St. Raymond De Peñafort Catholic Church

Page created by Gail Graham
St. Raymond De Peñafort Catholic Church
St. Raymond De Peñafort Catholic Church
                                                              We are a Catholic Christian Community

                                                                  Welcome . Love . Serve .

                                                                                                                                           February 7, 2021
                                                                                                                                           Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

                                                                                   Monday:    Gn 1:1-19; Ps 104:1-2a, 5-6, 10, 12, 24,
                                                                                              35c; Mk 6:53-56
                                                                                   Tuesday:   Gn 1:20 — 2:4a; Ps 8:4-9; Mk 7:1-13
                                                                                   Wednesday: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Ps 104:1-2a, 27-28,29bc-30;
                                                                                              Mk 7:14-23
                                                                                   Thursday:  Gn 2:18-25; Ps 128:1-5; Mk 7:24-30
                                                                                   Friday:    Gn 3:1-8; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 7:31-37
                                                                                   Saturday:  Gn 3:9-24; Ps 90:2-6, 12-13; Mk 8:1-10
                                                                                   Sunday:    Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11;
                                                                                              1 Cor 10:31 — 11:1; Mk 1:40-45
While our parish staff will attempt to take appropriate precautions consistent with the advice of public health authorities, parishioners and guests should understand that they assume the
risk of contracting COVID-19 any time they enter a public space since such precautions do not eliminate the risk of infection.
St. Raymond De Peñafort Catholic Church
St. Raymond De Peñafort Catholic Church
St. Raymond De Peñafort Catholic Church
St. Raymond De Peñafort Catholic Church
The Faith Community of St Raymond de Penafort
 Pages from the illustrated history by Jean Powley Murphy

                                                                Memories from SRS Alumi
  Memories of St Raymond School
          by Annie Boarini, class of 2012
     My name is Annie Boarini and I       the school. From the staff to the      spirit day and wear our class shirts
  am currently a third-grade teacher at   families that are here, people         and celebrate all of our memories
  St. Raymond's. I graduated from St.     welcome you in with open arms and      made/reminisce with our peers and
  Raymond School in 2012 and              go above and beyond to ensure that     teachers. It only emphasized how
  attended the school from first          you are taken care of and happy        close we all became over the years
  through 8th grade. I was also a         here.                                  and how much we were like a family
  member of the parish council               St. Raymond values Catholic         during our time within the St.
  post-grad until college.                education. Through not only religion   Raymond walls.
     Being a part of SRS was more         class but it is embedded in daily         Choosing to come back here to
  than just a regular education but it    practice and our values. The works     work was the easiest decision I have
  was truly being a part of a catholic    of God, Jesus, and our catholic        ever made as St. Raymond's has
  community and a community that is       education are shown every day in       and always will be a second home
  a family. At St. Raymond's both         the school by all who are a part of    to me. From school to the parish
  when I was a student, and now as        the community.                         council to weekly mass to now being
  an educator, I can truly say that it       My fondest memory of SRS is in      a teacher in the room I learned, I am
  feels like home within the walls of     8th grade being able to have our       truly blessed to be back here.

Do you have memories to share with the community? These can be school, RE/CCD or parish.
We’d love to hear from you! Please send to
St. Raymond De Peñafort Catholic Church
ASH WEDNESDAY — February 17, 2021
                            Prayer Service—7:30 a.m. (in-person only)
                        Mass—12:00 p.m. (noon), 4:30 p.m. , and 7:00 p.m.
                            (All masses will be in-person and livestream)
 Communion and ashes will be offered immediately following each livestream outside the front of
       church. Please visit the website to watch the video on receiving ashes in 2021.
              ** PLEASE NOTE: THERE IS NO 9:00 a.m. MASS THIS WEEK**
           WEEKDAY MASS                                              WEEKEND MASS
         Wednesday—9:00 a.m.                        Saturday—5:00 p.m. (in-person & livestream with
       (in-person & livestream)                              communion outside after mass)
 Thursday—12:00 p.m. (in-person only)                      Sunday—8:30 a.m. (in-person only)
   INDIVIDUAL RECONCILIATION                            and 11:00 a.m. (in-person & livestream with
Every Saturday | 4:00—4:30 p.m. | Church                     communion outside after mass)

                                      LENTEN PARTNERSHIP
                            Catholic Relief Services - Operation Rice Bowl
 Rice bowls will be available for pick-up in any location our bulletins are offered. More information
            about CRS Rice bowls can be found through the bulletin and social media.
               (Donations can also be made online through
                                  LENTEN SCRIPTURE SERIES
                Podcast with Fr. Scott | Weekly | Website:
            Offered for the 6 weeks of Lent beginning on Sunday, February 21, 2021
    Learn more about our history and identity as People of God, through reflections on the covenants.
      You are invited to carve out some time to listen and learn more about who we are as Church.

                          AN EVENING OF LENTEN TAIZE PRAYER
                               Monday, March 8 | 7:00 p.m. | Church
            (In-person only through pre-registration on the website:

                                   STATIONS OF THE CROSS
                      Fridays during Lent | 7:00 p.m. | Church and Livestream
                                 February 10: Gathering of Women
                              February 26: Men of St. Raymond/CHRP
                                   March 5: Bereavement Ministry
                               March 12 and March 19: Youth Ministry
                            March 26: Deacon Dave and Monica Babczak

 To attend in-person Masses, Taize, and Stations of the Cross, please register in advance
                      through the website (
St. Raymond De Peñafort Catholic Church

              Date: 1/30/21
           Miles Lincoln Crum
Proud parents Evan and Christina (Voltaire)

                                                    Date: 1/31/21
                                                 Nora Sue Schwarz
                                              Proud parents Erin & Kyle
                                                  Big brother Henry
St. Raymond De Peñafort Catholic Church
Ministry Information
  Support Groups for Those Suffering with Addic-                            Please call our team members for help:
            tion and Their Loved Ones                                       Dan Sullivan 847-962-5208
 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) | Co-Dependents Anonymous (CODA)                 Jill Bergner 847-228-6073
 Drug, alcohol and gambling addiction is a disease which is chronic,        Marie McGarry 847-398-0415
 progressive and treatable, but terminal if untreated. Recovery is          Bob O’Donnell 630-400-9479
 possible if the person is willing to ask for help and work toward that     Dan Lapinski 847-259-4645
 goal. Families with addicted family members also need help and
 understanding. Worry, fear and anger destroy both relationships and                                          God grant me the serenity to accept
 the family unit. The Substance Abuse Team is available to reach out                                              the things I cannot change;
 with support and care. CONFIDENTIALITY AND ANONYMITY are the                                                 courage to change the things I can;
 very essence of our ministry.                                                                                and wisdom to know the difference.

                                                      Ministry for Our Homebound Parishioners
                          Are you aware that any parishioner who is recuperating following an accident, illness, or surgery is welcome to receive
                          the Eucharist at home? If you or a loved one is homebound and would like a visit from a Minister of Care, please contact
                          Sr. Val at 847-253-8600 x 143 or email to make arrangements.
                                                                                                     We are happy to bring St. Raymond to you!
                                                      Patients at Northwest Community Hospital
In late October we received word from the Spiritual Care Services Department at Northwest Community Hospital that they will no longer send the
daily patient census to the Ministry of Care Coordinators at the parishes and other churches. Up to this time, Sr. Val received a confidential listing
of St. Raymond parishioners at NCH, enabling us to offer the pastoral care that we want to provide for our parishioners experiencing illness requir-
ing hospital care. Due to this change in policy, there is no way to know if any of our parishioners are at NCH. Therefore, if a loved one has been
hospitalized at NCH, we would deeply appreciate a call or email with this information. This is also true for patients at Lutheran General, Alexian
Brothers, and Resurrection Hospitals. Please contact Sr. Val at 847-253-8600 x 143 or when a loved one is hospitalized
so that we can continue to provide pastoral care during a time of illness. Thank you.
St. Raymond De Peñafort Catholic Church
Community Outreach
St. Raymond De Peñafort Catholic Church
Pray for Our Sick As Members of the Parish Faith Community, it is                     † We Remember †
our responsibility to remember both in concrete and spiritual ways
those who cannot celebrate with us each week because they are ill.           Monday—February 8, 2021
Those who are sick in turn, remember all of us daily in their prayers         St. Jerome Emiliani;
and in their sufferings. We experience many blessings because of their        Saint Josephine Bakhita, Virgin
emembering us. And so … please remember in your prayers the
people listed. *Infant                                                       Tuesday—February 9, 2021
                                                                                      † Mary Lindh (1st anniversary)
Abplanalp, Esther       Hackney, Cynthia         Riley, Liz                  Wednesday—February 10, 2021
Adamo, Mary Jane        Hauswirth, Joseph        Rodriguez, Irma and          Saint Scholastica, Virgin
Adams, Kathie           Herling, Liam              Julio                      9:00 am † Frankie Bonilla Wier
Adams, Robert           Heslinga, Kathy          Sadeghloo, Donna
Amodio, Antoinette      Hodyl, Jerry             Sadeghloo, John             Thursday—February 11, 2021
Archibald, Rosetta      Hofmann, Dr. Lorenz      Sanders, Rosemary             Our Lady of Lourdes
Baker, Robert           Hopkins, Karen           Schreiner, Amy                12:00 pm † Lance Intveld
Baldassano, Andrea      Hunt, Ann                Shea, Dorothy
                                                                             Friday—February 12, 2021
Baldassano, Dina        Janas, Becky             Sheehy, Eleanor
Banadera, Leonida       Juell, Cathy             Skillman, John              Saturday—February 13, 2021
Banas, Virginia         Kamaryt, Donald          Skowron, Blake                5:00 pm † Edward Berg
Benden, Jeff            Karson, Steve            Smerek, Kate                          † James Fakult
Breitsameter, Barbara   Kenny, Mary              Sommers, Georgia                      † Natalina & Samuele Nicolosi
Brennan, Dorothy        King, Marianne           Swietek, Chester
Brown, Gerald L.        Kramer, Eleanor          Theis, Tim                  Sunday—February 14, 2021
  "Chip"                Kurka, Peg               Tilpe, Hans                   Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Bruso, Bill             Kuzniak, Krzysztof       Torello, Rick                 8:30 am † Ruth Cyrier
                                                                                        † Georgia & Dick Kolf
Buchberger, Chris       Lapinski, Louise         Tortorello, Carol                      † Doris Lee
Buchberger, Greg        Leuzzi, Angela           Vecchio, Helen                11:00 am † Barbara Buckley
Buchberger, Katie       Lopatkowicz, Christine   Walkowiak, Gloria                      † John Drangines
Bychowski, Mike         Maher, Elena             Wilson, Irene                          † Rosalie Happ
Cabanski, Karen         Marturana, Pam           Zabawski, Alice                        † Donald Jones
Carr, Patrick           Maslon, Emilija          Zlabis, Zachary                        † Ellen Manning
Caulfield, Jim          Mathews, Scott                                                  † Leonard Maryanowski
Cavage, Adeline         Monson, Dorothy &                                               † Daniel McRedmond
Chojnowski, Edward &      Clarence                                                      † Robert McVeigh
                                                                                        † Frank J. Morgan
  Marianna              Murphy, Aria*
Comanici, Coca          Murphy, Bill
Cotto, Mason            Nichols, Roberta
Crooks, Richard         Nitkiewicz, Tony
Czajka, Donna           Novak, Jeanne
Czajka, Frank           Nykiel, Antonina
Dauer, Elizabeth Anne   O'Brien, Michael
DeRoche, David          O'Keefe, Debbie
Donna, Dorothy          O'Keefe, Shiela
Dowling, Beau           Olsen, Julia
Drain, Daniel           Payne, Laura
Dzurisin, John          Penze, Denise
Egart, Jean             Peppard, Tom                                      Leonard Menini, Husband of Linda
Eichberger, Mary Ann    Peterson, Marion
Froelich, Roy           Reising, Donald E.                                Mary Jackson, Wife of John
Getsla, Goldie          Richards, Joan                                    Devin Wildey, Great Nephew of Mary Cahill
Gordon, Ken             Riley, Barbara
                                                                          Lori Goszczynski, Daughter of Marge Nolan
                                                                          Mary Margaret Reed, Mother of Patricia,
    Counseling Services                        Counseling Services are
                                               available for those                              Theresa, Marc,
 experiencing the loss of a loved one, a relationship, job, and other                           Stephen, and Betsy
 challenging life situations through our Human Concerns Commission.
 If you would like to talk with a counselor, please contact Sr. Valerie
 Kulbacki, Director of Care Ministries, at 847-253-8600 or at
Youth Ministry

St. Raymond Scrip Program will be placing
orders every Monday at 10 am. Place your
order on-line at or drop
off your order at the PMC. Forms available
online or PMC. If you have any questions
please contact Mary Siefke at 847-253-8600
ext. 135 or
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           320 West Central Road                                                                                                                                                                               Conveniently Located at Central Road &
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Call us today at 860-399-1785 or email
                           Courtesy of J.S. Paluch Company, Inc.                                                                                                                                            
512200 St Raymond Church (A)                                                                                                                            For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
St. Raymond De Peñafort Catholic Church
                                      Lincoln St and Elmhurst Ave, Mt Prospect IL 60056

Parish Ministry Office                     301 South I-Oka Ave                                                300 South Elmhurst Ave
                                           Mt Prospect IL 60056
                                                                          St. Raymond School                    Mt Prospect IL 60056
   Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30                 Office 847-253-8600                                                   Office 847-253-8555
       (closed 12-1 for lunch)                Fax 847-253-0023                                                     Fax 847-253-8939
      Saturday 9am-1pm                                                       
     Sunday 9am-12:30pm
                                                                          St. Raymond Religious Education
         Follow us                                     @StRaymondRE                    847-253-8600 x134

                                                    PARISH STAFF
Pastor                                                                   St. Raymond School Administration
Rev. Dr. Scott Hebden, x123,                    Mary Eileen Ward, Principal, x198,
Associate Pastor                                                   
Rev. Gilbert Mashurano, x139,                  Nadine Scheller, Enrollment & Marketing, x197,
Resident Priest
Rev. Steve Patte,                                Office of Formation
Deacon Couples                                                           Cheryl Haluczak, Children & Youth Sacramental Prep, x151,
Dcn. John & Ingrid Lorbach, x160,                                                                               Diana Arizmendi, Youth and Young Adult Formation, x 149
Dcn. David & Monica Babczak,                                             Tina Kneisel, Admin Assistant, x138,
Director of Care Ministry
Sr. Valerie Kulbacki, x143,                        Office of Liturgy
Parish Office                                                            Brian Fife, Director of Music, x136,
Joanna Halvorsen, Manager, x142,                                                                              Mary Lou Larson, Music Admin Assistant, x153,
Rosemary Hinkemeyer, Secretary,                 
                                                                         Mary Lou Cacioppo, Admin Assistant, x145,
Director of Operations                                             
Bill Stark,, x137
Mary Siefke, Bookkeeper, x135,                                           Office of Facilities Maintenance                                            Dan Conlon      Kurt Dombrowski
Director of Community Engagement                                         Al Cook         José Martinez   Nick Pecci
Sharon Moeykens, x164,
Communications Coordinator
Brandi Sulak, x147,

                                    COUNCILS AND COMMISSIONS
Mission Development Council           Kathy Nuelle (Chair), Libby Bullock (Vice Chair)               
Communication & Technology                                  Evangelization & Engagement Theresa Drangines & Sue Rudnick
Lifelong Formation Jim Skonicki                             Social & Religious Solidarity Cheryl Costello
                                                            Spiritual Life Joan Schmitt & Alicia Schueller

Resource Development Council John Reschke (Chair)                                                    
Fundraising & Parish Partnership Mark Spanier               Maintenance & Capital Projects Chuck Hemler
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