Sticky knowledge Article 28 Every child has the right to an education - Stokeinteignhead ...

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Sticky knowledge Article 28 Every child has the right to an education - Stokeinteignhead ...
Sticky knowledge

                                 Article 28
Every child has the right to an education.
Sticky knowledge Article 28 Every child has the right to an education - Stokeinteignhead ...
Can I observe a local habitat?                                                                                Made or caused by human beings (as opposed to
Can I notice how man-made changes can have a negative impact on an environment?                                    occurring or being made naturally).
Can I carry out an experiment that investigates how environments are changing due to                                         Environment
global warming?                                                                                              The surroundings or conditions in which a person,
Can I research an environment that is under threat?                                                                  animal, or plant lives or operates

Can I persuade people to protect a chosen environment?                                                                      Global Warming
                                                                                                            A gradual increase in the overall temperature of the
                                                                                                              earth's atmosphere caused by greenhouse gases.
                                            Sticky Knowledge:
•   Changes to an environment can be natural or caused by humans. Changes to an environment can                           Renewable Energy
    have positive as well as negative effects. Here are some examples of things that can change an            Energy from a source that is not depleted when
    environment.                                                                                                    used, such as wind or solar power..
•   Plants and animals rely on the environment to give them everything they need. Therefore, when                              Organisms
    habitats change, it can be very dangerous to the plants and animals that live there.
                                                                                                                    Another word used for living things.
•   To stay alive and healthy, all living things need certain conditions that let them carry out the
    seven life processes: Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion and                            Deforestation
    Nutrition.                                                                                                  The action of clearing a wide area of trees.
•   Animals can be grouped in lots of different ways based upon their characteristics.                                          Pollution
•   You can use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things.
                                                                                                            The presence in or introduction into the environment
                                                                                                               of a substance which has harmful or poisonous
                                                                          Going further with
                                                                           your learning…
Article 28                                                                                                    The specific place where a plant or animal lives.
 Every child                                                   Create your own mini habitat for an animal
has the right                                                               of your choice.
    to an
Can   I   locate the worlds mountain ranges?
Can   I   locate mountains in the UK?
Can   I   locate higher ground and hills in the UK?
Can   I   describe the features of a mountain?
Can   I   explain how different mountains are formed?
Can   I   understand how to survive in a mountain environment?
Can   I   understand how tourism affects mountain ranges?

                                    Sticky Knowledge:
❑Mountains make up one-fifth of the world’s landscape.
❑Mount Everest is the world’s highest mountain and is 8850m high.
❑There are many mountains under the surface of the sea.
❑80% of our fresh water originates from mountains.
❑The highest 14 mountains in the world are all found in the Himalayas.
❑Generally mountains are higher than 600m. If they are less, they are called hills.
❑Mountains can be rocky and barren but some have trees growing on their side and
 very high mountains have snow on their peaks.

                                                                 Going further with
                                                                  your learning…
Article 28
 Every child                                            Create a fact file about one of the
has the right                                               world’s mountain ranges.
    to an
Chichen Itza
Can   I   understand who the Ancient Mayans were and where they lived?                                   The Mayans most well-known pyramid.
Can   I   place the Ancient Mayans on a chronological timeline?
Can   I   learn the Mayan number system?                                                                                   Cocoa
Can   I   understand why the sun was so important to the Mayans?                                              Seeds that the Maya used to make
Can   I   understand what the Mayans grew and ate?                                                                        chocolate.
Can   I   understand the ancient Mayans beliefs?                                                                      Ahau or Ahaw
Can   I   understand how the Ancient Mayans built their pyramids?
                                                                                                          The main king or lord of a Maya city-state.
                                     Sticky Knowledge:
❑The Mayans were expert mathematicians and astronomers. They used this expertise to
 make calendars.                                                                                         The main god of the Maya Itzamana was the
❑Although the Mayans had metal-working skills, metal ores were scarce. Mayans used stone                     god of fire who created the Earth.
 tools to carve the limestone that they used for their buildings.
❑Mayan religion was extremely bloodthirsty, demanding human sacrifices and blood-letting                                   Huipil
 rituals. The Mayans believed in an afterlife and that those who were sacrificed, as well as             A traditional garment worn by Maya women.
 those killed in war and women who died in childbirth, went to ‘the place of misty sky’.
❑At the top of Mayan society was the King and Royal family who were believed to be closely                                   Kin
 linked to the gods. An educated elite of scribes, priests and nobles formed the ruling class.
 They occupied the finest buildings in the city.                                                             Word representing a day in the Maya
                                                                      Going further with                                   Uinal
                                                                       your learning…
Article 28                                                Could you create your own Mayan Pyramid out     Word for a month in the Maya calendar. It
 Every child                                                                                                          was 20 days long.
                                                             of materials that you can find at home.
has the right
    to an
                                                          Take a photo and upload to Google Classroom.
Can   I group animals in a variety of ways?                                                            The way that living things can be grouped
Can   I classify vertebrates?                                                                               according to their similarities.
Can   I identify invertebrates?                                                                                      Vertebrates
Can   I use classification keys?                                                                              Animals with a backbone.
Can   I create a classification key?                                                                                Invertebrates
                                            Sticky Knowledge:                                                Animals without a backbone.
•   Changes to an environment can be natural or caused by humans. Changes to an environment can
    have positive as well as negative effects. Here are some examples of things that can change an
    environment.                                                                                        The distinguishing features or qualities
•   Plants and animals rely on the environment to give them everything they need. Therefore, when           that are specific to a species.
    habitats change, it can be very dangerous to the plants and animals that live there.
•   To stay alive and healthy, all living things need certain conditions that let them carry out the
    seven life processes: Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion and        Another word used for living things.
•   Animals can be grouped in lots of different ways based upon their characteristics.
•   You can use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things.        A process where plants and animals use
                                                                                                       oxygen gas from the ai to help turn their
                                                                     Going further with                            food into energy.

                                                                      your learning…                                    Habitat
    Article 28                                                                                            The specific place where a plant or
Every child has the                                          Create your own mini habitat for an                     animal lives.
    right to an
                                                             animal of your choice.
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