St. John the Evangelist - Roman Catholic Parish -

Page created by Frank Duncan
St. John the Evangelist - Roman Catholic Parish -
The Most Holy Trinity                                      June 12, 2022

          St. John the Evangelist
                         Roman Catholic Parish
     502 S. Park Blvd. Streamwood, IL 60107 630-837-6500

Weekdays:    8:45 AM

Wednesday: 8:45 AM & 7:00 PM

Saturday:    4:30 PM

Sunday:       7:30 AM
              9:00 AM
             11:00 AM
              1 :00 PM (Polish Mass)
              6:00 PM

     Parish Mission
     The Community of
   St. John the Evangelist
   accepts as our mission:
     To know our Faith,
  To serve God and others,
  and to Spread the Gospel
     Message by Word,
     Witness and Deed.

St. John the Evangelist - Roman Catholic Parish -
502 S. Park Blvd. , Streamwood, IL 60107                            Liturgies
Parish Office: (630) 837-6500                                         Saturday: 4:30 pm
                                                                    Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am & 6:00 pm
Parish Office Hours:                                                  1:00 pm (Polish language)
Mon. - Sat. 9 am - 5:00 pm, Sun. CLOSED                             Monday - Saturday: 8:45 am
                                                                    Wednesday: 7:00pm (rosary at 6:30 pm)
                                                                    Holy Days: 8:45 am & 6:00 pm and 7:30 pm (in Polish)
Parish School: 630-837-6500 Ext. 200
                                                                    Holidays: 9:00 am Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor
513 Parkside Circle, Streamwood, IL 60107                           Day, & Thanksgiving Day.
Religious Educa on: 630-837-6500 Ext. 126

Our Priests                     Sacraments                                 Parish Services
Fr. Gregg Gorczyca              Reconcilia on Daily on Monday,             Loaves & Fishes Ministry collects dona ons in
     Pastor                     Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and              the Gathering Space for the food pantry the
                                Saturday, from 8:00AM to 8:40AM. On        second weekend of the month a er all the
Fr. Nathaniel Payne                                                        Masses.
                                Wednesday, confessions will be from
     Associate Pastor           7:30AM to 8:40AM and from 5:30PM
Fr. William Moriarity           to 6:50PM.                                 Sharing Ministry was created to assist registered
     Pastor Emeritus                                                       parishioners in mes of financial crisis. If you find
                                Bap sms Parents need to be                 yourself in such a crisis, call the Sharing Ministry
                                registered parishioners and must           at 630-837-6500 ext. 141, and leave a message,
Our Deacons                     a end one reflec ve session on the         sta ng only your name and phone number. A
Dcn. Jim Furey (senior)         meaning of Bap sm at least three           volunteer will call you back to gather the details.
Dcn. Mike Benoit                weeks in advance of the Bap smal           Great care is taken to preserve confiden ality.
                                date. A endance before the birth of
Dcn. Tim Davidson               the child is suggested. Please contact
Dcn. Joe McCain                 the Parish Office.
                                                                           Religious Educa on
Dcn. Jozef Mika                                                            Rite of Chris an Ini a on for Adults
                                Marriages To allow enough me for           For those adults who want to be fully ini ated in
Dcn. Bob Pasdiora               adequate     marriage     prepara on,      the church, please consider joining us on a life
Dcn. Larry Rybicki              arrangements for weddings should be        changing journey of faith. We gather on Sunday
                                made at least 9 months in advance.         morning a er the 9:00 am Mass. Contact the
Our Staff                        Ministry of Care to the Sick Ministry      parish office and leave a message for Deacon Tim
Business Manager                of Care brings the Eucharist to the sick   Davidson.
Mary Alice Benoit               & homebound. Please contact the
                                Parish Office to arrange for a minister      Youth Educa on For those children who a end
School Principal                to bring the Eucharist to you.             public schools, religious educa on is offered for
Beth Wennerstrom                                                           grades Kindergarten through Eighth. For further
                                Anoin ng of the Sick Please make           informa on, call the Office of Faith Forma on.
Director of Lifelong Faith      arrangements through the Parish
Forma on                        Office.
Mary Thon                       Funerals Please make arrangements
                                                                           Follow us on:
Director of Music               through the Funeral Director.              Find out what’s happening at
Michael Myers                                                              the parish!
Youth Minister                  Electronic Giving                     
Joe Quinlan                    GiveCentral: St. John the Evangelist
Bulle n Editor                 accepts all church dona ons and
Cathy Tampir                   school payments online through Church Bulle n
                               GiveCentral. Simply go to the parish Submissions to the Bulle n must be made at
                               website at and least 10 days prior to the date requested.
Membership                     click on “Donate Now” to be di- All submissions are subject to approval. Send
New Parishioners If you are rected to the GiveCentral link.         submissions to
seeking a church home, we
welcome you into our parish
family. Please call the Parish              Vicariate and Archdiocese News
Office for more details.                      For news from around the vicariate, please visit,
Moving? Please contact the
Parish Office with your new
                                            the Vicariate I Ministry Commission Website. For informa on from
address.                                    around the Archdiocese, visit
St. John the Evangelist - Roman Catholic Parish -
Sunday, June 12, 2022                  Readings for the Week
                                          Mass Intentions                         of June 12, 2022

Monday, June 13
8:45 AM † LeRoy & Cecilia Zaehler
Tuesday, June 14
                                    Sunday, June 12                        St. Anthony of Padua
8:45 AM Birthday Blessings for
                                    7:30 AM † Terry Winter                 Monday:        1 Kgs 21:1-16; Ps 5:
           Martin Pawelec
                                    9:00 AM † Jozefa & Marian                             2-3ab, 4b-7; Mt
Wednesday, June 15                               Krawczynski                              5:38-42
8:45 AM † Nicolas Valencia          11:00 AM † Mary Robst
        54th Wedding                          † Michael McCarron           St. Mark of Lucera
          Anniversary Blessings               † Laura McGettrick           Tuesday:      1 Kgs 21:17-29; Ps
          for Roger & Shirley                 Blessings for the                          51:3-6ab, 11, 16;
          Vachon                                 Cabrera Family                          Mt 5:43-48
        Healing for Nancy Licht     1:00 PM Mass in Polish
7:00 PM † Agnes & James Murray                                             St. Adelaide
                                    6:00 PM † The Deceased                 Wednesday: 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14; Ps
        † Vera Jevtovic                         Members of the
        † Chester Kayms                                                                 31:20, 21, 24; Mt 6:
                                                Alpers & Becker                         1-6, 16-18
        † LeRoy Zaehler                         Family
        † Bogdan Wax                                                       St. John Francis Regis
        Birthday Blessings for                                             Thursday:      Sir 48:1-14; Ps 97:
           Anthony Nicolas                                                                1-7; Mt 6:7-15
        Blessings for Malgorzata
           Waz & Fmily                                                     St. Teresa of Portugal
                                     In your charity and prayers, please   Friday:         2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18,
Thursday, June 16                                                                          20; Ps 132:11-14,
8:45 AM † Alina Paul                remember the souls of those who have
                                       died this past week . Keep their                    17-18; Mt 6:19-23
Friday, June 17                           families in your thoughts        St. Fortunatus
8:45 AM † Fr. Richard Beckman                    and prayers.              Saturday:      2 Chr 24:17-25; Ps
Saturday, June 18                             Arturo Rusiana                              89:4-5, 29-34; Mt
8:45 AM Birthday Blessings for               Richard Drews Sr.                            6:24-34
            Kasis Lopatko                                                  Corpus Christi
4:30 PM † Deacon J. Michael                                                St. Deodatus
Sunday, June 19
                                                   Baptisms                Sunday:       Gn 14:18-20; Ps
                                                                                         110:1-4; 1 Cor 11:
7:30 AM † Manuel Combes               We welcome with joy and support                    23-26; Lk 9:11b-17
9:00 AM † Amparo Gauegos             these newly baptized children along
11:00 AM † Carmelo Guy               with their parents, Godparents, and
          † Kathleen McQuinn          family members. May they grow to
          † Laura McGettrick             believe that they are loved.
          † David Braddock
          † Alfonso Hernandez           Baylor Jan Edmond Hughs
          † Mark Ballesteri                Vincent Leo Callahan
          † Felix Domingues                Scarlett Ann Winckler
          † Carl Vachlin Jr.         Violet Andromeda Ramos Holecek
          † Manuel Combes              Alexander Anthony Skowron
          † Dorothy Szeder               Alexis Karolina Rachwal
1:00 PM Mass in Polish                  Vivienne Rose Metelanski
6:00 PM † Dominick Compobasso          Valentina Sophia Metelanski
St. John the Evangelist - Roman Catholic Parish -
Dear Parishioners,

This Sunday the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity is the greatest, most
fundamental, and central mystery of our Catholic faith. This is the one feast in which to totality of God is celebrated.
Our God is a communion of three divine persons united in love - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God created
us and loves us as our Father. God is also the Son who came into our world to share his life with us and to redeem us.
And God is the Holy Spirit who gives us new life as children of God and causes the Trinity to dwell in our hearts.

Ever since we learned how to pray, we all begin and end our prayers by making the sign of the Cross over ourselves.
When we make that sign, we are expressing our faith in the Holy Trinity. We touch our head, and we say: “In the name of
the Father” - because He is the first person of the Trinity and our Creator. Then we touch our hearts, and we say: “and of
the Son” - this reminds us that God the Son proceeds from the Father and came down from heaven to the womb of the
Blessed Virgin Mary. Then we touch our shoulders, moving from left to right as we say: “and of the Holy Spirit” - we do
this because God the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, and in His love, the Spirit fills us, with the life
of God.

Every human person is created in the image of God. That means that every one of us is created in the image of the Most
Holy Trinity, in the image of God who is Love, and that we are made to share in the life of the Blessed Trinity. We are
made to live a divine life in this world. The mystery of the Trinity means that we have access to God all the time. No
matter where we are, or what we are doing, God is always with us. We can talk to God as our loving Father. We can
walk with Jesus as our brother. We can live by the light and the gifts of the Spirit of love.

Celebrating Trinity Sunday only a week after Pentecost, allows the Church to further reflect on the mystery of God.
This helps us see the connection that if we truly want to understand the Holy Trinity, we need to receive and make use
of the gift of the Holy Spirit. On our own we can never fully understand who God is, that is why, we need His guidance
and inspiration.

Let us pray then for the grace to deepen our awareness of the Blessed Trinity’s loving presence within our souls. And let
us pray for the help of our Blessed Mother. She was the first person in whom the Trinity came to dwell when the Father
asked her to become the Mother of his Son by the power of their Holy Spirit. Let us ask Mary to help us grow in our
devotion to the Blessed Trinity each day of our lives.

God bless.
Fr. Gregg

                                The Feast of the Corpus Christi is coming on Sunday, June 19.
                                We invite you to join us at a special mass at 10:30 AM with a
                                Eucharistic Procession following mass.

                                Traditionally, we will process to the 4 outdoor altars asking the
                                Lord Jesus to bless our St. John’s family and our entire
St. John the Evangelist - Roman Catholic Parish -
Informacje parafialne

„O Boże mój, Trójco Przenajświętsza, którą uwielbiam, dopomóż mi zapomnieć zupełnie o sobie samej, abym mogła
zamieszkać w Tobie nieporuszona i spokojna, jakby moja dusza była już w wieczności. Oby nic nie zmąciło mego pokoju
i nie wyprowadziło mnie z Ciebie, o mój Niezmienny, ale niech każda minuta zanurza mnie coraz bardziej w głębokości
Twojej Tajemnicy. Napełnij pokojem moją duszę. Uczyń z niej swoje niebo, swoje umiłowane mieszkanie i miejsce
swego spoczynku. Obym tam nigdy nie zostawiła Ciebie samego, lecz abym tam była cała, cała żyjąca wiarą, cała
adorująca, cała poddana Twemu stwórczemu działaniu.”
                                                                                             Bł. Elżbieta od Trójcy

W pierwszą niedzielę po Zesłaniu Ducha Świętego obchodzimy Uroczystość Trójcy Przenajświętszej.
“W imię Ojca i Syna i Ducha Świętego...” - tym wezwaniem rozpoczynamy i kończymy każdą naszą modlitwę osobistą,
rozpoczynamy i kończymy każdą Mszę Świętą. Trójca Święta jest dla nas wielką tajemnicą - Ojciec, Syn, Duch
Święty - jeden Bóg w trzech osobach.
Wiara w Trójcę Przenajświętszą jest jednym z najbardziej specyficznych elementów chrześcijaństwa. Żadna inna religia
tej tajemnicy nie podaje do wierzenia. Istnienie Trójcy Świętej jest dogmatem naszej wiary. Samym ludzkim rozumem
nie doszlibyśmy do tej prawdy. Objawił nam ją sam Jezus Chrystus. W Ewangeliach jest wiele miejsc, gdzie Pan Jezus
mówi o swoim Ojcu jako odrębnej Osobie. Można przytoczyć wiele miejsc, gdzie jest mowa o Duchu Świętym jako
równym Ojcu i Synowi, ale odrębnej od nich Osobie. Gdy Archanioł Gabriel zwiastuje Maryi, że zostanie Matką,
wyraźnie zaznacza, że to Bóg go posłał, aby Jej zwiastować, iż porodzi Syna Bożego, i że stanie się to za sprawą Ducha
Prawda o tajemnicy Trójcy Przenajświętszej przedstawia nam Boga, jakim jest sam w sobie. Pan Bóg jest jeden w
swojej naturze, ale w trzech osobach. Osoby Boskie różnią się między sobą tak, że jedna osoba nie jest osobą drugą.
Nie różnią się jednak naturą, ani przymiotami, ani też działaniem, które jest wspólne. Osoby różnią się między sobą
jedynie pochodzeniem. Bóg Ojciec nie pochodzi od nikogo. Syn Boży pochodzi przez odwieczne i duchowe zrodzenie
od Ojca. Duch Święty pochodzi przez wspólne tchnienie miłości Ojca i Syna.
Przez chrzest zostaliśmy wezwani do uczestnictwa w życiu Trójcy Świętej. Od oddania się Trójcy Świętej
rozpoczynamy i kończymy nasz każdy dzień. Jak pięknie można łączyć nasze codzienne życie z życiem Trójcy Świętej,
poucza następujący przykład. Pewien człowiek praktykuje codziennie wieczorem przed pójściem spać bardzo cenną
modlitwę. W czasie tej modlitwy zastanawia się najpierw nad tym, co dobrego udało mu się w ciągu minionego dnia
zrobić i rozmawia o tym z Bogiem Ojcem dziękując Mu za to. Następnie zastanawia się przez chwilę i przypomina
sobie o tym co było złe i czego nie udało mu się w ciągu tego dnia uczynić. Mówi o tym z Panem Jezusem i przeprasza
Go za to. Wreszcie pod koniec swojej modlitwy wybiega myślami do tego, co czeka go w następnym dniu. Rozmawia o
tym z Duchem Świętym i prosi Go o mądrość i siły do dobrego przeżycia nowego dnia. Modląc się w ten sposób, nie
tylko robi sobie codziennie rachunek sumienia, ale również łączy swoje codzienne życie z życiem Trójcy
Wykorzystajmy dzisiejszą uroczystość, aby jeszcze bardziej umocnić nasze więzy z Trójcą Świętą. Dziękujmy Bogu
w Trójcy Świętej Jedynemu za wszystkie łaski i dary, które od Niego nieustannie otrzymujemy.

W następną niedzielę 19 czerwca będziemy obchodzić Uroczystość Najświętszego Ciała i Krwi Chrystusa (Boże
Ciało). Zapraszamy wszystkich na Mszę Świętą w języku angielskim o godz. 10:30 rano, a zaraz po Mszy św. na
procesję eucharystyczną do czterech ołtarzy - ołtarz pierwszy będzie przygotowany przez naszą polską wspólnotę. Do
uczestnictwa w procesji gorąco zachęcamy i zapraszamy dziewczynki sypiące kwiatki oraz chłopców z dzwonkami.
Prosimy pamiętać, że tego dnia jak co niedzielę, Msza święta w języku polskim będzie o godzinie 1:00 popołudniu.
St. John the Evangelist - Roman Catholic Parish -
St. John the Evangelist - Roman Catholic Parish -
Please join us for Fr. Matthew J. Jakupco’s First Mass of
                            Thanksgiving here at St. John’s parish which will take place
                            on June 25th at 4:30 pm. His ordination to the priesthood was
                            held at St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral in
                            Lafayette, IN on Saturday, June 4th.

                            After Mass you are invited to our Parish Center where
                            refreshments will be provided. This will be a perfect
                            opportunity to congratulate and offer your prayers to
                            Fr. Matthew and receive his blessing. All are welcome.

                                May Offerings
          Envelopes & Loose Cash                         $56,390.75
          GiveCentral Contributions                       $21,571.02
          Mortgage Collections                           $14,050.36
          Total Collected                                 $92,012.13

Thank you for your very generous and continued support!

            We have finally reached the point where our loan balance is under

        We are happy to announce that we will be going into the
           next fiscal year with a balance of $994,845.25!!

                 Thanks, to all of you, for your generosity!

                  2022 Annual
                 Catholic Appeal

2022 Goal          $64,974.35
                                             Amount Pledged            $2,027,594.00
Amount Pledged     $71,107.00
                                             Amount Collected          $1,607,308.00
Amount Paid        $57,705.00
                                             Amount Outstanding        $ 420,286.00
Balance Due        $13,402.00
St. John the Evangelist - Roman Catholic Parish -

                                                  Flag Day

Did you know that the Knights of Columbus was instrumental in having the words “under God”
added to our nations Pledge of Allegiance? Here is how the words “under God” came to be added to the
pledge. This week we celebrate Flag Day. The original Pledge of Allegiance of the United States was
written in August 1892, by the Baptist minister Francis Bellamy. Published the next month and recited in
schools on Columbus Day, this Pledge initially did not contain a reference to God. In 1942, Congress
officially recognized the U.S. Pledge, which had undergone some wording changes over the years, but still
omitted a reference to God.

                How The Words “UNDER GOD” Came To Be Added To
                            The Pledge Of Allegiance
                                                  In 1951, the Knights of Columbus, the world’s largest
                                                  Catholic fraternal service organization, began including
                                                  the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance. In
                                                  New York City, on April 30, 1951, the board of directors
                                                  of the Knights of Columbus adopted a resolution to amend
                                                  the text of their Pledge of Allegiance at the opening of
                                                  each of the meetings of the 800 Fourth Degree Assemblies
                                                  of the Knights of Columbus by addition of the words
                                                  “under God” after the words “one nation.”

                                                Over the next two years, the idea spread throughout
                                                Knights of Columbus organizations nationwide. On
                                                August 21, 1952, the Supreme Council of the Knights of
                                                Columbus at its annual meeting adopted a resolution
urging that the change be made universal, and copies of this resolution were sent to the President, the Vice
President (as Presiding Officer of the Senate), and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The
National Fraternal Congress meeting in Boston on September 24, 1952, adopted a similar resolution upon
the recommendation of its president, Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart. Several State Fraternal Congresses
acted likewise almost immediately thereafter. This campaign led to several official attempts to prompt
Congress to adopt the Knights of Columbus policy for the entire nation. These attempts were eventually a
success. On Flag Day, June 14, 1954, President Eisenhower signed the congressional resolution that
amended the Pledge to include the words “under God”.

In a letter dated Aug. 6 of the same year, President Eisenhower formally thanked the Order: “And this year
we are particularly thankful to you for your part in the movement to have the words ‘under God’ added to
our Pledge of Allegiance. These words will remind Americans that despite our great physical strength we
must remain humble. They will help us to keep constantly in our minds and hearts the spiritual and moral
principles which alone give dignity to man, and upon which our way of life is founded.”

There have been many attempts since then to attack including “under God” in the pledge. We must remain
vigilant: In a statement, Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson underscored the Order’s dedication to God and
country, in the past and in the future: “If necessary, once again the Knights will do all we can to see that the
Pledge of Allegiance remains as is.”

To learn more about what we do, visit our Knights & Ladies website ( Visit us on
Facebook ( You can also contact us via the parish website (
St. John the Evangelist - Roman Catholic Parish -
Congratulations to our Kindergarten graduates!
   Watch out 1st grade….here they come!!

St. John the Evangelist - Roman Catholic Parish -
There will be a Rosary Rally on Saturday,
June 25 at noon in front of the Parish Center.

          All are invited to attend.

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