Summer Holiday Homework - BLS International School, Hathras Session 2018-2019

Page created by Ellen Snyder
Summer Holiday Homework - BLS International School, Hathras Session 2018-2019
BLS International School, Hathras
                                   Session 2018-2019
                          Summer Holiday Homework
                                         Class – VI
   Dear Children,

 Summer vacations are synonymous with fun, frolic, getting up late in the morning,
  playing for longer hours with friends, going for picnics, watching fun filled shows on
 There is a lot more you can do to make your vacations more interesting and meaningful
  and full of fun.
 Complete the given Holiday Home Task which includes-
  (i)   Subject Enrichment Activity mainly projects.
  (ii) Assignments per subject to be done in fair notebook.
  (iii) An article (write up/poem/story/riddle/joke/views, etc) on any topic of any subject
        for Annual School Magazine-2018. Language no bar.

 Holiday Homework will be assessed internally by subject teachers and carries 05 marks.
 Assigned task should be done by the students on their own taking help from the parents
  and peer group.
 Your projects will be displayed in exhibition on Founders Day (8th July’ 2018) in school
  for parents and visitors to view and appreciate.
 Holiday H.W. soft copy is uploaded on the website, students can download & take its
  printout (Hard copy).
 It is compulsory to submit Holiday H.W. when school reopens after summer vacations.
 Involve yourself in developing social and communication skills by meeting and greeting
 Watch inspirational documentaries, movies and develop reading habits by reading any
  storybook of your choice or a newspaper to keep yourself updated.
 Be a guiding force for juniors and a supporting hand for elders. Build trust and
  confidence to improve your personality.

BLS International School, Hathras
                                            Session 2018-2019
                                 Summer Holiday Homework
SUB.                                            ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY-

           1. Read any story book of your choice and describe your favourite character in your
           own words in notebook. Also jot down moral you learn from it(roll no.1-15)

           2.Comic Strip) Hint :- In an A3 sized sheet students have to paste / draw any of their
           favourite cartoon characters with a catchy story and provide a catchy title to the
           story.(roll no.16-30)
           3.Write biography of any Indian author in your english notebook.(roll no.31-last)

                                                                  ¼                            ½

                                                                                           ¼         ½
            Prepare ERATOSTHENES SIEVE and find or mark out prime numbers, composite

           numbers, even numbers and odd numbers with different shapes. (roll no.1-20)
           Prepare a chart of different types of Polygons. Name its sides and angles. (roll no.21
           Roll no. 1-10- Make a model of Sundial; Roll no. 11-20- Make a model of Windmill; Roll no. 21-

           30- Make a model of Solar city; Roll no. 31-40- Make a model on Rainwater harvesting; Roll no.
           L 41-50- Prepare a model on Eco friendly house
           1. Prepare a manuscript on the leaves of palm tree and write any one shlok on it.(1-10)
           2. Family Time line Album Making (11-20) Material Required: Scrap Book,
           photograph of family members, personal achievement, copy of certificate or
           outstanding academic report card.

           3. In the earliest Cities(21-30) How are the craft of Harappan civilization similar to
           the craft we use today? You can use pictures/images of the craft to highlight the
           similarities between the two.
           4. On Indian political map mark the following-Famous rivers, Monuments, Capitals,
           National parks, National highways. Paste maps in scrapbook. (31-Till last roll no.)
            Do the marks entry of 5 students of any 5 subject and find total marks using

           AutoSum feature in MS Excel. Take a print of that and paste it in computer notebook
           1.Make a chart of any monument of France and write its history in your own words (Roll

           no 1 to 15)
           2.Make a chart of countings from 1 to 100 (Roll no 16 to 30)
           3.Make a chart of ‘les’ salutations (greetings) (Roll no 31 to 45)

Worksheets- (Do the following worksheets in English Communicative Book)

   1. Nouns :– C 1 – C 5
   2. Pronouns :- C 11 – C 12
   3. Adjectives :- C 13 – C 17
   4. Articles :- C 6 – C 10
   5. Prepositions :- C 22 – C 23

                          ASSIGNMENT-2 (MATHS)

Assignment: - CCE TEST PAPER FROM RS.AGG (Do in maths fair notebook)

   Ch-1 Knowing our numbers

   Ch-2 Whole numbers

   Ch-4 Basic geometric ideas

   Ch-7 Fractions

   Ch-8 Decimals

                            ASSIGNMENT-3 (SCIENCE)

I.Biology- (Do in fair notebook )

Q1. Mr. Sharma suggested her maid to wash the vegetables before chopping and not after chopping.
Does it make a difference? Comment.

Q2. Radhika likes to carry bread and jam everyday in her lunch. Is this justified? Comment what will be
the effect on her health.

Q3.Water does not provide nutrients, yet it is an important component of food. Explain.

Q4. Can a food chain start from deer? If yes or if no then why?

Q5. (A) Make some food chains from the following:

 Grass, grains, squirrel, rat, eagle, snake, goat, lion.

 (B)Why lion cannot be placed at higher tropic level?

II.Physics-(Do in fair notebook)

Q6. A football match is being played at night in a stadium with light on. You can see the shadow of a
football kept at the ground but cannot see its shadow when it is kicked high in the air. Explain.
Q7. Write a short note on the importance of SI units. Prepare a table for SI unit of any 5 physical

III.Chemistry-(Do in fair notebook)

Q8.The material P obtained from an animals skin is converted into Q by a process R. Q is then made into
a garment by the technique S. What are P, Q, R and S?

Q9.When a liquid X is added to a grey powdery substance Y. The substance Y slowly sets into a hard
mass. A thick paste of substance Y and sand made in liquid X is used for plastering the walls of houses.
Answer the following-

a. What could the liquid X be?

b. Name the substance Y.

Q10.Describe an activity in which both reversible and irreversible changes take place simultaneously.

                                 ASSIGNMENT-4 (SOCIAL SCIENCE)

Assignment Question( Do these questions in fair notebook)-

Q1 How do you think your life differ from that of a child of the Stone Age?

Q2 How have archaeological sources helped in the study of the Harappan civilization? Discuss.

Q3 Why can the moon not support life?

Q4 How does an artificial satellite differ from a natural satellite?

Q5 Explain how the slogan ‘’unity in diversity” describe India beautifully.

Q6 Why do you think that it is important for all people to be equal?

Q7 Do you think the work of an archaeologist is similar to that of a detective?

Give reason for your answer.

Q8 Why did the early humans lead a nomadic life?

Q9 Write about any one technique of tool making?

Q10 What do you understand by the term “waning” and “waxing”.

Q11 Discuss the salient features of our planet Earth?

Q12 The sun and other heavenly objects together make up a joint family. Do you think living in a
joint family is good? Why/Why not?

Q13 Discuss the extent of the Indus Valley Civilization.

Q14 How was the village life different from the city life during the Harappan Civilization?
Q15 One of the possible reason behind the decline of the Indus valley civilization was the
change in climate. In the modern perspective, discuss how human action adversely affects the

Q16 What are the effects of globalization on today’s world?

Q17 How do the influence of foreigners contribute towards the diversity of a country?

Q18 List four provisions made in our constitution to fight all kinds of discrimination.

Q19 How did the caste system bring inequality in our society?

Q20 Your best friend’s grandmother discriminates between your friend and her brother. Do you
think this is right? What step will you take to make her understand the importance of equal

                                                  ASSIGNMENT -5 (ह दिं ी -)
प्र.1 – बाल रामायण प्रष्ठ संख्या (14 - 24) पर आधाररत प्रश्नों के उत्तर संक्षेप में दीजिए :-
   I.   कोसल नाम प्रससद्द िनपद ककस नदीके ककनारे बसा हआ
                                                     ु था ?
  II.   रािा दशरथ के गण
                      ु ों का वणणन कीजिए |
 III.   अयोध्या नगरी की क्या- क्या ववशेषताएं थ ं ?
 IV.    गरु
         ु वसशष्ठ ने महामंत्र सम
                               ु ंत को क्या आज्ञा दी ?
  V.    भगवान ववष्ण ु ने मनष्य
                            ु का रूप धारण क्यों ककया ?
 VI.    रािकुमारों के िन्मोंत्सव कोअयोध्यावाससयों ने ककस प्रकार मनाया ?
VII.    रािा दशरथ राम-लक्ष्मण को महवषण ववश्वासमत्र के साथ भेिने के सलए ककस प्रकार राि हए
                                                                                       ु ?
VIII.   महवषण ववश्वासमत्र ने राम को ताड़का व मारीच के ववषय में क्या बताया ?
 IX.    राम ने मारीच व सब
                        ु ाहु का अं त ककस प्रकार ककया ?
  X.                     ु स ता के वववाह से सम्बंधधत क्या प्रततज्ञा की थ ?
        रािा िनक ने अपन पत्र
प्र.2. छोटे भाई को पश-पक्षक्षयों
                     ु           के साथ तनमणम व्यवहार न करने का उपदेश देते हुए पत्र सलखिए     |
प्र.3. ददए गए धचत्र को देिकर अपने मन मे उठने वाले ववचारों को ककस घटना या कहान के माध्यम से सलखिए|
ASSIGNMENT-6(Third Language)

fo’k; &laLd`r -
        izz”u&1 yV~ ,oa y` V~ ydkj ds :iksa dk laxgz djrs gq, ,d
          Þ /kkrq:Ik if=dkß dk fuekZ.k dhft,A
        izz”u&2 izgsfydk ls y³~ ydkj dh fdz;kvksa dks pq udj fyf[k,A
          v    [kk n      Rk    Ek~   v     v
          v    P    y     Rk    Ek~   Pk    Xk
          v    P    y     Uk~   v     Yk    PN
          vk   L    Uk~   Y     Hk    Rk~   r
          v    G    l     Rk~   o%    c     u

    izz”u &3 orZeku dky]Hkwrdky ,oa Hkfo’;dky dh fdz;kvksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, laLd`r esa viuk
    laf{kIr ifjp; nhft,A

Translate page no 47 (dialogue, la classe) in English

   Learn and write the chapter 2 ‘Nazm’.
    Make HAROOF-E-TAHAZEE Poster.
    Make days name poster in Urdu.

                                       ASSIGNMENT-7 (COMPUTER)

Give reasons: (Do in computer fair notebook)
i) While buying a computer, it is advised that RAM should be of a higher capacity.
ii) Professionals who need to travel from one place to another for their work prefer portable
iii) AutoSum in MS Excel makes life easy.
iv) Relative referencing is the most common type of referencing.
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