School-College-Work Initiative Polls and Whiteboards

Page created by Ramon Padilla
School-College-Work Initiative Polls and Whiteboards
School-College-Work Initiative
                         Polls and Whiteboards
The recording of this Sharing session is available
( ). Below you will find a summary of the
polls and discussion.
L'enregistrement de cette session de partage est disponible au
( ). Vous trouverez ci-dessous un résumé
des sondages et des discussions.


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Notes Summary
Please take a minute to introduce yourself in the chat box.

SONJA VANDERMEER: I'm one of the Provincial SCWI Coordinators.

Tanya Kowalewicz: Good morning. My name is Tanya Kowalewicz and I am part of the Dual Credit team
at Mohawk College in Hamilton, ON

Tanya Kowalewicz: new(er) to my role, started a few months ago

Tanya Kowalewicz: thank you for having me

Ashley Jamieson-Burford: Good morning. I just started this role but unfortunately I’ve had to stay home
today bc my son came down with a fever. Will there be a link sent out to where the recording will be
loaded bc I’d like to watch it when I don’t have a toddler around?

Tanya Kowalewicz: my son is home today too! Came down with a cold

Tanya Kowalewicz: he is in the bathtub "fishing" right now

Ashley Jamieson-Burford: Oh great!! Thanks so much.

Janine Griffore: Bonjour et bienvenue au webinaire Nouvellement arrivé(e) à l'IJECT. Vous avez reçu le
document Lectures générales et la présentation PowerPoint par courriel hier. Il y aura une
téléconférence suite au webinaire ce matin pour discuter des particularités francophones. # de
téléphone : 1-866-512-0904 ou 647-428-0072 Code du participant : 4134222#

Diane Cowden, SCWI Liaison Team: Good Morning, Everyone! It's Diane Cowden, SCWI Liaison Team

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Andrea Magakian: Good morning everyone!

Martyn Good morning everyone! Martyn Beckett here. Liaison team for RPT 6
and 9

Phil Hedges, Program Coordinator, SCWI: Good morning, I'm one of the provincial coordinators

Kelly Neumann: Trillium Lakelands DSB (Huntsville to Lindsay), Pathways Consultant, year 3-still ‘new!’

Janine Griffore: Je suis la conseillère francophone pour l'IJECT.

Andrea Magakian: Good morning, I work as a teacher in the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District
School Board and this is my first year participating in this :D

Brian Pavlic: Morning

Brian Pavlic: I am a Teacher and Dept head with HWCDSB as well. First timer as well.

Ivana Vijackic: Hello! My name is Ivana Vijackic. I am part of the SWAC team with the OCDSB

David Armstrong: Bonjour! Good morning, everyone!

Ivana Vijackic: Yep !

Germaine Falzone: Good morning!

Amy Fodchuk: Good morning everyone! I am a new addition to the SCWI team - I am a Recruitment
Officer - SCWI. But in SCWI speak, I am the activities coordinator and college advisor.

Elizabeth Kryschuk: Good morning, SCWI Program Officer at Loyalist College. RPT 6 & 9

Jim Keyes: Good morning from RPT 11 and Thunder Bay

Amy Fodchuk: My apologies - I am also part of RPT 11 at Confederation College

Sarah Bereziuk: Good morning everyone, and welcome to the HWCDSB teachers joining in today!

Eric Bonjour de Thunder Bay EPR 3 CSDCAB

Sonja Vandermeer: Amy, you've taken on a great role!

Amy Fodchuk: Thank you - I think so too!

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Sonja Vandermeer: Eric -- welcome. I don't think we've had someone from your school involved in a
webinar before.

Sonja Vandermeer: Sarah -- great job in encouraging so many of your board folks join us today!

Andrea Good morning from RPT7; I am the SHSM, Pathways and SCWI
Consultant for the WCDSB

Germaine Falzone: Good morning, I'm a Pathways Consultant with YCDSB and new to the Dual Credits-

Sarah Wade: Hi! I'm the SWAC teacher at Mohawk College / HWDSB, RPT 14.

Larry Archibald SCWI Liaison: Good Morning> I am SCWI Liaison with RPT1 and RPT8.

Eric @Kathy.... we probably attended the french version

Ken Harrison: I am the SCWI Liaison for RPTs 4, 7, 11 and 15

Julia VanderWeerden: Good morning! Coordinator RPT#4. Listening in as always hear something new or

Amy Fodchuk: Does everyone need an EDCS account?
         David Armstrong, Project Officer SCWI: Hi, Amy: No, only those who have admin responsibility
for the RPT.
         Amy Fodchuk: @David - great, thank you!

Germaine Falzone: Who do we connect with to access and submit a request for access to EDCS
        David Armstrong, Project Officer SCWI: Hi, Germaine: You should ask the chair or co-ordinator
for your RPT.
        Germaine Falzone: Thank you David!

Anita Webb: Hello!

Lynn Grittani, EDU: Les formulaires pour demander un accés à la SACD (EDCS) vont à moi pour les
conseils et collèges de langue française, PVI.

David Armstrong, Project Officer SCWI: This is a very steep learning curve for those new to SCWI! Keep
in mind that many of these responsibilities fall to the chairs & co-ordinators.

Liz Rego: @Germaine, You fall into RPT 2. I just emailed Bruno to ask for the form to request access, and
will share with you as soon as I have it. I hope this helps!
         Germaine Falzone: @Liz, Yes, this helps so much! Thank you!

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Janine Griffore: Le webinaire sur la rédaction du rapport intérimaire (en français) aura lieu le mercredi
26 janvier de 10 h à 11 h. Ce webinaire est indiqué dans la présentation PowerPoint et le calendrier
IJECT 21-22 en français.
        Sonja Vandermeer: merci Janine

Janine Griffore: Si vous voulez participer à la téléconférence en français, nous nous rencontrons tout de
suite après ce webinaire. Merci de votre participation.

Julia VanderWeerden: i've been around for several years and still have questions. No question is too
minimal or unimportant. Always feel free to ask. The support is continuous and unconditional! So
        Jim Keyes: Well put Julia!!!

Diane Cowden, SCWI Liaison Team: Great monthly summary - thanks!

Ivana Vijackic: That is much appreciated! Love the collectiveness

Martyn Excellent overview of the year. Thank you!

Lynn Grittani, EDU: Merci de ce webinaire!

Andrea Magakian: Thanks so much everyone for all the information and support.

Adriana McDonough: Thanks so much. You folks are the best!

Tanya Kowalewicz: thank you for hosting this session! Have a great day everyone

Eric Merci

Sarah Bereziuk: Thank you and take care everyone!

Larry Archibald SCWI Liaison: What a Team. great refresher for anyone new or old.

Amy Fodchuk: Thank you everyone!

David Armstrong, Project Officer SCWI: Thanks, revoir!

Jeff Piro, EDU: Happy to assist. Thank you everyone!

Julia VanderWeerden: Thankyou!

Jeremy Seguin: Thank you so much! Always a pleasure to hear from the team!

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Germaine Falzone: Thank you everyone. Have a great day

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