The Death and Resurrection of St Corona(virus) - Mark Lee ...

Page created by Joann Jenkins
The Death and Resurrection
        of St Corona(virus)
Our planet has entered the Anthropocene – a new geological epoch when humanity’s influence is
causing global climate change, the loss of wild spaces, and a drastic decline in the richness of life.
Microbes are not exempt. Whether on coral reefs or in human guts, we are disrupting the
relationships between microbes and their hosts, often pulling apart species that have been together
for millions of years. Ed Yong.

                                                        her with Syria, other with Marseilles in
In just a matter of a few weeks our world has           France, while some claim that she began
been turned up-side-down. Many businesses               to be honoured in northern and central
have ground to a halt, schools and universities         Italy.
closed, travel severely restricted, while the
medical profession has gone into overdrive,
                                                        Because her name is so closely associated
battling a disease the spread of which seems
extremely difficult to halt. Governments
                                                        with thevcovid-19 virus (which is named
scramble to contain a crisis that defies much           because of its crown-like shape), she has
of their power and wisdom. And the scientific           gained a popular repute as a patron saint
community scurries around for any clue that             for infectious diseases but, actually, that
might lead to a vaccine and a cure.                     honour belongs to the British, St. Edmund,
                                                        who died around 869 CE.
Faith communities have shut down churches,
mosques, and temples. Television stations,              When Humanity is Overcome by a Virus
and other multi-media channels are beaming
out religious services, for those who feel the          The coronavirus has dramatically changed
need to fulfil such duties. Millions around the         the rhythm and run of human life. Several
world are turning to popular devotions,
                                                        disturbing questions are floating around in
bombarding God, or their favourite saint, for
                                                        the human ecosphere. The powers that
safety and protection.
                                                        have been run off their feet doing what
Co-incidentally, Germany's Aachen                       they think they are best at doing, and
Cathedral has dug out the relics of the                 what most of us expect them to be doing,
little-known Saint Corona, having already               namely controlling and resolving the
planned even before the coronavirus                     problem through the power of rational
outbreak to display her relics during the               reason.
Summer of 2020 as part of an exhibition
on gold craftsmanship.                                  However, so many people now suspect
                                                        that there is more to this crisis than just a
According to legend, Corona was a young                 rational scientific explanation. A few
sixteen-year-old girl who suffered a                    fundamentalist religionists have their own
gruesome death, martyred for her faith                  version of rationalization: this is God
around 177 CE. Some traditions associate                punishing us for our sins. Most religions
                                                        however, striving to be politically correct,
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are just trying to be nicely reassuring to     its habitat damaged by deforestation -- its
everybody. Nobody has even hinted at the       immune system is challenged, and it finds
fact that what we have been enduring in        it harder to cope with pathogens than it
the health crisis of 2020 is one of the most   would otherwise do in a natural way. As
vivid articulations of the Paschal Journey     the infection becomes more activated in
(Death-cum-Resurrection) that we have          the host (mammal or animal), it gets more
seen in a long time.                           readily transmitted to other creatures,
                                               including humans.
The disease appears to have
originated from a Wuhan seafood market         It seems that the covid-19 virus originated
where wild animals, including marmots,         in the so-called wet-markets of Wuhan,
birds, rabbits, bats and snakes, are traded    China where wild animals are held in
illegally. Bats are a possible source of the   captivity, alienated from their natural
coronavirus, but it appears that it is         habitats, and often held in appalling
humans who are to blame for the spread         conditions, extremely stressful for the
of the disease.                                animals and the birds. Consequently,
                                               there is a high probability that viruses are
Bats are the only mammal that can fly,         being shed in large numbers. Additionally,
allowing them to spread in large numbers       the mass transportation of such animals
from one community over a wide area.           increases the risk of spreading such
When bats fly they have a peak body            viruses.
temperature that mimics a fever. It
happens at least twice a day, namely,          The problem, it would seem, is not the
when they fly out to feed and when they        bats (or other animals and birds) but
return to roost. And the kind of pathogens     money-driven human exploitation, and an
they carry have evolved to withstand           appalling ignorance of the ecological
these peaks of body temperature."              equilibrium upon which all life flourishes.
                                               Therefore, the most cost-effective way to
This means they can harbour a large            protect humans is not by discovering new
number of pathogens, or diseases. Flying       vaccines but by humans themselves
also requires a tremendous amount of           learning to protect all life-forms within
activity for bats, which has caused their      their authentic ecological niches.
immune systems to become very
specialized. In other words, bats can cope     And beyond the realm of other creatures
with this pathogen in a way humans             who share the planet with us is the well-
cannot. We just don’t have the resilience      being of the planet itself. When we
to withstand the virus which other             transform vast tracks of forest into
mammals do.                                    agricultural land, as has happened
                                               extensively in the Amazon region, we
Why does the disease transfer in the first     impact negatively on climate, carbon
place? One response from the scientists is     storage, water-tables, and thousands of
that of zoonotic spillover                     indigenous plant and tree species that
(     have been extensively used to produce
nfection), and this is where human             medicines for human use. Or when we
interference comes into play. When a bat       strip mountains bare for mineral
is stressed -- by being hunted, or having      resources, as in the Philippines, and
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several African countries, not merely do            to stabilize, and sometimes they are positive,
we expose people to environmental                   accelerating change.
disasters like mud-slides, destroying
homes, we once more severely disturb the            At the moment, the biggest threats to the
ecological balances so necessary for                delicate balance that makes this planet
wholesome living, for human, animal, and            habitable are human-caused climate
plant alike.                                        change and the destruction of
                                                    biodiversity. Scientists agree that if
On top of all that, as the virus raged in           individuals, businesses, and governments
Wuhan province in China, severe                     don't take significant action within the
restrictions for travel were put in place. In       next decade to curb emissions, the
a matter of a few weeks, the smog lifted            damage will be catastrophic. Already, the
and people could see the blue sky again;            effects to the natural world are massive
birds returned to favoured habitats, and            and deadly, including infectious disease
fishes to old streams. Now that humans              transmission patterns. But where
had to recede from their anthropocentric            scientists and popular movements have
driven-ness, earth could once more                  thus far failed to convince the world to
reclaim its innate organicity!                      act, it seems that Mother Earth may have
                                                    succeeded, with the never-before-seen
Are we getting the message? We had                  Covid-19 virus.
better wake up and we better do so
quickly!                                            Right now, we are certainly a threatened
                                                    species, and the main threat is coming
                                                    from our own reckless behaviour. Going
The Death of Viral Humans                           beyond our compulsive drive for control
                                                    and domination, we are now acting ever
In the 1970s, chemist James Lovelock (in            more like a voracious virus, consuming
collaboration with the microbiologist,              and destroying its own organism. We have
Lynn Margulis) developed the Gaia                   become a kind of self-created cancer, with
hypothesis; the theory that all organic and         a collective virulence that may already be
inorganic components on the planet are              out of our control.
part of one self-regulating system,
working to maintain and perpetuate life             For Homo Sapiens, this is undoubtedly a
on earth. The Gaia hypothesis states that           Calvary moment. The long history of the
the atmosphere and surface sediments of             universe suggests that indeed there can
the planet Earth form a self- regulating            be an ensuing Resurrection, but never
physiological system — Earth's surface is           without a big price to pay. Look at the
alive.                                              major extinctions that have occurred over
                                                    the previous several million years, the
One aspect of Gaia that's crucially important       most recent involving the demise of the
and backed by evidence is that life is not just a   dinosaurs, approximately 66 million years
passenger on this planet. Living things are         ago.
active participants, capable of causing massive
changes in the oceans and atmosphere. This          It is widely agreed that the extinction of
leads to a range of feedback loops. Sometimes
                                                    the dinosaurs was caused by an asteroid -
the feedbacks are negative, keeping conditions
                                                    10 kilometres across – that struck just off
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the coast of the Yucatan peninsula. Dense
clouds of dust blocked the sun's rays,        Rising to New Life
darkening and chilling the earth to deadly
levels for most plants and, in turn, many     When it comes to how we are treating the
animals. Then, when the dust finally          earth, from which we draw all life and
settled, greenhouse gases created by the      sustenance, we humans face a grim
impact caused temperatures to skyrocket       death-infested future. Planet Earth
above pre-impact levels. Such climate         certainly flourishes on extensive
extremes led not merely to the extinction     heterotrophy. A heterotroph is an
of the dinosaurs, but to the demise of 70     organism that cannot produce its own
percent of all plants and animals living at   food, instead taking nutrition from other
the time.                                     sources of organic carbon, mainly plant or
                                              animal matter. In the food chain,
I accept that the asteroid was the external   heterotrophs are primary, secondary and
mechanism that brought about such             tertiary consumers, but not producers. In
destruction, but I am not convinced that it   other words, ours is a planet where
is the complete explanation. In fact, there   creatures live off each other, a process
are several other suggestions, all verging    that often looks cruel and barbaric to the
around the notion that the dinosaurs had      human eye, oblivious as we are to the fact
become a powerful species, trampling          that we live within a paradoxical creation,
over several other life-forms, and within     of which this is a central feature. Despite
themselves developing bodily features         its apparent barbarity, heterotrophy
that began to undermine their own health      operates on a delicate organic balance, a
and well-being. Although we cannot at         simple example being that of the lion(ess)
this time muster the objective rigorous       who kills for need, but not for greed as we
data required by science, there are several   humans do. We, humans, are unique in
indications that had the asteroid not hit,    the reckless killing of planetary life that
the dinosaurs would have become extinct       we pursue.
anyhow through a process of self-
destruct. Hence, the oft-cited popular        And that is our crucifixion today, whether
statement, “going the way of the              manifested through the coronavirus, or
dinosaurs.”                                   the other kick-backs from our suffering,
                                              tortured earth. If we want to opt for a
Metaphorically, it is no mere wild fantasy    more wholesome and sustainable future,
to ask: “Did Mother Earth choose to get       if we want a share in some kind of
rid of the dinosaurs, precisely because       “resurrection” hope then the following
they had become so overbearing and            changes would seem to be non-
destructively powerful?” Which brings to      negotiable.
mind the sardonic quip from the
controversial microbiologist, Lynn            1. We need to revisit our origins and come
Margulis: “Gaia is a tough bitch — a          to terms with the fact that we are born of
system that has worked for over three         the earth – we do not come into the
billion years without people. This planet's   world, we come out of it – and it is our
surface and its atmosphere and                status as Earthlings that define all we are
environment will continue to evolve long      and all we are meant to be.
after people and prejudice are gone.”
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2. We must learn to treat our earth as an       future needs to be much more earth-
alive organism, and not merely as a             centred and collaborative.
material object which we thoughtlessly
and ruthlessly use for our benefit and          8. We need to learn and appropriate anew
usufruct.                                       our true human story of seven million
                                                years during which time we lived in a
3. We must face our anthropocentric             much more convivial relationship with the
arrogance, and come to realise that we          living earth, thus opting to outgrow the
too are just another organic species,           petrified, reductionist anthropology of the
unique to be sure, but not superior to any      past few thousand years.
of the other creatures who share the web
of life with us.                                These are some of the non-negotiable
                                                elements we need to wrestle with as a
4. We must come to terms with the fact          human species, if we stand any hope of
that our role is to be egalitarian co-          living meaningfully as Earthlings from here
operators and not brutal competitors, and       on. The critical issue now facing us is not
our educational systems need to change          the damage we will do to the earth and its
urgently to make that shift in value-           resources. It is becoming persuasively
orientation.                                    clear, despite the fact that few scientists
                                                want to look reality in the eye, that we
5. In so far as we consume from, and of,        have transgressed our human-earth
other organic creatures, we must learn to       boundaries, and that the intelligent alive
do so in a much more informed and               earth is not going to tolerate us beyond a
collaborative way. For instance, do we          certain point.
need to be meat-eaters to flourish and
survive as a human species?
                                                Survival or Flourishing?
6. We need to evolve an economics – and
accompanying social and political               Our earth will survive – she has done so
structures – that treats all earth’s            through several major crises throughout
resources as gifts (a gift-economy), to be      the past 3-4 billion years. Survival on its
shared sustainably for the good of all. For     own is not just what we humans are
instance, as we strip thousands of              meant to be about. Flourishing is our
hectares of Amazonian forest to provide         default position, but that we cannot do
more meat, we don’t seem to realize that        with a flourishing earth as well. It would
over 50% of our medicines are gifted to us      seem that our current role as Earthlings is
by the plants and tress of that same            to become creation growing into deeper
source.                                         consciousness. We have this unique gift of
                                                being self-reflexive beings, creatures who
7. For those of us following mainline           can think about the fact that we can think.
religions, we need to come to terms with        Currently, we are using that unique
the fact that all the major religions carry a   propensity to lord it over everything else
dark shadow of imperial power and               in creation, dismissing creation as a mere
control, that no longer makes any spiritual     material object, instead of realising that
sense. An empowering spirituality for the       our capacity for self-reflexivity was

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actually given to us by the evolving
creation of which we are an integral part.

It is that call to Earth/Cosmic integration
that now echoes across our world. We
must transcend our maverick belligerence,
our imperial posturing, our reckless
exploitation of natural resources. Creation
will have an evolving future, with or
without us. Now is the perennial time in
which we have to face what is probably
the most crucial choice, we humans have
ever had to make. Will we make it
through? Time alone will tell.

Can St. Corona offer us any help or
guidance (if she ever actually lived)? She
was probably a utopian legend of her
time, enabling people to make some
sense of the pain and suffering of
persecution, much of which was religious
in nature. St. Corona might never have
existed, but St. Corona(virus) most
certainly does exist, as a signal, or icon, of
a different kind of persecution, one which
we humans have drawn on ourselves.

This persecution is no longer religious in
nature. It is cultural and humanly-induced,
and it will take more than a vaccine to
remedy the ensuing crisis. The phrase so
widely used “it is in our hands” has a great
deal more to it than initially meets the

Diarmuid O’Murchu - March 2020

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