The common good at the risk of algorithms What to do with AI? April 9th2021 E. de Rocquigny - ERIAC

Page created by Jeffrey Pratt
The common good at the risk of algorithms What to do with AI? April 9th2021 E. de Rocquigny - ERIAC
The commongood at the risk of algorithms

           What to do with AI?
            April 9th 2021

The common good at the risk of algorithms What to do with AI? April 9th2021 E. de Rocquigny - ERIAC
E. de Rocquigny          MINI-CV

                         President of OperationData Inc. and advisor of half a dozen
                         algorithmic companies, founder think-tank Espérance & Algorithmes,
                         Form er Full Profes s or in Applied Mathem atics & Deputy Dean of
                         Res earch at the Ecole Centrale Paris -Univers ité Paris -Saclay, Form er
                         Senior Scientis t EDF R&D, Expert at the National Res earch Agency,
                         European Com m is s ion, Uni Bocconi.


                           ●     How to reinvent your business with data andAI : MOOC avec
                                 Bpifrance (in French)
                           ●     Managing uncertainty & creating value with robust algorithms :
                                 Reference Book
                           ●     Manifes to perance-algorithmes .org
The common good at the risk of algorithms What to do with AI? April 9th2021 E. de Rocquigny - ERIAC

       Algorithms - what are we talking about?

       The need for algorithmic betting

       Discernment: conditions for well-balanced
       algorithmic services

       Real-world tensions, levels of stakes -
       creative compromise

       Employment and AI
The common good at the risk of algorithms What to do with AI? April 9th2021 E. de Rocquigny - ERIAC
       OF WORK
              Dis crim ina tion

The common good at the risk of algorithms What to do with AI? April 9th2021 E. de Rocquigny - ERIAC
Models, data and algorithms have now
            invaded ALL the economy
The common good at the risk of algorithms What to do with AI? April 9th2021 E. de Rocquigny - ERIAC
Universal digital machines

                             ◆Sales/customer experience
                               Wine, parking
                             ◆Innovation/product design
                               Co-operatives, human services, recruitment

                             ◆Supply Chain
                               Construction, car fleet
                             ◆Control/ back office
                               Accounting, law, business services
The common good at the risk of algorithms What to do with AI? April 9th2021 E. de Rocquigny - ERIAC
Scalability & monopolies

              Automation -



The common good at the risk of algorithms What to do with AI? April 9th2021 E. de Rocquigny - ERIAC
What should be do ?
The common good at the risk of algorithms What to do with AI? April 9th2021 E. de Rocquigny - ERIAC
To the common good                                   - with all our intelligence

Toda y I ta ke hea ven a nd ea rth a s a witnes s
a ga ins t you: I put before you life or dea th,       If nothing should be done for the certain, (...)
bles s ing or curs e. So choos e life, s o tha t       nothing should be done at all because nothing is
you a nd your des cenda nts m a y live,...             certain (...) But when we work for tomorrow and
By loving the Lord your God, lis tening to his         for the uncertain, we act with reason: because we
voice, a tta ching yours elf to Him ; this is          must work for the uncertain by the rule of parties
where your life is . - Deuteronomy 30: 19-20           that is demonstrated. - Pascal, Pensées

                 Indeed, creation eagerly awaits the revelation of the sons of God. (...) she kept the hope of
                 being freed from the slavery of degradation, to know the freedom of glory given to the
                 children of God. As we well know, the whole creation groans, it passes through the pains
                 of a birth that lasts even longer. (...). For we have been saved, but it is in hope - St-Paul,
                 Romans 8: 19-24
The common good at the risk of algorithms What to do with AI? April 9th2021 E. de Rocquigny - ERIAC
"Choose life..."

    CO2 housing -100% by   40% bullshit jobs                         How can we avoid 2021 = 2020?
    2050?                  +x% unemployed/ covid

                                Deep excluding poverty               3500 dead/ yr, 80% human "stupidity"
agriculture         #1 - BENEFIT: Algorithms are a benefit for the co-creator and responsible man who
                    discerns the good uses - Manifesto Espérance & Algorithmes
Decision s u p p o r t , a u t o m a t a , AI ...
  persona (humana) ex - machina

From the DSS (inc.                 (Algorithm ic) Decis ion
assisted driving): human               Support - DSS
elementary choice (inc. a
                                                              Decision in the full sense: reason + free will
few clicks)
                                                              (Aristotle), therefore the prerogative of man
.....                                    Autom aton
                                                              alone, neither of the beast nor of the machine ...

                                                              Who decides, who's responsible?
                              AI            Robot             Designer (or his Employer, his s/t ...)
                                        (interactive)         Seter
up to the learning agent:
                                                              Data purveyor
non-human elementary
choice, ... but its setting
the rest                                  Rational            end user
                                                              ... cf RGPD,Europ. Parliament/high risk
A necessary bet ... Is it fa ir ?

                                   1     Benefit / Garden /           What are the benefits? Who decides the good (for
                                                                      others?)? What compromises?
                                                                      …. cf. Common Good
        2   Efficient / Reliable /                                    this s et of s ocial conditions that enable both groups and
            Robust / Risks                                            their m em bers to achieve their perfection in a m ore total
                                                                      and eas y way. - Soc. Doc. Church 164-170
            Systemic feedback
                               3     Explainable - Shared
                                     Control - Responsibility -   4        Autonomy - consent/
                                     Confidence                            Freedom Of Conscience -

7   Sobriety -
    contemplation          6       Human encounter – Future                           Justice/discrimination -
    Anthropomorphism               of work - maturation -                             subsidiarity - participation
A necessary bet ... Is it fa ir ?

                                   1     Benefit / Garden /

        2   Efficient / Reliable /
            Robust / Risks
            Systemic feedback
                               3     Explainable - Shared
                                     Control - Responsibility -   4   Autonomy - consent/
                                     Confidence                       Freedom Of Conscience -

7   Sobriety -
    contemplation          6       Human encounter – Future                  Justice/discrimination -
    Anthropomorphism               of work - maturation -                    subsidiarity - participation
96% a cc. t o o u r M a ch in e Le a r n in g ... – t r u e ?

  Dis cern the red of blue over pa s t da ta to gues s the color of a future ca s e

           Feature# 2

                                                                                                             Feature# 32

                                                                                                Feature# 1

 Gizem Yetiş, Oza n Yetkin - A Novel Approa ch for Cla s s ifica tion of Structura l Elem ents in
 a 3D Model by Supervis ed Lea rning Septem ber 2018 Conference: Com puting for a better
 tom orrow - Proceedings of the 36th eCAADe Conference Volum e: 1

                                                                                                                           Feature# 25
Trustworthy ML models ?

Dis cern the red of blue on pa s t da ta to gues s the color of a future ca s e ...

 Gizem Yetiş, Ozan Yetkin- A Novel Approa ch for Cla s s ifica tion of Structura l Elem ents in a 3D Model by Supervis ed Lea rning Septem ber 2018 Conference: Com puting for a better tom orrow - Proceedings of the 36th eCAADe Conference Volum e: 1

 How does this dis cernm ent evolve a ccording to: ina ccura cy of the dots ? m ultiplica tion of da ta ? ...
 The blue-red interfa ce: how thick, wha t decis ion, wha t ris k?
Paradigm of decision support via
 model/algo /AI or human expertise

            Xj Observables j-ith past state of the world         Yj Decisional event j
            ...                                                  ...

                  Science (ph. laws + init. cond.)                              Machine learning- IA
                                                                                Min Distance {Data ; Model (Xj,Yj)}

                                                             m odel

       Observables: present state of the world                            diagnosis projected / Decision reco.

                                                         Hum a n expert
                                          predictability = regula rity + obs erva bility
Inside generalisability error                                                               A good model : falsifiable & well understood
regular   determinist       x -> y : same causes > same effects (in the future, as in       Permanence of physical /phenomenological laws, rules ...
ity                         the past)

          Stationnarity     F(X; Y|x) remains stable: causes > effects at comparable        Permanence of profiles - user behaviors etc.
          (static)          frequencies - stable frequency of causes (in the future, as
                            in the past)

          Stationnarity     The cause-effect relationship F (X)t; Y|x,t) drifts according   Climate change rising temperatures
          (dynamic)         to a stable trend in frequency (hence learnable ...)            Pb of human or environmental rapid feedback systems

          Interpolability   A causes not observed but "close" to observed causes            Simulation/Forward-Looking Requirements
                            correspond to "close" effects                                   Limitations of chaotic systems

observ    Fundamental       & The state (and its variations): observable non-               Scale >> Heisenberg uncertainty
ability                     destructive                                                     Pb of economic forecasts

          technological     Key observables are measurable with sufficient                  Difficult for climate, underground etc.
                            precision/sampling via sensors

          economical        Key observables are measurable at a reasonable                  Difficult for the human body, cultural preferences, ...
Predictability, performance                              , u n ce r t a in t y ...
good news for free will !

                              Single outcome
                              Low uncertainty
                            Accounting automaton

                                            ST weather forecast,
                                            GPS router
                       Real estate credit                Auto translation
                                  MT weather
                 Single outc.                            Multiple outc.
                  uncertain                               uncertain
                                                      Driving car
                 Breast cancer
A necessary bet ... Is it fa ir ?

                                     1     Benefit / Garden /

        2   Efficient / Reliable /
            Robust / Risks
            Systemic feedback
                               3      Explainable - Shared
                                      Control - Responsibility -         4     Autonomy - consent/
                                      Confidence                               Freedom Of Conscience -
                                   Increase Confidence in Decision
7   Sobriety -                     Explicable process?Readablemarginal sensitivity? Complete decision-making rules?
    contemplation          6         Human encounter
                                   Explicability - n/p reliability–? Future             Justice/discrimination     -
    Anthropomorphism                of work - maturation -                               subsidiarity - participation
A necessary bet ... Is it fa ir ?

                                      1 Benefit / Garden /
          Comprehensive consent ... including preferences, bias, risk, content filtering?
          Autonomy, including on the medical emergency?
        2 Sacrifice / common
             Efficient        good:/ eg. sharing health data, vaccination...
                        / Reliable
          Freedom - competition, algo-monopolies
             Robust / Risks
             Systemic feedback
                                  3    Explainable - Shared
                                       Control - Responsibility -        4     Autonomy - consent/
                                       Confidence                              Freedom Of Conscience -

7   Sobriety -
    contemplation             6       Human encounter – Future                         Justice/discrimination -
    Anthropomorphism                  of work - maturation -                           subsidiarity - participation
A necessary bet ... Is it fa ir ?

                                   1     Benefit / Garden /

        2   Efficient / Reliable /
            Robust / Risks
            Systemic feedback
                               3     Explainable - Shared
                                                             Sans biais
                                                                    4 indésirable,
                                                                          Autonomy    ou-discriminant
                                                                                         consent/ … selon quelles
                                     Control - Responsibilitypopulations
                                                              -          ?Freedom
                                                                           Quelle justice  ? Qui en décide
                                     Confidence                                        Of Conscience    - ?
                                                             Cf. Option préférentielle pour le pauvre

7   Sobriety -
    contemplation          6       Human encounter – Future                       Justice/discrimination -
    Anthropomorphism               of work - maturation -                         subsidiarity - participation
A necessary bet ... Is it fa ir ?

                                   1     Benefit / Garden /

        2   Efficient / Reliable /
            Robust / Risks
            Systemic feedback                   Releasing repetitive tasks to serve better (even if you lose some skills?)
                                                Increase skills by expanding experience/possible/cultural diversity
                               3     ExplainableDon't
                                                 - Shared
                                                      say it all... or not rightaway
                                     Control - Responsibility -          4     Autonomy - consent/
                                     Confidence                                Freedom Of Conscience -

7   Sobriety -
    contemplation          6       Human encounter – Future                              Justice/discrimination -
    Anthropomorphism               of work - maturation -                                subsidiarity - participation
A necessary bet ... Is it fa ir ?

                                   1    Benefit / Garden /

        2   Efficient / Reliable /
            Robust / Risks
            Systemic feedback
                         Sober in automation i.e. elevating use for both the expert and the end user
                              3 deceptive   anthropomorphism,
                                   Explainable     - Shared virtual addiction or quantitative totalitarianism,...
                         "Man doesn't live only
                                   Control      on scores"
                                             - Responsibility    -     4     Autonomy - consent/
                                   Confidence                                Freedom Of Conscience -

7   Sobriety -
    contemplation           6    Human encounter – Future                            Justice/discrimination -
    Anthropomorphism             of work - maturation -                              subsidiarity - participation
... theoretical expectations that are neither
a lw a ys fe a s ib le n o r n e ce s s a r ily d e s ir a b le ...
The Re a l w o r ld - Et h ica l Te n s io n s in De cis io n
Su p p o r t
       Performance rate - ST accuracy      Explainability

       Personalization/contractual         Non-discrimination /commutative
       equity                              justice

       Comfort - efficiency - ST value     Personal achievement - MT value

       Performance                         intimacy

       Common good (incl third parties)    Consent/autonomy

       Efficiency (rapidity - massivity)   Security (ST and MT)

       efficiency...                       freedom...
Decision - m a k in g n a t u r e s a n d DSS s t a k e s

             Modera te ris k                Undeterm ined ris k                 High ris k

 weather forecas t                   Recommendation cultural content    Driving autonom ous vehicle
 Travel recom m endation             Documentary research               off-s ite clean
 Advertis ing dis play               Recommendation meeting / CV        Military robots
 Autom ation of s upport             Real estate credit                 Facial recognition
 s ervices                           Weather forecast / performance /   Medical em ergency diagnos is
 Chatbot/ com m ercial call          sales / geotech ...                ...
 centre                              Thermal comfort steering
 ...                                 Fraud detection
                                     Non-urgent medical diagnosis

Open exploration - forecast in law   Multiple reco. - point forecast     Autonomous agent – single
What ethics s h o u ld u lt im a t e ly discern t h e
co m m o n g o o d

            Discerning via “smart”                                       Predictive analys is / proba
            interactions Man -Man                                        calculation. / learning on a
               supported by algo -                                       expected utility function
                                                                         Utilitarian ethics
                     Virtue ethics
                                          supported by

                                     Verification/ certification/ s af
                                     ety proces s by determ inis tic
                                         Deontological ethics
Employment and AI
                   Short-term job cuts, or even jobs, through automation
                   Medium-term cancellations of Luddites/competitive delays
                   Dehumanizing work through excessive digital mediation
                   Destroying skills by over-delegation to algorithms
                   Increase career/exclusion silos

 Fluidizing the labour market
 Enlarge recruitment basis/bias of experience silos, atypical career brakes, long-term
 exclusion of people
 Deepen people's vocation and therefore joy at work
 Raising work by automating "stunning" tasks
Employment and AI

        "Creative destruction" is not necessarily as quick as announced
                   47% endangered jobs(2013) => +10%jobs (2020 pre-covid)

        It is those who seize transformations rather than undergo or repel them that shape
        the best opportunities
                                         Benefit          Human Encounter
co m p r o m is e s t o b e              Shared Mastery   Work
fo u n d                                 Garden           Freedom of

(…) Vocation - t h e                     Subsidiarity     Contemplation
in im it a b le cr e a t ivit y o f
t h e h u m a n p e r s o n is           Vocation         Participation

n e ce s s a r y t o p u t               Human Person     Competition

a lg o r it h m s a t t h e s e r vice   Risks            Universal Destination
o f t h e co m m o n g o o d (…)
Déterministe, probabiliste, prédictible,
in ce r t a in , r is q u é ...
  Déterminé / déterministe / causal                Indéterminé / probabiliste / ouvert
  Système sous-jacent observable - prédictible     Système indéterminé - observabilité partielle -
                                                   Dynamique incertaine

  Algo en phase prédictive                         Aléa données/processus d’apprentissage
                                                   Prédiction randomisée
                                                   Interactions / rétroactions MT

  Certification déterministe: ... un leurre ?      Certification probabiliste: jamais de garantie
  (complexité des systèmes, biais sélection ...)   certaine/ni acceptable a posteriori

  Biais cognitifs humains                          Liberté de l’agir humain / ouverture
  Expérience bornée du meilleur expert             Perception humaine étendue
                                         Bienfait            Rencontre Humaine
Co m m e n t e n t r e p r e n d r e à
                                         Maîtrise Partagée   Travail
l’è r e d e s a lg o r it h m e s
p o u r s e r vir le b ie n              Jardin              Liberté de Conscience

co m m u n s a n s a s s e r vir         Subsidiarité        Contemplation

                                         Vocation            Participation

                                         Personne            Concurrence

                                         Risques             Destination
OAD - b ie n d é t e r m in é , u n ivo q u e , p e u in ce r t a in

                                                                                  En théorie: x(t°) -> D=y(t°) est univoque.
            X(t°)        Données observées / percepts
                         Signes, données, résultats de mesures au temps observé   Pour bien décider, il suffit d’avoir
Diagnostic / action réglée                                                        > les données x(t°)
                                                                                  > Et l’apprentissage de la règle x->D
     D = Y(X(t°))        Estimation de l’état réel sous -jacent &                 Un algo peut mieux discerner que le meilleur expert
                         décision univoque selon état
                         Comptabiliser un mouvement - déclencher l’antispam -
                         reconnaître une empreinte digitale ...                   Discernement pratique
                                                                                  Précision & robustesse (généralisabilité, représentativité,
                                                                                  stabilité num., observabilité, stationnarité, …)
                                                                                  Contrôlabilité des erreurs et équité de traitement
                                                                                  Développement des compétences / employabilité

                    Taux de Perform ance - précis ion                                            Explicabilité

                    Confort - efficacité - valeur CT                                             Réalis ation pers onnelle - valeur MT
OAD - b ie n d é t e r m in é , u n ivo q u e m a is in ce r t a in
           X(t°)                  Données observées / percepts
                                                                                           En réalité: X(t°) observe imparfaitement l’état réel x(t°)
                                  Signes, données, résultats de mesures au temps observé
                                                                                           et/ou la règle x-> d= y(t°) est insuffisamment apprenable
 Diagnostic                                                                                faute d’assez de données fiables et/ou la règle x-> d est
           Y(t°)                  Estimation de l’état réel sous -jacent (au               ambigüe, … et la décision porte sur un état futur y(tf)
                                  regard de la décision à prendre)                         dépendant d’une dynamique au pronostic non univoque
    Pronostic / évaluation
                     La personne a-t-elle telle maladie ? S’agit-il d’un mouvement         selon y(t°)
                     frauduleux ? La personne est-elle coupable de tel acte ? ...
Y(tf , d); L(Y(.))                Projection de l’état futur vraisemblable                 Discernement pratique
                                  et des conséquence (selon la décision)                   Périmètre d’observabilité machine vs. par l’agent humain
            Décision contextuelle
                        Selon le traitement/la décision, que deviendra -t-elle (et son
                        environnement ?) ?
                                                                                           Contrôlabilité des erreurs et équité de traitement
                                                                                           Temps de la décision et espace relation humaine/ de
           d(t°)                  Décision prise
                            Personnalisation / équité                                                     Non-discrimination / justice
                            contractuelle                                                                 commutative
                            Précision                                                                     Intimité
                            Efficacité (rapidité & massivité)                                             Consentement / autonomie
OAD - b ie n m u lt ivo q u e

                                                                                          En réalité: x(t°) -> D=y(t°) est multivoque, soit par
             X(t°)         Données observées / percepts                                   insuffisante observabilité du réel soit par dilemmes de
                           Signes, données, résultats de mesures au temps observé         préférence. Pour bien décider, il faut
Diagnostic / action réglée                                                                > une appréciation fidèle des possibles Yi(t°)
                                                                                          > un modèle accepté de préférence aux conséquences Di
     D1 = Y1(X(t°))        Estimation de l’état réel sous -jacent &                       Un outil peut permettre à une personne de mieux décider
     D2 = Y2(X(t°))
     ...                   décision multivoques
                           Recommandation culturelle / rencontres, moteur de traduction
                           automatique, prévision météo à 3 jours, ...                    Discernement pratique
                                                                                          Consentement au modèle de préférences
                                                                                          Ajustement des préférences selon l’horizon /
                                                                                          asservissement aux silos / rétroaction sur l’apprentissage
                                                                                          Elargissement vs. appauvrissement de l’expérience

                      Confort - efficacité - valeur CT                                                  Réalis ation pers onnelle - valeur MT
                      Précis ion                                                                        Intim ité
Types d’algorithmes et enjeux d’OAD

         Enjeu fort                          ???                          Enjeu faible

  Contrôle/commande de          Exploration de données            Exploration de données
  systèmes automatisés          “fermée” (exfiltrage, réduction   “ouverte”
                                irréversible …)
  Recommandation (ou score,                                       Prévision explicite en
  traduction/résumé, …) mono-   Recommandation (ou score,         incertitude
  résultat / classif. binaire   traduction/résumé, …) multi-
                                résultat                          ...
  Sélection automatisée
  ...                           Prévision de tendance simple
Prédictibilité, incertitudes, performance ...
Univoque/ peu          Prévision météo CT, routeur GPS                          Prédictibilité forte à CT, peu d’attente explicabilité perte de
incertain                                                                       compétences

                       Annotation comptable                                     Multivocité en réalité indésirable

                       Reconnaissance empreinte                                 ...

Univoque / incertain   Crédit immobilier                                        Observ. Moyenne, dynamique incertaine

                       Prévision météo MT                                       Faible observ, dynamique incertaine

                       Diag géotechnique                                        Faible observabilité, dynamique certaine

                       Diag dépistage cancer sein                               Faible observ, dynamique incertaine

Multivoque /           Recommandation culturelle, rencontres, recrutement ...   Faible observabilité, Rétroaction forte,
                       Drug discovery                                           Observabilité forte, dynamique incertaine

                       Traduction automatique, résumé, analyse autom. CV, ...   Observabilité moyenne, préférences incertaines

                       Arrêt automatique véhicule autonome / dilemme tramway    Observabilité moyenne (mais > l’humaine ?), préférences
                                                                                incertaines, dynamique très incertaine, rétrooaction
                                                                                comportementale forte
Libération ou asservissement ?

Espionnage ou   Suppression ou transformation
Alliance ?      des emplois ?
Machines numériques universelles

                                                              Vin, parking/ expérience client

                                                              Fabrication / conception produits

                                                              Coopératives, services à la personne, recrutement

                                                              BTP, flottesChain
                                                             ◆Supply       véhicules

                                                              Compta, droit,/services
                                                             ◆Contrôle        back auxoffice

         Modèle = industrialise la décision                  ◆...
         Algorithme = démultiplie l’exécution
         Int. Artificielle = rend apprenante l’interaction
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