SCHOOL OF LAW COMMENCEMENT - AND DOCTORAL HOODING Monday the Sixteenth of May Five o'clock

Page created by Hazel Dean

Monday the Sixteenth of May

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Five o’clock
     Congratulations to the Class of 2022 as we celebrate
     your achievements and this transformative milestone.
     I know you are well prepared to make your mark in
     service to the law, as leaders in your communities,
     and in the advancement of social justice.

     Your abundant talents and sense of purpose will touch
     countless lives. As graduates of the Quinnipiac University
     School of Law, you have been taught and nurtured by a
     distinguished faculty and a committed staff, and you have
     learned much from each other. Please stay connected to
     the Bobcat family and draw upon the many friendships
     you have formed here.

     This day is deservedly shared with your families, friends
     and others who have contributed to your achievements.
     The anticipation and wonder, the talents and curiosity,
     the confidence and commitment within you—these
     qualities are at your core and will continue to propel your
     success. Enjoy the celebration and know that all of us at
     Quinnipiac are cheering you on, with pride.


     Judy D. Olian, PhD

Congratulations to the Class of 2022. As you
embark upon your careers, I’m confident that you’re
graduating fully prepared for the responsibilities that
lie ahead, whether you’ll be working at a law firm,
clerking for a judge, or lending your voice to the fight
for social justice.

So much has happened during your time at
Quinnipiac; collectively, we have responded to
the COVID-19 pandemic and newly energized
movements for gender and racial justice that have
swept our nation. Through it all, you’ve worked hard,
you’ve mastered the law, and you have grown—
emotionally and intellectually—to become “whole
lawyers” who will serve your clients and communities
effectively, ethically, and empathetically.

On behalf of the entire faculty and staff at Quinnipiac
Law, I wish you long and meaningful careers and
much success.

Kindest wishes,

Jennifer Gerarda Brown

     Processional                                                   Presentation of Candidates for Degrees
     Pomp and Circumstance, Sir Edward Elgar                        and Conferral of Hoods
                                                                    Jennifer Gerarda Brown
     Call to Commencement
                                                                    Kevin Barry
     Debra J. Liebowitz, PhD, Provost
                                                                    Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

     National Anthem                                                Hooders:
     Krista Hall ’23                                                Jennifer B. Levine, Assistant Professor of Law,
                                                                       Professor of the Year
                                                                    Robert Farrell, Professor of Law
     Greetings                                                      W. John Thomas, Professor of Law
     Judy D. Olian, PhD, President
                                                                    Conferral of Degrees
     Remarks                                                        Judy D. Olian
     Jennifer Gerarda Brown
     Dean of the School of Law
                                                                    Kyle Souza, JD ‘22
     Introduction of Commencement Speaker                           President, Student Bar Association
     Jennifer Gerarda Brown
                                                                    Jennifer B. Levine
                                                                    Professor of the Year
     Commencement Address
     Emily Bazelon, JD
     Author, Truman Capote Fellow, Yale Law School                  Alumni Welcome
                                                                    Edward Cerasia II, JD ‘91
                                                                    Member, Alumni Association Board

                                                                    Amor Vittorioso | G. Gastoldi
                                                                    March | A. Valenti

     Please remain seated until the Commencement procession files out.

     CANDIDATES FOR                                              AWARDS AND HONORS
     GRADUATION                                                  Projected candidates for Latin honors based upon
                                                                 cumulative grade point average at the end of Fall 2021
     Subject to completion of all curricular requirements,       are noted in the program.
     degrees will be conferred upon all candidates listed
     herein and any others who meet the graduation

     Included in the May ceremony are students who
     completed the requirements for graduation in December
     2021 and May 2022, and those who expect to complete
     their requirements by July 2022.

Christopher John Albanese +         Lexie Jo Farkash +               Krista Ann Notarfrancesco +
Michelle Antao +                    Adam David Ferrare +             Timothy John O’Flynn +
Kimberlee M. Arnett +               David Cummins Tyler Flatau +     Michael J. O’Sullivan III +
Lauren Elizabeth Austin +           Bailey M Frankel +               Shannon M. Palm +
Cielle Fabienne Avena +             Herron Keyon Gaston +            Madison Jean Pangburn +
Sara Beth Azalone +                 Alexander Avery Gates +*         Brandon Roy Parker +
Amy Babich +*                       Samantha Lee Graff +             Joshua Lucas Pascale +
Catherine Baccaro +                 Dominique Eliza Granata +        Gabriella Marie Pascarelli +
Anna Lily Bank +                    Cassandra Ann Hardy +            Kajal Bharatkumar Patel +
Stephen R. Baranoski +              Ryan Patrick Hauser +            Kristopher Perez +
Sarah Taylor Basset +               Nathanael Armand Joseph Honoré   Samantha Marie Pernal +
Vincent R. Bellacicco Jr.           Elizabeth Denise Hrywniak +      Andrew Joseph Peterson +
Brittany L. Bisson +                Ashley Huber                     Xhoni Qyteza *
Timothy R. Bouchard +               Jenna Dawn Hyler +               Daniel Rosengard +
Maryanne L Bowman +                 Christopher William Iverson +    Alexander W. Sahi +
Richard Kyle Bratton +              Gabriella Louise Izzo +          Carmelo M. Saia
Christopher Buza +                  Jennifer Jasterzbski +           Nathan Gene Schaller +
Brooklyn Campagna +                 Julie Marie Jeski +              Ryley Danielle Schriver
Antoine Kyle Campbell +             Andrew Brian Jordan Jr.          Catherine Ye Seymour +
Jenifer Caneschi-Mirto +            Sydney Kimberly Jubrey +         Jazmin Sharif +
Jeffrey James Cash                  Michelle S. Kabel +              Sarah Noelle Smeriglio +
Gabriel Mark Cassillo +             Eni Katrini +                    Brandon Michael Smith +
John Tyler Edward Castellanete +    Alexis Crimson Kenney +          Hannah M. Snow +
Kerri Anne Cavanaugh                Michele Jean Koss +              Kyle D. Souza +
Abigail Rose Centrella +            Jordan John Kowalski +           Kayla Steefel +
Kylie Sheahan Chasse +              Emily Murphy Lanthier +          Ethan Patrick Suraci +
Eric Leonard Chasse +               Camille Natasha Lavache          Kaitlin Marie Thomas +
Michael Robert Chirco +             Vicki G. Law +                   Brianna N. Tozier +
Vanessa Grazia Ciampa +             Kathleen Sarah Lima +            Kimberly A. Van Grouw +
Brian Phillip Conatser +            Nicolle M. Lipkin +              Kylee Rae Verrill +
Sara Ann Conlon +*                  Anthony Lombardo                 Laura Sydney Voisine +
Emily Jeanne Mary Costanzo +        Julia Lin Mack +                 Johnna M. Wallace +
Camila Noronha Martins Custodio +   Alexander G. Main +              Marissa Dell Wheeler +
Brendan Dakin +                     Jennie Lianna Marco +            Matthew Paul Oneil Williams +
Vincent Thomas D’Amore +            Abigail Hope Mason +             Mark Youssef
Delvone Anthony Davis *             Alexa Isabelle Massad +          Aleksander Zasypako +
Kimberly Marie Debacher +           Janine Triana Alforte Mateo      Londyn Katerina Zografakis +
Julia Decea +                       Richard Mathewson
                                                                     + projected candidate for Latin honors based upon
Kassie Rose DeFala +                Jake Vincent Maturo +             the Fall 2021 grade point average
Joel DiLoreto +                     Elio C. M. McCabe +
                                                                     * candidate for joint JD/MBA
Katherine Grace Dinse +             Kristina M. McKinney +
Hannah Elizabeth Ellis +            Hannah Rose Meyers +
Aidan Ely +                         Jesse James Monaghan +
Hope J. Estrella +                  Nooram Mumtaz +
Elizabeth Fabbri +                  Natassia Tan Najman +
Kaylyn C. Fagan +                   Kara Anne Newell +
School of Law                               Denise Hennessy
                                                 Admissions Coordinator
                                                                                          Jennifer Gerarda Brown
                                                                                          Dean and Professor of Law
     Administration                              BA, Tufts University;                    AB, Bryn Mawr College;
                                                 MS, Southern Connecticut                 JD, University of Illinois at
     Judy D. Olian                               State University                         Urbana-Champaign
     University President
     BS, Hebrew University of Jerusalem;         Colleen Raftrey Entenman ’20             Dale Carlson
     MSc, PhD, University of                     Senior Director of Development,          Distinguished Practitioner in Residence,
     Wisconsin-Madison                           School of Law                            Intellectual Property Law
                                                 BA, Michigan State University;           BS, MBA, SUNY University at Buffalo;
     Debra Liebowitz                             MBA, University of Michigan;             JD, Syracuse University;
     Provost                                     JD, Quinnipiac University                LLM, New York University
     BA, University of Oregon;
     MA and PhD, Rutgers University              Doretta D. Sweeney                       Jeffrey A. Cooper
                                                 Director of Professional and Career      Associate Dean for Research & Faculty
     Jennifer Gerarda Brown                      Development                              Development and Professor of Law
     Dean and Professor of Law                   BA, Mount Holyoke College;               BA, Harvard University;
     AB, Bryn Mawr College;                      JD, University of Connecticut            JD, Yale University;
     JD, University of Illinois at                                                        LLM, New York University
     Urbana-Champaign                            George Morgan Jr. ’21
                                                 Assistant Director of Law                Susan Dailey
     Kevin M. Barry                              Student Services                         Professor of Legal Writing and Writing
     Associate Dean and Professor of Law         BA, University of Connecticut;           Specialist Emerita
     BA, JD, Boston College;                     JD, Quinnipiac University                BA, MA, PhD, Catholic University
     LLM, Georgetown University                                                           of America
                                                 Neeta Vatti
     Jeffrey A. Cooper                           Assistant Director of Professional and   William Dunlap
     Associate Dean for Research & Faculty       Career Development                       Professor of Law
     Development and Professor of Law            BA, University of Connecticut;           BA, The New School for Social Research;
     BA, Harvard University;                     JD, Albany Law School                    MPhil, University of Cambridge;
     JD, Yale University;                                                                 JD, Yale University
     LLM, New York University                    James Benson ‘18
                                                 Assistant Registrar, School of Law       Leonard A. Dwarica
     Carolyn Wilkes Kaas                         BS, Southern Connecticut                 Distinguished Practitioner in Residence,
     Associate Dean of Experiential              State University;                        Health Law
     Education and Associate Professor of Law    MS, Quinnipiac University                BA, St. Peter’s College;
     BA, Cornell University;                                                              MS, New York University;
     JD, University of Connecticut               Robin Shea
                                                                                          JD, Pace University
                                                 Business Manager
     Kathy A. Kuhar ’02                          BS, MA, Fairfield University             Robert C. Farrell
     Associate Dean of Students                                                           Professor of Law
     BS, Eastern Connecticut State University;
     JD, Quinnipiac University
                                                 Law Librarians                           BA, Trinity College;
                                                                                          JD, Harvard University
     Shelley Sadin                               Ann DeVeaux ’80                          Neal R. Feigenson
     Associate Dean of Professional and          Law Library Director                     Professor of Law
     Career Development                          BA, JD, University of Bridgeport;        BA, University of Maryland;
     BA, Yale University;                        MLS, Southern Connecticut                JD, Harvard University
     JD, Georgetown University                   State University
                                                                                          Mary Ferrari
     Joan Metzler                                Mary K. Tartaglia                        Professor of Law Emerita
     Associate Dean of Law School Admissions     Reference/Technical Services Librarian   BA, University of Notre Dame;
     and Financial Aid                           BS, MLS, Southern Connecticut            JD, Cornell University;
     BA, Widener University;                     State University                         LLM, New York University
     JD, Temple University
                                                                                          Marilyn J. Ward Ford
     Katherine Mills ’07                         School of Law Faculty                    Professor of Law
     Director of Financial Aid                                                            BA, Southern Illinois University;
     BS, Fairfield University;                   Melanie B. Abbott ’84
                                                                                          JD, Rutgers University
     JD, Quinnipiac University                   Professor of Law Emerita
                                                 BA, Bates College;                       Stephen Gilles
     Rosemarie Rodrigues                         MS, Syracuse University;                 Professor of Law
     Director of Law Admissions                  JD, University of Bridgeport             BA, St. John’s College;
     BA, Central Connecticut State University;                                            JD, University of Chicago
     MA, Fairfield University                    Kevin M. Barry
                                                 Associate Dean and Professor of Law      Sheila N. Hayre
     Aida Barnes-May                             BA, JD, Boston College;                  Waring and Carmen Partridge
     Assistant Director of Admissions and        LLM, Georgetown University               Faculty Fellow
     Coordinator of Inclusive Outreach                                                    BA, MA, Stanford University;
     BA, MA, University of Virginia                                                       JD, Yale University

Jennifer L. Herbst                            Linda Meyer                                   Elizabeth S. Tanaka ’08
Professor of Law                              Professor of Law                              Visiting Assistant Professor of Law
AB, Dartmouth College;                        BA, University of Kansas;                     BS, University of Rhode Island;
JD, MBE, University of Pennsylvania;          JD, PhD, University of California Berkeley    JD, Quinnipiac University;
LLM, Temple University                                                                      MS, The City University of New York
                                              John T. Morgan
Joseph Hogan                                  Professor of Law Emeritus                     W. John Thomas
Associate Professor of                        BA, Southwest Missouri University;            Professor of Law
Legal Skills Emeritus                         JD, Washington University;                    BA, JD, University of Arizona;
AB, St. Joseph’s University (PA);             LLM, Harvard University                       LLM, MPH, Yale University
JD, Widener University
                                              Suzanne Nathanson                             Robert White
Jessica G. Hynes                              Professor of Legal Skills Emerita             Distinguished Practitioner in Residence,
Assistant Professor of Legal Skills           AB, Harvard University;                       Commercial Law
BS, Cornell University;                       JD, Case Western Reserve University           BA, Tufts University;
JD, Boston College                                                                          JD, New York University
                                              Joseph Olivenbaum
Carolyn Wilkes Kaas                           Director of Academic Support Programs         Jamison V. Wilcox
Associate Dean of Experiential                BA, New York University;                      Professor of Law Emeritus
Education and Associate Professor of Law      JD, Northeastern University                   AB, Amherst College;
BA, Cornell University;                                                                     JD, Columbia University
                                              Charles Pillsbury
JD, University of Connecticut
                                              Distinguished Practitioner in Residence,
Stanton D. Krauss                             Dispute Resolution
Professor of Law                              BA, Yale University;
BA, Yale University;                          JD, Boston University
JD, University of Michigan
                                              Angela Robinson
Elizabeth Latif                               Waring and Carmen Partridge
Assistant Professor of Legal Skills           Faculty Fellow
BA, JD, Boston University                     BA, Rutgers University;
                                              JD, Yale Law School
Sandra Lax ’88
Distinguished Practitioner in Residence,      Toni Robinson
Family Law                                    Professor of Law Emerita
BS, Brooklyn College;                         BA, Sarah Lawrence College;
MLS, Queens College;                          JD, Columbia University;
JD, University of Bridgeport                  LLM, New York University
Jennifer Levine                               Sarah French Russell
Assistant Professor of Law                    Professor of Law and Director of
BA, Duke University;                          the Legal Clinic
JD, Columbia University                       BA, JD, Yale University
Bill D. Logue                                 Brad Saxton
Director of Dispute Resolution Training       Professor of Law
BA, Brown University;                         BA, College of William and Mary;
JD, University of Connecticut                 JD, University of Virginia
Leonard J. Long                               Mark E. Schroeder
Professor of Law                              Associate Professor of Legal Skills
BA, Illinois Institute of Technology;         BA, Williams College;
MA, PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago;   JD, University of Connecticut
JD, University of Chicago
                                              G. Alex Sinha
Martin B. Margulies                           Assistant Professor of Law
Professor of Law Emeritus                     BA, New York University;
BA, Columbia University;                      PhD, University of Toronto;
LLB, Harvard University;                      JD, New York University
LLM, New York University
                                              Sara V. Spodick ’03
Elizabeth P. Marsh                            Director of Tax Clinic
Professor of Law Emerita                      BA, Southern Connecticut State
AB, Harvard University;                       University;
JD, New York University                       JD, Quinnipiac University
Alexander M. Meiklejohn                       Gail S. Stern ’90
Professor of Law                              Associate Professor of Legal Skills Emerita
AB, Amherst College;                          BA, Boston University;
JD, University of Chicago                     MALS, Wesleyan University;
                                              JD, University of Bridgeport


       Hamden and North Haven, Connecticut

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