Sports Premium Strategy 2020- 2021 - Heaton Park Primary ...

Page created by Cody Wilson
Sports Premium Strategy 2020- 2021 - Heaton Park Primary ...
Sports Premium Strategy 2020- 2021
At Heaton Park we engage in a wide range of sporting and outdoor activities. These enhance our children’s learning experiences, improve their levels of
fitness and enhances their well-being. We partake in cross school and in school competitions and all children have the opportunity to attend a variety of
sports related clubs. We are also very pleased that some of our children have achieved representative standards at town and county level. We look for
opportunities for our children who have additional learning needs to participate in competitions and we ensure that all children have access to all we offer.
Swimming lessons take place in year 4 and we participate in local galas. All children at Heaton Park run and the daily mile is used throughout school.

In addition to the more traditional sports activities our children take part in variety of outdoor adventurous activities and visits to residential activity centres.
We have plans to extend this further to include such things as hill walking and to extend these opportunities to our KS1 children.

Our School grounds have been enhanced to support children’s physical activity with a variety of trails, gym type equipment and sports areas that can be used
throughout the day and during break times.

Forest Schools and outdoor learning is a very import part of the curriculum at Heaton Park. It gives children the chance to learn new skills and explore their
environment in a very active and physical way.

Our Sports Premium Grant is used principally to fund the employment of our specialist sports and outdoor learning coach, however this is only part of what
we commit to supporting this highly important aspect of life at Heaton Park.

Schools must use funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer. This means they should use the Primary
PE and Sports fund to:

              Develop or add to PE and sport activity that your school already offers
              Build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now benefit pupils joining the school in future years.

       Please visit for the revised DfE guidance including the 5key indicators across which schools should demonstrate an improvement.
Support for review and reflection - considering the 5 key indicators from DfE, what development needs are a priority for your setting and your
 students now and why? Use the space below to reflect on previous spend, identify current need and priorities for the future.

Key achievements to date:                                                       Areas for further improvement and baseline evidence of need:

                                                                                Re-introducing Orienteering onto the PE curriculum.
Employed a schools sports coach – Level 3 in Education and Training.
                                                                                Making more links with local sports clubs and organisations.
In schools sports coach had Forest Schools training.
                                                                                Whole school staff training in gymnastics and dance.
Have a broad range of After school clubs (due to school closure and high
infection rate, these have been suspended recently until Spring 2020).          To implement more outdoor active learning across KS1 & KS2 to increase
                                                                                activity to 30 mins a day.
Have an active Breakfast Club.
                                                                                To increase further opportunities for outdoor and adventurous activities into
Target Least Active children from KS1 & 2 – working with Sports Coach at        KS1 and expand in KS2.
lunchtimes (due to school closure and high infection rate, these have been
suspended recently until Spring 2020).

Range of lunchtime clubs, Basketball, Football & Netball.

Strength and Stamina training in KS1 daily

Play leaders running at lunch times (due to school closure and high infection
rate, these have been suspended recently until Spring 2020).

Daily Mile and increased running activity across school

Gained Sports Mark Silver Award

Created by:                                               Supported by:
Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety                                         Please complete all of the below*:
 What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance   58%
 of at least 25 metres?
 Questionnaires to parents for Y6 1,2,3 – questions
 What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front           58%
 crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]?

 What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based                12%

 Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming        N/A
 but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this

*Schools may wish to provide this information in April, just before the publication deadline.

 Created by:                                        Supported by:
Action Plan and Budget Tracking
Capture your intended annual spend against the 5 key indicators. Clarify the success criteria and
evidence of impact that you intend to measure to evaluate for students today and for the future.

Academic Year: 2020/21                  Total fund allocated: £18000 (Total Date Updated: July 2020
                                        grant allocated to fund the employment
                                        costs of our in school sport coach)
Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that Percentage of total allocation:
primary school children undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school                                                 %
 School focus with clarity on           Actions to achieve:                      Funding      Evidence and impact:                Sustainability and suggested
 intended impact on pupils:                                                      allocated:                                       next steps:
Opportunities to re-introduce           School to be mapped.                     £200 +        Monitoring from Sports coach,
Orienteering onto the whole school      Orienteering plaques to be made                       class teachers and PE lead
curriculum and link to Geography        and mounted around the school                         (supported by SLT).
lessons.                                grounds.
                                        Maps and cards to be printed.                         Questionnaires/ Staff Meeting
                                        Whole staff training on                               feedback to measure their
                                        Orienteering.                                         confidence and ability to deliver
                                        Staff and Sports coach to be                          Orienteering sessions.
                                        confident in delivery of
                                        Orienteering. (Also as part of
                                        Geography CPD)

Nursery and Reception receive half      Commitment and dedication of staff                    To include Sports coach in
hour sessions and Y1-Y6 receive 1       to raise the profile of Orienteering                  questionnaire/staff meeting
hour a week led by the Sports coach     within school. Timetabled as part of                  feedback too.
to deliver the full curriculum. The     curriculum
second hour is delivered by the class

After School – three times per week Letters/ emails to be sent out to                         Percentage participation across
teachers and the Sports coach team interested children.                                       school and including at risk
teach a variety of different sports
Created by:                                          Supported by:
that run every week all year for
different year groups across school –
Netball, Football, Gymnastics, Dance,
Boccia, Cross Country, Athletics,
Cricket, Rounders and Tag Rugby.

Lunchtime ‘Least Active children’ club Letters/emails to be sent out to
                                                                          Monitoring of attendance,
run twice a week, led by Sports        targeted children.
                                                                          participation and impact of
Netball, Football, Boccia, Cross
Country, Rounders, Cricket, Athletics
and Swimming competitions after
school organised by PWJSSA and the
Schools Games Network.

Created by:                                            Supported by:
Key indicator 2: The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement             Percentage of total allocation:
 School focus with clarity on        Actions to achieve:                Funding                Evidence and impact:            Sustainability and suggested
 intended impact on pupils:                                             allocated:                                             next steps:
Whole school training in Gymnastics Dance and Gymnastics experts to be £200/£300           Monitoring from Sports coach,
and Dance.                          booked from the School Games                           class teachers and PE lead
                                    Network.                                               (supported by SLT).

                                     Training to be across 2 PAD’s.                        Questionnaires/ Staff Meeting
                                     Staff and Sports coach to be                          feedback to measure their
                                     confident in delivery of Gymnastics                   confidence and ability to deliver
                                     and Dance.                                            Dance and Gymnastics sessions.
                                     Commitment and dedication of staff                    To include Sports coach in
                                     to raise the profile of Gymnastics                    questionnaire/staff meeting
                                     and Dance within school.                              feedback too.
                                                                                           Following long/med planning
Celebration assemblies – children    Prioritising sports achievements and
share their extra-curricular         children’s involvement.

Noticeboard to display and celebrate Noticeboards to update regularly.                     Sports Noticeboard
achievements and promote local club
links (Sedgley Park Rugby Club, Man
City Juniors, Phillips Sports Centre –
Basketball & Netball, Salford Football

Sports Day – EYFS/KS1/KS2 – parents Evaluate Sports Day – link to                          Feedback from the children,
to attend.                          outcomes for pupils and encourage                      enjoyment measured.
                                    talented pupils to join local sports


Whole school training for staff on   Follow up questionnaires/ Staff                       Staff questionnaire/voice
Created by:                                          Supported by:
Orienteering, Dance and Gymnastics meeting feedback
– Sports Coach, PE lead and external
Dance and Gym experts to lead.

Newsletter highlights the           Headteacher/SLT to be informed      Evidence in newsletter
achievements and involvement of the

Role models – Playground leaders/   To be re-introduced Spring 2021     On the school website and in
School Council                                                          school Newsletter/email.
                                    Pupils to meet with PE lead and     Playground Leaders/ School
                                    Sports coach every half term to     Council can place items in the
                                    discuss ways of introducing More    Newsletter. Help to display
                                    Outdoor active lessons across the   relevant information on the
                                    whole school.                       website.

Created by:                                         Supported by:
Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport                                Percentage of total allocation:
School focus with clarity on intended   Actions to achieve:                     Funding      Evidence and impact:                Sustainability and suggested
impact on pupils:                                                               allocated:                                       next steps:
This training to take place with the    Follow up questionnaires for staff/                  Monitoring follow up sessions – to .
external coaches – so they can          staff meeting feedback.                              see skills taught.
disseminate the teaching of             Training in dance and gymnastics.
gymnastics and dance skills to the
teachers over 2 PAD’s –PE lead to
schedule this during the
Spring/Summer term.

Staff Meetings focused on increasing Scheduled into monitoring plan.
teachers skills in delivery of PE and PE subject leader to arrange.                          Staff meetings minutes
School sports                                                                                Staff questionnaire

                                          Teachers are leading the Daily Mile
Daily Mile – all adults in school to lead Offered as two morning sessions                    Timetables
the walk/jog/run to demonstrate a         and afternoon sessions for the                     Photo evidence
healthy lifestyle.                        whole school.

Release time for subject leader.        Time dedicated to monitor,
                                        evaluate. Observe, train. Co-                        Action plan completed
                                        ordinate with the in school sports

Teachers to observe in school sports    To identify areas for development                    Monitoring by subject lead/sports
coach.                                  with teachers                                        coach of teaching lessons.

Created by:                                              Supported by:
Percentage of total allocation:
Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
School focus with clarity on intended Actions to achieve:                   Funding           Evidence and impact:              Sustainability and suggested
impact on pupils:                                                           allocated:                                          next steps:
Additional achievements:                                                    Residential and
                                                                            activity centre
Rock and River Outdoor Activity       Book - Summer term 2021               costs             Feedback from children,
Centre Y5                                                                                     enjoyment measured.
Robinwood Y6
Hollingworth Lake Activity Centre
                                                                                              Children raising money for the
Sponsored walk for Charity, ‘City of  Sports Coach  to organise.                              charity to help improve air
trees.’                                                                                       pollution and climate change.

Organised hill walk KS2 (links with     Plan and orgainse route/dates etc!                   Walks take place
Geography curriculum)                   Include children in this

Develop Girl’s Football participation   Sports Coach to implement and                        Introduce after school club and
throughout KS1 & KS2.                   organise.                                            encourage girls to take part in
                                                                                             local competitions.

Trips to Heaton Park for Forest school Programmed for all children across                    Feedback from children,
and active outdoor learning activities. the school.                                          enjoyment measured.
                                        Extra provision timetabled for
                                        SEND children.

Investigate adventurous opportunities Sports Coach/Class teachers to                         Experiences booked and organised
for KS1/EYFs                          investigate

Created by:                                             Supported by:
Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport                                                                    Percentage of total allocation:
School focus with clarity on intended Actions to achieve:                   Funding         Evidence and impact:              Sustainability and suggested
impact on pupils:                                                           allocated:                                        next steps:
Netball/ Football/Rounders matches PE Subject leader and Sports             Transport Costs Matches played – see newsletters/
after school, League/ friendlies      coaches to co-ordinate                                emails.
between local schools.

Sports Network and PWJSSA leading
matches after school throughout the Sports Coach to support                                 Children taking part in additional
year.                                                                                       competitive sports played during
                                                                                            and after school.
Indoor Boccia Competition.          Staff/parents to support transport
Cross country – PWJSSA annual
competition.                                                                                Team sports practiced at
Annual Cricket competition at Stand PE lead to notify staff.                                lunchtime with Sports coach.
Cricket Club.                                                                               Newsletter

Transport to some of the activities.    Cover for class
Teacher release for activities.         Car insurance to transport pupils
                                                                                            Club registers
Membership of PWJSSA – football,        Yearly subscription paid
netball, cross country, rounders,       Meetings attended                                   Newsletters/ Risk assessmens
cricket and athletics.
                                                                                            Minutes of PWJSSA meetings
Weekly Warrior virtual completion for Participation in leagues /
KS1 & KS2.                            competitions                                          League / competition results

Virtual Pentathlon completion for KS1
& KS2.

Created by:                                             Supported by:
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