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                                TECHNOLOGY NEWS MAGAZINE
                             Andhra Pradesh l Telangana l Tamilnadu l Pondicherry l Karnataka l Kerala
                             Vol-15 Issue-06, Krishna, January - 2021, Pages-16, `40/-

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Indian professionals cautiously optimistic heading into 2021
                                                         key segments: the workplace, careers, recruiting,       of digital and soft skills, to upskill and to land new
                                                         business, and leadership. Here are the Top 10           opportunities within the same company.
                                                         ‘future of work’ predictions:                           PREDICTION #5: LEARNING CONTENT CURATION
                                                         PREDICTION #1: OLD WORK PARADIGMS WILL                  AND PERSONALIZATION WILL BE A CRITICAL
                                                         DIE                                                     FOCUS
                                                         Only 1 in 4 Indian professionals were offered flex-     As demand for online learning picks up, curating
                                                         ible work hours and well-being support during           high-quality content and personalized recommen-
                                                         the early stages of the lockdown this year. This        dations for individual learners will be a key focus
                                                         will change in 2021, as companies recognise new         going into 2021. This will help learners efficiently
As 2020 comes to a close, LinkedIn, the world’s          employee needs – many of which would depend             sift through the myriad options to find the right
largest online professional network, releases key        on sectors and geographies – in an increasingly         content, given the vast amounts and high frequency
survey and platform data to discuss the year that        remote reality where commutes may soon become           of content creation triggered by the increasing
was, the sentiment of the Indian workforce, and          a thing of the past. Be it location, work hours or      demand for online learning. LinkedIn Learning has
10 key predictions that will define the future of        ways of working, flexible work policies will play       seen over 60 new courses being released weekly,
work in 2021.                                            a dominant role in defining a positive work cul-        and the platform now hosts 16,700 courses across
LinkedIn year-end data shows that despite experi-        ture in the future. Those going back to work            business, technical, and creative categories.
encing radical changes in the ‘way we work’, India       can expect their offices to transform into spaces       PREDICTION #6: VIRTUAL RECRUITING IS HERE
has remained cautiously optimistic and resilient         where professionals will gather for leadership and      TO STAY
in the face of uncertainty, and overall confidence       personal development, or simply to collaborate          As per LinkedIn’s ‘Future of Recruiting’ report July
scores remained steady between +50 and +57               and congregate.                                         2020, 4 in 5 talent professionals in India agree that
from April to November. Findings show that 2 in          PREDICTION #2: TECHNOLOGY WILL SCALE COL-               virtual recruiting will continue post-COVID (81%),
5 (40%) Indian professionals expect an increase in       LABORATION AND COMMUNITIES WILL BE BUILT                and that virtual interviews will become the new
the number of new jobs (up from 19% in April), and       THROUGH SOFTWARE                                        standard (79%). Companies have dabbled with
1 in 2 (53%) expect their companies to do better         In an increasingly remote reality, employees            video interviewing and remote assessments in
in the next 6 months, going into 2021. This opti-        want to collaborate and work more efficiently           the past, but the lockdown realities of COVID-19
mism also comes at a time when India’s economy           and facilitating this will require technology that      have sparked them to create an end-to-end virtual
is slowly opening up, and the hiring rate continues      offers transparency, and is easy to use. This shift     recruiting process for the first time. Therefore,
to recover steadily back to Pre-COVID levels with a      reflects strongly across the Indian workforce as        just as hybrid workforce models are set to become
46% y-o-y growth as of October 2020.                     Virtual Events on LinkedIn in India have grown          the standard, a hybrid hiring process that com-
In 2020, online learning and digital skills took         4x since March, and India has become one of the         bines virtual and in-person elements will become
centre stage and Indian professionals pivoted to         top 5 countries creating Virtual Events on the plat-    the norm.
upskill themselves and stay productive. LinkedIn         form. Globally, 7 million members attended virtual      PREDICTION #7: THE CHRO WILL DEFINE AND
data states that the average number of monthly           events on LinkedIn following the launch of Virtual      LEAD THE NEW WORLD OF WORK
learning hours on LinkedIn Learning increased            Events in March 2020. Given this swift emergence        Many CHROs will lead the way towards diversity,
3X from April to December 2020, compared to              of virtual collaboration, professionals will wel-       skill-first hiring, internal mobility, and remote
pre-Covid months of January and February. 3 in           come the new world of work by expanding their           work offerings. LinkedIn data suggests that more
5 (57%) professionals say they will increase their       tech skills and remote work acumen.                     than 4 in 5 (85%) HR and recruiting professionals
time spent in online learning going forward, as          PREDICTION #3: PEOPLE WILL REIMAGINE THEIR              in India believe that reskilling of the workforce is
per LinkedIn’s year-end findings.                        CAREERS AND ENTIRE LIVES                                very impactful in reshaping the future of recruit-
However, working in isolation and navigating a           Job seekers will continue pivoting their careers to     ing. Internal mobility also continues to gain prom-
tough job market over the past few months has            work in different industries or geographies, as 3       inence across the APAC region. Compared to their
adversely affected India’s emotional well-being          in 5 (62%) unemployed job seekers in India report       5 year average, most Asia-Pacific nations recorded
and financial outlook. As of November 2020, 4 in 5       being open to the idea of exploring new career          an increase in internal mobility rates in 2020, with
(78%) unemployed professionals feel stressed, and        paths to navigate these challenging times. Profes-      India seeing the highest growth of 5% to reach 13%
only 1 in 3 (32%) Indians expect their incomes to        sionals from impacted industries such as Recre-         through 2020. Fueling these trends, the CHRO will
increase, heading into the new year. This holiday        ation & Travel are found 2.7x more likely to look       play a key role in the future of recruiting.
season, 3 in 5 (61%) Indian professionals say they       for jobs in a different sector. Further, remote jobs    PREDICTION #8: VIRTUAL SELLING IS THE NEW
will take less time off, while about 9 in 10 (87%)       are an emerging trend in APAC, and India is found       AND ACCELERATED RULE; FACE-TO-FACE SELLING
say they will spend equal or more time working at        leading the region in terms of remote job applica-      IS THE EXCEPTION
their primary jobs this year-end.                        tion growth, which grew by 4.65x between March          After a strong emergence in 2020, virtual selling is
Talking about the year gone by and the future of         and May 2020. The new normal will also see the          now gaining prominence and face-to-face engage-
work in 2021, Ashutosh Gupta, India Country Man-         rise of ‘solo entrepreneurs’ as people are expected     ments will take a backseat. Pointing towards this
ager, Linkedin said, “The year 2020 was a disrup-        to use the internet to maximize their skills and tal-   growing importance of virtual selling, LinkedIn
tive year, and 2021 will help us tackle unforeseen       ent, in a bid to reimagine their lives and careers.     data show that between Jan to Mar and Apr to Jun
challenges and prepare for new realities. Going          PREDICTION #4: ONLINE LEARNING WILL SEE                 2020, the time spent learning about ‘Social Sell-
forward, India will reimagine the future of work         CONTINUED MASSIVE GROWTH (AND LEARNING                  ing’ on LinkedIn Learning increased q-o-q by 61%.
across 5 areas, specifically the workplace, careers,     WILL BE PART OF EVERYONE’S JOB)                         Data also shows that globally, more than 80% of
recruiting, business, and leadership styles. In          Online learning will continue to be a critical tool     the Forbes Cloud 100 uses Sales Navigator. This
2021, skills-first hiring will be a pivotal trend, the   in helping Indian professionals future-proof their      online shift is expected to sustain in 2021, and in
CHRO will play a critical role, virtual collaboration    careers. LinkedIn data states that the average          the years ahead, virtual selling will lead sales with
will become stronger, and learning will be part          number of monthly learning hours on LinkedIn            more scrutiny on the why, how, and ROI of face-to-
of everyone’s job. At LinkedIn, we will continue         Learning increased 3X from April to December            face meetings.
to help professionals navigate these changes and         2020, compared to pre-Covid months of January           PREDICTION #9: DIVERSITY, INCLUSION, AND
we will stay committed to helping members get            and February. As per LinkedIn’s year-end findings,      BELONGING WILL START AT THE TOP
closer to opportunities.”                                3 in 5 (57%) professionals say they will increase       Leaders who welcome everyone to bring their
Top 10 ‘Future of Work’ Predictions for 2021 as          their time spent in online learning going forward.      authentic selves and support them to work will
per LinkedIn                                             With this renewed focus on skilling, people are         reap benefits like richer culture, higher engage-
India will reimagine the future of work across 5         turning to online learning to build the right mix       ment, more creativity, and better business results.

CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 06			                                  		                 2		             		                          KRISHNA, January -2021
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CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 06			                             		                3		            		                                     KRISHNA, January -2021
Indian IT Services expected to post healthy growth in                                                         EDITORIAL
                FY2022, sectors outlook stable
The Indian IT services sector faced minimal dis-          agreements with clients while the BPO vertical          EDITOR: Dinesh Shyam Sukha
ruptions due to the Covid-19 pandemic and                 was impacted due to infrastructure constraints.         CO-ORDINATOR : Siddhi
the sector is expected to post a 7-9% growth in           The pace of conversion of earlier deal wins into        PRODUCTION & OPERATION: Ramayya
Rupee (INR) terms; and 5-8% growth in Dollar              revenues have picked up pace after some moder-          POSTAGE & PACKING: L.N.Rao
terms (US$) for FY2022. As per ICRA Research,             ation during Q1 FY2021. The focus of new deals          ADVERTISING SALES: V.K.Gupta
demand for digital technologies and resumption            is now on cost take-outs, cloud transformation,         DESIGN : Dikshit
                              of normal economic          virtualisation and digital customer experience,         CREATIVE DESIGNER: MKVS
                              activity will drive         although this has increased conversion time due         ACCOUNTS: Murthy
                              healthy growth. The         to Covid-19. The pricing pressure mostly seen in
                                                                                                                  MAGAZINE CUSTOMER
                              industry’s operating        legacy work during contract renegotiations too
                              margins at 23% too          has been compensated by new digital transfor-
                                                                                                        , 9246402144
                              are likely to remain        mation deals.”
                              robust and similar          On the outlook for FY2022, adds Mr. Gaurav Jain,
                              o pre-Covid levels.         “With 90-95% achievement of WFH and demand              All products, brands, service names
Other key financial parameters, RoCE (30-32%),            recovery led by acceleration in adoption of dig-        mentioned may be trademarks of their
Debt/EBDITA (0.19x) and interest cover (65.2x)            ital demand, the revenue growth for IT services         respective owners
too are expected to remain strong. Based on the           in US$ terms is expected to be flattish in FY2021
strengths, the ratings agency has given a ‘Stable’        and US$ 5%-8% in FY2022. Margins in FY2022 will
outlook for the sector.                                   remain in line with pre-Covid levels. IT services       higher margins and low working capital require-
Says, Mr. Gaurav Jain, Vice President, ICRA,              sector companies have largely remained in net           ments. Further with low capex requirements,
“Demand for IT services has been mildly impacted          cash position owing to healthy margins, moder-          entities in the sector have been generating free
due to Covid-19 pandemic on all end-user indus-           ate working capital and capex requirements. The         cash flows leading to net cash position and liquid
tries though some sectors like travel/hospitality,        trend is expected to continue in FY2022 with lit-       investments. The downgrades have been primar-
retail, oil/gas has been impacted more severely.          tle impact of Covid-19 on growth and profitabil-        ily for entities which derive a large portion of their
However, higher adoption of digital services has          ity. However, key risk remains in so far as increase    revenues from domestic segment with elongated
mitigated the impact to a large extent and 90-95%         in minimum wages, changes to eligible occupa-           payment cycles. During H1 FY2021, the ratings
work from home (WFH) was achieved for majority            tions, frequency and restrictions in issuance for       agency has downgraded only one entity which
of IT services players by April’20 through seam-          H-1B visa remain.”                                      was already on Negative outlook prior to onset
less integration for Application, IMS and Analyt-         About 82% of ICRA’s 52 entities rated under IT          of Covid-19 pandemic. It has not downgraded or
ics. The BFSI vertical was initially impacted as          and BPO sector are in Investment grade category,        revised any rating outlook to Negative for IT Ser-
modifications were required in confidentiality            indicating healthy cash flow generation led by          vices sector owing to Covid-19 pandemic.

  India to meet global tech, satellite majors to discuss spectrum
                                                                                                                  com Regulatory Authority of India (Trai), Depart-
                                                                                                                  ment of Space and the Ministry of Information
                                                                                                                  and Broadcasting.
                                                                                                                  Both COAI and GSMA represent telecom oper-
                                                                                                                  ators – Reliance Jio, Bharti Airtel and Vodafone
                                                                                                                  The move is likely to allow more quantum of
                                                                                                                  spectrum to launch commercial next generation
                                                                                                                  services since the one recommended in the 3300-
                                                                                                                  3600 MHz band by the regulator is insufficient
                                                                                                                  which 125 MHz out of the department’s domain.
                                                                                                                  The first meeting will take place virtually on
                                                                                                                  January 6 which will be attended by COAI, BIF,
The Department of Telecommunications (DoT),               ZTE were not invited, following the recent contro-      GSA, ITU-APT, Nokia, Ericsson, Samsung, Google,
with industry stakeholders including telecom              versy over their inclusion in the fifth generation      Apple, Intel, Motorola and Trai. The second meet-
lobby groups, original equipment makers and the           (5G) technology working group. The department           ing will take place on January 7 with satellite play-
Department of Space (DoS), and the Ministry of            has though not formally issued any diktait dis-         ers including OneWeb.
Information and Broadcasting (MIB) officials will         couraging their participation in India’s telecom        Through these meetings, the telecom department
discuss the roadmap for spectrum allocation over          networks as stressed carriers expect that any such      is aiming to find out the requirement in current
a decade.                                                 move can raise their network deployment cost.           spectrum allocations along with frequency bands
In a notice, the Wireless Planning & Coordination         The department’s frequency allocation arm would         for IMT/5G and other uses.
Wing (WPC), said, “A virtual meeting for discus-          discuss if the changes are required in the current      The third meeting will take place today. The DoT
sion on a roadmap for the use of radio frequency          spectrum allocation plan, and what bands should         has invited IIT directors, telecom standards body,
spectrum in India during next 10 years is sched-          be considered for the next-generation or 5G com-        TEMA and TEPC for this meet.
uled on January 6, 2021.”                                 mercial rollout and the potential airwave range         The telecom department will also deliberate
The participants list for the virtual meeting is likely   that can be used over the next 10 years.                spectrum issues with the home ministry, railways
to carry local representatives of the US-based            Those who are expected to take part include             ministry along with civil and shipping ministry
Internet and technology giants such as Google,            telco groups Delhi-based Cellular Operators Asso-       on January 11. This will be followed by another
Facebook, Apple and Intel besides multinational           ciation of India (COAI), London-based GSMA, and         meeting on January 12 with the Ministry of Space,
vendors such as Ericsson, Nokia and Samsung.              Broadband India Forum (BIF) and ITU APT Founda-         Department of Space and Ministry of Information
However, Chinese companies such as Huawei and             tion of India in addition to officials from the Tele-   and broadcasting.

CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 06			                                   		                 4		             		                          KRISHNA, January -2021
CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 06			   		   5		   		   KRISHNA, January -2021

            Margins have remained strong owing to lower overhead costs,
                  higher employee utilization and INR depreciation
                                                        demic though supported by INR depreciation. In           During H1 FY2021, operating margins has
                                                        US$ terms, the growth has sequentially improved          improved to 23.8% from 22.7% in H1 FY2020 led
                                                        with US$ growth of -0.8% in Q2 FY2021 com-               by multiple factors. Lower overhead cost (travel,
                                                        pared to -3.9% in Q1 FY2021. During H1 FY2021,           administrative), improved employee utilisation,
                                                        INR depreciated by approximately 7.4%/8.0 Y-o-Y          higher share of fixed price contracts and INR
                                                        vis a vis US$/GBP which supported INR growth             depreciation primarily contributed to margin
                                                        (USA and Europe collectively contribute 85% of           improvement. Uncertainty prevails over proposed
                                                        ICRA sample set revenues). Deal wins as well as          changes (issued October 2020) include revising
                                                        net employee additions has also shown improve-           definition of occupations and positions qualifying
The Indian IT Services industry is expected to have     ment in Q2 FY2021 compared to Q1 FY2021. The             for H-1B visa, increasing minimum wage level and
short term adverse impact due to coronavirus out-       net employee additions show positive trend with          reducing tenure for onsite third-party employee
break. The sector growth is expected to remain          approximately 11,859 additions during Q2 FY2021          H-1B visa categories from 3 years to 1 year as the
flattish in US$ terms in FY2021 (compared to pre-       compared to -21,130 in Q1 FY2021 and -5,379 in           same have been currently put on hold as per Court
vious estimate of nil to -3.0%). The relatively bet-    Q4 FY2020 for our sample set of companies.               order. As per our assessment of the provisions, if
ter performance has been led by higher demand           In terms of verticals, BFSI (30% of revenues) growth     implemented in current form and without consid-
for digital technologies. COVID-19 remains an           is slowing down over the last few quarters with          ering the increase in realisations or other mitigat-
ongoing concern, but enterprises have shifted to        FY2020 and H1 FY2021 growth of 6.8% and 6.2%             ing factors – the gross impact of all the provisions
virtual models that have pushed the acceleration.       respectively. The demand for the sector has been         will be in the range of 285-650 basis points on
The credit profile of Indian IT Services companies      adversely impacted by current macroeconomic              operating margins.
is expected to remain stable.                           conditions impacting the banking industry includ-        “The FY2019-2022e CAGR is expected to be
Explaining this further, Gaurav Jain, Vice President,   ing sustained low interest rates, continued focus        around 6%-9% in INR for the Indian IT Services
ICRA says, “The global spread of the coronavirus        on cost optimization, managing their discretion-         companies compared to CAGR of 10.5% experi-
has resulted in simultaneous supply and demand          ary spends as well as insourcing by few clients for      enced over the FY2016-2020 period. With aggre-
shocks. IT Services companies have managed to           want of greater control. The BFSI vertical will be       gate operating margins of ICRA sample set at
overcome supply led challenges through unin-            further impacted owing to Covid-19 induced fiscal        22.7% in FY2020 coupled with moderate capex
terrupted delivery of IT services, through work         and monetary policies leading to lower interest          (organic as well as inorganic) and working capital
from home model however, the challenges on the          rates impacting margins coupled with impact of           requirements, the free cash flows have remained
demand front continue to persist. The US and the        coronavirus on economic growth, lower credit             robust historically. Margins will be supported by
Eurozone which generates more than 80% of IT            offtake and other banking services. The BFS seg-         factors such as ability to modify cost structure
Services export revenues will see their GDP con-        ment growth is supported by digitization efforts,        with variablisation of salaries & gradual reduction
tract by 4.4% and 8.3% (Source: IMF, October 2020       cost optimization, regulatory, compliance and            of high cost resources; deployment of operating
Update) respectively in CY2020. The first half of       security driven initiatives.                             levers such as higher share of fixed price con-
FY2021 will also see impact in the form of price        Manufacturing sector which has been one of the           tracts, lesser idle resources & automation bene-
discounts and extended furlough requests by cli-        key growth drivers would be adversely hit due to         fits. However, these factors will provide limited
ents as they restructure their businesses. As a sil-    lower consumption with decline of -15.1% seen in         cushion leading to slight decline in operating mar-
ver lining, the Covid-19 pandemic is accelerating       H1 FY2021. Travel and Hospitality followed by dis-       gins from 23.5% in FY2021e to 22.5% in FY2023e.
the secular trends of core modernization, usage         cretionary retail are impacted as consumers will         The credit profile is also supported by net cash
of collaborative technologies and cloud migration       restrict outdoor activities to essentials in the fore-   position with significant liquidity in the form of
as companies shift to digital business models to        seeable future. However, Life Sciences vertical is       surplus investments generated out of past cash
pursue work from home model which will benefit          expected to see stable demand; the demand for            flows. Our sample set of 13 leading Indian IT Ser-
IT Services companies.                                  technology vertical would be strong owing to core        vices companies reported surplus liquidity (net
During H1 FY2021, ICRA sample companies (13             modernization and cloud adoption as companies            of debt) of approximately Rs. 1,652 billion as on
companies) grew by 4.8% in INR terms while in US$       shift to digital models led by compulsory work           March 2020 despite healthy dividend pay-out in
terms it grew by -2.3%, impacted by Covid-19 pan-       from home.                                               addition to share buybacks in FY2020.”

Health ministry warns people against fake Co-WIN apps,                                                           The administrator module is for the administra-

    says govt-approved app will be launched soon                                                                 tors who will be conducting these vaccination
                                                                                                                 sessions, it said. Through this module, they can
The Union Health Ministry cautioned people              app, a digital platform created for real-time moni-      create sessions and the respective vaccinators and
                                against    down-        toring of COVID-19 vaccine delivery and distribu-        managers will be notified.
                                loading       and       tion by the Centre, is almost in its final stages of     The registration module is for people to get reg-
                                sharing personal        implementation and hasn’t gone live on Google            istered for vaccination. It will upload bulk data on
                                information             play store or any other app store.                       co-morbidity provided by local authorities or by
                                on some apps            Meanwhile, states and UTs have collected data of         surveyors.
                                named Co-WIN,           healthcare and frontline workers who would be            The vaccination module will verify the beneficia-
“created by unscrupulous elements”, that sound          administered the anti-coronavirus vaccine on first       ry’s details and update vaccination status.
similar to the upcoming official platform of the        priority and the data is being uploaded on the           The beneficiary acknowledgement module will
government for carrying out the COVID-19 vacci-         Co-WIN software, the ministry said.                      send SMS to beneficiaries. It will also generate
nation process.                                         The health ministry had earlier at a press confer-       QR-based certificates after one gets immunised,
“Some apps named ‘Co-WIN’ apparently created            ence stated that Co-WIN digital platform includes        the health ministry said.
by unscrupulous elements to sound similar to            a free downloadable mobile application which can         The report module will prepare reports of how
upcoming official platform of Government, are on        help record vaccine data. One can register them-         many vaccine sessions have been conducted, how
Appstores. DO NOT download or share personal            selves on it if they want the vaccine.                   many people have attended those, how many peo-
information on these. MoHFW Official platform           “There will be five modules in Co-WIN app —              ple have dropped out etc.
will be adequately publicised on its launch,” the       Administrator module, registration module, vac-          The app will also send real-time data of the tem-
Union Health ministry tweeted.                          cination module, beneficiary acknowledgement             perature of the cold-storages to the main server,
The Co-WIN (COVID Vaccine Intelligence Network)         module and report module.”                               it said.

CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 06			                                 		                 6		              		                          KRISHNA, January -2021
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CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 06			                         		           7		           		                        KRISHNA, January -2021

    Wipro delivers a second consecutive quarter                                                                Meritech to acquire Eoxys
                                                                                                           Systems India for its Push into IoT
               of strong performance                                                                       Meritech Co., Ltd. HQ in Japan announced that
“Wipro has delivered a second consecutive            The expansion was led by improved revenue             it will acquire majority stake in Bangalore-based
quarter of strong performance on order book-                        growth trajectory and excel-           Eoxys Systems India, which provides engineering
ing, revenue and margins. Five of our sectors                       lence in operations with sev-          services and solutions for IoT; through its subsidi-
grew over 4% sequentially. We closed our larg-                      eral metrics at an all-time high.      ary Meritech Software Private Limited in India.
est ever deal win in Continental Europe. The                        Our Operating Cash Flows grew          “Eoxys is delighted by the opportunity to become
               demand environment is steadily                       by 45% YoY with a significant          part of the Meritech,” said Prabhakar Annavi, CEO
               improving, especially for digital     improvement in outstanding receivables,” said,        of Eoxys. “Joining hands with Meritech will pro-
               transformation, digital opera-        Jatin Dalal, Chief Financial Officer.                                  vide us with unique ability to con-
               tions, and cloud services. I am       Outlook for the quarter ending March 31,                               tribute towards this large industry
               also pleased to share with you        2021                                                                   movement and create a highly
that we have moved into our new organization         We expect Revenue from our IT Services busi-                           innovative IoT ecosystem. We look
structure and are stabilizing quickly,” said, Thi-   ness to be in the range of $2,102 million to                           forward to being a part of this jour-
erry Delaporte, CEO and Managing Director.           $2,143 million*. This translates to a sequential                       ney.”
“Our margins are now at a 22 quarters high.          growth of 1.5% to 3.5%.                               “This acquisition will enable Meritech to strengthen
                                                                                                           its footprint in the IoT space. Eoxys will help bol-

 Strong Demand Drives TCS Q3 Growth Momentum                                                               ster Meritech’s market share in Cellular IoT, espe-
                                                                                                                             cially NB-IoT and industrial IoT. We
“Growing demand for core transformation ser-         term. Our intimate knowledge of our customers’                          are excited to make Eoxys part of
vices and strong revenue conversion from ear-        business contexts, our strong relationships across                      Meritech group and will continue
                lier deals have driven a powerful    ecosystems, and our continued investments in                            to invest more in Cellular IoT mar-
                momentum that helped us over-        research and innovation make us their preferred                         ket space”, said Harish Sachdeva,
                come seasonal headwinds and          partner in their growth and transformation jour-      Group CEO of Meritech.
                post one of our best performances    neys.”
                in a December quarter. We are        “Our Q3 growth is a very satisfactory outcome              Airtel appoints Pradipt
                entering the new year on an opti-
mistic note, our market position stronger than
                                                     of our ability to leverage the proactive invest-
                                                                    ments made to capture the strong
                                                                                                                    Kapoor as CIO
ever before, and our confidence reinforced by the                   demand and be meaningful to our        Bharti Airtel (“Airtel”), India’s premier commu-
continued strength in our order book and deal                       clients. It is a strong endorsement    nications solutions provider, announced the
pipeline,” said, Rajesh Gopinathan, Chief Execu-                    of our resilience, way of working      appointment of Pradipt Kapoor as Chief Infor-
tive Officer and Managing Director.                                 and the relative competitiveness       mation Officer (CIO).
He added: “Looking beyond the immediate busi-                       of our products and services. We                        In his new role, Pradipt will drive
ness growth opportunity, we are tremendously         celebrated the accomplishment of our Enterprise                        Airtel’s overall Engineering strat-
excited by what lies ahead. Cloud is enabling a      Agile by 2020 vision during the quarter, and with                      egy and be a key player in help-
new class of boundaryless organizations, that can    SBWS™, we have a well-oiled location-indepen-                          ing realize the company’s digital
seamlessly partner and collaborate within larger     dent execution model that brings in the resources                      vision. He will be member of the
ecosystems to create innovative purpose-driven       just in time, efficient execution, and machine-       Airtel Management Board and report to Gopal
offerings to customers. This boundaryless value      led delivery governance that are delighting our       Vittal, MD & CEO, Bharti Airtel.
creation, supported by the seamless fabric of        customers. All these augur well to progress our       Welcoming Pradipt to Airtel, Gopal Vittal said:
technology enabled by cloud together the seam-       25×25 future of work vision,” said, N Ganapathy       “Airtel has always been a magnet for top global
less fabric of talent enabled by our SBWS™, will     Subramaniam, Chief Operating Officer & Execu-         talent and we are delighted to have Pradipt on
redefine industry after industry over the longer     tive Director.                                        board. He is an accomplished engineering leader
                                                                                                           and believes in creating value by enabling tech-

 3i Infotech Announces Sale of its Software Products                                                       nology that is focused on outcomes. I am confi-
                                                                                                           dent his experience will add immense value to
     Business to Funds Advised by Apax Partners                                                            Airtel’s digital vision. I wish him the very best.”

                                                     Since its incorporation in 1993, 3i Infotech has      Karan Bajwa appointed as Google
                                                     been providing a range of IT services and soft-
                                                     ware products to 1,200+ customers across
                                                                                                              Cloud leader in Asia Pacific
                                                     multiple industry verticals in over 50 countries.     Karan Bajwa who currently leads Google Cloud
                                                     The company operates through two business             in India has been elevated to become the new
                                                     segments: Services and Software Products. The         leader for Asia Pacific, the company announced.
                                                     Services segment, under the brand Altiray®, pro-                      Bajwa will lead all regional reve-
                                                     vides consulting services, business optimization                      nue and go-to-market operations
                                                     services and an extensive expertise in mobility,                      for Google Cloud, including on
                                                     data analytics, big data, testing and application                     Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and
3i Infotech Limited, a global information technol-   development. The Software Products business                           Google Workspace.
ogy company, announced that it has entered into      comprises a comprehensive set of core software        Bajwa succeeds Rick Harshman who leaves the
definitive agreements to sell its Software Prod-     products for customers in banking, financial ser-     organisation for a new opportunity, the company
ucts business to funds advised by Apax Partners,     vices and insurance (“BFSI”) verticals and includes   said in a statement.
for a total consideration of INR 10 billion. The     key products such as Kastle™ (universal banking       “A true test of 2021 will be how companies
Software Products business will be acquired by a     platform), AMLOCK™ (financial crime detection         replatform and build on the cloud not only
newly formed company named Azentio Software,         and compliance software suite), Premia™ Astra         for resilience but agility and innovation, and
wholly owned by the Apax Funds. The transac-         (core insurance software), MFund™ Plus (asset         I’m excited for the opportunity to lead Google
tion, subject to shareholder approval and rele-      management platform) and Orion™ (enterprise           Cloud’s business in APAC to maximise this next
vant regulatory approvals, is expected to close in   resource planning software).                          phase of growth,” said Bajwa.
early 2021.

CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 06			                              		                8		            		                          KRISHNA, January -2021

    D-Link creates impact through its
    CSR efforts in Healthcare domain
D-Link (India) Limited one of the leading net-       bring about change through its CSR programs             D-Link (India) Ltd. said, “A small effort is all
working brands in the country through its            D-Link has made some significant contribu-              it takes to make a lasting impact. We recog-
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) wing has       tions like providing Advanced Life Support Car-         nize that our actions as a responsible corpo-
been working relentlessly on various social          diac Ambulance to a hospital, donating over 8           rate entity can lead to progressive change in
welfare projects with focused efforts on com-        Dialysis machines to various medical centers,           the society that we operate in. At D-Link Social
munity wellbeing & sustainable development.          supporting government healthcare initiatives            welfare is an integral part of our value system.
In recent times D-Link CSR team has been                             including the PM Care Funds             Our commitment to Corporate Social Respon-
working with various organization & institutes                       and much more.                          sibility (CSR) is focused on initiatives that make
in healthcare space. These projects are tar-                         Expressing is view on health-           a constructive contribution to the community.
geted towards providing quality healthcare to                        care initiatives under CSR              Healthcare is one such area that we have been
those from socially marginalized and deprived                        purview of the organization,            extensively working on, and we look forward
sections of the society. In its earnest attempt to                   Tushar Sighat, MD & CEO –               to helping those in need”

         ViewSonic India Collaborates with
     Ingram Micro to Fast Pace its LCD Division
ViewSonic Corp announced its collabora-              from 1st January 2021. This seamless part-              tage, I believe we can create the value and
tions with Ingram Micro, the world’s largest         nership with a leading giant will append an             share the value with partners and custom-
provider of technology logistics services and        additional benefit to the business growth               ers. Then eventually make life more conve-
solutions. Ingram Micro will be an exclusive                       and prospects for a longer                nient and make business more efficient.”
distribution partner for ViewSonic’s LCD                           term. Eric Wei – Senior Direc-            In this year, ViewSonic will be adding new
business targeting the Indian market.                              tor, Asia Pacific ViewSonic,              and innovative products in its portfolio com-
The LCD monitor business in India is at a                          said, “We are glad to coop-               pelling its end customers. For ViewSonic,
matured state and high end professionals                           erate with Ingram Micro, a                this partnership will be a significant bene-
and gaming professionals have been the key                         reputed national distributor,             fit in reaching its retailers via one partner
players in fostering its growth. Ingram Micro        to jointly develop business in India. With              Ingram Micro. This sole partner will ease the
has commenced its business with ViewSonic            Ingram’s strength and ViewSonic’s advan-                distribution process benefiting both.

      Savex Technologies signs a distribution
             agreement with Fortinet
Savex Technologies,one of India’s largest Infor-     enablement training sessions, to equip partners         established enterprise channel network across
mation and Communication Technology Distrib-         in smaller cities with the necessary knowledge          India. With the added support of our TAC centre,
utor, announced that Fortinet, a global leader in    and skills to sell Fortinet’s solutions.                we will grow the business for Fortinet products
broad, integrated, and automated cybersecurity       Fortinet’sSecurity-driven networking, a strategy        and services, including solutions to secure hyper-
solutions,has appointed Savex Technologiesas         that converges networking and security across           scale architectures, SD-WAN, 5G, Edge network-
avalue-added distributor to further expand its       the connected environment is fast gaining adop-         ing, IoT, Endpoints, Critical Infrastructure and
business and security market footprint in India.     tion and market share in the Indian Market. From        Operational Technologies.”
The appointment builds on the strong demand          the core, to the branch and remote workers, and                         Rajesh Maurya, Regional Vice
for new solution requirements to secure the          into the cloud it enables organizations to effec-                       President, India & SAARC,at For-
edges that make up the new network including         tively see and defend today’s highly dynamic                            tinet said “The appointment of
the data center, WAN, local-area network (LAN),      environments while preserving an excellent user                         Savex Technologies as a distrib-
remote workersand cloud access.                      experience for employees and customers, keep-                           utor will provide our registered
Savex Technologies Pvt Ltd,which was selected        ing them relevant, competitive and resilient.           partners greater flexibility to work with Fortinet
for its long history of ICT distribution in India    Savex Technologies as a distributor will provide        and grow their business. Savex will help us to
and its representation of many major IT brands,      customers access to Fortinet technologies and           keep up with new business demands in emerging
will work with Fortinet to targetall market seg-     services in over 80 cities across the country.          technologies like SASE, SD-WAN, Network Access
ments, including large enterprise, telecom and                        Jayant Goradia, Managing Direc-        Control, EDR and Network Monitoring & Diag-
SMB.The new distributor will appoint technical                        tor for Savex Technologies Pvt         nostics. With Fortinet’s security-driven network-
resources to support Fortinet’s business, includ-                     Ltd, said “Savex is pleased with its   ing fast gaining more adoption in the Indian mar-
ing a dedicated team to handle both pre-sales                         tie-up with Fortinet, and this part-   ket, this partnership will play a strategic role in
and post-sales customer support. Savex Technol-                       nership will help us offer compre-     business expansion by adding new customers and
ogies will run marketing campaigns and conduct       hensive cybersecurity solutions to our vast and         partners in smaller cities apart from the metros.”

CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 06			                              		                9		              		                          KRISHNA, January -2021

          Expansion, Diversification, Digital Presence
             on Top Priorities of Partners in 2021
After going through a roller coaster ride in the       Gaming is another vertical, which witnessed a         marketing support, said Nilesh Shah, Director of
COVID-19 hit year of 2020, Indian IT channel is        steady growth during the lockdown. Consumers          Pune based Komal Systems.
all set to kick start the year 2021 with hope and      prefer to buy Gaming desktops and laptops for         Pointing out the serious issue of unavailability
optimism. Channel partners say that the previous       entertainment as well as for work/learning. The       of stocks at a local market, Debashis Kunti said,
                               year was instrumen-     demand for gaming solutions and accessories           “Many vendors have the policy of allocating cer-
                               tal in redefining       will continue to grow in 2021, hence, partners        tain SKUs to specific NDs. I think this is a rigid
                               their business strat-   are building their capabilities to tap this market.   strategy and calls for removal. Such step creates
                               egies to adapt to the   Within gaming PCs, customers are opting for All-      obstacles in the way of partners like us as we are
New Normal. According to them the IT hardware          in-one desktops, which is currently the rapidly       not able to fulfil customers’ requirements due
business will maintain the growth momentum             growing category within the PC segment.               to shortage/unavailability of stocks. Secondly
in 2021 as virtual and contactless engagement          “The demand for Gaming products and accesso-          certain NDs block material in some regions and
gain prominence and segments such as Storage,          ries has increased in 2020, especially, during the    hence, we lose potential business. NDs should
Server, Networking and Gaming PC (All-in-one)          initial months of the lockdown. Gaming segment        have flexibility in terms of inventory stocking in
will stimulate the industry growth.                    grew exponentially as people relied on online         their respective branch warehouse.”
Key Learnings from Corona Crisis                       gaming for entertainment. We are increasing our       Partners also called out prominent PC brands to
The corona crisis and subsequent nationwide            focus on the Gaming hardware and accessories          fulfil the government norms for local manufactur-
lockdown made several established notions              segment in 2021”, said Tarun Aggarwal, Director       ing so that they can also participate in govern-
irrelevant and one of those is a physical pres-        of Digit Computer, New Delhi.                         ment tenders through GEM portal.
ence. The rapid adoption of remote working and         Partners also see growth prospects in the SMB         Support from RP tech India
distance learning has taught us the new way of         vertical where the demand for PC, networking and      Partners lauded RP tech India for its value-added
engagement both formal and informal. In such           server/storage solution is huge. Talking about the    support during the lockdown. The company was
a scenario, a strong digital footprint is absolute     business roadmap, Debashis Kunti, CEO of Kol-         first to launch the Green zone and Orange zone
for seamless communication with target custom-         kata based Iserve Solution and Services Pvt Ltd,      offers to allow partners kick-start their business.
ers. Partners have also realised the importance of     said, “The demand for desktops and notebooks          RP tech India also conducted innovative cam-
online presence and hence, creating a company          is huge in the enterprise vertical. Every month we    paigns to promote WFH and LFH solutions. All
website and social media handles is one of the         get thousands of inquiries and we look forward        these efforts helped partners to liquidate their
top priorities of partners in 2021.                    to being more active in the B2B space through         stocks and bring their business on track.
“During the pandemic time, we realised the             GEM. We will focus on the government agencies         “The support from the RP tech has been fabulous,
necessity of an online presence to keep our busi-      and SMBs in West Bengal. Being a prominent RD,        especially during the lockdown they supported us
ness up and running. This year our priority is         we also plan to support our local partners from       through various schemes and offers. They should
to launch a company website and social media           WB and Jharkhand to crack the Corporate deals.”       make a single point of contact and help partners
handles to promote our business”, Ankit Dugar,         Expectations from Vendors/ NDs                        to manage buying from any branch at any city so
Director of Kolkata based Grapewine Networking         Partners hailed the support received from brands      that we can fulfil our multi-city orders”, said Amit
Pvt Ltd., adding, “We are also contemplating to        and national distributors during the lockdown.        Mittal.
list our company on the GEM portal to enter into       However, this year they expect OEMs and NDs to        Hailing the RP tech team, Nilesh Shah said, “RP
the B2B business.”                                     be more supportive and flexible in terms of price,    tech is the best distributor in the IT market and
Another key learning was effective and regular         product availability and credit policies.             I am working with them for more than 15 years
communication with customers. Partners focused         “We expect the vendors to give us the same level      now. They are very flexible and helpful. Even local
on strengthening their customer relations to           playing field for all the categories of products to   team and product managers directly work and
ensure recurrent business. “As not much business       compete with the online channel. The volume           coordinate with us, which improves confidence
was happening in April, May and June, we decided       and reach of E-Commerce companies are much            and help us to focus more on RP tech product
to strengthen our relations with customers so          faster than the conventional channel. Therefore,      line.”
that when the lockdown is lifted, they will first      we need to be given the same level playing field      While appreciating the work culture at RP tech,
remember us for their requirements”, said Nichay       so that our business also grows at the same pace.     partners also gave some valuable suggestions to
Gupta, Director of Mumbai based DataForce.             We also want brands to give us the equal oppor-       the company. “RP tech India has a very friendly
Partners also realised the importance of having a      tunity in terms of price and product exclusivity,     culture and we have very easy access to their
healthy bottom line during the pandemic. Hence,        which they offer to online channel”, said Ankit       senior management, Brands teams and product
striking a balance between revenue and profit is       Dugar.                                                heads. They always help us to get business done
crucial for the channel business in this year.         Adding to the point, Amit Mittal said, “We expect     at right time and the right place. However, they
Business Roadmap and Growth Plans                      NDs and OEMs to be flexible in term of their credit   should focus more on channel business and give
Expansion and diversification are the key focus        policy to help us serve more clients. Also, they      us preference in terms of business and stock allo-
areas of the business roadmap of channel part-         should ensure the timely delivery of the orders so    cation”, said Ankit Dugar.
ners. Many partners are exploring to step into the     that we do not miss potential customers.”             Another partner, Debashis Kunti said, “RP tech
growing PC and Gaming business, whereas some           Apart from support in terms of price, credit and      should increase stick availability in Kolkata and
of them are focused on geo-expansion and B2B           inventory, partners also voiced out the alloca-       also they should reconsider their existing credit
business.                                              tion of marketing budgets. “Vendor manage-            policies.”
“Our key strategy will be expanding our reach by       ment allows us to build a relationship with NDs       “We are a very old and prominent partner of RP
offering new Enterprise-level products & solu-         and service providers that will strengthen both       tech India and our experience with them has
tions and grow our wallet share with our existing      businesses. The process should be properly            always been excellent. They should conduct reg-
clients. Hiring seasoned professionals and train-      structured so that it is a win-win for both sides.    ular events for gaming products and target their
ing the existing team will also be our priorities      Secondly, distributor expectation in marketing        marketing activities to youngsters who are target
this year. We plan to expand our team by 25% and       should be based on a mutually beneficial partner-     buyers of Gaming hardware and accessories, said
increase revenue by 40% in 2021”, said Amit Mit-       ship. We expect both OEMs and NDs to support          Tarun Aggarwal.
tal, MD of Shree IT Solutions, Gurugram.               us with product, market information, training and

CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 06			                                		               10		            		                          KRISHNA, January -2021

                up to

CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 06			   		   11		    		   KRISHNA, January -2021
                                                                                                                  NETGEAR to Accelerate Wi-Fi 6 Imple-
                      VAIO to Relaunch in India
Known for its extensive range of sleek and portable     of premium, intelligently-crafted laptops. Collabo-
                                                                                                                  mentation in India with the launch of
                                                                                                                          Nighthawk RAX50
laptops equipped with top-of-the-shelf features that    rating with Flipkart, VAIO aims to regain its place                             With the broadest range
make for high-performance capability, the Japan-        and popularity amongst its customers all over again.                            of Wi-Fi 6 offerings in the
                                   based company,       The label is all geared up to foray into the sector to                          industry, NETGEAR, the
                                   VAIO is all set to   conqueror it all once again.                                                    leading provider of Wi-Fi
                                   make a come-         The brand that offers various services such as man-                             solutions continue the com-
                                   back in January.     ufacturing, sales and marketing as well as servicing                            mitment to advance Wi-Fi
                                   Relaunching itself   of VAIO laptops under the VAIO trademark in Hong         performance with the launch of a new product
                                   in the country on    Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Middle         in its line-up of Wi-Fi 6 Router. With the launch
                                   15 January 2021,     East markets is now strutting in India to reimagine      of NETGEAR Nighthawk RAX50, the performance
it is retracing its way into tech-enthusiast’s hearts   and co-create the future of laptops in the coun-         line will now join the fastest growing segment of
as it steps back in the competition with the Hong       try. Fueling the interest of tech-enthusiasts, VAIO      Wi-Fi advanced solutions – Wi-Fi 6 systems.
Kong-based Nexstgo Company Limited.                     intends to re-secure its rapport as the pioneer of       The Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) empowers with faster
VAIO Corporation will debut in India with its range     tech-savvy laptops.                                      Wi-Fi speeds with reliable connections, so one
                                                                                                                 can enjoy buffer-free streaming, faster down-
    Netrack introduces Seismic Rack Cabinet to protect IT                                                        loads, and can add more smart home devices

                equipment from Earthquake                                                                        without slowing down the Internet experience.
                                                                                                                 It also offers better coverage and, more impor-
When a company plans to set up an IT room,              hardship, sudden force, vibration, or a physical         tantly, has the power and capacity to handle the
                there is a considerable invest-         threat that the surrounding environment might            dozens of devices in the typical congested smart
                ment they consider for pur-             bring to the equipment. For instance, an earth-          home.
                chasing the right equipment             quake is an uncalled-for event that’s inevitable;        The newly launched Nighthawk RAX50 is a dual-
                as per their need, server rack          and an earthquake-proof server rack is the right         band model, but it has 6 strings. It also has four
                cabinets being one among                solution for the same.                                   LAN ports, so one can connect wired devices such
                the most important. A single            No matter wherever a company may be located,             as game consoles and smart TVs without purchas-
                server rack can house a piece           it would want the server and other telecom-              ing an additional switching hub. Now, one can
                of equipment worth thousands            munication equipment to be operational at all            enjoymore comfortable home time with RAX50,
of dollars.                                             times. To reduce the risk involved and minimize          including timeless web meetings and uninter-
System administrators need to be sure that              equipment damage, an IT rack needs to have               rupted video streaming.
the purchased rack will be able to handle any           proper seismic protection.

   Mechanically Tough- XPG SUMMONER Gaming Keyboard, a                                                            STL launches Garuda, a smart
                                                                                                                       5G indoor small cell
       Right Accessory for Extreme Gaming Experience                                                             STL, an industry-leading integrator of digital
ADATA, a leading manufacturer of high-perfor-           num top panel with open-chassis design. Equipped         networks, unveiled Garuda, a smart 5G Indoor
mance DRAM modules and NAND Flash storage               with CHERRY MX RGB mechanical switches, the              small cell. With Garuda, STL continues to play an
                             application prod-          XPG SUMMONER keyboard offers complete game               instrumental role in building an indigenous 5G
                             ucts and acces-            control, tactile feedback and the highest click
                             sories, recently           precision with a 1000 Hz polling rate. The device
                             announced the              comes in three variants: Cherry MX Silver which is
                             launch of XPG              fast and sensitive switches, Blue which comes in
                             SUMMONER                   the classic and tactile design switches and the Red
Gaming Keyboard. The SUMMONER has an alumi-             one quiet and linear switches.
                                                                                                                 ecosystem and enabling its customers to provide

  ASUS Announces Z590 Motherboards at CES 2021                                                                   enhanced 5G experiences in the future.
                                                                                                                 A game changer for the technology landscape, 5G
                     Following the launch of the        sors andfeature beefed-up VRMs for responsive            will enable many data intensive real-time appli-
                     Intel® Z590 desktop plat-          and reliable power delivery, along with enhanced         cations. However, 5G signals will require closer
                     form at CES 2021, ASUS             VRM and M.2 thermal solutions. Comprehensive             proximity to mobile devices, creating a need for
                     announced its new Z590             connectivity options includeonboard USB 3.2 Gen          short range networks. Such access raises ques-
                     series motherboard lineup          2X2 Type-C®, up to 10 Gb Ethernet and future-            tions regarding coverage at a premise level.
                     which spans the entire spec-       proof Intel WiFi 6E.In addition, a host of AI-pow-       Garuda indoor small cell solution addresses these
                     trum of top-end ROG Maxi-          ered technologies — AI Overclocking, AI Cooling,         challenges by using devices as cellular access
                     mus XIII, high-performance         AI Networking and Two-Way AI Noise Cancelation           points, providing 5G grade coverage to meet
                     ROG Strix, durable TUF Gam-        — allow users to optimize their system with min-         the burgeoning data demands of the end users.
ing, and steadfast Prime motherboards. These            imal effort. A full reveal of each series will be held   STL Garuda offers a low cost and agile means for
motherboards are designed to maximize the full          in the coming weeks.                                     faster 5G readiness, improving the economics for
potential of the 11th Gen Intel® Core™ proces-                                                                   Digital Service Providers and enterprises.

             Turn a Touch Interface Touchless with Intel RealSense TCS
                        Intel       announced           less one while maintaining a familiar and                to seamlessly convert a touch interac-
                        Intel®     RealSense™           intuitive user experience. W ith the pan-                tion to a touchless one. TC S provides
                        Touchless       Control         demic affecting people worldwide, pay                    a smooth transition without changing
                        Sof tware (TC S), a sim-        and check-in stations, automated teller                  existing user inter faces or writing a sin-
                        ple solution for con-           machines and ordering kiosks could use                   gle line of code, creating a safer way of
                        verting a touch-based           the Intel RealSense sof tware and camera                 interacting with public displays.”
                        kiosk or digital sign           to offer safer, touch-free options.“Intel
                        into a safer, touch-            RealSense TC S leverages computer vision

CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 06			                                 		                 12		             		                         KRISHNA, January -2021

     Worldwide Market for Used Smartphones to Reach 351.6                                                        How OPPO is Reinventing
         Million Units with a Market Value of $65 Billion                                                         Glass Experience with
IDC expects worldwide shipments of used smart-                                                                         Reno Glow
phones, inclusive of both officially refurbished       with bundling (family plans and services) to get       It will be true to say that smartphones are con-
and used smartphones, to reach a total of 225.4        consumers to turn over their old device and            sidered as an extension of people’s personalities.
million units in 2020. This represents an increase     upgrade. Although 2020 volume was not as large         Their phone is not an extension of how they see
of 9.2% over the 206.5 million units shipped in        as expected, the used market still performed well                                          themselves,
                                 2019. IDC proj-       compared with the new market, where IDC is                                                 but how they
                                 ects used smart-      expecting a 6.4% decline for smartphones for the                                           want to make
                                 phone        ship-    year. As with our previous forecast, we still expect                                       an impression
                                 ments will reach      to see double-digit growth during the forecast                                             on       others.
                                 351.6      million    period, at an average of 11.8%.                                                            Hence,      the
                                 units in 2024         “In contrast to the recent declines in the new         looks of a smartphone play a major role in deter-
                                 with a com-           smartphone market, as well as the forecast for         mining the overall buying decision.
                                 pound      annual     minimal growth in new shipments over the next          Over the years, OPPO has designed and devel-
growth rate (CAGR) of 11.2% from 2019 to 2024.         few years, the used market for smartphones             oped magnificent smartphones that seamlessly
Much of the 9.2% growth continues to be driven         shows no signs of slowing down across all parts        marry both humanity and technology together.
by mature markets in which trade-in emulates a         of the globe,” said Anthony Scarsella, research        Consumer satisfaction lies at the ethos of OPPO’s
form of subsidy to push consumers to upgrade.          manager with IDC’s Worldwide Quarterly Mobile          product development and thus with the Reno
Over the past year, we have seen rapid growth          Phone Tracker. “Refurbished and used devices           series, OPPO has always introduced power-packed
in trade-in programs and average selling prices        continue to provide cost-effective alternatives to     products as per the consumer’s demands.
(ASPs) across numerous channels. Premium flag-         both consumers and businesses that are looking         With the launch of Reno5 Pro 5G, OPPO will be
ship offerings continue to rely heavily on trade-in    to save money when purchasing a smartphone.            elevating the possibilities of masterful craftsman-
programs to make the upfront cost more afford-         Moreover, the ability for vendors to push more         ship which will come with the industry-first Reno
able to consumers. Vendors such as Apple, Sam-         affordable refurbished devices in markets where        glow design in a striking Astral Blue color.
sung, and Huawei have all implemented their            they normally would not have a presence is help-       OPPO’s designers devised an aesthetic experience
own programs with very aggressive trade-in             ing these players grow their brand as well as their    that is resonant with the Milky Way. The Reno
offers compared with other channels. Telcos            ecosystem of apps, services, and accessories.”         Glow effect is an industry-first AG (Anti-Glare)
on the other hand are using trade-in combined                                                                 Glass Process that shows class, giving a stunning
                                                                                                              look to the device. The unique AG glass process
 Worldwide Used Smartphone Shipments (shipments in millions of units)
                                                                                                              makes the smartphone shine like millions of dia-
 Region               2020 Ship- 2020 Market          2024 Ship-       2024 Market        2019-2024           monds embedded into the glass body.
                      ments      Share                ments*           Share*             CAGR*
 North America        55.0           24.4%            94.9             27.0%              14.9%
                                                                                                               Lava launches world’s first ‘made-
 Rest of World        170.4          75.6%            256.7            73.0%              10.1%
                                                                                                              to-order’ customisable smartphone
                                                                                                              Lava has launched world’s first smartphones –
 Total                225.5          100.0%           351.6            100.0%             11.2.%              MyZ – that can be customised and even upgraded
 Source: IDC, Worldwide Used Smartphone Forecast, 2020–2024, Dec 2020.                                                                 to suit the customers’
                                                                                                                                       requirement. MyZ is

   Announcing boAt’s $100 Million Funding By Warburg Pincus                                                                            uniquely designed to
                                                                                                                                       allow customers to cus-
Starting off 2021 on a high note, we’re elated         carved out within the industry and stands to                                    tomize their smartphone
to announce that boAt has raised approximately         benefit from the secular tailwinds of e-commerce                                to suit their needs, before
$100 million from an affiliate of Warburg Pincus,      growth in India. Warburg Pincus is excited to                                   purchase (being called
a leading global private equity fund focused on        partner with the management team of boAt led                                    as My-Z). The phone can
growth investing.                                      by Aman & Sameer in this journey and we look                                    also be upgraded post
We welcome Warburg Pincus as a new investor            forward to supporting them through the next            purchase (being called as Z-Up). These smart-
into the company. This is a vote of confidence for     phase of the company’s growth.”                        phones can be customised in 66 unique ways
our business model and growth prospects. The           The investment by Warburg Pincus will enable           with options of increasing or changing RAM,
investment is great news for not only the com-         the company to further fortify its leading market      ROM, front camera, rear camera(s) and even the
pany but for the entire D2C sector. The invest-        position, widen its R&D capabilities and product       colour of the phone. This is unprecedented in the
ment has come at the right time as we make             portfolio, and build on boAt’s efforts to create       25-year history of the phones in the world.
efforts to ramp up our manufacturing and global        and support a manufacturing ecosystem under            World’s first ‘Made-to-Order’ phone
supply chain”, says Aman, co-founder, boAt.            the Make-in-India initiative. Avendus Capital          In a move that will redefine the smartphone indus-
As a digitally native brand in India, boAt has con-    acted as the exclusive financial advisor to Boat       try and its use by customers, Lava announced this
sistently been breaking barriers in a sector tradi-    and its shareholders on the transaction, enabling      unique ‘Made-to-Order’ concept for smartphones
tionally dominated by established global brands,       the manufacture of products in India.                  which will allow customers to choose between
placing India on the global map. In addition to        As boAt enters the next phase of growth and            a 2GB, 3GB, 4GB or 6GB RAM, and mix & match
solidifying its position in the Indian market as       innovation, we look forward to benefitting from        it with 32GB, 64GB & 128GB ROM in a combi-
the #1 player, boAt has also emerged as the 5th        Warburg’s pedigree, collective experience and          nation of your choice. Further you can choose
largest wearable brand globally, according to IDC      resources in helping us scale. Going forward,          between a dual (13+2MP) or a triple rear camera
data.                                                  with the Government’s support, we will focus           (13+5+2MP), an 8MP or a 16MP selfie camera.
Vishal Mahadevia, Managing Director and Head,          on building capabilities in domestic R&D and           You can also select a color of your choice, your
                 Warburg Pincus India, said:                          undertake vertical integration          own version of Lava’s Z series – and your MyZ is
                 We see a compelling growth story                     across both the hearable and            ready. You can order this ‘Made-to-Order’ device
                 in boAt and believe the company                      wearable space to establish India       on Lava e-store- and your
                 is well-poised to build upon the                     as a global supplier.”, says Sameer     unique smartphone, made just for you, will be
                 strong leadership position it has                    Mehta, Co-Founder, boAt.                delivered to you.

CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 06			                                		                13		            		                          KRISHNA, January -2021
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