Telecommunications lineworker program - NORTHWEST LINEMAN COLLEGE - 2021 CATALOG - Northwest ...

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Telecommunications lineworker program - NORTHWEST LINEMAN COLLEGE - 2021 CATALOG - Northwest ...
volume 1

telecommunications lineworker program


Telecommunications lineworker program - NORTHWEST LINEMAN COLLEGE - 2021 CATALOG - Northwest ...


Telecommunications lineworker program - NORTHWEST LINEMAN COLLEGE - 2021 CATALOG - Northwest ...

                                             44      policies
6      ABOUT NLC                             46      General Program Policies
7      Highlights                            52      VA and Eligible Persons–Specific
8      History                                       Policies
10     Facilities                            52      Idaho-Specific Policies
12     Professionals and Educators           53      Attendance Policy for COVID-19
14     Curriculum                                    Situations
15     Three-Phase Educational Model
                                             53      Hardship Withdrawal Due to
16     Preparing Students for Success
17     Traits of Successful Graduates                COVID-19
                                             54      Graduation Requirements–CDL/
18     TELECOMMUNICATIONS                    54      Refund Information–Housing
       LINEWORKER PROGRAM                    55      Veterans and Eligible Persons
20     Career Opportunities
21     Career Outlook
22     Training Environment
23     TLP Program Information
23     Graduation Requirements
24     Course Descriptions
26     TLP Tools
28     CDL/CLP Information
29     CDL Testing Course Descriptions
30     Program Calendar
31     Program Costs

34     Student Services
35     Admission Requirements
36     Enrollment Process
37     Stay Connected
38     Funding
40     Board and Officers
41     Contact Information
42     Instructors

As a prospective student, you are encouraged to review this catalog prior to signing an enrollment agreement.

The content, costs, and policies stated in this catalog (2021 Volume 1) are valid from its publication date of September 17, 2020,
until its end date of December 31, 2021, or until an updated version is published, whichever comes first.

Visit for the most current catalog version.

                                                                                    2021 TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINEWORKER PROGRAM CATALOG   3
Telecommunications lineworker program - NORTHWEST LINEMAN COLLEGE - 2021 CATALOG - Northwest ...
FOUNDER’s message


NLC MISSION                                  NLC CORE VALUES
To improve lives, the industries we serve,   PASSION: Love what you do with persistence, motivation, and the attitude to succeed.
and the country, Northwest Lineman
College will be a dynamic, visionary,
                                             INTEGRITY: Do the right thing—even when no one is watching—so trust, honor,
and leading international educational
                                             and dependability are your hallmarks.
institution providing the benchmark
standard of human performance,
training, and products for the trades that   EXCELLENCE: Innovate always, leveraging originality and teamwork, so your legacy
exceed the expectations of customers.        of positive contribution to the industry is guaranteed.

Telecommunications lineworker program - NORTHWEST LINEMAN COLLEGE - 2021 CATALOG - Northwest ...

Congratulations on considering a career in telecommunications—an
industry that offers many rewards and challenges with excellent pay,
benefits, and security. NLC provides the quality education needed to
prepare you for success.

Everyone needs telecommunication services, and it’s the highly respected tradespeople
who keep this service running in all weather conditions, at all hours. In my opinion, this is
one of the greatest trades of all, made up of great people. A career in telecommunications
should be strongly considered by those who enjoy challenges, adventure, problem-
solving, and camaraderie. This trade is an ideal choice for people who like working with
their hands and want variety and physical activity in their work. It also provides many
opportunities for advancement into leadership and management roles.
Many of my NLC colleagues and I have worked as tradespeople for leading utility and
construction companies through the nation; in fact, I graduated from a program quite
similar to NLC’s Electrical Lineworker Program. It is this firsthand experience as seasoned
tradespeople—and now as professional educators—that allows us to know precisely the
knowledge, skills, and behavior required for you to be a top candidate with companies
across the country.
This catalog has a wealth of information to help you explore a career possibility in
telecommunications. Planning and preparation are key, so please read this document
thoroughly, ask questions, and visit our campuses to meet with our remarkable training
specialists and staff. We want to make sure this trade and our training program fit you and
your career goals.
Thank you for considering us for this very important training. NLC creates a positive
learning environment, and I assure you that our commitment to providing a quality
education remains unwavering.
You may only be here a short time, but you enroll for a lifetime—NLC will always help
you advance.


                                      Aaron Howell

NLC founder Aaron Howell is a lineman, educator, and International Lineman Hall of Fame inductee.
He has traveled the country many times, meeting with utility and construction company personnel to ensure
NLC is providing the knowledge, skills, and behavior that make graduates employable across America.

                                                                       2021 TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINEWORKER PROGRAM CATALOG   5
Telecommunications lineworker program - NORTHWEST LINEMAN COLLEGE - 2021 CATALOG - Northwest ...

NLC is an industry-leading institution that provides electrical, telecom, and natural gas educational services.

NLC offers career programs (entry level) for   Kabul, Afghanistan, and Tanzania, Africa.    1996 ELP graduate and President of NLC
electrical linework, telecommunications        (For Africa, curriculum was developed in     Innovations Mark Groves.
linework, and natural gas distribution.        English and Swahili—a very meaningful        NLC’s positive influence in the industries
We also provide apprentice and                 project that helped Tanzanians realize       we serve is the result of continual focus
journey-level training for the electric        rural electrification.)                      on improvement. The NLC approach has
utility industry. Hundreds of power and        Major industry manufacturers, in their       always been to do what is best for its
construction companies throughout              never-ending quest to improve safety         students. In the words of founder Aaron
the United States (as shown on the             and reliability, look to NLC for training    Howell, “The decisions we make influence
map on the following page), and even           and product advice as well. In fact, these   our trainees and the industries, and must
internationally, use these programs. NLC       relationships led to NLC’s development of    always be positive.”
has designed and built training centers in     the OX Block®—a remarkable invention by

Telecommunications lineworker program - NORTHWEST LINEMAN COLLEGE - 2021 CATALOG - Northwest ...

                                    Companies using NLC training                  NLC campus locations

Several high-level leaders, including          NLC is regularly called upon by utility and       While at NLC, SVP of Research &
NLC founder Aaron Howell, are linemen          construction companies and governments            Development Alan Drew (retired) authored
who have earned degrees and special            to assist with major training initiatives. At     The American Lineman, considered by
certifications in education, engineering,      the forefront are NLC training specialists,       many to be the finest historical book
and business.                                  who travel the world and bring their              about linemen ever written. Visit
                                               experiences back to share with NLC       to learn more.
LINEMAN HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES                 students.
Founder Aaron Howell, Senior VP of                                                               SPANNING THE STRAIT
Research & Development Alan Drew               CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT                            A companion to The American Lineman,
(retired), Training Advisor Jeff Morris, VP    NLC has been developing curriculum since          Alan Drew’s Spanning the Strait details the
of Campus Operations Bill Bosch, and           1998, and has developed an extensive              story of one of the most significant projects
Training Specialist Bob Smith (retired) are    and modern curriculum supporting the              in the history of the power industry: the
all inductees in the International Lineman     industries we serve.                              crossing of the Carquinez Strait.
Hall of Fame.
                                               THE “MAROONS”                                     OX BLOCK
THREE-PHASE EDUCATIONAL MODEL                  NLC training specialists wear special             NLC graduate and President of NLC
NLC developed its own special method           maroon shirts that only they can                  Innovations Mark Groves invented the
of instruction called the Three-Phase          wear—they are not available for sale.             OX Block®, revolutionizing rigging in the
Educational Model®, which focuses on the       Often referred to as “The Spine of the            power industry. It is manufactured via
three domains of learning while providing      Company,” these experienced tradesmen             license by Buckingham Manufacturing.
a quality education in a positive learning     are trained in sound teaching and training        Videos featuring the OX Block can be
environment.                                   methodologies.                                    found on YouTube.

                                                                                        2021 TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINEWORKER PROGRAM CATALOG   7
Telecommunications lineworker program - NORTHWEST LINEMAN COLLEGE - 2021 CATALOG - Northwest ...
The history of NLC dates back to 1991, when two of its founders—Gerald McKie and Aaron Howell (both Boise
State University linework trainers at the time)—realized that a more modern program needed to be developed.

The two decided the best course of             NLC’s commitment to continual                 Throughout its history, NLC’s leaders
action would be to establish a private         improvement of the industry was               dreamed of applying its proven
college dedicated to providing the finest      punctuated in 2011 by the hiring of           educational methods to other skilled-
educational offerings ever known in the        alumnus Mark Groves, with the intent of       trade industries. In 2019, NLC finally
industry. To help realize this endeavor,       manufacturing better, safer tools for the     had the opportunity to do just that,
Howell approached fellow lineman Shane         industry. Groves and Howell developed a       by offering entry-level programs in
Porter, NLC’s third founder.                   snatch block with friction capabilities—      telecommunications linework and in
McKie brought extensive trade and              the highly successful OX Block®—and           natural gas. These programs marked a new
training experience to the table; Howell       revolutionized rigging safety with a single   phase in the history of NLC.
and Porter also had considerable               product. NLC continues its innovation with
experience, in addition to degrees in          a wide range of other safety and training
business and engineering, respectively.        products that will improve the industry
The three went to work designing what          well into the future.
would become the Electrical Lineworker
Program (ELP)—a modernized, student-
focused approach to linework training.
Studying the needs of power companies
across the United States, they developed
an innovative curriculum designed to
graduate the most competitive candidates
in the country. After two years of research
and development, NLC was founded in
April 1993, opening its doors to the first
ELP class in August that same year.
The new approach was well received,
drawing considerable attention from the
industry’s best and brightest. In 1998,
Alan Drew—a lineman, engineer, and
one of the industry’s foremost experts on
linework operations and history—joined
ranks. Drew contributed immediately,
formalizing overall operations of the
college, which led to national accreditation
in 2000.
NLC’s pioneering spirit proved to be a
catalyst for growth in other areas. In
1998, more groundbreaking curriculum
was produced that took complex topics
and explained them using simple-to-
understand language and well-illustrated
imagery—luxuries the industry had been
starved for. That effort would become
the foundation for the Power Delivery
Programs, NLC’s distance-learning
subsidiary. Hundreds of power companies
enrolled thousands of employees in the
programs, only to request even more
training. Before long, NLC was delivering
on-site training to thousands more
lineworkers and other professionals across
the country—even around the world.
These efforts were led by alumnus Michael

Telecommunications lineworker program - NORTHWEST LINEMAN COLLEGE - 2021 CATALOG - Northwest ...


Founding members Shane Porter (far left), Gerald McKie (second from right), and Aaron Howell (far right) with NLC’s first ELP class.

                                                        August 4, 1993
                                                        Northwest Lineman College’s first official day delivering instruction.
                                                        Twenty-two students from five states converged for training from the Electrical Lineworker
                                                        Program's three founders. Students and instructors were launching completely new careers
                                                        on the exact same day.

Original NLC hard hat from 1993.

                                                                                                      2021 TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINEWORKER PROGRAM CATALOG        9
Telecommunications lineworker program - NORTHWEST LINEMAN COLLEGE - 2021 CATALOG - Northwest ...
facilities telecommunications lineworker program
CAMPUS DETAILS                                                                                 idaho campus
NLC campuses are located in four beautiful, vibrant communities that provide a wide
range of recreational and cultural activities.
                                                                                             7600 S Meridian Rd
Students come from all over the country to attend NLC programs at one of these               Meridian, ID 83642
campuses. NLC class sessions are held at the addresses listed below for the respective
campus a student enrolls in.                                                                 • 3 classrooms and administration space
                                                                                               including corporate offices (20,000 sq ft)

All campuses have the following:                                                             • 7,200-sq-ft indoor lab area
• Classroom facilities with digital projection systems, Internet connectivity, educational   • 25-acre field-training area
  props, instructional posters, and learning resource centers with computers, industry-
  related publications, study areas, periodicals, and videos. Students can access any
  resource in the learning center during normal business hours.
• Appropriately equipped indoor lab areas and extensive outdoor field-training areas
  for performing competencies listed in the program sections of this catalog.
• Student lunchrooms
• Tool and merchandise stores
• Free Wi-Fi

Call 888-LINEWORK to schedule a live tour at any of our campuses or

                                                                                             Electrical Lineworker Program
                                                                                             Telecommunications Lineworker Program

                                                                                                 THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS
                                                                                                  LINEWORKER PROGRAM IS
                                                                                               CURRENTLY OFFERED EXCLUSIVELY
                                                                                                    AT THE IDAHO CAMPUS.


Northwest Lineman College campuses offering other programs:

california campus                          texas campus                                   FLORIDA campus
2009 Challenger Ave                        5110 Dakota Ln                                 501 Pullman Rd
Oroville, CA 95965                         Denton, TX 76207                               Edgewater, FL 32132
• 4 classrooms and administration space    • 5 classrooms and administration space        • 3 classrooms and administration space
  (10,000 sq ft)                             (7,000 sq ft)                                  (7,000 sq ft)
• 14,000-sq-ft indoor lab area             • 10,000-sq-ft indoor ELP lab area             • 10,000-sq-ft indoor ELP lab area
                                           • 14-acre field-training area                  • 16-acre field-training area
• 18-acre field-training area
                                           • 7,000-sq-ft gas fusion and plumbing lab      • 3,000-sq-ft gas fusion and plumbing lab

Electrical Lineworker Program              Electrical Lineworker Program                  Electrical Lineworker Program
                                           Natural Gas Technician Program

                                                                                 2021 TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINEWORKER PROGRAM CATALOG   11
professionals and educators
To ensure students are exposed to prevailing methods, tools, and the most current safety regulations,
NLC has a rigorous recruiting, hiring, and training process for its professional educators.
This process starts with recruiting            developing a special screening process        education courses. This highly dedicated
training specialists who are passionate        that ensures only instructors with the        group of training professionals are the
about educating the next generation            greatest knowledge, skill, and aptitude for   only members of NLC’s staff who earn
of workers, but also extends to support        training are selected. NLC trainers come      the privilege to wear the special maroon
and leadership staff, who design the           from all types of utility and construction    shirt, and are commonly referred to as
curriculum and facilities, maintain            companies, enabling students to learn         “Maroons.”
relationships with the industry, and ensure    about different career opportunities from
that NLC’s focus remains on the student.       those with firsthand experience.
NLC specially selects trainers from pools of   Upon employment, NLC trainers are
candidates from across the U.S. who have       enrolled in NLC’s internal training program
broad trade experience. NLC spent years        and are certified in a variety of adult-

                                                                                             NLC is very proud of its staff and
                                                                                             the credentials they’ve earned.
                                                                                             This includes, but is not limited to:
                                                                                             • Nine training specialists awarded the
                                                                                               distinguished NLC Educator of the
                                                                                               Year or Outstanding Training Specialist
                                                                                               award, for continually innovating and
                                                                                               advancing NLC educational offerings.
                                                                                             • Five International Lineman Hall of Fame
                                                                                               inductees (current and retired).
                                                                                             • Many military veterans, dedicated
                                                                                               to continually improving training
                                                                                               effectiveness and operations.
                                                                                             • A former elected state representative,
                                                                                               serving as NLC’s president.
                                                                                             • Members of the prestigious IEEE and
                                                                                               CIGRE organizations.
                                                                                             • Multiple senior leadership members
                                                                                               who are certified journeymen electrical
                                                                                               lineworkers with years of trade
                                                                                             • Two three-time winners of the
                                                                                               prestigious Telly Award for video
                                                                                             • Dozens of leadership and staff members
                                                                                               carry graduate credentials.

                                                                                             The efforts of all NLC educators,
                                                                                             leaders, and staff have led to the
                                                                                             creation of educational programs that
                                                                                             focus heavily on safety and student




NLC Idaho Training Specialist Chris Sexton shares his trade experience with students.


NLC VP of Apprenticeship Programs Jacob Phelps at the training center                   NLC Mobile Training Specialist Jose Lopez loves his job, rain or shine.
NLC built in Tanzania, Africa.

                                                                                                         2021 TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINEWORKER PROGRAM CATALOG        13
NLC curriculum has been specially crafted to maximize student learning.
To ensure students are learning, NLC has              concepts in three steps: they read it, hear           self-directed learning activities. Every
a curriculum development team that                    it, and then practice it.                             effort is made to ensure the curriculum is
includes technical authors, education                 NLC continually evaluates the                         a vehicle to student success, rather than a
professionals, subject-matter experts,                effectiveness of its curriculum by                    barrier.
graphic designers, and videographers.                 measuring student performance. Materials              Hundreds of power and construction
Materials are well-illustrated, explaining            not well understood are revised, and                  companies use NLC’s curriculum for
difficult concepts in an easy-to-                     unclear test questions are rewritten.                 training purposes. NLC was also specially
understand format. This approach                      Courses are sequenced in such a way that              selected by the U.S. Department of Energy
maximizes student learning and retention.             fundamental concepts are learned first,               to write curriculum related to the smart
Classroom topics are related to lab                   followed by topics that require increased             grid. Because the industries we serve
and field activities as well, reinforcing             technical understanding. Students are also            continually evolve, NLC modernizes its
important concepts. The curriculum is                 able to expand their understanding of the             materials on a regular basis.
designed to expose students to these                  topics that interest them the most through

An example of NLC’s curriculum, created by NLC’s own development team. It is specially designed to maximize student learning outcomes and is continually
updated to include the latest industry standards and best practices.


three-phase educational model
NLC created its Three-Phase Educational Model® based on well-researched educational theories. Using this
model as the basis for the training in all NLC programs, each academic course, skill competency, and behavior
expectation fits directly into one of the three educational phases: knowledge, skill, or behavior.

                                                                                  knowledge phase
                                                                              The Knowledge phase addresses
                                                                              cognitive, or intellectual, activities.
                                                                              Engaging students at the highest
                                                                              cognitive level occurs in a classroom or lab
                                                                              setting. The development of intellectual
                                                                              skills includes the recall or recognition of
                                                                              specific facts, procedural patterns, and
                                                                              concepts that serve in the development
                                                                              of intellectual abilities and skills.

                                                                                  skill phase
                                                                              The Skill phase is the “hands-on” phase of
                                                                              training. This is where students learn and
                                                                              practice the fundamentals of field-based
                                                                              methods. First demonstrated by training
                                                                              specialists, students follow their direction
                                                                              in practicing and building fluency in each
                                                                              competency, which is later timed and
                                                                              rated for proficiency. Often strenuous, the
                                                                              Skill phase offers students the opportunity
                                                                              to condition their physical strengths to
                                                                              meet the demands of their industry.

                                                                                  behavior phase
                                                                              While knowledge and skill are important,
                                                                              positive behavior and attitude have been
                                                                              identified by utility and construction
                                                                              company leadership as attributes
                                                                              a potential employee must have. For this
                                                                              reason, the Behavior phase focuses on
                                                                              safety, camaraderie, customer service,
                                                                              and conviction, to help students develop
                                                                              steadfast reputations for being mature,
                                                                              reliable, safe, and civic-minded.

                                                                     2021 TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINEWORKER PROGRAM CATALOG   15
preparing students for success
Students enrolled in our programs can learn about various types of companies, opportunities,
and how to prepare to be top-tier candidates.

NLC offers a specially designed Career
Planning and Strategies course where
students learn about various jobs and
careers to which their education applies.
Students also learn effective cover
letter and résumé writing, interviewing
skills, networking methods, preparation
for entrance testing, and professional
NLC is committed to providing each
student the tools and resources needed to
successfully research, apply for, and secure
jobs and careers. Though it is the student’s
responsibility to decide on their career
path, NLC provides substantial assistance
and advice.




traits of successful graduates
The lengths to which NLC graduates leverage their education are nearly boundless. Presented here are the
characteristics highly successful graduates embrace to secure jobs and launch long, rewarding careers.


BE as competitive as possible                  Consider all company types                       Thoroughly research companies
There can be competition for many jobs,        AS opportunities                                 Successful students and graduates take
and companies make every effort to select      NLC programs serve many industries, as           the time to learn everything they can
the best applicants. Successful graduates      shown in the career charts in this catalog.      about each company, including company
make every effort to ensure they will          Graduates who consider all these trades          type, its core values, customers, major
graduate as a top candidate as they            as potential opportunities maximize              projects, service area, system details,
progress through their program.                the number of jobs available to them.            training, and more. The more that can be
                                               Successful graduates understand this             learned, the better.
MAXIMIZE GEOGRAPHIC                            fact, and keep all options available as they
FLEXIBILITY                                    consider their employment.                       don't wait too long to
Utility and construction companies cover                                                        get into the trade
large geographic regions. Opportunities        BE relentless and organized                      History has shown that students who
increase in proportion to the size of the      in search FOR employment                         wait longer periods for a desired job to
geographic area in which a student is          New job opportunities continually                open often see their skills and knowledge
willing to work. A graduate willing to work    present themselves. Successful graduates         diminish. As more time passes, they
in any state in the country will have the      establish a diligent routine searching           become less competitive when the
most opportunities.                            for jobs, including website exploration,         opportunity for a job they really want
                                               résumé dissemination, employer visits,           comes along. It is important to get into the
                                                                                                trade as soon as possible to start building
BE WISE WITH FREE TIME                         and more. They keep record of employers
                                               contacted, résumés submitted, and                experience and improving skills and
There are 168 hours in a week. Successful
                                               company contacts. They schedule                  knowledge.
students understand that when sleep,
full-time NLC schooling, and eating are        follow-up meetings. They do not become
subtracted, a substantial amount of            discouraged, knowing their efforts will
daylight hours remain; they apply these        ultimately be successful.
hours to their studies, career research, and
job search.

                                                                                       2021 TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINEWORKER PROGRAM CATALOG        17
TLP overview


TlP graduates are:                           TLP GRADUATES WILL:
• Highly qualified for initial employment.   • Learn how to construct, maintain, and        safety equipment.
• Highly successful in completing future       operate the nation’s 5G, data, Wi-Fi,
                                                                                          • Learn to operate bucket trucks
  training programs.                           radio, cable, and telecommunications
                                                                                            and digger derricks.
• Prepared to pursue a long, rewarding                                                    • Learn how to identify career options
  career.                                    • Learn how to work in elevated positions,
                                                                                            and interview confidently.
                                               using the industry’s most up-to-date

Tlp overview


career opportunities
The global telecommunications industry offers many opportunities for exciting and rewarding long-term
careers. It is a robust, $2,693-billion industry1 that employs more than 122,0002 American workers as of 2018.
The backbone of the digital world is
telecommunications. Imagine a world
without the Internet or wireless digital
communication. No smart phones, no
online purchases, no streaming video,
no social media, no digital apps, and
no cloud-based computing. Hard to
imagine, right? Without the important
work of telecommunications lineworkers
and equipment installers and repairers,                                                                      ID
none of these technologies would exist
today. Each time the wireless network
adds another “G” or requires more
bandwidth, the men and women in the
telecommunications industry make it

According to the Telecommunications
Industry Association, fiber cabling passes
by less than one third of homes in the U.S.
and only 39% of consumers have access
to more than one broadband provider
of 25 Mbps service. Approximately
10 million rural homes and 3 million urban
and suburban homes can’t get broadband
speeds at all. Now as the market enters
the era of 5G, fiber matters more than
ever. With 5G relying in large part on
high radio frequencies, a large number
of small 5G radios, or “cells,” will be
required, and those small cells will require
a substantial amount of fiber. In fact, as
of 2017, estimates call for 1,390,816 miles
of fiber cable, to be exact. And that is just
to provide full 5G service to the top-25
metropolitan land areas in the United
States alone.3

2. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, https://www.

3. Telecommunications Industry Association,                                                                   ID

Tlp overview

career outlook
Telecommunications is a robust, vibrant, growing industry that provides rewarding careers to more than
100,000 people. As illustrated below, the industry is projected to continue to grow for the foreseeable future.

+   increased retirements
+   increased customer reliance on telecommunications
+   increased installation and maintenance of telecommunications line
+   increased domestic and global initiatives to expand telecommunications capacity


8.2% PROJECTED GROSS DOMESTIC                                $2,693-BILLION GLOBAL TELECOM                      122,000+ TELECOM LINEWORKERS
PRODUCT as of july 2019                1
                                                             INDUSTRY AS OF 2018        2
                                                                                                                as of 2018   3

By the end of 2020 the telecom industry is                   Telecommunications is a global                     America’s telecom companies pay billions
projected to contribute 8.2% of real gross                   $2,693-billion industry that provides a vital      of dollars in tax revenue, employ more
domestic product to the U.S. economy.                        service to modern life. Telecommunications         than 122,000 workers, and provide a
                                                             data enables the modern economy and                variety of public service programs to
                                                             enhances everyday life.                            benefit the local communities they serve.

                                                                                                                    HOURLY BY PERCENTILE
                                           OCCUPATION                                               10th        25th       Median        75th        90th
    49-9052 Telecommunications Line Installers and Repairers                                        $14.88      $18.49      $28.02       $37.41       $44.44

    49-2022 Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers                                   $15.59      $20.38      $26.97       $34.51       $39.84

    49-2021 Radio, Cellular, and Tower Equipment Installers and Repairers                           $15.15      $19.52      $26.39       $33.94       $41.52

    37-3013 Tree Trimmers and Pruners                                                               $11.70      $14.57      $18.36       $23.88       $29.48

    49-1011 First-Line Supervisors of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers                          $19.19      $24.72      $31.80       $40.37       $50.01

    53-7021 Crane and Tower Operators                                                               $15.02      $19.11      $26.03       $34.10       $41.98

    49-9098 Helpers–Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers                                   $9.59       $11.43      $14.16       $17.80       $22.42

    47-2073 Operating Engineers and Other Construction Equipment Operators                          $15.06      $17.90      $22.98       $30.55       $40.46

Occupation wage data reflects numbers reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as of May 2018. For more details on the occupations listed above, search the
Occupational Outlook Handbook at:

3. U.S. Department of Labor as reported through ONet at:

                                                                                                       2021 TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINEWORKER PROGRAM CATALOG       21
training environment
NLC promotes safety, productivity, and camaraderie, helping prepare students for success.

Students are engaged equally in classroom        train students to operate successfully in the   instructors is commonplace. The positive
and field learning activities each day of        profession. Success is achieved by creating     culture that students experience creates a
the school week (Mon–Thu). Classes are           a positive learning environment where           lasting impression they carry throughout
not typically in session Fridays; this time is   students are challenged, encouraged, and        their long and rewarding careers.
normally reserved for career preparation         held accountable. Students are placed in        NLC graduates can become
and academic study. In order to maintain         crews where camaraderie and teamwork are        telecommunications workers, crew
a high-quality training environment,             emphasized daily.                               leaders, safety and training professionals,
faculty-to-student ratios are kept to a          Exemplifying the best practices and             supervisors, directors, even company
maximum of 16:1 in the field and 76:1 in         expectations of trade professionals, NLC        presidents. Because knowing which
the classroom across all campuses.               training specialists leverage experience        students will become presidents is
Because of the procedural nature of              and adult-education training to facilitate      impossible, we conduct training as if they
telecommunications work and the strict           practical and beneficial learning experiences   all will.
adherence to safety rules it requires, NLC       for each student. At NLC, the forming of
has established rules and procedures that        lifelong friendships among classmates and


Tlp overview

tlp program information
PROGRAM OBJECTIVE                                                                                                     COURSE OUTLINE
NLC’s Telecommunications Lineworker Program objective is to provide the training and                                  PROGRAM LENGTH
education needed to ensure that graduates are:                                                                        Seven weeks of full-time enrollment,
• Highly qualified for initial employment.                                                                            totaling 179.5 clock hours (50 minutes of
                                                                                                                      instruction per clock hour). See the table
• Highly successful in completing future training programs.                                                           at left for a complete breakdown of hours.
• Prepared to pursue a long, rewarding career.
                                                                                                                      DAILY SCHEDULE
                                                                                                                      Class and field training are in session
                               COURSE                                LECTURE
                                                                                                    WEEK              Monday through Thursday (occasionally
                                                                                                                      Friday) 8:00 AM−4:30 PM. Included in this
   TLP 10210    First Aid Certification                                 -        4        4           1
                                                                                                                      time frame are two 15-minute breaks (one
   TLP 10220    CPR Certification                                       -        4        4           1               morning, one afternoon) and a 30-minute
   TLP 10230    Commercial Learner’s Permit (CLP)                       -        -        -          1-7              lunch break. NLC reserves the right to
   TLP 10250    Pole-Top Rescue Certification*                          -        -        -          5-7
                                                                                                                      adjust the daily scheduled course hours
                                                                                                                      (8:00−4:30) as deemed necessary by NLC
   TLP 11860    OSHA 10-Hour ET&D                                      12        -       12          6-7              staff.
   TLP 11980    Rigging for Telecommunications                         14        -       14         1, 3-4

   TLP 11990    Digger Derrick Safety                                  1         -        1           6
                                                                                                                      COURSE NUMBERING SYSTEM
                                                                                                                      Course numbers consist of a three-
   TLP 12030    Behavior Assessment                                    2         -        2          4, 7             character prefix followed by a five-digit
   TLP 12040    Aerial Cable I Competencies                             -       12       12          3-4              number sequence. The prefix represents
   TLP 12050    Aerial Cable II Competencies                            -       24       24          5-7
                                                                                                                      the program (TLP). The number sequence
                                                                                                                      is broken into three parts: the first digit is
   TLP 12060    Telecommunications Networks I                          21        -       21          3-4
                                                                                                                      an internal classification code; the second
   TLP 12070    Aerial Lift Certification                               -       12       12          1-2              part includes three digits, which represent
   TLP 12080    Climbing I Competencies                                 -       12       12          1-4              the section of curriculum; and the third
                                                                                                                      part is the final digit, which indicates the
   TLP 12090    Equipment I Competencies                                -        8        8          2-4
                                                                                                                      apprentice level of the course.
   TLP 12100    Climbing II Competencies                                -       20       20          5-7

   TLP 12110    Work Orders for Telecommunications                     7         -        7           5

   TLP 12120    Career Planning and Strategies                         8.5       -       8.5         3-6

   TLP 12130    Telecommunications Networks II                         14        -       14           5

   TLP 12140    Equipment II Competencies                               -        4        4          5-6

                                                           TOTALS:    79.5      100     179.5      7 Weeks

graduation requirements
The following requirements must be met for a student to earn a TLP Certificate of Completion.

70% or higher in each academic class.                    No behaviors marked “Unacceptable” on
                                                         final review in TLP12030.
AND CERTIFICATIONS                                       ATTENDANCE
All field competencies and certifications                No more than three absences.
achieved before the start of the last week               COMMERCIAL LEARNER’S PERMIT
of class.

* Students must successfully complete TLP 12100 to earn this certification; all hours are listed with TLP 12100.

                                                                                                             2021 TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINEWORKER PROGRAM CATALOG   23
course descriptions
To ensure a well-rounded education, students are required to complete all courses detailed in this section. The
following descriptions provide a basic overview of the fundamentals of each course. If you have any questions,
please contact NLC for further information.

    knowledge phase
TLP 11860                                      TLP 12060                                     TLP 12120
This course is delivered by an authorized      This course provides an overview of           A course structured to occur throughout
Occupational Safety and Health                 working on telecommunications lines.          the program term, and designed to
Administration (OSHA) Outreach trainer         Specifically, learners will focus on safety   simulate the hiring processes employed
and follows the OSHA 10 Electrical             practices and situational awareness,          by the investor-owned utilities. This course
Transmission and Distribution (ET&D)           working around electricity, and how to        guides students as they develop job-
format. Students will learn about the          ground. Students will learn about the         hunting materials and skills.
OSH Act, OSHA’s mission, and the               history of telecommunications. There is an
regulations that are most applicable to        emphasis on learning line equipment and
telecommunications crews. Emphasis is          hardware. Additionally, students will learn   TLP 12130
also given to OSHA’s Focus Four hazards.       about materials needed for placing strand     TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS II
Each successful participant will earn          and cable.                                    This course is designed to teach the
an OSHA Electrical Transmission and                                                          students about the placement of aerial
Distribution 10-hour card. Certification                                                     fiber-optic communications cable.
provided by OSHA and the ET&D                  TLP 12110                                     Students will explore the methods of
partnership.                                   WORK ORDERS                                   back-pull and drive-off installation and will
                                               FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS                        be introduced to underground systems.
                                               This course instructs students on work
TLP 11980                                      orders and the important role they play
RIGGING FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS                 in the telecommunications field. Students
This course is designed to teach the           will learn common symbols related to
student about fall protection and the          work orders. They will learn how to read
tensions associated with common                work orders and apply those work orders
rigging used on the job site. The proper       to prospective job sites. Students will
application of knots and the effects that      identify hazards not captured on the work
knots have on ropes are discussed in           order.
detail. In addition, students will learn
about the mechanical advantage gained
with tensions with snatch blocks. Students
also explore safety when working around
mechanical equipment.

TLP 11990
In this course, students learn the necessary
behaviors, knowledge, and skills to safely
work on and around digger derricks
in utility construction sites. Topics
include worksite protection, truck setup,
underground facilities, lifting capacities,
and sling tensions. To pass this course,
students must also pass TLP 11980,
TLP 12090, TLP 12140, and a written


Tlp overview

    skill phase                                                                                    behavior phase
TLP 10210                                     TLP 12070                                        TLP 12030
first aid certification                       aerial lift certification                        behavior assessment
Successful completion of this course          Students learn how to safely operate the         Discussion, demonstration, and display
results in a nationally recognized first      Altec T40P and AT235 aerial lift trucks to       of behaviors essential to the success of
aid certification. Students learn to safely   perform telecommunications activities.           entry-level lineworkers. Instruction and
perform as a competent first responder in     After successful course completion,              assessment occur in classroom and field
an environment that requires use of basic     students will be granted a certification         environments. Students learn the levels
first aid. Idaho campus: Coyne First Aid.     provided by Altec.                               of general attitude, responsibility, and
                                                                                               motivation required of lineworkers, and
                                                                                               how to project themselves in a positive,
TLP 10220                                     TLP 12080                                        professional manner utilizing verbal and
cpr certification                             climbing i competencies                          nonverbal skills.
Successful completion of this course          Students learn to use climbing gear and
results in a nationally recognized            proper techniques for working from
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)           wood poles. Ascending, descending, and
certification. Students learn to safely       rotating at lower elevations are central
perform as a competent first responder in     themes.
an environment that requires use of basic
CPR. Idaho campus: Coyne First Aid.
                                              TLP 12090
                                              equipment i competencies
TLP 10230                                     Following instruction about the
commercial learner’s permit                   fundamentals of truck setup, work-site
Students who do not possess a current         protection, and vehicle operation, the
Class A commercial driver’s license (CDL)     course provides advanced instruction on
prior to attending NLC must obtain a          boom operation—including load lifting
commercial learner’s permit (CLP) prior to    and screw anchor installation. Hand
graduation.                                   signals and safety around suspended
                                              loads are also emphasized.

TLP 10250
Students learn to safely perform pole-top     climbing ii competencies
rescue activities, and must complete the      Positioning and climbing techniques
Pole-Top Rescue competency. Certification     are refined as students ascend, descend,
provided by NLC.                              and rotate at higher elevations. Training
                                              incorporates more advanced skills and
TLP 12040                                     telecommunications scenarios.
aerial cable i competencies
Students will learn and practice the
process of placing strand and lashing
                                              TLP 12140
fiber-optic cable so that the cable can be
                                              equipment ii competencies
                                              This field course provides advanced
prepared for splicing.
                                              instruction on digger-derrick operation—
                                              including load lifting, hole excavation
TLP 12050                                     (using the auger), and setting poles—
                                              with an emphasis on hand signals and
aerial cable ii competencies                  safety around suspended loads. Training
Students build on their previous learning     incorporates more advanced skills and
by installing aerial cable using the drive-   telecommunications scenarios.
off and back-pull methods. Students will
delash a line and learn how to remove
tension from the strand safely.                                                                                                            ID

                                                                                      2021 TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINEWORKER PROGRAM CATALOG    25
tlp tools
Tools listed here are stocked on campus for the Telecommunications Lineworker Program.
NLC training specialists explain the use of each tool and provide a personal fitting for every student.
In addition to tuition and fees, students in the Telecommunications Lineworker Program are required to purchase the climbing and hand
tools listed below. NLC works closely with leading utility and construction companies to identify widely utilized tools in the industry, then
works with manufacturers and distributors to secure discounted prices. Though manufacturer and distributor prices fluctuate, every effort
is made to ensure NLC students receive the lowest possible prices.

CLIMBING TOOLS                                  HAND TOOLS                                       CLOTHING
      Gaff Guards                                14   Screwdriver                                NLC Safety Shirts
  1   One pair included with climbers;                                                           All students are required to purchase a minimum
      replacements available
                                                 15   Folding Ruler
                                                      6’ fiberglass, inside read
                                                                                                 of four shirts (two orange, two yellow), sold
                                                                                                 exclusively at NLC campuses.
  2   Climbers and Pads
      Tool/Bolt Bag
                                                 16   10” Pump Pliers                            Rain Gear
  3   Attaches to body belt                      17   9” Lineman Pliers
                                                                                                 Though not a requirement, it is recommended
                                                                                                 that students purchase rain gear, as training will
      Body Belt                                                                                  proceed regardless of weather.
  4   Full-floating system                       18   Hammer
                                                      32 oz
                                                                                                 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES
  5   Hard Hat                                   19   Lineman’s Skinning Knife                   The cost of your training manual is included
      Safety Glasses                                                                             in tuition, and will be provided the first day of
  6   ANSI standard Z-87.1                       20   Adjustable Wrench
                                                      12”                                        class. All other classroom supplies should be
                                                                                                 purchased prior to the first day of the term.
      Cut-Resistant Gloves
  7   Two pairs of short cuffs
                                                 21   Lineman’s Wrench                           The following are recommended:
                                                                                                 Scientific Calculator
      Tool Holster                               22   Ratcheting Wrench
                                                      Set of two
                                                                                                 e.g., Texas Instruments 30x
  9   SuperSqueezeTM and BuckAdjuster            23   High-Impact Can Wrench
                                                                                                 Pens and Highlighters
 10   Lineman Boots
                                                                                                 #2 Pencils
 11   Gaff Sharpening Kit
 12   Climber Shields                                                                            Lunch Box

 13   Lineman Tool Bag                                                                           Laptop Computer (optional)

NLC negotiates with manufacturers to provide high-quality tools to our students at reduced prices compared to retail. The tools pictured
are representative of the actual tools that students receive at the time of catalog publication. NLC reserves the right to change tools as
necessary to provide the best quality and value to our students.

Tlp overview

                           5          6


                 3                              8

                 2                              9

                 1                              10

11        12          13              14                 15                16            17

     18        19		            20		        21                   22		                23

                                                     2021 TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINEWORKER PROGRAM CATALOG   27
cdl/clp information
                                                Telecommunications work often requires the use of large, heavy
                                                equipment that must be driven to and from job sites, so many utility
                                                and construction companies require that their workers possess a Class A
                                                commercial driver’s license (CDL).
                                                For this reason, a commercial learner’s permit (CLP) is a requirement to graduate from
                                                the TLP. The CLP is the first step to obtaining a CDL later, and having a CLP makes you
                                                more attractive to employers. NLC recommends that you obtain your CLP or CDL prior to
                                                starting the Telecommunications Lineworker Program, if possible.

                                                TLP students also have access to NLC’s optional ELP 12330, Class A CDL Testing Course,
                                          CA    to help them secure their Class A CDL.

CLASS A CDL WITH AIR BRAKES                     • You must obtain the commercial                  • Successfully complete the CDL skills test
ENDORSEMENT REQUIREMENTS                          learner’s permit (CLP) 14 days prior              administered by Idaho CDL Training LLC.
A valid Class A CDL with air brakes               to term start to fulfill the mandatory
                                                                                                    ○ The DOT medical card is
endorsement is required for graduation            federal waiting period.
                                                                                                      recommended, but not required for
at the Idaho campus.                            • Out-of-state students under the age                 graduation.
                                                  of 21 must obtain a Class D license in
NLC, in partnership with Idaho CDL                Idaho, then obtain their CLP in Idaho,          If you do not already possess a valid Class A
Training LLC, offers an in-house option to        after which they can train and test as          CDL, NLC’s optional course, ELP 12330, is the
aid students in fulfilling this requirement.      part of ELP 12330 testing course.               recommended route. However, students can
To obtain a Class A CDL with air brakes                                                           obtain a Class A CDL that meets graduation
endorsement through NLC’s optional              Students under the age of 21 will be given        requirements any way they prefer. Please
course, TLP 10230, the general steps are        20 business days after the start of their         contact your local DMV for details on how to
outlined below:                                 term to provide the Idaho CLP.                    obtain a Class A CDL in your residence state as
For more detailed information on the                                                              applicable. Most states will let you complete
                                                • Required by the DMV for any out-of-             your CDL skills test in Idaho except for a few
steps below go to
                                                  state student who must get an Idaho             (such as WA, NC) Students from states that will
and click the NLC Students tab.
                                                  driver’s license and Class A CLP:               not let you take the CDL skills test in Idaho with
• Recommended: Complete the online                                                                your home state CLP will either need to obtain
                                                  ○ Birth certificate (no photocopies
  commercial learner’s permit test                                                                the CDL in your home state or get an Idaho
                                                    accepted) or passport
  preparation course. There is a $35                                                              driver’s license and Idaho CLP to be able to
  charge to access the online training that       ○ Official state-issued driver’s license        take the optional CDL course, ELP 12330. Visit
  is paid directly to Idaho CDL Training            from their current state             for more information.
  LLC. Follow the directions to sign up for
                                                  ○ Proof of residency (these documents           Optional courses are not under the purview of
  the online commercial learner’s permit
                                                    must show an Idaho address to                 the Idaho Board of Education or the Accrediting
  test preparation course by going to
                                                    qualify to show proof of residency):          Commission of Career Schools and Colleges. and click on the
  NLC Students tab.                                  • Rental agreement                           They are not required for program completion
                                                                                                  and do not count toward Telecommunication
• Take the required knowledge written                • Power bill, gas bill or any utility bill   Lineworker Program hours.
  tests at your local Department of Motor              in your name
  Vehicles (DMV) to gain your Class A                • Bank statement
  learner’s permit with air brakes. Fees
  for the written test and CDL learner’s          ○ Social Security card (original only,
  permit vary by state; please check with           copies are not accepted)
  your local DMV regarding fees. (These         • Successfully complete and pass the
  fees are outside of any Idaho CDL               mandatory drug screening facilitated by
  Training LLC fees or NLC fees charged.)         Idaho CDL Training LLC during the first
• Take the three required written tests           week of the term.
  (general knowledge, combination               • Complete the recommended hours
  vehicles, and air brakes) to obtain a Class
                                                  of instructor-led training (12 hours
  A CDL learner’s permit with air brakes at
                                                  covering pretrip, backing, and road
  the DMV.

Tlp overview

cdl testing course descriptions
Utility employers across the nation are increasingly requiring that new employees come to them with a valid
Class A commercial driver’s license (CDL). It is NLC’s objective to create the most highly employable graduates
as possible, and offering in-house Class A CDL training and testing as optional courses is another way to
accomplish this goal.

                                             Students under the age of 21 will be given            Idaho CDL Training LLC’s
                                             20 business days after the start of their
                                                                                                   CLP Preparation Course
             +                               term to provide the Idaho CLP. Idaho
                                             CDL Training LLC offers an affordable
                                             online course option to help you meet
                                                                                                   Securing a commercial’s learner permit
                                                                                                   (CLP) 14 days prior to the commencement
                                                                                                   of training is a prerequisite of ELP 12330.
                                             this prerequisite. A DOT physical exam is
                                                                                                   Idaho CDL Training LLC offers a convenient
                                             recommended but not required; these
                                                                                                   online option to help students obtain
A valid, Class A CDL is optional for         are provided by a DOT-approved medical
                                                                                                   their CLP. Students may choose to register
graduation in the TLP at the Idaho           provider. Students must successfully pass
                                                                                                   online with Idaho CDL Training LLC and
campus. ELP 12330 is NLC’s in-house          the Idaho Transportation Department’s
                                                                                                   complete the online course in preparation
option to obtain a Class A CDL.              skills test to receive a Class A CDL. CDLs
                                                                                                   for obtaining the CLP.
                                             will be issued by the student’s state of
                                             residence licensing agency (the agency                The course cost does not include the
ELP 12330                                    that issued the driver’s license and CLP).            fees collected by your local DMV to take
CLASS A CDL TESTING COURSE                                                                         the written knowledge tests required
This course was designed in partnership                                                            to obtain your CLP. As a reminder, the
with Idaho CDL Training LLC to deliver NLC   COURSE COST: $1,500
                                                                                                   student’s CLP must be for the same state
students a customized training program       TESTING FEE: $280
                                                                                                   as the student’s driver’s license.
patterned after the U.S. Department          (First test is included in the course cost;
of Transportation’s (DOT) proposed           subsequent tests are $100 per test.)
                                                                                                   Students may secure their CLP in any way
minimum standards for training tractor                                                             preferred; this online preparation course is not
trailer drivers. Included in this course     DRUG TESTING FEE: $65
                                                                                                   required, but recommended to help ensure a
is training and testing on the essential     TOTAL: $1,565
                                                                                                   successful pass of the written knowledge test.
knowledge and practical skills necessary
to successfully obtain a CDL, including      See campus-specific policies for refund
behind-the-wheel driving time. Successful    information.                                          ONLINE PREPERATION COURSE COST: $35
completers will obtain a Class A CDL.        Course available to ID ELP students for terms
                                             beginning October 19, 2020, and after, and for ID     Preparation course cost will be paid directly to
Training will be delivered by Idaho CDL
                                             TLP students beginning November 16, 2020, and         Idaho CDL Training LLC.
Training LLC in coordination with NLC.
A total of 12 hours of instruction will be   after.
provided during the term. Course hours
may take place any day of the week,          Students enrolled in ELP 12330, Class
including after hours and on the weekends    A CDL Testing Course, agree to be
to accommodate all trainees.                 drug tested in accordance with DOT
Students must obtain a commercial            requirements before and randomly
learner’s permit (CLP) as a prerequisite     during training and/or testing.
for this course. The CLP must be for
the same state as the student’s driver’s     ALL students enrolled in the Class A
license and must be obtained at least 14     CDL Testing Course will be drug tested;
days before CDL training begins.             failure of this drug test, including for
                                             marijuana (regardless of your state of
Out-of-state students under the age          residence), will result in termination
of 21 must obtain a Class D license in       from the school as defined in the NLC
Idaho, then obtain their CLP in Idaho,       Drugs/Alcohol policy.
after which they can train and test as
part of this course.

                                                                                          2021 TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINEWORKER PROGRAM CATALOG          29
program calendar
          2021 terms
          TERM 2101
          Classes begin...................................Jan 25, 2021
          Graduation.......................................Mar 12, 2021

          TERM 2102
          Classes begin................................. Mar 22, 2021
          Graduation.........................................May 7, 2021

          TERM 2103
          Classes begin..................................May 17, 2021
          Graduation........................................... Jul 2, 2021
          No classes—campus closed
          Memorial Day*.............................. May 31, 2021

          TERM 2104
          Classes begin....................................Jul 12, 2021
          Graduation.......................................Aug 27, 2021

          TERM 2105
          Classes begin................................... Sept 7, 2021
          Graduation....................................... Oct 22, 2021
          TERM 2106
          Classes begin....................................Nov 1, 2021
          Graduation....................................... Dec 17, 2021
          No classes—campus closed
          Thanksgiving Break*............Nov 25–26, 2021

d on progression.

          *Holidays do not count toward training time. Classes falling on holidays are rescheduled; refer to the orientation guide for dates. Although rare, dates are subject
          to change. Any travel arrangements should be flexible.

Tlp overview

program costs
   Application Fee        paid with application                                                     $50
   Lab Fee    paid during enrollment process                                                       $500
   Tuition   due four weeks prior to term start                                                  $5,500
   Total Tuition and Fees                                                                       $6,050

   required associated costs
   Climbing and Hand Tools, NLC Safety Shirts           due four weeks prior to term start       $2,800
   Commercial Learner’s Permit1                                                                     $68

    TOTAL TERM COST                                                                               $8,918

   optional courses                   additional cost
   Class A CDL Testing Course and Fees                                                           $1,565

Seats are not reserved until all admission requirements are met and payment in full
is received or funding has been verified for student loans or veteran administration
 funds. Students are encouraged to submit all requirements and pay in full as soon
                          as possible to reserve their seat.

1. DMV costs are estimated and are subject to change without notice. Confirm current pricing with the applicable state DMV. Due to differing state laws,
CDL/CLP requirements vary by campus. See CDL/CLP section of this catalog for further information. CDL/CLP costs are paid directly to the DMV.

                                                                                                     2021 TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINEWORKER PROGRAM CATALOG    31


ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS         instructors
enrollment process



STudent services
Our staff helps students get access to the services that we provide in-house and also helps them find
information for local providers for services such as transportation, child care, counseling, and so forth.
Students needing help should consult the information below or complete a student request form, and a
member of our staff will provide prompt assistance. Here are some of the student services available:

ENROLLMENT ASSISTANCE                          STUDENT COMPLAINTS                           COMPANY VISITS
NLC’s Admissions department is                 Student complaints are resolved by the       It is common for utility and construction
located in Meridian, Idaho. Admissions         respective president of each campus.         company representatives to visit NLC to
consultants specialize in processing           Please see the Policies section of this      recruit future graduates.
student applications, and are available to     catalog for further information on
answer questions regarding enrollment.         complaint procedure. To contact a campus
Admission consultants can also connect         president, call 888-LINEWORK.                ALUMNI JOB PORTAL
students to our Student Accounts                                                            The Alumni Job Portal at
department for financial assistance.                                                        is accessible only by alumni of NLC’s career
Call 888-LINEWORK to connect with a            HOUSING                                      programs, where companies throughout
consultant.                                    NLC partners with Collegiate Housing         the industry post job openings exclusively
                                               Services (FL, ID, TX) and the Historic       for NLC graduates to view.
                                               Oroville Inn (CA) to provide assistance to
ACADEMIC/BEHAVIORAL GUIDANCE                   students with short-term housing needs.
It is the goal of NLC to set students up for   For more information, visit or   ALUMNI OUTREACH
success, and training specialists work daily   contact the Admissions department.           After graduation, each graduate is
to provide the guidance needed to do just                                                   contacted by a member of the campus
that. Through daily and weekly behavioral                                                   staff to follow up on employment status
and academic assessments, routine              EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE                        and job prospects, and to offer assistance
one-on-one evaluations, and academic           NLC works diligently to make sure            with transcripts and NLC-related topics.
improvement plans, instructors provide         students have everything they need to
expertise and encouragement.                   find gainful employment after graduation.
                                               Through initiatives taught in the Career
                                               Planning and Strategies course, students
STUDENT RECORDS                                learn how to write résumés and cover
The Office of the Registrar is located         letters, proper interviewing behavior,
in Meridian, Idaho. The registrar is           and effective methods for researching
responsible for maintaining student            job opportunities—all tailored to hiring
records. To connect with the registrar’s       practices common in the utility-delivery
office, call 888-LINEWORK.                     industry.

You can also read