Relics & Rarities was a Revolutionary Success! - Blue Grass Farms Charities

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Relics & Rarities was a Revolutionary Success! - Blue Grass Farms Charities

BLUE GRASS FARMS CHARITIES                                                                WINTER 2021 E-NEWSLETTER

    Relics & Rarities was a Revolutionary Success!
When the pandemic began in                                                                      a few. The auction brought in a
March everyone felt that it would                                                               net revenue of $71,716. It was a
be short-lived. BGFC was sure                                                                   success!
that the charity would still hold
its annual fundraiser scheduled                                                                 We thank everyone who partici-
for the end of October with no                                                                  pated, donated, and helped with
worries. Well, we all know that                                                                 sponsorships. Thank you to our
did not happen since everyone is                                                                Board for collecting and soliciting
still dealing with Covid-19. The                                                                donations; and Great Expectations
charity decided to have an online                                                               for cataloging items and coordi-
auction instead called “Relics and                                                              nating the auction platform.
Rarities from the Blue Grass.”
                                                                                               The auction will return this year
This auction had a twist to it where                                                           either virtually or in-person. BGFC
farms, track, owners, breeders,                                                                hopes and still plans to have Mon-
and trainers donated items from                                                                ster Bash on October 29, 2021
their own personal collections                                                                 at Limestone Hall located in the
that were reflective to the Thor-                                                              old Fayette County Courthouse,
oughbred industry, the farms, and horses. Eclectic and fun items   downtown Lexington. This coming October, we hope masks
donated were red velvet riding coats from Keeneland, signed        are not mandatory, but they will definitely be welcomed at the
Maker’s Mark bottles, a stall door, and feed buckets to name       party!

           God’s Pantry Meals Connects to BGFC!
                                We have to give a big ‘thank you’ to Lexington’s God’s Pantry for selecting BGFC as one of
                                their meal connector agencies. BGFC now can visit Kroger Marketplace on Richmond Road and
                                                      Super Mercado Aguascalientes weekly for a variety of groceries for the
                                                      pantry. A freezer is now on premise to store meats and frozen items so
                                                      there is plenty for all.

                                                        We encourage all farm and track employees to visit the pantry on a week-
                                                        ly basis for breads, meats, and fresh fruits/vegetables while the pandemic
                                                        is still with us. Every bit we can do to relieve the worker with food inse-
                                                        curity is needed.
                                                        			                 Call 859-219-0910 or
                                                        			                 to make plans to visit the pantry.
Relics & Rarities was a Revolutionary Success! - Blue Grass Farms Charities

                              THANK YOU 2020 DONORS
                                         (contributions of $500 or more)!
             Ms. Andrea Callanan                        Frames on Main Gallery                      Mr. Frank Brothers
                Ms. Ann Ferland                           Mr. Garrett O’Rourke                       Mr. Paul Moring
                 Ashford Stud                       Mr. Gary Biszantz – Cobra Farm            National Christian Foundation
B. & E. Jones Charitable Family Foundation              Godolphin- Darley Farm                 Nicholson Insurance Agency
                  Bantry Farm                  Harold V. Goodman – Mt. Brilliant Farm               Nicoma Bloodstock
            Biederman Real Estate               Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels          Padgett Construction Company
    Blue Grass Community Foundation              International Racing Transport, Inc.    Richard and Sue Masson – Green Lantern
             Mr. Carl E. Hamilton             James & Wanda Hollensteiner Foundation    Watts and Sally Humphrey – Shawnee Farm
                Castleton Lyons                          Juddmonte Farms, Inc.                      Shadwell Farm, LLC
           Central Bank & Trust Co                          Ms. Julia Swords                             TCA, Inc.
         Charles R. Jelm Foundation                          Keeneland, Inc.             The Janet and Robert Weber Family Fdn.
         Chevy Chase Animal Clinic                                KTOBA                         The Jockey Club Safety Net
               Mr. Chris Johnson                 KY Equine Practitioners Association               Thomas Riddle, DVM
           Christian Word Ministry              Ky Thoroughbred Farm Managers Club                    Trackside Farms
   Community Foundation of Louisville                       Lane’s End Farm                      UK Federal Credit Union
               Dean Dorton, Inc.                        Marc and Amy McLean                        Dr. W.D. Fishback, Jr.
                 Dixiana Farms                        Mary K. Oxley Foundation                Winchester Feed Company, Inc.
        Dr. Tom and Margaret Riddle                   Michael and Lori Halligan                      WinStar Farm, LLC
     Edward H. Lane Foundation Trust                      Mill Ridge Farm, LLLP                     Yellow Creek Farm
            Fifth Generation Tito’s                           Mrs. Mira Ball
Relics & Rarities was a Revolutionary Success! - Blue Grass Farms Charities
                                                           THE CHARITY HAD A BUSY YEAR!
   1.   Provided more than 39,598 pounds of fresh produce/non-            8.   Provided utility, housing, and misc. needs to 18 families;
        perishable foods from the God’s Pantry Distribution Center
        to farms/track;                                                   9.   Supported the Keeneland Chaplaincy with ready to eat
                                                                               meals and hygiene products for Covid19 cases;
   2.   Provided more than $17,292 in non-perishable foods,
        hygiene, baby items, diapers, and cleaning supplies thanks        10. Provided through God’s Pantry’s Meal Connector
        in part to Blue Grass Community Foundation & The KY                   program meats, fruits, vegetables, and breads
        Colonels grants;                                                      (Kroger/Super Mercado) to 384 folks since 11/20/2020;

   3.   Scheduled health screenings through Blue Grass                    11. Distributed 210 Thanksgiving Dinners to 14 farms and
        Community Healthcare to 11 farms;                                     Keeneland backstretch through Blue Grass Hospitality’s
                                                                              Thanksgiving program;
   4.   Provided 1,309 people food through the BGFC pantry;
                                                                          12. Distributed 110 Turkey dinner boxes to TTC workers;
   5.   Assisted with major dental and vision needs to 26 farm
        workers thanks in part to Delta Dental and Snowy Owl              13. Provided goody bags and Southern Lights passes to back
        Grants;                                                               stretch workers for the Keeneland Chaplaincy;

   6.   Provided 955 backpacks to K-5th Graders thanks to 		              14. Provided 306 families with Southern Lights passes and
        The Jelm Foundation; Junior League of Lexington,”                     $50 Walmart Gift Cards (plus ten, $100 gift cards for gifts,
        and The Heider Foundation;                                            bikes, etc.)

   7.   Provided 1,664 bags of groceries through Keeneland’s              15. Raised $71,716 during the online Auction…
        Nourish the Backstretch;

                                                                                Thanksgiving 2020 came to the Farm
                                                                                Thanks to KEMI interns and staff, BGFC was able to pro-
Delta Dental of Ky awards grant                                                 vide 210 thanksgiving meals to Keeneland backside and 13
                                                                                farms in Fayette and surrounding counties on Thanksgiving
BGFC is excited about receiving its second year
                                                                                Day. These meals were provided by Bluegrass Hospitality
grant award from Delta Dental of Kentucky in the
                                                                                (Malone’s). Our partnership with BGH has been and is much
amount of $7,500. These funds will be used for
                                                                                appreciated – especially for 2020!
farm workers needing cleanings, fillings, extrac-
tions, or any emergeny dental procedures.
                                                         Celia is all smiles

Festival of Christmas became Festival of Lights
                                          Regardless of the pandemic,
                                          the BGFC staff and Board
                                          were determined to do
                                          something for the kids this
                                          year. To be safe, the party
                                          went virtual by providing 306
                                          farm and track families with
                                          carload passes to Kentucky
                                          Horse Park’s Southern Lights
                                          along with a $50 gift card to                                   BGFC Volunteer Spotlight
                                          Walmart for toys. Ten fami-
                                          lies were delighted to have                                     The charity is so grateful to have
                                          a chance to also win an ad-                                     Bob Baney with RaceRise to not
                                          ditional $100 gift card for bi-                                 only be a contributor to the char-
                                          cycles.                                                         ity, but a much-needed volun-
                                                                                                          teer. Weekly, Bob goes to Kroger
                                                                                                          and God’s Pantry for food pickup,
                                             Donate Today!                                                and delivers to those at the track
                                                                                  and farms. Thank you so much,
                                                                                                          Bob. We truly appreciate you!
Relics & Rarities was a Revolutionary Success! - Blue Grass Farms Charities
Executive Director’s Notes                                                PUTTING 2020 BEHIND US!
As I sit in my quiet office this winter morning looking out at the        summer experience compared to last year;
snow-covered ground, I reflect back on the past year. Like all of      n Host a summer social event for the farm community
us, we are happy to move on, get a shot, and open up. Yet, 2020          –open-air festival;
was not all bad. We made sacrifices I know, but we also looked         n Increase our backpack program to accommodate middle
beyond our own issues to consider what other people may be               school students;
dealing with.                                                          n Host our fall fundraiser in-person! at Limestone Hall on
                                                                         Friday, October 29;
Many of those we helped were working. Many of those we helped          n Host one of the BEST and biggest Festival of Christmas
did not get Covid19. We are so grateful for that! What we did            parties ever!!!
see were families who had children homebound; and food inse-
curity, housing/utility and medical issues persist. We heard that      FUNDRAISING:
the spouse gave up their income to stay home with the children,        n Continue with grant writing and individual solicitation;
so things were very tight financially. So, the charity stepped up in   n Meet major donors (fingers crossed – in person) and continually
full force to make sure healthy food, kid snacks, cleaning supplies,     build relationships;
baby items, diapers, and hygiene products were available.              n Host a spring online auction, zoom party, crawfish boil,
As mentioned in my Summer 2020 newsletter, food insecurity was           or golf tournament!!!
the number one priority, and it continues. Thanks to initiatives       BENEVOLENCE:
made with God’s Pantry and contributions/donations brought to
the BGFC pantry, farm and track employees and their families con-      n Continue to be the “safety net” for the farm and track
tinue to visit so they can stay healthy. The winter months are hard      employees;
on all, and with the continued virus many are pushing forward.         n Bring food out to more farms;
Vaccines are becoming available in some areas, but most families       n Provide, support and care for the hardworking men and
will have to wait until spring for their first dose.                     women in the industry!

So, what is in store for the charity? The door is slowly opening,      We hope you can be a part of our 2021 goals. I end this note by
and the light is showing through so here are BGFC goals for 2021:      saying thank you for all who listened to me, called to check on
                                                                       things, and supported the charity.
                                                                       The Board of Directors and I thank you and hope that 2021 is
n Re-initiate the soccer tournament in June for the farm               better, healthier, and prosperous for all.

n Create a tutoring program for students who are struggling
  with certain subjects, or camps to provide a social, fun


New Board Members Welcomed!                                                             BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                                                                             Jesse Ullery, President
 The Board of Directors has expanded its number of mem-                                      Bryan Lyster, Secretary
bers by adding Amy McLean of Crestwood Farm; Amy Nave                                     Thomas Thornbury, Treasurer
    of WinStar Farms; and Kari West of Keeneland, Inc.
  Currently, 17 Board members in various Thoroughbred-
 related careers and finance are involved with the growth                         Emily Alberti                David Smith, CPA
and stability of the charity. Thank you for coming on board
                                                                                 Sharon Bradley            Adrian Mansergh-Wallace
      and bringing your individual expertise to BGFC.
                                                                                  Julia Cauthen                   Kari West
                                                                                Gemma Freeman                   Gibson Wilhite
                                                                               Gonzalo Maluenda             Samantha Will-Bacarri
                                                                                 Patrick Masson
                                                                                  Amy McLean               DIRECTORS EMERITI:
                                                                                    Amy Nave                     Dennis Brawner
                                                                              Thomas Riddle, DVM              Stephen Hillenmeyer

     Amy McLean            Amy Nave            Kari West                                             STAFF
                                                                                          Julie Berry, Executive Director
Relics & Rarities was a Revolutionary Success! - Blue Grass Farms Charities Relics & Rarities was a Revolutionary Success! - Blue Grass Farms Charities Relics & Rarities was a Revolutionary Success! - Blue Grass Farms Charities Relics & Rarities was a Revolutionary Success! - Blue Grass Farms Charities Relics & Rarities was a Revolutionary Success! - Blue Grass Farms Charities Relics & Rarities was a Revolutionary Success! - Blue Grass Farms Charities
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