Risking the health and safety of students and staff

Page created by Wade Chavez
Behaviour Management Policy Annex January 2021

This annex to the Behaviour Management Policy outlines potential risks to the health and safety of students and staff, that may not already be covered
in the school’s Behaviour Management Policy. The annex also outlines the consequences for students for risking the health and safety of students
and staff, and provides an amended consequences pathway for use in both online lessons and classroom based lessons whilst the college is
undertaking a full return to school. This annex also considers the systems of control as set out in the Department for Education Guidance for full
opening: schools.

1. Risking the health and safety of students and staff
Whilst the college welcomes all students back to education under the guidance of full opening of schools, it is important hygiene guidelines and
restriction of movement are followed closely. The following list outlines some actions which may risk the health and safety of members of the school
   a) Attending the college when either the student is displaying symptoms of Coronavirus or a member of their household does.
   b) Not maintaining high levels of respiratory and hand hygiene (e.g. use of sanitiser or “Catch it, Bin it, Kill it”).
   c) Failing to follow procedures laid out to students in terms of the smooth operation of the school, for example unauthorised mixing with students
      from other year groups or accessing unauthorised areas.
   d) Failing to adhere to seating plans which allow the prompt identification of students who may have come in to close contact with another
      member of the school community and could have been exposed to Covid-19
   This list is not exhaustive and staff should apply common sense when making judgements over risk.
Consequence pathway
   1.1 If a student wilfully risks the health and safety of staff or other students, the behaviour will be logged immediately by a member of staff and an
       appropriate sanction imposed. See Appendix one for examples of risks and consequences.
   1.2 On the first occasion, contact will be made with the parents/carers of the student by member of staff/pastoral.
   1.3 If the student repeats the behaviour, the school is still able to use the full range of major sanctions as outlined in the Behaviour Management
       Policy if it sees fit.
In all cases, the safety of the school community will be the deciding factor in dealing with any behavioural issues.
Behaviour Management Policy Annex January 2021

2. Behaviour management consequence pathway update
There will be no provision for break and lunch detention and limited provision for isolation of students. Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and
pastoral staff will be on duty and will check lessons on a regular basis to support teachers in managing behaviour where necessary. Student
behaviour will be logged on Bromcom, the school management information system, as previously.
The following consequences pathway needs to be adhered to, to manage behaviour within school.

 1. At the first instance of disruption, lack of work, refusal to follow   please issue a verbal warning.
    instructions or not following basic expectations and rules
 2. If the behaviour continues or there is another instance of             please issue a C1 – this can be logged on Bromcom.
    student not following basic rules and expectations
 3. On the third occasion of the behaviour being shown or there is         please issue a C2 – this can be logged on Bromcom.
    another instance of student not following basic rules and
    expectations                                                           Please also ask the TA assigned to the student, where applicable, to
                                                                           remove the student from the room for a five minute ‘cool off’ walk, If no TA,
                                                                           then ask the student to stand outside the door (in sight) for a brief period of
                                                                           time out.
 4. If the student returns to the room and continues to cause              please issue a C3 – this should be logged on Bromcom and contact home
    disruption or behave in an unacceptable manner                         should be made.

                                                                           Please verbally explain to the student that a further case of disruption or
                                                                           poor behaviour will result in them being relocated.
 5. If the student returns to the room and continues to cause              please send a red card to alert the pastoral team that the student needs to
    disruption or behave in an unacceptable manner                         be relocated. Contact home will then be made by the pastoral team to
                                                                           explain they have been removed from the lesson and how long they will be
                                                                           working in isolation for e.g. rest of period or rest of day.

                                                                           Pastoral will set a C4.

                                                                           If the student has a TA attached to them, they will remove them but please
                                                                           send the red card anyway to alert the pastoral team to make contact
Behaviour Management Policy Annex January 2021

The following consequences pathway needs to be adhered to, to manage behaviour within ‘Live Lessons’:

 Example of behaviour                                               Consequences

 1. Accidental use of microphone or camera which doesn’t distract   C1 - Please issue a verbal warning
    the learning
                                                                    Teacher to enter on the ‘Inappropriate use of Google Classroom’ log
 2. First incident of misuse of chat facility                       C1 - Please issue a verbal warning
                                                                    Teacher to enter on the ‘Inappropriate use of Google Classroom’ log

 3. First instance of use of microphone or camera without consent   C2 issued and student is logged on ‘Inappropriate use of Google
    which leads to disruption of lesson                             Classroom’ log by teacher

    Second instance of misuse of chat facility                      Warn further instances will lead to removal from lesson. C1 issued and
                                                                    student is logged on ‘Inappropriate use of Google Classroom’ log by
 4. Second instance of microphone/ camera misuse which has led      C3 issued, tell student they will be removed and contact home will be
    to disruption of the lesson                                     made
                                                                    Student removed from lesson and student is logged on ‘Inappropriate use
    Second time misusing the chat facility on purpose which has     of Google Classroom’ log by teacher, teacher to contact home, copy in
    distracted from the lesson                                      head of year and pastoral manager

 5. Serious misconduct whilst online, e.g.                          C4 issued, tell student they will be removed and contact home will be
    • swearing                                                      made
    • inappropriate language through mic
                                                                    Student removed from lesson and student is logged on ‘Inappropriate use
    • inappropriate language on chat
    • endangering online safety of others                           of Google Classroom’ log by teacher, Teacher to contact home, copy in
    • streaming inappropriate content                               head of year and pastoral manager
    • playing music or other content through the mic                Further sanctions and contact may be required from head of year and
                                                                    pastoral manager dependent on the nature of the incident e.g. swearing at
                                                                    member of staff, any incident that could be interpreted as bullying or
Behaviour Management Policy Annex January 2021

Home learning
If a student is persistently not completing and submitting class work, the class teacher may issue a C3. (Class teacher to log and make
contact home. *)

If a student is late to school, a C3 will be issued. If a student is late to lesson without a valid excuse, a C3 can be issued by the class teacher.

The expectation is that all students will be in full uniform all of the time (please refer to the uniform policy for the guidelines). Uniform includes
appropriate jewellery and makeup/nails. Students are permitted to wear their coat over their uniform to allow windows to be left open to promote
ventilation and good Covid-19 hygiene.

   •    Students will have a first check of their uniform whilst lining up at their designated assembly point before entering the school. Any obvious
        issues may be dealt with by form tutors and/or pastoral at this point.
   •    Tutors should also make a check of uniform and jewellery upon entry to their form bases. Any issues should be logged (see below).


    •   Any uniform issue that is picked up, must be logged through Bromcom so that students can be tracked and uniform improved.
    •   First issue - in the first instance of a uniform issue, a student should be issued with a C2 (uniform). This should be logged on Bromcom by the
        student’s form tutor, and an e-mail sent home to inform parents/carers that the problem must be rectified the following day.
    •   Continuing issue(s) - where a student has a continued issue with their uniform (e.g. they come to school in incorrect uniform on more than
        one occasion), they should be issued with a C3 detention, which will be sat after school.
    •   Further sanctions - may be imposed by the pastoral team or SLT, if uniform issues become persistent.
    •   Rewards - over the course of each half-term, the number of sanctions for each form will be counted and the form(s) with the fewest sanctions
        will receive an award through their head of year.
Behaviour Management Policy Annex January 2021

Parental contact

   •   It is important that parents/carers are kept informed of any issues, so that these problems can be solved.
   •   In the first instance of any issues, the student’s form tutor should make contact home after issuing a C2.
   •   It is understood that sometimes uniform problems happen through no fault of the student or parent/carer and it can be difficult to rectify the
       situation immediately. In those instances, tutors/pastoral will liaise with the student’s family to find a solution. (e.g. a student’s shoes cannot be
       replaced until the family can visit shops at the weekend.)

Spare uniform

   •   If a student’s uniform is inappropriate for school, (e.g. not wearing a polo shirt), students will be expected to change into spare uniform.
   •   Stock of clean, spare uniform will be kept in each of the pastoral manager offices and will be issued to students as necessary. Any uniform
       issued should be collected by the student themselves.
   •   Any borrowed uniform will be returned by the student when the uniform issue has been rectified and will be placed by the student into a uniform
       bin available in room 018. This uniform will then be washed and stored for 72 hours before being re-issued.

*Some students will only be contacted by their head of year or pastoral manager. These students will be indicated on Bromcom. Class
teachers will log the behaviour and inform the head of year or pastoral manager, who will make contact on the class teacher’s behalf.

Emergency assistance
There should very little need for emergency assistance, as most behaviour incidents will fall into the consequences pathway and any disruption
will lead to relocation before it has the chance to escalate.
If emergency assistance is required the electronic messaging service which alerts staff on call should be used. There will be no use of a
physical red card when the school re-opens in August 2020.
Behaviour Management Policy Annex January 2021

Appendix one

 Example incident                                 Consequence                                      Further action/communication
 Student found in ‘out of bounds areas’ at        Student is isolated for breaks and lunches for   Contact home made by pastoral manager or
 break/lunch or intentionally mixing with other   a week                                           head of year
 year group bubbles
 Student found not wearing mask on corridors      First occasion: Warning                          For occasion one and two, the member of
 (when not exempt)                                Second occasion: C3 set                          staff who discovers the student should make
                                                  Third occasion: Period of Isolation              contact home
                                                                                                   For the period of isolation, the pastoral
                                                                                                   manager or head of year should contact
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