SPECTACULAR SINGAPORE - Experience the exceptional for your next event - Amazon S3

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SPECTACULAR SINGAPORE - Experience the exceptional for your next event - Amazon S3
Experience the exceptional
   for your next event
SPECTACULAR SINGAPORE - Experience the exceptional for your next event - Amazon S3
2                             FACTS & STATS                                                                                        CONTENTS                                                                 3

          Choose Singapore                                                               Welcome to Singapore
 Event organisers love this unique city-state: it’s dynamic,
  efficient, accessible and at the forefront of innovation

              Choose from a range                       It’s the world’s easiest
                                                                                   A        s the world continues its recovery from
                                                                                            challenging times, Singapore is gradually
                                                                                            reopening its MICE sector for business
                                                                                   travellers in a safe and calibrated manner.
                                                                                   As an example, in January 2021, Singapore
                                                                                                                                                                       4 SINGAPORE ISLAND
                                                                                                                                                                       6	CASE STUDIES
               of world-class venues                      place to do business     proudly hosted the PCMA Convening Leaders’                                          10 BREATHTAKING
                  Choose from more                        There are 7,000          omnichannel event with 300 live delegates at                                           SPACES
                  than 1,700 venues,                      multinational            Marina Bay Sands. You can read more about
                 from intimate                            corporations             this case study on page six.                                                        14	A FOODIE’S PARADISE
                meeting spaces to                       and more than                 The Singapore Exhibition & Convention Bureau
ultra-modern convention centres.        150 international organisations            (SECB) has a global network of offices with teams                                   16	A MOMENT OF
Not only that, but Singapore is         in Singapore.                              to support your events in Singapore. Please do                                          MINDFULNESS
also full of experienced industry                                                               not hesitate to contact us for the
professionals, well versed in events.                                                             latest information or enquire about                                  18	SIZZLING
                                                        Connect to the world’s                     the suite of assistance schemes we                                      SUNDOWNERS
                                                         biggest markets                           have available to support business
           Mix business                                  Changi Airport serves                     events. We hope you find this mini-                                 20 MUST-SEE SINGAPORE
             with leisure                                more than 100                                 guide useful for planning your                                  	
               From Michelin-                            airlines, flying to                              next event and we very much                                  24	LOOK TO THE FUTURE
                starred dining                         300 cities worldwide.                               look forward to welcoming
                to stunning             In fact, 4 billion people are within a                               you back.                                                 26	A CITY IN NATURE
               wildlife reserves        seven-hour flight time to Singapore.
              and heart-thumping                                                                                           Carrie Kwik                                 28	ASSISTANCE SCHEMES
entertainment, there are a myriad of                                                                                       Singapore Tourism Board’s
inspiring experiences. Singapore is                     An award-winning                                                  Executive Director, Europe                   31	TIH EXPLAINED
an ideal place to combine business                       business events
and leisure for meetings and                             destination
incentive travel.                                       A winner of
                                                        multiple awards and
                                                                                                                            Editor Calum Di Lieto, Head of Production Melanie Falconer, Art Editor
                                                      accolades, Singapore                                                  Stephanie Atkinson, Writer Mark Williams, Senior Project Manager Oksana
              Reduce your               is one of the most lauded business                                                  Mukhacheva, Global Commercial Director Rob Aldhouse, Head of Global Sales
                                                                                                                            Alex Margo, Head of Sales UK, North America & APAC Katurah Horton,
               carbon footprint         destinations in Asia. Recent wins          Haymarket is certified by BSI to         Head of Production Operations Trevor Simpson, Group Production Manager
                Singapore has           include being named Cvent’s Top            environmental standard ISO 14001 and     Ailsa Donovan, Publishing Manager Edyta Wierzbowska, Business Director
                                                                                   energy management standard ISO 50001     Kelly McAlpin, Deputy Managing Director Donna Murphy, Managing Director
                sustainable venues,     Asia Pacific Destination and the                                                    Philip Swinden, Chief Executive Kevin Costello
                a clean and efficient   Union of International Associations’
                                                                                                                            Although every effort is made to ensure that the content is true and accurate at
              transport network and     Top International Meeting                                                           time of going to press (or digitally) neither the publisher nor Singapore Tourism
green recreational options.             Country, both in 2019.                                                              Board can be held responsible for any claims made with this publication.
SPECTACULAR SINGAPORE - Experience the exceptional for your next event - Amazon S3
4                          GETTING AROUND                                                                           GETTING AROUND                                                       5

Singapore Island

Scan the QR codes to reveal more about the precinct

ORCHARD ROAD                                                                                              Singapore Seletar
This is where visitors come for a bit                                                                          Airport
of retail therapy. Futuristic-looking
mall ION Orchard is a popular
shopping spot.

One of Singapore’s lesser-known
                                                                                                                                                             Singapore Changi
enclaves, world-class restaurants                                                                                             Geylang Serai                      Airport
including Michelin-starred                                                                                     Little India
                                                                                       Orchard Road                                Katong & Joo Chiat
Candlenut can be found here.
                                                                               Dempsey Hill                        Kampong Gelam
                                                                                             Civic District
CIVIC DISTRICT                                                                                                        Marina Bay                 0       2        4   6 kilometres
Where modern Singapore began in                                                             Chinatown                                            0            2        4             6 miles
the early 19th century. The National                                                 Harbourfront
Gallery has the world’s largest
collection of Southeast Asian art.                                                                       Sentosa                      architecture such as the three towers
                                                                                                                                      of Marina Bay Sands and the durian-
            CHINATOWN                                                                                                                 shaped Esplanade. Sands Expo and
             Once home to                                                                                                             Convention Centre is also found here.
             Singapore’s Chinese
             population and is                                                                                                        GEYLANG SERAI
now full of beautiful old temples                                                                                                     Geylang Serai is the central hub of
and delicious eats at Chinatown         HARBOURFRONT                                                KAMPONG GELAM                     this district and a great place to try
Food Street.                            This bustling waterfront district                       The gold-domed Sultan                 all types of different cuisine. The
                                        is a retail haven, offering gorgeous                    Mosque is a focal point               popular Hat of Cain, Singapore’s first
            SENTOSA                     sunsets over Singapore’s southern                       but don’t miss trendy                 hat salon, is also located here.
             Home of three beaches      shores and amazing views aboard             Haji Lane with its bars and boutique
             spanning Sentosa’s         the Singapore Cable Car.                    shops or the colourful fabrics                                      KATONG & JOO CHIAT
             coastline, connected                                                   displayed on Arab Street.                                     Historic Katong &
by bridge to mainland Singapore                        LITTLE INDIA                                                                               Joo Chiat are home
and only a 10-minute drive to the                      Vibrant district             MARINA BAY                                                    to brightly coloured
city centre. Resorts World Sentosa,                    has Hindu temples,           This is where you’ll find Singapore’s             shophouses and authentic
Resorts World Convention Centre                        delicious food and           national icon, the Merlion. Wander                Peranakan culture. It’s also one of
and the SEA Aquarium are all here.      chic hotels.                                the waterfront admiring innovative                Singapore’s top foodie destinations.
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6                                SAFE EVENTS                                                                                                                      SAFE EVENTS                                  7

                                                                                                                                 help divide them into networking
                                                                                                                                 groups. Virtual attendees could
                                                                                                                                 talk to each other between sessions
                                                                                                                                 by using the broadcast platform’s
                                                                                                                                 chat boxes, the Slack app and on
                                                                                                                                 social media. At the physical event,
                                                                                                                                 attendees were split into zones of 50
                                                                                                                                 within their interest groups and able
                                                                                                                                 to network with peers within their
                                                                                                                                 zones, with safe measures in place.
                                                                                                                                    Leveraging cutting-edge
                                                                                                                                 technology, content was broadcast
                                                                                                                                 to 4,000 attendees all over the world,
                                                                                                                                 and keynote speaker, three-time

           Case study 1                                                                                                          Pulitzer prize-winning journalist
                                                                                                                                 and author Thomas Friedman, gave a
                                                                                                                                 talk entitled ‘The Big Trends Shaping

        Hybrid conferences                                                                                                       the World Today: Economics,
                                                                                                                                 Technology, and Geopolitics’. He
                                                                                                                                 explored the seismic shifts reshaping
                                                                                                                                                                          SOFT-LAUNCHING THE
                                                                                                                                                                          BROADCAST CENTRE
                                                                                                                                 the world and how businesses can         Marina Bay Sands soft-launched the
EVENT: PCMA Convening Leaders           had been held outside of North                                                           take advantage of them.                  hybrid broadcast studio in July 2020
VENUE: Marina Bay Sands                 America and was a mix of in-person                                                          On day two, attendees heard from      with the PCMA, before Asia Pacific
WHEN: 11-15 January 2021                and virtual attendees.                                                                   the 27th prime minister of Australia,    Community Conversations took
WHO: 300 in-person delegates and a                                                                                               Julia Gillard, who described her own     place in August.
further 4,000 online attendees          SAFE ITINERARIES                                                                         style of leadership and what she has         Attendees were given a

                                        PCMA worked with Singapore                                                               learned from her political career. She   demonstration of how holographic
         ne of the most significant     Tourism Board (STB) and Marina                                                           also covered the importance of good      telepresence could be used in a
                                                                                  CONVENING LEADERS’ PICS COURTESY OF PCMA.ORG

         events in the global events    Bay Sands to create a Global                                                             mental health in work and life.          hybrid event setting by beaming one
         calendar is the Professional   Broadcast Centre to host main stage                                                                                               of the presenters onto the set.
Convention Management                   speakers, expert panels, face-to-                                                                                                     The studio’s centrepiece is a stage
Association (PCMA) Convening            face experiences and provide local                                                                                                fitted with an immersive backdrop
Leaders’ annual conference.             cultural tours. The experiences were                                                                                              and floor that can be reconfigured
   The event provides a platform for    part of STB’s ‘safe itineraries’, which                                                                                           to every event’s needs. Instead
connecting business event industry      meant guests could enjoy what                                                                                                     of a conventional green screen
peers to discuss the latest thinking    Singapore has to offer while sticking                                                                                             backdrop, there are two massive
and innovation in events, from          to Covid-safe measures in place.                                                                                                  6mx4m LED walls that can show
technology to business strategy.           On registering for the event,                                                                                                  high-resolution visuals, while a
   This year’s conference was the       delegates were asked questions                                                                                                    plexiglass LED floor can display
first time in 64 years the event        about their professional interests to                                                                                             vivid floor projections.
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8                                 SAFE EVENTS                                                                   SAFE EVENTS                                  9

      Case study 2
The future of trade shows
EVENT: TravelRevive                          journey (pre- to post-event)
VENUE: Sands Expo & Convention Centre     • Crowd density control and
WHEN: November 2020                          grouping of attendees
WHO: 1,000 local and international        • 18sqm exhibition booths
delegates                                    complemented with 9sqm meeting

                                             pods equipped with protective
       ravelRevive is a new trade            plexiglass to allow safe one-to-one
       show that piloted hybrid              meetings between exhibitors
       methods of hosting safe               and buyers                             Sands Expo
business events. The two-day travel       • The use of TraceTogether to            & Convention
trade show, held at the Sands Expo &         enable contact tracing for             Centre facade
Convention Centre in Singapore, was          international visitors
powered by the Singapore Tourism          • The launch of an online tool to        Covid-19 pandemic, the Singapore        understanding of customers and
Board (STB) and ITB Asia. It featured        safely arrange one-to-one meetings     government is committed to working      businesses. On day two, content
an exhibition, conference sessions           between exhibitors and buyers.         with our industry partners to           included ‘The Leaders’ Panel: The
and one-to-one meetings between                                                     reinforce the resilience of the MICE    Future of Hotels after Covid-19’,
buyers and sellers, and was the first      To prepare Singapore for the phased      sector and doing more to catalyse the   which had guest speakers from
international travel trade show to         resumption of leisure travel, STB        revival of our tourism industry in a    a number of international hotel
take place physically in Southeast         worked closely with industry             safe manner.”                           brands. They discussed how the
Asia during the pandemic.                  partners to develop safe itineraries                                             industry can make a comeback after
   Nearly 1,000 local and                  for delegates. These included            IN-PERSON CONTENT SESSIONS              the pandemic. There was also a
international attendees                             virtual tours that delegates    Live sessions at the conference         range of ‘on-demand’ online content
attended TravelRevive in                            could participate in from       included a welcome address from         sessions throughout the two days.
person to exchange ideas                            their hotel rooms, private      Dr Christian Göke, CEO of Messe            During TravelRevive, three
and reimagine travel’s future.                      museum site visits, and         Berlin GmbH and a keynote panel         memorandums of understanding
                                                    even a guided site visit to a   called ‘What Will Make Travel Great     (MoU) were signed between STB
ENHANCED SAFETY                                     Kelong (an offshore wooden      and Safe Again’, hosted by CNBC’s       and Informa, Fiera Milano and
MEASURES                             Scan the       platform used primarily for     Monica Pitrelli and featuring guest     Messe Munich. These covered the
Extra measures were taken           QR code to      fish farming).                  speakers from companies such as         launching of a new international
to ensure the safety and              see the          Speaking at the opening      Accenture and Google. Among the         technology event in Singapore in
wellbeing of attendees at              Travel       of TravelRevive, Chan Chun      topics they explored was technology     the second half of 2021 by Informa,
TravelRevive, including:              Revive        Sing, minister for trade and    that has suddenly come to the fore      as well as Fiera Milano and Messe
• Safe management for every          picture       industry said: “Amid the        during this pandemic and how Covid      Munich setting up Southeast Asian
   stage of an event attendee’s       gallery       disruptions inflicted by the    has changed the travel industry’s       headquarters in the city-state.
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10                       ONE-OF-A-KIND VENUES                                                               ONE-OF-A-KIND VENUES                                           11

                                                                                                                                 Infinite Studios
                                                                                                                                 EVENT SPACE: Two soundstages with
                                                                                                                                 930sqm and 1,672sqm of space
                                                                                                                                 CAPACITY: 1,500 guests in Soundstage 3
                                                                                                                                 NEAREST MRT: One-North
                                                                                                                  Lotus-shaped   Infinite Studios is home to two of
                                                                                                            ArtScience Museum
                                                                                                                                 Singapore’s first soundstages. Being
                                                                                                                                 a soundstage means high-quality
                                                                                                                                 soundproofing and acoustics create
                                                                                                                                 an ideal location for concerts or big
                                                                                                                                 corporate parties.

        Breathtaking spaces                                                           National Gallery
                                                                                      event facade
                                                                                                                                             Suntec Singapore
                                                                                                                                              Convention and Exhibition

                                                                                                                                                 EVENT SPACE: 22,000sqm
      vent planners can take their        Gardens by the Bay                          species in 60 million                                     of exhibition space and
      pick from more than an              EVENT SPACE: The Meadow is 22,000sqm        litres of water. Impress                                 15,000sqm of meeting
      incredible 1,700 venues in          and there is a range of smaller spaces      your guests with a view                                 space
Singapore, ranging from smaller           CAPACITY: 30,000 standing in The Meadow     through the Ocean Dome,                              CAPACITY: 10,000 delegates in
boutique spaces up to huge, state-of-     or 700 for dinner in Flower Field Hall      which provides a panoramic                      the Convention Hall
the-art convention centres with top       NEAREST MRT: Bayfront                       180° vista of marine life.                 NEAREST MRT: Esplanade
environmental accreditation.              Designed with environmental                                                            Suntec is a key venue for meetings,
                                          sustainability in mind, Gardens by          National Gallery Singapore                 conventions and exhibitions, with
UNIQUE                                    the Bay is a horticultural masterpiece.     EVENT SPACE: The Supreme Court Terrace     a column-free Convention Hall and
ArtScience Museum                         Located next to the Marina                  is the largest room at 510sqm              flexible exhibition space. A central
EVENT SPACE: Nearly 5,000 sqm across 21   Reservoir, the venue can host events        CAPACITY: 300 standing in the Supreme      location means it’s surrounded
gallery spaces                            big and small with stunning views of        Court Terrace or 212 people                by more than 1,000 shops, 300
CAPACITY: 500 people in the Basement 2    Singapore and the iconic Supertrees         theatre-style in the Ngee Ann Kongsi       restaurants and six museums.
Circulation and Oculus                    Grove (main picture above).                 Auditorium
NEAREST MRT: Bayfront                                                                 NEAREST MRT: City Hall                      State-of-the-art
The ArtScience Museum is a                SEA Aquarium                                Housed in two historic buildings            Suntec facilities
memorable meeting venue,                  EVENT SPACE: 1,310sqm between the Ocean     – the former Supreme Court and
shaped like an open lotus flower.         Dome, Gallery and Restaurant                City Hall – the Gallery contains the
You can also treat your guests to         CAPACITY: 350 for a cocktail reception in   largest public collection of modern
complimentary entry to selected           the Ocean Gallery                           Southeast Asian art. It offers many
museum shows. This landmark               NEAREST MRT: Harbourfront                   venues, from the expansive Supreme
building is centrally located in the      Home to 100,000 marine animals,             Court Terrace to the Coleman and
Marina Bay district.                      SEA Aquarium has more than 800              Padang decks on the rooftop.
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12                           ONE-OF-A-KIND VENUES                                                                 ONE-OF-A-KIND VENUES                                           13

Changi Exhibition Centre                    NEAREST MRT: Harbourfront
EVENT SPACE: 100,000sqm of outdoor          Resorts World Sentosa Singapore
space and 40,000sqm of indoor space         is Asia’s ultimate leisure and
CAPACITY: 8,000 delegates for a reception   MICE destination, able to host
in the Exhibition Hall                      35,000 delegates at one time. In                      W Singapore
NEAREST MRT: Changi Airport                 the Convention Centre, a total of
Built on a 65-hectare site, this            35 function rooms are available,
plot is home to Asia’s largest              including a 6,000sqm ballroom.
aerospace event, The Singapore
Airshow. Individual spaces measure          Raffles City Convention Centre
from 65sqm to 16,000sqm and it              EVENT SPACE: 6,500sqm, including 27
includes an observation tower with          meeting rooms and three ballrooms                                     Eco-leader
panoramic views.                            CAPACITY: Fairmont Ballroom can host                 Singapore Zoo    Parkroyal on Pickering
                                            2,850, seated theatre-style
Resorts World Sentosa Convention            NEAREST MRT: City Hall                       delegates in its largest space                    CAPACITY: 540 people for a cocktail
Centre                                      Raffles City Convention Centre               NEAREST MRT: Singapore EXPO                       reception in the Great Room
EVENT SPACE: 11,000 sqm of meeting and      is one of the largest convention             Opened in 2012 as the convention                  NEAREST MRT: Harbourfront
function space                                     centres, centrally located in         wing of Singapore EXPO, both                      This designer hotel is situated on
CAPACITY: Asia’s largest column-                      the heart of the city, close       venues can be used individually or                resort island Sentosa and has more
free ballroom can host                                   to hotels, restaurants,         combined for extra large events. It               than 1500sqm of meeting space,
6,500 guests                                              bars and shops.                spans two levels and has a rooftop                including the 720sqm Great Room
                                                                                         space that is ideal for cocktail events           with its dazzling chandeliers.
 Flexible RWS complex                                     Singapore EXPO                 or open-air parties.                              Sustainability policies has led to a
                                                         EVENT SPACE: 100,000sqm of                                                        140,000m3 reduction of water yearly.
                                                        indoor and outdoor space         GREEN
                                                      CAPACITY: 16,000 delegates or      Parkroyal on Pickering                            Wildlife Reserves Singapore (WSR)
                                               6,000 for a sit-down banquet              EVENT SPACE: 1,400sqm in eight meeting            EVENT SPACE: 10 venues across four parks
                                            NEAREST MRT: Singapore EXPO                  rooms                                             CAPACITY: 240 people seated in the
                                            This is the largest purpose-built            CAPACITY: Up to 500 guests in the William         Lakeview Ballroom or 800 standing in
                                            MICE venue in the country. It’s next         Pickering Ballroom                                the Pavillion by the Lake
                                            to Changi Business Park and only             NEAREST MRT: Chinatown                            NEAREST MRT: Khatib
 Changi Centre flying high                  a five-minute drive from Changi              Best described as a hotel in a                    WSR manages four world-leading
                                            Airport. It can be combined with             garden, full of thoughtful modern                 zoological institutions – Jurong Bird
                                            Max Atria for another 12,000sqm of           technology and light-filled meeting               Park, Night Safari, River Safari and
                                            meeting space.                               spaces, offering eco-friendly options             Singapore Zoo – each with their own
                                                                                         featuring sustainable refreshments                event spaces. Guests can experience
                                            MAX Atria                                    and a farm-to-table working lunch.                up-close animal encounters before
                                            EVENT SPACE: 12,000sqm across 32                                                               dinner in Night Safari’s lakeside tipi
                                            meeting rooms                                W Singapore                                       tent or watch a manatee herd in River
                                            CAPACITY: 3,500 in total, with up to 1,500   EVENT SPACE: 1,500sqm of meeting rooms            Safari’s Amazon Flooded Forest.
SPECTACULAR SINGAPORE - Experience the exceptional for your next event - Amazon S3
14                     TASTEBUD SENSATION                                                                    TASTEBUD SENSATION                              15

              A foodie’s paradise                                                 Candlenut
                                                                                                                         3 MUST-EAT RESTAURANTS
                                                                                  candlenut                                        Muthu’s Curry
                                                       Noodles, you can eat       • Can offer private dining for up to                   muthuscurry.com
                                                       delicious food for about   eight guests                                        ADDRESS: 138 Race
                                                       £4 a bowl and Liao Fan     WHERE: 17A Dempsey Road                             Course Road
                                                       Hong Kong Soya Sauce       NEAREST MRT: Holland Village                        NEAREST MRT: Little India
                                                       Chicken Rice & Noodle      Candlenut is the world’s only                       Spice lovers should
                                                       was Singapore’s first      Michelin-starred Peranakan                         venture into Little
                                                       street food stall          restaurant. Local chef and owner               India and sample the fish
                                                       to gain Michelin           Malcolm Lee’s establishment            head curry here. It’s made with a
                                                       recognition in 2016.       serves innovative dishes that both     secret recipe passed down from
                                                          In fact, the nation’s   modernise and pay homage to            the founder Mr Muthu to his sons.
                                                       food courts are held       traditional Peranakan flavours,
                                                       in such high esteem        including buah keluak (black nut                 Newton Circus
                                                       that in December           indigenous to Southeast Asia) ice                 Food Court
                                                       2020, UNESCO               cream and Wagyu Beef rendang                        ADDRESS: 500
                                                       declared Singapore’s       (braised meat cooked in coconut                     Clemenceau Avenue
                                                       hawker centres have        milk and spices).                                   North
                                                       special cultural                                                               NEAREST MRT: Newton
                                                       significance. They are     True Blue Cuisine                                  If your delegates want
Bustling evening                                       now on UNESCO’s                truebluecuisine.com                        to eat like a Crazy Rich
hawker centre                                          Representative List of     • Has two private dining rooms for     Asian, bring them to Newton

                                                       the Intangible Cultural    small groups                           Circus where scenes in the hit
      ingapore is the culinary          Heritage of Humanity.                     WHERE: 7/49 Armenian Street            2018 film were shot. You’ll find all
      crossroads of Asia, taking           In 2024 the World Chef’s Congress      NEAREST MRT: Bras Basah                sorts of delightful delicacies here,
      inspiration from neighbouring     and Expo is being held here. Hosted       True Blue Cuisine for Peranakan        including barbecued stingray.
countries as well as creating its own   by the Singapore Chef’s Association,      fare has been awarded a Michelin
unique dishes. It’s an unbeatable       it will be an international gathering     Bib Gourmand. Located by the                      JustIN Flavours of Asia
country for foodies and somewhere       of great culinary minds.                  Peranakan Museum along                                  justinquek.com/
to delight your delegates’ tastebuds                                              Armenian Street, this restaurant                     justin
– 58 restaurants were awarded the       PERANAKAN CUISINE                         has been dishing out mouth-                          ADDRESS: 2 Bayfront
Michelin Bib Gourmand and 44            Peranakan refers to the Straits-          watering Peranakan delicacies                        Avenue, Bay Level,
received Michelin stars in 2019.        born people of Chinese and Malay/         since 2003. Chef-owner Benjamin                     L1-83
   Food courts or ‘hawker centres’      Indonesian heritage, and its cuisine      Seck started True Blue Cuisine                    NEAREST MRT: Bayfront
have long been a popular and            blends the distinct spices and            with his mother, serving traditional         Singaporean celebrity
affordable eating destination in        cooking techniques of this region.        dishes like minced chicken ngoh        chef Justin Quek’s all-day diner
Singapore, and two hawker stands        To sample it for yourself, make sure      hiang (meat rolled in beancurd skin)   serves gourmet food, from lobster
were even awarded Michelin stars        the Candlenut and True Blue Cuisine       and udang ketak (crayfish fried in     Hokkien noodles to the signature
in 2019. At Hill Street Tai Hwa Pork    eateries are on your ‘must visit’ list.   spicy paste).                          Kampot white pepper crab.
SPECTACULAR SINGAPORE - Experience the exceptional for your next event - Amazon S3

A moment of
     Scan the QR code to
     breathe deeply at the
     MacRitchie Nature Trail
     and Reservoir Park
SPECTACULAR SINGAPORE - Experience the exceptional for your next event - Amazon S3
18                             HIT THE TOWN                                                                        HIT THE TOWN                                    19

       Sizzling sundowners                                                       ingredients and alcohol from the
                                                                                 region. For example, The Peranakan
                                                                                                                                          WFH Happy Hour

                                                                                 is inspired by local cuisine, created
            hether you’re in the mood                                            with Indian rum and ingredients                      Scan the QR code to watch
            for sipping a Singapore                                              like laksa leaves, dried pandan and                  Vijay Mudaliar, founder of
            Sling or socialising over                                            gula melaka (palm sugar). Even the                    Native, serve up eclectic
a craft beer, Singapore’s bar scene                                              coasters are sustainable, made from                  mocktails to enjoy at home
has something for all tastes. An                                                 compostable lotus leaves that can be
impressive 11 establishments made                                                re-used 20 times.
the 2020 list of Asia’s 50 Best Bars
(compiled by World’s Best Bars),         Top-rated                               Atlas
with Singapore’s Jigger and Pony         Jigger and Pony                            atlasbar.sg
taking the number one spot.                                                      WHERE: 600 North Bridge Road
   We chose a few that are well         brunch and enjoy unlimited craft         NEAREST MRT: Bugis
worth a visit during your next trip.    cocktails alongside gourmet food.        This sumptuously designed Art                   HOW TO MAKE A
                                                                                 Deco-styled bar looks like it jumped            SINGAPORE SLING
                                        Jigger and Pony                          straight out of The Great Gatsby                Here is the original
 Manhattan                                 jiggerandpony.com                     and into the heart of Singapore.                Raffles Hotel recipe
                                        WHERE: Amara Singapore, 165 Tanjong      Resplendent with gold-plated                    for the country’s most
                                        Pagar Road                               statues and a 15-metre-tall gin tower,          famous cocktail:
                                        NEAREST MRT: Tanjong Pagar               this bar holds the largest variety of
                                             This establishment’s name           gins in the world.                              Ingredients
                                                pays tribute to the history                                                      30ml gin
                                                   of concocting cocktails,      5 SINGAPORE SLING FACTS                         15ml cherry brandy
                                                    which used to employ         1. I t was invented around 1915 by Ngiam       7.5ml Cointreau
                                                    measuring devices                Tong Boon, a bartender at the Long          7.5ml Benedictine
Manhattan                                           known as ‘jiggers’ or            Bar in Raffles Hotel                        120ml pineapple juice
   regenthotels.com/                                ‘ponies’. Peruse their       2.	Legend has it the Singapore Sling           15ml lime juice
regent-singapore/dining/                           beautifully-designed               first gained popularity because it         10ml grenadine
manhattan                                        menu to discover subtle              looked like a moderate punch and           A dash of Angostura bitters
WHERE: Level 2 of the Regent                  new twists on favourites like           was seen as socially acceptable for        A slice of pineapple and
Singapore (1 Cuscaden Road)             The Old Fashioned.                            ladies to drink in public                  a cherry
NEAREST MRT: Orchard                                                             3.	It was a favourite drink of writers
Manhattan is an opulent                 Native                                        Joseph Conrad and Rudyard Kipling          Method
establishment with decor that              tribenative.com                       4.	It is an IBA official cocktail, so it can   1. Add all the ingredients
evokes 19th-century New York            WHERE: 52A Amoy Street                        be used in the annual World Cocktail           into a shaker with ice
and serves cocktails inspired by        NEAREST MRT: Maxwell                          Competition for bartenders                 2. Shake, then strain into
significant people and eras in the      Native will take your taste buds on a    5.	If you don’t make it to Raffles Hotel,         a tall glass
city’s history. Book a table for        tour of Asia, with ingenious cocktails        grab a pre-mixed version from DFS          3. Garnish with a slice of
Manhattan’s legendary Sunday            crafted from locally foraged                  Wines and Spirits in Changi Airport            pineapple and a cherry
20                      DELEGATE DISCOVERY                                                                    DELEGATE DISCOVERY                                       21

          Must-see Singapore                                                         DAY TWO: MODERN METROPOLIS
                                                                                     Morning Visit the Civic District
                                                                                                                                arts theatre. The theatre is shaped
                                                                                                                                like the durian, known as the ‘King

                                                                                     and Marina Bay and see how a               of Fruits’. End the afternoon with a
       his example incentive                                                         cosmopolitan city combines the             tour of Marina Bay Sands, an iconic
       itinerary will show your                                                      traditional and modern. Stop by            property home to the world’s largest
       delegates the best of                                                         the URA City Gallery and learn             rooftop infinity pool.
Singapore over four days and three                                                   more about Singapore’s dramatic
nights. They’ll marvel at Gardens                                                    transformation over the past 50            Evening Treat your delegates to a
by the Bay, learn about the                                                          years to become one of the most            delightful cocktail at Jigger and
culture and history of the                                                           liveable cities in Asia.                   Pony, named Asia’s number one bar
world’s only city-state and                                                                                                     in 2020 by World’s Best Bars. Then
sample some of the best                                                              Afternoon Take a traditional               it’s time to get your dancing shoes on
food in Asia.                                                                        bumboat cruise along the                          at 1-Altitude, the world’s highest
                                                                                     Singapore River. Spot iconic                           (282m) alfresco bar on the
                                                                                     landmarks including the           Did you know?          top three floors of One
                                                                                     Merlion and Esplanade,              The name              Raffles Place, with 360°
                                                                                     Singapore’s performing           ‘bumboat’ comes            views of Singapore.
                                                                                                                    from a combination of
                                                                                      Victoria Theatre               the Dutch word for a                      Rooftop at
                                 Did you know?                                        in the Civic District           canoe, ‘bomschuit’,                       1-Altitude
                              The Singapore Sling                                                                         and ‘boat’
 Botanic Gardens
                            was the drink of choice in                Little India
                          Hunter S Thomson’s 1971 cult
                           novel: Fear and Loathing in
DAY ONE: CULTURAL          Las Vegas. For more about    fare such as chicken
DISCOVERY                     the famous cocktail,      rice and laksa, a spicy
Morning Enjoy a local                see p19           noodle soup. Hawker
breakfast followed                                     food courts are such an
by morning Tai Chi at                               important part of life in                                                                         The mythical Merlion
the Singapore Botanic Gardens,            Singapore that in 2020 they became
a UNESCO World Heritage site.             part of UNESCO’s Representative
Afterwards, immerse yourself in           List of the Intangible Cultural
a world of colourful flowers at the       Heritage of Humanity.
Orchid Garden.
                                          Evening Have a world-famous
Afternoon Break into smaller groups       Singapore Sling at Raffles Hotel,
and depart on a cultural tour around      followed by a Chilli Crab seafood
the key districts of Chinatown, Little    dinner in one of many excellent
India and Joo Chiat. Stop off along       restaurants overlooking Marina Bay
the way to try delicious local hawker     or the Singapore River.
22                       DELEGATE DISCOVERY                                                              DELEGATE DISCOVERY                                       23

                                                                                  DAY FOUR: ISLAND LIFE                    in a unique Asian treatment to
                                                                                  Morning Visit Sentosa, an island 10      soothe, relax and recharge. Or if spas
                                                                                  minutes away from the city. Settle       aren’t your thing, get out on the golf
                                                                                  down in a comfy chair at Tanjong         course against a backdrop of the
                                                                                  Beach Club or, if you need more          Singapore Straits.
                                                                                  of an adrenaline rush, take the
                                                                                  opportunity to bungee jump               Evening Embark on an impressive
                                                                                  from the AJ Hackett                                 tall ship for a sunset sail
                                                                                  50-metre tower.                                          around Sentosa and the
                                                                                                                   Did you know?              southern Islands.
                                                                                  Afternoon Choose            The nation of Singapore          End the evening
                                                                                  from one of               is a collection of 64 islands.       at the exclusive
                                                                                  Sentosa’s 10 island       Singapore Island (or Pulau            Sentosa Cove
                                                                                  spas and indulge       Ujong) is where 5.7 million people       for dinner.
 Gorgeous greenery                                                                                       live and is one of three inhabited
 at Gardens by the Bay                                                             Try bungee                islands. The other two are
                                                                                   jumping                  Sentosa (population 1,800)
                                                                                                                   and Pulau Ubin
                                                                                                                  (population 130)

                                                                                                                                                         Spot of golf

                                                                                                                                                      Sunset cruise
                                                                                                                                                         aboard the
                                Did you know?
 Eat out at Tekka                                                Serene Seletar                                                                      Royal Albatross
                              Gardens by the Bay
                           opened in 2012 and in the
DAY THREE:                 same year was awarded         than 1,500,000
CITY IN A GARDEN             the World Building of       plants and flowers
Morning Visit the             the Year prize at the      here, as well as the
Tekka market to find          World Architecture        instantly recognisable
the freshest produce,               Festival           Supertree Grove.
tropical fruits and fragrant                                                                                                                Assistance planning
spices. Then, pick your own                     Evening Take your delegates                                                                         incentives in
ingredients and learn how to cook       for dinner amid the tranquillity of                                                                  Singapore For more
local dishes in a culinary class.       the rainforest at the Night Safari, the                                                                information about
                                        world’s first nocturnal wildlife park.                                                               assistance schemes
Afternoon Visit Gardens by the Bay      As dusk falls they can relax and                                                                  for planning incentives
and be awed by the world’s largest      enjoy beautiful views of the                                                                       in Singapore, see p28.
glass greenhouse. There are more        lush Seletar Reservoir.
24                                IN THE PIPELINE                                                                                                                                     IN THE PIPELINE                                   25

                                                                                                                                                                        Mandai                      and two major additions to
                                                                                                                                                                           mandai.com &             Universal Studios Singapore (USS)
                                                                                                                                                                        wrs.com.sg                  – Minion Park and Super Nintendo
                                                                                                                                                                        Plans are under way to      World. The SEA Aquarium will also
                                                                                                                                                                        transform Mandai into       increase to three times its current
                Lakeside Garden
                                                                                                                                                                        an integrated wildlife      size and a driverless transport system
                                                                                                                                                                        and nature precinct,        will shuttle guests around RWS.
                                                                                                                                                                        which continues its
                                                                                                                                                                        core mission of wildlife    Kranji Racecourse
                                                                                                                                                                        conservation. In co-           turfclub.com.sg
                                                                                                                                                                        locating the zoos and       Singapore Tourism Board (STB) is
                                                                                                                                                                        integrating them with       looking at redeveloping Kranji
                                                             Marina Bay Sands’ iconic                                                                                   various supporting          Racecourse into a leisure destination
                Mandai reserve                                 current three towers
                                                                                                                                                                        facilities, Mandai is set   for visitors and Singaporeans,
                                                                                                                                                                        to become a hub for         while retaining the race track.

            Look to the future                                                                                                                            nature and wildlife activities. With
                                                                                                                                                          the Mandai Wildlife Bridge now
                                                                                                                                                                                                       The aim is to celebrate its
                                                                                                                                                                                                    equestrian heritage and make the

                                                                                                                                                          open, the next step is opening            most of its many green spaces.
      ingapore is already a world-        Marina Bay Sands                                                                                                the newly relocated Bird Park             It will complement the nearby
      class MICE destination but it          marinabaysands.com                                                                                           and West Arrival Node.                    Mandai wildlife reserves,
      is continuing to develop its        Luxury resort Marina Bay Sands                                                                                     Beyond that, Mandai will               providing educational and
many attractions and plan for the         plans to add a fourth hotel tower                                                                               continue to grow with more wildlife       wellness experiences.
future. It’s making big strides in        full of MICE facilities.                                                                                        parks, attractions, public spaces            The Singapore Turf Club, which
its ambitious plans for a greener            The S$4.5billion (approximately                                                                              and a hotel all part of the plan. The     owns the racecourse, has also
outlook with the expansion of             £2.4billion) new development                                                                                    126-hectare wildlife eco-tourism hub      launched an international contest for

                                                                                        KRANJI PIC: AUSSIE ASSAULT, ATTRIBUTION 2.0 GENERIC (CC BY 2.0)
Jurong Lake District and Mandai,          will sit next to the existing three                                                                             will include the world-renowned           architects and landscape designers
as well as a new wildlife eco-tourism     towers and include a 15,000-seat                                                                                Singapore Zoo, Night Safari                       to redesign Singapore’s only
hub set to open in 2023.                  arena, meeting rooms, ballrooms                                                                                 and River Safari.                                    horse-racing venue as
                                          and exhibition halls, as well as                                                                                                                                       something “inspiring
Jurong Lake District                      1,000 high-end suites, a rooftop                                                                                Resorts World Sentosa                                   and unique.”
   jld.gov.sg                             pool and restaurants.                                                                                              rwsentosa.com
Jurong Lake Gardens is a 90-hectare          The new arena will be a major                                                                                A multi-billion dollar                                               RWS at night
green sanctuary where guests can          capacity upgrade on the current                                                                                 expansion plan known
immerse themselves in nature.             5000-capacity ballroom, suitable                                                                                as Resorts World Sentosa
Currently, just the Lakeside Garden       for MICE groups to host extra-large                                                                             (RWS) 2.0 was announced
is open for visitors but three more       plenary sessions and conference                                                                                 in April 2019, which will add
nature-focused attractions are            groups in one session.                                                                                          164,000sqm of gross floor area.
expected to open throughout 2021             The set-up of the arena will also                                                                            New facilities will include a
– the Chinese Garden, Japanese            allow for much more elaborate                                                                                   waterfront development containing
Garden and Promenade.                     technical productions.                                                                                          two hotels, retail establishments
26                   SERIOUS SUSTAINABILITY                                                                 SERIOUS SUSTAINABILITY                                 27

               A city in nature                                                      operational waste and responsibly
                                                                                     sourcing over 60% of office supplies
                                                                                                                              a compactor to turn food waste into
                                                                                                                              compost, which will then be used as
                                                                                     and ongoing consumables.                 fertiliser for its gardens.

                                                                                     Parkroyal on Pickering was designed      SUSTAINABLE FOOD PRODUCTION
                                                                                     as a hotel-in-a-garden with cutting-     World-leading green technology and
                                                                                     edge environmentally-friendly            infrastructure is in the country’s food
                                                                                     technology. For example, the             sector too. A scarcity of arable land
                                                                                     cascading greenery keeps the west-       has led local innovators to pursue
                                                                                     facing walls cool and reduces energy     urban agriculture – with farmers
                                                                                     consumption for cooling guestrooms       using high-tech and high-yield
                                                                                     (see p13) and high-performance glass     methods to overcome the limitations
                                                                                     cuts out solar heat while providing      of traditional farming practices.
                                                                                     lots of natural daylight.
                                                                    Aerial view of                                                           Artisan Green uses
                                                           Gardens by the Bay and    Gardens by the Bay’s                                      hydroponics
                                                                                                                        In 2019, The
                              Ever since declaring           the Supertree Grove     lake system acts as a                                       technology in
                                                                                                                  Economist Intelligence
                               its independence in

                                                                                     natural filter for water    Unit ranked Singapore as         controlled, indoor
      ustainability        1965, Singapore has aimed      Marina Bay                 from the Gardens’                                             environments to
                                                                                                               the world’s top country in its
      is more than        to create a garden city with    Sands’ global              catchment and                                                 grow food items
                                                                                                                Global Food Security Index.
      just turning        abundant lush greenery and      sustainability             provides biodiverse                                           100% pesticide-free.
                                                                                                                   EIU’s selection criteria
the lights off – it’s        a clean environment to       strategy, Sands            habitats for wildlife                                         As an urban vertical
                                                                                                                 include food affordability,
about a balanced             make life more pleasant     ECO360, comprises           such as fish and                                             farm, they can grow
                                                                                                                       availability and
approach to economic               for the people      four priorities:              dragonflies. The water                                     fresh produce in the
activity, environmental                              Green Buildings,                is also used in the built-in                          heart of Singapore.
responsibility and                               Environmentally                     irrigation system.
social progress.                        Responsible Operations, Green                   The iconic Supertrees also have a     Upgrown Farming Company provides
   Singapore is making steady           Meetings and Stakeholder                     role to play in sustainability. Some     indoor farming systems, auto-dosing
advances in areas of sustainability     Engagement. In June 2019, Sands              have solar panels on their canopies      and LED grow lighting. It promotes
such as the Recycle, Reduce and         Expo and Convention Centre                   to generate energy for their own         cost-effective vertical farming
Reuse (3R) waste management             achieved LEED (Leadership in                 lighting, while others are integrated    solutions that maximise space and
partnership with the Singapore          Energy and Environmental Design)             with the Gardens’ conservatories         productivity, and minimise reliance
Hotel Association, and green            Platinum, a globally recognised              and serve as air exhaust receptacles.    on natural resources.
building initiatives from BCA Green     certification of sustainability.
Mark to promote environmental              This was a result of Sands Expo           Pan Pacific Orchard is expected to       Agri-Food Innovation Park, located
awareness in the construction and       increasing energy efficiency by 42%          open in 2022 as a zero-waste hotel,      in the Greater Sungei Kadut area
real estate sectors.                    more than other similarly rated              with four levels of soaring sky          (from Q2 2021) will combine high-
   Many hotels and MICE venues in       buildings in the world; adopting             gardens and 350 eco-friendly rooms.      tech farming and R&D activities,
Singapore have also implemented         a rigorous waste management                  It will feature a rainwater harvesting   including indoor plant factories and
their own sustainability initiatives.   strategy; recycling over 50% of              system, recyclable water system and      animal feed production facilities.
28                          EVENT SUPPORT                                                                        EVENT SUPPORT                                   29

  Assistance schemes
H        ome to world-class facilities,
         efficient infrastructure, and
         an empowering business
environment, Singapore is the ideal
destination for hosting exceptional
                                          reimbursement basis.
                                              To qualify, your
                                          event must meet
                                          requirements in four
                                          categories: content/
business events. Comprehensive            brand of event, number
event assistance schemes can help         of foreign delegates
                                                                                                                                                         Push back on
support and grow your event into a        expected, duration of
                                                                                                                                                       Palawan Beach
platform that connects and inspires.      event and attendee
     Discover exclusive privileges,       profile. Funding
services and experiences with             support can be gained for                   IN SINGAPORE INCENTIVES &             • Create unforgettable memories
these three assistance schemes:           third-party costs such as:                  REWARDS (INSPIRE)                        by dining along the waterfront at
• Business Events in Singapore (BEiS)     • Professional services                    The In Singapore Incentives &            Palawan Beach
• In Singapore Incentives & Rewards      • Networking events                        Rewards (INSPIRE) programme           • Explore the aquatic at SEA
   (INSPIRE)                              • Content development                      offers visiting MICE groups a            Aquarium, home to more than
• Singapore MICE Advantage               • Marketing activities                     variety of experiences to show off       100,000 marine animals
   Programme (SMAP)                       • Venue rental and                         some of Singapore’s highlights.       • Challenge each other in an
                                             meeting packages                         The programme has more than              exhilarating dragon boat race at
BUSINESS EVENTS IN SINGAPORE              • Market research                          60 options across four categories:       Sentosa Island
(BEiS)                                                                                dining, attractions, thematic tours   • Be entertained by a private after-
The BEiS scheme offers customised         Other non-financial                         and team-building experiences.           hours Garden Rhapsody show, with
financial support to event organisers.    support includes:                               To qualify for the INSPIRE           unrivalled night views of the city
It covers key event costs, such           • Logo support                             programme, groups must meet the       • Take a scenic sunset tour around
as help in securing venues, on a          • Facilitating secure venues               following requirements:                  Singapore’s southern islands
                                                          • Hosting of site visits   • Groups must comprise 20 or more    • Enjoy a fine selection of plant-
                                                          • Event listing on            foreign delegates                     inspired food and cocktails at
                                                            visitsingapore.com/       • The group must stay a minimum of      Botanico, Botanic Gardens.
                                                         mice                            three days in Singapore.

                                                         Upon fulfilling the          There may be potential market
                                                         project’s agreed targets,    variations, subject to scope and
                                                         applicants are required      merits of the project.
                                                         to submit third-party
                                                         audited documents            Benefits
                                                         on qualifying costs          Enjoy more than 60 complimentary
                                                         for the disbursement         experiences to enhance your
                                      Dine at Botanico                                                                                           Get out on the water
                                                         of grants.                   business event, such as:
30                           EVENT SUPPORT                                                                     ESSENTIAL RESOURCE                                   31

                                                                                                          TIH explained
                                                                                      S     ingapore’s Tourism
                                                                                            Information and Services Hub
                                                                                            (TIH) is a digital resource that
                                                                                      lets businesses access information
                                                                                      on the country’s tourism and
                                                                                                                               What kind of content will I find in TIH?
                                                                                                                               Among the resources you’ll find are:
                                                                                                                               • Destination editorials – get
                                                                                                                                  ideas for creating unforgettable
                                                                                                                                  experiences for your delegates
                                                                                      travel services.                         • Images and videos – lots of free-to-
                                                                     Changi Airport                                               download images and videos for
                                                                 and Jewel complex    Where can I find it?                        use on your digital channels
                                                                                         tih.stb.gov.sg                        • Deals and promotions – put
SINGAPORE MICE ADVANTAGE                 • Discount on bulk purchase of                                                          together lists of special offers
PROGRAMME (SMAP)                            StarHub Travel Prepaid SIM cards          How can it help me plan events              your delegates might like
Qualified MICE groups can enjoy          • Complimentary customisation of            in Singapore?                            • Walking trails – interesting and
exclusive benefits with our partners        co-branded NETS FlashPay cards            Once you have registered, you will          scenic routes available
on the Singapore MICE Advantage             and discount on bulk purchase of          be able to access a content library      • Enhanced navigation services –
Programme, which include airfare            NETS FlashPay cards.                      containing hundreds of listings             customise your digital channels
discounts, shopping vouchers,                                                         across multiple categories. These           with a mapping service to help
attraction tokens and SIM card deals.      And some of the benefits for MICE          include venues, attractions, bars,          your delegates better navigate
                                           delegates are:                             clubs, restaurants and shops.               and explore Singapore.
Benefits                                   • Changi shopping vouchers for
Among the benefits to                                       shopping and dining      How much does it cost?                   For more information, please email:
organisers are:                                              at Changi Airport or     Nothing, it is a free resource.          stb_tih@stb.gov.sg
• Discounts on              For the full range of           Jewel Changi Airport
   advertising space         benefits, go to:            • Discounted fares
   within Changi Airport         visitsingapore.            to Singapore on
• Complimentary             com/MICE/SMAP                  Singapore Airlines
   welcome desk at           For more information           and SilkAir
   Changi Airport to         on all three                • Complimentary
   greet your delegates      programmes, go to:             tokens on the Sentosa
   upon arrival                  visitsingapore.
                                                            Fun Pass, which
• Complimentary air         com/mice/en/
                                                            can be redeemed
   tickets on Singapore      plan-your-event/
                                                            for experiences and
   Airlines, subject to a    event-assistance-
                                                            F&B at participating
   minimum spend             schemes/
                                                            Sentosa partners
• Discounted rates for                                  • Preferred rates on
   Quayside Service at the   If you have questions          JetQuay services
   elite JetQuay premium     or wish to apply, email:    • Discount on
   airport terminal          stblondon@stb.gov.sg           Grab services.
Plan your next steps with us
Whatever you have in mind for your next delegate trip
 or business event, we are here to support you. From
putting together bespoke itineraries, sourcing venues
  and suppliers to recommending the best places to
 visit and stay, our professional, passionate team can
        assist with anything you want to achieve.

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