Study Abroad spring 2020 Kristiania University College - BAP, BAH, BRE, BSL, BMM, BAS, BPS, BKM, BIL, BAK, BOL, BOD Preliminary subjects Updated ...

Page created by Randall Chan
Preliminary subjects
        Study Abroad spring 2020
       Kristiania University College
           Updated November (published 131119).
Study Abroad – vår 2020

•   Institusjoner, utveksling og innpass våren 2020
     –   University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
     –   Hawai’i Pacific University (HPU)
     –   University of Queensland, Australia (UQ)
     –   RMIT University, Melbourne
     –   RMIT University, Vietnam, Hanoi & Ho Chi Minh City/Saigon South
     –   University of Hertfordshire (UH*), England
     –   ISM*: Campus Cologne, Dortmund eller Frankfurt
     –   *Erasmus+ avtaler med UH (for 2016/2021 og ISM (2014/2021) – kvote 3 stud.

•   I det følgende presenteres fagporteføljer for våren 2020; her for BAP, BAH, BRE, BSL,
•   Godkjenning av utdanning utenlandske institusjoner
     –   England
     –   «CATS (Credit Accumulation Transfer System), 120 credit points tilsvarer et års studier/60 studiepoeng. Enkelte
         universiteter bruker studiepoeng (ECTS) ifm internasjonalisering, men dette er ennå ikke vanlig»
         (lesedato 040711)

     –   Australia (nevnte institusjoner foreligger i akkrediteringsregister )
     –   ”Alle australske universiteter bruker studiepoeng (credits eller units) men det finnes ikke et standardsystem for hvor
         mange studiepoeng ett års fulltidsstudier omfatter. Se lærestedets hjemmeside på internett”, (lesedato
         050510) Se informasjon påført aktuelle universiteter i dette dokument.

     –   USA og Hawaii
     –   ”Studiepoengsystemet i USA er basert på credits. Stort sett er det beregnet 30 semester credits per år, noe som tilsvarer
         60 norske studiepoeng, dvs ett semester credit kan omregnes til 2 norske studiepoeng. Det fins også andre typer
         creditsystemer. Alle karakterutskrifter har en forklaring av studiepoengsystemet ved institusjonen på baksiden” (lesedato 100510)
     –   UC Berkeley (Petersen, T. 110611) «Full-time student er 15 credits. Alle tar 15 credits».
     –   HPU ( lesedato 100510) er akkreditert av akkrediteringsorganet Western Association for Schools and
         Colleges (WASC) Institusjoner godkjent av WASC er godkjent i Norge ( lesedato 100510). For innpass 4.
         semester må studenter gjennomføre 5 emner a 3 credits. NOKUT 121010 (mailkorrespondanse).

•   Fagporteføljer, emner og godkjenningsprosedyrer (se også neste side)
     –   Fagporteføljer og emner initieres av studieprogramleder eller den han/hun bemyndiger.
     –   Fagporteføljer og emner godkjennes av studieprogramleder ved Høyskolen Kristiania. Godkjenningsprosedyrer hjemlet i
         UH-loven er godkjent av MH’s Undervisningsutvalg 230610.
     –   Forbehold om gjennomføring tas av utenlandsk institusjon inntil semesterstart. Emner som studentene gjennomfører skal
         være godkjent av hjemmeinstitusjon (her Høyskolen Kristiania) for oppnåelse av grad ved Høyskolen Kristiania.
•   Faglige godkjenningsprosedyrer av innpass utenlandsk utdanning

     –   Bakgrunn
     –   ”Universiteter og høyskoler som tilbyr akkrediterte studier etter denne lov, skal godskrive beståtte emner, fag, eksamener
         eller prøver fra andre universiteter og høyskoler som tilbyr akkrediterte studier med samme antall studiepoeng i den
         utstrekning de oppfyller de faglige krav for en bestemt eksamen, grad eller utdanning ved institusjonen. Vedkommende
         institusjon skal påse at det ikke gis dobbel uttelling for samme faginnhold”. (UH-loven §3-5)
     –   ”Faglig godkjenning innebærer godkjenning av utenlandsk utdanning i forhold til institusjonens egne fag, grader og
         yrkesutdanninger. Den enkelte institusjon avgjør om den utenlandske utdanningen oppfyller de spesifikke kravene til
         bredde og dybde for faget eller graden. En slik godkjenning er aktuelt når man søker opptak til videre studier eller
         innpassing av utenlandske utdanning”,
         (lesedato 070610)

     –   Fordypning for nevnte bachelorgrader utgjør 90 sp*, hvor studieløpsemner utgjør 75 sp og
         Bacheloroppgaven 15 sp.
     –   * Krav for opptak til mastergrad (av omfang 120 sp) fordypning i fag, emne eller emnegruppe av minimum 80 sp
         (Forskrift om krav til mastergrad, lesedato 070610)

     –   Faglig godkjenning – kvalitetskriterier
            •     Utenlandske samarbeidspartnere må tilby akkrediterte studier (kontrolleres av HK)
            •     Faglig bredde og dybde for graden ivaretas på studieprogramnivå (se ovenfor)
            •     Emneomfang synliggjøres vha studiepoeng (totalt tilsvarende 30 ECTS pr. semester)
            •     Forkunnskaper og emnenivå
            •     Faginnhold må ikke overlappe fag som kandidaten gjennomfører ved hjemmeinstitusjon
                  (forutsetning for uttelling studiepoeng)

            •     Faglig relevans relateres til Bachelorgrad det søkes innpass for ved HK

     –   Faglig godkjenning av porteføljer og emner - ansvar
            •     Emner og omfang, forkunnskaper (viser nivå), faglig relevans, ikke ”overlapp” vil være
                  kvalitetskriterier på emnenivå.
            •     Studieprogramleder godkjenner porteføljer og emner etter kriterier hjemlet i UH-loven og
                  prosedyrer godkjent av høyskolens Utdanningsutvalg (UU).
            •     Underlag for godkjenning av emner, ”Excel-ark påført kvalitetskriterier” (HK’s arkiv), ved
                  studieprogramlederne Andreas Thon, Henning Friberg, Kjersti R. Walaas, Olav Johansen,
                  Halldor Engilbertsson, Nils Høgevold, Ketil Raknes, Magne Johannessen, Andreas Thon;
                  Kristin Undheim, Jakob Utgård (BOL, BOD).
•   Bachelorutdanning ved Høyskolen Kristiania
•   Study Abroad – 4. semester (med gjennomføring våren 2020)

      –     Konsept for innpass utenlandsk utdanning (innstilling godkjent i UUV 230610)
      –     For spesialkompetanse anbefales studenter (f.o.m. 2012) å velge 30 ECTS innenfor en fag- eller
            emnegruppe. Med dette gjøres intensjonen om spesialisering/valgemner 4. semester gjeldende
            for både studier ved hjemmeinstitusjon og Study Abroad program.
      –     Gjelder for gjennomføring av studier i utlandet med HK’s etablerte samarbeidspartnere.

      –     Bachelortitler og dokumenter til vitnemål fra HK (kullet 2018-2021)
                •    Bachelor i HR og personalledelse (BAP-O,B), Bachelor i hotelledelse (BAH-O,B), Bachelor i reiselivsledelse og
                     opplevelsesutvikling (BRE), Bachelor i ledelse og servicestrategi (BSL), Bachelor i markedsføring av
                     merkevareledelse (BMM-O,B), Bachelor i markedsføring og salgsledelse (BAS-O,B), Bachelor i PR og
                     samfunnspåvirkning (BPS), Bachelor i kreativ markedskommunikasjon (BKM), Bachelor i innkjøpsledelse (BIL),
                     Bachelor i kreativitet, innovasjon og forretningsutvikling (BAK-O,B), (Bachelor i økonomi og ledelse (BOL),
                     Bachelor i digitalisering og økonomi (BOD).
                •    O,B hvis flere campus Oslo, Bergen.
                •    Fagspesifikk informasjon fra delstudium i utlandet/utveksling fremkommer kun på vitnemål fra Høyskolen
                     Kristiania (ikke på karakterutskrift). Utvekslingsstudenter må bestille «official transcript» fra utenlandsk
                     studiested og vedlegge dette, i vitnemål fra Høyskolen Kristiania (for dokumentasjon beståtte emner og
                     karakterer). Kopi av «transcript» må leveres Høyskolen Kristiania snarest etter hjemkomst, for dokumentasjon
                     og rapportering til Lånekassen.

      –     Erasmus:
      –     Med Erasmus-godkjenning (f.o.m 2012) gis særskilte føringer;
      –     Programtilbud forutsetter avtaler på institusjonsnivå.

      –     Annet – generelle bestemmelser:
      –     «Online courses» skal ikke inkluderes som Study Abroad emner (ref Lånekassen 2012)

•   Oslo i prosess, for våren 2020 - Internasjonalt Kontor/JO (111119)
Ba of HRM (BAP), Ba of Hotel Management (BAH), Ba of Travel and Tourism Mgmt and Experience Development (BRE),
Ba of Service Management (BSL), Ba of Marketing and Brand Management (BMM), Ba of Marketing and Sales
Management (BAS), Ba of PR and Communication (BPS), Ba of Creative Marketing Comm (BKM). Ba of Purchasing
Management (BIL), Ba of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (BAK) Ba of Business and Administration (BOL, Ba of Digital
Business (BOD). Homeinstitution Kristiania University College.
Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2020, UC Berkeley, Department of Sociology,
 Codes              Courses – availability may change.                                                 Comments
                    Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,   Obligatory or
                    counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC. «Full-time student is 15 credits»   optional.
 Full time 15 cr.   (Petersen 110611) Similar by NOKUT.                                                Exclusions (due to
 counting 30 sp.                                                                                       overlap homeinst.)
                    Course descriptions/syllabi, checked by KUC academics; HS/RD (2014-2018) and TF
                    (August 2019)
 SOC101             Sociological Theory I (5 credits/nb).

 SOC102             Sociological Theory II (5 credits/nb).

 SOC110             Organizations and Social Institutions (4 credits)

 SOC111AC           Sociology of the Family (4 cr)

 SOC114             Sociology of Law (4 cr)

 SOC120             Economy and Society (4 cr)

 SOC121             Innovation and Entrepreneurship (4 cr)                                             Not for BAK and

 SOC127             Devlopment and Globalization (4 cr)

 SOC131AC           Race and Ethnic Relations; U.S. American Cultures (4 cr)                           BAK and BPS only
 SOC133             Sociology of Gender (4 cr)

 SOC136             Urban Sociology (4 cr)

 SOC 139F           Social Problems of the Food Industry (3 cr)

 SOC146             Contemporary Immigration in Global Perspective (4 cr)

 SOC148             Social Policy (4 cr)

 SOC150             Social Psychology (4 cr)

 SOC160             Sociology of Culture (4 cr)

 SOC163             Popular Culture (3 cr)

 SOC167             Virtual Communities/Social Media (4 cr)

 SOC169C.1          Cross Cultural Communication (4 cr)                                                Not for BAH&BRE

 SOC180C            Comparative Perspectives on U.S. and European Societies:Culture (4 cr)

 SOC189G            Comparative Perspectives in Sociology: The Global Elites (3-4 cr)

 SOC190.1-7         Sociology Seminars, Different topics (4 cr)

 SOC111C*           Sociology of Childhood (3 cr/tbc)                                                  BAP only

 SOC141*            Social Movements and Political Action (3 cr/tbc)

 Updated            SOC C115, 116, 117, 130, 140, 166, 182, 193 taken out (240619, UCB/KB).
 (240619,           *Additionals (preapproved August 2019)
                    Online courses not to be chosen (The State Educational Loan Fund, Norway)
Ba of HRM (BAP), Ba of Hotel Management (BAH), Ba of Travel and Tourism Mgmt and Experience Development (BRE),
Ba of Service Management (BSL), Ba of Marketing and Brand Management (BMM), Ba of Marketing and Sales
Management (BAS), Ba of PR and Communication (BPS), Ba of Creative Marketing Comm (BKM), Ba of Purchasing
Management (BIL) and Ba of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (BAK), Ba of Business and Administration (BOL), Ba of
Digital Business (BOD). Homeinstitution Kristiania University College.
Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2020, Hawai’i Pacific University,

 Codes             Courses (to be reconfirmed by HPU, for spring 2020)                                  Comments
                   Availability may change.                                                             Obligatory or
                                                                                                        optional (see below)
 5 courses x       Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,
                   counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC.
 3 credits pr
 semester.         Full time semester load for students at HPU: 15 credits. (NOKUT 121010)              Exclusions
                   Detailed course descriptions (For søk
                   benyttes emnekoder). Do not choose online courses.
                   Courses checked by Associate Professor HS, TF, KRW, HF (2012-2019)

                   MGMT – Management
MGMT2000           Principles of Management (3 credits)                                                 Not for BAP, BAK &
MGMT3100           Business in Contemporary Society (3 credits)
MGMT3200           Small Business Management (3 credits)
MGMT3300           International Business Management (3 credits)                                        Not for BRE
MGMT3400           Human Resource Management (3 credits)                                                Not for BAH & BAP
HTM3210            Food and Beverage Management (3 credits)                                             For BAH & BRE only
HTM3220            Special Events Management (3 credits)

                   PSY - Psychology
PSY1000            Introduction to Psychology (3 credits) Students choose only one 1000-course
PSY3140            Psychology of Substance Abuse (3 credits)
PSY3235            Cross-Cultural Psychology (3 credits)

 2 pages           Updates in October and Nov to applicants 111119 (meeting & mail/JO)

                   English Language Requirements/VGS: A grade of 4 or better within five years of
                   commencement at HPU (reconf 130919, HPU/KT) or
                   TOEFL or IELTS, see HPU website, undergraduate VISITING STUDENT Admissions
                   requirements and English Entry Levels.
                   Students are asked to check schedules to avoid ”time clash”.
                   «Online courses not to be chosen» (The State Educational Loan Fund, Norway)

 Similar by HPU,   Courses are taken from HPU’s visiting student course list for spring 2019 (060619,
 311019            HPU/Kevin A. Tangonan) and spring 2020 (141019)
                   Taken out; MGMT4001, HTM4410, PSY3100, PSY3300, PSY3400 (ref. courselist
                   spring 2019) MGMT3420 (311019)
Ba of HRM (BAP), Ba of Hotel Management (BAH), Ba of Travel and Tourism Mgmt and Experience Development (BRE),
Ba of Service Management (BSL), Ba of Marketing and Brand Management (BMM), Ba of Marketing and Sales
Management (BAS), Ba of PR and Communication (BPS), Ba of Creative Marketing Comm (BKM), Ba of Purchasing
Management (BIL), Ba of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (BAK), Ba of Business and Administration (BOL), Ba of Digital
Business (BOD). Homeinstitution Kristiania University College.
Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2020, Hawai’i Pacific University,

 Codes            Courses (to be reconfirmed by HPU, for spring 2020)                                  Comments
                  Availability may change.                                                             Obligatory or
                                                                                                       optional (see below)
 5 courses x      Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,
                  counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC
 3 credits pr
 semester.        Full time semester load for students at HPU: 15 credits. (NOKUT 121010)              Exclusions
                  Detailed course descriptions (For søk
                  benyttes emnekoder). Do not choose online courses.
                  Courses checked by AP, ØPD , KRW, HS, KR, RR, TF (2012-2019)

                  Communication and Media
COM2000           Public Speaking (3 credits/6 ECTS)                                                   Not for BPS
COM 2500          Sex and Gender in Com Contexts (3 credits)
COM 3000          Mass Media (3 credits)                                                               Not for BPS
COM 3300          Intercultural Communication (3 credits)                                              Not for BAH&BRE

COM 3320          Persuasion (3 credits)

COM3440          Advanced Public Speaking (3 credits)
COM3500          Technical Communication (3 credits)
COM3780          Media Convergence (3 credits)

 MC1000           Mass Media Today (3 credits) Students choose only one 1000-course.                   Not for BMM&BAS

 MC3700           Creativity in Mass Communication (3 credits)

 MC3300           Social Media (3 credits)

SOC1000           Introduction to Sociology (3 credits) Students choose only one 1000-course.

SOC2000           Social Problems and Policy (3 credits)

SOC2600           Peace Studies (3 credits)

SWRK2010          Social Sustain. Social Work (3 credits)

SWRK3005          Human Behav in the Social Environment II (3 credits)

 (Pr 11Nov        Taken out: COM2300, COM2640, COM3340, COM3400 (311019).
                  Additionals COM3000 (Raknes 020919), MC 3300, SOC1000, SOC2000, SOC2600,
                  SWRK2010, SWRK3005 (081119, KR og TF). COM3440, COM3500, COM3780
                  (311019/additionals by mail by Kevin Tangonan)

                  For English language requirements, see above pp.
                  Students are asked to check schedules to avoid ”time clash”.

                  «Online courses not to be chosen» (The State Educational Loan Fund, Norway).
Ba of HRM (BAP), Ba of Hotel Management (BAH), Ba of Travel and Tourism Mgmt and Experience Development (BRE),
Ba of Service Management (BSL), Ba of Marketing and Brand Management (BMM), Ba of Marketing and Sales
Management (BAS), Ba of PR and Communication (BPS), Ba of Creative Marketing Comm (BKM), Ba of Purchasing
Management (BIL), Ba of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (BAK), Ba of Business and Administration (BOL), Ba of Digital
Business (BOD). Homeinstitution Kristiania University College.
Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2020, University of Queensland (

 Codes             Courses                                                                                     Comments
                   Aavailability may change.                                                                   Obligatory or
                                                                                                               optional (see below)
 4 courses x       Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,
 2units pr.        counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC.
 semester          “A standard fulltime load is eight units (usually equates to four courses) per semester”,   Exclusions (due to
 See university                                            overlap homeinst.)
 website for       Course profiles checked by AP, HS, KRW, SS, TF, ØPD, KU (2012-2019).

 Category          Business; Management and Communication
 MGTS2603          Leading and Managing People (2 units)                                                       Not for BAP & BSL

 MGTS2604          Introduction to HRM (2 units)                                                               Not BAH, BAP, BSL

 MGTS2606          Managerial Skills & Communication (2 units)                                                 For BAP only

 MGTS3302 *        The Business for Professional Sports (2 units)

 MGTS3601          Organisational Design and Change Management (2 units)                                       Not for BAK

 MGTS3604          HR Development (2 units)                                                                    Not for BAP

 MGTS3606 *        Global HRM (2 units)                                                                        Not for BAP
 IBUS2301           International Business Management (2 units)

 COMU1002          Crossing Bridges: Comm between Cultures (2 units)                                           Not for BAH & BRE
 COMU3222          Political Communication (2 units)                                                           Not for BPS
 ADVT2506          Online Advertising (2 units)

 ADVT2509          Foundation of Advertising (2 units)

Cat.              Environment and planning – students can choose 1-2 courses.
ENVM2100          Sustainable Development (2 units) Not offered semester 1 (111119/UQ/AT)

ENVM2200          Resource Management and Environmental Planning (2 units)

MARS2005.         Australia's Marine Environment (2) - includes optional field trip.

BIOL1030          Global Challenges on Biology (2 units)

BIOL2001          Australia's Terrestrial Environment (2) - includes optional field trip.

AUST1000          Contemporary Australia (2 units)

 Similar by UQ     English Language Requirements:
 Fisher)           «A grade of 4 or above (from VGS) or an IELTS or TOEFL test, see UQ website for
                   required test results.» (5 year rule taken out June 2015, UQ/AM).
                   Institution Code 0987, for TOEFL test results to be sent directly to UQ.
                   Online courses not to be offered to Study Abroad students (The State Edu. Loan
Ba of HRM (BAP), Ba of Hotel Management (BAH), Ba of Travel and Tourism Mgmt and Experience Development (BRE),
Ba of Service Management (BSL), Ba of Marketing and Brand Management (BMM), Ba of Marketing and Sales
Management (BAS), Ba of PR and Communication (BPS), Ba of Creative Marketing Comm (BKM), Ba of Purchasing
Management (BIL), Ba of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (BAK), Ba of Business and Administration (BOL), Ba of Digital
Business (BOD). Homeinstitution Kristiania University College.
Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2020, University of Queensland (

 Codes            Courses                                                                                     Comments
                  Availability may change.                                                                    Obligatory or
                                                                                                              optional (see below)
 4 courses x      Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,
 2units pr.       counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC.
 semester         “A standard fulltime load is eight units (usually equates to four courses) per semester”,   Exclusions due to
 See university                                            overlap homeinst.
 website for      Course profiles checked by KRW (May 2013)

 Category         Event Management
 EVNT2003 *       Event Planning and Management (2 units)

 EVNT2004 *       Event Marketing and Consumer Behaviour (2 units)

 EVNT3004         Event Sponsorship & Fundraising (2 units)

 Category         Hospitality and Tourism Courses
 TOUR1000         Principles of Tourism, Hospitality and Events (2 units)                                     Not for BRE

 TOUR2002         Tourism and Leisure Operations Management (2 units)                                         Not for BRE

 TOUR2009         Destination and Experience Marketing (2 units)

 TOUR3006         Responsible Tourism and Ethics (2 units)                                                    Not for BAH & BRE

 HOSP2001         Hotel Operations (2 units)                                                                  Not for BAH

 HOSP2003 *       Entrepreneurship in Hospitality (2 units)

 HOSP3003         Food and Beverage Management (2 units)                                                      Not for BAH

 Category         Entrepreneurship
 TIMS1301*        Foundations for Entrepreneurship (2 units)                                                  Not for BAK

 TIMS3304*        Social Entrepreneurship (2 units)

                  Information from/to UQ:
                  «There are no pre-requisites to Hotel and Tourism courses and the majority of other
                  courses will only require basic knowledge in the following; Introduction to Management,
                  Intro to Marketing and Organisational Behaviour» (Hasset, L 120511)
                  * Updated coursenames or new courses (040719 by UQ)
Ba of HRM (BAP), Ba of Hotel Management (BAH), Ba of Travel and Tourism Mgmt and Experience Development (BRE),
Ba of Service Management (BSL), Ba of Marketing and Brand Management (BMM), Ba of Marketing and Sales
Management (BAS), Ba of PR and Communication (BPS), Ba of Creative Marketing Comm (BKM), Ba of Purchasing
Management (BIL), Ba of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (BAK), Ba of Business and Administration (BOL), Ba of Digital
Business (BOD). Homeinstitution Kristiania University College.
Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2020, RMIT University, Melbourne

 Codes            Courses                                                                                Comments
 4 courses x      Course recommended by RMIT, availability may change.
 12 cp pr.

 See university   Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,       Obligatory or
 website for      counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC.                                         optional (see below)
 descriptions.    Full-time load per semester at RMIT: 48 credit points.
                  Courses checked at KUC/OSM by; AP, HS, SS, ØPD, TF, KU, RR (2012 - 2018)               Exclusions
                  Course overviews:;ID=msrkgrf8e6ef1

                  Marketing at RMIT, Melbourne
 MKTG1041         Marketing Communication (12 cp)                                                        Not for BMM, BAS &

 MKTG1048         Sales Strategy and Communication Skills (12 cp)                                        Not for BAS

 MKTG1053         Service Quality (12 cp)                                                                Not for BSL, BIL

 MKTG1061         Global Marketing (12 cp)

 MKTG1092         Product Innovation and Management (12 cp) requirements.                                Not for BSL

                  Management at RMIT, Melbourne
 BUSM1222         International Business (12 cp)                                                         Not for BRE

 BUSM1311         Entrepreneurial Process (12 cp)

 BUSM2449         International Human Resources (12 cp)                                                  Not for BAP

 BUSM3119         Human Resource Management (12 cp)                                                      Not for BAP

 BUSM3125         Strategic Management (12 cp)                                                           Not for BAK, BSL &

 BUSM4052         Applied Entrepreneurship (12 cp)                                                       Not for BAK

 BUSM4176         Introduction to Management (12 cp)                                                     Not for BAP & BSL

                  “Vitnemal with 4 or better in English”. Alternatively IELTS or TOEFL, see RMIT’s web
                  for required results. «There is no more 5 years rule to the English requirement.»

 Not yet conf,    Taken out: MKTG1065 and BUSM4053
 these courses
 tend to be       Online courses not to be chosen by Study Abroad Students.
 offered every
 year (190619)
Ba of HRM (BAP), Ba of Hotel Management (BAH), Ba of Travel and Tourism Mgmt and Experience Development (BRE),
Ba of Service Management (BSL), Ba of Marketing and Brand Management (BMM), Ba of Marketing and Sales
Management (BAS), Ba of PR and Communication (BPS), Ba of Creative Marketing Comm (BKM). Ba of Purchasing
Management (BIL), Ba of innovation and Entrepreneurship (BAK), Ba of Business and Administration (BOL), Ba of digital
Business (BOD). Homeinstitution Kristiania University College.
Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2020, RMIT University, Melbourne

  Codes            Courses                                                                                Comments
  4 courses x      Courses recommended by RMIT, availability may change.
  12 cp pr.
  semester.                                                Obligatory or

  See university   Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,       Optional (see below)
  website for      counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC.
  description      Full-time load per semester at RMIT: 48 credit points
                   Courses checked by T. Grann, I. Bredesen and C. B. Øvald (June 2015, as for VN).
                   Course overviews:;ID=msrkgrf8e6ef1

                   Accounting and Finance at RMIT, Melbourne

 ACCT1028          Performance Analysis and Simultations (12 cp)
                                                                                                          Not for BOL & BOD
 ACCT1046          Accounting in Orgs and Society (12 cp)
                                                                                                          Not for BOL & BOD
 ACCT1060          Mgt Accounting and Business (12 cp)
                                                                                                          Not for BOL & BOD
 ACCT2033          Financial Accounting and Analysis (12 cp)

 BAFI1002          Financial Markets (12 cp)

 BAFI1014          Personal Wealth Management (12 cp)

                   “Vitnemal with 4 or better in English”. Alternatively IELTS or TOEFL, see RMIT’s web
                   for required results. «There is no more 5 years rule to the English requirement»

                   Taken out: COMM2379, COMM2699 and COMM2692.

                   Online courses not to be chosen by Study Abroad Students.
Ba of HRM (BAP), Ba of Hotel Management (BAH), Ba of Travel and Tourism Mgmt and Experience Development (BRE),
Ba of Service Management (BSL), Ba of Marketing and Brand Management (BMM), Ba of Marketing and Sales
Management (BAS), Ba of PR and Communication (BPS), Ba of Creative Marketing Comm (BKM). Ba of Purchasing
Management (BIL), Ba of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (BAK), Ba of Business and Administration (BOL), Ba of Digital
Business (BOD). Homeinstitution Kristiania University College.
Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2020, RMIT University, Vietnam Campuses in
Hanoi and/or Ho Chi Minh City/Saigon South.

 Codes               Courses                                                                                Comments
                     Courses recommended by RMIT, availability may change.
 4 courses x 12 cp   Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,       Obligatory or
 pr. semester.       counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC.                                         optional (see below)
 See university      Full-time load per semester at RMIT: 48 credit points (060611)
 website for
 descriptions.       Courses checked by KUC academics; AP, ØPD, TF, KU and RR (2012-2018)                   Exclusions
                     Course overviews:
            and RMIT Grading information.

                     Business & Management
                     Offered in Hanoi and/or Ho Chi Minh City
 BUSM3299            Entrepreneurial Process (12 cp) Ho Chi Minh City only

 BUSM3309            Strategic Management (12 cp) Ho Chi Minh City only                                     Not for BAK, BSL &

 BUSM3311            International Business (12 cp)                                                         Not for BRE

 BUSM4092            Applied Entrepreneurship (12 cp)                                                       Not for BAK

 BUSM4185            Introduction to Management (12 cp)                                                     Not for BAP & BSL

 BUSM4187            Taken out (November 2019)

 MKTG1420            Digital Business Development (12 cp)
 MKTG1422            Digital Marketing Communication (12 sp)

                     “Vitnemal with 4 or better in English” (reading date 300615). Alternatively IELTS or
                     TOEFL, see RMIT’s web for required results. No more 5 years rule to the English
                     requirement for Vietnam. (Duc, RMIT, VN 060617).

 Similar confirmed   Taken out: BUSM3320, BUSM4186, MKTG1418 (270619, RMIT). BUSM4187
 by RMIT (270619,    (071119, RMIT Do Ngnoc Hieu)
 Ms Oanh Nguyen
 Tuong). Some        Online courses not to be chosen by Study Abroad Students.
 changes i Nov
 (see both pages).
Ba of HRM (BAP), Ba of Hotel Management (BAH), Ba of Travel and Tourism Mgmt and Experience Development (BRE),
Ba of Service Management (BSL), Ba of Marketing and Brand Management (BMM), Ba of Marketing and Sales
Management (BAS), Ba of PR and Communication (BPS), Ba of Creative Marketing Comm (BKM), Ba of Purchasing
Management (BIL), Ba of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (BAK), Ba of Business and Administration (BOL), Ba of Digital
Business (BOD). Homeinstitution Kristiania University College.

Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2020, RMIT University, Vietnam Campuses in
Hanoi and/or Ho Chi Minh City/Saigon South.

 Codes             Courses                                                                                Comments
                   Courses recommended by RMIT, availability may change.
 4 courses x       Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,       Obligatory or
 12 cp pr.         counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC.                                         optional (see below)
                   Full-time load per semester at RMIT: 48 credit points
 See university
 website for       Courses checked by TG, IB and C. B. Øvald (June 2015). KR and EB/HF (2017).            Exclusions
 descriptions.     Course overviews:
          and RMIT Grading information.

                   Economics and Finance
                   Offered in Hanoi and/or Ho Chi Minh City
ACCT2105          Accounting in Org & Society (12 cp)                                                     Not for BOL & BOD

ACCT2126          Mgt Accounting and Business (12 cp)                                                     Not for BOL & BOD

ACCT2158          Financial Accounting and Analysis (12 cp)                                               Not for BOL & BOD

BAFI3182          Financial Markets (12 cp)
BAFI3184          Business Finance (12 cp) prereq. ECON1194 or similar. HCMC only.
ECON1192          Macroeconomics 1 (12 cp)                                                                Not for BOL & BOD
ECON1194          Prices and Markets (12 cp)                                                              Not for BIL, BOL,

                  Communications – offered in Hanoi and/or Ho Chi Minh City
COMM2379          Taken out (November 2019)
COMM2383          New Media, New Asia (12 cp)                                                             Not for BPS
COMM2696          Taken out (November 2019)
COMM2699          Issues, Risk and Crisis Communication (12 cp)                                           Not for BPS
COMM2692          Making Media (12 cp)
COMM2384          Client Management (12 cp) Ho Chi Minh City only.
COMM2377          Modern Asia (12 cp/added in November)

                   “Vitnemal with 4 or better in English” (reading date 300615). Alternatively IELTS or
                   TOEFL, see RMIT’s web for required results. No more 5 yrs rule to the English
                   requirement for Vietnam. (060617).

                   Taken out: COMM 2379, COMM2696. Added COMM2377 (RMIT, 071119, Do Ngnoc
Study abroad students + Erasmus+ (limited)
Ba of HRM (BAP), Ba of Hotel Management (BAH), Ba of Travel and Tourism Mgmt and Experience Development (BRE),
Ba of Service Management (BSL), Ba of Marketing and Brand Management (BMM), Ba of Marketing and Sales
Management (BAS), Ba of PR and Communication (BPS), Ba of Creative Marketing Comm (BKM), Ba of Purchasing
Management (BIL), Ba of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (BAK); Ba of Business and Administration (BOL), Ba of Digital
Business (BOD). Homeinstitution Kristiania University College.
Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2020, University of Hertfordshire

 Codes               Courses                                                                            Comments
 4 courses x         Courses/modules to be confirmed for spring 2019.
 15 credits pr.
 semester            Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,   Obligatory or
 (B=spring)          counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC.                                     optional (see below)

 See university      Full-time load per semester at UH: 60 credits (NOKUT, reading date 040711)
 website for         Modules checked by HS, AP, TF (2012 and 2013) and Kristin Undheim (Feb 2016).      Exclusions
                     Learning agreement has to be signed.

 Category            Business, Management and HRM
5BUS1106            Product Innovation (International) 15 cp                                            BAK & BIL only
5BUS1020            Performance Management and Reward (15)                                              Not for BAP

5BUS1054            Cross Cultural Management (15)                                                      Not for BAP&BRE
5BUS1049            Exploring Business Ethics (15)                                                      Not for BIL, BOL,
4BUS1060            Global Perspectives in Business (15)

4BUS1038            Information Systems for Business (15)

 Category            Marketing
5BUS1033            Marketing for the Creative and Cultural Industries (15)

5BUS1031            Marketing for the Small Enterprise (15)

5BUS1018            PR Concepts and Campaigns (15)

6BUS1025            Global Marketing, Ethics and Culture (15)

 Category            Event Management
 5BUS1080           Enterprise (15)                                                                     Not for BAK

 5BUS1037           Managing People (15)                                                                Not for BAP & BSL

 5BUS1175           Event planning, Design and Communty Engagement (15)

                     Additional courses may come/in process.

 Dealing with        Above modules, from module guide for spring 2018.
 Sem B will
 start no earlier    Taken out by UH: 5BUS1055, 6BUS1160, 6BUS1063 (130618)
 than August         5BUS=2nd year, 6BUS=3rd year.
 (130619, UH/
 Serwinska)          Online courses not to be chosen by Study Abroad Students.
Study abroad students + Erasmus+ (limited)
Ba of HRM (BAP), Ba of Hotel Management (BAH), Ba of Travel and Tourism Mgmt and Experience Development (BRE),
Ba of Service Management (BSL), Ba of Marketing and Brand Management (BMM), Ba of Marketing and Sales
Management (BAS), Ba of PR and Communication (BPS), Ba of Creative Marketing Comm (BKM), Ba of Purchasing
Management (BIL), Ba of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (BAK), Ba of Business and Administration (BOL), Ba of Digital
Business (BOD). Homeinstitution Kristiania University College.
Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2020, University of Hertfordshire

 Codes             Courses                                                                             Comments
                   Courses/modules to be confirmed for spring 2019.
 4 courses x       Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,    Obligatory or
 15 credits pr.    counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC.                                      optional (see below)
 (B=spring)        Full-time load per semester at UH: 60 credits (NOKUT, reading date 040711)

 See university    Modules checked by Managers of programs, listed above (June 2018, August 2018)      Exclusions
 website.          Learning agreement has to be signed.

                   Additional courses at University of Hertfordshire
5BUS1174          Impacts of Events and Festivals (15 cp)
                                                                                                      Not for BMM
5BUS1090          International Supply Chain Mgmt in Europe (15cp)
                                                                                                      Not BMM og BAS
5BUS1066          Mobile Business Technologies (15 cp)

5BUS1022          Product Innovation (15 cp)
                                                                                                      Not BAK, BMM
5BUS1008          Project Planning and Control (15 cp)                                                Not BAS, BOL, BKM,
                                                                                                      BAP, BSL, BIL
6BUS1210          Contemporary Issues in Ethics, Business and Sustainability (15 cp)
                                                                                                      Not BAS, BKM
6BUS1019          International HRM (15 cp)
                                                                                                      Not BMM, BAP
6BUS1062          Social Networking and Enterprise (15 cp)
                                                                                                      Not BMM
6BUS0273          Supply Chain Management (15 cp)
                                                                                                      Not BAS, BMM, BIL

                   Analyzing, Economy & Finance
4BUS1101          Analytical Techniques for Accountants (15 cp)                                        Not for BOL, BOD
4BUS1108          Economy and Society (15 cp)

4COM1039          Programming B (15 cp)

4BUS1069          Quantitative Methods for Business (15 cp)                                            Not for BOL, BOD
4BUS1071          Quantitative Methods for Management (15 cp)                                          Not for BOL, BOD
5BUS1002          Analyzing Financial Information (15 cp)

5BUS1059          Econometrics (15 cp)

5BUS1158          Financial Management (15 cp)

4BUS1101          Analytical Techniques for Accountants (15 cp)

                   Above modules, from module guide for spring 2018.
                   Online courses not to be chosen by Study Abroad Students.
Study abroad students + Erasmus+ (limited)
Ba of HRM (BAP), Ba of Hotel Management (BAH), Ba of Travel and Tourism Mgmt and Experience Development (BRE),
Ba of Service Management (BSL), Ba of Marketing and Brand Management (BMM), Ba of Marketing and Sales
Management (BAS), Ba of PR and Communication (BPS),Ba of Creative Marketing Comm (BKM), Ba of Purchasing
Management (BIL), Ba of innovation and Entrepreneurship (BAK); Ba of Business and Administration (BOL), Ba of Digital
Business (BOD). Homeinstitution Kristiania University College.

Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2020, ISM International School of Management,,
Cologne, Dortmund or Frankfurt.
 Codes            Courses                                                                            Comments
 4 courses x 5    Courses are recommended by ISM – availability may change.
 ECTS in block
 + 2 spec.        Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,   Obligatory or
 courses x 5      counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC.                                     optional (see below)
 ECTS = total     Full-time load per semester at ISM = 30 ECTS.
 30 ECTS.
                  Modules checked by ØPD, TF, TG, EM, KRW, HS and AP (2013-2019). RR (2017).         Exclusions
 See university
 website for      Learning agreement has to be signed.

                  Students have to choose one block + one specialization (20 + 10 ECTS)
                  Block I – ISM Dortmund campus:                                                     Can not be chosen
                  Strategic Management (5 ECTS)                                                      by BAK, BMM, BAP,
                  International Business Law (5 ECTS)                                                BSL, BIL, BOL, BOD
                  Project Management (5 ECTS)                                                        due to overlap (HK)
                  Operation Management (5 ECTS)

                  Block II ISM Dortmund or Block VI Cologne* Campus:                                 Not for BMM, BRE &
                  Strategic Controlling (5 ECTS)                                                     BAS.
                  Crisis Management (5 ECTS)
                  Branding and Communication (5 ECTS)
                  Doing Business in a Global Economy (5 ECTS)

                  Block III ISM Dortmund                                                             Not for BAS, BOL,
                  International Finance Management (5 ECTS)                                          BOD, BIL
                  International Trade and Sales (5 ECTS)
                  Marketing Controlling (5 ECTS)
                  Business Ethics (5 ECTS)

                  Block III – ISM Frankfurt campus:                                                  Can be chosen by
                  Business Ethics (5 ECTS)                                                           all students, except
                  Business Planning, Theory and Excersises (5 ECTS)                                  for BOL, BOD if
                  Moderation & Presentation (5 ECTS)                                                 specializations in
                  Capital Markets (5 ECTS)                                                           Frankfurt (see

                  Block V – ISM Frankfurt                                                            Not for BMM, BOL,
                  International Finance Management (5 ECTS)                                          BOD.
                  International Trade and Sales (5 ECTS)
                  Marketing Controlling (5 ECTS)
                  Strategic Management (5 ECTS)

                  For Specializations, i.e. addiional 5+5 ECTS, see next page.

 170619 similar   No online courses allowed for study abroad students.
 conf. By ISM.
Study abroad students + Erasmus+ (limited)
Ba of HRM (BAP), Ba of Hotel Management (BAH), Ba of Travel and Tourism Mgmt and Experience Development (BRE),
Ba of Service Management (BSL), Ba of Marketing and Brand Management (BMM), Ba of Marketing and Sales
Management (BAS), Ba of PR and Communication (BPS),Ba of Creative Marketing Comm (BKM), Ba of Purchasing
Management (BIL), Ba of innovation and Entrepreneurship (BAK); Ba of Business and Administration (BOL), Ba of Digital
Business (BOD). Homeinstitution Kristiania University College.

Study Abroad 4th semester, spring 2020, ISM International School of Management,,
Cologne, Dortmund or Frankfurt.
 Codes            Courses                                                                            Comments
 4 courses x 5    Courses are recommended by ISM – availability may change.
 ECTS in block
 + 2 spec.        Students final choices must always be approved by the homeinstitution, here KUC,   Obligatory or
 courses x 5      counting 30 ”studiepoeng”/ECTS credits at KUC.                                     optional (see below)
 ECTS = total     Full-time load per semester at ISM = 30 ECTS.
 30 ECTS.
                  Modules checked by ØPD, TF, TG, EM, KRW, HS and AP (2013-2015). RR (2017).         Exclusions
 See university
 website for      Learning agreement has to be signed.

                  Students have to choose one block + one specialization (20 + 10 ECTS)

                  S p e c i a l i z a t i o n s:
                  Cologne Campus only* – Luxury & Fashion Management Track
                  Marketing of Luxury Goods & Fashion (5 ECTS)
                  Luxury & Fashion Buying and Merchandising (5 ECTS)
                  Communication Track – Dortmund & Frankfurt                                         Not for BAH, BRE,
                  Strategic PR (5 ECTS)                                                              BPS
                  Intercultural Management (5 ECTS)
                  International Management Track – Dortmund only                                     Not for BMM
                  Leading to High Performance (5 ECTS)
                  Competitive Advantage (5 ECTS)
                  Tourism and Event Track – Dortmund only                                            Can be chosen by
                  Strategic Tourism Management (5 ECTS)                                              all students.
                  International Tourism Markets (5 ECTS)
 Tbd for BOL,     Finance Track – Dortmund only                                                      Can be chosen by
 BOD (conf                                                                                           all students.
 J.U)             Implementation of Derivatives (5 ECTS)
                  International Auditing (5 ECTS)

 170619 similar   No online courses allowed for study abroad students.
 conf. By ISM.
•   Above is to show institutions and examples of subjects (in progress)
•   Please always be aware of date of publication (see front-page)

•   Videre fremdrift:
-   Informasjonsaktiviteter i august/september.
-   20. september 2019 – søknadsfrist for Study Abroad vår 2020.
-   Søknadsresultat fra Høyskolen Kristiania (oktober)
-   Ny søknad fra student til utenlands institusjon i hht deres frister, prosedyrer og regler.
-   Søknadsresultat fra aktuell institusjon (behandlingstid varierer)
-   Study Abroad studenter er selv ansvarlig for å inneha all dokumentasjon og å ivareta
    praktiske forhold som muliggjør utenlandsopphold. Eksempelvis; kontakt med
    Lånekassen, betaling av depositum og semesteravgift til utenlandsk studiested, gyldig
    pass, visum, vaksiner, bolig, studentforsikring/obligatorisk, flybilletter mm.

-   viktig;
-   Etter hjemkomst, senest 1. september, må studenter levere rett kopi av
    karakterutskrifter («official transcript») til Høyskolen Kristiania for registrering av fag og
    progresjon til Lånekassen. Original «transcript» oppbevares av student «for alltid» og
    ilegges vitnemål fra Høyskolen Kristiania.

-   Andre aktiviteter
-   Uformelt avreise-seminar i desember (Oslo).

-   Oppdateringer
      -    2 Additional courses at UCB (preapproved 260819)
      -    3 Additional courses at HPU (preapproved 020919)
      -    UQ maked * minor changes in course names and additional courses x 3 (preapproved 090919),
           ENVM2100 taken out (111119, UQ/AT)
      -    RMIT, VN some courses taken out/one added (updated 071119, all applicants informed)
      -    HPU courses taken out and additionals preapproved (updated111119, all applicants informed)

-   Oslo 111119, ved Internasjonalt Kontor, for Høyskolen Kristiania.
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