SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2019 - East Chapel Hill High School Child Care Services Association

Page created by Amanda Stevenson
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2019 - East Chapel Hill High School Child Care Services Association
  East Chapel Hill High School             with

Presented by          platinum sponsor
Child Care
Services                                 LEARNING
Association                               THREAD
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2019 - East Chapel Hill High School Child Care Services Association
Dear Early Care and School
Age Education Professionals,
On behalf of the planning committee and Child Care Services
Association, we invite you to join hundreds of early childhood
professionals from across North Carolina at the 46th annual
Advancing Skills and Knowledge (A.S.K.) Conference. We are
excited to share the program this year!
The A.S.K. Conference has always served classroom teachers as our primary audience. Although there is something for every
early childhood professional, the majority of workshops support instructional strategies. It is the planning committee’s priority
to bring you a full range of professional development opportunities, from shorter workshops to in-depth CEU sessions. As is
traditional at this conference you have the opportunity to choose workshop sessions when you register for the day. We say
many thanks to our platinum sponsor, LAKESHORE, for financial support and expert presentations; and to our gold sponsor,
DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY. These important sponsors keep the fees for the conference very low with their financial
support, so don’t forget to thank them when you visit their tables in the exhibit area.
For the second year, we are glad to be working with the NC REGGIO EMILIA COLLABORATIVE. They are hosting a series
of sessions that will examine how to implement the key principles of the Reggio approach to early childhood learning here in
North Carolina. You may participate in the Reggio workshops all day to earn a .5 CEU credit.

                   with                          The NC Reggio Emilia Collaborative was formed by a group of North Carolina educators after
                                                 hosting The Wonder of Learning, the traveling exhibit from Reggio Emilia, in 2017. The title and
                                                 focus of the Wonder of Learning initiative in North Carolina was, Cultivating the Strong Potential
                                                 of All Children: Growing a Community Vision for Education. Through this work, many valuable
                                                 connections and partnerships formed that laid the groundwork for future collaborations. Thus,
                                                 our Wonder of Learning host committee established the NC Reggio Emilia Collaborative to
               THREAD                            reflect the importance of a shared vision for education as well as to create energy, conversation,
                                                 and action around how we as a community wish to cultivate the strong potential of all children.

We are excited to host MICHAEL BONNER, celebrated educator, as our keynote speaker and STUART STOTTS, musician and
storyteller, as our featured presenter. We believe the conference will meet the professional development needs of all who attend!

See you at the Conference,
The 2019 ASK Conference Planning Committee

    Contents                                                                           A.S.K. Conference Committee                  Our Mission

                                                                                       Dinah Arthur            Shaba Jones          Child Care Services
    CCSA Welcome............................................................... 1
                                                                                       Betsy Barnes            Alex Livas-Dlott     Association is
    Featured Presenters...................................................... 2                                                     dedicated to ensuring
    Reggio Emilia Learning Thread............................. 3–4                     Deanna Bledsoe          Karissa Livingston   affordable, accessible,
    Chart of Workshop Subject Categories ................... 5                         Paula Brown             Diana Lloyd          high quality child care
    CEU Courses .................................................................. 5   Linda Chappel           Nita McAdoo          for all young children
    Conference Schedule................................................... 6           Shawna Daniels          Christa Moore        and their families.
    Session 1 Workshop Descriptions......................... 6–7                       Charlene Daye           Heather Noe          CCSA’s Triangle Area
    Session 2 Workshop Descriptions........................ 8–9                        Kathy Ferguson          Valerie Person       Child Care Resource
    Session 3 Workshop Descriptions...................... 10–11                        Candice Fuentes         Carmen Raynor        and Referral Division
    Directions to East Chapel Hill High..........................12                                                                 supports early care and
                                                                                       Joyce Gillespie         Lydia Toney          school age educators by
    Registration Information..............................................13           Teresa Graves           Robin Warfield       conducting professional
    Registration Form..........................................................14      Monnie Griggs           Swanda Warren        development, training
                                                                                       Amanda Hazen            Beverly Williams     and technical assistance
                                                                                                                                    activities all year. View
                                                                                       The A.S.K. Conference is made possible       our monthly training
                                                                                       by your registration fees and conference     calendar on the website
                                                                                       sponsorship funding from Lakeshore and       for additional learning
                                                                                       Discount School Supply.                      opportunities.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2019 - East Chapel Hill High School Child Care Services Association
Michael Bonner, 2nd Grade Teacher and Speaker
Keynote co-sponsored by                       The planning committee is proud to welcome Michael
                                              Bonner as the keynote speaker at the 2019 ASK
                                              Conference! Mr. Bonner is an inspiring second grade teacher
                                              at North Carolina’s South Greenville Elementary, where
                                              the majority of students have strenuous familial dynamics
                                              and many are homeless. The school is 100% FRL (free and
                                              reduced lunch) and is located in an impoverished neighbor-
                                              hood in Eastern North Carolina. In early 2017, Bonner was
                                              honored by Ellen DeGeneres in recognition of his positive
                                              and innovative educational approaches for children coping
                                              with the challenges of poverty. Ellen presented Bonner and
                                              his school with technical equipment to assist in the creation
Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Project     of music videos serving as aids to education!

Motivation Leads to Innovation—The Audacity to Get Up—Keynote | 12:30 – 1:30 pm
Let us be honest. The turnover rate within education is a serious dilemma that we have yet to find the antidote for. A study conducted at UCLA
showed only 4% of college freshmen wanted to become educators. The profession of teaching is not an easy one. In schools all across the
world, creating new and innovative strategies within the classroom is an exciting task but can seem daunting
to the teacher who is worn down by the profession. Due to many reasons (negative student behavior, poor
scores, etc), the school climate can become toxic and suffocate the life out of teachers which ultimately
affects student performance. Shifting the school culture begins with individual teachers making the decision
to change their classroom into an engaging learning environment. Mr. Bonner will share how he utilized the
power of self-reflection to evaluate his qualities as a teacher, navigate the tumultuous waves of working within          Very attention
a Title 1 school (100% FRL free and reduced lunch), and to understand the value of applying creativity!                     grabbing,
                                                                                                                        informative and

          Featured Session
  Stuart Stotts, Musician, Educator, Author
                                      Stuart Stotts’ highly interactive sessions give teachers songs, activities, and strategies that they can
                                      immediately implement with children. His work includes accessible and relevant brain research which
                                      reveals why his activities are important and successful with children. Stuart is a songwriter, author,
                                      and educator from DeForest, WI. Stuart has performed for children and families throughout the United
                                      States since 1986, giving over 200 performances a year. Stuart is a frequent presenter at conferences
                                      for early childhood professionals and teachers, bringing a mix of music, participation, brain research,
                                      and a strong focus on advocacy for children and the profession itself to all of his presentations.
                                      Stuart is the author of six books, and he has also released several award winning recordings. Come
                                      prepared to sing, reflect, move, and celebrate our work with young children. Check out Stuart’s work

                                      Storytelling: Building Engagement, Language, Confidence, and Community through Oral
                                      Expression—Workshop #29 | 10:15 – 11:45 am
                                     Although reading to children is very important, storytelling offers a complementary opportunity to
                                     enhance children’s learning. It’s also a powerful approach for language acquisition. In this hands-on
  workshop we’ll explore basic storytelling techniques, with lots of chances to practice. We’ll discuss the
  advantages inherent in storytelling, and we’ll look at resources for further learning.
  Everybody Started Out Small: The Power of Music for Young Learners and Teachers                                        Very engaging
  Workshop #39 | 1:45 – 3:15 pm                                                                                         speaker. Thanks!
  Music is a wonderful way to create strong classrooms, strong children and strong                 Wonderful             Thank you for
  teachers. In this interactive session, we’ll look at what brain research tells us about          speakers. I            the fantastic
  the importance of singing together. We’ll make connections to literacy. We’ll look at           can’t wait to          presentations.
  how teachers can adapt songs for multiple uses, with lots of ideas to use with kids             share what I              Loved it!
  right away. We’ll move, sing, and become better acquainted as we explore ways to              learned with my
  celebrate, connect, and learn with our children.                                                  students.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2019 - East Chapel Hill High School Child Care Services Association
Reggio Emilia
    Learning Thread
                    Cultivating the Strong Potential of All Children
                           Through the Hundred Languages
    (.5 CEU) The NC Reggio Emilia Collaborative was formed by a group of North Carolina educators after hosting The
    Wonder of Learning, the traveling exhibit from Reggio Emilia, in 2017. The title and focus of our Wonder of Learning
    initiative in North Carolina was Cultivating the Strong Potential of All Children: Growing a Community Vision for
    Education. Through this work, many valuable connections and partnerships formed that laid the groundwork for future
    collaborations. For this reason, the NC Reggio Emilia Collaborative was established to create energy, conversation, and
    action around how we as a community wish to cultivate the strong potential of all children.
    If you register for the Reggio Emilia .5 CEU learning thread with a paper registration form, you will receive
    a workshop selection form by e-mail. The demand for the Reggio Emilia Learning Thread was
    very strong at A.S.K. 2018. Registration is limited and will be assigned first come, first served.
                                                                                                                  I really
                                                                                                               enjoyed the
                                                                                                           workshops, and can
                               Session I (1 hour)                                                          share with my staff,
                                                                                                              families, and
                               8:30–9:30 am                                                                     kids in my
                               Choose one of the following:                                                    classroom.

•• BEGINNER—The Reggio Emilia Approach to Education: What is It? How Do I Begin?
   This presentation is ideal for those who are new to the Reggio Emilia approach, just beginning to implement key principles
   of the infant-toddler, preschool and primary schools of Reggio Emilia in their own classrooms, or participants who would like
   to hear more about the fundamental principles and how they can be translated into the American context.
•• INTERMEDIATE—Cultivating a Reggio Mindset: What’s Next?
   This presentation is designed for participants who have been implementing the basic principles of the Reggio Emilia
   approach and are ready to consider how to move beyond the beginning steps. This presentation will show examples of
   current child-led, emerging projects from Lakewood Avenue Children’s School, a 5 star-licensed Reggio-inspired preschool
   for children ages 1–5. Participants will explore how to use the children’s every day experiences as provocations for
   longer-term projects. This presentation is ideal for participants who would like to delve deeper into their understanding of
   the key principles of the Reggio Emilia approach.
•• ADVANCED—Education as an Act of Civic Participation
   This presentation is designed for those who have been researching the infant-toddler, preschools and primary schools of Reggio
   Emilia for some time. Participants have a solid foundation of the key principles of the Reggio Emilia approach and are ready to
   delve into an understanding of the democratic classroom through an examination of the child’s right to be viewed as a global
   citizen. This presentation will show examples from Carolina Friends Durham Early School, an independent Quaker school, which
   has been drawing inspirations from the schools in Reggio Emilia since 1996. During this presentation, participants will examine
   the key dispositions that foster the democratic classroom, as well as the connection between projects and civic participation.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2019 - East Chapel Hill High School Child Care Services Association
Session II (2.5 hours)
                              9:45 am–12:30 pm
                              Atelier Experience—Choose one of the following:
Atelier Experience and Reflecting on the Atelier Experience and Creating Action Plans
“Our task is to help children communicate with the world using all their potential, strengths and languages, and to overcome
any obstacle presented by our culture” (Loris Malaguzzi). There are a multitude of ways children express themselves and
their thinking, known as “languages.” In Reggio Emilia these “languages” are featured both in the classroom and in the atelier
(translated as a “place of study”). For this session, participants will choose one of the five ateliers that highlight a language
of expression. A brief introduction to the atelier will be followed by hands-on work with the materials. During the session,
participants will reflect on their experiences while thinking about their own context.

•• #1: THE NATURAL MATERIALS ATELIER—Learn how to bring the natural world into your classroom, giving children the
   ability to express themselves with materials found out in nature.
•• #2: THE RECYCLED MATERIALS ATELIER—Think flexibly, think creatively as you work with recycled materials. Learn how
   to provide recycled materials in your classroom to make visible the multiple ways we can use simple objects.
•• #3: THE MOVEMENT ATELIER—Highlighting the ways you can move your body to express yourself. Learn about this
   important language of learning that children so frequently use.
•• #4: THE BLACK AND WHITE ATELIER—This atelier can best be described by Ann Pelo’s quote from The Language of Art:
   Reggio-Inspired Studio Practices in Early Childhood Settings—“Before launching into the full spectrum of color, stand at its
   edge with white and black, the beginning and the end. Black and white provide a frame through which we more clearly see
   and understand color. Side by side on paper, the contrast between black and white calls each more fully to life.”
•• #5: THE GRAPHIC LANGUAGES ATELIER—Discover the importance of drawing and painting as a tool of research
   for children. Participants will have time to experiment with line drawings, and various painting media.

         Choice of Lunchtime Seminar 1:00 – 1:30 pm or Keynote Speaker 12:30 – 1:30 pm                          Presentation
                              Session III (1 hour)                                                               inspiring.
                              1:45–3:00 pm
                              School Tour Off-Site—Choose one of the following:
* Space is limited in school tours.
•• #1 THE LITTLE SCHOOL HILLSBOROUGH—301 College Park Rd., Hillsborough. The Little School is a Reggio-inspired
   early learning center for 300 children age 3 months–5 years old. Located on 5 acres in Hillsborough, the school features
   several small cottages interconnected by playground spaces. In addition, The Little School hosts professionally trained
   cooks who create locally sourced, organic meals for the children, staff and families.
•• #2 CAROLINA FRIENDS DURHAM EARLY SCHOOL—404-A Alexander Ave., Durham. Carolina Friends School is an
   independent Quaker School serving children 3 years–12th grade. The Durham Early School campus, located on Duke
   University’s central campus, is a Reggio-inspired preschool and kindergarten serving children age 3–6 in two classrooms.
•• #3 LAKEWOOD AVENUE CHILDREN’S SCHOOL—1701 Lakewood Ave., Durham. Lakewood Avenue Children’s School
   is a Reggio-inspired preschool serving 32 children in 3 classrooms—one for toddlers (1 & 2 year olds), middlers (2 & 3 year
   olds) and preschoolers (age 3, 4, & 5). Lakewood Avenue Children’s School is a converted home in the Lakewood neighbor-
   hood of Durham.
•• #4 CHILDREN FIRST—1211 Carroll St., Durham. Children First serves 12 children ages 2¾ to 5 in a mixed group setting.
   Children First draws inspiration from several sources, including the preschools in Reggio Emilia. The school is located in a
   home close to Downtown Durham.
•• #5 MORNINGSIDE PRESCHOOL—304 Morningside Dr., Carrboro. A play and nature based, Reggio-inspired preschool
   for 10–12 children age 2–5. Morningside Preschool is located in a home in Carrboro.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2019 - East Chapel Hill High School Child Care Services Association
We have designated all workshops                                 Subject Area            Description
as one of the nine subject areas                                          1                Planning a safe, healthy learning environment
required by NC licensing standards,                                       2                Steps to advance children’s physical and intellectual development
shown at right.                                                           3                Positive ways to support children’s social and emotional development
                                                                          4                Strategies to establish productive relationships with families
All workshops impacting teacher                                           5                Strategies to manage an effective program operation
classroom practice are aligned with                                       6                Maintaining a commitment to professionalism
the North Carolina Foundations                                            7                Observing and recording children’s behavior
for Early Learning Development                                            8                Principles of child growth and development
Standards (NC FELD/Foundations).                                          9                Working with children with special needs              I really enjoy
                                                                                                                                                                     this conference.
CEU Courses                                                                                                                                                             forward to
                                                                                                                                                                      coming back.
These courses provide more in-depth information and meet from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm with a short
break for an on-site lunch—you will not have time to attend the keynote address. You will need to
bring your lunch or purchase lunch when you register to attend these courses.
You will earn (.5) continuing education units (CEUs).

                                                                                                                                                                                    Area     Audience

    A   Intentional Teaching and Individualization with NC FELD and TS GOLD                                                                                                        2, 3,        E
        After an introduction to North Carolina Foundations Early Learning and Development and Teaching Strategies GOLD, participants will have an opportunity to use              7, 8
        assessment information and NC FELD to plan individualized and group lesson plans and link them to NC FELD. Most of the day will be spent on hands-on planning
        activities followed by discussion. Participants will work in small groups and trainers will facilitate throughout the day.
        Leigh Zaleon, M.Ed and Christy Washburne, M.Ed, Chapel Hill Training-Outreach Project, Inc.

    B   It Takes a Village                                                                                                                                                         3, 4         E
        It takes a village to raise a child. Parents often rely on family, friends, and neighbors to ensure that their children are taken care of throughout the week. In this
        session we’ll explore the innovative resource “Bright by Text”, which provides quality information and trusted resources to parents and caregivers. We’ll discuss
        ways to enhance communication between caregivers, parents, and teachers and how to leverage this resource for childrens’ success!
        Angela Wilson-Newsome, Mallory Mbalia, Jade Packer, UNC-TV Public Media North Carolina

    C   Loving Literacy: Books, Writing, and Talking About Both                                                                                                                      3          E
        Learn strategies that will aid young children’s lifelong literacy and encourage their communication, creativity, curiosity and questioning. Discover methods of
        sharing books and writing that will inspire children’s motivation to read and write while furthering their abilities to reason, understand different perspectives and
        make decisions. This workshop includes bibliographies and resources, hands-on small group experiences, large group sharing, and fun!
        Susie Wilde, Literacy Consultant

    D   Taming the Spirited Child Using Brain Development Knowledge                                                                                                                2, 7,        E
        Do you wish for peace & tranquility for just a few minutes each day in the classroom? Explore why some children choose to behave in a spirited manner. If you              8, 9
        want to grasp how to keep your spirited children calm while simultaneously protecting your “last nerve,” then this training is for you. We will discuss how to use brain
        development information in concert with strategies that are most effective-- positive guidance techniques and what “really works.” Obtain practical knowledge that
        will assist you in bringing calm and harmony to your learning environment.
        Romy Allen, Allenromy Consultants

    E   Trauma, Toxic Stress and Resilience in Infant & Toddler Care                                                                                                               2, 3        I/T
        Child care administrators and teachers confront trauma and toxic stress daily, both in their own families and communities and with the children in their care.
        We will watch and discuss films about the problems and the solutions. Learn how to prevent and address compassion fatigue as we practice short self-care
        and mindfulness strategies that can be used in classroom settings. We will learn how trauma and toxic stress affects the brain and the body and how healthy
        relationships and sensory strategies can help. Participants will leave with their own Resilience Action Plan.
        Ennis C. Baker, MSW, LCSW, Duke Center for Child & Family Policy

    F   Cultivating the Strong Potential of all Children Through the Hundred Languages                                                                                             2, 3,        E
        Described in depth on pages 3-4, the Reggio Emilia Learning Thread is designed to provide an exploration of the Reggio Emilia approach to education.                       7, 8
        Sponsored by The NC Reggio Emilia Collaborative

                              E = Everyone; AD = Administration; I/T = Infant/Toddler; P = Preschool; SA = School-age; H/S = Health & Safety
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2019 - East Chapel Hill High School Child Care Services Association
Schedule for the Day
REGISTRATION: 7:30 – 8:15 am                   BREAK: 10:00 – 10:15 am                           LUNCH: 11:45 am – 12:30 pm                      BREAK: 1:30 – 1:45 pm
SESSION 1: 8:30 – 10:00 am                     SESSION 2: 10:15 – 11:45 am                       KEYNOTE: 12:30 – 1:30 pm                        SESSION 3: 1:45 – 3:15 pm

Session 1: 8:30 – 10:00 am

                                                                            Subject                                                                                              Subject
                                                                             Area     Audience                                                                                    Area     Audience

  1   Breaking Down the Barriers to Physical Activity                       2, 8         P         6    Culturally Responsive Family Engagement:                                   4          P
      Join Be Active Kids as we help you connect with other early                                       What is it and Why Should it be Incorporated in
      childhood professionals to discuss and overcome barriers to an                                    all Early Childhood Program Settings?
      active classroom. Discuss common barriers and challenges to                                       This session will define Culturally Responsive Family
      providing physical activities with young children; learn about best                               Engagement and identify essential components needed to
      practices, available resources, and tools to use in your programs                                 successfully implement in the early childhood program. We
      to overcome barriers and provide developmentally appropriate                                      will explore a Pre-Kindergarten program in Durham, NC as it
      physical activities.                                                                              showcases elements of high quality, developmentally appropriate
      Caroline Sweezy, Evie Houtz, Richard Rairigh,                                                     practices, and culturally responsive family engagement
      Be Active Kids                                                                                    strategies. Participants will gain skills, strategies, techniques, and
                                                                                                        an opportunity to view real time Culturally Responsive Family
                                                                                                        Engagement through a local level lens.
  2   Bringing the Farm-to-Preschool Movement into                           1, 2        P
      Your Classroom                                                                                    Danielle Johnson, Durham’s Partnership for Children
      Whether you are a director, teacher or staff member, you will
      discover the basic core principles of farm-to-preschool in this                              7    Every Child Ready to Read                                                  2          E
      session. Learn how to adopt these in your classroom while                                         This workshop will equip participants with ideas and fun activities
      meeting the requirements of NC Foundations; explore how to                                        to help develop early literacy skills in children. Participants will
      apply nutrition curriculum and how to install any size garden.                                    gain an understanding of the basic stages of brain development
      Review small steps that you can take to get local food into class!                                and learn about the five basic early literacy skills. Come learn to
      Meghan Brown, Durham County Department Of                                                         use books and related activities to support literacy!
      Public Health                                                                                     Karlene Fyffe Phillips, DMin., Durham County Library

  3   Bugs to Love in the Indoor or Outdoor Early                             2          P         8    Meeting the Child Care Needs of Families                                 3, 4         E
      Childhood Classroom                                                                               Experiencing Homelessness
      Using two or three of our most child friendly bugs, we will explore                               Homeless children, among the most vulnerable children, deserve
      how to introduce children to the world of insects. We’ll examine                                  a safe place to learn and grow while their parents search for
      butterfly wings, peek inside a cocoon, listen to Bess Beetles and                                 a job and return to stable housing. Join the discussion about
      make roly-poly houses. The group will discuss raising butterflies                                 classroom strategies to support the social and emotional health
      and explore some common concerns of insects and their kin                                         of children in your programs that may not have access to stable
      encountered in outdoor or indoor learning environments. And if                                    housing. Learn about resources available for families and
      you are not so sure about bugs yourself, come find out if we can                                  ways to mediate the stress your children may express in their
      change your fears to fascination! Take home materials to include                                  classroom interactions with peers. Early educators can make a
      laminated butterfly wings, roly-poly houses, magnifying glass and                                 big difference for children by creating safe spaces.
      Jan Weems, NC Museum of Natural Sciences                                                     9    How to Help Parents Cope with Stress                                       4          E
                                                                                                        Research states that many Americans deal with excess stress
  4   Using Prop Boxes with Preschoolers                                      2          P              daily. Learn practical strategies to help parents manage stressful
      Teachers will learn the benefits of using prop boxes in the                                       situations and review eight techniques that will empower you
      classroom to encourage language development through dramatic                                      and your team to be sensitive to parents who are struggling with
      play activities. We will work together to generate ideas for the                                  stress related symptoms.
      formation of activity boxes full of props related to many different                               Pebbles Lindsay-Lucas,
      themes. You will receive ideas for fun creative ways to use the                                   First Chronicles Day Care Center
      props to encourage children to use new vocabulary and develop
      pre-reading literacy skills such as writing, critical thinking and
      working together.
      Betsy Barnes, Child Care Services Association

  5   Creative Movement for the Mind & Body                                   2          E
      Learn how creative movement is a vital part of a preschool child’s
      development! Explore techniques to quickly engage children for
      optimum participation such as skits, songs, and presentations.
      Participants will use various props that enhance the creative                             Great
      movement experience and learn how to use them during special
      occasions and holidays. These techniques and ideas can
                                                                                              love and
      immediately be used in the classroom.                                                  connection!
      Kim Black, Miss Kim Productions

                            E = Everyone; AD = Administration; I/T = Infant/Toddler; P = Preschool; SA = School-age; H/S = Health & Safety
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2019 - East Chapel Hill High School Child Care Services Association
Subject                                                                                         Subject
                                                                                  Area     Audience                                                                               Area     Audience

    10   Infant-Toddler Educator AWARD$                                          5, 6        I/T      16   The Power of Choice: Everyday Classroom                               2, 3         P
         Are you a full-time infant-toddler teacher? Then come learn about                                 Activities to Help Young Children Practice
         the exciting new opportunity to earn $2,000 to $4,000 more per                                    Making Choices
         year! Infant-Toddler Educator AWARD$ (AWARD$) provides                                            Learn fun ways to help preschool children make choices!
         education-based salary supplements to low paid teachers                                           Practice everyday classroom activities, games and songs that
         working full-time in infant-toddler classrooms in NC. The program                                 allow children to make choices with confidence. Learn how the
         is designed to better compensate and retain well-educated                                         empowering activity of making choices can help your classroom
         teachers working with our youngest children. AWARD$ is funded                                     run more smoothly.
         by the NC Division of Child Development and Early Education.
                                                                                                           Jennifer Fisher, Brown’s Early Learning School
         Erin Belford, Child Care Services Association
                                                                                                      17   What You Permit, You Promote                                            5        AD
    11   Make Your Own Individualized Materials                                   1, 2        P
                                                                                                           Leaders give permission for behaviors and actions that either
         Are you wondering how to help your children be more                                               undermine or contribute to the mission. This session will guide
         independent? Maybe you just can’t find that perfect activity at the                               you in developing new approaches to challenging situations
         store. You don’t need to know a RAM from a ROM; if you can use                                    emphasizing clarity, alignment and accountability between what
         a mouse, you can make your own materials. Learn how to create                                     you say and what you do.
         visual schedules, predictable books, grid games, task cards and
                                                                                                           Katharine J. Smith, S.I.E.R.R.A.
         we will make a hands-on reminder to help children calm down.
         Amy Latta, Child Care Network
                                                                                                      18   PRESENTED IN SPANISH: El Desarrollo                                     3         I/T
                                                                                                           social-emocional dentro del contexto de las
    12   Making Them Visible: Recognizing, Supporting,                           3, 4         E            relaciones
         and Advocating for Children of Incarcerated
         and Returning Parents                                                                             Un taller sobre la importancia de las relaciones para el desarrollo
                                                                                                           social-emocional de niños entre el nacimiento y el tercer
         There are an estimated 2.7 million children in the US with at                                     cumpleaños.  Vamos a definir lo que es desarrollo social-emo-
         least one incarcerated parent, with more than 28,000 in NC. This                                  cional, identificar elementos claves del bienestar social-emo-
         workshop will focus on what we know and do not know about these                                   cional e identificar tipos de temperamento.
         children, the impact of parental incarceration, and how to create
         a supportive environment. We will discuss the need to gather                                      Candice Fuentes, Child Care Services Association
         information and insight from these children and families to ensure
         that their voices are heard. Take what you learn back to your                                19   Yoga Beyond an Exercise: How to Use Yoga                                2          E
         professional setting to continue the conversation and determine                                   Theory to Improve Wellness from the Class to
         appropriate next steps.
         Melissa Radcliff, Our Children’s Place of Coastal
                                                                                                           Join Yoga 4 Us in an interactive workshop to delve into real
         Horizons Center
                                                                                                           life tools and techniques that promote physical, emotional, and
                                                                                                           mental well being for students, teachers, and parents alike. Learn
    13   Social Emotional Milestones-Birth to 36 Months:                           3         I/T           methods of self examination, self regulation, mindfulness, and
         Building Blocks for Future Learning                                                               stress relief to incorporate within the classroom and transfer to
         Infants and toddlers (IT) develop a sense of self, a sense of self                                the home.
         with others, and learn about feelings through responsive relation-                                Malikia I. Robertson, Yoga 4 Us, LLC
         ships with others. Examine ITs’ social/emotional competence as
         a vital component of later school readiness. Participants will learn                         20   What’s the Difference? An Introduction to                               3          P
         how responsive caregiving can help young children form secure
         attachments, learn to navigate feelings and emotions, and begin
                                                                                                           Conscious Discipline
         to develop self-regulation and social skills, the building blocks for                             When it comes to discipline and classroom management, have
         future learning.                                                                                  you ever thought, “There has to be a better way?” Well there is!
                                                                                                           Learn how to create safe, connected classrooms where problems
          Julie Clinkscale, Child Care Services Association
                                                                                                           can be solved with Conscious Discipline. Participants will
                                                                                                           discover the key ways that Conscious Discipline is a transforma-
    14   Stretching Your Dollars: Budget Basics                                    5        AD             tional shift from traditional discipline techniques.
         This work shop will provide tips and strategies on how to                                         Ashley Cooper, Connected At Last, LLC
         maximize your income. We will discuss ways to change your
         spending to achieve goals and boost your income.
         Ronald G. Smith, SmithGroup

    15   The Peace Table: Conflict Resolution in the                               3          P                                                             Feliz de
         Preschool Classroom
         Peaceful conflict resolution in the classroom is working
         through a problem or conflict in a way that does not physically,                                                                             estasconferencias
         emotionally, or socially hurt anyone involved. It provides children                                                                           me llevo muchas
         with opportunities to feel competent in handling situations and
         relationships and fosters feelings of respect for the self and                                                                                  herramientas
         others, as well as respect for new ideas. Participants will learn                                                                               para mi clase
         strategies to facilitate conflict resolution in their own classroom
         setting.                                                                                                                                         y personal.
         Carrie Becker, Transforming Early Childhood

                               E = Everyone; AD = Administration; I/T = Infant/Toddler; P = Preschool; SA = School-age; H/S = Health & Safety
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2019 - East Chapel Hill High School Child Care Services Association
Session 2: 10:15 – 11:45 AM

                                                                              Subject                                                                                          Subject
                                                                               Area     Audience                                                                                Area     Audience

21   Children with Disabilities from Culturally and                           3, 4,        E       26   How to Help Parents Cope with Stress                                     4          E
     Linguistically Diverse Families                                          8, 9                      Research states that many Americans deal with excess stress
     Workshop focuses upon family-centered principles for working                                       daily. Learn practical strategies to help parents manage stressful
     with children with disabilities from culturally and linguistically                                 situations and review eight techniques that will empower you
     diverse backgrounds. Come discuss recommended guidelines                                           and your team to be sensitive to parents who are struggling with
     for: (1) understanding the family’s point of view related to                                       stress related symptoms.
     their child’s care and education; (2) making decisions with the                                    Pebbles Lindsay-Lucas, First Chronicles Daycare
     family about the child’s care and education; and (3) engaging                                      Center
     in conversations with the family about the child’s continued
                                                                                                   27   Preventing Compassion Fatigue: Taking Care of                            6          E
     Dr. Jessica Kinard, Carolina Institute for                                                         YOU
     Developmental Disabilities
                                                                                                        Most of us provide services to families with multiple stressors,
                                                                                                        many of whom have experienced trauma. This can be
22   Creative Movement for the Mind & Body                                      2          E            demanding, emotionally exhausting work. It is critical to
     Learn how creative movement is a vital part of a preschool child’s                                 understand and prevent compassion fatigue that can lead to
     development! Explore techniques to quickly engage children for                                     feelings of hopelessness and frustration, resulting in job dissatis-
     optimum participation such as skits, songs, and presentations.                                     faction and possible staff turnover. This training is a mixture
     Participants will use various props that enhance the creative                                      of lecture, discussion, stress-lowering activities, individualized
     movement experience and learn how to use them during special                                       compassion fatigue screening, and self-care planning.
     occasions and holidays. These techniques and ideas can                                             Jan Williams, Healthy Families Durham/Center for
     immediately be used in the classroom.                                                              Child & Family Health
     Kim Black, Miss Kim Productions
                                                                                                   28   Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases                            1          E
23   Culturally Responsive Family Engagement:                                   4          P            Be prepared for those germs! Come learn about infectious
     What is it and Why Should it be Incorporated in                                                    diseases and how they are spread and understand how to
     all Early Childhood Program Settings?                                                              prevent and control their spread. Review the importance of
     This session will define Culturally Responsive Family                                              immunizations, proper hygiene and sanitation routines, how to
     Engagement and identify essential components needed to                                             recognize ill children, and when to exclude children from care.
     successfully implement in the early childhood program. We                                          Rhonda Rambeaut RNCCHC, NC Child Care Health
     will explore a Pre-Kindergarten program in Durham, NC as it                                        and Safety Resource Center
     showcases elements of high quality, developmentally appropriate
     practices, and culturally responsive family engagement
     strategies. Participants will gain skills, strategies, techniques, and                        29   Storytelling: Building Engagement, Language,                             2          E
     an opportunity to view real time Culturally Responsive Family                                      Confidence, and Community through Oral
     Engagement through a local level lens.                                                             Expression
     Danielle Johnson, Durham’s Partnership for Children                                                Although reading to children is very important, storytelling
                                                                                                        offers a complementary opportunity to enhance children’s
24   Every Child Ready to Read                                                  2          E            learning. It’s also a powerful approach for language
                                                                                                        acquisition. In this hands-on workshop we’ll explore
     This workshop will equip participants with ideas and fun activities                                basic storytelling techniques, with lots of chances to
     to help develop early literacy skills in children. Participants will                               practice. We’ll discuss the advantages inherent in
     gain an understanding of the basic stages of brain development                                     storytelling, and we’ll look at resources for further learning.
     and learn about the five basic early literacy skills. Come learn to
     use books and related activities to support literacy!                                              Stuart Stotts, Musician, Educator, Author
     Karlene Fyffe Phillips, DMin., Durham County Library
                                                                                                   30   Sensory Integration and the “Out of Sync” Child                        2, 9         E
25   Follow the Leader! Let’s Develop a Pathway to                              5        AD             A review of the sensory systems and the alert mechanism will
     COACHING and MENTORING                                                                             provide a background for understanding and recognizing sensory
     Enhance your skills, knowledge and commitment to professional                                      processing issues in the “out of sync” child. Strategies to help the
     development for your team through increased leadership on                                          child with self-regulation will be discussed along with hands-on
     evidence-based coaching and mentoring methodology. Session                                         experiences.
     will provide administrators with hands-on opportunities to explore                                 Swetal Thaker, Developmental Therapy Associates
     coaching and mentoring techniques and share meaningful
     dialogue and program reflection.
                                                                                                   31   Stretching Your Dollars: Budget Basics                                   5        AD
     Dr. Brenda K. Williamson, NC Division of Child
     Development and Early Education, Rashad Rodus,                                                     This work shop will provide tips and strategies on how to
     Guilford Child Development, Kenneth Robinson,                                                      maximize your income. We will discuss ways to change your
     Durham Head Start                                                                                  spending to achieve goals and boost your income.
                                                                                                        Ronald G. Smith, SmithGroup

                            E = Everyone; AD = Administration; I/T = Infant/Toddler; P = Preschool; SA = School-age; H/S = Health & Safety
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2019 - East Chapel Hill High School Child Care Services Association
Subject                                                                                          Subject
                                                                              Area     Audience                                                                                Area     Audience

    32   The Power of Choice: Everyday Classroom                             2, 3         P       35   What You Permit, You Promote                                             6        AD
         Activities to Help Young Children Practice                                                    Leaders give permission for behaviors and actions that either
         Making Choices                                                                                undermine or contribute to the mission. This session will guide
         Learn fun ways to help preschool children make choices!                                       you in developing new approaches to challenging situations
         Practice everyday classroom activities, games and songs that                                  emphasizing clarity, alignment and accountability between what
         allow children to make choices with confidence. Learn how the                                 you say and what you do.
         empowering activity of making choices can help your classroom                                 Katharine J. Smith, S.I.E.R.R.A.
         run more smoothly.
         Jennifer Fisher, Brown’s Early Learning School                                           36   You Can’t Come to My Birthday Party:                                     3          E
                                                                                                       Navigating Friendships
    33   Understanding Monitoring and Developmental                          7, 9        I/T           Friendship is often underrated considering the tremendous
         Screening                                                                                     impact it has on our well-being. Early childhood friendship
         This training explains your role as an early childhood educator                               is something that is frequently overlooked as a positive
         in developmental monitoring and the importance of promoting                                   developmental influence. We don’t always realize how attached
         developmental screening when there is cause for concern.                                      young children are to their friends. Participants will learn about
         Participants will learn the difference between developmental                                  the importance of developing friendships along with exploring
         monitoring and developmental screening, why each is important                                 ways to encourage positive friendship relationships in their
         in supporting children birth to five, how to communicate                                      classroom.
         effectively with parents and how to assist them through the                                   Carrie Becker, Transforming Early Childhood
         referral process.                                                                             Education
         Priscilla Ann Hayes, Child Care Resources, Inc.
                                                                                                  37   Emotional Geography: What state are you in?                              3          E
    34   Unleash The Positivity In Your Childcare                              6          E            Emotional states are contagious! Most of us were raised with the
         Every childcare center has positivity within. There are many                                  belief, “if you would change or act right, then I wouldn’t be so out
         things you can do to create and sustain the feeling of positive                               of control.” The truth is we must maintain self-control in order for
         energy: learn the fundamental concept of positive energy at work;                             children to learn self-control. This Conscious Discipline workshop
         discover the 4 BIG energy drainers at your childcare center;                                  focuses on first changing the perceptions of the adults so that
         cultivate 7 power habits that will empower you and your team to                               they can, in turn, effectively respond to children’s behavior and
         generate positivity; and understand where negativity is coming                                emotions in healthy and developmentally appropriate ways.
         from in your environment.                                                                     Ashley Cooper, Connected At Last, LLC
         Payal Nanjiani, Insightful Learning

Keynote: 12:30 – 1:30 pm
                                                                   Motivation Leads to Innovation—The Audacity to Get Up
                                                                   Let us be honest. The turnover rate within education is a serious dilemma that we
                                                                   have yet to find the antidote for. A study conducted at UCLA showed only 4% of
                                                                   college freshmen wanted to become educators. The profession of teaching is not
                                                                   an easy one.
                                                                   In schools all across the world, creating new and innovative strategies within the
                                                                   classroom is an exciting task but can seem daunting to the teacher who is worn
                                                                   down by the profession. Due to many reasons (negative student behavior, poor
                                                                   scores, etc), the school climate can become toxic and suffocate the life out of
                                                                   teachers, which ultimately affects student performance.
                                                                   Shifting the school culture begins with individual teachers making the decision to
                                                                   change their classroom into an engaging learning environment. Mr. Bonner will
                                                                   share how he utilized the power of self-reflection to evaluate his qualities as a
                                                                   teacher, navigate the tumultuous waves of working within a Title 1 school (100%
                                                                   FRL-free and reduced lunch), and to understand the value of applying creativity!

                                             Mr. Bonner’s book will be on sale during the conference.
                                                 He will have a book signing from 1:30 – 2:30 pm.

                              E = Everyone; AD = Administration; I/T = Infant/Toddler; P = Preschool; SA = School-age; H/S = Health & Safety
Session 3: 1:45 – 3:15 PM
                                                                           Subject                                                                                         Subject
                                                                            Area     Audience                                                                               Area     Audience

38   Bugs to Love in the Indoor or Outdoor Early                             2          P       43   S.M.A.R.T. Families—A Model for Family Literacy                       2, 4       P, E
     Childhood Classroom                                                                             This workshop equips participants with a basic family literacy
     Using two or three of our most child friendly bugs, we will explore                             model that can be used in the classroom or shared for home.
     how to introduce children to the world of insects. We’ll examine                                Developed by the presenter, this model uses the SMART
     butterfly wings, peek inside a cocoon, listen to Bess Beetles and                               acronym to provide five foundational tips to enhance family
     make roly-poly houses. The group will discuss raising butterflies                               literacy. S.M.A.R.T. families: Spend time together; Make time
     and explore some common concerns of insects and their kin                                       and goals; Ask questions; Read together; Talk things out.
     encountered in a outdoor or indoor learning environments. And if                                Karlene Fyffe Phillips, DMin., Durham County Library
     you are not so sure about bugs yourself, come find out if we can
     change your fears to fascination! Take home materials to include
     laminated butterfly wings, roly-poly houses, magnifying glass and                          44   Social and Emotional Teaching: Long-term                                3          E
     more.                                                                                           Development and Short-term Sanity
      Jan Weems, NC Museum of Natural Sciences                                                       Learn to address behavior challenges by increasing Social and
                                                                                                     Emotional Teaching Strategies in the classroom. We’ll focus
                                                                                                     on the explicit instruction and support of social skills, emotional
39   Everybody Started Out Small: The Power of                               2          E            regulation and problem-solving for children ages 18 months-5.
     Music for Young Learners and Teachers                                                           We’ll use the framework of the CSEFEL Pyramid Model and
                                                                                                     how it supports the Environment Ratings Scales (ITERS-R and
     Music is a wonderful way to create strong classrooms, strong
                                                                                                     ECERS-R) and North Carolina Early Foundations for Early
     children and strong teachers. In this interactive session,
                                                                                                     Learning and Development.
     we’ll look at what brain research tells us about the
     importance of singing together. We’ll make connections                                          Zulaykha Clemons-Dunn, MS, EChO Consultant,
     to literacy. We’ll look at how teachers can adapt songs                                         Exchange Family Center.
     for multiple uses, with lots of ideas to use with kids right
     away. We’ll move, sing, and become better acquainted                                       45   Stretching Your Dollars: Budget Basics                                  5        AD
     as we explore ways to celebrate, connect, and learn
     with our children.                                                                              This work shop will provide tips and strategies on how to
                                                                                                     maximize your income. We will discuss ways to change your
     Stuart Stotts, Musician, Educator, Author                                                       spending to achieve goals and boost your income.
                                                                                                     Ronald G. Smith, SmithGroup
40   Fine Motor Activities for Preschoolers                                  8          P
     A discussion of the sub-skills needed for coordinated fine                                 46   Unleash the Positivity in Your Childcare                                6          E
     motor skills will provide the knowledge needed for selecting                                    Every childcare center has positivity within. There are many
     fine motor activities for preschoolers. Numerous activities                                     things you can do to create and sustain the feeling of positive
     will be demonstrated as well as hands-on experiences with                                       energy: learn the fundamental concept of positive energy at work;
     various tools.                                                                                  discover the 4 BIG energy drainers at your childcare center;
     Swetal Thaker, Developmental Therapy Associates                                                 cultivate 7 power habits that will empower you and your team to
                                                                                                     generate positivity; and understand where negativity is coming
                                                                                                     from in your environment.
41   Making Them Visible: Recognizing, Supporting,                         3, 4         E
     and Advocating for Children of Incarcerated                                                     Payal Nanjiani, Insightful Learning
     and Returning Parents
     There are an estimated 2.7 million children in the US with at                              47   What Every Baby Needs                                                 1, 2,       I/T
     least one incarcerated parent, with more than 28,000 in NC. This                                Everything in a baby’s world happens in steps and stages. It          3, 7
     workshop will focus on what we know and do not know about                                       is important to appreciate each stage as it occurs and provide
     these children, the impact of parental incarceration, and how to                                the support and guidance needed to allow a successful journey
     create a supportive environment. We will discuss the need to                                    through each one. This training will offer suggestions for
     gather information and insight from these children and families                                 materials to support learning at the different stages. Learn the
     to ensure that their voices are heard. Take what you learn back                                 benefits of providing babies with ample time and space to master
     to your professional setting to continue the conversation and                                   a skill before moving on to start practicing a new one and explore
     determine appropriate next steps.                                                               some of the drawbacks of intervening unnecessarily.
     Melissa Radcliff, Our Children’s Place of Coastal                                               Cassia Simms-Smith,
     Horizons Center                                                                                  Child Care Services Association

42   Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases                           1          E
     Be prepared for those germs! Come learn about infectious                                                                                         Truly needed this
     diseases and how they are spread and understand how to
     prevent and control their spread. Review the importance of
                                                                                                                                                      workshop today,
     immunizations, proper hygiene and sanitation routines, how to                                                                                     not only for the
     recognize ill children, and when to exclude children from care.                                                                                relationship with my
     Rhonda Rambeaut RNCCHC, NC Child Care Health                                                                                                    students at school
     and Safety Resource Center
                                                                                                                                                       but for my own
                                                                                                                                                      children at home.

                          E = Everyone; AD = Administration; I/T = Infant/Toddler; P = Preschool; SA = School-age; H/S = Health & Safety
Subject                                                                                          Subject
                                                                                 Area      Audience                                                                               Area     Audience

     48   What You Permit, You Promote                                            6         AD        51   Consciously Connecting with Children: I Love                          2, 3         E
          Leaders give permission for behaviors and actions that either                                    You Rituals
          undermine or contribute to the mission. This session will guide                                  During this interactive Conscious Discipline session, participants
          you in developing new approaches to challenging situations                                       will learn the purpose and essential components of “I Love You
          emphasizing clarity, alignment and accountability between what                                   Rituals.” These structure connection activities are designed to
          you say and what you do.                                                                         wire the brain for willingness and impulse control, while authenti-
          Katharine J. Smith, S.I.E.R.R.A.                                                                 cally communication unconditional acceptance and love to all
                                                                                                           children. Come willing to learn, ready to practice...and leave with
                                                                                                           activities to reach even the most disconnected children.
     49   Yoga Beyond an Exercise: How to Use Yoga                                2           E
          Theory to Improve Wellness from the Class to                                                     Ashley Cooper, Connected At Last, LLC
          Join Yoga 4 Us in an interactive workshop to delve into real
          life tools and techniques that promote physical, emotional, and
          mental well being for students, teachers, and parents alike. Learn
          methods of self examination, self regulation, mindfulness, and
          stress relief to incorporate within the classroom and transfer to
          the home.
          Malikia I. Robertson, Yoga 4 Us, LLC

     50   Using Prop Boxes with Preschoolers                                      2           P
          Teachers will learn the benefits of using prop boxes in the
          classroom to encourage language development through dramatic
          play activities. We will work together to generate ideas for the
          formation of activity boxes full of props related to many different
          themes. You will receive ideas for fun creative ways to use the
          props to encourage children to use new vocabulary and develop
          pre-reading literacy skills such as writing, critical thinking and
          working together.
          Betsy Barnes, Child Care Services Association
                                                                                           Great advice
                                                                                          and tips (made
                                                                                          me cry about 5

                                E = Everyone; AD = Administration; I/T = Infant/Toddler; P = Preschool; SA = School-age; H/S = Health & Safety

                 Win Free Registration to the 2019 A.S.K. Conference!
                                Help our community by spreading messages about quality child care.
       Like @ChildCareServices on Facebook or follow @CCSAchildcare on Twitter for your chance to win! One Facebook fan
      and one Twitter fan will be chosen at random to receive FREE Registration to the A.S.K. Conference. Follow CCSA on both
        Facebook and Twitter to increase your chances of winning! Winners will be drawn and notified by December 14, 2018.

                                            Like us on Facebook:
                                                  Follow us on Twitter:

     OFFICIAL RULES: No purchase is necessary to enter. Entrants must “Like” Child Care Services Association and/or follow @CCSAchildcare
     on Twitter by noon on December 13, 2018 to be entered in the drawing. The winner will be notified via e-mail, Facebook message, or Twitter
     message within 24 hours. The winner must respond within 72 hours of contact or he/she forfeits the prize. If the prize is not claimed within
     the time limit, an alternate prizewinner will be selected at random. No cash equivalent or prize substitution is permitted. Employees of
     CCSA and respective affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotional agencies, and immediate family members of each are not eligible.
     This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook or Twitter. You understand that you are
     providing your information to the owner of this Facebook & Twitter page and not to Facebook or Twitter.

Thank you to our conference
                       sponsors                                                                                       EXCELLENT!! I
                                                                                                                    learned that I am
                                                                                                                    truly responsible
            Platinum Sponsor                              Keynote Co-Sponsor                                         for the mood of
                                                                                                                      my classroom.

                                                                                                           Love the
                                                                                                        energy, thanks
                Gold Sponsor                                                                            for doing this,
                                                                                                         I needed it!

                                                                                                                    Thank you
                                                    Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Project                         for the
                                                                                                                  and inspiration!

Directions to East Chapel Hill High School
Remember to bring this map with you when you come to Chapel Hill!
                                                                                                •• FROM GREENSBORO: Coming from the
                                                                                                   West on I-40, get off on Hwy. 86 South
                                                                                                   toward Chapel Hill (exit #266). At the first
                                                                                                   4-way intersection, take a left on Weaver
                                                                                                   Dairy Rd. East Chapel Hill High School is
                                                                                                   about 1 3/4 miles down the road on your
                                                                                                   left. Look for parking signs.
                                                                                                •• FROM RALEIGH: Coming from the East
                                                                                                   on I-40, get off on Hwy. 86 South toward
                                                                                                   Chapel Hill (exit #266). At the first 4-way
                                                                                                   intersection, take a left on Weaver Dairy Rd.
                                                                                                   East Chapel Hill High School is about 1 3/4
                                                                                                   miles down the road on your left. Look for
                                                                                                   parking signs.
                                                                                                •• FROM DURHAM: Come into Chapel Hill
                                                                                                   on 15-501 Business. At Sage Road, take a
                                                                                                   right. At light, cross over Erwin Road and
                                                                                                   continue straight on Sage Road. At the
                                                                                                   traffic circle take the first exit onto Weaver
                                                                                                   Dairy Road. East Chapel Hill High School is
                                                                                                   on your right about .7 miles from the traffic
                                                                                                   circle. Look for parking signs.
                                                                                                •• FROM PITTSBORO: Come into Chapel
                                                                                                   Hill on 15-501. It becomes Columbia
                                                                                                   Street. Do not get off on the 54/15-501
                                                                                                   Bypass. Continue through town. Stay in the
                                                                                                   right lane and continue North. The road
                                                                                                   separates and becomes Martin Luther King
                                                                                                   Blvd. (Airport Rd.) Continue on M.L.K. Blvd
                                                                                                   (Airport Rd.) to Weaver Dairy Rd. Take a
                                                                                                   right on Weaver Dairy Rd. East Chapel Hill
                                                                                                   High School is about 1 3/4 miles down the
                                                                                                   road on your left. Look for parking signs.
•• CAROLINA INN: 211 Pittsboro St., Chapel Hill, 919-933-2001         •• HOLIDAY INN: US 15-501, Chapel Hill, 919-929-2171
•• DAYS INN: 1312 N. Fordham Blvd., Chapel Hill, 919-929-3090         •• RED ROOF INN: I-40 & US 15-501, Durham, 919-489-9421
•• QUALITY INN: 15-501 N, Chapel Hill, 919-968-3000                   •• RESIDENCE INN: Erwin Rd, Chapel Hill, 919-933-4848

Who Should Attend?                                                          your lunch or leave campus. Although
                                                                            there are restaurants in the vicinity, they
Those in attendance include teachers, directors and administrators          are not within walking distance. The                 Loved this.
from early education and school age programs across North Carolina          school athletic booster club MAY have
representing: child care; public schools; Early Head Start; Head Start;     the concession stand open for a school
                                                                                                                                 Thank you.
NC Pre-K; Smart Start; half day preschools; special education; health       event; however, it is not a part of the            So important.
and human service agency providers and child advocates.                     conference and cannot be guaranteed.            I feel encouraged
                                                                            The box lunches may be picked up in the           as an educator!
                                                                            1st floor cafeteria from 11:45 – 1:30 pm.
Registration                                                                Participants may stay and eat lunch in the
                                                                            school or take it elsewhere to enjoy. For those
Registrations ($75) must be received on or before February 9, 2019.
                                                                            interested in attending the keynote speaker session, it begins at 12:30
An early bird registration is available ($60) until January 3, 2019.
                                                                            pm in the auditorium.
                                                                            Note that no food is allowed within the auditorium.
Group Discount                                                              *We strive to work with our food service vendors to provide safe and
(Online Group Registration)                                                 delicious meals for those with dietary restrictions. Despite taking
                                                                            every precaution, we cannot guarantee that menu items are free of
A group discount is available for groups of 10 or more registering and      trace amounts of allergens or other ingredients.
paying together ($48 per person) by January 26, 2019. The later you
register as a group, the less likely you are to get your first choice. To
receive the group rate, register the first person and click submit. At      Schedule of the Day
the bottom of the page click to add an additional person. Continue to
                                                                            We encourage all participants to arrive on time. Late entrances are
add one registrant at a time. Once you have added the 10 or more,
                                                                            disruptive to the presenters and other participants. As was true last
you can make payment. You cannot go back and make any changes
                                                                            year, there are several parking lots to use, and traffic monitors will be
or add more people after payment has been made. Please do not
                                                                            available early Saturday morning to help you.
create new accounts unless the individual is new to your organization
or program. Creating a new account for an individual already in the         There are three 1.5 hour sessions in the conference as well as a
system will result in your not being able to complete the registrations     limited seating one-hour keynote address. If you wish to attend the
for the additional individuals. You may also mail your check with a         keynote, you must pre-register. You will have a 45-minute break
minimum of 10 registration forms. *Once your group registration is          before the keynote begins, so order a box lunch with your registration
confirmed, we regret that we must charge you an additional fee for          or bring your lunch to the conference. Please note that if you choose
changes or substitutions.                                                   to skip the keynote you will have a long break between sessions.

Registration Confirmation                                                   CEU Sessions
All registrations that are accepted will receive a confirmation e-mail,     There are in-depth CEU workshops for which you will receive .5
if an email address is provided.                                            Continuing Education Units and a special certificate for participating.

Program Changes                                                             Exhibit Area
and Refunds                                                                 We will again have an exhibit area with vendors for you to visit.
Refunds of registration fees will not be made. CCSA reserves                Everyone who attends the conference will have a chance to win a
the right to make changes in workshops and speakers or to cancel            collection of children’s books and toys. You will receive a ticket in your
workshops if enrollment criteria are not met or when conditions             conference packet when you arrive. To be entered in the drawing, fill
beyond our control prevail. In the event of inclement weather, a            out your ticket and drop it in one of the many boxes on tables in the
make-up date for the conference has been set for March 9, 2019.             exhibit area.
All registrations will transfer to the make-up date in the event of a
weather cancellation.
                                                                            Endorsement of Presenters
                                                                            and Vendors
                                                                            We are proud of the diversity that will be exhibited by the presenters
Conference Check-in                                                         and vendors at this conference. However, we do not assume
Check-in will take place in the 2nd floor lobby of East Chapel Hill         responsibility for the information, opinions, products or services
High School. Once check-in is complete you may visit the help desk          shared by the presenters and vendors. Please share your concerns
located in the 2nd floor lobby for assistance. The desk will be open on     directly with the presenter or vendor or take the time to complete the
Saturday from 7:30 am – 2:30 pm. Folders with general information           evaluation form provided. We also encourage participants to offer
and schedules for the day may be picked up at the conference                presenters and vendors compliments!
check-in table. After check-in, coffee and light refreshments will be
available from 7:45 to 8:15 am.
                                                                            Get Comfortable!
                                                                            Wear comfortable clothes and walking shoes. Workshops will be
Lunch                                                                       in classrooms throughout the high school, so you will have a little
A box lunch is available at the conference by purchase in advance.          walking to do.
It is a box lunch featuring your choice of a Roasted Turkey Wrap or
a Spinach Veggie Wrap, chips and a cookie. We are sorry, but no
changes or special orders are allowed with the purchased box lunches.
You may choose to leave campus to have lunch in one of the
many great Chapel Hill restaurants (we’ll provide suggestions and                     You can register and pay online at
directions). It is important to note that if you do not order a box lunch  
when you register, then you will have limited options—either bring

You can also read