LOUGHTON LINES - loughton athletic club

Page created by Jim Fuller
LOUGHTON LINES - loughton athletic club
                                THE NEWSLETTER OF LOUGHTON ATHLETIC CLUB
                                            Number 10: April, 2019

                                              PLEASE START HERE

                         THE A.G.M. EMITS A CRY: NEW BLOOD IS NEEDED!

   When you arrive at the report on the Annual General       members) and we’d like to think that it will make it to the
Meeting later in this issue, you will see that one of the    end of its next century.
subjects discussed was the need for new blood. The
majority of the Committee have been on since the year dot        What would membership of the Committee involve?
(or even earlier) and although they have an enormous         Will it eat up my spare time? These thoughts might have
amount of knowledge and experience they feel that they       held you back from stepping forward. They needn’t! The
may be running out of new ideas and the energy to do         Committee meets four or five times a year (apart from the
much about them; so we need new members to come              A.G.M.) on Monday evenings at the Loughton Club in
forward to serve on the Committee and help to develop        Station Road, usually at 7:30 p.m.; meetings seldom take
and steer the Club.                                          longer than an hour and for the benefit of those needing a
                                                             bracer to help them through there is a bar on the premises.
    Let me make it clear that the people we are seeking
need not be young in years – when they were born is              As long as we get through the Agenda, the meetings
really neither here nor there; they need to be young in      are pretty informal; there isn’t a great deal of proposing
drive and ideas.                                             motions, seconding them and engaging in structured
                                                             debate. It’s more a question of airing views, exchanging
    What is wrong with the Club and how can it be put        opinions and trying to reach agreement as to the way
right? What is right with the Club and how can it be         forward. If you wish to find out more, feel free to contact
developed? What possibilities are there for something that   the Editor at Peter.Cassidy@btinternet.com or see him on
we old codgers haven’t even thought of? These are the sort   a Tuesday evening and he’ll do what he can to help. If
of problems that we need to tackle. Loughton A.C. is 110     you’re not sure whether it’s for you, you can always come
years old (even older than most of the Committee             along to one of the meetings and see what happens there.
LOUGHTON LINES - loughton athletic club

   Melanie Peddle won another Essex Championship at          second in the W60 80m with 10·26, and Melanie taking
the airless and freezing Lee Valley Centre on the 2nd        third place in the W35 2000m walk in 11:12·22. In fact,
February, when she produced a p.b. of 8:52·6 to win the 1    Emily is a W65 and Melanie a W50 so they were racing
mile walk, again beating all the men; in the associated      against the youngsters, as their own age groups weren’t
Eastern A.A. event, she was also first.                      catered for. (We think that Emily also ran a leg of a
                                                             4x200m relay, but, having started at 11:00 a.m., we were
    On the 10th February in the Southern Counties’ Vets’     getting a bit glazed by 6:00 p.m.).
A.C. at the same venue, we had two representatives: Emily
McMahon – a second-claimer – in the W65 Group and
Cliff Warren in the M55. Emily was first in the high jump        Going for the hat-trick, it was back to the Centre on the
with 1·11, third in the long jump with 3·58 and took the     10th March for the B.M.A..F. Indoor Championships, not
silver medal in the 60m with 10·50. Cliff, competing as a    just the officials, but the same trio of competitors. Emily
guest, cleared 9·30 for seventh in the M55 triple jump and   was as busy as usual in the W65 class, finishing fourth in
ran 2:33·28 in third place in the 800m.                      the 60m (10·23), first in the Long Jump (3·44m), while
                                                             unfortunately not finishing in the 80m Hurdles. Cliff and
   Continuing with the attempt to complete the               Melanie contented themselves with one event each; Cliff
desiccation of their lungs, Editor and Pauline were there    was second in the M55 Triple Jump (9·98m), while
again on the 24th February at the English Masters Inter-     Melanie won the W50 3000m Walk in 16:48·15
Area Challenge (which includes Wales for some reason).        .
Emily and Melanie were also there again, Emily finishing

                                         ….SOME OUTDOOR ONES….

    Here are our Park Runners at it again, listed with       Holland (29:44/17/35): Michaela Davis {32:12/123/43):
(time/overall position/gender position):                     Constance Stubbs (39:08/150/59)

2nd February Roding Valley               Michaela Davis          Ever alert, the Editor has just found out about the
(30:26/75/18): Nadine Holland (42:01/101/35) [Nadine         Roding Valley Junior Park Run, which has been going
was listed as a Helper on this one, which may explain her    since October and is over a 2k lap of the field with our
performance.] Hackney Marshes Richard Berry                  H.Q.; the Senior Run is 5k in much the same place. To
(22:20/95/88)                                                give a bit of coverage to our young participants (who must
9th February Roding Valley Leela Katyal (24:32/17/3):        be between four and fourteen years), we’ll take a deep
Bryan     Gipson     (30:18/58/41):    Nadine     Holland    breath and note the results for 2019; from now on, we’ll
(30:42/42/19): Deborah Davies (31:51/78/30) Haverhill        cover every one.
Bruno      Stubbs    (25:13/5/4):    Constance     Stubbs
(39:09/37/14): John Stubbs (39:10/38/24)                     Junior Park Run 6th January Henry Brown (8:52/3/3):
16th February Roding Valley Deborah Davies                   Kira Holland (10:40/16/3) 13th January Lizzie Knapman
(30:58/95/26)                                                (8:51/4/1): Henry Brown (8:57/5/4): Leela Katyal
23rd February Roding Valley Leela Katyal                     (8:58/6/2): Jake Katyal (9:42/12/7): Kira Holland
(26:15/47/11): Michaela Davis (30:08/100/26): Deborah        (12:19/37/15): Teddy Knapman (15:01/62/32) 20th
Davies (32:02/112/31): Bryan Gipson (32:05/112/82)           January Lizzie Knapman (8:28/2/1): Leela Katyal
Haverhill Bruno Stubbs (23:55/12/4): John Stubbs             (8:37/4/2): Henry Brown (8:42/7/5): Jake Katyal
(23:59/13/12): Constance Stubbs (34:25/47/12)                (9:52/19/13): Kira Holland (11:28/38/12): Teddy
2nd March Roding Valley Leela Katyal (24:15/23/3):           Knapman (15:15/71/39) 27th January Lizzie Knapman
Nadine     Holland     (27:35/52/9):   Deborah     Davies    (9:06/8/3): Kira Holland (11:54/33/11) 10th February
(30:45/84/25) Haverhill John Stubbs (23:47/2/2): Bruno       Lizzie     Knapman      (8:53/1/1):    Teddy     Knapman
Stubbs (24:31/4/4): Constance Stubbs (35:13/34/11)           (15:11/35/19) 17th February Lizzie Knapman (8:53/1/1):
9th March Roding Valley Leela Katyal (23:51 [PB]/16/3):      Teddy Knapman (15:11/35/19) 3rd March Lizzie
Jake Katyal (27:53/55/46): Deborah Davies (31:25/85/17)      Knapman (8:39/2/1): Henry Brown (8:47/4/3): KIra
16th March Rodimg Valley Steve Palmer (20:04/2/2): 23        Holland (11:03/22/11) 10th March            Henry Brown
Henry Brown (24:48/23/22: Jean Hobbs (28:25/45/4)            (8:53/1/1) 17th March      Henry Brown (8:11/1/1-p.b.):
Nadine Holland (31:07/74/15): Deborah Davies                 Leela Katyal (8:24:4/2): 49 Teddy Knapman (15:03/49/23)
(31:29/78/17): Haverhill John Stubbs (25:18/8/8): Bruno      24th March Lizzie Knapman (8:16/2/1 – p.b.): Kira
Stubbs (25:29/9/9): Constance Stubbs (39:31/33/9)            Holland (11:36/28/11): Teddy Knapman (15:50/55/29)
23rd March Roding Valley Richard Berry (22:43/26/23):        31st March Henry Brown (8:38/6/4)
Michaela Davis (31:20/116/31): Nadine Holland                [N.B.: The results are searched for the Club’s name: if the
(34:18/132/41)                                               runner, either Senior or Junior, is not registered as
30th March Loughton John Stubbs (23:43/28/23):               “Loughton A.C.”, he or she won’t be detected and
Michelle Seacombe (26:57/74/16-p.b.): Jean Hobbs             therefore won’t appear in this section of your favourite
(27:29/81/20): Irene Petersen (29:41/106/34): Nadine         fanzine.]
LOUGHTON LINES - loughton athletic club

    The Chingford League came to its end for the season       Boys are second [Individual: Thomas Medhurst], as are
as far as individual performances are concerned on the 16th   the Girls [Individuals: 8 Ella Palmer: 11 Mia Alo]
February at Victoria Park; the relays at Wanstead Flats on
the 9th March counted only for team placings. We had             The Seniors are not up with the youngsters, but our
fifteen young runners and four seniors wearing a groove in    four in the Vicky Park event were:
the tarmac.
                                                              Men   35 Jon Whitehouse         30:08
                    Under 11 Boys                             Women 31 Lorna Gaffney          36:39
  5       Jayan Hard             14:18                              85 Michaela Davis         48:51
  7       Luca Dominguez         16:19                              87 Amie Harrison          50:36
  8       Ethan Joyce            16:55
  9       Jake Katyal            17:39                           The tabulated results ae not complete, but, insofar as
 10       Harry Burrell          17:39                        they go, Lorna Gaffney is 61st overall (as well as being 7th
 11       Zach Michaels          18:27                        W40 and 2nd W50), Mary Knapman is 71st overall, Gay
o12                              Byron Gipson                   18:34 20th W50 and Jean Hobbs 8th W60, while Jon
                        Team 1st                              Whitehouse is 17th M40. Among the teams, our Women
                                                              are 5th with the Women Veterans in the same position,
                     Under 11 Girls                           while the Men’s A & B teams are both 11th with the
 2        Lizzie Knapman           14:25                      Veterans 9th.
 4        Lottie Palmer            15:20
 7        Connie Stubbs            21:19                          Finally, the relays at Wansted Flats completed the
                        Team 2nd                              season’s competiton. Our Men’s A team finished ninth in
                                                              56:07 (Mark Fox 15:03, Jon Brown 16:01, Jon
                    Under 13 Boys                             Whitehouse 12:48, Steve Palmer 12:15) and the Women
 5        Bruno Stubbs           14:03                        fifth in 60:43 (Lorna Gaffney 14:19, Georgie Gillott
 6        George Fox             16:10                        15:25, Sharon Palmer 16:22, Mary Knapman 14:37). The
                       Team 4th                               Women fielded a B Team, finishing fourth in 75:51
                                                              (Caroline Ford 18:20, Michaela Davis 20:05, Nadine
                    Under 13 Girls                            Holland 18:43, Jean Hobbs 18:43). The Vets’ team times
 4        Leela Katyal            15:04                       are calculated not on a straightforward relay race but on
                       Team 2nd                               the times of the four fastest club members running in
                                                              “open” teams. On this basis, our men finished fifth and our
[N.B.: George Burrell (16:42) and Sophie Gipson (17:42)       women fourth. The Men’s vet team was the same as the
also ran but are too young to score.]                         Senior one, while the women’s differed by the inclusion of
                                                              Caroline Ford (18:20) and Nadine Holland (18:43) in
    After six events, Our Under 11 Boys are in second         place of Georgie and Mary, for a cumulative time of
place. [Individuals: 4 Jayan Hard: 6 Luca Dominguez: 10       67:44. (Still with us?) These results leave our Women in
Rowan Hare: 13 Jake Katyal: 17 Ethan Joyce: 20 Zach           overall fifth place but move the Men up to tenth with the
Michaels: 22 Henry Brown: 25 Harry Burrell: 26 James          Men’s B team eleventh and the Men’s and Women’s Vets’
Isherwood] The Under 11 Girls are also lying second.          teams ninth and fifth respectively.
[Individuals 2 Lottie Palmer: 3 Lizzie Knapman: 6 Connie
Stubbs: 8 Monica Wickham: 12 Elizabeth Thomas: 14                The youngest of our runners deserve a paragraph to
Kira Holland] Not to be left behind, the Under 13 Girls       themselves as they showd the old’uns the way. Both
are second [Individuals 4 Leela Katyal: 6 Camilla             Under 11 Boys and Girls were winners (and pretty close
Klyepcha: 13 Lillie Rainey]. The Under 15 Boys were not       together, as well); the Boys did 41:26 (Luca Dominguez
far behind, in third place [Individuals 4 Bruno Stubbs: 7     10:20, Harry Burrell 10:46, Henry Brown 10:47, Jayan
William Scrutton: 12 George Fox] We are a little thinner      Hard 9:33) and the Girls 42:19 (Lizzie Knapman 8:58,
on the ground among the Under 15s, but, even so, the          Evie Seymour 10:46, Kira Holland 12:18, Lottie Palmer

                                                  WALKING NOTES

   Melanie kept the Loughton flag flying at the Molly         its World Indoor Championships at Toruń in Poland.
Barnet Open Walks in Coventry on the 3rd March, coming        There was not a great attendance from this country, but
in as third Senior Woman in 29:45 (only eight seconds         Melanie was there flying the national flag this time and
outside her p.b.) beating the next lady by one second;        finishing ninth in the W50 3000m in 16:56·82; the race
phew!                                                         was combined with the W45 event, in which Melanie
                                                              finished a fraction under two minutes ahead of the bronze
  It’s fairly quiet time of year for walking, so the World    medallist in the younger race.
Masters’ Athletic Federation took the opportunity to hold                                              Pauline Wilson
LOUGHTON LINES - loughton athletic club

                                     NEWS FROM THE COMMITTEE….

  Your Committee met on the 18th February with David         * Heard that the Club’s Lease on its premises has now
Hobbs in the Chair, and did the following:                     been concluded. As it has more than seven years to
                                                               run (up to 2028), it must be notified to the Land
* Received reports on our very successful winter               Registry and the Committee approved the
  promotions, the Ware Cup and the Mince Pie Relay;            appointment of a Solicitor to carry out the necessary
* Noted that the remaining winter event was to be the          work. David Hobbs was thanked for his endurance in
  Chingford League Relays at Wanstead Flats on the 9th         this matter;
  March;                                                     * Agreed the Summer Fixture List, which appears
* Agreed to give our normal support to the Loughton            separately in this Edition, including a Young Athletes’
  Mayor’s Fun Run on the 12th May; please let Michaela          of the Midsummer Relay and an earlier start time of
  Davis or Tony Maycraft know of your ability to assist;       7:00 p.m.;
* Received a Report from Mary Knapman on the                 * Considered the possibility of swapping the Men’s and
  rapidly-developing Junior Section, summarised in a           Women’s accommodation in the Pavilion; there are
  separate article elsewhere in this edition;                  “for” and “against” arguments and the subject will be
* Noted from the Treasurer’s Report that the Club had          raised at the A.G.M.;
  achieved a modest Surplus for 2018, reversing 2017’s       * Heard, as foreseen in an earlier edition, that David
  situation;                                                   Hobbs would be standing down as a Committee
* Elected into Membership ten new members: welcome             Member and Chairman at the forthcoming A.G.M.;
  to George Burrell, Harry Burrell, Ethan Fowler,            * Confirmed that the Annual General Meeting of the
  George Fox, Mark Fox, Georgina Gillott, Kira                 club will be held on the 1st April, 2019; formal notice
  Holland, Nadine Holland, Evie Seymour, and Rose              will be circulated later.;
  Seymour. The average age of these new members is           * Agreed to meet again on the 29th April, to deal, among
  about 13, which hasn’t happened for a while;                 other things, with matters arising from the A.G.M.
                                                             * Closed the Meeting at 8:47 p.m.

                                ….AND THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

          The Club’s A.G.M. took place in the Loughton       • As to the vacant positions noted above, it was agreed
Club at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, 1st April, with fifteen           that George Richardson would bring to the next
members present (and four apologies for absence) and this      Committee Meeting on the 29th April the “job
is what it did:                                                descriptions” that he had produced in earlier years, and
                                                               that they would be reviewed.
• Adopted the Minutes of the A.G.M., 2018, with minor        • As we indicated in our report, above, of the last
  typographical corrections.                                   Committee meeting, the matter of reorganisation of the
• Received the Treasurer’s Statement of Account                Pavilion was discussed; basically, the question was
  (presented in his absence by the Chairman, David             whether the Men’s and Women’s accommodation
  Hobbs); a healthy cash balance was recorded The              should be exchanged. A number of members expressed
  Treasurer, noting that the interest-free loan from a         different ideas and it was agreed that an indicative
  Club member to assist with the installation of the all-      view would be sought from the female members. It
  weather area was still outstanding, proposed starting to     was thought that grants could be available for
  repay it at £250/month; this was agreed unanimously.         improving the facilities, and Jon Whitehouse pointed
• The Committee had previously agreed to the                   out that they were much easier to obtain for capital
  instruction of a solicitor (at a fee of £250 +VAT) to        expenditure than for revenue support. [It was noted
  deal with the registration of the new lease, which is        that, except when the Club promotes and event (at
  highly technical process, and this was reported to the       present only the Ware Cup, the Inter-Club Vets’ Match
  Meeting.                                                     and the Midsummer Relays) very little use is made of
• Elected the existing Officers en bloc, except for the        the actual showers.]
  Chairman (David Hobbs having retired in view of his        • In the election of Club Sportsperson of the Year for
  increased responsibilities in his Church work) and the       2018, voted on by those present at the A.G.M., Mary
  Social Secretary, Doris and Shaun De Souza Brady             Knapman was declared the winner.
  having recently resigned their joint position. In a        • Under the heading of Any Other Business, Mary
  general discussion, the outgoing Chairman stressed the       Knapman mentioned that, given our greatly increased
  need for new blood on the Committee and it was               numbers, especially among the younger age groups,
  agreed that an appeal would be made.                         there was a strong need for more qualified coaches,
LOUGHTON LINES - loughton athletic club
especially at the lower levels. Information about                   that, just as there was a need for more coaches, so there
  courses would be produced for those interested;                     was for more track officials, of which there was a
  meanwhile, Mary was happy to talk about it to                       chronic shortage throughout athletics; he could not
  individuals. It was decided by the Meeting that the                 speak for field judges and timekeepers. It was not
  Club would pay the Members’ coaching course fees.                   difficult to get started and officials could rise up the
  The present coaches would be meeting shortly to                     ladder of seniority and stop at whatever level they
  discuss reorganisation of the present system.                       chose; he would be happy to point potential new
• The possibility of rejuvenating the 100 Club would be               officials in the right direction.
  examined in the near future.                                      • Closed at 8:50 p.m. with an expression of thanks to
• The Editor remarked (1) that he would appreciate                    David Hobbs for his service in the Chair over several
  items for inclusion in Loughton Lines; he also noted                years.

                                          THE SUMMER FIXTURE LIST

   The Summer Fixtures are now fixed– unless, of course, they change1 – and are supplied by George Richardson as follows:

Wednesday 1st                       EMAC League                                           Bury St. Edmunds
Saturday 11th/Sunday 12th           Essex Championships                                   Chelmsford
Sunday 12th                         Loughton Mayor’s Fun Run                              Loughton
Tuesday 14th                        Club Champs Day1 – 10,000m (Seniors & Vets)           Loughton
Tuesday 21st                        Club Champs Day 2 – Walks (all)                       Loughton

Wednesday 5th                       EMAC League                                           Southend-on-Sea
Saturday 8th                        Essex Schools’ Championships (not Year 7)             Chelmsford
Tuesday 11th                        Club Champs Day 3 – 200m & 400m                       Loughton
                                     (All, including Young Athletes’ races)
Tusday 11th                         Woodford Open Graded Meeting                          Ashton Playing Fields
Tuesday 18th                        Club Champs Day 4 – 100m & 800m                       Loughton
                                     (All, including Young Athletes’ races)
Tuesday 25th                        Midsummer Relay (Physical Shield)                     Loughton
                                     7:00 Young Athletes, 7:30 p.m. Seniors

Wednesday 3rd                       EMAC League                                           Chelmsford
                                    Essex Schools’ Championships (Year 7)                 Chelmsford
Tuesday 9th                         Woodford Open Graded Meeting                          Ashton Playing Fields
Tuesday 16th                        Club Champs Day 5 – 1500m (Seniors & Vets)            Loughton
Tuesday 23rd                        Club Champs Day 6 – 5000m (Seniors and Vets)          Loughton
Wednesday 31st                      EMAC League                                           Colchester

Tuesday 13th                        Woodford Open Graded Meeting                          Ashton Playing Fields

Tuesday 13th                        Woodford Open Graded Meeting                          Ashton Playing Fields
Sunday 22nd                         EMAC League Final (if qualified)

All Senior Men’s and Women’s Championships begin at 7:30 p.m. Young Athletes’ Championships will begin at 7:15 p.m.
EMAC League: Loughton A.C. and Thurrock Harriers will be fielding a joint team. The Men’s Team Manager will be Jon
Metcalf (Thurrock): jmetcalf04@hotmail.com and the Women’s will be Barbara Higgins (Loughton): 0208 508 3230 or

All competitors must wear a number and must report at least fifteen minutes before the start time.
LOUGHTON LINES - loughton athletic club

                                             really helpful coaching tips?

    Now that, as indicated above, the Summer is upon us, it cannot be denied that some of our members are less than stylish in
their sprinting; although the illustrations below are from Distance and Cross Country Running by George Orton (American
Sports Publishing Company, New York, 1903), they are clearly just as valid for sprinters.

                1                             2                               3                               4

                            5                                6                                  7

   Obviously, the faults should be apparent to anyone, but the author describes them thus:

   No.1 Do not get the head too far back in the cramped position.
   No.2 Do not throw the arms across the body.
   No.3 Do not throw the foot out in front in reaching for the stride and then bend the ankle and knee down and chop the
        stride. (This one is also useful for testing the temperature of the bathwater.)
   No.4 Do not run pigeon-toed or land with the foot on the outside edge.
   No.5 Do not swing the foot up too far behind.
   No.6 Do not sway the body from side to side and do not swing the arms up and down.
   No.7 Do not bend the body over too far.

(Remembering that this book was published in the U.S.A., one might suspect that in Nos.5 and 6 the runner, just back from a
holiday in Europe, is trying to describe to his friends the statue he saw at Piccadilly Circus in London, England.)

   We should add a health warning; these pictures are for the benefit of distance runners and you should never try sprinting –
especially with eccentric styles – when there are six inches of snow on the ground.
LOUGHTON LINES - loughton athletic club

         One of the Rules of Race Walking is that one foot must always be in contact with the ground; a conveniently placed
grass verge may help, as the Editor demonstrates in the Chippenham to Calne race. (The A4 was open to traffic; a terrifying
thought nowadays!)

                                     NEWS FROM THE TRAINING GROUPS

    The Tuesday sessions have been going well. Gavin has           We still need to sort extra Club t-shirts for the children.
been an absolute star this winter, travelling from Kent          Mary will discuss that with Gavin.
every Tuesday to coach the 8-11s. Numbers at his sessions
have continued to grow, often reaching 20+, and the                  Richard and Mary's group is also going well; we've
children appear in any weather (even snow). Ten of his           had up to 30 on some Tuesday evenings. We have fixed
group ran in the Chingford League cross-country on 19            the schedule up until the end of March. Many of them ran
Jan and an amazing 15 turned out at Vicky Park on 16             in the Chingford League at Chingford and Vicky Park in
Feb; the boys and girls under 11 teams both sit second in        January and February.
the league. Lottie Palmer and Lizzie Knapman are second
and third overall in the individual standings at the                 We have pushed for people to pay their subs and £1
moment; Jayan Hard is 4th in the U11 boys.                       training fee and will continue to do so.

   Gavin's group are also active at Junior Parkrun on                Mary has signed up for the England Athletics 2-day
Sunday mornings - around 8-10 run each week - and                Assistant Coach course at Walthamstow in April, and
continue to set PBs on the back of good training. We have        Richard and Mary are updating their First Aid training in
a helpers' rota for Gavin - Jon Whitehouse, Peter Howe,          March. She has also enquired about the ELVIS series over
Gemma Wicks, Nick Hard and Gudrun Bodart have all                the summer (East London 5 interclub series). This looks to
volunteered at one or more sessions. They have all               be 5km or 5m races over the summer months with a few of
completed DBS self-declaration forms for safeguarding            the clubs from the Chingford League, organised by Ilford
purposes. We try to avoid any adults volunteering who            AC. It would also be good to organise the Physical Shield
would otherwise run with the adults group, and so far            relay on the field during the summer, possibly with a
we've managed that.                                              slightly earlier start time so that our runners who have
                                                                 children in the young athletes group (which is over 50% of
    We had a record turnout at the Mince Pie Relay, with         the group) can participate. Perhaps we could even organise
lots of our newer children and adults having a go.               a children's race before the adults’ one?

                                                                   Mary Knapman, Richard Berry and Gavin Harper

                                          HAVE YOU GOT A SICK-NOTE?

   If you think that your coach sometimes makes you              “XXXX are a competing athletic club, therefore being a
work too hard, just think about this; the Editor has seen the    member places obligations on you to attend TRAINING
Rules of another athletic club, which shall remain               REGULARLY, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and COMPETE
nameless, which include the following:                           FOR THE CLUB WHEN SELECTED.
LOUGHTON LINES - loughton athletic club
If an individual coach and/or the Coaching Co-odinator                I’d better just get my coat, then; it all sounds a bit like
consider that a member is not:                                     hard work.
(a) training regularly and demonstrating sufficient
commitment to the club, and                                        (Editor’s spell-checker, when mulling over that bit,
(b) not competing for the Club when selected, without              suggested replacing co-ordinator by co-dominator. Quite
good reason, then the membership of that member will be            so!)
cancelled and a refund made appropriately.”

                                             THE PICTURE GALLERY

George Richardson invites you to decide where this is. (Hint; it looks rather different now and you might well have been there
                                  since it changed.) The answer is at the end of this issue.

Ever ready for duty: Major Carr, George Richardson and John Mercer in action at the Chingford League Relays. George
reports that the wind was so strong that he had to hold on to the finishing funnel posts to remain upright; On the same day the
Editor and Pauline were judging at Gravesend Cyclopark, where the wind was literally too strong to walk against in a
“civilian” manner.

                                              CHUMMINESS CORNER

   Greetings to all who have birthdays (one each, of course) in April and May: Doug Bliss, Gudrun Bodart, Jonathon Brown,
Brian Chapman, Sarah Cockram, Caroline Ford, George Fox, Mick Higgins, Kira Holland, Sue Hooper, Robert Maggio,
Thomas Medhurst, Sharon Palmer, Helen Real-Slavicky, Julie Ryan, John Ryan and Rob Sargent.

                                               KEEPING CHEERFUL

    Our roving Football Correspondent, Terry Casey, has            William itself could use for the same purpose. Apparently,
pointed out that while we have been using Fort William             Pro Piacenza, who were bottom of the Italian third
F.C. as an example of how unsuccessful a team can be (so           division, had failed to turn up for three successive
as to feel less despondent about our performance last year         matches, before arriving for their latest (against Cuneo)
in the Southern Athletics League) there is a team that Fort        with only six players, all of them teenagers, with their
LOUGHTON LINES - loughton athletic club
captain doubling as team manager. Another player did turn          in such financial trouble that they cannot pay their players
up but had forgotten his identity papers and couldn’t play,        and staff, the League can probably whistle for its money!
so the physiotherapist came on as substitute. Nevertheless,
and not surprisingly, they lost 20-0. It is also no shock that         As for Fort William themselves, as we shovel on more
some of the players were not registered, so that [1] they          coke to run our steam-powered presses, their record stands
were disqualified, Cuneo being awarded a 3-0 victory,              at: Played 30; Won 0: Drawn 2: Lost 28: Goals for 17:
which seems a bit stingy, [2] the team was expelled from           Goals against 221: Points -7. (Regular readers will recall
the League and [3] they were fined €20,000 (about                  that the two points for the draws are offset by penalty
£17,500) for their “unacceptable behaviour”, which made            points for fielding unregistered players in three of their
the match “dangerous” and “a farce”. Given that they are           matches.)

  ….and let’s have more of these, please, so that Ed. doesn’t have to spend too long trawling through results of likely
                                    events to find mention of Loughtonians at play.

    Terry “Jocky” Casey, turning aside for a moment from           them off, but every time she passed someone he dropped
the nose-bleedingly exciting exploits of Fort William F.C.,        out.]
tells us that Steve Palmer finished 31st (29th man) in the
Roding Valley Half Marathon on the 3rd March in 90:35;                At the A.G.M. of the Eastern Masters’ A.C., Melanie
the last man home (in 354th position) did 4:13:13. [Pauline        Peddle was elected as one of the “Outstanding Athletss
walked that event a few times in the past; she reckons that        2018” together with Daniel and Dominic King, who are
everyone tore away at the start; she then started picking          senior international walkers.


   The picture at the top of Page 1 shows B.J.Wefers of the New York Athletic Club and is pinched from College Athletics by
Michael J. Murphy, published by the American Sports Publishing Company in 1906 (price 10 cents), so we’re probably safe
from the Copyright Police.

                                                 THE PUZZLE PICTURE

   The view shows Stratford Railway Station in the foreground. The sidings in the background have now largely disappeared
under the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park; the view is as it was in 1987.

                                                       SPEAK TO ME!

    Please let me have your news, views, items, snippets, rantings and other contributions, so that Loughton Lines can be your
Newsletter and not just mine with a few old faithfuls! I’d like them by e-mail to Peter.Cassidy@btinternet.com or by post to
Hufflers, Hard’s Lane, Shenfield, BRENTWOOD, CM15 0SF I can be ’phoned on 01277 220687 if you want to float an idea
and I can often be found (if the weather’s not too bad) at the Club on Tuesdays. Edition Number 11 is due out at the beginning
of June.

                                        THE BACK DOOR. SO TO SPEAK….
LOUGHTON LINES - loughton athletic club
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