IN THIS EDITION Christmas Reflections Prayer Giving time Room at the inn Safeguarding lessons Back to the bush Deadly 60's Steve Backshall ...

Page created by Sandra Hernandez
IN THIS EDITION Christmas Reflections Prayer Giving time Room at the inn Safeguarding lessons Back to the bush Deadly 60's Steve Backshall ...

                       IN THIS EDITION
                             Giving time
                             Room at the inn
                       Safeguarding lessons
                       Back to the bush
                       Deadly 60’s Steve Backshall
IN THIS EDITION Christmas Reflections Prayer Giving time Room at the inn Safeguarding lessons Back to the bush Deadly 60's Steve Backshall ...
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
    and the Word was God.
    He was with God in the beginning.
    Through him all things were made;
    without him nothing was made that has been made.
    In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.
    The light shines in the darkness,
    and the darkness has not overcome it.
    John 1 1 - 5

IN THIS EDITION Christmas Reflections Prayer Giving time Room at the inn Safeguarding lessons Back to the bush Deadly 60's Steve Backshall ...
EDITOR'S NOTE                                                             4

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR                                                     5

BISHOP'S NOTE                                                             6
OUR RICH LITURGICAL HERITAGE                                              7
ROAD TO RETIREMENT                                                        8
HEART RESOLUTION                                                          9
NO SNOW?                                                                 10
ROOM AT THE INN                                                          11
VOLUNTEER TO BRING CHRISTMAS JOY                                         12

A SAFER CHURCH FOR ALL                                                   13

BACK TO THE BUSH VETERANS’ REUNION                                       14

BRUCE ROCK SERMON                                                        16

INSPIRED BY NATURE                                                       17

MOVIE REVIEWS                                                            20

THEATRE COLUMN                                                           23

BOOK REVIEWS                                                             24

NOR’WEST POSTCARD                                                        27

GOLDFIELDS GOD-TALK – GREY GUMS                                          28

THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING NOTICED                                          29


    RETELLING THE STORY                                                  30

    UNIVERSITY SUCCESS                                                   31

CATHEDRAL TAKES CENTRE STAGE                                             32

THE WORD BECAME FLESH                                                    33

TALL TALES AND TRUE                                                      34

CROSSWORD                                                                35

CLERGY NEWS AND PURPLE PATCH                                             37

CLASSIFIEDS                                                              39

1    To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
2    To teach, baptise and nurture new believers
3    To respond to human need by loving service
4    To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence
     of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation
5    To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and
     renew the life of the earth

IN THIS EDITION Christmas Reflections Prayer Giving time Room at the inn Safeguarding lessons Back to the bush Deadly 60's Steve Backshall ...

                                 Lou Hendricks | Editor

                Despite a little German blood in          the table, which was also a no         costs us nothing but can be
                our ancestry, we hadn’t until last        fuss effort. All three courses         priceless. Thank you for all the
                year celebrated Christmas in the          were simple and sufficient and         feedback on the Messenger
                European tradition on Christmas           we were thankful and relieved          recently, it’s heartening to hear
                Eve. Knowing that Christmas               to have eliminated the usual           from our readers, in particular
                can be an overwhelming and                pressures of Christmas meals.          about the stories we’ve shared.
                stressful time, last year we did          We did not have any leftovers or       If you haven’t made a comment
                just that, and shared Christmas           waste and spent only a modest          or suggestion yet, please do. On
                dinner on the evening of 24               amount on our celebration. This        behalf of the Messenger team
                December. As a keen baker,                made our time together as a            (our graphic designer, Sarah
                cake decorator and cook                   family all the more precious           Stirling and me) I wish you all
                (peppered with moments of                 (and fun) and as we said grace         a serene and joyous festive
                buying ‘ready’ meals associated           we thought of those who were           season. Share what you can
                with being time challenged) I             not as fortunate, spending the         with those around you and do
                decided to push the German                season alone, sad, cold, hungry,       it with love and no expectations,
                theme to the limit, relying on            sick or depressed. We promised         like my dear old Adelaide
                a certain German supermarket              to register to volunteer at a          neighbour Mr Reed did all of his
                to take care of the menu. My              community Christmas lunch this         life. We will toast him and our
                goal was to cut time spent in the         year, which we have done and           dear departed on Christmas and
                kitchen, increase family time but         are very much looking forward          Boxing Day and give thanks for
                more importantly minimise the             to. The value of making even a         their lives. Our first 2018 edition
                usual pressures of the occasion.          small difference to someone            will be in March, featuring the 10
                Everything was prepared by a              else’s life can be profound and        February installation of the new
                cook other than me and the only           I urge you not to forget how           Archbishop. No doubt many
                effort expended was heating               important reaching out to others       of our readers will be looking
                up the oven, opening some                 is. Even a moment smiling at,          forward to that momentous
                packaging or the fridge. I looked         or talking briefly as you make         event at St George’s Cathedral.
                at it as a gift to my family. We          your way to work or study, might       May peace be with you and your
                spent the time that I would have          be the highlight of someone’s          loved ones.
                used on preparing and cooking,            day and perhaps the only social
                singing carols and decorating             interaction they have. Kindness

                Graphic design Sarah Stirling             The opinions expressed in the          The Messenger is a part of ARPA
                Printing Vanguard Press                   magazine do not necessarily reflect    (the Australasian Religious Press
                                                          those of the editor, or the Anglican   Association)
                                                          Diocese of Perth.
                10th of every month prior to
                                                          The Messenger welcomes
                publication.                                                                     Permission needs to be sought
                                                          contributions for consideration,
                                                                                                 from parents/ guardians/ carers for
                 especially where these show
                                                                                                 photographs with children.
                                                          parishes and church organisations
                                                          at mission. Publication can’t be       Digital photos should be a high
                Acceptance of advertisements              guaranteed.                            resolution 300 DPI jpeg or tif.
                does not mean endorsement.
                                                          This publication is printed using      When submitting an article or image
                Articles must be under 400 words
                                                          vegetable inks, is ECF (Elemental      it is the author’s responsibility to
                and are subject to being edited for
                                                          Chlorine Free) and has ISO approval    ensure that they do not breach
                content and length without notice.
                                                          for international environmental        copyright laws.
IN THIS EDITION Christmas Reflections Prayer Giving time Room at the inn Safeguarding lessons Back to the bush Deadly 60's Steve Backshall ...

Dear editor                         Dear editor
I think the article (November       As a first-timer to synod,         The Messenger welcomes letters
Messenger) on the Desmond           and only there because I           to the editor for consideration.
Tutu award is a wonderful           was at the end of a queue of       Publication can't be guaranteed.
initiative. I have an interest in   representatives and alternatives
                                                                       Anglican Messenger
cultural matters and as a ship      who couldn’t attend, I was
                                                                       GPO Box W2067
visitor with the Flying Angel       pleasantly surprised at the
                                                                       Perth WA 6846
Club, I am seeing matters           welcome and acceptance I
relating to social justice every    received throughout, and the
day. Hopefully, this focus will     different processes which occur
make many of us aware of the        over the synod weekend.
work that people in the diocese
                                    I was impressed by the
are involved in helping others.
                                    assurance and self-confidence
Michael Kitafuna                    of speakers and the way
Flying Angel Club                   in which the whole synod
Multicultural Ministry              seemed to come together,
Commission member                   and this feeling was captured
                                    well in the comments printed
                                    in November’s Messenger.
Congratulations to the team         Whilst it is unlikely all those
on such a wonderful issue           key people in my parish will be
of AM. I love the new style         absent again at the timing of
and what a bumper issue is          next year’s synod, I was glad
the November edition! Much          that I had the opportunity to
appreciated and thank you all.      have that experience.

Every blessing                      Rosemary Clifford
Helen Krynen                        Fremantle parish
Carine/ Duncraig

IN THIS EDITION Christmas Reflections Prayer Giving time Room at the inn Safeguarding lessons Back to the bush Deadly 60's Steve Backshall ...

                                GOD IS DOING A NEW THING

                                The Right Reverend Kate Wilmot | Administrator | Diocese of Perth

                We sometimes forget that the         old or broken but life brought         as something for children or as
                Gospel of Luke begins not with       forth when it seems there can          a remembrance of old stories
                the beloved nativity images          be no life, just as the church         but as a celebration of new
                we associate with Christmas -        believes that God created the          life in Christ. As we share this
                shepherds, angels and a new          world ‘ex nihilo’ – from nothing.      celebration of Jesus, who is God
                born baby in a manger, but           With Luke’s birth narrative we         with us, may you be full of the
                with the story of Elizabeth and      are put on notice. God creates         knowledge of the new things
                Zechariah, the parents of John       and goes on creating and in            that God has made possible in
                the Baptist. When we read of         Jesus (who is God with us), a          the last year. May you take hold
                this faithful couple, living out     new relationship between God           of the hope of being created
                their old age childless, we see      and human beings has come to           anew in Christ.
                a close similarity to Hannah and     pass. It is as though the world
                Elkanah, the parents of Samuel       has been made anew.                    + Kate
                whose story is described in
                                                     As in scripture, so in what we
                the first book of Samuel. The
                                                     see around us. Even as we
                Hebrew scriptures contain a                                                   God Most High,
                                                     consider what is broken, old,
                number of references to people
                                                     worn out or barren in the church         whose eternal Word
                who conceive as a result of
                                                     and in the world, still God’s            chose a dwelling
                God’s intervention, even though
                                                     intricate creativity is alive and at
                they thought they would have                                                  among us,
                                                     work. With the coming of Jesus,
                no children, beginning with
                                                     a new era began in the journey           that we might live in
                Abraham and Sarah, extending
                                                     of God with God’s people and
                into the next generation with                                                 your presence:
                                                     the Christ we proclaim continues
                Isaac and Rebekah and into the
                                                     to be revealed to people of              grant us a spirit of
                next with Jacob and Rachel.
                                                     different ages, backgrounds
                The story of Elizabeth and           and ethnicities. I see this most
                Zechariah, has a shape that          clearly as people come forward,          to know how rich is
                feels familiar to us from earlier    week by week, for baptism and
                                                                                              the glory you have
                books of the Bible, but this         confirmation. Candidates say
                narrative forms a ‘bridge’           ‘I’ve found something and my
                                                                                              given us,
                between something well               life is full of new energy and
                                                                                              and how great is
                known (an elderly or barren          purpose.’
                                                                                              the hope to which
                couple conceiving as a result
                                                     Christmas is about more than             we are called in the
                of prayer) and a new thing,
                                                     giving the same old stories              Word made flesh;
                Mary conceiving by the Holy
                                                     another spin. Instead it is about
                Spirit even though she has no
                                                     rejoicing in all the new things          who lives and reigns
                husband. We are supposed to
                                                     that God has brought to life, in         with you in the unity
                understand that with Mary, God
                                                     the church and in the world.
                has done a new thing. This is                                                 of the Holy Spirit,
                                                     There will be people who
                not an act of creation from a
                                                     celebrate Christmas afresh this
                                                                                              one God for ever
                place that is barren, worn out,
                                                     year not as a family occasion, or        and ever. Amen.

IN THIS EDITION Christmas Reflections Prayer Giving time Room at the inn Safeguarding lessons Back to the bush Deadly 60's Steve Backshall ...

                  The Right Reverend Dr Peter Brain

The words we say together each        we must share with those who          righteous; and he is the perfect
Sunday, ‘He will come again in        refuse to recognise their rebellion   offering for our sins’ reminds
glory to judge the living and the     and perilous condition. Salvation     us that we will not stand alone
dead, and his kingdom will have       is not automatic. Jesus must be       and helpless at the judgement
no end’ serve to lift our thoughts    received if we are to be saved,       if we stand with him now. We
and hearts from earth to Heaven,      as affirmed in the Christmas Day      will want to live for him who
from the present to the future        gospel ‘but to all who received       has been so gracious to us.
and from the transient to the         him, who believed in his name,        We will make it our personal
eternal. This intentional refocus     he gave power to become               and corporate desire not to
is a gift that delivers us from       children of God’ (John 1:12).         deny him. We will do all in
the folly of living for the present                                         our power to live for him as
                                      The reminder that our reigning
whilst giving real meaning to all                                           individuals and members of his
                                      Lord will come again gives us
we do. The present is important                                             church so as to make our local
                                      confidence that all we do in his
but far too important to sap our                                            churches winsome reflections
                                      name, in his way, has an eternal
energies and to set our hopes                                               of that great heavenly assembly
                                      purpose. This wonderful truth
upon. It has often been remarked                                            which will be ‘the kingdom that
                                      means that we have a reason
that, in Australia life is so good                                          will have no end’.
                                      to get up every day and that it is
why would we even want to
                                      worth living for the Lord Jesus       The reality of our Lord’s return
think about the future?
                                      no matter the cost, come what         as judge assures us that we are
The Creed comes to our rescue         may. We will not cave into the        important. We are accountable
reminding us that we are all          world’s values or agendas since       because our lives have been
under God’s judgement. This           they are under the scrutiny of        given by God to be lived for
real reality is emphasised by         our living and loving Lord. What      him. Eternity gives our transient
the frankness of our general          is done for him will be honoured      pursuits meaning. Dorothy
confession ‘we have sinned            and contribute to eternity,           Sayers put it succinctly ‘it is
against you in thought, word and      whereas a life lived without          precisely because of the eternity
deed and the grace-filled words       him, for our own purposes, will       outside time that everything
looking for his coming again, we      suffer eternal and irreparable        in time becomes valuable,
celebrate, with this bread and        loss. The impartial judgement         important and meaningful.
this cup, his one perfect and         of God assures us that every          Therefore, Christianity… makes
sufficient sacrifice for the sins     thought, word and deed will           it of urgent importance that
of the whole world’. What a great     be properly dealt with at the         everything we do here should
joy these realities are. A world      judgement. The outcome of this        be rightly related to what we
under judgement that can look to      sobering. This Christ centred         eternally are’. Our acclamation
the Saviour for relief. That Christ   reality is very practical. It means   ‘Christ has died. Christ is risen.
Jesus has borne the full weight       that we will want to be found         Christ will come again’ reminds
of God’s judgement is the good        in Christ, for without him we         us that only lives lived for our
news we share with those who          would have nowhere to stand           Lord, count for and contribute
come burdened with the guilt          at the judgement. The words           to ‘that kingdom that will have
of their rebellion. The coming        of assurance from 1 John 2:1-         no end’. Riches indeed.
judgement is the cutting edge         2: ‘we have an advocate with
of our message and the words          the Father, Jesus Christ the          + Peter
IN THIS EDITION Christmas Reflections Prayer Giving time Room at the inn Safeguarding lessons Back to the bush Deadly 60's Steve Backshall ...

Lou Hendricks | Editor

With retirement on the horizon       the entire diocese, with a           might look like) and conducted
for The Right Reverend Allan         commitment to the ministry of        a communion and baptism in a
Ewing, Bishop of Bunbury, this       every member of every ministry.      church that was so small we
edition of the Messenger is          I also hope it affirms that          had to carry the font outside
the last he will be contributing     humour is an essential aspect        so that everyone could share
to. The Messenger, on behalf         of our life of faith.”               the event.”
of readers, wishes to extend
                                     What’s among your proudest           What will you focus on now in
its gratitude to the bishop for
                                     achievements in ministry and         retirement – what will keep the
his valuable contributions over
                                     life in general?                     body, mind and spirit active?
the years. Bishop Ewing is the
ninth Bishop of Bunbury. He was      “I hope that I have lived in the     “I hope that I shall have more
elected in 2010 and has led the      diocese as one who serves            time to give to family and
development of the diocesan          rather than one who expected         friends and wish to continue to
mission to be ‘a diocesan family,    to be served. I am deeply            offer a ministry of counsel and
growing into the likeness of         pleased that we as a people          encouragement to clergy and
Jesus, all owning the ministry       have been able to respond to         other individuals. I shall also try
of Christ.’ He has actively          the abuse within our church with     to develop my creative skills in
encouraged the expansion of          profound apology and a humble        writing.”
the commitment to life-long          commitment to a changed life.”
learning through the Bishop’s        How do you feel you’ve changed
Courses of Ministry for lay          or affected parishioners’ lives in
people and an annual five week       your time?
shared focus on Christian life for
                                     “The core of a bishop’s role is to
everyone within the diocese,
                                     know the people of the diocese,
called ‘Growing Together’. The
                                     and to be known by the people
Messenger takes a look at what
                                     of the diocese. I have been
has shaped his time as Bishop of
                                     challenged and changed by the
Bunbury and what he’s looking
                                     love I have experienced here and
forward to in retirement.
                                     I hope that the same is true for
How have you grown?                  those in every ministry of our
“The life of the Diocese of          church.”
Bunbury has been part of my          Can you share a funny or
life every day for the past eight    entertaining highlight of your
years. I have grown through the      life and ministry?                   Bishop Allan Ewing and wife Tricia
encouragement and support of                                              Photographer Neville Peterkin
                                     “As a person who grew up in a
so many as we have faced great
                                     suburban housing commission
challenges together.”
                                     estate I have great delight in all
What legacy do you feel you          I have learned from the people
leave?                               of the rural community. The
“I’m not sure that I’m the one       revealed mysteries of animal
to suggest what the legacy of        husbandry have been fascinating
my episcopacy will be. I hope        and I shall always treasure the
that it might include sustaining     day I blessed an air seeder
a mutual ministry shared by          (having no idea of what one

IN THIS EDITION Christmas Reflections Prayer Giving time Room at the inn Safeguarding lessons Back to the bush Deadly 60's Steve Backshall ...

The Right Reverend Bishop Allan Ewing | Bishop of Bunbury

One of the many aspects of life         to a need for book learning,         To learn is to look and listen with
in the Anglican church which I          although I know of many              expectation and excitement.
celebrate is that our New Year          who find their vows to never         A resolution concerned with
begins four Sundays before              undertake another course or          learning can draw each of us
Christmas Day. I like the idea          write another assignment are         close to God and to the human
that we can get in early with           broken on a regular basis. But       beings with whom we share our
our own New Year resolutions.           there cannot be an end to            lives. Giving is an expression
The best resolutions are those          human learning. Not one of us        of love. Without love there
which engage with the heart of          should ever imagine that we          can be no giving and without
what it is to be a human being.         now know all that there is to        giving there can be no love. The
Resolutions which attempt               know. The wonder of creation         opposite of giving is selfish self-
to deal with habits that we                                                  absorption, an inability to engage
simultaneously resent and enjoy                                              with anything beyond oneself.
(eating chocolate, perhaps)                                                  This is a sterile and loveless
are unlikely to last beyond the                                              life. Giving is always more than
expected four day life span of                                               the presents or money, at their
a conventional first of January                                              best these can only be tokens
resolution. But a church New                                                 of something deeper. More
Year resolution does not need                                                important are the gifts of time
to worry about habit, instead                                                and self. To share time with
they should attend to the heart.                                             others and to engage in caring
Three areas are particularly                                                 relationship are gifts that cannot
important for us as human                                                    be purchased or sold.
beings in relationship with the                                              A resolution concerned with
living God, relationships, learning                                          giving should be one that
and giving. In each of these                                                 demands something of the
aspects of life there is always                                              giver beyond finance. The
challenge and blessing. When                                                 act of giving should be one
asked, Jesus suggested that                                                  that changes permanently the
there were two pre-eminent                                                   one who gives. These three,
commandments. Love God and                                                   loving, learning and giving, are
love your neighbour. Love is the                                             the places where we should
essential nature of God, and it                                              go when thinking of new year
should be the essential nature                                               resolutions. Being profound
of all people, after all, we are                                             aspects of what it is to be made
made in the image of God. So                                                 in the image of God, these are
why can it be so hard to love,                                               the places of challenge that can
or even accept, those who are                                                bring each of us closer to God
different from ourselves? Why           offers daily insights that we have   and closer to our neighbour.
can it be so hard to love some          never engaged with previously.       May you have a wonderful New
of those with whom we share             Simple realities such as our own     Year. Go forward, strong in faith
our life? A resolution to love          aging mean that mean that even       and in the power of God’s Holy
more must have a specific focus         within the routines of life we       Spirit.
and a way of knowing whether            face new challenges. As one
that commitment is making a             older person explained to the
difference. Above all, and as far       carers in a nursing home ‘you        + Allan
as we are able, let our lives be        have to understand that you
a reflection of the love of God         know more about being eighty
for all of creation.                    than we do, for we have never
                                        done this before.’
There is most certainly an end

IN THIS EDITION Christmas Reflections Prayer Giving time Room at the inn Safeguarding lessons Back to the bush Deadly 60's Steve Backshall ...

                 The Reverend Alison Gilchrist | Mission and Evangelism Enabler

Travelling back more than three         channels informed me that                 and so we have developed
hours from rural WA on a fairly         temperatures in Bethlehem in              Veranda Ventures, Beedawong
hot Saturday afternoon recently,        winter range from an average of           Business, a genuinely contextual
I decided to take the time to           7° in January to 25° in November          Western Australian approach.
consider all things Christmas           and that April, January and
                                                                                  Authenticity is also a desire
because, of course, it’s looming.       December are the months when
                                                                                  of most in our younger
Like all who prepare seasonal           it is most likely to rain. No snow?
                                                                                  generations. In a recent
services and activities, including      A number of sites covered the
                                                                                  article I read this ‘…we have
the possibility of engagement           controversy of frosty nights
                                                                                  learned that young people‘s
with those who don’t usually            and the life of Middle Eastern
                                                                                  departure from the church is
frequent church, finding a way          sheep, in debating the correct
                                                                                  not necessarily a departure
to say something engaging and           date for the Saviour’s birth. One
                                                                                  from faith or spirituality. They
insightful can be somewhat of           meteorologist, keen to ensure
                                                                                  long for connection with God,
a challenge. Where to begin?            the correct information was
                                                                                  they by and large like Jesus and
My mind went to my Facebook             available, reminded readers
                                                                                  want to live like him and they
feed where already a number             that you can still see shepherds
                                                                                  desperately seeking an authentic
of memes told me it was less            outside at night around
                                                                                  expression of faith that looks
than 60 days until Christmas.           Christmas in Bethlehem, and
                                                                                  more like the early church than
All those posts pictured chubby         that they are in short sleeves.
                                                                                  do the offerings of contemporary
pink-cheeked Santas, red-nosed          He also added that there was no
                                                                                  church.’ Consolation for the
Rudolfs, twinkling fir trees and        real surety that the shepherds
                                                                                  topic of this article came as I
lots and lots of snow. There            in the biblical narrative were
                                                                                  described Posada to someone
was even a snow globe nativity          Jewish, they could have been
                                                                                  in a parish. As the concept was
scene. As I surveyed the dusty          Bedouins, who were nomads
                                                                                  heard, instantly possibilities
red countryside, I felt a real          and didn’t (and still don’t) corral
                                                                                  to connect ‘the nativity story
disconnect, a dissonance in             sheep, even in winter. Again, no
                                                                                  authentically into the tinsel and
my soul as I recalled travelling        snow!
                                                                                  trappings of consumer madness’
across the Israeli countryside
                                        Continuing through my search              were made and evangelism
on my way to visit Bethlehem.
                                        results I read, on a site offering        didn’t seem so daunting after
Just how different the social
                                        ‘authentic’ festive decorations           all. People can and do, go to
media visuals were to the
                                        ‘given Christmas falls in the             lots of places to get Christmas
panoramas of that particular
                                        Australian summer, it can be              cheer. When they choose
journey, and how my northern
                                        fun to play around with beachy            church during the Christmas
hemisphere upbringing, with its
                                        themes.’ This time sand instead           season it’s not because they
winter wonderland scenes, was
                                        of snow! So, why writing on               want to see more of what they
at odds with the setting of the
                                        a page where mission and                  can get elsewhere. They’re
first nativity and my current WA
                                        evangelism is the key theme,              coming because they want to
                                        should I raise this? Here are             hear about Jesus and hear that
Unable, of course, to Google            two of many reasons: In the               as ‘authentically’ as possible.
while driving, I decided that           past year I have been challenged
as soon as I get home I’d               to help us contextualise our
investigate what the weather            missional approach in a more
would have been like around             authentically Australian manner.
Bethlehem as Jesus arrived              As many will know such
among us. The weather                   resources are scant nationally

                  Ian Carter AM | CEO | Anglicare WA

The great story of the heart of the Christmas          More importantly, our          they seek help. However
tradition is not just the birth of Christ, but         counsellors work together      those who reach out to
also the circumstances how this came to be.            on long term solutions for     Anglicare WA are given
Mary and Joseph were far from home, had                those experiencing family      every assistance. Our
little money, few possessions and relied on            and domestic violence,         Young Hearts counselling
the help and support of strangers. They had            making sure they               service, as an example, is
travelled a long way only to find that despite         receive the necessary          dedicated to supporting
Mary being heavy with child, there was no              services from the police,      children affected by
safe, clean, warm or suitable accommodation            courts, Centrelink and         family and domestic
for them at this life changing moment. Despite         those depar tments             violence and demand for
this adversity and disruption to their lives, with     which can assist with          this service is increasing.
help from strangers, they were able to make            housing, schooling and         We do our part in living
do with their situation as best they could.            other essential services.      out Christ’s agenda – to
In the process they gave the world Jesus               Anglicare WA helps             bring wholeness and
and his message of hope which has echoed               thousands of domestic          healing where there is
through the ages.                                      violence victims every         injury and disruption. At
                                                       year. Western Australia’s      Anglicare WA, there is
Part of the Christmas story then, is the moral
                                                       rates of domestic violence     always ‘room at the inn.’
obligation we all have to help those in need and
                                                       are rising. Last year WA
the benefit to all of us that comes from helping                                      To donate to our
                                                       Police were called to
people and families reach their full potential.                                       Chris tmas    A ppeal
                                                       15,000 incidents. Many
No person or family should be left behind and                                         call 9263 2091 or visit
                                                       cases go unreported
all of us can make wonderful contributions to                               
                                                       as victims and families
society if we are given the opportunity and                                           donate
                                                       are fearful of reprisals if
the resources we need to be the best we
can be. This is the underlying ethos which
underpins all the work we do at Anglicare WA
through our outreach and service delivery.                Compassion lives on.
The ‘disruption over Christmas’ is a situation
known to us only too well and the festive
season experienced by many families is not
enjoyed by all. While many of us look forward
to time with family and friends, for others it
is a period of heightened stress, anxiety and
disconnection. Sadly, it’s a time of year when
Anglicare WA sees an increase in family and
domestic violence, putting pressure on our
resources and capacity to respond. Yet we do
everything we can to ensure that the victims,
young and old, are safe, and as far as possible
we ensure that their Christmas is as normal              Reach out your hand to future generations by
as can be with goodwill, joy, friendship and             leaving a gift to Anglicare WA in your will.
support.                                                 T 08 9263 2091 E


                                      VOLUNTEER TO BRING
                                      CHRISTMAS JOY
                                      Stephanie Buckland | CEO | Amana Living

               Christmas is just around                still be a lonely time for
               the corner and it is a                  some. Aged Care Minister
               joyous time for many                    Ken Wyatt recently said
               people, a chance to catch               many aged care residents
               up with family and friends              don’t receive any visitors
               and to reflect on the year.             and sadly it’s true. We’re
               At Amana Living, our                    very conscious of social
               teams put a lot of effort               isolation and we have an
               into making the festive                 enrichment programme
               season special for our                  in place to ensure all our
               clients and residents.                  residents and clients enjoy
               They create a packed                    meaningful interactions           positive relationships and rewarding connections
               social calendar full of fun             and relationships. Our            with the Amana Living community.
               and lively entertainment,               volunteers play a critical        We’re always looking for volunteers who
               with lots of opportunities              role in this programme.           can help our staff. There’s a range of roles
               to enjoy good company                   They make a real                  available including help to deliver the activities
               as well as great food.                  difference to our residents       programmes, providing social support by
               However Christmas can                   and clients, enjoying             popping in to enjoy a cuppa and a friendly chat,
                                                                                         or supporting clients and residents to get the
                                                                                         most out of the outings we plan. We’ve also
                                                                                         introduced new programmes where volunteers
                                                                                         can help to deliver our Tune into Life music
                                                                                         programme for people with dementia, or teach
                                                                                         clients and residents how to use technology
                                   Amana Living Incorporated                             to surf the net, connect on social media and
                                   Subiaco, Western Australia                            be entertained.
                      Amana Living, the principal aged care agency of the Anglican       The opportunities can be adapted to suit your
                    Diocese of Perth, invites applications from suitably qualified and   interests and availability, so why not consider
                               experienced candidates for the position of:               volunteering at Amana Living if you’re thinking
                                         SENIOR CHAPLAIN                                 of how you can give back to your community
                                                                                         this Christmas. As well as enriching the lives
                    Amana Living is one of Western Australia's largest not-for-profit
                                                                                         of others, you’ll enjoy the physical and mental
                    providers of care, accommodation and support for older people
                           and has been serving the community since 1962.                health benefits. People who volunteer make
                                                                                         new friends, are more connected to their
                Reporting to the Chief Executive Officer, the Senior Chaplain is the
                                                                                         community and feel better about themselves.
                 most senior clergy person within Amana Living and the leader of
                  the Chaplaincy Team which delivers pastoral care services to           Volunteering can ward off depression and it
                Amana Living clients and their families, employees and volunteers.       has been proven to be good for your heart!
                Position description and process for application are available via       If you’d like to get involved in volunteering at
                                Amana Living, get in touch with our friendly
                      Please direct queries to Kristy McKay on (08) 9424 6301 or         Volunteer Services Coordinator who can
                                                     talk you through the roles available. Email
                                                                                or call
                             Applications are to be received no later than
                             Wednesday, 10 January 2017 at 5pm AWST.
                                                                                         9424 6335 to start your volunteering journey

Lou Hendricks | Editor

“Mandatory training crosses the whole              training seriously. It is ambitious,” Bishop Hancock said.
                                                   Advisor Graham Tilby says promoting safeguarding is
church. It’s been painful for dioceses but
                                                   everyone’s business and relies on integrity and respect,
we deliberately want to raise the bar.”            and a culture of openness, and challenging poor practice.
Graham Tilby, National Safeguarding                “This requires transparency and scrutiny. We shouldn’t
                                                   be on the back foot, we shouldn’t be behind, we should
Advisor, Church of England.
                                                   be leading the way, we should be pioneering and leading
As the Church of England moves to fully            the way”. He said safeguarding initiatives need to be
implement strict new processes to ensure           properly resourced and the training is mostly face to
the safety of children and vulnerable adults,      face, with an element of online learning. “Professional
there is a lot to be learned from the past. High   standards units can’t do this on their own. It’s up to the
profile cases of abuse in the United Kingdom       diocesan secretaries and registrars to work together. We
highlight the need for all organisations,          need a national approach. The reality is if you don’t deal
religious or secular, to ensure their staff are    with the legacy of the past we’re never going to move
thoroughly trained in recognising signs of         people on.” The NST’s mission statement is ‘a national
abuse as well as knowing how to respond            professional safeguarding service working collaboratively
to victims. The 79th Bishop of Bath and            to promote a safer church for all’. So far 40 out of 42
Wells, The Right Reverend Peter Hancock and        Church of England dioceses are actively involved in the
the church’s National Safeguarding Advisor         safeguarding programme with further measures set to
Graham Tilby recently shared the Church of         be implemented.
England’s learnings on commissioning and
delivering independent safeguarding audits
of all dioceses in England, with registrars at
                                                      Professional Standards Unit
the National Anglican Registrars’ Conference
hosted by the Anglican Diocese of Perth.              The Professional Standards Unit has a
The National Safeguarding Team (NST) is
                                                      multifaceted approach and is responsible for
responsible for promoting a safer culture             • Responding to complaints of child sexual
across the church, providing expert                     abuse and sexual misconduct
guidance, advice and support to dioceses,
                                                      • Safe Ministry Training
cathedrals and church bodies and developing
and implementing a national survivors'                • Screenings
engagement and support network. It is                 • Management of known sex offenders
also tasked with developing a consistent                in parishes
approach to the support and oversight of
                                                      • Managing the grievance process as
offenders and those who may pose a risk
within dioceses and other church bodies, as             outlined in Policy 55
well as doing case work on complex cases
and those involving high profile individuals.
The Right Reverend Peter Hancock said the
                                                          I   f you wish to make a disclosure of
                                                             child sexual abuse or sexual miscon
                                                          or have questions or concerns rega
NST introduced a diocesan self assessment                                                     rding any
                                                         aspects of safe ministry, please con
programme, independent safeguarding audits,                                                   tact the
                                                         Director of Professional Standards
overviews and safeguarding progress reviews.                                                 on 9425 7203
“We employed a training officer and in a year
have trained about 1,000 people. We’ve got
22,000 people and we want to train every    
single person in our church. We take our
Peace Window


Lou Hendricks | Editor

Doug Moles has a touch of the        the occasion. Veterans and their   and think geez, we’re lucky
Aussie larrikin about him but        families come in caravans, utes,   (to be alive). I had a bullet that
beneath his jovial nature are        and cars, camping on the oval      missed my head by four inches,
memories that he and other           and at the caravan park. “We       I dug so deep in the ground I
Vietnam veterans can’t erase.        get together at the Bruce Rock     thought I was a rabbit! I could
When we speak of his time            District Club, have a chat and     feel the leaves dropping on my
as a ‘forward scout’ and jack        drinks and roll home at about      head."
of all trades in Vietnam, where      midnight,” Mr Moles said.
                                                                        "A lot of laughter’s gone out of
he went as a 20 year old, the
                                     Doug Moles was a national          people’s lives and it’s getting
now 72 year old Bruce Rock
                                     serviceman, who still suffers      a bit too serious. It’s good to
resident quickly returns the
                                     from the psychological effects     see everyone laughing here,”
conversation to talk about the
                                     of the war. “The camaraderie       Mr O’Neill said. About 22 of the
Back to the Bush Veterans’
                                     we share now brings a lot of       group meet a few times a year in
Reunion, an annual get together
                                     value to our country,” he said     Perth for a platoon dinner which
that started as just Vietnam vets,
                                     before passing the phone to        includes a Christmas gathering
but in recent years has grown
                                     his good mate ‘Blue’, 70 year      for their veteran ‘family’.
to include all service personnel.
                                     old red-headed Bruce Rock
Even though many are feeling                                            On Saturday morning 4
                                     local Dennis O’Neill, a Vietnam
the ravages of time, the reunion                                        November the main street
                                     machine gunner who was part
week (30 October – 7 November                                           fills with market stalls and the
                                     of the reinforcement unit. “I
2017) in the Wheatbelt town of                                          Kelmscott/Pinjarra 10th Light
                                     have 11 of the guys I went
Bruce Rock continues to draw                                            Horse group brings its mobile
                                     away with to Vietnam staying
a crowd of about 2,000 each                                             museum, while kids take turns
                                     at my place, and it brings back
year, with many younger folk                                            on the bouncy castle and at
                                     memories. We have big hugs
recognising the importance of                                           riding a pony. By 11am, the

Doug Moles and Dennis O'Neill

clock ticks over and it’s time          in front of the leadlight ‘Peace
for the big march from near the         Window’ which has been in             There's dust on mother's
cenotaph and council chambers           place since 2000, the first in an     Bible its pages are worn
to St Peter’s Anglican Church.          Australian church dedicated to        with age
Among the procession are                Vietnam veterans. Later Dennis
school students and loved ones          and Doug sing together as the
                                                                              And though it's old and
of departed service personnel,          duo ‘Doug and Blue’, Doug’s
                                                                              wrinkled mama's there on
all keeping step with the               fingers strumming the strings
                                                                              every page
veterans everyone has come to           of his guitar. They perform an        The night the angels called
tip their hats to. People squeeze       old Buck Owens song Dust on           her mama called me to her
into the church, and many more          Mother’s Bible.                       side
sit on chairs outside listening to                                            And she handed me her old
the service on a speaker. The                                                 Bible said son let this be
Reverend Karen Arnold has lived                                               your guide
in Bruce Rock for half a century
after initially only planning to stay                                         Now I picked up mama's
for a year as a young teacher.                                                old Bible and to my heart
She married a born-and-bred                                                   I pressed it tight
Bruce Rock farmer in 1969.                                                    And I thought I could hear
“He’s the reason I’m here. We                                                 her whisper ever so gently
have about 700 residents but we
                                                                              Son I'll meet you on the
have a very small congregation.
                                                                              other side
If we have 15 we have a crowd.
This reunion does my statistics                                               I kissed my mama's old
no end of good! The service                                                   Bible and I wiped away the
and march are emotional. This                                                 dust
is what Jesus’ message of love                                                Oh you'll never know until
is all about,”Reverend Arnold                                                 she's gone how you miss
said. During the service, The                                                 your mother's love
Reverend Alison Gilchrist speaks
about her first visit to Bruce
Rock seven years ago (see page                                              Dust on Mother's Bible,
16). A candle is lit and placed                                             Buck Owens


Seven years ago, after hearing        kneeled beside him to see if he     byline Anon. The story told is
the distinct call of God to come      could do anything to help. As he    important, not the storyteller.’
to Western Australia, my family       did so into his hand was thrust     I think I kind of understand
and I flew across the world for       a well-worn New Testament,          where Jane is coming from with
an interview. During those 10         pulled from inside the dying        this and that it might apply to
days we were brought out to           young man’s uniform jacket.         other forms of literature – it’s
Bruce Rock to join you and to         With the last of his breath he      not the case for this book – its
see one of the truly amazing          urged his caring comrade to         not the case for the Bible. This
things that happens in rural          go to the address on the scrap      book is also known by many as
Western Australia. We had             of paper he would find tucked       ‘a love letter from a Father to
a mind-expanding time and             inside the front cover, to take     his children’ and who wouldn’t
were absolutely captivated by         the Testament, and to thank         want to know the writer of a
the story of how this gathering       the lady who lived there. He        love letter we all know how
came about. In the intervening        asked his comrade to say these      frustrating unsigned Valentine
years we have travelled across        words ‘I don’t think I ever said    cards can be! It’s also known
the world and shared the story        thank you but I am sending this     to me and others as ‘the word
of our trip to Bruce Rock literally   Testament as a way of sending       that points us to the Living
hundreds of times in various          my thanks back to you, so you       Word,’ who of course is Jesus,
locations across the globe, and       will know that what you taught      God incarnate, of whom St John
I am still totally blown away by      me mattered, because of all you     records as saying ‘Whoever has
the initial story of those who        shared with me… and who you         seen me, has seen the Father.’
made it happen, and the ongoing       introduced me to… I am able to      The ongoing story we tell as
story I am again part of today.       die in peace today.’                Christians is about Jesus, the
Today I want to talk for a few        After the war was over the          Saviour, who gave his life for us.
moments about another ongoing         young soldier followed up on his    Together with other believers
story we are part of, one that we     promise and found himself at the    we live for him and share his
find in the pages of the Bible.       front door of a small cottage in    love with others.
Although the cannon of scripture      a small English village, one with   I only ever crossed to the other
is closed (Council of Trent of        about the same of population        side of the world once before
1546 for Roman Catholicism, the       Bruce Rock usually has. The         I came to Australia for that
Thirty-Nine Articles of 1563 for      elderly lady opened the door        interview. In late 1982 I found
the Church of England) the story      in response to his knock was        myself in green camouflage
goes on and millions of Christians    surprised to see a stranger on      uniform, in Port Stanley, in
around the world are testimony        her doorstep. After introduction    the Falkland Islands, as part
to that. We know St Luke wrote        she welcomed him to come in         of the logistical support of a
the The Acts of the Apostles –        and have some refreshment.          peacekeeping force sent to
the earliest story of what Jesus      Initially somewhat puzzled as he    stabilise the islands after the
followers got up to after he had      told his story, the elderly lady    short war there. That experience,
returned to heaven, and those of      was moved to tears, and then        like my trip to Bruce Rock seven
us who follow Jesus today are         to smiles, as she realised that     years ago, was unexpected but
the ongoing story begun by Peter,     her years of teaching Sunday        all part of God’s plan for me, as
John, Mary Magdalene, Joanna,         school, of sharing the stories      part of the writing of his ongoing
Paul and others.                      found in the pages of the Bible     story of the history of this world,
Very near the beginning of my         with children, had indeed made      in the lives of those who call
part of this ongoing story, not       a much more difference than         themselves Christians. Today as
long after I decided to follow        she could ever have imagined.       we gather to remember, to share
Jesus, I heard another part of        In an essay entitled Working        all that has been and dream of all
the ongoing story.                    Up to Anonymous, Jane Yolen         that is yet to be, we might take a
                                      suggests ‘The best writers,         moment or two to ponder what
During a very WW2 fierce
                                      are the ones who really, in their   sort of ongoing story we hope
battle a young soldier was shot
                                      heart of hearts, aspire to the      to allow God to write through
and fatally injured. A comrade
                                                                          our lives.

                                       Lou Hendricks | Editor

                                         greeting a new day. We discussed        almost to play with you. It’s
                                         his love for life, the joy of sharing   seeing things I’ve never seen
                                         his passions with others, his idol      before, seeing things that in
                                         Sir David Attenborough and what         some cases that nobody’s seen
                                         actually frightens him. You’d be        before, and moments like that
                                         surprised!                              when you’re exhausted and you
                                                                                 feel like you have nothing left in
                                         Are there moments in your
                                                                                 your body all of a sudden they
                                         adventures that you just stop
Waking up on a houseboat                                                         give you the extra little jolt of
                                         and think geez, I’ve got to
bathed in warm morning sun                                                       energy that you need.”
                                         be the luckiest person alive,
while birds graze the surface of
                                         getting to see all of the stunning      What inspires you day to day,
the river is a far cry from being
                                         environments you trek through?          year to year, what is it that
dangled from a helicopter above
                                                                                 makes you tick?
a crocodile’s nest.                      “I couldn’t agree more. I think I’m
                                         the luckiest person in the whole        “It’s nature. It’s early in morning
For English TV presenter, daredevil
                                         world. For someone who has the          in England. The sun is just
and naturalist Steve Backshall, it’s
                                         kind of passions that I have, to        coming up. I live on a houseboat
all part of the exciting fusion of
                                         be given the opportunity to do          on a river and the sun is just
serenity and danger that blend
                                         what I do, I count my blessings         coming up over the river and
in his adventurous life. After
                                         every single day.”                      the light is just glorious. There
two sell out Australian tours,
                                                                                 are Cormorants and Swans and
the wildlife enthusiast is headed        When things get tough, what
                                                                                 Grieves flying over the surface
back to Australia in January for         keeps you going?
                                                                                 of the water, I saw a Kingfisher
his Deadly 60 Downunder show             “Little moments fuel morale             flying over a moment ago, and it
that promises plenty of audience         such as waking up at sunrise            just makes me glad to be alive.
participation, and some of the           opening your tent and seeing            Ooh, and there is a Heron flying
country’s deadliest creatures up         the whole world stained bright          past and landing on the opposite
close. I caught up with Steve by         pink and gold. It’s having a wild       side of the river to me and it’s
telephone from his houseboat             animal that wants to interact           just magic! Even if there were
home in outer London, shortly            with you and find you and wants         grey skies pouring down with
after 7am, as the wildlife was
“I train physically every     rain, there would still be     with them hanging on his
                              something exciting, the        every single word. Every
day, and I do some kind       moment you connect with        minute that I spent in his
of exercise every single      and engage with nature.”       presence is something
day, whether that’s           So many people are
                                                             that I will always value and
                                                             never forget.”
going out on my kayak,        distracted by their
                              technology that they don’t     “Sir David’s 92, he’s
cycling, going for a run.     appreciate the beauty          probably inspired at least
I study and I learn all the   that’s in front of them…       two generations if not
time and I believe that’s     “One of the things that
                                                             more. He's been working
                                                             in that space since he
important to keep the         has really excited me
                                                             was a young man, he has
                              about the last two tours
brain active.”                                               completely changed the
                              to Australia is so many
                                                             tide of what is possible in
                              young people who that
                                                             film making and always
                              just is not true of, who are
                                                             pushed the boundaries
                              massively connected to
                                                             and even now in his 90s,
                              wildlife and even obsessed
                                                             he is still developing his
                              with wildlife and who are
                                                             message, developing
                              outside all the time and
                                                             the way he makes films,
                              who have very, very active
                                                             programmes and I find that
                              and energetic lives and I
                                                             an absolute inspiration. Sir
                              understand that I am very
                                                             David, he doesn’t hide his
                              privileged and I get to
                                                             passion when you see him
                              meet the kind of kids that
                                                             experiencing or watching
                              are that way, but it does
                                                             a wildlife event, you can
                              my heart good to see so
                                                             sense the excitement,
                              that in a world that has so
                                                             even now in his 90s. I have
                              many temptations there
                                                             exactly the same thing, it’s
                              are so, so many young
                                                             very important to allow
                              people in Australia who
                                                             your natural enthusiasm
                              are taking what I would
                                                             to seep out. He first and
                              consider the best path.”
                                                             foremost is a storyteller,
                              Do you think (late) Steve      he wants to make sure that
                              Irwin had an impact on         he brings to life the things
                              Australian children?           that he is lucky enough to
                              “I would have no doubt         see, and he gives them a
                              that he has been a massive     focus and a context that
                              part of that and there has     can make them real for
                              been no one who has done       people who will never get
                              more for the appreciation      the chance to see such
                              of reptiles than Steve did.”   wonders.”

                              Tell me about working          That’s the great gift you
                              with nature guru Sir David     have as well – do you see
                              Attenborough?                  it as a gift that you are
                                                             giving to others?
                              “He is the greatest
                              story teller I have ever       “The great marine biologist
                              seen. He has the ability       Jacques Cousteau said
                              to hold the attention of       simply that people protect
                              a room of gnarled old          what they love and I think
                              conser vationists and          the role that I have if any,
                              biologists without a script,   is to help people to love

wildlife, because if they do             How many languages do you            out in the jungle or being out in
they’re more likely to want to           speak?                               the mountains that’s what I’m
take care of it.”                                                             comfortable with, that’s where
                                         “I would say that I only really
                                                                              I’m most at home, so I don’t
Who do you feel you connect              speak English but I have pretty
                                                                              continually fear for my safety.
with, is it a broad age group?           good Japanese, Indonesian,
                                                                              That said obviously there are
                                         French and a bit of Spanish and
“In Australia, most of my                                                     situations where I get frightened
                                         if I live in those countries for
audience is young. Only the                                                   and I wouldn’t be human if there
                                         more than a few days it starts
‘Deadly’ programmes have                                                      weren’t but generally speaking I
                                         coming back because I’ve spent
been shown in Australia, so you                                               don’t live every day in fear.”
                                         a bit of time there in the past,
haven’t seen most of my more
                                         and by the end of a week or          It often looks like it’s just you and
grown up programmes. I did a
                                         two I’m chattering away in any       a couple of people around, do
talk on Sunday and there were
                                         of those languages.”                 you have a big crew around you?
kids there, four year old kids
and grandparents too. I’m also           You’ve had some brushes with         “Generally speaking it’s quite
getting to an age now, that kids         death, a broken back, and leg        a small crew, we usually have
who have grown up watching               and a fall most recently, what do    three or maybe four crew but
my shows are now adults. To              you learn about your personality,    there are situations where that
be able to speak to an audience          what does that teach you about       number increases, if we’re diving,
that broad is fantastic and it’s a       you as a human being?                or working on ropes, we need a
challenge, but it’s a challenge                                               few extra people but most of the
                                         “When I had the climbing fall,
that I relish. The kids come up                                               time it’s a small crew.”
                                         it all looked pretty bleak for a
and say oh, I’m in university
                                         while. There was a lot of talk of    Have you had to dial the
now and I’m studying biology
                                         me not walking again and a lot of    danger factor back since you
now because I watched your
                                         quite bleak prognoses. The thing     got married (to Olympic gold
programmes and that’s just a
                                         that I found most helpful was        medallist Helen Glover)?
wonderful thing to hear.”
                                         that I had contact with people a
                                                                              “Not at all, Helen is just as out
What keeps you physically and            lot worse off than I am. It really
                                                                              there and considerably fitter than
emotionally fit?                         put it in perspective, seeing the
                                                                              I am! She is very, very keen to
                                         kind of challenges that people
“I train physically every day, and                                            join me on as many expeditions
                                         get through and get past every
I do some kind of exercise every                                              as she can.”
                                         single day in their lives. People
single day, whether that’s going
                                         who have long term chronic           Will your Australian show
out on my kayak, cycling, going
                                         problems that were so much           appeal to those who might be
for a run. I study and I learn all the
                                         worse than anything I was going      squeamish, will be it be a show
time and I believe that’s important
                                         through and that just made it        for everyone?
to keep the brain active.”
                                         absolutely impossible for me         “There are going to be lots of
You seem to be always picking            to get maudlin and depressed         big stunts and lots of audience
up new skills, I read that you           and just think about how do I        participation. It’s going to be
speak several languages, is that         do this how do I get past it. I      very visual and hopefully a
correct?                                 did get past it and I’m now back     very fun show. It’s themed on
“Learning new things, no                 to doing big climbs and just as      Australian wildlife, so it’s very
matter how old you get is really         active as I was before.”             much ‘Deadly 60 Downunder’,
important. We have a tendency            When you embark on your              it’s all about the extraordinary
to let our brains fail as we get         trips, do you think about your       wildlife that you have there in
older and the potential to just slip     mortality, do you think this could   Australia.”
into a rut and do things that we         be my last trip?                     Deadly 60 Downunder is on
are comfortable with. The more
                                         “I am actually far more concerned    around the country and plays
you keep challenging yourself
                                         for my safety when I’m in a big      in Perth at the Riverside
the more you keep throwing
                                         city, particularly on a Saturday     Theatre on 27 January, and
yourself into new and different
                                         night, after closing time at a       in Geraldton on 28 January.
situations the more you continue
                                         pub, than I ever would be being
to develop even into later life.”



                          Mark A Hadley | Reviewer

                          A skilled communicator and writer for more than three decades, Mark has scripted and produced TV
                          shows including The Christ Files and The Life of Jesus, as well as reviewing films, TV programmes and
                          children’s books.

         These Christmas holidays will           of the twisted Kylo Ren, who             Kylo Ren can only draw closer
         be crammed with films for every         last episode killed his father Han       to the dark side of the force if
         Aussie taste, but spare your            Solo. Rey is just as troubled by         he distances himself from his
         eyes for those that promote             her master’s fears and seeks             natural and spiritual parents.
         the most unlikely champions. An         guidance in an unexpected                However, in an age where it’s
         empowered orphan, a clumsy              direction. Star Wars is, as              popular to encourage children
         bear, a quadriplegic’s wife, and        always, a human struggle to              to find their own way, The Last
         a struggling entertainer – each         bring order out of chaos. ‘You           Jedi puts great weight in the
         contributes a story that will fill      find the most ancient story of           wisdom of elders. Like the Bible,
         out your family’s idea of just how      good against evil, told in a most        the path to understanding begins
         unimportant worldly success             fascinating       way,’      says        with acknowledging mums and
         can be.                                 Gwendoline Christie, who plays           dads might know better: ‘Listen,
                                                 the evil Captain Phasma. Yet the         my son, to your father’s
         Star Wars: The Last Jedi
                                                 real pay-off for parents is the          instruction and do not forsake
         Christmas approaches, and so            institution that takes centre            your mother’s teaching. They are
         the decorations go up, the              place. ‘It’s about family, and           a garland to grace your head and
         specials are announced and the          that’s what’s so powerful about          a chain to adorn your neck.’
         latest Star Wars saga opens at          it,’ said the late Carrie Fisher.
                                                                                          Paddington 2
         theatres. This time though, The
         Last Jedi presents us with one                                                   2014’s Paddington was the
         of the franchises’ most                                                          surprise success of that
         conflicted heroes. In The Force                                                  Christmas season and this
         Awakens, Daisy Ridley’s budding                                                  year’s follow up about the
         Jedi, Rey, discovered the lonely                                                 brave bear from darkest Peru
         planet on which Luke Skywalker                                                   will provide similar hijinks and
         was hiding. Now, in The Last                                                     an even stronger affirmation of
         Jedi , she begins her                                                            the everyday hero. The second
         apprenticeship, however, Luke                                                    Paddington film opens with
         entertains serious doubts that                                                   its clumsy bear a welcome
         helping her to command her                                                       member of the Brown family.
         powerful connection with ‘the                                                    However he is missing his
         force’ will return the galaxy to                                                 Aunt Lucy and hatches a plan
         balance. The Jedi master fears                                                   to buy her an antique pop-up
         Rey will follow in the footsteps                                                 book. Paddington offers his

skills as a window cleaner to       Gleeson, Michael Gambon,             setting the American dream
the community and predictable       Hugh Grant, Joanna Lumley            to song in the musical, The
calamities ensue. However           and, of course, the return of        Greatest Showman which is
before he can buy his gift, it’s    Ben Whishaw as the voice of          based on real-life promoter,
stolen by a fading actor who        Paddington bear. The value of        P.T. Barnum, the founder of the
recognises in it the secret to      the storyline, though, lies in       Barnum & Bailey Circus. Phineas
renewing his fortune.               the form Paddington’s heroism        Taylor Barnum is working in a
                                    takes. Many children’s heroes        counting house that abruptly
                                    are lauded for their superpowers     goes bankrupt. P.T. is frustrated
                                    and success. Paddington is           by his inability to provide the
                                    valued not for his abilities but     life he promised his childhood
                                    his desire to do his best, and       sweetheart Charity (Michelle
                                    his determination to see the         Williams). So, rather than return
                                    same in everyone around him.         to another venture that might go
                                    ‘Paddington wouldn’t hesitate        bust, Phineas tells his family his
                                    if any of us needed any help,        idea for introducing America to
                                    he looks for the good in all of      a world of curiosities. What
                                    us,’ Mr Brown says. It will be       follows is a contraction of the
                                    a welcome parallel for parents       historical Barnum’s life, leading
                                    trying to teach their children       to Jackman recruiting everyone
                                    that God isn’t looking for great     from bearded ladies to Siamese
                                    deeds but a devoted heart:           twins to create a spectacular
                                    ‘Serve [God] with wholehearted       singing and dancing show.
                                    devotion and with a willing mind,    Jackman doesn’t exploit the
                                    for the Lord searches every          unusual humans he discovers,
Paddington is framed for
                                    heart and understands every          so much as celebrate the
the crime, and the Browns
                                    desire and every thought.’           individuality each represents.
must come to his aid if he’s
                                                                         ‘Every one of us is special and
to prove his innocence and          The Greatest Showman
                                                                         nobody is like anyone else,’ he
send his present on its way.
                                    Hugh Jackman introduced the          tells the dubious little person
Paddigton 2 is a combination
                                    world to Australian culture in The   soon to become The World’s
of slapstick routines that suit
                                    Boy From Oz, uncovered the           Smallest Man. The real P.T.
young children. Its cast includes
                                    seeds of the French Revolution       Barnum had a reputation as a
some of Britain’s best – Brendan
                                    in Les Misérables and is now         hoaxster but this value of the
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