Rights List Fall 2018 - The publishing group that captures the spirit of life - Jan Thorbecke Verlag

Page created by Paula Little
Rights List Fall 2018 - The publishing group that captures the spirit of life - Jan Thorbecke Verlag
Rights List
Fall 2018

The publishing group that
captures the spirit of life
Rights List Fall 2018 - The publishing group that captures the spirit of life - Jan Thorbecke Verlag

            Dear friends and colleagues,

            We are delighted to present to you our new rights list for Fall 2018 and would like to invite you
            to find out more about the latest titles as well as strong backlist titles of our imprints

                 Patmos – Thorbecke – Grünewald – Eschbach – Schwaben – Ver Sacrum

            Our list offers a wide range of titles, covering psychology, self-help, memoirs, parenting, spiri-
            tuality, religion and theology, as well as gift books and children’s books. While we have had a
            rich tradition in publishing religious children’s books, we have ventured into publishing gen-
            eral children’s books, including fiction, encouraging children to become more aware of values
            and what really matters in life.

            Our imprint Thorbecke specializes in books on cookery, lifestyle and gardening, on the one
            hand, as well as books on history and cultural history, on the other hand.

            To find out more about our authors and titles, please visit our foreign rights website at www.
            verlagsgruppe-patmos.de/foreign_rights.php. A click on the logo of the respective imprint
            on the right-hand side will take you to the specific rights section of each imprint, for example,
            http://www.patmos.de/foreign_rights.php for titles published by our imprint Patmos.

            Using the navigation bar on the left-hand side, you can select individual titles from different
            categories. You will then be able to view English summaries, key selling points, up-to-date in-
            formation on rights sold as well as biographies of our authors, illustrators and photographers.
            Also, there are information sheets, synopses and sample translations available for download.
            A detailed search function will help you find the information you need even faster!

            Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to receive advance materials, reading copies
            or any further information on our titles and upcoming co-editions.

            We would also be delighted to discuss our list with you at the Frankfurt Book Fair (3.1. A105)!
            Please don’t hesitate to contact us to arrange a meeting.

            We look forward to hearing from you!

            With best wishes,
            Foreign Rights Department

            Luisa Lehnerer and Sonja Wieland-Hartlieb
            t: +49 711 4406 148
            f: +49 711 4406 177

            Verlagsgruppe Patmos in der Schwabenverlag AG
            Senefelderstr. 12
            73760 Ostfildern
Rights List Fall 2018 - The publishing group that captures the spirit of life - Jan Thorbecke Verlag


Memoir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     4

Parenting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     8

Self-Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   10

Analytical Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             14

Loss & Grieving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         16

Religion & Spirituality . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           18

Religion & Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          24

Theology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    30

World Religions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         34

Children’s Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        36

Gift Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    38

Cooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   40

Our Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      44
Rights List Fall 2018 - The publishing group that captures the spirit of life - Jan Thorbecke Verlag

                                                     Brigitte Biermann
                                                     Murdered or
                                                     The Terror in My Marriage
                                                     ISBN: 978-3-8436-0974-6 | Patmos | Hardback with jacket | 224 pages |
                                                     14 x 21 cm | € 20.00
                                                     Domestic tyrannicide – violence against women
                                                     Andrea’s marriage is a disaster. Humiliation and violence are the order of the
                                                     Her attempts to flee from her husband fail. As the situation worsens, she sees
                                                     no way out. She kills her husband and immediately turns herself over to the
                                                     police. Sentenced to 12 years in prison for murder, she writes letters to her
                                                     daughter that she intends to give her when she becomes an adult. These touch-
                                                     ing letters encourage a discussion on guilt and the justice of court decisions.

         Flor Schmidt
         Further Than the End
         How Something New Began with the Death of My Son

         ISBN: 978-3-8436-1024-7 | Patmos | Hardcover with dust jacket |
         248 pages with b/w photos |14 x 22 cm | € 20.00

         Death is not the end
         When her 17-year-old son dies in a traffic accident, Flor Schmidt realizes  zes
         that the extremes of life are often unbelievably close to each other: Death, th,
         horror and pain on the one hand – grace, happiness and love on the other.  her.
         On her path through the grief, she searches for answers that cannot exist  xist
         and ultimately finds something that is much more valuable: an intensive     ive
         inner connection to her deceased son, which helps her to accept life and     nd
         love it as it is. And the trust that death is not just an end but can also bee a
         new start.

                                                     Nicole Knörr
                                                     Lean Years
                                                     How I Overcame My Eating Disorder

                                                     ISBN: 978-3-8436-0988-3 | Patmos | Softcover with flaps | 184 pages |
                                                     14 x 22 cm | € 19.00
                                                     Not enough to live
                                                     When Nicole Knörr was 13 years old she started eating less and less. With the
                                                     progression of her anorexia, she only consumed 300ml of non-fat broth with
                                                     which you cannot survive. When her body temperature fell to under 34° Cel-
                                                     sius and she felt nothing more than inner bone-chilling coldness, she is rushed
                                                     to hospital. Just one day later would probably have meant too late. But the now
                                                     20 year-old is a fighter …
Rights List Fall 2018 - The publishing group that captures the spirit of life - Jan Thorbecke Verlag

Blind on Mount Everest

▶    The new book by the bestselling author of Balancing
     Act: How a Blind Man Climbs the World’s Highest
     Mountains (over 60.000 copies sold)
▶    Sensational story of a spectacular expedition
                                                                                     Andy Holzer
                                                                                     My Everest
                                                                                     Blind on Top of the World

                                                                                     ISBN: 978-3-8436-1093-3
                                                                                     Hardcover with dust jacket
                                                                                     232 pages
                                                                                     14 x 22 cm
                                                                                     € 20.00

In May 2017, mountain climber Andy Holzer – who has been blind since                 Andy Holzer, born 1966 in East Tyrol, is
birth – caused a sensation: He reached the summit of Mount Everest, which            a professional mountaineer and blind since
meant fulfilling his greatest dream. It’s a tremendous achievement for a             birth. He has scaled the Seven Summits,
man who can’t even walk out the door without his wife’s help. Andy Holzer            which are the highest peaks of all conti-
isn’t a crazy go-getter but a person who uses his strengths despite his blind-       nents, and goes on climbing tours with the
ness, purposefully applying his team spirit and leadership qualities.                highest degrees of difficulty. As a lecturer,
                                                                                     he travels throughout the entire world and
In his current book, he describes his spectacular expeditions to the Roof of
                                                                                     is also a sought-after interview partner in
the World. In 2014 and 2015, he had to turn around because of a landslide
                                                                                     the media. His Balancing Act bestseller
and an earthquake catastrophe. During his third attempt in 2017, he suc-
                                                                                     was also published by Patmos.
ceeded in conquering the peak. A sensation!

    6 0 .0 0 0
    CO P IE S

                         By th
                            the same author:
                         Andy Holzer
                         Balancing Act
                         ISBNN 978-3-8436-0043-9
                         Blind mountaineer Andy Holzer has climbed the world’s
                         highest mountain peaks. His optimism and mental strength
                         are inspiring.
                         S old:: Italian, Korean, German paperback rights, English
                         samp p translation available
Rights List Fall 2018 - The publishing group that captures the spirit of life - Jan Thorbecke Verlag
                                                 Max Rinneberg
                                                      R         with Ulrich Beckers
                                                 You Wake
                                                     W     Up and Your Life is Gone

                                                 The story
                                                     sto of my memory loss

                                                 ISBN: 978-3-8436-0873-2 | Patmos | Hardcover with dust jacket | 232 pages |
                                                 14 x 22 cm | € 20.00
                                                  ow do
                                                      o you live without your past?
                                                 The 17-year
                                                      17      old Max Rinneberg lost his memory after he fell down the stairs. When he
                                                 woke uup in hospital, he didn’t recognize his parents and friends anymore. He didn’t
                                                 even get
                                                       g anything out of his former hobbies like running marathon or playing soccer.
                                                 Although he can still speak and write and knows everyday objects, he has lost his
                                                 episodic memory, the archive of the personal history. A moving life story which ques-
                                                 tions yyour own identity in an unusual way.

         Susanne Preusker                      Maria Hagenschneider                 abine Mehne                           Lea Ackermann
         I Will Just Keep Texting              Days Full of Life                    Light Without Shadows                 The Fight Goes On – So
         ISBN: 978-3-8436-0990-6               ISBN: 978-3-8436-0898-5              ISBN: 978-3-8436-0162-7               Women Can Live in Dignity
         Patmos                                Patmos                               Patmos                                ISBN: 978-3-8436-0884-8
         Gabi and Tine are best friends.       What happens when someone            Sabine Mehne left her body.           Patmos
         When Tine is diagnosed with           moves into a hospice in order to     Suddenly she saw herself from         Lea Ackermann left her career in
         cancer and later moves into a         die there? Maria Hagenschnei-        above. This book is an authentic      banking and went to Africa as an
         hospice, they text each other         der moved into a hospice center      report of a near-death experi-        ordained nun. Encounters with
         heart wrenching, encouraging          with her mortally ill husband.       ence and life thereafter.             the misery of forced prostitution
         and sad messages. The fragmen-        Days Full of Life provides a         Sold: Czech, German paperback         changed her life. Her relief orga-
         tary style of this exceptional cor-   glimpse of life inside a hospice,    rights, English sample transla-       nization for women in crisis,
         respondence has its own charm.        and the experiences and conver-      tion available                        SOLWODI, has long drawn in-
                                               sations this couple had.                                                   ternational acclaim.

         Susanne Preusker                      Peter Schmidt                        Peter Schmidt                         Peter Schmidt
         Seven Hours in April                  A Valentine’s Day Cactuss            This Connection Is Not in     n       The Street Collector
         ISBN: 978-3-8436-0038-5               ISBN: 978-3-8436-0211-2              Service                               ISBN: 978-3-8436-0832-9
         Patmos                                Patmos                               ISBN: 978-3-8436-0517-5               Patmos
         Susanne Preusker experienced a        He cannot understand others’         Patmos                                Autistic people hate unpredict-
         catastrophe. At a high security       feelings, nor can he interpret       He doesn’t recognize his col-         ability. That makes it all the
         prison, she was held captive for      their facial expressions. All this   leagues’ faces, and he is so honest   more surprising that Peter
         seven hours by an inmate con-         doesn’t exactly make him Prince      with clients that he undermines       Schmidt, diagnosed with As-
         victed of sexual offenses…            Charming, but he is nevertheless     his boss’s marketing strategy.        perger’s syndrome, wants to col-
         Sold: Dutch, Italian, Korean,         happily married with children.       This is because Peter Schmidt         lect all the roads of the world. He
         Film rights | English sample          Sold: Polish, Slovak, German         has autism. Still, he builds a ca-    takes us with him on his bizarre
         translation available                 paperback rights                     reer in the field of IT.              trip around the globe.
Rights List Fall 2018 - The publishing group that captures the spirit of life - Jan Thorbecke Verlag

When suddenly nothing works anymore

▶    Widespread disease of exhaustion depression
▶    From a therapist who knows what she’s talking
     about since she’s personally affected
▶    Truly helpful

                                                                                        Nora-Marie Ellermeyer
                                                                                        Life Fog
                                                                                        How I Survived Burnout and
                                                                                        Depression as a Psychotherapist

                                                                                        ISBN 978-3-8436-1063-6
                                                                                        Hardcover with dust jacket
                                                                                        Ca. 180 pages
                                                                                        14 x 22 cm
                                                                                        € 20.00

Burnout and depression can affect anyone. The psychotherapist Nora Ell-                 Nora-Marie Ellermeyer, PhD, is a
ermayer is a woman of action. Studying, four children, building a house,                psychotherapist in private practice with a
training as a therapist, doctorate, founding a practice and a sick father: She          degree in psychology. She is married and
easily manages all of this. Apparently. But suddenly, nothing works any-                has 4 children.
more. She is exhausted and burned out as fear spreads. Until she was no
longer able to get up in the mornings, let alone even begin to cope with her
everyday life or profession. She plunged into a deep dark depression that
lasted for more than a year.
She reports from two different perspectives in her book. As a psychothera-
pist, she provides comprehensive and extensive information about burnout
and depression. Secondly, she describes her path of suffering and healing as
someone who is affected by it. This allows a lively and understandable view
of what a depression means for those who go through it. This book is im-
pressive and helpful for anyone who wants to know more about burnout
and depression.

                       Also available:
                       Gudrun Pflüger
                       Wolf Spirit
                       ISBNN 978-3-8436-0141-2
                       When diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor, Pflüger was
                       told she
                            s had 18 months left to live. Taking the wolf as model,
                           trusts in her own powers of self-healing and overcomes her
                       she tr
                       Sold:: English (World)
Rights List Fall 2018 - The publishing group that captures the spirit of life - Jan Thorbecke Verlag
                                                  Stefan Weigand
                                                  Great, Dad!

                                                  What Makes Fathers Feel Good

                                                  ISBN 978-3-8436-1060-5 | Patmos | Hardcover | ca. 144 pages with 9 illustrations |
                                                  12 x 19 cm | € 15.00
                                                  For daddies with heart and soul
                                                  Turbulent, cheerful, powerful and sometimes even strenuous: Children change life – and
                                                  turn men into fathers. Many things are completely new, others disappear from view.
                                                  That’s why it’s good for fathers to pause and ask themselves: What gives me strength
                                                  right now? What would I like to change? What makes me especially happy? With a clever
                                                  and straightforward, relaxed and profound approach, Stefan Weigand gets to the bottom
                                                  of everyday life of a father and brings back many moments of calmness and serenity.

            Regina Groot Bramel                   Elisabeth Raffauf                    Elisabth Raffauf                  Heinz-Peter Röhr
            On Foot Through the                   They Don’t Just Do Nothing:          How to Protect Children           How I Can Help my Child
            Universe                              They Lie There and Grow              from Sexual Abuse                 Gain Strong Self-Esteem
            ISBN 978-3-8436-1030-8                ISBN: 978-3-8436-1019-3              ISBN: 978-3-8436-0213-6           ISBN: 978-3-8436-0995-1
            Patmos                                Patmos                               Patmos                            Patmos
            In lovingly written letters to a      The author tells true puberty        Elisabeth Raffauf shows what      Röhr shows how parents can rec-
            small child, the author encour-       stories, reminding readers of        sensible prevention looks like.   ognize negative inner workings
            ages young parents to be              their own chaos years. This          And she concretely describes      of their children and how they
            self-confident and courageous,        helps understanding today’s          what parents and educators can    can deal with it in a helpful way.
            serene and joyful, realistic and      young people in their conflict       do to make children strong and    It is possible to strengthen chil-
            loving towards the child just as it   between a need for affection and     thereby protect them from sex-    dren’s self-esteem so they can
            is. This helps them to be mindful     rebellion amd exploring the role     ual abuse.                        cope with life while growing up!
            of this miracle of life.              of the parent in a new way.          Sold: Romanian                    Sold: Czech

            Felicitas Römer                       Rita Steininger                      Monika Specht-Tomann              Monika Specht-Tomann
            Raising Children                      The Little Anti-Anger Book           Supporting Grieving               What Is That Monster Doing
            with Less Stress                      ISBN: 978-3-8436-0556-4              Children                          Under the Bed?
            ISBN: 978-3-8436-0916-6               Patmos                               ISBN: 978-3-8436-0750-6           ISBN: 978-3-8436-0644-8
            Patmos                                Coping with children’s rage          Patmos                            Patmos
            Preschool-aged children insist        costs parents a lot of nerves. And   Some children refuse to talk      Fear of the dark or of saying
            on more and more freedom. But         it is anything but easy not to re-   when they are mourning. Others    goodbye – children live through
            how should parents react when         act with anger. Rita Steininger,     cry continuously. The empathic    many troubling experiences.
            their kids won’t take no for an       mother of two sons, explains         approach of this book opens new   The author demonstrates how
            answer? Felicitas Römer pro-          what anger and aggression mean       perspectives and helps children   parents can help their children
            vides answers and ways to raise       for children’s development. This     and adults alike to find their    tame the monster under the bed.
            children with more calmness.          little book has a great impact!      footing.                          Sold: Romanian
Rights List Fall 2018 - The publishing group that captures the spirit of life - Jan Thorbecke Verlag

Relax, fathers

▶    For a relaxed father role
▶    New research findings on the father’s tasks in the first
     three years of life

                                                                                           Josephine Schwarz-Gerö
                                                                                           A Dad Is Not a Mom
                                                                                           What a Baby Needs from Its Father

                                                                                           ISBN 978-3-8436-1092-6
                                                                                           Ca. 180 pages
                                                                                           14 x 22 cm
                                                                                           € 17.00

While the role of the new mother is clear, there are many questions on the                 For many years, Josephine Schwarz-
part of the father. If we set aside the social demands and moralizing atti-                Gerö was the Director of Infant Psycho-
tudes about what a father must achieve today and instead ask what a baby                   somatics in the Children’s Department of
needs from its father, the fog clears. New research findings show that the                 the Wilhelminenspital in Vienna. She is
tasks of mother and father are very different and complement each other for                currently in private practice as a psycho-
a good development of the child. In short: The mother is the harbor that                   therapist and child therapist with teaching
offers protection and a sense of emotional security. The father is the high                activities at the University of Vienna and
seas: This is where the small child learns the joy of discovery and auton-                 the Sigmund Freud Private University
omy, which makes the father an important engine for development.                           Vienna.

Josephine Schwarz-Gerö explains how a father can fulfil his role in a way
that is good for everyone. This makes it possible to defuse or even com-
pletely resolve conflicts, dissatisfaction and even special difficulties such as
sleeping, crying and eating problems in babies.

                          By the same author:
                          Josephine Schwarz-Gerö
                          Baby, Why Won’t You Eat?
                          ISBN: 978-3-8436-0033-0
                          When a baby doesn’t want to eat, parents worry about the
                          well-being of their child. Their desperate attempts to get
                          their baby to eat often trap them in a vicious cycle, although
                          the baby knows what the solution is!
                          Sold: Italian
Rights List Fall 2018 - The publishing group that captures the spirit of life - Jan Thorbecke Verlag

                                                 Cornelia Dehner-Rau

                                                 In Tune with Yourself
                                                 Recognizing Your Own Needs and Taking Them Seriously

                                                 ISBN: 978-3-8436-0992-0 | Patmos | Paperback | 184 pages | 14 x 22 cm | € 18.00
                                                 New impulses for more joy in life
                                                 Finding out what you really need is not that easy. And neither is meeting these needs.
                                                 However, both belong to good self-care and therefore to a good life. People who know
                                                 how to meet these needs are less likely to be manipulated and can take a more active ap-
                                                 proach to their own lives. With the help of many reflective questions and practical exer-
                                                 cises, the experienced psychotherapist Cornelia Dehner-Rau enables readers to find ways
                                                 of recognizing their own needs and searching for their own sources of strength.

            Katharina Ceming                     Rita Steininger                      Rita Steininger                      Rita Steininger
            Thinking Helps!                      For Bright Minds                     The Little Be-Good-to-               The Little Trust Yourself
            ISBN: 978-3-8436-0968-5              ISBN: 978-3-8436-0937-1              Yourself-Book                        Book
            Patmos                               Patmos                               ISBN: 978-3-8436-0642-4              ISBN: 978-3-8436-0830-5
            Thinking about yourself and          We are exercising the whole          Patmos                               Patmos
            what you are doing offers real ad-   body – but pay way too little at-    Stop constantly criticizing your-    Everyday situations can be tor-
            vantages. This book asks for all     tention to our mental fitness.       self! Many women between 40          ture for shy people. This is where
            aspects of a successful life and     The author Rita Steininger           and 50 would like to be kinder to    this book comes in: It offers sim-
            gives easily readable answers in a   shows there are many varied          themselves. But for many, it isn’t   ple exercises and concrete guide-
            philosophic way. The impulses        possibilities to get the mind run-   easy to do something for their       lines to strengthen self-esteem
            in this book make philosophy         ning at full capacity – beyond       own benefit but Rita Steininger      and increase confidence.
            something creative and fun!          brain-teasers and brain jogging.     shows that it’s possible!            Sold: Turkish

                                                                           8 TH
                                                                        E D IT IO

            Jo Eckardt                           Heinz-Peter Röhr                     Sabine Dankbar /                     Andrea Länger
            Talking is Gold –                    The Art of Appreciating              Monika Homann                        A Zest for Life in Every
            How Conversation                     Yourself                             The Gratitude Principle              Situation
            Strengthens Love                     ISBN: 978-3-8436-0391-1              ISBN: 978-3-8436-0910-4              ISBN: 978-3-8436-0790-2
            ISBN: 978-3-8436-0746-9              Patmos                               Patmos                               Patmos
            Patmos                               Heinz-Peter Röhr shows how it        Many people suffer under the         In a humorous way, the author
            When partners have nothing           is possible to develop apprecia-     pressure to be perfect. What can     shows how a zest for life can be-
            more to say, the emotional con-      tion for oneself and find a way to   help us be more satisfied and se-    come a lifestyle. She has devel-
            nection suffers and leads to more    create a happy and successful        rene? This book provides a way       oped exercises suitable for vari-
            silence. This book shows how         life. Over 10,000 copies sold.       to find your own sources of          ous personality types and stages
            this vicious circle can be broken.   Sold: Complex Chinese, Czech,        strength that allow you to master    of life. Find out how to awaken
            Sold: Italian                        Polish                               daily challenges with optimism.      the zest for life!

Desire to slow down!

▶    Timely topic: Slowing down
▶    Self-help and reading pleasures
▶    Stories that give vital energy

                                                                                          Doris Bewernitz
                                                                                          The Secret of Slowness
                                                                                          On Dawdling, Dreaming and Being

                                                                                          ISBN: 978-3-8436-1046-9
                                                                                          Hardcover with book ribbon
                                                                                          Ca. 176 pages
                                                                                          13 x 21.5 cm
                                                                                          € 17.00

When stress gets out of hand, you can literally run out of air. The nu
                                                                    number of             Doris Bewernitz, born in Lübz/Meck-
tasks seems to increase from day to day and the to-do lists grow.grow People              lenburg, lives as a freelance writer in Ber-
train their “functioning” throughout their entire lives, but stopping, dream-             lin. The mother of two sons has gathered
ing and finding an inner calm are not obviously part of the practice plan.                experiences in professions such as pediat-
Doris Bewernitz knows the experience of feeling lost between the many                     ric nurse, court reporter, mathematics
deadlines. And she tells about how she has discovered the secret of slow-                 teacher and gestalt therapist. She is the au-
ness for her own life. Her path leads to various moments of her own life ex-              thor of many successful publications, has
perience in which time has gained a different quality. Her stories will in-               received several literary awards and is a
spire you to reflect on your own vital energy and encourage you to take the               founding member of the author group
time of your own life into your hands.                                                    “Aufbruch Berlin” (Awakening Berlin)

                         Also available:
                         Stefan Steinert
                         How to Break Out of the Hamster Wheel
                            N 978-3-8436-0959-3
                         This book shows how to decrease stress with exercises ori-
                         ented towards the five principles wood, fire, earth, metal and
                         water from Traditional Chinese Medicine, enabling the
                         reader to attain a calmer and more successful life.
                                                     Martin Duda
                                                     Light in the Night of the Soul

                                                     How Reading Helps in Case of Depression

                                                     ISBN: 978-3-8436-1059-9 | Patmos | Softcover with flaps | 160 pages | 14 x 21 cm |
                                                     € 16.00
                                                     The healing power of reading for depression
                                                     Depression is a frequently recurring topic in literature. Unlike many scientists and
                                                     medical practitioners, poets and writers have direct and holistic access to the shadow
                                                     aspects of human experiences. Many works of world literature have a therapeutic ef-
                                                     fect on readers with depressive moods. With his selected texts and book tips, biblio-
                                                     therapist Martin Duda offers support for self-help. He shows how reading can con-
                                                     tribute to escaping the hopelessness of depression.

            Christian Firus                      Christian Firus                       Udo Rauchfleisch                    Udo Rauchfleisch
            The Long Shadow of                   Finding Land Again                    Narcissists are Only Human          Living (and Loving) with
            Childhood                            ISBN: 978-3-8436-0742-1               as Well                             Borderline Personality
            ISBN: 978-3-8436-1015-5              Patmos                                ISBN: 978-3-8436-0994-4             Disorder
            Patmos                               Depression is on the rise and can     Patmos                              ISBN: 978-3-8436-0636-3
            Emotional injuries and trau-         happen to anyone! But there is        Narcissism is the disorder of our   Patmos
            matic experiences in childhood       effective help. The author high-      time. The author explains this      The author and experienced psy-
            can have an impact on a person’s     lights the most important strate-     phenomenon and its background       chotherapist helps friends and
            entire life. With this book,         gies. His approach: the first and     and provides understanding for      partners of people with border-
            Christian Firus provides tips on     most important step out of de-        narcissistic personalities. On      line disorder to understand this
            how adults can cope with their       pression is to take good care of      this basis we can learn how to      serious psychological illness and
            “difficult childhood” and gain a     yourself, and to recognize where      handle them without falling for     gives many concrete sugges-
            greater enjoyment of life.           you have freedom to act.              their tricks or demonizing them.    tions.

            Erich Schechner                      Hans Morschitzky/                     Hans Morschitzky                    Hans Morschitzky
            Live Your Possibilities              Thomas Hartl                          Taking Back Control from            When Agoraphobia
            IS      978-3-8436-1003-2
                                    3-22         Understanding and                     Fear and Worries                    Constricts Your Life
            Patmos                               Overcoming Fear of Illness            ISBN: 978-3-8436-0939-5             ISBN: 978-3-8436-0912-8
            The life journey of Viktor Frankl    ISBN: 978-3-8436-0153-5               Patmos                              Patmos
            led to the foundation of a form of   Patmos                                Where does a generalized anxi-      Hans Morschitzky describes in
            psychotherapy, guided by the         A guidebook for people suffering      ety disorder come from? What        clear terms what agoraphobia
            meaning of existence which           from excessive fear of illness fea-   can be done if unrealistic fears    and claustrophobia are, and how
            helps to say Yes to life even in     turing a self-help program in         take on disease-like dimensions?    they originate. In 7-steps based
            abysmal situations. Viktor           seven steps for those affected.       This practical guidebook offers a   on behavioral therapy, the au-
            Frankl’s impulses explained for      Sold: Complex Chinese, Italian,       therapeutic 9-step-program to       thor provides competent sup-
            all purpose-seekers of our time.     Romanian                              help those affected.                port for those afflicted.

The fear of Hell

▶    First guidebook on this topic
▶    For affected persons, relatives, therapists and pastoral

                                                                                      Burkhard Ciupka-Schön /
                                                                                      Hartmut Becks
                                                                                      Heaven and Hell
                                                                                      Recognizing and Overcoming
                                                                                      Religious Compulsions

                                                                                      ISBN 978-3-8436-1091-9
                                                                                      Ca.180 pages
                                                                                      14 x 22 cm
                                                                                      € 17.00

Religious compulsions frequently occur, but are not that easy to recognize.           Burkhard Ciupka-Schön is certified
At which point is a pronounced faith pathological and when do religious               psychologist and psychological psycho-
commandments and rituals become straitjackets? An extremely high-                     therapist in private practice in Krefeld. He
minded moral attitude and the fear of divine punishment should the person             is co-founder of the German Society for
not meet these requirements are behind religious compulsion.                          Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and lec-
From their respective perspectives, the psychotherapist Burkhard Ciup-                turer and supervisor at the Heinrich-Heine
ka-Schön and the pastor Harmut Becks describe how religious compul-                   University in Düsseldorf. Obsessive-com-
sions arise, how they can be distinguished from a healthy faith and how af-           pulsive disorders are his special subject.
fected individuals can overcome their compulsion. They also refer to                  Following his studies of history and Prot-
historical examples such as Martin Luther, whose biography can be very                estant theology, as well as clinical pastoral
helpful for those who are affected today.                                             care training.

                                                                                      Hartmut Becks, PhD, has worked for
                                                                                      the past 25 years as a pastor in Alpen am
                                                                                      Niederrhein, Germany. For many years, he
                        By the same author:
                                                                                      has accompanied a self-help group for
                        Burkhard Ciupka-Schön                                         those affected by religious compulsions.
                        Overcoming Compulsions
                        ISBN: 978-3-8436-0914-2                                       He is married and has three children.
                        People who struggle with compulsions often have a long road
                        of suffering behind them. Behavioral therapy in conjunction
                        with exposure has proven effective therapy. This book pro-
                        vides the most important information.

                                                               Verena Kast

                                                               Becoming One with Yourself Time and Again
                                                               Developing Identity and Self-Esteem in a Complex World

                                                               ISBN 978-3-8436-0973-9 | Patmos | Hardcover | Ca. 144 pages | 12 x 19 cm | € 14.00
                                                               Becoming how and who I really am
                                                               Where did I come from? Who am I now? Where am I going? The question of our own
                                                               identity is existentially significant. Identity always develops in the interaction with
                                                               other people: in the relationship between ourselves and others, in the confrontation
                                                               with what belongs to us and to the others. Verena Kast shows: In the mirror of other
                                                               people, we can reflect on ourselves and are challenged to develop our identity – in the
                                                               field of tension between autonomy and relatedness.

                                                                                                                                                              7 TH
                                                                                                                                                           E D IT IO

                        Eugen Drewermann                     Eugen Drewermann                    Verena Kast                          Verena Kast
                        Who Am I? On Need and                If I Could Only Shudder!            Aging – Always Good forr a           Dreams
                        Greed                                ISBN: 978-3-8436-1027-8             Surprise                             ISBN: 978-3-8436-0373-7
                                                                                                                                      IS    978-3-8436-037 373-
                        ISBN: 978-3-8436-1062-9              Patmos                              ISBN: 978-3-8436-0736-0              Patmos
                        Patmos                               Eugen Drewermann interprets         Patmos                               Renowned Jungian analyst Ver-
                        The fairy tales collected and in-    the following fairy tales in this   The sometimes difficult changes      ena Kast explores the fascinating
                        terpreted by Eugen Drewer-           volume: “The Story of the Youth     of aging provide lots of new chal-   language of our subconscious
                        mann in this volume all describe     Who Went Forth to Learn What        lenges. How to go about sur-         and demonstrates that when we
                        people or beings who could actu-     Fear Was”, “The Brave Little        prises life brings our way during    engage ourselves with our
                        ally be quite content with them-     Tailor” and “The Owl”. Fairy        this aging process is what the re-   dreams, they help us to better
                        selves and their living condi-       tales interpreted for the first     nowned Jungian analyst Verena        understand ourselves.
                        tions, but they are not. This        time by Eugen Drewermann!           Kast, describes in this book.        Sold: Czech, Italian, Russian
                        book explores the causes for this.                                       Sold: Russian

                                                                                     7 TH
                                                                                  E D IT IO

                        Stephan Marks                        Stephan Marks                       Luise Reddemann/Sylvia               Ingrid Riedel
                        The Dignity of Men is                Shame                               Wetzel                               The Wise Woman
                        Vulnerable                           ISBN: 978-3-8436-0052-1             May all Beings be Happy              ISBN: 978-3-8436-0752-0
                        ISBN: 978-3-8436-0935-7              Patmos                              ISBN: 978-3-8436-0996-8              Patmos
                        Patmos                               What types of shame are there?      Patmos                               Riedel explains how meaningful
                        Daily we witness how vulnerable      How does it come about? What        What is the significance of sym-     it is to get in touch with the ar-
                        our dignity is: racism, sexism or    is the significance of shame        pathy and justice for the devel-     chetypical image of the wise
                        xenophobia make life hard. The       avoidance mechanisms for com-       opment of the individual and the     woman. She shows that experi-
                        author analyses degradations         munal living, or even entire peo-   international community? This        encing various aspects of femi-
                        which poison our human rela-         ples? Marks answers these and       book shows how important sym-        nine wisdom can contribute to
                        tions. He shows many practical       other questions comprehen-          pathy and justice are for being      imbuing old age with new mean-
                        opportunities for taking action.     sively and clearly.                 human and for humanity.              ing dignity.

Mysterious images of the soul

                                                                                                                                           ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY
▶    Presentation of previously unseen, spectacular pictures
▶    With articles by authors such as Verena Kast and
     Ingrid Riedel

                                                                                          Ruth Ammann / Verena Kast /
                                                                                          Ingrid Riedel (Ed.)
                                                                                          The Book of Pictures
                                                                                          Treasures from the C. G. Jung
                                                                                          Institute Zurich’s Archive

                                                                                          ISBN: 978-3-8436-1017-9
                                                                                          250 pages, four-color throughout
                                                                                          with ca. 250 illustrations
                                                                                          19.5 x 26 cm
                                                                                          € 36.00
                                                                                          Sold: Czech, Romanian

                                                                                          Ruth Ammann, curator of the C. G. Jung
                                                                                          Institute Zurich’s Archive, qualified archi-
                                                                                          tect, Jungian psychoanalyst and sandplay
                                                                                          therapist, is training analyst and lecturer at
                                                                                          the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich and was
                                                                                          the President of the International Society
The picture archive of the C. G. Jung Institute Zurich contains treasures
                                                                                          of Sandplay Therpay.
that few people have seen up to now: More than 4000 original images,
drawings and painted pictures by C. G. Jung’s patients, dated from 1917 to
                                                                                          Verena Kast is a former Professor of
about 1950. Many of these images have an entirely extraordinary, emo-
                                                                                          Psychology at the University of Zurich,
tional and artistic expressive power and some are reminiscent of C. G.
                                                                                          Switzerland. Today she is a lecturer and
Jung’s pictures in the Red Book.
                                                                                          teaching analyst at the C. G. Jung Institute
In this large-format, elaborately designed book of images, the most beauti-               in Zurich, as well as a psychoanalyst in pri-
ful pictures are now finally accessible to a larger circle of people. Explana-            vate practice. She has published numerous
tory texts by renowned experts – including Verena Kast and Ingrid Riedel                  books on subjects including emotional
– provide help in understanding the most important picture series. This                   psychology, principles of psychotherapy,
book opens the doors to the hidden picture treasures at the C. G. Jung In-                and the interpretation of fairy tales and
stitute Zurich.                                                                           dreams. Her works – many of them
                                                                                          long-sellers – have been translated into nu-
                                                                                          merous languages.

                       Also available:                                                    Ingrid Riedel, honorary professor of
                                                                                          the psychology of religion and privately
                       Verena Kast
                       Fairytale Love                                                     practicing psychotherapist in Constance,
                       ISBN: 978-3-8436-1018-6                                            Germany, is a lecturer and teaching analyst
                       Patmos                                                             at the C.G. Jung Institutes in Zurich, Swit-
                       Love makes us develop and mature together. Analytical psy-
                       chologist Verena Kast has been interpreting fairy tales for over   zerland, and Stuttgart, Germany. She has
                       thirty years, shedding new light on these classic stories. This    published numerous books with Patmos.
                       book contains a collection of her most interesting analyses on
                       the topics of love and partnership.
                                                       Angelika Daiker / Barbara Hummler-Antoni
                                                       Cloaks and Shrouds

                                                       Palliative Spirituality in Hospice Work

                                                       ISBN 978-3-8436-1076-6 | Patmos | Paperback | ca. 144 pages | 14 x 22 cm | € 17.00
                                                       Spirituality in terminal care and grief counselling
                                                       The cloak is a main metaphor of hospice work: Guests and their relatives find protection,
                                                       envelopment and quality of life here. The image of the cloak is also the focus in this book.
                                                       Drawing on her many years of experience and the encounter with the “cloaks” of artist
                                                       Astrid Eichin, the authors create an astonishing access to the concerns of hospice work.
                                                       They explore important elements of hospice work and enrich the current discussion of
                                                       “spiritual care” by finding a new and appropriate formulation in the term of “palliative
                                                       spirituality” for the essential aspects of spirituality in terminal care and grief counselling.

                  Mechthild Schroeter-                 Mechthild Schroeter-                   Mechthild Schroeter-                    Sabine Rachl
                  Rupieper                             Rupieper                               Rupieper                                Soon I Will be Living in the
                  Stories that Tell a Life,            Manual for the Grief Café              Manual for Grief Support                Timeless Room
                  Becausee Death Wrote                 ISBN: 978-3-8436-1023-0                Groups                                  ISBN: 978-3-8436-0966-1
                  Them                                 Patmos                                 ISBN: 978-3-8436-0674-5                 Patmos
                  ISBN: 978-3-8436-0882-4              The author provides explana-           Patmos                                  This book recounts the stories of
                  Patmos                               tions of models of grief, target       United in grief, and yet shaped         dying children, siblings, parents
                  With stories drawn from grief        groups, preparations, pitfalls,        by a unique story. Mechthild            and grand-parents. These are
                  counselor Schroeter-Rupieper’s       etc. for a grief café. The practical   Schroeter-Rupieper      provides        stories of laughing and crying, of
                  very typical work experiences,       section demonstrates methods           sound and practical answers for         pain and joy and of the connec-
                  she wants to demonstrate that        that have proven to be successful      leaders of grief support groups,        tion which will always remain –
                  her work is often joyful, even if    for this form of accompanying          teachers and pastors, covering          encouraging stories because
                  grief isn’t banished.                the grieving.                          all the basics.                         they show dying is part of life.

                  Christine Fleck-                     Angelika Daiker/                       Angelika Daiker                         Carmen Birkholz
                  Bohaumilitzky                        Judith Bader-Reissing                  “Life Will Be Alright Again,            Until My Life Sprouts New
                  When Children Grieve                 Making Peace with Death                But Different”                          Buds
                  ISBN: 978-3-8436-0792-6              ISBN: 978-3-8436-0531-1                ISBN: 978-3-8436-0338-6                 ISBN: 978-3-8436-0594-6
                  Patmos                               Patmos                                 Patmos                                  Patmos
                  Children grieve not only when a      This book develops the spiritual       This book is an insightful guide        Almost all partings, whether
                  person or a pet dies, but also the   and existential meaning of the         for widowed women and points            they are sudden or descend upon
                  loss of a stuffed animal or when a   last seven words of Jesus and          the way to the continuation of          you or are freely chosen, leave
                  friend moves away. The author        connects them with experiences         life including grief. It will be dif-   behind painful empty places.
                  describes in a sensitive, compe-     occurring daily in hospices.           ferent, but perhaps in time be al-      Carmen Birkholz finds words
                  tent and helpful way how to help     Thus the authors develop a new         right again.                            that gently and carefully provide
                  children deal with such losses.      approach to palliative care.           Sold: Czech                             the gift of a new springtime.

Loving acceptance of grief

                                                                                                                                          LOSS & GRIEVING
▶    Loving accompaniment for people after their first year
     of mourning
▶    A topic that has hardly been discussed in literature
     up to now

                                                                                            Silke Szymura
                                                                                            A Part of Me
                                                                                            Embracing My Grief and Continuing
                                                                                            to Live. For People After the First
                                                                                            Year of Mourning

                                                                                            ISBN 978-3-8436-1083-4
                                                                                            Softcover with flaps
                                                                                            Ca. 176 pages
                                                                                            14 x 22 cm
                                                                                            € 16.00

What happens to grief after one, two or three years and beyond when the                     Silke Szymura works as an author, blog-
surrounding world has returned to its routine agenda? Where and how can                     ger, seminar leader and grief counsellor.
it now get the space that it needs?                                                         Her studies in media informatics led her
                                                                                            into the IT sector until the sudden loss of
The blogger and grief counsellor Silke Szymura sensitively describes in this
                                                                                            her life partner confronted her with death,
book how people can succeed in giving up the battle against undesired feel-
                                                                                            grief and her handling of it. She took a
ings, embrace their own grief and step by step find their way back into a
                                                                                            break from everything to rearrange her life
new life that is good in a different way.
                                                                                            and trained to become a grief counsellor.
                                                                                            Today she writes, offers counselling via
                                                                                            email and leads grief groups and work-
                                                                                            shops. www.in-lauter-trauer.de

                         Also available:
                         Nicole Rinder
                         Death Doesn’t Kill Me
                         ISBN: 978-3-8436-0944-9
                         Her son lived only four days. The experience changed Ni-
                         cole Rinder’s life and led her to her calling. In her book, she
                         talks about her journey and gives authentic insights in her
                         daily work as mortician. Her journey shows that it can be
                         possible to not only bear life after a grievous loss but to give
                         your life a new direction.
 8                                                                 Klaus Mertes
                                                                   How Catchwords Become Real Words
                                                                   New Spelling for Faith

                                                                   ISBN 978-3-8436-1065-0 | Patmos | Hardcover with book ribbon | ca. 160 pages |
                                                                   14 x 22 cm | € 18.00
                                                                   So that faith doesn’t lack words
                                                                   Language changes and the ideas that we associate with certain terms also change. The
                                                                   Church has been preaching the Gospel for 2000 years, but much of the Church vocab-
                                                                   ulary hardly sounds like good news today anymore. When we replace the traditional
                                                                   terms that have become empty words with modern ones, the old ones disappear as
                                                                   new fashions bring new words. As a result, Klaus Mertes takes a different path. He re-
                                                                   veals the actual significance of about 37 key words in theology and spirituality with
                                                                   new words and often with stories that make it easier to understand the true meaning.

                          Jan Frerichs                          Hildegard König                       Gisela Matthiae                      Katharina Plehn-Martins
                          Barefoot and Wild                     A Break with an Angel                 Boisterous                           Blessings at Sea
                          ISBN: 978-3-8436-1032-2               ISBN: 978-3-8436-0808-4               ISBN: 978-3-8436-0949-4              ISBN: 978-3-8436-0853-4
                          Patmos                                Patmos                                Patmos                               Patmos
                          It is a challenge to rediscover na-   When we least expect it, we           This year-long companion fits        In 19 brief and often humorous
                          ture as a spiritual guide. Nature     come across angels. Only those        perfectly in our overloaded day.     essays, the chaplain lets us peek
                          is the first Bible. People have al-   set to receive, who have the fit-     Treat yourself to a break and let    into her varied activities on
                          ways gone into nature to read         ting bearing can perceive them.       yourself stumble upon unex-          board and on land, without be-
                          this book and get to the bottom       Experience short stories with         pected things that will sway you     ing indiscreet. We learn about
                          of everything. Jan Frerichs in-       surprises and healing energies        in new directions. For every         longings, grief, companionship,
                          vites his readers on an exciting      and let yourself be sensitized for    week of the year there are inspir-   immense gratitude, and travel-
                          path to a spirituality of their own   all the wonder in your life!          ing wordplays, observations, in-     ing viruses.
                          that will support them.               Sold: Polish                          sights and impulses.

                          Angelika B. Hirsch                    Martin Kämpchen                       Eugen Drewermann                     Eugen Drewermann
                          Where We Encounter                    Being Authentic                       Turning Points                       Living in Harmony
                          Blessing                              ISBN: 978-3-8436-0821-3               ISBN: 978-3-8436-0540-3              ISBN: 978-3-8436-0883-1
                          ISBN: 978-3-8436-0961-6               Patmos                                Patmos                               Patmos
                          Patmos                                The author, whose life straddles      Eugen Drewermann puts theol-         This book is a collection of trea-
                          All religions and cultures know       Christian beliefs and Indian phi-     ogy back on its feet again, in-      sures drawn from Eugen Drew-
                          blessings. Some are expressed in      losophy, has developed 7 steps to     stead of its head, and leads it      ermann’s comprehensive writ-
                          due form, some are scarcely no-       the art of living that draw equally   back to what Jesus of Nazareth       ings that all touch on the theme
                          ticed. This book traces small and     from Christian faith and his ex-      wanted and what Christianity         of Creation. The perspectives in
                          big, open and hidden forms of         periences of life in India. From      actually means. This book is in-     the texts encourage readers to
                          blessings and illustrates why life    these experiences arise refresh-      dispensable for everyone who         further their own thoughts and
                          is better with blessings.             ingly new perspectives.               wants to understand faith better.    beg to be discussed.

                                                                                                                                         RELIGION & SPIRITUALITY
Students ask, Drewermann responds
▶    Written especially for young people
▶    Can be read as a whole in class

                                                                                           Eugen Drewermann /
                                                                                           Martin Freytag
                                                                                           The Mystery of Jesus of
                                                                                           Eugen Drewermann Answers Young
                                                                                           People’s Questions

                                                                                           ISBN 978-3-8436-1080-3
                                                                                           Ca. 144 pages
                                                                                           14 x 22 cm
                                                                                           € 12.00

“How must we imagine a crucifixion 2000 years ago?” “Isn’t the ‘Sermon                     Eugen Drewermann, born in 1940, has
on the Mount’ a hopelessly excessive demand that just a few super-pious                    a doctorate in theology. When he was sus-
people can comply with at best?” “If Jesus would look at today’s church,                   pended from the priesthood and the teach-
what would he say to it?”                                                                  ing profession, he began a career as a psy-
                                                                                           chotherapist and writer. To date he has
The questions that Eugen Drewermann answers in this book have been
                                                                                           written more than eighty books and his
asked by students in religion class. Their teacher, Martin Freytag, has col-
                                                                                           works have been translated into more than
lected the young people’s questions and problem horizons and interviewed
                                                                                           a dozen languages.
the well-known author on their behalf. They range from Jesus’ childhood
to his work and his death on the cross. The mystery of Jesus of Nazareth is
                                                                                           Martin Freytag is a teacher for Catho-
                                                                                           lic religion and German at the secondary
– For adolescents in 10th grade and above –                                                school Gymnasium Remigianum in
                                                                                           Borken (Münsterland, Germany).

                         By the same author:
                         Eugen Drewermann
                         Words of Freedom
                         ISBN: 978-3-8436-0486-4
                         “Those who understand what Jesus is trying to say here, for
                         them the world is changed; they are literally transformed”,
                         says Drewermann, who vividly illustrates the eight Beati-
                         tudes of Jesus by means of exemplary life stories. Drewer-
                         mann’s exegesis offers a spiritual foothold in many life situa-
20                                                                      Brigitte Dorst
                                                                        Everything Begins with Longing and Searching
                                                                        Development of the Heart on the Sufi Path

                                                                        ISBN: 978-3-8436-0922-7 | Patmos | Hardcover with dust jacket | Ca. 176 pages |
                                                                        14 x 22 cm | € 20.00
                                                                        A spiritual path for the 21st century
                                                                        Sufism is often referred to as Islamic mysticism, but it is older than Islam and
                                                                        trans-confessional in its core. Brigitte Dorst describes a new, contemporary Sufi
                                                                        path in which the insights and methods of C. G. Jung’s Analytical Psychology are
                                                                        connected with the rich legacy of Sufism. With the help of many exercises, she
                                                                        demonstrates that teaching and learning in a modern Sufi group occurs through
                                                                        spiritual dream work, studying the wisdom texts, psycho-spiritual group work and
                                                                        individual conversations, as well as the work with Sufi stories and symbols.

                          Ingrid Riedel                          Franz Kamphaus                       Dietmar Mieth (ed.)                  Klaus Koziol
                          The World as Reflected in              When Faith Becomes                   Meister Eckhart – One with           The Art of Living as a
                          the Soul                               Concrete                             God                                  Christian
                          ISBN: 978-3-8436-0920-3                ISBN: 978-3-8436-1034-6              ISBN: 978-3-8436-0494-9              ISBN: 978-3-8436-0729-2
                          Patmos                                 Patmos                               Patmos                               Patmos
                          To see the world as reflected in       This book contains the interpre-     Dietmar Mieth has collected and      Being Christian is not just fol-
                          the soul: that means living holis-     tations of Franz Kamphaus of         commentated on Meister Eck-          lowing commandments; it’s an
                          tically and being open to mes-         the most important sections of       hart’s most important writings       artful way of life. Klaus Koziol
                          sages coming from the subcon-          the Sermon of the Mount. The         in this Eckhart reader that has      encourages readers to shape life
                          scious. How spirituality can be        author explores the unreason-        yet to meet its match. Featuring     as an artist would. This artful
                          lived in everyday life, this is what   able demands in his own special      an extensive introduction.           way of living, inspired by Christ,
                          renowned Jungian analyst Ingrid        way and translates them into to-     Sold: Korean                         allows us to say yes to life!
                          Riedel describes in this book.         day’s world of life.

                          Paul J. Kohtes                         Pierre Stutz                         Pierre Stutz                         Klaus Koziol
                          Meister Eckhart                        Don’t Let Yourself Down              The Spiritual Wisdom of              Daring a Second Look
                          ISBN: 978-3-8436-0501-4                ISBN: 978-3-8436-0950-0              Trees                                ISBN: 978-3-8436-0904-3
                          Patmos                                 Patmos                               ISBN: 978-3-8436-0875-6              Patmos
                          With aid of aphorisms of Meister       Anger, rage and fury are part of     Patmos                               Can the wisdom of monks and
                          Eckhart, experienced medita-           being human and the author de-       The texts in this volume were        nuns who lived centuries ago be
                          tion teacher Kohtes takes his          ciphers the spiritual message        created in dialogue with trees.      of any help for us today? Yes, es-
                          readers along on a journey of dis-     they hold. Often especially spiri-   They tell of the divine life force   pecially if you look critically for
                          covery. This is a moving book          tually gifted people forbid them-    that animates all things. Pierre     the central idea and motivations
                          that encourages thoughtfulness         selves these “bad emotions” but      Stutz’s poems and thoughts en-       in their writings just like Klaus
                          and thinking in new ways.              they are part of the basic equip-    gage in a deep dialogue with the     Koziol does in this book.
                          Sold: German audio book rights         ment of humans just like love.       life force of the trees.

The most personal book by the Jesuit

                                                                                                                                       RELIGION & SPIRITUALITY
and Zen master
▶    Eight decades – eight stages in life – eight tasks
▶    Walks in Swiss places
▶    Insights into the spiritual teacher’s life

                                                                                       Niklaus Brantschen
                                                                                       “I Didn’t Swear Enough”
                                                                                       The Zen master and Jesuit priest in a
                                                                                       conversation with Ursula

                                                                                       ISBN 978-3-8436-1078-0
                                                                                       Hardcover with book ribbon
                                                                                       Ca. 128 pages
                                                                                       13 x 21.5 cm
                                                                                       € 16.00

“We chose eight places, each of which represents a period of ten years in              Fr. Niklaus Brantschen SJ, born in
Niklaus Brantschen’s life of more than eighty years. This is where we took             1937, is a Swiss Jesuit and Zen master. He is
walks and hikes between autumn 2016 and winter 2017. The return to for-                founder of the Lassalle-Institute for Zen –
mative sites and walking the familiar paths allowed memories to come to                Ethics – Leadership within the Lassalle-
life, create a connection with bygone times and brought the smells, sounds             House.
and encounters into the present.”
                                                                                       Ursula Eichenberger, long-standing
The conversations between Niklaus Brantschen and Ursula Eichenberger
                                                                                       journalist for newspapers such as the Neue
on the road, as well as with his companions, are collected in this book:
                                                                                       Zürcher Zeitung and Tages-Anzeiger,
These are talks about this and that, God, the world and, above all, Niklaus
                                                                                       works for various non-profit organisations
Brantschen’s life and thoughts that have accompanied him on the path up
                                                                                       (especially UNICEF Switzerland) and
to now. This circumspect book is full of vital viewpoints, insights and out-
                                                                                       writes books on social and societal topics.
looks. Meticulously designed with colour pictures by the photo artist Jakob
                                                                                       She lives in Herrliberg near Zurich.
Thür SJ.

                         By the same author:
                         Niklaus Brantschen
                         Home Between Worlds
                         ISBN: 978-3-8436-0965-4
                         Niklaus Brantschen is a wanderer between worlds: between
                         the world of the Christian West and the Zen-Buddhist and
                         the world of the Jesuit Order and Secularism. His experi-
                         ences can support us in a world that has become complex and
                         help us find orientation in turbulent times.
 2                                                                Gisbert Greshake
                                                                  Paths – Detours – Crossroads

                                                                  ISBN: 978-3-8436-1041-4 | Patmos | Hardcover with reading ribbon | 128 pages |
                                                                  3 x 21,3 cm | € 14.00
                                                                  Sold: Italian

                                                                  Walking as a Spiritual Experience
                                                                  Walking is vital, not only in regard to physical health. Most psychological problems
                                                                  also arise or persist due to the lack of walking on a regular basis! Gisbert Greshake,
                                                                  theologian and passionate hiker, explores the phenomenon of walking with a holistic
                                                                  perspective: from the question of what happens to the body and soul when walking to
                                                                  the path as the biblical archetypical image of spirituality. This is a spiritual invitation
                                                                  to walking; It encourages readers to take the first step, with which every path begins.

                          Christian Rutishauser               Claudia Nietsch-Ochs /                Thomas Knöller                       Wunibald Müller
                          Walking to Jerusalem                Robert Ochs                           Because you are Great                Letting Go and Moving On
                          ISBN: 978-3-8436-0341-6             Happiness Has Two Whe   Wheels
                                                                                          e els     ISBN: 978-3-8436-0893-0              ISBN: 978-3-8436-0885-5
                                                                                                                                         IS      978-3-8436-088 885-
                          Patmos                              ISBN: 978-3-8436-0892-3               Patmos                               Patmos
                          This fascinating account will in-   Patmos                                Every child knows how import-        Anyone leaving a career behind
                          spire you to get to know a rela-    Claudia Nietsch-Ochs and Rob-         ant a good diet is for the body.     has to adjust to new aspects of
                          tively undiscovered pilgrimage      ert Ochs ride their bikes daily. In   But how do you nourish your          life. The transition to retirement
                          route and to understand pilgrim-    short texts they describe their       soul? The texts of Thomas            is in many ways tainted by the
                          age as a ministry of dialogue and   observations along the way, their     Knöller are just that: soul food.    feeling of not being needed any-
                          peace.                              encounters with people and ani-       Unlike chocolate, you will not       more. How can you separate
                          English sample translation          mals, their experiences in every      become fat; at most you will be-     yourself from everything that
                          available                           kind of weather and season of         come addicted…                       you will suddenly lose, or al-
                                                              the year, also with themselves.                                            ready had to leave behind?

                          Josef Epp                           Erni Kutter                           Andrea Schwarz                       Andrea Schwarz
                          Setting the Course                  The Years That Are Granted            Day of the Open Heaven’s             RSVP – Please Reply
                          ISBN: 978-3-8436-0819-0             to Us                                 Gates:                               ISBN: 978-3-8436-0798-8
                          Patmos                              ISBN: 978-3-8436-0717-9               ISBN: 978-3-8436-1044-5              Patmos
                          Our long life expectancy also       Patmos                                Patmos                               What would it be like if »God«
                          provides new challenges and we      Erni Kutter develops a spiritual-     Saint Peter can no longer find       were a verb? Andrea Schwarz
                          are called upon to responsibly      ity of growing older with special     the keys to Heaven’s gate. Is run-   presents 52 experiences. This
                          manage our own ageing. This         consideration for the experi-         ning Heaven too much work for        book is a year-long guide for peo-
                          book encourages readers to con-     ences and needs of courageous         him? He has no choice but to ask     ple looking for new perspectives
                          sciously address important ques-    women who want to consciously         others about the key and good        on familiar routines and for daily
                          tions about ageing and to take      enjoy and make the most of the        advice… and experiences an un-       opportunities to lead a more vi-
                          helpful steps.                      years they have been given.           imaginable surprise in the end!      brant life.

The New Christmas Book

                                                                                                                                         RELIGION & SPIRITUALITY
▶    Popular author
▶    Original idea as an Advent reader and Christmas
▶    Lovingly designed

                                                                                           Andrea Schwarz
                                                                                           Wild Christmas
                                                                                           An Untamed Reader for the Advent
                                                                                           and Christmas Season

                                                                                           ISBN 978-3-8436-1073-5
                                                                                           Ca. 128 pages
                                                                                           13 x 21.5 cm
                                                                                           € 15.00

Being “wild” is the opposite of conforming and being tamed, and Christ-                    Andrea Schwarz is trained industrial
mas isn’t tame for Andrea Schwarz. For her, Christmas points to something                  management assistant and social worker
unprecedented: A small child tears apart the nets that keep us imprisoned.                 and active in Catholic community work.
Be free: This is the promise of Christmas. Anyone can write about a “nice                  She lives in Emsland and supports the vol-
Christmas,” but Andrea Schwarz describes the “wild Christmas.” Her new                     untary projects of the Mariannhiller Sis-
book is a plea against the taming of Advent and Christmas. It’s about cinna-               ters in South Africa. Andrea Schwarz is
mon stars in May, a Christmas party in October and a stolen Baby Jesus…                    one of the most widely read Christian writ-
An untamed reader from 1 December to 6 January.                                            ers of our time.

                         By the same author:
                         Andrea Schwarz
                         Greetings from God
                         ISBN: 978-3-8436-0709-4
                         How a teacup can structure your day, why a picture frame
                         can change our image of God, or finding that a pair of scissors
                         unleashes a feeling of gratitude... This book is a guide
                         through the year for contemporary people, occasionally pro-
                         found, but above all encouraging, heartfelt and freeing.
                                                               Stefan Vesper (Ed.)
                                                               Seek Peace

                                                               People Talk About a Longing That Never Stops

                                                               ISBN 978-3-8436-1021-6 | Patmos | Hardcover with book ribbon | ca. 160 pages |
                                                               14 x 22 cm | € 19.00
                                                               Everything is nothing without peace
                                                               “Seek peace” – This was also the motto of the 2018 German Catholic Day in Münster.
                                                               People from the public sphere spoke about their experiences of peace here, of seeking
                                                               and finding, of achieving and losing the peace in the own life, in society, in history
                                                               and in the present. The result of the event is this stimulating reader. In entirely differ-
                                                               ent approaches, it shows how crucial the search for peace is for each and every individ-
                                                               ual – and how little it is seen as self-evident and existential.

                     Jürgen Erbacher                       Annette Schavan                       Jürgen Moltmann /                    Heribert Schlensok
                     Thinking Further                      The God Who Renews                    Eckart Löhr                          Home will Become More
                     ISBN: 978-3-8436-1038-4               ISBN: 978-3-8436-1053-7               Hope for an Incomplete               When we Share it
                     Patmos                                Patmos                                World                                ISBN: 978-3-8436-0955-5
                     Pope Francis cultivates not only      As a believing Christian, the au-     ISBN: 978-3-8436-0755-1              Patmos
                     a new style of executing his offi-    thor Annette Schavan brings the       Patmos                               This book tells the story of Mar-
                     cial duties, but also sets unaccus-   Bible and the present into a con-     Moltmann is known as the polit-      wah from Iraq, of Hazzaa from
                     tomed focal points. Jürgen Er-        versation with each other. In key     ical theological with social and     Syria, of Friedel who repairs old
                     bacher takes stock of what has        texts of the Old and the New          religious relevance. This book       bikes and of the elderly woman
                     been achieved. He shows why           Testament, she discovers models       reflects on his eventful theologi-   who screw up her courage to
                     Francis is a profoundly political     for dealing with the questions        cal and political life.              bring the foreign new neighbors
                     pope, even though he “only” im-       that life continues to ask.           Sold: Spanish, Complex Chinese       home-baked cake.
                     plements what Jesus asks.             Sold: Italian

                     Peter Balleis SJ                      Paul M. Zulehner                      Paul M. Zulehner                     Hubertus Halbfas
                     Human Longing                         Set Aside Your Fear!                  From Law to Love                     Loss of Faith
                     ISBN: 978-3-8436-0878-7               ISBN: 978-3-8436-0760-5               ISBN: 978-3-8436-0860-2              ISBN: 978-3-8436-0100-9
                     Patmos                                Patmos                                Patmos                               Patmos
                     The temptations of power are          For months, refugees have been        The document Amoris laetitia         The crisis in the church(es) is a
                     mainsprings of violence and           coming to us in huge numbers:         has been greatly underrated in       tangible crisis of faith. Doctrine,
                     wars. Even Jesus was confronted       women, men, young children.           its reception. Experienced pasto-    or the teaching of faith, has
                     with them. Looking to his exam-       That generates emotions that          ral theologian Zulehner outlines     largely deteriorated into empty
                     ple shows how we can cope with        run in very different directions.     its pioneering significance.         dogma. If the church does not
                     the temptation of power in a          The author explores the origins       What is needed are experienced       manage to fill this emptiness
                     spiritual and constructive way.       of fears in the populace as well as   pastoral workers open to new         with new life, the future of the
                                                           possible ways to overcome them.       ways, who not just apply the law.    church will be bleak.
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