STEVENSON HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY ASSOCIATION - Welcome to the 2019-2020 season Players and Parents meeting August 21, 2019 - Ngin

Page created by Philip Morrison
STEVENSON HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY ASSOCIATION - Welcome to the 2019-2020 season Players and Parents meeting August 21, 2019 - Ngin

      Welcome to the 2019-2020 season

        Players and Parents meeting
              August 21, 2019
STEVENSON HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY ASSOCIATION - Welcome to the 2019-2020 season Players and Parents meeting August 21, 2019 - Ngin

• SHS Hockey program is one of only a few high school sponsored hockey
  programs in Illinois.
• Our teams play in the most competitive Illinois High School league in
  the state.
• Two teams this season: Varsity and JV Gold

STEVENSON HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY ASSOCIATION - Welcome to the 2019-2020 season Players and Parents meeting August 21, 2019 - Ngin
Previous Two Seasons
• The 2017-18 season was the most successful in the history of the SHS Hockey program:
   • Varsity competed in the State Championship finals

   • JV Gold won the State Championship

   • JV White won the IHSHL North-Central division.

• In 2018-19 season, JV Gold won the President Cup
  Championship, State Final 4 and 2nd place Scholastic Cup

STEVENSON HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY ASSOCIATION - Welcome to the 2019-2020 season Players and Parents meeting August 21, 2019 - Ngin
What's new this season ??
• 16 new incoming players – ( 1 Senior; 1 Junior; 4 Sophomore; 10 Freshman ) – Welcome!
• New Logo:               =====>>

•   New Jerseys (Big Thank you to SHS Athletic Department!), New Helmets, New Gloves
•   4 new Board members
•   New Varsity Team Manager
•   Three new Teams in our SHL League: St. Viator, Carmel and OPRF
•   Lower season fee: reduced from $4,625 to $4,440
•   Lower cost of ice?? Nope… going up by 3% at primary rink, 5% at others
•   New rules to enhance players safety
•   Safesport training requirement for players turning 17 by December 2019
•   Replace “Ad book” with a Sponsorship program
•   New Spiritwear
STEVENSON HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY ASSOCIATION - Welcome to the 2019-2020 season Players and Parents meeting August 21, 2019 - Ngin
Goals and Challenges
  • Continue to build high-performance Varsity and JV teams with a goal of
    winning the State Championship!
  • Continue the great support and relationship with SHS as they sponsor the
    program as a School sport

  • Enhance players Safety, Respectful behavior towards each other and our opponents
  • Cost continues to grow - creative solutions to reduce cost and generate additional income…
    • Combined ice, optimizing game ice, adding tournament vs. practice games
    • Numerous team Fundraising activities
    • More sponsorships
    • Higher income from the Thanksgiving tournament
    • Any other ideas are more than welcome

Board members

• President – Dany Kleiman                • SHS Athletic Director – Trish Betthauser
• Vice President – Roger Baker            • SHS Assistant Athletic Director– Mike Feigh
• Secretary – Adam Riback                 • Hockey Director/Head Coach – Tom Wood
• Co-Treasurer & Scheduler – Katie Wood
• Co-Treasurer – Brian Klebosky **
• Registrar – Dawn Lermer **
• Director/Web Master – Rachel Li **
• Director – Brian Weinstein **
   ** New Board members

Coaches and Team managers

• 3 Coaches for Varsity:
    • Tom Wood – Head coach
    • Dan Wood – Assistant coach
    • Marc Shellist – Assistant coach
                               • Team manager for Varsity – Wendy Riback

• 3 Coaches for JV Gold:
    • Ralph Menotti – Head coach
    • Libor Ustrnul – Assistant coach
    • Frank DeMaio – Assistant coach
                               • Team manager for JV Gold – Dawn Lermer

The Teams profile

                            Varsity       JV Gold
         Skaters              17             17
         Goalies               2              2
                    Total     19             19

         Seniors              7                1
         Juniors              8                6
         Sophomores           1                4
         Freshmen             3                8

                              16 New Players
2019-2020 program highlights
• Each team is scheduled to have the same amount of home ice.
• Each team will practice on average twice a week
• Projected Game Counts: (Final game count determined by tournament advancement)
    • Varsity: 50-55
    • JV Gold: 40-45
• Tournaments:
    • Varsity – 4 tournaments
      • Out of Town tournament is partially parent funded through a team fund as well as
        fundraisers executed by the entire association to develop the Varsity team
      • With parent’s supervision
    • JV Gold – 3 tournaments
• Stevenson Thanksgiving Tournament (projected number of teams):
    • 16 Varsity Teams
    • 12 JV Elite teams
    • 10 JV Gold teams

Transportation – School buses
Before 11/15/18
• Buses will be scheduled at the discretion of the coaches and team managers.
• The general rule is to schedule a bus if the game is more than 30 minutes from Stevenson and has
  a late start or finish.
After 11/15/18
• In general, both teams will be provided bus transportation to all non-home rinks.
• Buses will not be provided for games at the following rinks: Twin Rinks, Glacier, Northbrook,
  Mount Prospect, West Meadow and Gurnee. The association may add or remove rinks on this list
  as needed.

All players must ride the bus to and from the games when a bus is provided. Any
exceptions must be cleared with the coach PRIOR to the game.

Expectations from the Players: (part of the handbook)
• Maintain a good academic standing at SHS - to be eligible to    • Must respect the integrity and judgment of all game officials.
  participate in the Stevenson Hockey Program. (Per SHS
  Academic Eligibility Rules)                                     • Use of any electronic media device and/or any website or other
                                                                    similar forum to make disparaging comments towards other
• Be at practices and games at the specified time and to be         teams, players, parents, or members of any organization will not
  ready and focused to participate at their highest ability.        be tolerated. This is inclusive of, but not limited to, Facebook,
                                                                    Twitter, internet blogs, email, and texting.
• Participate in all tournaments throughout the year as
  scheduled by the team. Failure to participate in any            • Be truthful with the coaching staff as well as the team trainer
  tournament may result in a 3-5 game suspension.                   regarding any injuries that may occur on or off the ice. The
                                                                    player will abide by all trainer and coach’s decisions following an
• May be double rostered on both the Varsity and JVG Teams.         injury, including following all required concussion protocol
  Players may be required to participate at either level up to      and/or staying off the ice.
  the applicable limits (7-up 7-down rule)
                                                                  • Communicate to the coaching staff regarding any issues such as
• Must abide by the SHS Extracurricular/Co-Curricular Code          injuries, absences and other commitments that would result in
  of Conduct, which is available at
                                                                    any missed team activity.
  Any violation of the Code, including, but not limited to the
  use of illegal drugs, tobacco products), alcohol and bullying   • Players are put on the ice at the coach’s discretion. If the player
  will be subject to discipline according to the Code.              would like to discuss issues about playing time, they should
                                                                    schedule a time to talk with their coach. Playing time will not be
• Follow the rules and regulations of any rink at which they        discussed during a game.
  play and must treat opponents & teammates with respect.
• Must understand the rules of the game as set forth by USA
  Hockey, AHAI and the leagues in which they play.

Expectations of Parents/Guardians: (part of the handbook)
• The Stevenson Hockey Program could not exist without             • Will recognize good play, no matter who makes it and strive
  parent volunteers willing to serve on its boards and               to make each year the best hockey season possible.
  committees. Parents are expected to sign up for at least two
  volunteer activities during the year and work during major       • Use of any electronic media device and/or any website or
  events such as the Thanksgiving Tournament.                        other similar forum to make disparaging comments towards
                                                                     other teams, players, parents, or members of any
• Our players are building a solid foundation for character          organization will not be tolerated. This is inclusive of, but not
  development. Stevenson Hockey Coaches and the Board                limited, to Facebook, Twitter, internet blogs, email, and
  expect all our parents/guardians to comply with these              texting
                                                                   • Subject to the SHSHA Discipline Committee for conduct
• Must respect all participants, coaches and game officials.         considered in violation of this Handbook and/or harmful to
                                                                     the image of Stevenson High School and the SHSHA, its
• Will not participate in name calling or other undesirable acts     players, coaches, officials and fans.
  that detract from the game and resolve to conduct
  themselves as a responsible adult, even during the most          • Will not embarrass themselves or team members by yelling
  trying circumstances.                                              at players, coaches, managers, officials, or other parents and
                                                                     will always show a positive attitude toward the game,
• Will remember that our players look to us for guidance and         players, coaches, officials and fans.
  tend to conduct themselves according to our examples.
                                                                   • Players are put on the ice at the coach’s discretion. If your
• Will discuss the positive aspects of the game and not dwell on     player has concerns about their ice time, they should
  the negative.                                                      schedule a meeting with their coach to discuss. This is not a
                                                                     discussion for the parents to have with the coaches.

Conflict Resolution
• If a player has an issue or concern, they should speak with their coach
• If they are not comfortable contacting the team coach, then please
  follow the chain of command below. This protocol allows the coaches
  and the SHSHA to address an issue in the most effective way possible.
• Please remember, the safety and well-being of all our players is our
  first priority.
    • Talk with your Team Coach(s)
    • Contact your Team Manager
    • Contact the SHSHA President (
    • Contact the Hockey Director - Tom Wood (

Program Cost

    Season >      2017-2018     2018-2019     2019-2020            Change

      Fee           $5,000       $ 4,625        $4,440       Another 4 % Reduction

  Cost of Ice –      $515          $550          $565        Another 3% Increase at
   Per Hour                                                    primary rink, 5% at

   Despite an increase in the cost of ice, which practically represents the
   majority of our cost, we took a challenge to execute the program with
   another YOY lower cost per player

Financial Commitment
 • 2019-2020 season fees and method of payments are published in the registration schedule
 • If on a “payment plan”, a failure to pay any installment by the designated deadline will result in a
   player's immediate suspension from team activities until payment is made. Failure to pay will also be
   referred to the AHAI Rules and Ethics Committee for player suspension.
 • To help offset the cost, you will have the opportunity to sell ads for the Hockey Ad Book. Ad Book
   credits will be paid separately after all payment obligations are met for the season.
 • SHSHA also recognizes that hockey is a physical sport and as such there will be absolutely NO
   REFUNDS due to injury or any other reason.
 • Team Funds, as published, will be established for each individual team to cover extra costs associated
   for that specific team such as team meals, team building activities and food during bus transportation.
   These funds will be tracked by the Association and the Team Manager. Full payment of the Team Fund
   is due to the Team Managers by August 31, 2019. Katie will be available to collect them at Team
   Picnic as well!
     • $ 600 for Varsity
                           Checks should be made payable to Stevenson Hockey Association
     • $ 300 for JV Gold
 • EQUIPMENT - All players must have required equipment in compliance with USA Hockey rules. All new
   players must purchase a New Player Package. Existing players can purchase a new item if needed
   which should be requested and purchase through Roger Baker.
Spiritwear Store
• We will be opening a Spiritwear store for selected items on August 21st. Please use
  the following link to place orders:
• Please place your orders by Wednesday, August 28th! We will try to fulfill your orders
  by September 21
• In a near term future, an additional option will be provided to buy non branded
  equipment at a lower price and with a longer fulfillment time

Parent Participation
• Parents support and participation is essential for the success of our
• Will need extra focus from parents on:
   • Fundraising – will be crucial this year!!!
   • Sponsorships
   • Tournament support

• Your support will be greatly appreciated. If interested to help, please
  contact me or any other board member

• In previous years, the Stevenson High School Hockey Association published and
  distributes a yearbook that provided team information and photos of our players
  and provided opportunity for families to sell advertising space in order to reduce
  their hockey fees, while raising funds to support the organization.
• Unfortunately, based on our last several years experience, this process was
  extremely inefficient, painful and produced low value to the organization
• Starting with this year, we will replace it with the Sponsorship opportunity which
  will provide the same or better opportunity for parents to reduce their fees but
  will significantly reduce the cost and the hassle of the organization to produce it
• The proposed nominal fees offset to a family bringing a Sponsor on board, will be
  30% of the Sponsorship amount
• In addition and unrelated to the sponsorship opportunity, the Association will
  publish and distribute a limited yearbook at the end of the season that will
  provide our teams information, official photos, photos throughout the season,
  and family comments / wishes
Sponsorship Program
• White Level: $1,000
       Inclusion on the website and named thank you in the annual yearbook and at Twin Rinks
• Green Level: $2,500
       Inclusion on the website, ½ page thank you (ad) in the annual yearbook and at Twin Rinks,
       Banner at the Thanksgiving Tournament and “presented by” sponsorship at a Fan
       Appreciation Night on all print materials and verbal acknowledgement
• Gold Level: $5,000
       Primary placement and inclusion on the website, full page thank you (ad) in the annual
       yearbook and at Twin Rinks, Banner at the Thanksgiving Tournament and “presented by”
       sponsorship at a Fan Appreciation Night on all print materials and verbal
       acknowledgement, dual sponsorship at the SHL Network (including video/live stream
       sponsorship on the Game of the Week and website

**Other Sponsorship amounts will be considered, please contact Katie Wood at to discuss specifics**
Annual Family Welcome Picnic
                      Sunday, August 25
                        From 11:30 – 2:30
                     Half Day Forest Preserve
                             Shelter A
                 (Rain or Shine - covered shelter)

          Please RSVP on the Sign-Up Genius Link sent by
                           Team Managers
            Feel free to bring Lawn Games, Chairs, Dogs
                       and/or adult beverages.

                See Wendy or Dawn for questions
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