Student Handbook 2021 - Scots College

Page created by Vivian Strickland
Handbook   2021

                   2-4       Where is everything? (maps)
                     5       Some History about Scots College
                     5       Some Key Staff
                     6       What are the main dates during the year?
                     7       What happens each day?
                     8       How do days differ across the week?
                     9       Who will my teachers be?
                    10       Who will be my House Tutor?
                    11       What is our House system all about?
                    12       What are the rules about uniform?
                    13       What sports and other activities can I do?
                    14       What can I do at lunchtime?
                    14       What do I do if I want to leave school during the day?
                    14       Homework and Private Study
                    15       Do I have to carry all my books around all day?
                    15       What about transport?
                    15       Will there be any socials or dances?
                    15       Can I bring a cellphone to school?
                    16       What happens when things don’t go to plan?
                    16       What happens if I lose an item of uniform?
                    17       What do the Prefects do, how will I recognise them?
                    17       The Prefects for 2021
                    18       What do the Middle School Leaders do?
                    18       The Middle School Leaders for 2021
                    18       Who is in charge of the Boarding House?
                    18       How do I receive feedback on my progress?
                    19       Abbreviations & Acronyms at Scots College

The content of this handbook is subject to change throughout the year.

                                                                           Student Handbook 2020   3
4   Student Handbook 2020   Student Handbook 2020   5
Some History about Scots College

                            The College was founded as a Presbyterian Boys’ College largely through the efforts of
                            the Very Rev Dr James Gibb and the Hon J G W Aitken. It opened on 9 February 1916 on
                            the site in Thorndon where Queen Margaret College is now. Three years later in 1919, the
                            College moved to its present site in Strathmore Park, with two headmasters, Dr Uttley and Mr
                            Dickinson (imagine two headmasters!). Then in 2021 the Senior School changed to become
                            co-educational. The College is essentially a day school but does have a weekly boarding unit
                            (Gibb House).

                            Some Key Staff
                            Headmaster		                                  Mr Yule
                            Principal of the Senior School                Mr Zachariassen
                            Principal of the Middle School                Mr Allen
                            Deputy Principal, Curriculum                  Mr Smith
                            Deputy Principal, Pastoral                    Mr Laverock           (Senior School)
                            Deputy Principal, Pastoral                    Ms Gibbs              (Senior School)
                            Deputy Principal, Pastoral                    Mr Struthers          (Middle School)
                            Assistant Principal, Pastoral                 Mr Flood              (Yr 7-8)
                            Girls Middle School Dean                      Mrs Gaffney
                            Chaplain		                                    Mr Jackson
                            College Counsellor                            Ms Calder

                            House Deans:
                                            Aitken                        Mr Slack
                                            Fergusson                     Mr Berry
                                            Glasgow                       Mrs Hall
                                            MacKenzie                     Mr Sinnamon
                                            Mawson                        Mr Brookes
                                            Plimmer                       Ms Berghan
                                            Smith                         Mr Rehutai
                                            Uttley                        Mr Leslie

                            Other people you might meet are the Chief Financial Officer, Mr O’Neill, Mrs Bolton in
                            Reception, Mrs Bradford in the College Shop, Ms Calcott who is the Headmaster’s Personal
                            Assistant and Ms Hedges who is the Middle School Principal’s Personal Assistant.

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What are the main dates during the year?                                                      What happens each day?
    Term 1 (Summer Term)                                                                          Years 7 & 8 report to their Tutor Rooms at 8.30am.
    Monday 25 January                         Wellington Anniversary Day
                                                                                                  Years 9-13 must be at school before 8.30am each day. This allows time for you to go to your
    Tuesday 26 – Wednesday 27 January         Girls Camp
                                                                                                  locker to sort out your books for periods 1 and 2. Daily Notices will be given to students before
    Thursday 28 January – Monday 1 February   Staff Professional Development Days                 break time in Period 2.
    Friday 29 – Saturday 30 January           Prefect Camp
    Tuesday 2 February                        College opens for all students                      We don’t ring bells during the day. You need to be where you need to be, when you need to be
    Saturday 6 February                       Waitangi Day (observed Monday 8 February)
    Monday 15 – Friday 19 March               EOTC Week (Week 7 of Term)
    Monday 22 – Friday 26 March               Summer Tournament Week (Week 8 of Term)
    Friday 2 – Tuesday 6 April                Easter Break, College closed
    Thursday 16 April                         Final day of Term 1 (Summer Term)
    Sunday 25 April                           ANZAC Day (observed Monday 26 April)

    Term 2 (Autumn Term)
    Monday 3 May                              Classes resume for all after Term 1 holidays
    Monday 7 June                             Queen’s Birthday, College closed
    Tuesday 8 June                            Staff Professional Development Day,
                                              College closed
    Friday 9 July                             Final day of Term 2 (Autumn Term)

    Term 3 (Winter Term)
    Friday 30 July                            Staff Professional Development Day
    Monday 2 August                           Classes resume for all after Term 2 holidays
    Saturday 28 – Tuesday 31 August           Founders Break begins after sport,
                                              College closed
    Monday 30 August – Friday 3 September     Winter Tournament Week
    Wednesday 1 September                     Classes resume after Founders’ break
    Friday 1 October                          Final day of Term 3 (Winter Term)

    Term 4 (Spring Term)
    Monday 18 October                         Classes resume for all after Term 3 holidays
    Monday 25 October                         Labour Day, College closed
    Tuesday 23 November                       Senior School Prize Giving (final day for Y11-13)
    Thursday 9 December                       Middle School Prize Giving (final day for Y7-10)
    Friday 10 December                        Prep School Prize Giving (final day for Y1-6)
                                              End of Year

8   Student Handbook 2020                                                                                                                                                    Student Handbook 2020    9
How do days differ across the week?                                                               Who will my teachers be?
              Monday             House meetings in your House meeting rooms, followed by a             Your timetable will give your teacher codes. Here is the list of teachers with their codes.
                                 Tutor Group meeting for Years 7-13 from 2pm − 2.30pm.
                                                                                                     Teaching staff 2021      Staff      Teaching staff 2021       Staff     Teaching staff 2021       Staff
              Wednesday          Assembly in the Hall – Middle School from 12.45 – 1.15pm; Senior                             Code                                 Code                                Code
                                 School from 12.15 – 12.45pm or tutor time for Middle School/        Allen, Matt              ALM        Henley-Smith, Gary        HEN       O'Rourke, Gabby           ORO
                                 Senior School. There are also special assembly arrangements on      Bajema, Gerald           BAJ        Holmes, Russell           HOL       Papadopoulos, Victoria    PAP
                                 Week B Wednesday.                                                   Barrow, John             BAR        Jackson, David            JAC       Patterson, Ivan           PAT

              Friday             Chapel Service in the Chapel – Middle School from 12.15pm −         Beard, Kirsten           BEK        Jarry, Matt               JAR       Perniskie, Nicola         PER

                                 12.45pm and Senior School from 1pm − 1.30pm.                        Bell, Trudi              BEL        Jasmat, Jayshree          JAS       Philpott, Craig           PHI
                                                                                                     Bennett, Sheree          BEN        Jenkins, Leanne           JEN       Ranchod, Anand            RAN
     (The Chapel/Assembly Hall is known as the Chapel if a church service is held there, or as the
                                                                                                     Berghan, Rose            BER        Johnson, Gary             JOH       Redgrave, Mark            RED
     Hall when Assembly or other activities are held there.)
                                                                                                     Berry, David             BED        Jones, Kate               JON       Redpath, Hazel            REE
     On Wednesdays there are nearly always inter House competitions going on.                        Bondett, Kate            BOK        Kidd, Bridget             KID       Rehutai, Anthony          REH
                                                                                                     Boni, Eileen             BON        Kilvington, Rob           KIL       Richardson, Jess          RIC
     There is another period of tutor time from 2pm − 2.30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
                                                                                                     Brookes, Callum          BRC        Kirk, Richard             KIR       Roland, Rosemary          ROL
                                                                                                     Brown, Sarah             BRO        Laing, Pip                LAI       Rowe, Matthew             ROW
                                                                                                     Calvert, Joanna          CAJ        Laverock, Jason           LAV       Rutherford, Paul          RUT
                                                                                                     Clark, Hannah            CLH        Lawrenson, Stephen        LAW       Sadat, Leila              SAL
                                                                                                     Clayton, Matt            CLA        Leslie, Ian               LES       Sinnamon, Nick            SIN
                                                                                                     Davis, Spencer           DAV        Loboa Linan, Anayibi      LOB       Slack, Adrian             SLA
                                                                                                     Down, Clinton            DOW        Lucas, Barrie             LUC       Smith, Alan               SMI
                                                                                                     Eastman, Paula           EAS        Lundy, Alison             LUN       Struthers, Will           STR
                                                                                                     Flood, Seamus            FLO        Manighetti, Barbara       MAN       Sutton, Margaret          SUT
                                                                                                     Found, Richard           FOU        Marquez, Maria            MAR       Swanson, Marie            SWA
                                                                                                     Gaffney, Karen           GAK        McCorkindale, Michelle    MCC       Tanuvasa, Trey            TAT
                                                                                                     Gaffney, Shane           GAF        McGee, Hannah             MCG       Townsend, Luc             TOW
                                                                                                     Garrity, Angela          GAR        McIntosh, Edit            MCI       Verster, Celliers         VER
                                                                                                     Gibbs, Amanda            GIB        McKnight, Mike            MCK       Watkinson, Lauren         WAT
                                                                                                     Giffin, Scott            GIF        McMullan, Amy             MCM       Whitehouse, Harrison      WHI
                                                                                                     Griffiths, Liesel        GRI        Miller, Heather           MIL       Wilson, Glenn             WIL
                                                                                                     Hainge, Zoe              HAI        Miller, Tessa             MIT       Wright, Greg              WRI
                                                                                                     Hall, Claire             HAC        Morrison, Craig           MOR       Yang, Gerald              YAN
                                                                                                     Hamilton, Alistair       HAM        Nel, Marius               NEM       Yule, Graeme              YUL
                                                                                                     Han Stevenson, Thomas    HAN        Nelson, Brian             NEL       Zachariassen, Christian   ZAC
                                                                                                     Hawley, Rob              HAW        Nikora, Emerson           NIK       Zhan, Mei                 ZHA

10   Student Handbook 2020                                                                                                                                                            Student Handbook 2020    11
Our Houses                                                                                             are also in one of the Houses above.

                                                                                                            What is our House system all about?
      House        Colour     House Dean     Tutors                        Head of House      Room
                                                                                                            The eight houses of the Middle & Senior Schools provide the primary means of pastoral
      Aitken       Blue       Mr Slack       Mr Holmes, Mr Clayton,        Oliver Simpson     P9/10         care and support to students from Years 9-13, together with the various inter-house sport and
                                             Miss Papadopoulos,
                                             Mrs Redpath, Mr Nelson,
                                                                                                            cultural activities. House Deans lead their Houses and work alongside Tutors who lead each
                                             Mr Rowe, Ms Clark                                              Tutor Group. This allows for greater support and care for each student.
      Fergusson    Green      Mr Berry       Dr Manighetti, Mr Gaffney,    Matthew Evans      McKinnon
                                                                                                            The main driver is the Tutor Time programme. Students have weekly activities that are specific
                                             Mr Yang, Ms Brown,                               First Floor
                                             Ms Swanson, Mr Verster,                                        to their year group and linked to the PERFORM attributes/themes. For example, one activity is
                                             Mr Barrow                                                      working on goal setting as part of the focus on the theme of Purpose. Student work in tutorials
      Glasgow      Red        Mrs Hall       Ms Sadat, Mr Lucas,           Valentine Parker   CL1           is completed on their e-portfolios which have been set up and managed by their tutors on
                                             Mr Lawrenson, Ms Garrity,                                      OneNote or Teams. The e-portfolios also function as a place for students to display examples
                                             Mr Hamilton, Mrs Griffiths,                                    of work, record their involvement in house activities, service, sport and culture.
                                             Mr Philpott
      MacKenzie    Yellow     Mr Sinnamon    Ms Eastman, Miss Jones,       Rowan Farrell      LSLT          There is also a monthly award – PERFORMer of the Month, awarded one each to the Middle
                                             Mr Wilson, Mr Patterson,                                       and Senior Schools. These are decided via staff nominations. Students are nominated for
                                             Mr Rutherford, Ms Bondett,
                                                                                                            positive behaviour that is linked to the relevant PERFORM theme of that month.
                                             Ms McMullan
      Mawson       Maroon     Mr Brookes     Mr Nel, Mrs Laing,            Isaac Waterman     MR2           For more details about our PERFORM programme go to
                                             Miss Boni, Ms Calvert,                               
                                             Mrs Tanuvasa, Mr Jarry,
                                             Ms Bennett                                                     The Houses also compete in a full inter-house programme of activities.
      Plimmer      Sky Blue   Miss Berghan   Mr Whitehouse,                Joseph Chiari      AR2
                                             Ms McIntosh,                                                   There is a big House Dinner for Years 7-13 held towards the end of the year when the house
                                             Miss O’Rourke, Mr Giffin,                                      acknowledges the achievements during the year. You and your parents will be invited to this.
                                             Mr Morrison, Mr Hawley,
                                             Dr Lundy
                                                                                                            Inter House Competition
      Smith        Navy       Mr Rehutai     Mr Bajema, Mrs Kidd,          Eric Lawson        McKinnon
                                                                                                            Athletics                                        Quiz (Senior)
                   Blue                      Mr Kilvington,                                   Ground
                                                                                                            Badminton (Senior and Junior)                    Slowpitch (Senior and Junior)
                                             Mr Down, Miss Richardson,
                                             Mrs Jasmat, Mrs
                                                                                                            Basketball (Senior and Junior)                   Soccer (Senior and Junior)
                                             McCorkindale                                                   Battle of the Bands                              Swimming (tbc)
                                                                                                            Chess (Senior and Junior)                        Table tennis (Senior and Junior)
      Uttley       Black      Mr Leslie      Mr Redgrave, Ms Marquez,      Timothy Bryant     03/04
                                                                                                            Cross Country                                    Tennis (Senior and Junior)
                                             Ms Loboa,
                                                                                                            Debating (Senior)                                Tug of War (Senior and Junior)
                                             Mr McKnight,
                                                                                                            Hockey (Senior)                                  Volleyball (Senior and Junior)
                                             Mr Townsend, Mrs Zhan,
                                             Mr Han Stevenson

     Each House has a House Dean and tutors, and these are the people who monitor your progress
     from Years 7 – 13, offering support and guidance. They are also the teachers to whom you will
     go if things go wrong. You also have a Head of House who is one of the College Prefects as
     well as Year 10 Student House Representative.

     You will hear the name ‘Gibb House’ which is the name of the Boarding House – all boarders

12   Student Handbook 2020                                                                                                                                                           Student Handbook 2020    13
What are the rules about uniform?                                                                     What Sports and other Activities can I do?
     You are expected to stick to the rules about uniform. The number one (formal) uniform must            There are two ways of joining in. One is to represent your House in the inter-House
     be worn on the first day of term (except for Term 1 2021), each Friday for Chapel, trips away,        competition and the other is to join in some of the College activities.
     hosting visiting schools and other designated occasions. Number two (daily) uniform is worn at
                                                                                                            College Activites   Teachers to see if             College Activites    Teachers to see if
     all other times (Monday to Thursday).                                                                                      you’re interested                                   you’re interested
                                                                                                            Sports                                             Volleyball           Mr Yang
     Prep School:
                                                                                                            Athletics           Mr Henley Smith                Water polo           Ms Swanson
     Number one - Female students are required to wear a blazer, crossover tie, white blouse and
                                                                                                            Badminton           Mr Holmes                      Cultural
     tunic. Male students are required to wear a blazer, tie, white shirt and short trousers.
                                                                                                            Basketball          Mr Kirk                        Chess                Miss Zhan
     Number two - Female students are required to wear a blazer, crossover tie, grey blouse and
     either a tunic or short trousers. Male students are required to wear a blazer, tie, grey shirt and     Cricket             Mr Burgess                     Debating             Ms Papadopoulos

     short trousers.                                                                                        Cross country       Mr Henley-Smith                Drama                Mrs Eastman
                                                                                                            Cycling             Mr Morrison                    Music                Mr Patterson
     Middle and Senior School:                                                                              Floorball           TBC                            Pipe Band            Mr Leslie
     Number one - Option A: a blazer, tie, white shirt and either long trousers or Ie Faitaga OR            Football            Mr Jacobs                      Tasi Noa Wha         Mr Nikora
     Option B: a blazer, tie, white blouse and either a skirt or long trousers.                             Futsal              Mr Townsend                    Service
     Number two - Option A: a blazer, tie, grey shirt and either short or long trousers OR                  Golf                Mr Lucas (Coaching             Duke of Edinburgh    Mr Redgrave
     Option B: a blazer, tie, grey blouse and either a skirt, long or short trousers
                                                                                                            Handball            Ms Sadat
                                                                                                            Hockey              Mr Ranchod
     When the College blazer is worn, the tie must also be worn, and both items are always worn
     outside the College grounds as well as for Chapel, Assembly or a meeting with the Headmaster           Life saving         Ms O’Rourke

     or Principal.                                                                                          Rowing              Mr Carr-Smith
                                                                                                            Rugby               Mr Rasch
     If a student is cycling to school, they may do so without wearing their College blazer but should      Sailing             Mr Jarry (Learn to
     have it with them in case it is required during the day (for Chapel, Assembly etc.) Any student                            Sail)

     cycling or scootering must wear a helmet.                                                              Swimming            Mr Morrison
                                                                                                            Tennis              Mr Struthers
     All items of uniform, apart from shoes, must be purchased from the Uniform Shop and
                                                                                                            Touch Rugby         Mr Sinnamon
     everything should be named. Any outer garment, such as rainwear, must be black. Sportswear
                                                                                                            Underwater hockey   Mr Rutherford
     worn for both Inter-House and Inter-School activities must be school regulation and is available
     from the Uniform Shop.

     If a singlet or undergarment is worn under a shirt or blouse, it must be plain white or of natural    For any more information on sports please see the following people;
     skin tone.                                                                                                   Director of Sport                         Mr Gaffney
                                                                                                                  Sports Coordinator                        Mrs Henley-Smith
     Hair ties, ribbons, clips or bands must be plain black or the colour of the wearer’s hair. Gold and
                                                                                                                  House Activities co-ordinator             Mr Flood
     silver hair accessories are not acceptable.
                                                                                                                  EOTC co-ordinator                         TBC
     The uniform should at all times be worn neatly, tidily and with pride.                                Keep a regular eye on the daily notices to see if there is any information on the activities you
     For more about our Standards and Expectations, see the Standards and Expectations                     want to do.
     Handbook found on the College website.

14   Student Handbook 2020                                                                                                                                                             Student Handbook 2020   15
What can I do at lunchtime?                                                                       Do I have to carry all my books around all day?
     You can eat your lunch. If your parents have paid for a Dining Hall lunch then you go to          No you don’t, and you shouldn’t! You are given a locker (which you should padlock – give the
     Chartres Hall. If you bring your own lunch then you go and eat it in the Quad (but not in the     spare key to the House Dean in case you lose yours). Then before school put in your bag just
     school buildings) unless it is wet in which case you go to particular classrooms to eat your      enough books for periods 1 and 2 and leave the rest in your locker. Then at interval you can get
     lunch. Senior Students should use the Hub and McKinnon spaces at wet break times. Students        the books for period 3,4 and at lunchtime you can get the books for periods 5.
     in Years 7-11 should go to their tutor room bases. These Year groups have these wet lunch
     rooms;                                                                                            What about transport?
     Year 7&8: Tutor Rooms                                                                             In the morning, buses run from the Railway Station, Karori, Churton Park, Crofton Downs,
     Year 9: 03 and 04                                                                                 Island Bay and the Hutt Valley to the College (your parents have already been given details).

     Year 10: G3 and G4                                                                                A ferry operates between Days Bay and Seatoun. Students catching this ferry can also use a
                                                                                                       shuttle bus which runs between Seatoun and Scots in the morning. All shuttles operate on a
     Year 9&10 can go to the Tuckshop to buy some food. Year 7&8 parents can order your lunch
                                                                                                       termly basis.
     online at and this will be delivered to your classroom.
                                                                                                       However, in 2021, the wharf at Seatoun will be out of action. The Ferry will run to Queen’s
     If you need a transport pass these can be ordered online and collected from the College Shop.
                                                                                                       Wharf instead. We have a plan for 2021 which will be communicated to families in a separate
     On Wednesdays there are often inter-House competitions going on, and if you are not               communication. In the afternoon, buses for the Railway Station and Karori leave at 3.40pm
     personally involved it is hoped you will go along and support your House. Thursday is also a      (which allows you 10 minutes after school finishes). These buses leave from the car park
     time when your Dean/Tutor may wish to see you and the others in your House or you may be          outside the Chapel/Assembly Hall. For all these buses you use a snapper card.
     involved in cultural groups or clubs.
                                                                                                       You are, of course, expected to be well-behaved on the buses – no leaving your seats or loud
     You can play on the fields, courts, in the inner or outer quads but you can’t leave the grounds   calling out, and you must wear your uniform neatly. In particular you should show courtesy
     unless you are in Year 13. Ball games should not be played in the inner quad (Four Square is      when getting on the buses, especially when there are younger students on the same bus.
     allowed here). When playing on the fields you must not wear your College blazer, tie or jersey.
                                                                                                       You are able to top up your Snapper Card at the Uniform Shop, up to $30.00. If you are over 16
                                                                                                       years old, your parents will need to contact the Snapper Card Head Office to have your student
     What do I do if I want to leave school during the day?
                                                                                                       fare updated each year you are at school.
     If you have an appointment card or a letter from your parents requesting permission, then you
     must have it signed by your Dean. As you leave you must sign out in the main Reception (see       Will there be any socials or dances?
     Ground Floor map). You must also sign in again when you return to school.
                                                                                                       Yes, throughout the year Scots College will host a dance for various Year groups, for Year 8 and
     If you are sick you will see the Nurse and she will contact Reception.                            above, organised mainly by the Year 13 Social Committee. Also you can get tickets for dances
                                                                                                       at other schools.
     Homework and Private Study
     Homework is a key part of learning and succes in the Middle and Senior Schools. Our               Can I bring a cellphone to school?
     expectations around the type and amount of homework completed by our students gradually           Yes you can, but it can only be used outside class time and must be switched off during class
     increase through the Middle School years in preparation for studying the IB Diploma               time.
     Programme or NCEA in the Senior School.

16   Student Handbook 2020                                                                                                                                                       Student Handbook 2020    17
What happens when things don’t go to plan?                                                         What do the Prefects do, how will I recognise them?
     For a start, don’t panic. There are always people around the school to help you. In general        These are very responsible senior students. They lead the College and also help whenever
     things don’t go wrong but just suppose the following happen:                                       there are any major activities when your parents come into the school.

      Issue                                           Solution                                          They help organise the school dances, show prospective parents and students around the
      I have an issue with a class/subject            Go and see your House Tutor or Dean. They         College, help with buses at the end of the day, stand in the Chapel/Assembly Hall to make
                                                      will discuss things with you and help you sort    sure people don’t misbehave. They wear kilts on special occasions like Chapel and so you can
                                                      things out                                        recognise them there, and also they have a special badge on the right lapel of their jackets.
      I feel sick at school                           Go and see the Nurse in the Health Centre
                                                      (see main map). Make sure you seek                The Prefects for 2021 are as follows:
                                                      permission from your teacher before going to      Head Prefect                William Lambie
                                                      the Health Centre                                 Head Prefect                Rhian Beauchamp-Hughes
      I have an issue with my locker or property      Go and see your Dean first and they may           Head of Senior School       Eleanor McEwen
      /gear                                           direct you to Mr Struthers or Mr Laverock         Head of Senior School       Jack Bushell
      I arrive at school late in the morning          Before you go to class, report to Reception
                                                      to sign in                                        Heads of Houses
      I feel too ill to go to school                  Tell your parent/guardian and they will           Aitken            Oliver Simpson                Plimmer             Joseph Chiari
                                                      phone the College (380 7588) to say you           Fergusson         Matthew Evans                 Smith               Eric Lawson
                                                      won’t be coming in
                                                                                                        Glasgow           Valentine Parker              Uttley              Timothy Bryant
      I lost my timetable                             Log on to Scot-E and your timetable will
                                                                                                        MacKenzie         Rowan Farrell                 Gibb House          Finn Surman
                                                      appear on the front page
                                                                                                        Mawson            Isaac Waterman
      I forget to bring my lunch                      Go to the tuck shop (and if you have no
                                                      money, your Dean may be able to help you)
                                                                                                        Other College Prefects are:
      I need to ring home                             You can use your cellphone between classes
                                                      or see Reception who might be able to help        William Fox                Kevin Cheung
      I have a personal but very private problem      Go and see your Dean, the Chaplain, or the        Finn Harris                William Anthony
                                                      School Counsellor                                 Cody Lokotui               Tom Bloomfield
     For more about our Standards and Expectations, see the Standards and Expectations                  Cullen Tran                Hugo Yick
     Handbook found on the College website.                                                             Joshua Paine               Jackson Rakena
                                                                                                        Ella Sangster              Trinity Hunt
     What happens if I lose (or misplace) an item of uniform?                                           Ryan Crawshay              Ariel Bridgman
                                                                                                        Mya Hartley                Oliver Scott
     Your uniform is, of course, all named so you can get it back quickly from the lost property. See
                                                                                                        Nicolas Workman            Joseph Stewart
     Mrs Bolton in Reception.

18   Student Handbook 2020                                                                                                                                                       Student Handbook 2020   19
What do the Middle School Leaders do?                                                               Abbreviations & Acronyms at Scots College
     The Middle School leaders are Year 10 students who have been appointed to specific positions
                                                                                                         A           Aitken House
     of responsibility within the Middle School. They are here to help you and to support the College    APCC        Assistant Principal, Co-curricular
     Prefects in their roles.                                                                            AR          Art Room
                                                                                                         CAH         Chapel Assembly Hall
                                                                                                         CC          Careers Centre
     The Middle School Leaders for 2021 are as follows:
                                                                                                         CPAC        Creative and Performing Arts Centre
     Head		                                         Thomas Gould                                         CR          Computer Room
     Deputy		                                       Manihera Gardiner                                    DoABD       Director of Administration & Business Development
     Academic		                                     Yuvraj Kaintel                                       DoEHA       Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award
                                                                                                         DPC         Deputy Principal, Curriculum
     Chapel		                                       Alex Usher
                                                                                                         DPOPSS      Deputy Principal, Operations and Pastoral Senior School
     Wellbeing		                                    Semurana Fepulea’i                                   DPOPMS      Deputy Principal, Operations and Pastoral Middle School
     Events/Assembly		                              Lachlan Stinson                                      DR          Drama Room
     Arts                                           Kevin Shi                                            ESOL        English for Speakers of Other Languages
     Sports                                         Alex McAslan                                         F           Fergusson House
                                                                                                         G           Glasgow House
     Service                                        Rewiti Ngarimu
                                                                                                         GR          Graphics Room
     Environment and Sustainability                 Oscar Preuss                                         GSR         Gym Seminar Room
     ICT                                            Liam Frampton                                        HD          House Dean
     Prep School                                    Mikah Miller                                         HoD         Head of Department
     Wellbeing                                      Puvin Anthony                                        HM          Headmaster
                                                                                                         HoH         Head of House (student)
     International Leader                           Ricky Hu                                             HSC         Hodge Sports Centre
     Boarding                                       Charlie Fletcher                                     IB          International Baccalaureate
                                                                                                         i/c         In charge (of a subject)
                                                                                                         IC          Information Centre
     The Middle School House Representatives                                                             LAC         Learning area coordinator
     Aitken    Justin Pound  Mawson                                               Hugo Maitland          LSLT        Lesley Shelly Lecture Theatre
     Fergusson Jacob MacLean Plimmer                                              Ryan Lee               M           MacKenzie House
                                                                                                         MK          McKinnon Block
     Glasgow   Jamie Wilson  Smith                                                Jake Lawson
                                                                                                         Mn          Mawson House
     MacKenzie Jack Roach    Uttley                                               Sam Hewlett            MR          Music Room
     			                                                                                                 MS          Middle School
                                                                                                         MYP         Middle Years Programme
                                                                                                         NCEA        National Certificate of Educational Achievement
     Who is in charge of the Boarding House (Gibb House)?
                                                                                                         NZQA        New Zealand Qualifications Authority
     Mr Henley-Smith is the Director of Boarding. Mr Sinnamon and Mr McKnight are Assistant              P           Plimmer House
     Director of Boarding. Mr Yang and Miss Jones are Housemasters.                                      PMS         Principal, Middle School
                                                                                                         PPS         Principal, Prep School
                                                                                                         PS          Prep School
     How do I receive feedback on my progress?
                                                                                                         PYP         Primary Years Programme
     Teachers update their reports throughout the year. Your reports are available online. You will      S           Smith House
     receive feedback and feed forward directly from your teachers throughout the year.                  SC          Sports Co-ordinator
                                                                                                         SS          Senior School
     At various points in the year, your parents are invited to discuss your progress. Of course, they   SSR (1)     Sustained Silent Reading
     can contact your teachers or Dean at any time.                                                      SSR (2)     Senior Seminar Room
                                                                                                         U           Uttley House

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22   Student Handbook 2020   Student Handbook 2020   23
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