Saint Elizabeth of Hungary - Whoever receives one child such as this in My name, receives Me - St Elizabeth

Page created by Sally Carter
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary - Whoever receives one child such as this in My name, receives Me - St Elizabeth
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
                         Roman Catholic Church

                                                       one child
                                                        such as
                                                        this in
                                                       My name,

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time               September 19, 2021

              175 Wolf Hill Road, Melville, NY 11747
                       631 - 271 - 4455

              Faith - Family - Fellowship
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary - Whoever receives one child such as this in My name, receives Me - St Elizabeth
Center Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
                                              631.271.4455 (phone) ÷ 631.271.1415 (fax)
                                      website:  email:

                                                  Pastoral Team
Father Irinel Racos - Pastor                                     Ext. 313
Deacon John Failla - Pastoral Associate                          Ext. 316
Deacon Paul Vastola - Pastoral Associate                         Ext. 321
Virgil Barkauskas - Director, Music                              Ext. 307
John Fruner - Director, Rel. Education & Adult Faith Formation Ext. 308
MaryAnn Giannettino - Director, Parish Social Ministry           Ext. 309
Harry Perepeluk - Business and Facilities Manager                Ext. 304
Francis Serpico - Youth Minister                                 Ext. 310
Jeanne Victor - Director, Liturgy                                Ext. 318

                                  Pastoral Council and Trustees
            Jerry Asher  Jennifer Ceonzo Michaelanne Discepolo  Marie Dybec  Mark Haweny
              Linda Iadevaia  John Kozlowski  Donald Mueller  Fr. Irinel Racos  Chris Sailon
                                      John Ferrante  Kathleen McIntyre

                                               Support Staff
     Business Office                     Kim Mergl           Ext. 303   
     Communications                      Elvira Luckstone    Ext. 311
     Reception Desk                      Connie Falen        Ext. 301  
                                         Mary McNamara       Ext. 301
                                         Karen Young         Ext. 301 
     Religious Education Admin.          AnnaLisa Pado       Ext. 302

                                    Trinity Regional School
                1025 Fifth Avenue, East Northport, New York 11731, 631-261-5130 Patricia Ayers, Principal

               Are you interested in receiving emails from St. Elizabeth Church? Have you stopped
               receiving emails from us but would like to reconnect? Send your updated information
               (name, address and current email address) to and we will
               update our records to keep you informed on all parish events.
                                                                                                            St. E Melville-1
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary - Whoever receives one child such as this in My name, receives Me - St Elizabeth
We invite all new members of our parish community to register at the
                  Center. We also encourage you to join one of our numerous parish
                   ministries, so that you may acquire a deeper sense of belonging and
                   accomplishment serving the needs of others.

                              Celebration of the Eucharist
                          Weekday (Monday to Thursday) at 9:30 a.m.
                            Saturday at 5:00 p.m. (Vigil for Sunday)
                              Sunday at 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
     Holy days usually at 9:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. (Please check the bulletin or website.)

              Becoming a Catholic or Adult Confirmation
Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Were you never Confirmed and now find that you
would like to complete your Sacraments of Initiation? Are you interested in finding out more
about the Catholic faith? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then Faith Formation
is for you! Call the Parish Center for more information.

Baptisms are celebrated on various Sundays throughout the year at 1:00 p.m. You are
encouraged to register for the baptism BEFORE YOUR CHILD IS BORN, so that it is easier to
attend the required Baptism Preparation Class. Please call the Center and we will be happy
to set up an appointment. Many parents also use this opportunity to register in the Parish
as a new parishioner. Information about Godparents is available on the website.

We are happy to arrange for your wedding. First, we have the marriage interview and then
we can set the date for the wedding. More information is available on the website. Please
call the Center for an appointment and we will be happy to help you!

Confessions are heard in our Church’s Chapel of the Holy Cross on Saturdays from 4:00 to
4:45 p.m. You are also welcome to call the Center and make an appointment.

                              Anointing of the Sick
We encourage all those eligible for this Sacrament to be anointed after the 11:30 a.m. Mass
on the first Sunday of the month or by calling the Center. Those eligible are those who are
about to undergo an operation; are suffering from serious illness and the condition has
worsened; or are enduring the weakening effects of advancing age and it has been one year
since they were last anointed.

                                    Mass Cards
Mass cards are always available when the Parish Center is open. If you are unable to come
to the Center during our normal hours, you are invited to call (631.271.4455) and request a
Mass card over the telephone or email Credit cards are accepted in
payment of the offering.

                                                                                     St. E Melville-2
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary - Whoever receives one child such as this in My name, receives Me - St Elizabeth
Live the Liturgy
Inspiration for the Week
What does it mean to be God’s servant? In
essence, it means being willing to call the
world back to its childlike innocence, showing
all that a joy-filled playfulness has a place in

The servant of God serves to foster the
Kingdom of God. God’s kingdom is not a
sterile, unhappy, strict and rigid reality. It is
quite the opposite. It is a kingdom devoid of
jealousy and selfish ambition where peace,
gentleness, mercy and good works abound.

To be a servant of this kingdom means that
selfish ambition must be set aside so that
others can be first and justice pursued at all
cost. The prayer of this kind of servant is not
focused on self-advancement or need. Rather,
the servant’s prayer seeks to detach from
self-concern in order to be used by God.

In this way, we who are servants can be
inspired, guided, empowered and led by God.
We can then be used to lay the cornerstone of
the kingdom: faith, hope and love. It is upon
these that God’s firm dwelling is built.
Accepting this call may place us last in the
world’s eyes but first in God’s.

                                       St. E Melville-3
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary - Whoever receives one child such as this in My name, receives Me - St Elizabeth
A MESSAGE                                     St. Elizabeth
                              FROM YOUR
                              RESPECT LIFE                                  Rosary Society
                                                                          Considering becoming
     40 DAYS FOR LIFE CAMPAIGN:                                               a Rosarian?
      MIRACLES ON THE SIDEWALK                               Please contact Janet Price 631.338.3356
In February of 2020, Bishop Barres wrote a letter              or email
to Catholics of our Diocese encouraging us to
become more involved in the pro-life effort.            Please join us at the next Rosary Society meeting
                                                        Monday, September 20. The evening will begin at
Bishop Barres stressed that the international
                                                        7:00 p.m. in Room 108 with the recitation of the
campaign of 40 Days for Life gives us the
                                                        Rosary, business, refreshments and good
opportunity to provide public acts of witness. The
Campaign allows us the unique opportunity to pray
outside Planned Parenthood so that women might
have a change of heart. It does work! Our presence
has encouraged women not to enter Planned
Parenthood at all, resulting in saved lives.
Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood
                                                                  Banns of Marriage
supervisor, was converted to a culture of life as a
result of her witnessing the prayer vigils during the                 Second Banns
40 Days for Life Campaign. The movie, Unplanned,    Donald Casadonte, Jr. (St. Elizabeth)
is based on her conversion.
                                                      and Brittany Lee (St. Matthew)
Bishop Barres concluded his letter with this state-                  
ment, “I am happy to place the full support of the
                                                       Keith Ciliotta (St. Elizabeth)
Diocese of Rockville Centre behind this endeavor.”
                                                      and Michelle Rocco (St. Hugh)
Can you spare an hour a week to pray at one of                       
the Vigil sites? The Fall Campaign runs from
Sept. 22 to Oct. 31 at the following Planned
                                                     Frank DiGiglio IV (St. Anthony)
Parenthood locations:                                  and Lauren Fullam (St. Cyril)
540 Fulton Ave, Hempstead;
70 Maple Ave, Smithtown;
450 Waverly Ave., Patchogue;
                                                                       Third Banns
180 Sunrise Hwy, West Islip                                Deanna McGeown (Notre Dame)
For further info. contact Kathy or Bob Kaufmann at:
                                                             and Jack Tansey (St. Mary);
631-877-8121 (Kathy) 917-705-6118 (Bob)

                                                                                                St. E Melville-4
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary - Whoever receives one child such as this in My name, receives Me - St Elizabeth
We welcome the          We welcome into our parish
            following new members
                                     and our community the following
             to our parish family:
                                        newly-baptized members:
        Alexopoulos Family           Salvatore Anthony Ferrante, Jr.
    Ambrosio-Argueta Family             Rocco Gerardo Traficante
Benson Family ~ Craddock family        Timothy James Wilkinson
Debesis Family ~ Edouard Family                    .
Faccio Family ~ Feliciano Family
 Khanna Family ~ Marcy Family
Matina Family ~ O’Connor Family
     Rivard-Gillespie Family
Ruggiero Family ~ Spara Family

                                                                 St. E Melville-5
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary - Whoever receives one child such as this in My name, receives Me - St Elizabeth

        St. Elizabeth
     Senior Parishioners!
            (60 years or older)

 Want to socialize with friends, make new
 friends all while being entertained?

             Then the
   St. Elizabeth Senior Group
            is for you!
 Meetings are held on the first and third
 Tuesday of every month beginning at
 10:30 a.m. in Msgr. Kane Hall, so
               JOIN US!
 Here is a sneak preview of some of the
 entertainment planned for our meetings:

“Because of You” - The Life of Tony Bennett
     “Songs from the American Book”
         sung by Anna Marie Villa

     Next meeting - September 21, 2021
       10:30 a.m. in Msgr. Kane Hall
    Call Frank Scozzari 631 . 427 . 2549
            for more information!             St. E Melville-6
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary - Whoever receives one child such as this in My name, receives Me - St Elizabeth
     All boys and girls in grade 5 and older
   are invited to train to become Altar Servers
    on September 21 and 23 from 6 to 7 p.m.

     ** Mandatory Meeting **
   September 21 or 23 at 7:30 p.m.

  New altar servers should register in advance
      of these September training dates.

   Please call or email Mrs. Victor to register:
               631.271.4455 x318 or

     Diocesan Lector and Eucharistic Minister
                training will be held
            in the month of September.
If you are interested, please contact Jeanne Victor
                 631-271-4455 x318
         or email

                                         St. E Melville-7
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary - Whoever receives one child such as this in My name, receives Me - St Elizabeth
St. Elizabeth Troop 218
                                              invites you


   St. John of God Church
        in Central Islip,
   the Maternal and Infant
Community Health Collaborative
            and the
         Mercy Center.

 Thanks to your overwhelming
generosity we were able to help
 even more children start the
      school year right!        Blessing of the Animals
                                 Join the St. Elizabeth Parish community
                                  for our annual blessing of the animals
                                    for the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi

                                      Monday, October 4
                                       4:00 p.m. sharp!
                                    Around the statue of St. Elizabeth.
                                 All animals (and their owners) are invited!
                                                                  St. E Melville-8
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary - Whoever receives one child such as this in My name, receives Me - St Elizabeth
                        18+ and interested in becoming Catholic?
             Were you baptized Catholic and now want to celebrate
                      First Communion and Confirmation?
            Were you baptized Catholic, received your First Communion
                   and now want to celebrate Confirmation?
                  Then The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a for you!

                  Candidates attend the 11:30 a.m. Mass each week; then, after Mass, from
                  12:30 - 2 p.m., candidates meet to learn about the Catholic faith. Mass attendance
                  is a required component of the process.

A team of parishioners present the beliefs of Catholicism for adults. If you are interested in prayerfully
discovering God’s calling in your life, while meeting members of St. Elizabeth’s parish, then call our
Faith Formation Office at 631-271-4455 Ext. 308 to speak to John Fruner, our DRE about the
process. You can also email him at

We are beginning Sunday, September 26 by attending the 11:30 a.m. Mass followed by the first
class. At Mass, candidates sit together, with the R.C.I.A. team, in the front row on the Mary (statue)
side of the Church. Classes, along with Mass, are all “in-person” now.

                                                                                                 St. E Melville-9
VOLUNTEER TEACHER-CATECHISTS                                               FAITH FORMATION/
       (Religion Teachers)
        NEEDED FOR 1st TO 8th GRADE                                RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES
(Volunteer Teacher Catechists must be at least 18 years of age.)          BEGIN MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2021

 Classes are conducted online in a student learning
 management system with recorded and live Zooms.
 In-person classes, in the Parish Center, will also be an
 option, taking place during the week from 4:30-5:30 pm
 for Levels 1-6; Level 7 (Confirmation1) and Level 8
 (Confirmation) in-person classes will take place during
 the week from 6:30-7:30 p.m. The family chooses either            Classes are offered for first to eighth graders, conducted
 online classes or in-person classes. Online classes and           online in a student learning management system called
 in-person classes are already planned for the Volunteer           EdModo with recorded and live Zooms.
                                                                   Depending on the age of the child, this requires parent
 We need dedicated, consistent weekly help for these               assistance. In-person classes are also an option instead
 roles: Volunteer Teacher-Catechists who, for online               of the online classes. Parents choose which form of
 classes:                                                          class works better for their family. Levels 1-6 meet
                                                                   during the week from 4:30-5:30 p.m.; Levels 7-8 meet
 + respond weekly, in writing, to every student post in
                                                                   during the week from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
   a grade level homeroom;
                                                                   For kindergarteners, we provide a religion book, which
 + introduce the chapter’s main points in 15 minutes
                                                                   is used with parents in the home. A link to the
   or less by way of a recorded Zoom;*
                                                                   registration form, details about the program, program
 + conduct weekly 30 to 40 minute live Zooms* for a                calendar, tuition, and Sunday Mass attendance
   grade level homeroom (*We provide you with the                  requirements are all on our parish website
   Zoom account.);                                                 ( under the Faith Formation tab.
 + create recorded presentations about a grade level
   specific topic in 15 minutes or less;
 + teach a weekly in-person class weekdays 4:30-5:30
   p.m. for Levels 1-6 or 6:30-7:30 p.m. for Levels 7-8.
 Do you feel called to this ministry? Then, read “Are
 You Called to be a Volunteer Teacher-Catechist?”
 on the Volunteer Teacher-Catechist tab of the Faith
 Formation section on our website. Finally, read the
 information on the Calendar and Registration tabs, so
 you know about our program. If you are not Virtus
 trained, we provide the Virtus training here. Feel
 called? Email our DRE John Fruner at Classes start on
 Monday October 4.                                                                                             St. E Melville-10
Lord, Hear our
     Scripture Insights                                        Prayers for
          Sunday, September 19
       25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                          the Deceased
Among biblical texts, the Letter of James is one of
                                                            Elsie DelCioppo; Joseph Scaffidi
the most direct in its description of the causes of
war and injustice. James does not blame the devil,
unjust authority or outside forces. “Where do the         the Sick
wars and where do the conflicts among you come              Kate Fritzsche
from? Is it not from your passions that make war
within your members? (4:1). Envy, greed and ambition      Our Servicemen and Women
are at the heart of much of the world’s trouble.
                                                            Second Lt. Jerry Browne, U.S. Army
According to James, these are precisely the                 SSgt. James Calfa, U.S. Army
emotions that bind someone to the world rather              SrA Britney Ciccarelli, U.S. Air Force
than to God (see 4:4). Writing to Christians in the         SSgt. Dylan Ciccarelli, U.S. Air Force
first century, James focuses on Christian conduct--         MSgt. Mitchell Ciccarelli, U.S. Air Force
utter devotion to the things of God.                        MST3 William DeGaray, U.S.C.G.
                                                            MIDN Brian Z. DiSalvo, U. S. Navy
James’ identification of the sin in our lives provides      Sgt. Victor B. Famighette, U. S. Army
a lens through which we might view all three readings.      Major Thomas Frey, U.S.M.C.
His manner of teaching resembles wisdom literature,         Lt. Brendan Johnston, U.S. Navy
from which the first reading comes. The picture of          Ensign Michael O’Donohoe, U.S. Navy
the wicked sketched in the verses we read today is          Cpl. Brad John Peck, U.S.M.C.
fleshed out in the entire second chapter of Wisdom.         First Lt. Kiersten Spencer, U.S. Army
There we are shown wild desire for the things of this       Sgt. Michael J. Stewart, U.S. Army
world. When godless people realize that someone             Lt. Col. Kent Walsh, U.S. Army
who is righteous indicts their ambition and greed,          Lt. Frederick Zappala, U.S. Army
they want to torture the righteous one because he
opposes them. They want free rein to do whatever
they wish. The last verse of the chapter speaks          Jesus’ life, death and teaching contradict all three.
directly to James’ concern. “But by the envy of the      The Apostles show they are still tied to the values
devil, death entered the world and they who are in       of the world. To be true disciples of Christ, they
his possession experience it.” (Wisdom 2:24)             must set aside envy and ambition and open
                                                         themselves to the fruits of wisdom and the Spirit
In Mark’s account of the Gospel, the disciples
argue about who is the greatest among them. This
dispute, set between a prophecy about the crucifixion
and a teaching about the presence of Christ in the
most unimportant of people, underscores the
disciples’ ignorance of Jesus’ mission. Envy demands
a better position, greed desires wealth and ambition
seeks power. .

                                                                                                  St. E Melville-11
Mass Intentions, Presiders and Readings for the Week

              Mass Intentions                                            Weekly Readings
                                                         Monday, September 20
Monday, September 20                                     Reading 1: Ezra 1:1-6
Peggy O’Dell                                             Gospel:    Luke 8:16-18
Tuesday, September 21                                    Tuesday, September 21
Mary Jayne Dreyer                                        Reading 1: Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-13
                                                         Gospel:    Matthew 9:9-13
Wednesday, September 22
                                                         Wednesday, September 22
James Miller
                                                         Reading 1: Ezra 9:5-9
Thursday, September 23                                   Gospel:    Luke 9:1-6
Roy Lambert                                              Thursday, September 23
                                                         Reading 1: Haggai 1:1-8
Saturday and Sunday, September 25 and 26                 Gospel:    Luke 9:7-9
Deceased members of the Bellmer Family
                                                         Friday, September 24
Rita and Frank Bottego; Ralph Ferreri
                                                         Reading 1: Haggai 2:1-9
the William Gallagher Family; Royal Lambert
                                                         Gospel:     Luke 9:18-22
William Teresky; Grace Vella; Louise Woelfel
Irene and Walter Woelfel                                 Saturday, September 25
and for the parishioners of St. Elizabeth                Reading 1: Zechariah 2:5-9, 14-15a
                                                         Gospel:     Luke 9:43b-45
                     All parishioners are invited to     Sunday, September 26
                 Eucharistic Adoration                   Reading 1: Numbers 11:25-29
                     Thursdays following 9:30 a.m.       Reading 2: James 5:1-6
                              daily Mass.                Gospel:    Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48

                      First Thursday of the month
                  at the end of Eucharistic Adoration.   Bulletin Reflection
                                                         In today’s Gospel, Jesus
                                                         tells His disciples that
      Recitation of the Rosary                           whoever wishes to be first must
                                                         become humble and be a servant to all.
            Mondays at 7 Church
             led by Deacon Paul Vastola
                                                                    Living Stewardship:
  Tuesdays at 8:45 a.m. in Church
Rosary for Life led by Mary LaMagna.
                                                                                Pillar of Service
                                                                      As Christians, we are called to serve
 Wednesdays at 9 a.m. in the Chapel                                   others. Find one way this week that
      led by Molly Pepino.                                            can be of service to someone (perhaps
                                                                      a neighbor, an elderly relative, etc.).
                                                                                                   St. E Melville-12
Stewardship Committee

 Father Irinel Racos

  Harry Perepeluk
  Business Manager

    Alicia Pisco

Committee Members
  Doreen Boehme
   John Ferrante
 Marguerite Melone
 Joseph Monestere
 Kathy O’Donohoe
    Julius Taku
  Michelle Turner
Deacon Paul Vastola

                                FRATELLI TUTTI: A PRAYER TO THE CREATOR
                                             Lord, Father of our human family
                   you created all human beings equal in dignity: pour forth into our hearts a fraternal spirit
                          and inspire in us a dream of renewed encounter, dialogue, justice and peace.
                                Move us to create healthier societies and a more dignified world,
                                        a world without hunger, poverty, violence and war.
                              May our hearts be open to all the peoples and nations of the earth.
                         May we recognize the goodness and beauty that you have sown in each of us,
                          and thus forge bonds of unity, common projects, and shared dreams. Amen.

                                      Stewardship Treasure
                         August 2021: $71,680 / August 2020: $81,597
                                                Decrease of 12%

                             August 2021: 3,332 / August 2020: 2,674
                                                Increase of 25%
                                                                                                     St. E Melville-13
                            Outreach is always      Outreach aims to aid people in accessing the
                             grateful for your       resources that will assist them in meeting their
                                                     basic needs.
                                                           Our Outreach Pantry is currently open
      Needs                                                      by appointment only

                             URGENT                          Phone: 631 . 271 . 4455 x309
                                                            or email
                               NEEDS                  Outreach provides assistance with food,
                                                    information and referral to other agencies to
                                                      meet various family needs and other emergency
 Sugar Free Items:         Apple Juice
     Cookies                Progresso Soups
     Canned Fruit           Men’s Deodorant
     Flavored Oatmeal       Women’s Deodorant
     Pancake Syrup
 Mayonnaise
 Regular Pancake Syrup  
 Oatmeal
  Corned Beef Hash
  Cookies / Chips / Crackers
  Canned Potatoes        Shampoo
 Jams / Jellies         Conditioner
 Sugar                  Small Hand Sanitzer

SPECIAL NOTE: Nonperishable foods may be left in
the Gathering Lobby. Perishable food donations
such as produce, meat, eggs, and dairy are always
appreciated, but they must be brought to the
Parish Center during regular business hours. We
are not currently able to take donations of toys,
clothing or medical equipment. Thank you!


                                                                                             St. E Melville-14
St. E Melville-15
Around the Diocese

Engaged Encounter is an effective pre-Cana program
    designed to provide you with the tools for a
  successful marriage. Couples are provided with
 social-distancing during this time. Our next 2-day
    weekend will be held at the Seminary of the
     Immaculate Conception in Huntington on
 November 13-14 2021. For information please call
       Lenny & Pat Walker at 631-563-1032
        or visit
   Catholic Faith Network (CFN) is a 24/7 national
    network that provides comprehensive Catholic,
informative and spiritual programming. CFN is at the
 service of the Word, the Church, the Bishops and the
  Encounter of Faith and Culture. Available on your
    local cable providers, all of your favorite digital
            platforms and the free CFN app.
      Optimum Channel 29/137; Verizon Fios 296
  Spectrum 162/471; Roku; Apple TV; Amazon Fire TV
             AndroidTV; Samsung Smart TV; also available in Spanish at
               STAND UP FOR LIFE
is on Sunday, October 3 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. (rain or
  shine). Joint the Long Island Coalition for Life at
Routes 110 and 25 (near the Walt Whitman Mall) or in
Manorville LIE Exit 70S on County Road 111. Signs will
  be available at the site. They stand about 10 feet
   from each other using only pre-approved signs.
     For more information or questions, contact or call 631.243.1435
                                                          St. E Melville-16
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