Multi-cloud approach to ICT: Quest for speed, agility continues - ITWeb

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Multi-cloud approach to ICT: Quest for speed, agility continues - ITWeb
Innovation                     Insight                  Plus

JANUARY 2018   |   Issue 37

Multi-cloud approach to ICT:
Quest for speed, agility continues
Multi-cloud approach to ICT: Quest for speed, agility continues - ITWeb
                                We are pleased to announce a
                               private-format CV presentation.

This concept enables job seekers to post their CVs in incognito
mode – to expose their skills, education, work experience and
credentials to the top recruiters in the country, without revealing
their identity.
The recruiters will be able to request contact with a job seeker who
chose incognito mode, and the job seeker will have the choice of
accepting or rejecting the contact request. If the job seeker accepts
the request, the contact details will be sent to the recruiter, and the
recruitment process will continue from there.

In the incognito mode, a job seeker also has the option of
predefining which recruitment agencies get to view his or her
contact details.


Follow us on:                                     NOW
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Multi-cloud approach to ICT: Quest for speed, agility continues - ITWeb
                                            A     nother year has passed and, going by some media reports, we
                                                  are in for a tough but telling 12 months ahead.
                                               As businesses battle against economic hardship, unsurprisingly
                                                                                                                           AFRICAN INNOVATION HUBS, THE
                                                                                                                           NEXT WEEKEND HANGOUTS      2
                                                                                                                                                          DATA ARCHITECTURE
                                                                                                                                                          GOES AGILE          15
                                                                                                                                                                                   COMPANY NEWS
                                                                                                                                                                                   TOP JOBS

JOVAN REGASEK                               the cloud has emerged as a tech force that experts say will continue
                                                                                                                           JANUARY 2018   |   Issue 36                        to disrupt industries. It will also compel decision makers to act more
                                            decisively when it comes to ICT infrastructure management.
Editorial Director                             And if you’re going to go cloud to strengthen your ICT capability,
RANKA JOVANOVIC                             then a multi-cloud approach is the way to go – at least that’s what                          T-Systems advocates (see more from the ITWeb/T-Systems Multi-
                                            cloud approach to ICT Survey on page 06)
Editor                                         This edition also features an update from ITWeb’s inaugural
CHRIS TREDGER                               Industry Tech update event, during which Stuff magazine’s Toby                       Shapshak described Africa as “the most innovative, most exciting,
                                            most incredible place in the whole world right now.”
Production Manager                             The ‘stuff’ of debate, some would argue.
SINDISO KHUPE                                  We also feature thought-proving insight into data, from breaches           Multi-cloud approach to ICT:
                                                                                                                          Quest for speed, agility continues                         and governance, through to BI skills availability and application.

Designers                                   Enjoy the read!
ONTIRETSE NGOLWANE                          Chris Tredger
ANA GOLIJANIN                               Editor

Circulation Manager

Business Development Director
CARYN BERMAN                                                                                                              SURVEY                              2                                                                          Multi-cloud approach
                                                                                                                          to ICT			                                                               6

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Printed by                                                                                                                Skills Development                                              18
NOVUS PRINT SOLUTIONS                                                                                                     Events                                                          18
                                                                                                                          Top Jobs                                                        19

Copyright ©2014 by ITWeb Limited.
All rights reserved. No part of this
publication may be reproduced or
distributed in any form or by any
                                            AFRICAN INNOVATION HUBS,
means, or stored in a database or           THE NEXT WEEKEND HANGOUTS                                                2
retrieval system, without the prior
written permission of the publisher.        COMPANY NEWS
Opinions expressed in this publication      Business                       3-5     Enterprise                      11          Telecoms                                                     17
are not necessarily those of the editors,
                                            Financial                        5     Computing                       11          Security                                                     17
publisher, or advertiser.
                                            Industry Solutions               5     Software                    11, 16          Networking                                                   20
                                            TechForum                       10     Channel                         16          Internet                                                     20

                                                                                                                     January 2018                 |                                       01
Multi-cloud approach to ICT: Quest for speed, agility continues - ITWeb

African innovation hubs,
the next weekend hangouts
                                                 tech hub model. And the Silicon tech hubs         Thinking outside the… hub
                                                 were not built around Africa's unique             The Tshimologong Digital Precinct is a
                                                 culture and problems. For one thing, Africa       half block in Braamfontein dedicated to
                                                 has a notable IT and tech skills shortage,        innovation, ticking all the right boxes in
                                                 which spells slim pickings when it comes          terms of what Barry sees as the future
                                                 to new talent to man the innovation hubs          of quintessentially African tech hubs.
                                                 of tomorrow.                                      Unveiled last year, after three years in
                                                    When faced with the question of how we         development, it's designed for Africa,
                                                 address this issue, a lot of industry experts     to channel youth energy and convert
                                                 will tout 'education, education, education,'      tech users into creators through skills
                                                 but if you're a twenty-something living           development. But above all that, its
                                                 in Africa, with little to no digital exposure     greatest differentiator is its open-door
                                                 beyond your Facebook newsfeed, are                policy.
                                                 you really going to be on the hunt for               Anyone can apply for membership.
                                                 opportunities in this sector? No, you're too      So, people come together from a range of
                                                 busy looking for things that interest you,        analogous fields to share ideas to better
                                                 like coffee, pizza and bandwidth – which          enable innovation. Why? Because the
                                                 is incidentally the philosophy behind the         more unique minds, the merrier: people
                                                 feast for the senses at the Fak'ugesi festival,   with different backgrounds will not be
                                                 currently redefining how we do innovation         constrained by the same limitations of
By LEE NAIK, CEO OF TRANSUNION AFRICA            in Africa.                                        their field or the known solution it offers to
                                                                                                   the problem, leading to a greater diversity

F    rom labs to hubs, and now festivals,
     the concept of setting a specific space
aside for innovation has been around for
                                                 What sets the Grand
                                                 Geek's Fak'ugesi apart?
                                                 The mastermind behind this philosophy
                                                                                                   of approaches.
                                                                                                      That combined input is what drives
                                                                                                   aggressive innovation, which is why
a while, though the scenery has changed          is Barry Dwolatzky, professor of Software         companies like Microsoft, Telkom, IBM,
significantly over the years – all the more so   Engineering at the Wits School of Electrical      Cisco and others invest the time and
on our own continent, where the fun-first,       and Information Engineering, and director of      money to align their organisations with
business-later Fak'ugesi Digital Festival in     the Joburg Centre for Software Engineering,       concepts like this in the first place. Is this
Braamfontein is drawing new crowds.              otherwise known as "the Grand Geek". He           what more African organisations should
   But are these hubs all they're cracked up     knows that before we can develop talent, we       be doing instead of flogging the proverbial
to be? Or are they more flavour of the week      need to attract and foster it.                    dead horse with unstimulating brainstorm
than drivers of change?                             I've always stood by the belief that if        sessions and dated processes?
                                                 you do innovation only from inside your
Hubs with more local flavour                     organisation, it will fail.                       Innovate from the outside in
Africa has no shortage of innovation                This year's Fak'ugesi festival gave            I've always stood by the belief that if
hubs. There's iHub in Kenya, arguably            attendants the chance to 3D print a robot         you do innovation only from inside your
the continent's most famous innovation           themselves, reimagine their surroundings          organisation, it will fail, whether due to
hub. Iceaddis in Ethiopia dabbles in             with a combination of Minecraft and VR,           bureaucracy or a limited pool of ideas. It's
every industry from interior design to           participate in an animation challenge, and        time to admit that none of us can have all
recruitment. And of course, CcHub in             browse interactive arts and projections,          the answers, so we must start reaching out
Nigeria is making headlines with the             against a backdrop of local music talent.         to people and organisations that we know
Biri chatbot right now. That's just to           It doesn't sound like an innovation hub,          are better at coming up with those answers
name a few, but no matter how far down           because it isn't one. Instead, Fak'ugesi          than we are.
the list you read, many share the same           is the taster – the coffee, pizza and                Ask yourself, could you coax hundreds
problematic characteristics.                     bandwidth if you will. It was designed            of people out of bed on the weekend to
  Whether these similarities are that they       to appeal to Africa's growing experience          come to your organisation and participate
have a corporate or educational format,          culture; to pique interest and develop            the way Fak'ugesi has? If the answer is
or that they are built for more tech-type        a taste for tech and digital, where               no, then it's time to start thinking about
individuals like developers, the resulting       there might not have been one before.             how you could. What do you need to do to
problem is the same – they're all slightly       Meanwhile, something bigger was waiting           turn your innovation efforts into the next
tweaked iterations of the Silicon Valley         in the wings.                                     weekend hangout?

 02                          | January 2018
Multi-cloud approach to ICT: Quest for speed, agility continues - ITWeb

                                     Power of                           Training health                       DVT delivers
                                     partnerships in                    entrepreneurs                         employee rewards
                                     support of NSP                     through Altron's                      system for Perkaloo
                                     Dr Reginald Setlhakgoe             MediSwitch                            Software development and
                                     from EOH said: "The fight          Medical students receive              testing company DVT has
                                     against HIV and TB morbidity       excellent clinical training,          delivered a seamless Web and
                                     and mortality is the kind          but they often graduate not           USSD mobile communication
                                     that will be won through           knowing how to run a practice         system for SA's newest
                                     partnership and collaboration      as a business. MediSwitch,            independent loyalty and
                                     between various stakeholders       a unit of JSE-listed Altron,          employee engagement portal,
                                     and government. Today's            is helping to change this by          Perkaloo. The system is
                                     collaboration initiative           investing time and resources          designed to help Perkaloo
between De Beers, EOH, SABCOHA and government has once again            in training medical students by       support as many companies,
demonstrated to all of us the positive impact that can be achieved.     giving them advice on entering        employers, employees and
Health has been taken to the people, and community members              the business environment              partners as possible, or as
received comprehensive health screening. However, more                  as healthcare practitioners.          Perkaloo's co-founder Deon
importantly, they acquired valuable information regarding their         MediSwitch, which has trained         Nieuwoudt contends, "just
personal health, which is one of the most priceless gifts any person    over 200 students, offers             about every employer and
can ever receive – because it empowers the individual.”                 practice management talks             employee in South Africa                                                           once a year to University of          by radically transforming
                                                                        Witwatersrand physiotherapy           employee benefits". From
CommerceQuest SA makes a difference                                     students, as well as University       the start, we set out to create
The Izzi Trust is the preferred educational trust of ADvTECH            of the Western Cape dentistry         a unique platform unlike
schools and tertiary institutions. Through meaningful and               students. MediSwitch is a leader      anything else available on the
responsible partnerships with corporates, The Izzi Trust is able        in electronically delivering          local market," says Nieuwoudt.
to provide opportunities to students to attend private schools          claims from healthcare                "Perkaloo was designed to
or tertiary institutions that enable them to achieve their full         professionals to medical              break down the traditionally
potential. These partnerships help break the cycle of poverty           schemes and administrators for        difficult barrier to entry of
that many of the youth in our country continue to face. In 2017,        quick payment.                        most rewards programmes.”
The Izzi Trust welcomed CommerceQuest SA (CQSA) as a valued                 
partner in helping it achieve its objective. CQSA sponsored two
IT bursaries at Rosebank College for two talented and deserving
young women.

Praesignis launches data and business
intelligence platform for PinkDrive
Since June 2016, Praesignis has been PinkDrive’s data, analytics
and business intelligence (BI) partner. This year Praesignis
developed a customised solution for PinkDrive, launching the
platform during October, International Breast Cancer Awareness
Month. It ties in with its vision of providing a data and BI platform
that will optimise the collection, analysis and utilisation of all
PinkDrive's data.

Major job loss in SA, report shows
According to the Daly Group, almost 60 000 employees lost their
                                                                        Marko Salic, Argility
jobs in SA in 2016, a report by Solidarity trade union revealed in
Pretoria recently. Solidarity's research shows that employees in the    Argility announces exciting plans for
mining industry are hit hardest, with 36 companies that have been       formation of innovative technology group
engaged in retrenchments during the past year, and with 29 261          Argility has announced the formation of the Argility Technology
employees facing retrenchment in the industry. Second worst-off         Group and its acquisition of Cquential Solutions and Fleet Domain.
is the ICT industry, with 8 141 employees at six companies being        Argility CEO Marko Salic says the acquisitions form part of a broader
affected by retrenchments. The loss in jobs will impact on other        strategy aimed at building an innovative technology group with
job opportunities, Solidarity general secretary Gideon du Plessis is    specialised experience and expertise across multiple industry
quoted as saying.                                                       verticals.                                        

                                                                                                      January 2018   |                    03
Multi-cloud approach to ICT: Quest for speed, agility continues - ITWeb

DVT, Dynamic DNA welcome 100 learners                                                                       EOH takes science
into 2017 Learnership Programme                                                                             of CX to new levels
Software development and testing company DVT, together with                                                  Customer experience (CX)
sister company and education partner Dynamic DNA, have                                                       has evolved from a soft focus
announced the largest ever intake to their co-run learnership IT                                             to a core strategic business
skills training and apprenticeship programme for 2017. For the                                               imperative, requiring analytical
first time, 100 learners have been selected to participate in the                                            prowess underpinned by
programme, with special provisions made to accommodate the large                                             high-level business and process
number of students at Dynamic DNA's Randburg headquarters, in                                                improvement skills. With
Johannesburg. Established in 2015, the Learnership Programme                                                 this in mind, Africa's largest
gives learners the opportunity to empower themselves with                                                    technology service provider,
specialist IT, software development, software testing and business                                           EOH Coastal, is making greater
skills that make them highly employable.                                                                     use of its CX offering to better                                                         understand target markets and ultimately deliver the best possible
                                                                      products and services to them. The head of CX at EOH Coastal,
How marketing automation                                              Michelle Badenhorst, says: "We assess the organisation and start with
helps the insurance industry                                          an outside-in approach to inform operational strategies that deliver
Much like it helps just about every other industry, marketing         superlative CX. Our business strategies grow organically from the
automation offers a number of benefits to the insurance industry,     insights that we get from our customers.”
according to Grapevine. As the era of digital continues to change
the way businesses operate all over the world, the insurance
industry is slowly but surely awakening to the benefits of            ATIO attains level 1 B-BBEE status
automation. A study conducted by ITC and Velocify, Techsurance        ATIO, a specialist ICT services company, has achieved a level 1
Marketing Revolution, showed 71% of consumers shopping for            B-BBEE status, awarded by Mazars, a SANAS accredited B-BBEE
insurance went online to get a quote; 62% of online insurance         verification agency. "It has always been our goal to continually
shoppers sought two or three quotes; and 66% of online insurance      improve our B-BBEE status, and after achieving level 2 status
shoppers were looking for a lower price.                              for four years in a row, we have finally managed to achieve this                                              new milestone. This recognition comes as a result of hard work
                                                                      and a great deal of long-term planning on the part of the entire
                                                                      business. We believe this is a clear indication of our commitment to
                                                                      transformation, and we are excited about this achievement," says
                                                                      ATIO CEO Chris Van der Sande.

                                                                      Driving organisational
                                                                      performance with functional analytics
                                                                      The ability to gain insights from data will help businesses pinpoint
                                                                      market trends and highlight any issues, says ITWeb. Over the
                                                                      years, business intelligence (BI) has transformed the way we do
                                                                      business, by giving organisations access to floods of information
                                                                      from multiple data sources and impacting industries in the process.
                                                                      Moreover, the ability to analyse this data, and glean actionable
                                                                      insights from it, is helping companies of all types and sizes make
                                                                      better, more intelligent decisions ahead of time. This in turn is
                                                                      helping businesses meet their customers' needs by offering them
                                                                      strategic and innovative products and solutions.

                                                                      Discounted Accounting
                                                                      EasyBiz QuickBooks ran a 30 % Discounted package on its two
                                                                      flagship products, QuickBooks Accounting and Quick Payroll,
Auto Group Image                                                      when bought as a bundle until December. Due to lack of sufficient
                                                                      reporting and tracking of transactions, many small and medium
KDS Direct showcases more                                             sized business owners are not able to fully grasp the financial
product ranges to small office operators                              fundamentals of their organisations. Knowing where your business
Since KDS Direct launched its online store in October 2016, it has    is heading is vital in creating a successful venture and if you are
kept its promise of delivering excellent printer products, with the   serious about your company's success you will need a cost-effective,
commitment to guarantee the best price on each product.               easy to understand and easy to use accounting software.                                         

 04                         | January 2018
Multi-cloud approach to ICT: Quest for speed, agility continues - ITWeb

CaseWare updates                                                                                              International
financial reporting template                                                                                  partnership
New Sectional Titles Schemes Management Regulations mandate                                                   benefits SA
disclosure requirements for the trustees of body corporates and                                                 Obsidian Systems is the South
their managing agents. CaseWare Africa, a division of Adapt IT                                                  African training partner of
and a global leader in auditing and financial reporting software,                                               Atlassian. Muggie van Staden, CEO
has released an updated version of its IFRS for SMEs template. The                                              at Obsidian Systems, explains:
aim is to assist trustees to discharge their extended obligations, in                                           "Being part of the Atlassian
terms of the regulations, as easily and accurately as possible. Jannie                                          ecosystem enables us to leverage
Marais, product manager: Financial reporting at CaseWare Africa:           off their extensive international enterprise software experience
"We researched the implications extensively, and consulted with            and pair that with our knowledge of the South African market. The
the Financial Intelligence Centre, to ensure that trustees and agents      result is a unique combination of best practice that provides our local
do not fall foul of the new regulations."                                  customers with a tailored approach to their business operations."                                                    

                                       Africa's first                      Data Virtualisation business acquired
                                       integrated physical,                TIBCO Software, a global leader in integration, API management,
                                       cyber defence centre                and analytics is acquiring Cisco's Data Virtualisation business
                                       XON and NEC Africa have             (formerly Composite Software). This strategic move strengthens
                                       launched their joint Cyber          TIBCO's portfolio of analytics products, allowing businesses to
                                       Defence Operation Centre            get analytic solutions into production faster than alternatives,
                                       (CDOC). This is the only facility   while continuing to adapt as data sources change from traditional
                                       from a single service provider      databases and big data sources to cloud and IOT. The transaction
                                       in Africa that offers end-to-       remains subject to customary conditions and is expected to close in
                                       end physical and cyber defence      the near future.
                                       services, with all the underlying
                                       IT infrastructure necessary for a
                                       turnkey solution.                   Pan-African XON turns 21
Carel Coetzee, XON                                  bolstered by $30bn shareholder
                                                                           XON is celebrating 21 years of business. It all began in 1996 around

  FINANCIAL                                                                a core small networks and office support and maintenance service
                                                                           that has grown into carrier-class and enterprise networking,
                                                                           information management, information security, infrastructure,
Altron delivers growth in turbulent times                                  outsourcing and professional services. Carel Coetzee, CEO of XON
During the past six months, the continuing operations of                   says, "That constant attention to customer requirements and
JSE-listed Allied Electronics Corporation (Altron) presented               market needs led us to acquire a new shareholder in NEC, a global
a significantly improved performance, with a 5% increase                   technology giant with annual revenues in the region of $30 billion,
in revenue to R6.8 billion and a 19% increase in EBITDA to                 so we now compete at a different level throughout Africa.
R501 million. This growth was driven by the performance of the   
group's international operations. Commenting on Altron's interim
results, chief executive Mteto Nyati said: "We are working on
our goal to deliver consistent double-digit growth rates at the              INDUSTRY SOLUTIONS
EBITDA level. Central to this is our approach to how we sell to our
customers. We are placing more emphasis on cross-selling and                                           Epicor success
upselling as one Altron.”                                                                              story – Bakers SA                                                                                           When Bakers SA turned to its local IT
                                                                                                         partner – New Era Solutions – for advice,
                                                                                                         they worked together to review relevant
                                                                                                         enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems

        ICT INSIGHT                                                                                      and concluded that the latest version
                                                                                                         of Epicor ERP would not only solve the
                                                                                                         business challenges faced today, but would
                                                                           also enable future growth. "We moved to Epicor ERP due to the growth
            To read the FULL company releases, visit                       of the business and the consequent requirement for improved reporting

                                                  directly from our ERP system," said Abdool Kader Tayob, chief executive,
                                                                           Bakers SA. "We needed a competitively priced, dynamic business
              Contact for any sales enquiries.           intelligence tool that provided the performance monitoring, reports, and
                                                                           analytics that enabled better decision-making for the business.”

                                                                                                         January 2018   |                    05
Multi-cloud approach to ICT: Quest for speed, agility continues - ITWeb

Speed to market
increases through cloud
                                                organisations moving to the cloud will          requirements. As well as governance, risk
                                                keep growing at a faster rate. "One needs       and compliance, there are other important
                                                to speed up innovation and reduce time to       policies that should be in place, such as
                                                market through cloud. Cloud is an enabler       cloud service visibility and continuous
                                                to achieve better productivity, agility and     cloud service provider evaluation," Lala
                                                capacity to respond to ever- changing           advises.
                                                business realities," he says.                      The survey also revealed that 44% of
                                                   Almost 60% of respondents stated that        respondents' cloud services are hosted
                                                their company is currently considering          locally, while 33% are using both local and
                                                moving to the public cloud and the              cross-border providers.
                                                majority is confident they have considered         "Compliance to local data laws is an
                                                all the risk associated with the move.          advantage as well as being able to receive
                                                   "The risks that should be considered         face-to-face support that your enterprise
                                                are cloud compatibility and compliance,         needs," comments Lala.
                                                security and data privacy, as well as service      When asked what ICT services are the
                                                level agreements," says Lala.                   most difficult to place in the cloud due
                                                                                                to risk factors, security features was
                                                                                                the ranked highest at 36%, CRM came
                                                                                                in second at 26% and business process

                                                    Experienced                                 operation third at 25%.
                                                                                                   What portion of your IT budget is
                                                     consultants                                allocated to cloud migration projects?
                                                                                                Most are taking a cautious approach and
                                                understand the need                             will only allocate under 10%. On the other
Jiten Lala, manager: portfolio and partner
management for ICT delivery at T-Systems          to design 'wiggle                             hand 9% will spend more than half of the
                                                                                                budget on cloud.

                                                room' in the process.
A     dopting a multi-cloud approach is the
      way to go, according to T-Systems.
   A recent survey by ITWeb, in
                                                                                                 ABOUT THE SURVEY

partnership with T-Systems, examined to            "Other points to be taken into                The 2017 Multi-cloud approach to ICT Survey
what extent this approach is used in local      consideration are security, vendor lock-in       was run online on ITWeb for a period of two
businesses.                                     and pay-per-user service levels," he adds.       weeks in June and July, to gain valuable insight into
                                                                                                 the multi-cloud approach to ICT strategies of SA
   First things first: do companies have           The most popular model being pursued
a formal cloud strategy in place? Over          is off-premises private cloud (57%),
80% of the respondents do have it, and          followed by on-premises self-managed                 To what extent organisations have a formal
23% report their strategy is extensively        (44%). About 30% have opted for off-                 cloud strategy in place;
                                                                                                 2   Are organisations ensuring governance, risk
developed.                                      premise public cloud or on-premises
                                                                                                     and compliance policies are in place;
   But not all those who have a strategy        vendor managed (22.9%).                          3   The most significant factors when considering
have made the move into the cloud as                                                                 an ICT service provider.
yet – 63% of respondents currently              Policies challenge
                                                                                                 WHO RESPONDED
have a cloud service provider. Of those,        Just under half (46%) of respondents
                                                                                                 •     A total of 318 responses were received for
over 20% are using three or more cloud          cited they do have a governance, risk                  the Business Resilience Survey.
service providers, and a further 22% are        management and compliance policy in              •     19% of respondents are executive
using two, while 21% have opted for one         place with regard to their cloud strategy,             management and 33% middle management.
                                                                                                 •     22% of survey respondents are from fairly
provider only.                                  while the rest either don't know or don't
                                                                                                       large companies with between 501-5000
   Jiten Lala, manager: portfolio and           have it.                                               employees and 15% are from multinationals
partner management for ICT delivery                "Cloud policies ensure you receive                  with over 10 000 employees.
at T-Systems, believes the number of            the right solutions for your cloud

 06                            | January 2018
Multi-cloud approach to ICT: Quest for speed, agility continues - ITWeb


                 No cloud strategy
                 in place
                 18%                                                    Moderately
                                                             developed cloud strategy

     developed cloud strategy
                                                             developed cloud strategy

 HOSTED IN THE CLOUD?                                                 CURRENTLY WORK WITH?

                          Data centre operations

              Customer relationship management

                      Business process operation

           Network and communications services

                                 Help desk support

                                            31%                             23%         22.3%   21.5%
                                  ICT infrastructure
                                IT security services

                                                                            One          Two     Three         Don't know     0
                     Enteprise resource                                                         or more
                     Enterprise resourceplanning

xx                     | November 2017
                                                                                                January 2018   |                    07
Multi-cloud approach to ICT: Quest for speed, agility continues - ITWeb
                     TO ICT SURVEY

     HOW IMPORTANT IS SECURITY WHEN                                                DO YOU HAVE A GOVERNANCE, RISK MANAGEMENT,
                                                                                   YOUR CLOUD STRATEGY?
        Somewhat                          Neutral
        important                            1%
        5%                                                                                                                46%

                                                             Very                                                         31%
                                                          important                                                          No
                               94%                                                                                    Don't know

                       Unimportant 0%




                                                              10%        9%

       10% or less   11- 20%      21 -30%      31 - 40%      41 - 50%     More
                                                                        than 50%

                                                                                                  November 2017   |                xx
08                       | January 2018
T-SYSTEMS SOUTH AFRICA                             (Southern Peninsula) region. The trust was          limited to smart phones,” said Mpumi Nhlapo,
                                                   founded in 2008 and raises funds to support         Head of T-Systems South Africa’s Marketing
AND WAYDE VAN NIEKERK                              the work of the Neonatal unit at the Groote         Communications, IT Portfolio and Solution
HELP CONNECT MOTHERS                               Schuur Hospital in Cape Town. The Neonatal
                                                   unit provides care and treatment to over 2000

OF PREMATURE BABIES                                of the 40 000 babies born in the area each          “We quickly identified that the Neonatal Unit
                                                   year.                                               had been using a manual system for the
WITH HOSPITAL.                                                                                         management of communication with the
Johannesburg, South Africa, August 2017
                                                   T-Systems South Africa’s brand ambassador           parents of premature babies once they had
                                                   and 400m World Record holder, Wayde van             been discharged from the hospital.”
                                                   Niekerk, is one person that holds the cause of
                                                   mothers of premature babies very closely. He        “As an ICT company, we then explored how
                                                   was born prematurely at 29 weeks and                we could leverage technology to address
                                                   understands what his mother went through            some of the key challenges in the process
                                                   and the role that a neonatal facility can play in   which included missed appointments that
                                                   affording premature babies with a fighting          could, as a result of ROP, place eyesight and
                                                   chance due to the necessary treatment and           even the life of the premature baby at risk.
                                                   care provided. Together with his mother,            With this in mind, we developed a solution
                                                   Odessa Swarts, Wayde is an ambassador of            that allows the unit to communicate with
                                                   the Newborns’ Groote Schuur Trust.                  and track the patients, continuously update
                                                                                                       contact details, schedule appointments and
The prospect of motherhood is a joyful time for
                                                   Wayde van Niekerk and T-Systems’ Pledge             send reminders through the mobile phone.
women all over the world. The anticipation of a
                                                   Early in 2016, van Niekerk donated R500 000         Additionally, the system is capable of
new life is often accompanied by planning for
                                                   to the Newborns Groote Schuur Trust. This act       scheduling and managing staff standby
the arrival of a baby with the preparation of a
                                                   compelled T-Systems South Africa to further         rosters in line with set business rules, reducing
nursery, clothing and other essentials.
                                                   assist with his cause. In support of Wayde’s        the pressure on doctors and nurses and
However, a premature birth can result in a
                                                   charity foundation, The Wayde Dreamer               ensuring proper availability of both is catered
stressful event as the baby often can
                                                   Foundation, T-Systems South Africa donated          for.”
experience health issues such as Retinopathy
                                                   a patient management solution to the
of Prematurity (ROP), a disease of the eye that
                                                   Newborns Groote Schuur Trust.                       With this very simple yet impactful solution,
occurs in premature babies as well as
                                                                                                       parents in even the most remote parts of the
Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS), to
                                                   T-Systems developed and implemented a               Western Cape can have direct communication
mention a few. Access to healthcare is vital for
                                                   solution that addresses critical points in the      with the hospital staff.
these mothers and babies, along with support
                                                   relationship between the Neonatal unit and
during this distressful time.
                                                   the parents of the premature babies when the        This initiative by T-Systems South Africa and
                                                   babies leave the hospital. An on-line patient       Wayde van Niekerk, together with the
The role of Newborns Groote Schuur Trust
                                                   management system that enables the                  Newborns Groote Schuur Trust is a bold step
The Newborns Groote Schuur Trust, an
                                                   Neonatal unit to have completely hassle-free        in utilising technology to improve healthcare
independent Non-Governmental Organisation
                                                   communication with the parents so that              services for South African citizens.
(NGO), plays an important role for mothers
                                                   critical appointments are managed which fits
and their premature babies in the Metro West
                                                   the schedules of both parties.                        FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT
                                                                                                         T-SYSTEMS IN SOUTH AFRICA AT:
                                                   Technology connects parents and the
                                                   Neonatal unit                                         T-SYSTEMS SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD
                                                                                                         INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS GATEWAY
                                                   Many parents using Public Healthcare stay             NEW ROAD, MIDRAND 1685
                                                   quite far from Public Hospitals with Neonatal
                                                   units and therefore find it difficult to              TEL: +27 11 254 7400
                                                   consistently return to the hospital for regular       EMAIL: COMMUNICATIONS@T-SYSTEMS.CO.ZA

                                                   “A key attribute of the solution is that it is                                      @T-SystemsSA
                                                   available on any mobile phone and is not


                                                                                                                         Navigating towards
                                                                                                                         smart ports in a
                                                                                                                         digital storm
                                                                                                                           As digitisation drives a wave of
                                                                                                                           technological innovation and
                                                                                                                           integration, so an increasing
                                                                                                                           number of industries are seeking
                                                                                                                           to transform themselves into
                                                                                                                           enterprises that are more data and
                                                                                                                           insights-driven, says Vino Govender
                                                                                                                           CM (SA), executive: product
                                                                                     Vino Govender, Dark Fibre Africa      innovation and marketing at Dark
                                                                                     Fibre Africa. The port industry is no exception he says.
The Kyocera Document Solutions South Africa Team with the Dreamworks Printing team

Growing fledging businesses                                                                                              Key to leveraging
Kyocera Document Solutions South Africa is partnering with The                                                           mobile business
Investment House to help fledgling businesses get off the ground,                                                        processes
through its incubation programme, in providing goods and services to                                                        Companies can benefit by
help grow their organisations. The 12-month incubation programme                                                            mobilising their ECM and
includes training, regular coaching, and financial management services.                                                     BPM systems, but only if they                                                                                          adopt effective data security
                                                                                                                            solutions, says JP Lourens,
                                             Do we still need                                                               software product manager at
                                             professional                                                                   Kyocera Document Solutions
                                             software testers?                                                              SA. Adding it gives users the
                                             Considering the perceived role                                                 ability to access data and
                                                                                     JP Lourens, Kyocera Document Solutions
                                             of professional testers, their job      South Africa                           documents wherever they are,
                                             is not under any threat, and            at the same time being able to also introduce new security risks.
                                             won't be for quite a while yet,
                                             says Mario Matthee, head: SQA
                                             Architecture and R&D at DVT.            A missing puzzle piece
                                             Today, the whole approach to            As mobile malware and ransomware proliferates at a rapid rate,
Marc Pillay, DEVELOP South Africa
                                             digital transformation, driven by       companies are recognising the need for security technologies to
Seven simple steps                           'instant-everything' millennials,       protect network resources accessed by employees with their devices
to retain clients                            demands everything must just            says Michael Morton, a mobile security specialist at Securicom.
Customer relations management is             work, and fast. While there's an        However, he adds that they're missing an important piece of the
a skill that comes naturally to some         advantage to be had by getting to       puzzle. "A mobile management solution holds little ground without a
people, but to others it may seem            market first, it's quickly eroded if    policy in place. Companies are neglecting to define what resources can
like a daunting task, says Marc              the product can't meet your user's      be accessed and have not identified what devices are already accessing
Pillay, CEO of DEVELOP South                 requirements, in which case             the network. End-user training and education are also pushed aside as
Africa. Having a positive attitude           they'll have no issue switching to      there's an assumption that a mobility management solution will take
towards customers – even if they             competitors that were slower to         care of the risk. However, it doesn't work that way.
are somewhat challenging – is                market but more committed to  
critical for salespeople says Pillay.        quality, Matthee explains.                                                                                 The need to automate
                                                                                                                         One Channel CEO Bernard Ford
Boosting profits for SA law firms                                                                                        says the professional services
According to a national survey of law firms and legal professionals                                                      industry is changing rapidly. To
by LexisNexis and the Law Society of South Africa, around 92%                                                            remain competitive, firms need
of respondents believe improved use of technology is a priority                                                          to change their working models
for the growth of their businesses. There are two technologies,                                                          and automate all back-end
which can help law firms capture more revenues and reduce                                                                services to eliminate paper-
operating costs says JP Lourens, software and solutions product                                                          driven processes. Ford says this
manager at Kyocera Document Solutions South Africa. “The one is                                                          will help to reduce operational
automated disbursement recovery and the other is a digital content                                                       costs and customer requests
management solution, which enable legal firms to digitise more of                                                        service time in order to bolster
their processes and transform the way they operate.”                                                                     relationship management.                                                   Bernard Ford, One Channel 

 10                                 | January 2018

                                                                         Datacentrix and clients
                                                                         win Pan-African OpenText Awards
                                                                         Datacentrix, a provider of high performing and secure ICT solutions,
                                                                         and three of its flagship clients, have netted four of the six OpenText
                                                                         Digiruption Indaba awards for 2017. This confirms Datacentrix's
                                                                         unparalleled depth of understanding, not only of OpenText's Enterprise
                                                                         Information Management tools, but also in integrating OpenText into SAP-
                                                                         based enterprise software. One of the awards (Go-Live Project of the Year)
                                                                         represents a true world-first. Awarded to Datacentrix client MediClinic,
                                                                         the healthcare provider successfully integrated OpenText Extended ECM
                                                                         and SAP SuccessFactors. "The solution helped to transform the human
                                                                         capital management of MediClinic's over 16 000 staff members," explains
                                                                         Lenore Kerrigan, country sales director: Africa at OpenText.
‘Most powerful unified
cloud solution available’
Your customers need to find a service that redefines how they              COMPUTING
modernise, innovate and compete in the world today – something
that allows users and developers to cost-effectively build, deploy       Tech trends disrupting business
and manage workloads seamlessly in the cloud and on-premises.            According to Telviva the fourth industrial revolution is here
With Oracle and First Distribution, you'll ensure your customers         powered by innovation in IT, with its fusion of emerging
have access to the best integrated cloud platform using Oracle           technologies in the physical, digital and biological spheres.
cloud services. Oracle has a deep product portfolio across all           Technologies like AI, 3D printing, VR, automation and IOT make
applications, platforms and infrastructure – giving customers the        almost every aspect of our lives quicker, cheaper and simpler,
freedom to build their own path to the cloud so they can spend           including business, and as a result, almost every industry in every
less time maintaining and more time on innovation.                       country is experiencing some kind of disruption.                                      

Evolving the conversation                                                Businesses rely on Cloudera
When the Sunbird Facilities Management division was established in       With billions of sensors, smart machines and connected devices
2016, it required a 'greenfields' Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)      generating data every second, the Internet of Things (IoT) is
solution. With no legacy system in place, Sunbird conducted research     placing unprecedented demands on organisations' data storage,
to find a software solution that would offer flexibility and agility.    processing and analytic capabilities. Cloudera, the modern
"The ability to deliver swift and tractable solutions was the greatest   platform for machine learning and analytics, optimised for the
requirement for this EAM implementation," states Barry Diedericks,       cloud, announced that more enterprises across an array of sectors
EAM Subject Matter Expert at Softworx, an Infor partner. "As such,       are turning to Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub to power their IoT
developing a Computer-Aided Facilities Management system was             journey, generate actionable insights and, as a result, disrupt their
essential to managing the complex requirements of Sunbird's diverse      own industries. Cloudera is enabling real-time data insights and
portfolio of clients in Southern and East Africa, across English,        predictive analytics to help companies use IoT to drive operational
French and Portuguese-speaking countries."                               efficiencies, introduce new products and services.                                             

EOH International goes live                                              International Kanban
on SAP S/4 HANA Cloud in UAE                                             training course offered by DVT
EOH International, a division of EOH Holdings (a South African           Software development and testing specialist DVT is offering a two-
registered company listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange),           day international Kanban training course through its specialist
has become the first company to go live with SAP S/4 HANA Public         training division, The DVT Academy. The interactive course will
Cloud in the UAE. The first phase of the global roll-out focused         focus on Kanban as an Agile framework and mindset. "Kanban
on the UAE in order to prepare the foundation for future phases          is not an alternative to popular approaches such as Scrum, but is
and global adoption, streamlining the group's own international          complementary and will help any team improve their ability to
operations. The implementation was completed in six weeks,               sustainably deliver valuable software earlier," says Melani French,
primarily from South Africa, leveraging an agile approach to             Executive Head: Business Enablement at DVT. French says the course
implementation and enabling the back-office operations of the            is ideally suited to individuals and teams either thinking of adopting
company in the UAE. In April this year, EOH became the first             Agile as a framework, or already invested in Agile, wanting to harness
African adopter of SAP S/4HANA Cloud.                                    new and advanced ideas and strategies.                                                  

                                                                                                       January 2018   |                   11

Today’s tech for a better tomorrow
   Africa's distinctive problems have resulted in a unique brand of
                     innovation, says Toby Shapshak.
                                                                                                           "The Ubuntu operating system was de-
                                                                                                        veloped in a Cape Town garage and today
                                                                                                        about 40% of ATMs in the US are using
                                                                                                        this system. It also underpins Amazon's
                                                                                                        EC2 system, which is the biggest cloud
                                                                                                        network in the world."
                                                                                                           Africa, he continued, is also leapfrog-
                                                                                                        ging the rest of the world in drone delivery
                                                                                                           "Drone delivery in the African mar-
                                                                                                        ket has grown significantly, especially
                                                                                                        in Rwanda, where drones which use
                                                                                                        cellphone networks collect blood from
                                                                                                        the blood banks and deliver them to
                                                                                                        healthcare facilities. If you compare the
                                                                                                        rudimentary of drone deliveries in the de-
                                                                                                        veloped world to what is happening here,
                                                                                                        you will find that Africa is far ahead."
                                                                                                           Yes, there are real problems in Africa,
                                                                                                        but we live in the most innovative place in
                                                                                                        the world, and because we have real prob-
Toby Shapshak, publisher of Stuff SA magazine
                                                                                                        lems, we have to solve them ourselves and
                                                                                                        when we solve them, we also solve them
                                                                                                        for the rest of the world, he noted.

A     frica's distinctive problems have
      resulted in a unique brand of innova-
tion, making it the most innovative and
                                                Africans, it will also be beneficial for the
                                                rest of the world as well.”
                                                  He referenced Shuttleworth, founder and
                                                                                                        Digital challenges
                                                                                                        According to Syed Ahmed Mohiuddin,
exciting place in the world right now.          CEO of Canonical, who developed the Linux-              CEO, MD and chief architect, BITS
   This is according to Toby Shapshak,          based Ubuntu operating system, the open                 Consultancy Services elaborates, the
publisher of Stuff SA magazine, speaking        source software that has a global footprint.            evolution of digital economies is affecting
at the ITWeb Industry Tech Update 2017.
   Shapshak discussed Africa's innovative
prowess, and how tech advancements
have improved lives, while driving eco-             AI: Game changer or buzzword?
nomic growth on the continent.
   “There’s this misconception that Africa          Is artificial intelligence (AI) really the game changer it is purported to be or is it just another
is a terrible place,” he says, “Africa is the       buzzword?
most innovative, exciting and incredible               This was the question discussed by Wesbank’s Willie Strydom, enterprise security
place in the world right now.                       architect, and Kevin Stroud, developer emerging technologies. “AI is the natural evolution of
   It is interesting to note, adds Shapshak,        IT,” they said, “but more importantly, it is needed because AI can and will change how the IT
that out of necessity, these innovations            industry as a whole will operate in the future.”
usually involve the mobile phone.                      Andrew Dawson, commercial director, MACmobile, provided a review of their findings
   “The innovative spirit across Africa will        from the deployment of sales force automation, logistics, distribution and retail loyalty
continue producing ground-breaking tech             rewards platforms throughout Africa.
solutions. A prime example is the mobile               This was followed by Sameer Jooma, head: consumer and shopper innovation, Africa
payment system M-Pesa. In Kenya, $148               Zone, Anheuser-Busch InBev, elaborating on robot automation, cashless vision and
million a day is transacted through this            consumer targeting and the benefits being experienced by their organisation.
system: equivalent of 40% of Kenya’s GDP.
Though a solution like this was designed
and developed to a problem facing

 12                           | January 2018

                                               The innovative
                                             spirit across Africa
                                                will continue
                                               tech solutions.

                                                           Toby Shapshak

Dion Chang, CEO and founder of Flux Trends                                                       Willie Strydom, Enterprise Security Architect,

all industries around the world and          transformation, most companies are still            He elaborated on the most critical
creating new opportunities.                  facing significant challenges to operate in         developments over the years and how
   However, tech alone doesn’t drive         a digital economy.                                  change is an imperative that business
digital transformation, Mohiuddin               "Unfortunately, this means the gap               does not embrace effectively.
said. Despite the hype around digital        between those companies that have                     Manuel Corregedor, COO, Telspace
                                             embarked on a transformation strategy               Systems explored the changes taking
                                             and those yet to get their act together is          place within the information technology
                                             widening," he said.                                 space, with a special focus on lessons he
                                                “To ensure success, companies need               has learnt within the retail and banking
                                             to have digital strategies that include             sectors in South Africa.
                                             technology, customer experience, business             Highlighting the strategic
                                             culture and people change management.”              management principles within
                                                                                                 information technology, Mthandeni
                                             Disruptive forces                                   Langa, senior analyst at Commonwealth
                                             Dion Chang, CEO and founder of Flux                 Bank, demonstrated how business, IT
                                             Trends presented a look into what is next           and organisational strategies hinge on
                                             for business people and businesses.                 an efficient enterprise IT integration.
                                               Chang has been tracking the disruptive            He exposed the links existing between
                                             forces that have been constantly                    business, IT and organisational
                                             changing, challenging and moulding                  architecture and how to address these
                                             the business landscape since 2012.                  within a digital framework.

                                                ITWeb Industry Tech Update 2017

                                                At the inaugural industry tech update event, hosted by ITWeb on 18 October 2017 in
                                                Johannesburg, speakers shared insights into how technology innovation across major
                                                industries is contributing towards an improved future.
Syed Ahmed Mohiuddin, CEO, MD and chief
architect, BITS Consultancy Services

                                                                                                         January 2018   |                    13

The morning after
                                                   become familiar with it?                       hours off the process compared to the
                                                      Just as change management is essential      paper-based one; is the user interface
                                                   for any implementation where people            enough for people to be productive
                                                   are not used to the new technologies,          using the training provided; and does it
                                                   change control focuses on the adoption         correspond to the metrics that were set out
                                                   of a process once it is released into the      to be measured when the process began?
                                                   business.                                         This real-world environment will result
                                                      In reality, this is something that should   in small tweaks and modifications needing
                                                   have been catered for in the planning          to be made to get the process just right.
                                                   phase. But, as the old saying goes about       However, these corrections do not indicate
                                                   the best laid plans, the final process is      a failing on the design and implementation
                                                   generally quite different from how it          phases of the project. Instead, it reflects
                                                   looked when still being designed and the       the unpredictability of the human element.
                                                   change control being planned for.              The more experienced consultants will
                                                      Experienced consultants understand the      know to expect variances after the go-live
                                                   need to design ‘wiggle room' in the process    date of the process and celebrate when
                                                   that considers any feedback that might         these are minimal.
                                                   change the way the process was originally         By putting a CSI strategy together, along
                                                   designed. This avoids overcomplicating         with key areas for regular review, possible
                                                   a process during inception, before it has      pain points, and the criteria that need to be
                                                                                                  measured, the consultant will be ready to
 Jannie Pretorius, professional services manager                                                  move on to the next project.
 at Elingo

                                                       Experienced                                Time well spent

W       hat happens after a company has
        successfully deployed a process
in its environment? While many might
                                                                                                  It will enable the owner to understand
                                                                                                  variances in the data better and gain
                                                                                                  insight into what needs to be done should
be forgiven for thinking that completing           understand the need                            there be any issues down the line with the
an implementation is the end result, the
reality is it serves as a vital platform for         to design 'wiggle                            process.
                                                                                                     The CSI strategy completes the change
business growth.
   Experienced consultants understand
                                                   room' in the process.                          control phase with the process owner
                                                                                                  becoming accountable for it, thanks to
the need to design 'wiggle room' in the                                                           having the ability to deliver input and
process.                                                                                          value in meaningful ways.
   Even though many hours have been                had the opportunity to run for a while and        In the end, spending some extra time
spent methodically planning, mapping,              minimise any costly reworking.                 after the process is implemented is often
and getting all stakeholders in the                   Ultimately, this ushers in the next phase   the difference between it reaching its
company to buy in to the vision of the             of the process – that of continual service     return on investment and objective or
process, it is just part of the journey.           improvement (CSI). Essentially, this means     simply fizzling out a few months down the
   Similarly, the build phase and the              the process is now available and being         line. Often, this is not reflective of a bad
smooth release into business form key              used by real people and not just driven by     process design unfit for purpose, but rather
steps in the success of the process cycle.         assumptions and historical data. The way       the process owner not understanding
And once these elements are completed,             users interact with it often bring up quite    its intricacies and value it brings to the
many make the mistake of thinking they             unique experiences that no testing could       company.
can move on to the next project.                   accurately cater for.                             A good CSI strategy ensures the
                                                                                                  consultant can hand over the mantle of
Next steps                                         Taking it to CSI                               process champion to someone else and
However, the question that needs to be             Feedback needs to be leveraged to analyse      return a few months later to see how it
addressed before moving on to the next             the process with a fresh set of eyes,          has evolved in ways they could not have
‘big thing' is what is going to happen to          reviewing the original business objects and    originally foreseen. And that makes it an
the process? How will the process survive          measuring whether the process is meeting       essential part of evaluating the success
in the business without its champion at            them in the live environment.                  of the project, using that experience
the helm, smoothing over any operational             Important questions to ask include           and feedback for future process design,
questions that might arise as employees            whether the digital form is really shaving     implementation, and CSI development.

 14                            | January 2018

Data architecture goes agile
                                              database, as well as describing the way          data streams and real-time capabilities – in
                                              data will be processed, stored and used.         other words, an agile data fabric," says Mike
                                                                                               Tuchen, CEO at Talend.
                                              Where to?                                           Recent technology innovations permit
                                              Relational databases and data warehouses         large volumes of data (at a low cost) to be
                                              have served businesses well in the past          ingested into the business environment
                                              by collecting and normalising relational         and reserve the structuring and modelling
                                              data where the data format and structure         for later during consumption. This was the
                                              is known and doesn't change frequently.          initial agility handle for data architecture.
                                              However, the relational model and process           However, the conversation has changed
                                              for defining schema in advance cannot keep       to the speed of which one can extract value
                                              pace with the rapidly evolving variety and       from the available data and how quickly the
                                              format of data today. The integral Waterfall     data can be translated from information into
                                              design and modelling methodology means           actionable intelligence. Getting data into the
                                              users have to wait for long before they can      business environment easily does not mean a
                                              realise some value from the life cycle. At       data analyst can just as easily and quickly get
                                              times, the data analysts just want to mine the   insight from the data.
                                              data for possible insights; however, they are
                                                                                               Mix it up
 Masindi Mabogo, director at PBT Group
                                                                                               Arguably, I find the best data architecture
                                                                                               for agility includes a mix of on-premises and

W       ith the advent
           It is without doubt that
                                               What is required for the                        cloud physical data architecture. It has been
                                                                                               noted the mix can also consider a distributed
agility is synonymous with fast-paced          digital era is a scalable                       implementation focusing on domain-
turnaround time. The speed at which IT                                                         specific knowledge pillars with solid
personnel and processes should respond          integration software                           security levels. It can then be complemented
to user requirements, either new or                                                            by a logical model that presents a logical
enhancements, is becoming the main
                                                built for modern data                          consolidated front for analysis, without
factor between winning, keeping or losing         environments...                              moving data into a single location.
customers in this digital era.                                                                    Companies should strive to remain
   IT professionals are finding they are                                                       technology agnostic by choosing data
confronted with this reality due to                                                            processing technologies that can seamlessly
accelerated technological innovations,        not sure of what questions to ask to ensure      move processes and logic into a different
coupled with numerous sources and             the data is truly beneficial. Legacy databases   domain in just a few clicks and minor
data types to consider, as well as more       are simply not agile enough to meet the          configurations. All the work executed for
demanding users to support. Meeting these     growing needs of most companies today.           one technology should be easily transferable
new and ever-evolving data demands               As a result of this, an attempt was made      to the next, providing the organisation with
requires companies to create a data           to invoke agility by implementing legacy         economies of skills and scale. The legacy
infrastructure and architecture that is       data models in smaller sprints. This worked      modelling techniques still have a handful
agile enough to keep pace with the market,    well as long as the end state was known          of use cases that may warrant a space in a
as well as the needs of the company to        or predictable and there was no need to          business's data architecture landscape for
respond to swift opportunities.               respond to changing business environments.       those well-known structured data.
   As data capabilities continue to              However, these are key benefits of               The promise of faster time to market,
mature, how a business structures its         agility and cannot be omitted. Within the        better management of change and
data architecture for agility becomes         Waterfall model, once the architecture is        disruption, and leaner, more efficient
imperative. Data architecture is one of       implemented, enhancement agility can be          operations is the trademark for true agility.
the key pillars of enterprise architecture,   achieved, provided the new or changed            If agility has any shortfall, it will be the
alongside application, business and           user needs will be within the boundaries         lack of adequate focus on dependency
integration architecture.                     anticipated during the requirements phase.       analysis; however, the benefits outweigh
   In fact, the data architecture pillar is      "What is required for the digital era is      the drawbacks. It's almost impossible
the definition or blueprint of the data       a scalable integration software built for        to conclude on the topic of agility fabric
design that will be used by the business in   modern data environments, users, styles          without dropping some big names;
achieving the implementation of a physical    and workflow – from batch and bulk to IOT        however, I am resisting!

                                                                                                    January 2018   |                     15
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