Page created by Joe May
KiwiSaver scheme
Investment statement

                       January 2015
Important information
(The information in this section is required under the Securities Act 1978).

      Investment decisions are very important.                                         Financial advisers can help you make
      They often have long-term consequences.                                          investment decisions
      Read all documents carefully. Ask questions.
      Seek advice before committing yourself.                                          Using a financial adviser cannot prevent you
                                                                                       from losing money, but it should be able to
                                                                                       help you make better investment decisions.
      Choosing an investment                                                           Financial advisers are regulated by the
                                                                                       Financial Markets Authority to varying levels,
      When deciding whether to invest, consider                                        depending on the type of adviser and the
      carefully the answers to the following                                           nature of the services they provide. Some
      questions that can be found on the pages                                         financial advisers are only allowed to provide
      noted below:                                                                     advice on a limited range of products.
      Question                                                 Page                    When seeking or receiving financial advice,
      What sort of investment is this?                            44                   you should check:
      Who is involved in providing it for me?                     46
                                                                                       •     the type of adviser you are dealing with;
      How much do I pay?                                          47
      What are the charges?                                       48                   •     the services the adviser can provide you
      What returns will I get?                                    50                         with;
      What are my risks?                                          54
                                                                                       •     the products the adviser can advise you
      Can the investment be altered?                              57
      How do I cash in my investment?                             57
      Who do I contact with enquiries about                       57
                                                                                       A financial adviser who provides you with
      my investment?
                                                                                       personalised financial adviser services may be
      Is there anyone to whom I can complain                      58
                                                                                       required to give you a disclosure statement
      if I have problems with the investment?
                                                                                       covering these and other matters. You
      What other information can I obtain                         58
                                                                                       should ask your adviser about how he or she
      about this investment?
                                                                                       is paid and any conflicts of interest he or she
                                                                                       may have.
      In addition to the information in this
      document, important information can be                                           Financial advisers must have a complaints
      found in the current registered prospectus for                                   process in place and they, or the financial
      the investment. You are entitled to a copy of                                    services provider they work for, must belong
      that prospectus on request.                                                      to a dispute resolution scheme if they provide
                                                                                       services to retail clients. So if there is a
                                                                                       dispute over an investment, you can ask
      The Financial Markets Authority regulates                                        someone independent to resolve it.
      conduct in financial markets
                                                                                       Most financial advisers, or the financial
      The Financial Markets Authority regulates                                        services provider they work for, must also be
      conduct in New Zealand’s financial markets.                                      registered on the financial service providers
      The Financial Markets Authority’s main                                           register. You can search for information
      objective is to promote and facilitate the                                       about registered financial service providers at
      development of fair, efficient and transparent                         
      financial markets. For more information                                          You can also complain to the Financial
      about investing, go to                                   Markets Authority if you have concerns
                                                                                       about the behaviour of a financial adviser.

  This investment statement gives you important information about KiwiSaver and about the KiwiSaver scheme known
  as “SuperLife” which is managed by SuperLife Limited (“ we, us, our, Manager”). This investment statement was prepared
  by us on 16 January 2015 and applies from this date until it is replaced. Call us to check if this is the latest investment

Introducing SuperLife

KiwiSaver is about helping you save and                          Five things that are important to us
invest for a better future.
                                                                 We think that you should consider SuperLife
                                                                 for your KiwiSaver savings because of:
We have designed SuperLife to provide you
with a robust KiwiSaver solution. We
                                                                 1.    Low fees:  Low fees mean that more of
recognise that every $1 you pay in fees is a $1
                                                                       the returns go into your savings so you
off your return. To deliver value for money,
                                                                       are better off. Our focus is on delivering
we look to provide you with quality service
                                                                       quality service and value.
and flexibility.
                                                                 2.    Flexible investment options:   We have a
By flexibility we mean that we:                                        wide range of investment options that
                                                                       give you flexibility. With SuperLife, you
•     Do not impose any minimum                                        can tailor and manage your investment
      contribution levels if you are not an                            strategy to your investment needs. We
      employee; and                                                    do not impose a charge to change, or
•     Give you a range of investment options                           limit how often you can change, your
      to let you choose how your savings are to                        investment strategy. As a principle, we
      be invested; and                                                 do not restrict this flexibility unless it is
                                                                       required by the Act.
•     Let you change your investment strategy
      as often as you like; and                                  3.    Clear communication:   We are focused on
                                                                       giving you simple and relevant
•     Let you choose whether your benefits are                         information. You can expect to be
      to be paid to you as a lump sum, an                              regularly informed about your
      income, or a combination of both.                                investment in SuperLife. We
                                                                       communicate regularly and run
We implement the investment arrangements                               investment educational seminars
of SuperLife by investing in the separate but                          throughout the country. Internet access
related SuperLife superannuation scheme                                gives you instant access to see your
(“SLSS”). This gives us greater economies of                           account details and transactions; to see
scale.                                                                 how your savings are invested and to
                                                                       make changes.
SuperLife and SLSS let you manage your
KiwiSaver and non-KiwiSaver                                      4.                              This lets you
                                                                       Allocate returns in dollars:
superannuation savings alongside each other,                           see clearly how your funds are managed.
as one or separately. Through SLSS1, you                               There is transparency of investment
can also take out life insurance, income                               returns, taxes and fees.
protection insurance and medical insurance.                      5.    Solutions:We focus on providing
                                                                       solutions. This lets you manage your
Through SuperLife we help you get the best                             KiwiSaver savings to achieve your goals
out of KiwiSaver.                                                      and meet your needs.
How do you join SuperLife?
To join SuperLife, complete the membership form at the back of this investment statement. Also, if you wish to
save by direct debit from your bank account, complete the direct debit form. When you join SuperLife, we are
required to verify your identity and your address. The range of documents that are permitted and the people,
besides one of our employees, who can certify your identity, are shown on page 60.
On the membership form, you need to tell us your prescribed investor rate for tax purposes. You can work this
out using the flowchart diagram on page 59.

1   For details on SLSS, phone us for an investment   “If you want to join KiwiSaver, think about SuperLife.” By joining
    statement.                                        SuperLife, you are in a KiwiSaver scheme with a focus on low
                                                      fees, flexibility and a range of investment choices.

Key information

The key information section only provides a                     If you are an employee, you can choose to
snapshot of an interest in SuperLife that is                    contribute 3%, 4% or 8% of your gross salary
being offered to you at the date of this                        or wages by payroll deductions. If you do
investment statement. The main offer terms,                     not choose a contribution rate, your rate will
benefits and risks summarised below are not                     be 3%. If you are eligible, your employer is
exhaustive. You should read the entire                          required to contribute 3% of your gross
investment statement and the prospectus to                      salary or wages. Your employer’s
understand all the terms of the interest that is                contributions are subject to tax and only the
being offered by us.                                            net amount is credited to your KiwiSaver
                                                                Account. Your contributions and those of
                                                                your employer are paid by your employer to
Nature of the offer                                             the Inland Revenue Department (“IRD”) who
                                                                in turn pays them to us. You may also make
The investments being offered are interests                     additional contributions direct to us for any
in SuperLife. SuperLife is a KiwiSaver                          amount you choose.
scheme (KSS 10022) under the KiwiSaver
Act 2006 (“Act”) and is governed by its trust                   If you are self-employed or you are not an
deed and the Act. All contributions and                         employee, you choose your contribution rate.
benefit payments are subject to the Act.                        There is currently no minimum or maximum
SuperLife is also referred to as “SLKS”.                        amount of contributions payable.

More information is on page 44.                                 More information is on pages 8 to 9 and 47.

Parties involved in the offer                                   Withdrawals (benefits) from SuperLife

We (SuperLife Limited) are the Manager of                       Withdrawals from SuperLife are governed by
SuperLife. As part of our role, we are                          the Act. Unless you meet the early
responsible for investing the assets. We are                    withdrawal criteria, you cannot make a
also the issuer and promoter of SuperLife.                      withdrawal from KiwiSaver until your
Our directors are also the promoters.                           “KiwiSaver Retirement Age”. Your KiwiSaver
                                                                Retirement Age is the later of:
The trustee of SuperLife is Public Trust
(“Trustee”).                                                    a)    the date you reach the standard age of
                                                                      eligibility for New Zealand
More information is on pages 41 to 42 and                             Superannuation (currently 65 years); or
46.                                                             b)    the date you have been a member of a
                                                                      KiwiSaver scheme for five years, or
                                                                      which is five years after the date the
Contributions to SuperLife                                            IRD first received a KiwiSaver
                                                                      contribution for you (whichever is
Contributions are made by you, your                                   earlier); or
employer (if you are an employee) and the
government. They are made in accordance                         c)    the date you have been a member of a
with the Act.                                                         complying superannuation fund (or of
                                                                      a KiwiSaver scheme and a complying
Your contributions and the contributions in                           superannuation fund) for five years.
respect of you go into an investment account
under SuperLife in your name (your                              At any time after you satisfy (a) or (b) or (c)
“KiwiSaver Account”).                                           and you reach your KiwiSaver Retirement
                                                                Age, you can withdraw some or all of the

value of your KiwiSaver Account under                           Mix”). In addition there is an ethical
SuperLife. You can also set up a regular                        investment option (“Ethical Fund”), Ethica.
withdrawal facility. We call this a “managed                    You can combine the different Funds to
withdrawal”.                                                    make your own investment strategy or
                                                                choose a standard mix of the Funds to form
Early withdrawals can be made if you are                        your investment strategy (“Investment
eligible:                                                       Strategy”). You can also change your
                                                                Investment Strategy at any time and there is
•   to help purchase a first home (or for
                                                                no charge for doing so.
    “previous home buyers”);
•   upon your death;                                            At times throughout the year (normally
                                                                monthly), we will rebalance your KiwiSaver
•   upon your significant financial hardship;
                                                                Account to your chosen Investment Strategy.
•   upon your serious illness;                                  This happens automatically unless you tell us
                                                                not to. This way the investment of your
•   following your permanent emigration;
                                                                KiwiSaver Account is maintained consistent
•   upon your early retirement (after age 60)                   with the Investment Strategy decision you
    if you have transferred the balance in                      have made.
    your Australian superannuation fund to
    KiwiSaver where the Australian                              More information is on pages 12 to 36.
    superannuation fund was regulated by the
    Australian Prudential Regulation
    Authority (“APRA”); and                                     Fees and charges

•   for payment of tax liability and repayment
                                                                The key fees you pay are the administration
    of student loan.
                                                                fees, trustee fees and the investment
                                                                management fees.
You may also transfer to another KiwiSaver
scheme at any time.
                                                                Administration fees:
More information is on pages 10 to 11 and                       A net $2.75 a month deducted from your
51 to 53.                                                       KiwiSaver Account plus 0.2% p.a. of the
                                                                value of your account.

Investment options                                              Trustee fees:
                                                                0.03% p.a. of the gross value of the assets
Under SuperLife, you can determine the                          plus any additional costs incurred by the
investment strategy for your KiwiSaver                          Trustee and reimbursable from the assets of
Account from the investment options made                        SuperLife.
available. The options currently include a
range of “Funds” that are sector options                        Investment management fees:
(cash, bonds, property and shares) (“Sector                     The investment management fee ranges from
Funds”) and a range of Funds that have                          0.3% p.a. of assets to 0.87% p.a. of assets
managed investment strategies (“Managed                         depending on your Investment Strategy. If
Funds”) There is a range of standard                            you choose a Managed Fund, the investment
risk/return options of the Funds (“Mixes”).                     management fee is in the range of 0.31% to
Each of these Mixes invests in one or more                      0.45% of assets.
of the Funds and has a particular objective
and is therefore the strategy of a Mix and is                   The asset-based fees are deducted from the
not a Fund. In some cases the investment                        investment returns before the returns are
strategy of the Mix will be varied (“Variable                   credited to your KiwiSaver Account. They

are indirectly incurred by you.                                  as “SLSS”. We are also the investment
                                                                 manager for SLSS. The trustee of SLSS is
Transaction fees:                                                SuperLife Trustee Limited.
If you transfer to another KiwiSaver scheme,
a transaction fee of a net $100 is deducted                      Prior to 16 January 2015, SuperLife Limited
from your KiwiSaver Account.                                     was owned by Aventine Group Limited
                                                                 (“Aventine”). From 16 January 2015, NZX
In-fund costs:                                                   Limited (“NZX Limited”) became the owner of
We may debit from SuperLife’s assets as a                        SuperLife Limited. NZX Limited is also the
whole regulatory and audit costs, legal                          operator of the New Zealand Stock
expenses, printing, postage and other similar                    Exchange (“NZX”). Aventine was and
expenses directly associated with SuperLife.                     remains independent of NZX Limited.
More information is on pages 48 to 49.                           MCA NZ Limited (“MCA”) was and remains
                                                                 a subsidiary of Aventine and is the
                                                                 investment consultant for SuperLife. MCA’s
                                                                 role as the Investment Consultant is
                                                                 unaffected by the change in ownership of
SuperLife is a portfolio investment entity                       SuperLife Limited. MCA’s fees are met from
(“PIE”). As a PIE, we deduct tax from the                        our fees and are not additional to the fees
investment returns allocated to you at your                      and charges you pay.
prescribed investor rate (“PIR”). The current
PIRs are 10.5%, 17.5% and 28%. More                              Since 16 January 2015 we are separate to
information is on page 59.                                       MCA but the directors of MCA remain
                                                                 directors of us.
                                                                 We are independent of the trustee of SLSS
                                                                 and the Trustee of SuperLife.
Your investment in SuperLife is exposed to
the normal market risks (investment,                             In this investment statement, words in bold
economic and currency) relevant to your                          text within brackets are defined terms.
Investment Strategy.                                             Defined terms only appear in bold text the
                                                                 first time they are used. See the glossary on
In addition, there are risks that the                            page 61 for a full list of the defined terms.
government changes the rules that relate to
KiwiSaver and third party risks. The third
party risks include the risk that you get back
less than you expect because of a failure in
our performance, the Trustee or one of the
                                                                 Make SuperLife your KiwiSaver scheme
ultimate investment managers appointed to                        Anyone who is eligible to join KiwiSaver, or is
manage the assets of the Funds and Mixes.                        already in KiwiSaver, can join SuperLife. Joining
                                                                 SuperLife is easy. There is no joining fee.
More information is on pages 37 to 38 and
                                                                 Complete the Membership Form at the back of
54 to 56.                                                        this investment statement and get the proof of
                                                                 your address and identity document(s) and
                                                                 return them to us.
Other factors
                                                                 Transfer to SuperLife
                                                                 If you are already in KiwiSaver, but not in
The assets of SuperLife are invested in a                        SuperLife, you can transfer to SuperLife to get
related registered superannuation scheme                         the SuperLife advantage. To transfer - just join.
(AS/1068) of the same name and referred to                       We will then organise the transfer of your
                                                                 existing KiwiSaver savings to SuperLife.

About KiwiSaver

KiwiSaver can help you save for your future.                    Government payments

You do not have to be an employee to join.                      Details of the government payments are on
KiwiSaver is for employees, the self-                           page 7. The government pays an initial tax-
employed and those not in paid employment,                      free $1,000 to get you started. Also, if you
including stay-home parents, children,                          are 18 or older and under your KiwiSaver
students and beneficiaries. You are eligible                    Retirement Age, your savings are subsidised
to join KiwiSaver if you are:                                   by the government each year.
•   a New Zealand citizen, or entitled to stay
    in New Zealand indefinitely (if you hold a
    temporary, visitor or student permit, you
    cannot join KiwiSaver); and
                                                                Details of the contributions are on page 8.
•   in New Zealand, or normally resident in                     You can choose how much to save and when
    New Zealand; and                                            to save (but if you are an employee, you must
                                                                save a minimum of 3% of your taxable pay
•   under the standard age of eligibility for
                                                                and must save during the first year of your
    NZ Super (currently age 65).
                                                                KiwiSaver membership unless you are on a
                                                                contributions holiday due to financial
For new employees, it operates on the
principle of “auto-enrolment”. The auto-
enrolment rule applies to all new eligible
                                                                Your savings go into your KiwiSaver
employees (age 18 to 64) who join an
                                                                Account which is credited/debited with your
employer, unless the employer has an
                                                                investment returns. Fees and tax are also
alternative scheme and exempt status. Other
                                                                deducted from your KiwiSaver Account.
eligible employees and all other eligible
people have to “opt-in” to join.
Auto-enrolled employees can choose to “opt-
out” if they don’t want to save. The ability to
                                                                Details of the benefits under KiwiSaver are
opt-out applies from day 14 of employment
                                                                on pages 10 to 11. When you become
(and must be exercised on or before day 56
                                                                entitled to a retirement benefit, you can take
i.e. within 8 weeks). This means that auto-
                                                                out your balance as a lump sum. SuperLife
enrolled employees will, as a minimum,
                                                                also lets you take your balance out as an
contribute between days 1-13. Contributions
                                                                income, or a combination of lump sums and
are refunded if you then opt-out.
                                                                an income. There is no tax payable on
                                                                benefits paid to you.
An employee who doesn’t opt-out (or
employees who opt in) must save for at least
                                                                In some circumstances, you can take the
their first year unless they cease to be an
                                                                money out before your KiwiSaver Retirement
employee or if they applied successfully to
                                                                Age; to help buy your first home and on
the IRD for a contributions holiday as they
                                                                significant financial hardship, serious illness
are suffering or likely to suffer financial
                                                                or permanent emigration.
hardship. After 1 year’s membership, they
can also stop saving by going on a
                                                                On death, your KiwiSaver Account balance is
contributions holiday (see page 8).
                                                                paid to your estate or the person entitled
                                                                under section 65 of the Administration Act
The government encourages you to join
                                                                1969 if there is no Will.
KiwiSaver and to save. It may also make an
extra payment outside KiwiSaver to help you
to buy your first home, if you are eligible.

Government payments

$1,000 kick-start                                              First home subsidy

The government pays an initial one-off                         If you have saved in KiwiSaver for at least
$1,000 contribution to your KiwiSaver                          three years, you may be eligible for a first-
Account to kick-start your KiwiSaver savings.                  home subsidy. Housing New Zealand
It is only paid once and is paid three months                  administers the subsidy on behalf of the
after you first join. The $1,000 is tax-free                   government and the subsidy is separate to the
and applies to everyone (including children)                   KiwiSaver withdrawal benefit to help with
when they first join KiwiSaver.                                the purchase of your first home (see page 11).

                                                               The eligibility criteria to receive the first-
Annual MTC (Member tax credits)                                home subsidy are set by Housing New
                                                               Zealand and include minimum savings levels,
If you’re 18 or older, the government will pay                 maximum household yearly income levels
into your KiwiSaver Account, after the end                     and maximum house price values. See our
of each year (i.e. after 30 June), a “member                   guide “Buying your first home” on our
tax credit” or “MTC”. This payment                             website for a summary and go to
subsidises the savings you made that year. It         for more details.
is up to a maximum of $521.43 (equivalent to
$10 a week). This is payable each year until                   If you qualify, the first-home subsidy is
your KiwiSaver Retirement Age. A                               $1,000 for each year you have saved to a
proportionate MTC applies in your first and                    maximum of $5,000 after 5 years ($10,000 for
last years.                                                    a couple where both qualify).

To qualify for the MTC, your principal place
of residence must be in New Zealand (there                     Changes to the rules
are some exceptions).
                                                               The government may change the rules at any
If your savings for the year are below the                     time and change the payments that it will
level required for the maximum MTC, you                        make.
can top-up your savings before 30 June so
that you receive the maximum MTC for that
year. KiwiSaver works on a 1 July to 30 June

To get the maximum MTC, you should save                      To find out how much you have saved and whether
at least $1,042.86 each year (1 July to 30 June)             you qualify for the full MTC, you can see your details
                                                             over the internet – see pages 39 and 40 for more
(i.e. $20 a week or $86.91 a month).                         details.

Your savings and contributions

How much you must save depends on                              provider. However, if you are a Member of
whether or not you are an employee. All                        SuperLife and choose to make extra
savings that you make go to your KiwiSaver                     contributions, you can pay them directly to
Account.                                                       us.

Employees                                                      Employer subsidy

If you are an employee, you save at a                          If you are an employee, age 18 or older and
minimum rate of 3% of your salary or wage.                     saving at least the minimum rate by payroll
Your “salary or wage” is your total taxable                    deduction, your employer also contributes at
pay including overtime, bonuses,                               the minimum rate of your before-tax salary
commissions, allowances, gratuities, holiday                   or wage. This is subject to tax (see page 50).
pay, and any other kind of remuneration
subject to PAYE, but excludes redundancy                       Your employer may make additional
payments.                                                      contributions to your KiwiSaver Account.
                                                               They’ll tell you if they’re going to do this and
“3%” means that you save $3 for every $100                     whether there are any special terms and
of your pay before tax comes off. The $3                       conditions for the additional subsidy.
comes out of your take-home pay.

You can increase your 3% savings rate to 4%                    Contributions holiday
or 8%, and reduce it back to the minimum.
Simply tell your employer by completing an                     If you are an employee and you have been in
IRD KiwiSaver deduction form (KS2).                            KiwiSaver for at least one year, you can stop
                                                               saving at any time by taking a “contributions
While you are an employee, your savings are                    holiday”. You can also apply for a
deducted from your salary or wage each pay                     contributions holiday in the first year if
day, unless you’re on a contributions holiday.                 you’re experiencing, or likely to experience,
                                                               significant financial hardship.
If you are away on paid holiday or paid sick
leave, your savings continue. If you are on                    If you take a contributions holiday, your
unpaid leave, your savings stop, unless you                    employer contributions will also stop.
make special arrangements to keep them
going.                                                         To take a contributions holiday, complete the
                                                               IRD KS6 form and send it to the IRD, or
                                                               apply online at The
Extra personal savings                                         IRD will tell your employer and us.

You may make voluntary extra KiwiSaver                         A contributions holiday is for the period you
savings direct to SuperLife at any time.                       choose between the minimum (3 months)
These can be made by cheque, direct debit,                     and maximum (5 years). There is no limit to
direct credit or through internet banking.                     the number of times you can take a
                                                               contributions holiday. At the end of a
                                                               contributions holiday period, if you are an
Contribution flow                                              employee and you do not choose a new
                                                               contributions holiday, the deduction from
Your savings and your employer subsidy are                     your salary or wages for the employee
paid by your employer to the IRD who then                      KiwiSaver contributions will automatically
pays them to your chosen KiwiSaver                             restart.

Non-employees                                                 Can you stop contributing?

If you don’t earn a salary or wage, you can                   If you are not an employee, you can stop
choose how much and when you save.                            contributing at any time. All contributions
Savings can be regular payments or                            are voluntary.
occasional lump sums. SuperLife has no
minimum requirement and you do not have                       If you are an employee and have been in
to save anything. You can stop and start                      KiwiSaver for at least one year, you can stop
your savings at any time.                                     contributing at any time by going on a
                                                              contributions holiday. You do this by telling
If you become an employee, your savings                       the IRD that you wish to go on one (use the
automatically move to the minimum                             IRD KS6 form). If you have not been in
employee rate and are deducted from your                      KiwiSaver for one year, you can apply to the
pay unless you go on a “contributions                         IRD to go on a contributions holiday if you
holiday”.                                                     are suffering significant financial hardship.
                                                              Contributions from your employer will stop
                                                              while you are on a contributions holiday.
Commonly asked questions
                                                              Contributions from your pay automatically
                                                              stop if you cease to be an employee.
What if you move overseas?

If you move overseas, you can continue to                     Can I transfer my benefits from an
save, but you will not be entitled to the                     Australian Super Fund?
annual government MTC subsidy while you
are away.                                                     If you have any benefits accruing in an
                                                              Australian superannuation fund regulated by
If you permanently emigrate, you may also be                  APRA (“Australian Super Fund”), you can
entitled to a benefit (see page 10).                          transfer those funds to your KiwiSaver
                                                              Account in SuperLife. You must transfer all
                                                              your funds as partial transfers are not
What if you change employers?                                 allowed. There are some special rules that
                                                              apply. For example, the transfer value
If you are in KiwiSaver and change                            cannot be withdrawn under the first home
employers, you remain in KiwiSaver with                       withdrawal option but some may be
your chosen KiwiSaver provider. Use the                       accessible from age 60 if you have retired.
IRD’s KiwiSaver deduction form (KS2) to
tell your new employer you are in KiwiSaver,
so they will continue to deduct your
KiwiSaver savings and pay their
contributions. You do not have to change
schemes and can stay in SuperLife.


Retirement                                                   somewhere between 4% and 10% can be
                                                             withdrawn each year prior to your KiwiSaver
The main purpose of KiwiSaver is to build                    Retirement Age.
up your retirement savings to supplement
your New Zealand Super benefit.
                                                             What happens if you die before retirement?

When can you receive your retirement                         If you die, your KiwiSaver Account balance
benefit?                                                     is paid to your estate or, if there is no Will, to
                                                             the person entitled under section 65 of the
Your KiwiSaver Retirement Age is the later                   Administration Act 1969. You should have a
of the age when you reach the age of                         Will and keep your Will up to date to ensure
eligibility for NZ Super (currently age 65) and              your benefit gets distributed the way you
the date you complete five years’                            want it to.
membership in KiwiSaver and/or a similar
complying fund.
                                                             What happens if you move overseas?

Do you have to take your benefit out at                      If you leave New Zealand permanently, you
your KiwiSaver Retirement Age?                               can continue with KiwiSaver until retirement.
                                                             However, if you move overseas permanently
No. When you reach your KiwiSaver                            (other than to Australia), once you have been
Retirement Age, you can withdraw your                        overseas for 12 months or more, you can
KiwiSaver Account balances as a lump sum.                    then choose to withdraw your KiwiSaver
You can also choose to continue to save and                  savings. If you choose to withdraw your
invest. However, after your KiwiSaver                        savings, the benefit payment is your
Retirement Age, you no longer qualify for the                KiwiSaver Account balance less the MTCs.
government MTCs and your employer does                       The MTCs are paid back to the government.
not have to contribute.                                      If you have previously transferred your
                                                             superannuation from an Australian Super
                                                             Fund, that money must stay in KiwiSaver or
Can you get an income?                                       go back to an Australian Super Fund.
Yes. Under SuperLife you can                                 If you move overseas permanently, (other
also take out your savings as an                             than to Australia), you can also choose to
income (or make cash                                         transfer your KiwiSaver savings at any time
withdrawals as required). It’s                               to a foreign superannuation scheme as
your choice. Ask for a copy of                               defined in the Act. If you choose to do this,
our guide “Thinking about your                               the benefit payment is your KiwiSaver
                                                             Account balance less the MTCs. The MTCs
                                                             are paid back to the government. If you have
                                                             previously transferred your superannuation
What about the money you transferred from
                                                             from an Australian Super Fund, that money
an Australian Super Fund?
                                                             must stay in KiwiSaver or go back to an
                                                             Australian Super Fund.
If you transferred money from an Australian
Super Fund and you retire on or after age 60
                                                             If you emigrate to Australia you can transfer
and before your KiwiSaver Retirement Age
                                                             your total KiwiSaver Account funds to an
and you meet the Australian retirement rules,
                                                             Australian Super Fund.
you can withdraw part of the money that was
transferred in. Typically, if you qualify,

What happens if you get very sick or                            Application for a benefit
disabled and cannot work?
                                                                In most cases, if you want to withdraw your
If you become seriously ill, you can withdraw                   savings or receive a benefit, you ask us.
your KiwiSaver Account before retirement.                       However, if you experience significant
Serious illness is defined in the legislation and               financial hardship or serious illness within the
the Trustee must determine whether you                          first three months of first joining KiwiSaver,
meet the criteria.                                              you’ll need to apply to the IRD.

                                                                The forms you need to complete and details
First home withdrawal                                           of the other information you need to provide
                                                                are on our website. You can also phone us
If you have been a member of KiwiSaver for                      to request a form to be sent to you.
at least three years, you can withdraw part of
your KiwiSaver Account to help you buy
your first home. You cannot withdraw the                        KiwiSaver rules apply
government’s $1,000 kick-start, the MTCs or
any amount transferred from an Australian                       The payment of all benefits is subject to the
APRA regulated super fund - these must stay                     rules under the Act. The government may
for your retirement - but you can withdraw                      change the rules applicable to benefits.
everything else, including the employer
contributions unless the employer has paid
more than the minimum amount required
and has imposed special restrictions on the
extra subsidy.
                                                              To find out how much you have saved, you can see
                                                              your balance over the internet – see pages 39 and 40
In some situations, if you do not own a                       for more details.
house, but have previously owned one, you
may also be able to take out money. Housing
New Zealand will determine your eligibility in
this case.

What happens if you suffer financial

If you experience significant financial
hardship, you can apply to the Trustee to
make a withdrawal. If approved, the
withdrawal is the amount determined by the
Trustee to alleviate your financial difficulties,
subject to a maximum of the amount in your
KiwiSaver Account excluding the
government kick-start and MTCs. These
must stay for retirement. The withdrawal
may include amounts transferred from an
Australian Super Fund.

Significant financial hardship is defined in the
legislation and has a strict hardship test.

Investment of your
KiwiSaver Account

 Our investment philosophy                13
 Policy to mitigate risk                  14
 Investment of your KiwiSaver Account     15
 Your investment strategy                 16
 AIMAge Steps                             18
 Sector Funds                             19
 Managed Funds                            34
 Variable Mixes                           35
 Ethica                                   36
 Investment returns                       37

Our investment philosophy

It is important to us that SuperLife’s                          The overriding objectives for the
investment options are flexible and reflect best                implementation of the investment policies of
practice from a member’s perspective.                           SuperLife, are based on principles of:

To provide flexibility SuperLife has a wide                          Prospective
range of investment Funds and options that                            Decisions must be made prospectively
lets you customise your Investment Strategy                           and cannot be made retrospectively.
to suit your needs and investment objectives.

It is also important to us that we give you
                                                                     Fair and equitable
                                                                      Each Fund will be treated fairly and
information to help you make decisions. We
                                                                      equitably in terms of trade execution
do not give personalised investment advice.
                                                                      orders and price. Fair dealing is a core
                                                                      practice in everything we do – from the
Our philosophy is what drives the investment
                                                                      way we conduct our business, our
options made available and their
                                                                      relationship with you and the
                                                                      management of your investments and
                                                                      the services we provide.

                                                                     Transparent
                                                                      Our focus is on how we generate the
                                                                      returns, the risks you may be exposed to
                                                                      and how we manage those potential
                                                                      risks. We are also focused on doing the
                                                                      best we can, for all our members, over
                                                                      the long-term. All decisions and the
                                                                      application/execution of the decision
                                                                      will be fully transparent.

                                                                     Cost effective
                                                                      Each decision will be made and
                                                                      implemented on the basis that is
                                                                      practical, sensible and logical for the
                                                                      Fund given its size and all decisions
                                                                      must be cost effective. The after-tax
                                                                      and after-all-costs return to you is
                                                                      improved by managing costs.

                                                                     Secure
                                                                      Accurate records are kept and that these
                                                                      records are subject to appropriate audit,
                                                                      security and privacy management. We
                                                                      also focus on the management of risks.

                                                                     Simple
                                                                      We look to keep things simple.

Policy to mitigate risk

In making investment decisions, we also look                      We believe that our returns will be
to mitigate risk. We therefore have regard to                     competitive over the long-term because of our
the principles of:                                                lower fees and our investment philosophy.
                                                                  But we expect, from time to time, that other
   Long-term:                                                    managers may do better for a short period
    We believe that in making investment                          while over that period their investment policy
    decisions, it is better to take a long-term                   happened to suit the market movements. We
    view and position portfolios for the                          are more focused on optimising returns over
    future, while managing the risks that                         periods relevant to each type of investment:
    might arise over the short-term.
                                                                  •     1 to 2 years: Cash
   Passive:
    We believe that when investing for the                        •     3 to 5 years: Bonds
    longer term, a passive approach to
    investing will deliver better results.                        •     7 to 10 years: Property & shares

    Passive investing means we will either
    invest in an index or index-related fund,
    or we will construct a non-indexed fund
    which holds a restricted number of
    quality assets for the long term. We agree
    with historical analysis that demonstrates
    that a low-cost, buy-and-hold strategy,
    over time outperforms managers whose
    approach is to constantly trade the
    market and look for short-term winners.

    We do not think that constantly changing
    our investments, that is trading regularly
    and seeking short-term gains, consistently
    adds value to your outcome – in fact we
    think it adds unnecessary cost and so
    lowers the returns you can get.

   Diversification:
    Better risk-adjusted outcomes arise
    through diversification. Diversification is
    about buying multiple investments from
    those available and spreading your risk by
    doing so.

Investment of your KiwiSaver Account

Your KiwiSaver Account                                         Currency risks

Your savings build up in your KiwiSaver                        Several of the Funds have all or part of the
Account. Your KiwiSaver Account is made                        Fund’s money invested overseas and have
up of:                                                         assets in foreign currencies. That means the
                                                               value of the Fund’s assets will also go up or
          your Savings                                         down if the value of those currencies change
                                                               in relation to the New Zealand dollar.
          the $1,000 kick-start
   +      the MTCs (“Member tax credits”)                      With some of these Funds, we and the
          (up to $521.43 a year)                               investment managers use foreign exchange
   +      your employer subsidy                                contracts to hedge the investments back to
          (if you are an employee)                             the NZ dollar, before-tax, to remove some or
                                                               nearly all of the effects of currency changes.
          administration fee ($33 a year)
  +/-     net investment earnings                              With the other Funds, the investment
   =      your KiwiSaver Account balance                       managers are instructed to let currency
                                                               changes affect asset values. By investing in
Under SuperLife, you can determine the                         these Funds, you take the additional
Investment Strategy for your KiwiSaver                         risks/rewards of changes in currency values,
Account using our investment options.                          as well as changes to the value of the assets

Investment options                                             Details of the currency position for each
                                                               Fund are on pages 18 to 36.
The investment options are made up of 22
investment Funds (Funds) and 7 variable mixes
of the Funds. Of the 22 Funds, 16 are Sector                    Investment managers
Funds, 5 are Managed Funds and 1 is an
Ethical Fund.                                                  We have chosen, on the advice of MCA, to
                                                               invest the capital of each Fund in the
There is a range of standard risk/return                       equivalent fund under SLSS. The investment
options of the Funds (Variable Mixes). Each                    manager is therefore SuperLife Limited in its
of these Mixes invests in one or more of the                   capacity as the investment manager of SLSS.
Funds and has a particular objective and is                    In that capacity we, on the advice of MCA,
therefore a strategy or a Mix and is not a                     choose the products which the capital of the
Fund.                                                          SLSS fund is invested in and/or the
                                                               underlying investment manager(s) appointed
Details of the investment Funds and Variable                   to invest the Fund’s capital.
Mixes are on pages 18 to 36.
                                                               Details of the products and investment
                                                               managers for each SLSS fund are set out on
Future changes                                                 pages 18 to 36 and the investment managers
                                                               are summarised on page 42.
The investment Funds and options available
can be changed by us at any time.
                                                                Historical performance

                                                               Details of SuperLife’s past returns are on our

Your Investment Strategy

Your Investment Strategy                                          or even negative returns, with a view of a
                                                                  higher expected average return, a less
You can combine the different Funds to                            conservative approach may be better,
make your own investment strategy, or                             including an exposure to some property and
choose a standard Mix of the Funds to form                        shares. This may give you a higher “average”
your Investment Strategy. To advise us of                         return than a conservative approach, but that
your Investment Strategy, complete a                              may not always be the case.
SuperLife investment option form or, if
registered for internet use, do it on-line. You                   If your goals are more long term (at least 12
can also change your Investment Strategy at                       years) and you want a higher average return
any time and there is no charge for doing so.                     and are prepared to have low or negative
                                                                  returns for several years, you might want to
Setting your Investment Strategy (your mix of                     have even more shares in your Investment
cash, bonds, property and shares) is one of the                   Strategy.
important decisions you need to make for
your KiwiSaver savings. SuperLife’s                               Under SuperLife, if you become entitled to a
investment options give you the ability to                        retirement benefit and the markets are down
tailor your Investment Strategy to suit your                      (e.g. recent returns were low or negative), you
own needs.                                                        can defer receiving your benefit and wait for
                                                                  the markets to recover. This is your decision.
                                                                  You also need not withdraw all your savings
How do you decide where to put your                               at once. You can choose to take your benefit
money?                                                            to suit your needs and you choose from
                                                                  which Funds you want your benefit
Deciding which Funds to put your money in                         withdrawn.
isn’t easy - there's no single answer. If you
need help to decide, you should talk to an                        How much investment risk can you afford to
appropriately experienced authorised                              take?
financial adviser (AFA).                                          For investments, “risk” often refers to the
                                                                  volatility of returns and, in particular, the
You may also wish to read the SuperLife                           chance or likelihood of a negative return
Investment Guide and the SuperLife guide to                       occurring. High volatility over short periods
investing. You can download copies from                           normally means higher risk i.e. a higher
our website. These can only be a general                          chance of a negative return.
guide as to the principles involved. The key
factors that you should consider include                          The general overriding principle is that
when you may receive a benefit and the level                      investments with higher risk will normally
of risk that is appropriate for you.                              provide investors over the long-term, with a
                                                                  higher average return. Note, we emphasise
When will you receive a benefit?                                  the word “average” as, due to the level of
If you think that you may need your benefit                       risk, the return in any individual year may be
in the near future (e.g. you are going to retire                  very high, very low or even negative.
shortly), it may make sense to protect the
current value of your existing assets.                            Some members may not be happy about the
Therefore, an approach that has more                              possibility of negative returns and will
certainty in the return (less chance of a loss,                   therefore favour a conservative approach and
i.e. more “conservative”) may be appropriate,                     be willing to receive lower average returns
that is, predominantly cash and bonds.                            (i.e. more investments held in cash and bonds
                                                                  and less in property and shares).
If your goals are medium term (at least seven
years) and you can tolerate some years of low

Some members will seek to take on
additional risk due to the possibility of a
higher expected return and therefore adopt a
less certain approach (i.e. fewer investments
held in cash and bonds and more in property
and shares).

What if you do not make a decision?

Until you advise us of your investment option,
your KiwiSaver Account is invested in the
standard option.

The standard investment option is the Cash
Fund for the first three months of your
membership. After three months, it moves to
the AIMAge Steps strategy over the next six
months, as follows:

                        Cash Fund    AIMAge Steps
  First 3 months            All         Nil
  Month 4                  5/6th       1/6th
          5                4/6th       2/6th
          6                3/6th       3/6th
          7                2/6th       4/6th
          8                1/6th       5/6th
  Month 9 onwards           Nil         All

We can change the standard option at our
discretion. If we do this, we will tell you.

See page 18 (AIMAge Steps) and page 19 (Cash
Fund) for more details.

Maintaining your strategy – rebalancing

At times throughout the year (normally
monthly), we will rebalance your KiwiSaver
Account back to your Investment Strategy.
This happens automatically unless you tell us
not to. This way the investment of your
KiwiSaver Account is consistent with your
Investment Strategy.

AIMAge Steps

           is a mix of the Cash,
AIMAge Steps
SuperLife       and SuperLifeGrowth Funds and
has an underlying asset mix that is related to
your age. It therefore splits your SuperLife
Account balance between the other Funds for
cash, bonds, property and shares, based on
your age. At the younger ages, the focus is on
property and shares. It currently moves to be
half property and shares, and half cash and
bonds, at age 65.

AIMAge Steps is designed for someone saving
for retirement where they plan to maintain
their investment into retirement and spend
their savings throughout their retirement.
They are also willing to have a “normal” level
of ups and downs in returns. For many
members, it will not represent the ideal
investment strategy as they may have other
investments, or they intend to use their
savings for other reasons (e.g. to buy a
house), or they wish to have a more
conservative or a more aggressive strategy. If
the savings are planned to be spent in full on
retirement, it may not be suitable to remain
in this strategy approaching retirement.

The investment strategies at sample ages are:

                                     AIMAge Steps (sample ages)
                         20    30     40     50      55    60     65    70
                         %     %      %      %      %      %      %     %

Cash                       0     0      0      0      5 12.5       20    20
SuperLifeIncome            4    20     20     25     30 30.0       30    40
SuperLifeGrowth           96    80     80     75     65 57.5       50    40
Total                    100   100    100    100    100   100     100   100

Details for all ages are on our website and are illustrated below:

Sector Funds

  Currently SuperLife has 14 Sector Funds.                        Cash Fund
  These are the building blocks that let you
  form your Investment Strategy. Each Fund                        Objective:
  looks to capture the market returns of a                              To capture the market returns of the New
  particular type of asset. With each Fund,                             Zealand “cash” investment market.
  cash may also be held for liquidity purposes.
                                                                  Permitted investments:
                                                                        Cash and cash equivalent assets
  The Sector Funds are:
                                                                        denominated in New Zealand dollars with
     Cash                                                               a maximum remaining duration of 365
     NZ Bonds                                                           days, including:
     Overseas Government Bonds
     Overseas Non-government Bonds                                      •   Short-term fixed interest investments,
     Property                                                               and
     NZ Shares
     Australian Shares                                                  •   Bank deposits, and
     Overseas Shares Currency Hedged
     Overseas Shares (Unhedged)                                         •   Other cash and cash equivalent
     Emerging Markets                                                       investments.
                                                                        Products that primarily invest in the above
     SuperLifesmartFONZ                                                 permitted investments including exchange
     SuperLifesmartMOZY                                                 traded funds (“ETFs”) and unlisted funds.
     UK Cash
                                                                  Benchmark returns:
     UK Income
     UK Growth
                                                                        The 1 to 2 year returns are evaluated
                                                                        against the ANZ 90-day Bank Bills Index.

                                                                        A margin over the index return is expected
                                                                        over each 2-year period to reflect the
                                                                        investment risks of the portfolio.

                                                                  Investment manager:
                                                                        We have chosen, on the advice of MCA, to
                                                                        invest the Fund’s capital in the equivalent
                                                                        fund under SLSS.

                                                                        Under SLSS, Nikko Asset Management
                                                                        New Zealand Limited (“Nikko”) has been
                                                                        appointed to make the investment
                                                                        decisions on which investments to buy.
                                                                        Decisions by Nikko are made subject to
                                                                        the equivalent SLSS fund’s mandate.

NZ Bonds Fund

Objective:                                                            A margin over the index return is expected
   To capture the market returns of the New                           over each 5-year period to reflect the risks
   Zealand investment-grade bond market                               of the non-government bond investments.
   made up of the fixed interest investments
   issued by the New Zealand government
   and major New Zealand organisations.                         Investment manager:
                                                                      We have chosen, on the advice of MCA, to
Permitted investments:                                                invest the Fund’s capital in the equivalent
   Any fixed interest security where the                              fund under SLSS.
   interest rate is denominated in NZ dollars:
   - of, or guaranteed by, the NZ                                     Under SLSS, Nikko has been appointed to
     government;                                                      make the investment decisions on which
                                                                      investments to buy. Decisions by Nikko
   - of a corporate entity or bank                                    are made subject to the equivalent SLSS
     constituted by or under the laws of                              fund’s mandate.
   - of a local authority or other governing
     body constituted by or under NZ law.

   Any convertible or non-convertible
   securities of an organisation which
   provides a predetermined rate of dividend
   or interest.

   NZ dollar securities issued or guaranteed
   by foreign governments.

   Deposits with a bank and Certificates of
   Deposit issued by a bank whether
   negotiable, convertible or not.

   Bills of Exchange that have been accepted
   or endorsed by a bank.

   Promissory notes; and floating rate notes.

   Cash and cash equivalents.

   Products that primarily invest in the above
   underlying investments, including ETFs
   and unlisted managed investment funds.

Benchmark returns:
   The 3 to 5 year returns are evaluated
   against the ANZ NZ All Government
   Bond Index.

Overseas Government Bonds Fund

   To capture the market return of the global
   bond market made up of bonds issued by
   the governments of overseas countries
   within the developed markets.

Permitted investments:
   Fixed interest securities issued by a
   government, or guaranteed by a
   government, of a country within the
   developed markets.

   A security that is included in the Citigroup
   World Government Bond Index.

   Forward currency hedging contracts.

   Cash and cash equivalents.

   Products that primarily invest in the above
   underlying investments, including ETFs
   and unlisted managed investment funds.

   The foreign currency exposures are
   hedged to the NZ dollar by buying
   forward currency hedging contracts.

Benchmark returns:
   The 3 to 5 year returns are evaluated
   against the Citigroup World Government
   Bond Index hedged to New Zealand

Investment manager:
   We have chosen, on the advice of MCA, to
   invest the Fund’s capital in the equivalent
   fund under SLSS.

   Under SLSS, the product used is the State
   Street Global Advisors Australia Limited
   (“SSgA”) Global Fixed Income Index
   Trust. This is a global index fund ex-
   Australia and is hedged to the Australian
   dollar within the product.

   SSgA then hedges the Australian dollar
   exposure to New Zealand dollars outside
   the product.

Overseas Non-government Bonds Fund

Objective:                                                       Benchmark returns:
   To capture the market return available                              The 3 to 5 year returns are evaluated
   from the investment grade bonds issued                              against the Citigroup World Government
   by organisations in the developed markets.                          Bond Index hedged to New Zealand
                                                                       dollars. A margin above this is expected
Permitted investments:                                                 to reflect the exposure to investment
   Any fixed interest security available in an                         grade corporate bonds.
   overseas developed market characterised
   as:                                                           Investment manager:
                                                                       We have chosen, on the advice of MCA, to
   -    of or guaranteed by a foreign                                  invest the Fund’s capital in the equivalent
        government;                                                    fund under SLSS.
   -    of a corporate entity or bank
        constituted by or under the laws of an                         Under SLSS, the products used are:
        overseas developed market;                                     •   the Vanguard International, Credit
   -    of a local authority or other governing                            Securities Index Fund (Hedged) of
        body constituted by or under laws of                               Vanguard Investments Australia
        an overseas developed market.                                      Limited (“Vanguard”); and
                                                                       •   the SSgA Global Broad Investment
   A security that is included in the Citigroup                            Grade Fixed Income Trust of SSgA.
   World Broad Investment-Grade Bond
   Index.                                                              Both of these products are index funds
                                                                       and are hedged to the Australian dollar
   Any convertible or non-convertible                                  within the products. The Vanguard fund
   securities of a corporation which provide a                         is benchmarked against the Barclays
   predetermined rate of dividend or interest.                         Global Aggregate Investment Grade
                                                                       Index ex Mortgage Backed Securities and
   Deposits with a bank and Certificates of                            the SSgA fund is benchmarked against the
   Deposit issued by a bank whether                                    Citigroup World Broad Investment Grade
   negotiable, convertible or not.                                     Index ex-Australian hedged to Australian
   Bills of Exchange that have been accepted
   or endorsed by a bank; promissory notes.                            Currency hedging outside the products is
                                                                       managed by SSgA in respect of the SSgA
   Floating rate notes.                                                fund and by the SLSS investment manager
                                                                       in respect of the Vanguard fund. Where
   Forward currency hedging contracts, cash,                           the hedging contracts are implemented by
   cash equivalents.                                                   the SLSS investment manager, the services
                                                                       of Nikko are used.
   Products that primarily invest in the above
   underlying investments, including ETFs
   and unlisted managed investment funds.

   The foreign currency exposures are
   hedged to the NZ dollar by buying
   forward currency hedging contracts.

Property Fund

Objective:                                                           Investing on a passive basis means that
   To capture the market return of the                               the turnover of the portfolio is expected
   property markets of New Zealand,                                  to be low and the portfolio is not
   Australia and the non-Australasian                                expected to be traded. Shares are
   developed markets over the long term, by                          purchased with the expectation that they
   passively investing in a diversified                              will still be held in 5 years’ time.
   portfolio of listed or about to be listed
   property securities.                                        Hedging:
                                                                     The foreign currency exposures for global
Permitted investments:                                               property securities are generally hedged to
   Property securities and associated                                the Australian dollar. The currency risks
   investments (“Property Shares”) listed on a                       of Australian property securities and the
   board of the NZX, the Australian Stock                            NZ and Australian exposure of the global
   Exchange (“ASX”) or the stock exchange                            property securities are expected to be 50%
   of a developed country.                                           hedged on average to the NZ dollar, but
                                                                     may at times, vary between 0% and 100%.
   Property Shares of New Zealand and
   Australian companies that are expected to                   Benchmark returns:
   be listed within 1 year on a board of the                         The 5 to 7 year returns are evaluated
   NZX or ASX.                                                       against the NZX Property Index. The
                                                                     returns are expected to vary relative to the
   Shares in this context include futures,                           index reflecting the exposure to Australian
   options, rights and any listed hybrid equity                      and global property securities. Over the
   security including redeemable preference                          long term (10 years plus) the volatility of
   shares, specified preference shares, partly                       the portfolio is expected to be less due to
   paid shares and convertible notes.                                the higher level of diversification.

   Forward currency hedging contracts; cash                    Investment manager:
   and cash equivalents.                                             We have chosen, on the advice of MCA, to
                                                                     invest the Fund’s capital in the equivalent
   Products that primarily invest in the above                       fund under SLSS.
   underlying investments, including ETFs
   and unlisted managed investment funds.                            Under SLSS, for the Australasian markets,
                                                                     the decisions on which investments to buy
Asset allocation & security selection:                               are made by the SLSS investment
   The SLSS investment manager, on the                               manager. To help it, it receives advice
   advice of MCA decides on the split                                from Forsyth Barr Limited (“Forsyth Barr”)
   between New Zealand, Australia and the                            and other brokers as appropriate. For
   global developed markets. Securities                              global property securities, the SLSS fund
   within New Zealand and Australian                                 currently buys units in the Vanguard
   markets are bought to target an equally                           International Property Securities Index
   weighted exposure within each market, but                         Fund (Hedged), managed by Vanguard.
   there will be departures from this principle                      This is a global ex-Australia property
   because of the products invested in,                              index fund.
   market movements, size and liquidity and
   efficiency constraints, and for                                   The management of the currency
   diversification purposes.                                         management between NZ and Australia is
                                                                     made by the SLSS investment manager
                                                                     and implemented through Nikko.

NZ Shares Fund

Objective:                                                     Investment manager:
   To capture the market return of the New                           We have chosen, on the advice of MCA, to
   Zealand share market over the long term                           invest the Fund’s capital in the equivalent
   by passively investing in a diversified                           fund under SLSS.
   portfolio of listed New Zealand shares.
                                                                     Under SLSS the decisions on which
Permitted investments:                                               investments to buy are made by the SLSS
   Shares and associated investments                                 investment manager. To help it, it
   (“shares”), listed on a board of the NZX.                         receives advice from Forsyth Barr and
   Shares in this context includes futures,                          other brokers as appropriate
   options, rights and any listed hybrid equity
   security including redeemable preference
   shares, specified preference shares, partly
   paid shares and convertible notes.

   Shares of New Zealand companies that
   are expected to be listed within 1 year on a
   board of the NZX.

   Cash and cash equivalents.

   Products that primarily invest in the above
   underlying assets, including ETFs and
   unlisted managed investment funds.

Security selection:
   Investments are bought to construct a
   passive NZ Share portfolio for a long-
   term investor. The portfolio will target an
   equally weighted exposure across the
   shares, but there will be departures from
   this principle because of the products
   invested in, market movements, size and
   liquidity and efficiency constraints, and for
   diversification purposes.

   Investing on a passive basis means that
   the turnover of the portfolio is expected
   to be low and the portfolio is not
   expected to be traded. Shares are
   purchased with the expectation that they
   will still be held in 7 years’ time.

Benchmark returns:
   The 7 to 10 year returns are evaluated
   against the NZX 50 Index.

Australian Shares Fund

Objective:                                                      Benchmark returns:
   To capture the market return of the                               The 7 to 10 year returns are evaluated
   Australian share market over the long                             against the S&P/ASX 200 Index (50%
   term by passively investing in a diversified                      hedged to the New Zealand dollar).
   portfolio of shares.
                                                               Investment manager:
Permitted investments:                                               We have chosen, on the advice of MCA, to
   Shares and associated investments listed                          invest the Fund’s capital in the equivalent
   on a board of the ASX. Shares in this                             fund under SLSS.
   context includes futures, options, rights
   and any listed hybrid equity security                             Under SLSS, the decisions on which
   including redeemable preference shares,                           investments to buy are made by the SLSS
   specified preference shares, partly paid                          investment manager. To help it, it
   shares and convertible notes.                                     receives advice from Forsyth Barr and
                                                                     other brokers as appropriate.
   Shares of Australian companies that are
   expected to be listed within 1 year on a                          The management of the currency
   board of the ASX.                                                 exposure between New Zealand and
                                                                     Australia is managed by the SLSS
   Forward currency hedging contracts.                               investment manager and implemented
                                                                     through Nikko.
   Cash and cash equivalent.

   Products that primarily invest in the above
   underlying assets, including ETFs and
   unlisted managed investment funds.

Security selection:
   Investments are bought to target an
   equally weighted exposure across the
   shares, but there will be departures from
   this principle because of the products
   invested in, market movements, size and
   liquidity constraints and for diversification

   Investing on a passive basis means that
   the turnover of the portfolio is expected
   to be low and the portfolio is not
   expected to be traded. Shares are
   purchased with the expectation that they
   will still be held in 7 years’ time

   The foreign currency risks between the
   NZ and Australian dollar are expected to
   be 50% hedged on average, but may at
   times be fully hedged or fully unhedged.

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