RIVIERA REVIEW January 2021 - Senior Publishing

Page created by Kathleen Dawson
RIVIERA REVIEW January 2021 - Senior Publishing
       January 2021
RIVIERA REVIEW January 2021 - Senior Publishing
important information
 ON-SITE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION                                                USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS
             Community Manager                                    Fire/Police/Rescue/Ambulance (Emergency)................................. 911
                Terry Viggiano                                    Police (Non-Emergency)................................................ 609-448-5678
                                                                  NJ Poison Center............................................................ 800-222-1222
               Mgmt. Office Phone                                 East Windsor Twp........................................................... 609-443-4000
                  609-371-3590                                    East Windsor Animal Control......................................... 609-448-5678

               Mgmt. Office E-Mail                                                                     Utilities
          teresa.viggiano@fsresidential.com.                      Electric (JCP&L) Customer Service.............................. 800-662-3115
                                                                  Gas (PSE&G) Customer Service.................................... 800-436-7734
                 Mgmt. Office Fax
                   609-371-3589                                               East Windsor Water Dept. (MUA)
                                                                  Customer Service............................................................ 609-443-6000
                 Office Hours:                                    After Hours Emergency.................................................. 609-443-5678
      Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

          Common Area Emergency                                                                         Trash
           (after 5 pm & weekends):                               Republic Services (Midco)............................................. 732-545-8988
Please note: Although the office hours are listed above,                         WiFi in the clubhouse is secure and
the Manager could be out on site. If you need to see the                       the password is posted at the front desk.
Manager and cannot stop in during these hours, please
contact the office to schedule an appointment. Every
effort will be made to accommodate your request.                  		                    THE HOMEOWNERS
                                                                                      ASSOCIATION BOARD
                Lifestyle Director
                    Bobbie Preiser                                Sherryl Burman...................................................President
                                                                                    609-443-0778 • sburman6@gmail.com
                      609-439-7172                                Joel Blum....................................................Vice President
                                                                                                609-371-8317 • vtsu12@msn.com
                   bpreiser@aol.com                               Patrick Condon....................................................Treasurer
                                                                                      609-448-6272 • pmcewnj@gmail.com
         RIVIERA WEB-SITE ADDRESS                                 Barbara Dlugasch................................................Secretary
    https://rivieraateastwindsor.connectresident.com                              609-448-1415 • bdlugasch@verizon.net
             clubhouse hours                                      Murray Barnett........................................................Trustee
             TEMPORARILY CLOSED                                                       609-371-5971 • barnett01@gmail.com

 COMPUTER HERO VOLUNTEERS                                                               HELPING HANDS
            Fuming Fong........................... 609-426-8704                           If you are in need of help or know of any
            Frank Kaplan..........................609-448-5451                            of our neighbors in need of a home cooked
            Mary Nordlund.......................609-448-8287                              meal, a ride to a doctor's office or a pickup
            Harish Parmar.........................609-448-4441                            at the supermarket or pharmacy, please give
                                                                                          one of us a call.
If you have computer skills you are willing to share
with your neighbors, please send an email to Terry                             We have volunteers available to help:
Viggiano. Let's help our neighbors stay connected.                                Bobbie Preiser - 609-371-3590
                                                                                  Roz Alperstein - 609-918-9616
              Thank you from the Board.                                            Sue Bograd - 609-443-3213
                                                                                 Margaret Condon - 609-448-6272
                                                                                    Ken Gartner 609-448-7178
2 RIVIERA REVIEW • January 2021
RIVIERA REVIEW January 2021 - Senior Publishing
calendar of 2021                  NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE
     hoa open ZOOM                                                     Staff
                                       Editor...................................................... Martha Goldstein
      board meetings                   Co-Editior.................................................Caryl Schienvar
       (Dates are subject to change)   Committee................................................... Paula Deutsch
 January 28                            					                                                            Vispi Kanga
 February 25                           					                                                           Frank Kaplan
                                       					                                                              Allan Rim
 March 25                              					                                                           Anne Trieber
 April 22                              Proof Readers..............................................Paula Deutsch
 May 27 (Annual meeting / Election)    					                                                          Helen Kaplan
 June 24
 August 26
 September 23                                       Murray Barnett                    Pegi Lindsley
                                                      Sue Bograd                  Laura Lowrie-Sarappo
 October 28                                                                            Todd Miller
                                                       Iris Borek
 November 18 (Budget)                                 Karen Cane                  Mayor Janice Mironov
 December 2                                            Ron Cane                        Lynn Morris
                                                    Yi-Ling Chiang                Karen Marlib Palevsky
            Meeting Times: 7 PM                     Bernice Cooper                     Judy Pallay
                                                    Paula Deutsch                     Bobbie Preiser
                                                   Barbara Dlugasch                 Brenda Rothman
                                                   Martha Goldstein                 Bunny Sacharoff
                                                    Sheroo Kanga                    Martin Schwartz
                                                     Vispi Kanga                     Caryl Schienvar
                                                     Frank Kaplan                      Ellie Siegel
                                                     Helen Kaplan                    Teresa Viggiano

                                                   Coordinator: Stephen Schienvar 443-5818
                                                    Judi Bienstock           Dave Grunbaum
                                                   Karen & Ron Cane           Frank Kaplan
              STAY SAFE                              Paula Deutsch
                                                   Barbara Dlugasch
                                                                               David Pota
                                                                               Allan Rim
                                                     Susan Flaster
        Social Distance
                                                          DEADLINE FOR THE
                                                             next ISSUE
                                             5              ** January 5th **
                                         All articles must be received on or before
                                                   Tuesday, January 5th for
                                                        February issue
                                       Please send all submissions on or before deadline to:

Can we all agree that in 2016          This newsletter is also available on the Riviera website
                                       at https://rivieraateastwindsor.connectresident.com
 not a single person got the           The site displays newsletters from the last 12 months.
                                       (Others are archived and made available by request.)
answer correct to, “Where do
                                          NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE DISCLAIMER
   you see yourself 5 years                The Newsletter Committee of the Riviera Review
         from now?"                         reserves the right to edit, condense, or reject
                                                           any submission.
                                                                        January 2021 • RIVIERA REVIEW 3
RIVIERA REVIEW January 2021 - Senior Publishing
milestones                                          management corner
   Birthday wishes for January are sent to:                                         By Teresa Viggiano
                                                                                      My January 2020 newsletter submittal
   3    Flo Wininger
                                                                                      was about having clear vision and
   4    Paula Deutsch
                                                                                      a positive perspective. A year later,
   6    Asgher Haidri
                                                                                      our vision was mostly limited to our
  13    Barbara Sender
                                                                                      immediate surroundings, and strained
  15    Gene Oliva
                                                                                      due to social distancing. Yet I believe the
  17    Lillian Foster
                                                                                      positivity we have been able to muster
  17    Carol Harris
                                                                                      most of the time has gone a long way
  18    Sulochana Parmar
                                                                   toward keeping us afloat, and we are finally able to see,
  19    Barbara Griper
                                                                   in the near future, a Covid-19 vaccine, and the rebuilding
  26    Ron Cane
                                                                   of our economy.
  30    Sue Katsouris
  30    Cecile Wall
                                                                   Perhaps it is no accident that 2021 is a year of the Ox,
                                                                   starting from February 12th, 2021 (Chinese lunar New
Anniversary wishes for January are sent to:                        Years Day) and lasting until January 30th, 2022. It will
  10    Nat and Nella Khaitman                                     be a Metal Ox year, as opposed to one of the remaining
  12    Ken and Lisa Gartner                                       four elements: wood, fire, earth, and water. According
  26    Ashok and Meena Deodhar                                    to China Highlights website, having an honest nature,
  27    James and Sue Katsouris                                    Oxen are known for diligence, dependability, strength and
  28    Marty and Bunny Sacharoff                                  determination. Having great patience and a desire to make
  30    Stan and Arlene Dorfman                                    progress, Oxen can achieve their goals by consistent effort:
                                                                   all the characteristics we will need in 2021.

                                                                   Here are some famous people born in the year of the Ox.
                                                                   Perhaps you are one, too! Annie Lebovitz, Barack Obama,
        SHARE YOUR MILESTONES                                      Bruce Springsteen, Elizabeth Warren, Eric Lindros, George
                                                                   Floyd, Jane Fonda, Langston Hughes, Malala Yousafzai,
        Please complete the following information                  Megan Rapinoe.
          and drop it in the Management Office
         so that we can congratulate you on your
                       special dates.

       Name: _________________________
       DOB: ______

       Name: _________________________
       DOB: ______       (Year not required)                              WELCOME TO OUR
       Anniversary: ____________________
                                                                          NEWEST NEIGHBORS
       Date submitted: __________                                                       Peter Fenner
                                                                                      24 Goddard Drive

                                                                                        Susan Autuoro
                                                                                       44 Aristotle Way
  We accept no responsibility for any advertisements. If
  there are any complaints concerning an advertiser, please
  contact them directly. If you receive no satisfaction, you can
                                                                                  Jitendra & Dipeeka Patel
  contact your Better Business Bureau or the Mercer County                             59 Einstein Way
  Department of Consumer Affairs.

4 RIVIERA REVIEW • January 2021
RIVIERA REVIEW January 2021 - Senior Publishing
From Your Lifestyle                                                       HOLIDAY
       Director                                                            DECORATIONS
                   By Bobbie Preiser                                    By Teresa Viggiano, Community Manager
                HAPPY NEW YEAR. Is there anyone                Per the published Architectural Guidelines:
                among us who was not happy to say
                goodbye to 2020????                            Holiday decorations are permitted on the exterior of any
                                                               home on a temporary basis. Temporary shall mean that such
               2021 will bring a new President, the            decorations shall be installed no earlier than twenty-one
               vaccine that we have been waiting for,          (21) days prior to any given holiday and removed no later
               and hopefully a return to life close to what    than fourteen (14) days following such holiday.
stopped abruptly mid-March 2020.
                                                               Christmas decorations may be installed the Friday after
We learned a lot. We learned not to take things for granted.   Thanksgiving and must be removed by January 15.
We learned that FaceTime and Zoom, although not the
same as in person, gave us a way to communicate with
family and friends. I know that some people even play
Mah Jongg via Zoom.
                                                                 2021 HOA MAINTENANCE FEE
Barbara Dlugasch and I enjoyed bringing you Parking Lot
BINGO and talked about maybe keeping it outside, even
                                                                Coupons will be distributed to those residents paying
when the clubhouse opens.
                                                                by check themselves or via their bank’s auto bill pay.
I have some interesting speakers signed up via Zoom for
                                                                Coupon booklets are mailed to the address on file and
the future, and if you have any suggestions, I would love
                                                                              are NOT forwarded.
to hear from you.
                                                                Those owners paying via direct debit will NOT receive
We will have a Pizza Event in the parking lot this spring,
                                                                                a coupon booklet.
summer and fall. As soon as it is safe, we will resume trips
and events in the Galileo Room. And I will continue the
monthly orders from The Pickled Herring as long as the
community would like.

I have always said that Riviera is a very special and caring
community. You proved that once again in the last few                          REQUESTING A
months. We had three very successful drives for RISE.
I would like to thank Helene Blum and Sue Flaster for                          MODIFICATION
heading up their Back-To-School Drive, Barbara Dlugasch           Where applicable, modification requests must include
for heading up their Toiletry Drive and Judy Pallay for           a site survey or plot plan indicating the proposed
heading up their Thanksgiving Drive. RISE is there for            improvements in order to be reviewed by the Architectural
families who would not be able to survive without them.           Review Committee and returned to you in a timely
Please keep in mind that RISE accepts clothing, food and
small home goods donations all year long and they will give
you a tax-deductible form when you bring your donation
to their Rogers Ave. location in Hightstown.                    SENIOR PUBLISHING COMPANY accepts advertisements
                                                                and advertisements are based upon information provided by
                                                                the advertiser. SENIOR PUBLISHING COMPANY does not
Stay safe.                                                      independently investigate the accuracy of advertisement con-
                                                                tent and does not warrant or represent the accuracy of the
                                                                content of any advertisement.

                                                                                          January 2021 • RIVIERA REVIEW 5
RIVIERA REVIEW January 2021 - Senior Publishing
POETRY CORNER                              NOTES FROM THE MAYOR
                                                                  By East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov
                    JANUARY WISH LIST                                   East Windsor Broke Ground on the Township
                            By Bernice Cooper                           Senior Center Expansion, which will add significant
                                                                        space of about 5,000 square feet to the rear of the
Sing out with joy for a bright New Year.                                building and another 785 square feet to the north
The year 2020 has disappeared into the realm of                         side of the building, to the existing 11,000 square
                                                           foot building to accommodate the extensive growth in the senior
history--a year so filled with misery, we are happy
                                                           center membership. The additional space and its designated
to see it end.
                                                           locations is intended to maximize use of the current site and to
Darkness falls at a quicker pace. The leaves are           provide flexibility in space configuration, to best accommodate
gone from the trees. It is Winter after all--time for      and enhance access to the full-range of health, fitness, social
the Winter freeze.                                         and educational programs and activities offered at the Senior
                                                           Center. The construction work was awarded to low bidder,
But inside our homes the lights go on; and we can          Develop Builders of New Milford, New Jersey. The senior
feel cozy and warm. A little more reading, some extra      center expansion will be supported in part by grant awards
T.V., some more time spent on the phone.                   from Mercer at Play grant and the NJ Small Cities Community
These Winter days, thankfully shorter, will pass even      Development Block Grant program. Construction work will
                                                           continue into 2021.
when one is alone. I look forward to Spring, and what
it will bring.                                             One Mile Self Storage opened on One Mile Road just north of
                                                           Princeton Hightstown Road. One Mile Self Storage, an enclosed
Perhaps it will bring good times again when we can         self-storage facility with multiple buildings totaling 77,268
all be together. Perhaps we can enter the clubhouse        square feet on a 7.17-acre parcel, contains units ranging from
again with little concern for the weather.                 5 feet by 5 feet to 10 feet by 30 feet, with temperature control,
I hope by the Summer we can take off our masks, and        elevator access, high ceiling units with shelves upon request, and
                                                           camera monitoring. The facility features a unique architectural
get back to our favorite games.
                                                           design intended to mirror the look of a local farm with a large
I hope we can frolic once more in the pool, and chat       barn style building to blend in with the surrounding properties.
with our neighbors and friends.                            East Windsor was awarded a $530,000 New Jersey Department
This is my wish list this January day as I write at my     of Transportation Grant for roadway improvements to
kitchen table. We all have gone through a lot last year,   Oak Branch Road, Pineybranch Road, Pinehurst Drive and
doing what we were able.                                   Warren Drive. The $530,000 state grant includes the milling
                                                           and resurfacing of these roadways, as well as other associated
The human heart is thankfully strong, and always looks     improvements to concrete curbing and aprons, handicap ramps,
to the future. We persevere through the times that are     and drainage.
tough and strive for that better future.                   Register at Township Website for E-News Updates, for alerts
So here it is, 2021, at last. We hope the worst of Covid   in significant weather and service impacted situations, and weekly
has passed.                                                for information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects,
                                                           grants, special events and other subjects of public interest.
Let's all raise a glass to toast the New Year.
                                                           Register for Nixle Text Alerts, by texting 08520 to 888-777
Be happy; be healthy; be strong!!!                         from your cell phone, for alerts about subjects as severe weather
                                                           conditions, traffic disruption, road closures, flooding conditions,
                                                           power outages and important public health notices.
  Martin Luther King Jr. Day                               Mayor and Council encourage citizens to Volunteer for
                                                           Township Boards and Committees: Clean Communities
        January 18th                                       Advisory Committee, Commission on Aging, Economic
                                                           Development Committee, Environmental Commission, Health
                                                           Advisory Board, Planning Board, Recreation Commission,
                                                           Zoning Board of Adjustment and East Windsor Municipal
                                                           Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. Obtain
                                                           application forms from the municipal clerk or the Township
                                                           Warm Wishes for a Happy and Safe Holiday Season!

6 RIVIERA REVIEW • January 2021
RIVIERA REVIEW January 2021 - Senior Publishing
Daytime Book Club                                                Monday Evening
                   By Brenda Rothman                                   Book Club
Once again, the Daytime Book Club will not be able to
meet. I guess we will just have to wait to start getting                             By Ellie Siegel
together. We will pick a date once we know all of us will      The Riviera Book Club, which usually meets in the
be safe to gather again in our clubhouse. It has been nice     clubhouse, has switched over to online or virtual
walking in our neighborhood and meeting many residents,        discussions of the books, all of which are available in
both new and old.                                              the e-library of New Jersey. Since the Mercer County
When we meet again we will be discussing “Educated,            Library now has contact-less pickup of books, one can
A Memoir” by Tara Westover and then “Long Bright               access the books from them. Any questions about all of
River” by Liz Moore.                                           this, or to be added to our mailing list, feel free to contact
                                                               me at esiegelphd@gmail.com

            Shalom Club                                        January: “Euphoria” by Lily King. This novel is loosely
                                                               based on the life of Margaret Meade and a love triangle she
                                                               was involved in with two other anthropologists.
             Book Club                                         February: “Red at the Bone” by Jacqueline Woodson.
                      By Iris Borek                            This short book was a best seller and a New York Times
You are invited to join us. We will meet on the third Monday   notable book of the year. It deals with a multigenerational
of the month at 7:00 PM, via zoom. The books through           family bonding around a teen pregnancy and a history of
April are as follows:                                          racism.
                                                               March: “The Radium Girls” by Kate Moore. This
                                                               dramatically written work of non-fiction tells of courageous
January                                                        women who helped to improve industrial safety standards
“The Escape Artist” by Helen Fremont
                                                               for others.
February                                                       Just a note to say that the book club is open to all Riviera
“Lost Roses” by Martha Hall Kelly                              residents. Feel free to join our Zoom discussions by
March                                                          contacting us at the email address listed above.
“After Long Silence” by Helen Fremont

“The September of Shiraz” by Dalia Sofer
Please email me at iebjpm1130@gmail.com if you have
any questions.                                                           SHALOM CLUB
                                                                     SHIVA PRAYER BOOKS
                                                                     AVAILABLE FOR LOAN
                                                                       As a service to the community, the
                                                                   Shalom Club has purchased Shiva prayer
                                                                    They are available on loan to any Riviera
       INVESTMENT CLUB                                             If you need to borrow these prayer books,
                                                                     please contact one of the Shalom Club
                                                                      members listed below for assistance.
The club will meet the 3rd Monday of each month at                   Susan Bershad 443-6090 ** Jill Sandel
7:30 PM. Contact Ami Kestenbaum (akestenbaum@yahoo.                    448-0019 Flo Wininger 448-2079
com) for details. If the clubhouse is still closed, we will
not meet in January.

                                                                                         January 2021 • RIVIERA REVIEW 7
RIVIERA REVIEW January 2021 - Senior Publishing
                        Chapter II: As we lived in Zhongqing
                                                   By Yi-Ling F. Chiang
Part II
Not long after, Japanese airplanes flew over from Hankou        As we ran on the city square, the Japanese airplanes
to bomb Zhongqing. Our life changed completely. The             were over our heads. We could even see the pilots. The
air-raid started every morning around ten o’clock. As the       people also ran on the square at that time and quickly
warning siren sounded, I put all my belongings, such as         hid themselves either in the ditch of the street, or under
books, notebooks, etc., into my schoolbag and ran to pick       the stairs of a house. However, in my mind, the only safe
up You-Ling in his classroom. We ran to the gate of our         place was home. As we ran, one of the pilots saw us and
school and waited for Kuan-Ling to join us. The three of        smiled, but he did not shoot. When father and mother
us held hands and ran home. At home, mother already set a       saw us, they did not even ask where Kuan-ling was, but
hiding place for us. She put two large square tables together   just pushed us under the covered tables. On that day, the
in the living room. On top of the tables, several heavy         Japanese airplanes taking turns, came and went without
comforters were placed as a shield. We hid underneath.          stop. They bombed the city from ten in the morning until
As the release siren sounded, indicating that the Japanese      six in the evening.
airplanes left, we returned to school, resuming class.          Part III next month
From school to go back home, we had to walk across a
large city square. Many streets stretched out from that
square. Our school is located on one of the streets. Across
the square, there was another street like a ladder of several
                                                                         FROM THE
hundred steps leading down to the bank of the Jialing river,          SCRATCHING POST
a tributary of Yangtze river. Our house was located on an
alley halfway down that ladder street. During the air-raid,                      By Laura Lowrie-Sarappo
many people ran down that street to hide along the bank of
                                                                Ha! I, Misty, finally get to tell my side of goings on. Blackie
Jialing river. As the crowd rushed down the steps, if anyone
                                                                always hogs the paw pad letter thingy. Well, my side is
fell, he or she had no chance to get up. It was unthinkable
                                                                pretty similar to Blackie's, but I see things he doesn't. I have
that we, three little kids, ran among the crowd every day
                                                                discovered that our household companions call themselves
without being pushed down.
                                                                Mom and Dad. They call us their fur babies. We decided
As the days went by, Japanese airplanes bombed the city         to go along with their delusions; it's kinder, and after all,
more heavily. Mother worried that we might get lost. She        they have the opposable thumbs and are guardians of our
sewed several small back packs for us. In each pack, there      cat food.
was a set of underwear, some money and a note stating
                                                                We have discovered that they, Mom and Dad, are trainable.
the child’s name, birth date, the names of the parents and
                                                                Yes, it is true. Despite their limited vocabulary, we have
the home address. It asked also that anybody who found
                                                                trained them to feed us at specific times. It has been working
this child, please send her or him home and a large reward
                                                                for the most part, but suddenly they started feeding us
would be given. We carried that pack every day until we
                                                                an hour later than usual. We have tried to correct their
left Zhongqing for Anhui a couple of years later.
                                                                behavior, but they remain stubborn. We have taught them
That was the second year, after we moved to Zhongqing. On       that "neowwe" means food now. We reward their positive
May 3rd, as usual, early in the morning, we went to school.     response with purrs and head butts. Last week was special.
Around 10 o’clock, the warning siren sounded, I quickly         They made a yummy smelling turkey and we got turkey
picked up You-Ling, and waited for Kuan-Ling. We waited         treats for days! That was nice.
and waited, but he did not show up. The emergency siren
                                                                Strangely, they have brought a tree into the house. They
started. The Japanese airplanes were already approaching
                                                                stood it up in a corner and had the nerve to raise their voices
us. I could hear the airplanes' noisy engine sounds and
                                                                at us when we tried to climb it. They are seriously confused
decided to run home without Kuan-Ling.
                                                                as to the purpose of trees. We will have to work harder on
                                                                their training. We'll keep you posted about their progress.
8 RIVIERA REVIEW • January 2021
RIVIERA REVIEW January 2021 - Senior Publishing
                                                     LEAF CLEANUP
                                                       By Bunny Sacharoff

                                               DEER SNACKS ON GALILEO
                                                       By Caryl Schienvar

         Created by Todd Miller

attention dog owners                           Please Patronize Our Advertisers
                                                   For Advertising Contact:
      • Dogs must always be on a leash.
                                                    Senior Publishing Company
 • Don’t allow pets on homeowners’ lawns.            1520 Washington Avenue,
 • Clean up immediately after they “do their           Neptune, N.J. 07753
    business”(including the fitness trail).                888-637-3200
                                                             January 2021 • RIVIERA REVIEW 9
RIVIERA REVIEW January 2021 - Senior Publishing
                                                       By Vispi Kanga
                 The ongoing process of aging needs to be          According to WebMd, here are the Most Common Foods
                 hampered or slowed down when the signs            with the most Antioxidants: Small Red Beans, Blueberries;
                 of physical and mental deterioration seem         Red Kidney Beans; Pinto Beans; Cranberries; Prunes;
                 to commence. Indigenous native healing            Artichokes (cooked); Sweet Cherries; Raspberries &
                 traditions have played an important role in       Strawberries; Pecans (1 oz per day); Apples (Red Delicious
                 treating tribal and aboriginal populations        and Granny Smith); Plums (preferably black); Russet
                 worldwide, via both topical and ingestible        potatoes (cooked); Black Beans (dried half cup)
                 therapies along with ceremonial rituals.
                                                                   According to WebMD, drinking Green Tea improves blood
Ayurveda is a 5000-year-old tradition of medicine still            flow, reduces cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, prevents
practiced in India. Ayurveda for anti-aging offers age-old         heart-related issues, and keeps blood sugar levels stable.
rehabilitation therapy of Rasayana that imparts natural            Both green and black tea are rich in a group of protective
rejuvenation management. Ayurveda anti-aging treatments            antioxidants called polyphenols. Even more specifically,
stress on following small lifestyle modifications of diet,         they both contain flavonoids. Green tea contains a much
exercise and normal sleep which would add years to your            higher amount of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG),
life.                                                              whereas black tea is a rich source of “theaflavins".

Ayurveda recommends including all the six tastes in your
daily diet: sweet, salty, sour, pungent, bitter, and astringent.
The daily food intake should preferably be freshly cooked,                            PARODY
appealing to taste and most important easily digestible.                                 By Karen Cane

Exercises should be your daily routine. This helps to keep         To the tune of "Something's Coming" from “West Side
you more active, flexible, and away from progressing               Story”
ailments such as arthritis. These exercises should be
according to your own strength and tolerance power. A              Oh no, it’s true, Covid’s here it’s everywhere.
brisk walk early in the morning is a good form of exercise.        Over there, over here, that’s why we’re blue.
                                                                   You can’t see it in the air but it’s there.
Sound sleep for seven to eight hours is the best form of           No one’s safe, it’s more than a flu.
rest. This helps the body and mind relax completely and
helps regain the daily loss of energy.                             Could it be, yes it could, something’s here and it ain’t good.
                                                                   Put on your mask.
Yoga poses and deep-breathing techniques are virtual               Corona’s here, wash your hands, stay 6 feet away.
gain for all those who find themselves growing conscious           Take it to task.
about the progressing years. When practiced regularly,             Corona is here.
body cell degeneration decreases considerably and this
in turn imparts vitality and vigor to mind, body, and soul.        No one’s safe no matter your age.
Meditation provides inner peace, helps reduce debility and         Never thought we’d live through a plague, but it’s here.
limitations and even slows down the aging process.                 Corona’s here, no one knows for how long.
                                                                   Corona is here, Gotta be strong.
Antioxidant foods protect the body from free radicals as
free radicals are associated with damaging and injuring            Don’t shake hands, don’t touch your face.
the body cells. Antioxidants foods prevent you from                Most of all don’t embrace.
heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other         Corona is here.
dreadful diseases. Antioxidants act like an anti-aging agent.
The best way to ensure antioxidants is to eat different types      Gotta hope for that vaccine soon.
of fruits and vegetables.                                          Gotta hope we can pop this balloon.
                                                                   Corona be gone.
                                                                   Corona be gone.
10 RIVIERA REVIEW • January 2021
                                                     By Murray Barnett
There are several great sources of community information       diners, etc.).
to be aware of. We all have our favorite news sources -        • Ask your neighbors for their recommendations (favorite
national, regional, and local. There is also much in the         places to eat, best medical providers, household service
way of neighborhood information, including the Riviera           providers).
website, Nixle the East Windsor Township and Next Door.        • Communicate with the community on items such as a
                                                                  lost dog or cat.
• The Riviera at East Windsor HOA website is hosted            • Post your favorite recipes.
by First Service Residential, and it is the official Riviera   • Share wildlife sightings.
community website (https://rivieraateastwindsor.               • Upload photos to share with the community.
connectresident.com/) Not a member? Go to Login and            • Sell household items you no longer have use for.
choose Create Account.                                         • Create special interest groups to chat (sports, cooking,
Contents of this website include:                              decorating, hobbies, crafts).
• Riviera Community News
• Monthly Calendar of meetings and activities
• Board Minutes from Open Meetings
• Financial Information including monthly financial                                Kudos
  statements, Annual Budgets and Annual Audited Results
                                                                                       By Karen Cane.
• HOA Governing Documents
• Vendor Contracts                                                             Who lives on Galileo Drive, has a colorful
• Issues of the Riviera Review                                                 “wind” sculpture and keeps our minds busy?
• Board Liaisons for Committees and Clubs                                      If you guessed Stephen and Caryl Schienvar,
• Residents Directory – with email addresses and phone                         you are a street walker in the kindest sense
numbers                                                                        or you drive by their house just to see
• The Nixle notification system is relied on by over 8000                      “today’s riddle”. The riddle board is a spot
agencies, fire and police departments, schools, and hospitals  that encourages discussion among neighbors. Sometime
to communicate critical situations such as Severe Weather      in the spring Steve and Caryl started to search every day
Events, Evacuations, Safety Hazards, Security Threats,         to find a riddle that would be fun to answer for those who
and Facilities Problems. Not a member? Either text your        walked by their house. They have kept our minds busy and
zip code to 888777 to opt-in or enter your zip code on the     put a smile on our faces during difficult times. Thank you.
nixle.com front page toward the center of the page.
• The East Windsor Township website allows you to sign         Next time you see Caryl or Steve, don’t forget to say
up for the weekly e-Newsletter. A variety of information is    “Kudos”.
available to Township residents including Taxes, Budgets,
Real Estate and MUA bill paying information, and all the       If you, or someone you know, has had an accomplishment
various government departments are represented. Not a          or milestone, don’t be shy. Please contact me at ronkaren@
member? Visit https://www.east-windsor.nj.us/.                 aol.com or 448-6055.
• This last one, Nextdoor.com, is a social network and
an ad-based website. This site is apart from and in no
way connected to our Riviera at East Windsor website,
the Homeowners’ Association, the HOA Board of
Trustees, or the Community’s management company,
First Service Residential. It is accessible to subscribers
                                                                        CHRISTMAS TREE
within and outside of the Riviera community. Not a
member? Go to Login and choose Sign Up or you can use
the following direct link to signup (https://nextdoor.com/
                                                                   Watch emails for dates to dispose of your
This website can be used to:                                       Christmas Tree. Do not put out with the
• Share your personal local recommendations (doctors,              regular garbage.
dentists, hospitals, plumbers, auto mechanics, restaurants,

                                                                                       January 2021 • RIVIERA REVIEW 11
STRESS MANAGEMENT                                                     TRAVELS WITH LYNN
               By Pegi Lindsley, Ph.D., LPC
                                                                                       CAFE ALCAZAR, ST.
Stress Management and into 2021 we go. Hoping all have
had meaningful holidays no matter what way it went.
                                                                                      AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA
                                                                                                 By Lynn Morris
Hoping you and your loved ones are all well and safe.
Goodbye to the year that gave us so many promises until
                                                                                    Henry Flagler built the Alcazar Hotel in
it didn’t.
                                                                                    1888 and the hotel boasted having the
Radical Acceptance. We will be using this word as a skill
                                                                   world’s largest indoor swimming pool. The pool is now
to decrease those creepy, crawly, anxiety feelings, feeling
                                                                   home to the Cafe Alcazar which is most definitely a unique
overwhelmed, STRESSED. Simply put, it is living life on
                                                                   place to visit and dine as the seating is located in what was
life’s terms, not ours. Acknowledge that life is NOT fair and
                                                                   once the deep end of the pool. You can truthfully say that
it just is. That is called a dialectic. This skill helps us face
                                                                   you’re dining in the pool!
overwhelming stress/emotions/anxiety - accepting what
you cannot change. Anytime we resist reality, it begins the
physical alarm bells that signal fear. And then come those
feelings of being stressed. So, if it is an event that caused
a great deal of pain, don’t go there. Keep it simple.

1. Accept events. It is what it is. (Another boring, stay at
home, cold day because of the virus, I followed the rules
but look how many didn’t and they made it worse. Why
should I suffer. I can’t see my grandchildren or friends.)
2. What caused the event? Do NOT judge yourself, just
the facts. (A bat in China, not everyone taking this virus
3. Accept feelings-the sensation of shame, anger,
embarrassment, etc. (anger, feeling like screaming out of
4. Proactive Plan. What could I have done differently if
anything? Again, just facts. (Nothing except follow CDC
guidelines. There will be a vaccine and I will get it. Patience
and finish that blanket I have been knitting. This will end.)
Bottom line: If the event was in the past, accept that there
are no do overs, it happened. If in the present moment, ask
yourself where are the feelings coming from. (I am doing
the right thing, why can’t others?) Recognize that no human
is perfect and is it worth it to get stressed over all of this.
The future hasn’t happened yet. For all areas, just ask: Is
this worth getting stressed over? No? Let it go and accept.
If your way is not working try something new.

 This skill is really hard. I would suggest practicing it with
small events and situations. Don’t wait until you are really
stressed and then go for it. When we are so overwhelmed,
it is hard enough to remember our names never mind what
can we can do to feel better. You didn’t learn how to ride a
bike by just getting on and away you go! It took practice.

Again, if you have any questions or thoughts about what
you would like to see in this column, please e-mail me at
margalit08512@gmail. Stay well and safe.
12 RIVIERA REVIEW • January 2021
RISE THANKSGIVING                                                     A BUCKET LIST
         FOOD DRIVE                                                        GOLDEN WIN
                                                                               By Karen Marlib Palevsky
           By Bobbie Preiser and Judy Pallay
                 Photo by Judy Pallay
                                                              At this point in my life, it was time to join a 65+ Tennis
                                                              League at my home base of Princeton Racquet Club. Since
Thanks to the generous residents of Riviera, two carloads
                                                              my husband Arthur and I relocated from Long Island to
of canned goods and other food were delivered to Rise
                                                              Rivera, over 7 years ago, I’ve been playing tennis at PRC
for their Thanksgiving Food Drive. The food was greatly
                                                              on leagues of 40 years and older, 55+ and now 65+.
appreciated in this time of high need with so many families
in our area unable to buy food for the holiday. A shoutout    This is the first year we formed a PRC league of 65+
to those residents who also donated their ShopRite turkey     teammates and our very own Riviera resident, Catherine
to Rise.                                                      Taaffe (R) was our fearless, fabulous Captain. First we won
                                                              our NJ District Championship and recently, in a nail biting,
A big THANK YOU to all the residents who helped make          tie-breaking Pennsylvania based match, our team (The
this drive a tremendous success. Thanks so much to Judy       Golden Aces) won the Section Championship. (L-Karen
Pallay who collected the food, separated it into categories   Palevsky)
and delivered all the food to RISE.

                                                              We are now invited to the National Championship
                                                              competition in Surprise, Arizona scheduled for February of
                                                              2021. Due to the current state of our Covid ravaged country,
                                                              we are unsure if the tournament will actually proceed.
                                                              As an avid tennis enthusiast and true tennis playing fanatic,
                                                              I’m beyond thrilled to finally play on a team that won their
                                                              way to the Nationals. I believe it’s better late, at this golden
                                                              age, then never. I can proudly check off my “Bucket List
                                                              Win” even if we never get to Arizona. We fought the good
                                                              fight and I cherish the honor to represent Middles States
                                                              in the USTA Nationals.
   Part of the second full carload that was taken to Rise

                                       REPORTING PROBLEMS
           Management cannot act on anonymous complaints. Please provide your contact information in the
                                       event further information is needed.

                                                                                        January 2021 • RIVIERA REVIEW 13
SELLING YOUR HOME?                                              Riviera East WIndsor
Every seller and buyer wants the transfer of ownership to go
smoothly. Surprises or incomplete paper work may delay a              2021@Budget
                                                                      RIVIERA EAST WINDSOR
closing and cost the seller and buyer money. To avoid this,                                          2021 BUDGET
it is critical the buyer’s attorney or title company obtain the                                           2019 AUDIT      2020          2021
proper documents well in advance of closing.                                     DESCRIPTION              SUMMARY        Budget        Budget
                                                                                                             (285)        (290)         (290)

How to order a Resale Package or Mortgage Questionnaire:          ASSOCIATION FEES                         $1,282,500    $1,305,000    $1,305,000
                                                                  INTEREST INCOME                             $36,678       $36,500       $30,750
• To place your order, simply visit our website at                TOWNSHIP REIMBURSEMENT                      $12,287       $10,000       $10,000
• www.fsresidential.com.                                          OTHER INCOME                                $14,274       $14,490       $13,260
• Click on “Order Documents & Certificates” in the                PRIOR YEAR CARRYOVER                                     $132,010       $85,270

   upper left corner.                                             GROSS INCOME                             $1,345,739    $1,498,000    $1,444,280

• Enter the zip code of the home to be directed to the            Net Cumulative Surplus/(Deficit)           ($20,050)

   ordering site.
                                                                  PLANTINGS & LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE          $348,629      $132,000       $99,110
• Open an account by clicking on “Register Here” on               LANDSCAPE CONTRACT                         $153,737      $164,400      $169,350
   the right side of the page, below the login.                   SNOW REMOVAL                                $91,435      $162,139      $149,290
• Follow the prompts to order a Resale Package or                 TRASH REMOVAL                               $65,279       $72,000       $81,000

   Mortgage Questionnaire.                                        SPRINKLER SYSTEM REPAIR & MAINTENANCE       $63,199       $58,000       $63,000

• If you do not have computer access or prefer not to             SPRINKLER WATER                             $24,646       $20,000       $25,000
                                                                  OTHER GROUNDS & Maintenance                 $73,322       $55,801       $52,530
   use the online service, you may contact Tech Support           CONTINGENCY                                               $60,000       $50,000
   at (888) 679-2500 to obtain a mail-in request form.            TOTAL GROUNDS AND MAINTENANCE              $820,247      $724,340      $689,280
• Note: Rush and Next Day Resale order processing
   is not available for mailed orders; and the fees for           MANAGEMENT FEES                            $200,690      $206,000      $201,420

   ordering may be higher.                                        AUDIT, LEGAL, OTHER                         $13,773       $13,400       $16,750
                                                                  TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES                $214,463      $219,400      $218,170
• In addition to using the online service to place orders,
   you will be able to easily check the order’s status and        POOL MANAGEMENT                             $49,746       $53,000       $66,200
   request updates online. When ordering online, you              POOL & SPA MAINTENANCE                      $31,206       $20,000       $24,000
   will have an opportunity to pay by Visa, MasterCard,           CLUBHOUSE CLEANING & GENERAL                $66,280       $63,500       $53,500

   American Express, mail in a check or select third-party        CLUBHOUSE & EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE           $15,144       $13,500       $15,000

   payment.                                                       OTHER CLUBHOUSE EXPENSES                    $23,317       $13,600       $14,000
                                                                  TOTAL CLUBHOUSE                            $185,693     $163,600      $172,700
• Included in the Resale Package are the current
   budget, resale certificate, and important forms to be          ELECTRICITY                                 $31,680       $40,000       $35,000
   completed by both parties and returned to the Riviera          CLUBHOUSE UTILITIES & TELEPHONE             $16,064      $17,700       $15,600

   management office along with closing monies.                   TOTAL UTILITIES                             $47,744      $57,700       $50,600

                                                                  OFFICE                                       $9,418       $13,600       $13,700
Important documents to be turned over from the Seller to          MISCELLANEOUS                                $7,610        $6,500        $5,600
the Buyer:                                                        TOTAL GENERAL AND ADMININSTRATIVE           $17,028      $20,100       $19,300
1. Public Offering Statement - a large bound legal
document produced by the developer that contains in part          INSURANCE                                   $27,709       $30,000       $34,000

the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, Bylaws,            TAXES                                        $5,737       $8,000        $6,000
                                                                  TOTAL TAXES & INSURANCE                     $33,446      $38,000       $40,000
property description, as well as both the owner’s and
Homeowners Association (HOA) responsibilities.                    TOTAL GATEHOUSE                               $667         $1,600        $1,600
2. Rules & Regulations provided by the HOA;
                                                                  TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE                  $1,319,288    $1,224,740    $1,191,650

The sooner the Riviera management office receives this
information after closing, the sooner the new Riviera             ASSESSMENTS ALLOCATED TO RESERVES          $196,320     $233,160      $218,280
                                                                  INTEREST INCOME ALLOCATED TO RESERVE        $35,386    $36,500.00       $30,750
resident may be set up in the community database, and a           CAPITAL REPLACEMENT CONTRIBUTIONS            $2,700        $3,600        $3,600
Welcome Packet provided!                                          TOTAL REPLACEMENT FUND                     $234,406     $273,260      $252,630

                                                                  TOTAL OPERATING + REPLACEMENT            $1,553,694    $1,498,000    $1,444,280
                                                                            NET GAIN (LOSS)                 ($207,955)            $0            $0

14 RIVIERA REVIEW • January 2021
                                          By Barbara Dlugasch, Board Secretary
On December 3, Riviera HOA held its monthly meeting             Comments/Concerns
via Zoom.                                                       In answer to a question about the bidding process for the
• Terry updated the community on the status of current          management contract, Sherryl reported that we received
    and upcoming community projects.                            bids from 2 companies and First Service (FSR) and we
• The Board voted to adopt the proposed 2021 budget             compared proposals and sought references on each. Patrick
    and established that the monthly maintenance fees           and Murray reported on the extensive conversations/
    would remain at $290.                                       negotiations with First Service Residential. The Board
• The Board adopted the 2021 calendar for open Board            assessed the advantages and disadvantages, of staying with
    meetings and the annual meeting and election. A copy        FSR or going to another management company.
    of that calendar is published in the Review.                Sherryl, on behalf of the Board, thanked the community for
• The Board has revised the Community Rules and                 its patience and understanding during this past year. It has
    Regulations and Architectural Rules and Regulations.        been a difficult time for all. The community has remained
    All homeowners should have received copies of these         safe because we have all done our part in mitigating the
    documents upon taking ownership of their home. Both         virus in our community.
    had not been revised since 2011 and needed to be
    updated. Both Rules and Regulations are available on        We also want to acknowledge the generosity of our
    the website. All homeowners will receive print copies       residents in answering requests from RISE, by donating
    which will be placed in their mailboxes soon. These         toiletries and food for those in need of our help, donating
    are important documents so make sure you keep them          PPEs to frontline workers and filling back packs for school
    with your other homeowner documents.                        children.
• In December, at the request of some residents, the            THANK YOU!
    Board established an ad hoc committee to do a               Join us for our next Zoom Open Board Meeting on
    feasibility study of using freshwater wells on our          Thursday, January 28, 2021 at 7:00 PM.
    property for irrigation purposes. The committee will
    report the results at an open Board meeting early in
    the 2021.
• The Board awarded the 2021 pool management
                                                                       Happy New Year!
    contract to St. Nick’s Pool for $66,200. The contract’s
    final cost is conditioned upon when we open the indoor
    and/or outdoor pools and any protocols which the state
• Following several windstorms, and after 15 years,
    there was a need to replace the awnings on the outdoor
    pool canopy. In addition, our installer could no longer
    find the hardware needed to attach the awnings, so we                       trash pick-up
    needed to order a new tracking system. The cost is
                                                                    TRASH is collected twice a week on
    $12,126, and is funded from the reserves.                              Tuesdays and Fridays.
• The Board voted in principle, pending legal review, to
    accept the First Service Residential contract proposal            RECYCLING is collected on Tuesday.
    for 3 years – January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2023.           Garbage & recycling pails must be stored in your
    Terry will remain as our on-site manager and Bobbie           garage and not put out before 4 PM on Monday
    will remain as Lifestyle Director. Bobbie will be
    working part time until the Board deems that it is safe       PLACE YOUR GARBAGE AND RECYCLING
                                                                           PAILS IN THE STREET
    to open the clubhouse.                                               (NOT ON THE SIDEWALK)
Financial Report
There has been little change in our financial situation since       PLEASE KEEP THE APPROACHES TO
reported in October and at the budget meeting in November.              YOUR MAILBOXES CLEAR
Any surplus garnered from the continued closure of the                 Republic Services: 732-545-8988
clubhouse and other savings will be carried over to 2021.
                                                                                        January 2021 • RIVIERA REVIEW 15
                       By Ron Cane

                7 months and counting, of months
                quarantined, or is it 8, but who is counting?
                Actually, who cares anymore? The Florida
                folks have mostly come and gone. Spring
                cleaning, which lasted forever, is now Fall
                cleaning to get ready for Winter cleaning.
                Screen doors are now replaced with glass.
Gardens are getting ready for the cold. People really work
hard doing this. Planting, weeding and pruning. My garden
looks at me and asks “What am I, chopped liver? Get, to
During our walks around the neighborhood we have met
a lot of nice people who we never would have met under
normal circumstances. We stop and chat with many of
them. Everyone waves hello. All keep a proper distance if
they don’t duck down a side street. To be fair, they ducked
down the street before Covid. Many are out walking their
dogs. I was introduced to Steeler the other day. He was
not impressed.

Am I being too unreasonable in staying in my bubble and
not wanting to catch the virus? I see people denying its
existence everyday. To them it is more important to go to
a bar and have a beer than drink the same beer at home and       DROP MCCAFFREY’S RECEIPTS
not worry. They gather together like bees in a hive with no
cares at all. It is like they are daring the virus to come and      AT 10 GALILEO DRIVE
get them. The herd theory is bantered around ignoring the
fact millions in the herd would have to die. They must feel      McCaffrey’s donates a percentage of register
the other person would be the one that would not make it.        receipt totals to Penn Medicine~Princeton Health to
                                                                 support health screenings and educational programming
I keep wondering when there is a vaccine, would Covid-20         through Community Education & Outreach.
come and cancel out 19. The Flu vaccine is 40% effective.
What would the Covid vaccine be and does 40% sound               As a volunteer at Princeton Medical Center, I am glad to
good? I understand now the vaccines might have 95%
                                                                 coordinate this worthy program in Riviera.
efficacy which is difference from effectiveness. Distribution
will be the key and it could be a nightmare considering the
                                                                 Please gather your receipts drop them off at my home at
temperatures the vaccines have to be stored at. We still
                                                                 10 Galileo Drive. I’ll be happy to pick up receipts as
will be asked to wear masks after vaccination. Believing
                                                                 well. Just call 609-443-5818.
it’s a hoax and going my merry way may be the only thing
left to do. I am wearing out the streets and I have finished
counting the floor tiles in my kitchen.
                                                                               Thank you for supporting
                                                                           Penn Medicine~Princeton Health.
                                                                             Stephen Schienvar, Volunteer

16 RIVIERA REVIEW • January 2021
                  CHAPAT (Parsi Crepe)                           EZ Cheesy Lasagna
                              By Sheroo Kanga                         for Two
                                                                  (With permission from Hungry Girl
                  2 eggs                                        Ingredients:
                  2 cups whole milk (you can also use           Two 1/4-inch-thick eggplant slices (cut lengthwise from a
coconut milk)                                                   long eggplant), patted dry
1 cup sugar (can use less, especially if you are using a        2 tbsp. (about 1 large) egg whites or fat-free liquid substitute
sweet topping)                                                  1/2 cup fat-free ricotta cheese
1 cup All Purpose Flour                                         1 tbsp. chopped fresh basil
Pinch of baking soda                                            1/2 tsp. chopped garlic
½ tsp. nutmeg powder                                            1/4 tsp. salt
½ tsp. cardamom powder                                          Dash ground nutmeg
½ tsp. vanilla                                                  1 cup chopped mushrooms
2 tsp. charoli seeds**                                          1 cup canned crushed tomatoes
½ stick of butter for frying                                    1/2 tbsp. Italian seasoning
                                                                2 sheets oven-ready lasagna noodles
Directions:                                                     1/4 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
Heat the crepe pan on low heat. Beat eggs and 1 cup of          1 tbsp. reduced-fat Parmesan-style grated topping
milk together. Add sugar, flour, baking soda, nutmeg,           Optional: additional salt, black pepper
cardamom, vanilla and mix well. Slowly add the second
cup of milk until batter is at the right consistency. Add the   Directions:
charoli seeds and mix. (You can replace it with chopped,        Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Spray a baking sheet and a
grated or slivered Almonds.)                                    loaf pan with nonstick spray. Place eggplant slices on the
Add 1 tsp. of butter to the pan. Pour about ¼ cup of batter     baking sheet, and spray with nonstick spray. Bake until
and fry till the underside is golden. Flip over and continue    browned and softened, about 20 minutes, carefully flipping
cooking. Serve warm with tea. Makes 10-12 chapats.              halfway through.
Notes: You can use the Chapats as crepes and top it with        Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, combine egg, ricotta,
strawberries and/or blueberries with whipped cream;             basil, garlic, salt, and nutmeg. Mix well. Bring a skillet
chocolate mousse, Nutella, jam or any topping of your           sprayed with nonstick spray to medium-high heat. Cook
choice.                                                         and stir mushrooms until softened, about 4 minutes. Stir
                                                                mushrooms into ricotta mixture. In a small bowl, mix
**Charoli or Chironji is an almond flavored seed (of the        crushed tomatoes and Italian seasoning. If you like, season
Buchanania Lanzan plant) used as a nutty cooking spice in       to taste with salt and black pepper.
India. It is available in the Indian grocery stores.            Spread 1/4 cup seasoned tomatoes into the loaf pan.
                                                                Top with 1 lasagna sheet. Spread with half of the ricotta
                                                                mixture, followed by another 1/4 cup tomatoes. Top with
                                                                1 eggplant slice. Repeat layering with 1/4 cup tomatoes,
                                                                1 lasagna sheet, and remaining ricotta mixture, tomatoes,
         Please obey the                                        and eggplant slice. Sprinkle with mozzarella and parmesan.
                                                                Bake until mozzarella begins to brown and entire dish is
           speed Limit                                          hot, 20 - 25 minutes. Makes 2 servings.

            It is 15 mph on all roads
        except Hubble, which is 25 mph

                                                                                          January 2021 • RIVIERA REVIEW 17
Riviera shutterbugs                                                       GRANDCHILDREN'S
                                                                         Ron and Ceil Wall share an older photo of their grandchildren
                                                                         with an update to where they all are now. From left to right:
                                                                         Stephanie Wall (20) - Junior at Quinnipiac College studying
                                                                         Occupational Therapy
                                                                         Emily Coursen (26) - Speech Language Pathologist, living
                                                                         in CA
                                                                         Evan Coursen (17) - Junior in high school & just got
                                                                         Driver’s License
                                                                         Haley Coursen (23) - Currently pursuing Masters/Ph.D in
                                                                         Jeremy Wall (23) - Broadcaster/Journalist KTM TV, CBS
                                                                         affiliate in Rochester, MN

                Snowy Hubble (about 2 years ago)
                       By Martin Schwartz

If you have a photo you would like to share, send it to rivierareview@
comcast.net and, if you can, please add a very brief description.

                    ASK RIVVY
                             Dear Rivvy,
                             Anything you regret buying this

                       Dear Santa,
I do regret buying a monthly planner at the beginning of
the year.

Dear Rivvy,
What should I wear when I go to discuss my tax audit?

Dear DJ,                                                                   STREET PARKING REGULATIONS
                                                                                    PARKING IS ALLOWED ONLY
Dear Rivvy,                                                                          ON THE EVEN NUMBERED
What takes more courage, hang gliding, bungee jumping                                  SIDE OF THE STREET
or skydiving?                                                                     NO OVERNIGHT STREET PARKING
Capt America                                                                           FROM 1 AM TO 7 AM
Dear Cap,                                                                               Please inform your guests
In these times, just getting up in the morning and facing                               Where parking is permitted
the day takes all I have.
18 RIVIERA REVIEW • January 2021
riviera committees                                                riviera clubs
RESOLUTION                  Tom Hui                       Frank Austin 448-3582          Rochelle Feranti 443-1001
Joseph Epstein * 490-0117   Marie Luberto                 Barbara Dlugasch ***           Barbara Walter 443-1001
Susan Flaster               Julia Shanks                                                 Murray Barnett ***
Cindy Kramer                Amy Sung                      John Guarniere 918-9182         PICKLEBALL
Murray Barnett ***          Joel Blum ***                 Murray Barnett***              Lisa Gartner 448-7178
 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW                                                                    Bob Kempler 371-0946
                                                          BOOK - Daytime
Jim McGinn * 448-7274       NEWSLETTER                                                   Sherryl Burman ***
                                                          Brenda Rothman 443-0893
Nicholas Chester            Martha Goldstein * 371-6008                                   PING PONG
                                                          Sherryl Burman ***
Vispi Kanga                 Caryl Schienvar * 443-5818                                   Song Qi Shen 443-1417
                                                          BOOK - Evening                 Joel Blum ***
John Zoller                 Paula Deutsch
                                                          Ellie Siegel 426-0582
Barbara Dlugasch***         Vispi Kanga                                                   SENIOR OLYMPICS
                                                          Sherryl Burman ***
                            Frank Kaplan                                                 Ron & Karen Cane 448-6055
                            Allan Rim                      Book - Shalom                 Allan Rim 448-9030
Ida Hirsch *443-2914
                            Anne Trieber                  Iris Borek 371-0776            Joel Blum ***
Tom Hui
                            Murray Barnett***             Sherryl Burman ***
Hal Masure                                                                                SHALOM
Marty Sacharoff              SOCIAL                       BRIDGE                         Susan Bershad 443-6090
Sherryl Burman ***          Helene Blum ** 371-8317       Ron Cane 448-6055              Jill Sandel 448-0019
                            Judy Pallay ** 799-7545       Vispi Kanga 448-0192           Sherryl Burman ***
                            Jackie Bloom                  Lisa Gartner 448-7178
John Morris* 903-4902                                                                     TENNIS
                            Sue Flaster                   Roberta Rim 448-9030
Allen Bienstock                                                                          Spencer Lai 490-0853
                            Shelley Jacobs                Patrick Condon ***
Sow-Yeh Chen                                                                             Priscilla Light 466-5975
                            Linda Masure                  DRAGON                         Karen Marlib Palevsky 448-3803
Nat Khaitman
                            Linda Nemiroff                Andrew Liu 947-0361            Jimmy Tsay 712-2717
Anthony Sipman
                            Sue Niederer                  Murray Barnett***              Warren Wang 510-4680
Barry Vogel
                            Nita Patel                                                   Sherryl Burman ***
Mark Wininger                                             INVESTMENT
                            Diane Titus
Patrick Condon ***                                        Ami Kestenbaum 448-7711        WOMEN’S
                            Cathy Tudda
                                                          Patrick Condon ***             Eileen Balaban 308-2187
                            Dominic Tudda
                            Sherryl Burman ***            LINE DANCING                   Sue Bograd 443-3213
                                                          Felicia Sun 426-0518           Linda Nemiroff 426-9276
                            * Chairperson                 Barbara Dlugasch ***           Karen Marlib Palevsky 448-3803
                            ** Co-Chair                                                  Sherryl Burman ***
                            *** HOA Board Liaison

                                                                                    January 2021 • RIVIERA REVIEW 19
TECH TALK                                                   APP-SOLUTELY
                     By Frank Kaplan                                                By Caryl Schienvar
              SOME USEFUL TIPS                                                        Snug Safety – Made for people who
                                                                                      live alone, this app checks on you at
                   Do you hate typing in your password every                          a time of day you select. You press
                   time you reboot? You can use a personal                            a green check mark on the app and
                   identification number (PIN) for this PC                            receive a quote of the day. If you fail
                   only. The PIN, which is only numbers—no                            to check in, your emergency contacts
                   mixed case letters or special characters—                          are notified. Android, iOS; free
                   might not sound too secure, so use this only
                   on a PC that is in a secure location and has   BSafe – This voice-activated SOS system sends your
                   limited users. It doesn't compromise the       location to your selected contacts and automatically streams
security of your Microsoft account anywhere else because          and records emergency video. Features a built-in siren.
it is specific to this PC. Also, the PIN can be as many digits    Android, iOS; free
as you desire, but too many defeats the purpose.
                                                                  Dark Sky Weather – Provides hyperlocal weather info for
To set up a PIN go to Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options,      the next hour. Don’t get caught in a storm! iOS; $3.99/
and click the Add button under PIN. Enter the PIN you             lifetime
want and restart the PC. If you've already got a PIN, you'll
see options to change it, remove it, or click "I forgot my        Contact me (cschienvar@verizon.new) with your favorite
PIN" to recover it.                                               apps and/or websites and we will share them with our
Are you the only person who ever uses your PC and is
it in a secure location? Then you can skip the password
login that appears after every reboot or sometimes even
when you come back from the screensaver. Go to the User
Accounts control panel by typing "netplwiz" in the search
                                                                    ZOOM PRESENTATION
bar. Select the account, uncheck the box next to "Users                               By Bobbie Preiser
must enter a username and password to use this computer".
You'll get a confirmation box that asks you to enter that         Riviera homeowner, Joyce Felsenfeld, a docent at the
very password—twice. Click okay. reboot the PC and it             Princeton University Art Museum, created a very well
will go to the desktop without requesting a password. Don't       received and fantastic ZOOM presentation about the life,
do this if it's a shared PC. Remember, you'll still need to       times and art of French 19th century artist, Edouard Manet.
know the password if you're logging into the PC remotely.         She was very interesting and knowledgeable. We look
                                                                  forward to additional ZOOMS from Joyce.
One easy way to speed up your PC: Go to the Settings
app's System > Power & sleep. From here you can select a
Power Mode under Performance and Energy. For a PC, you
can move the slider to Best Performance. For a laptop, you
may want to limit the power you use choose Best Energy
Savings or a Balance Plan. You can also select how long
your PC and your monitor stay awake when you are not
using it.

20 RIVIERA REVIEW • January 2021
                                               PEARL ZANE GREY
                                                     By Paula Deutsch
                     Pearl Zane Grey was born Jan. 31,          world records, including being the first person to land a
                     1872 in Zanesville, Ohio, a town           1,000 lb. fish on sporting tackle. The Spirit of the Border
                     founded by his mother’s ancestors.         (1905) became a best seller. Riders of the Purple Sage
                     Zane’s father was a dentist and            was his most popular novel. The breakthrough success of
                     often used Zane as an assistant. The       Heritage of the Desert (1910) enabled Zane to establish a
                     family moved to Columbus, Ohio             home in California and a hunting lodge in central Arizona.
                     in 1889; his father’s dental practice      He would spend several months each year gathering
                     failed. Zane was deeply scarred            experiences and adventures whether on “safari” in the wilds
by his father’s failure, and his family’s decline from its      of Colorado or fishing off Tahiti; and then spend the rest
distinguished heritage.                                         of the year weaving them all into tales for serialization,
Zane was an enthusiastic baseball player and fisherman.         magazine articles, or the annual novel.
He played baseball on semi-pro teams and was contacted          By 1912 Zane had become a household name; his publishers
by representatives from several universities. He decided        paired his novels with some of the best illustrators of the
on dental school at the University of Pennsylvania, but         time, including N. C. Wyeth and Frank Schoonover. From
his scholarship was contingent upon his performance at a        1915-1924 a Grey book was in the top 10 on the best-seller
tryout. In the sixth inning of a game against a strong rival,   list every year except 1916.
Zane was tapped to pitch, with Penn down 4-2. He held           Zane Grey died Oct. 23, 1939. He was a prolific writer
the other team hitless for 3 innings. He also hit a double      who is considered to be the father of the modern American
that scored the winning run for Penn. Zane greatly lacked       Western novel. He idealized the Western frontier. Zane
academic skills and discipline but did graduate and was         was called the people’s author. He wrote to live and lived
certified in dentistry in Oct. 1897. He practiced in New        to write. In addition to his 56 Western books, he wrote 3
York City in an impoverished area. His patients had little      Ohio River novels, 3 collections of short stories, 2 hunting
money with which to pay him, so Zane had little income.         books, 6 juvenile books, 2 books of baseball stories, and
Zane and his brother often camped on the upper Delaware         8 fishing books.
River. He found that camping and fishing rejuvenated
him. Zane began writing in the evenings to offset the
tedium of his dental practice. He decided to write about
his courageous, resourceful ancestors who had settled
in the historic Ohio River Valley. His boyhood thrill at
their adventures motivated Zane to novelize both his                 “COVID” PROJECTS
family’s own story and the stories of many other pioneer
homesteaders, ranchers, cowhands, gamblers, and soldiers         While we have all been somewhat “shut-
who were part of the great migration westward across
                                                                 in” these past months, many projects have
America. His first novel, Betty Zane, (1903) was based on
an ancestor’s journal.                                           probably been created.
He met Lina (Dolly) Roth in 1900; they married in 1905           The newsletter would like to publish photos of
and had 3 children. Dolly’s inheritance provided a financial     some of these (e.g., jigsaw puzzles, needlepoint,
cushion for the family. Zane decided to abandon dentistry
for full-time writing. Dolly’s belief in his writing was
                                                                 knitting, paint by number, cleaned closets, etc.).
the single factor most responsible for the success of his
                                                                 Please send photos or stories about how you
lengthy career.
                                                                 have been keeping busy to rivierareview@
Zane had a love of the outdoors and adventure. He
made hunting trips to the new tourist attraction, the
Grand Canyon, and was among the first to travel its new
backcountry trails. He avidly pursued salt-water fishing
from Nova Scotia to New Zealand. He earned a dozen
                                                                                        January 2021 • RIVIERA REVIEW 21
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