The most effective way to manage, monitor and administer vaccinations in Australia.

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The most effective way to manage, monitor and administer vaccinations in Australia.
The most
effective way to
manage, monitor
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vaccinations in

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COVID, bushfire ‘double whammy’                                                                                                                                                                       Today’s issue of PD
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pharmacy Daily today
  WESTERN Australian pharmacies                                crises, noting that some lived in                                                                                                      features four pages of news,
are facing a “double whammy”                                   fire-affected areas.                                                                                                                   plus a front cover page from
of crises as bushfires and fresh                                 Meanwhile, Wizard Pharmacy
COVID-19 restrictions spark panic-                             Professional Services Manager,
buying.                                                        Jeanette Drury, told Pharmacy
  Pharmacy Guild of Australia                                  Daily that the group’s stores were
WA Branch President, Andrew                                    taking steps to tackle panic buying.                                                                                                     COVAX booking
Ngeow, told Pharmacy Daily that                                  “With the WA Government’s                                                                                                                WITH COVID-19 vaccinations
pharmacies across the state saw                                announcement on Sun, we saw                                                                                                              (COVAX) set to roll out in the
patient numbers in-store surge                                 increased panic buying, especially                                                                                                       coming weeks, having an
as Premier, Mark McGowan,                                      of masks,” she said.                                                                                                                     efficient and effective booking
announced a five-day lockdown of                                 “Our pharmacies have all been                                                                                                          system in place will be crucial to
the Perth Metropolitan, Peel and                               very focused on maintaining stock                                                                                                        delivering successful services.
South West regions, following the                              levels to satisfy demand as best as                                                                                                        1st Group’s VaccineConnect
detection of a COVID-19 case linked                            possible, impacting our suppliers                                                                                                        offers a solution that has
to a hotel quarantine worker.                                  and wholesalers.                                                  continuing to meet the medication
                                                                                                                                                                                                        certified integrations with
  Ngeow said pharmacies in                                       “We have implemented quantity                                   and health-related needs of their
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the Australian Immunisation
Perth saw a rush for face masks                                restrictions on some essentials to                                local communities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Register (AIR), Medicare and
“as the Premier was making the                                 ensure safe and fair distribution for                               Drury noted that the bushfires
                                                                                                                                                                                                        more than 50 widely used
announcement”, noting the State                                all over this period, which we hope                               were fueling concerns about
                                                                                                                                                                                                        practice management systems.
was being hit with a “double                                   puts our customers at ease during                                 air quality, but suggested the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          To find out how Vaccine
whammy of bushfires and COVID”.                                this difficult time.”                                             “lockdown mandate keeping people
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Connect can help your
  With more than 70 homes                                        Drury said Wizard Pharmacy                                      in their homes should actually help
                                                                                                                                                                                                        pharmacy manage, monitor
destroyed by the fires, Ngeow                                  teams had moved “quickly and                                      people with respiratory conditions
                                                                                                                                                                                                        and administer vaccinations see
praised the efforts of pharmacy                                effectively” to implement the                                     as they will be less exposed to air
                                                                                                                                                                                                        today’s front page.
workers in the face of the twin                                mandatory mask rulings, while                                     pollution”.

  CHF calls for mental health funding                                                                                                APC’s Colloquium online and in person
    THE Consumers’ Health Forum                                Schedule (MBS) to expand                                                THE Australian Pharmacy                                        “We’ve carefully considered
  (CHF) is calling on the Federal                              access to psychological therapy                                       Council’s (APC) Colloquium is                                  this decision.
  Government to increase funding                               and psychiatric treatment by                                          set to go ahead on 06 May in                                     “There are comparable costs
  for mental health and suicide                                telehealth; ensure that care                                          Canberra, with delegates having                                to hosting both face-to-face and
  prevention services in line with                             coordination programs are                                             the option to log-in online or                                 online components.
  the Productivity Commission’s                                available to meet local needs;                                        attend the event in person.                                      “We are confident you will have
  Inquiry into Mental Health                                   provide seed funding to create a                                        Registration will open on 15                                 a quality experience no matter
  recommendations.                                             professional association for peer                                     Feb, with a flat rate of $150 for                              the delivery mode.”
    In its pre-Budget Submission,                              workers and develop a program                                         general registration, and $50 for                                Delegates will be eligible to
  the CHF has said priority funding                            to educate health professionals                                       student and interns.                                           receive a discounted rate to stay
  should be provided to implement                              about the role and value of                                             “There will be no price                                      at the QT Hotel, with a discount
  digital mental health services;                              peer workers in improving                                             difference between face-to-                                    code to be made available upon
  make permanent the changes                                   outcomes; and addressing gaps                                         face and online registration,”                                 confirmation of registration.
  to the Medicare Benefits                                     in homelessness services.                                             organisers said.                                                 CLICK HERE for more.

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The most effective way to manage, monitor and administer vaccinations in Australia.
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                                         Wed 3rd February 2021
                                                                                                                                           ©Korea Tourism Organization

 Time for face-to-
 face rehab
                                      Bipartisan support for substitution
                                        LEGISLATION aimed at boosting
   HOSPITALS are being urged          pharmacists’ abilities to substitute
 to prioritise the resumption         prescribed medications is gaining
 of face-to-face rehabilitation       support from both sides of politics.
 programs for heart attack              Australian Labor Party Deputy
 survivors.                           Manager of Opposition Business,
   The call was made after            Mark Butler, voiced support for the
 a Heart Foundation survey            Therapeutic Goods Amendment
 revealed that just 14% of            (2020 Measures No 2) Bill 2020,
 patients recovering from             during yesterday’s sitting at the
 a heart attack who were              House of Representatives.
 undergoing rehabilitation using        “Members of this House will have
 telehealth services completed        heard story after story, for some
 their program, while 73%             years before COVID, of medicine
 of those who had attended            shortages in Australia,” he said.        “They won’t have carte blanche to        is not available, and the prescribing
 in-person services in the past         “Under the existing legislative      do this under this legislation.            doctor is not available to issue a
 six months had finished their        regime, pharmacists are able to          “The Secretary of the Department         new prescription.
 scheduled rehab.                     substitute a different brand of the    [of Health] will have the ability            “So there are circumstances
   Heart Foundation General           same medicine when the brand           to prescribe a particular type of          where this is important for quality
 Manager of Heart Health,             that has been prescribed by the        medicine that can be substituted—          of care.”
 Bill Staveski, said that while       prescribing doctor is not available    it’s not carte blanche; it will be a         Butler noted that members of
 telehealth services had been         or is in short supply.                 particular type—and pharmacists            the “medical community” had
 beneficial during the COVID            “This bill will allow pharmacists    will be able to do that.                   expressed concerns over the
 crisis, as restrictions ease face-   to supply not only a different brand     “This is important when a patient        legislation, but added that “in
 to-face rehabilitation should        of the same medicine or the same       needs a particular therapy and             their current form, we think these
 be the standard form of care         therapy but a different therapy        that brand’s not available, and a          provisions are worthy of support,
 for patients.                        altogether.                            different brand of the same therapy        and we will be supporting them.”


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The most effective way to manage, monitor and administer vaccinations in Australia.
                                                                                               R VIEW                      OUr 2020
                                                                                             in RE
                                                                                                  2 020
                                                                                                                        YEar in rEviEW

                                          Wed 3rd February 2021

Handyside picks up UQ scholarship                                                                                                 TWC COVAX
                                                                                                                                  training events
  PHARMACY PhD student,
Louisa Handyside, is set to focus                                                                                                   TERRYWHITE Chemmart
on instilling a culture of research                                                                                               (TWC) is set to host a virtual
in community pharmacy, after                                                                                                      vaccination event next week
being named as the 2021 Alan                                                                                                      as the profession prepares to
Grant-Taylor Memorial Scholarship                                                                                                 support the rollout of COVID-19
recipient.                                                                                                                        vaccination (COVAX) services.
  Pharmaceutical Society of                                                                                                         The group will also conduct
Australia National President,                                                                                                     face-to-face training events
Associate Professor Chris Freeman,                                                                                                in Mar and Apr, to ensure the
and UQ Faculty of Health and                                                                                                      network’s 1,500 pharmacists
Behavioural Sciences Director                                                                                                     are equipped with the latest
of Interprofessional Education,                                                                                                   information to support their
Associate Professor Neil Cottrell,                                                                                                communities.
are set to act as advisors.                                                                                                         TWC Chief Pharmacist,
                                       pharmacy - opening the door                to get involved, learn more
  Handyside said she “caught the                                                                                                  Brenton Hart, said the group
                                       to new insights and continual              about research and develop
bug for research” while she was                                                                                                   was providing support to
                                       improvements in pharmacy                   supportive relationships with other
completing an extended research                                                                                                   its pharmacy owners with
                                       practice, medicines use and patient        pharmacists and academics.
project as part of a Masters of                                                                                                   the Federal Government’s
                                       care.                                        “Ultimately, I’ll be exploring
Pharmaceutical Public Health at                                                                                                   expressions of interest form.
                                         “My PhD will explore how we can          how to support pharmacists to
James Cook University.                                                                                                              Hart added that TWC
                                       enable primary care pharmacists            find answers to the most pressing
  “This scholarship will give me the                                                                                              has been working on an
                                       to be involved with high quality           medication-related research
opportunity to build my research                                                                                                  educational campaign to help
                                       research that makes a real                 questions in their community.”
skills and explore ideas with other                                                                                               address vaccine hesitancy
                                       difference.                                  Handyside added that the
inspiring pharmacists,” she said.                                                                                                 amongst the community in the
                                         “I’ll investigate how pharmacists        scholarship would ease the burden
  “I hope to take steps to instil a                                                                                               build up to the rollout of the
                                       can contribute ideas for research          of financial concerns while she
culture of research in community                                                                                                  COVAX program.
                                       projects, invite their community           completes her PhD.

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The most effective way to manage, monitor and administer vaccinations in Australia.
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                                                               Wed 3rd February 2021

              Dispensary                                Cannatrek signs CWH partnership
                Corner                                    MEDICINAL cannabis company,
                                                        Cannatrek Ltd, is set to develop
                                                                                                                                   Administration (TGA) down-
                                                                                                                                   scheduled low-dose medicinal
                                                        and bring new products to market,                                          cannabis products to Pharmacist-
 BREAST cancer is a serious                             including low-dose cannabidiol                                             Only - however to date no
 disease, so you have to admire                         (CBD) products on an exclusive                                             products that meet the TGA’s
 the chutzpah of a group of                             basis under one of Chemist                                                 criteria for an S3 medication have
 people who were arrested                               Warehouse’s (CWH’s) brands, as                                             been approved for listing on the
 overnight for trying to change                         part of a strategic partnership.                                           Australian Register of Therapeutic
 Los Angeles’ iconic Hollywood                            Under the deal Cannatrek                                                 Goods (ARTG).
 sign to read “HOLLYBOOB”.                              is set to train and education                                                Cannatrek CEO, Tommy Huppert,
   Six people were taken into                           CWH pharmacists about “the                                                 described the partnership as a
 custody over the incident,                             benefits, any potential issues and                                         “game-changer” for Australian
 which apparently involved                              applicability of medicinal cannabis                                        patients.
 using tarpaulins to change the                         products for a range of illnesses”,                                          “We are thrilled that CWH
 shape of the “W” and the “D”                           the company said.                                                          has seen the value in entering                                            Australian consumers, who will get
 according to Leonard Calderon                            The company will also become                                             a strategic partnership with                                              access to high-quality medicinal
 of the Los Angeles Police                              CWH’s exclusive telehealth partner                                         Cannatrek as its medicinal cannabis                                       cannabis products via a visit to
 Department.                                            for medicinal cannabis alongside                                           partner,” he said.                                                        Australia’s largest pharmacy
   An LAPD helicopter crew                              general telehealth provider, Instant                                         “It means that not only will we                                         chain, which has Australia-wide
 was called to the scene and                            Consult, while also providing access                                       provide CWH with low-dose CBD                                             distribution.”
 directed officers to the alleged                       to touch screens located in-store to                                       products to be sold to consumers                                            Currently Schedule 8 and S4
 offenders, according to NBC.                           enable patients to make enquiries                                          over-the-counter given the recent                                         medicinal cannabis products are
   “They didn’t commit any                              about their eligibility to access CBD                                      decision by the TGA, but we will                                          only available to patients through
 permanent damage,” Calderon                            medications.                                                               work with them to develop new                                             the Special Access Scheme (SAS)
 said, with the group issued                              The agreement comes days                                                 products.                                                                 B pathway or from an authorised
 citations for trespassing after                        after the Therapeutic Goods                                                  “The ultimate winner will be                                            prescriber.
 telling an officer they had been
 trying to create more awareness
 of breast cancer.
   A Twitter post from the
                                                             Hosptial patient wanted ‘to get high’                                                                                                                Trainee tech
 police department noted                                       A PATIENT who stole two vials                                                                                                                      theft charges
 that “Los Angeles landmarks                                 for lorazepam from a British                                                                                                                           OHIO-BASED trainee
 are precious to us at LAPD’s                                hospital pharmacy’s fridge,                                                                                                                          pharmacy technician, Julie
 Hollywood Division, and this                                has escaped with a suspended                                                                                                                         Harleman, is facing four
 was way uncool (not to mention                              sentence.                                                                                                                                            charges relating to the theft
 the terrain is quite steep and                                Carlise Crown Court heard that                                                                                                                     of medications from a CVS
 dangerous)”.                                                James Leslie Foxcroft, admitted                                                                                                                      store she was working in.
                                                             entering a restricted area at West                                                                                                                     The allegations relate to
                                                             Cumberland Hospital on 29 Jul                                                                                                                        thefts reported between 30
                                                             2020, where he broke into the                                                                                                                        Jun and 06 Oct 2020, the
                                                             fridge to access the medication.                                                                                                                     Dayton Daily News reported.
                                                               CCTV footage from the hospital                                                                                                                       The Ohio Board of Pharmacy
                                                             showed the 32-year-old going to                                       that he offered no excuse for his
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  issued a one-year pharmacy
                                                             a toilet where two broken vials                                       actions and wished to express his
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  technician trainee licence
                                                             and blood were discovered.                                            remorse to hospital staff for his
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  in Mar 2020, which she
                                                               Prosecutors noted that when                                         behaviour.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  surrendered on 19 Oct 2020.
                                                             asked why he stole the injectable                                       The magistrate sentenced
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The case has been sent
                                                             medication he had replied that                                        Foxcroft to a 30-week jail term,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  directly to a county grand
                                                             he wanted “to get high”.                                              which was suspended for 18
                                                               Foxcroft’s defence lawyer noted                                     months for his actions.

                                     EDITORIAL                                                           ADVERTISING AND MARKETING                                           Suite 1, Level 2, 64 Talavera Rd
                                     Editor in Chief and Publisher – Bruce Piper                         Sean Harrigan, Hoda Alzubaidi                                       Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Australia
                                     Editor – Nicholas O’Donoghue                                                                  PO Box 1010 Epping NSW 1710 Australia            Contributors – Adam Bishop,                                                                                                             Tel: 1300 799 220 (+61 2 8007 6760)
 Pharmacy Daily is part of the       Myles Stedman                                                       BUSINESS MANAGER
 Business Publishing Group family                                           Jenny Piper                                                         Sign up free at
 of publications.                                                                                                           
 Pharmacy Daily is Australia’s
 favourite pharmacy industry         Pharmacy Daily is a publication of Pharmacy Daily Pty Ltd ABN 97 124 094 604. All content fully protected by copyright. Please obtain written permission to reproduce any material. While every
 publication.                        care has been taken in the preparation of the newsletter no liability can be accepted for errors or omissions. Information is published in good faith to stimulate independent investigation of the
                                     matters canvassed. Responsibility for editorial comment is taken by Bruce Piper.                                                                                                                      business events news

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