Quo vadis Germany - the readjustment of German multilateral relations in the 20s of the 21st century - the readjustment of German multilateral ...

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Quo vadis Germany - the readjustment of German multilateral relations in the 20s of the 21st century - the readjustment of German multilateral ...
Quo vadis Germany -
the readjustment of German
multilateral relations in the 20s
of the 21st century
Germany is facing a historic Bundestag                           Nevertheless, in the shadow of this long
election. After 16 years and thus four,                          period of stability, the fragmentation
full legislatures, Angela Merkel will no                         of the German party landscape has
longer enter the race as the CDU / CSU's                         continued to develop. The appeal of
top candidate. For the first time since                          Germany's two major parties, the CDU/
the end of the Second World War, there                           CSU and the SPD, has steadily declined.
will be no office bonus in this election.                        For the first time since the Second World                         Ingo Leven
The relevance of such an incumbency                              War, these two political forces in the                            Director Polling and
bonus is illustrated by the fact that in                         centre have combined less than 60% of                             Strategy
the 18 federal elections since 1953, the                         the members of the 16 German Landtag
incumbent Chancellor has only been                               since 2019 (see Figure 1).                                        Kantar Public Germany
voted out of office three times (Kurz
Georg Kiesinger in 1969, Helmut Kohl in
1998, Gerhard Schröder in 2005).

    Upcoming federal elections between stability and change over time
    German States Members of Parliament: new currents becoming part of the political system


                                                 90                                                                 CD + SD
                                                 80                                                                 NPD
     German State Members of Parliament (in %)

                                                                                                                    Green Party
                                                 60                                                                 Left







In two federal states, these two parties                         Whether the Greens will be able to
from the centre of the party spectrum                            hold their own in the autumn elections
do not currently have the Prime Minister                         remains to be seen, given the high
(Winfried Kretschmann of the Greens in                           volatility of the polls and the government
Baden-Württemberg and Bodo Ramelow                               policies that will have to be implemented
of the Left in Thuringia). For the federal                       by then - the focus will be on dealing
election this autumn, the Greens are                             with the corona pandemic. In any case, a
putting Annalena Baerbock into the race                          turning point is looming in Germany:the
as their top candidate for Chancellor,                           post-Merkel era. The central question
whose party is now after her nomination                          is in which direction Germany foreign
at least in a neck-and-neck race for                             policy will continue to develop.
first place with the CDU/CSU in the
Sunday polls. Only once in the history of
the Federal Republic of Germany has a
party other than the CDU/CSU and SPD
nominated a candidate for Chancellor
(FDP 2002 with Guido Westerwelle).

 This study was conducted by Kantar Public on behalf of the German Marshall Fund as an online study in 11 countries. The sample consisted of n=1,000 people aged 18 and over in the UK, USA,
France, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Poland, Turkey, Canada, Spain and the Netherlands. The fieldwork covered the period from 29 March to 13 April.
Quo vadis Germany - the readjustment of German multilateral relations in the 20s of the 21st century - the readjustment of German multilateral ...
Germany: an anchor of future stability
in multilateral cooperation?
Which country is most influential in Europe?

Studies such as «Transatlantic Trends                                  The upcoming Bundestag elections
2021»1 by Kantar Public for the German                                 can have a significant influence on this
Marshall Fund make it clear that                                       current positioning. Among the possible
Germany has been able to assert itself                                 coalition options, the so-called German
as an influential anchor of stability in                               coalition2 of CDU/CSU, SPD and FDP
multilateral relations during Angela                                   is most likely to stand for a "carry on"
Merkel’s 16 years of continuity as Federal                             after the Merkel era. Out of the many
Chancellor. Even if the population in                                  other possible coalition options, the
the countries participating in the study                               Left's participation in government in
ascribes little influence to the European                              a Red-Red-Green alliance stands out.
Union in the concert of the great powers                               With its fundamental criticism of NATO
USA, Russia and China - China has                                      as a sabre-rattling and war-mongering
outstripped Russia in many countries -                                 institution, it repeatedly calls this
Germany is seen as playing a strong role                               form of transatlantic cooperation into
within Europe. It is noteworthy that this                              question. Here it is open to what extent
is especially the view of the populations                              the Left is prepared to give up such
within the European countries                                          radical positions for participation
participating in this study. Here, the
influence of Germany’s persistent                                      in the federal government. After
European and global policy is seen                                     all, it is not to be expected that
more than in the two North American                                    the other two parties in such a
countries, the USA and Canada (see                                     government coalition will move
Figure 2).                                                             towards this position in the coalition

    The name comes from the fact that the political colours of the parties involved in this coalition correspond to the colours of the national flag.

Quo vadis Germany - the readjustment of German multilateral relations in the 20s of the 21st century - the readjustment of German multilateral ...
Germany’s role in the EU - engine of
change, but what’s the destination?

In the current times, everything is          In view of the fact that the vaccination    At the same time, of course, vaccines
focused on the fight against the             rate in the EU, at almost 40%, is           are still a scarce commodity worldwide
coronavirus pandemic. In the process,        currently more than three times             and thus also nationally. Already at the
much has been done primarily at              higher than worldwide (see Figure 3),       beginning of this year, when announcing
the level of nation states - or even         such accusations raise the question         the necessary restrictive measures, the
more regionally. Regional lockdown           of whether it would really have been        German federal government appealed
measures, equipping national health          sensible for the EU to strive for an even   for perseverance, pointing out that the
systems and national border closures         more regional special path here and         imminent vaccination campaign would
with sometimes even more restrictions        thus exacerbate the worldwide shortage      bring about the big turnaround towards
on movement regionally or even locally       of vaccines. The guiding idea behind the    more relief. However, the expectations
on the ground are all issues that have       joint procurement of vaccines at the        that had been built up could not be
rarely been addressed in a coordinated       EU level was to avoid special national      fulfilled in such a short time. With refe-
way at the European level. A prominent       approaches and thus a race for scarce       rence to the EU as the body responsible
counterexample is the EU-wide                vaccines among the EU countries.            for the purchase of vaccines, a culprit
procurement of COVID-19 vaccines.                                                        was quickly found who could not be lo-
The EU Commission has come under                                                         cated in the domestic political wrangling
criticism for this, especially in Germany.                                               of an election year in Germany. This
Compared to countries such as Israel,                                                    has always been very convenient at the
the USA or the UK, the vaccination                                                       point in Germany. At the same time,
campaign in the EU countries has been                                                    national politicians from different par-
slower to gain momentum due to the                                                       ties wanted to stage themselves as the
still scarce vaccines.                                                                   movers and shakers in the pandemic.

Quo vadis Germany - the readjustment of German multilateral relations in the 20s of the 21st century - the readjustment of German multilateral ...
Thus, changes in the vaccination order                               In this context, it is remarkable that the                            This also has to do with the fact that in a
are hastily announced, although not                                  image of the EU among the German                                      large number of countries, the popu-
all people from particularly vulnerable                              population has not (yet) suffered any                                 lations attest that there was solidarity
groups have yet received a vaccination                               lasting damage. Half (50%) of Germans                                 between the EU member states in
offer. Or preliminary contracts for                                  still rate the EU positively. This is not only                        dealing with the Corona pandemic. It
Russian vaccines that have not yet                                   slightly above the current EU average                                 is remarkable that in Germany (35%)
been approved are agreed with media                                  (48%) but also slightly above the value                               as well as in France (34%) it is far less
attention. The fact that none of this                                for Germany from last summer (47%).                                   frequently assessed in this way. Against
contributes to overcoming the Corona                                 This image of the EU is very remarkable                               this background, it is not surprising that
pandemic is, however, of secondary                                   overall. Indeed, we have to look back                                 almost three quarters of Europeans
importance in such staging.                                          more than a decade at the EU level to                                 (74%) would like the EU to have more
                                                                     find a comparable number of people                                    competences in future comparable
That such a national discussion is                                   who rated the EU so positively back then                              crises. In Germany, too, a broad majority
not without consequences, however,                                   (2009).                                                               (65%) sees it this way.
becomes apparent when looking
at the image of the EU. The current
Eurobarometer survey3 conducted
by Kantar Public for the EU in the 27
Member States shows that, across all
27 countries, only just under half of the
population (48%) is aware of measures
taken at EU level against the Corona
pandemic. Given the strong public focus
in Germany on the procurement of
Corona vaccines at the EU level, it is not
surprising that the figure in Germany
is significantly higher at almost two-
thirds (63%). To the same extent, it is
not surprising that satisfaction with
these measures among people who
can identify measures at the EU level is
significantly lower in Germany (35%)
than the EU average (48%) due to the
policy of blame shifting.

 The survey of the current Eurobarometer was conducted in the period from 16 March to 12 April in the 27 member countries in compliance with national pandemic regulations. In eleven countries
this was possible with personal interviews on site. In eleven countries, too, only online interviews formed the basis, while in five countries a mixed model had to be used. The results presented for the
EU27 are based on a weighting that takes into account the population figures of the respective countries.

Acceleration of climate protection as
an international policy issue in the 20s
One such next crisis could be the             Among the following issues, which do you think are the three most important
consequences of climate change that           issues for transatlantic cooperation?
will only become visible in the longer
term as global warming increases.

A look at the Kantar Public study for the
German Marshall Fund shows that even
in times of the Corona pandemic, the
populations of the countries involved
attach great importance to combating
global climate change. Only in Poland
and Turkey does this task does not land
among the top two priorities.

And the results of the new
Eurobarometer also make it clear that
besides public health care, which is at
the centre of political spending in times
of the Corona pandemic, it is above all
support for the economy and the fight
against climate change that set the
political agenda.

This means that, unlike in the past,
economic recovery needs do not lead
to the postponement of environmental
protection measures. With the basic
idea of a Green Deal with the goal of
making Europe the first continent to
become climate neutral by 2050 and
the integration of this goal into the
reconstruction fund NextGenerationEU,
which, with a volume of 750 billion
euros as the largest economic stimulus
package of all time in Europe, is to get
the recovery of societies after the effects
of the Corona pandemic underway, the
foundations are to be laid for a future
green, digital and resilient EU.

The current positioning of the German
A federal government led by the Greens                           Table 1: Status on the election programme for the upcoming Bundestag
can also be expected to have its own                             elections of the parties currently represented in the Bundestag
momentum. The fight against global
climate change, under the slogan
«protecting the basis of life”4, would                             Party                    Status                   Date                     Finalisation              Comment
certainly form a focal point of future
German global and European policy                                  CDU/CSU                  In Preparation           tbd                      tbd
and make Germany a driving force in
the efforts to establish fundamental,
effective and globally binding rules.
                                                                   SPD                      Published                May 9th, 2021            Already done
But it is not only relations with Poland,
representative of other Eastern
European countries that (have to)                                  AfD                      Published                May 20th, 2021 Already done
rely even more on coal as an energy
source, that controversial issues
in the implementation of climate
protection goals would occur for a                                 FDP                      Decided                  May 17th, 2021           Already done              Official
federal government led by the Greens.                                                                                                                                   publication
Rejecting nuclear energy is one of the                                                                                                                                  pending
core contents of the German Greens, so
France’s energy policy orientation with                            Left                     Draft                    February 8th,            June 20th,
a large share of nuclear energy in the                                                                               2021                     2021
national energy mix could well lead to
new tensions with its neighbour west of                            Greens                   Draft                    March 19th,              June 13th, 2021
the Rhine.                                                                                                           2021
But this is not the only area of
controversy. NATO’s 2% target is
rejected by the Greens as an arbitrary                           With regard to relations with Russia, the                         As expected, the FDP’s election
target5. However, this is not a rejection                        AfD formulates positions that clearly                             manifesto contains liberal counter-
of multilateralism. Rather, the Greens                           go against the majority opinion of                                positions to such economic regulatory
stand for a deepening of value-                                  sanctioning Russia for, among other                               interventions. With freedom and
oriented international cooperation.                              things, the occupation of Crimea,                                 human rights worldwide14, however,
Accordingly, their participation                                 while at the same time appealing                                  the Free Democrats also set the tone
in government would stand for a                                  to a significant part of the German                               for a value-oriented deepening of
deepening in a variety of policy areas                           population with sentences like these:                             international cooperation. Within the
(including human rights6, gender                                 «The AfD advocates the lifting of                                 framework of a German foreign,
justice).                                                        EU sanctions and the expansion of                                 security and development policy
                                                                 economic relations with Russia”9.                                 from a single mould15, the FDP wants
The right-wing AfD positions itself                                                                                                to ensure that Germany invests three
as a counterpart to the Greens                                   With this positioning towards                                     per cent of its gross domestic product
with a deep scepticism towards                                   Russia, the AfD is also travelling in                             in international security (3D - defence,
deepening international cooperation.                             the realms of the Left, which calls                               development and diplomacy) in the
This positioning culminated in                                   for the dissolution of NATO and its                               sense of a networked approach, thus
the formulation of the campaign                                  replacement by a collective security                              fulfilling the commitments it made in
programme for the upcoming                                       system with the participa-tion of Russia,                         NATO, consolidating its development
Bundestag elections when, after a                                which has disarmament as a central                                policy and strengthening its diplomacy16.
lively debate at the party conference,                           goal10. But overall, the differences in
a majority decided that Germany                                  views on international cooperation
should leave the European Union                                  predominate here. However, the left’s
and consider the foundation of a                                 anti-militarist stance is not a general
new European economic and interest                               rejection of multilateralism. The
community necessary7. A possible                                 goal of implementing social justice
withdrawal of Germany from the WHO                               worldwide11 is linked to a deepening
is also anchored in the programme8.                              of international cooperation, including
                                                                 globalising labour law12 and a supply
                                                                 chain law worthy of its name13.

   Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen (2021): Deutschland. Alles ist drin. Programmentwurf zur Bundestagswahl 2021. https://cms.gruene.de/uploads /documents /2021_Wahlprogrammentwurf.pdf (Abruf am
31.05.2021): p. 7
     ibid.: S. 134
   ibid.; S. 123
    Alternative für Deutschland (2021): Deutschland. Aber normal. Programm der Alternative für Deutschland für die Wahl zum 20. Deutschen Bundestag. https://cdn.afd.tools /wp-content /
uploads/sites/111/2021/05/2021-05-20-_-AfD-Bundestagswahlprogramm-2021.pdf (Abruf am 31.05.2021): S. 28
     ibid.: S. 143
    ibid. S. 63
     DIE LINKE (2021): Zeit zu handeln: Für soziale Sicherheit, Frieden und Klimagerechtigkeit! Wahlprogramm der Partei DIE LINKE zur Bundestagswahl 2021. Vorgelegt von Katja Kipping und Bernd
Riexinger. https://www.die-linke.de/fileadmin/download/wahlen2021/BTWP21_Entwurf_Vorsitzende.pdf (downloaded May 31st, 2021): p. 133
    ibid.: p. 113
    ibid.: p. 114
      ibid.: S. 114
      Die Freien Demokraten (2021): Nie gab es mehr zu tun. Wahlprogramm der Freien Demokraten. Programmentwurf der Freien Demokraten zur Bundestagswahl 2021. https://www.fdp.de/sites/
default/files/import/2021-04/110463-programmentwurf-nie-gab-es-mehr-zu-tun-2.pdf (downloaded May 31st, 2021)
      ibid.: p. 57
      ibid.: p. 57

The SPD’s election manifesto, on the                            Last but not least, the election                                 This ultimately resulted in the contents
other hand, reflects priorities of today’s                      programme of the CDU/CSU for                                     for the election programme, which were
EU policy. The historic decisions on the                        the Bundestag elections should be                                adopted by the CDU/CSU as a joint
largest reconstruction programme in                             mentioned. It is remarkable that there                           election programme in July 2017. This
the history of the European Union17                             is still a blank space here. Even in the                         time, the CDU/CSU is later and only
with NextGeneration EU is claimed by                            2017 Bundestag election, the election                            since 30 March of this year have citizens
the party, which sees it as a solidarity                        programme was only published in July                             of Germany been able to participate in
achievement that mitigates the social                           and thus as the last programme of the                            the CDU campaign «Zusammenmachen
consequences of the Corona crisis and                           parties represented in parliament. In                            - Dein Deutschland» (Making Together
at the same time advances socio-                                the run-up to the last federal election,                         - Your Germany) at 11 thematic tables,
ecological change and promotes                                  six German congresses were held by                               from which content will find its way
innovation18. The aim is to strengthen                          the party in the autumn of the previous                          into the election programme, which,
solidarity19 and enable socio-                                  year, the contents and results of which                          according to an announcement made
ecological economic activity20 and                              were incorporated into the election                              at the beginning of the year, is to be
expand democracy21. In this way it                              programme, as were a leading motion                              adopted by the CDU/CSU in July.
should be possible that ultimately the EU                       of the CDU’s federal executive at its
becomes the most modern democracy                               party congress in December of the
and Europe also becomes a pioneer in                            previous year and statements by the
climate protection22.                                           party’s internal federal committees and

   Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (2021): Aus Respekt vor Deiner Zukunft. Das Zukunftsprogramm der SPD. Wofür wir stehen. Was uns antreibt. Wonach wir streben. https://www.spd.
de/fileadmin/Dokumente/Beschluesse/Programm/SPD-Zukunftsprogramm.pdf (downloaded May 31st, 2021): p. 55
   ibid.: p. 6
   ibid.: p. 55
    ibid.: p. 55
   ibid. p. 58
   ibid.: p. 6

Conclusion and outlook

In view of the many coalition options      It is certain that the AfD will not form a   But it is precisely such compromises
that are currently being announced         government. This leaves out in Germany       that will be important. And not only
in the run-up to the 2021 Bundestag        the political force that positions itself    for the Left; this ability to compromise
elections, it is far too early to make     in the field of foreign policy through       will also be demanded of all political
a final assessment of the extent to        a fundamental scepticism regarding           actors involved in any other government
which a new federal government             international cooperation and with its       formation. Even if the Greens seem to
could shift the balance in international   pro-Russian and pro-Chinese stances          have the largest arithmetical choice
relations and in what direction. Rather,   occupies a special role in the German        of possible government constellations
exciting coalition negotiations are        party landscape.                             after the election, the main issue will
in the offing in the run-up to the next                                                 be to bring together the substantive
government formation in Germany.           For the Left, too, the possibilities of      ingredients of the different parties.
While the formation of a coalition         government participation are limited.        If it is really possible to permanently
comprising three parliamentary parties     Whether it will even be enough to form       "unite the best of both worlds" in
failed spectacularly because of the        a red-red-green federal government is        government action, as the Austrian
FDP after the last federal election, it    not at all clear at the moment. At the       government at the beginning of its term
is currently impossible to tell whether    same time, the extent to which the Left      in office at least claimed to be able to
two parliamentary parties will really be   is prepared to make concessions from its     do, entirely new political contents can
able to form a government on the basis     extreme positions on the dissolution of      powerfully take shape here in Germany.
of their vote shares and whether they      NATO in the context of possible coalition    Germany has the chance to lead the
will be able to come together in terms     negotiations is also open.                   way in the 2020s when new political
of content. The CDU/CSU is currently                                                    alliances emerge from conservative,
dominated by voices saying they do not                                                  liberal, ecological and social currents to
want to play a junior role together with                                                jointly tackle the political challenges
the Greens. And the Greens must ask                                                     ahead. While there will certainly be
themselves whether, beyond a junior role                                                a focus on domestic issues after the
in the coalition with the CDU/CSU, they                                                 Corona pandemic - buzzwords here are
might not also be able to form other                                                    economic recovery and the fundamental
three-party constellations under their                                                  digitalisation of society - one thing is
leadership.                                                                             certain about these possible alliances:
                                                                                        The new German government will ensure
                                                                                        that Germany will certainly remain an
                                                                                        important partner in the context of
                                                                                        international cooperation. With which
                                                                                        direction of pull for which multilateral
                                                                                        issues will largely depend on which
                                                                                        parties the German citizens vote for
                                                                                        on September 26th, 2021 and to what
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