August 8, 2021 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes Online

Page created by Rafael Estrada
August 8, 2021 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Parishes Online
St. John Catholic Church
                                                                           August 8, 2021
Rubicon, WI                                                             19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Times
 Saturday, Reconciliation ------------------- 6:00 PM
    Saturday -------------------------------------------- 6:30 PM
    Sunday ---------------------------------------------- 7:30 AM

St. Kilian Congregation
Hartford, WI
Mass Times:
 Saturday, Reconciliation ------------------- 3:45 PM
    Saturday -------------------------------------------- 4:30 PM
    Sunday ---------------------------------------------- 9:00 AM
        ---------------------------------------------------- 11:15 AM

Contact Information
Parish Office:                      St. John and St. Kilian
Mailing Address:                           428 Forest Street
                                        Hartford, WI 53027
Phone: ------------------------------------------262-673-4831
Emergency: ----------------------------------262-673-4831
A Message From Fr. Britto…
It is with great appreciation to the Lord and His guidance in my life that I now begin the second year of my journey here at
St. Kilian and St. John. When you read this article, I will have been here one year and five days. I am looking forward to a
joyous and fruitful ministry in the years to come.

A very popular quote that has been circulating in social media in recent times is, “The dumbest thing I ever did was to buy a
2020 planner.” What a year itʼs been! Itʼs been a tough year, but we all learned not to complain about the unimportant
nuisances of life, but rather reflect on our blessings. We no longer focus on what we donʼt have, but rather redirect our 
attention toward what we do have. I am grateful for that. I hope you feel the same as well.

After being here for a little over a year, one of the things I have discussed often with the Pastoral Council and staff was 
the 11:15 AM Sunday Mass. While it has been our pleasure to keep this Mass during the pandemic, we feel it is time to
eliminate this Mass. After much prayer and consideration, it has been decided that we will eliminate the 11:15 AM Mass on
Sundays effective September 5th, 2021. This was NOT decided upon lightly, but in the end seemed absolutely necessary.

The elimination of this Mass will absolutely help me focus on various ministries of the parish:

x This will allow me have Religious Education classroom visits on Sunday mornings.

x   Sunday morning works great for the Pastoral Council meetings as members are more available at that time versus
     evenings during the week.

x   I will have the opportunity to take Holy Communion to the homebound on Sunday mornings.

x   As most families are available on weekends, I will be able to meet with families for Baptism Prep, Wedding Prep, Funeral
     planning, and other essential meetings.

x  Our goal is to bring our parish family closer together in a larger Mass setting.

I assume some of you may feel disappointed about this decision. Please know that it was not an easy decision, but the best
interest of the parish and parishioners was prayerfully taken into consideration. We will certainly have an additional Mass on
occasions such as Christmas, Easter, and Confirmation.

Thank you for placing your trust in me as we continue this journey together.

~Fr. Britto Suresh

We are grateful to everyone who did so much to make Fr. Justin Weberʼs Mass of Thanksgiving on Saturday, July 31st at St.
Kilian such a successful and solemn celebration! We sincerely thank His Eminence Cardinal James Harvey for his presence
and a very meaningful homily, and all the clergy who concelebrated along with Fr. Justin.

Thank you to Audrey TimmRhinehart, our Music Director, and her music ministry team for the heart that they put
into preparing the special music for this Mass. As expected, the luncheon food was excellent. We could not have been 
happier with the service that Annie DeKoning and her team of volunteers offered, and those who helped organize, set up,
work, and clean up. Mark Hauser did a wonderful job of designing the Order of Worship programs for the Mass. Thank you
so much! We are undoubtedly grateful to the Pastoral Staff for the time, work, and heart that they put in to make this
event a memorable one. Special thanks also goes out to the Knights of Columbus Honor Guard. We are grateful for all
those who helped us in various roles. We are appreciative of all the positive feedback we have received. May God bless you
for your generosity!

                      Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song (Psalm 95:1Ő3)Ń
~Fr. Britto Suresh

2 | August 8, 2021 ~ Welcome to St. John and St. Kilian Congregaons
St. Kilian Parish Activities                           St. John Religious Education Information
                                                                     Families in last yearʼs program will receive their registration
    Monday, August 9
                                                                     forms in the mail. New Family Registration Forms are 
     7:00 PM St. TheodoreKnights of Columbus
                                                                     available in the vestibule of St. John Church. Contact Bill
    Tuesday, August 10
                                                                     Thimm at 2626736788 if you have questions.
     6:30 PM St. ClarePrayer & Worship     

     6:30 PM St. TheodoreSt. Vincent de Paul      First Classes for St. John Religious Education:
    Wednesday, August 11                                            K8th GradeŒSaturday, Sept. 11th, 9:0011:00 AM
     7:00 PM St. TheodoreDynamic Menʼs Group         9th11th GradeŒMonday, Sept. 13th, 7:008:45 PM
    Thursday, August 12
     5:30 PM St. JosephScrip
                                                                                                    Rosary novena in
       Church Services/Mass Intentions                                                                Honor of Her
    Tuesday, August 10
                                                                                                   Glorious Assumption
     7:50 AM Rosary                                                                                Thursday, August 4th
     8:00 AM Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion                                                           through
     8:20 AM Mass                                                                                  Saturday, August 14th
     9:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration
                                                                                                          St. John’s Grotto
    Thursday, August 12
                                                                                                                6:30 PM
     9:30 AM Communion Service @ Waterford @ Hartford
    Friday, August 13
     7:50 AM Rosary
     8:20 AM Mass
    Saturday, August 14                                             The Rosary this week is being sponsored by:
     4:30 PM MassDorothy Gutschenritter †     

     6:30 PM Mass/RubiconSteven Becker †       

                                                                     †       An anonymous donor, and is being
    Sunday, August 15
                                                                            prayed for their personal intention.
     7:30 AM Mass/RubiconParishioners †           

     8:30 AM Rosary                                               

                                                                     The Rosary is on WFDL 1170 AM daily at 12:35 PM. 
     9:00 AM MassBob Mishler †
                                                                     Please help keep the Rosary Program on the air. Send 
     11:15 AM Mass
                                                                     your donation to the KC Radio Rosary at 428 Forest St.,
                                                                     Hartford, WI 53027, or call Kevin at 2627077205 for more
                     Weekly Readings                                 information. 

Week of August 8, 2021
                               © Liturgical Publications, Inc.Ń

Sunday:          1 Kgs 19:48/Ps 34:23, 45, 67, 89/                        St. Kilian Liturgical Ministers
                 Eph 4:305:2/Jn 6:4151
                                                                    Week of Monday, August 9ŒSunday, August 15
Monday:        Dt 10:1222/Ps 147:1213, 1415, 1920/           Lectors
               Mt 17:2227                                         4:30 PM   Kathy Mayer

Tuesday:        2 Cor 9:610/Ps 112:12, 56, 78, 9/                9:00 AM   Chad Waldvogel
               Jn 12:2426                                          11:15 AM Ane Ohm

Wednesday: Dt 34:112/Ps 66:13a, 5 & 8, 1617/                    Cantors
         Mt 18:1520                                               4:30 PM      As Scheduled

                                                                        9:00 AM      Dan Peters, Abby Voge, Brayden Voge
Thursday:        Jos 3:710a, 11, 1317/Ps 114:12, 34, 
                                                                        11:15 AM     Kelly Schnitzler, Joni Volkert
                 56/Mt 18:2119:1

Friday:          Jos 24:113/Ps 136:13, 1618, 2122 & 24/
                 Mt 19:312                                        Dynamic Men’s Group
                                                                     All Catholic men are welcome to join this group. We will 

Saturday:        Jos 24:1429/Ps 16:12a, & 5, 78, 11/
                                                                     be meeting in the St. Theodore Room at St. Kilian on
                 Mt 19:1315
                                                                    Wednesday, August 11th, from 7:008:00 PM to study
Next Sunday:Vigil: 1 Chr 15:34, 1516; 16:12/Ps 132:             and reflect on Lukeʼs Gospel, 19:2848 and 23:3256.
            67, 910, 1314/1Cor 15:54b57/                       Please join us!
            Lk 11:2728                                            
            Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:16a, 10ab/Ps 45:10,                Contact George Hansen at 2627079331 with 
            11, 12, 16/1 Cor 15:2027/Lk 1:3956                   questions.
                                                                                               August 8, 2021 ~ 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 3
Music is important to the liturgy. Music is important to RXU liturgy here at St. Kilian.
                            Your participation in song every Sunday is an inspiration and gift to our community.
                            In “Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship” (2013), we are reminded in paragraph
11, “Within the gathered assembly, the role of the congregation is especially important. ʻThe full and active
participation by all the people is the aim to be considered before all else, for it is the primary and indispensable
source from which the faithful are to derive the true Christian spiritʼ.”

Within the gathered assembly, there are many opportunities to further participation in our music ministry. 
Ensembles of voices and instruments through all ages and skill levels are available. Check out our opportunities
beginning this fall and seriously consider a place for yourself. Do you want to contribute, but are unsure about
where you or your skills may best fit? Stop by and see me after Mass or call or email; I am happy to speak with
you and to help find a way for you to be part of our program!

Childrenʼs choirs, Cherubs (36 years of age), Choristers (grades 15), and Older Youth (grades 58) will begin
rehearsals on Thursday, September 9th. Rehearsals will be held in the St. Theodore Room with entrance from
the breezeway off of the parking lot. Cherubs, 5:005:30 PM; Choristers, 5:306:15 PM; and Older Youth,
6:157:00 PM.

Bella Voce, our fourpart choir for adults and high school students, will begin rehearsals on Wednesday,
September 15th, at 7:30 PM in church. Aggiornamento, our mixed ensemble of individuals and 
families for voices and instruments, will begin rehearsals on Thursday, September 16th, at 7:00 PM in church.
JuBELLation, our bell choir for adults and high school students, will begin rehearsals on Thursday, 
September 16th, at 8:00 PM in church.

The Youth Instrumental Group for high school and junior high youth instrumentalists will begin rehearsals on
Sunday, September 12th, at 10:00 AM in the St. Theodore Room.

Other ministries include individual cantor opportunities, a high school cantor ensemble, and adult 

This year I am hoping to try out some family sing or free sing Sundays where anyone is welcome to come for a
preMass warmup and to lead the music at Mass. It would be a simple way to volunteer and to be a part of the
music ministry on an occasional basis.

I look forward to meeting new members and seeing our current members! This last year has been a great 
challenge and we are cautiously optimistic as we move into the fall season. There is much to be thankful for
and I encourage you to strongly consider singing and praising God in joy and gratitude!

Feel free to contact me with your interest, questions, and suggestions!

~Audrey Rhinehart, 2626734831 x7405,

Sound in the Worship Space
We are aware of issues with the sound in the body of the Church. We know that it can be hard to hear in certain 
areas and there is an echo evident throughout. We are also aware of the startling loud noise that periodically occurs. We
are looking into these issues. As a worshipping community, we need to make our worship space the best that it can be for
current and future parishioners. In the 20some years since the renovation, technology has greatly changed. Video has
entered the worship space, listening assist devices (hearing aids) have become readily available with blue tooth technology,
parishioners, now and in the future, to enter more fully into the sacred mystery of the Mass.

4 | August 8, 2021 ~ Welcome to St. John and St. Kilian Congregaons
SVDP BacktoSchool Drive                                                           St. Kilian Parish
Our St. Kilian St. Vincent de Paul                                             Financial Stewardship Update
Conference is having its annual                                                 Our Weekly Gifts of Thanks
BacktoSchool Supply Drive and                                     Given the week of 7/26/2021  8/1/2021 $ 11,873
will be collecting school supplies                                  Weekly Budgeted Sunday Giving          $ 12,725
through the month of August.                                                                             $   (852)

Collection boxes will be in the Gathering Space and the
                                                                    Actual Giving
                                                                      Sunday Envelopes       9,068
Breezeway entrances of church. Items needed include:
                                                                      EFT Monthly Giving     1,970
backpacks, 3ring binders, dry erase markers, broad 
                                                                      WeShare online giving 835 
markers, thin markers, highlighters, colored pencils, glue          


sticks, water colors, pink erasers, protractors, rulers,           YTD (July 1, 2021 Thru August 1, 2021)
wideruled spiral notebooks, wideruled loose leaf paper,          Actual Weekly Offertory                $ 50,848
3prong plastic pocket folders, scissors, pencil boxes, etc.       Budget Weekly Offertory                $ 59,990
                                                                                                          $ (9,142)
Monetary donations will be used to purchase calculators and         

any other supply list items needed. Place donations in an           Thank You! PLEASE help us to r each our goal for
envelope and indicate “SVDP BacktoSchool Drive”. Make             this current fiscal year July 2021 through June 2022.
checks payable to “St. Kilian SVDP”.                               

                                                                Additional Support (July 1²July 31, 2021)
Last year we assisted 52 families. 104 students received        Vigil Lights/Liturgy 272 St. Vincent de Paul 95
backpacks filled with their school supply list items.           Food Pantry           841 Tuition Assist Fund 20

Please contact Bill and Kris Thimm at 2626736788 if          Bldg & Maint Fund 1136 Education Endow. 331
you know of any family/student that may be in need of 
                                                                Casa Guadalupe         10 Renovation/Debt 1180
assistance. The St. Kilian St. Vincent de Paul Conference
                                                                                           Cemetery Fund      350
thanks you for helping children in our community to be                             TOTAL $4,235
prepared for the upcoming school year.                         
                                                                CURRENT YTD OPERATING BALANCE
                                                                (July 1, 2021²July 31, 2021)
                                                               Operating Revenue $ 114,680
                                                               Less Operating Exp.       77,270
                                                               Operating Surplus         37,410

                                                               Becoming a Catechist or Assistant
                                                               Do you have a deep love of Christ, the Church, your faith?
                                                               Consider being a catechist! You donʼt need to know every
St. Kilian Religious Education will resume on Sunday,          detail of your faith. Part of being a catechist involves 
September 12th. Registration for the 20212022                 openness to learning as you teach. As a catechist, you
Religious Education year is open. The St. Kilian online        make a weekly commitment to guide a group from after 
registration form can be found on the parish RE website at           depending on when Easter falls). Catechists volunteer to
                                                               teach 4K through 11th grade. Sessions are on Sunday
Contact Dennis Vlasak, DRE, at 2626734831 ext. 7406           mornings for 4K7th grade, and Sunday nights for Grade 
or for answers to your questions.         8ŒConfirmation.Ń
                                                                For more information, or to serve in this ministry, please call
                                                                the St. Kilian Religious Education Office at 2626734831
Education Endowment

                                                                ext. 7406 or email
In Honor and Thanksgiving of
Fr. Justin Weber
                M/M Brian Kowalke        Maintenance

In Memory of                               In Memory of                              In Memory of
Lawrence Koehler                           Jim Kraemer/Karen Rice                    Chet/Mary Seefeldt
                   Margaret Lynch                             Lois Kraemer       Butch/Arline Neu
                                         Janet Aulenbacher/My Grandparents                             Sheryl Willman
                                                            Sheryl Willman       Maria Calvo

                                           Bob/Jim Mishler                           
                                                                                                         M/M Jeffrey Broeske
                                                           Richardine Mishler

                                                                                            August 8, 2021 ~ 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 5
FREE Summer Faith Kits for Families
                                                                        Donʼt let your faith take a vacation. Instead, strengthen it
                                                                        as a family using a Summer Kit by Sadlier Religion. Enjoy
                                                                        engaging family activities, discover new ways to pray 
                                                                        together, and learn about the saints through any of the four
                                                                        free kits. These engaging and easytouse downloadable
                                                                        kits are designed to help your family grow in faith and fun
                                                                        together this summer. For free downloads, go to:


                                                                        Our Knights of Columbus have provided subscription access
                                                                        to FORMED for all parish members of St. Kilian and St. John!

                                                                        To access FORMED:
                                                                        1. Go to in your internet browser
                                                                        2. Click on Sign Up
                                                                        3. Select “I belong to a Parish or Organization”
                                                                        4. Enter Hartfordʼs zip code (53027), then click St.
                                                                        5. Enter your email  and you are in!

                                                                        The very best Catholic content from more than 60 
                                                                        organizations to help families, individuals, and parishes 
                                                                        explore their faith anywhere!

Livestream Dream Team
Looking for a way to serve others AND
learn valuable tech skills? Are you good
with technology, interested in all things
tech? Join the Livestream Dream Team and learn how, or
use current tech skills, to livestream the Mass for the parish!
This is a budding ministry that means so much to those 
unable to attend Mass in person.

                                                                        WeShare Online Giving
                                                                        St. Kilian Parish offers an online giving 
This opportunity is open to people of all age groups, 
                                                                        option called WeShare, which allows donors
including high school students! We are currently using one
                                                                        to use credit and debit cards, as well as 
Apple iPhone, but are looking to include more cameras and
                                                                        bank accounts to make donations. You may
using an app to mix the video and audio for a more 
                                                                        access WeShare by clicking on the “Online Giving” link on
professional look and sound. You will be trained, and a
                                                                        the parish website at:
schedule will be set up according to your availability.
Weʼd love to hear from you! Contact Dennis Vlasak at
                                                                        or heading directly to the WeShare website at: to learn more.                                    


6 | August 8, 2021 ~ Welcome to St. John and St. Kilian Congregaons
Contact Information
 Administrator, Rev. Britto Suresh Phone: 2626734831, x7401                               email:
 Parish Office Hours: 8:009: to 4:30;:                                                         
                                                                                                                                                         EDUCATION CENTER
 Parish Office / Bulletin, Joni Volkert Phone: 2626734831, x7403                            email:                           2623062900

St. John, Rubicon                                                                 St. Kilian Congregation, Hartford
                                                                                Parish Web Site:
                                                                Like us on Facebook:
    Ann Reinicke 9202106890
    Randy Gehring9206253895
                                                                                          St. Johnʼs Facebook:
Religious Education                                   
    Bill Thimm2626736788
    Religious Ed Office2626734397                      Business Office                                              St Kilian School                                       Sue Wendtx7404                       245 High Street
Music                                                                            Hartford, WI 53027
    Mary Klink2626735789                     Bev Oechsnerx7410                       Phone: 2626733081
Prayer Network                                                               Fax: 2626730412
    Marlene Schacht2626735082                      Music Ministry                                             School Principal
Home Eucharist Visitor Contacts                                Audrey TimmRhinehartx7405                          Jenny Trimbergerx7116
    M. M. Schmitt2626730224                                
Cemetery                                                      Religious Education                                        School Office
    St. John                                                  Dennis Vlasakx7406                      Diane Abelx7117
    Paul Schmitt 4147914166                                         
    Old St. JohnSacred Heart Parish                     RE Attendancex7118                   Prayer Chain
     Parish Secretary9204850694, x221                     Maintenance                                                    Katey Clarenbach2622241540
Hall Rental                                                    Dan Leischerx7305                      Text2622241540
     Chris Berkel2622245018                                

                                                                        Parish Registration
                               To register for St. Kilian or St. John Congregation please contact the Parish Office: 2626734831.

                   Gregory Ledesma,                                                                                                             Parish Member
                   Owner                                                                                                                        Ralph Schellinger
                           Knights of                                                                                                           Construction Inc.
                           Columbus                                                                                                               Commercial and Residential
                           Member                                                                                                                 Experienced In All Phases
                                                                                                                   109 Commerce                     293 West State St.
 226 S. Main St. • Hartford                                              Steve & Shirley Jost, Owners                 Slinger                      Hartford, WI 53027
                                                                                262-673-5280                         644-5551                     Steve • 262-224-9322
     262-673-4700                                                      696 S. Grand Ave., Hartford, WI 53027                                      Mark • 262-224-9323
                                                                                                                                                ST. KILIAN SCHOOL
                                            PLUMBING & HEATING                                                                                      HARTFORD, WI
                                                   Remodeling                                                                                        262-673-3081
                                                New Construction
                                           24 HR EMERGENCY SERVICE                                                                                           3K – 8TH
                                                262-644-5466                                                                                                 GRADES

                Hours: Tue - Thurs 7 - 5
                       Fri : 7 - 5:30
                                            LIFE INSURANCE               WESTSIDE
                       Sat: 7 - 3              ANNUITIES                AUTO CENTER
                                                                                                                                       ST. KILIAN
                       Sun: 7 - 12
                   Closed Mondays             401(k) Rollovers          Corner of Hwy. 60 & Wacker Drive

                 Phone 262-670-0400                                        820 W. Sumner St.
                   Fax 262-670-0402                                      Bruce Black - Owner
427 W. Sumner St. • Hartford, WI 53027                                          673-2322
LORRIGAN’S QUALITY                             Call Me Today!
 HOME EXTERIORS                            Joe O’ Leske, LUTCF, FICF
  Siding – Trim – Windows                     (262) 673-5714
      Honest - Quality
         Jim Lorrigan                                                                                
      (262) 673-6045

			                                              For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                  St. Kilian, Hartford, WI                    B 4C 01-0037
                        (262) 673-6284
                 RICK’S                                                                                                                                                                                                                        824 Union St.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Hartford, WI
         PLUMBING, INC.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           53027
        REPAIRS • REMODELING                                                       N3731 Highway P, Rubicon, Wis.
                                               Furnace or A/C tune-up for $69.00                                                                                                                                      MATT, MIKE & STEVE SHIMON
     BATH & KITCHEN REMODELING                                                             673-4920                                                                                                                    KACEY MEYER-NIENSTEDT
    24 HR EMERGENCY SERVICE                    Hartford’s Home Care Specialist                                                                                                                                            NOAH NIENSTEDT
                                                                                    Chem-Star J&D Bou-Matic
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                                                                                                                           Production Machining                               Custom Machining                        Country Veterinary Clinic
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Linda Schulteis                                                                                                                                                                                                       Jay Triick, D.V.M.
Broker Owner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Jackie Haeft, D.V.M.
For your Real Estate Needs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Becky Ziemer, D.V.M.                                                                                                                                                                                            W1236 Saylesville Rd., Rubicon, WI 53078
                                                                                                                           SUSAN SCHULTEIS        865 Cleveland Ave.                                                                                           President             Hartford, WI 53027
                                                                                                                           Phone: (262) 673-4321 Fax (262) 673-7086                                         

                                              Schnorenberg’s Floor Covering, Inc.                                                                                                                                          O’MEARA LAW FIRMLLC
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                                              • Pre-Finished Hardwood Floors            • Area Rugs                                                                                                                   Timothy J. Algiers
                                              15 Mill St., Hartford             673-4020                                                                                                                                    Parish Member

                                                                                                                                                        Chris Berkel
                     Ken Schultz
                       Realtor                                                        LAWN SERVICE COMPANY, LLC
                                                                                                                                                  Real Estate Broker
                                                                                      Commercial & Residential
                                                                                                                                             Realty Center                                                                                CHRISTIAN
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    414-732-7825                                                                         262-623-2207                      262-224-5018
                                                                                                                           357 W. Wisconsin Ave.
                                                                                                                           Oconomowoc, WI 53066                                                                           920-625-3943
        Glynn Accounting & Tax Service                                                    Ane and Bill Ohm
                                                                                        Pat and Joanie Frank                                                                                                                  Antonioni
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(920) 324-5718 cell (920) 948-3818                                                                                           Lane, Madison, WI 53718, 1-866-912-4800. Other restrictions and limitations may apply.
                                                                                                                                                             All rights reserved.

			                                                   For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                                     St. Kilian, Hartford, WI                                                                           A 4C 01-0037
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