Social and Emotional Support: A Healing Network for Your Bunny

Page created by Darrell Doyle
Volume 6 Number 1               THE PUBLICATION FOR MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL HOUSE RABBIT SOCIETY                   Summer 2014

     Social and Emotional Support: A Healing Network for Your Bunny
By Marlene Larkin                                                                         Editors: Linda Cook & Maureen O’Neill

    n graduate school I had an oppor-                                                   highly social, emotional, and intelligent
    tunity to build an expert system. It                                                beings, they need similar support net-
    modeled the types of observations                                                   works. They seem to do best when fight-
and decisions that nurses perform                                                       ing an illness if they have the support of a
when assessing whether patients                                                         companion, or reinforcement in the form
have the resources to overcome their                                                    of love and attention from humans, in the
illnesses. Patients with fewer resources                                                least stressful environment possible.
to combat illness or disease were con-                                                      Caeden was a rabbit at the Georgia
sidered to be in “adaptive impoverish-                                                  HRS who demonstrated this concept.
ment.” Measurements of the patient’s                                                    The first time I saw Caeden and heard
blood pressure, temperature, pulse,                                                     his story, I assessed him as adaptively
                                            Caeden, fully recovered and waiting for a
and other physiological dimensions                                                      impoverished. His owner was homeless
                                            forever home.
would all be captured as well as the                                                    and staying in a shelter. When the shelter
patient’s social connections, emotional         One example is a woman who had          discovered she had a rabbit in her room,
state, spiritual beliefs, and strength of   battled throat cancer for two years and     Caeden was tied outside to a tree with a
the patient’s support network.              was in remission. She had signed up         leash. Caeden had suffered fight wounds,
    In modeling the system, which           to take some classes in the hope for a      probably from a second bunny who had
was based on interviews with expert         future healthy life. After a recheck, her   passed away, and he had mite infesta-
nurses, what was remarkable is that         doctor bluntly informed her that her        tions and other parasitic issues. The own-
factors unrelated to the physiology of      cancer had returned. Sadly, she passed      er had no money for proper rabbit food,
the patient (e.g., their social support,    away two days later for no physiolog-       so she had given Caeden an apple and
emotional state, etc.) could have a         ical reason, as the cancer had not yet      a can of moldy creamed corn. His diet
greater influence on their ability to       progressed to be fatal. What the doctor     alone should have killed him. The owner
fight their illness than the physiologi-    didn’t realize is that she was adaptively   expected him to die from his injuries but
cal readings. Patients perfectly within     impoverished, and her resilience to deal    when he didn’t, she took him to a vet
normal ranges of most physiological         with her illness was completely depleted.   to be put to sleep. When she found she
measures who were impoverished in               The lesson of the importance of         could not afford to have the vet perform
other dimensions (lacking social and        the non-physiological dimensions on         the euthanasia, she took Caeden back
emotional support) could have more          healing always has stuck with me, so        and tried to do it herself by feeding him
difficulty in managing their illnesses.     much so that when a bunny arrives at        her antidepressant medications/poison.
Patients with strong social support         our Georgia HRS shelter with multiple       Imagine the mindset of a rabbit attempt-
networks could have a number of             medical issues I want to know the           ing to survive outdoors with inadequate
physical readings outside the normal        bunny’s background so I can gauge           shelter, inappropriate food or no food,
ranges, but nonetheless achieve re-         whether the bunny may need more as-         wounded, then having humans either
markable recoveries.                        sistance in recovery. Because rabbits are   abandon him or attempt to poison him.
Photograph by Ed Christensen                                                                   House Rabbit Journal Summer 2014   1
     Fortunately, we received a call about     is the heart and soul that counts. From        supported and cared for. In doing so I’m
a bunny tied to a tree, and a volunteer        those needing social/emotional help, I         trying to build up their support
rushed to his rescue. In addition to his       feel privileged to help them. Being an         network for the dimensions that I know
medical injuries, all of Caeden’s              adopted person myself, I know how they         are every bit as important to their physi-
support networks had failed him.               can feel and react in this strange             cal recovery.
Although he still tried to survive, his de-    environment.”                                      Joy Gioia, chapter manager of St. Lou-
meanor seemed depressed and hopeless.               In addition to emotional support          is HRS, also adds “Not only do buns from
Part of his recovery was rebuilding his        offered by a human, having a companion         poor backgrounds need extra love and
trust by reassuring him, in ways that he       of their own kind can be invaluable in         attention, but also we categorize some of
could understand, that he was now safe:        building a support network for bunnies.        the very happy and social buns as ‘needy’,
protected and surrounded by a network          When I try to describe to others the value     and make extra attempts to adopt them
of people who would care for him and           to a rabbit of having a second rabbit—         to people who will have a lot of time for
attend not only to his medical needs, but      even if it is not a bonded pair—I describe     them because we’re concerned that they
also to his emotional ones.                    it as if aliens (kind, well-meaning aliens)    will go downhill if they don’t get that
     As expected, Caeden was not resilient     took me to another planet. I would be          social time. Some buns seem more
and took a long time to recover. However,      terrified out of my mind, first by the         interested in human attention and, al-
with the care of numerous Georgia HRS          fact aliens had traveled to our planet         though bond mates are wonderful, these
volunteers who became his new support          and abducted me, and second by the             buns really need a lot of human atten-
network—feeding him, providing                 very nature of being alone in a bunch of       tion. They appeal to everyone because
medicine when needed, and giving copi-         weird-looking beings trying to tell            they’re so social, but that doesn’t mean
ous petting sessions and loving voices of      whether I’m a pet, entertainment, a            everyone is right for them.”
support—Caeden now is fully recovered          medical experiment, or dinner. Sadly,                              (continued on page 8)
and waiting in a wonderful foster home         bunnies fill those last three roles far
until he can find his forever home. For        too frequently in our society. The aliens
HRS volunteers, it is cases such as this—      may feed me well and take care of all my
when you see the bunny first recover           physical needs, but I’d likely experience
from injury, and then blossom under            incredible stress from the uncertainty
the love and protection they have always       and fear. If they suddenly brought me a
deserved from humans—that fill up your         new human, I wouldn’t care what that
heart. It is as good for the caretaker as it   person looked like, what language they
is for the bunny being nurtured, and is        spoke, or even if they were necessari-
one of the great rewards our volunteers        ly a good person back on Earth. I’d be
experience.                                    clinging to that human like an over-eater
     “We always take into consideration        clings to a bag of Cheetos.
the social and emotional factors,” says             I’m always happy when bunnies
June Booth, an HRS educator and fos-           make it out of our medical quarantine
terer in Slidell, LA. “The ones who need       area (which I liken to the silver, metal-
special care in that area come to me. I        lic alien spaceship) and can at least be
love working with them as I do with elder      moved into the adoption room where
buns. These bunnies give back far more         they can see that they are with other
than I can give to them. From the elders,      rabbits. As a volunteer, I also try to spend
I learn dignity: when one’s body chang-        time with those bunnies in our medical         Caeden—wounded, starved, tied to a
es, you have to deal with fewer physical       area, giving them gentle touches and           tree, abandoned, poisoned—rescued by
abilities than you had as a youngster. It      talking to them softly to help them feel       Georgia HRS.
2   House Rabbit Journal Summer 2014                                                                        Photograph by Carl Stilwell
CONTENTS                                          LETTERS TO THE EDITOR                                                              Editor: Beth Woolbright
Feature/1                                             Regarding Bunny Road Trip! (Abé, Vol.            usually place the rabbit on a Bed Buddy, which
Social and Emotional Support: A                   5, No. 11) the one big thing that’s missing is       you warm in the microwave, for a minute or
Healing Network for Your Bunny                    probably something Shana Abé does with-              more. Then, I gently place the rabbit on my lap
Marlene Larkin
                                                  out conscious thought. Before allowing your          and put both hands on the side of the stomach.
Down the Rabbit Hole/4
Bunnies Leap From the Pages of                    bunny(s) to roam the hotel room, very carefully      I gently massage for 15 or 20 minutes. I’m not
Children’s Literature                             (with flashlight in hand) inspect all areas (e.g.,   saying don’t see your vet, but sometimes the
Linda Cook                                        under beds and behind furniture) they can            rabbit will start eating the next day. If there is a
Behavior/6                                        access. I have found d-CON and other poisons         gas bubble, a gentle massage can break this up
Respecting Rabbits                                (chocolate is one we forget) in out-of-sight         and get the rabbit back on track.
Nancy Montgomery and Amy                          places. Electric cords, sharp objects, and other
Bremers                                           physical hazards lurk in bunny-reachable             Sincerely,
Rabbit Personalities/7
                                                  nooks and crannies. I cannot state too strongly      Donna Jensen
How Do You Do?                                    how important it is to be very diligent in your      House Rabbit Society, Burrow Inn
Beth Woolbright                                   inspection. A close call with a missed rat poison    Northern California
Health/9                                          container the same color as the carpet in a AAA
Spay and Neuter Clinic a Success!                 three-star property taught me, no matter how         Thanks, Donna! You’re right; massage can defi-
Anne Martin, PhD                                  tired I was, to make an inch-by-inch check with      nitely be helpful when rabbits are experiencing
Bunny Brigade Members/11                          a flashlight.                                        a little digestive trouble, especially if the trouble
                                                      My method is to first clear the bathroom         is gas. Massage can break that up and make a
An Hour Before Midnight
Anne Martin, PhD                                  as it is normally very easy to do and affords a      rabbit feel so much better.
                                                  comfortable and quiet area for the post-trip              Thanks for all you do to help rabbits!
House Rabbit Journal                              acclimatization. Additionally, it allows the
Executive Editor                                  humans to do all the checking and organizing
Beth Woolbright
Coordinating Editor                               of the rest of the room without further stressing    Q: What can I do to try to keep my bunny’s nails
Amy Bremers                                       the furry ones.                                      shorter?
Department Editors
Shana Abé
Linda Cook                                        Tim Dowdle                                           A: The frequency with which a rabbit’s nails
Maureen O’Neill
Rita Richardson                                   Member from Issue One!                               need to be trimmed depends on the surface they
Gayle Kiviat                                                                                           hop on. If your bunny is on carpeting or vinyl,
Sandy Parshall                                    Thanks for the great additional advice. And          you can try this idea. Place the bunny’s water
                                                  thank you for helping HRS help rabbits for over      bowl on a layer of bricks or else flip a granite tile
House Rabbit Society
is a nonprofit corporation and its publication,   25 years!                                            over so the rough side is up and place the bowl
House Rabbit Journal, is published at                                                                  on that. In theory, regularly hopping on that
148 Broadway, Richmond, CA 94804.
HRJ is copyright protected and its contents may   Hi Amy,                                              rough surface may result in wearing down the
not be republished without written permission.        I enjoyed reading your article in the Journal    nails—at least a little.
Executive Director                                about rabbit massage (Bremers, Vol. 5, No.12).
Anne Martin, PhD                                  I have been rescuing and fostering for House         Editor: Do you have suggestions, comments,
Board of Directors                                Rabbit Society since 1991. We have had very few      feedback you’d like to submit to House Rabbit
Margo DeMello, PhD                                rabbits with digestive issues but when we do,        Journal? We’d love to hear from you. Email us at
Mary Cotter, EdD
Dana Krempels, PhD                                massage is one of the first things we do besides
Beth Woolbright                                   subcutaneous fluids. A gentle massage can get
Marinell Harriman
Kathleen Wilsbach, PhD                            thing moving in their digestive tract. Some of       Go to for guidelines on sub-
Laurie Gigous                                     us have found that even the movement of a car        mitting original articles, photos, or
Joy Gioia
Paris Grey                                        ride to the vet can get a rabbit back on track. I    illustrations.
                                                                                                                      House Rabbit Journal Summer 2014         3
DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE                                                                                              Editor: Shana Abé
Bunnies Leap                                 discovered in a theater that was showing     adventure story, it is also a female
From the Pages of                            “Dracula.” All indications, including the
                                             fact that the new member of the family
                                                                                          empowerment story. The illustrations
                                                                                          are cute and the heroine is clever in this
Children’s Literature                        sleeps all day and wakes only at night,      book that’s based upon a story Heyward
By Linda Cook                                lead Harold to believe that Bunnicula is     told to his daughter.
                                             a vampire. This story is perfect to read          Guess How Much I Love You, by
                                             aloud.                                       Sam McBratney, illustrated by Anita

            hen did you begin to love            A Bunny for All Seasons, by Janet        Jeram. This simple, sweet story for
            bunnies? It’s a personal         Schulman, illustrated by Meilo So. This      the youngest bunnyophiles comes
            question, and one that often     book, which will be appreciated by           in a variety of editions. Regardless of
has no simple answers. For me, one           the very youngest and the very oldest        its format, the tale is timeless. A little
of my first introductions to literature      of bunny aficionados, is a work of art.      hare tries to tell his dad how much he
started it all. My kindergarten teacher      Schulman’s text describes the happiness      loves him (“I love you as high as I can
read “The Velveteen Rabbit” to us—oh!        that a bunny finds in all four seasons of    hop”), but the older hare always bests
How I loved, and still love, that book.      nature, and So’s gorgeous watercolors,       his descriptions. It’s the perfect book to
   For more decades than I care to share,    which are very striking, delicately depict   read aloud or to hear right before you
I have continued to read and collect         the transitions of nature and the bunny      fall asleep. The fanciful drawings are
books about rabbits. Children’s books,       herself.                                     charming, fun to look at, and discuss.
in particular, may be the first experience       A Classic Illustrated Treasury                Jeremy: The Tale of an Honest
any of us have with the characteristics      of Rabbits, Chronicle Books, San             Bunny, by Jan Karon, illustrated by
of rabbit protagonists. Impressionable       Francisco. This delightful hardback          Teri Weidner. In an effort to find the
minds retain those first concepts of         book offers wonderful poems by               girl for whom he was made, toy bunny
bunnydom in tales of whimsy, humor,          different authors, as well as full-color     Jeremy, a British rabbit, is determined to
and gentleness.                              drawings and illustrations by various        complete his journey to North Carolina.
    Here’s a look at a baker’s dozen         artists within its 28 pages. Walter de       The impeccably dressed Jeremy meets
of my favorite children’s books about        la Mare and William Wordsworth’s             a variety of people and other creatures,
rabbits. Some are silly, some are            poetry is included, along with the likes     including a parrot, an owl, and a kindly
thought-provoking, and some are almost       of Elizabeth Coatsworth’s “Song of the       ship’s captain. The color illustrations
spiritual in their approach to the grace     Rabbits Outside the Tavern,” of which        are just lovely. Karon, author of the
and character of rabbits. I hope this list   I am especially fond. It refers to the
provides some reading options for both       rabbits being outdoors in the cold,
those who have children in their lives,      watching the people inside who “laugh
and those who do not. Gather ’round,         and eat and are warm.” But “they never
regardless of your ages, and let’s read      dance as we dance….”
about bunnies!                                   The Country Bunny and the Little
                                             Gold Shoes, by DuBose Heyward,
  Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery,       illustrated by Marjorie Flack Larsson.
by Deborah and James Howe, illustrated       This book, first published in 1939, is
by Alan Daniel. This book for grade-         about a little girl rabbit who grows up
school children reminds me a little of       to be Mother Cottontail, the parent of
the humor found in my beloved Beverly        21 children. She longs to be an Easter
Cleary books (think “Henry and Ribsy”).      Bunny, and finds that her skills, courage,
The story is told by Harold, the family      and determination suit her well in her
dog, who recounts the arrival of a bunny     quest. Although this is a wonderful
4    House Rabbit Journal Summer 2014                                                                 Illustration by Oliver Williams
“Mitford” books, wrote this storybook—a      turn out to be more of a curse than gift.       family bunny. A family goes out and
good tale to read aloud chapter by           Other readers see the theme of “Be              their inquisitive rabbit finds adventure
chapter—for her daughter.                    afraid of what you don’t understand” in         in closets and other forbidden places
    Rita Rabbit and the Runaway Pie,         this story.                                     while they’re away. And how do they
by Valorie Tatum, illustrated by Tanya            The Velveteen Rabbit, by Margery           discover where their bunny has been
Stewart. This little paperback was           Williams, illustrated by William                when they return? Well…how do you
written by a special-education teacher       Nicholson. This long-beloved book has           know where your rabbit has been? This
who wanted to provide families with          been updated and published in many              is the only children’s book I’ve seen in
a book that would help them focus on         other editions, but this is my favorite. I      which rabbit poop plays a significant
family-oriented goals. The humorous          love Nicholson’s gentle illustrations, and      role! I appreciate the matter-of-fact way
story is about the three sons of a mother    the language that remains true to the           the bunny “trail” is presented.
rabbit who has just baked a pie. The         period. It is a fantasy story of a toy rabbit        Voyage to the Bunny Planet,
black-and-white drawings retain the          who desperately wants to become Real.           by Rosemary Wells, who is also the
“rabbitiness” of the mischievous bunny       But more than that, it is a tender story        illustrator. “Far beyond the moon and
siblings in this tale that’s just 26 pages   about hope, and how love transforms us.         stars/Twenty light-years south of Mars/
long.                                        I cannot read this book without crying,         Spins the gentle Bunny Planet/And the
    Little Bunny on the Move, by Peter       and have spoken to other people who             Bunny Queen is Janet.” Wells’ work is not
McCarty, who also is the illustrator.        tell me that the story touches something        a single book, but a collection of three,
In this picture book with the softest        deep within their souls.                        all featuring adorable bunnies and
of pastels and very little text, a little                                                    humorously illustrated by Wells herself.
white bunny is traveling. We don’t             “This book, which will be                     “Moss Pillows” stars a bespectacled
know where the bunny is going, but the       appreciated by the very youngest                bunny named Robert, who has a rough
bunny obviously does, and does not           and the very oldest of bunny                    day as a visitor in his cousins’ home;
want to stop. One of my favorite aspects     aficionados, is a work of art.“                 “First Tomato” stars little Claire, who
of this book is that the bunny appears                            - Linda Cook               also has a disappointing day; and “The
only as “Little Bunny,” and is not                                                           Island Light” stars Felix, whose illness
gender-specific, so anyone can identify          What Have you Done, Davy?,                  involves getting sick in front of the
with this eye-catching protagonist.          by Brigitte Weninger (translated by             whole class and a scary shot. Each wee
Each illustration depicts shimmering,        Rosemary Lanning), illustrated by               bunny finds respite in an imaginary trip
delicate textures combined with moody,       Eve Tharlet. This is the delightful tale        to the Bunny Planet, where Queen Janet
surrealistic beauty.                         of Davy, a rambunctious bunny who               is there to comfort them.               f
    The Little Rabbit Who Wanted             unwittingly wreaks havoc everywhere
Red Wings, by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey,        he goes one day. He annoys his brothers
illustrations by Dorothy Grider. There       and his sister, as well as his mother, and
seem to be two camps regarding this          they all become upset with him. Anyone,         AUTHOR’S NOTE: While writing this
picture book for little children: those      regardless of age, will smile at Davy’s         article, I heard from many other readers
who love it and those who do not.            antics and the accidents he causes. The         who want to share their thoughts on
Because I read this book when I was          color illustrations are beautiful and are       their beloved books featurng bunnies! A
a child, I cherished it for the themes I     sure to please little readers or listeners,     “Part 2” of this article already is in
discovered in the story: “Be careful what    who may notice that Davy is the only            the works. Please share your favorite
you wish for” and “Be yourself.” In this     one in his family who wears slippers.           rabbit-related readings from children’s
wonderfully illustrated version (there           While We Were Out, by Ho Baek               literature (including title, edition,
are several editions of this book),          Lee. This whimsical picture book is             author, and publication date) with
a bunny yearns for red wings. But they       inspired by a true story about the Lee          Linda Cook at
                                                                                                   House Rabbit Journal Summer 2014     5
BEHAVIOR                                                                                                       Editor: Rita Richardson

Respecting Rabbits                            them also shows respect. By slowing
                                              down and methodically doing what
                                                                                            petting them when we can tell they want
                                                                                            to be alone.
by Nancy Montgomery and Amy Bremers
                                              makes sense for rabbits, we respect their         For special-needs rabbits, respect
                                              needs for security and stability.             means making them a priority. They

         abbits just seem to have innate           Sandy Parshall, Program Manager at       often require us to perform painstaking
         dignity and self-respect. For the    HRS, says that (unless they’re younger        and “off-putting” additional tasks. Peggy
         most part, they keep themselves      than a year), “Rabbits are adults who are     (pictured) is missing one hind leg and
groomed, they “sit up straight,” they         capable of making their own decisions—        has trouble standing up after using
observe their surroundings, and they are      about their partners, about their             the litter box; sometimes she ends up
aware of what they are able to do—and         belongings, about their living spaces.”       dragging around litter and hay stuck to a
get away with. They also have respect         Respecting them means that we should          clump on her rear end. This necessitates
for each other: they are attuned to each      “give them enough attention and space         a 30-minute cleaning—gently pulling
other’s needs and who’s who in their          to let them make those decisions for          the pieces off, cleaning with a special
“hierarchy.” Because rabbits are so           themselves.” Many of us like to think of      shampoo, and blow drying on low
vulnerable, however, it is up to us to help   them as children, she says. We give them      while combing to prevent mats. Peggy’s
them maintain this sense of dignity. We       toys and buy them cute things for their       “mom,” Nancy Montgomery, says, “In
can do so by respecting them and their        habitats. But sometimes treating them         respecting Peggy and who she is, it is my
unique personalities.                         like children can lead to us thinking that    job to think how Peggy feels, what she
     First, respecting rabbits means to       we always know what’s best for them,          has to go through and has been through,
take care of them. This includes ensuring     when sometimes it’s best to let the rabbits   how she lives the challenges every day.”
they have a clean environment; a change       tell us. Respect means trusting their         By meeting her needs right away and
of toys for stimulation and novelty,          judgment.                                     handling her extra gently, she says, “I can
especially when we are away; plenty of                                                      help her maintain her dignity though
time for exercise; fur that is brushed so       “Rabbits are adults who are                 she has to have these things done to her.
that they don’t ingest it; trimmed nails;     capable of making their own                   I must take time for Peggy to be a real
proper food and clean water; and lots         decisions. Give them enough                   priority in my life and rabbit household.”
of affection. Taking care of them also        attention and space to let                        By making time to care for our rabbits
includes taking them to the veterinarian      them make those decisions for                 and realizing what life is like for them,
at least once a year.                         themselves.”       - Sandy Parshall           we can provide opportunities for their
     To respect rabbits, we need to see                                                     happiness and peace. Adapting to the
things from the rabbits’ point of view.           Unless it’s for their safety and well-    workings of our rabbits’ world instead of
If they are snatched up in a hurry, or        being, respecting rabbits means not           expecting them to adjust to ours shows
carried incorrectly or put down too fast      forcing anything upon them, particularly      true respect.                           f
by some giant (to them) creature, they        something they wouldn’t do on their
become scared and anxious and can             own. For example, dressing them up or
get hurt easily. Rabbits require support      parading them around so that strangers
from underneath when being carried or         can see and touch them might give us
held. They like to know when someone          attention we want, but rabbits aren’t dolls
is coming so that they are not startled.      or commodities for us to show. They are
They need to be moved carefully; talking      creatures in their own right and they
to them and petting their sides or rear       should be respected by being provided
can let them know you are about to pick       with the routine and quiet they like.
them up. Since rabbits like to be on solid    And sometimes, even though it can be          Peggy (right), a three-legged special-needs
ground, getting down on the floor with        difficult, respecting them also means not     bunny, and her mate, Len, Jr.
6   House Rabbit Journal Summer 2014                                                                    Photograph by Damir Galzina
BEHAVIOR                                                                                                          Editor: Amy Bremers

Rabbit Personalities                           very close if she trusts that they won’t
                                               touch her. Deep down she really is sweet
                                                                                             with me. If she is people-shy, it means tell
                                                                                             them what “I” want.
                                               and would never bite her humans during        • Do: Learn from the Clever Mensa
                                               nail clipping or butt baths. You find out     Member and figure out which bribes

       especting rabbits also means            how much she trusts you when you take         work best.
       knowing how your rabbit wants to        her to the vet.                               • Do: Barricade her pen using heights,
       be treated—and doing it. Match          • Do: Talk sweetly to the Boss.               weights, padlocks.
your rabbit’s personality to the type he or    • Don’t: Try to touch her.                    • Don’t: Put a toy in her face unless you
she most closely resembles; then, get to       • Don’t: Scold her, as it hurts her pride.    want it thrown back in yours.
work.                                                                     -Maureen O’Neill   • Sometimes: When you can outsmart
                                                                                             her, still let her win.
“The Love Bunny”                               “The Type-A”                                                                 -Gayle Kiviat
    Also known as the “lagomorph lap               His boldness knows no bounds. When
dog,” he craves and even demands love          you enter his domain—even to place            “The Nurse”
from everyone he meets. He positions           water, hay, or a cardboard roll—he flies          Her goal in life is to groom or clean
himself in the middle of foot traffic. Two     from under his loft to take a nip from an     rabbits in her care, and she takes this
leggeds cannot walk by without stroking        intruding hand and then disappears just       job very seriously. If a rabbit under
his head. He’ll hop up on the bed in the       as quickly. He races through tunnels and      her care has eye issues, the nurse will
middle of the night and nuzzle skin until      leaps over huts and houses when it’s his      make sure the rabbit’s eye is kept clean
he is cuddled. He might kiss one hand if       turn to exercise. But the other side of       and gunk-free. A rabbit who is unable
the other is doing a great job. He accepts     this adventurer soaks up affection as he      to groom his rear or ear because of a
being held during full bunny pets. He is       climbs up your chest then turns around        disability will find that his nurse will
easily hypnotized. When he encounters          so that he can safely monitor the room        keep him clean by taking care of those
his mates, he shoves his head under their      while he snuggles under your neck.            hard-to-reach places.
nose. When meeting a non-hostile rabbit,       • Do: Handle the Type-A carefully since       • Do: Find her a mate (AKA patient).
he’ll approach and even lean into her          he’s excitable and driven.                    • Don’t: Stand in the way of her calling.
side. He expects her to instantly like him.    • Do: Provide stimulation for all his                                       -Donna Jensen
• Do: Pet, pet, pet.                           senses and plenty of space to run.
• Don’t: Scare the Love Bunny while he is      • Don’t: Ignore his need for rest time in a   “The Follower”
napping contentedly.                           soft retreat.                                     The Follower is a happy-go-lucky
• Maybe: When he grunts, try pets. If                                 -Nancy Montgomery      bunny. While he doesn’t like being picked
grunts subside as you stroke, he has                                                         up, you can pet him on the floor all day
trained you.                                   “The Clever Mensa Member”                     long. He always partakes in adventures
                               -Gayle Kiviat       Every object is a toy to chew on, dig     around the house, but you will never
                                               in, or fling about. Exercise pens are meant   see him in the lead. He tolerates the
“The Boss” (or “The Diva”)                     to be tugged open and rattled loudly to       occasional nip from his partner without
    The Boss needs to be dominant over         get attention from all beings. New places     retaliation. What he lacks in bravado he
not only her rabbit companions but also        are fun to explore, be they rooms, stairs,    makes up for in charm.
her humans. She is highly intelligent,         chairs, or tables. She understands what       • Do: Pamper the Follower with lots of
inquisitive, and manipulative. She will        you are asking her to do; when she is in      pets.
do things on her terms and only if there’s     the mood—because of hunger, curiosity,        • Do: Give him his treats where he can
something in it for her. She does not          or boredom—she will agree. If she is          finish them before they are stolen.
tolerate being petted or picked up. She        domineering, it means stay out of her         • Don’t: Try to pick him up.
loves to be near her people and will get       way. If she is playful, it means explore                               -Maureen O’Neill
                                                                                                    House Rabbit Journal Summer 2014   7
INSIGHT                                                                Editor: Gayle Kiviat

How Do You Do?                                of their enclosure, first give them time
                                              to play, run off energy, and explore new
                                                                                              (continued from page 2)
                                                                                                   Many owners with multi-bunny
Introducing People to Rabbits
                                              corners. When bunny has settled, it’s           households have witnessed how a sick
By Beth Woolbright
                                              time for saying “hello.” In the meantime,       rabbit rallied when given supportive care
                                              I counsel people to sit on the floor and        from a partner, even one of a different

         abbit guardians who’ve overseen      do absolutely nothing. Let bunny come           species such as an affectionate dog or
         bunny-to-bunny introductions         to you.                                         cat. Many of our volunteers who foster
         know that putting two (spayed/            Next, show the person how to intro-        rabbits also have stories about witnessing
neutered) rabbits together does not           duce themself to the bunny. A concept           bunnies that should withdraw, given
instantly make a friendship, because          that has not occurred to a lot of people        the abuse or physical mistreatment they
bunnies do not give affection away freely.    is that a rabbit has a preference. I find it    have endured. Instead, once the bunnies
Friendship is something that must be          underscores an element of respect for           know they are in a safe and supportive
eased into; it must be earned.                the individual animal that the person           environment, they blossom and offer
Occasionally kisses are bestowed quick-       may not have recognized.                        copious binkies and kisses. Their dances
ly, but usually there’s a bit of first-date        Second, have the person put their          show pure joy.
awkwardness.                                  fist on the floor directly in front of the           Learning to assess a rabbit in times
    So, too, it can be for a person wanting   rabbit’s nose. It’s important that the          of illness (as well as in times of good
to meet a bunny. Some folks come into         hand not be moving. If bunny ignores it,        health), much the way an “expert nurse”
the Rabbit Center, in Richmond, CA,           it can be moved closer. Next, it’s up to the    would a patient, gives us as caregivers
expecting every bunny to run up to them       bunny. If bunny makes a motion to leave,        an opportunity to not just focus on the
and sniff their hands. Others expect rab-     I say, it means she’s “busy.” If bunny          physical dimensions of what each bunny
bits to be the aloof or skittish creatures    doesn’t move, it generally means that it’s      needs, but to also recognize those times
and are surprised at the bun who rises on     okay to pet her—on the top of the head,         that a bunny needs emotional support
hind legs to sniff their fingers. The truth   avoiding the ticklish nose and whiskers.        and nurturing as well. As rescuers I often
is that rabbits come in all personalities     Long, firm sweeps over the ears are             feel that we can just look at the rabbit’s
and with very different social graces and     generally okay.                                 attitude and behavior without knowing
attitudes—as do people. Over the past 12           That’s it. The person doesn’t feel         its history, which frequently we do
years I’ve been an adoption counselor at      rejected because bunny left. Bunny              not, and assess whether it is adaptively
the Rabbit Center, the bunnies and I have     doesn’t feel threatened by being pur-           impoverished. When we can confirm that
shared a technique for how to introduce       sued. It’s a mutual agreement of timing,        they came from a neglectful or abusive
new people without causing feelings of        and it opens the door to a new friend-          situation, then those are the ones that
rejection on either side.                     ship.                                    f      need a little extra attention and support,
    When approaching a rabbit you don’t                                                       from human or animal, to recover faster
know, do not offer your fingers in front                                                      from illness or loss. All bunny owners
of their face the way one does with a dog.                                                    and caretakers should recognize just how
Rabbits have flat faces with eyes on the                                                      valuable social and emotional wellbeing
sides of their heads. Something hovering                                                      are to the overall health and happiness of
between their eyes, in front of their nose,                                                   our beloved companions.
is threatening and liable to get forcefully                                                        P.S. Bunnies may indeed also have
boxed or bitten by the rabbit, or cause                                                       a spiritual dimension. We just can’t
bunny to retreat.                                                                             ask them. Perhaps Bunny God looks
    Usually, we hang out at the open                                                          something like a large nebulous banana
door of bunny’s cage or sit on the floor      Offer your fist on the floor and let the        in the sky. Well, at least one in a lip-
with the rabbit. When letting a bunny out     rabbit decide if she wants pets.                smacking dream...                     f
8   House Rabbit Journal Summer 2014                                                                      Photograph by Sandy Parshall
HEALTH                                                                                                        Editor: Beth Woolbright

House Rabbit                                      House Rabbit Society’s Rabbit Center
                                             and international headquarters rescues
Society’s New                                over a hundred rabbits each year from
Spay/Neuter Clinic                           euthanasia lists at San Francisco Bay
                                             Area shelters, but there are many more
a Success!                                   unwanted rabbits arriving at shelters
By Anne Martin, PhD                          every day. With our new community
                                             spay/neuter clinic, we are able to
                                             proactively prevent accidental litters,

        un Bun, a black and white spotted    uterine cancer, and hormonal behaviors
        bunny, sleeps soundly on her         (and help rabbits to use the litter box!),
        back under anesthesia covered        keeping bunnies healthy and in their
in a green surgical drape. Wearing a cap     homes. With our spay/neuter clinic, we
and mask, volunteer Gabriela Chavez          strike at the root of the problem.
opens the wrapped package of surgical             In the San Francisco Bay Area, there
instruments. Dr. Michele Kim opens           are only a couple options for low-cost
the interior wrapping and takes the          rabbit spay/neuter. We get calls from          Volunteer surgeon Carolynn Harvey,
tools she needs. Dr. Kim carefully and       people who have been told by veterinary        DVM, puts on her surgical gown with help
quickly spays Bun Bun, while Gabriela        offices that it will cost $300 or more to      from Melinda Reed, RVT, and Executive
makes notes on the medical record on a       spay a rabbit, and are deterred by the         Director Anne Martin.
clipboard. After surgery is over, Gabriela   cost. At just $50 for males or females,
carries Bun Bun into the recovery area       our spay/neuter clinic is the lowest-cost      insurance coverage for our use of the
to monitor her as she wakes up and her       rabbit spay/neuter surgery in the entire       clinic, pays the Fix Our Ferals’ clinic
temperature returns to normal. Bun Bun       Bay Area.                                      manager’s hourly rate for the day, and
is just one of the 50+ rabbits that House         We offer microchipping at the time of     donates two rolls of toilet paper. House
Rabbit Society has spayed/neutered since     surgery for only $10 more. A microchip         Rabbit Society must bring our own
the February 2014 opening day of our         is ideal if a rabbit accidentally escapes or   surgical instruments, medications,
monthly community rabbit spay/neuter         becomes separated from their guardian,         supplies, and paper towels, as well as
clinic at headquarters in Richmond, CA!      as in the event of a fire or earthquake.       our own volunteer veterinarians, paid
                                             If the found rabbit is brought to a vet’s      registered vet tech (RVT), and volunteer
                                             office or shelter, staff can call the family   assistants.
                                             immediately and the rabbit will not be             Building this clinic has been an
                                             euthanized. With this information, many        adventure! From forceps to sutures, we
                                             of our clients choose to have their rabbit     purchased over 250 separate items just
                                             microchipped.                                  to get the clinic up and running. We have
                                                  We teamed up with Fix Our Ferals,         giant storage tubs full of spay/neuter
                                             an organization that runs a spay/neuter        supplies. The morning of the clinic,
                                             center for free roaming and stray cats,        we drive the tubs over and set up our
                                             located a mile from House Rabbit               equipment for the day, and at the end of
                                             Society. We use their facility and surgery     the day, we break it all back down.
                                             suite, which includes parking, heated              Rabbits arrive at House Rabbit Society
Volunteer Gabriela Chavez and Executive      surgery tables, surgery lights, anesthesia     the morning of surgery between 7-8am,
Director Anne Martin help a bunny            machines, autoclaves, laundry, and             in carriers. Guardians pay, fill out a
recover after surgery.                       kitchen. House Rabbit Society provides         surgery release, and provide information
Photographs by Sandy Parshall                                                                      House Rabbit Journal Summer 2014   9
                                            $50, and we need several boxes for                Where do all of these unfixed rabbits
                                            every clinic day. Add that to all of the      come from, you might ask. When the
                                            medications, sterilization supplies,          appointment is scheduled, we ask where
                                            and surgical supplies needed for 15-          they got the rabbit originally. Our growing
                                            20 surgeries for each surgery day, and        dataset shows that rabbits are being
                                            it really adds up. We also keep our           purchased directly from breeders, county
                                            volunteers and surgeons fueled and            fairs, pet/feed stores, flea markets, as well
                                            happy by providing a vegan lunch,             as found stray and acquired from other
                                            snacks, and coffee.                           people who have had accidental litters.
                                                 As of May 2014, we have performed        We can use this information to both
Spay/neuter clinic volunteers prepare       just over 50 surgeries—all in only four       target future outreach for the spay/neuter
medications, examine rabbits, and           months! We have a 100% success rate,          clinic, and better understand where
prepare for surgery day.                    sending bunnies home a little groggy,         shelter rabbits may be originating.
                                            but no worse for wear. Each guardian              Our clinic is a valuable service to
on their rabbit. Staff weigh the bunnies    is personally counseled when they             rabbits and to the community. It not only
and look them over for injuries or          come to pick up their rabbit, both with       helps the individual rabbits served, but
illnesses. They drive the rabbits over      aftercare instructions and bunny lifestyle    it helps the entire region by reducing
in full car-loads to the clinic, where      recommendations. For rabbits with fleas       the burden of accidental litters on our
volunteers are waiting at 8:30am to start   or mites, we treat with Revolution at the     shelters. Simply put, our clinic saves lives.
administering medications.                  clinic and discuss the benefits of indoor     There is huge demand for low-cost rabbit
    Veterinarians Dr. Carolynn Harvey       living. With obese rabbits, we discuss diet   spay/neuter. We are booked solid two
and Dr. Michele Kim volunteer their         and exercise changes that will improve        months in advance and refer people who
valuable surgery time, wearing bunny-       their rabbit’s health. For bunnies with       need to get their rabbits fixed sooner to
print scrubs that peek out from under       long nails, we trim the nails, but also let   other clinics. Every rabbit we can keep
their surgery gowns. Melinda Reed,          families know we offer $10 nail trims         in their home through spay/neuter, and
RVT, induces anesthesia under the           at House Rabbit Society where we can          every accidental litter prevented, is a
supervision of our vets and preps           teach them how. We call and follow up         rabbit House Rabbit Society doesn’t have
rabbits for surgery. Our wonderful          with each guardian a day or two after         to rescue from the local shelters.
crew of volunteers shepherds each           surgery, making sure every bunny has a            If your chapter is interested in starting
rabbit individually through the entire      smooth recovery.                              a clinic in your region, we would be
anesthesia, surgery, and recovery                                                         happy to tell you more. Please contact
process. Volunteers closely monitor                                             , if you have the time and
each rabbit’s temperature, heart rate,                                                    resources to devote to starting a clinic
and respiratory rate, and complete                                                        and want more information!
the medical record form. Fix Our                                                              Your support of House Rabbit Society
Ferals Clinic Manager Michelle Jewell                                                     makes it possible for us to take on
washes instruments when they come                                                         innovative new projects, like our spay/
out of surgery and runs the autoclave                                                     neuter clinic. Your donations enable us
continuously during the day, so we can                                                    to buy the instruments and equipment
reuse the instruments as quickly as                                                       we need to run a state-of-the-art rabbit
possible.                                                                                 surgery clinic, available to the public
    While our staffing costs are low,       Volunteer Susan Kennedy monitors              at very low cost. To everyone who has
surgical supplies are surprisingly          rabbits recovering from surgery and           contributed to getting our clinic off the
expensive. One box of sutures costs         makes a note on a rabbit’s chart.             ground, thank you!                      f
10 House Rabbit Journal Summer 2014                                                                 Photographs by Sandy Parshall

Please join us in thanking House Rabbit Society’s                                      Buy a bunny a little time.
            Bunny Brigade members!

Ann Yanagi                  Catherine Ann Faver           Melanie & Timothy Pocoke
Donna McKnight              Tammy Nogles                  Kathy Merritt
Stephani Jenzen             Brenda Moot                   Kenix Yu
Sapphira Wang               Kate McKinlay                 Erin White
Anthony Cimino              Maureen Loza                  Kathy Bolton
Louise Auray- Pepin         Deborra Terlet
                                                          Kim M Casolari
Nicole Rubio                Debbie Culver
Andrew Revak                Monica Lin                    Kathleen Rossa
Kimberly Kris Chen          Han-Yu Lo                     Stephanie Wiley

Alicia Brosterhous          Jim Tom Bordelon              Lia Germain
                                                                                        wenty-five years of eleventh-hour rescues. When their time is
Jean Silva                  Janet Glessner                Christian Zmasek
                                                                                        up at animal shelters, rabbits with your support are placed in
Christine Podhora           Elizabeth Ayala               Christopher Amaya          foster care until adoptive matches are made. Membership enroll-
Stacy Schmidt               Bowen Cho                     Coleen-Marie Hanson        ment in House Rabbit Society and all other donations continue to
Susan Trimble               Kelli Hepler                  Susan Mullen               help provide needy rabbits with food, housing, veterinary care,
Peter Zapp                  Laura Leff                    Jo Anne Ellis              and enough time to find them permanent homes.
Paul LeVasseur              Margarite Carter              Melody Wang
Debra J. Carron             Pilar Mendoza
                                                          Carol Whitehurst           House Rabbit Society Membership
Laili Goahartaudje Samori   Sean Gamboa
                                                          Dan Chapman                United States: $20; International: $28
Reiko Narita                Mark McClure
Heather G. DeNoia           Diane & Jason Suen            Patty M Higgins            House Rabbit Journal is included. Support your local HRS chapter
Kirsten Lodge               Ernest & Bonnie Selke         Lois M. Veeder             and visit our website for chapter information. Enroll online or mail
Roberta Smith               Helen J. Dong                 Stacey Jonasen             in the form below.
Sepida P. Sazgar            Joel Borden                   Darcy Feuerstein
Tonya Penkrot               Carolann Koplik               Katrina Cepeda             NAME
Richard & Nancy Haseman     Joyce Chee                    Cheryl Jeanne Gehrke       STREET
Charlotte M. King           Cynthia Gong                  Julie Behm                 CITY
Becky & Ron Jorgensen       Gail & Charles Jennings       Eliote Durham
Claire Jordan               Jason Wiener
                                                                                     STATE/PROVINCE		 ZIP
                                                          Jill Barton Kane           EMAIL
Lisa Connolly               Joyce E. Lively
                                                          Tanya Eakes
Blake Grauerholz            Ronald Kardon
Brandy Abernethy Downing    Susan Friday                  Allegra Roberts            Join the HRS Bunny Brigade!
Roseanne M. Nicolucci       Luke McGuire                  Annie Shiau                By pledging to make a monthly donation, you will become a
Isela Brown                 Raymond Bayes                 Tracy Reeb                 member of the very special HRS BUNNY BRIGADE MONTHLY
Anthony Zepeda              Jessica Soske                 Kyna Morgan                GIVING CLUB of members who sustain our daily operations and
Melina Verbeek              Susan Simms                   Julie Ann LaGuardia        put food into our rabbits’ mouths. A pledge of $30 per month or
Brigette Zacharczenko       Linda Chestnut                James Driver               more qualifies you to receive our thank you gift, an official
Nancy Jane LaRoche          Alanna M Ward                 Cecily Harris              House Rabbit Society necklace. Join online:
Nancy Jane Perkins          Lisa Marie Adamo              Robert Massey
Marcia L Suarez             Gerard Jacobson                                              http://www.
                                                          Benita & Dennis Moore
Kateri Anderson             Heather Andrus
                                                          Donna Goyette
Marie Arrowsmith            Jean Reinys
Sandra A Martin             Samantha Fisher               Marlene A. Larkin
                                                          Stacey Ho
                                                                                     House Rabbit Society
Tamara Matheson             Kimberly Farrell                                         148 Broadway, Richmond, California 94804
Amy C. Deitchley            Shawn Elyce Taylor            Jacqueline Ednah MacKay
                                                          Karen A. Trapani
Joanne Hayashi              John Pound
Lynne Lee                   Christine Sinnette            Jeannie Taylor
                                                                                                 House Rabbit Journal Summer 2014                    11
House Rabbit Society                                                                                                      NON-PROFIT
International Headquarters                                                                                               ORGANIZATION
148 Broadway                                                                                                              U.S. POSTAGE
Richmond, CA 94804                                                                                                         PAID
                                                                                                                         ALAMEDA, CA
                                                                                                                         PERMIT NO. 27

WARRENWISE                                                                                                  Editor: Beth Woolbright

An Hour Before Midnight: Buying                                   because of the support of our Bunny Brigade members. Our
                                                                  Bunny Brigade members have joined House Rabbit Society’s
a Bunny a Little Time                                             monthly giving club at a level that works with their budgets.
By Anne Martin, PhD                                               Municipal shelters do not have the resources to seek specialist
                                                                  veterinary care and complex surgeries to aid a rabbit in need
                                                                  like Midnight. But together, over one hundred members strong,

    n April, I received an urgent email from the director of      the Bunny Brigade allows House Rabbit Society to help these
    the animal shelter in Berkeley, CA. A fluffy black lionhead   most vulnerable rabbits.
    named Midnight had a “very bad                                                                  Every month, House Rabbit
eye” and was at risk of euthanasia—I                                                            Society spends thousands of dollars
told her House Rabbit Society would                                                             on veterinary care, including spay
take him. The next day, Midnight was                                                            and neuter, medications, x-rays,
transported to House Rabbit Society.                                                            blood work, and vet visits. Every
    Dr. Serena Brenner, a rabbit-                                                               month, new rabbits come to House
savvy veterinarian, found the bad eye                                                           Rabbit Society and get the veterinary
had a large cataract and an abscess.                                                            care and TLC they need to find their
She got him started on medications                                                              forever homes. And every month,
and recommended a visit with a                                                                  we have the support of the Bunny
specialist. We took Midnight to                                                                 Brigade members.
see a veterinary ophthalmologist,                                                                   A heartfelt thank you to each
Dr. Deborah Friedman, who                                                                       of our Bunny Brigade members
recommended removal of the eye                                                                  for their ongoing support of House
to prevent painful glaucoma from developing. In May, his          Rabbit Society and our rescue and education work.
abscessed eye was removed by veterinary surgeon Dr. Michele           When you join the Bunny Brigade today at $30 a month or
Kim, and Midnight is making a swift recovery. He is doing great   higher, you receive an engraved House Rabbit Society pendant
as a one-eyed bunny, and we expect he will be adopted quickly.    as a token of our appreciation. When you join the Bunny
The Berkeley shelter’s staff thanked us and said, “I’m excited    Brigade, at any level, you receive a $10 gift certificate for bunny
that HRS can do so much. We are entering a new (overdue) era      toys from our friends at Busy Bunny, and you give the gift of
for shelter rabbits!”                                             lifesaving care for rabbits like Midnight.                     f
    House Rabbit Society was able to unhesitatingly say “yes”
and jump into action to help a bunny with medical needs           Join the Bunny Brigade today. Visit:
12 House Rabbit Journal Summer 2014                                                                      Photograph by Sandy Parshall
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