Page created by Dave Alvarez

                                                                   INTRODUCTION                                            3                WORKFORCE & CULTURE                                         32
                                                                   About This Report                                        4               A Culture of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion               34

                                                                   Bob Bakish: Sharpening Our ESG Focus                     5               Preventing Harassment and Discrimination                    39

                                                                   About ViacomCBS                                          6               Health, Safety, and Security                                42

                                                                   Our Approach to ESG                                      7               Labor Relations                                             44

                                                                   Our Goals                                                9

                                                                   Meeting the Ongoing Challenge of COVID-19               10
                                                                                                                                            SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                            & OPERATIONS                                                45
                                                                   GOVERNANCE                                              12               Climate Change                                              47

                                                                   Corporate Governance                                    13               Sustainable Production                                      53

                                                                   ESG Governance                                          15               Supply Chain Responsibility                                 56

                                                                   Data Privacy and Information Security                   16               Consumer Products                                           59

                                                                   Public Policy Engagement                                17

                                                                                                                                            REPORTING INDICES                                           61
                                                                   ON-SCREEN CONTENT                                                        Global Reporting Initiative Index                           62

                                                                   & SOCIAL IMPACT                                         18               Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Index             70

                                                                   Diverse and Inclusive Content                           20               Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures Index   73

                                                                   Responsible Content and Advertising                     26               Aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals          74
                                                                   Driving Social Impact Through Our Content and Brands    28
CBS television show: The Equalizer;
CBS television show: Good Sam crew

                                      ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                                             INTRODUCTION        GOVERNANCE            ON-SCREEN CONTENT
                                                                                                       & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                                                & CULTURE
                                                                                                                                                        SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                                        & OPERATIONS
2020-2021 challenged our world and our company
in unprecedented ways. In response, we leveraged
the power of our content to reflect and help
ground our individual and collective experiences,
and to inspire us all to fight for a better world.

                                    IMAGES (FROM LEFT TO RIGHT):
                                    CBS television show: Secret Celebrity Renovation;
                                    SHOWTIME television show: Ziwe

             ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                                              INTRODUCTION              GOVERNANCE   ON-SCREEN CONTENT
                                                                                                     & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                                         & CULTURE
                                                                                                                                     SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                     & OPERATIONS
About This Report
GRI: 102-21, 102-46, 103-1

The challenges we faced were also a
key test of our wider Environmental,
Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy.
Because we’ve made key commitments
as a company, we were prepared to                                                                                                This report focuses on our evolving ESG strategy and progress in
                                                                                                                                 2020 with highlights and key activities from the first half of 2021,
adapt in the face of crisis.                                                                                                     where noted. We report annually in alignment with the industry
                                                                                                                                 standard of alternating between comprehensive reports and
                                                                                                                                 abridged updates. This is our second ESG report and is an abridged
                                                                                                                                 update to our 2019-2020 ESG report, which we published in
                                                                                                                                 December 2020.
As we move forward, we are
                                                                                                                                 We used external reporting frameworks and guidance to influence
further sharpening our focus and                                                                                                 the development of this report, including the Global Reporting
                                                                                                                                 Initiative (GRI) Standards, the Sustainability Accounting Standards

activating our ESG strategy across                                                                                               Board (SASB), and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial
                                                                                                                                 Disclosures (TCFD). The GRI, SASB, and TCFD indices are at the
                                                                                                                                 end of the report.
ViacomCBS so we can continue
                                                                                                                                 For complementary information on our corporate commitments
to meet the challenges and                                                                                                       and impacts, please see our 2020 Social Impact Review and
                                                                                                                                 our annual Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) Report.
opportunities that lie ahead.                               IMAGES (FROM TOP TO BOTTOM):
                                                            CBS This Morning television show;                                    We take seriously the views of all our stakeholders and
                                                            CBS television show: Good Sam crew                                   actively seek their input. For any feedback or questions,
                                                                                                                                 please contact Jessica Thurston, Senior Director, ESG Strategy,
                                                                                                                                 at sustainability@viacomcbs.com.

                             ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                                    INTRODUCTION         GOVERNANCE              ON-SCREEN CONTENT
                                                                                                 & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                                     & CULTURE
                                                                                                                                       SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                       & OPERATIONS
2020-2021 was uniquely challenging. We have been facing one of the worst global

Bob Bakish:
                                                                                    health crises in a generation and were forced to begin reckoning with the longstanding
                                                                                    pain of systemic racism and social injustice that continue to impact our communities
                                                                                    each day. These events have galvanized our society to a higher level of action. And,
                                                                                    as a media company that reaches billions of people daily, we recognize the power and

                                                                                    responsibility of our role in shaping this action and driving change forward.

                                                                                    Over the last year, our people have come together in new ways and with reaffirmed
                                                                                    purpose to make a difference. Through our commitment to ESG, we’ve made important

                                                                                    progress on the key pillars we defined in our first report last year – On-Screen Content
                                                                                    & Social Impact, Workforce & Culture and Sustainable Production & Operations –
                                                                                    to drive change for our employees, audiences, communities, partners and investors

                                                                                    around the world.

                                                                                    In this 2020-2021 ESG Report, we lay out overarching goals for our ESG pillars to help
                                                                                    us sharpen our focus and strengthen ESG management across ViacomCBS. As we work
                                                                                    toward these goals, we will continue to openly track and report on our progress –
GRI: 102-14                                                                         to ensure we remain accountable to our stakeholders on this journey.

                                                                                    Our Board of Directors, my senior leadership team and I are deeply committed to
                                                                                    this work. We are just beginning to scratch the surface of what our company can do.
                                                                                    We will continue to share our progress – and challenges – along the way.


“      In this 2020-2021 ESG Report, we lay out overarching
       goals for our ESG pillars to help us sharpen our focus
                                                                                    Bob Bakish
                                                                                    President and CEO, ViacomCBS

       and strengthen ESG management across ViacomCBS.”

                     ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                             INTRODUCTION   GOVERNANCE   ON-SCREEN CONTENT
                                                                         & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                     & CULTURE
                                                                                                                             SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                             & OPERATIONS
About ViacomCBS                                                                                                                                                                                     S



GRI: 102-2, 102-4, 102-6, 102-7, 102-16, 102-45; SASB: TC-IM-000.A


ViacomCBS delivers premium content to audiences                                                                                                                                    UNLEASHING
across traditional and emerging platforms world-wide.                                                                   Studios                                                    THE POWER                                 Streaming
                                                                                                                        Supplying global film,                                     OF CONTENT                                Giving audiences
                                                                                                                        TV, and digital content                                                                              the broadcast video
                                                                                                                        for our own platforms                                                                                experience —
                                                                   Through our studios, networks,                       and for partners.                                                                                    both free and pay —
                                                                                                                                                                                   N E T W O R KS

                                                                   streaming, and more, we connect                                                                                                                           spanning news,
                                                                   with billions of people. We are                                                                                                                           sports, entertainment,
                                                                   powered by the most diverse                                                                                                                               local, and live content.
                                                                   portfolio of brands, content,
         in key U.S. target                                        and audiences in our industry.
                                                                   The content we produce and                                                              Networks
           including total
                                                                   distribute provides value to                                                            Delivering the #1
       audience, kids, adults,
                                                                   audiences as entertainment;                                                             share in every demo
       and diverse audience                                        timely news and information; and                                                        across broadcast
        (African Americans,                                        storytelling about issues, topics,                                                      and cable in the
        Hispanics,1 or other)                                      and characters that are of interest                                                     U.S., and with strong
                                                                   and importance to them. We                                                              positions in Latin
                                                                   earn revenue from advertising,                                                          America, Europe,
                                                                   affiliates (i.e., cable providers,                                                      and Asia.
                                                                   over-the-top partners, or other
                                                                   platforms that pay fees to carry
                                                                   our content), subscriptions to our
                                                                   own streaming platforms (such as
                                                                   Paramount+), and licensing.

1 Nielsen Media Research; Q1 2021 Live+7 Share of Viewing.
  Excludes Spanish-language networks. “Adults” refers to
  pp. 18-49 and pp. 25-54.

                                                             ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                                                                                         INTRODUCTION    GOVERNANCE               ON-SCREEN CONTENT
                                                                                                                                                  & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                                                                                                & CULTURE
                                                                                                                                                                                                    SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                                                                                    & OPERATIONS
Our Values                                                                   Our Approach to ESG
OPTIMISM &                                                                   GRI: 102-15, 103-1, 103-2, 103-3

We share a positive belief that                                              The media and                           Our ESG strategy is centered on             It includes topics like workforce        We have also deepened our
we can navigate and thrive in the                                                                                    understanding and responding to             diversity and inclusion, employee        investment in key initiatives that
landscape ahead.                                                             entertainment industry                  our biggest impacts. That means             safety and security, and labor           underscore our ESG commitments
                                                                                                                     evaluating the associated risks             relations. Sustainable Production        across our business. For example,
                                                                             plays a powerful role                   and opportunities, as well as the           & Operations covers how we               through Content for Change,
INCLUSIVITY &                                                                                                        responsibility to take action. This         address the environmental and            a social justice initiative first
COLLABORATION                                                                in shaping culture and                  approach allows us to better                social impacts of our operations         launched in June 2020 by BET, we
                                                                                                                     serve our partners, audiences,              and facilities, film and television      are developing a comprehensive
We embrace new and diverse                                                   conversations, and we                   employees, and shareholders                 productions, and other activities.       approach to supporting the
voices, act with care, and work
                                                                                                                     — and augment our business                  It includes managing our                 creation, distribution, marketing,
together to capture opportunities                                            are serious about the                   success. We organize our ESG                environmental footprint and              and promotion of content aimed
and manage through challenges.
                                                                                                                     work into three pillars: On-Screen          ensuring our suppliers and partners      at issues like working towards
                                                                             responsibilities this                   Content & Social Impact (how we             meet the standards we set.               ending systemic racism in America.
AGILITY &                                                                    position brings.                        show up), Workforce & Culture                                                        Content for Change harnesses
                                                                                                                     (who we are), and Sustainable               In 2020, we continued our post-          what we do best — create and
ADAPTABILITY                                                                                                         Production & Operations (how we             merger integration, including            deliver content — to positively
We think entrepreneurially, are                                                                                      do what we do).                             strengthening ESG management             and powerfully portray and impact
resilient in change, and move                                                                                                                                    and reporting systems across the         our communities, further inclusion
quickly to anticipate and create                                                                                     On-Screen Content & Social Impact           combined company. As part of             and understanding, and diversify
what’s next.                                                                                                         encompasses the opportunities               this work, we have made our              representation in entertainment.
                                                                                                                     and responsibilities we have – to           ESG governance structure more            We are working to integrate
                                                                                                                     represent, inform, and influence            robust, including building out our       this initiative across our brands.
                                                                                                                     through our content and brands.             ESG Council.                             We’ve expanded our diversity
                                                                                                                     It includes topics such as diverse                                                   and representation goals for both
                                                                                                                     and inclusive content, content              With this report, we are excited
                                                                                                                                                                                                          management and creative roles

            21,573                                         31.7
                                                                                                                     accuracy and independence,                  to launch our first company-wide
                                                                                                                                                                                                          throughout the company. And we
                                                                                                                     and responsible advertising.                ESG goals – with associated
                                                                                                                                                                                                          are centralizing and scaling up
                                                                                                                     Workforce & Culture is about our            metrics and targets – for each of
                                                                                                                                                                                                          our sustainable production efforts
                                                                                                                     efforts to recruit and retain the           our three strategic pillars. These
                                                                                                                                                                                                          across our ecosystem.
                  full-time employees                billion hours of ViacomCBS                                      best employees, treat contractors           goals will help us to further sharpen
                 in 36 countries as of               content consumed globally,2                                     and partners well, and ensure               our focus and drive progress on
                      July 31, 2021                  watched in 184 countries in                                     everyone feels welcome and safe.            what matters most.
                                                             45 languages
                                                                                                                                                                                                          2 Includes our share of CW (50%) and V18/Colors (49%) joint
                                                                                                                                                                                                            ventures; includes only ViacomCBS content on Pluto. Data
                                                                                                                                                                                                            as of Q1 2021 (ending March 2021).

                                    ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                                                             INTRODUCTION               GOVERNANCE     ON-SCREEN CONTENT
                                                                                                                       & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                                                                           & CULTURE
                                                                                                                                                                                 SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                                                                 & OPERATIONS
Material                                                       Governance                                                           Workforce & Culture

Topics                                                         On-Screen Content & Social Impact                                    Sustainable Production & Operations

GRI: 102-15, 102-46, 102-47, 103-1
                                                                                                                                          ESG governance                         Diverse & inclusive content

We completed a materiality                                                                                                                Transparency & reporting               Content accuracy & independence
assessment in 2020 and continue                                                                                                                                                  Business model disruption
to use its results to guide our ESG                                                                                                                                              IP & copyright
strategy. It drew on insights from                                                                                                                                               Workforce diversity & inclusion
internal and external stakeholders,                                                                                                                                              Harassment & discrimination
a review of major reporting and
                                                                                                                                                                                 Employee safety & security
evaluation frameworks, peer
                                                                                                                                                                                 Culture & transformation

                                                                       Importance to stakeholders
benchmarking, and extensive
tracking of stakeholders’ positions                                                                                                                                              Data privacy & information security
on key issues. Our Board of
Directors, senior leadership                                                                                                              Labor & worker issues
team, and other key ESG leaders                                                                                                           Stakeholder engagement                 & environmental issues
across the company reviewed and                                                                                                           Supply chain responsibility            Responsible advertising
validated the assessment.                                                                                                                 & product impacts                      Social impact
                                                                                                                                          Environment impacts from direct
For more details, including                                                                                                                                                      Corporate governance
definitions of key topics, see
                                                                                                                                                                                 Compliance & ethical conduct
our more extensive standalone
Materiality Assessment Report,
which we published in August 2020.
                                                                                                         Public policy engagement         Supplier diversity

                                                                                                                                           Impact on ViacomCBS’s business

                                                                       Great                                                                                                                               Greater

                                      ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                                                                                    INTRODUCTION       GOVERNANCE     ON-SCREEN CONTENT
                                                                                                                                      & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                                                                                     & CULTURE
                                                                                                                                                                                      SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                                                                      & OPERATIONS
Our                                                 On-Screen                                                       Workforce                                               Sustainable
Goals                                               Content &                                                       & Culture                                               Production
Our goals define our                                Social Impact                                                   We are molding a culture anchored in our core
                                                                                                                    values that centers diversity and inclusion. One        & Operations
                                                                                                                    that keeps employees safe, feeling engaged
focus and ambition.                                 We are harnessing what we do best — create and                  and like they belong, and retains and attracts          We are working to mitigate our impacts on
                                                    deliver content — to positively and powerfully                  the best talent. This work extends to the               climate change by assessing and managing
TCFD: Metrics & Targets                             portray and impact our communities, further                     teams creating our content and builds on our            our environmental impacts across our facilities,
                                                    inclusion and understanding, and diversify                      commitment to providing equal opportunities             productions, travel, and supply chain.
                                                    representation in entertainment. That means                     for access and advancement across our content
In 2021, we developed the first set                 responsibly managing our content and advertising                creation lifecycle.
of overarching goals for each of                    and using our platforms – including our work in                                                                          1   Pilot a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
our three ESG pillars. These goals                  our communities – for good.                                                                                                  initiative in the UK, publishing our plan
will help us to sharpen our focus                                                                                                                                                for how to do so by end of 2021
                                                                                                                     1   Diversity and Representation:
and hold ourselves accountable as
we continue to formalize our efforts                     Apply research and rigor to understand best                     • By the end of 2021, achieve a global
                                                     1                                                                                                                       2   Assess what it would take for ViacomCBS
across ViacomCBS. We’ve also set                         practices of representation and portrayals                        external hire and internal promotion
                                                                                                                                                                                 to reach net zero greenhouse gas
complementary goals and targets                          along five topic areas aligned with our                           rate of 55% for female SVPs and
                                                                                                                                                                                 emissions across our global value chain
within many of our individual                            Content for Change program by 2023                                above, and a U.S. external hire and
brands and divisions, several of                                                                                           internal promotion rate of 40% for
which are highlighted throughout                         Provide training to productions on the                            ethnically diverse VPs and above
this report.                                             MTV Entertainment (MTVE) Group Culture                          • Share an update to achieve longer-
                                                         Orientation, beginning with 100% of MTVE                          term targets by the end of 2022
                                                         productions by the end of 2022
                                                                                                                     2   Engagement and Inclusion:
                                                                                                                         Improve organizational engagement from
                                                                                                                         74% to 81% favorable by 2025

                                       ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                                                                     INTRODUCTION      GOVERNANCE            ON-SCREEN CONTENT
                                                                                                                             & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                                                                           & CULTURE
                                                                                                                                                                       SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                                                       & OPERATIONS
Meeting the Ongoing
Challenge of COVID-19                                                                                                             Operating Safely
                                                                                                                                  and Effectively
Our ongoing response focuses on operating safely,                                                                                 At the start of the pandemic,             those published by the Alliance
                                                                                                                                  we halted nearly all TV and film          of Motion Picture and Television
providing reliable information, and continuing to                                                                                 productions. Those productions            Producers (AMPTP).
                                                                                                                                  that continued, such as our
support those in need.                                                                                                            news programming, underwent               Our internal COVID-19 Task
                                                                                                                                  significant changes. In mid-2020,         Force has convened regularly
                                                                                                                                  we began working closely with             throughout the crisis, supporting
                                                                                                                                  our employees, talent, industry           all our brands with establishing
                               When the COVID-19 crisis first                                                                     partners, and public health               and maintaining safety protocols.
                               unfolded in 2020, we acted                                                                         authorities to create robust              This support includes partnering
                               quickly to protect our people                                                                      strategies and plans for safely           with our global sourcing team to
                               and communities. This included                                                                     reopening our facilities and              ensure productions have all the
                               pausing or significantly modifying                                                                 resuming the majority of our              resources they need.
                               our productions, shifting to remote                                                                in-person production work.
                                                                                                                                                                            We’ve also launched a
                               work, setting up new employee
                                                                                                                                  We created a rigorous, centralized        company-wide effort to facilitate
                               assistance programs, and using
                                                                                                                                  process for reviewing and                 vaccinations for our employees
                               our content and brands to support
                                                                                                                                  approving production plans and            and their families. We supported
                               viewers through challenging times.
                                                                                                                                  implementing strict protocols             staff in accessing vaccinations
                               Since then, we’ve witnessed                                                                        including health screenings and           through other sources, established
                               the extraordinary resilience of                                                                    COVID testing, masking, social            vaccination sites at our own
                               individuals and communities – not                                                                  distancing, and assignment                facilities – such as the CBS
                               only in coping with unprecedented     the safety of our productions                                of specially trained COVID                Broadcast Center in New York City
                               disruption and loss, but in           and other operations, raising                                Compliance Supervisors to most            – and facilitated dialogues with
                               mobilizing to protect one another,    awareness about evolving safety                              productions. We also consult with         medical experts to answer real-
                               keep essential services running,      protocols and vaccinations,                                  external advisors and contribute to       time questions and concerns
                               and work to bring the pandemic        and continuing to support                                    industry-wide dialogue and safety         from employees.
                               under control. As the crisis          organizations providing crucial                              recommendations, including
                               continues in its second year, our     assistance to those in need.
                               response is focused on ensuring
                                                                                                                               IMAGES (FROM TOP TO BOTTOM):
                                                                                                                               CBS television show: B Positive;
                                                                                                                               CBS television show: S.W.A.T.

                         ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                                                     INTRODUCTION        GOVERNANCE    ON-SCREEN CONTENT
                                                                                                       & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                                           & CULTURE
                                                                                                                                                   SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                                   & OPERATIONS
Promoting Safe Practices
and Recovery Efforts
We’ve leveraged our platforms to help spread up-to-date information and health guidance throughout the pandemic.
This work has included comprehensive coverage by CBS News, public service announcements (PSAs), special
segments on popular shows, and influential campaigns by our brands. As the pandemic enters its second year, we’ve
shifted our focus to promoting vaccination and encouraging viewers and their communities to follow best practices.

#AloneTogether &                                                                     MTV Shuga and
#BacktoSchoolTogether                                                                #AloneTogether
Throughout 2020, we worked                 related campaigns through CBS             Building on the past success of
with the Ad Council on the                 Sports called #InThisTogether             MTV Shuga in improving sexual
#AloneTogether campaign, a
series of over 174,000 linear TV
                                           and #StayHomeStayStrong. We
                                           generated over two billion social
                                                                                     and reproductive health outcomes,
                                                                                     the MTV Staying Alive Foundation     Supporting Those in Need
spots plus organic and paid social         impressions on this work and              created the educational
media posts featuring talent from          are happy it reached audiences            entertainment mini-series MTV        The COVID-19 pandemic has               through third parties such as the       • SHOWTIME built on its long-
across our brands and platforms            far and wide.                             Shuga: Alone Together. In 70         brought economic hardship and           Screen Actors Guild – American            term partnership with the
to drive awareness about the                                                         short episodes released daily on     emotional trauma to millions, with      Federation of Television and Radio        Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
importance of social distancing,           We worked again with the                  YouTube, Alone Together aimed to     the most vulnerable among us            Artists (SAG-AFTRA) Disaster              to create Queer to Stay: An
while spreading the message that           Ad Council to launch the                  disseminate timely and accurate      bearing the worst effects. Since        Relief Fund, the Motion Picture           LGBTQ+ Business Preservation
we are all in this together. We            #BacktoSchoolTogether                     information to increase young        the crisis began, we’ve made            & Television Fund’s Emergency             Initiative, which made donations
supplemented these efforts with            campaign, which targeted college          people’s knowledge, motivation,      it a priority to provide support        Relief Fund, and The Actors               to support LGBTQ+ businesses
                                           students returning to campuses            and actions to prevent COVID-19.     – including helping increase            Fund’s Entertainment Assistance           affected by the pandemic.
                                           after extended lockdowns. The             A follow-up evaluation by the        access to food, healthcare, and         Program. In 2021, we used some
                                           digital-first campaign included a         Foundation and researchers at        other essential services – for          of these funds to support the Ad        • Paramount Pictures supported
                                           series of spots, a media toolkit,         The London School of Hygiene         communities in need.                    Council and its vaccine campaign.         the Los Angeles Fire
                                           and creative assets that sought           & Tropical Medicine found that                                                                                         Department Foundation efforts
                                           to communicate how to stay safe,          young people exposed to the          In March 2020, ViacomCBS                We’ve also leveraged our                  to close gaps in COVID vaccine
                                           dispel myths and misinformation,          series believed that COVID-19        committed $100 million to help          programming platforms to support          accessibility for Los Angeles’
                                           and promote actions that students         was serious, identified and          provide support to those in our         organizations that are helping            underserved communities,
                                           could take to slow the spread             disapproved of misinformation, and   industry affected by COVID-19,          individuals and communities               providing funding to establish
                                           of COVID-19.                              encouraged online peers to follow    especially staff and crew who           survive and recover from the              three new vaccination sites
                                                                                     public health measures.              lost wages when TV and film             pandemic. In addition to the              and increase resources for
                                       IMAGES (FROM LEFT TO RIGHT):                                                       productions were shut down              COVID-19 relief efforts we                the department’s mobile
                                       MTV television show: Shuga, #AloneTogether;                                        or disrupted. We administered           highlighted in last year’s report,        vaccination units.
                                       CBS television show: The Equalizer                                                 these funds both directly and           in 2020 and 2021:

                                     ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                                                                     INTRODUCTION         GOVERNANCE        ON-SCREEN CONTENT
                                                                                                                            & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                                                                            & CULTURE
                                                                                                                                                                                 SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                                                                 & OPERATIONS

ViacomCBS delivers premium content to audiences
across platforms worldwide. We connect with billions
of people—through our studios, networks, streaming                                            IMAGE:
                                                                                              CBS News

services, live events, merchandise, and more. Our
studios create content for all audiences, across every
genre and format, while our networks and brands                    Our business is complex, encompassing an incredibly
forge deep connections with the world’s most diverse               diverse portfolio of brands, content, and audiences.
audiences. We work to earn and maintain the trust                  In order to operate ethically and responsibly, we rely
that our audiences and other stakeholders place in us              on – and continue to strengthen – robust governance,
by committing to uphold high ethical standards and                 compliance and ethics, data privacy, and public policy
sustainable business practices.                                    engagement standards across our company globally.

                ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                       INTRODUCTION   GOVERNANCE    ON-SCREEN CONTENT
                                                                    & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                        & CULTURE
                                                                                                         SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                         & OPERATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                    Board of Directors                        Independence                    Director since
                                                                                                                                     More than
                                                                                                                                                                    Shari E. Redstone (Non-Executive Chair)   No                              1994

Governance                                                                                                                       50%
                                                                                                                                of Board members
                                                                                                                                                                    Candace K. Beinecke
                                                                                                                                                                    Barbara M. Byrne
                                                                                                                                                                    Linda M. Griego

                                                                                                                                    are women                       Judith A. McHale                          Yes                             2019

GRI: 102-5, 102-18, 102-19, 102-22, 102-26, 405-1; TCFD: Risk Management                                                                                            Susan Schuman                             Yes                             2018
                                                                                                                                                                    Nicole Seligman                           Yes                             2019

                                                                                                                                        Over                        Robert M. Bakish                          No                              2019
The Board of Directors monitors significant developments in the

                                                                                                                                                                    Robert N. Klieger                         No                              2017
law and practice of corporate governance, and develops and makes                                                                                                    Ronald L. Nelson                          Yes                             2019
                                                                                                                                                                    Charles E. Phillips, Jr.                  Yes                             2019
recommendations with respect to our Corporate Governance Guidelines.
                                                                                                                                of senior leadership                Frederick O. Terrell                      Yes                             2018
Some of our most material topics are related to corporate governance.                                                                are women
                                                                                                                                                                                                              * Board of Directors as of October 18, 2021

Corporate governance itself                    in the law and practice of            the annual ViacomCBS risk
is of high importance to both                  corporate governance.                 assessment and internal audit
stakeholders and our business,                                                       processes. She supports the
as are compliance and ethical                  The Executive Vice President,         Audit Committee with their
conduct, and transparency and                  Chief Compliance Officer leads        responsibilities for overseeing our
                                               the ViacomCBS global compliance
external reporting.
                                               team, which publishes the
                                                                                     financial statements and related
                                                                                     disclosures, and oversight of our
                                                                                                                           Our Board and Company Ownership
Two committees of the Board                    ViacomCBS Global Business             internal audit function.              Our Board is composed of a non-         screens in South America. As of            Stock owners do not have voting
are particularly relevant to ESG:              Conduct Statement (BCS),                                                    executive chair, the company’s          June 30, 2021, NAI directly or             rights. Our Mandatory Convertible
Audit, and Nominating and                      oversees employee training,           Our major governance policies         CEO, and 10 other directors,            indirectly owned approximately             Preferred Stock owners do not
Governance. The Audit Committee                monitors regulatory inquiries,        are outlined in several key           9 of whom are independent.              77.4 percent of our voting Class           have voting rights, with certain
oversees the accounting and                    and conducts annual regulatory        documents, which are available                                                A Common Stock and 9.7 percent             exceptions. ViacomCBS Class
financial reporting processes                  risk assessments, among other         on our website. These documents       National Amusements, Inc. (NAI)         of our Class A Common Stock                A and Class B Common Stock
of the company and audits of                   responsibilities. All employees are   include the Corporate Governance      is the controlling stockholder          and Class B Common Stock on a              and 5.57% Series A Mandatory
its financial statements. The                  subject to the BCS, which is our      Guidelines, Board Committee           of ViacomCBS. NAI is a closely          combined basis.                            Convertible Preferred Stock are
Nominating and Governance                      Code of Conduct.                      Charters, BCS, and the                held corporation that owns and                                                     listed on The NASDAQ Stock
Committee oversees our                                                               Supplemental Code of Ethics for       operates movie screens in the           Owners of our Class A Common               Market LLC.
handling of ESG issues and                     The Executive Vice President,         Senior Financial Officers.            U.S., the UK, and South America         Stock are entitled to one vote
monitors significant developments              Chief Audit Officer leads                                                   and manages additional movie            per share. Our Class B Common

                                        ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                                                                     INTRODUCTION          GOVERNANCE        ON-SCREEN CONTENT
                                                                                                                             & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                                                                             & CULTURE
                                                                                                                                                                                     SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                                                                     & OPERATIONS
Holding Our                                 compensation consulting firm         and the effectiveness with which            partners and public officials. We
                                            to advise on topics pertaining       management implements those                 have protocols in place – and
Leaders Accountable                         to executive compensation and        policies. It also delegates some            online training for our employees
GRI: 102-35                                 industry best practices.             oversight of certain types of               – around anti-competitive
                                                                                 risks – including risks relating            behavior, labor rights, harassment
Our Chief Executive Officer,                Our executives’ compensation         to financial reporting, legal               and discrimination, information
Chief Financial Officer, and Chief          is directly tied to one of our       and regulatory compliance,                  security, conflicts of interest, anti-
Accounting Officer are required             ESG priorities: diversity, equity,   compensation programs, and                  bribery, and anti-corruption.
to comply with a Supplemental               and inclusion. Under our Short-      ESG issues – to its three standing
Code of Ethics for Senior Financial         Term Incentive Plan (STIP) for       committees. The Board engages               Employees have several options
Officers, in addition to the BCS,           fiscal year 2020, five percent       regularly with senior executives            to report or escalate ethics
with which all employees must               of each executive’s bonus was        on potential strategic, financial,          concerns. They may do so to their
comply. The Board of Directors              directly connected to successfully   legal, or operational risks. We             managers or through OPENLINE,
is responsible for determining              fostering an inclusive work          published more information                  our anonymous, 24/7 reporting
potential actions in the case of            environment, including making        on Board and committee risk                 hotline that is managed by an
Supplemental Code violations.               progress on company-wide             oversight responsibilities in our           independent third party. Our
                                            diversity, equity, and inclusion     2021 Proxy Statement.                       non-retaliation policy prohibits
The Nominating and Governance               goals. Overall, 30 percent of                                                    retaliation against any employee
and Compensation Committees
annually review senior
                                            2020 STIP compensation was           Compliance,                                 for raising or helping to address
                                            tied to qualitative factors.                                                     an integrity concern in good faith.
management succession planning.             Additional details on our 2020       Ethical Conduct                             Our Chief Compliance Officer                                                           is our anonymous,
                                            STIP can be found in our latest      and Internal Audits                         and General Counsel report on                                                        24/7 reporting hotline
We follow a performance-based               Proxy Statement.                                                                 incidents regularly to the Audit                                                     that is managed by an
compensation model for our                                                       GRI: 102-16, 102-17, 102-33, 205-1, 205-2   Committee of the Board.
senior executives, who carry
                                                                                                                                                                        IMAGE:                                   independent third party
significant responsibility and
                                            Risk Management                      Our BCS lays out expectations and
                                                                                                                                                                        CBS television show: Blue Bloods crew
                                                                                                                             Our compliance team reviews
a great ability to influence our            Approach                             standards for all employees on a            and deploys the BCS with subject           audit team also conducts periodic
business results. A significant             GRI: 102-30, 409-1                   range of issues and outlines our            matter experts from across                 internal reviews of our operations
portion of their total compensation                                              overall approach to ethics                  the organization every other               to evaluate the effectiveness of
is tied to the company’s financial          The Board of Directors has           and compliance.                             year and reports to the Audit              risk management and control
and operational results through             responsibility for overseeing risk                                               Committee regularly on employee            processes and has a program
bonus incentives in the short               management across the company.       As a large company operating
                                                                                                                             BCS training and other relevant            in place to ensure issues noted
term and equity incentives in the           It is responsible for regularly      around the world, our employees
                                                                                                                             compliance matters. Our internal           are remediated.
long term. The Compensation                 evaluating the company’s strategic   regularly interact with many
Committee retains an independent            direction, management policies,      different types of business

                                      ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                                                                 INTRODUCTION              GOVERNANCE          ON-SCREEN CONTENT
                                                                                                                               & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                                                                                  & CULTURE
                                                                                                                                                                                        SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                                                                        & OPERATIONS
ESG Governance                                                                                                                          BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                                                                                                                        NOMINATING AND GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE
GRI: 102-18, 102-19, 102-20, 102-21, 102-26, 102-29, 102-31, 102-32, 102-40, 102-42, 102-43;
TCFD: Governance, TCFD: Risk Management                                                                                                 Oversees the company’s handling of ESG issues

Our commitment to responsible and sustainable
business practices starts with our leaders and takes                                                                                                ESG TEAM
root throughout our organization.                                                                                                                   Executive Vice President, Chief Communications and Corporate Marketing Officer;
                                                                                                                                                    Senior Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG; Senior Director
                                                                                                                                                    of ESG Strategy and Reporting; two ESG Specialists; and other internal and
ViacomCBS’ ESG strategy is                       Committee of the Board,                       the company to apply and
                                                                                                                                                    external support
based on the results of our                      per its charter, has oversight of             embed an ESG lens to everyday
2020 materiality assessment.                     our company’s handling of ESG                 business decisions and long-term                     Leads day-to-day management of ESG issues
Our ESG team oversees our                        issues. The ESG team updates this             company priorities.
strategy and implementation                      committee regularly, with updates
work and is led by a Senior Vice                 in between as needed.                         In 2021, we also took a major
                                                                                               step forward on our ESG
President and Senior Director of                                                                                                                    ESG COUNCIL
ESG, along with the Executive Vice               We continue to formalize our                  journey by setting our first set of
President, Chief Communications                  ESG approach, working with                    measurable, time-bound goals for                     Cross-functional team of senior leadership and subject matter experts spanning Legal,
and Corporate Marketing Officer.                 teams across the company to                   each of our three priority areas.                    Investor Relations, OGI, Human Resources, Real Estate and Facilities, Environmental
They work in close collaboration                 build strategic plans in each ESG             In partnership with teams across                     Health and Safety, Global Sourcing, and more
with the Chief Executive Officer,                priority area. In 2020 and 2021,              the enterprise, our ESG team
the General Counsel, and other                   we expanded the purview of                    developed the goals and reviewed
members of the executive                         our ESG Council, which is led by              them with senior leadership and
team, who together make up                       our ESG team and helps guide                  our Board of Directors.
the Steering Committee of the                    our strategy work and ensures                                                                                      STEERING COMMITTEE
                                                 ESG is embedded throughout                    Stakeholder engagement is an
ESG Council. These leaders are                                                                                                                                      Chief Executive Officer; Chief Financial Officer; General Counsel;
                                                 the company. The Council spans                important part of our ESG strategy.
actively involved in reviewing                                                                                                                                      Executive Vice President, Chief Communications and Corporate
                                                 Legal, Investor Relations, the                We seek out the input of key
and refining our ESG strategies,                                                                                                                                    Marketing Officer; Executive Vice President, Chief People Officer;
                                                 Office of Global Inclusion (OGI),             groups – including employees,
programs, and policies. Our ESG                                                                                                                                     Global Head of Inclusion; Executive Vice President, Investor Relations
                                                 Human Resources, Real Estate                  investors, advertisers, issue
team, which manages ESG across
                                                 and Facilities, Environmental                 advocacy groups, and others                                          With the rest of the ESG Council, advises the ESG team, helps guide
the company, periodically provides
                                                 Health and Safety (EHS), and                  – on ESG issues, as discussed                                        strategy roll-out, and ensures focus on material topics
key updates to senior leaders
                                                 more. Council members work                    throughout this report and our
and the ViacomCBS Board.
                                                 with functional teams across                  2020 materiality assessment.
The Nominating and Governance

                                          ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                                                                               INTRODUCTION          GOVERNANCE      ON-SCREEN CONTENT
                                                                                                                                     & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                                                                                 & CULTURE
                                                                                                                                                                                         SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                                                                         & OPERATIONS
Data Privacy and
                                  Information Security
                                  GRI: 418-1; SASB: TC-IM-220a.1, TC-TL-230a.2

                                  From our digital content and                   the world, managing these issues       and strategy, and more. Both            Chief Information Security
                                  streaming platforms to live events,            requires continual focus and           the ISO 27001 and National              Officer and Chief Technology
                                  our operations sometimes require               adaptation. Our centralized data       Institute of Standards and              Officer update the committee
                                  access to personal information                 privacy and information security       Technology frameworks –                 on our information security
                                  from consumers, employees, and                 teams monitor the regulatory           internationally recognized              program, cybersecurity risk
                                  third-party businesses. In certain             landscape and ensure our               standards – guide our information       management strategy, and
                                  cases, we or our partners collect              compliance with international          security program governance             security incidents quarterly.
                                  data like names, addresses,                    and domestic privacy laws.             process. We also maintain a
                                  government identification                                                             cyber liability insurance program.      In recent years, the number
                                  numbers, geolocation data,                     Our robust information security                                                and sophistication of information
IMAGE:                            or other user characteristics.                 program is based on a services         We train all employees on our           security breaches has significantly
CBS News                          We take seriously this access                  model that enables continuous          information security and privacy        increased around the world. Due
                                  to personally identifiable                     security domain, risk, and maturity    policies. We also regularly             to our size and reach, ViacomCBS
                                  information and acknowledge                    monitoring. We continually             perform information technology          and our third-party providers are
                                  our responsibility, with our                   monitor ViacomCBS against              compliance testing to ensure our        at significant risk of these attacks.
                                  partners, over its protection.                 a formal framework called the          policies are being followed. An         To our knowledge, we did not
                                                                                 Cybersecurity Capabilities Maturity    independent audit team reviews          experience any material security
                                  Given the complexity of our                    Model, an industry-standard model      our information security protocol.      incidents in 2020.
                                  business, the different audiences              that allows organizations like ours
                                  we reach, and the constantly                   to baseline current capabilities,      The Board’s Audit Committee
                                  evolving matrix of data privacy                benchmark against peers,               has oversight of our information
                                  threats and regulations across                 optimize our security investments      security programs and risks. Our

           ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                  INTRODUCTION             GOVERNANCE              ON-SCREEN CONTENT
                                                                                   & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                                  & CULTURE
                                                                                                                                       SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                       & OPERATIONS
Public Policy
                                                                                                                                                                                                            IMAGES (LEFT TO RIGHT):
GRI: 102-13, 415-1
                                                                                                                                                                                                            CBS television show: The
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Late Show with Stephen

We interact with public officials              memberships. We are a member          prohibit the use of any company      In 2020 and 2021, American                                                        Colbert; CBS Evening News
around the world to educate and                of the Motion Picture Association     funds or other resources for         democracy was tested in                                                           television show Anchor
advocate around issues that affect             of America, NCTA – The Internet       political purposes. We also          unprecedented ways. In response                                                   and Managing Editor Norah
                                                                                                                                                                                                            O’Donnell sits down with
our company and stakeholders.                  & Television Association, and         include guidance for employees       to the attack on the Capitol, we
                                                                                                                                                                                                            President Joe Biden at the
We are particularly focused on                 the National Association of           participating in the political       paused contributions from our                 contributed to federal candidates   White House
intellectual property (IP), copyright,         Broadcasters, among other groups.     process in our BCS.                  ViacomCBS PAC to members                      and federal campaign committees
taxation and tax credit policies, and                                                                                     of Congress who voted against
foreign trade issues.                          Political                             In 2020, we contributed $133,000     certification of the 2020 U.S.
                                                                                     to federal candidates and federal    Electoral College results, as we
Through our Global Public Policy               Contributions                         campaign committees. Recipients      felt that their actions did not
and Government Relations team,                                                       of our largest donations ($7,500     reflect the values of our company.
                                               We make all political contributions                                                                                promote and strengthen a free
we engage with global and U.S.-                                                      each) included the National
                                               through our ViacomCBS Political                                                                                    and fair voting system through
based regulators like The Federal                                                    Republican Congressional             We unequivocally believe in
                                               Action Committee (PAC), which is                                                                                   our programming and extensive
Communications Commission                                                            Committee, the Democratic            the importance of all Americans
                                               funded entirely through voluntary                                                                                  partnerships with grassroots
(FCC) and The Federal Trade                                                          Senatorial Campaign Committee,       having an equal right to vote
                                               employee contributions. We                                                                                         organizations. Read more about
Commission, as well as elected                                                       the National Republican Senatorial   and spoke out against the
                                               publicly disclose all contributions                                                                                our work to engage and educate
officials either directly or through                                                 Committee, and the Democratic        Georgia voting rights law after
                                               to the Federal Election Committee.                                                                                 voters here.
industry associations and                                                            Congressional Committee.             it was passed. We continue to
                                               Our internal policies strictly

                                         ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                                                                     INTRODUCTION         GOVERNANCE        ON-SCREEN CONTENT
                                                                                                                            & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                                                                            & CULTURE
                                                                                                                                                                                 SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                                                                 & OPERATIONS
                                      CONTENT &
                                      SOCIAL IMPACT                SASB: SV-ME-000.A

                                                                   The content we produce through our
                                                                   studios, networks, and streaming services
                                                                   has extraordinary power. It both reflects
                                                                   and shapes culture by driving awareness
                                                                   and discussion of important issues and
                                                                   influencing how people understand and
                                                                   respond to them.

                                                       CBS Diversity Showcase 2020

ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                                   & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                 & CULTURE
                                                                                             SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                             & OPERATIONS
ViacomCBS has incredible reach: We have the biggest broadcast
footprint globally, with 31.7 billion hours of content consumed                                                                           Goals
globally as of March 2021 and 4.1 billion cumulative homes                                                                                On-Screen Content
receiving our broadcast and cable networks. And our streaming
platforms are among the largest and fastest-growing in the
                                                                                                                                          & Social Impact
                                                                                                                                          We are harnessing what we do best — create and deliver content
industry, with more than 60 million full-episode viewers monthly.                                                                         — to positively and powerfully portray and impact our communities,
                                                                                                                                          further inclusion and understanding, and diversify representation
                                                                                                                                          in entertainment. That means responsibly managing our content
     We recognize the responsibility        often very personal issues for       We have set new public goals                             and advertising and using our platforms – including our work in
     that comes with this reach and         our audiences and can have a         for On-Screen Content & Social                           our communities – for good.
     influence, which is why on-            profound influence on how those      Impact, which our ESG team
     screen content is a key part           issues are understood.               developed in partnership with
     of our ESG strategy. We strive                                              our Global Head of Inclusion,                             1     Apply research and            2    Provide training to
     to work to ensure that how             Above all, our relationship with     Chief Communications and                                        rigor to understand best           productions on the MTV
     and what we produce not only           viewers demands that we earn         Corporate Marketing Officer,                                    practices of representation        Entertainment Group
     follows regulations and industry       and maintain their trust. We do      Brand Presidents, and their                                     and portrayals along five          Culture Orientation,
     guidelines, but also aligns with our   this by connecting with the issues   teams. These goals demonstrate                                  topic areas aligned with           beginning with 100%
     values and internal standards.         and experiences that shape their     how we are working to further                                   our Content for Change             of MTVE productions
                                            worlds, ensuring the accuracy        embed our priorities – especially                               program by 2023                    by the end of 2022
     The content we create and deliver      and integrity of our editorial       around DE&I – into the content
     – including news and public            practices, and strategically using   creation process.
     affairs programming, sports,           our platforms to create positive
     movies, scripted and unscripted        social impacts where appropriate
     television series, live events, and    and possible.
     more – addresses important and

                                                                                                               billion hours of content
                                                                                                                                                billion cumulative homes
                                                                                                                consumed globally as            receiving our broadcast
                                                                                                                     of March 2021                 and cable networks

                     ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                                                  INTRODUCTION     GOVERNANCE            ON-SCREEN CONTENT
                                                                                                         & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                                                    & CULTURE
                                                                                                                                                           SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                                           & OPERATIONS
CONTENT                                  CREATIVE SUPPLY CHAIN                   CULTURE

Diverse and                                                                               Counteract racism, bias,
                                                                                          stereotypes, and hate with our
                                                                                          content, and amplify stories of
                                                                                                                                   Ensure equality in how our
                                                                                                                                   content gets made, and across
                                                                                                                                   our entire creative supply chain
                                                                                                                                                                           Create a culture of diversity,
                                                                                                                                                                           inclusion, and belonging, built
                                                                                                                                                                           on equal opportunities for

Inclusive Content
                                                                                          underrepresented audiences                                                       access and advancement across
                                                                                                                                                                           the entire content ecosystem

Ensuring our content reflects the diversity of our   ViacomCBS has long                   This section of our report               informs and enhances the stories        at the University of Southern
                                                     been a pioneer in serving            describes some of the most recent        we tell through our content.            California (USC) Annenberg
audiences and the richness of their experiences      underrepresented audiences.          developments in this ongoing                                                     School for Communication
                                                     We’ve led the way with               effort. To learn more, including         In partnership with corporate,          and Journalism’s Annenberg
helps us build strong relationships with viewers     groundbreaking content featuring     details of key initiatives across all    civil rights, and social justice        Inclusion Initiative to study
                                                     diverse, multidimensional            our brands, visit our Diversity &        organizations, Content for Change       representation of on-screen
and deepen understanding of the world.               characters and stories, and          Inclusion website.                       focuses on creating, distributing,      characters and production staff
                                                     we’ve consistently elevated                                                   marketing, and promoting content        across dozens of ViacomCBS
                                                     conversations about the              Content for Change                       that will help counter societal         series. We also partnered with
                                                     experiences and issues that matter                                            narratives that allow hate to           Stanford University to examine
                                                                                          Content for Change is a major            exist and drive changes that
                                                     to underrepresented communities.                                                                                      how seemingly positive media
                                                                                          social justice initiative anchored       meaningfully address these              content could trigger anti-Black
                                                     Our brands represent the widest      in the belief that storytelling has      key issues.                             bias and leverage research-based
                                                     range of diverse audiences of        the power to transform how we
                                                                                                                                                                           strategies to combat it.
                                                     any major media company: Our         see ourselves and one another.           To strengthen our understanding
                                                     programming reaches viewers in       BET announced the program                and approach to content, we’ve          We’ve also developed a
                                                     184 countries and 45 languages.      in June 2020 and it is now a             set a goal to apply research            framework to categorize, review,
                                                     But we know we must continue         company-wide initiative with three       and rigor to understand best            and measure content in relation
                                                     working to increase representation   interrelated objectives: leveraging      practices of representation and         to five key attributes: shifting
                                                     and disrupt systemic biases.         content to counteract racism, bias,      portrayals along five topic areas,      majority bias, challenging stigma
                                                     We remain focused on telling         stereotypes, and hate; ensuring          beginning with mental health            and stereotypes, elevating
                                                     the stories of diverse audiences     equity across our entire creative        and Black representation.               underrepresented narratives
                                                     and increasing the diversity of      supply chain; and creating a                                                     and perspectives, addressing
                                                                                          culture of diversity, inclusion,         In 2020-21, we advanced this work
                                                     talent both on screen and behind                                                                                      social issues, and empowering
                                                                                          and belonging that continuously          by partnering with researchers
                                                     the camera.                                                                                                           creators and suppliers that are

                         ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                                     INTRODUCTION         GOVERNANCE        ON-SCREEN CONTENT
                                                                                            & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                                             & CULTURE
                                                                                                                                                  SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                                  & OPERATIONS
Black, Indigenous, and People of
Color (BIPOC). By standardizing
                                          We are working to strengthen our
                                          company culture rooted in our
                                                                                      DESTIGMATIZING AND INSPIRING
and strengthening our internal            values, in part through a strategy          ACTION ON MENTAL HEALTH
processes, we aim to increase             to guide our creative community                                                                          Recognizing the increasing prevalence and urgency of mental health
accountability and improve our            in addressing issues of race and                                                                         issues, especially during the pandemic, MTV Entertainment Group
ability to create content that            social justice. We will continue                                                                         launched Mental Health is Health, an ambitious, multiyear initiative.
reflects the nuances of BIPOC             to evolve our corporate culture,                                                                         Mental Health is Health seeks to harness the power of storytelling
experiences while positively              expanding opportunities for                                                                              to destigmatize mental health, promote conversation, and inspire
impacting communities.                    advancement and access                                                                                   action. It grew out of work commissioned by the Annenberg Inclusion
                                          at all levels of the company                                                                             Initiative – the leading think tank focused on diversity and inclusion
This work applies to our supply           and across our entire content                                                                            in entertainment – to study mental health representation across
chains, too. We are increasing            creation ecosystem.                                                                                      MTV Entertainment Group’s scripted and unscripted shows. The
supplier diversity and leveraging                                                                                                                  effort includes a commitment to double the number of mental health
diverse talent pools, while               In 2020, the MTV Entertainment                                                                           storylines across all 100+ shows in its portfolio and ensure that
applying and contributing to              Group spearheaded the                                                                                    portrayals are authentic and nuanced.
industry standards. This includes         development of the MTV
standardizing how we identify and         Entertainment Culture Orientation,                                                                       MTV Entertainment Group and the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative have
hire production crews and other           an internal training program                                                                             also spearheaded the formation of the Mental Health Storytelling
staff across all our productions          establishing a communal set                                                                              Coalition, a diverse group of outside experts and media giants to
and incorporating DE&I standards          of values, understanding, and                                                                            transform mental health representation in entertainment and help
into our worldwide vendor                 baseline cultural norms to create                                                                        change the national narrative. The effort kicked off with the first Better
management and procurement                a more inclusive and welcoming                                                                           Together: Mental Health Storytelling Summit featuring conversations
operations. For example, we               creative community. We have                                                                              with content creators, talent, and leading mental health experts. The

made a commitment to use                  set a goal to provide training                           We all know the power of storytelling           coalition also developed a comprehensive Mental Health Media Guide
Ava DuVernay’s ARRAY Crew,                to productions on the Culture                                                                            designed to help expand positive mental health portrayals.
a database platform that offers
                                                                                                   and how narrative can frame the way
                                          Orientation, beginning with 100
productions in Los Angeles,               percent of MTVE productions                              we look at an issue, which is why               MTV Entertainment Group brought together more than 1,400 partners
New York, Atlanta, New Orleans,           by the end of 2022. Developed                            we’re doing our part to reimagine               from 32 countries to launch the first-ever Mental Health Action Day on
Miami, Washington, DC, and                in partnership with leading social                                                                       May 20, 2021. MTV, with a wide coalition of partners, came together
                                                                                                   the role that content can play to
Chicago access to qualified but           justice groups, the initiative is                                                                        to shift our culture from awareness to action on mental health by
                                                                                                   demystify and destigmatize mental               encouraging and empowering people to proactively support their
underrepresented below-the-line           anchored by a multidisciplinary
crew members for hiring searches.         training encompassing topics                             health. It’s a crisis that’s rapidly on         emotional well-being and drive change in their communities. Mental
ARRAY Crew offers 45 below-               like racial justice, mental health,                      the rise and not enough people are              Health Action Day, which trended on Twitter thanks in part to posts
the-line categories, allowing             religion, gender and sexuality,                          talking about.”                                 from President Biden, The White House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Kerry
crew members of different ages,           disabilities, immigration, sexual                                                                        Washington, Alanis Morissette, and more, led to 620 million views on
                                                                                                   — Chris McCarthy,                               GIPHY, 320 million public engagements on social media, 150 million
genders, races, disabilities,             violence, and more. The code
                                                                                                   President of MTV Entertainment Group
languages, and more to create             extends beyond employees to                                                                              views on TikTok, local events around the world, and more than
a profile on the platform to              include MTVE projects, production                                                                        1,700 press hits with an audience of 20 million readers.
be matched with potential                 companies, and talent, and we will
production opportunities.                 work to scale it across additional
                                          ViacomCBS brands.

                                    ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                                                                INTRODUCTION   GOVERNANCE               ON-SCREEN CONTENT
                                                                                                                        & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                                                             & CULTURE
                                                                                                                                                                   SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                                                   & OPERATIONS
Continuing a Legacy                        Enhancing News Coverage              Understanding Black Athletes’
                                           of Underrepresented                  History in Sports
of Diverse and                             Communities
Inclusive Content                                                               In September 2020, CBS Sports
                                                                                extended its 8:46 campaign
                                           In July 2020, CBS News named
From Forrest Gump (1990) to Queer          award-winning journalist Alvin       with Portraits in Black, a day of
as Folk (2000), 106 & Park (2000)          Patrick Executive Producer of        programming highlighting CBS
to RuPaul’s Drag Race (2009), and          the newly formed Race and            Sports stories past and present
MTV Shuga (2009) to Awkwafina              Culture Unit. The unit will work     that detail Black athletes’ triumphs
Is Nora from Queens (2020) and             closely with executive producers     and struggles in sports. The
more, ViacomCBS has a decades-             across all platforms to help         lineup featured Forward Progress:
long history of delivering content         shape coverage and ensure            The Integration of SEC Football,
that explores and celebrates the           the division’s reporting reflects    The Black 14: Wyoming Football
experience of diverse communities.         diverse perspectives.                1969, Althea & Arthur, CBS Sports
                                                                                Connected: The American Dream,
In 2020-21, we continued to build          In August 2020, CBS News also        and CBS Sports Connected: What It
on this legacy with both new and           launched CBS Village, a cross-       Means to Be Me.
continuing programming centering           platform franchise led by the Race                                           Celebrating the Role of HBCUs         annual HBCU All-Star Game                 Highlighting Leadership
diverse voices and addressing              and Culture Unit that showcases      To mark Black History Month in          in College Basketball                 will be broadcast on the CBS              Against Hate
key issues relevant to those               the organization’s inclusive,        February 2021, CBS Sports aired                                               Television Network.
communities. For example, CBS                                                                                           On the Sunday of Final Four                                                     BET and Together Beat Hate – an
                                           original reporting and covers        a special episode of its all-female
Media Ventures has partnered                                                                                            weekend during the NCAA               In addition to the HBCU All-Star          organization focused on creating
                                           issues that affect traditionally     national weekly sports show We
with Black News Channel to                                                                                              Division I Men’s Basketball           Game, we have announced a                 replicable models for fighting
                                           underrepresented communities.        Need to Talk focusing on Doug
bolster our advertising reach                                                                                           Championship in April 2021,           multiyear commitment to HBCUs             anti-Semitism and other forms of
                                                                                Williams, the first Black quarterback
and resources and with NuTime                                                                                           CBS Sports aired a special block      with the creation of an annual            bigotry – launched a partnership
                                                                                to start in and win the Super Bowl.
Media to connect advertisers with                                                                                       of programming highlighting           scholarship fund and internship           to highlight historical heroes,
                                                                                The network also debuted a series
African American consumers. We                                                                                          the history and culture of            opportunities in an effort to identify,   as well as leaders of today who
                                                                                of animated vignettes exploring the
are also teaming up with Black-ish                                                                                      Historically Black Colleges and       foster, highlight, and recruit the        are actively combatting hate.
                                                                                stories of groundbreaking Black
creator Kenya Barris to launch                                                                                          Universities (HBCUs) and their        many talented and accomplished            From January to June 2021, the
                                                                                athletes including Josh Gibson,
BET Studios, a studio venture that                                                                                      impact on college basketball.         students from HBCUs. In the first         campaign celebrated leaders
                                                                                a Hall of Fame catcher; William
offers equity ownership for Black                                                                                       The programming featured two          year of this initiative, we donated       in various areas as the country
                                                                                Edward White, the first Black player
content creators. BET Studios will                                                                                      documentaries – Big House,            $100,000 to the United Negro              honored and celebrated pivotal
                                                                                in Major League Baseball; Alice
create premium television series                                                                                        The Pearl & The Triumph of            College Fund to establish the             moments in history and social
                                                                                Coachman, the first Black female
and films for buyers including                                                                                          Winston-Salem State and Soul of       scholarship fund, which is available      movements: National Religious
                                                                                Olympic gold medalist; and Lucy
Paramount+, SHOWTIME, CBS,                                                                                              the Game: The John McLendon           to current students attending             Freedom Day and Martin Luther
                                                                                Diggs Slowe, the first Black woman
Nickelodeon, BET+, BET, and                                                                                             Story – plus an hour-long special     HBCUs who have demonstrated an            King Jr. Day (January), Black
                                                                                to win a national title in any sport.
select third-party platforms.                                                                                           titled HBCUs: Elevating the Game,     interest in media, entertainment,         History Month (February), Women’s
                                           IMAGES (LEFT TO RIGHT):
                                                                                                                        which explored the history of the     and sports and shown strong               History Month (March), Sexual
                                           CBS This Morning television show;                                            colleges both on and off the          leadership ability.                       Assault Awareness Month (April),
                                           CBS Sports                                                                   court. Beginning in 2022, the                                                   Jewish American Heritage Month
                                                                                                                                                                                                        (May) and Pride Month (June).

                                     ESG REPORT 2020-2021
                                                                                INTRODUCTION           GOVERNANCE         ON-SCREEN CONTENT
                                                                                                                          & SOCIAL IMPACT
                                                                                                                                                        & CULTURE
                                                                                                                                                                               SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                                                               & OPERATIONS
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