Sul Ross State University Scholarships 2021-2022 - Sul Ross State University A Member of the Texas State University System

Page created by Franklin Steele
Sul Ross State University

    Sul Ross State University
     A Member of the Texas State University System

              Alpine, Texas
Future Requests
For additional applications or further information, contact the Office of          5.    No person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the
Financial Aid, Sul Ross State University, LH 100, PO Box C-2, Alpine, TX                 benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under, any program
79832, call (432) 837-8050, fax (432) 837-8431, or e-mail                or activity sponsored by Sul Ross State University on any basis
                                                                                         prohibited by applicable law, including, but not limited to,
                     Scholarship Applicant Criteria                                      race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, or disability.
All scholarship applicants must meet the following criteria:
1. In order to be considered for a scholarship at Sul Ross State                                      Undergraduate Admissions
     University, you must have an application on file in the Admission’s           Before a student will be admitted to Sul Ross State University, the
     Office.                                                                       following items must be on file in the Admission’s Office:
2. To receive a scholarship you must meet all the requirements for                 1. Application for Admission.
     unconditional admission to Sul Ross State University and be in good           2. An official secondary school transcript with date of graduation
     academic and disciplinary standing, and meet the University’s                      and rank in class recorded or an official copy of GED
     minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy.                               certificate. Transfer students: Official transcripts from all
3. Recipients of scholarships must be enrolled as full-time students (12                colleges and universities attended.
     semester credit hours for undergraduate students and 9 semester credit        3. Official scores for the American College Test (ACT) or the
     hours for graduate students).                                                      Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).
4. Recipients of Scholarships must submit a thank-you letter to the donor,
     unless otherwise specified.                                                                          Graduate Admissions
                                                                                   1.    Application for Admission.
                         Scholarship Guidelines                                    2.    Official transcripts reflecting all college work attempted and
All scholarships at Sul Ross State University must meet the following                    degree(s) conferred should be on file in the Admission’s Office
criteria:                                                                          3.    Any documentation required by the major department. This
1. All scholarships must be awarded on a competitive basis.                              documentation may include the GRE, GMAT, GRE Subject
2. Scholarship selection criteria may include:                                           Examination, Professional Certifications, etc. Check with the
      a. The particular qualifications for the scholarship being considered.             department in which you plan to seek a degree.
      b. Scholastic records in high school and colleges or universities
           attended.                                                                                    Classification of Students
      c. Evidence of good moral character and good citizenship.                    Undergraduate students are classified according to the number of
      d. Recommendations from high school and/or college officials.                semester credit hours completed:
3. The amount of the scholarship and other financial assistance cannot                    0 - 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Freshman
      exceed that provided for in state and federal regulations or, in any               30 - 59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sophomore
      case, exceed the estimated cost per year of student expenses as                    60 - 89 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Junior
      determined by the University through the Office of Financial Aid.                  90 or more . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior
4. If an out-of-state student is the recipient of a competitive scholarship
      in the amount of $1,000 or more, his/her out-of-state tuition will be                          *Need Based Scholarships
      waived during the semester or semesters the scholarship is in effect.        Financial Need is determined by factors established by the U S
      The scholarship must be administered by a Sul Ross State University          Department of Education through a Free Application for Federal
      Scholarship Committee                                                        Student Aid (FAFSA).

                                                  New Students are encouraged to apply by January 1, 2021
                         A w ard am ounts and num ber of recipients vary based on available funds. N ot all scholarships m ay be aw arded

SC H O L A R SH IP                                           M A JO R      A V A IL A B L E   A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

President’s Endow ed U niversity Scholars Program            A ll          Freshmen           25 A C T/1150 SA T, academic seal on H igh School Transcript.
   Bar-SR-Bar                                                                                 R eferences and an essay are required. R eferences w ill be
   C harles C ham bers                                                                        contacted.
        Stringfellow M emorial                                                                Successful ongoing participation in SRSU H onors Program.
   D avidson M emorial
   N eville Haynes M emorial

Freshm an Leadership Program                                 A ll          Freshm en          R eferences and an essay are required.
   C harlie & Bea Boyles                                                                      R eferences w ill be contacted.
   O la Fay Bettesw orth
   Raym ond & Lucile M organ
   Richardson-N ew ell-Sohl

   San Antonio Livestock                                     RAS           Freshm en          Texas R esident. R eferences and an essay are required.
       Exposition                                                                             R eferences w ill be contacted.

                                                                    AC AD EM IC SCH O LA RSHIPS

                                                  New students are encouraged to apply by January 1, 2021.
                         A w ard am ounts and num ber of recipients vary based on available funds. N ot all scholarships m ay be aw arded

SC H O L A R SH IP                                    M A JO R             A V A IL A B L E   A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

Sul R oss State U niversity                           A ll                 U ndergrads
                                                                                              Entering freshmen: the top 10% of their H igh School graduating
H onors Program
                                                                                              class, or a score of 23 or better on the A C T/1200+ on the Evidence-
                                                                                              B ased Reading and W riting (EB R W ) and mathematics sections of
                                                                                              the SA T . Transfer or continuing students: 3.3 G PA /3.5 G PA in
                                                                                              honors classes. Participation in the H onors Program and essay

B ertha Irene H arrell                                A lpha Chi           U ndergrads        A ctive in the Texas C hi Chapter of A lpha C hi.
                                                      M em bers

G ene & Lucille Hendryx Alpha Chi                     A lpha Chi           U ndergrads        M ember of Texas C hi C hapter of A lpha C hi at SR SU . N eed
                                                      M em bers                               Based*

The Texas State U niversity System Foundation established the E dm und P. K uem pel Scholarship Program to provide financial assistance to w orthy and deserving
students, to encourage academic excellence, and to recognize student leadership and achievements. Through this program, students in any undergraduate degree
program at any TSUS component school may receive financial assistance to help complete their degrees. Deadline: December 1, 2021.

                                         D E A D L IN E FO R T H IS SC H O L A R SH IP IS D E C E M B E R 10T H A N N U A L L Y

SC H O L A R SH IP                                    M A JO R             A V A IL A B L E      A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

Edmund P. Kuempel Scholarship Program                 A ll                 U ndergrads
                                                                                                 B e accepted at SR SU . Student must be enrolled in a course of study
                                                                                                 w hich results in an academic degree. C andidate must have
                                                                                                 satisfactorily completed 12 hours of course work at an accredited
                                                                                                 institution w ith a G PA of at least 3.5. If accomplished at a non-Texas
                                                                                                 State University System school, completed course work must be
                                                                                                 transferrable to the TSU S constituent institution. T he candidate
                                                                                                 m ust subm it a short essay (no longer 800 w ords) including a
                                                                                                 statem ent of the candidate’s goals and reasons for pursuing the
                                                                                                 degree. The candidate must be a U .S. citizen and a resident of the
                                                                                                 state of Texas. The candidate must not have received the scholarship

                                                             GENERAL SCHOLARSHIPS
                                                   New students are encouraged to apply by January 1, 2021.
                         A w ard am ounts and num ber of recipients vary based on available funds. N ot all scholarships m ay be aw arded

SC H O L A R SH IP                                       M A JO R        A V A IL A B L E T O      A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

A EP T exas                                              A ll            U ndergrads               U .S. States citizen. C ustom er of the com pany w ho uses A EP T exas
                                                                                                   line service or be a child of an AEP T exas customer for a yr or
                                                                                                   more. C ertification from an AEP company official is required.
                                                                                                   Please upload your certification via scholarship portal by
                                                                                                   applying for this scholarship. B eginning freshman must be fully
                                                                                                   admitted; continuing student: maintain a 2.5 G PA or better.
                                                                                                   Enrolled at least 6 SC H . M ay or may not qualify for any other
                                                                                                   financial assistance because of personal and/or economic

A lfred W . Negley M emorial                             A ll            Jrs., Srs., Grads         3.0 G PA . Evidence of high potential for leadership. H igh moral
                                                                                                   character. H igh motivation to be of service to society. N o
                                                                                                   suspension or probation on the academic record. Jrs., & Srs. M ust
                                                                                                   be enrolled in 15 SC H, grad students must enroll in 12 SC H.

A lice C ow an                                           A ll            Jrs., Srs., G rads        3.0 G PA .

A merican Legion B ig B end “Post 79" of A lpine         A ll            U ndergrads, G rads       Preference w ill be given to son, daughter, or grandchild of a
                                                                                                   V eteran. V eteran’s proof required; apply and upload proof
                                                                                                   through scholarship application portal.

A nnie B ird M emorial                                   A ll            U ndergrads,              N on-traditional student. Preference given (in order) to w idow s,
                                                                                                   w idow s w ith dependent child or children, or students at least 28
                                                                                                   years of age. Please apply and upload - a w ritten statem ent
                                                                                                   indicating you are a w idow ; if you are a w idow w ith a
                                                                                                   child/children please provide their names and D O B through the
                                                                                                   scholarship application portal. M ust be full-time. B eginning
                                                                                                   students m ust be unconditionally admitted. Continuing students
                                                                                                   must have a 2.75 G PA .

A nna D . Linn M emorial                                 A ll            U ndergrad                Freshman and transfer students (
B aldem ar & A raceli B. G arza             A ll   Jr., Srs.          M ust be G raduates from a H igh School in C am eron, H idalgo, Starr
                                                                      or W illacy C ounties w ith preference given to Starr C ounty students
                                                                      first. A pplicant must be full time. M ust have a GPA of 3.0.

B aptist Student M inistry                  A ll   Soph, Jrs., Srs.   M ust be fully admitted. M ust be enrolled in at least 12 credits
                                                                      hours. 2.0 G PA . M ust be a mem ber of the B aptist Student M inistry
                                                                      O rganization. Preference may be given to applicants w ith a
                                                                      demonstrated Financial need and applicants that come from a
                                                                      Single Parent household. Please indicate on your scholarship
                                                                      application that you come from a Single Parent household.

B elknap                                    A ll   U ndergrads        M ust be a U .S. citizen. N ew students (
G reater Texas Foundation                         A ll   U ndergrads     U .S. and Texas R esident. Beginning freshman must be fully
                                                                         admitted and must be ranked in the top 50% of their high school
                                                                         graduating class. R eturning students: cumulative 2.5 G PA .

                                                                         N eed Based*

H arry & A nna Lister M emorial                   A ll   U ndergrads     M ust be a member of the SRSU N ewman Club. C ontinuing
                                                                         students: 2.5 G PA . Freshman must be unconditionally admitted.
                                                                         N eed Based*

H arry & A nna Lister M emorial Scholarship for   A ll   U ndergrads     Full-time student. Freshman must be unconditionally admitted.
V ictims of D om estic V iolence                                         C ontinuing students must be in good academ ic and disciplinary
                                                                         standing. Prefer spouses w ho are victims of domestic violence or
                                                                         dependent C hildren of victim s of domestic violence. T w o
                                                                         recom m endations required and uploaded to the scholarship
                                                                         application portal. One from D irector of a Fam ily C risis
                                                                         C enter, one from president of the B oard of a Fam ily C risis
                                                                         C enter or com parable agency.

John G . & Evelyn G. Prude                        A ll   U ndergrads     Full-time undergraduate. B eginning freshman must be ranked in the
                                                                         top 25% of their graduating class and have standardized test scores
                                                                         greater than or equal to: 1050 SA T or 25 A C T. C ontinuing
                                                                         students: 3.0 G PA .

Juan N . & Elisa U. Franco                        A ll   U ndergrads     Preference w ill be given to m ajors in M athematics and to graduates
                                                                         of Fort H ancock, Texas H igh School. G raduates from the follow ing
                                                                         H igh Schools are eligible: Tornillo, Fabens, Dell City, Sierra
                                                                         B lanca, C lint, V an H orn, M arfa, A lpine, Presidio, Fort D avis,
                                                                         B almorhea, Pecos and other small tow ns in W est Texas. B eginning
                                                                         freshman must be fully admitted. R eturning students: 2.5 G PA .

K en Batchelor                                    A ll   Soph., Jrs.     Texas State resident. 3.3 G PA . Prefer B usiness A dministration and
                                                                         C omputer Science majors. Additional preference given to students
                                                                         involved in campus-sponsored activities and/or sports. N eed

K enneth Peters M emorial                         A ll   U ndergrads     Full-time resident student. B eginning freshman must be
                                                                         unconditionally admitted. Continuing students: 3.0 GPA

Lucy R ede Franco                                 A ll   Freshm an       M ust be an incom ing freshman w ith a 2.5 G PA or better enrolled
                                                                         full-tim e and Presidio H igh School graduate.

Lutcher Lynn Palmer M emorial                     A ll   U ndergrads     First preference will be given to entering freshman graduating from
                                                                         G randfalls-R oyalty, Ira, or Snyder H igh Schools m ajoring in
                                                                         Elementary Education or M usic. Second preference w ill be given to
                                                                         entering freshman graduating from G randfalls-R oyalty, Ira, or
                                                                         Snyder H igh Schools m ajoring in other academic programs. Thrid
                                                                         preference w ill be given to continuing students from G randfalls-
                                                                         R oyalty, Ira, or Snyder H igh Schools. Fourth preference will be
                                                                         given to other undergraduate students. B eginning freshman must be
                                                                         unconditionally admitted, enrolled full-time. Continuing students
                                                                         must maintain at least a 3.0, enroll full-tim e. N eed based*

M .S. and M eek Lane D oss                        A ll   U ndergrads     Preference will be given to students w ho are graduates of a high
                                                                         school located in W estern Texas, or graduates of a high school
                                                                         located in Southeastern N ew M exico. B eginning freshman must be
                                                                         fully admitted. C ontinuing students must be in good academic and
                                                                         disciplinary standing. N eed Based*

M anuel G . A nd R ebeca V . Soza                 A ll   U ndergrads     M ust be a Presidio H igh School graduate. B eginning freshman:
                                                                         fully admitted. C ontinuing student: 2.5 G PA .

M ary M oll Jennings                      A ll   U ndergrads, Grads    Full-time. M ust have graduated from an accredited public or private
                                                                       high school from w ithin any state in the U.S. and have been a
                                                                       resident of that particular state for a period of not less than five
                                                                       years. Beginning freshman or transfer student w ith (
Southw est Texas G as C orporation                   A ll   U ndergrads, G rads     G raduate of A lpine, B almorhea, Fort D avis, or M arfa H igh School.
                                                                                    N eed Based*

Strauser Seales                                      A ll   U ndergrads             2.8 G PA . Enrolled at least 9 hours. M ust be first generation college
                                                                                    student. N eed Based*

Student D eposit                                     A ll   U ndergrads             2.5 G PA . Texas resident. N eed Based*

Sul R oss State U niversity A lum ni A ssociation    A ll   U ndergrads, G rads     M ust be a descendant or relative, by blood or adoption, of an
                                                                                    alumni of SR SU . Provide dates in w hich the alum ni attended
                                                                                    SR SU . M ust be a full-time student. B eginning freshman must be
                                                                                    unconditionally admitted; continuing undergraduates: 2.5 G PA or
                                                                                    better, continuing graduates: 3.0 G PA or better.

Sul R oss W omen’s O rganization                     A ll   Jrs., Srs.              M ust be full-time with at least a 3.0 G PA . Transfers: must have
                                                                                    completed at least 15 SC H at SR SU . Please apply and upload a
                                                                                    copy of approved degree plan through the scholarship
                                                                                    application portal.

Texas Cow boy Poetry G athering                      A ll   Sophs., Jrs., Srs.      2.5 G PA . U ndergrads/3.0 G PA graduates. Prefer Trans-Pecos area
                                                                                    w orking cow boys, including day w orkers. Please apply and
                                                                                    upload through the scholarship application portal - a w ritten
                                                                                    statement that you are a T rans-Pecos area w orking cow boys,
                                                                                    including day w orkers.

Thomas M . Connor                                    A ll   Jrs., Srs.              2.0 G PA . Texas resident.

Ted & V on D ean Law son M emorial Scholarship              U ndergraduates         N ew students: fully admitted. Returning students: 2.5 G PA . This
                                                            seeking a B achelor’s   scholarship is renew able upon m aintaining a 2.5 G PA . Preference
   This scholarship is made available to Sul R oss   A ll                           w ill go to students from the follow ing counties: A ndrews,
by the PB A Foundation. The Permian B asin A rea                                    B rewster, B orden, C rane, Crockett, D aw son, Ector, G aines,
Foundation is a community foundation that provides                                  Glasscock, Howard, Jeff Davis, Loving, M artin, M idland, Pecos,
other scholarship opportunities. For more                                           Presidio, Reagan, Reeves, Terrell, Upton, Ward, Winkler.
information visit:
   w w w

Tom and Evelyn Linebery M emorial                    A ll   U ndergrads             B eginning freshman must be unconditionally admitted. C ontinuing
                                                                                    students: 2.0 G PA . D emonstrated leadership abilities and evidence
                                                                                    of probable academic success.

Truman & Joanne Spoon A thletic T raining            A ll   U ndergrads, Grads      3.0 G PA . M ust be student or graduate assistant athletic trainer.

W illiam H . Pitt/C harles M allory                  A ll   Jrs., Srs.              3.0 G PA . R eferences and an essay are required.


                                      D EADLINE FOR ALL S CHOLARSHIPS : FEBRUARY 15, 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED

                                                 N EW STUDENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY BY J ANUARY 1, 2021.

                          A w ard amounts and number of recipients vary based on available funds. N ot all scholarships m ay be aw arded.

SC H O L A R SH IP                                      M A JO R       A V A IL A B L E T O    A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

A lpine H igh School Ex-Students                        A ll           U ndergrads             A lpine H igh School graduate w ith evidence of leadership.

A lpine Evening Lion’s C lub                            A ll           U ndergrads             A lpine High School graduate. B eginning freshman must be
                                                                                               unconditionally admitted and enrolled full-time. C ontinuing
                                                                                               students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and
                                                                                               enrolled full-time.

A lpine N oon Lion’s Club                               A ll           Freshm en               A lpine H igh School graduate in the top 50% of the class. C hildren
                                                                                               of members preferred. Please indicate on the application that you
                                                                                               are a child of N oon L ion’s C lub M em ber. M ust be enrolled full

A lpine R otary C lub                                   A ll           U ndergrads             A lpine H igh School graduate. Entering freshmen or transfer
                                                                                               students w ith # 12 SC H must be unconditionally admitted and
                                                                                               ranked in the top 25% of their high school graduating class.
                                                                                               C ontinuing students: 2.75 G PA .

Edith B row n M arsh M emorial                          A ll           U ndergrads             A lpine High School graduate. Freshmen and Transfers must be
                                                                                               fully admitted. C ontinuing students: 2.5 G PA .

Flora L. Daugherty                                      A ll           U ndergrads             Female graduate of A lpine H igh School. HS Seniors must be in
                                                                                               upper 50% of all students w ho take the AC T or SA T tests and have
                                                                                               a 3.0 for entire high school record. C ontinuing students: 3.0 G PA .
                                                                                               N eed Based*

Jill M arie Stice M emorial                             A N RS         U ndergrads             M ust be a Range A nimal Science major. G raduate of A lpine H S.
                                                                                               B eginning freshmen must be fully admitted. C ontinuing students:
                                                                                               2.5 G PA and have received the aw ard in the previous year.

K iw anis Club                                          A ll           U ndergrads             A lpine H igh School graduate. B eginning freshmen or transfer
                                                                                               students w ith # 12 SC H must be unconditionally admitted and
                                                                                               ranked in the top 25% of their high school graduating class.
                                                                                               C ontinuing students: 2.75 G PA . M ust be enrolled full-time.

M . A belardo B aeza                                    A ll           U ndergrads             M ust be graduate of Alpine H igh School. Preference w ill be given
                                                                                               to M exican A merican Studies student. B eginning students: must be
                                                                                               fully admitted to SR SU . C ontinuing students: must be in good
                                                                                               standing and have an overall 3.0 G PA .

Peter G arcia M emorial                                 A ll           U ndergrads             A lpine H igh School graduate. Beginning freshman must be fully
                                                                                               admitted. C ontinuing student: 2.5 G PA .

Pilot C lub of A lpine, Inc.,                           A ll           Jrs., Srs.              3.0 G PA . A lpine H igh School graduate w ith 60 sch, 15 at SR SU .



                                                    New students are encouraged to apply by January 1, 2021

                        A w ard am ounts and num ber of recipients vary based on available funds. N ot all scholarships m ay be aw arded

SC H O L A R SH IP                                      M A JO R      A V A IL A B L E T O    A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

A .J. B ierschwale M emorial                            ANRS          G rads                  B eginning grads must be unconditionally admitted. C ontinuing
                                                                                              grads: 3.0 G PA .

A N R S & R odeo Exes A ssociation A cademic            ANRS          U ndergrads             B eginning students must be unconditionally admitted and must
                                                                                              enroll full-time. C ontinuing students must have a 3.0 G PA and
                                                                                              must enroll full-time. M ust major or minor in an AN RS program.

B arton H . W arnock M emorial N atural R esource       ANRS          U ndergrads             M ust be full-time student. B eginning students must be
M anagement                                                                                   unconditionally admitted. C ontinuing students: 2.5 G PA . Prefer
                                                                                              N atural R esource M anagement w ith R ange M anagement
                                                                                              concentration major from the Trans-Pecos R egion.

B edford & M ildred M cC linton M emorial               ANRS          U ndergrads, G rad      B eginning freshman must be fully admitted. R eturning students: 3.0
                                                                                              G PA .

C harlie & B ea B oyles Equine Science                  ANRS          U ndergrads             2.0 G PA . Prefer Equine Science major.

D .J. Sibley                                            NRM           G rads                  M aster’s level students enrolled/participating in: N atural R esource
                                                                                              M anagement/Borderlands R esearch Institute or G eology/Rio
                                                                                              G rande R esearch C enter.

D onald R andolph Sugarek M emorial                     ANRS          U ndergrads             Entering freshmen and transfers must be unconditionally admitted.
                                                                                              C ontinuing students m us have a 2.5 G PA or better. Preference w ill
                                                                                              be given to qualifying students who also demonstrate unm et
                                                                                              financial need and/or participate in U niversity-recognized
                                                                                              extracurricular activities.

“D ubble E” Turner M emorial                            ANRS          U ndergrads             M ust be enrolled full-time.

G ilbert A . & Laura P. Schmidt A gricultural and       A N RS/       U ndergrads             Freshmen must be fully admitted. C ontinuing students: 2.75. M ust
N atural R esource Sciences                                                                   be enrolled full-time. Preference to graduates of B lanco, K imble or
                                                        NRM                                   G illespie C ounty H igh Schools.

H ouston Livestock Show & R odeo                        ANRS          U ndergrads             3.0 G PA . Texas resident majoring in agriculture.

Jill M arie Stice M emorial                             ANRS          U ndergrads             B eginning freshman must be fully admitted. C ontinuing students:
                                                                                              2.5 G PA . Prefer Equine Science major and Alpine High School

Joe Timmerm an M emorial                                ANRS          U ndergrads, G rads     Entering freshman must be fully admitted. C ontinuing students: 2.5
                                                                                              G PA . G raduate students can only be considered if they graduated
                                                                                              from a high school in R eeves C ounty and have a 3.0 G PA . M ust be
                                                                                              enrolled full-time. Prefer R eeves C ounty High School grad.

K acy B. C rain M emorial                               NRM           Jrs., Srs.              3.0 G PA . M ust be enrolled full-time.

K ing Jr. & B ecky Terry                                NRM           Jrs., Srs.              2.5 G PA . M ust be a R ange M anagement or C onservation B iology
                                                                                              M ajor.

N SD A R C entennial                                    ANRS          U ndergrads             U .S. citizen, active in community service. M ust be enrolled full-
                                                                                              tim e. N eed Based*

N atural R esource M anagement                          ANRS          U ndergrads

R ene V illarreal M emorial         ANRS   U ndergrads         A dmitted unconditionally. M ust have completed at least one
                                                               semester at SR SU and have an overall 3.0 G PA . U .S. citizen,
                                                               declared M eat Science or M eat Technology major one semester at
                                                               SR SU .

R obert P. “Robo” Cross M emorial   ANRS   U ndergrads         M ust be enrolled full-time. B eginning freshman must be
                                                               unconditionally admitted. Continuing students: 3.0 G PA .
                                                               Preference given to students of single-parent families. Need Based*

V irginia M atthew s Law            ANRS   G rads              A dm itted to M .S. R ange and W ildlife M anagement degree
                                                               program. 3.0 G PA . Preference given to U .S. C itizens or permanent
                                                               resident and a resident of Texas, focus on w ildlife of Chihuahuan
                                                               D esert B orderlands region, recipients of B rew ster C ounty.

W est of the Pecos Cattlew omen’s   ANRS   Jrs, Srs., G rads   M ust be enrolled full-time. 3.0 G PA . Prefer female A N R S majors.

Zuzu Verk Memorial                  ANRS   Jrs, Srs.           Natural Resource Management majors with at least a 3.0
                                                               GPA. Preference given to transfer students.


                                      D EADLINE FOR ALL S CHOLARSHIPS : FEBRUARY 15, 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED

                                                     New students are encouraged to apply by January 1, 2021

                         A w ard am ounts and num ber of recipients vary based on available funds. N ot all scholarships m ay be aw arded

SC H O L A R SH IP                                   M A JO R          A V A IL A B L E T O    A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

G eorge J. M erriman, III M emorial                  A rts &           U ndergrads             B eginning freshmen must be unconditionally admitted and
                                                     Sciences                                  graduated in the top 25% of their high school class. C ontinuing
                                                                                               students: 3.0 G PA . Prefer English and H istory majors. Enroll full-
                                                                                               tim e, preferably 15 hours. N eed Based*

H enry B ertrand, Jr., M emorial                     Eng/Theat/        Sophs., Jrs., Srs.      3.0 GPA

                                                     C om m/Pol Sci

M r. & M rs. O tis Scales and M r. & M rs. Shirley   A ll              U ndergrads             Freshmen and transfer students must be fully admitted. C ontinuing
Scales                                                                                         students: 2.5 G PA . Preference will be given to full-time student
                                                                                               majoring in English and/or M usic.

R obert P. A macker M emorial                        G eology,         Sophs., Jrs, Srs.       3.0 G PA . G eology, C hem istry, or M athem atics M ajor or M inor.
                                                     C hemistry,
                                                     M athematics


                                      D EADLINE FOR ALL S CHOLARSHIPS : FEBRUARY 15, 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED

                                                     New Students are encouraged to apply by January 1, 2021

                         A w ard am ounts and num ber of recipients vary based on available funds. N ot all scholarships m ay be aw arded

SC H O L A R SH IP                                   M A JO R          A V A IL A B L E T O    A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

C lifford B . C asey                                 H istory          U ndergrads, G rads     U ndergrads - 3.0 G PA . G rads - M ust have a satisfactory score on
                                                                                               the G R E, a G PA of 3.0 in the last 60 hours of course w ork in their
                                                                                               undergraduate degree program , and a G PA of 3.0 in prior history
                                                                                               course work.

Ernest C . Shearer M emorial                         H istory          U ndergrads             M ust show promise as a history student. M ust have com pleted at
                                                                                               least one semester at SR SU .


                                        D EADLINE FOR ALL S CHOLARSHIPS : FEBRUARY 15, 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED

                                                      New Students are encouraged to apply by January 1, 2021

                            A w ard am ounts and num ber of recipients vary based on available funds. N ot all scholarships m ay be aw arded

SC H O L A R SH IP                                     M A JO R           A V A IL A B L E T O    A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

B arton H . W arnock M emorial                         B iology           U ndergrads, Grads      M ust be enrolled full-time. Entering freshmen must be ranked in
                                                                                                  the top 50% of their graduating class and have a 20 A C T/920 SA T.
                                                                                                  C ontinuing students: 3.0 G PA . G rad students: must have been
                                                                                                  fully admitted or have scored at least 850 on G R E (verbal and
                                                                                                  quantitative); must have a m inimum cumulative G PA of 3.0 on last
                                                                                                  6 hours of undergrad work.

B iology Excellence Fund                               B iology           U ndergrads

D ow & R oberta Puckett                                B iology           Jrs., Srs.              3.5 G PA .

D r. A . M ichael Pow ell                              B iology           G rads                  3.5 G PA . W orking on a thesis in plant studies, focusing on plants
                                                                                                  of the Trans-Pecos R egion.

James F. C hadw ick Jr.                                B iology           U ndergrads, G rads     3.0 G PA enrolled in at least 12 hours.

M adden and G ladys R ead M emorial                    B iology           G rads                  M ust be full-time grad w orking tow ard a M aster of Science in
                                                                                                  B iology. Preference w ill be given to applicants w hose primary
                                                                                                  emphasis of study is B otany. Beginning grads must be fully
                                                                                                  admitted. C ontinuing: 3.0 G PA . N eed Based*


                                        D EADLINE FOR ALL S CHOLARSHIPS : FEBRUARY 15, 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED

                                                      New students are encouraged to apply by January 1, 2021

                            A w ard am ounts and num ber of recipients vary based on available funds. N ot all scholarships m ay be aw arded

SC H O L A R SH IP                                     M A JO R           A V A IL A B L E T O    A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

B usiness A dministration Endow ment                   B usiness          U ndergrads, G rads

Jason W esley M organ M emorial                        B usiness          Jrs., Srs.              Prefer A lpine High School grad.

R .E. “D ick” M orrow and B ill M oss M emorial        B usiness          U ndergrads             2.5 G PA . Prefer children of employees of V alley D istributors and
                                                       A dministration                            Permian D istributors and must be a graduate of a H igh School in
                                                                                                  B rewster, Jeff Davis, Loving, Pecos, Presidio, R eagan, R eeves,
                                                                                                  Terrell, U pton, W ard, or W inkler C ounty. Please apply and
                                                                                                  subm it a w ritten statem ent that you are a child of an em ployee
                                                                                                  of V alley Distributors or Perm ian Distributors through the
                                                                                                  scholarship application portal. M ust be enrolled full-time.
                                                                                                  B eginning freshmen must be unconditionally admitted. C ontinuing
                                                                                                  students: 2.5 G PA .

W est Texas N ational B ank B usiness                  B usiness          U ndergrads             Full-time resident student. New students (> 12 hrs):
A dministration                                        A dministration                            unconditionally admitted, 20 A C T/1020 SA T. C ontinuing
                                                                                                  students: 3.0 G PA .



                                                   New students are encouraged to apply by January 1, 2021

                        A w ard am ounts and num ber of recipients vary based on available funds. N ot all scholarships m ay be aw arded

SC H O L A R SH IP                                 M A JO R           A V A IL A B L E T O    A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

C om puter Science D evelopment                    C om puter         U ndergrads             B eginning freshmen must have a 23 A C T or 1000 SA T.
                                                   Science                                    C ontinuing students must have a 3.0 G PA .

G ary W . M easures M emorial C om puter Science   C om puter         Jrs., Srs.              O verall 3.0 G PA and a 3.0 G PA in C omputer Science major or
                                                   Science                                    minor.

M ary L. B ryan M athem atics                      M ath              U ndergrads             M ust be a M ath major or minor, must have completed nine or more
                                                                                              hours of mathematics including U niversity A lgebra, Trigonometry,
                                                                                              and Introductory C alculus and have a 3.1459 overall G PA and 3.3
                                                                                              in M athematics.

M athematics Excellence                            M ath              U ndergrads             3.0 G PA . M ust be enrolled in or have prior credit for a course at or
                                                                                              above the level of M ath 1315, 1316, or 1310. M ath or computer
                                                                                              science major. 500 w ord essay required. Please apply and
                                                                                              subm it the essay through the scholarship application portal.

                                     CRIMINAL JUSTICE DEPARTMENT SCHOLARSHIPS


                                                   New students are encouraged to apply by January 2, 2021

                        A w ard am ounts and num ber of recipients vary based on available funds. N ot all scholarships m ay be aw arded

SC H O L A R SH IP                                 M A JO R           A V A IL A B L E T O    A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

C apt. James B. G illett M emorial                 C riminal          Jr. Sr.                 3.0 G PA . N o criminal convictions w hich w ould disqualify
                                                   Justice                                    applicant from employment I law enforcement. M ust have high
                                                                                              moral character and citizenship. Sincere interest in law
                                                                                              enforcement. 500 w ord essay discussing your future goals in law
                                                                                              enforcem ent and describe your m oral character and citizenship
                                                                                              and three letters of recomm endation required. Please apply and
                                                                                              subm it through the scholarship application portal.

Law Enforcement A ssociation                       C riminal          U ndergrads             2.5 G PA . M ust be enrolled full-time. M ust not be receiving or have
                                                   Justice                                    received in the prior academic year any other scholarship from the
                                                                                              C riminal Justice D epartment at SR SU .


                                        D EADLINE FOR ALL S CHOLARSHIPS : FEBRUARY 15, 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED

                                                    New Students are encouraged to apply by January 1, 2021

                         A w ard am ounts and num ber of recipients vary based on available funds. N ot all scholarships m ay be aw arded

SC H O L A R SH IP                                   M A JO R           A V A IL A B L E T O   A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

Environmental Science D evelopment                   Environmental      U ndergrads            B eginning freshmen must have graduated in the top 50% of their
                                                                                               class and have a 20 A C T/920 SA T. C ontinuing students must have
                                                     Science                                   a 3.0 G PA . N eed Based*

B ill & Elizabeth W inter G eology                   Environmental      U ndergrads, G rads    M ust be a graduate geology major or an undergraduate geology or
                                                     Science/                                  environmental science major or minor. U ndergrad: 3.0 G PA w ith a
                                                     G eology                                  3.0 G eology GPA . G rad: must have a satisfactory score on the
                                                                                               G R E, a GPA of 3.0 in last 60 hours of undergrad course work, and
                                                                                               a 3.0 G PA in prior geology course work.

D avid M . Rohr G eology                             G eology           U ndergrads, Grads     M ust be a member of the SR SU G eological Society. Preference w ill
                                                                                               be given to majors and minors in G eology. M ust have an overall
                                                                                               G PA of 3.0 w ith a G eology G PA of 3.0. M ust have com pleted at
                                                                                               least 11 hours of geology.

James F. C hadw ick Jr. B iology                     B iology           U ndergrads, G rads    O verall 3.0 G PA and 12 hour enrollm ent required.

James G . H ouston C hemistry                        C hemistry         Jrs., Srs.             3.0 G PA .

Joseph B . D ishron G eology                         G eology           Soph., Jrs., Srs.,     For undergrads: M ust have com pleted 11 hours or more of geology.
                                                                        G rads
                                                                                               O verall 3.0 G PA / 3.0 G PA in geology

                                                                                               For grads: M ust have completed at least 9 grad-level credits.

                                                                                               C umulative 3.0 G PA as undergraduate. 3.5 G PA as grad.

W .N . M cA nulty G eology M erit                    G eology           U ndergrads, G rads    M ust have com pleted 8 hours of geology study.

                                             EDUCATION DEPARTMENT SCHOLARSHIPS

                                        D EADLINE FOR ALL S CHOLARSHIPS : FEBRUARY 15, 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED

                                                    New students are encouraged to apply by January 1, 2021

                         A w ard am ounts and num ber of recipients vary based on available funds. N ot all scholarships m ay be aw arded

SC H O L A R SH IP                                   M A JO R          A V A IL A B L E T O    A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

A lonzo G . V asquez and M ary U rias                Education         Jrs., Srs. , G rad      U ndergrad: 2.5 G PA . M ust be seeking Teacher C ertification.
                                                                                               G rad: M ust be seeking a M aster’s degree in Education.

D r. B arbara N. Stone                               Education         Jrs. Srs.               2.0 G PA . Full-time enrollment

Elisabeth Prude Longbotham                           Education         Srs.                    G raduate of H igh School in W est Texas. 3.5 G PA .

G raham /A ldridge C ounselor Education              Education         G rads                  G uidance and counseling majors.

James “A ce” A mos M emorial                         Education         U ndergrads             Enrolled full-time resident seeking a B accalaureate degree w ith
                                                                                               elementary, secondary, or all level teacher certification. B eginning
                                                                                               freshman must be unconditionally admitted. C ontinuing students:
                                                                                               3.0 G PA . Jrs. & Srs. must be admitted to the Teacher Education to
                                                                                               receive the aw ard.

John D . & Elizabeth M oorman Palmer                 Education          U ndergrads,              Undergraduates: fully admitted to the Teacher Education Program.
                                                                                                  G raduates: Enrolled in a program leading to teacher certification,
                                                                        G rads                    endorsement, or m aster’s degree.

                                                                                                  U ndergrads: 2.75 G PA . G rads: 3.0 G PA .

Lydia D ittmar R aw lings Carpenter M emorial        Education          U ndergrads               M ust be a declared Interdisciplinary Studies major seeking teacher
                                                                                                  certification. Preference will be given to graduates of any Texas
                                                                                                  H igh School. Entering freshman must be unconditionally admitted.
                                                                                                  Sophomores: 2.5 G PA during the freshman year and be in good
                                                                                                  disciplinary standing to be eligible for the aw ard in the Sophomore
                                                                                                  year. Jrs. & Srs. must be fully admitted to the Teacher Education
                                                                                                  Program and have at least a 2.5 G PA .

M ary Evelyn H ighsmith M emorial                    Education          G rad                     B achelor’s degree w ith teacher certification, actively engaged in
                                                                                                  teaching. M ust take at least 6 hours.

M ary Loeffler M emorial                             Education           U ndergrads, G rads      A dmitted into Special Education C ertification Program. M ust be
                                                                                                  enrolled full-time. M ay be renew ed if student maintains a minimum
                                                                                                  cumulative G PA of 3.5

M athew Todd C oleman M emorial                      Education          U ndergrads, Grads        Fully admitted to the Teacher Education Program. Preference w ill
                                                                                                  be given to graduate students w ho are Special Education M ajors.

M cEachern                                           Education          U ndergrads,              Entering freshmen must be unconditionally admitted and maintain
                                                                                                  2.0 G PA during their Freshman year to be eligible for Sophomore
                                                                                                  year. M aintain a 3.0 G PA after Freshman year to maintain aw ard.
                                                                                                  A dmitted to the Teacher Education Program to receive aw ard for
                                                                                                  junior and senior years. M ust be seeking a Baccalaureate degree,
                                                                                                  w ith elementary, secondary, or all level teacher certification. N eed

Patsy H . W ebb Teacher Education                    Elementary         Srs.                      3.0 G PA . M eet all requirements for teacher education.

R ichard & B ernadine Gibson                         Education          U ndergrads               Entering freshmen must be unconditionally admitted. C ontinuing
                                                                                                  students: 3.0 G PA . First preference w ill be given to graduates of a
                                                                                                  R eeves, A ndrew s or M artin C ounty high schools or w hose legal
                                                                                                  residence is within R eeves, A ndrew s or M artin C ounty.

V ally Johnson/M etha Sprinkle Education             Elementary         Srs.                      M eet all requirements for teacher education.


                                      D EADLINE FOR ALL S CHOLARSHIPS : FEBRUARY 15, 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED

                                                    New students are encouraged to apply by January 1, 2021.

                          A w ard am ounts and num ber of recipients vary based on available funds. N ot all scholarships m ay be aw arded

SC H O L A R SH IP                                   M A JO R              A V A IL A B L E T O    A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

A lpine G allery N ight                              A rt                  U ndergrads              B eginning students must be fully admitted. C ontinuing students:
                                                                                                   2.5 G PA . M ust be enrolled full-time.

C ara A nn H orton M emorial                         A rt                  Sophs., Jrs., Srs.      2.5 G PA .

D an Blocker-Freda G ibson Pow ell                   Theatre               U ndergrads, G rads

D orothy H aines M usic                              M usic                U ndergrads             3.0 GPA

Elizabeth K eefer Boatright Art                      A rt                  U ndergrads, Grads      2.75 G PA (3.0 G PA in A rt).

Laura A. Eaves                                        A rt                 U ndergrads, G rads

M ary E. Thain M em orial A rt Endow ment             A rt                 U ndergrads, Grads     2.5 G PA (3.0 G PA in A rt).

M ary Jane M icou W ade & C harles E. W ade           M usic               U ndergrads            Entering freshmen must be unconditionally admitted. C ontinuing
                                                                                                  students: 3.0 G PA . M ust participate in SR SU B and program.
                                                                                                  Preference given to student seeking teacher certification w ith
                                                                                                  music m ajor or minor.

Paul & Teeby Forchheimer C ommunication               C ommunication       U ndergrads

R ichard D . B ryan M emorial                         M usic               U ndergrads            Entering freshmen must be unconditionally admitted. Preference
                                                                                                  given to applicants seeking all-level or secondary level teacher
                                                                                                  certification w ith m usic major or minor. A dditional preference
                                                                                                  given to students w hose principal area of study is B and. N eed

Sarah M iltia Hill M emorial                          A rt                 Sophs., Jrs., Srs.     3.0 G PA . Prefer A rt majors seeking teacher certification.


                                       D EADLINE FOR ALL S CHOLARSHIPS : FEBRUARY 15, 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED

                                                     New students are encouraged to apply by January 1, 2021.

                           A w ard am ounts and num ber of recipients vary based on available funds. N ot all scholarships m ay be aw arded

SC H O L A R SH IP                                    M A JO R            A V A IL A B L E T O   A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

Eddie Sandoval                                        Industrial          U ndergrads            3.0 GPA

Jack C raw ford M emorial                             Industrial          U ndergrads            2.5 G PA .

K aren Lyn G raham M emorial                          Industrial          Sophs., Jrs., Srs.     M ust show leadership qualities and/or potential in Industrial A rts.
                                                      Technology                                 M ust have completed tw o full semesters at SR SU . M ust be
                                                                                                 recom mended by at least an average student in Industrial A rts.

Loyd O den M emorial                                  Industrial          U ndergrads            Entering freshman: must have graduated in the upper 25% of their
                                                      Technology                                 high school class and be unconditionally admitted. C ontinuing
                                                                                                 student: 2.5 G PA . A pplicant must be of general good character and
                                                                                                 citizenship, having consideration for and helpfulness to others, and
                                                                                                 above all, a credit to the memory of Loyd O den and to SR SU .
                                                                                                 A pplicant must exhibit a genuine interest in the field of industrial
                                                                                                 technology, A pplicant must be recommended by his/her high
                                                                                                 school Industrial Technology teacher(s), Agriculture teacher(s),
                                                                                                 C oach, Principal, Superintendent, and/or SR SU Professors(s).

M r. & M rs. Jim C auble                              Industrial          U ndergrads            M ust be a U . S. citizen. N eed Based*

V ictor J. Sm ith M emorial                           Industrial          Jrs., Srs.             M ust show evidence of interest in IT and teaching. N eed Based*

W .C . “B ill” Leavitt                                Industrial          U ndergrads


                                      D EADLINE FOR ALL S CHOLARSHIPS : FEBRUARY 15, 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED

                                                   New students are encouraged to apply by January 1, 2021.

                         A w ard am ounts and num ber of recipients vary based on available funds. N ot all scholarships m ay be aw arded

SC H O L A R SH IP                                  M A JO R            A V A IL A B L E T O    A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

Ellie A ileen M cK inney and G eorgia G antt        English             U ndergrads             Preference w ill be given to students in Education as w ell.
W inn                                                                                           B eginning freshman: must have been fully admitted. R eturning
                                                                                                student: 3.0 G PA .

Elton R . & Lillian N . M iles                      English             U ndergrads             B eginning freshman: fully admitted. C ontinuing students: 3.0
                                                                                                G PA . Preference will be given to direct blood relations of Elton
                                                                                                R . A nd Lillian N . M iles. It shall be the responsibility of the
                                                                                                applicant to provide proof of the direct blood relationship to
                                                                                                E lton R . and L illian N . M iles. Please apply and subm it proof
                                                                                                through the scholarship application portal.

G eorgia G antt W inn & C laude C oleman            English             U ndergrads             3.0 G PA /3.0 G PA in English courses.
M emorial

Ira Blanton Folklore                                English             U ndergrads, G rads     B eginning students must be unconditionally admitted. C ontinuing
                                                                                                students must maintain overall G PA of 3.0 and a 3.0 in English

K athryn W alker-C layton W illiams, Sr.,           English             U ndergrads, G rads     3.0 G PA .
M emorial

Stather Elliott Thom as Excellence                  Spanish             U ndergrads             2.5 G PA /3.0 G PA in Spanish courses. N eed Based*


                                      D EADLINE FOR ALL S CHOLARSHIPS : FEBRUARY 15, 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED

                                                   New students are encouraged to apply by January 1, 2021.

                         A w ard am ounts and num ber of recipients vary based on available funds. N ot all scholarships m ay be aw arded

SC H O L A R SH IP                                  M A JO R            A V A IL A B L E T O    A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

D an B ustamante M emorial                          K inesiology        U ndergrads, Grads      M ust be a graduating senior from A lpine, Big Spring, Alice, Eagle
                                                                                                Pass, La Pryor, or U valde. 2.5 G PA .

D avid Sanchez M emorial                            K inesiology        U ndergrads, G rads     3.0 G PA .

Estevan M artinez M emorial                         K inesiology        U ndergrads             M ust be graduates of Fort D avis, M arfa, Stanton, or V alentine
                                                                                                H igh School. M ust be a full time student w ith a major in
                                                                                                K inesiology and Sports Science and/or pursuing teaching
                                                                                                certification at the elementary or secondary level. 2.5 G PA .

J. Pat Evans                                        K inesiology        Sophs, Jrs., Srs.       M ust be unconditionally admitted to the university and have at
                                                                                                least a 3.0 cumulative G PA . Preference shall be given to
                                                                                                applicants pursuing an A thletic training career.

James Cleveland and James Victor Oatman             K inesiology        Sophs, Jrs., Srs.       3.0 G PA . N eed Based*
M emorial

Joe Don Looney M emorial                            K inesiology        U ndergrads, G rads     3.0 G PA . M ust be a U .S. citizen.

W .H . Perrym an Physical Education                 K inesiology        U ndergrads, G rads     3.0 G PA . M ust be active in departmental activities.


                                        D EADLINE FOR ALL S CHOLARSHIPS : FEBRUARY 15, 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED

                                                    New students are encouraged to apply by January 1, 2021.

                        A w ard am ounts and num ber of recipients vary based on available funds. N ot all scholarships m ay be aw arded

SC H O L A R SH IP                                   M A JO R          A V A IL A B L E T O    A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

B enedict-D ow ell M emorial                         Pre-Law           U ndergrads, G rads     3.0 G PA for continuing students; 24 A C T/1040 SA T for
                                                                                               freshmen. M ust be active in the Pre-Law A ssoc. Prefer students
                                                                                               w ho have completed the majority of their w ork at SR SU .

                                                           PRE-MED SCHOLARSHIPS

                                        D EADLINE FOR ALL S CHOLARSHIPS : FEBRUARY 15, 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED

                                                    New students are encouraged to apply by January 1, 2021.

                        A w ard am ounts and num ber of recipients vary based on available funds. N ot all scholarships m ay be aw arded

SC H O L A R SH IP                                   M A JO R          A V A IL A B L E T O    A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

D r. M alone H ill M emorial M edical                Pre-M edical      Jrs., Srs.              3.0 G PA . M ust be a pre-medical student as certified by the pre-
                                                                                               med advisor.


                                        D EADLINE FOR ALL S CHOLARSHIPS : FEBRUARY 15, 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED

                                                    New students are encouraged to apply by January 1, 2021.

                        A w ard am ounts and num ber of recipients vary based on available funds. N ot all scholarships m ay be aw arded

SC H O L A R SH IP                                   M A JO R          A V A IL A B L E T O    A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

Edith R ichardson, R .N .                            V ocational       U ndergrads             B eginning freshman and transfer students m ust be unconditionally
                                                     N ursing                                  admitted. C ontinuing students: 3.0 G PA . Preference to graduates
                                                                                               of A lpine, M arfa, and Ft. Davis H igh Schools.

K eith & Janette M orrow M emorial N ursing          V ocational       U ndergrads             M ust be a resident of B rew ster, Presidio, or Jeff D avis C ounties in
                                                     N ursing                                  Texas. Recipients w ill be expected to serve in the Tri-C ounty
                                                                                               A rea in the nursing profession for a period of at least three years
                                                                                               upon completion of their nursing program. B eginning freshmen
                                                                                               must be unconditionally admitted. R eturning students: 3.0 G PA .

Pilot C lub Scholarship for LV N Student             V ocational       U ndergrads             M ust be in good academic and disciplinary standing. N eed
                                                     N ursing                                  Based*

R oxana H olland Donnell M emorial N ursing          V ocational       U ndergrads             G ood academic and disciplinary standing.
Excellence                                           N ursing

R udy F. R odriguez                                  N ursing          Jrs. Srs.               M ust be fully admitted to the SRSU N ursing program. M ust have
                                                                                               at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA . Preference will be given to A lpine
                                                                                               and D el R io residents. Please apply and submit through the
                                                                                               scholarship application portal - 200 w ord essay discussing the
                                                                                               applicant’s future plans in the nursing profession. R enew al is
                                                                                               contingent on maintaining the required GPA and full-time
                                                                                               enrollm ent.

                                               RODEO PERFORMANCE SCHOLARSHIPS
A separate application is required for the following scholarships and can be obtained by contacting the School of Agricultural and Natural
Resource Sciences, Sul Ross State University, Box C-110, Alpine, TX 79832, Phone (432) 837-8200 or Fax (432) 837-8409. All recipients
                                                must participate in the SRSU Rodeo Program.

                                          The deadline for Rodeo Performance Scholarships is August 15, 2021.

SC H O L A R SH IP                                    M A JO R     A V A IL A B L E T O   A D D IT IO N A L R E Q U IR E M E N T S

A N R S & R odeo Exes A ssociation                    ANRS         U ndergrads, G rads    2.0 G PA . M ust be N IR A eligible.

B .L. Pruitt M emorial                                A LL         U ndergrads, G rads    2.0 G PA . M ust be N IR A eligible.

B ob & D enise Stew art                               A LL         U ndergrads, G rads    2.0 G PA . M ust be N IR A eligible.

B rad & V icki C arter                                A LL         U ndergrads, G rads    2.0 G PA . M ust be N IR A eligible.

C hase Q uine M emorial B ull R ider Scholarship      A LL         U ndergrads, G rads    2.0 G PA . M ust be N IRA eligible and enrolled in at least 12 hours.
                                                                                          M ust be a B ull Rider contestant.

Evelyn B ruce K ingsbery R odeo                       A LL         Jrs., Srs.             Participate in SR SU R odeo program. C urrent/in-com ing rodeo
                                                                                          team, M ust be N IR A eligible

H ank Finger R A S Exes                               A LL         U ndergrads            2.0 G PA . M ust be N IR A eligible.

H ood & M yrtle M endel                               RAS          U ndergrads            2.5 G PA . M ust be a Texas resident with an agriculture
                                                                                          background. M ust be N IR A eligible. Preference given to
                                                                                          graduates of high schools in Pecos County, Texas.

Jess Evans M emorial                                  A LL         U ndergrads            2.0 G PA . M ust be N IR A eligible.

Jo G regory K nox R A S Exes                          A LL         U ndergrads            2.0 G PA . M ust be N IR A eligible. Preference w ill be given to
                                                                                          female rodeo participants. N eed Based*

J.W . “B ub” Evans M emorial R odeo                   RAS          U ndergrads, G rads    2.0 G PA . M ust be N IR A eligible.

N eville H aynes M emorial R odeo                     A LL         U ndergrads            M ust be N IR A eligible.

Shelley C oldew ey M emorial                          RAS          U ndergrads            2.0 G PA . M ust be N IR A eligible.

R odeo Team Excellence                                A LL         U ndergrads, G rads    M ust be fully admitted. M ust be current or incoming member of
                                                                                          SR SU R odeo Team. M ust be N IR A eligible.

R odeo Team Scholarship                               A LL         U ndergrads, G rads    M ust be fully admitted. M ust be current or incoming member of
                                                                                          SR SU R odeo Team. M ust be N IR A eligible.

SR SU B ig B end R anch R odeo                        A ll         U ndergrads, G rads    2.0 G PA . M ust be N IR A eligible.

SR SU R odeo C lub/Chili Appreciation Society         A LL         U ndergrads            2.0 GPA . M ust be N IRA eligible. M ust participate in SRSU
International                                                                             Rodeo Program.

Tim G rubbs M emorial                                 RAS          U ndergrads            2.0 G PA . M ust be N IR A eligible.

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