A crash course in Microsoft 365 Business - Achieve more in your business with an integrated security, management and productivity solution - all ...

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A crash course in Microsoft 365 Business - Achieve more in your business with an integrated security, management and productivity solution - all ...
A crash course in
Microsoft 365 Business
Achieve more in your business with an integrated security,
management and productivity solution — all in one.
A crash course in Microsoft 365 Business - Achieve more in your business with an integrated security, management and productivity solution - all ...
You know that your business’s growth             Your technology needs are taken care of
depends on everyone delivering their best        so you can focus on your core business,
work, and that means enabling your staff         with the peace of mind that your data is
with the collaboration tools they need. At the   protected, and employees can collaborate,
same time, you must protect your business’s      communicate and grow your business
vital information, while ensuring your team      without technology roadblocks.
can access the files and data they need as
they work.                                       In this e-book, you’ll learn how Microsoft 365
                                                 Business can improve your business every
Now, for the first time, Microsoft is offering   day —and how to use it so your employees
an integrated solution that brings together      can be collaborative and productive, while
the productivity of Office 365 with the          your data and devices are protected.
security of Windows 10. This cost-effective,
subscription-based cloud service is built                                                         2
especially for small and midsize businesses
like yours. It empowers your team to be
productive every day with Office 365, no
matter their locations. Plus, you can use
Windows 10 Pro to manage controls with
automatic updates to securely protect your
company’s data across devices — all from
one simple administrative console.
A crash course in Microsoft 365 Business - Achieve more in your business with an integrated security, management and productivity solution - all ...
Achieve more together
                               Create, connect and collaborate with people inside and outside of your company.                                          How it works
                                                                                                                                                        Avoid versioning issues caused by passing files
                                                                                                                                                        back and forth via email.
Scenario 1:                                         Scenario 2:                                       Scenario 3:
Drive decisions with visual collaboration           Stay productive on-the-go                         Stay a step ahead
                                                                                                                                                        1. Save an edited file in OneDrive.
                                                                                                                                                        2. Open a new email in Outlook, and select
Getting the right information in front of the       Opening a new location? Launching a new           Information isn’t much use when you can’t
                                                                                                                                                           “Insert” and “Attach file.” Then, select the file
right people right now is crucial if you want to    product line? Gearing up for a holiday rush?      find it — and looking for it wastes too much
                                                                                                                                                           you want to send from recent files saved in
serve today’s time-starved customers and still      When your workers need to collaborate, they       time. OneDrive for Business can help your
make a profit. Whether you’re reviewing the         can streamline their efforts and stay in sync,    employees find what they need. They can
                                                                                                                                                        3. A OneDrive link will be attached. Click on
latest sales numbers with managers or making        wherever they may be working. SharePoint          easily save email attachments from Outlook
                                                                                                                                                           that link to “Change permissions” for added
a group pitch to a hot lead, presenting             team sites provide a set of tools integral for    to OneDrive, and search files and folders                                                                3
                                                                                                                                                           security to allow only the recipient or people
information visually in real time improves          collaboration, including (via Outlook) a group    across any of their devices. OneDrive even
                                                                                                                                                           in your organization to edit or view the file.
the experience and gets you to the next step        calendar, a Planner for task management           uses optical character recognition (OCR) to
faster. With Teams, part of Office 365, it’s easy   and a group inbox. Teams can access a             search images and PDFs. They can preview
to schedule an online meeting from Outlook          common set of files stored in SharePoint, and     270+ common file types, including images,         Because a OneDrive link is attached, files are kept
or immediately jump into an online meeting          customize their team sites to highlight the       PDF, Photoshop, Illustrator and Visio, and        out of your inbox and everyone works from the
directly from PowerPoint, Excel or Word. You        most relevant files, resources and content.       stream videos directly from OneDrive —            most recent version saved in the cloud.
can screen-share, brainstorm on a virtual           Adding or removing members updates the            helping them find what they need quickly
whiteboard, edit documents in real time, and        team site’s permissions automatically in both     without filling their devices with unneeded
instant-message with other meeting members          SharePoint and Outlook, so information is         files. Looking for an older version of a file?
to make decisions quickly and keep work             securely shared with the right team members       Right-click on a file for a history of up to 25
moving.                                             — all without users having to call you or an IT   versions. Wherever your employees might be
                                                    resource for help. Put simply, with Microsoft     working, they will have access to these search
                                                    365 Business, teams are empowered to build        and discovery features.
                                                    collaboration spaces as needed.
A crash course in Microsoft 365 Business - Achieve more in your business with an integrated security, management and productivity solution - all ...
“We have associates across the world working different
shifts, different times, even in different languages and
Teams allows them to all connect and collaborate
pretty effortlessly. Teams is a way to combine all of                                       4

your communication channels you’ve had in the past
into one modern experience.”
               Brian Gillespie, Director of Technology, Analysis, and Alignment at Cerner
A crash course in Microsoft 365 Business - Achieve more in your business with an integrated security, management and productivity solution - all ...
Anywhere it matters
                              Enable your people to be productive anywhere, on their favorite devices.                                               How it works
                                                                                                                                                     Need to talk in real-time about a document,
                                                                                                                                                     spreadsheet or presentation?
Scenario 1:                                       Scenario 2:                                        Scenario 3:
Stay connected even offline                       Sync files automatically                           Create and collaborate anywhere                 1. From Word, Excel or PowerPoint, select “File”
                                                                                                                                                        and then “Share.”
Microsoft 365 Business keeps your team in         Mobile access also works for Office                With Office 365, co-workers can collaborate     2. Select “Present online” and then click the
touch and productive on-the-go on any             productivity apps, such as Word, Excel and         on the same documents at the same time.            “Present” box to open a new Teams meeting.
Windows, Mac, iOS or Android device — and         PowerPoint. Imagine creating a document on         Let’s say you and a key manager are putting        Your document will automatically open in
you can even auto-sync after working offline      your desktop, making edits on a smartphone         the finishing touches on a sales presentation      the Teams meeting and your screen will be
on a laptop. Let’s say one of your employees      while waiting for an appointment and               that must be delivered in an hour. You’re in       shared.
is traveling to meet with a distributor. With     finishing it on your laptop at home. Each          Seattle, and he’s in San Francisco. You jump    3. In Teams, select the “Invite more people” icon.   5
Exchange Online and Outlook, she can              time, employees pick up right where they left      on a Teams video call, and each of you opens       As you type your colleagues’ names, you can
communicate in real time while on the             off. Thanks to OneDrive, files stay synced so      the document saved to OneDrive on your             even see if they’re already in another Teams
ground. But even in the air, she can still read   employees have access to the latest version        devices. As you review the document, you can       meeting or when they were last online.
and respond to emails sent before her flight,     of each document, no matter where they are,        quickly make decisions and edits together,
review and set calendar appointments, and         allowing every user to work remotely. And          rather than laboriously swapping versions
access contacts stored on her device. Once        sharing files is easy: Employees can share files   back and forth via email.
her device reconnects, her emails are sent        or folders with specific people, send links
automatically, her calendar is updated, and       that enable access inside or outside your
she’s back in “real time.”                        organization, and easily view and modify the
                                                  permissions they’ve granted.
A crash course in Microsoft 365 Business - Achieve more in your business with an integrated security, management and productivity solution - all ...
Always-on security
                               Help protect your data and devices through one simple dashboard that is always up-to-date.                              How it works
                                                                                                                                                       Need to remotely wipe an employee’s personal
                                                                                                                                                       device because they left your company?
Scenario 1:                                         Scenario 2:                                      Scenario 3:
Reduce your security risk                           Protect devices and data from security threats   Control access to your data                       1. In the Admin Center, click on the Devices card.
                                                                                                                                                       2. Search for your user to view all their devices.
Microsoft 365 Business includes all the             Microsoft 365 Business is built with             Even when your business’s data is out of          3. Select the device you wish to remotely wipe,
security features of Windows 10 Pro, including      enterprise-grade security in mind, but at        your hands, you can still easily protect it. If      click “Remove company data” and “confirm.”
Windows Defender Management Controls,               a price your business can afford. Each user      an employee leaves your company, loses
which allow you to manage your security             automatically receives all the latest security   a phone while traveling, or has a laptop          The next time the end user logs in to an Office
controls within one product. This will help you     updates from Office 365 and Windows              or Surface device stolen, devices and data        app on that device, they will be notified your
gain peace of mind with a consistent set of         10, ensuring that your business’s data is        are automatically protected with built-in         company data has been removed.                       6
security settings designed for your business.       protected across devices against every           encryption. You can easily perform a remote
With automatic and universal enforcement            new threat, from malware to phishing to          wipe of business data on devices — and
of policies, your business’s risk profile will be   ransomware — and business information is         even automatically wipe a device that’s been
lowered, even across personal devices that          confined to Office apps. For example, if you     dormant a certain amount of days — while
employees use for work.                             outfit your employees with Surface devices       leaving personal data untouched. This type of
                                                    and Microsoft 365 Business subscriptions,        security and control provides the assurance
                                                    they’ll be able to work and collaborate on-      employees need to use personal devices for
                                                    the-go, with no trade-off for security.          work, and the protection your business needs.
A crash course in Microsoft 365 Business - Achieve more in your business with an integrated security, management and productivity solution - all ...
“The real advantage of Microsoft Teams is that you’re more
productive because you don’t have to constantly switch
between productivity apps. With Microsoft Teams, it’s
contextually evident when to use the different Office 365
services, like OneNote to organize meeting minutes and                               7

SharePoint Online or Microsoft OneDrive for Business to save
your document.”
                                Gary Walker, Head of People Digital Tools at Three
A crash course in Microsoft 365 Business - Achieve more in your business with an integrated security, management and productivity solution - all ...
Simplified for business
                            Manage your IT services quickly and easily so you can focus on what matters.                                         How it works
                                                                                                                                                 Need different policies for different user types,
                                                                                                                                                 such as your executive team?
Scenario 1:                                     Scenario 2:                                     Scenario 3:
Manage users and devices with a single          Easy employee set-up and deployment             Single login for all services and devices        1. In the Admin Center, select “Add policy” on
console                                                                                                                                             the Policies card.
                                                Microsoft 365 makes it simple to set up         As easy as it is for you to administer your      2. Name the policy, and select the policy type.
The Microsoft Admin Console is your control     new staff on their devices, so they can start   employees’ devices and apps, it’s even easier       For example, select “Windows 10 Device
center for Microsoft 365 Business, giving you   working quickly. To create a new user, just     for your employees to use them. Microsoft           Configuration.”
a single place to configure your company’s      assign him or her to a security group; the      365 requires just one login for every app,       3. At this point, you can select different options
security policies, and manage devices and       policies that you have set up for that group    Windows 10 device and service, so your              for this particular team. For example, you may
apps. The Setup Wizard condenses 45             will be applied automatically. Depending        employees can work anywhere from all of             want this user group to be able to download       8
enterprise-grade security settings into 15      on these policies, when employees log on        their devices, using their favorite Office 365      apps from the Windows Store, whereas your
easy-to-understand toggles or pull-down         to their Windows 10 device, their Office 365    productivity apps to get things done, safe in       warehouse and delivery staff may not have
menus. Here, you can set company-wide           apps might be downloaded automatically,         the knowledge that security is taken care of.       that option.
or group-specific policies for mobile and       and their operating system will be kept up-
Windows 10 devices. For example, you can        to-date with no effort whatsoever on their
manage access to Office files on mobile         part. They can even use their own mobile
devices by requiring a pin or fingerprint, or   devices and your company data will be just
prevent users from copying content from         as secure.
Office apps into personal apps. On the
Windows 10 side, you can ensure Windows
Defender antivirus is always active, and keep
Windows 10 devices up-to-date automatically.
You can even install Office on Windows 10
devices automatically.
A crash course in Microsoft 365 Business - Achieve more in your business with an integrated security, management and productivity solution - all ...
Microsoft 365 Business or Office 365:
Which solution is right for you and your business?

Microsoft 365 Business is an integrated         As a subscription service, Microsoft 365
solution built especially for small and         Business has cost-effective pricing, while
midsized businesses. It’s powered by the        ensuring that you and your employees are
productivity apps of Office 365 and the best-   always working with the latest and most
in-class security features of Windows 10 to     secure version of Windows 10 and Office 365.
provide the technology you need to run and      It is designed to be run by you or a trusted
grow your business:                             partner, so you can save on capital expenses,
                                                scale as you grow, and get the IT expertise
• The familiar and powerful productivity        you need to run your business better.           9
  and communication tools of Office
  365, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
  Outlook, Teams, SharePoint and more

• Centralized user, device and app
  management capabilities previously
  available only to large enterprises, but on
  an easy-to-use console for organizations
  with limited or no IT staff

• Best-in-class security and control
A crash course in Microsoft 365 Business - Achieve more in your business with an integrated security, management and productivity solution - all ...
Microsoft 365   How do I get Microsoft 365 Business for
                my business?
                                                              Do all of my employees need a Microsoft
                                                              365 Business subscription?
                                                                                                               their deployment. Current Windows 10 Pro
                                                                                                               PCs should be running Creators Update if

Business FAQs
                Microsoft 365 Business subscriptions may      Not everyone needs Microsoft 365 Business,       they have not already done so.
                be purchased through a Microsoft Partner      although the security and management
                or directly from the Microsoft 365 Business   benefits only apply to those with a Microsoft    What is the best way to deploy Microsoft
                website. In choosing whether to purchase      365 Business subscription. Standardizing your    365 Business in my organization?
                direct or via a Microsoft Partner, consider   IT environment will help reduce maintenance      Partner-assisted deployment is the
                your on-staff capability and if you want to   and security costs over time. However,           recommended way to deploy Microsoft 365
                maintain an IT infrastructure.                it’s understandable that you may wish to         Business. Your partner is well-equipped to
                                                              only update software when you are also           help you understand your options and make
                How much does Microsoft 365 Business          upgrading hardware. If you choose a partial      the best recommendations for deploying
                cost?                                         deployment of Microsoft 365 Business,            Microsoft 365 Business in your organization.
                Microsoft 365 Business is priced $20/month    determine which of your employees need           Contact your Microsoft partner and ask
                per seat, based on an annual commitment,      access to sensitive business data and place      for assistance in deploying Microsoft 365
                if purchased directly from Microsoft. When    them at the front of the line.                   Business.
                purchased through a Microsoft Partner,
                pricing can vary depending on additional      What are the hardware and software
                services provided.                            requirements for a Microsoft 365
                                                              Business deployment?
                Can I combine Microsoft 365 Business          Customers who wish to run Microsoft 365
                with other Microsoft subscription             Business in their organization must be
                offerings?                                    running Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 Pro on their
                Yes, customers can combine their Microsoft    current desktops and upgrade to Windows
                365 Business subscriptions with plans and     10 Pro. Customers who use on-premises
                add-ons from Dynamics 365, Enterprise         Active Directory will be required to switch to
                Mobile + Security and Office 365.             cloud identity and management as part of
Microsoft 365 Business offers a single, integrated
technology solution designed for growing businesses.
It empowers your employees to communicate,
collaborate and do amazing work, and protects your
data without bogging you down with complex IT
management or expensive on-premises equipment.

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Internet Web site references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it.
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