Social report 2 the network enhancing young string quartets and European cultural heritage in a circular economy

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Social report 2 the network enhancing young string quartets and European cultural heritage in a circular economy
       the network enhancing
         young string quartets
and European cultural heritage
         in a circular economy
                   social report
Social report 2 the network enhancing young string quartets and European cultural heritage in a circular economy
Social Report 2021 | 2

                             The installation of the first statue dedicated to a

letter to the stakeholders
                                                                                          broader vision of possibilities. Each has a unique voice
                             female historical figure in Milan, and in particular to      that is indispensable to the success of the whole.
                             the life of Cristina Trivulzio of Belgiojoso, inspired our
                                                                                          Out of 90 ensembles in the network, we can count
                             work in a more conscious direction. So I found myself
                                                                                          198 female musicians and 143 male musicians.
                             making a balance within the balance sheet.
                                                                                          The ensembles are composed in no particular order;
                             We have always promoted the string quartet as a              no particular instrument is considered more masculine
                             privileged place of profound experience, where one           or feminine than another one, there are only more or
                             can be unique and sometimes multiple, where fusion           less talented and committed musicians. The musicians
                             and personalisation are sought. A place of exchange          choose each other, music is the meeting point, their
                             with endless possibilities that continuously stimulates      universal language.
                             the group to raise the bar.
                                                                                     We are particularly happy to be able to count
                             Le Dimore del Quartetto, in addition to supporting      40 different nationalities among our artists and to
                             this unique musical form, is committed to promoting     have reached 104 venues with our music this year
                             the same democratic spirit that drives this working     alone in 9 European countries and in 13 regions, 38
                             group. It is the most egalitarian musical form ever     provinces and 69 Italian municipalities. We have
                             imaginable: men and women of all nationalities          engaged with 51 villas, mansions, castles, palaces, piers,
                             constantly dialogue and confront each other over a      towers, 22 courtyards, cloisters, parks and gardens,
                             common goal of work and passion, until they become a 14 churches, charterhouses and abbeys, 5 museums, 4
                             single 16-stringed instrument.                          schools, conservatoires and universities, 2 theatres, 2
                             Our planning is dynamic, the result of that listening   city squares, 2 foundations, 1 hotel and 1 office.
                             which allows ideas to circulate. We believe in the      Because we believe that Beauty is a commodity and
                             urgency of promoting female talent, and in gender and not a privilege, beauty that transforms lives and makes
                             opportunity equality as an indispensable balancing      human beings better.
                             point. Our team is made up of 82% young women,
                             and like a string quartet , the collective intelligence                                     Francesca Moncada
                             is nurtured by the differences between the group                                                           Director
                             members who through exchange develop a deeper and                                       Le Dimore del Quartetto
Social report 2 the network enhancing young string quartets and European cultural heritage in a circular economy
DRAFTING METHODOLOGY                                                                                                         Social Report 2021 | 3

              Through the social report, we intend to recount our management

                                                                                           The document is divided into sections:
              to all those stakeholders with whom, directly or indirectly we have
                                                                                            •   Le Dimore del Quartetto’s identity, the governance,
              interacted over time and in particular during 2021. The document
                                                                                                the organisational structure and the headquarters
              represents a valuable database that helps stakeholders understand
              the social enterprise’s activities, objectives and cultural and social        •   The mapping of stakeholders and the system of relationships
              function within the national and European context.                                enlivening the activities at local, national and European levels

              The document is drawn up following what is indicated in the decree of         •   The most important activities carried out in 2021
              the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies of 4th July 2019 (Gazzetta         •   The analysis of activities and impacts related to musicians,
              Ufficiale n.186 of the 9th August 2019) “Adoption of the Guidelines               cultural heritage and territories
              for the drafting of the social report of Third Sector entities’’, with the
              intention of systematising what has been done in the previous year,           •   The analysis of projects developed and implemented
              adapting to standards that will become prescriptive once the RUNTS –
                                                                                            •   Internal and external communication activities
              Registro Unico del Terzo Settore – comes into force.
                                                                                            •   Economic analysis as well as direct and indirect impacts

                                                                                           The organisation of residencies in exchange for concerts takes place
                                                                                           throughout the year and is at the basis of the creation of all the
                                                                                           projects described in this social report.
                                                                                           The indicators relating to the residencies and concerts are therefore
                                                                                           inserted in the section, “2021 in figures”, (pg. 11-13).

                                                                                           The reporting period refers to the calendar year 2021 (January –
                                                                                           December). The document is disclosed in a digital version and is
                                                                                           available to be downloaded from
Social report 2 the network enhancing young string quartets and European cultural heritage in a circular economy
STRING QUARTETS AND CULTURAL HERITAGE IN A CIRCULAR ECONOMY                                                                  Social Report 2021 | 4

           Le Dimore del Quartetto is a creative cultural enterprise that

about us
                                                                                        The network of residences is developed in collaboration with ADSI -
           supports international young string quartets and chamber music               Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane, FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano,
           ensembles at the beginning of their career while enhancing European          European Historic Houses, ACCR - Association Centres Culturels
           cultural heritage.                                                           de Rencontre, Fundación de Casas Históricas y Singulares, Historic
                                                                                        Houses UK, Embassies and Cultural Institutes throughout Europe.
           Founded in 2015 from an idea of Francesca Moncada, in 2016 Le
                                                                                        Today, Le Dimore del Quartetto, through a consolidated network at
           Dimore del Quartetto was established as an association and in
                                                                                        European level in the field of music and cultural heritage, designs and
           March 2020 was transformed in a S.r.l Impresa Sociale, hence a social

           Le Dimore del Quartetto developed starting from the identification
                                                                                          • residencies and concerts in historic houses
                                                                                          and other places of cultural interest
           of the needs and peculiarities of string quartets and historic houses.
           Recognising the needs of musicians to gather in large, quiet spaces            • festivals aimed at discovering and enhancing
           to study for an artistic engagement, the organisation proposes an              territories and chamber music
           “exchange”: the quartet is hosted free of charge in a historic house for
                                                                                          • masterclasses and training courses for musicians
           a maximum period of one week and in exchange offers a concert to the
           owners during the period of residence.                                         • educational projects for primary and secondary
                                                                                          schools and universities
           The houses thus become a valuable resource for the quartets, and vice
           versa. Opportunities are created to meet in unusual places often set           • social awareness projects
           in remote territories, revitalising spaces that are not fully utilised and     • training and team-building activities for enterprises
           introducing new audiences to chamber music.
                                                                                        Le Dimore del Quartetto stands out and finds strength in its ability
           The musicians are selected by artistic director Simone Gramaglia,            to network with local, national and international actors, generating
           violist of the Quartetto di Cremona, among the best ensembles that           shared value. Through diversified and innovative activities, Le Dimore
           have won competitions and participated in national and international         del Quartetto is able to transform and respond, case by case, to new
           masterclasses, festivals and concert seasons. To ensure their                needs emerging in the cultural field and beyond, while remaining
           professional integration, Le Dimore del Quartetto collaborates with          faithful to its mission of supporting young ensembles, spreading
           the main chamber music contests and academies in Europe, as well             chamber music and enhancing cultural heritage.
           as with the most important Italian concert societies. Le Dimore del
           Quartetto answers to spontaneous applications or invites ensembles
           that meet the quality standards required to launch a professional
           career in the most prestigious concert halls around the world.
Social report 2 the network enhancing young string quartets and European cultural heritage in a circular economy
THE ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE                                                                                  Social Report 2021 | 5

                                                                           Advisory Board
             Francesca Moncada di Paternò, Founder, President              Filippo Annunziata, Advisor
             and Sole Director in office until revocation or resignation   Professor of Financial Market Law at Università Bocconi
             Founder and President of Comitato Amur                        Professor of Musicology at Università degli Studi di Milano
                                                                           Academic Board Member - EBI, Frankfurt
                                                                           Founder of the Annunziata & Conso Network - Milan
             Simone Gramaglia, Associate and Artistic Director
                                                                           Giacomo di Thiene, Advisor in his capacity as ADSI President
             Violist of Quartetto di Cremona, String Quartet and           President of the Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane
             Chamber Music Teacher at the Accademia Stauffer
                                                                           Nicolò Dubini, Advisor
             – Stauffer Centre for Strings at the Conservatory in
                                                                           Executive Chairman of Edison Facility Solution
             Reggio Emilia
                                                                           Advisor in the field of environment and sustainability
             Jury member in international Competitions                     Independent Advisor of listed companies
             (Borciani Award, Trio of Trieste Award)                       Member of the Steering Committee of non-profit organisations
                                                                           Paola Dubini, Advisor
                                                                           Professor of management and researcher of the ASK Centre
                                                                            at Bocconi University in Milan
                                                                           Coordinator of the ASVIS cross-sectorial group
                                                                            “Culture for sustainable development”
                                                                           President Fondazione CRT-Triennale Teatro
                   Antonia Di Bella,Single Auditor enrolled                Vice-President Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia di Milano
                   in the Register of Auditors kept by the MEF             Member of the management board SIAE and Palazzo Ducale di Mantova
                   Accountant, auditor, member of boards
                   of statutory auditors, independent director
                   of listed and unlisted companies
Social report 2 the network enhancing young string quartets and European cultural heritage in a circular economy
THE ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE                                                                                                        Social Report 2021 | 6

                                        In July 2021, Le Dimore del Quartetto’s team spent one week in Bonassola
                                        (La Spezia) for team-building activities. In November 2021, the team focused
                                        on the definition of future strategies over three days in Milan.

                                        As of 31-12-2021 Le Dimore del Quartetto team is composed as follows:

                                        FOUNDING PARTNERS:                                                                                            CONTRACTORS:

                       SIMONE GRAMAGLIA                                                    FRANCESCA MONCADA DI PATERNÒ                                                       SABRINA CERINOTTI
                             Artistic Director                                             President and Sole Director                                                        Administration
       Is responsible for the artistic aspects                                             Develops project and sustainable strategies,                                       Responsible for
    of all activities, develops strategies and                                             coordinates, supervises and manages the                                            administration
  institutional contacts, selects ensembles                                                working group and takes care of institutional                                      and accounting.
                    and musical programmes.                                                relations.

                                                                                                                                                                 CAMILLA TORNA
                                        STAFF:                               ALICE BOVONE                                                                        Creates the brand identity and image strategy
                                                                             *Institutional Relations and International projects                                 and coordinates visual communication.
                                                                             Full-time permanent contract, tertiary CCNL, classification at                      Facilitates design sprints and decision-making
                                                                             level II (according to national classification of occupations)                      meetings.
                                                                             Coordinates the implementation, monitoring and evaluation
                                                                             of projects, is responsible for contribution requests, manages                                   ALEXANDRA STORARI
                                                                             institutional relations and business development.                                                European Projects Advisor
                EUGENIA ORZAN                                                                                                                                                 Technical Manager, takes care
  Project Coordinator | Heritage                                                                                                                                              of drafting projects and budgets,
                                                                                                        CHIARA FABBRIS
                     Full-time intern                                                                                                                                         monitors reporting activities for
                                                                                                        Communication & Project
     Coordinates the “Houses and                                                                                                                                              European projects
                                                                                                        Coordinator | Educational
    Territories” area, takes care of                                                                    Full-Time Apprenticeship contract, tertiary
 the planning and development of                                                                        CCNL, classification at level IV.
   the network and relations with                                                                       Responsible for Communications, website
    partners in the field of cultural                                                                                                                                       SIMONE MAZZUCCONI
                                                                                                        management, social media channels and                               Webmaster
heritage and territories, organises                                                                     newsletters, and Coordinator for school
         residencies and concerts.                                                                                                                                          Looks after the development
                                                                                                        and university projects.                                            and technical management of websites
                                                                        MADDALENA MARTINO                                                                                   and contributes to the design
                                                                        Project Coordinator | Music                                                                         of interfaces and databases.
                                                                        Full-Time Apprenticeship contract, tertiary

                                                                        CCNL, classification at level IV.
                                                                        Coordinates the “Quartets and Trios” area,                                                   MARGHERITA LEONARDI
                                                                        works on planning and developing the                                                         Project and Content Coordinator
                                                                        network and relations with partners in the                                                   Supports communication tasks (in
                                                                        musical field, organises                                                                     particular newsletter editing, social
                                                                        residencies and concerts.                                                                    media and website management),
      Women: a female team                                                                                                                                           organises residencies and concerts.
Social report 2 the network enhancing young string quartets and European cultural heritage in a circular economy
OUR HEADQUARTERS                                                                                                       Social Report 2021 | 7

               Via Torre 28 in Milan is the new home of Le Dimore del Quartetto

our location
                                                                                         Since its opening in September 2020, it has been enriched with a
               in the Navigli area and is a free unconventional space, open to           wonderful black lacquered Kawai baby grand piano, a gift from our
               transforming itself with us.                                              generous advisor and friend Filippo Annunziata, and with a new room
                                                                                         that we would like to turn into a recording room.
               A surprising place: old and contemporary, original and comfortable,
               part office, part home and part studio. We wanted it just like that, to
               work together, make music, plan with our business partners, invite
               friends and never get bored.
Social report 2 the network enhancing young string quartets and European cultural heritage in a circular economy
OUR ECOSYSTEM                                                                                                                                                                          Social Report 2021 | 8

           HOW TO READ



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 People in need Company                                                       Luthiers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The public      and with less managers       and children             Young
                                                                             Frequent                                                                                                                                                                                                            opportunities    and                                musicians/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                employees                             artists

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CULTURAL HERITAGE                                             SOCIAL IMPACT                        EDUCATION                                              MUSIC
                                                                             engagement                                                                                                                             PARTNERS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cultural    Embassies                                        Associations,                                                         Instrument
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Institutes                  Institutions                        centres,                                                            collections               Festivals
            COLOURS                                                                                                                                                                                                             Institutions that                               that promote            Local                         Schools and                   Music                               Concert
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                promote cultural                                                     communities   hospitals and      universities                academies                            societies
            On the project pages,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  tourism                            prisons
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               heritage (museums,
            the stakeholders                                                                                                                                                                                                     foundations, art
            involved in 2021 are                                                                                                                                                                                                    galleries)
            highlighted in red.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    THE CORE

                                                                              People in need Company        Students
                                                              The public      and with less managers       and children             Young
                                                                              opportunities    and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Quartets and trios

                                                                                             employees                             artists

               CULTURAL HERITAGE                                             SOCIAL IMPACT                        EDUCATION                                              MUSIC

                                   Cultural    Embassies                                        Associations,                                                         Instrument
                                  Institutes                  Institutions                        centres,                                                            collections               Festivals
             Institutions that                               that promote            Local                         Schools and                   Music                               Concert
             promote cultural                                                     communities   hospitals and      universities                academies                            societies
                                                                tourism                            prisons
            heritage (museums,
              foundations, art

                                                              Houses                                                                                  Quartets and trios

                             DONORS AND SPONSORS                                                                CLIENTS                                          TICKET OFFICE

                                                                                    Companies    Private     Enterprises Individuals            Concert        The public
                            Local, regional    Foundations                                       patrons                                       societies
                             and national                    The European Union

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                DONORS AND SPONSORS                                                                CLIENTS                                          TICKET OFFICE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Companies    Private     Enterprises Individuals            Concert        The public
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Local, regional    Foundations                                       patrons                                       societies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and national                    The European Union
Social report 2 the network enhancing young string quartets and European cultural heritage in a circular economy
THE BEGINNING: ONLY SIX YEARS AGO                                                                                           Social Report 2021 | 9

our history
                                      MILESTONES AND SUPPORTERS

                                      DQ GROWS

                                      DQ GOES INTERNATIONAL
                                                                                                                 SEPTEMBER 2019
                                      DQ TEACHES                                                                 Presentation of Le                              JULY 2020
                                                                                                                 Dimore del Quartetto in                         The MUSA project
                                      DQ SOCIALLY                                                                Brussels for the European                       wins the European
                                                                                                                 congress “Heritage                              Union’s Erasmus+ call
                                                                                                                 Houses for Europe,                              for proposals in its
                                                                                                                 Exchange & Innovate”.                           first European project
                                                                                                                                                                 experience and as leader
                                                      JANUARY 2018                MAY 2018                                                                       of the partnership.
                                                      Signing of the three-year   First concert and                           JANUARY 2020
                                                      network agreement           presentation of the                         Le Dimore del Quartetto
                                                      with 11 Italian concert     project across the                          becomes member
                                                      societies to guarantee      border, Quartetto Noûs                      of the Commission
                                                      the engagement of our       at Grand Bigard Castle                      of the Audition de
                                                      groups in the seasons.      (Brussels).                                 quatuors internationaux
                              FEBRUARY 2017
                                                                                                                              organized by the
                              First appointment
                                                                                                                              Philharmonie de Paris
                              FOURISMORE - String
                                                                                                                              in the framework of the
                              Quartet coaching for
                                                                                                                              Biennale de Quatuors à
                              Generali in Venice.

                                                                                                 MAY 2019
                                                                                                 Le Dimore del Quartetto
                                                                                                 wins the European
                                                                                                 Heritage Award /
                                                                                                 Europa Nostra Award in
                  NOVEMBER 2016                                                                  the category Education,
                  The Association Le Dimore                                                      Training and Awareness
                  del Quartetto is founded.                                                      Raising.                                     MARCH 2020
 JULY 2015                                           DECEMBER 2017                                                                            Associazione Le Dimore
 From an idea of Francesca                           Audition at the                                                                          del Quartetto becomes
 Moncada, the project Le Dimore                      Chamber of Deputies                                                                      Social Enterprise.
 del Quartetto was born within                       within the framework         NOVEMBER 2018
 the Associazione Piero Farulli, in                  of the survey “Good          Le Dimore del Quartetto wins the
 collaboration with Associazione                     practices of cultural        “Innovazione Culturale” call for
 Dimore Storiche Italiane and                        dissemination”.              proposals of Fondazione Cariplo,
 with the Artistic Direction of                                                   selected among 321 participating                                See the whole timeline on
 Simone Gramaglia.                                                                projects from all over Italy.      
Social report 2 the network enhancing young string quartets and European cultural heritage in a circular economy
SELECTION OF THE MAIN OBJECTIVES ACHIEVED                                                                                 Social Report 2021 | 10

                                MILESTONES AND SUPPORTERS
                                                                                           24th NOVEMBER 2021
                                DQ GROWS                                                   Le Dimore del Quartetto offers a concert, performed
                                                                                           by Quartetto Indaco, for the Christmas Gala for
                                DQ GOES INTERNATIONAL                                      Research organised by Fondazione IEO-Monzino.

                                DQ TEACHES                                                                                                       29th NOVEMBER 2021
                                                                                                                                                 Francesca Moncada, Founder
                                DQ SOCIALLY                                                                                                      of Le Dimore del Quartetto,
                                                                                                                                                 is nominated as Council Member
                                                                                                22nd NOVEMBER 2021
                                                                                                                                                 of Europa Nostra (2021-2024).
                                                                                                Le Dimore del Quartetto presents
                                                                                                its projects to the European Network
                                                                                                Conference in Sierre (Switzerland)
                                                                                                by invitation of ACCR – Association
                                                                                                des Centres culturels de rencontre.

23rd JANUARY 2021                                                                               22nd OCTOBER 2021
                                                               8th JULY 2021                    Le Dimore del Quartetto brings its                      2nd DECEMBER 2021
Le Dimore
                                                               The Musica con Vista             testimony to the TUM Event - Festival                   Public opening of
del Quartetto is guest
                                                               Festival obtains the             del Turismo Musicale.                                   Le Dimore del Quartetto
lecturer at the “Master
                                19th APRIL 2021                patronage of the Italian                                                                 office in Via Carlo Torre
in Progettazione
                                Le Dimore del                  Ministry of Tourism.                                                                     28, Milan.
e accesso ai fondi
europei per la Cultura,         Quartetto is a guest
                                and testimony at the                                            8th OCTOBER 2021
la Creatività e il
                                National Music Tourism                                          Drafting of the first social report.
Multimediale”, in the
University of Perugia,          Workshop organised
where it is presented as        by NoteInViaggio and
                                Enjoylive Travel.                                               15th SEPTEMBER 2021
a successful case study.
                                                                                                Inauguration in Milan of the first statue
                                                                                                dedicated to a female historical figure,
                                                                                                Cristina Trivulzio of Belgiojoso, presented
                                                                                                by the Major Giuseppe Sala.

                                       23rd APRIL 2021
Such an amazing lesson                 For the 92nd International Session 2020 of
and a wonderful initiative,            the European Youth Parliament, Le Dimore
thank you!                             del Quartetto with the Quartetto Indaco’s
                                       testimony, presents the string quartet as a        19th-31st JULY 2021
ALESSANDRO GRANDONI                    teamwork metaphor.                                 Organisation of the first “artist’s
Master in Progettazione                                                                   residency” in collaboration with
e accesso ai fondi europei                                                                Galleria Rubin.
per la Cultura, la Creatività                                                                                                                      See the whole timeline on
e il Multimediale                                                                                                     
FROM 2015 TO TODAY                                                                                          Social Report 2021 | 11

our history in figures                             121
                                                   Ensembles supported
                                                                                                       Days of residency organised

                                                   Nationalities of the musicians supported
                                                                                                       Concerts organised

                                     Spectators reached

                                                   Locations involved

                         Many compliments and best wishes! It is an extraordinary project,
                         and your ability to decline it in a thousand ways, creating continuous
                         virtuous circles is truly remarkable. A toast to the next 5 years, for sure
                         you’ll go a long way!

                         MARINA BASTIANELLO
                         7th November 2021, on the occasion of the 5th anniversary
                         of the date of establishment of Le Dimore del Quartetto.
ENSEMBLES                                                                                             Social Report 2021 | 12

2021 in figures
                          Le Dimore del Quartetto acts as an “incubator” for

                                                                                         40 90
                          quartets and trios starting out in their careers: it is
                          physiological that after a few years within the network,
                          ensembles leave because they are ready to work without
                          the support of Le Dimore del Quartetto.

                          Our relationships with our Alumni always remain to             Nationalities      Ensembles, of which 71 Quartets
                          develop projects in common, even after they leave the          of the musicians   and 19 Trios are part of the network

                          network. At the same time, the Alumni know they can
                          continue to count on us to organise and promote their
                          activities, to identify spaces to gather, to be presented to
                          concert societies and festivals.
                                                                                                            Ensembles involved
                          The success of the Alumni makes
                                                                                                            in residencies and concerts
                          Le Dimore del Quartetto successful.

                                                                                                                                   Countries in which
                                                                                                                                   our ensembles
                                                                                                                                   are based
  Le Dimore del Quartetto
  introduced us to the concert     Ensembles joined
  halls for the first time and
  they have always supported       the network                                                              Le Dimore del Quartetto musicians are:

                                   8                                                                        58%
  us by creating connections
  with instrument foundations,
  renowned festivals, and
  famous international
  masters. For this, we                                                                                                                   women

  will be forever grateful.
  Archi Magazine                   left the network

  March 2021                                                                                                                              men
ENSEMBLES                                                                                                             Social Report 2021 | 13

2021 in figures                   €44.320
                                  Minimum savings generated for musicians
                                                                                                                                 We would like to express our
                                                                                                                                 gratitude to your organisation. It is
                                                                                                                                 a wonderful project and definitely
                                  on accommodation costs through the organisation                                                makes our job and our life as a
                                  of residencies to support their artistic commitments                                           string quartet better.

                                                                                                                                 DESGUIN KWARTET

                                                                                                                                 September 2021

                                                                  Income generated for 89 musicians through paid-concert
                                                                  proposals and scholarships (offered respectively by partners
                                                                  and supporters of Le Dimore del Quartetto)

  We have been fortunate enough to work with
  Le Dimore del Quartetto, they gave us unique
  opportunities and a professional network
  for young ensembles. As young Europeans,
  we believe that their work is both a unique
  and precious contribution through cultural
  interactions between the countries.

  September 2021

  *Calculated by multiplying the amount of residency days organised
  throughout the year, by an estimated cost of 40 euros per day per person
  for accommodation, for 4 members of a Quartet.
HOUSES                                                                                                        Social Report 2021 | 14

2021 in figures                                                  280
                                                                                                            Countries in which the houses are based

                  We are happy and proud to be members of Le
                                                                 New houses joining
                                                                                                            Houses in 8 European countries
                  Dimore del Quartetto. They gave us the privilege the network in 2021                      involved in residencies and concerts
                  of hosting Quatuor Gabriële for a week, who
                  offered to perform a beautiful concert in our

                  rooms. A historical home can also be this:
                  a friend of the arts, a godmother for young
                  talents, a patron of culture, a friendship
                  advocate, beyond cities and regional borders.

                  STEFANO CARAFFA BRAGA
                  Villa Richelmy                                 Days of residency organised in 51 houses

                  August 2021
LE DIMORE ON THE EUROPEAN MAP                                                                                                            Social Report 2021 | 15

                   USA: 1
                                                                                                                                                                                Latvia: 1
                   Tenafly, New Jersey
Houses in Europe                                                                                                                                                                Kandava

                                                              UK: 4
                                                              Market Harborough - Leicestershire County
                                         Ireland: 1           Leiston - Suffolk
                                         Clones               Fleetwood - Lancashire

                                                                                              The Netherlands: 1

                                                                                                      Belgium: 3
                                                                                                      Mons                               Czech Republic: 1
                                                                                                                   Germany: 1            Blatna

                                                                                                                                       Austria: 1
                                                                         France: 10
                                                                         4 in Paris
                                                                                                                                                             Hungary: 1
                                                                         Clairefontaine En Yvelines
                                                                         Belforêt-en-Perche                                                                                        Romania: 2
                                                                         Quimper                                                                                                   Ghergani
                                                                         Longues-sur-mer                                                                                           Florești
                                                                         Pernes les Fontaines
                                                                                                                                                                    Serbia: 1

                                                        Spain: 5                                                     North-western Italy: 81
                                                        3 in Madrid                                                  North-eastern Italy: 35
                                          Portugal: 2
                                                        Maceda                                                       Central Italy: 90
                                          in Lisbon
                                                        Santander                                                    Southern Italy: 37

                                                                                                                                                                                    Greece: 1
CIRCULATION                                                                                         Social Report 2021 | 16

2021 in figures                                                           110
                                                                          Concerts organised
                                                                                                          Spectators reached

                                                                          Outdoor and open-air concerts

                             Concerts in cities with less
                             than 20.000 inhabitants

  Sitting in the garden again, breathing fresh
  air and listening to live music was marvellous
  and liberating. We are grateful to Le Dimore
                                                      Concerts open to the public

  del Quartetto for having tenaciously pursued
  an ambitious goal, full of uncertainties
  and precautions, managing the situation
  professionally and in total safety. I sincerely
  thank you by quoting the words of a lady who
  participated at the concert: “You have no idea of
  how much I have hoped in recent months to be
  able to return soon to moments of serenity and
  beauty like this. It is a dream come true.

  Villa Vitalba Lurani Cernuschi
  June 2021
A EUROPEAN NETWORK                                                                                                                    Social Report 2021 | 17


                          The external and independent partners with
                          whom Le Dimore del Quartetto collaborates are                                                Instrument Collections, Concert Societies, Festivals
                          listed in alphabetical order as follows:                                                     Accademia Filarmonica di Casale Monferrato, Italia
                                                                                                                       Amici della Musica di Foligno (AMUR), Italia
                                                                                                                       Associazione Alessandro Scarlatti di Napoli (AMUR), Italia
                                                                                                                       Associazione Amici della Musica di Padova (AMUR), Italia
                                                                                                                       Associazione Ferrara Musica (AMUR), Italia
                                                                                                                       Associazione Lingotto Musica, Italia
                                                                                                                       Associazione Musicale Etnea (AMUR), Italia
                                                                                                                       Associazione Musicale Lucchese (AMUR), Italia
                                                                                                                       Associazione Piero Farulli, Italia
                                                                                                                       Associazione Siciliana Amici della Musica (AMUR), Italia

                                                                                                                       Associazione Vincenzo Bellini di Messina (AMUR), Italia
                                                                                                                       Borletti Buitoni Trust, Regno Unito
                                                CULTURAL HERITAGE                                                      BUNT Festival, Serbia

                                                Institutions promoting cultural heritage (museums, foundations,        Cadenza Arts Management, Ungheria
                                                art galleries), Cultural institutes, Embassies, Tourism Institutions   Collezione Adriana Verchiani Farulli, Italia
                                                                                                                       Collezione Domenica e Giulia Regazzoni, Italia
                                                ACCR Association Centres Culturels de Rencontre, Francia               Collezione Famiglia Cosimo Bisiach, Italia
                                                Ambasciata di Francia presso la Santa Sede                             Fazioli Concert Hall, Italia
                                                Ambasciata d’Italia ad Atene                                           Festival Armonie in Valcerrina, Italia
                                                Ambasciata d’Italia a Lisbona                                          Fondazione Antonio Carlo Monzino, Italia
 * New partnerships                             Ambasciata d’Italia a Madrid                                           Filarmonica Laudamo di Messina (AMUR), Italia
 launched in 2021                               Ambasciata della Repubblica Ceca a Londra                              Fondazione Federica e Brunello Cucinelli (AMUR), Italia
                                                Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane, Italia                          Fondazione Gioventù Musicale d’Italia
                                                CoopCulture, Italia

                                                                                                                       Fondazione I Teatri di Reggio Emilia, Italia
                                                Dimore Storiche Bergamo, Italia                                        Fondazione La Società dei Concerti di Milano (AMUR), Italia
       PROJECTS WITH SOCIAL IMPACT              EuAbout Lab, Belgio                                                    Fondazione Museo del Violino Antonio Stradivari, Italia
                                                Europa Nostra                                                          Fondazione Musica Insieme Bologna (AMUR), Italia
       Local communities, Associations,         European Historic Houses
       Foundations, Hospitals, Prisons                                                                                 Fondazione Perugia Musica Classica (AMUR), Italia
                                                Experimentadesign, Portogallo                                          Julian Cochran Foundation, Polonia
       Fondazione Near Onlus / Il Bullone       Fondazione Brivio Sforza, Italia                                       Kolarac Foundation, Serbia
       Associazione Culturale Cisproject        Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Italia                                        La Ferme de Villefavard en Limousin, Francia
                                                Fondo Ambiente Italiano, Italia                                        La Philharmonie de Paris, Francia

                                                Fundacion de Casa Historicas y Singulares, Spagna                      Lofoten Chamber Music Festival, Norvegia
                                                Galleria Rubin, Italia                                                 Marche Concerti (AMUR), Italia
       TRAINING                                 Garden Route Italia                                                    ProCorda, Regno Unito
       Schools and universities,                Gite in Lombardia, Italia                                              ProQuartet, Francia
       Academies of music and arts              Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Belgrado                                QEndra Event, Albania
                                                Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Parigi                                  Quartettissimo European String Quartet Festival, Ungheria
       Accademia Musicale Chigiana, Italia      Tales Hotels Collection, Italia                                        Si-Yo Music Society Foundation, Stati Uniti
       Accademia Walter Stauffer, Italia        The Artist Partners, Italia                                            Società dei Concerti di Parma (AMUR), Italia
       IED Istituto Europeo di Design, Italia   Theocharakis Foundation, Grecia                                        Società dei Concerti di Trieste (AMUR), Italia
       Jeunesses Musicales Deutschland          Touring Club Italiano                                                  Società del Quartetto di Milano (AMUR), Italia
        und Musikakademie Schloss               Traces&Dreams, Svezia                                                  Società del Quartetto di Vicenza (AMUR), Italia
        Weikersheim, Germania                   UK Historic Houses, Regno Unito                                        Società Filarmonica di Trento (AMUR), Italia
       Università Bocconi, Italia               Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Italia                                String Quartet Biennale Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi
       University of Arts of Tirana, Albania    VIT Beautiful Journeys, Italia                                         Ticino Musica Festival, Svizzera
                                                                                                                       Virtuoso&Belcanto Festival, Italia
ONLINE                                                                                                                   Social Report 2021 | 18


                 You never forget a past at one of the world’s largest advertising
                 agencies like McCann Erickson, for this reason the founder has always
                                                                                            The main platform used is the website:,
                 been mindful of the image and communications of Le Dimore del
                                                                                             always updated with all the concerts, meetings, news and projects of
                 Quartetto. It suffices to say that the graphic identity of the Social
                                                                                            our Enterprise. In 2021, the website was viewed by 36.941 users and
                 Enterprise was created long before the legal entity: the logo,
                                                                                            for a total of 48.531 sessions and with a duration of 1.33 minutes per
                 the colours, the font, every little detail has always been taken into
                                                                                            session. The website has always been like a vessel for every project
                 great consideration in order to convey an original and unmistakable
                                                                                            realized by Le Dimore del Quartetto. For the MUSA project, in February
                 message. We have also chosen from the beginning inclusive and
                                                                                            2021, it had been decided to create a graphically independent landing
                 international communications: on all communication platforms we
                                                                                            page generated within the
                 prefer to use English, in addition to Italian, to respect the European
                                                                                            website, easily accessible through a dedicated box on Le Dimore del
                 and international soul of the network and all activities of Le Dimore
                                                                                            Quartetto homepage website. This decision was made because MUSA
                 del Quartetto. All of this made the communications effective, clear and
                                                                                            is a European project with numbers of partners and great potential to
                 always coherent as it is capable of transmitting the values of Le Dimore
                                                                                            develop in various fields, and for this reason it needs an independent
                 del Quartetto to an international audience through a fresh, young but
                                                                                            identity and a relevant free space to talk about it.
                 at the same time convincing, recognisable yet distinctive identity.

                                                                                            The newsletter is one of the most successful channels for Le Dimore

                                                                                            del Quartetto: with over 5.000 subscribers, the newsletters record
                                                                                            an excellent opening rate of approximately 30%. Le Dimore del
                                                                                            Quartetto sends monthly newsletters that talk about its projects,
                                                                                            current monthly events and the new houses and new ensembles
                                                                                            that joined the network. Every four months, the thematic newsletter
                 Online Users                                                               “Products and Atmospheres’’ is sent out to reveal the identities of
                                                                                            the houses and the territories in which they are located, introduced

                                                                                            by editorials written by friends of Le Dimore del Quartetto who are
                                                                                            experts on the subject. Always on a four-monthly basis, the network’s
                                                                                            musicians receive a newsletter that reports the upcoming competitions,
                                                                                            masterclasses, and interesting opportunities for their career. Lastly the
                                                                                            newsletter is used as a form of invitation to the concerts of Le Dimore
                 Newsletter Subscribers
                                                                                            del Quartetto, addressed to subscribers who sign up to our mailing list.

                 Newsletter open rate
ONLINE AND OFFLINE                                                                                                         Social Report 2021 | 19

                             SOCIAL MEDIA                                                               PRESS OFFICE

communications               Le Dimore del quartetto, in 2021 increased and enhanced its online
                             activity through social media and strategically organised the editorial
                             calendar. The Instagram profile @le_dimore_del_quartetto gained over
                                                                                                        To consolidate its communication, Le Dimore del Quartetto decided to
                                                                                                        internalise the press office activity and to trust the support of external
                                                                                                        agencies only for the most relevant projects, such as Cristina Trivulzio
                             700 new followers, reaching a total of 2739 followers by December          di Belgiojoso 150 years. Le Dimore del Quartetto has excellent press
                             2021. The Facebook group posts achieved 50,000 views in 2021, has          coverage, with over 200 issues released throughout the year in local,
                             3500 members and is a space dedicated to sharing news on concerts,         national and international newspapers, both in digital and printed
                             residencies, services, awards, music courses. This plays an important      format. 2021 was a successful year also thanks to the news of the
                             part in strengthening the community day by day. The Facebook               installation of the first ever historical female figure in Milan, Cristina
                             page, created only in August 2020, has 900 followers. Through these        Trivulzio di Belgiojoso, for whom Le Dimore del Quartetto oversaw the
                             channels, all projects, concerts and events are shared, as well as the     project and communication.
                             most interesting and latest updates about Le Dimore del Quartetto
                                                                                                        In fact, the news circulated on the main newspapers such as Huffington
                             and its Ensembles in the network. Le Dimore del Quartetto has 467
                                                                                                        Post, Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, The Post,, TGcom24,
                             followers on Linkedin, the platform is mainly used to share our goals,
                                                                                                        iO Donna, Cosmopolitan, Vanity fair, Il sole 24 Ore and many others.
                             awards and most important events. Most activities are carried out
                                                                                                        In 2021, Le Dimore del Quartetto also collaborated with Classica HD,
                             in-house, without sponsorships, except for some events or projects in
                                                                                                        which broadcasted the MUSA Italia video documentary, and with
                             requiring greater visibility.
                                                                                                        Il Giornale della Musica, Bell’Italia, Ville&Casali. Finally, we make
                                                                                                        mention of a stable partnership with Archi Magazine.

                             FACEBOOK GROUP
                                                        Facebook group subscribers
                                                                                                        FACEBOOK PAGE

                                                                                                                                   Facebook followers


                             Instagram followers

                                                                                                       467    200
                                                                                                       Linkedin followers
                                                                                                                                                        Articles online and
                                                                                                                                                        printed publications
Social Report 2021 | 20

ITALY                                                                                                                                                                                                   Social Report 2021 | 21
                                                                                                             MUSICA CON VISTA
                           MUSICA CON VISTA

festival                   A summer open-air chamber music festival, Musica con Vista is a

                                                                                                                                                                               People in need Company                                                       Luthiers
                                                                                                                                                                               and with less managers
                           musical journey through gardens, cloisters, courtyards of historical                                                                The public
                                                                                                                                                                               opportunities    and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and children             Young
                           houses and palaces, an integral part of Italy’s cultural identity.                   CULTURAL HERITAGE                                             SOCIAL IMPACT                        EDUCATION                                              MUSIC
                           The concerts of the most representative young ensembles of the
                           international scene revive the villages and urban suburbs, which

                           gives way to rediscover the territory through activities and events.                                     Cultural    Embassies
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Associations,                                                         Instrument
                                                                                                                                   Institutes                                         Local        centres,                                       Music                collections
                           Music with Vista began in 2020 thanks to the encounter between                     Institutions that
                                                                                                              promote cultural
                                                                                                             heritage (museums,
                                                                                                                                                              that promote
                                                                                                                                                                 tourism           communities   hospitals and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Schools and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    universities                academies

                           Le Dimore del Quartetto and the Comitato AMUR. In 2021 the                          foundations, art

                           number of institutions engaged and concerts nationally tripled.
                           The new partnership with the Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane

                                                                                                  THE CORE
                                                                                                                                                               Houses                                                                                  Quartets and trios

                           favours further widespread activation of the territories.
                                                                                                                              DONORS AND SPONSORS                                                                CLIENTS                                          TICKET OFFICE
                             • Reactivate the territories and promote local tourism

                             • Revitalise social life after the global health                                                Local, regional
                                                                                                                              and national
                                                                                                                                                              The European Union
                                                                                                                                                                                     Companies    Private
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Enterprises Individuals            Concert
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The public

                                emergency through culture                                                                        public

                             • Create a national system capable of networking culture             Festival organized by:                                                                                                                   With the support of:
                                and promoting it as an activator for tourism for our country      Comitato Amur                                                                                                                            Aon Italia
                                                                                                  Le Dimore del Quartetto
                             • Create job opportunities for musicians                             Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane                                                                                                    Media partners:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           GDM - giornale della musica
                                                                                                  Under the patronage of:
                                                                                                  Ministero del Turismo
 On World Music Day,                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Classica HD
                                                                                                  Fondazione Italia Patria della Bellezza
 I would like to thank
 Le Dimore del Quartetto                                                                          In collaboration with:
 for the Musica con                                                                               Touring Club Italiano
 Vista concert where I                                                                            FAI Fondo Ambiente Italiano
 had the opportunity to                                                                           Coopculture
 participate this summer                                                                          Garden Route Italia
 at the Villa Albrizzi                                                                            Tales Hotels Collection
 in Este, and for the                                                                             VIT Beautiful journeys
 wonderful memories
 I treasure.

 October 2021
ITALY                                                                                                        Social Report 2021 | 22

                            For Musica con Visita, Le Dimore del Quartetto takes care of:

festival                      • Defining the guidelines and coordination of communications

                              • Co-promotion of the festival nationally and internationally
                                 through its own channels

                              • Mapping of side activities, guided tours, tastings,
                                 excursions and trips to the concert venues
                                                                                              Artists involved in the project
                                                                                                                                Concerts throughout Italy,
                                                                                                                                from Trento to Palermo,
                                                                                                                                between June and September 2021

                                                                                              2.606 33
                              • Proposals of quartets and trios to include in the programme
                                 and relations between these musicians and the Committee’s
                                 concert organisations

                              • Development and management of institutional relations                                                          Villages and cities

 Discover the map
 of Musica con Vista
                            Visualizations of the interactive
                                                                                              17    10
                                                                                              Italian concert organisations
 ________________________   festival map (data as of 25/2/2022)                               worked in a network
                                                                                                                                           Italian regions

                                                                                                  646                    Discovery activities mapped
VENICE                                                                                                                                                                                                  Social Report 2021 | 23


concert series
                          Archipelago is a series of chamber music concerts at the Fondazione
                          Giorgio Cini on the Isola di San Giorgio in Venice. Every appointment
                          for Archipelago sees the participation of a string quartet and a soloist
                          selected among the best young talents on the international scene.

                          Following this short period of residence and shared study, they present Concerts
                          a program for quintet in the extraordinary auditorium “Lo Squero”.       from June to October

                          In 2021, Archipelago had to be rescheduled three times due to the
                          global health emergency.                                                                                                                                              Musicians involved


                             • create job and meeting opportunities for musicians                Days of residency

                             • experiment ensemble music repertoires that bring together
                                 soloists and ensembles                                                                                                                                         Nationalities
                                                                                                                                                                                                of the musicians
                          Archipelago is organized by:                                                      ARCHIPELAGO
                          Le Dimore del Quartetto

                          In collaboration with:

                          Fondazione Giorgio Cini                                                                                                             The public
                                                                                                                                                                              People in need Company
                                                                                                                                                                              and with less managers
                                                                                                                                                                                                           and children             Young

                                                                                                                                                                              opportunities    and                                musicians/
                          Fondazione Gioventù Musicale Italia                                                                                                                                employees                             artists

                          Fondazione Walter Stauffer                                                           CULTURAL HERITAGE                                             SOCIAL IMPACT                        EDUCATION                                              MUSIC

                                                                                                                                   Cultural    Embassies                                        Associations,                                                         Instrument
                                                                                                                                  Institutes                  Institutions                        centres,                                                            collections               Festivals
                                                                                                             Institutions that                               that promote            Local                         Schools and                   Music                               Concert
                                                                                                             promote cultural                                                     communities   hospitals and      universities                academies                            societies
                                                                                                                                                                tourism                            prisons
                                                                                                            heritage (museums,
                                                                                                              foundations, art

                                                                                                 THE CORE
                                                                                                                                                              Houses                                                                                  Quartets and trios

  We wanted to thank you for making our time in Venice so special.
  The venue was remarkable and we had a wonderful time working
  and collaborating with you and with Vitor Fernandes.                                                                                                                                                                                                           TICKET OFFICE
                                                                                                                             DONORS AND SPONSORS                                                                CLIENTS
  A concert and a period to remember!

                                                                                                                                                                                    Companies    Private     Enterprises Individuals            Concert        The public
                                                                                                                            Local, regional    Foundations                                       patrons                                       societies
                                                                                                                                                             The European Union
  September 2021                                                                                                             and national
MILAN                                                                                                                                                                                                           Social Report 2021 | 24

                   MUMU Music at the Museum

concert series     MUMU Music at the Museum is a guided tour of the museum,

                   culminating in a concert in front of the most special art piece.                                                                            The public
                                                                                                                                                                               People in need Company
                                                                                                                                                                               and with less managers
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and children             Young

                                                                                                                                                                               opportunities    and                                musicians/
                                                                                                                                                                                              employees                             artists
                   The beauty of the most extraordinary masterpieces of our cities                              CULTURAL HERITAGE                                             SOCIAL IMPACT                        EDUCATION                                              MUSIC
                   is combined with listening to live music in a privileged situation but

                   within everyone’s reach. Each visit is open to groups of 15 people, with
                                                                                                                                    Cultural    Embassies                                        Associations,                                                         Instrument
                                                                                                                                                               Institutions                                                                                                                      Festivals
                   staggered access. The concerts include musical programmes that are                         Institutions that
                                                                                                              promote cultural
                                                                                                                                                              that promote
                                                                                                                                                                                                 hospitals and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Schools and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       collections    Concert
                                                                                                             heritage (museums,

                   always different and specific for each turn.
                                                                                                               foundations, art

                   With MUMU, in response to the public health emergency, the city’s

                                                                                              THE CORE
                                                                                                                                                               Houses                                                                                  Quartets and trios

                   concert-going audience moves into museums emptied by the absence
                   of tourism, and museum spaces become ideal for chamber concerts
                                                                                                                              DONORS AND SPONSORS                                                                CLIENTS                                          TICKET OFFICE
                   with a smaller audience.

                   3                                    8
                                                                                                                                                                                     Companies    Private     Enterprises Individuals            Concert        The public
                                                                                                                             Local, regional    Foundations                                       patrons                                       societies
                                                                                                                              and national                    The European Union

                   Appointments at the                  Masterpieces narrated to the
                   Pinacoteca Ambrosiana in             audience during the guided tour                  • Reactivate territories through culture
                   Milan, in September and                                                               • Encourage local communities to (re)take part in the social

                   October 2021                                                                             and cultural life of their territory in a safe way

                                                                                                         • Activate local partnerships between
                                                                                                            different cultural organisations
                                                        Artists involved in the project
                                                                                                         • Offer new ways of enjoying music i

                   Spectators                                                                               n unusual spaces for concert societies

                                                                                                         • Encourage local tourism
                                                                                              • Create job opportunities for musicians
                                                        Concerts in front of the preparatory
                                                        cartoon of the School of Athens by MUMU is created and coordinated by:   Organized by:
                                                        Raffaello Sanzio                     Le Dimore del Quartetto             Società del Quartetto di Milano
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana
EUROPE                                                                                                                                                                                                      Social Report 2021 | 25


                          MUSA – European young Musician soft Skills Alliance is the first

                                                                                                                                                                                  People in need Company                                                       Luthiers
                          European project by Le Dimore del Quartetto, co-funded by the                                                                           The public      and with less managers
                                                                                                                                                                                  opportunities    and
                                                                                                                                                                                                               and children             Young
                                                                                                                                                                                                 employees                             artists
                          Erasmus+ program. It is a professional training project dedicated                        CULTURAL HERITAGE                                             SOCIAL IMPACT                        EDUCATION                                              MUSIC
                          to young string quartets and aimed to develop entrepreneurial skills

                          which are fundamental for their career, yet almost nonexistent on
                                                                                                                                       Cultural    Embassies                                        Associations,                                                         Instrument
                                                                                                                                                                  Institutions                                                                                                                      Festivals
                          their general curriculum. It is aimed at quartets made up of musicians                 Institutions that
                                                                                                                 promote cultural
                                                                                                                                                                 that promote
                                                                                                                                                                                                    hospitals and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Schools and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          collections    Concert
                                                                                                                heritage (museums,

                          between 20 to 35 years of age, who work together on a permanent
                                                                                                                  foundations, art

                          basis and focus on the classical chamber repertory. The first activities

                                                                                                     THE CORE
                                                                                                                                                                  Houses                                                                                  Quartets and trios
                          dedicated to quartets took place in Italy and Portugal in 2021.
                          The project will next follow in France in May 2022 and in Belgium
                          in October 2022, with a final event in Brussels. In every country,                                     DONORS AND SPONSORS                                                                CLIENTS                                          TICKET OFFICE

                          the quartets take part in a week of workshops on specific areas,

                          supported by professionals in the sector. They are hosted in residency                                                                                        Companies    Private     Enterprises Individuals            Concert        The public
                                                                                                                                Local, regional    Foundations                                       patrons                                       societies
                                                                                                                                                                 The European Union
                          in locations of historical and cultural interests, and they perform                                    and national

                                                                                                     At the end of the project, the Centro di Ricerca ASK of the Università
                                                                                                     di Bocconi will publish a handbook of Cultural Entrepreneurship
                                                                                                     for young musicians and research on the educational and social value
                                                                                                     of cultural heritage as economic and employment growth: the MUSA
                                                                                                     case study. Le Dimore del Quartetto presents MUSA to quartets,
                                                                                                     teachers, and music professionals as part of the Biennale Quatuors
 I would like to be present and celebrate this                                                       à Cordes of Paris Philharmonie in January 2022.
 extraordinary project that grew and has
 developed in wonderful ways through the years.
 The fact that the presentation takes place at the
 Biennale in Paris is a demonstration not only                                                       MUSA is organized by:
 of your hard work but also of the vision behind                                                     Le Dimore del Quartetto (leader)
 MUSA and Le Dimore del Quartetto.                                                                   IED - Istituto Europeo di Design
 I am happy for you.                                                                                 Centro di Ricerca ASK dell’Università Bocconi
                                                                                                     ProQuartet - CEMC
 EVAN ROTHSTEIN                                                                                      La Ferme de Villefavard
 Deputy Head of Strings,                                                                             experimentadesign
 Guildhall School of Music & Drama, London
                                                                                                     Co-funded by:
 December 2021                                                                                       Programma Erasmus+ dell’Unione Europea
MILAN AND BERGAMO                                                                                             Social Report 2021 | 26

training                                                                                            4                           7
                            MUSA ITALY

                            26th September – 2nd October 2021

                            4-Bows drive, the string Quartet image strategy
                                                                                                    Quartets involved           Days of Artistic Residency at
                            The quartets took part in a week of workshops, artistic                                             Villa Vitalba Lurani Cernuschi
                            residencies and concerts focusing on the communication and                                          near Bergamo

                            digital storytelling, styling, brand image and photography, led by

                            IED teachers. At the end of the course, the musicians received a
                            selection of professional photos taken during the week of activities,
                            that they can use for the promotion of their career.
                                                                                                    Houses of the network
                                                                                                    “Dimore Storiche Bergamo”   Hours of workshop at the IED
                            Workshop curated by IED - Istituto Europeo di Design                    involved                    headquarters in Milan
                            Residence, concerts and productions by Le Dimore del Quartetto

                                                                                                    7                           4
                            The video-documentary of MUSA Italy,
                            was broadcasted on Sky Classica in December 2021

                                                                                                    Nationalities of            Photoshoots
                                                                                                    musicians involved          of the quartets

 Discover the videos
 of MUSA Italy

                                                                                                                                Concerts in historic

                                          92,3 % 100 %
                                                                                                                                houses near Bergamo
 Discover the photos
 of MUSA Italy

                                          Quartets level                                    Tutors and management
                                          of satisfaction                                   level of satisfaction
LISBON AND MAFRA                                                                                      Social Report 2021 | 27

training                                                                                         3                       7
                            MUSA PORTUGAL
                            24th – 30th October 2021

                            Cross-fertilization among the arts
                                                                                                 Quartets involved       Days of Artistic
                            Through workshops, residencies and concerts, the quartets
                                                                                                                         Residency in Mafra
                            explored the relationship between space and sound, deepening

                                                                                                 3                       27
                            the themes such as architecture, lighting, product design,
                            interconnections between classical music and contemporary
                            art. They have also taken part in workshops on the creations
                            of musical instruments, musical improvisations, graphic design
                            and communication. The workshop was developed by designers,          Nationalities           Hours of workshop at
                            graphic designers, contemporary artists, architects, professionals   of musicians involved   Palacio Nacional de Mafra
                            in the exhibition and scenography fields.                                                    and at the MAAT Museum
                                                                                                                         in Lisbon
                            Workshop, residency, concerts
                            and productions managed by Experimentadesign

                                                                                                                         Concerts at the Palacio
                                                                                                                         Nacional de Mafra and at the
 Discover the videos                                                                                                     MAAT Museum in Lisbon
 of MUSA Portugal

                                                    83,3 % 100 %

                                                    Quartets level                               Tutors and Management
                                                    of satisfactioni                             level of satisfaction
CASSINE (AL)                                                                                                                                                                                              Social Report 2021 | 28

                                                                                                     22,5                                                                                                              15
                            ESPRESSO MASTERCLASS

training                    This is a 3-day intensive masterclass with international Masters
                            attended by the ensembles of Le DImore del Quartetto’s network
                            with scholarship. In the context of the masterclass, concerts and        Hours of lessons                                                                                                  Musicians involved
                            rehearsals open to the local community are held.                                                                                                                                           (3 teachers and 12 participants)

                                                                                                     3                                                                      8                                                                                        4
                            Espresso Masterclass 2021 was held in Cassine from the 24th to
                            26th September. The quartets were guests at Casa Arcasio and
                            Villa Felice. The lessons were given by Simone Gramaglia (viola),
                            Jana Kuss (violin) and Martti Rousi (cello). The concerts took place
                            at the Oratorio della S.S Trinità, at the Chiesa di San Francesco and    Days of masterclass                                                    Nationalities                                                                            Video productions
                            beneath the Portico of the Town Hall in Cassine. The town’s band                                                                                of musicians

                                                                                                     6                                                                      3 155
                            and scouts were also involved.


                              • Offer training opportunities to ensembles                            Locations involved                                                     Concerts                                                         Spectators
 Discover the videos          • Enhance decentralised territories through a structured,                         ESPRESSO MASTERCLASS
 of the Masterclass
                                  quality, cultural offer

                                                                                                                                                                                  People in need Company                                                       Luthiers
                                                      MUSA is organized by:                                                                                       The public      and with less managers
                                                                                                                                                                                  opportunities    and
                                                                                                                                                                                                               and children             Young
                                                      Le Dimore del Quartetto                                                                                                                    employees                             artists

                                                                                                                   CULTURAL HERITAGE                                             SOCIAL IMPACT                        EDUCATION                                              MUSIC

                                                      In collaboration with:

                                                      Associazione Cultura Viva                                                        Cultural
                                                                                                                                                                                                      centres,         Schools and                   Music
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          collections    Concert
                                                                                                                 Institutions that                               that promote
                                                      Associazione Ra Famija Cassinèisa                          promote cultural
                                                                                                                heritage (museums,
                                                                                                                                                                    tourism           communities   hospitals and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       universities                academies                            societies

                                                                                                                  foundations, art
 For us, the work done with all the teachers was      Comune di Cassine                                              galleries)

 incredibly useful and motivating. Each of them       Confraternita della SS. Trinità
                                                      Corpo Bandistico Cassinese “Francesco Solia”
                                                                                                     THE CORE
 gave us different inputs and ideas, which left us                                                                                                                Houses                                                                                  Quartets and trios

 something really special, which we still feel even   Con il sostegno di:
 now after the work we did in the masterclass.        Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Alessandria
                                                      Ara Restauri                                                               DONORS AND SPONSORS                                                                CLIENTS                                          TICKET OFFICE
                                                      Cotefa Ingegneri & Architetti

 October 2021                                         Roccaro Costruzioni
                                                      Franco Dapino                                                             Local, regional    Foundations
                                                                                                                                                                                        Companies    Private
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Enterprises Individuals            Concert
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The public
                                                                                                                                 and national                    The European Union
1+1+1+1 = MUCH MORE THAN 4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Social Report 2021 | 29


the quartet as a metaphor   METAFOUR The string quartet as a metaphor of collaboration

                            The members of the quartet have the characteristics to be excellent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       MetaFour can be proposed in different areas.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       For schools (FourFun), a didactic and civil education activity that
                            soloists however they choose to form a quartet to face a more                                                                                                                                              promotes social values and brings new generations closer to the
                            interesting and complex repertoire. They interpret four different parts                                                                                                                                    language of music. For the social sphere, an awareness-raising project
                            that, through dialogue and collective reflections, merge into a sixteen-                                                                                                                                   on social inclusion, collaboration and valorisation of diversity through
                            string instrument, without the need for an external conductor for the                                                                                                                                      art, music and speech.
                            group just like with an orchestra. Le Dimore del Quartetto identified in                                                                                                                                   For the most fragile, a reflection course aimed at hospitals, prisons,
                            the string quartet formation endless possibilities to raise awareness on                                                                                                                                   rehabilitation centres, with the support of psychologists and social
                            the importance of collaboration, listening and the fundamental values                                                                                                                                      workers, aimed at reflecting on the importance of the individual within
                            guiding a civilised society. The Metaphor of the string quartet is an                                                                                                                                      the group and on the value of emotions.
                            instrument of reflection that speaks a universal language.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       For companies: FOURISMORE is a corporate training and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       teambuilding tool that presents the String Quartet as a metaphor for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       the company and teamwork, spreading the Culture of Dialogue in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       working-groups at all levels, from boards of directors to project teams.
                                       METAFOUR                                                                                                                                                                                        In collaboration with: Icastic Consulting

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       From April 2021, on the 92nd International Session of the European
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Youth Parliament, Le Dimore del Quartetto presented the string

                                                                                                         People in need Company                                                       Luthiers
                                                                                         The public      and with less managers       and children             Young
                                                                                                         opportunities    and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       quartet as a metaphor for teamwork with the involvement of the
                                          CULTURAL HERITAGE                                             SOCIAL IMPACT                        EDUCATION                                              MUSIC                              Quartetto Indaco.

                                                              Cultural    Embassies                                        Associations,                                                         Instrument
                                                             Institutes                  Institutions                        centres,                                                            collections               Festivals
                                        Institutions that                               that promote            Local                         Schools and                   Music                               Concert
                                        promote cultural                                                     communities   hospitals and      universities                academies                            societies
                                                                                           tourism                            prisons
                                       heritage (museums,
                                         foundations, art
                            THE CORE

                                                                                         Houses                                                                                  Quartets and trios

                                                        DONORS AND SPONSORS                                                                CLIENTS                                          TICKET OFFICE

                                                                                                               Companies    Private     Enterprises Individuals            Concert        The public
                                                       Local, regional    Foundations                                       patrons                                       societies
                                                        and national                    The European Union
WORLDWIDE                                                                                                                                                                                                     Social Report 2021 | 30

                                                                                                                THE STRING CIRCLE
                        THE STRING CIRCLE

instrument collection   It is the first network that values fine artisan violin craftsmanship

                        and supports young musicians’ career in a circular economy. Through                                                                       The public
                                                                                                                                                                                  People in need Company
                                                                                                                                                                                  and with less managers
                                                                                                                                                                                                               and children             Young

                                                                                                                                                                                  opportunities    and                                musicians/
                        an international mapping of the best artisan workshops, the project                                                                                                      employees                             artists

                                                                                                                   CULTURAL HERITAGE                                             SOCIAL IMPACT                        EDUCATION                                              MUSIC
                        takes the chance to connect the excellence of the luthier’s art with

                        the new promising generation of musicians.
                                                                                                                                       Cultural    Embassies                                        Associations,                                                         Instrument
                                                                                                                                                                  Institutions                                                                                                                      Festivals
                        The idea arose to respond on one hand the aspiration to enhance                          Institutions that
                                                                                                                 promote cultural
                                                                                                                                                                 that promote
                                                                                                                                                                                                    hospitals and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Schools and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          collections    Concert
                                                                                                                heritage (museums,

                        arts value and professionalism of the Master Luthier by intercepting
                                                                                                                  foundations, art

                        a specific audience and on the other, for the need to have quality

                                                                                                     THE CORE
                                                                                                                                                                  Houses                                                                                  Quartets and trios
                        instruments for the young musicians at the debut of their career: the
                        network facilitates the international exchange between these two
                        visions favouring their professional and artistic growth. The selected                                   DONORS AND SPONSORS                                                                CLIENTS                                          TICKET OFFICE

                        luthiers offer to loan one or more instruments and a series of services

                        included (repairs, maintenance, etc) to the musicians of the network                                                                                            Companies    Private     Enterprises Individuals            Concert        The public
                                                                                                                                Local, regional    Foundations                                       patrons                                       societies
                                                                                                                                                                 The European Union
                        of Le Dimore del Quartetto.                                                                              and national

                        The artisan shops are marked on an interactive map to facilitate their
                                                                                                     Project created by:                                                    In collaboration with:
                        locations and the creation of an extensive collection available to           Le Dimore del Quartetto                                                Fondazione Museo del Violino Antonio Stradivari
                        young artists. With The String Circle, Le Dimore del Quartetto adds
                        a fundamental piece to the circular economy already put in place. In         Under the patronage of:
                                                                                                     Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte
                        2021, Le Dimore del Quartetto contacted about 120 award-winning
                        luthiers, Italian and foreign, thanks to an agreement with the Museo
                        del Violino, presenting the project with a dedicated website. The
                        loaning activity will be ready to start from April 2022.
                                                                                                     I joined the wonderful initiative The String Circle right from the start.
                                                                                                     I think that the word “circle” itself makes it clear how important the
                                                                                                     circularity of our violin-making knowledge is, since it meets through our
                                                                                                     instruments the talented young instrumentalists of the quartets and their
                                                                                                     attentive and passionate audiences. A unique and exclusive way for new
                        The participation in The String Circle stems from sharing of meanings,
                                                                                                     relationships and knowledge in the name of music, violin-making and art.
                        values, objectives that the Museo del Violino fervently pursues: defending
                        the world of arts and culture, promoting young people, protecting            STEFANO TRABUCCHI
                        knowledge related to the Territories.                                        Luthier and President of the violin makers
                                                                                                     group of Confartigianato Imprese
                        VIRGINIA VILLA E PAOLO BODINI
                        Fondazione Museo del Violino Antonio Stradivari                              December 2021
                        December 2021
MILAN                                                                                                                                                                                                         Social Report 2021 | 31
                                                                                                                        CRISTINA TRIVULZIO DI BELGIOJOSO 150 ANNI
                                CRISTINA TRIVULZIO DI BELGIOJOSO 150 YEARS

a starting point                THE FIRST STATUE DEDICATED TO A WOMAN IN MILAN

                                                                                                                                                                                          People in need Company                                                       Luthiers
                                Rather than a commemoration, a starting point                                                                                             The public      and with less managers
                                                                                                                                                                                          opportunities    and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and children             Young
                                                                                                                                                                                                         employees                             artists

                                In Milan, in Piazza Belgiojoso on 15th September 2021 the first                            CULTURAL HERITAGE                                             SOCIAL IMPACT                        EDUCATION                                              MUSIC

                                memorial dedicated to a female historical figure, Cristina Trivulzio

                                of Belgiojoso, and realised by artist Giuseppe Bergomi, was installed.                                         Cultural    Embassies
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Associations,                                                         Instrument
                                                                                                                         Institutions that    Institutes                                         Local        centres,         Schools and                   Music                collections    Concert
                                                                                                                                                                         that promote
                                Women have always actively participated in the economic, political,                      promote cultural
                                                                                                                        heritage (museums,
                                                                                                                                                                            tourism           communities   hospitals and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               universities                academies                            societies

                                                                                                                          foundations, art

                                social, scientific and artistic development of our country however it is

                                still extremely rare to find a trace to recognize this work in our cities.

                                                                                                             THE CORE
                                                                                                                                                                          Houses                                                                                  Quartets and trios

                                From this reflection, began the idea to dedicate a statue to Cristina
                                Trivulzio di Belgiojoso, a heroine of the Risorgimento and personality
                                                                                                                                         DONORS AND SPONSORS                                                                CLIENTS                                          TICKET OFFICE
                                with a thousand faces – patriot, journalist, publisher, entrepreneur,

                                traveler – who throughout her life has challenged conventions, fought
                                                                                                                                                                                                Companies    Private     Enterprises Individuals            Concert        The public
                                for her freedom in a world that recognized these virtues for men.                                       Local, regional
                                                                                                                                         and national
                                                                                                                                                                         The European Union                  patrons                                       societies

                                To tell the story of the project,             Discover the videos
                                                                              of Cristina Trivulzio di       Project created and coordinated by:
                                a documentary was filmed and
                                                                              Belgiojoso | 150 Years         Le Dimore del Quartetto
                                broadcasted on Sky Arte.
                                                                                                             Organized by:
                                                                                                             Fondazione Brivio Sforza

                                                                                                             With the support of:
                                                                                                             BCC Milano
                                                                                                             Mecenate privato
                                                                                                             Comune di Milano
           150 Anni
                                May the happy and honored women of future
           CRISTINA TRIVULZIO   times turn their thoughts bit by bit to the                                  Under the patronage of:
           DI BELGIOJOSO
                                sorrows and humiliations of the women who                                    Regione Lombardia
                                preceded them in life, and recall with some                                  Regione Piemonte
                                gratitude the names of those who opened and                                  Città di Merate
                                prepared for them the way to the never before                                Comune di Locate Triulzi
                                enjoyed, perhaps barely dreamed of happiness!
                                                                                                             In collaboration with:
                                CRISTINA TRIVULZIO DI BELGIOJOSO
                                                                                                             Galleria Rubin
                                1866                                                                         Fondo Ambiente Italiano
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