RWOPS abuse - Government's had enough - Izindaba - South African ...

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RWOPS abuse - Government's had enough - Izindaba - South African ...

                    RWOPS abuse – Government’s
                           had enough
Working privately during their official
State working hours, nearly one in four
specialists forensically reviewed and
employed at the Nelson Mandela Academic
Complex and/or Walter Sisulu University
in Mthatha earned between R6 500 and
R126 000 extra over six months last year.
   One professor was paid R781 867 by six
medical aid schemes reviewed, but there was
no evidence of his having used the private
hospital theatre so popular with his ‘two-
timing’ colleagues – and which he listed
in his application to do 15 - 17 hours of
private work per week. The forensic auditors
suggested a further probe into his payments.*
What appears to be avarice and a lack of
moral fibre is not unique to this minority
of Mthatha specialists. Rather, it mirrors
nation-wide abuse of the Remuneration for
Work Outside the Public Service (RWOPS)
system. It was introduced by government in
January 2000 as a recruitment and retention
tool and to encourage on-going research           struggle to fill specialist vacancies caused       Extensive fall-out
and the development of skills (not always         by a clampdown on RWOPS than employ                The Gauteng probe found that those
available in the public sector). With a chief     ‘dishonest professionals who are never there       specialists and registrars left behind to ‘hold
specialist in the public sector today earning a   anyway’. ‘On top of complaints of corruption       the public fort’ were ‘overloaded, angry and
gross salary (including commuted overtime         in government, here you have professionals         resentful’, while RWOPS led to general high
of up to 16 hours per week) of between R1.4       stealing from the public and the nation.           absenteeism, abuse of sick leave privileges,
and R1.6 million per annum and a specialist       We’re going to have to probe and review            high stress levels (headaches, insomnia,
with more than 10 years’ experience in line       the entire thing, it’s just not on.’ Pointing to   fatigue, heart problems and endocrine
to earn R1.163 million annually, one of the       weak management coinciding with some               disorders), low morale, fewer services offered
foundation stones of RWOPS (recruitment/          specialists outranking hospital CEOs in            and long patient queues. It also uncovered
retention) has crumbled. This and the             experience and qualification, he cited a CEO       ‘aggression, resignations, group conflicts
widespread abuse have led to an almost            in the department of anaesthetics at Steve         and group coalitions, abuse of medical aid
unanimous call across political lines for its     Biko Hospital (Gauteng) who was ‘very soft         facilities and an abuse of state assets to treat
scrapping, with provincial health chiefs and      on his specialists’ – until the situation got      private patients’.
the national minister about to clamp down.        out of hand with some taking days off to do           The Mthatha probe showed that many
                                                  RWOPS. When the CEO took action, six               RWOPS application forms filed failed to
                                                  resigned. Observes Motsoaledi: ‘We say that’s      declare private surgeries the specialists were
                                                  better, because then you actually have a real      running in town or failed to state what
                                                  vacancy, not a false one.’ He confirms that        times they would be operating privately. In
                                                  professional conduct hearings are among the        several cases where times were applied for,
                                                  avenues of redress being explored, this being      they were inconsistent with the consulting
                                                  echoed by his operational counterparts             times posted outside their private surgeries.
                                                  in KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape,             One misleading application showed the
                                                  respectively.                                      consultant to be doing RWOPS from 17h00
                                                     A 2004 public service commission probe          to 18h00 Mondays to Fridays (legitimately
                                                  into RWOPS abuse in Gauteng’s health               outside official working hours of 08h00 -
                                                  services reported that more than half the          16h30), but theatre records told a different
‘Professional theft’ – Health Minister            specialists owned private practices, mirroring     story. He was operating privately from as
A ‘disappointed’ National Health Minister,        last year’s Mthatha findings. When private         early as 08h00. Theatre time records of
Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, believes that patients       work hijacks public sector contractual             the favoured private hospital also show one
are actually dying because of specialist          obligations the effect on patients and on          consultant to be working within the hours
greed. He says high mortality rates at certain    collegial morale, not to mention the long-term     stated on his application form for just 11 out
hospitals correlate alarmingly with high          implications of a major dumbing down of            of 91 procedures conducted over the six-
RWOPS abuse. He says he would ‘far rather’        registrar supervision/learning, is disturbing.     month review period. A professor is recorded

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as performing nine of his 96 RWOPS                 staff were absent during normal working
procedures out of applied-for hours and a          hours were regarded ‘with contempt’ by
cardiothoracic surgeon as performing 13            other departments which fulfilled their
illegitimate procedures (outside of applied-       duties properly, he added.
for hours) out of the 51 privately performed,         ‘I cannot get over how flouting the absolutely
earning R49 736 over and above his state           basic tenet of breach of contract is tolerated,’ he
salary in six months. One gynaecologist            fumed. His colleague said many offenders were
earned R123 271 for nine procedures over           sub-specialists to whom he regularly referred
the six-month review period, only one of           patients, hence his request for anonymity in
which fell within the applied-for times. A         spite of breaching the ‘collegial silence about
check with the Board of Healthcare Funders         the elephant in the room’. His experience was
(BHF) revealed that of 54 specialists working      that a real work ethic was highest in well-
at the Nelson Mandela Academic Complex             motivated and well-led rural hospitals. His
and/or Walter Sisulu University, 30 had            colleague, after much agonising, also chose to
practice numbers (some no longer in use).          remain anonymous, adding: ‘It’s a small town
                                                   and many of these people are colleagues with
Patient neglect costing billions in                whom I once worked closely and continue to
litigation                                         maintain a professional relationship.’*
Dr David Mbokota, Head of the South African
Medical Association (SAMA)’s Specialist
Private Practice Committee, says tertiary                One professor was paid
hospitals are ‘haemorrhaging’ specialist skills        R781 867 by six medical aid                       Eastern Cape Health Department chief, Dr Siva
to RWOPS. Besides the cost to service delivery,     schemes reviewed, but there was                      Pillay.
registrars were not being properly supervised,       no evidence of his having used
meaning that when they qualify, they lack             the private hospital theatre so                    the State were in the offing for ‘these greedy
sufficiently honed skills. He’s certain that the                                                         money chasers raking in millions extra a
                                                      popular with his ‘two-timing’
RWOPS abuse contributes significantly to the                                                             year at public expense’. She had warned her
national 2011/2012 Department of Health
                                                    colleagues – and which he listed                     doctors that ‘either you are in or you are
patient litigation bill of R1.4 billion (with        in his application to do 15 - 17                    out. You cannot have your bread buttered
several cases still pending). Mbokota says that     hours of private work per week.                      on both sides. This nonsense will end soon.’
with 65% of the national health budget going                                                                Eastern Cape Health Department chief,
to salaries (granted, partly due to a bloated                                                            Dr Siva Pillay, questioned why anyone
administrative cadre), just 35% is left for        KZN weighs in with a probe                            earning more than R1 million per annum
vital operational issues. ‘And then we wonder      KwaZulu-Natal’s Health Department chief,              would want to earn more and deprive poor
why equipment is never maintained,’ he             Dr Sibongile Zungu, said more than 250                people of a service. ‘There’s something we
observes dryly. He also believes that with the     doctors are being probed for RWOPS abuse              need to change in the mind-set of people.
current levels of public service remuneration,     in her province. Of these, 200 had been               You can only remain rich and comfortable
RWOPS should be banned. ‘You’re either in          identified as having private practice numbers         as long as the mass of people are not at the
private or public, not both. If they come to the   and making regular claims from medical                point where there’s a second revolution.’ He
public service, let them do normal sessions.       aids. Many were also abusing their paid               said the RWOPS application forms had a
They’re actually working full-time in private      leave to earn money privately. Disciplinary           major loophole: if there was no official reply
and part-time for the State, instead of the        charges and repayment of losses incurred by           within 30 days it was tacitly accepted that the
other way around.’                                                                                       specialist had permission.
                                                                                                            Health       Ombudsman,           Mboneni
‘Basic breach of contract’ – physician                                                                   Bhekiswayo, said the weakness in the system
Two KwaZulu-Natal tertiary hospital                                                                      was that no one monitored compliance and
physicians interviewed by Izindaba were able                                                             adherence. Putting an immediate stop to
to cite examples of specialists making initial                                                           RWOPS would improve the quality of public
patient assessments, formulating treatment                                                               sector patient care and have a positive effect
plans and ordering tests before ‘dropping                                                                on waiting times both in outpatient clinics
out of sight’. ‘There is no or very limited                                                              and wards. Professor JP van Niekerk, Dean
teaching from these people, who have a lot                                                               of Medicine at UCT at the time RWOPS
to share,’ one said. The other said the issue                                                            was introduced (and outgoing Managing
‘periodically makes my blood boil – the rest                                                             Editor of the SAMJ), said that ‘generally’
of the time it merely simmers’. The conflict                                                             surgeons were for it and medical specialists
involves ‘powerful individuals and will not                                                              against. His faculty dealt with the vexed
be resolved without ugly confrontations’.                                                                question of control by introducing a central
He believed pay and working conditions                                                                   billing mechanism, which stands to this day.
were not ‘of themselves’ enough justification                                                            ‘RWOPS is ethically neutral; it all depends
to breach an employment contract – the                                                                   on how well it’s managed,’ he said.
culprits chose to work in the public service.      Dr Sibongile Zungu, KwaZulu-Natal Health                 Dr Ernest Kenoshi, CEO of Steve Biko
Departments where significant numbers of           Department chief.                                     Academic (formerly Pretoria Academic)

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                                                  16 consultant anaesthetists short, leading       SAMJ        correspondents                              break
                                                  to 120 patient procedures cancelled              collegial silence
                                                  per week. He believes RWOPS abuse                Dr Lara Nicole Goldstein, of the Division
                                                  is worse at second-tier hospitals where          of Emergency Medicine, University of
                                                  superintendents fail to keep tabs. ‘I ask my     the Witwatersrand and the Department of
                                                  guys to give me their week’s programme           Emergency Medicine, Helen Joseph Hospital,
                                                  and tell me where they’ll be when. I police      broke a long-standing collegial silence in the
                                                  the time they’re supposed to be at the           SAMJ this September in a letter which she
                                                  hospital.’ RWOPS had allowed significant         ended with the following: ‘Some specialists
                                                  broadening of training but abuse should          justify this (RWOPS) theft from the state by
                                                  not be tolerated, he added.                      maintaining that the health system would fall
                                                     Agreeing, Professor Allan Taylor              apart if they were to leave. That may be so – but
                                                  (Department of Neurosurgery, University of       surely they should be honest enough to declare
                                                  Cape Town) said these pressures existed long     the hours they’ve actually worked and only get
                                                  before the RWOPS policy was introduced,          paid for those? Would that not help our failing
Professor Ken Boffard, Head of Surgery at Wits.   adding that levels of care were ‘appropriate     health system, which could re-distribute the
                                                  and often exceptional’, given their allocated    funds saved to other more useful resources –
Hospital, said public sector doctor salaries      budgets and volumes of patients. Boffard         medication, equipment and staff?’1
had doubled in the past three years and           conceded that there was no official RWOPS
would continue to increase annually at            monitoring system in place at Charlotte
an unusually high rate because of the             Maxeke Academic Hospital, explaining that        A ‘disappointed’ National Health
implementation of the grading system              it was extremely difficult to monitor doctors     Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi,
of the Occupation-Specific Dispensation           because they were not allowed an office or
                                                                                                   believes that patients are actually
(OSD). This meant that by the time the            work area in the hospital, forcing them to
last phase of the OSD was implemented,            use private rooms for academic work. ‘If
                                                                                                   dying because of specialist greed.
public sector specialist net income would         they’re in their private office doing academic      He says high mortality rates
exceed that of many of their private sector       things and I ask them to come across, they         at certain hospitals correlate
colleagues.                                       always do.’                                        alarmingly with high RWOPS
                                                     While there was ‘some’ validity in claims                   abuse.
                                                  of lack of surgical training for junior
    One gynaecologist earned                      doctors at some hospitals, it had little to do
  R123 271 for nine procedures                    with RWOPS. Instead the reduced number              The response in a subsequent letter by
over the six-month review period,                 of lists, and therefore cases, meant the         Dr Robert Ian Caldwell, a KwaZulu-Natal
 only one of which fell within the                trainees got less surgical training. As a        physician intimately involved in an internal
        applied-for times.                        ‘knock on’ senior registrars had to do more      medicine ‘flying doctor’ outreach programme,
                                                  surgery to try to increase their exposure,       went further: ‘These are criminals. Stick a
                                                  further reducing training for juniors.           couple of them in jail. That would stop the
Surgery chiefs highlight RWOPS                    Boffard agreed that the RWOPS policy             rot overnight. These are not derring-do cat
benefits                                          ‘needs revisiting’, especially in the light of   burglars or romantic Robin Hoods. These are
Professors of surgery across a wide               the impending national health insurance,         the hoods who rob the poor to satisfy their
geographical spectrum strongly refuted            which would render it ‘unaffordable’.            greed. Nail them’.2 Boffard pleaded with fed-
allegations that waiting lists were longer        Professor Brian Warren, executive Head           up provincial and national health leaders not
and surgical throughputs down because of          of the Department of Surgical Sciences at        to ‘throw the baby out with the bath water’.
RWOPS. Professor Ken Boffard, Head of             Stellenbosch University, said monitoring
the Surgery Department at Wits, said the          should not be based on how much time was         Chris Bateman
drop in surgical throughput at Charlotte          spent in the public sector, but on whether
Maxeke Hospital in Johannesburg over the          the staff member met all of his or her full-
past five years was due to a 50% reduction        time commitments.                                S Afr Med J 2012;102(12):899-901.
in available theatre time and a reduction            A ‘kissing cousin’ of RWOPS, Limited          DOI:10.7196/SAMJ.6481
in the number of beds available. Even             Private Practice (LPP), was permanently
though surgeons were available, they were         withdrawn on 31 August 1999 after a year-        *The author has deliberately not named
limited in what they could do. Because of         long phasing out period and agreement at         specialists under preliminary investigation
restrictions in facilities, it was no longer      the Council for Conciliation, Mediation and      and has respected the requested anonymity
possible to solely train fellows and registrars   Arbitration (CCMA) between the National          of several sources. Due to the deeply endemic
in a provincial environment, he said, citing      Health Department and unions representing        nature of RWOPS abuse, he believes it would
the extremely rare occurrence of costly           doctors and dentists in the Public Sector        be discriminatory to single out individuals
vascular stent procedures in provincial           Coordinating Bargaining Chamber. LPP             without the benefit of long-overdue, wide-
hospitals. Without the private sector there       was introduced in 1991 as a ‘temporary           ranging and properly constituted enquiries.
would also be virtually no access to MRI          measure to alleviate the conditions of service
                                                                                                    1. Goldstein L. Thieves of the state. S Afr Med J 2012;102(9):719.
training while the only positive emission         of doctors and dentists’ – provided the care         []
tomography (PET) scanning was done in             of state patients, research or teaching did       2. Caldwell R. Thieves of the state – a response. S Afr Med J
                                                                                                       2012;102(10):775. []
Johannesburg General Hospital, which was          not suffer.

                                                  901   December 2012, Vol. 102, No. 12 SAMJ
RWOPS abuse - Government's had enough - Izindaba - South African ... RWOPS abuse - Government's had enough - Izindaba - South African ...
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