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2 August 25, 2021               FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021             THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER

                    “Our Commitment Doesn’t End
                    When You Buy...It Begins.”

                                                        Joe Trainor

             2004 Wilson Rd, Newberry | 803-276-8888
THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER                                               FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                                                                       August 25, 2021 3

                                                                                       NCSD game policies
                                                                                        Staff Report

                                                                                           NEWBERRY COUNTY — The following is from the
                                                                                        Newberry County School District for fall sports.
                                                                                           “We encourage electronic ticket purchases, but there will
                                                                                        be a limited number of tickets for sale at the ticket booths
                                                                                        onsite at football games.
                                                                                           “Football – Limiting our outside capacity to 50-60%;
                                                                                        Designated areas may be included for fans to bring lawn
                                              Andrew Wigger | The Newberry Observer
                                                                                           “Volleyball- Gyms will not exceed 50% capacity; Middle
                          NEWBERRY HIGH SCHOOL                                          school volleyball will be limited to 4 tickets per player.
                                                                                           “All concessions will be pre-packaged.

                          Bulldogs ready
                                                                                           “We will encourage social distancing and mask wearing at
                                                                                        our athletic events.”

                             for 2021                                                      The Newberry Observer
By Andrew Wigger
                                                                                                                “Just Like A Letter From Home”                                                                      ESTABLISHED 1883
                                                                                                              Publishes      every Wednesday.Breaking news at

  NEWBERRY — The Newberry High School Bulldogs are suiting up and                                  
getting ready to go on their new season, which will be the second year they
                                                                                                                  Subscription Rates:
are in AA.                                                                                                                                         eEdition Rates:
  While they are now AA (as opposed to AAA), Head Coach Phil Strickland                   In County:         Out of County:      Out of State:
                                                                                      $30.00 for 6 months $37.50 for 6 months $50.00 for 6 months  $5.20 for 4 weeks
said they are basically playing most of the same teams.
  “Not a whole lot of difference, dropped a little in enrollment, but not a            $60.00 for 1 year     $75.00 for 1 year $100.00 for 1 year $33.00 for 26 weeks
whole lot different,” he said.                                                                                                                    $52.00 for 52 weeks
  With a little over 30 players on this year’s team, Strickland said they are low                       Prices are subject to change at any time.
in numbers, but they are excited with who they have playing.                          To stay up to date on local sports and other Newberry County
  “They are working hard and are hopefully ready to go,” he said.                       news and events, subscribe to The Newberry Observer by
  In regard to the low numbers this year, Strickland said COVID-19 had a lot                      returning this form or going online to
to do with it, as did employment.                                                          
  “Players decided to work rather than play, they’re making good money.
Everyone (other coaches) I talked to are down in numbers,” he said.                   NaME_______________________________________
  When it comes to their schedule, he said every game with be a challenge.            addRESS_____________________________________
He said they will open against their rival, Mid-Carolina High School on Aug.
21 and they will have a tough pre-season schedule before their region.                ___________________________________________
  “Our region is one of the most competitive AA in the state,” he said.               phONE ______________________________________
  Newberry High School’s region games will include, Columbia, Saluda, Eau
                                                                                      EMaIl ______________________________________
Claire, Batesburg-Leesville and Gray Collegiate.
  When it comes to play, Strickland said they like to be physical. He said this       RaTE _______________________________________
year they will mix it up more than they ever have.                                           Return this form by mail or in person to
                                                                  See BULLDOGS | 4
                                                                                        The Newberry Observer | 1716 Main St, Newberry, SC 29108
4 August 25, 2021                                                   FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                                                    THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER

                            NEWBERRY HIGH SCHOOL
                              “We’ve got several      already taken out a
                            good players. I care      lot of teams so far, got
                            about all of them and
                            all of them are vital
                            to the success of this
                                                      hit hard last year and
                                                      we don’t want to go
                                                      through that again,” he
                                                                                        Newberry High School
                                                                                           2021 Schedule
                            team,” he said.           said.
                              Like last season,          This year will be
                            there will be COVID-19    Strickland’s last, as
Bulldogs                    regulations the team      he announced his                     DATE           TEAM                       HOME/AWAY TIME
                            will follow. Strickland   retirement a few
From page 3                 said they are trying to   weeks prior. However,                Aug. 21        Mid-Carolina               Home		        7:30 p.m.
  “We just wont’ stick to   be careful and trying     Strickland said it is                Aug. 27        Abbeville                  Home		        7:30 p.m.
one formation. We will      to distance as much as    another football season              Sept. 3        Clinton                    Away		        7:30 p.m.
                            they can.                                                      Sept. 10       Chapin**                   Home		        7:30 p.m.
have to spread the field                              and it is not about him,             Sept. 17       Fairfield Central          Away		        7:30 p.m.
                              “Hard to do in          it’s about the students.
a little bit more than                                                                     Sept. 30       Columbia High School       Away		        7:30 p.m.
                            football, but we are
we have in the past                                      “We are trying to                 Oct. 8         Saluda*                    Home		        7:30 p.m.
                            trying and we do it in
probably,” he said.                                   win football games,                  Oct. 15        Eau Claire*                Away		        7:30 p.m.
                            the locker room. We                                            Oct. 22        Batesburg-Leesville*       Home		        7:30 p.m.
  When it comes to the                                region championship
                            are telling the kids to                                        Oct. 29        Gray Collegiate Academy*   Away		        7:30 p.m.
team, Strickland said                                 and win the state
                            be careful when they
they play as a team,        are on their own and      championship,” he said.
                                                                                           *Conference Game
they lose as a team, and    social distance as much   Reach Andrew Wigger @ 803-768-       **Homecoming
they win as a team.         as possible. This has     3122 or on Twitter @TheNBOnews.

                                                                   Photos by Andrew Wigger | The Newberry Observer

                                                       NEWBERRY HIGH SCHOOL ROSTER
  NO. NAME                      POS         YR           NO. NAME                            POS            YR       NO. NAME                    POS           YR
  1    Zsyheim Epps              QB         Sr           14    Josh Eason                    WR            Sr        52   Kayven Gibson          OL            Jr
  2    Nieam Douglas             WR/DB      Sr           15    JaQuan Davis                  DB/WR         Sr        54   Coye Cutshall          OL            Sr
  3    O.D. Robinson             DB/WR      Jr           16    Kenneth Ruff                  WR/DB         Sr        55   Deshaun Manaiza        DL/OL         Jr
  4    Malik Goree               WR/DB      Sr           18    Kavion Harris                 DB/WR         Sr        59   Chandler Gallman       DL            Sr
  5    K.J. Robinson             RB         Sr           19    Tyrese Wise                   LB            Sr        62   Colby Bickley          OL            Sr
  7    Zack Chalmers             WR/DB      Sr           20    Travis Harmon                 DB            Sr        65   RJ Glymph              OL            Jr
  8    Ty’Quavious Cook          RB/LB      Sr           24    Careem Gibson                 RB/DB         Sr        67   TyQuaz Higgins         OL            Sr
  9    Kyon Daniels              QB/DB      Jr           25    Zai Sims                      LB/RB         Jr        73   Jack Madison           OL            Jr
  10   Shaquil Good              QB/WR      Jr           27    Travis Wright                 RB/LB         Sr        75   Aaron Torres           OL            Sr
  11   Joe Brehmer               LB         Sr           30    Cameron Grier                 DL            Sr        89   Roland Garcia          K             Jr
  12   Eric Booker               DB         Jr           42    Addison Hardy                 DL            Sr        90   Tyrell Brown           DL            Jr
THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER                                               FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                                                                    August 25, 2021 5

                                   MID-CAROLINA HIGH SCHOOL

                                    MCHS Rebels ready to play
By Andrew Wigger                                         guys do defense, then we switch. Keep the guys          “I preach to my guys, we play 10 one-game                                     separate and that kind of thing.”                     seasons, it’s really our philosophy — number one
                                                           This season, Arnoult said their most challenging    goal is to get into the playoffs, number two is to
   PROSPERITY — The Mid-Carolina High School             game will be Chapin.                                  win the first round in the playoffs. Long time since
Rebels are ready for the new season, which began           “Chapin and Mid-Carolina High School, oldest        Mid-Carolina got into the playoffs, if last year was
on Aug. 21 against Newberry High School.                 rivalry in the state. Mid-Carolina and Chapin both    normal, would have been a playoff team,” Arnoult
   Head Coach Chris Arnoult said when it comes           used to be the same size, now Chapin is one of the said. “The record may not show it over the last few
to numbers, the varsity teams’ numbers are about         biggest schools in the state and are doing nothing years, the guys have laid a lot of foundation and
normal, but the numbers for the younger players          but growing. Most challenging team we’ve had,         the program is going in the right direction and
are down a bit.                                          they are really good,” he said.                       hopefully, we will reap some benefits of this.”
   “But that is across the state. I’ve spoke to six or     When it comes to strategy, Arnoult said they
seven teams we play and they are having the same         switched to running the high                          Reach Andrew Wigger @ 803-768-3122 or on Twitter @TheNBOnews.
issues, low numbers for young guys,” Arnoult said.       formation a couple years ago and
   “Some guys are not playing due to COVID-19
still going on, the JV seasons last year were more
challenging than the varsity, they didn’t play
                                                         they are sticking to that.
                                                           “What our guys are built for,” he
                                                                                                      Mid-Carolina High
some games. We got called on one Wednesday
afternoon and the game for the next day got
canceled. With COVID-19 going on, they don’t
                                                           Arnoult made note of the
                                                         seniors on the team, he said these
                                                         players were freshman his first
                                                                                                    School 2021 Schedule
want to go through that again. It kind of hurts the      year and had a successful year on        DATE        TEAM                           HOME/AWAY TIME
program overall,” he said. “Between that, jobs and       JV that year.
parents’ concerns.”                                                                                Aug. 21    Newberry                           Away                7:30 p.m.
                                                           “It is an outstanding group of          Aug. 27    Chapin                             Away                7:30 p.m.
   In regard to COVID-19, Arnoult said they are          kids, they worked hard, worked            Sept. 3    Whitmire                           Home                7:30 p.m.
screening the guys as they come to practice, just        hard in the weight room last few          Sept. 10   Batesburg-Leesville                Away                7:30 p.m.
like last year.                                          years, good leaders and good ball         Sept. 17   Ninety-Six                         Away                7:30 p.m.
   “Making sure they don’t have symptoms for             players. I just expect for them to        Sept. 24   Saluda                             Home                7:30 p.m.
the last 24-48 hours, when we are at practice,           come together and be a push for           Oct. 1     Chester*                           Home                7:30 p.m.
we are trying to keep the younger guys and the           us this year,” he said.                   Oct. 15    WJ Keenan High School* Away                            7:30 p.m.
older guys as separate as possible. When they are          This season, Arnoult said they          Oct. 22    Lower   Richland*                  Home                7:30 p.m.
together, we are keeping track of who is near who,”      are going to start off by trying to       Oct. 29    Fairfield  Central*                Away                7:30 p.m.
he said. “We have an individual period in practice,      get a win against Newberry (Aug.
one where the older guys do offense, young               21).                                      *Conference Game

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6 August 25, 2021                                         FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                                                       THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER

                           MID-CAROLINA HIGH SCHOOL
                          NUMBER NAME                   GRADE    POSITION   HEIGHT   WEIGHT NUMBER NAME                      GRADE      POSITION   HEIGHT   WEIGHT

                           2    AJ Jackson               Jr.     WR/DB       5’8”    150     33    Luke Merchant              Sr.       LB           5’10” 170
                           3    Anthony Wicker           Jr.     RB          5’5”    140     34    Dalton Woolstenhulme       Soph.     OL/DL        5’9” 165
                           4    Macon Arnoult            Sr.     QB          5’10”   180     38    Eric Hager                 Jr.       WR/DB        5’10” 175
                           5    Justin Hedgepath         Sr.     RB          5’10”   180     41    Chris Chapman              Soph.     K 						     5’8” 145
                           6    Andrew Washington        Sr.     LB          6’0”    185     48    Laban Bowers               Jr.       WR/LB        5’6” 145
                           7    Jackson Livingston       Sr.     QB/DB       6’1”    185     50    Wes Herndon                Jr.       OL/DL        5’10” 260
                           8    Trey Broome              Fr.     WR/DB       5”8”    140     51    Hayden Lake                Jr.       OL/DL        5’10” 200
                           10   Johnny Ruff              Sr.     WR/DB       5’9”    165     52    Ezrial Prater              Fr.       OL/DL        5’10” 210
                           11   AD Bassnight             Fr.     WR/DB       5’7”            53    Kadin Tyson                Sr.       OL/DL        6’1” 265
    MID-CAROLINA           12   Kyan Suber               Jr.     WR/DB       6”1”    185     54    Jaxson Moody               Fr.       OL/DL        6’3” 200
                           14   Braden Wessinger         Fr.     LB          5’8”    165
    HIGH SCHOOL            15   Graylyn Lewis            Jr.     WR/DB       5’10”   170
                                                                                             55    Hayden Hall                Sr.       OL/DL        5’11” 265
                                                                                             56    Billy Gallman              Fr.       OL/DL        5’9” 185
       ROSTER              16   John Thompson            Jr.     LB          6’1”    190
                                                                                             57    Zach Hornsby               Sr.       LB           6’0” 195
                           17   Rex Wimberly             Jr.     WR/DB       5’10”   170
                           20   Johnathan Hicks          Sr.     LB          5’10”   180     58    Blaine McCormack           Sr.       LB			        6’2” 225
                           21   Ethan Waites             Sr.     WR/DB       5’9”    165     59    Bryson Counts              Soph.     OL/DL        5’9” 210
                           22   Chandler Carnaggio       Jr.     LB          5’11”   185     61    Kyle Graham                Fr.       OL/DL        5’9” 200
                           23   Ethan Templin            Soph.   FB/LB       5’9”    180     63    Lawson Morris              Fr.       OL/DL        5”10” 230
                           24   Jaylen Loynes            Soph.   WR/DB       5’9”    165     66    Trevor Oty                 Sr.       OL/DL        6’0” 310
                           26   Lucious Cole             Fr.     RB/DB       5’8”    145     72    Justin Dover               Soph.     OL           5’10” 220
                           28   Anthony Loynes           Sr.     DL/FB       5’9”    200     75    Trustan Stack              Fr.       OL/DL        6’1” 230
                           30   Michael Lindler          Jr.     TE/DE       6’1”    215     77    Ian Pullen                 Jr.       OL           5’10” 215
                           31   Connor Cromer            Soph.   TE/DE       6’2”    180     95    Alex Benton                Jr.       DL           6’3” 400
                           32   Issac Gonzalez           Soph.   TE/DB       6’2”    190     98    Trey Toland                Jr.       DL           5’10” 350

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THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER               FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                                        August 25, 2021 7

       Best of luck to all Newberry County football teams!
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                                            Best         of    luck
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8 August 25, 2021                                     FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                                              THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER


                                                                                                         Charlie Jenkins | For The Newberry Observer

Coach Jenkins                By Andy Husk
                                                                                         • Top rising sophomores: Ashton Nelson, Dierrius
                                                                                       Dawkins, Zayne Gibson, Ty Sligh.
                                                                                         • Top rising freshman: Blake Stribble, Kayshaun
  enters 8th                    WHITMIRE — Head Football Coach Charlie Jenkins
                             returns for his eighth season at the helm of the
                             Whitmire Wolverines. In those seasons he has a 38-35
                                                                                         • Top player up from JV: Blake Stribble.
                                                                                         • Top transfer: Wyatt Harsha (transfer from the state
 season with                 record and the team went 3-3 in last year’s COVID-
                             adjusted season.
                                There are a number of returning players that Jenkins
                                                                                       of Washington — his father graduated from Whitmire).
                                                                                         He went on to mention some things to take note
                                                                                       of for this year, “my All Region Candidates are: Cason
 Wolverines                  listed to watch this year, including:
                                • Top rising senior: Cason English, Travis Griffin.
                                • Top rising junior: Trey Brewer.
                                                                                       English, Travis Griffin, Trey Brewer, Ashton Nelson,

                                                                                                                                See WOLVERINES | 9
THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER                                                    FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                                                      August 25, 2021 9

                              WHITMIRE COMMUNITY SCHOOL
                               way the Wolverines play      defending state champ
                               a little bit, hopefully
                               making the season a
                               little more exciting.
                                                            Southside Christian
                                                            returns their whole
                                                                                                   Whitmire High School
                                  “The offensive line
                               will be bigger than
                                                              On planning out
                                                            the rest of the season                    2021 Schedule
Wolverines                     last year but really         Jenkins said, “our goal is
                                                                                                **UPDATED FROM SCHEDULE PRINTED IN PAPER**
                               inexperienced.” he           to win the Public School
From page 8                    added.                       Region Championship
                                  “Defensively, we will     by beating our public               DATE        TEAM                     HOME/AWAY     TIME
Dierrius Dawkins, Zayne        base out of the 3-5-3.       school brethren Ware
Gibson, Ty Sligh.” Jenkins     As on offense we have        Shoals, Calhoun Falls,              Aug. 20     Great Falls                Home        7:30 PM
said.                          a good group of skill        Dixie and McCormick,                Sept. 3     Mid-Carolina               Away        7:30 PM
  “We are very young                                        then we will try and give           Sept. 10    Pelion                     Home        7:30 PM
                               people and we are
with only four seniors                                      the private school a fit                        Hall of Fame Induction
                               going back to the 3-5-3
returning. We will likely
                               to get them on the field.”   week 10.”
have only two players                                                                           Sept. 17    Ware Shoals                Home        7:30 PM
                               Jenkins said.                  “We have upgraded
returning as starters in
                                  Starting out the          our non-region                      Sept. 24    Dixie*                     Away        7:30 PM
the position they played
                               season he said, “we will     schedule, giving up                 Oct. 1      Calhoun Falls*             Home        7:00 PM
last year.”
  Jenkins continued,           use August to figure out     games we’ve been                                Homecoming
“our starting QB from          where we are going to        winning to pick up AAA
                               put everybody, but we        Mid Carolina, AA Pelion,            Oct. 8      McCormick*                 Home        7:30 PM
the past two seasons                                                                                        Senior Recognition
will move to wingback          are happy that we have       and traditional AA/A
so we can take better          a good number of guys        power Lewisville. We
                                                            will also play a couple             Oct. 15     Southside Christian*   Away           7:30 PM
advantage of his               who will be able to play.”                                       Oct. 22     Ware Shoals*           Home           7:30 PM
athleticism. Freshman             When looking at           of schools closer to our            Oct. 29     Make-up Region game or Non-Region (TBA)
Blake Stribble will take       opponents upcoming,          size in Class A foes Great
over at QB.”                   Jenkins points out that,     Falls and Branchville.”             *Region Games
  Planning on the              “Durant at McCormick is        “We want to make the
offensive side of the ball,    a top rising junior that     playoffs for the eighth
Jenkins said Whitmire          I am aware of, and of        straight season and win
has more quality depth         course, the all-star team    as many as we can once
at wingback than they          at Southside Christian       we get there.” Jenkins
have in the past and           has a number of top          said.
they hope to utilize           players.”
                                                            Andy Husk is the publisher of The
this stable of backs to           “It will be hard to win   Newberry Observer, reach him at
possibly change the            our region because           803-768-3117.

                                                                                                                                          Thomas h. PoPe III
                                                                                                                                              W. Chad JenkIns
                              120 N. Church Street                                                                                            kyle B. Parker
                              Whitmire, SC 29178
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10 August 25, 2021                                        FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                         THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER

                     WHITMIRE COMMUNITY SCHOOL
                     NUMBER NAME               POSITION    HEIGHT   WEIGHT   GRADE

                     1    Ricky Hamilton       RB/DB        5’9      138      10
                     2    Cason English        RB/DB        5’10     147      12
                     3    Tre Cromer           RB/DB        5’5      135      10
                     4    Trey Brewer          RB/LB        5’8      150      11
                     5     Hunter Alexander    RB/DB        5’7      146      12
                     6    Kasean Wilson        DB           5’5      141      10
                     7    Peyton Jones         FB/LB        5’6      165      10
                     8    Caleb Jolly          TE/LB        5’11     158      11
                     10   Ashton Nelson        RB/DB        5’10     150      10
                     12   Will Livingston      FS/TE        6’0      180      11
    WHITMIRE         13   Wyatt Harsha         FB/LB        5’6      135      10
      HIGH           14
                          Kayshaun Schumpert
                          Blake Stribble
     SCHOOL          20   Chris Mathis         RB/DB        5’8      141      9
                     25   Avanta Gilliam       FB/LB        5’11     208      12
     ROSTER          44   Travis Griffin       TE/DE        6’1      196      12
                     50   Zayne Gibson         OL/DL        6’0      241      10
                     54   Gavin Waltenbaugh    OL/LB        6’1      185      12
                     60   Takota Wulf          OL/DL        5’8      249      9
                     63   Dylan Satterwhite    OL/DL        5’9      162      11
                     64   Ty Sligh             OL/DL        6’4      292      10
                     65   Nate McCall          OL/DL        5’8      160      11
                     71   Jesse Thompson       OL/DL        5’6      160      12
                     73   Riley Coppedge       OL/DL        5’8      185      11
                     78   Dierris Dawkins      OL/DL        5’10     246      10     Charlie Jenkins | For The Newberry Observer
                     85   Zach Duncan          DE/K         6’3      177      12

                                                    Good luck to all
                                                    the area teams
                                                        in 2021!

  6807 SC Hwy 219
 Newberry, SC 29108
 Phone: 803-276-1257
  Fax: 803-321-0310
THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER                         FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                           August 25, 2021 11

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12 August 25, 2021                                                                                                         FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                                                                                                                     THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER

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THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER                    FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                          August 25, 2021 13

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14 August 25, 2021                                           FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                                                           THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER

                                   NEWBERRY ACADEMY

                                         Football returns to Newberry Academy
                                         By Andy Husk                                           returning it to the days of success. They have
                                                            worked hard in the weight room and conditioned
                                                                                                all summer preparing for our eight-game schedule
                                           NEWBERRY — Newberry Academy will field an            this fall.”
         NEWBERRY ACADEMY                8-man team for varsity football this year, according     The coaching staff for the Eagles will include
                                         to Head of School Nicole May.
              ROSTER                       “We are both pleased and excited to be playing
                                                                                                Head Coach Rick Doran, Ben Froemming as
                                                                                                defensive coordinator, Benji Sease, Benji Lindsay,
                                         varsity football at the Academy again this year”
NUMBER   NAME         POSITION   CLASS                                                          Ben Lindsay and Doyle Waites.
                                         said Coach Rick Doran. “Although not large in
                                         numbers we have a group of young men who               Andy Husk is the publisher of The Newberry Observer, reach him at 803-768-
3    Austin Hendrix   QB-DB Jr.
5    Caden Stephen    TE-DB  Sr.         have dedicated themselves to this program and          3117.

7    Gabe Sligh       RB-LB  Fr.
     Quinn Waites
     Graham Sligh
     Jalin Reid
                      QB-DB Fr.
                      WR-DB Sr.
                      RB-DB  Jr.
                                                       Newberry Academy Schedule
32   Thomas McLean    RB-DL 8th                                DATE        OPPONENT             LOCATION			                       TIME
72   Hampton Evans    OL-DL  Sr.
74   Andrew West      OL-LB  Jr.                                Aug. 27    Cathedral             Home			                          7:30 p.m.
75   Wade Baker       TE-LB  Sr.                                Sept. 17   Clarendon Hall        Summerton			                     7:30 p.m.
88   Graham Evans     OL-DL 8th                                 Sept. 24   Faith Christian       Home*			                         7:30 p.m.
                                                                Oct. 1     Jefferson Davis       Home			                          7:30 p.m.
                                                                Oct. 8     Wardlaw               Johnston			                      7:30 p.m.
                                                                Oct. 15    Richard Winn          Home			                          7:30 p.m.
                                                                Oct 22     King                  Batesburg-Leesville		            7:30 p.m.
                                                                Oct. 29    Laurens               Home			                          7:30 p.m.

THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER   FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                         August 25, 2021 15

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                                                  Wishing All
                                                Football Teams
                                                A Great Season
                                                  Go Teams!

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16 August 25, 2021                               FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                                        THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER

                     NEWBERRY COLLEGE

                     Wolves ready to kick off new season
                                                                         By Thomas Holland
                                                                         For The Newberry Observer

                                                                            NEWBERRY — In a typical year, the Newberry College
                                                                         football team would be gearing up for their first regular-
                                                                         season snap in nine months. However, due to COVID-19,
                                                                         the Wolves are just four months removed from their last
                                                                            Newberry finished their shortened spring season 5-1
                                                                         and 3-1 in South Atlantic Conference play and defeated
                                                                         spring SAC Champion Tusculum 21-6, in the season
                                                                            The Wolves will return most of their starters on offense,
                                                                         defense and special teams this fall and are looking to
                                                                         build on the success from the spring.
                                                                            “We are excited about all the returners from the spring,”
                                                                         said Head Coach Todd Knight. “I think we learned a lot
                                                                         about who were are as a team in the spring, and that will
                                                                         serve us well for the fall.”
                                                                            On the offensive side of the ball, the Wolves outgained
                                                                         their opponents 1587-790 on the ground. Newberry led
                                                                         the South Atlantic Conference in rushing offense and
                                                                         finished sixth in the country in the category. The offense
                                                                         also led the conference and finished third in Division II in
                                                                         third-down conversion percentage.
                                                                            Senior center Alec Blackmon returns to anchor the
                                                                         offensive line that dominated their opponents in the
                                                                         spring. Senior dual-threat quarterback Dre Harris will be
                                                                         back to captain the offense after throwing for 833 yards
                                                                         and running for 310 yards with ten total touchdowns. Also
                                                                         returning for Newberry is leading rusher Mario Anderson,
                                                                         who led the team with 503 yards on 69 carries and four
                                                                         touchdowns, and Catriez Cook, who had 62 rushes for 344
                                                                         yards. The receiving corps will have Bryson Woodruff and
                                                                         Bobby Irby returning, and Deshun Kitchings, who missed
                                                                         the final four games due to an injury.
                                                                            On the defensive side of the ball, the Wolves led the
                                                                         conference in scoring defense and total defense while
                                                                         finishing in the top ten nationally in both categories.
                                                                         Newberry also led the SAC in passing yards allowed and
                                                                         passing efficiency defense for the spring.
                                                                            The defense will return their top ten leading tacklers
                                                                         from the spring and will be led by defensive end Ty
                                                                         Kelly, who had 22 tackles and tied for the team lead
                                                                         with 2.5 sacks. Also anchoring down the defense will be
                          Catriez Cook                                   linebackers, Alex Smith and Nick Yearwood. The duo led
                          Photo Courtesy of Newberry College Athletics
                                                                         the team in tackles with 39 and 37, respectively, while
                                                                         Smith added two sacks. Anthony Blue and David Vereen
                                                                                                                      See WOLVES | 18
THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER             FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                             August 25, 2021 17

                                                     Best Of Luck To All Our Newberry Teams
                                                    Here’s TO A WiNNiNg seAsON!!

    Best wishes to our local teams
     on their upcoming seasons!
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18 August 25, 2021                                            FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                                              THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER

                                 NEWBERRY COLLEGE

 Anthony Blue
      Photos Courtesy of
Newberry College Athletics

Wolves                                              three pass breakups, one sack, and one fumble       38 yards per punt with a long of 46 yards while
                                                    recovery.                                           having two punts downed inside the twenty-yard
From page 16                                           The Newberry special teams finished the spring   line.
                                                    first in the conference in blocked punts and punt      Newberry kicks off the 2021 season on
will lead the defensive backfield for the Wolves.   return defense, allowing -2 yards per return. The   September 5, as they travel to Barton to take
Vereen led the team with two interceptions,         Wolves return placekicker Carter Parrot. Parrot     on the Bulldogs at 2:00 p.m. The Wolves’ home
including the game-winning pick in a 20-17 win      finished the spring 11-11 in extra points and had   opener will be on September 11, as they host
over Barton, and had six pass breakups. Blue had    two field goals. Punter Gibson Marsh averaged       North Greenville at 6:00 p.m. at Setzler Field.
THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER                 FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                       August 25, 2021 19

                        NEWBERRY COLLEGE

                                                              Mario Anderson

                                                 Best of Luck to all the Teams!
                                                 Newberry District 4
           Dre Harris
                                                 David Force
20 August 25, 2021                              FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                                      THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER

                     NEWBERRY COLLEGE

                                  Newberry College 2021
                      DATE        TIME         HOME/AWAY    OPPONENT                  LOCATION

                       Sept. 4    2:00 p.m.      Away       Barton College            Wilson, N.C.
                       Sept. 11   6:00 p.m.      Home       North Greenville Univ.    Newberry
                       Sept. 18   6:00 p.m.      Home       Lenoir-Rhyne University   Newberry
                       Sept. 25   1:30 p.m.      Away       Tusculum University       Greeneville. Tenn.
                       Oct. 2     1:00 p.m.      Away       Mars Hill University      Mars Hill, N.C.
                       Oct. 9     12:00 p.m.     Away       UVA Wise		                Wise, Va.
                       Oct. 16    4:00 p.m.      Home       Catawba College           Newberry
                       Oct. 23    4:00 p.m.      Home       Carson-Newman Univ.       Newberry
                       Oct. 30    1:00 p.m.      Away       Erskine College           Greenwood, S.C.
                       Nov. 6     1:00 p.m.      Home       Wingate University        Newberry
                       Nov. 13    4:00 p.m.      Away       Limestone University      Gaffney, S.C.

                       Good Luck to all
                     Newberry county Teams!

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THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER                                       FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                                     August 25, 2021 21

                        NEWBERRY COLLEGE

                               Alex Smith
                                     Photos Courtesy of
                               Newberry College Athletics

                                                                                                            Alec Blackmon

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22 August 25, 2021                           FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                    THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER

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24 August 25, 2021                                                                              FOOTBALL PREVIEW 2021                                                                                                                      THE NEWBERRY OBSERVER

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