Summer Camp Brochure - Granite Falls Swim & Athletic Club

Page created by Mathew Mendez
Summer Camp Brochure - Granite Falls Swim & Athletic Club
Summer Camp Brochure

Summer Camp Brochure - Granite Falls Swim & Athletic Club
2021 Summer Camp Themes
      Session 1: May 24-28                Hawaiian Hullabaloo
      Welcome to the first week of summer camp! We are excited to kick off the summer with some Hawaiian fun! We
      are saying Aloha to Summer 2021!

      Session 2: June 1-4                 Shipwreck Island
      *4 day week discounted price
      We have shipwrecked at Granite Falls Island! It’s up to the campers to survive while exploring all of the cool
      things that can be found on an unexplored island.

      Session 3: June 7-11                Bigfoot Hunters
      Gone Squatchin’! Join us for a Bigfoot adventure at Granite Falls.

       Session 4: June 14-18              Color Wars
      Join us as we split into several colorful camp huddles and compete against each other in a variety of wacky, fun,
      zany challenges all week long to see which huddle will take the title of Summer Camp Color Wars Champions!

       Session 5: June 21-25              Half-Christmas
       Break out those ugly Christmas sweaters, bring out your Christmas cheer. Half-Christmas is here, Half-Christmas
       takes place on June 25, the six month (or halfway point) marker before Christmas on December 25.

       Session 6: June 28-July 2          All-American
       We’ll be celebrating Independence Day with banners, flags and patriotic games. We will explore what makes this
       great country great and create all things RED, WHITE & BLUE!

       Session 7: July 5-9                Hollywood Stars
       The stage is set! Campers’ imaginations come alive as we create music videos/movies. Join us Friday after lunch for
       the red carpet premiere of our videos
       Session 8: July 12-16              Nickelodeon
       Time to get SLIMED! We will have fun with Nick’s best of all time TV shows. Blow bubbles with SpongeBob,
       help Jimmy at the science fair, survive the Hidden Temple, and of course get Double Dared in the craziest team
       activities to end the week.
       Session 9: July 19-23              Wild Wild West
        Yeeee Haaaaa! There’s GOLD in them there hills! This great week theme will be one of your summer favorites.

        Session 10: July 26-30            Shark Week
        SHHHHAAAAARRRRRKKKK!! Camp will be filled with all things sharks and we’re going to need a bigger
        boat! Join us in camp this week for 5 days of shark-centric activities!

        Session 11: August 2-6            Disney Adventures
        Winter? Let it go! It’s time to wake up your Sleeping Beauty and get your Beasts out of hibernation. Calling
        all Disney Fans! Dress as your favorite Disney character as we celebrate the magic of Disney.

        Session 12: August 9-13           The Land Before Time
        Welcome... To Jurassic Park.

        Session 13: August 16-20 Space is the Place
        Forget scientists. The next space launch we are sending our Granite Falls Campers into space for a week
        filled with exciting extraterrestrial activities.

Summer Camp Brochure - Granite Falls Swim & Athletic Club
General Camp Information
Welcome to the camps at Granite Falls Swim and Athletic
Club! Granite Falls offers a wide variety of engaging youth            Registration and Discounts
programs. Summer / track out camps, childcare while you
work out, Parents Night Out and lots more. Our carefully                       15% off – Register for 2 or more sessions
chosen, highly trained staff strive to provide children with                    between March 1st-7th
safe, fun-filled, age appropriate experiences that contribute to               10% off – Register for 1 session between March
their overall social, emotional and physical growth and well-                   1st-7th
                                                                               5% off – Register for summer camp between
GF4 is short for Granite Falls Fitness, Fun and Friends, and                    March 8th-31st
just like the name suggests, our half-day and full-day summer
camp sessions will be fitness focused. Each week campers               These discounts cannot be combined with any other discounts,
will enjoy fitness activities, special KidFit classes, and             including, but not limited to, employee discounts and first week
education with friends – all centered around a fun theme.              of registration discounts.
Every day will include swim lessons and recreational swim
time as well! GF4 half-day and full-day summer camps are               Cancellations and Refunds
for members and non-members ages 4 – 11. However, four
year olds may only attend the half-day camps.
                                                                       A written notice of cancellation must be made 2 weeks
                                                                       before the start of each session to receive a refund. $25
Camp Fees                                                              dollars of each registration fee is non-refundable. Program
                                                                       fees will not be refunded for missed days or non-attendance,
Member Full Day: $205.00 (per week)                                    and make-up days/sessions will be offered at the discretion of
Member Half Day: $140.00 (per week)                                    the Youth Programs Director and only if space is available.

Non-Member Full Day: $232.00 (per week)
Non-Member Half Day: $170.00 (per week)
                                                                       Additional Information
                                                                       Unless otherwise indicated, our GF4 Summer Camp sessions
                                                                       operate on the designated weeks Monday through Friday for a
Payment and Registration Options                                       full day from 8:45 AM to 4:15 PM. Daily spaces may be
                                                                       available if all spots are not reserved. Call the Youth
Payment is due in full at the time of registration.                    Programs Director the Friday before each week to inquire
                                                                       about availability of daily spaces. NO DROP IN IS
                                                                       ALLOWED. ALL CAMPERS MUST BE PRE-
Online: Payments made be made with a credit/debit card.
                                                                       REGISTERED. A minimum of 6 children is required for each
In-person/Phone: Payments may be made with cash or                     A before care option is available for drop off as early as
credit/debit card.                                                     7:30am as well as an after care option, allowing pick-up as
                                                                       late as 6:00pm. This option is available at no additional
               ***Registration for 2021                                charge to members who currently participate in the KidZone
           Summer Camp opens March 1st!!***                            draft, and to non-members for an additional $12.50 per child
                                                                       per session per option for a total of $25 for an entire session
                                                                       for both before and after care. Per day before or after care
                                                                       options are available to members and non-members as well at
                                                                       a cost of $5 per day.

Summer Camp Brochure - Granite Falls Swim & Athletic Club
Camp Policies
General Waivers/Permissions:
                                                                        5. Personal Property - I understand that GFSAC is not
1. Participation - I permit my child to participate in all track        responsible for any personal items lost or stolen at our
out camp activities Granite Falls Swim and Athletic Club                programs.
(hereafter referred to as GFSAC) conducts both within and               Medical Treatment Policies:
outside the boundaries of GFSAC property.                               6. Accident Insurance – Participants are responsible for their
2. Field Trips – I permit my child to leave GFSAC on                    own accident insurance when using GFSAC and when
authorized trips under the supervision of the GFSAC staff. I            participating in GFSAC programs off-site.
may review a written schedule of activities to be conducted off         7. Medication – GFSAC employees do not administer any
the GFSAC premises.                                                     medication. Do not send medications with your child. The
3. Photography – I give GFSAC and its employees and                     one exception to this is epipen injections required for allergies.
agents permission to use for any lawful purpose my and/or my            When special circumstances exist, personnel from GFSAC
child’s likeness, image, voice and/or appearance as such may            will be available to meet
be embodied in any pictures, drawings, renderings,                      with the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the child in question and
photographs, video recordings, audiotapes, digital images or            strive to develop through dialogue a mutually acceptable
the like, with the understanding that GFSAC will not publish            alternative way to make sure the medication requirements of
my child’s name.                                                        the child are met.
      I agree that GFSAC has complete ownership of such                8. Blood Borne Pathogen Exposure – I understand that, while
          pictures, etc., including but not limited to                  my child is in the care of GFSAC, if a child is exposed to a
          illustrations, bulletins, exhibitions, videotapes,            body fluid on broken skin or mucous membrane (e.g.
          reprints, reproductions, publications, advertisements         splashing in mouth or eye) from another child, GFSAC will
          and any promotional or educational materials in any           contact the parents of both children. They will explain what
          medium now known or later developed, including but            has occurred, and provide the name of the attending physician
          not limited to the internet, television, newspapers,          of the source child to parents of the exposed child. If a staff
          magazines, social media sites (e.g., Instagram,               member has a blood or body fluid exposure from a child,
          Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, etc.), and/or GFSAC                GFSAC will provide the name and telephone number of the
          audio, print or internet publications.                        child’s attending physician to the staff member.
      I also agree that GFSAC has permission to release                      I have read and agree with the statement and
          such pictures, etc. to the news media. I acknowledge                    specifically authorize GFSAC to release the name
          that I will not receive any compensation or                             and telephone number of my child’s physician and a
          remuneration for the use of such pictures, etc. I                       description of the event to the parent or guardian of
          understand that once such pictures, etc. are published                  any child who is exposed to blood or body fluid or to
          to the media or on the internet, or are otherwise                       any staff member who experiences such an exposure
          published, they may be used in publications and/or on                   from my child.
          websites outside of GFSAC control.                            9. Emergencies – In the event of an emergency in which the
                                                                        parent/guardian or listed emergency contacts cannot be
                                                                        reached, GFSAC will contact emergency medical personnel
4. Assumption of Risk – I understand that GFSAC youth                   and, pending their arrival, take those actions that are in
programs activities have inherent risks, and I hereby assume            GFSAC’s judgment to be in the best interests of the child.
all risks and hazards incident to my participation/my child’s
participation in all GFSAC activities. I further waive, release,
absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless GFSAC and its
employees, organizers, volunteers, supervisors, officers,
directors, participants, coaches and referees, as well as all
persons or parents transporting participants to and from
activities, from any legal claims, liabilities, damages and costs
for any physical injury or damage to my personal property
sustained during my use of GFSAC property and/or my
participation/my child’s participation in any GFSAC activities.

Summer Camp Brochure - Granite Falls Swim & Athletic Club
Camp Policies cont.
Youth Programs Behavior Expectations and Discipline                     Behaviors which may result in immediate suspension or
Policies:                                                               dismissal include, but are not limited to:

It is important that our staff maintain good order and                      1. Any action that could threaten or pose a direct threat to
discipline in youth programs. In the programs we offer to                   the physical/emotional safety of the child, other children
children, we strive to create a positive atmosphere for learning            or staff. Prohibited conduct may include, but is not
and developing social skills. GFSAC staff will make every                   limited to, abusive jokes, insults, slurs, threats, name
effort to help children understand clear definitions of                     calling, bullying or intimidation.
acceptable and unacceptable behavior.                                       2. Fighting
                                                                            3. Possession of a weapon of any kind
A child’s behavior is expected to be consistent with the                    4. Vandalism, destruction, or theft of GFSAC property or
following:                                                                  property of others
                                                                            5. Sexual misconduct
1. Use appropriate language at all times.
                                                                            6. Possession of or use of alcohol. Possession of or use of
2. Cooperate with staff and follow directions.
                                                                            controlled substances unless under the prescription of a
3. Respect other children and staff, equipment and facilities,
     and yourself.
                                                                            7. Running away
4. Maintain a positive attitude.
                                                                            8. Biting
5. Stay in program areas—running away is not acceptable.
6. Participate successfully within the GFSAC staff-child ratios
                                                                        Parents or guardians are required to inform GFSAC in writing,
     specific for each program.
                                                                        prior to a child’s acceptance in a GFSAC program, of any
Discipline Policy                                                       special circumstances which may affect the child’s ability to
1. If a child is unable to comply with the behavior                     participate fully and within the guidelines of acceptable
      expectations, a conference will be held by the program            behavior, including but not limited to any serious behavioral
      director with the child. The parent(s)/guardian will be           problems or special circumstances regarding psychological,
      notified.                                                         medical or physical conditions.
2. If after the above meeting the child is still unable to comply       Upon being informed of such circumstances, the Youth
      with the behavior expectations, the program director will         Programs Director may require a conference with the
      set up a conference with the parent(s)/guardian. A                parent(s)/guardian to discuss issues created by these
      behavior contract will be established and signed by the           circumstances.
      child (if appropriate), parent(s)/guardian and the program
3. If the child’s behavior continues to be disruptive and/or
unsafe, the child will be subject to suspension or dismissal.
4. Failure of the parent(s)/guardian to attend conference(s) and
cooperate will subject the child to suspension or dismissal.

Summer Camp Brochure - Granite Falls Swim & Athletic Club
Summer Camp FAQ’s
What time will camp start? When will it end? Our half-day               What should I pack? It will be easiest if you drop kids
camp will run from 9am to 1pm. We will do a carpool style               attending the half day camp off wearing their swimsuits with
drop-off from 8:45am to 9:00am each morning and pick-up                 a cover-up and then pack a backpack (labeled with their name)
the same way each afternoon from 1:00pm to 1:15pm for half              with a towel, goggles (if needed), shoes/socks, change of
day camp. The full-day option will have the same start time,            clothes, sunscreen and bug spray if desired, one snack, lunch
but run until 4:00pm with a carpool style pick-up from 4:00pm           and water. Full day campers will come dressed for
to 4:15pm.                                                              swimming on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and dressed
                                                                        for the Main Street Park and/or other outdoor activities
What is before/after care? Parents who need an earlier drop             Tuesday and Thursday. Each day they will need to bring a
off or later pick-up time may choose our before and/or after            backpack (labeled with their name) with goggles (if needed),
care option. This would allow them to drop their kids off in            swim attire or change of clothes depending on the day,
the KidZone as early as 7:30am and/or pick-up their kids from           shoes/socks or flip flops/pool shoes depending on the day,
the KidZone any time between 4:15 and 6:00pm. Members                   towel (some may want 2), sunscreen and bug spray if desired,
who participate in the draft may select this option at no               two snacks, lunch (no nut products of any type) and water.
additional charge. Non-members may select this option for               No toys, extra pool equipment, money, etc. are needed unless
$12.50 per child per session per option for a total of $25 for an       specifically requested through a weekly pre- camp email.
entire session for both before and after care. A driver’s               Additional information and/or changes to the above will be
license or GFSAC membership card is required at extended                given about each camp session in the weekly pre-camp email.
day pick up. Per day before or after care options are available
to members and non-members as well at a cost of $5 per day.             Where will camp happen? Campers will use many areas of
                                                                        the Club inside and out as well as the Main Street Park
Who are the counselors? Several of our counselors will be               facilities.
returning from last year and we will also be using counselors
from our track out camp program. Our staff have been                    What is the early registration discount? The Summer Camp
carefully selected and specially trained in preparation for             Kickoff sale will take place beginning Monday March 1st with
camp. All camp counselors are First Aid/CPR certified and               our best deals of the season through Friday March 7th. After
have had a background check prior to employment with                    March 7th, anyone who registers for camp on or before March
GFSAC. Our Head Counselor and senior counselors are also                31 will receive a 5% discount on their registration fees.
lifeguard certified. We will also have the assistance of                Extended Day fees are not included in the early registration
GFSAC lifeguards, swim instructors, and group fitness                   discounts.
instructors during camp activities.
                                                                        Is there an employee discount? Yes. Employees are eligible
What will my children do at camp each day? Every day of                 for their standard 10% discount. This cannot be combined
camp will include a brief assembly, swim time, swim lessons,            with any other discounts.
breaks for snacks and water, fitness activities that tie in with
the week’s theme, lunch, and more. We will pack in a lot of             Is there anything else I need to know? We are excited about
fun!                                                                    Summer Camp at GFSAC! We are dedicated to making it fun,
                                                                        educational, and safe for your children. We are working hard
                                                                        to get everything ready for our summer kick off with our first
                                                                        session May 24th. You will get an email with specifics about
                                                                        each week of summer camp, including what huddle your
                                                                        child(ren) is assigned to, the week before the session will
                                                                        begin. Feel free to contact us at 919-562-8895 if we can
                                                                        assist in answering any questions. Thanks!

Summer Camp Brochure - Granite Falls Swim & Athletic Club Summer Camp Brochure - Granite Falls Swim & Athletic Club
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