Summer Session 2021 Elementary - South Slope ...

Page created by Debbie Chavez
Summer Session 2021 Elementary - South Slope ...
Summer Session 2021
                                   ELEMENTARY SITES
                                   Brentwood Park
                                   Capitol Hill
                                   Taylor Park

                                   SECONDARY SITES
                                   Burnaby Mountain
                                   Byrne Creek
                                   Cariboo Hill

 Academic Courses
 Skill Development Courses
 Transition Courses
 Activity & Enrichment Courses
Summer Session 2021 Elementary - South Slope ...

         APRIL 13 -JUNE 23
                                                       A Pre-approval form must be filled out at
                                              to be able to
                                                       select courses online. This link will be available on
                                                       February 16th, confirmation is necessary. Upon ap-
                                                       proval, you will receive notification about your eligi-
                                                       bility to register for Summer Session courses with the
  TUITION FREE?                                        Burnaby School District.

  Elementary Students who meet the
  following criteria are eligible to take one          Please be sure to have the following documents
  tuition free course. Your child must:                ready during the online registration process:
                                                       Proof of student’s birthdate
     Be a Canadian Citizen, permanent
       resident or convention refugee                  (birth certificate or passport)
     Have attended a B.C. school in the
       2020-2021 school year and ordinarily            Proof of guardianship
       resides in BC with a parent/guardian
                                                       (parents’ or guardians’ as shown on birth certificate or
     Have a BC Personal Education                        other appropriate legal documentation such as landed
       Number (PEN)                                        immigrant papers or guardianship “order” granted by
                                                           the courts)

  Transfers & refunds must be made                     Proof of citizenship for both parent and the student
  by July 8.
                                                       (Canadian birth certificate, citizenship card, passport,
                                                          landed immigrant document, permanent resident card)
  Those not eligible or those signing
  up for courses requiring fees can                    Proof of residency of the parent or guardian and
  pay by Visa or Mastercard.                              student – 2 required with at least 1 from Category
                                                          A: proof of ownership of dwelling or long-term lease or
  LEARNING SUPPORT                                        rental of dwelling; legal documents indicating BC
                                                          residence; parent or guardian filing income tax returns
  If your child has an IEP and/or a Fraser
                                                          as a BC resident
  Health Care Plan or Consultation Report
  and is currently receiving additional                Category B: BC Hydro bill, BC cable bill, provincial
  learning support from an Education                      driver’s license, provincial registration of automobile,
  Assistant at school, we encourage you to                Canadian bank accounts or credit cards.
  register online by May 18th to ensure
  adequate support is available. First
  priority of students requiring additional            Copy of student’s most recent school marks
  learning support will be given to                    (report card or transcript of academic record)
  Burnaby School District regular session
                                                       BC Personal Education Number (PEN)
Course Locations & Cancellations
Courses and their locations cannot be guaranteed.      IEP (Learning Support, if applicable)
Course offerings are subject to sufficient enrolment
and may be moved or cancelled prior to the course

 2                    Register at 604-296-6902
Summer Session 2021 Elementary - South Slope ...

    Marlborough Elementary                                Sperling Elementary
    6060 Marlborough Avenue                               220 Sperling Street

    ACADEMIC COURSES                                      ACADEMIC COURSES
    Tuition-free for eligible students                    Tuition-free for eligible students
    Fee paying students: $665                             Fee paying students: $665
                                                          July 6 – 23     9am – 12:15pm             Course #
    July 6 – 23     9am—12:15pm           Course #
                                                          Get Ready for Grade 1                            G800
    Get Ready for Grade 1                       M800      Get Ready for Grade 1—French Immersion           G805
    Get Ready for Grade 1—French Immersion      M805      Adventures in Reading—Going into Grades 2-3      G640
    Adventures in Reading—Going into Grades 2-3 M640      Robotics-Scratch/Sphero—Going into Grades 2-3    G678
    Nature Explorations—Going into Grades 2-3   M650      Art—Going into Grades 2-3                        G940
    Art—Going into Grades 2-3                   M940      Primary French—Going into Grades 2-4             G825
    Adventures in Music—Going into Grades 2-4   M672      Exploring Writing—Going into Grades 4-5          G660
    Primary French—Going into Grades 2-4        M825      Rec & Read—Going into Grades 4-5                 G725
    Hola! Spanish—Going into Grades 3-5         M675      Art—Going into Grades 4-5                        G945
    Nature Explorations—Going into Grades 4-5   M655      Drama Studio—Going into Grades 5-7               G720
    Exploring Writing—Going into Grades 4-5     M660      Sports & Rec—Going into Grades 5-7               G975
    Robotics-Vex IQ—Going into Grades 4-5       M685      Sewing—Going into Grades 5-8                     G695
    Engineering—Going into Grades 4-5           M692      Exploring Writing—Going into Grades 6-7          G680
    Rec & Read—Going into Grades 4-5            M725      Art –Going into Grades 6-7                       G930
    French Introduction—Going into Grades 5-7   M820
    iPad Explorations—Going into Grades 5-7     M943
    Sports & Rec—Going into Grades 5-7          M975
    Fibre Arts & Design—Going into Grades 5-8   M671
    Exploring Writing—Going into Grades 6-7     M680       Sperling Elementary
    Art—Going into Grades 6-7                   M930       ACTIVITY PROGRAMS
                                                           Required Tuition: $310
                                                           International Students: $665
                                                           July 6 – 23      12:45 – 4pm           Course #

                                                           Enrichment Art—Going into Grades 1-4            G003
    Marlborough Elementary                                 Movie Making—Going into Grades 1-4              G015
    ACTIVITY PROGRAMS                                      Engineering & Machines—Going into Grades 5-7    G011
    Required Tuition: $310                                 Sewing & Fashion Design—Going into Grades 5-8   G013
    International Students: $665
    July 6 – 23      12:45 – 4pm         Course #

    Enrichment Art—Going into Grades 1-4           M003
    Movie Making—Going into Grades 1- 4            M015
    Enrichment Art—Going into Grades 5-7           M008   Students should bring their lunch if staying for the
    Movie Making—Going into Grades 5-7             M009   morning and afternoon. Supervision is provided
    Engineering & Machines—Going into Grades 5-7   M011
    Minecraft—Going into Grades 5-7                M018
    Ultimate Frisbee—Going into Grades 6-7         M021

      3                                    Course descriptions are located on pages 8-14
Summer Session 2021 Elementary - South Slope ...

Taylor Park Elementary                                             Full Attendance is required
7590 Mission Avenue                                      Students should bring their lunch if staying for the
ACADEMIC COURSES                                         morning and afternoon. Supervision is provided.
Tuition-free for eligible students
Fee paying students: $665
July 6 – 23     9am—12:15pm                 Course #
Get Ready for Grade 1                            R800
Maker Space—Going into Grades 1-3                R801                  Grade 7/8 Transition
Robotics—Scratch/Spheros-Going into Grades 2-3   R678                      Going into Grade 8
Rec & Write—Going into Grades 2-3                R700
Rec & Read—Going into Grades 2-3                 R720               Please note the start date & time
Art—Going into Grades 2-3                        R940
Comic Creation—Going into Grades 2-4             R900             July 5 – 23    8:45am – 12pm
Performing Arts—Going into Grades 2-5            R950                    ACADEMIC COURSE
Exploring Science—Going into Grades 4-5          R635
                                                         Are you on your way to secondary school in
Robotics-Vex IQ—Going into Grades 4-5            R685
Rec & Write—Going into Grades 4-5                R705    September? Grade 7/8 Transition is designed to
Art—Going into Grades 4-5                        R945    help students navigate the transition between
iPad Explorations—Going into Grades 5-7          R943    elementary and secondary school. This course
Sports & Rec—Going into Grades 5-7               R975    will touch on personal responsibility, skill building
Beginner Guitar –Going into Grades 5-7           R684
                                                         and relationships. Some objectives include
Fibre Arts & Design—Going into Grades 5-8        R671
Robotics & Design—Going into Grades 6-7          R679    building confidence, enhancing a positive
Exploring Writing—Going into Grades 6-7          R680    attitude toward learning and engaging in the
Art—Going into Grades 6-7                        R930    new curriculum’s Core Competencies.

                                                         Tuition-free for eligible students
Taylor Park Elementary                                   Fee Paying students: $890
Required Tuition: $310
International Students: $665                             July 5 – 23           8:45am – 12pm            Course #
July 6 – 23      12:45 – 4pm              Course #       Alpha                 4600 Parker Street        8014
Visual Arts—Going into Grades 1-4                 R007   Burnaby Mountain      8800 Eastlake Drive       8013
Electronics—Going into Grades 5-7                 R005
Enrichment Art—Going into Grades 5-7              R008   Byrne Creek           7777 18th Street          8015
Movie Making—Going into Grades 5-7                R009   Moscrop               4433 Moscrop Street       8016
Advanced Fibre Arts—Going into Grades 5-8         R024

4   4

Armstrong Elementary                                   Brantford Elementary
8757 Armstrong Avenue                                  6512 Brantford Avenue
ACADEMIC COURSES                                       ACADEMIC COURSES
Tuition-free for eligible students                     Tuition-free for eligible students
Fee paying students: $665                              Fee paying students: $665
July 6—23       9am—12:15pm               Course #     July 6—23       9am—12:15pm                 Course #
Get Ready for Grade 1                           A800   Get Ready for Grade 1                           O800
Dance & Movement—Going into Grades 1-4          A955   Get Ready for Grade 1—French                    O805
Exploring Writing—Going into Grades 2-3         A610   Exploring Writing—Going into Grades 2-3         O610
Robotics-Scratch/Sphero-Going into Grades 2-3   A678   Adventures in Reading—Going into Grades 2-3     O640
Art—Going into Grades 2-3                       A940   Art—Going into Grades 2-3                       O940
Robotics—Vex IQ—Going into Grades 4-5           A685   Primary French—Going into Grades 2-4            O825
Rec & Read—Going into Grades 4-5                A725   Exploring Science—Going into Grades 4-5         O635
Art—Going into Grades 4-5                       A945   Exploring Writing—Going into Grades 4-5         O660
Adventures in Music—Going into Grades 5-7       A673   Robotics—Vex IQ—Going into Grades 4-5           O685
Robotics & Design-Going into Grades 6-7         A679   Photography—Going into Grades 5-7               O751
Art—Going into Grades 6-7                       A930   Rec & Read—Going into Grades 6-7                O730
                                                       Art—Going into Grades 6-7                       O930
                                                       Grade 7/8 Transition—Going into Grade 8         8017
                                                       *note: 7/8 transition dates JULY 5th –23rd

Brentwood Park Elementary                              Cameron Elementary
1455 Delta Avenue                                      9540 Erickson Drive
ACADEMIC COURSES                                       ACADEMIC COURSES
Tuition-free for eligible students                     Tuition-free for eligible students
Fee paying students: $665                              Fee paying students: $665
July 6—23       9am—12:15pm               Course #     July 6—23       9am—12:15pm                Course #
Get Ready for Grade 1                           B800   Get Ready for Grade 1                           C800
Exploring Science—Going into Grades 2-3         B630   Exploring Science—Grades 2-3                    C630
Robotics-Scratch/Sphero-Going into Grades 2-3   B678   Robotics-Scratch/Sphero—Going into Grades 2-3   C678
Art—Going into Grades 2-3                       B940   Rec & Read—Going into Grades 2-3                C720
Rec & Write—Going into Grades 4-5               B705   Art—Going into Grades 2-3                       C940
Rec & Read—Going into Grades 4-5                B725   Exploring Writing—Going into Grades 4-5         C660
Art—Going into Grades 4-5                       B945   Rec & Read—Going into Grades 4-5                C725
iPad Explorations—Going into Grades 5-7         B943   Art—Going into Grades 4-5                       C945
Robotics & Design—Going into Grades 6-7         B679   Sports & Rec—Going into Grades 5-7              C975
Art—Going into Grades 6-7                       B930   Exploring Writing—Going into Grades 6-7         C680

    5                                    Course descriptions are located on pages 8-14

Capitol Hill Elementary                                Chaffey-Burke Elementary
350 South Holdom Avenue                                4404 Sardis Street
ACADEMIC COURSES                                       ACADEMIC COURSES
Tuition-free for eligible students                     Tuition-free for eligible students
Fee paying students: $665                              Fee paying students: $665
July 6—23       9am—12:15pm               Course #     July 6—23       9am—12:15pm                 Course #
Get Ready for Grade 1                           P800   Get Ready for Grade 1                            F800
Get Ready for Grade 1-French                    P805   Exploring Writing—Going into Grades 2-3          F610
Exploring Writing—Going into Grades 2-3         P610   Exploring Science—Going into Grade 2-3           F630
Adventures in Reading-Going into Grades 2-3     P640   Robotics-Scratch/Spheros-Going into Grades 2-3   F678
Rec & Write—Going into Grades 2-3               P700   Exploring Writing—Going into Grades 4-5          F660
Art—Going into Grades 2-3                       P940   Engineering—Going into Grades 4-5                F692
Exploring Science—Going into Grades 4-5         P635   Rec & Read—Going into Grades 4-5                 F725
Exploring Writing—Going into Grades 4-5         P660   Beginner Guitar– Going into Grades 5-7           F684
Art—Going into Grades 4-5                       P945   Drama Studio—Going into Grades 5-7               F720
iPad Explorations—Going into Grades 5-7         P943   Exploring Writing—Going into Grades 6-7          F680
Rec & Read—Going into Grade 6-7                 P730   Art—Going into Grades 6-7                        F930
Art—Going into Grades 6-7                       P930

Edmonds Community School                               Inman Elementary
7651 18th Avenue                                       3963 Brandon Street
ACADEMIC COURSES                                       ACADEMIC COURSES
Tuition-free for eligible students                     Tuition-free for eligible students
Fee paying students: $665                              Fee paying students: $665
July 6—23       9am—12:15pm               Course #     July 6—23       9am—12:15pm                 Course #
Get Ready for Grade 1                           E800   Get Ready for Grade 1                            N800
Exploring Science—Going into Grades 2-3         E630   Get Ready for Grade 1—French                     N805
Adventures in Reading—Going into Grades 2-3     E640   Exploring Writing—Going into Grades 2-3          N610
Robotics-Scratch/Sphero-Going into Grades 2-3   E678   Exploring Science –Going into Grades 2-3         N630
Sports & Rec –Going into Grades 2-4             E970   Robotics-Scratch/Spheros-Going into Grades 2-3   N678
Robotics—Vex IQ—Going into Grades 4-5           E685   Primary French—Going into Grades 2-4             N825
Rec & Write—Going into Grades 4-5               E705   Sports & Rec—Going into Grades 2-4               N970
Woodworking—Going into Grades 5-7               E760   Introduction to Coding—Going into Grades 4-5     N731
Sports & Rec—Going into Grades 5-7              E975   Art—Going into Grades 4-5                        N945
Robotics & Design—Going into Grades 6-7         E679   iPad Explorations—Going into Grades 5-7          N943
Art—Going into Grades 6-7                       E930   Sports & Rec—Going into Grades 5-7               N975
                                                       Art—Going into Grades 6-7                        N930


    6                                     Course descriptions are located on pages 8-14

    Kitchener Elementary                                 Maywood Community School
    1351 Gilmore Avenue                                  4567 Imperial Street
    ACADEMIC COURSES                                     ACADEMIC COURSES
    Tuition-free for eligible students                   Tuition-free for eligible students
    Fee paying students: $665                            Fee paying students: $665
    July 6—23       9am—12:15pm               Course #   July 6—23         9am—12:15pm              Course #

    Get Ready for Grade 1                        K800    Get Ready for Grade 1                            Y800
    Exploring Writing—Going into Grades 2-3      K610    Adventures in Reading—Going into Grades 2-3      Y640
    Rec & Read—Going into Grades 2-3             K720    Robotics—Scratch/Spheros-Going into Grades 2-3   Y678
    Art—Going into Grades 2-3                    K940    Rec & Write—Going into Grades 2-3                Y700
    Exploring Science—Going into Grades 4-5      K635    Art—Going into Grades 2-3                        Y940
    Rec & Read—Going into Grades 4-5             K725    Exploring Writing—Going into Grades 4-5          Y660
    Art—Going into Grades 4-5                    K945    Rec & Read—Going into Grades 4-5                 Y725
    Robotics & Design—Going into Grades 6-7      K679    Art—Going into Grades 4-5                        Y945
    Exploring Writing—Going into Grades 6-7      K680    Rock Band—Going into Grades 5-8                  Y674
    Art—Going into Grades 6-7                    K930    Robotics & Design—Going into Grades 6-7          Y679
                                                         Art—Going into Grades 6-7                        Y930
                                                         Rec & Write—Going into Grades 6-7                Y710

    Nelson Elementary                                     NEW Enrichment Courses Offered at
    3850 Irmin Street
                                                               Cariboo Hill Secondary
    ACADEMIC COURSES                                                         8580 16th Avenue
    Tuition-free for eligible students                   Tuition-free for eligible students
    Fee paying students: $665                            Fee paying students: $890
    July 6—23       9am—12:15pm               Course #   July 5—23       8:45am—12:00pm             Course#

    Get Ready for Grade 1                        L800    Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead -Going into grades 6-9   6395
    Engineering—Going into Grades 2-3            L691    Sewing & Fashion Design -Going into grades 7-9 6400
    Rec & Write—Going into Grades 2-3            L700    Urban Gardening -Going into grades 6-9         6014
    Art—Going into Grades 2-3                    L940
    Engineering—Going into Grades 4-5            L692    *please note start date and time
    Robotics—Vex IQ—Going into Grades 4-5        L685
    Sports & Rec—Going into Grades 5-7           L975
    Art—Going into Grades 6-7                    L930

      7                                       Course descriptions are located on pages 8-14
                                     FEE PAYING STUDENT: $665

    Adventures in Music Primary
    Come and spend our mornings playing with music! This class uses a variety of methods to learn
    music including hand-clapping, ball-bouncing, and skipping. You will play musical games
    outside and then come inside to play rhythms and melodies on a variety of instruments.

    Adventures in Music Intermediate
    Learn the basics of playing chords on piano and guitars and arranging these chords into
    attractive songs. You will also learn about recording technology using Audacity and Band Lab.
    Students will workshop to create their very own rock song which they will then record.

    Adventures in Reading
    Develop an appreciation for the enjoyment of literature, increase confidence with printed
    word, and get a jumpstart for September.

    Art (Primary and Intermediate)
    These classes are teacher specific and will vary in content depending on the passion of the
    teacher. Students will develop their creative expression and personal appreciation of art.
    Projects may include drawing, painting, printmaking, image development, stitch work, clay
    work, or sewing.

    Beginner Guitar
    Learn the basics of playing an acoustic guitar. Learn how to play chords, count rhythms and
    beats, and how to pick notes. You will also develop your singing technique as you work to
    create performances of pop songs.

    Comic Creation
    This course is intended to spark students’ love for writing by exploring the popular medium of
    comic creation! Students will learn about key parts of effective comic strips. Using paper and
    pencil as well as iPad technology, students will work to make imaginative and creative comic

    Dance & Movement
    Children will be provided with an introduction to Latin dance styles in a fun, inspiring environ-
    ment. Through a variety of drills and combinations the children will learn to listen and feel the
    rhythms of various music and move their body to the beat. Children will also learn how to
    warm up their bodies with yoga, poi spinning and hula hoops which work on building balance,
    coordination, strength, flexibility, and self-confidence.

    8                 Register @ 604-296-6902
                                       FEE PAYING STUDENT: $665

    Drama Studio
    Calling all thespians! In this course, students will hone their drama skills through purposeful play.
    Sessions will include drama games, improv activities and scene studies.

    If you enjoy hands-on engineering projects this course may be for you! In this course you will
    design and build creative solutions to various challenges using common hand tools in a safe and
    creative environment. We will focus on design using a variety of materials.

    Exploring Science (Primary and Intermediate)
    Students in both the primary and intermediate programs will have fun while learning scientific
    principles and methods through exploratory activities.

    Exploring Writing (Primary and Intermediate)
    Do you have a burning desire to be an author? Primary students will work together to build
    ideas, frame their thinking and use writing to communicate their thinking in a powerful way.
    Intermediate students will be taken through the steps of the writing process in order to further
    develop their skills in drafting, editing, revising and critiquing their writing.

    Fibre Arts & Design
    This course will provide opportunities for students to explore a series of fibre related activities
    which include spinning wool, sewing, felting, crocheting, and design thinking. Students will
    engage in creative and cooperative challenges and will develop hands-on skills in several areas.

    French Introduction (Intermediate)
    Looking to maintain or improve your child/s French during the summer? Thinking about Late
    French Immersion? This activity-centered and communicative-based course will keep students
    moving and having fun in French. Open to beginners and novice students.

    Get Ready for Grade 1
    Students who have completed Kindergarten can participate in this hands-on course which is
    designed to stimulate minds in playful ways through engaging activities in a social setting.

    Get Ready for Grade 1 (French Immersion)
    Students who have completed French Immersion Kindergarten can participate in this hands-on
    course which is designed to stimulate minds in playful ways through engaging activities in a
    social setting.

                                  FEE PAYING STUDENT: $665

Hola! Spanish
This class will expose students to basic Spanish structure and encourage them to actively use the
language through the use of music, games and cultural crafts. Highly interactive, students will
speak and hear Spanish from the first day as they quickly gain basic conversation skills, knowledge
of popular expressions to communicate information about themselves. Designed for beginning
students, this class aims to stimulate in children a love of learning language.

Introduction to Coding
Learn and utilize introductory coding skills through hands-on experiential methods . You will
develop your skills and add new ones through play and collaborative work. Learn to use Scratch
for Coding and be introduced to BeeBots, Minecraft and other tech coding resources.

iPad Explorations
Students will begin by learning basic skills and then use those skills to create meaningful video
presentations. Cutting and editing, how to use a storyboard and how to incorporate visual and
audio effects will also be taught. See you in the movies!

Maker Space
Students will invent and build together in groups to solve problems. The focus will be to develop
creative and critical thinking as well as collaboration skills.

Nature Explorations
Come and discover all the fascinating things that can be learned outdoors. Through an
integrated approach to learning (Literacy, Math, Science, Art) students will be encouraged to
develop an understanding of the connections found in nature.

Performing Arts
Explore and Create Stories through dance, instruments and voice. Students will have the oppor-
tunity to write a story in a group that is meaningful to them. Students will either compose music or
choreograph dance in a group and then have a chance to perform it in a way that relates to the

10   11
                                    FEE PAYING STUDENT: $665

Learn to work with a digital camera to take pictures you will be proud of. Learn the basic
operations of the camera, how to shade, light, frame and other techniques to improve the quality
of the pictures you take.

Primary French
For students who are currently enrolled in a French Immersion program, this course will continue a
variety of fun activities presented in French. STUDENTS MUST HAVE BEEN ENROLLED IN A FRENCH

Rec & Read
Students will enjoy reading activities while enjoying a variety of activities in the great outdoors.

Rec & Write
Students will enjoy writing activities while enjoying a variety of activities in the great outdoors.

Robotics & Design
Using VexIQ robots and TinkerCad, students will build and program robots, as well as a variety of
electronic units. This class will focus on building electronics, technology, teamwork, and thinking

Using Scratch online coding and Sphero robots, students will work in teams to solve problems, do
online animation, program and use robots. This class will focus on building teamwork and thinking

Robotics—Vex IQ
Students will work in teams to build online code, put together and program robots and solve
problems. This class will focus on developing technology, teamwork and thinking skills.

Rock Band
Rock out this summer! Play, sing and perform your favourite rock and pop songs. We provide
everything you need – guitars, bass, keyboards, drums and microphones for singers! It’s a great
way to improve your technique and learn pro tips for performing with a group if you already play
or sing, and a fun introduction to being in a band even if you’re new to an instrument. Our fun
three week program covers different eras, so you’ll learn new songs too!

11   11
                                    FEE PAYING STUDENT: $665

Learn the basics of sewing such as threading the machine, basic stitches, and sewing using woven
fabric. Projects will be fun, engaging, and practical and introduce students to the creative world
of sewing. Students will learn to make face masks, scrunchies, some cool pajama shorts and more!

Sports & Rec
Continue to develop your physical abilities through a variety of athletic activities. Skill develop-
ment, game strategy, physical fitness and recreation opportunities will help you hone your athletic
skills. Learn the health benefits of regular physical activity and how to access opportunities to be
active in the school and community through this fun and informative course. Participants will learn
to set goals, develop a plan, and work towards improving fitness levels while developing new
physical activity skills.

Learn how to cut, measure, and fasten pieces of wood together. This course teaches you how to
safely explore the workshop and all of its possibilities. You will learn how to design, construct, and
test your own designs using saws, hammers, drills, presses etc.

                                   FEE PAYING STUDENT: $890

Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead
Do you like to learn with your hands, heart and mind? You like SCIENCE experiments? You want to
learn how to build using TECHNOLOGY, to ENGINEER and ARTISTICALLY problem solve? To under-
stand how MATH connects to our world? Students will complete a series of projects and meet with
professional women excelling in STEAM Careers. Go full S.T.E.A.M. ahead this Summer!
Sewing & Fashion Design
Unleash your creativity by designing and making your own clothes using sewing machines!
Students will learn to construct a garment with different types of fabric and learn how the choice
of specific fabrics affects the overall design. Students will learn how to add details to the finished
product to make it truly unique! No experience required!

Urban Gardening
Get outside and into the Cariboo Hill Garden! Learn about gardening basics, including planting,
growing, and harvesting your own food. Help plant a pollinator garden and learn about beneficial
insects like butterflies and bees. Have fun practicing the art and science of gardening in a safe
outdoor environment.

     12               Register @ 604-296-6902
                                     REQUIRES TUITION—SEE PAGE 2

Students will have the opportunity to work with 3D printers, robots, digital photography, and
Arduino, along with a variety of other electronic gear to make electronics projects. This
Makerspace approach will use groups and the interests of students to design and build a variety of

Engineering and Machines
This course will have students take part in hands-on mechanical engineering activities. Ideas will
go through a design process, followed by construction, analysis and redesign. Projects will use
simple tactile materials and incorporate the fundamentals of simple and complex machines.

Enrichment Art
This program offers flexibility, differentiated instruction, community building, skill building, and self-
discovery through visual arts, while incorporating some “outside the box” opportunities for arts
exploration. Students will discover what they love about creating and appreciating art, and how
art influences their lives and learning.

Explore the best-selling computer game of all time while you learn about programming, as you
acquire resources to build the world and maintain health.

Movie Making
Use iPads to create short films! This class will be like a film school where students learn how to cut
and edit, storyboard, add visual and audio effects, and how to present a variety of types of
information and emotions.

13   13
                                   REQUIRES TUITION-SEE PAGE 2

Sewing & Fashion Design
Unleash you creativity by designing your own clothes using sewing machines. Students will learn to
construct a garment with different type of fabric and how the choice of specific fabric affects the
overall aspect of a design. Students will learn how to add details to their finished product to make
it truly unique. For this class, a knowledge of basics is recommended (such as threading a

Ultimate Frisbee
Come and learn a game you can play for the rest of your life! The focus will be on physical well-
ness, sportsmanship, and learning basic skills to play Ultimate Frisbee. Be prepared to be outside
running everyday!

Visual Arts
Students will learn to work with clay to create functional and sculptural artwork pieces, as well as
learn the processes of glazing and firing through wet, bisque, and finished stages. Hand-building
techniques will be taught such as coiling and pulling. Pinch pots and natural materials will be used
to help incorporate lines, patterns, and various elements of design.

14   14              Register @ 604-296-6902
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