Page created by Julian Moss
Issue 01 | 2021

Order Journal
of the Grand Bailiwick of Germany

                          THE ALLURE
                          OF CHIVALRY

                                    Saint Lazarus
                                    The Military and Hospitaller Order of
                                    Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem
Lazarus Days: September 24 to 26, 2021, in Heilsbronn                                                                            Greeting by the Bailiff of the Grand Bailiwick

Planned programme

Friday, 24 September 2021

10:00 h               Chapter meeting (Chapter members only)
15:30 h               Arrival / Check-in
17:30 h               Welcome at the Religious Education Centre
17:45 h               Farewell ceremony for the
                      Bailiff and Chancellor emeritus
19:00 h               Pilgrim’s Supper
20:00 h               VIGIL with vesting of the postulants
21:30 h               Symphonic tattoo for the farewell of the Bailiff and Chancellor
                      emeritus in the courtyard of the Minster
22:00 h               Ending in the monastery cellar with evening snack

Saturday, 25 September 2021

07:45 h               Ecumenical Morning Prayer in the Abbot’s Chapel                                                                Dear Sisters and Brethren of the Order,
08:30 h               Breakfast
10:00 h               Members/Order Meeting                                                                                          dear Friends of the Order of St. Lazarus,
12:30 h               Lunch
16:00 h               Holy Mass in the Minster with Archbishop Michelle Pennisi –                                                    dear ladies and gentlemen:
                      Investiture of the Bailiff of the Grand Bailiwick of Germany by
                      the 50th Grand Master: H. E. Francisco de Borbón, Count of
                      Hardenberg                                                                                                      Once again you are holding an issue of our revived Order Journal in your hands. The fact that this is happening so soon fills me
18:00 h               Reception of the Grand Bailiwick in the courtyard of the Cathedral                                         with great gratitude. It is above all due to the commitment of the Editor of our Grand Bailiwick, Dr. Martin Haas CLJ. But it is also an
18:45 h               Dinner in the refectory                                                                                    expression of the vitality of the Order to which you belong, which you accompany with your sympathy, and in whose activities you

                                                                                                                                     Communication is the essential means of expressing the bond of our community by sharing and giving, by participating in our
Sunday, 26 September 2021                                                                                                        charitable and hospitaller endeavours, in our thoughts on their further development and in the national and international life of the
                                                                                                                                 Order. Unlike the electronic medium, the Order Journal strives to be a place of reflection and exchange, also of discourse, beyond the
                                                                                                                                 moment. Make use of it!
07:45 h               Lauds in the Abbot’s Chapel
08:30 h               Breakfast                                                                                                      This would be true even without the corona pandemic, but it is particularly true now. May the Journal help us to keep close even
                                                                                                                                 in special times!
09:30 h               Protestant service in the Minster
12:00 h               Lunch (optional)                                                                                               With most cordial greetings,
                      afterwards departure

Please note:

The event remains subject to legal restrictions in the
event of persistence of the pandemic. As a precau-
tionary measure, we inform you that we will carry out                                                                                                                                                                                   Prof. Dr. iur. Ingo Reichard KLJ
rapid tests for personal health protection and also                                                                                                                                                                                        Bailiff of the Grand Bailiwick
request evidence of vaccinations from the partici-
pants, as may be appropriate or required.

2                                                                                          Journal of the Order of St. Lazarus   Journal of the Order of St. Lazarus                                                                                                   3
Contents                                                                                                                           Preface
Greeting by the Bailiff of the Grand Bailiwick                                                       3

Contents                                                                                             4
                                                                                                                                        Dear Sisters and Brethren of the Order, dear friends
Foreword                                                                                             5
                                                                                                                                   of the Order of St. Lazarus!
The Allure of Chivalry                                                                               6

Order of St. Lazarus International                                                                   8

Decree on the Celebration of Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus in the Roman General Calendar           8
                                                                                                                                        It gives me great pleasure and joy to present you with our
Order of St. Lazarus National                                                                        9                             Order Journal. Especially in these times of the corona pan-

Presentation of the new Chapter of the Order                                                         9                             demic, when hardly any meetings are possible anymore, it en-
                                                                                                                                   deavours to contribute to the solidarity among the members
Hospitaller Report 2020                                                                             13
                                                                                                                                   of the Order and our friends.
Report of the Hospitaller                                                                           13
                                                                                                                                        It is a time when active love of our neighbour is in de-
Report of the Almoner                                                                               15
                                                                                                                                   mand, and we gladly fulfil our mission to help the weakest and
From the Commanderies                                                                               17                             poorest people, whether in Germany or in the Third World.

Report: Commandery of Bavaria                                                                       17                             The Hospitaller report shows where our community is in-
                                                                                                                                   volved. The word “Hospitaller” is reminiscent of our time-hon-
Report: Commandery of Berlin-Brandenburg                                                            18
                                                                                                                                   oured tradition of caring for the sick. We therefore still use this
Report: Commandery of Hesse-Nassau                                                                  20                             word today and extend it to all charitable and benevolent ac-
Report: Commandery of the Rhineland                                                                 21                             tivities.

Report: Commandery of Württemberg                                                                   22                                  In the article on “The Allure of Chivalry”, I asked myself
The Lazarus Federation in Germany                                                                   23                             why the stories about knights, dragons and princesses con-
                                                                                                                                   tinue to inspire us today. For as an order of chivalry in the 21st        Regrettably, our order life is also suffering greatly from the
The Humanitarian Grand Priory in Europe                                                             23
                                                                                                                                   century, we no longer walk around in armour, and we have not          restrictions of the corona pandemic. Many of our planned
Hereditary Commandery of Rurich                                                                     24                                                                                                   events could not take place. I would therefore ask for your un-
                                                                                                                                   taken part in battles for centuries. On the contrary, we have
Membership                                                                                          25                             become a downright pacifist community. Nevertheless, let us           derstanding that this journal is slimmer than the last one was.
                                                                                                                                   take a look back and consider the impact of chivalry on our           Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy reading it!
Presentation of the new postulants                                                                  25
                                                                                                                                   society today.
We remember those who have gone ahead                                                               27
                                                                                                                                        Even today, chivalrous behaviour would often be desira-
Obituary: Peter Gerrard Salt KCLJ SCrLJ, 29 December 1948 – 16 October 2020                         28
                                                                                                                                   ble and represents a contrast to the general egoism so often                                                 Dr. Martin Haas, CLJ
Obituary: Burkhard Sanner, 25 January 1944 – 14 February 2021                                       29                                                                                                                                         Editor and Publisher
                                                                                                                                   observed today.
Obituary: Anthony Toms EGCLJ KMLJ, 21 March 1938 – 25 September 2020                                29

Obituary: The Rev. Thomas Schmidt ChLJ, Order Chaplain, 2 August 1962 – 15 June 2020                30
Obituary: H.G. François de Cossé, 13 Duke of Brissac, 19 February 1929 – 6 April 2021               30

Dates                                                                                               31

4                                                                                            Journal of the Order of St. Lazarus   Journal of the Order of St. Lazarus                                                                                                   5
Ultimately, the literature of medieval heroes is far too exten-     The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm likewise focus on the
The Allure of Chivalry                                                                                                                               sive to even begin to do it justice at this point. But we can see   world of brave knights and fair princesses.
                                                                     The influence of the Crusades                                                   that much of the allure of chivalry comes from these legends
    When we think of knights, our imagination involuntarily
                                                                          In 1095, Pope Urban II called for the first crusade. In to-                and influences us to this day.
depicts a shining hero in glittering armour on horseback, res-
                                                                     day’s perception, the Crusades are often criticised as a hate                                                                                       The cloak-and-dagger movies
cuing a fair princess from the clutches of a fierce dragon. We       crime against people of other faiths, and occasionally even
may think of the time of the Crusades, of the Song of the Ni-        used to bolster claims that religion were to blame for all the                                                                                          With the development of filming, new possibilities arise to
belungs, or of the legends of King Arthur and his Round Table.                                                                                       The dragon slayers
                                                                     evil in the world. Even though this is nonsense, of course, yet                                                                                     entice cinema-goers to foreign worlds and times. However,
The line can be continued right to the cloak-and-dagger mov-         we have to admit that the Crusades were an abuse of religion
                                                                                                                                                         Legends of heroes who slay a dragon are not exclusive           many movie depictions in medieval settings increasingly shift
ies and fantasy novels of our time. As children we might have        by secular politics, and that war cannot be justified by the
played with a knight’s castle, and what girl did not love dress-     Christian message. It should be noted at this point that, on the                to the Middle Ages. There are already examples in Babylo-           the focus from chivalric ideals to bloody battle scenes. Instead
ing up as a princess? There is no question that chivalry is still    other hand, in the English-speaking world the term “crusade”                    nian, Hittite and Greek literature or Japanese and African my-      of educated individuals standing up for their ideals, often
fascinating today.                                                   itself has mostly used positive connotations.
                                                                                                                                                     thology. The first Christian dragon slayers are the Archangel       dumb beef-cakes are shown, lashing out with their long-
                                                                         At any rate, the First Crusade was a tremendous organi-                     Michael and St. George, who is said to have died as a martyr        swords.
                                                                     sational effort. Troops, equipment and supplies from all Euro-                  around 300 AD. The best-known legendary figures include
The development of the military from the Romans to the Middle Ages   pean countries had to be transported to the Holy Land in a
                                                                                                                                                     Siegfried, Dietrich von Bern, Hildebrand, Tristan, and Beo-
                                                                     coordinated manner via land and sea routes. There, the for-
    In the Roman Empire, the military was strictly regulated.        mations had to be brought into position in an orderly manner                    wulf.                                                               Fantasy literature
The majority of the troops consisted of foot soldiers. There         and commanded during the battle. Many of the fighters re-
were also mounted troops and even armour for horsemen and            turned home only after many years.                                                  The fight with the dragon symbolises the struggle and               In fantasy novels and films, we encounter knightly figures
horses, but they played only a very minor role in warfare. The                                                                                       overcoming of evil and occasionally ensures the hero wins the       surprisingly often. Just think of “The Lord of the Rings” or “The
Praetorians, who had a prominent position as an elite unit, are          The founding of our Order of St. Lazarus, which is known
                                                                     to have played an important role in the care of soldiers who                    hand of a princess, a treasure or the respect of the other          Chronicles of Narnia”. There are also many echoes of the
also often likened to medieval knights. In contrast to classical
                                                                     were injured or suffering from leprosy, falls into this period.                 knights.                                                            world of knights and legends in the Harry Potter novels.
chivalry, however, Roman literature praised the discipline of
                                                                     (For once, however, we will neglect the role of the orders of
loyal foot soldiers as integral parts of the whole army, rather
                                                                     chivalry.)                                                                                                                                              Even in the “Star Wars” films, we find unapologetic bor-
than the heroism of a lone warrior. After the collapse of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         rowings from the world of chivalry and its ideals in the Order
Roman Empire, many things were certainly forgotten, and                   We can therefore imagine that the Crusades left a lasting
                                                                                                                                                     The decline of the age of chivalry
only few reports about individual soldiers have survived. The        impression on Europe. In the course of time, many legends                                                                                           of Jedi Knights.
holy legends of Roman soldiers who converted to Christianity         arose, such as the ones about Robin Hood. However, many                             Towards the end of the Middle Ages, large armies of mer-
and became martyrs because of it generally give us little in-        of these stories were written down only much later.
                                                                                                                                                     cenaries on foot, generally known as “lansquenets” or “lands-
sight into the lives of the soldiers of that time. Often these
                                                                                                                                                     knechts”, replaced the formations of individual knights. Thus       Summary
saints were only later elevated to the status of knights and
depicted artistically with medieval armour.                          Courtly poetry                                                                  the Swiss Confederates achieved sensational victories
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             For me, the allure of chivalry stems to a large extent from
                                                                                                                                                     against the chivalric armies of the Habsburgs or the Burgun-
                                                                          In the 12th, 13th and 14th centuries, many epics celebrating                                                                                   the chivalric ideals as portrayed in the medieval epics. Here
                                                                     knightly heroes were written, mostly in verse. In Germany, the                  dians. In addition, the development of firearms brought great
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the knights are portrayed as noble heroes who are humble,
The development of chivalry since Charlemagne                        best known of these is the Song of the Nibelungs. Here we                       changes. As the age of chivalry was drawing to a close, ar-
                                                                     meet the tragic hero Siegfried, who defeats a dragon. Like-                                                                                         brave, generous, educated, and unselfish. In many cases,
      After the collapse of the Roman Empire, small principali-                                                                                      mour was worn only at tournaments. Significantly, Emperor
                                                                     wise, the story of Percival (in English often called Peredur),                                                                                      they defeat the superior power of their opponents not by brute
ties and kingdoms arose in some places, of which we know             who trains to become a knight and sets out in search of the                     Maximilian I (1459 – 1519) was given the nickname “the last
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         force, but by inventiveness and self-control.
relatively little, however. We may also assume that the organ-       Holy Grail, is well known. This story is significant for us in that             knight and the first gunner”. Eventually, the beginning of the
isation of their comparatively small armies was quite dispar-        it describes the knightly virtues that every knight should learn                Renaissance also ushered in a new cultural era.                         As members of an order of chivalry with a history stretch-
ate. It was not until Charlemagne that a European country            and imbibe.
was again able to raise larger armies. Unlike the Romans,                                                                                                                                                                ing back almost a thousand years, we cannot avoid contem-
however, they were not able to organise this completely, but             In France, the Song of Roland was stylised as a national                                                                                        plating the ideals of chivalry. We certainly do not want to live
                                                                     epic in the 19th century, and in England, the focus is on King
left it to local nobles. This created a class of landed nobles                                                                                       The Romantic Age                                                    in the past, but many of the old ideals can also help us in the
                                                                     Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Spain has a large
who had to recruit, train, equip and provide for soldiers.                                                                                                                                                               21st century to counter the egoism, consumerism and ruth-
                                                                     number of chivalric novels, most of which were published in
Proven warriors were also rewarded with fiefdoms and could                                                                                               After Don Quixote, hardly any chivalric novels were pub-
                                                                     the 16th century. The most famous of these* is “Don Quixote”,                                                                                       lessness of our time. We are not fighting dragons, but poverty
thus rise socially. In relation to the Roman army, we have to        a novel published as late as some day between 1605 and                          lished for a long time. It was not until the novel “Ivanhoe” by
imagine these troops as being much more variegated.                                                                                                                                                                      and disease. As Jesus wanted us to do, we take up not battle
                                                                     1615, which makes fun of the romances of chivalry.                              Sir Walter Scott that a popular portrayal of the world of chiv-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         axe and mace, but the armour of God (Ephesians 6:13–17).
                                                                                                                                                     alry reappeared. The Romantic age transfigured the world of
                                                                                                                                                     knights in its own way, and the composer Richard Wagner in-                                                         Dr. Martin Haas, CLJ
                                                                           * Translator’s note: On the Continent. In Great Britain, certainly best
                                                                     known is Spenser’s epic The Færie Queene (ca. 1590), dead serious and highly    stilled new life into the old heroes Siegfried and Percival with
                                                                     symbolical, which kickstarted Early Modern English literature after two cen-    his operas.
                                                                     turies of silence.

6                                                                                              Journal of the Order of St. Lazarus                   Journal of the Order of St. Lazarus                                                                                                7
Order of St. Lazarus International                                                                                                    Order of St. Lazarus National

Decree on the Celebration of Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus in the Roman General Calendar                                            Presentation of the new Chapter of the Grand Bailiwick of Germany

                                                                                                                                          Since 1 January 2021, our new Bailiff and Chancellor have been in office by appointment of the Grand Master. The Bailiff then
    The text below is taken from a press release of the Vatican’s “Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacra-
                                                                                                                                      proceeded to appoint the Extended Chapter in accordance with the Statute. We would therefore like to introduce the new and contin-
                                                                                                                                      uing members of the Chapter at this point. The Chapter also includes the Commandery Presidents, who were not newly appointed
    In the Orthodox churches, the resurrection of Lazarus is celebrated on the Saturday before Palm Sunday. In the Anglican and       and whose presentation we have dispensed with here for reasons of space.
American Lutheran Churches, as in the Catholic Church, 29 July is observed as Remembrance Day; in the Armenian Church, 9 April
is; in the Coptic Church, 18 October; and in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, 13 March.

                                                                                                                                      The Bailiff:                                                                Instead, I brought my enthusiasm for jurisprudence into
                                                                                                                                      Prof. Dr. iur. Ingo Reichard KLJ                                      close contact with my inclination towards classical studies and,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            after completing my studies in Bonn, completed my Habilitation
                                                                                                                                           The Bailiff is the Head of Jurisdiction of the Grand Baili-      (formal postdoctoral lecture qualification) in the fields of civil
    In the house of Bethany, the Lord Jesus experienced the                                                                           wick, appointed by the Grand Master. He is the highest repre-         and Roman law, which I have been teaching at Bielefeld Uni-
                                                                          Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary.              sentative of the Order in Germany and represents the Grand            versity since 2001. I like to remember research stays in Naples
sense of family and friendship of Martha, Mary and Lazarus;                                                                           Bailiwick internationally.                                            in the nineties. I will continue to exercise my profession with all
that is why John’s Gospel says that he loved them. Martha                 From the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Disci-                                                                           its obligations even after reaching the usual age limit.
received him generously in hospitality, Mary listened atten-          pline of the Sacraments, on 26 January 2021, the feast day of                                                                               The combination of charitable-hospitaller commitment and
tively to his word, and Lazarus immediately rose from the             the holy bishops Timothy and Titus.                                                                                                   a spiritual community that is Christian and thus clearly defined,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            but non-denominational and thus non-exclusive, seems to me
tomb at the command of Him who had humbled death.                                                                                                                                                           to be extremely promising and attractive. This holds true all the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            more as the moment of the tradition of the order of chivalry with
    The uncertainty that existed in the tradition of the Latin                                                                                                                                              its ideals is added. And the green eight-pointed cross is carried
                                                                                                    Robert Cardinal Sarah, Prefect                                                                          in many countries: it is truly global.
Church concerning the identity of Mary – the Magdalene to
whom Christ appeared after his resurrection, the sister of Mar-                                                                                                                                                   That has always been the special thing: One is a “knight”,
                                                                                              Arthur Roche, Archbishop, Secretary                                                                           i.e. one has a profession in which one is absorbed and which
tha and the sinner whose sins the Lord had forgiven – and                                                                                                                                                   gives one fulfilment and happiness. And from this position, con-
which was the decisive factor in Martha alone being vener-                                                                                                                                                  solidated in one way or another, one is prepared to commit al-
                                                                                                                                                                                                            truistically to a completely different area and to devote time and
ated on 29 July in the Roman calendar, has been resolved in                                                                                                                                                 energy to it, among other things – this is possible even if one
more recent studies and times, as witnessed by the updated                                                                                                                                                  does not belong to those who have always consciously done it
                                                                                                                                                                                                            in their previous lives. I am looking forward to this.
Roman Martyrology, which also commemorates Mary and
Lazarus on this day. The three siblings are also celebrated on
this day in some particular calendars.                                                                                                     In the Order of St. Lazarus I am a homo novus, still a                The Chancellor:
                                                                                                                                      young member. I am grateful for the providence that allowed                Klaus-Dieter Herbst GCLJ KMLJ SMLJ
    In view of the important testimony to the Gospel they gave                                                                        me to make the acquaintance of members of the Command-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The Chancellor is appointed by the Grand Master and pre-
                                                                                                                                      ery of the Rhineland a few years ago. These and other meet-
by welcoming the Lord Jesus into their home, listening atten-                                                                                                                                               sides over the Chapter of the Grand Bailiwick. In the event of
                                                                                                                                      ings with sisters and brethren of the Order as well as friends
                                                                                                                                                                                                            the latter’s absence, he shall deputise for the Bailiff. He is the
tively to him and believing that he is the Resurrection and the                                                                       of the Order in Heilsbronn led to my entry into the postulancy
                                                                                                                                                                                                            administrative and organisational head of all German order
                                                                                                                                      in Erfurt in 2017 and admission to the Order in Düsseldorf in
Life, Pope Francis, at the suggestion of this dicastery, has                                                                                                                                                events. He is also responsible for membership administration,
                                                                                                                                      spring 2018 in the presence of our unforgotten former Grand
                                                                                                                                                                                                            which is handled by the Referendary.
therefore ordered the commemoration day of Saints Martha,                                                                             Commander Ronald Hendriks. I have been a member of the
                                                                                                                                      Chapter since the beginning of 2020, succeeding Clemens                    Born in Flensburg in May
Mary and Lazarus to be added to the Roman General Calen-                                                                              Stroetmann, State Secretary (Ret’d.), as Bailiff on 1 January         1950, I moved back to Berlin with
dar on 29 July.                                                                                                                       2021.                                                                 my parents when I was 1½ years
                                                                                                                                                                                                            old and grew up there. Baptised
                                                                                                                                           I was born in 1955 in Bremen, which has always had an
    Under this name, therefore, the day of commemoration                                                                                                                                                    as a Protestant while still in
                                                                                                                                      interdenominational character due to the equal coexistence of
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Flensburg, my early youth was
must be included into all calendars and liturgical books for the                                                                      Lutheran and Reformed Protestantism with natural Catholic
                                                                                                                                                                                                            shaped by Christian scouting. I
                                                                                        The Resurrection of Lazarus                   presence. I spent the second part of my school years in Bonn,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            passed the school and the study
celebration of Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours; the changes                                                                         anecdotally remembering my mother’s certain expectation in
                                                                                           by Giotto di Bondone                                                                                             of general and social pedagogics
and additions to be made in the liturgical texts annexed to the                                                                       view of the Hebrew lessons: ”He’s probably going to be a pas-
                                                                                                                                                                                                            at the Ecclesiastic College in
                                                                                                                                      tor some day!”
present Decree are to be translated and approved by the                                                                                                                                                     Berlin, later strengthened by so-
                                                                                                                                                                                                            ciology with a doctorate at the
Episcopal Conferences and published after confirmation by                                                                                                                                                   University in St. Petersburg
this dicastery.

8                                                                                          Journal of the Order of St. Lazarus        Journal of the Order of St. Lazarus                                                                                                  9
The Referendary:                                                     The Chaplain General:                                                   Now I have been the Chaplain General for several years
This academic degree is not recognised in Germany due to
                                                                     André Poppowitsch CLJ                                                The Rev. Klaus Buhl SChLJ                                           and will remain so during this period of the Chapter.
the provisions of the Bologna rules and may not be used here.
                                                                          The Referendary shall assist the Chancellor in the coor-             The spiritual (ecumenical) direction and accompaniment             I have been married to my wife Gabriele for over 40 years.
      After success in sports, namely handball and the throwing      dination of the Chapter, in particular in the administration of      of all acts of worship is the responsibility of the Chaplain Gen-   1¾ years ago, our son and daughter-in-law gave us joy in the
disciplines of athletics, I discovered dance as a competitive        members. He manages the membership file and coordinates              eral, who is assisted by several chaplains. The Chaplain Gen-       form of a little Samuel. Since then I have been an enthusiastic
sport. The most important thing was getting to know and love         the public relations work of the Grand Bailiwick. He prepares        eral presides over the Council of Clerics.                          grandpa and spend as much time as possible with him.
my wife Gabriele. Thanks to this sports partnership and the          all organisational duties, especially in the planning and hold-
                                                                     ing of events. He deputises for the Chancellor in the latter’s                                                                               Thank God they live here in town.
successes that followed, we experienced a wonderful togeth-
erness with our love wedding. The result is a shared path of                                                                                                                                                      Professionally, I am going into the final round: From Au-
life that has united us for 46 years by now, since 2011 also in                                             I grew up in Saal-                                                                                gust on I will be in partial retirement.
the Order.                                                                                             feld/Saale in Thuringia
                                                                                                       and studied political sci-
     Professionally, I entered the field of social management                                          ence, sociology and mod-
                                                                                                       ern history at Friedrich                                                                               The Hospitaller:
quite early and worked as managing director of a variety of                                                                                                                                                   Dr. med. dent. Klaus-Achim Sürmann KCLJ
                                                                                                       Schiller University in
organisations for 30 years, first in youth and disability welfare,
                                                                                                       Jena. Professionally, I
then in nursing and elderly welfare. Since 1997, I have also                                                                                                                                                      The extensive hospitaller work is organised and coordi-
                                                                                                       have been working in the
been running my own advisory and consulting company and                                                                                                                                                       nated nationwide by the Hospitaller and coordinated with the
                                                                                                       ecclesiastic sector for
been active as a senior lecturer in the field of care organisa-                                                                                                                                               regional Commanderies. At the same time, he collects dona-
                                                                                                       several years and have
                                                                                                                                                                                                              tions for the hospitaller work.
tion and management at several universities.                                                           worked in the areas of
                                                                                                       press and public rela-                                                                                      I was born on the left
     In 2000 I became acquainted with the Order of St. Laza-                                           tions, campaigning, con-                                                                               bank of the Lower Rhine
rus through Wilhelm M. Konsek and Gisbert von Abercron,              gregational law and project management in the Regional                                                                                   in 1960 (which, with the
was accepted there in 2001 and given optimal support by my           Church Office of the Evangelical Church in Central Germany                                                                               exception of the wine,
                                                                     and in the Evangelical Lutheran Church District of Weimar.                                                                               was an acknowledged
sponsors Dr. Eckhard Stegenwallner and Prince Georg Frie-
drich zu Waldeck und Pyrmont. After a short time, the organi-                                                                                                                                                 good year!) and spent my
                                                                         For example, I helped to prepare, conduct and evaluate
                                                                                                                                                                                                              school years first there,
sational talents I was rumoured to have were recognised in           two elections of the congregational church councils in the con-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              then temporarily in Wall-
the Order as well, so that in 2004 I was appointed to the Chap-      gregations and associations of churches in the Central Ger-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              dorf near Heidelberg and
ter as Insignia Keeper, later Treasurer and then Referendary         man Regional Church. In the church district of Weimar, I co-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              later in Meerbusch near
to the Grand Bailiwick.                                              ordinated the preparations and performance of the events for
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Düsseldorf. After training
                                                                     the Reformation Jubilee 2017. I recently started working for
                                                                                                                                                                                                              as a dental technician in
     Since January 2021, I have been sharing responsibility          Wartburg Verlag in Weimar and, together with a colleague, I
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Düsseldorf, I studied den-
                                                                     am in charge of the parish newsletter portal of the Central
for the Grand Bailiwick of Germany as its Chancellor, follow-                                                                                                                                                 tistry in Göttingen and did
                                                                     German church newspaper “Glaube+Heimat”.
ing the corresponding appointment by the 50th Grand Master,                                                                                    Born in 1959, I have spent my life in Heilsbronn ever          so together with my later
made upon recommendation by the Bailiff emeritus and                      I found my way to the Christian faith quite late and was        since, with only a brief interruption. This small town in central   wife and even later
                                                                     baptised at the age of 18. I find it very exciting to discuss with   Franconia with its former monastery, well known to most of          consœur Hiltrud. In the time when our five children were born,
Chancellor Clemens Stroetmann, State Secretary (Ret’d.),
                                                                     religious and theological questions. Since 2012, I have been         you as the spiritual centre of our German Order of St. Laza-        we established a joint practice in Göttingen-Nikolausberg and
supported by the latest Chapter. I owe the 2020 promotion to                                                                              rus, shaped my childhood and youth. Early on, I got involved        continue to enjoy living and working there, now as grandpar-
                                                                     volunteering as a qualified reader in the proclamation service
Grand Knight of the Cross to the recommendation of the late                                                                               in children’s religious services and youth work. So my plan to      ents of three.
                                                                     and am about to complete several years of theological training
friend Grand Commander Ronald Hendriks and ultimately to             in order to be involved in the proclamation of the Good News         become a pastor matured.
the application to the Grand Master by my teacher in all mat-                                                                                                                                                      In our early Nikolausberg days, the Lazarus knight Carl-
                                                                     as a preacher.
ters of the Order, Clemens Stroetmann.                                                                                                         After my theology studies and my vicariate, I started as a     Heinz Bartels, who was also the founding father of the HDZ
                                                                         I found my way to the Order of St. Lazarus because I             teacher of religious education at a vocational school in Nu-        (Stiftung Hilfswerk Deutscher Zahnärzte – German Dentists’
    I am grateful to be able to continue to serve our Order in       wanted to place my activities under the umbrella of a religious      remberg. I was very happy to be in contact with the young           Relief Foundation), still used to live in Nikolausberg. This con-
                                                                     community. When doing research I came across the Saint Or-           adults and learn about their first professional experiences,        tact and even more that with his successor in the office of
the ecumenical community as Chancellor.                                                                                                                                                                       Chairman, Cfr. Dr. Klaus Winter, (during a joint tenure in a pro-
                                                                     der of St. Lazarus, got involved with it and was in contact with     “private adventures” and their manifold life models.
                                                                     Klaus-Dieter Herbst for a long time. A first meeting took place                                                                          fessional parliament) brought the closeness to our Order, to
                                                                     at an event in Amberg. I was admitted to the postulancy in              Then, in 1991, I was called to the Religious Education           which we have been privileged to belong for over twelve
                                                                     2015 and to the Order in 2016. Together with Klaus-Dieter            Centre in Heilsbronn as a lecturer in the area of vocational        years. I have been active in the HDZ for the same time, many
                                                                     Herbst, I prepared the International Order Days in Erfurt and        schools.                                                            years as Deputy Chairman and a few years as Chairman, al-
                                                                     Eisenach in 2017.                                                                                                                        ways at the side of our confrère Klaus Winter.
                                                                                                                                               Since then I have been working there in different areas,
                                                                                                                                          the last two decades as director of the institution.                    In addition to my family, my job and the Foundation, I also
                                                                                                                                                                                                              used to chair the Church Council board of our Lutheran con-
                                                                                                                                              Since the Order of St. Lazarus used to meet a lot in Heils-     gregation and the leadership of our church district synod, for
                                                                                                                                          bronn, I became acquainted with many Lazarites, celebrating         a total of eighteen years in these offices, now slimmed down
                                                                                                                                          church services and investitures with them. The link became         to ecumenism in the Council of Christian Churches in Ger-
                                                                                                                                          closer and closer until I was accepted into the Order.              many (ACK) and in inter-religious dialogue in Göttingen.

10                                                                                         Journal of the Order of St. Lazarus            Journal of the Order of St. Lazarus                                                                                              11
In addition, I have worked in the city parents’ council, man-            1981: Participation in the establishment of “Sponsorship         I studied law in Bielefeld, then wrote a doctoral thesis on      To me, the Order of St. Lazarus is the organisation that proves
aged a small hall of residence for student, chaired the alumni      for dental wards in leprosy areas”                                Roman law, and continue to work in academia. In addition to          the correctness of the Aristotelian thought in quite special way,
association of a silvicultural academic society and am cur-                                                                           legal history, classical civil law is one of my main areas of ex-    by the fact that the hospitaller help of each individual goes
                                                                         1987: Foundation of the Hilfswerk Deutscher Zahnärzte        pertise.                                                             along with his or her direct enrichment of the fraternal com-
rently involved in the supporting association of the Protestant
                                                                    für Lepra- und Notgebiete – German Dentists’ Relief Founda-                                                                            munity of the Order. Moreover, despite its long history, the life
Hospital Göttingen-Weende, the “Inner Mission” in the border
                                                                    tion for Leprosy and Emergency Areas (C.H. Bartels Fund)              According to Aristotle, who also strongly influenced medi-       of the Order prove to be not anachronistic, but on the contrary,
transit camp Friedland, in the palliative care unit of the Uni-
                                                                    (HDZ) – by confrère C. H. Bartels, Göttingen; since 1987 HDZ      eval theology, bliss as the highest goal of every human life is      also thanks to the ecumenical idea, modern and promising for
versity Medical Centre, in the Lions Club and as a clarinettist
                                                                    Trustee; 1998–2017 Chair of the HDZ;                              achieved only through commitment to the universal. There             the future.
and saxophonist in a swing band, the “Swinging Amatörs”.
                                                                                                                                      are many ways to get involved in society, and just as many
                                                                       1986: Member of the Order, 1993–98 Treasurer, 2002             reasons for an underlying motivation.
     Hobbies that I enjoy sharing with the family include culti-
                                                                    Fund Administrator, 2008–13 Hospitaller, since 1998 Al-
vating our circles of friends, music, hiking and cycling, and fi-
nally, hunting and fishing.
                                                                        since 1999: Trustee of the German Lazarus Foundation;
                                                                                                                                      Hospitaller Report 2020
                                                                        2017: Change of leadership at the HDZ with confrère
The Almoner:
                                                                    Dr. Klaus-A. Sürmann (Hospitaller).
Dr. med. dent. Klaus Winter GCLJ GCMLJ GMLJ                                                                                           How wonderful that we can once again hold an Order Journal
                                                                       Holder of the Pontifical Order of St Gregory, and of the       in our hands.
     The “innate” mission of the Order, to help above all the
                                                                    Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.
lepers, is translated by the Almoner into the corresponding                                                                                For avoidance of duplications, the Hospitaller Report will
activities in close cooperation with the Hospitaller. He coordi-         For me, getting involved means serving – passing on –        confine itself at this point to those activities that are not men-
nates the close cooperation with the German Dentists’ Relief        changing. In this, I receive great support from committed sis-    tioned in the reports from the Commanderies. In addition, the
Foundation for Leprosy and Emergency Areas.                         ters and brethren of the Order.                                   requirements of the International Order for the writing of our
                                                                                                                                      reports have changed under the new Grand Hospitaller ad in-
                                  Klaus Winter, born in Rositz                                                                        terim, H.E. the Chevalier Charles Savona-Ventura, so that we
                                                                        In collaborative undertakings, I have realised numerous
                             (Thuringia) in June 1945, grew                                                                           can write specifically for us and also with less number-crunch-
                                                                    leprosy education and (dental) medical facilities in Africa,
                             up in Halle/ Saale as a Protestant                                                                       ing.
                                                                    Eastern Europe, South America, South-East Asia and monitor
                             Christian; fled with his family to
                                                                    them partly through inspection trips.
                             the FRG in 1960, passed his Abi-
                             tur (university entrance qualifica-        My career in the Christian, ecumenical community of the
                                                                                                                                      Internationally                                                      Nationally
                             tion) at the Jugenddorf Chris-         Grand Bailiwick of Germany of the Order of St. Lazarus was
                             tophorus Schule (CJD) Altensteig       honoured in 2020 with the renewed appointment as Almoner               As the International Order’s flagship project for 2020, be-          It is this very Patriarch who, in his capacity as Protector of
                             (Black Forest) in 1965;                by the newly elected Bailiff, our highly revered confrère         come support for the school in the camp for Syrian refugees          the Order of St. Lazarus, has turned to the individual jurisdic-
                                                                    H.E. the Prof. Dr. Ingo Reichard.                                 in Rayak, Lebanon, was selected. The extent of the relief work       tions for help in alleviating the great need following the devas-
    in 1965–1970 he studied dentistry in Freiburg (Br.), 1971:
                                                                                                                                      provided will be disclosed in the International Order’s report       tating explosion in the port of Beirut.
doctorate (Dr. med. dent.), 1971–73: residencies in Lahr (fa-
                                                                                                                                      for last year, which is still pending.
ther’s practice) and Schneverdingen, 1973: establishment of
the practice in Soltau, 1975: move to Bad Lauterberg, foun-         The Counsellor:
                                                                                                                                         In any case, this refugee camp is also supported by the
dation of the joint practice with wife Helga, née Biermann          Sonja Dieckmann OLJ
                                                                                                                                      Melkite Church under the new leadership of Patriarch Youssef
(since 1992 member of the Order); birth of the children: Chris-
                                                                        The Counsellor advises the Order on all legal issues and      Absi.
tiane (1976) and Björn (1977).
                                                                    on the Order’s own statutory law, both internationally and na-
     1979: Member of Lions Club International                       tionally.

    1979 – 2011 (retirement from dental practice): active na-                                                 I am very pleased to
tionwide in various institutions of dental self-administration on                                       introduce myself as the
an honorary basis; member of numerous scientific societies;                                             Counsellor of the Order,
                                                                                                        despite the fact that I am
   since 2001: member of the board of trustees of Don                                                   still only a young mem-
Bosco Mondo e.V.,                                                                                       ber of the Order. My du-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Our Bailiff and Chancellor emeritus, Clemens Stroet-
                                                                                                        ties include advising the
                                                                                                                                                                                                           mann, State Secretary (Ret’d.), had called on the brothers and
     since 2014: head of the Future for St. Andrew Foundation                                           Order in all legal matters,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           sisters of our Grand Bailiwick to donate to the Lazarus Foun-
of the Bad Lauterberg parish;                                                                           both in external relations
                                                                                                                                                                                                           dation for this purpose in September last year. In a video con-
                                                                                                        and in internal relations
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ference with representatives of the Patriarchate, the then Ref-
                                                                                                        with the members of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                           erendary and now Chancellor Klaus-Dieter Herbst and the
                                                                                                        Order and also in rela-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Hospitaller discussed the possibilities of immediate but also
                                                                                                        tions between members
                                                                                                                                                                                                           longer-term help, made proposals for this and agreed on a
                                                                                                        of the Order.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           further conference after the Protector had completed his de-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           liberations on this. However, this virtual meeting has yet to
                                                                                                                                                                                                           take place.

12                                                                                        Journal of the Order of St. Lazarus         Journal of the Order of St. Lazarus                                                                                                 13
The      “Stiftung   Hilfswerk                                                                                                    These selfless missions on-site are not well-liked by all gov-         Many thanks to all involved for their efforts and this wonderful
Deutscher Zahnärzte für Lepra-                                                                                                         ernments of the countries where they take place. So in some            hospitaller success.
und Notgebiete” (German Den-                                                                                                           cases we have to exercise a certain caution in our public re-
                                                                                                                                       lations work to protect our partners on site.                                                      Dr. Klaus-Achim Sürmann KCLJ,
tists’ Relief Foundation for Lep-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Hospitaller of the Grand Bailiwick
rosy and Emergency Areas), or
                                                                                                                                            Together we have been able to provide help in difficult
HDZ for short, which collects do-
                                                                                                                                       times; for this we are grateful and wish to express our hope
nations in the “territory” of our
                                                                                                                                       that the additional difficulties caused by the pandemic in our
Grand Bailiwick, was also quite
                                                                                                                                       project countries, but also in our country, will come to an end
successful once more in 2020.
                                                                                                                                       in the foreseeable future.
Despite declining levels of old-
gold donations in a fiercely competitive market, the high gold
price, several cash donations and many donations in kind
contributed to the HDZ being able to invest the beautiful                                                                              Almoner’s Report
amount of some € 617,000 into humanitarian projects in Af-
rica, Asia, Europe and South America. Wherever a coopera-
                                                                                                                                            Along with (dental) medical and educational aid, leprosy
tion with the Order of St. Lazarus was possible, this was put         This radiance of such help for self-help is one of the most      relief is one of the main focuses of the German Dentists’ Relief
into practice.                                                     beautiful successes of our work.                                    Foundation for Leprosy and Emergency Areas. Last year,
     As usual, the donations were distributed among leprosy                                                                            around € 53,000 were donated to leprosy projects in China
                                                                        ”Schooling for refugee children” – this is the motto of the
relief projects, dental projects, educational programmes and                                                                           and India.
                                                                   Salesians of Don Bosco in the case of the private EVRIM
emergency and refugee aid, respectively. We often take             school in Istanbul. The partner organisation of the HDZ funds
things for granted that destitute people in developing coun-       school attendance for refugee children for two full years. For
tries do need: a warm meal a day, clean drinking water, (den-      most of them, it is the only chance for a normal school day
tal) medical treatment, a roof over their heads, the oppor-        among peers of all faiths in the Turkish metropolis. The reason
tunity to go to school, warm clothes for the winter. The many      for this: Refugee children are not allowed to attend Turkish
                                                                   state schools because their parents do not have work permits
positive feedbacks from our project partners show that the                                                                                                                                                         In India, too, the staff of the Bombay Leprosy Project
                                                                   and receive no financial support. Reason enough for the HDZ
HDZ was once again able to make a small contribution to                                                                                                                                                       (BLP) supported by us in Mumbai and the team of Dr. Remy
                                                                   to support this project. ”The district where the public school is
this. Our deep gratitude therefore goes to all our loyal donors,                                                                                                                                              Rousselot’s Leprosy Hospital in Bhuvanēśvar continue their
                                                                   located is a melting-pot of various cultures and religions,” ex-
without whom it would not have been possible to help.              plains Dr. Winter. ”It is therefore of the essence that children                                                                           work. They are fighting not only against rising corona num-
                                                                   and young people attend school at an early age and are                                                                                     bers, but also against the spread of Mycobacterium leprae.
     A special additional need arose in many of our projects                                                                                                                                                  For over 20 years, HDZ has been supporting volunteers
                                                                   taught values such as social responsibility, tolerance of those
due to the consequences of the pandemic. Since the funds                                                                                                                                                      (mostly former lepers) in the Mumbai region in their work to
                                                                   with different beliefs, and education to peace, as is the case
set aside in last year’s budget for emergency aid, which are       there.” However, the HDZ donation of € 17,000 also helps to                                                                                detect and document new cases so that those infected can
usually used in the event of storm and flood disasters, fortu-     implement a large part of the hygiene concept required by the                                                                              quickly start receiving multi-drug therapy and be cured.
nately did not have to be used in the planned amount, we           state. 420 pupils are now enjoying the new corona‐compliant
were able to make special corona payments to the projects          equipment with individual desks and better chairs. The hy-                                                                                     In the leprosy clinic of Dr. Rémy Rousselot in Bhu-
calling for help in an unbureaucratic and timely manner.           giene measures will help them to feel comfortable at school              In the Chinese province of Guǎngdōng alone, our part-             vanēśvar in eastern India, around 550 surgeries, including
                                                                   and less worried about the danger of infection. ”And those          ners provide care for several hundred – mostly former – lep-           amputations, were performed in 2020. A bed in the hospital
    However, the sometimes very touching letters of thanks         who feel good learn better,” says Father Simon Härting from         rosy patients in 44 villages. Their measures include both drug         costs € 5.50 euros per day. In addition to the inpatients, there
also expressed in how forward-looking a manner our project         the Don Bosco Mission.                                              therapy and wound treatment, as well as amputations and                are hundreds of leprosy outpatients. Destitute patients are
partners on site are in dealing with time and financial re-                                                                            eye operations in cooperating clinics. In addition, special            treated free of charge. Without this clinic, their fate would be
sources.                                                                                                                               shoes and prostheses continue to be manufactured in the                sealed. And without our help, this clinic would not be able to
                                                                                                                                       workshop financed by the HDZ. Although the corona pan-                 cover the running costs.
     If, for example, a dental prophylaxis programme for
                                                                                                                                       demic made this relief work more difficult, it is still going on
needy children in Argentina cannot be carried out temporarily
                                                                                                                                       under the leadership of Father R… SDB for the leprosy pa-
under corona conditions, the active participants in this pro-
gramme go out to carry out corona hygiene training and tests
in the surrounding slums.

     If our clinic in Bugko in the Philippines cannot be main-
tained to the usual extent, time and money are used to care
for the poorest families in the area. Unsolicited by us, solely
of their own accord!

                                                                                                                                       In the following, all HDZ aid and relief measures from 2020 are listed once more:

                                                                                                                                       Ausbildung statt Abschiebung e.V., Bonn – German Plus courses                                            € 16,102.00
                                                                                                                                       Leprosy Clinic Dr. Rousselot, Bhuvanēśvar, India                                                         € 10,000.00
                                                                                                                                       Primary School, Tsihombe, Madagascar – cistern, sports field                                              € 9,120.00
                                                                                                                                       Dental support missions in India                                                                         € 13,363.46
                                                                                                                                       Dental mission in Madagascar by Planet Aktion – Helfende Hände e.V.                                       € 1,482.75
                                                                                                                                       Prophylaxis programme OHCP III, Philippines, 2nd installment 2019/20                                     € 11,530.00
                                                                                                                                       Help for sick children’s hearts, Hanover, Germany                                                         € 1,118.00

14                                                                                       Journal of the Order of St. Lazarus           Journal of the Order of St. Lazarus                                                                                                15
Dental equipment for dental wards in Ambilobe and Ambanja, Madagascar                             € 7,021.02                   From the Commanderies
Emergency relief Typhoon Tishoy, Bugko, Philippines                                               € 7,000.00
Training in the Saigon teaching restaurant, Vietnam                                             € 36,460.00                    Report: Commandery of Bavaria
Social work Diocese of Satu Mare, Romania                                                         € 3,030.00
Toothmobile Eritrea                                                                             € 55,058.62                    Planned commandery meeting in Amberg
Timosgam Dental Station, Ladakh, India                                                          € 11,129.00                                                                                         In 1641, a dedicated vo-
Renovation of the education centre in Socond, Romania                                           € 30,060.00                         A commandery meeting of the Commandery of Bavaria              tive chapel was built,
Leprosy Clinic Dr. Rousselot, Bhuvanēśvar, India                                                € 10,000.00                    was planned for 26 April. After the last meeting in Ben-            which, however, soon
Dental station for Uganda                                                                       € 14,243.71                    ediktbeuern took place in January 2020, this time the place         proved to be too small for
                                                                                                                               was to be in northern Bavaria, more precisely Amberg. The           the developing pilgrim-
Children’s home in Cần Giờ, Vietnam                                                             € 27,700.00
                                                                                                                               plan would have included an organ concert and a church tour         age. After a fire in which
Vocational School Lviv, Ukraine                                                                 € 22,418.00
                                                                                                                               in the pilgrimage church Maria Hilf in Amberg.                      the image of grace was
Hygiene materials Covid19 – for St. Mulumba Hospital, Thika, Kenya                              € 17,070.00
Dental relief, India, forwarding of donations for GDCI                                           € 1,656.51                                                                                        spared,    reconstruction
Medication Aid Romania                                                                              € 983.75                                                                                       began, which was com-
                                                                                                                                                                                                   pleted in 1651 with the
Child Protection Centre, Togo                                                                    € 6,830.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                   consecration      of   the
Bombay Leprosy Project, Covid19 support, India                                                   € 5,030.00
Socio-economic rehabilitation measures for leprosy patients, Covid19 support, China              € 5,030.00
Dr. Rousselot Leprosy Clinic, Covid19 support, Bhuvanēśvar, India                                € 5,030.00
Corona emergency food aid for school in Nsukka, Nigeria                                          € 5,000.00
Help for sick children’s hearts, Hanover, Germany                                                € 3,000.00
Tokuma school playground, Ethiopia                                                              € 10,199.00
Corona special payment, Prophylaxis Project, Buenos Aires, Argentina                             € 5,000.00
Ramp for home for the disabled, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania                                         € 15,015.00
Infrastructure Improvement Evrim Refugee Schools, İstanbul, Turkey                              € 16,772.00
New building at the TBC Centre Artisanal, Madagascar                                            € 15,150.00
Transport costs hospital beds Fürth→Satu Mare, Romania                                           € 2,010.18
Dental relief, India, forwarding of donations for GDCI                                           € 2,164.76
Examination fee DIHK for teaching restaurant Saigon                                              € 3,600.00
Social work at the diocese of Alba Julia, Romania                                                € 5,015.00
Corona emergency food aid for school in Nsukka, Nigeria                                          € 3,500.00
Medication aid, St. Matia Mulumba Hospital, Thika, Kenya                                        € 13,000.00
Surgery costs for cleft children, Bolivia                                                       € 15,000.00
Material and loading costs for containers, Haiti                                                 € 2,092.25
Container purchase and transport costs, Haiti                                                    € 6,410.00
Container purchase costs for aid shipment to Togo                                                € 2,400.00
Bombay Leprosy Project, Mumbai, India                                                           € 18,345.00
Bosnia – Emergency food aid for refugees (DRK)                                                  € 10,000.00                                                                                             In addition to the organ concert and church tour, lunch and
Water filtration system for gastronomy school, China                                            € 14,460.00                                                                                        coffee would have been planned at the Mountain Inn in Am-
Support for families in need, Diocese of Satu Mare, Romania                                      € 4,015.00                                                                                        berg. At the time, the organisers thought it would have been
Social work Diocese of Satu Mare, Romania                                                           € 515.00                                                                                       the last chance to meet at the Mountain Inn in Amberg. There
Funding of outpatient clinic in Carrefour/Haiti                                                 € 11,000.00                                                                                        are highly controversial public plans to renovate and expand
Water tanks for school on Solomon Islands                                                       € 22,864.00                                                                                        the Mountain Inn. Formal errors also seem to have been
                                                                                                                                    The history of the pilgrimage goes back to the years
Dental relief, India, forwarding of donations for GDCI                                           € 2,000.00                                                                                        made in the termination of the current leasehold of the Moun-
                                                                                                                               1633/34, when the plague ravaged Amberg during the Thirty
Herzenssache – aid campaign for children in south-west Germany                                    € 5,000.00                                                                                       tain Inn. According to this termination, the Mountain Inn would
                                                                                                                               Years’ War. In their distress, the suffering population of the
OHCP Dental Prophylaxis Project, Buenos Aires, Argentina                                        € 10,000.00                                                                                        now have had to close in mid-July; the tenants are having the
                                                                                                                               town turned to the Blessed Virgin Mary for help and vowed to
Forwarding donation for Kleine Herzen e.V. Hanover                                                € 5,184.00                                                                                       termination reviewed by the courts. A decision is expected in
                                                                                                                               express their gratitude by annual pilgrimages if rescue came.
Hospital chair for Franken Hospice Weinsberg, Germany                                             € 5,000.00                                                                                       August. So the hope remains that the meeting cancelled be-
                                                                                                                               The rector of the Jesuit College in Amberg’s city centre at the
GDCI Support Relief Mission India                                                                 € 1,600.90                                                                                       cause of the corona virus, including a view of Amberg from the
                                                                                                                               time, Father Caspar Hell, donated an image of grace, a copy
Costs of donation in kind Medellín, Colombia                                                         € 12.98                                                                                       terrace of the Mountain Inn, can be made up for in 2021.
                                                                                                                               of the famous image of grace Mariahilf by Lucas Cranach the
Costs dental clinic Uganda                                                                          € 109.17                   Elder, which is in Innsbruck Cathedral. On 3 September 1634
Costs Teaching Restaurant Hồ Chí Minh City, Vietnam                                                 € 517.89                   it was hung on the 529-metre-high mountain, which is now                                                      Dieter Kohl CLJ
Clinical clerkship travel allowances                                                              € 5,350.00                   called Mariahilfberg, first in the tower of the old castle, which                         Deputy Commandery President Bavaria
Total                                                                                          € 569,768.95                    was converted into a chapel.

Donations in kind

OHCP Argentina                                                                                     € 480.00
Dental treatment units for dental clinic Port-au-Prince                                         € 42,000.00
Donations in kind to Colombia and Argentina, and for a dental mobile in Hamburg                  € 4,492.94

                                                                                       Dr. Klaus Winter GCLJ GCMLJ GMLJ
                                                                                              Almoner of the Grand Bailiwick

16                                                                                    Journal of the Order of St. Lazarus      Journal of the Order of St. Lazarus                                                                                             17
The soup kitchen started its activities in Wedding in 1991    impressive church services in the Augustinian Monastery in
Report: Commandery of Berlin-Brandenburg
                                                                                                                                      with the daily distribution of hot lunches to homeless people      Erfurt, in St. Georg’s Church in Eisenach and in the High Ca-
                                                                                                                                      and single men as well as women and migrants. What started         thedral in Erfurt; a lively panel discussion on ecumenism in
                                                                        We wanted to see a recipient for our action in helping the    with 20 people a day has expanded over time to up to 400           the Wartburg Singers’ Hall; and a fantastic charity concert in
                                                                   weakest in our society, namely the children. The Christian         daily meals. In addition to the lunch, clothing is offered from    the Predigerkirche in Erfurt.
                                                                   children’s and youth welfare organisation “Die Arche”,             an equipped clothing store, as well as basic humane hygiene
                                                                   founded in Berlin in 1995 by the Rev. B. Siggelkow, is com-        in the in-house hygiene station. The work is done mainly by             During the International Order Days 2017, the desire
                                                                   mitted to these.                                                   volunteers, including our postulant Dr. Chr. Marcinkowski.         arose to revive religious life in Thuringia. However, structures
                                                                                                                                                                                                         and contact persons on site are important for this. Three sis-
                                                                       In the facilities, which are now spread all over Germany,                                                                         ters and brethren of the Order live here. Adaptation of the Or-
                                                                   “Die Arche” not only offers the children a free daily hot meal,                                                                       der’s statutes made it possible for the Weimar convent to be
                                                                   but also helps with homework and integrates the children                                                                              founded within the Commandery of Berlin-Brandenburg.
                                                                   through leisure activities with games, sports and music. The
                                                                   Rev. Siggelkow states in this regard:

                                                                        ”In Germany, up to 4.5 million children are affected by
                                                                   poverty. These children need our support and help. Because
                                                                   poverty excludes and is almost always a vicious cycle that
   Order life in the Commandery was swayed by the rules of         children cannot escape without outside help.”
conduct imposed on all of us during the corona period.
                                                                        The offers of Die Arche’s work have convinced us; be-
    We have been unanimous in ensuring that the rules about        cause the keys to the children’s hearts are love and relation-
meeting – or rather about non-meeting – are strictly complied      ship, appreciation and trust regardless of social background.
with, in the knowledge that only adherence to the measures         Therefore, confrère Benjamin and I have sent out our appeals
to be taken can help to bring about a timely overcoming of the     for a donation to Die Arche. It is with great pleasure that we
restrictions imposed on us.                                        can announce that a total of € 4,000 has been received, which
                                                                   we can provide for the work of Die Arche.                              On 9 March 2021, we were able to hand over € 2,000 to
     The members and friends of the Commandery have fol-                                                                              the responsible manager of the soup kitchen, Mr. Backhaus,
lowed this consideration to comply with the rules of contact            After consultation with a representative of Die Arche, I      who also expresses his heartfelt thanks to all the sponsors
even on the smallest of scales – whether it is for a birthday or   learned that the funds are going to be used for the “Virtuelle     involved for their generous donation.
other celebration – and not to allow any gatherings to take        Arche” (Virtual Ark) project. With this project, the aid agency
place. This was and is painful for everyone – but it cannot be     is building an infrastructure that helps children to keep up at        Consul (Ret’d.) Dr. Eckhard Stegenwallner GCLJ GCMLJ
helped. Nevertheless, in the summer of 2020, a prospect for        school. The offers range from learning platforms and digital                     Commandery President of Berlin-Brandenburg
our community was found in the person of Dr. Christoph             tutoring to equipment with leased tablets and routers. We be-
Marcinkowski, who, after several personal discussions with         lieve that the donations have been used wisely and in fulfil-                                                                              Due to the pandemic, the solemn proclamation of the
me, was admitted to the postulancy by deed dated 10 Novem-         ment of our mission to help.
                                                                                                                                      Foundation of the Convent of Weimar/Thuringia                      Convention in Weimar had to be cancelled. This will certainly
ber 2020. I am grateful and happy that despite external con-
                                                                                                                                                                                                         be made up as soon as the situation allows. However, we
straints our community is growing, which I take as a good               The bereaved family of our deceased Confrater Burkhard
                                                                                                                                           Today’s Thuringia – apart from Schlatt – is where the         were not idle. Our first concern is to make the Order of St. Laz-
sign.                                                              as well as Confrater Joachim had asked that instead of dona-
                                                                                                                                      roots of the Order of St. Lazarus in the German-speaking area      arus known in Thuringia, to build networks, to address people,
                                                                   tions of flowers for the celebration in the church, a donation
                                                                                                                                      lie. Landgravine Elisabeth, who is now venerated as a saint,       and to arouse interest. Thus, some 35 letters with a presenta-
    Due to the cancellation of the annual Rixdorf Christmas        be made to the Commandery Berlin of the Order of St. Laza-
Market caused by the corona pandemic and the associated                                                                               and her husband, Landgrave Ludwig IV, entrusted the knights        tion of the Order, the latest Order Journal and other material
                                                                                                                                      of the Order of St. Lazarus with the responsibility for the Mary   were sent to potential partners – the Protestant regional
impossibility of our work at our Lazarus booth, we had a total
                                                                        I am delighted to report that the request for donations has   Magdalen Hospital in Gotha. Further branches followed in           church and the Catholic diocese, church districts and par-
loss of income for our hospitaller work.
                                                                   been met on a large scale, as € 2,085 has so far been depos-       Braunsroda, Breitenbich and Helmsdorf. With the founding of        ishes, spiritual communities and orders. Initial contacts have
     We thought about how and whom we could support and            ited in the account of the Commandery. For this great partici-     the Nesselhof, the formation of the first commandery was           been made with the Regional Bishop of the Protestant Re-
in what way. Confrère Benjamin Rosenthal came up with the          pation I express my heartfelt thanks to all sponsors with the      completed in 1291. The Order’s presence in Thuringia lasted        gional Church, Friedrich Kramer, and with the Diocese of Er-
idea of not giving any or only very limited customer gifts for     call: God bless you!                                               until the end of the 15th century.                                 furt, especially with Auxiliary Bishop Dr. Reinhard Hauke, with
his company and to donate the money thereby made availa-                                                                                                                                                 the Protestant Brotherhood of St. George, and with the Wei-
ble to a social cause. I thought this was a great idea, and de-         Together with Confrater Joachim, I thought about whom             A trip of the Order to Thuringia in 2014 led to the Order’s    mar-Jena Sub-Commandery of the Order of St. John. This
                                                                   we could give the donations to, and we came to the conclu-         historical sites. First contacts were made. The suggestion of      year was the first time that the Referendary of the Order of
cided to ask friends and sisters and brethren of the Order to
                                                                   sion that we should give the money to the Franziskanerklos-        the current Referendary André Poppowitsch CLJ in an Am-            St. Lazarus took part in the meeting of the Regional Bishop of
make a donation for a hospitaller cause. This solved the “how”
                                                                   ter/Pankow soup kitchen, which had always been supported           berg beer garden led to international Order Days being held        the Protestant Regional Church with spiritual communities
of our consideration, and all that remained to be done was to
                                                                   by our deceased brother.                                           in Erfurt and Eisenach in 2017, in the year of the 500th com-      and orders. This will be repeated next year.
find a recipient for the money collected.
                                                                                                                                      memoration of the Reformation. Many things are fondly re-
                                                                                                                                      membered:                                                                                           Deborah Poppowitsch OLJ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Speaker in the Convention Weimar

18                                                                                      Journal of the Order of St. Lazarus           Journal of the Order of St. Lazarus                                                                                             19
In summer we would like to organise an internal trip of the          And – to give another example – we are currently applying for
Report: Commandery of Hesse-Nassau
                                                                                                                                        Commandery to the Rheingau or to Rhenish Hesse, and in               inclusion into the official “Ecumenical Yearbook”, which is the
                                                                                                                                        December we are planning a church service in honour of our           “Who’s Who” of churches and church institutions here in the
The Commandery of Hesse-Nassau                                           Unfortunately, the 3rd Ecumenical Church Convention            Order’s patron saint, Saint Lazarus. But all this, as well as our    Rhine-Main area. We want to be noticed because our ap-
     Since the publication of the previous issue of the Order       (ÖKT) next May will not take place as planned in terms of type      regular Commandery meetings and a planned pilgrimage, are            proach of living ecumenism, equality of ladies and gentlemen,
Journal, the life of our Commandery of Hesse-Nassau has             and scope, but will instead switch to virtual formats. This is      unfortunately still under reserve of the corona pandemic.            tolerance of lived Christian chivalry and hospitality anchored
been continuously impacted by corona-related contact re-            extremely regrettable, because we had made the support of                                                                                in deep tradition can offer many people today a spiritual home
                                                                    the Grand Bailiwick in this central event of ecumenism one of            The charitable work of our Commandery members is mul-           and task.
strictions. Nevertheless, through meetings on a smaller scale,
                                                                    our main projects. Thus the preparatory work done for this be-      tifaceted and provides relief where help is needed. It ranges
regular chats in our WhatsApp group and frequent phone
                                                                    came completely moot. Yet, in the run-up to the ÖKT we were         from regular work in the railway mission to the involvement of            The Commandery of Hesse-Nassau is on a good course
calls, we were able to keep the connection among us close.
                                                                    able to present the Order of St. Lazarus, its particularities and   foundations and donations of clothes and books. In the year          and has gained profile both internally and externally in the
And we have worked successfully to make our Order and our
                                                                    objectives several times in – partly extensive – articles in ec-    ahead, we want to devote more time to joint local and regional       past quarters. In our region, the Order of St. Lazarus was first
Commandery better known in our region.
                                                                    clesiastic print and online media. For example, a full-page il-     projects. Preliminary talks on this have already taken place,        mentioned with the Commandery Schönauer Hof in a docu-
      We were able to intensify our dialogue with the Protestant    lustrated report appeared in the “Evangelische Sonntags-            but are severely limited by the local contact restrictions due to    ment dated 1253. For a time, this Commandery was even the
and Catholic churches. Last January, at the invitation of the       Zeitung”, which brought the Grand Bailiwick of Germany and          the pandemic. However, we are confident that we will be able         seat of the German Master of the Order and is one of the old-
Catholic Dean of the City, we were allowed to take part for the     our Commandery into the public eye. This reporting led, inci-       to report more details in the coming months.                         est branches of the Order in the German-speaking world. In
first time in the Mass of Charlemagne in Frankfurt’s Imperial       dentally, not only to a variety of church contacts and interested                                                                        the spirit of our Order motto “Atavis et Armis”, we feel commit-
                                                                                                                                             It remains our goal to strengthen the Commandery inter-         ted to this heritage and consciously tie in with these roots. This
Cathedral and, together and on an equal footing with the Mal-       persons contacting us about joining the Order: An author of
                                                                                                                                        nally, to anchor it sustainably in clergy and lay circles and thus   gives us courage and strength to continue our journey in a
tese, Knights of St. John, Knights of the Holy Sepulchre and        historical novels, whose latest book featuring Hospitallers and
                                                                                                                                        to give greater resonance to our ecumenical way and the              fraternal spirit, even in these difficult times.
Teutonic Order, to accompany the high clergy as they entered        Lazarites in Crusade-age Jerusalem is about to go to press,
                                                                                                                                        goals of the Order.
the cathedral and to take our seats in the choir stalls. Also for   asked us for another critical review, which we were gladly to
this January, the invitation was extended to the most im-           give.                                                                    This is also supported by the individual commitment of
portant ecclesiastical event in the Rhine-Main region, in which                                                                         our Commandery members who publicly profess to be Laza-                                                  Bernd A. Rauch KCLJ
the anniversary of the death of our city patron, Emperor Char-           Due to the prescribed contact restrictions, some of our
                                                                                                                                        rites. For example, three members of our Commandery of                             Commandery President of Hessen-Nassau and
lemagne, has been commemorated since the Middle Ages.               scheduled dates unfortunately had to be cancelled or re-
                                                                                                                                        Hesse-Nassau are running in various parishes in the upcom-                                      Marshal of the Grand Bailiwick
We were happy to accept this invitation. This year, however,        stricted to a small circle. But despite these restrictions, mem-
                                                                                                                                        ing church council elections.
coronavirus-related restrictions led to a sharp reduction in the    bers of our Commandery were able to take part in the Corpus
number of participants at this highly regarded pontifical mass,     Christi procession of the cathedral parish and in the ecumen-
which was even reported in the Frankfurter Allgemeine               ical Day of Repentance and Prayer at St. Catherine’s Church
Zeitung, naming the Order of St. Lazarus. Martin Lorenz, Knut       in Frankfurt, and display the green cross.
Mikoleit and Dr. Uwe Winkler from our Commandery man-                                                                                   Report: Commandery of the Rhineland
                                                                        We were also particularly
aged to each get one of the only 147 places. The entry of
                                                                    pleased that in December we                                                                                                                  Mr. Sascha Pech contacted Klaus-Dieter Herbst and ex-
Bishops Bätzing from Limburg and Feige from Magdeburg
                                                                    were able to celebrate the begin-                                        When trying to look back on this year, the only thing that      pressed his interest in our Order.
and Auxiliary Bishop Löhr into the Imperial Cathedral could
                                                                    ning of Dr. Uwe Winkler’s postu-                                    really comes to mind is the coronavirus and the things you
this year be accompanied by only one representative from                                                                                                                                                        Mr. Pech and I have already exchanged emails, but we
                                                                    lancy in private fashion in the                                     could not do because of the pandemic.
each order of chivalry. Our Order was represented by our                                                                                                                                                     have not yet been able to meet in person due to work prob-
                                                                    course of a simple but solemn
Commandery President, Bernd Rauch.                                                                                                          Plans such as our jours fixes, the meeting in Weimar and         lems, illness and the corona protection requirements which
                                                                    devotion in the Epiphany Church.
                                                                    The Rev. Hoffmann, who gave                                         many other things fell victim to the pandemic and the corona         have now been tightened again; it is planned to take place in
     The good contacts of the Commandery of Hesse-Nassau
                                                                    the blessing, provided special                                      protection requirements.                                             2021.
with the Catholic Church are complemented by close cooper-
ation with the Protestant Church in the spirit of our ecumenical    support in this. Andreas: Thank
                                                                                                                                             Without wanting to gloss over this, one could also notice,           We were able to make a donation amounting to € 1,200
way. Our Commandery found a home in the Protestant                  you also again for the excellent
                                                                                                                                        however, that in the time before the coronavirus, without real-      to the “Netzwerk Mensch” in the Langwaden monastery. This
Epiphaniaskirche in Frankfurt’s Nordend district, which we are      tower blower! Unfortunately, we
                                                                                                                                        ising it, one was partly absorbed by so-called important social      is made up of a donation from our Swiss confrère Carlo Demé,
very happy to use – among other things, our Commandery              have to postpone the donning of
                                                                                                                                        obligations.                                                         a share from the Commandery account and individual dona-
meetings take place here. Andreas Hoffmann, pastor of the           the grey mantle – as well as the
                                                                                                                                                                                                             tions from the Gerckens family, Edna Hoffmann, the Mittel-
St. Peter parish, to which the Epiphany Church belongs, also        investiture of Knut Mikoleit – until                                     What is important for our Commandery is that we have            staedt family, Ingo Reichard, Katharina Retzlaff, Günther
declared his readiness to take on the role of pastor alongside      the next possible meeting of the                                    two new postulants among us. Helga and Andreas Gayko                 Thiele and Joachim Gutzke. Many thanks to the donors.
Cfr. Prof. Samerski, to act as further Spiritual Advisor of the     Grand Bailiwick.                                                    have now been accepted in virtual fashion as postulants. We
“Hesse-Nassauers”. We were also able to develop good con-                                                                               hope that we will soon find a date for the dignified presentation        2021: Compiling an annual planner would certainly be
                                                                          In addition to quarterly commandery meetings, our activ-
tacts with the church council, who accepted our application                                                                             of the certificates and the postulants’ crosses.                     pointless now, as we do not know what lies ahead.
                                                                    ities planned for the next quarters include participating in the
for a vigil in their church on the occasion of the 3rd Ecumenical
                                                                    Easter Vigil church service in the Epiphany Church and taking
Church Convention in Frankfurt. And we were allowed to pre-
                                                                    part in the Corpus Christi procession of the cathedral congre-
sent our Commandery to the Protestant Vice-Dean for Frank-
                                                                    gation in the centre of Frankfurt as well as in the ecumenical
furt and Offenbach.
                                                                    service for the Day of Repentance and Prayer of the congre-
                                                                    gation of St. Catherine.

20                                                                                        Journal of the Order of St. Lazarus           Journal of the Order of St. Lazarus                                                                                                21
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