Science for saving species

Page created by Kathleen Torres
Science for saving species
for saving species
ISSN 2652-1334

Summer 2021
Issue 18                      Beyond offsetting:
                         Target-based ecological

Solutions to
policy challenges

 Our big successes

 The economics of
 threatened species

 Producing science
 for policy

 Cat diseases:
 $6 billion impact

 Biodiversity in
 urban design

 Using eDNA to
 identify cryptic

 Threatened plant
 trends in spotlight

 Rachel Morgain

Science for saving species
Magazine of the Threatened Species Recovery Hub

    Director’s editorial...

    Solutions to Australia’s
    most pressing biodiversity
    policy challenges                                                                                                                                                    IMAGE: NICOLAS RAKOTOPARE

    As we reach the final months of the Threatened Species Recovery Hub’s research program                                                                      ABOVE: Brendan Wintle went to
    we’re starting to reflect on our legacy. Looking back, our six-year program was incredibly ambitious,                                                         Kangaroo Island following the
                                                                                                                                                                    island’s devastating 2019–20
    delivering 147 research projects, but the need was great; Australia has over 1800 species and                                                            bushfires to work with stakeholders
    communities listed as threatened by a large, complex and interacting set of threats.                                                                                    on recovery planning.

    In Australia’s first ever national compilation                            the implementation of Australia’s most
    of threatened species monitoring data, our                                widespread policy mechanism for
    Threatened Species Index revealed that in                                 compensating for the impacts of development
    just over 20 years (1995–2017) the population                             on biodiversity (see p4) and has even
    sizes of threatened Australian birds have                                 presented an alternative called target
    declined by about one-third, mammals                                      based ecological compensation (see p6).
    by about half and plants by almost
                                                                              Professor Sarah Bekessy and Dr Georgia
    three-quarters (72%) (see p18).
                                                                              Garrard’s (RMIT/UniMelb) work is embracing
    Preventing extinctions and halting and                                    opportunities for biodiversity conservation
    reversing long-term declines at meaningful                                in cities and the benefits that this has for
    scales ultimately depends on effective policies                           residents by developing a framework to
    and strategies at all levels of government, and                           support local governments, urban planners
    by non-government organisations, Traditional                              and architects to implement biodiversity
    Owner land managers, and civil society.                                   sensitive urban design (BSUD) (see p14).
    Each of our projects is providing valuable                                In addition to our research projects, I and
    new knowledge to support better decision-                                 many of our senior scientists have also
    making for pressing challenges facing                                     provided advice, evidence and support to
    threatened biodiversity. In some cases we                                 important national strategies and reviews,
    have also moved to more direct contributions                              for example, Professor Samuel’s review of the                   IMAGE: PATRICK K59 CC BY 2.0 WIKIMEDIA COMMONS
    to policy development and outcomes.                                       EPBC Act, Senate Inquiries into the Faunal
                                                                                                                                             ABOVE: Hub research found that the plains
    For example, Professor Martine Maron’s                                    Extinction Crisis and the problem of feral                     wanderer is one of the native bird species at
    (UQ) work on biodiversity offsets is                                      and domestic cats in Australia, and the first                  highest risk of extinction within 20 years
    providing important tools to improve                                      and the new Threatened Species Strategy.                       unless there is new conservation effort.

      Inside the Summer 2021 issue of Science for Saving Species
      Director’s editorial: Solutions to Australia’s                          Cat-spread diseases: $6 billion impact....................12
      most pressing biodiversity policy challenges...... 2                    Biodiversity sensitive urban design.......................14
      Beyond offsetting: Target-based                                         eDNA: A successful technique for identifying
      ecological compensation............................................ 6   cryptic species in a remote location......................16
      The economics of threatened species.................... 8               Threatened plant trends in the spotlight.............18
      Producing science for policy....................................10      Researcher profile: Rachel Morgain.......................20

2   Science for saving species #18
Science for saving species
Our science and scientists have also been
shaping action on cats through the Feral
Cat Taskforce.
Research on havens and the mammals most
vulnerable to cats led by Professor Sarah Legge
(UQ/ANU) has directly informed Australian
Government strategies and investment
decisions to support new havens (see p4).
Immediately following the 2019–20 bushfires
we worked closely with our government
and non-government partners to offer our
support. We made a significant contribution
to support the recovery of threatened
biodiversity impacted by the crisis through
many regional, state and Commonwealth
forums and the Wildlife and Threatened
Species Bushfire Expert Panel.
The large number of hub scientists asked to
contribute to various Ministerial roundtables,
including in response to the 2019–20 bushfires,
is testament to the standing that our members      IMAGE: NICOLAS RAKOTOPARE
have in policy circles. The list of our direct
                                                  ABOVE: Karajarri Rangers have led research on the impact of fire management on desert biodiversity.
policy contributions is long, and is one of
the key strengths of the hub.
                                                  that estimated the likelihood of extinction           actions, monitoring and research. Community
Good policy is based on good evidence.            within 20 years of the most imperilled birds,         awareness of Australia’s threatened
Robust monitoring is essential to know whether    mammals, freshwater fish, reptiles, frogs and         biodiversity and support for action is
species are recovering, stable or declining;      butterflies. Such estimates and listings of           growing rapidly (see p4-5).
whether management is working; and which          the most imperilled species allow managers
species are in greatest need of assistance.                                                             The work of our dedicated scientists and
                                                  and the community time to act before species
Yet, a nationwide inventory completed by the                                                            partners has captured public attention,
                                                  are lost. Several of these species are not yet
hub in 2017 found that around one-third of        listed as threatened under Australian law and         attracting over 6,000 media stories on hub
Australia’s listed threatened species had not     a few are not formally described; without             research, with an estimated reach of over
been the focus of any monitoring, and the         this research some may have become                    19 million people.
monitoring of many others had been poor.          extinct before they even received a name.             We have made huge gains in the knowledge
To address this, Professor David Lindenmayer
                                                  Effective policies and plans for threatened           needed to recover many threatened species
(ANU) led an integrated program which has
                                                  biodiversity also depend on a comprehensive           and ecological communities. We have also
substantially moved the state of knowledge
                                                  understanding of the costs of conservation            built an incredible network with policy
and capacity in Australia for threatened
                                                  action. However, lack of data on costs has            makers, planners and on-ground partners
species monitoring and management (see p5).
                                                  previously led many recovery plans remaining          to ensure that those findings are applied
In many cases, decisions must be made             uncosted, reducing their practical utility.           and have the greatest possible impact.
before robust empirical evidence can be           New hub research led by Professor Stephen
compiled. In the absence of existing data                                                               This hub has been a monumental collective
                                                  Garnett, Dr Ram Pandit (UWA) and Professor
for many species and management actions,                                                                effort and I have been humbled by the
                                                  David Pannell (UWA) provides guidance
we have used a range of structured expert         for budgetary planning for recovery plans,            incredible commitment of so many people
elicitation processes to fill strategically       including detailed indicative direct and              working selflessly in the interests of Australia’s
essential knowledge gaps by tapping into the      related costs for a range of actions, and             threatened species. While many more
experience and knowledge of hundreds of           their estimated benefits.                             challenges remain, we should pause to reflect
the most relevant scientists and on-ground                                                              on the substantial contribution we have made
                                                  Business as usual will see a continuation
conservation managers across the country.                                                               to the preservation of Australia’s nature.
                                                  of biodiversity declines. An engaged and
Using these methods, Professors Stephen           educated public will be essential to support          Professor Brendan Wintle
Garnett and John Woinarski led projects           ongoing and expanded investment in recovery           Director, Threatened Species Recovery Hub

                                                                                                            Dr Daniella Teixeira developed a new efficient
                                                                                                            acoustic technique to monitor black-cockatoo
                                                                                                              breeding, which is difficult and expensive to
                                                                                                                        monitor with traditional methods.
                                                                                                                                IMAGE: NICOLAS RAKOTOPARE     3
Science for saving species
Magazine of the Threatened Species Recovery Hub

    Delivering science for saving
    species: A few of our big successes
    Better outcomes from biodiversity                        Professor Craig Franklin (UQ) used a                Managing the impacts of cats
    offsets                                                  biohydrodynamics laboratory to fill critical
                                                                                                                             IMAGE: NORTHERN TERRITORY GOVERNMENT
                                                             knowledge gaps about the swimming
                                                             ability and behaviour of key native fish
                                                             species, and tested existing and novel
                                                             designs for fishways.
                                                             Their research now underpins the New South
                                                             Wales Department of Primary Industries
                                                             Fisheries’ Road Crossing Design Guidelines
                                                             that are currently being drafted, and will help
                                                             reduce the impact of manmade barriers that
                                                             limit native fish from accessing key habitat.
                                                             The team delivered both the largest quantified
                                                             dataset on native fish swimming ability and         A feral cat in a conservation area.
    Malleefowl.                                              a practical and cost-effective new design
                                                                                                                 The hub’s large and integrated program of
                                                             for culverts that waterway managers and
    To function as intended, biodiversity                                                                        research to better understand and manage
                                                             engineers can use to improve native fish
    offsetting depends on a robust quantified                                                                    the impact of cats on Australian wildlife was
                                                             passage through retrofitted and new
    understanding of both the amount of impact                                                                   shortlisted for the prestigious Eureka Prize
                                                             waterway culvert designs.
    a development will cause to a threatened                                                                     for Applied Environmental Research.
    species or community, and the benefit that
                                                             Improving Australia’s havens network                The work led by Professor Sarah Legge
    will result from offset actions proposed
                                                                                                                 (ANU/UQ) and Professor John Woinarski
    by a developer.
                                                                                                                 (CDU) has included: the first robust estimates
    The latter, estimating the offset benefit,                                                                   of the cat populations in Australia and their
    has been difficult for many communities                                                                      toll on wildlife; testing and improving poison-
    and species, such as the northern quoll or                                                                   baiting and trapping methods; integrated
    malleefowl, due to a lack of evidence about                                                                  control of cats and other pests including
    the effectiveness of management actions.                                                                     rats, rabbits and foxes; and managing fires
    To fill this gap, Professor Martine Maron’s                                                                  and grazing to maintain habitat refuges
    team (UQ) has developed a benefit expert                                                                     and reduce predation impacts.
    elicitation method, which has been used                                                                      The findings have provided a broad
    by the Queensland Government to improve                                                                      and comprehensive evidence base that
    outcomes for Queensland’s threatened                                                            IMAGE: AWC
                                                                                                                 supports coordinated action by states and
    species, and is expected to be a valuable                                                                    territories through the work of the Feral
                                                             The fence at Australian Wildlife Conservancy’s
    resource for other biodiversity offset                                                                       Cat Taskforce, and meets many of the
                                                             Newhaven Sanctuary.
    managers nationwide.                                                                                         research targets identified in the Australian
                                                             Research led by Professor Sarah Legge               Government’s Threat Abatement Plan for
    Getting fish past manmade barriers                       (ANU/UQ) will have major benefits for               Predation by Feral Cats. Hub findings
                                                             mammals that are susceptible to cats and            were also referenced 53 times in the final
                                                             foxes and to Australia’s conservation haven         report of the Parliamentary inquiry into
                                                             network of cat- and fox-free islands and            the problem of feral and domestic cats
                                                             fenced reserves.                                    in Australia.
                                                             The national team identified which mammal           The hub’s high-impact communication
                                                             species most urgently need the protection           campaigns on the research findings have also
                                                             of a haven to support their persistence, and        informed and significantly advanced public
                                                             where Australia’s future havens should be           conversation about cat control, which has
                                                             developed in order to provide the greatest          increased support for cat management.
                                                             conservation benefit across all mammal
                                                             species that are susceptible to predation           Recovering biodiversity impacted
                                     IMAGE: MATTHEW GORDOS   by feral cats and foxes.                            by Black Summer fires
    Road culverts can be major barriers to fish              Their work is already guiding investment            Almost three billion animals were killed
    movement.                                                decisions to support new havens through             or displaced in the 2019–20 bushfires.
                                                             the Environment Restoration Fund – Safe             Following the fires we worked closely and
    A significant cause of native fish declines
                                                             Havens Grants, and has informed actions in          quickly with Commonwealth, state and
    is barriers to fish movement, which can
                                                             the Australian Government’s Threatened              territory governments to identify and deliver
    lead to population fragmentation and loss
                                                             Species Strategy on “tackling feral cats”,          the science they needed to recover fire-
    of access to key habitat. A team led by
                                                             and “safe havens for species most at risk”.         affected species and communities.

4   Science for saving species #18
Science for saving species
processes adopted by DBCA which: assess            Developing the ecology policy-makers
                                                    trade-offs and synergies between in situ and       of the future
                                                    ex situ plant species conservation; assess the
                                                    cost-effectiveness of translocations compared
                                                    to other recovery; and are used to prioritise
                                                    plant translocation projects.
                                                    Guidelines for the translocation of threatened
                                                    plants in Australia developed by the team were
                                                    presented at workshops across the country
                                                    and widely distributed. They are now being
                                                    used by threatened plant policy-makers
 IMAGE: NICOLAS RAKOTOPARE                          and conservation managers nationwide
The fire-recovery workshop on Kangaroo Island.      and have been adopted into the New South
                                                    Wales translocation operational policy.                                         IMAGE: DAVID PHALEN
This included working with the Expert Panel
                                                                                                       PhD candidate Jessica Agius with a Christmas
to rapidly analyse and determine the species        Supporting threatened biodiversity
                                                                                                       Island gecko.
most affected and the management actions            monitoring
that were most needed to prevent their                                                                 The hub has nurtured 65 PhD, three masters
extinctions and help their recovery.                                                                   and six honours students. By embedding
We helped develop collaborations across                                                                students in collaborations with on-ground
research, landholder, government agency                                                                conservation managers we have ensured that
and other groups to deliver essential                                                                  their work will make a valuable contribution
research, monitoring and management                                                                    to important real-life challenges.
actions needed for recovery.
                                                                                                       For example, working closely with Parks
We also helped to develop and apply                                                                    Australia, Jessica Agius (USyd) has made
criteria to identify priority projects for                                                             major advances in our understanding of
government investment, and supported                                                                   and management options for a new disease
regional workshops on recovery actions and                                                             that is impacting threatened reptiles
investments for fire-affected biodiversity                                 IMAGE: NICOLAS RAKOTOPARE   on Christmas Island.
which were facilitated by Dr Libby Rumpff.
                                                    Karajarri Ranger Marissa Munroe setting up a       As part of a DBCA threatened plant
Additionally, we informed the community             camera trap, pit traps and drift fence.            conservation team, Leonie Monks (Murdoch)
of the extent and consequences of biodiversity                                                         and Rebecca Dillon (UWA) have uncovered
                                                    The hub has delivered essential new
loss in the fires, which contributed to public                                                         key factors influencing the survival and
                                                    knowledge and tools to support improved
support for biodiversity recovery investments.                                                         persistence of a range of threatened
                                                    threatened biodiversity monitoring
                                                                                                       plants, which will improve translocations
                                                    across Australia.
Improving threatened plant                                                                             of these species.
translocation                                       Professors David Lindenmayer (ANU),
                                                                                                       Working with Bush Heritage Australia,
                                                    Sarah Legge (ANU/UQ) and John Woinarski
                                                                                                       Nicholas Leseberg (UQ) has vastly expanded
                                                    (CDU) drew together over 70 of the most
                                                                                                       knowledge about the night parrot and how
                                                    experienced managers and scientists involved
                                                                                                       to detect and monitor it, which has already
                                                    with monitoring programs in Australia to
                                                                                                       underpinned new detections in Western
                                                    develop a framework, detailed guidance,
                                                                                                       Australia and will substantially contribute
                                                    case studies and book to support improved
                                                                                                       to the recovery plan for the species.
                                                    monitoring of threatened species and
                                                    ecological communities.                            Being part of collaborations like these
                                                                                                       and providing them with additional
                                                    At a regional scale, we provided input to
                                                                                                       guidance on how to work with policy-makers
                                                    the redesign of a large-scale national park
                                                                                                       (see p10) gives our early career researchers
                                                    monitoring program and worked with
                                                                                                       important experience that will support
                              IMAGE: LEONIE MONKS   Indigenous groups on arid zone monitoring
                                                                                                       them to continue to make an impact
                                                    based on Traditional Ecological Knowledge
Banksia anatona translocation site in Western                                                          in future roles.
Australia.                                          and tracking skills. We also supported
                                                    Indigenous groups to develop practical
Dr David Coates (DBCA) led a national team          monitoring programs targeted to their own
that undertook a review of every known              biodiversity management priorities, such
plant translocation project Australia-wide          as Martu’s Mankarr (bilby) monitoring
and other integrated research which has             program, and Karajarri’s investigation of
substantially advanced knowledge, capacity          fire management effects on biodiversity.
and support for successful threatened
                                                    We developed new and efficient methods
plant translocations.
                                                    for hard-to-monitor species like dusky and
The work has greatly advanced our                   silver-headed antechinuses, black-cockatoos,
understanding of factors affecting the success of   burrowing petrels, the Kangaroo Island
projects; genetic management of translocated        dunnart, brush-tailed rabbit-rat and brush-
populations; and how to best implement,             tailed phascogale. Plus we tested a range of
monitor and learn from ongoing projects.            practical and emerging monitoring methods
New knowledge from the research has                 such as artificial habitat, thermal cameras,
underpinned the development of new                  drones and eDNA.

Science for saving species
Magazine of the Threatened Species Recovery Hub                                                    For more information, watch this short video or search
                                                                                                         “target-based ecological compensation” on YouTube.

    Beyond offsetting:
    Target-based ecological
    compensation                                                                                                                IMAGE: NEROLI WESLEY, UNSPLASH

    Target-based ecological compensation is a new and promising policy tool for governments to ensure that biodiversity loss
    caused by development is adequately compensated, while also offering more certainty to developers than existing biodiversity
    offset approaches. Professor Martine Maron and Dr Jeremy Simmonds of The University of Queensland explain how target-
    based ecological compensation overcomes some of the challenges associated with biodiversity offsetting, such as the difficulty
    of achieving genuine “No Net Loss”.

    The challenge for society is to balance           calculated compared to a “counterfactual
    development and conservation. Biodiversity        scenario” of what would have happened
    offsetting has become a widespread approach       without the project and its offset.
    by governments around the world to try to         So, while people may assume NNL means
    achieve this, but as it is currently practised,   “No Net Loss” to the environment, it might
    despite a goal of “No Net Loss” (NNL)             be more accurately described as “no
    biodiversity offsetting can entrench              additional loss caused by this development”.
    ongoing losses of species and ecosystems.         In an all-too-common context where
    It comes down to how NNL is calculated.           biodiversity is declining due to multiple
    Currently, the amount of gain that needs          threats, NNL allows a development to
    to be provided for a given loss is generally      simply match that decline.

                                                                           IMAGE: RAW FILM, UNSPLASH

                                                                                                          Figure 1. Under target-based ecological compensation,
                                                                                                          NNL takes on a more intuitive meaning.

                                                                                                          Doing away with counterfactuals
                                                                                                          Counterfactual-based biodiversity offset
                                                                                                          calculations are complex. They are subject
                                                                                                          to uncertainty and susceptible to
                                                                                                          manipulation, and they tend to be done
                                                                                                          in a piecemeal project-by-project manner.
                                                                                                          But under a new and alternative approach,
                                                                                                          they are not needed at all, and NNL takes
                                                                                                          on its more intuitive meaning.
                                                                                                          As its name suggests, target-based ecological
                                                                                                          compensation links compensation to
                                                                                                          biodiversity targets, which are set at a
6   Science for saving species #18
Science for saving species
RIGHT: Balancing development and
                                                                 conservation is a challenge for society.

jurisdictional level, which could be national or     2.   Estimates about the current state of the
regional. This means that the requirements for            biodiversity feature in the jurisdiction
developers and the outcomes for stakeholders              (e.g., its population size or area).
are clear and consistent. The associated
                                                     3.   The amount of the species or ecosystem
conservation outcomes are more transparent
                                                          that is or will be effectively secured
and less susceptible to manipulation, and the
                                                           (e.g., in protected areas).
relative contribution of different sectors to
achieving those targets is more explicit.            4.   Regulatory control of at least some
                                                          sectors that cause biodiversity loss
The type and amount of compensation
                                                          through their activities.
required for a particular loss is determined
using a simple framework. Compensation               To achieve a trajectory of NNL or Net Gain,
requirements are set to achieve the goal for a       improvement is the minimum standard of
particular species or ecosystem. See Figure 2.       compensation. See Figure 2.
                                                                                                             IMAGE: SHANE MCLENDON, UNSPLASH
Implementing the target-based                        A better approach
approach                                             In this new framework, compensation
                                                                                                            These include limits to what can be
Just four enabling factors are required              is integrated with targets, because every
                                                                                                            compensated for; equity; and adherence to
to implement target-based ecological                 unit of loss is compensated for in a way
                                                                                                            the mitigation hierarchy, which is the process
compensation. With this information, the type        that contributes to achieving specified
                                                                                                            by which environmental impacts from
and amount of compensation required for losses       targets. Outcomes at the project level
                                                                                                            development are avoided, unavoidable
caused by development can be determined.             mirror the desired outcome at the
                                                                                                            impacts minimised and residual impacts
1.    Outcomes-based biodiversity targets for        jurisdictional level.
                                                                                                            then offset as an option of last resort.
      species populations or ecosystems (or          In doing so, it advances ecological
                                                                                                            The framework builds on best-practice
      other specific biodiversity features) in a     compensation beyond a reactive,
                                                                                                            safeguards and principles, in a workable
      jurisdiction, whether national or regional.    ad-hoc response. Rather, target-based
                                                                                                            approach for conservation.
      For example, a target for the number           ecological compensation ensures alignment
      of breeding individuals of a threatened        between actions that address unavoidable               Further information
      species might be a minimum of 10,000;          biodiversity losses and the achievement                Martine Maron
      a target for the area of a vegetation          of targets for conservation.                 
      community in a region might be at least        Meanwhile, standard conditions that apply              Jeremy Simmonds
      half its original extent, in good condition.   to biodiversity offsetting remain valid.     

                                                 Net trajectory                            Type of                         On-ground action
                                                   required                             compensation                          (example)
                                                                                        (minimum req.)

      Biodiversity feature
                                                   Net Gain
      affected by a project     ➡              Increase to target                                                     Restoration of degraded
      is below its target
                                                                                                                      ecosystem, or interventions
                                                                                       IMPROVEMENT                    to enhance a species’
      Biodiversity feature                                                                                            population
                                               No Net Loss
      affected by a project     ➡           Remain at/near target
      is at its target

                                                                                                                      Securing a site where the
      Biodiversity feature
                                             Managed Net Loss                                                         biodiversity feature already
      affected by a project     ➡            Do not breach target                      MAINTENANCE                    exists, and maintaining it at
      is above its target
                                                                                                                      its current state into future

     Click here for an interactive target-based ecological compensation calculation spreadsheet.

Figure 2. Compensation for losses of biodiversity caused by development projects can be designed to contribute to jurisdictional biodiversity targets.
The target-based ecological compensation approach provides a clear framework for determining how much and what type (‘Improvement’ or ‘Maintenance’)
compensation is required for a loss to a given biodiversity, such that the overall outcome is consistent with the achievement of that feature’s target.
Science for saving species
Magazine of the Threatened Species Recovery Hub                                               The Sandstone Shrubland Complex on the Arnhem Plateau is an
                                                                                           ecological community of national conservation significance comprised
                                                                                         mostly of native shrubs, grasses and animals living in rock country. It is a
                                                                                         vital habitat to a big number of plants and animals in Australia’s Top End.

    The economics of
    threatened species                                                                                                                       IMAGE: JAANA DIELENBERG

    What price persistence? Dr Ram Pandit of the University of Western Australia (UWA), Dr Kerstin Zander of Charles Darwin
    University (CDU), and several researchers from both UWA and CDU are taking a close look at how people value threatened
    species, with some surprising – and heartening – results. Here they share their insights into what it means to Australians to
    avert extinction of vulnerable species.

    There is a common misconception that                Even when respondents had to choose how                dollar value. This was consistent with another
    economics is about money. It is not. Economics      much they are willing to pay among three or            of our surveys, in which 70% of respondents
    is the science of allocating scarce resources       five threatened species, they were willing to          thought extinction should be prevented
    and making decisions – whether about                give $0.33 and $0.20 per year, respectively,           regardless of the cost. Some might think that
    allocating money or anything else. The total        to make sure the snail no longer qualifies             impractical – except that the US Endangered
    economic value of something includes not            for the threatened species list.                       Species Act aims “to halt and reverse the trend
    just how much money one can get for it on           In fact, what we discovered was that the               toward species extinction, whatever the cost”,
    the open market but many other values that          dollar value of a species increases substantially      as the US Supreme Court put it.
    do not involve money at all. Dollar values help     as it approaches extinction. That effectively          That’s not to say that people do not value some
    people understand the worth of something in         says that threatened species are beyond                species more than others. So long as extinction
    monetary terms, but they are only one small
    part of the story in making decisions.              BELOW: The Critically Endangered boggomoss snail is found only in the Dawson River catchment, in the
                                                        Brigalow Belt Bioregion of Queensland.
    The value of persistence
    Threatened species illustrate this point
    beautifully. The fact that you cannot trade
    boggomoss snails does not mean that
    Australian people do not value them. Most
    respondents will never get the tiniest monetary
    gain from the snail’s persistence – they will
    never sell one, eat one, photograph one or visit
    one of the few boggy mossy springs where they
    persist in Queensland’s Dawson Valley. Yet,
    respondents to our species-specific surveys
    said they were willing to pay around $47 per
    year to make sure boggomoss snails are not
    lost forever, with 69% of respondents willing
    in principle to pay something for the snail
    to survive. Multiplied across the country’s
    population, that’s a pretty high existence value.

8   Science for saving species #18                        IMAGE: JOHN STANISIC
Science for saving species
is avoided, the amount people would be willing
                                                                                                                                         IMAGE: PARKS AUSTRALIA
to pay for conservation varied by species. In
contrast to general perception that birds and
charismatic species are valued more than the
others, we found that charisma-challenged
species like skinks are also valued highly.
In our multiple species valuation study, we
found that people are willing to pay $3.12 per
year to conserve the great desert skink and
about $0.37 per year to conserve the eastern
bristlebird. We also assessed the community’s
values for threatened ecosystems like salt
pans ($0.10/year) or Sandstone Shrubland
Complex ($0.93/year). Much of our research
was quite new – nowhere in the world have
multiple species been assessed simultaneously,
ecological communities been valued, or anyone
                                                      IMAGE: ????????????????????????
tried to uncover the community’s values for
anything other than high-profile species.           The Christmas Island blue-tailed skink would be extinct if not for the time and care of dedicated staff and
As a result, we can work out some general           captive breeding facilities provided by Parks Australia and Taronga Park Zoo.
rules for determining a species’ non-market
value that will help policy-makers estimate         On the money                                            of at least some of the monetary benefits
the cost to the public if a development             A final part of our work did also look at the           that communities can derive from hosting
increases the probability of species extinction,    monetary economy and threatened species.                threatened species and their managers.
or the benefits that can arise from habitat         For instance, many species may survive only             Economic analysis is critical to most policy-
restoration. Such values represent the benefits     if they are kept in zoos or behind large fences.        making by government. Our work aims to
to society of conserving species, and help to       To help planning for such expenditure, the              ensure that the very real values Australians
make decisions about species conservation           country’s zoos provided estimates of the costs          place on threatened species, the values that
while considering the costs.                        of keeping different types of animals – and             explain the existence of the Threatened
                                                    mammals and birds are much more expensive               Species Recovery Hub, and of the legislation
Management – and trust                              to keep than other, smaller animals. We                 aimed at protecting threatened species, are
In another study, we assessed how the worth         costed the different types of fencing that are          given a seat at the decision-making table.
of threatened species was affected by their         increasingly being erected to protect native            If boggomoss snails could cheer, we are
management. We asked whether people                 mammals from feral predators. For a sample              sure they would.
would pay less if a species were kept in a zoo,     of species, we also calculated the institutional        Further information
if feral animals were killed as a part of threat    costs of threatened species management.                 Ram Pandit
management or if a species’ genetic makeup          Rangers erecting nest boxes can only do       
were managed to avoid inbreeding effects.           their job if there are people in offices
Somewhat to our surprise, the killing of feral                                                              Kerstin Zander
                                                    arranging their weekly pay or training them
animals was embraced by a large proportion                                                        
                                                    how to climb trees. Such costs are almost
of respondents. They were more cautious             never calculated in threatened species                  Stephen Garnett
about genetic management, but only actually         budgets, which fall short as a result.        
opposed active manipulation of genes.               However, not all costs are outlays. Threatened
In all the valuation studies, what came through     species managers often live in rural and
was a trust of the scientists. If scientists were   remote communities; their children go to local
concerned a species might go extinct, and           schools; they buy food from the local shops.
proposed a process to make sure that would          For every dollar invested in such a community,
not happen, most respondents were willing           there are flow-on benefits in terms of jobs and
to make a contribution. As we know, such            local investment. That information is being
trust places a great responsibility on those        fed into an analysis of threat management
who are trusted, and can easily be lost.            needs across the country to allow calculation

                                                                                                                 Saving a species can require a major long-term
                                                                                                                  commitment. The bridled nail-tail wallaby was
                                                                                                              widespread across eastern Australia at the time of
                                                                                                              European arrival, but foxes, cats and land clearing
                                                                                                                 drove major declines. The species was thought
                                                                                                               extinct until a single small population was found
                                                                                                                   in central Queensland in 1973. To prevent the
                                                                                                                extinction of the species, Taunton National Park
                                                                                                                 (Scientific) was established at the site and feral
                                                                                                               predator control and other conservation actions
                                                                                                                        have been put in place since that time to
                                                                                                                               conserve and support its recovery.

                                                                                               IMAGE: NICOLAS RAKOTOPARE / QUEENSLAND PARKS AND WILDLIFE SERVICE

Science for saving species
Magazine of the Threatened Species Recovery Hub


                      RIGHT: Hub researchers discussing the
               policy implications of research related to the
              Victorian Central Highlands with stakeholders
                                                                 IMAGE: JAANA DIELENBERG
                     at a hub workshop in Melbourne, 2017.

     You’ve done some cutting edge research, but will it make a difference? Dr Rachel Morgain of The Australian National
     University and Professor Martine Maron of The University of Queensland talk about what researchers need to know
     about engaging with policy-makers.

     Conservation researchers are a passionate                  Policy must also be robust enough to address          presentation, with plenty of opportunity
     bunch. We don’t just do what we do because                 messy reality. Policy ideas can be elegant            for discussion and questions, is better
     we love the species and ecosystems we work                 and sleek, internally consistent, and promise         than a formal talk.
     on. We want to do research that helps them.                effectiveness and efficiency – then fail to survive
                                                                                                                      Ask whether a tailored piece of research or
     We want what we discover to support better                 in the “wild”. They need to be implementable.
                                                                                                                      tailored product for policy would be helpful,
     decisions about conserving biodiversity.                   So if you are a researcher, you already               and in what form. Work with policy partners
     And, ideally, we want to see the basis of these            know you have to make your work accessible            throughout, listen to them, and seek their
     better decisions embedded systematically.                  and explain its importance in plain language.         input at all stages – they likely have valuable
     In other words, we want to impact policy.                  But what else do you need to know to produce          insights into any number of issues material
     “Policy” generally refers to a broad range                 research for policy? Our hub has recently             to what you are developing, such as what is
     of mechanisms and systems implemented                      produced the Connecting Research with                 currently feasible, constitutionally possible,
     by government agencies at all levels (and                  Policy guidelines to help researchers                 or has been tried in the past.
     non-government organisations too) to                       seeking to engage policy-makers.
                                                                                                                      Communicate regularly.
     address specific issues. It includes regulation,           Here are some of the key tips:
     planning, legislation, strategies, program                                                                       3. Time it well
     design, evaluation, agreements, and                        1. Learn the context and who to engage
                                                                                                                      Research has to be timely as well as relevant.
     decisions related to government                            Learn as much as possible about your policy           Your research is most likely to be considered
     funding and investment.                                    context: how is responsibility distributed            and to have impact when a policy, strategy or
                                                                between jurisdictions and agencies? What are          legislation is in formation or under review.
     One of many factors                                        the constitutionally defined responsibilities         If you present your findings after a policy
     There is wide agreement among policy-makers                between the Commonwealth, states and
                                                                                                                      has been finalised and announced, you are
     and researchers that policy should be informed             territories? What other agreements or
                                                                                                                      not likely to influence it until it is next
     by research evidence. But it’s important to                related policies are in place? What other
                                                                                                                      due for review.
     recognise that scientific findings are just a              non-government, business or community
     part of a much larger ecosystem of values,                 players have a stake?                                 Regular communication with relevant
     laws and wider knowledge that influence                                                                          policy teams is a good way to keep an
     policy. This generally includes social values,             2. Work closely with policy stakeholders              ear open for these timely opportunities.
     competing needs and priorities, constitutional             Contact important policy stakeholders and             Keeping policy-makers informed of your
     responsibilities, interjurisdictional agreements,          offer to discuss your research and discuss            key research areas also allows them to
     existing legislative frameworks and                        ideas. Offer to give presentations in a               contact you if and when your research
     international obligations.                                 format that suits them. Often an interactive          becomes timely.

10   Science for saving species #18
Parliamentary committee reviews, inquiries       shortcoming; and d) options for addressing       to the biodiversity challenges you are
and other processes that ask for public          the shortcoming, with a summary of               working to solve.
comment are another great opportunity            supporting evidence.                             The past six years of the Threatened
to share your research at an opportune                                                            Species Recovery Hub have underscored the
moment. The reviewers generally have a           5. Be patient
                                                                                                  commitment and passion of a wide range
very narrow remit and may receive hundreds       Policy change is a long game. Most research      of policy-makers and policy users across
of submissions, so focus clearly on the          on the subject suggests it can take 10–20        Australia for engaging with the research
terms of reference.                              years for major new insights to be taken         community. We are fortunate in the hub to
                                                 up in policy in significant ways.                have many policy partners and established
4. Spell out options and implications
                                                 Turnover in policy-relevant positions can also   processes for connecting with the right
Research papers are renowned for stating
                                                 be high, so be ready to engage new people,       people. The legacy set in train will, we
“this has policy implications” without
                                                 and don’t assume that they are aware of the      hope, last for many years more.
drawing these out in a way that can be readily
understood and used by policy-makers.            background discussions you’ve already had.       Further information
Spell out the implications of your research      It is heartening to see the importance of        Rachel Morgain
for potential policy or management options       research impact increasingly recognised in
and the likely consequences (including           indicators of research quality. Effectively      Martine Maron
perverse outcomes) that could arise              working with policy stakeholders takes time –
from particular decisions.                       time which may seem hard to prioritise within
If proposing policy change, make clear:          academic frameworks, which have typically
a) the policy objective that could be better     rewarded a focus on academic publishing.
achieved; b) a summary of the evidence           However, it is time well spent if you want
for the shortcoming; c) the reasons for the      your science to make the biggest difference

Magazine of the Threatened Species Recovery Hub                                             Feral cats, and pet cats that are allowed to roam outside, can carry a
                                                                                                range of pathogens that can cause diseases in humans and livestock.
                                                                                                                                               IMAGE: JAANA DIELENBERG

                                                                           Diseases spread
                                                                             by cats have a
                                                                          $6 billion impact
                                                                              on health and
                                                                                   every year
     A new study led by Professor Sarah Legge at The Australian National University and Dr Patrick Taggart from The University of
     Adelaide has quantified the national impact of cat-borne diseases on human health and agriculture in Australia for the first time.

     Toxoplasmosis, toxocariasis, sarcocystosis and     the parasite, or by accidentally consuming               We estimate that 125,000 people are infected
     cat scratch disease are caused by pathogens        a microscopic “oocyst”, which is like an                 with Toxoplasma in Australia each year. Many
     that depend on cats – pet or feral – for part      egg, that is shed in the cat’s faeces. Oocysts           infected people appear asymptomatic or have
     of their life cycle. But these diseases can also   are environmentally resistant and can be                 symptoms that are easily misdiagnosed as a
     be passed to humans and other animals,             washed or blown around by water and wind,                flu, but immunocompromised people such as
     sometimes with severe health consequences.         contaminating soil or water, and consequently            cancer patients can get very sick and even die.
     Our study in Wildlife Research looked at the       consumed via drinking contaminated water,
                                                                                                                 If a woman contracts the parasite while
     rates of these diseases in Australia, their        eating unwashed vegetables or not washing
                                                                                                                 pregnant, it can cause miscarriage or lifelong
     human health and agricultural impacts,             hands after gardening or playing in a sandpit.
                                                                                                                 congenital impacts for her unborn baby,
     and the cost to the Australian economy.
                                                        BELOW: If cats access sandpits it increases the chance of children being exposed to T. gondii and cat roundworm.
     Human health
                                                         IMAGE: LBOI, FLICKR, CC BY NC ND 2.0
     Based on findings from a large number
     of Australian and international studies,
     Australian hospital data and information
     from the Australian Bureau of Statistics,
     we estimate that more than 8,500 Australians
     are hospitalised and about 550 die annually
     from causes linked to cat-dependent diseases,
     while thousands more suffer more minor
     injuries or illnesses.
     We estimated the economic cost of these
     pathogens in Australia at more than $6 billion
     per year based on the costs of medical care
     for affected people, lost income from time
     off work, and other related expenses.
     Toxoplasmosis is the cat-dependent disease
     with the greatest human health impact in
     Australia. The disease is caused by a single-
     celled parasite called Toxoplasma gondii.
     People contract the parasite by eating
     undercooked meat that is infected with

12   Science for saving species #18
including hearing, vision and intellectual        Studies in other countries with comparable
impairments.                                      lamb production industries, like New Zealand
                                                  and the UK, have found production losses
Even if the initial infection causes little
                                                  of similar magnitude.
illness, the parasite stays with us for life,
encased in a cyst, often in the brain.            Agricultural impacts are probably uneven
These “latent” infections may affect our          across Australia, because infection risk varies
mental health and behaviour, such as              with climate. The prevalence of T. gondii
                                                  in feral cats is much higher in cooler,                  IMAGE: BEENTREE/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS, CC BY SA 4.0
delaying our reaction times.
                                                   wetter areas, where oocysts can survive                ABOVE: Cat roundworm.
Studies have shown that people with
                                                  longer in the environment.
a T. gondii infection are more likely                                                                     Pet cats should also be desexed to
to be involved in a car accident. A review        As a result, sheep-producing areas of
                                                                                                          prevent unwanted litters that end up
of several studies found if there were no         South Australia and Tasmania may be
                                                                                                          as free-roaming ferals.
T. gondii infections, car accident rates would    worst-affected by cat-dependent pathogens.
theoretically be 17% lower. In an Australian      Sarcocystosis-positive farms are 15 times               Cats should be kept out of vegetable gardens
context, these fewer car accidents would          more common on Kangaroo Island than                     and children’s sandpits. Washing hands
result in about 200 fewer deaths and              on the adjacent mainland and cysts are                  after handling kitty litter and gardening,
6,500 fewer hospitalisations each year.           observed on up to two-thirds of slaughtered             washing vegetables thoroughly and
                                                  adult sheep from the island.                            cooking meat well can also reduce the
T. gondii infections are also associated                                                                  risk of transmission.
with an increased risk of mental health           What can we do?
disorders. For example, reviews across                                                                    These steps would cost us little, but help
                                                  There are no human or animal vaccines
many studies suggest that without T. gondii                                                               safeguard our pet cats and could prevent
                                                  for these diseases.
infections, there could be 10% fewer                                                                      unnecessary impacts on our health and
                                                  Currently, over 700,000 feral cats and 3.8              wellbeing, our economy and to farmers.
suicides and 21% fewer schizophrenia cases.
                                                  million pet cats roam our towns and suburbs,
                                                                                                          Further information
Scratches and worms                               and another 2.1 million feral cats roam the
                                                                                                          Sarah Legge
                                                  bush and rural areas acting as reservoirs
Cat scratch disease is a bacterial infection                                                    
                                                  of these diseases. We can lower rates of
(Bartonella henselae) that people can contract                                                            Patrick Taggart
                                                  all cat-dependent diseases by reducing
if bitten or scratched by an infected cat.                                                      
                                                  the numbers of cats.
Typical symptoms include sores, fevers,
                                                  The community can help lower the urban                  Chris Dickman
aches and swollen glands. But more serious
                                                  feral cat population by preventing access     
symptoms, such as inflammation of heart
tissue, cysts in the organs and loss of vision,   to easy food sources on farms, at rubbish               John Read
can also occur. We estimate that at least         bins and tips – and by not feeding stray      
2,700 Australians get sick annually from cat      or feral cats, as this can lead to local                John Woinarski
scratch disease, and 270 are hospitalised.        aggregations of cats (“clowders”),            
                                                  where infection rates are higher.
Cat roundworm is a parasitic infection                                                                    Work cited
(Toxocara cati) that people and other animals     Cat owners can help by keeping pet                      Legge, S., Taggart, P.L., Dickman, C.R., Read, J.L.,
can contract by accidentally consuming            cats indoors or in a securely contained                 Woinarski, J.C.Z. 2020. Cat-dependent diseases cost
                                                  outdoor area, to reduce the chance                      Australia AU$6 billion per year through impacts on
the parasite’s egg, which infected cats
                                                  their pet will contract or pass on a                    human health and livestock production. Wildlife
shed in their faeces.
                                                  disease-causing pathogen.                               Research 47(8), pp. 731–746. DOI: 10.1071/WR20089
Most cat roundworm infections cause mild
symptoms, but the migration of the larvae
                                                  BELOW: The cat eradication program on Kangaroo Island will benefit sheep producers as well as native wildlife.
through the body can cause tissue damage,
which can be serious if it occurs in a             IMAGE: TANNER YOULD, UNSPLASH

place like the eye or heart.

We found that T. gondii is the cat-dependent
pathogen with the greatest impact on
agriculture in Australia, and that the sheep
industry is the worst impacted. Toxoplasmosis
causes the loss of over 62,000 unborn
lambs each year in Australia, costing the
industry around $10 million annually.
Sarcocystosis, caused by the single-celled
parasites Sarcocystis giganteus and
S. medusiformes, causes cysts in sheep meat
which then require trimming and can
even result in whole carcasses or shipments
being rejected. It costs the Australian
meat industry around $2 million per year.

Magazine of the Threatened Species Recovery Hub                                                            In the south-west of Western Australia, fences are a part
                                                                                                                  of human infrastructure enabling threatened western
                                                                                                               ringtail possums to co-exist with humans in urban areas.

     Biodiversity sensitive
     urban design:
     The future of cities                                                                                                                                 IMAGE: L. KNIGHT

     Experiencing nature, including in cities, is good for human health and wellbeing. Cities are also important to biodiversity
     conservation, and are home to many species of plant and animal, including threatened species. Dr Georgia Garrard of
     The University of Melbourne explains how a new framework for biodiversity sensitive urban design (BSUD) can support local
     governments, urban planners and architects to reduce development impacts on biodiversity and increase the benefits that
     nature in cities can deliver to residents.

     The impacts of urbanisation can be devastating            To achieve this, planners and developers             The BSUD framework begins by evaluating
     for biodiversity. Negative effects include habitat        must reframe biodiversity as an opportunity          native animals and plants on a site,
     loss and fragmentation, the introduction of               rather than a constraint, consider biodiversity      key landscape features and any potential
     exotic species, alteration of local climates via          early in their decision-making and access            threats. Planners and communities
     the urban heat island and increased levels of             sound ecological information to support it –         then identify biodiversity objectives for
     chemical, light and noise pollution.                      yet to date little guidance has been                 the site, which inform BSUD actions or
     Careful urban design has the potential to                 available, and take-up of such practice              recommendations. Next is quantifying
     reduce these impacts, and to increase the                 has consequently been slow.                          the potential impact of these actions and
     benefits that biodiversity and everyday nature                                                                 using the data to decide which designs best
                                                               Action for urban design                              meet the biodiversity and development
     experiences in cities can deliver to residents.
                                                               This is where biodiversity sensitive urban           objectives (see Figure 1).
     BELOW: Dr Georgia Garrard in a native grassland           design (BSUD) fits in. We distilled five
     surrounded by new urban development in                    principles of BSUD from the urban                    Five principles to guide actions
     Melbourne.                                                biodiversity literature and devised a                The BSUD framework has five essential
                                      IMAGE: GEORGIA GARRARD   flexible framework for their implementation.         principles.
                                                               This framework can be applied across a range         1.   Maintain existing and create new
                                                               of urban development types and densities,                 resources for nature. Develop areas
                                                               allowing for a transparent trade-off between              of low ecological value to avoid habitat
                                                               biodiversity benefits and other environmental,            loss. Use native plant species, and
                                                               social and economic goals. It can be used                 encourage resident-led wildlife gardening
                                                               during the early stages of a new or retrofitted           to create habitat for native species.
                                                               development of any size, from individual                  Look for opportunities to add novel
                                                               houses to large-scale urban developments.                 habitats such as habitat walls and
                                                                                                                         other green infrastructure.
                                                               The five principles hold across all habitat types
                                                               and geographic regions. Further, the framework       2.   Support animal movement across the
                                                               and its principles ensure better, more reliable           landscape. Establish habitat connectivity
                                                               development outcomes for nature and people                corridors through public and private land,
                                                               by encouraging members of local communities               taking care not to spread invasive weeds
                                                               to engage with the BSUD process.                          or pests. Again, think outside the square

14   Science for saving species #18
as novel approaches such as                       An alternative to offsetting                           Next steps
     road underpasses might be needed.                 This work brings innovative ideas to                   BSUD principles have recently informed
3.   Reduce threats to and disturbance                 sustainable urban development. It creates              voluntary performance tools such the Green
     of nature. Landscape with indigenous              on-site biodiversity gains, finds synergies            Building Council of Australia’s Green Star
     plants and establish pet containment              between development and biodiversity                   Communities as well as urban development
     programs to reduce the impact of weeds            objectives and offers a way to measure                 plans in established and growth areas.
     and exotic predators. Plant vegetated             the success of nature-based designs. It has            A critical next step will be to build an evidence
     swales and rain gardens to mitigate runoff        particular value to professionals involved             base for the ecological and co-benefits of
     and nutrient loads. Reduce light and              with urban planning, and development,                  BSUD through cross-sectoral partnerships
     sound pollution through the use of                including urban planners, architects,                  to implement and evaluate BSUD in a
     sound barriers and temporary road                 local government, developers and                       range of applied settings.
     closures and by dimming street lights.            urban conservation practitioners.                      Cities are increasingly recognised for their
4.   Protect natural cycles and ecological                                                                    importance to biodiversity conservation.
                                                       BSUD involves a fundamental shift in thinking
     communities. Reduce the disruptions                                                                      BSUD provides an innovative framework
                                                       from current practice, where biodiversity losses
     of urbanisation by providing adequate                                                                    for our times and has the potential to shape
                                                       are “offset” elsewhere. Biodiversity offsetting
     resources for the native species you want                                                                a new conception of urban landscapes where
                                                       delivers questionable ecological outcomes
     to support, protect pollinator habitat,                                                                  native plants and animals can thrive and
                                                       because retained patches face continuing
     and plan for things like fire and flooding.                                                              residents can reap the benefits that
                                                       threats from the surrounding environment, and
                                                                                                              living with biodiversity offers.
5.   Create opportunities for positive                 in practice the offset is unlikely to adequately
     interactions between people and nature.           compensate for the loss incurred over the long         Further information
     Facilitate public engagement and local            term. Furthermore, offsetting ignores place-           Georgia Garrard
     stewardship of biodiversity by providing          based values of nature, and results in       
     “cues to care” and creating opportunities         an unmitigated loss of nature in the places            Sarah Bekessy
     for positive interactions with nature.            where urban residents live, work and play.   

Figure 1. The BSUD framework. Adapted from Garrard et al. (2018), Biodiversity Sensitive Urban Design. Conservation Letters, 11: e12411. doi:10.1111/conl.12411

Magazine of the Threatened Species Recovery Hub                                                                   Julie McInnes (shown here) and Jez Bird
                                                                                                                  conducted the fieldwork on Macquarie Island.
                                                                                                                                            IMAGE: TOBY TRAVERS

     A successful
     technique for
     cryptic species in
     a remote location
     Sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island is an important breeding site for many seabirds. Pest animals introduced by sealers in the
     1800s drove some species of burrowing petrels to extinction on the island, and reduced the number of other petrel species.
     Now that cats, rabbits, rats and mice have all been successfully eradicated, Macquarie Island’s conservation managers wanted
     to know how species respond to the removal of these animals, and if any of the lost species had returned. It was a hard question
     to answer as burrowing petrels spend most of their time at sea, burrowing underground in two-metre long nesting tunnels,
     and leaving their burrows only at night. In addition, several species look very similar. Dr Justine Shaw and PhD candidate
     Jeremy Bird from The University of Queensland talk about how they tested new eDNA methods to see if they could shed
     light on some aspects of the island’s burrowing petrels. They collaborated with molecular ecologist Dr Julie McInnes from
     The University of Tasmania to undertake this work.

     Macquarie Island, located midway between          whether some species are now returning to             We wanted to test the application of
     Tasmania and Antarctica, is a remarkable          the main island. They were also curious about         eDNA to identify these cryptic species in
     place. The 34 km–long treeless island is          whether species never seen or not seen for            the landscape. Scats and feathers are
     covered in grasslands, herbfields and tundra-     many decades were returning to the island.            easy to find and quick to collect.
     like vegetation. It supports vast congregations
                                                       Previously, Tasmanian DPIPWE Parks and
     of wildlife, including breeding colonies of                                                             Feathers and scats the key
                                                       Wildlife rangers and government scientists
     seal, penguin and seabird species, including                                                            Our methods involved collecting 222 scat
                                                       surveyed these birds with methods like hand
     numerous species of burrowing petrels.                                                                  and 108 feather samples from breeding sites
                                                       searches, spotlighting and burrow-scopes –
                                                                                                             of either known species or mixed/unknown
     Cats, rabbits, rats and mice established on       but the birds remain hard to detect
                                                                                                             species on Macquarie Island, then analysing
     the island after they were introduced by          throughout the landscape.
     sealers and whalers during the 19th century.
     They caused extensive damage to island            BELOW: Petrel scats and feathers outside a burrow on Macquarie Island.
     habitats and wildlife, including the local         IMAGE: JULIE MCINNES
     extinction of some seabird species. Rats
     and cats ate birds and their eggs; rabbits
     destroyed nesting habitat.
     To overcome this, the Tasmanian Parks and
     Wildlife Service began feral animal eradication
     programs on Macquarie Island in the 1970s
     and the island was declared free of invasive
     mammals in 2014. Now that the threats to
     burrowing petrels have been removed on the
     island, conservation managers wanted to know
     whether populations were increasing, and

16   Science for saving species #18
the samples later in the lab by extracting and      Table 1. Burrowing petrel species detected on Macquarie Island from scat and feather DNA
sequencing the DNA. This gave us valuable
                                                     Common species                                     Less common species
insights into what species occur where.
                                                     Antarctic prion, Pachyptila desolata               Diving petrel, Pelecanoides sp.
Our eDNA sampling at the established and
known colonies confirmed that the species            Blue petrel, Halobaena caerulea                    Fairy prion, Pachyptila turtur
thought to occur there were indeed present,          Sooty shearwater, Ardenna griseus                  Soft-plumaged petrel, Pterodroma mollis
verifying previous survey methods.                   White-headed petrel, Pterodroma lessonii           Fulmar prion, Pachyptila crassirostris –
Further, our research detected some                                                                     DNA sequences indicative, but inconclusive
burrowing petrels at new locations. Diving                                                              Grey petrel, Procellaria cinerea
petrels and fairy prions have rarely been                                                               (winter breeder)
detected on Macquarie Island, with the latter
previously recorded only on offshore rock
                                                    breeding on Macquarie Island or offshore            that are remote, such as Heard Island, and
stacks and Bishop and Clerk Islets since
                                                    islands, with an additional two sequences           where field trips are consequently infrequent
monitoring began. Yet, we found diving petrel
                                                    that could only be identified to genus level.       and/or where resources, logistics and
DNA in samples from five locations around
                                                    Table 1 shows the species we were able to           access are limited.
the island and fairy prion (or fulmar prion)
                                                    identify from the scat and feather DNA.             Our findings can also be used to help inform
DNA from three locations.
                                                                                                        surveying of cryptic species and future
Two rock stacks were hotspots of burrowing          Next challenges                                     eradication projects on other islands,
petrels, with at least four species identified on   The project tested and confirmed both               where managers, funders and researchers
each. One of these rock stacks likely provided a    the efficacy of on-ground survey techniques         are required to anticipate ecosystem
refuge to burrowing petrel species while rats,      for threatened burrowing seabirds on the            responses to eradications of pest animals.
cats, mice and rabbits existed on Macquarie         island, and the efficacy of eDNA methods
Island, as it is not connected to the main          using scats and feathers to identify species         IMAGE: JEZ BIRD
island. However, the presence of four petrel
                                                    in the landscape.
species on the second, connected, rock stack,
which was accessible to the invasive pest           Future work could provide insight into the
animals, is encouraging and provides the            provenance of recolonising populations and
first evidence in recent years of fairy prions      population genetics, such as we identified for
on the main island.                                 white-headed petrels during this study.
All up, we detected DNA that matched                The methods we developed are relevant
reference sequences for seven of the                and useful for surveys of cryptic species
burrowing petrel species previously recorded        on other islands in Australia, and globally,

                                                                                 IMAGE: JULIE MCINNES

                                                                                                        ABOVE: White-headed petrel in burrow.

                                                                                                        Collaborating with molecular ecologist Dr Julie
                                                                                                        McInnes from the beginning of the project, in the
                                                                                                        initial design phase, was critical to the success of
                                                                                                        our project.
                                                                                                        This work was supported by the Australian Antarctic
                                                                                                        Science Program.

                                                                                                        Further information
                                                                                                        Justine Shaw
ABOVE: Burrowing petrel scat.

Petrel in flight.
IMAGE: JEZ BIRD                                                                                                                                                17
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