provider living in one of our four
contact: Jonathan Dewey 077                                                         18     Fair Trade Coffee Morning
                                         villages, please let us know by emailing                                           September
4599 6349.                               quarteteditor@hotmail.co.uk. We will       20     SSM Annual PCC meeting
                                         contact them and see if they would like                                            7       Fair Trade Coffee Morning
                                         a free listing in the Quartet              21     Coffee Morning Higham
                                                                                                                            11      Suffolk Historic Churches Trust
                                                                                    27     R&DGC meeting (Cancelled)                Ride and Stride
                                                                                    28     HSM Annual Parish Meeting        13      SSM Parish Council Meeting
                                                                                    31     SSM Annual Parish Meeting        14      Raydon Parish Council
                                                                                                                            23      R&DGC meeting (TBC)
                                                                                    15     Raydon Parish Council
                                                                                           Meeting                          October
                                                                                           Fair Trade Coffee Morning
                                                                                                                            5       Fair Trade Coffee Morning
                                                                                    21     SSM Annual Parish Meeting
                                                                                                                            12      Raydon Parish Council
                                                                                    27     R&DGC Coach Outing                       Meeting
                                                                                                                            28      R&DGC Meeting (TBC)
                                                                                    12     SSM Parish Council Meeting       November
                                                                                    13     Raydon Parish Council            2       Fair Trade Coffee Morning
                                                                                           Fair Trade Coffee Morning        8       SSM Parish Council Meeting
                                                                                    22     R&DGC Meeting (TBC)

                         Small Ads Pin Board
                                                                                                                            9       Raydon Parish Council
                                                                                                                            25      R&DGC Social Evening (TBC)
    No charge for non-commercial ads placed for one month                           10     Fair Trade Coffee Morning
    only, space permitting. Email quarteteditor@hotmail.co.uk                                                               30      Fair Trade Coffee Morning

                                     2                                                                                  3
Quartet The Parish Magazine - May 2021 - Holton St Mary
Editors Corner                                                         Rev’d Manette Writes

                                                                                                Dear friends                                  Come’, a global prayer movement that
You may have noticed over the past few           Articles for the Quartet are included if we                                                  invites Christians around the world to
months the Quartet has been getting              have room, and if, in the opinion of the       As I write this, Easter seems a long time     pray from Ascension Day to Pentecost
thicker. There’s a couple of reasons for         editors, they are of general interest to our   ago. We are well and truly into spring        for more people to come to faith in Jesus
this. Our advertising recruitment campaign       readers. Please remember all articles will     and with the warmer weather everything        Christ. Since its start in May 2016, the
has been very successful, with about a           be subject to editing. We prefer you to        has suddenly turned green and colourful       ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ initiative has grown
dozen new advertisers who need more              contact us via email where possible.           and there are lots of signs of new life       into a movement in which Christians
space and we’re gearing up ready for the                                                        about. The keen gardeners amongst you         from 172 countries have taken part in
summer and anticipating the start of local                                                      will have noticed that it’s especially the    praying ‘Come Holy Spirit’. People in all
                                                                                                weeds that enjoy new life in abundance!       their diversity and with all their
events again. It’s good to see coffee                                                                                                         differences have joined in prayer, and
mornings restarting, Suffolk Churches Ride                                                      It was lovely to see so many of you           every person, household and church are
and Stride hoping to go ahead and the                                                           during Holy Week and Easter and we all        encouraged to pray in their own way. Let
Higham Art Festival is looking likely too.                                                      rejoice that we are able to meet in           us pray that the Holy Spirit inspires us,
Information on all these can be found on                                                        person. And it is wonderful that we can       too, and that our church may grow and
the pages inside, along with an eclectic mix                                                    sing hymns outside! In the Church, we         show new signs of mission and outreach
of other bits and pieces for your enjoyment.                                                    are still in the Easter Season when we        so that we share the love of Jesus Christ
                                                                                                rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus          in our communities.
We’re looking forward to a busier summer                                                        Christ, but we are now looking ahead to
so don’t forget, if you have an event                                                           Ascension Day when we celebrate               As your parish churches in Higham,
coming up, email us details at the Quartet                                                      Jesus’ ascension into heaven. This year       Holton St. Mary, Raydon & Stratford St.
and we’ll include all articles from non profit                                                  we will be gathering on Thursday,13th         Mary we are here for everyone in our
making organisations free of charge.                                                            May at 10am in St. Mary’s Church in           parishes. If you would like to have your
                                                                                                Higham for our Benefice Ascension Day         child baptised, or be baptised yourself,
                                                                                                celebration, and we can chat over coffee      do get in touch. Perhaps you got
We’re striving to make the Quartet                                                              in the churchyard afterwards. Come and        engaged and are thinking about getting
something that everyone in our vllages will      Copy deadline for next edition:
                                                                                                be part of our worshipping community as       married. If you live in the parishes or you
find useful, so keep sending in                  19th May 2021                                  we commemorate this important feast           have a qualifying connection through
suggestions!                                                                                    day!                                          your parents or grandparents, you may
                                                 Contact details: Email:                                                                      be able to get married in one of our
Happy reading                                    quarteteditor@hotmail.co.uk                    On      23rd     May      we     celebrate    beautiful churches and I would look
                                                                                                Pentecost and the gift of the Holy Spirit.    forward to help you plan your marriage
                                                 Editors:                                       Pentecost is regarded as the birthday of      ceremony. And, of course, we are here
Anne and Jane                                    Anne Priestley; 1 Corpus Christi               the Christian Church and the start of the     as well for the sad times in life if you
                                                 Cottages, Holton St Mary. CO7 6NN              Church's mission to the world. What           need to plan a loved one’s funeral.
                                                                                                better day to join in worship! We are
                                                 Jane Lelliott ; 5 Swan Meadow, Stratford       hoping to meet for an outdoor service in      Please get in touch with me or with our
                                                 St Mary. CO7 6JQ                               Stratford St. Mary (location and details to   Curate Nicola if we can help in any way.
            Send us details of companies
            living near you that offer                                                          be confirmed), and we will have a
  SHOP      services or things for sale -        Distribution: Dave Leach                       service of Evening Prayer at 6pm in           Yours in Christ,
  LOCAL     we’ll contact them and offer         07930390517                                    Raydon.                                       Rev’d Manette
            free lineage in the Quartet.
                                                 Invoicing: Jenny Leach                         From 13th – 23rd May the Church
            We can build a really useful                                                        encourages us take part in ‘Thy Kingdom
            directory of local resources!        quartet.advertising@gmail.com

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Quartet The Parish Magazine - May 2021 - Holton St Mary
Stratford St Mary                                      STRATFORD ST MARY
                                                                                            PARISH  HOUSEHOLD
                                                                                                                                        Stratford St Mary Parish
                                                                                                                                        Council Emergency Team
                                                                                                                                        If an emergency does arise, please
                                                                                            COMMUNICATIONS                              contact one of the following team

                                                                                                                                        Norman Woodard
                                                                                                                                        12 Swaynes    01206 323015
                                             Stratford St Mary and Langham
  SHOP    In Stratford                       Community First Responder                                                                  Chris Griffin
  LOCAL                                      Group                                                                                      Brook Farm, School Lane 01206
                                                                                                                                        337363/07885 807567
                                             Have you ever thought about becoming                                                       chrisbrookfarm@gmail.com
                                              a Community First Responder? Why              To date, more than one third of             Steve Kite
Hall Farm Shop Cafe and Restaurant                                                          parish households have registered
                                              not find out what it is about? Look at the                                                42 Strickmere     01206 322482
www.hallfarmshop.com                                                                        an e-mail address on the Parish
                                                   CFR link on the East of England                                                      07958 515573
                                                                                            Council e-coms register.
The mobile pizza co - 07982 427483             Ambulance Services website. You can                                                      Bill Davies
                                                 even apply on line! If you watch the       Thank you.                                  3 Spanbies       01206 322990
ABC Preschool - 01206 322466                   training video - do not be alarmed - you                                                 billdav@hotmail.com
                                             are never expected to do mouth to mouth.       Have you registered yours?
Kate Baines, Virtual Assistant - 07799                                                                                                  The current Emergency Team members
391343                                       For further information, please contact your                                               are all over 70 years of age and, in the
                                             local co-ordinator.                            Complete the form delivered to your         current climate, we would like to
                                                                                            household in February and return it         welcome younger village residents to
Orwell Electrical - 01206 322969                                                            to one of the addresses provided on         join the team to assist anywhere in the
                                                                                            the form, or                                village if called upon to help. If you feel
Andy Smith Roofing - 01206 322882                                                                                                       you can be of use in any such
                                                                                            e-mail: household identity, post code       emergency, please contact the parish
Jackson Plumbing and Heating -                                                              and e-mail address to                       clerk     Mrs    Jenny    O'Hanlon      on
01206 322063                                                                                                                            parishcouncil@statfordstmary.org.uk
Nigel Bruce Electrician - 01206                                                             uk
                                                                                            Need a new form or have
Penrose and Partners - Vets. 01206                                                          questions/ concerns about the
323414                                                                                      register?
                                                                                                                                           Stratford St Mary Parish
Finest Gardens - 07756 364560                                                               Contact the Data Manager at above
                                                                                            address, or
John Burrell Bespoke Bedrooms -                  SSM 100 Club Winners                                                                      The Annual Meeting of Parishioners
07734700507                                              April                              speak to a Parish Councillor.                 (Election of Churchwardens) and the
                                                                                                                                            Annual Parochial Church Meeting
                                                     31 Tracey Davis     £40.00             See Parish Council » Stratford St                    (APCM) will be held on:
                                                                                            Mary Parish Council (onesuffolk.net)          Thursday 20th May at 7.00 pm in the
                                                    35 Anne Cousins      £10.00

                                                      76 Sue Ablitt      £5.00

                                         6                                                                                          7
Quartet The Parish Magazine - May 2021 - Holton St Mary
SUFFOLK HISTORIC                                Monday 17th May and the Annual Parish
                                                meeting on Monday 31st May. Both
CHURCHES TRUST CYCLE                            meetings will be at the Institute Hall in        STRATFORD ST MARY PARISH HOUSEHOLD COMMUNICATIONS
RIDE/STRIDE/WALK –                              Higham Road commencing at 7.30pm.
SATURDAY 11 SEPTEMBER                           However, in order to comply with                  Council no�ces through your le�erbox are likely to cease a�er
2021                                            government Covid regulations the number            circula�on of the no�ce for the Annual Parish Mee�ng 2021,
                                                of people attending will have to be limited
                                                so if any member of the public wishes to          unless you have requested con�nued delivery of paper-based
                                                attend these meetings, please contact our
                                                parish clerk no later than 5pm on the day                                  documents.
                                                of the meeting so that your attendance can
                                                be confirmed. Her email address is
                                                parishcouncil@stratfordstmary.org.uk or                  Have you registered an e-mail for your
                                                telephone 01473 311191.
                                                Should the government issue revised                                  household?
                                                instructions between now and the
                                                meetings taking place, there may well be
                                                further changes to these arrangements.           Complete the form delivered to your household in February and
                                                We will notify residents via our Website,           return it to one of the addresses provided on the form, or
                                                Facebook and notice boards. Thank you
11 Sep - a date for your diaries.                                                                  e-mail: household iden�ty, post code and e-mail address to
With permission from Government, it is                                                                     data.manager@stra�ordstmary.org.uk
hoped that SHCT, in its normal format, will
take place in 2021.
                                                                                                 Need a new form or have ques�ons/ concerns about the register?
I will pass on sponsorship forms to those         The Village Emergency
who have taken part in previous years,                  Telephone                                        Contact the Data Manager at above address, or
when I receive them. Newcomers are very                                                                           speak to a Parish Councillor.
welcome to take part, to support any
church of your choice, and can contact me       If you are with a person who you suspect          See Parish Council » Stra�ord St Mary Parish Council (onesuffolk.net)
on 322259, or call into Rosebank, Lower         has had a cardiac arrest, immediately call
Street, to collect a sponsorship form.          999 as normal. An ambulance will be
                                                dispatched as soon as possible, however
                                                due to the location of Stratford St Mary, this
David Isaac                                     may take a while.

                                                You will probably be alone with the patient
                                                and cannot leave them to go and get the
                                                village defibrillator, so we have a group of
STRATFORD ST MARY PARISH                        10 volunteers who will respond to a
    COUNCIL MEETINGS                            telephone call from you. All the volunteers
                                                are on the same number and if a volunteer
                                                is available you give them your location,
PARISH COUNCIL MEETING CHANGES                  they will collect the defibrillator and come
Following recent changes announced by           to your location, they will then assist in
the government, our parish council "Zoom"       CPR and using the defibrillator until the
meeting scheduled for 10th May can no           ambulance or medics arrive.
longer take place.
Instead, we are re-arranging our Annual         The number to call these volunteers is :-
Parish Council meeting to take place on
                                                01206 700919
                                            8                                                                                    9
Quartet The Parish Magazine - May 2021 - Holton St Mary
Higham                                                                                               Raydon

                                                                                                                                                                  Fair Trade coffee
   SHOP      In Higham                                                                        SHOP       In Raydon                                                morning
   LOCAL                                                                                      LOCAL
                                                                                                                                                                  What     a    wonderful
                                                                                                                                                                  morning for our first Fair
                                                   This year’s Benefice Christian           Blackwell Barn Holiday Let -                                          Trade coffee morning of
 Brett Valley installations - Oil boiler           Aid Service will be held at St           www.cottages.com                                                      the year on April 20th, in
 servicer - 01206 337316                           Mary’s, Higham on 9th May at                                                                                   fact the first for six
                                                   10am.                                                                                        months! The weather could not have been
                                                                                            Phil Avery Electrician 01473 311261
 HC Smith Builders - 07468 456772                                                                                                               better, lovely warm sunshine and hardly
                                                   Please do come and join us as                                                                any breeze. Just what we needed as it was
                                                   our main subject will be the             Ashley Short Carpentry 01473 311226
 Derek Allen Fresh Fish (Thursdays)                                                                                                             an outside socially distanced event. The
 07967 755771                                      effects of climate change, which                                                             cheese scones were a joy to taste again
                                                   in spite of the global pandemic          Gordon Short Decorator 01473 313053                 and luckily our "Frinton Friends" hadn't lost
                                                   remains a topic that is of                                                                   the touch during the absence of coffee
                                                   concern to all of us.                    SW Stiff Builders - 07811 005241                    mornings. We were also lucky enough to be
                                                                                                                                                the recipients of a delicious selection of
                                                   If you’re unable to attend but           DIY Livery - 07710 540926                           cakes provided by a local from the village.
                                                   would like to make a donation                                                                So a huge thank you to the "bakers" and of
     HIGHAM VILLAGE                                please contact Revd Nicola                                                                   course a huge thank you to everyone for
                                                                                            Infusion Grill - 07584 573474                       coming along to enjoy some company
     COFFEE MORNING                                                                                                                             again. We had several new participants as
 11.00am FRIDAY 21st MAY                                                                    Swift Garden Services - 07947 322429                well, some newly retired and some new
                                                                                                                                                village residents, including our new Rector
                                                                                            Rheal Coatings - 07539 377740                       Rev'd Manette Crossman and Rev'd Nicola
                                                                                            Franklyn Nevard - Architect 07515                   Thankfully our mobile library van was back
                                                                                            351894                                              in action, do join if you don't already have a
                                                                                                                                                library card, the selection of books and
                                                                                                                                                DVDs are very good and you can also
                                                                                            Fresh Eggs - Roadside stall Fox Farm                order for collection the following month.
                                                      August Bank Holiday                                                                       We had another visit from the "Pop Up
                                                                                                                                                Shop" called "Love refills" the range of
                                                 Higham Church Art Exhibi�on of                                                                 goods available is great and if you haven't
                                                           Pain�ngs                         Don’t forget!                                       got your own empty container to refill then
                                                                                                                                                there are always some available. Store
                                                                                            Send us details of companies living near            cupboard goods, household items, cleaning
                                                    Evening Preview Friday 27th August      you that offer services or things for sale -        products etc are excellent value as you're
Please join our Higham Coffee Morning           Exhibi�on open Saturday 28th, Sunday 29th   we’ll contact them and offer free lineage           not paying for packaging that you then
with Annie and her Queen Bee Coffee Van           and Bank Holiday Monday 30th August       in the Quartet. We can build a really               throw away!! Do come and give it a try.
coming to Higham Church from 11am                                                           useful directory of local resources!

                                           10                                                                                              11
Quartet The Parish Magazine - May 2021 - Holton St Mary
We next meet up on May 18th, if the
easing of restrictions goes to plan then we
should be able to meet inside the Church,
                                                     Raydon Church Stall
                                                     In line with government rules we will be
                                                                                                               Raydon and District Garden Club
but if the weather is as good as it was              able to open our fundraising stall on April
today then I think outside will be                   12th. We look forward to welcoming
wonderful.                                           everyone back to buy our books, bric a
                                                     brac and plants which are all donated to
Thank you very much for supporting our               us. Please make sure items you donate
Fair Trade coffee morning and pop up                 are clean and undamaged. You may leave             We are well in “Springtime” and it`s not         are able to meet face to face we hope to
shop, looking forward to meeting everyone            your items in the Church porch or behind           been the warmest one for several years           plan a small flower show to be held on
again on May 18th 10am-11.30am and                   the wall by the stall.                             but not as wet as previous ones either. On       Saturday 14th August if circumstances
perhaps some more new faces as well.                                                                    my clay soils I need plenty of frosts            allow but we must be prepared to wait and
                                                     Our storage space is very limited so we            throughout January & February to help it         have first meeting in September followed
Thanks again                                         are unable to accept multiple boxes of car         break down to a fine tilth, but that did not     by October and November, anything will be
                                                     boot left overs, fabric items, large pictures      happen either so it`s been a struggle to get     better than 2020. It`s so frustrating but we
Wendy Mumford                                        or canvases, videos, tapes or electrical           a good prepared seedbed especially for           must abide by the rules and keep us all
01473 312123                                         items. We hope you'll understand.                  the fine seeds of carrot, red beet, parsnip,     safe and hopefully by July all members will
                                                                                                        lettuce to name a few. Because we have           have had both 1st & 2nd jabs which I am
                                                     We thank you for supporting this valuable          had several night frosts in March and            told will give 80/90% protection so should
                                                     fundraising stall and look forward to              especially April they are slow to germinate.     give all members more confidence to
                                                     receiving your goods and plants to sell on         They will grow ok once we get some               venture out albeit with care. It will be great
                                                     it.                                                warmer nights and a little rain but they do      to meet you all once again, sure to have
                                                                                                        tend to come more uneven. Sometimes the          plenty to catch up on and talk about
                                                     With many thanks                                   second sowing (because it’s two weeks            anything other than those dreaded words
                                                     Wendy Mumford. 312123                              later) seem to grow so much better.              “Covid” & Lockdown.
                                                                                                        Nature of course is in full gear ahead with      Enjoy your gardens or somebody else’s if
                                                                                                        nesting and feeding youngsters, butterflies      you’re able to visit during the wonderful
                                                                                                        out and about on the sunnier warmer days,        month that is May. Watch as all the many
                                                     Suffolk Historic Churches                          newts in garden pond seem to have eaten          different trees and shrubs break out in that
                                                     Sponsored Cycle Ride.                              all the tadpoles, but have not yet seen the      wonderful colour green of so many
                                                                                                        resident grass snake (too cold) which            different shades and most of all if possible
                                                     Just to remind everyone that September 11th        would of course eat the newts. Seen              get into your gardens and enjoy the
                                                     is the date for this most important fundraising    overhead several Buzzard and also Red            sunshine, have a smile on your face, with
  A very big thank you to all my family and          event. We need extra cyclists or walkers this      Kite, Grey Heron, along with Rooks,              perhaps a nice cuppa tea or coffee, or
  friends for my cards and presents on my            year as very sadly we have lost our greatest       Crows, and Jackdaws. In the garden usual         even a glass of wine and give a toast to
                 90th Birthday                       fundraiser ever for this event. Her target each    Blue and Gt Tit, Robin, Dunnock,                 your garden club which is celebrating 41
    I had a really lovely day, thank you all         year was 25 miles on her exercise bike which       Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Redpoll, Sparrows,         years and counting. See you all soon.
                                                     she always seemed to manage, and raise             Song Thrush, Blackbird and this week
                 Be�y Cooper                         about £300 each year!! So dust off your cycle,     Mistal Thrush and Male Blackcap. Heard           Geoff Horrex,
                                                     clean your walking boots and start prac�cing,      only Chiff Chaff. Daphne saw first House         01473 310422, or 07810086143
                                                     believe it or not it's great fun !!                Martin this year but as yet no swallows.
                                                     Our Churches here are quite difficult to walk
                                                     to, but you can drive to say Hadleigh or Ipswich
                                                     and visit all the Churches there to get your
                                                                                                        Village hall sale update so far is going                         41st Year
   NB: if you would like to see copies of the                                                           through albeit very slowly. Hopefully by
    minutes of any Raydon Parish Council
                                                     sponsorship form signed.                           next Quartet in June we will have good
                                                     Another way to help is to make some                news. In the meantime we are planning to
           meetings, please contact                  refreshments for riders visi�ng Raydon             move up the road to the KGF playing field
                                                     Church, and just to remind you we also need        pavilion as soon as we are allowed to use
           Jane Cryer, Parish Clerk                  you to book a slot to welcome and sign in
    Sunnyside Cottage, Overbury Hall Road,                                                              it fully for meetings. Optimistic for a start
                                                     those from other Churches.                         late July but getting a guest speaker at
              Layham IP7 5NA                         Please help if you can.
                                                     Many thanks from Wendy Mumford                     short notice may be a problem so we will
                                                     01473 312123                                       wait and see. As soon as your committee
     07920 713940 / raydonpc@gmail.com

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Quartet The Parish Magazine - May 2021 - Holton St Mary
The Parish Council would like to thank
                                                     all the parishioners who have taken the
                                                     time and trouble to collect litter whilst out
                                                     and about on their walks - this is much
                                                                                                                                                    Holton St Mary
                                                     appreciated, especially as we are
                                                     currently unable to organise an official
                                                     'litter pick' due to the current restrictions.
                                                     Thank you very much for helping to make
                                                     the village a nicer place to live.
                                                                                                                                                     Parish Council Meeting
                                                     Raydon Quiet Lanes Ini�a�ve                         SHOP
                                                                                                         LOCAL    In Holton                          The next Parish Council Meeting (Annual
                                                     Thank you to everyone who responded to                                                          Meeting) will be held on 5th May 2021 at
Bricks                                               the public consultation Raydon Parish                                                           8pm via zoom. Notices will be displayed
                                                     Council conducted on 8 March with regard                                                        before the meeting in the telephone box at
A huge THANK YOU to all those who                    to the Quiet Lanes initiative in Lower                                                          Church Sq, noticeboard at Bacons Green,
understood our problem and joined in the             Raydon. To clarify a few points raised:            Love Refills mobile shop -                   Holton St Mary website and on Facebook
appeal for help with the Churchyard wall.                                                               www.loverefills.co.uk                        with details of the zoom link to attend the
A fabulous sum has been achieved and                 · Suffolk County Council is subsidising                                                         meeting, or you can email the Parish Clerk
we have been able to place an order with             this scheme following a successful pilot           Ann Mason Care - 01206 233372                at hsmparishclerk@gmail.com
the Contractor to proceed with the repair.           project in East Suffolk. They have recently
It will take some time to complete the               announced an increase in their subsidy
project but a start will be made shortly.                                                                                                            Volunteer needed for Village
                                                     which means, following encouraging
Together with the repaired tarmac area the           comments from the public forum, we will                                                         Local    History  Recorder
approach to the Church will soon look                apply to include Wades Lane and Noakes                                                          Holton St Mary
really inviting. Thank you again, The
Churchwardens                                        Road in the scheme.                              Holton St Mary Social club
                                                                                                                                                     A volunteer is needed for the role of village
                                                     · The aim of the scheme is to raise              Finally we seem to be coming out of            recorder. Marjorie Haste has been the
                                                     awareness of other road users. It is not         Lockdown and the Social club are hoping        recorder for 15 years noting changes in
                                                     intended to draw further motorists to the        that we will be able to Open on Friday 21st    the street scene, recording events,
                                                     area and therefore we do not foresee an          May at 17.30.                                  collecting memorabilia and writing an
                                                     increase in parking issues related to this       Due to the uncertainty of what the             annual report for the Ipswich Records
RAYDON PARISH COUNCIL                                initiative.                                      government rules would be it was decided       Office. If anyone is interested in taking
                                                                                                      that we would not be organising VE Day         over this role further information is
                                                     · Our current plans use existing signposts       event this year but instead would put on an    available at slhc.org.uk or contact myself
SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS 2021                                                                                                                            and I will pass your details to Marjorie.
                                                     only, no additional signposts will be            event for the Queen’s Jubilee celebration
                                                     needed.                                          on June 4th 2022.                              Liz Sims Parish Clerk at
(all at 7.30pm via ZOOM until further notice)                                                                                                         hsmparishclerk@gmail.com
Tuesday 11 May (AGM)                                                                                  We also hope to have at least one Quiz
Tuesday 15 June                                      · Further information about this initiative      night during 2021.
Tuesday 13 July                                      can          be         found            at      It would be good to see you when we open
Tuesday 14 September                                 www.quietlanessuffolk.co.uk.                     again. Further updates will be provided via
Tuesday 12 October                                                                                    the Village Facebook group and by the          Holton St Mary 'Green Gym
                                                     Given the majority of positive responses,        normal village gossip.
Tuesday 9 November
                                                     Raydon Parish Council agreed at its              Take care                                      Group'
   NB: if you would like to see copies of the        March meeting to proceed with the                Bob Holmes
                                                                                                                                                     We will next meet on Saturday, 1st May.
    minutes of any Raydon Parish Council             scheme.                                                                                         This will be in Church Square at 10.30am.
           meetings, please contact                                                                   Any queries about the social club email
                                                                                                      me on                                          Please contact Richard Appleton on
Jane Cryer, Clerk to Raydon Parish Council,                                                           Bobholmes55@icloud.com                         311487 if you would like some information
                                                     Jane Cryer                                                                                      on this community activity. Thank you.
01473 824287 / 07920 713940,                         Clerk to Raydon Parish Council                   Or phone on
raydonpc@gmail.com                                                                                    07966266293
                                                     01473 824287 / 07920 713940                                                                     The Green Gym Group

                                                14                                                                                              15
Quartet The Parish Magazine - May 2021 - Holton St Mary
Useful advice as hay fever
season begins
                                                 Anyone for tennis?
                                                 Join us at Dedham Lawn
                                                 Tennis Club!
                                                                                                                                                      Barry’s Page
With the Met Office’s forecast of a high         Whether you’ve never held a racquet or
pollen count over the next few days, local       are a budding Andy Murray or Heather
health care professionals are offering some      Watson, we’d love to welcome you to our
useful advice to those who suffer from a hay     friendly village tennis club on the playing
fever allergy.                                   fields in Dedham.
                                                                                               Another fever may soon be with us and              They will put the planet first
                                                 With club sessions, teams in local            the whole spectrum of debate will range            But we are short of cash and that makes it
                                                 leagues, coaching for adults and juniors      from those who couldn’t care less, to the          worse.
Dr Hasan Chowhan, a GP in Colchester and
chairman of NHS North East Essex Clinical        and a wide range of membership options        party hardliners and activists.
Commissioning Group, said: “It’s reckoned        available, we’re always on the lookout for                                                       As all the parties have a say
                                                                                               Local elections normally don’t have the
that one in five people suffer from hay fever    new members.
                                                                                               gravitas of the national elections but with        On how they are going to make it pay.
and the high pollen count over the next few                                                    costs increasing and local government
days marks the start of the hay fever season     And with Spring having sprung, there’s no
                                                                                               spending and services being constantly
- which can be an uncomfortable time for         better time to come and join us!
                                                                                               scrutinised , the turnout this month might         Memos, phone calls, texts and faxes
many. The symptoms include a runny, itchy                                                      be different.                                      Looks like we will just put up taxes
or blocked nose, sneezing and itchy, red         Search online for Dedham LTC to find out
and watery eyes.                                 more and see how you can get involved         This poem is about a previous election             Nationalise nationalise
                                                                                               when someone fell at the final hurdle.             No room here for enterprise
                                                                                                                                                  Any profit to the government coffers
“One of the best ways to control hay fever is                                                                                                     Managed by bureaucrats and layers of
with antihistamines, which you can buy                                                         Election Day                                       tossers
without prescription from the pharmacy.
Start taking them now so they can get into                                                     I clean my teeth, I clear my throat                Costing a fortune but who cares
your    system. Taking       antihistamines                                                    I'm off in a hurry it's time to vote
regularly is much more effective than taking                                                   I'm going down to the local school                 We're safe and sound for the next five
them only when your symptoms are bad.                                                          Where I'm allocated a cubicle                      years
                                                                                               I take my form and lay it flat
                                                                                               The pencil tethered by a string                    My head is swimming I must confess
Dr Christopher Browning, a GP in Long                                                                                                             Who said what and who was best
Melford and chairman of NHS West Suffolk         Retired?    No    longer     in   full-time                                                      Is something I no longer remember
Clinical Commissioning Group, said: “You                                                       Waiting for my offering                            I pick up the pencil, my hand a tremor
                                                 employment? Join nearly 400 local U3A
don’t need a prescription for hay fever                                                                                                           I close my eyes and make a stab
medicine, so I would recommend patients          members and 40 groups organised locally       It's Election Day don't be late                    I scribble a cross
with hay fever symptoms to make their            to keep you fit, both physically and          You heard the candidates relate
pharmacy the first place to go for help and      mentally. Groups include walking, table       To matters of utmost importance                    I open my eyes and what have I seen
advice.                                                                                        Good for you,good for me,                          I made my mark between red and green.
                                                 tennis,   language,    kayak,      singing,
                                                                                               Good for the whole country
                                                 photography, garden visits and travel.        The trouble is they sound the same                 Weeks of campaigns and deliberation
“Additionally, you can help protect yourself                                                   Never wrong never to blame                         The papers spoiled and with
                                                 Monthly meetings and lectures currently       Their predecessors made the mess
from hay fever symptoms by wearing                                                                                                                consternation
wraparound sunglasses to protect your            via Zoom - April lecture “When Birds Sing”    This time we have learned ,                        I feel relief that I couldn't decide
eyes. Taking showers and changing your           and May lecture “The History of Jazz          and we guess                                       I thought it might have hurt my pride
clothes after being outdoors helps prevent       Piano”.                                       We have the respect that we have now
pollen spreading around your home.                                                                                                                I folded the paper, popped it into the box
Staying indoors when the pollen count is         Visit Stour Valley website u3asites.org.uk/
high and smearing a small amount of              stourvalley for full information. New                                                            Job done
Vaseline inside your nose helps to prevent                                                     Blue, yellow, orange, purple and red               But at what cost!
                                                 members are always welcome.                   A touch of green it must be said
pollen settling on the inside of your nose.”

                                            16                                                                                               17
Quartet The Parish Magazine - May 2021 - Holton St Mary
Hadleigh u3a                         Membership here in Hadleigh is normally         The glory of the garden                            There`s not a pair of legs so thin, there`s
                                                 £15 for a year (but currently only £12 per      by Rudyard Kipling. (In Memory of                  not a head so thick, There`s not a hand so
    Restarting live activities in July –         year due to reduced activities in covid         Michael Mumford).                                  weak and white, nor yet a heart so sick,
           Come and join us!                     period) and for that you get a monthly open                                                        But it can find some needful job that`s
                                                 meeting with a professional speaker, with       This poem read out by his son, at                  crying to be done,
We are all looking forward to the promised       the emphasis on interesting and                 Michael’s funeral but from Cornwall using
easing of restrictions from June 21 and we       entertaining subjects, plus the opportunity     modern technology as he was unable to              For the Glory of the Garden glorifieth
at Hadleigh u3a are planning to celebrate                                                        attend due to covid restrictions.                  everyone.
                                                 of joining one of over twenty small special
the relaunch of our regular activities with      interest groups ranging across a wide
our annual Summer Party on Monday 12TH                                                           Our England is a garden that is full of            Then seek your job with thankfulness and
                                                 variety of interests. Have a look at our                                                           work till further orders, If it`s only netting
July at the Guildhall. After that our monthly                                                    stately views, of borders, beds and
                                                 website for more information – just google                                                         strawberries or killing slugs on borders.
speaker meetings will return to our usual                                                        shrubberies and lawns and avenues, with
                                                 Hadleigh Suffolk u3a.                           statues on the terraces and peacocks               And when your back stops aching and
venue at the URC in Market Place,                                                                                                                   your hands begin to harden,
                                                                                                 strutting by:
Hadleigh on the afternoon of the second          We also organise theatre trips, days out to                                                        You will find yourself a partner in the Glory
Monday of each month at 2.30 pm. During          lots of places of interest and a Christmas      But the Glory of the Garden lies in more           of the Garden.
the covid period we have replaced these          lunch at Hintlesham Hall in December. All       than meets the eye.
with a Zoom presentation at the same time        these are charged at cost and all the more                                                         Oh Adam was a gardener, and God who
every month.                                     enjoyable when shared with like-minded          For where the old thick laurels grow,              made him sees, That half a proper
                                                 people. All members also receive a              along the thin red wall, You find the tool-        gardener`s work is done upon his knees,
Don’t know about the u3a?                        quarterly national magazine called Third        and potting- sheds which are the heart of          So when your work is finished, you can
                                                 Age Matters, full of interesting articles and   it all;                                            wash your hands and pray.
Maybe wondering how to re-engage with            what other u3a’s are doing around the
people after so long at home? If you are no      country.                                        The cold frames and the hot houses, the            For the Glory of the Garden, that it may
longer in full-time employment and looking                                                       dung pits and the tanks, The rollers, carts        not pass away!
for something interesting to take you out of     To find out more do have a look at our          and drain-pipes, with the barrows and the
home and daytime television? And who             website or contact me for an information        planks. And there you`ll see the                   And the Glory of the Garden it shall never
isn’t after the year we have just had? Then                                                      gardeners, the men and ‘prentice boys,             pass away.
read on.                                                                                         Told off to do as they are bid and do it
                                                 We look forward to hearing from you!            without noise; For except when seeds
Our motto is Learn, Laugh and Live!                                                              are planted and we shout to scare the
Here at Hadleigh u3a we have over 200
members. Now we are about to cast off the                 Sue Witham - Chairman                  The Glory of the Garden it abideth not in
shackles of lockdown, we are more keen                                                           words.
than ever to welcome newcomers.                     CONTACT DETAILS : Sue Witham -
Nationally there are well over 1,000 u3as            Telephone 07770 870405 – Email              And some can pot begonias and some
with over 430,000 members. And almost                       suetram@aol.com                      can bud a rose, And some are hardly fit
                                                                                                 to trust with anything that grows, But
half a million people can’t be wrong!                                                            they can roll and trim the lawns and sift
Founded in 1982, the u3a is a UK-wide                                                            the sand and loam.
collection of locally run groups that provide
a wide range of opportunities to come                                                            For the Glory of the Garden occupieth all
together to learn for fun and enjoy                                                              who come.
exploring new ideas, skills and activities
together. Apart from being friendly and                                                          Our England is a garden, and such
relaxed it also provides the perfect antidote                                                    gardens are not made, By singing;- `Oh             Allotment Plots Available
to the issue of loneliness for anyone who                                                        how beautiful!` and sitting in the shade,              Would you like an allotment plot?
has been left feeling a bit bereft of human                                                      While better men than we go out and                     Dedham Allotment Association
company over the past year. There are no                                                         start their working lives, At grubbing
                                                                                                 weeds from gravel – paths with broken                    have plots available, please
age limits and no formal qualifications
                                                                                                 dinner knives.                                         contact Diana for further details
required or to be gained.
                                                                                                                                                                01206 321297

                                            18                                                                                                 19
East Bergholt WI                                SESAW News                                                                                                   a German bomber flew over and dropped
                                                                                                            Here’s a little something I pulled out of        a batch of incendiary bombs on our corner.
2020 was a difficult time for all of us.        There’s an unusual sight – Kenny still                      the archives - Thank you Brian R.
However, as a group we were pleased to be       tucked up in bed at lunchtime! Seems the                                                                     The sky lit up as if it were Firework Night.
able to keep in touch in many ways and          little chap is under the weather leaving the                How good are you at cryptic clues? -             My father shouted “Get out of the house”
enjoyed sharing news and activities with        computer clear for me to give you a cat’s                   answers on page 24                               People were rushing around with buckets
each other through e-mail and meeting up        eye view of life at SESAW.                                                                                   of water trying to douse the flames, which
in small groups when restrictions allowed.                                                                     CHRISTIAN NAMES.                              were mostly in their front gardens.
As the latest restrictions start to ease, we    Like most animal charities, we’ve had few
are making more positive plans for the          dogs in since Covid.. Those that have                          Cryptic clues for Male and Female             One bomb had dropped in front of our
months to come. We have used Zoom               arrived are generally very needy, requiring                  christian names.                                living room window, and began to ignite
successfully for our last three main            special new homes. Rolo, a Yorkie cross                                                                      the wood of the window frame. It was
meetings. Our Craft group have been             and Nokie, a terrier cross, are not moving                    01. It's evil that returns after a             quickly extinguished. Another bomb had
getting together virtually once a fortnight     on anytime soon. The five year olds are                      century?                                        gone through the slates of the wash house
and we have also had lunch time and             great friends but trouble with humans.                                                                       lean-to at the back of the house. This took
evening get togethers for members who           Both need special homes with someone                          02. Four and why?                              a little longer to extinguish as the rafters
wish to join in.                                prepared to give them time and space. An                                                                     were oak, and well alight.
                                                experienced owner will end up with a                          03. An admiral name?
From 2021 the WI subscription year will run     rewarding relationship with one, or maybe                                                                     The houses around us were mostly timber
from April to March. Due to savings made in     even two, of these dogs if they are the                       04. A Frenchman claims this                    framed and therefore more vulnerable, but
2020, through the cancellation of our           right person.                                                beverage?                                       none were lost. More upsetting to many
monthly meetings, we are pleased to be                                                                                                                       was that their precious front gardens had
                                                Some become permanent residents like                          05. Elizabeth Regina returns with a            been bombed and then trampled upon.
able to offer our members a reduction and
                                                Bobby, a terrier rescued from death row in                   cross?
our annual subscription for 2021 will be        a London dog pound. After failing to find                                                                    There was only one person injured, Dick
£34.                                            his forever home he settled nicely with                                                                      Woods. He tried to kick away a bomb that
                                                                                                              06. A sweet girl in America?
                                                dear old Maisie, a springer spaniel who                                                                      was threatening his rockery, setting his
We would be pleased to welcome new              loved her life at SESAW despite health                                                                       trousers alight, and getting a nasty burn on
                                                                                                              07. Diana masquerades as her?
members to share in our activities and          problems. Unfortunately we lost her last                                                                     his leg also.
friendships. If you would like to join us       year but Bobby has a new long term pal.                       08. Thick metal rod needs a maiden
please contact our President Tina Hurley        Bruno is a terrier chihuahua cross, people                   name?                                           All the excitement died down, and Dad
on 01206 298223, Gill Rattray on 01206          say he’s a bigger version of Kenny which I                                                                   came to look for us. He found us across
298380 or through our website. We look          can confirm. That pesky dog likes to sleep                    09. The AA embraces five?                      the road under a tree. My mother was
forward to meeting you.                         in the airing cupboard but he doesn’t dare                                                                   clutching the cash-box and I had the cat.
                                                challenge me if I get there first!                                                                           Dad looked at us and said “I see you got
                                                                                                                                                             your priorities right”
                                                Which reminds me, time to see if Little
                                                Lord Fauntleroy is up and about. Yes, as I                                                                   Next morning someone pointed out a hole
                                                approach the kitchen I can hear him                                                                          in the tiles of our roof. The Bomb Squad
                                                yapping to greet me. Ollie (the Black) Cat.
                                                                                                           THE SMALL MIRACLE                                 was called and found an unexploded
                                                                                                                                                             bomb lying in the attic. They dealt with it.
                                                Suffolk & Essex Small Animal Welfare, Registered Charity   I was born, and grew up, in East Bergholt,
                                                No.1124029, Stoke Road, Leavenheath, CO6 4PP. Tel: 01787   Suffolk. My father ran the ‘Grocers and
                                                210888 www.sesaw.co.uk                                                                                       The Small Miracle
                                                                                                           Providers’ store opposite the Carriers
                                                                                                           Arms.     Mr Butcher, the carrier and
                                                                                                                                                             Greta Mason (nee Tarbin)
                                                                                                           charabanc owner, lived along the road. The
                                                                                                           Carriers Arms was run by Jack Bloomfiield,
                                                                                                           and in the adjoining house lived Mr & Mrs
                                                                                                           Downes. In the next cottage lived Mrs
                                                                                                           Woods, with her son Dick.

                                                                                                           In the early part of WW2, when I was
                                                                                                           around 13/14 years old, on a dark evening

                                           20                                                                                                           21
Things that go bump in the                            Coming face to face with an angry squirrel
                                                                                                        Provision of Psychological                          heart     disease,    chronic    obstructive
                                                      or a swarm of wasps, in the dark, whilst                                                              pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes,
night                                                 balancing on rafters on all fours, is not to be   Therapies to be expanded                            irritable    bowel      syndrome      (IBS),
                                                      recommended.                                      across east and west Suffolk                        musculoskeletal conditions and cancer.
Quite frequently householders don’t                                                                                                                         Patients with those LTCs under the care of
realise that they have uninvited ‘guests’ in          Secondly, you then need to decide what to
                                                      do once you’ve identified the intruder –                                                              the acute hospitals in east and west Suffolk
their homes until they get woken up one                                                                                                                     can be directly referred to Wellbeing
night to hear things moving about in their            without breaking the Law. The UK has              Services supporting people in east and
                                                                                                        west Suffolk with common mental health              Suffolk for support.
roof spaces. This quiet, undisturbed part             some     of   the     oldest     and      most
of the house is very often where a variety                                                              presentations such as low mood and                  Patients can also refer themselves for free
                                                      comprehensive Laws protecting wildlife of
of pests are to be found.                                                                               anxiety disorders are to be expanded.               support by completing the self-referral form
                                                      anywhere in the world.
                                                                                                        The NHS Ipswich & East Suffolk and NHS              on the Wellbeing Suffolk website
Rats, mice and squirrels will not only keep                                                             West Suffolk clinical commissioning                 (wellbeingnands.co.uk) or by calling 0300
                                                      There is lots more information on our
you awake at night, they will happily chew                                                              groups (CCGs) approved the £1.6 million             123 1503 (8am – 8pm), where details can
                                                      website www.eandspestsolutions.co.uk or
wood, plastic pipes and wires, which could                                                              expansion of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS                be given in confidence.
                                                      if you prefer to speak to a human, please
have disastrous consequences. Wasps                                                                     Foundation Trust’s Wellbeing Suffolk
                                                      feel free to contact us for further advice or                                                         Once a patient has been referred to the
and bees often use roof spaces and                                                                      service at their respective Governing Body
                                                      assistance on 01473 328092 or 07979                                                                   Wellbeing Service they will be contacted
chimneys to build their nests and cluster                                                               meetings earlier this month.
                                                      301334.                                                                                               within three working days to arrange a one-
flies will return year after year to hibernate
in their hundreds, sometimes thousands,                                                                 Wellbeing Suffolk’s Improving Access to             to-one telephone appointment where a
                                                      Mandie Collinson - Essex & Suffolk Pest           Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service              clinician will assess their needs and decide
in favoured properties.
                                                      Solutions Ltd                                     provides free access to evidence-based              the best way they can be supported to
A new pest to the UK, the Harlequin                                                                     psychological support for people who are            make positive changes.
Ladybird, has also taken to hibernating in                                                              16 or older and experience depression,              The service also provides one-off taster
large numbers in lofts.        Given the                                                                anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder,            sessions that can be accessed by anyone
opportunity, some birds will also make                                                                  obsessive compulsive disorder, specific             aged 16 or over who is registered with a
their nests beneath your roof and a                                                                     phobias and problems with sleeping.                 Suffolk-based GP. Full details of these can
surprisingly large number of houses will                                                                Evidence demonstrates those with long-              be         found         on          https://
have bats taking up residence at certain                                                                term physical health conditions (LTCs) are          www.wellbeingnands.co.uk/suffolk/get-
times of the year. So, what do you do                                                                   more likely to develop mental ill-health. It        support/courses/
about your unwanted guests?                                                                             is estimated that people with two or more           Wellbeing Suffolk is a key partner in the
                                                                                                        LTCs are seven times more likely to                 transformation of community mental health
                                                                                                        experience depression than those without.           services, which are working towards fully
                                                                                                        Building on previous work to develop                integrated IAPT services within primary
                                                                                                        IAPT-LTC services, the recruitment and              care. The service already has link workers
                                                                                                        training of clinical and support staff will         integrated in GP surgeries and has
                                                                                                        make IAPT services accessible to at least           introduced more wellbeing practitioners to
                                                                                                        18,645 adults by 2024, an increase of               primary care settings to enable seamless
                                                                                                        nearly 2,500 people.                                referral routes to wellbeing interventions.
                                                                                                        People in Suffolk with LTCs can already             Richard Watson, Deputy Chief Executive
                                                                                                        access online cognitive behavioural                 and      Director     of     Strategy     and
                                                                                                        therapy (CBT) support called ‘Living Life to        Transformation for the Suffolk and North
Roof spaces are potentially dangerous                                                                   the Full’ (http://www.llttf4suffolk.com).           East Essex (SNEE) Integrated Care
places                                                                                                                                                      System, said: “We know that around 9.5%
                                                                                                        The service also provides a specific six-           of all people in Suffolk registered with a GP
Firstly, you need to find out what you’ve                                                               week course - ‘Living Well with Physical            have depression, and following the
got – but a word of warning. Roof spaces                                                                Health Problems’ - as well as telephone-            pandemic this figure is likely to have risen
are usually unpleasant and dangerous                                                                    based CBT sessions adapted to those                 sharply.
places to work in. Unless they have been                                                                with LTCs.
fitted with retractable ladders and have                                                                                                                    “IAPT therapies are extremely beneficial,
                                                                                                        Wellbeing Suffolk has also developed and            not only for those with depression, but also
been boarded out, they are often difficult                                                              implemented disease-specific support and
and dangerous to access and investigate.                                                                                                                    for people suffering from a number of other
                                                                                                        intervention pathways for people with               mental health conditions. I am delighted

                                                 22                                                                                                    23
with the expansion of these therapies,
which will help to meet the increasing need
identified in the local population.”
                                                   Holy Family Roman Catholic
                                                   Church                                                                                             Local Services
Robyn Fiorio, Wellbeing Suffolk Service            Ipswich Road, Brantham CO11 1TB
Manager, said: “This additional investment         Parish Priest: Fr. Paul Vincent OCD
will allow us to expand our services to            Assistant Priest: Fr Bineesh Elenjikkal
support even more people every year.               OCD              180 Hawthorn Drive
“This will be especially important in the          Ipswich IP2 0QQ Tel:   01473  684963.
wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which               www.stmarksparish.org.uk                         The Constable Country                             MOBILE LIBRARY
has resulted in a significant increase in                                                           Medical Practice
demand for our services.                           The weekly Newsletter, with Mass times, is                                                         Stratford St Mary - Route 11
                                                   always displayed in the cabinet alongside the    The Medical Centre,                               The bus stops every 4 weeks on
 “We would encourage anyone who is                 Church’s front door and may also be read on                                                        Wednesdays, subject to current resrictions
experiencing common mental health                                                                   Heath Road, East Bergholt, Colchester
                                                   the      regularly      updated      website     CO7 6RT
problems such as low mood, depression              www.stmarksparish.org.uk together with other                                                       12 May, 9 June
or anxiety to visit our website to find out        Parish news.
more about the variety of ways in which we                                                          Surgery opening hours
                                                                                                    8.00am – 6.30pm Monday to Friday                  Black Horse - 11.05am - 11.20am
can help.”                                         Fr Bineesh Elanjikkal is the Ipswich Hospital                                                      Tally Ho! Corner - 11.25am - 11.45am
                                                                                                    Telephone 01206 298272
                                                   Catholic Chaplain assisted by Deacon Rev         Fax 01206 299010                                  Strickmere (School Lane end) - 11.50am -
                                                   Clive Brooks (01026 396319) .                                                                      12.10pm
                                                                                                    36 The Street, Capel St Mary, Ipswich
                                                   All are very welcome to attend Holy Family       IP9 2EE                                           Route 14
                                                   services; it is not necessary to be a Catholic                                                     The bus stops every 4 weeks on
                                                   and enquiries about the Catholic Faith are       Surgery opening hours                             Tuesdays
                                                   always welcome. Please contact The Priory,       8.00am – 6.30pm Monday to Friday
                                                   as above, or a local person whom you know is                                                       18 May, 15 June
                                                   a Catholic
                                                                                                    Dispensary 8.30am – 6.15pm
                                                                                                    (closed between 1-2pm)                            Holton St Mary
                                                   Services planned for MAY 2021                    Telephone 01473 310203                            Church Square - 9.30-9.45am
                                                   Sunday 2     5th SUNDAY OF EASTER                Fax 01473 311722                                  Raydon
                                                   9am           Mass                                                                                 St Mary’s Raydon - 9.50-10.30am
                                                   Tuesday 4
                                                   9.20am        Eucharistic Adoration                                                                Lower Raydon
                                                   10am          Mass                                                                                 Sulleys Hill - 11.30 - 11.45am
                                                   Sunday 9      6th SUNDAY OF EASTER                       Crime prevention                          Higham
                                                   9am           Mass                               http://www.suffolk.police.uk/safetyadvice/        The Green - 11.55am to 12.10pm
                                                   Tuesday 11                                             reportacrime/tellthepolice.aspx
                                                   9.20am        Eucharistic Adoration                PC 1347 Gilkes Pcso 3041 Cooper                 The customer service line 01473 283838
                                                   10am          Mass                                  babergheast@suffolk.pnn.police.uk              is staffed 9am to 5pm from Monday to
                                                   Sunday 16     7th SUNDAY OF EASTER                                                                 Friday and can handle any library
                                                   9am           Mass
                                                                                                                                                      customer      queries     renewals      and
Answers. (no groaning please)                      Tuesday 18                                                                                         reservations to any general library queries.
1. Clive.                                          9.20am        Eucharistic Adoration                                                                An answer phone is available outside of
2. Ivy (IV + y).                                   10am          Mass                                                                                 operating hours and people can also email
3. Nelson.                                         Sunday 23     PENTECOST SUNDAY
                                                   9am           Mass                                                                                 help@suffolklibraries.co.uk
4. Monty (Mon +Tea).
5. Rex (R. E. +x).                                 Tuesday 25
6. Candy.                                          9.20am        Eucharistic Adoration
                                                   10am          Mass
7. Nadia.                                          Sunday 30 THE MOST HOLY TRINITY
8. Barney (bar + nee).                             9am           Mass
9. Ava.
10. Hugh (Hue).

                                              24                                                                                                 25
Bin collections                                        Local Directory
Week Commencing            3rd May         Recyling Week                        BH Week
                           10th May        Refuse Week
                           17th May        Recycling Week
                           24 May          Refuse Week
                           31st May        Recycling Week                       BH Week
                           7 June          Refuse Week
Waste Services 0300 1234 000 (option 4)Email: recycling@baberghmidsuffolk.gov.uk Visit
www.recyclenow.com to find your nearest recycling banks

Power Cut? Call 105 | The New
Free Way to Report Issues

Experiencing a power cut? No matter who
your provider is, 105 is the new number to       Tell us your favourite local service -
call to get help and advice, free of charge      could be a pub or restaurant or
on mobile and landlines. You can also call       takeaway, or other service you think
105 with any welfare concerns related to a       would         benefit   getting      a
power cut, or if you are worried about the       recommendation...If we agree, we’ll
safety of over or underground electricity        print it here
cables or substations.                                                                                     Prestige virtual assistance
                                                 The Layham Queen take out service on
                                                 Fridays & Sunday Roasts - Steve and
                                                                                                                   Making time for you
Support may be available free for those
with medical needs, people of pensionable        Tannith are very community minded and
                                                                                                        Providing a flexible approach to personal
age or with children under 5.                    give a very good service
                                                                                                         assistant support remotely to business
Register on UK Power Networks website
                                                                                                          owners, directors and entrepreneurs.
http://www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk/                Simply Thai Manningtree - It was simply
internet/en/help-and-advice/priority-            delicious! Freshly cooked, and arrived                              Services include:
services-during-a-power-cut/                     within the quoted time frame. 01206                               • Research Project
                                                 396060. Delivers to Holton St Mary
                                                                                                                     • General Admin
                                                 Zaynab and Mother Indian at Capel.                       • Time Management (diary/emails)
                                                 Really good and highly recommend. They                           • Social Media Posts
                                                 don’t deliver, but it’s made quickly for pick-                • Document Management
                                                 up.                                                             • Project Management
                                                                                                                      • Office MovesKate Baines
                                                 Brantham Bull 01473 328248                                           M: 07799 391343
                                                 Lucca Enoteca Manningtree 01206                        E: info@prestigevirtualassistance.co.uk
the florist in east bergholt does lovely         390044                                                 W: www.prestigevirtualassistance.co.uk
flowers:- www.gayedrummond.com                   Oranges & Lemons East Bergholt 01206

                                           26                                                     27
Bespoke, handmade soft furnishings             If your picture needs framing:
          & upholstery                                  We can do it!
                                                       07769 858076
                                             Whilst following Covid guidelines
                                            home and office visits are available
         Contact Annabel
                                                •     Bespoke framing
07539 722496         sewnimble                  •     Gallery wrap
                                                •     Float mount
                                                •     Block mount
                                                •     Sport shirt framing
                                                •     Medal framing
                                                •     An�que framing
                                                •     Gift vouchers
                                          As members of Fine Art Trade Guild, who
                                          wrote the interna�onal standards for picture
                                          framing, we work to these requirements.


                                     28                                                  29
30   31
32   33
Mending your home

All staff NPTC qualified and fully insured. 10 million public liability
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25 years experience. For a free no obligation estimate

             Call 07786836928 or 07891135561
         Or Email Acertreespecialists@hotmail.co.uk

                                       34                                     35
                     SK I LLE D           W O R K E RS

                            E S SE X     SUFFOLK

            BRICKW ORK             E X T EN S I O N S         REPAIRS

          L A N D SC A P I N G         PAT IO S           REPOINTING

                                 07468 456772
                     W W W. H C S M I T H B U I L D E R S . C O . U K

36   37
38   39
40   41
In the House

42                  43
44   45
Professional Services

“ The location is
  lovely and most
                               We’dliketo thank allof our staff for their
                               tireless work in these unprecedentedtimes,
   impressive                  ensuringthat the livesof our residents
   alwaysis the care           remain active and fulfilled.
   andattention of
                     We’dalso like to thank our residents and
   all the staff.
Nephew of Blackbrook
                    “relatives at BlackbrookHouse care home
                               for their kind words andcontinued support.
House Resident Review
published November 2020        You are the heart of our homes
                               Blackbrook House care home
                               Gun Hill,Dedham, Colchester CO7 6HP
                               01206 805839
(The averagefrom the 75%+of     RatedJan20

Member Records with a Review
          Score)*                                            not-for-profit

*carehome.co.uk reviewscores are based on independent reviewswith a maximum
 score of 10. Reviewquoted and rating correct as of 01/02/2021.

                                        46                                         47
Body Mind as One
                                                brings movement & mindfulness to adults
                                                           of anyage, gender and ability

      Classes online                                               When lock-down eases
       Movement & Mindfulness (ZOOM)                                 Body Mind asOne
         Yogalates™(Pilates & Yogafusion)
                                                                group classes will be available
         £18 per person
         Tuesday& Fridays9:30 to 11:00 am

       Mindfulness (ZOOM)
         Gentle movement & guided relaxation
         £12 per person
         Monday & Fridays7:00 to 8:00 pm


48                                             49
Your local online deli servicebringing curated
                                                                                            artisanal products direct to your door.
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   LPA             Will
                                        We can make it easy to prepare
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                                        Lasting Powersof Attorney results in
                                        additional time, stressand cost for those             • Charcuterie& Fish
                                        trying to help look after your affairs.Putting        • Bakery, Crackers & Accompaniments
                                        LPAsin place before they are necessary
  “I’ll sort                            providesyou with protection in regardto
                                        your financial affairs and welfare choices,
                                                                                              • Healthy Snacks
                                                                                              • Ethically sourcedTeas& Coffees
   it out                               which many people wrongly believetheir
                                        loved onescan dealwith for them if they               • Preserves,Jams & Honey
tomorrow”                               ever become unable.
                                        Contact ustoday to protect
                                                                                              • Gift Hampers& Holiday Cottage
                                                                                                Welcome Boxes
                                        yourself and your loved ones.
                                        Legal advice with a conscience.
                                                                                         O r d e r Yo u r D e l i D e l i g h t s , D e l i v e r e d To Yo u r D o o r :
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       Newcomen Way, Colchester BusinessPark,
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       Offices acrossEssexand London                   enquiry@fjg.co.uk

                             50                                                                                            51
Kingsleigh Estate Agents
                                              Sales and Lettings
                                             Award-winning family-run,
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                Covering Dedham, Colchester, Manningtree
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     •    Fully immersive 360° tours • Professional drone photos
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         Follow us on social media for
         sneak previews of soon-to-be
         launched proper�es

52                                           53
54   55

     Rev'd. Manette Crossman: Tel. 07947 737789
     Email: revmcrossman@gmail.com
     Rev'd. Nicola Tindall: Tel. 01787 212340
     Email: nicolajtindall@btinternet.com

     Please contact Rev'd Manette if you would like to know
     more about Baptisms or if you would like to get married
     in one of our churches. We are also here to help you
     arrange a loved one’s funeral or if you would like to
     receive a home visit.

     Benefice Safe-guarding officer:
     Frances Torrington: 01473 312046

     Please check our website Benefice website:
          updates also available on the Benefice FB page


     Higham        Hugo Parker 01206 337234

     Holton        Richard Noel 01206 298276
                   Paul Torrington 01473 312046

     Raydon        Geoff Horrex 01473 310422
                   Simon Tennent 01473 310320

     Stratford     Jonathan Dewey 01206 322148

56                             57
Services for May.                                                            Family Hour

Please check our Facebook pages and the 4Marys website for details,      We hope to be back in the parish room from May onwards, using the
as well as the various weekly emails which will be circulated.We hope    outside garden space initially. More details will be circulated nearer the
that many of you will be able to join us for the following services:     time. We are very much looking forward to seeing the children and their
                                                                         families again.
Sunday 2nd May - 10 am: Stratford St. Mary Easter 5.                     All best wishes from the Family Hour Team.
Sunday, 9th May - 10 am: Higham (the focus of this service will be
  Christian Aid and coffee will be served outside after the service.)

Thursday 13th May – 10 pm: Higham
Ascension Day service followed by coffee outside

Sunday, 16th May - 10am: Holton St. Mary
Easter 7. / Sunday after Ascension
                                                                                    Mid-week Morning Prayer in Stratford St. Mary.
                                                                         Unfortunately, the monthly midweek morning prayer service is
Sunday, 23th May – Pentecost service                                     temporarily suspended due to current restrictions.
    10 am: Family Hour outside ( Parish Room garden or Stratford St.
Mary Churchyard – location to be confirmed – details will be shared on                                    Elders
Facebook and emailed to those on the parish lists)                       Our Benefice is fortunate to have three lay elders, appointed locally and
     6pm: Evening Prayer in Raydon                                       licensed to help and assist with certain aspects of church ministry. For
       .                                                                 example, they may undertake pastoral work e.g. visiting people in their
Sunday, 30th May - 10 am: Higham (5th Sunday) Trinity Sunday             homes or in hospital, work with young people in running family and
                                                                         children’s services and assist with general church services. The lay
    Forthcoming Annual Parochial Church Meetings (APCMs)                 elders work as part of our local ministry team and may be contacted
                                                                         about local church matters if churchwardens are unavailable.
Higham - Wednesday 24th May at 7.00 pm in the Church
                                                                         Christine Cousins 01206 322530, Janet Dewey 01206 322148, Sandy
Raydon - Wednesday 19th May at 7.00 pm in the Church                     Ranson 01206 322156
Stratford St. Mary - Thursday 20th May at 7.00 pm in the Church
                                                                         *If you wish to be added to the weekly email mailing list, to receive
                                                                         updates and links to online services, the daily bible readings and the
Holton St Mary - Tuesday 25th May at 7.00 pm in the Church,              current prayer list, please contact Sandy Ranson at:

                                 58                                                                        59
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