Scottish Parliament election: what the party manifestos say on the environment

Scottish Parliament election: what the party manifestos say on the environment

Scotland will vote for its next parliament on 6 May and the five main political parties have released their manifestos in the lead up to the
election day. To help LINK members and supporters we have produced this guide to help you compare each party’s pledges with the 12 asks in
LINK’s Manifesto for Nature and Climate.

This table is a snapshot of commitments that have been made to improve Scotland’s environment in the face of the nature and climate
emergency and each party manifesto contains further detail. We have included quotes that go some way to meeting our 12 asks although not
all fulfil them completely.

  LINK members called                                                   What the 5 main parties have said:
  on political parties to
       commit to:                     SNP           Scottish Conservatives        Scottish Labour            Scottish Greens       Scottish Liberal
                                  (read here)             (read here)               (read here)                (read here)           Democrats
                                                                                                                                     (read here)

 A Nature Network for       “We will ensure that    “We would establish        “Scottish Labour       “We will... create a     “Our intentions for the
 Scotland delivering        every Local Authority   Nature Networks            supports… a Nature     Nature Network for       new national planning
 bigger, better, more       area will have a        across Scotland to         Network for Scotland   Scotland, connecting     framework are to:
 joined up sites for        Nature Network of       better safeguard           through the National   habitats across the      • Make sure access to
 nature.                    new, locally driven     protected areas, allow     Planning Framework.”   country to ensure they   green, open spaces,
                            projects which aim to   species to move                                   are robust, coherent     wildlife corridors and
                            improve ecological      between habitats and                              and proofed against      woodland is available
                            connectivity across     ensure that our                                   climate change. The      to every community.”
                            Scotland.”              natural assets are                                Nature Network will be
                                                    treated as part of our                            given statutory weight
                                                    national infrastructure.                          in national planning
                                                    We will work with                                 documents and
                                                    the UK Government to                              government policy,
                                                    ensure Nature                                     and will include areas
                                                    Networks are seamless                             for rewilding.”
                                                    where they cross
                                                    between Scotland and
An ambitious              “We will publish a new      “One in nine species in    “Scottish Labour           We will...Introduce        “We will propose a
Environment Act that      biodiversity strategy       Scotland are               supports an ambitious      legally binding nature     Nature Recovery Law
includes legally-         within 12 months of         threatened by              Environment Act that       recovery targets.          tos et legal targets
binding targets for       the biodiversity COP,       extinction. To prevent     includes legally binding                              across government to
nature’s recovery.        and remain committed        this, the Scottish         targets for nature’s                                  clean up our air, soils,
                          to protecting at least      Conservatives would        recovery”                                             seas and rivers. We
                          30% of Scotland’s land      bring forward an                                                                 will:
                          by 2030. We want to         ambitious Nature Bill to                                                         • Set legally binding
                          go further still and will   strengthen                                                                       nature recovery
                          review our current          environmental                                                                    targets, with an action
                          targets when we             protections on land                                                              plan and financial
                          publish our new             and sea for Scottish                                                             support for delivery.”
                          strategy.”                  species and their

A plan for ocean          “Through the blue           “We will review the        “We will also support a    “The Scottish Greens       “We will start a Marine
recovery where at least   economy action plan,        current Marine             plan for ocean recovery    will ensure at least 30%   Recovery Plan to
30% of Scotland’s seas    we will seek to             Protected Areas            with at least one tenth    of our seas are            restore more of our
are highly protected      reduce harmful              in Scottish waters, with   of Scotland’s Seas fully   protected, and a third     seas, encourage
from extractive           practices and               a view to expanding        protected, and a           of this area will be       marine biodiversity and
activities by 2030.       consequences such as        their extent, and pilot    further 20% highly         highly protected, which    boost ecotourism
                          marine littering,           the introduction of        protected, from            means fishing and          businesses alongside
                          marine plastics,            Highly Protected           destructive and            other industries would     traditional maritime
                          pollution and reduce        Marine Areas.”             extractive activities by   be excluded. This will     industries.
                          carbon emissions from                                  2030.”                     protect Scotland’s         • Designate new
                          marine activity – in                                                              unique marine              marine protected areas
                          particular, we will                                                               environment and            where this is backed by
                          explore the potential                                                             wildlife, and support      scientific evidence.
                          for low carbon fishing                                                            our economy and that       • Support research to
                          vessels to be deployed                                                            of coastal communities     demonstrate how
                          on inshore waters.”                                                               in particular as it will   Scotland’s marine area
                                                                                                            deliver net benefits to    acts to capture carbon
                                                                                                            fish stocks and support    in the seabed and
                                                                                                            the growth of              marine ecosystems.”
                                                                                                            sustainable fishing and
                                                                                                            seafood businesses,
                                                                                                            creating more green
Sufficient funding to      “Invest an additional                                  “We will develop a         “As part of our plans      “We will initiate a full
address the climate        £500 million in our                                    Biodiversity Action Plan   for a green economic       spending review at the
and nature emergency.      natural economy to                                     for land, air and sea,     recovery, the Scottish     conclusion of the
*Note LINK’s specific      help tackle the                                        with adequate funding,     Greens will invest in      pandemic period to
call for increased         biodiversity crisis.”                                  which the whole            the restoration and        guide the recovery in
funding for Scotland’s                                                            country can coalesce       protection of              public services and the
public environment                                                                around before it is too    Scotland’s parks, green    economy.The spending
agencies.                                                                         late. We also need         spaces                     review, in particular,
                                                                                  greater investment in      and natural                will
                                                                                  climate adaption,          environment. This will     align the capital
                                                                                  which                      create green               programme with our
                                                                                  recognises the risks of    jobs across Scotland,      climate change
                                                                                  flooding with coastal      particularly in rural      priorities, not least
                                                                                  protection, river basin    areas. We will invest at   ending fuel poverty.”
                                                                                  management and             least £895m over the
                                                                                  flood prevention           next five years in
                                                                                  schemes. We must           restoring nature whilst
                                                                                  ensure that the            investing in rural
                                                                                  opportunity to             communities, creating
                                                                                  sequester carbon in        over 6,000 green jobs.”
                                                                                  our marine
                                                                                  environment is
                                                                                  adequately funded.”

Legislation and policies   “We will bring forward     “To deliver this, we        “Scottish Labour will      “We will: Introduce a
                                                                                                                                “We will introduce a
to decarbonise and         a Circular Economy Bill    would bring forward         support reduction          Circular Economy Bill
                                                                                                                                Circular Economy Law
build a Circular           to advance Scotland’s      a Circular Economy Bill     targets for the circular   with targets to reduce
                                                                                                                                including targets that
Economy.                   ambitions for the          early in the next           economy, which adopts      our overall        reduce the emissions
                           circular economy           Parliament. This will set   similar models to those    consumption of raw produced in creating
                           through measures           new targets                 used in the Climate        materials, our carbon
                                                                                                                                everything we
                           which will encourage       for reducing our raw        Change Act.”               footprint, and a duty to
                                                                                                                                consume, and use
                           reuse of products and      material usage,                                        produce Resource   other parts of our
                           reduce waste. The bill     especially those that       “Scottish Labour           Reduction Plans.”  programme, to
                           will tackle our reliance   are single use or           supports measures that                        achieve:
                           on single-use items and    difficult to recycle.       deliver a circular     “We will....Move       • Comprehensive
                           include measures to        Alongside this, we will     economy, including     towards a circular     assessment,
                           tackle textile             invest in our recycling     introducing a Circular economy whereby all    monitoring and
                           pollution/fast fashion.”   capacity and fund the       Economy Bill and       packaging and products reporting of Scotland’s
creation of a Centre for   obligations on the           sold in Scotland must      material, land, carbon
                                                  Circular Economy           producers of waste           be readily able to be      and water footprints.
                                                  Excellence to drive the    and annual material          reused, repaired, or       A duty to produce a
                                                  rollout of best practice   flow accounts. This          recycled, with             Resource Reduction
                                                  in business, public        includes the                 producers responsible      Plan, updated every
                                                  sector, the third sector   introduction of deposit      for the costs of           five years.”
                                                  and communities. We        return schemes and           managing their
                                                  will establish a           regulatory action to         products throughout
                                                  Circular Economy           eliminate plastic            their lifecycle.”
                                                  Awards Scheme to           cigarette filters, as well
                                                  recognise innovation in    as supporting global
                                                  reuse and waste            campaigns to tackle
                                                  reduction. We will         abuses in the global
                                                  ensure that public         fashion supply chain.”
                                                  procurement is used to
                                                  incentivise the delivery
                                                  of our environmental
                                                  targets and enhance
                                                  our circular economy.”

Support future farming   “We will support         “Scottish Conservatives    “Farmers and crofters        “We will… Deliver a        We will use the recent
with nature at its       farmers to produce       would reverse cuts to      need clarity as a new        new Agriculture Bill       conclusions of the
heart.                   more of our own          the Agri-Environment       agriculture support          that enshrines the         expert working groups
                         food needs sustainably   Climate Scheme and         system is developed to       principles of climate      on agriculture support
                         and to farm and croft    agree a multi-year         help tackle the climate      and nature recovery        as a starting point in
                         with nature, including   extension until the new    crisis. We will maintain     into a new agricultural    driving the
                         through enhanced         agricultural policy        current levels of            support scheme.            transition to a more
                         animal welfare and       is implemented.”           funding until 2024 and       • Make emission            sustainable food
                         health approaches and                               from then we will put        reductions and climate     production system.”
                         better adoption and                                 in place a new scheme        mitigation measures a
                         deployment of                                       that gives farmers and       compulsory                 “We will expand and
                         technology and                                      crofters certainty. The      requirement for all        diversify the Farm
                         innovation, as                                      new financial support        subsidies, delivering      Advisory Service to
                         recommended by                                      must recognise               significant change at no   provide new jobs,
                         the recent work of                                  farmers’ knowledge,          extra cost.                training and skills, that
                         farmer-led groups set                               recognising their            • Replace current          support sustainable
                         up in the last                                      experience in reducing       grants with Land           land use.”
                         parliament. A single                                emissions and                Management
implementation board                               protecting Scotland’s      Contracts, which will
                          with representation                                landscape and work         support farmers to
                          from all farming                                   towards sustainable        deliver a range of
                          sectors and types will                             farming practices. We      public benefits
                          be                                                 believe that the new       including organic
                          established to drive                               agricultural support       farmland conversion,
                          this work forward.”                                package offers             agroforestry,
                                                                             a valuable opportunity     agroecology, soil
                          “We remain committed                               to deliver on baseline     conservation and
                          to supporting active                               environmental              peatland restoration,
                          farming and food                                   commitments, and           flood management,
                          production with direct                             incentivise actions that   wetland creation,
                          payments. By 2025,                                 deliver food               landscape restoration
                          however, we will shift                             production, climate        and public access,
                          half of all funding for                            and biodiversity           renewable energy,
                          farming and crofting                               outcomes in a              rewilding and species
                          from unconditional to                              complementary              reintroductions.”
                          conditional support                                fashion.”
                          and there will be
                          targeted outcomes for
                          biodiversity gain and a
                          drive towards low
                          carbon approaches
                          which improve
                          resilience, efficiency
                          and profitability.”

Protections for our       “We will ban the sale of “Peatland covers more     “Scottish Labour           “Ban peat extraction    “License of the practice
peatlands including       peat related gardening than a fifth of Scotland,   would...increase           and sale for            of muirburn in the
implementing a ban on     products.”               yet around 80 per cent    peatland restoration to    horticultural use.”     uplands.”
peat extraction and                                of Scotland’s natural     20,000 hectares each
sale for horticultural    AND                      peatland is degraded.     year, alongside            AND
use as well as a ban on                            To prevent further        measures to end
burning of peatlands.     “We ... remain           damage, we would end      commercial peat            “Ban the burning of
                          committed to             peat extraction for use   extraction.”               peatlands and license
                          implementing the         in compost and we                                    any other proposed
                          licensing of driven      would aim to increase     AND                        burning.”
                          grouse shooting.”        peatland restoration      “Going further than the
to 20,000 hectares        Werritty report,
                                                annually by 2024-25.”     Scottish Labour will
                                                                          support the
                                                                          licensing of grouse
                                                                          moors as soon as
                                                                          possible, with robust
                                                                          criteria to end the
                                                                          unsustainable practices
                                                                          of driven grouse moors
                                                                          and to promote the
                                                                          development of our
                                                                          uplands, in the
                                                                          interests of everyone.”

Establish Regional Land                         “We would ensure          “We will develop           “We will… Establish
Use Frameworks by                               Regional Land Use         Regional Land Use          Regional land use
2023.                                           Partnerships              Frameworks by 2023,        partnerships in every
                                                sufficiently represent    with input from a wide     part of Scotland by
                                                the agricultural sector   range of stakeholders      2023 to help deliver
                                                and support the           to set out regional land   nature networks and
                                                delivery of new           use priorities and         restore our
                                                agricultural policy.”     funding requirements.”     environment.”

A new Deer (Scotland)     “We will implement    “We will support land     “Overgrazing               “Address grazing          “Implement the
Act to bring deer         the recommendations   managers in controlling   by deer can damage         pressure in the uplands   recommendations of
management into the       of the Deer Working   our deer population to    our native woodlands,      by increasing the deer    the Deer Management
21st century.             Group and modernise   reduce damage to our      and we support             management grant,         Review to control
                          deer management       natural environment.”     modernising deer           implementing the          numbers and restore
                          legislation.”                                   legislation and the        recommendations of        biodiverse landscapes.”
                                                                          implementation of the      the Deer Management
                                                                          Deer Working Group         Working Group, and
                                                                          recommendations.”          encouraging a
                                                                                                     reduction in sheep
                                                                                                     numbers via existing
                                                                                                     agricultural support
At least 50% of all       “We will increase our      “We would increase         “At least 50% of all       “Just 18% of Scotland is    “Expand woodland
woodland expansion        targets for new            new tree planting in       woodland expansion         currently forested, but     using at least 50
to be with native         woodland creation          Scotland to 18,000         should be with native      our vision is to increase   per cent native species,
species and at least      by 50%, from 12,000        hectares annually by       species and at least       this to 40%, and for at     increasing Scotland’s
10% through natural       hectares up to 18,000      2024-25. However,          10% delivered through      least 60% of this to be     forest cover by an
regeneration.             hectares per year by       quality and biodiversity   natural regeneration.”     native woodland. We         additional 36 million
                          2025.”                     are also important, so                                will: Target the Scottish   trees every year.”
                                                     we would increase the                                 Forestry Grant
                                                     proportion of new                                     programme at native
                                                     planting that is of                                   woodland creation,
                                                     native species, while                                 including productive
                                                     ensuring that                                         mixed and broadleaf
                                                     Scotland’s forests are                                woodland as well as
                                                     productive.”                                          woodland where
                                                                                                           nature and recreation
                                                                                                           is prioritised.”

An end to wildlife        “We will legislate to                                 “Scottish Labour will      “We will:Deliver a fully    “We will guarantee
crime by fully            close loopholes in the                                carry out a full review    resourced a Wildlife        sufficient resources for
resourcing a full-time    law protecting                                        of Scotland’s outdated     Crime Investigation         the police’s Wildlife
Wildlife Crime Unit       foxes and other wild                                  animal welfare             Unit to investigate         Crime Investigation
within Police Scotland.   mammals.”                                             legislation, with a view   wildlife persecution        Unit”
                                                                                to strengthening           and enforce protection,
                                                                                wildlife protection law    and
                                                                                and animal welfare.”       ensure there are
                                                                                                           adequate wildlife crime
                                                                                                           officers in all regions.”

Protections for our       “We will ensure that       “We would also protect                                “Establish Land
freshwater species and    trees, woodlands and       Scotland’s iconic                                     Management Contracts
habitats, including by    natural resources play     salmon rivers.”                                       to reward farmers and
limiting development      a key role in flood                                                              land managers
on floodplains to give    prevention schemes, in                                                           financially for
more space for our        riparian repair activity                                                         delivering natural flood
rivers and coasts to      and to address air                                                               management
naturally regenerate.     pollution.”                                                                      solutions.”

                                                                                                           “Deliver a Scottish
                                                                                                           Water investment
programme that
                                                                             protects and enhances
                                                                             the environmental
                                                                             status of rivers and

Other: to enshrine a   “we will incorporate       “The Scottish              “Introduce a Human         “We will also aim to
Human Right to a       four more United           Parliament agrees that     Rights (Scotland) Act to   fully incorporate the
Healthy Environment    Nations Human Rights       now is the time to fully   enshrine fundamental       Right to a Healthy and
                       treaties into Scots Law:   enshrine in law a          rights, including the      Safe Environment
                                                  human right to a           right to a healthy and     into Scots Law in line
                       - The International        healthy environment.       safe environment.”         with the UN framework
                       Covenant on Economic,      Scottish Labour has a                                 principles, and the
                       Social and Cultural        plan to deliver this.”                                Aarhus Convention.”
                       - The Convention on        .
                       the Elimination of All
                       Forms of
                       Discrimination against
                       - The Convention on
                       the Elimination of All
                       Forms of Racial
                       - The Convention on
                       the Rights of Persons
                       with Disabilities

                       This world-leading
                       human rights
                       legislation will reduce
                       inequality and advance
                       the rights of everyone
                       and ensure human
                       rights are embedded in
                       every aspect of life in
LINK is a Scottish Charity (SC000296) and a Scottish Company Limited by guarantee (SC250899), core funded by Membership Subscriptions and by grants from
NatureScot, Scottish Government and Charitable Trusts.
Registered Headquarters: 13 Marshall Place, Perth, PH2 8AH
Advocacy Office: Dolphin House, 4 Hunter Square, Edinburgh, EH1 1QW
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